#otp: because i can sleep after i talk to her
yarrayora · 4 months
Idk how to explain properly, but I’m a really big fan of the dynamic you portray between Marcille and Falin. I’ve always loved . idk how to say.. divorce? trouble-in-paradise? arcs/portrayals that look at problems in otp, and yours is super interesting. Sorry if this is weird just wanted to say :)
not weird at all! im flattered, thanks!
i wasnt really into farcille at first, mostly i was just impressed an f/f ship managed to be the fandom's no1, basically proving that when two female characters in a mostly male dominated cast are allowed to bond with each others and be their own characters people will latch on to them
mostly though aro touden siblings is still my no1 and even back then i didnt care about shipping because any type of romantic relationship in dunmeshi is less interesting than the potential of political intrigue the worldbuilding set up (yes, even chilchuck's failing marriage is less interesting to me than how living in the dungeon was safer for the orcs than being neighbors to human civilization) (shocking, i know)
but it all changed when i saw the daydream hour about marcille thinking falin looks cute in feminine clothing while falin herself is obviously uncomfortable with it
i can't sleep. i have to think about this. i have to think about how it's their first love and their first relationship and one is going in blind while the other set up her expectations based on a harlequin romance novel. they are NOT in the same wavelength at all and neither of them are particularly good at communicating their intention, with falin who grew up a convenient kid because she thought it was the least she could do for her family and marcille who frankly speaking was used to being treated as someone superior back at the magic school
thank god kabru exists because who else is going to give them a real advice for their very real relationship? chilchuck will be like "okay just break up" while not seeing the mirror to his own relationship with his runaway wife. senshi, wise as he is, is never in a romantic relationship. laios would be like :((( you guys are fighting? and gets stressed out on his own which makes it even more stressful to the girls. namari is like. "i, uh, please talk to kabru."
anyway theres also the bonus comic about falin inviting marcille to watch daltian clan's opera adaptation and while there is something to say about marcille thinking the humans playing elves doesn't fit her aesthetic (and the difference of societal expectations of dressing up as a different race in dunmeshi universe compared to in ours) all i can think of is that in modern day au where daltian clan has a movie adaptation marcille has a tumblr blog where she posts Hate on the daltian clan movie tag and calling it criticism which it is but also not the place, girl, go to rotten tomatoes for that
falin also has a tumblr and she and marcille had no idea the other is a tumblr user. falin made a post like "just watched daltian clan with my gf i get why shes really obsessed with it now" and marcille, against her better judgement replies to the post like "really sorry that you were misled by your girlfriend like that, you should read the novels instead, it's way better."
laios who sees falin looking shocked at her phone asks whats up and then after receiving the answer says "wow sounds like a real jerk! just block them"
anyway thats my modern day farcille when there's no high fantasy problems involved
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Your thoughts?
(I'm only mentioning the ones I don't agree with)
"Oogling him when he's half-naked"
As a brazilian, this one was HILARIOUS to me. He just has his shirt off because it's summer and bending is a physical exercise and he's going to sweat. This isn't him dramatically taking his shirt off at The Beach and a ton of fangirls appearing to drool all over him. This isn't sexual.
She's literally watching him and AANG practice firebending. That's all. Why are we making it about attraction, and why are we assuming she could only possibly be looking at Zuko when Aang is there too? By that logic, Ozai and Aang were checking each other out during their fight in the finale, and so were Zhao and Zuko during their Agni Kai - after all, they're LOOKING at EACH OTHER when NEITHER OF THEM has a SHIRT on.
"Note Katara's body language"
Literally what about it? I legitimately don't understand this one. Touching her hair is somehow weird or flirty? It's just hair!
Is it because she's sitting next to Zuko? What, she's not allowed to be too close to a guy without it being suggestive/flirty in some way? Again, as a brazilian, I am VERY confused. Somebody help me out here.
"I don't think anyone could argue sibling vibes in a scene in which they are visibly disgusted at the thought of being mistaken for a couple"
What? Like, sure, I can see SOME siblings just laughing it off and correcting the person who made a mistake, but being grossed out is a 100% valid reaction.
As a girl that grew up being told "You saying you don't like this boy can ONLY mean that you secretly like him" and had to hear an unhinged woman call my 11-year-old self "her future daughter in law" just because I was friends with her son, I am BEGGING people to quit it with that bullshit. Being weirded out is not "admiting" there are feelings there. Stop it. Sometimes people are shy, sometimes they just genuinely don't like each other that way. Stop projecting.
(Also the only correct ways to do the mistaken for a couple thing is with the characters either just rolling with it "to avoid explaining" or to one of them to exaggerate on the awkwad denial and accidentally offend/upset the other, like it happened with Kataang in Cave Of Two Lovers)
"I don't remember any scene of Zuko or Katara fighting side by side with their sibling like they did with each other"
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Also if we're talking side-by-side fighting stance that screams romantic symbolism, let's be fucking serious here. The dragons literally make a heart.
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"You can only want to see embarrassing/cute baby pictures of your friend if you want to date them, and siblings totally don't use old childhood photos to annoying each other"
Are you fucking kidding me?
Fuck off, they're children. Traumatized children. ALL of them. They've all done stupid shit, and they've all been exasperated by their friends' doing dumb shit. Found family doesn't mean we NEED one or more characters to play the "parent" role.
Katara actively resents the idea of being seen more as parent than as a friend, and Zuko JUST discovered the revolutionary concept of "Wait, a father burning his child's face is NOT normal????" Co-parenting my ass.
"Bed/bison sharing. Very unsibling like"
Katara literally shares the bed/Appa with Sokka during the entire Blue Spirit episode. And like this person pointed out themselves, the Gaang shares "a bed" and sleep next to each other all the time. Be thrilled that your OTP is having a moment that you could re-imagine as romantic, but let's not pretend any kind of intimacy MUST be sexual/romantic in nature.
"The scene of Katara comforting Zuko has parallels with his first scene with Mai at the start of the season"
This one was totally okay until the bullshit of "Mai's kiss and hug didn't help Zuko feel better at all and after this he shuts her out." During all of Nightmares And Daydreams we see him cuddling with her, Mai trying to cheer him up, and him even confessing his inner-turmoil about having to essentially put on an act to please Ozai.
She grew a lot as a character and Zuko didn't take her joke in that first episode to heart. He is doing the exact opposite of shutting her out, he actively turns to her for comfort.
"The physical distance between them shrunk"
Yes, and? Seriously, what about it? Is there a line missing here? Am I not seeing something? WHAT IS GOING ON?
"The lightning to the heart feels like a romantic scene"
I was gonna let it slide, like I was doing with all the others "This could work for a romantic relationship, but it's not inherently romantic", but that last line I just can't stand by. DRAMA IS NOT THE SAME AS ROMANCE.
"The simmilar scene for a canon ship doesn't have the same focus on the hands as this one does"
Hand-close ups are exclusive to married people, it is known *rolls eyes*
"It looks like they're about to kiss"
Bruh, what? Looking up at someone who is looking down at you is like leaning in for a kiss?
"Many of these scenes (not the ship-baiting ones obviously) could have been written, framed, animated in a purely platonic way, giving it more of a playful sibling vibe, but the creators deliberately chose overtly romantic or at least ambiguous tones"
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Okay for the OTP asks, 11 and 14, for Janeway and Chakotay, of course!
Ohh okay! From this list
Who leaves notes in the other one's lunch? (Bonus: what do they say?)
On Voyager: Janeway is too busy to remember her own lunch so i don't think she is leaving notes. And since she doesn't remember hers I think the closest we'd get is Chakotay sending her notes reminding her to eat lunch. They say cheeky stupid things like "An apple a day keeps the mutiny away" and other very corny sayings that make her roll her eyes (but that she keeps in her desk drawer because she thinks they're sweet). After Voyager she would try to return the favor. She sends him a message on his ship every day at lunch time and all of them are little bits of gossip about what the admirals are up to and what frustrating bureaucratic thing she had to put up with today (She really yearns to be back on a ship with him but shes stuck at HQ until she can persuade some higher up Admiral to give her a fleet command)
Who falls asleep during a movie?
At crew movie nights: THey are both falling asleep at the movies and then both when asked about it later, they both try to fib their way through talking about the movie details. Turn to the other for help. Make shit up. roll with it. None of the crew want to be called insubordinate by accusing them of sleeping through it.
Alternatively, if they go on a movie date: I suspect Chakotay picks something dull on purpose. Because his ulterior motive is to get her relaxed enough to sleep. since she does not get enough of it. so she'll fall asleep curled up to him and then he can happily read a book while the rest of the movie plays.
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savingsallow · 11 days
otp question meme
ft. Valentine & Garreth
☆ Garreth
☆ Garreth/Valentine
— Garreth's potions mess and Valentine going on 'adventures'
— Cooking/Baking together (bc they're both foodies)
— Garreth
— Garreth admires her strength, resilience, creativity, and how she views the world.
— As for Valentine, she admires his buoyancy, humor, and how he makes her feel safe.
OOOO this is an interesting one.
Garreth's POV: This Gryffindork always thought that Val is interesting. He even tried to show off his potion skills on their first class together. After that, he would always talk about her with his friends. Until one day, it occurred to him that he's mad about her. From that moment on, Garreth becomes (sometimes embarrassingly) outspoken of his love for her.
Valentine's POV: The moment she knew she had feelings for him was when she was caught off guard that Garreth was actually a good listener. Yes, he's always goofy and all that. But at that very moment, when she was hurt both physically and emotionally. She didn't expect that Garreth would be there to help her heal.
— Garreth calls her "buttercup" to annoy her. But he'd usually call her as "darling."
— As for Val, she calls him "my favorite idiot." But when there's just the two of them, she calls him "Gary."
☆ They both call each other "love"
— Garreth. Why? He can't help but feel worried when his loml is always on some dangerous and risky adventures.
— Both of them. They remember everything about each other
☆ Garreth (surprisingly)
☆ Garreth. Like 75% of the time
☆ Garreth
Uhh.. Let's just say they're competitive about it.
☆ Definitely Garreth
— Valentine. Hands Down. She's a night owl.
— Usually, Garreth does. Though, they have this little game every morning to see who says it first. It's like a routine now, at this point.
18. WHO LEAVES LITTLE NOTES IN THE OTHER’S ONE LUNCH? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
— Garreth. "Sustenance for my Queen" or something spicy
☆ Garreth
— The Weasley's are very welcoming and accepting of Val. They think that she balances him well.
— As for the Black family, well, he's not exactly what they were expecting for her.
— Valentine! This kiddo loves to dance.
— They both can cook but Garreth does it more often. And he's better at it.
☆ Garreth
☆ Valentine, 100%, No Doubt.
— Valentine, mainly because her past isn't the prettiest to look back at, and it sometimes haunt her.
— Best Part by Daniel Caesar ft. H.E.R.
— Both
— They value each other's alone time, so they'd usually just do their passion projects. Or they would be dramatic and stare at the other’s picture. They both do this but they're not aware.
— It's the fact that Val's family doesn't like Garreth and she'd be disowned if they get together.
— At the end of the day, Val would always choose love over fear. She'd rather start from scratch than never have the courage to pursue what makes her heart feel alive and beating.
bonus pic:
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regaliasonata · 9 months
Also character ask ZIGGY
Character Ask: Ziggy Grover
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First Impression
-Definitely falling under the average green ranger stereotype of being the silly but less engaged member of the team, though that is quite alright cause he'll probably give some positivity to the team due to the state they are in via the season
How I Feel About The Character/Impression Now
-.....I love this twink and honestly me and everyone else should love him, the fact that he was in a mafia, managed to escape, gave medicine and supplies from said group to orphans in needed AND GOT OFF SCOT FREE WITH HIS TOASTER BOYFRIEND speaks volumes.
Favorite Moment
-So far has to be that scene between him and the cartel where he's got that serious face, I'll have to go back and fully complete RPM but seeing Ziggy look so cold is amazing.
Idea For A Story
-okay think of this....Ziggy as a Peter Pan type character who was reborn in another world that raises orphans or children who've passed early and they live in this alternate world with magic, at the same time he's an assassin that's teaming up with Dillon and Tenaya(who also have powers based on fairy tales) to steal ancient treasure from a tyrant king in order to rule the rule, Once Upon A Time walked so this can run.
-Ziggy/Dillon....obviously, can't have a happy twig without his grumpy muscular emo boyfriend.
-Ziggy/Scott, Ziggy/Flynn. Both these work really well in my opinion.
-Crackship idea if this crossover was ever a thing...Ziggy/Jarrod/Dillon/Casey, imagine all that chaos together with those four like(I'd pay to see a one shot of this tbh). Heck not even a crossover needed because JKP exists in the RPMverse and assuming the entire team is alive then this could fly, crazy twinks and the emo duo.
-Ziggy/Dr.K, honestly feel like he understands Dr.K and they are really close when it comes to hearing each other out, plus Ziggy might actually get her to enjoy some hobbies.
-Ziggy/Casey...seriously Disney fucked us over from ever getting this interaction, be happy with marvel I guess but imagine the send off you could've had.
-Ziggy/Tenaya, she needs earplugs every time he talks about Dillon...
Unpopular Opinion
-Kinda wish we got even more of a backstory for him or seen Ziggy encountering other green rangers. I feel like both him and Trip would get along quite well to be honest.
One thing I wish would/had happened in the show
-....We serious? That Jungle Fury/RPM crossover obviously because ALL THOSE INTERACTIONS AND SUCH WOULD'VE BE LEGENDARY.
-Even if he didn't end up with Dillon we should've had Ziggy kissing some guy.
-Imagine a scene of Ziggy hacking Venjix down with his axe after he found out the program's intention for Dillon, or if Venjix succeeded and Dillon died...it would've been brutal like Ziggy would be shown Venjix why the cartel kept him around🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡
-The RPM team technically has sentient zords because in reality they hold secret Engine Souls like their Go-Onger counterparts. This is actually a result of humanity evolving and without the vitality from Earth's nature so their animal spirits evolved into Engine Souls, thing is the team hasn't unlocked them but when they do the zords will be able to talk(a little fib of my JFAU movie arc idea with RPM cause we deserve that crossover).
-Ziggy's fingernails can turn dark green because of Venjix exposure, some humans after being exposed to the virus during their apocalypse developed small traits via their survival(Scott having sharper canines, Summer being able to detect metals for tools, Flynn when growing out his hair has white highlights and can absorb radiation, Gem and Gemma can see people's dreams and Dillon can purify dirty food and water).
-Ziggy sleeps with a huge dolphin as a pillow or just something to hold whenever he's sad. If he can't morph then he'll fill it with rocks and beat down venjix monsters with it.
-Sometimes when he would leave the dome(before the world began to return to normal) he'd walk miles until making it to the ocean since it wasn't fully destroyed and enjoyed watching the waves. Plus that spot is the only one in the world where the stars in the sky are still viewable.
-After RPM Dillon, Tenaya and Ziggy ventured out into the world to see what needed to be fixed, they built a railroad and it oddly began to glow with energy. This led to the team getting powers via trains and soul power with imagination, humanity's will to keep going(ToQger adaption), villains born from the deceased malice of humanity aim to take advantage of this world and others leading to the team having bigger stakes than last time.
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kitkatt0430 · 3 months
4,31,60 and whatever other ones you want for harrisco pleeease :)
4.) Which one is more protective? Who needs to be ‘protected’?
Harry is definitely the more over protective of the two. It caused friction in his relationship with Jesse and I could see that instinct trying to creep into things with him and Cisco too despite being well aware that Cisco can take care of himself.
I also tend to see Harry's 'she kicked me off my earth' reaction to Jesse getting upset over Harry's micromanagement and over protectiveness as evidence he has a bit of rejection sensitive dysphoria. And that also his instinct on feeling rejected was to seek out Cisco.
Whenever Harry starts leaning into that overprotectiveness too much, Cisco rather firmly tells Harry he needs to back it down. Sometimes they argue about it and it's them, sometimes there's shouting and the throwing of dry erase markers (not at each other). But Harry has trauma over losing loved ones and Cisco understands that and takes it very seriously. He isn't going to let Harry use that trauma as an excuse to be smothering or controlling, but it does help to remember where Harry's coming from when talking - or arguing - him down from a freak out.
Cisco can have a bit of an overprotective streak himself, though. And after the whole thing with DeVoe is over, Harry may have accepted what happened to him when it was essentially killing him but now he has to live with it and I think maybe sometimes the person he needs the most protecting from is from himself and his anger and frustration he struggles with while learning to live with the resulting brain damage. And Cisco really, really wants to protect him from that and it's the hardest thing to know that he can't make it all better. He can only really support Harry while he finds his way through.
31.) Can they sit side by side without touching the other or are they handsy? (lacing fingers, touching knees, etc.)
Oh they definitely are the handsy sort. Harry isn't the most touchy-feely of people, but when it comes to Cisco he's always reaching out. A hand on his shoulder, on his thigh, touching knees, arm around the shoulder. And he encourages Cisco to do the same. Not that Cisco needs much encouragement since he is a rather touchy-feely type.
By the time they start dating no one is surprised by this behavior in them, but when Harry started getting more demonstrative in their friendship before the dating started there was definitely some surprise. I think Jesse was very pleased to see it, though. The only person he'd felt comfortable being close with until then was her and now he finally had a support structure and a friend he was close enough with to be physically demonstrative with and tease about things? She was so very, very pleased. And even more so when Cisco and Harry finally got together.
60.) Who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping?
Cisco expected this would be him most often. And certainly he does it a lot. But Harry is suuuuper grabby in his sleep. Holding on to Cisco like he never wants to let go.
And, barring trips to the bathroom where it is a pain to get free of those grabby hands, Cisco is pretty much fine with that.
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invisibleraven · 6 months
Imagine your OTP saying I love youto each other five times without the actual (romantic) meaning of it. + if one time they say it right
Julie wasn't sure she was breathing as she waited for Mr. Brunner to return her math test. Calculus had never been her strongest subject, and this test was a big one-so she had reason to be nervous.
"Hey," Reggie whispered. "You'll do great, I just know it."
"If I do it's only because you tutored me," Julie replied.
Unlike Julie, Reggie excelled at math, so when he heard she needed help, he was happy to offer his services. It got him out of his house in the afternoons and neither of them mentioned how Ray slipped him a few bucks after each session.
The tests were handed back and Julie turned hers over with trembling fingers. Preparing to see a sea of red when she looked. But... as she looked it over, there was almost no red there. And a big fat 82% on the top.
"Oh my god!" she shrieked, turning and shoving it in Reggie's face. "Look!"
"Told you that you had this," he said with a smirk.
"Because of you," she replied. "Reggie I love you."
He grinned. "Love you too Jules. Now let's get to lunch. Your treat."
2. Luke stuck his tongue out of his mouth as he worked on his latest song. It was almost perfect, but the bridge was giving him trouble.
"Need a hand?" Julie asked from her spot besides him on the couch. They had both been absorbed in their own song, hanging out in her garage as they often did, not needing to talk, just swap songs when they needed to.
"Yeah, this bridge is killing me," Luke replied, handing over his notebook. "You?"
"Nah, I'm good," Julie replied, humming the tune to his song, making little notations along the margins regarding tempo, then came to the bridge part. She then started writing, scribbling madly and Luke had to sit back in awe as she made something work that had flummoxed him so badly. "How's that?"
Luke looked it over, and then a wide smile split his face. "Molina I love you and your beautiful brain."
She smiled back. "The feeling's mutual. Now let's see if we can fix the chorus."
"Wait, what's wrong with the chorus?"
3. Reggie slipped through his window, creeping around the house and then jumped on his bike, taking off towards Luke's house.
Sure it was late at night, but Luke barely ever slept, and honestly Reggie knew he wouldn't either if he stayed at his house. Not with his parents going at it like they were. Plus Luke had offered Reggie a place to go any time he needed.
Thankfully it was a short bike ride, and he quickly stashed his ride in the back yard, so as to not piss Mrs. P off. He knocked against Luke's window where there was still a light on, and Luke opened it up, giving him his infamous boyish grin.
"Hey Reg. Hop on in."
Reggie grinned, hoisting himself over the ledge, and threw off his leather jacket. "Thanks. The folks were re-enacting World War Two in the living room, I needed an out."
"I told you, any time," Luke replied, sitting himself back on his bed. "You wanna cuddle or the sleeping bag?"
"Cuddles please," he said, shucking off his jeans as Luke killed the light. Climbing in beside Luke, letting himself be pulled into those arms of his. "Thanks Lu. Love you."
"Sweet dreams Reg."
4. The applause was still ringing out as Julie and the Phantoms left the stage, the four of them beaming as they entered their green room.
"That was legendary!" Luke whooped as he launched himself back onto the couch.
"I can't believe we actually did that!" Reggie exclaimed, rubbing his face with a towel.
Alex was buried in Willie's arms but shot them all a pleased smile, even as it looked like he was ready to doze off then and there.
"Guys... we just played The Orpheum," Julie exhaled. "We could go real places from here."
"To the top boss!" Luke grinned, but then noticed Julie's watery eyes. "Hey, what's wrong?"
"It's just... I wish my mom was here for this."
The boys immediately got up and gathered her in a hug. Giving her all the support they could, even if they could never replace her mom. Julie sniffled and hugged them back. "Love you guys so much."
"Love you too boss," Luke replied.
"Forever and always," Reggie echoed.
5. Julie fluffed her hair in the mirror, and applied another layer of lip gloss before exiting her room. "How do I look?"
Reggie gave an exaggerated whistle while Luke pretended to use an imaginary camera, causing Julie to blush as she waved them off. "Thanks guys."
"Where you going Jules?" Reggie asked.
"Hot date," she replied, packing up her purse. "Dinner and a movie, but felt like making an effort. I really like this guy."
Luke felt a churning in his gut at that, sharing a look with Reggie. They had both discovered they had feelings for Julie long ago, and each other. But they had decided to not butcher their friendship and the band, the would keep their feelings to themselves.
Now it was coming back to bite them.
"Alright, I'm gone. Don't wait up!" Julie called at the door. "Love ya!"
"Be safe!" Reggie called.
"Have fun!" Luke added.
The door closed behind her and the boys shared another look-the sentiment clear. Fuck.
+1. Luke and Reggie decided to wait up-they both knew neither of them would be able to sleep until Julie got home.
But of course, neither of them could stay focused on any one thing either. Songs were all full of longing and scratched out phrases about unrequited love. Books got rifled through and tossed aside. Games were distracted button mashes.
"How long has she been gone?" Luke asked.
Reggie glanced at the clock. "Hour tops."
"Fuck," Luke said, tossing his head back onto the couch. "We gotta tell her Reg."
"I know," he replied, thought it was a mere whisper. "I think we might be too late though."
"Too late for what?"
They turned and saw Julie standing in the doorway, make up streaked down her face, looking much less jubilant than she had when she left.
"Julie!" Luke exclaimed coming over to hug her. "What happened?"
Reggie rushed to give her a wipes so she could clean her face, embracing her as she trembled in their hold. "Do we need to kill this guy?"
"You'd have to get in line," Julie snorted. "He seemed so nice online and then he was an arrogant, racist jerk in real life so I kicked him in the balls before I left."
"Good on ya boss," Luke chuckled.
"You deserve so much better than that waste of space," Reggie added, directing them all to the couch.
Julie sighed, relaxing back into the cushions. "I know, but every guy I like is either a jerk, or into someone else or..."
"Or?" Luke asked.
"Or it's more than one person. Both of whom I love like crazy, neither of whom I can be with because it will ruin everything," Julie finished, though her words were muffled from where her face was buried in her hands.
"Julie..." Reggie started, looking at Luke who nodded at him. "Julie, you know that they love you back right?"
"And not as friends, not as a sister or bandmate," Luke added. "Head over heels, hearts on our sleeves, completely gaga in love with you."
"Really?" Julie asked, lifting her head, looking hopeful. "You never said-neither of you!"
"Well neither did you!" Reggie replied, then laughed. "We're all idiots."
"We wasted too much time hung up on what ifs and maybes and worries," Luke said.
"We have lots of time left," Julie replied. "I love you both, you both love me..."
"And each other," Reggie piped up. "So what do you want to do about it?"
"Turn on a movie and see where the night takes us?" Julie suggested.
"We can get a pizza, since I doubt you ate," Luke added.
"Sounds like a perfect first date," Julie replied.
From then on out, they knew that every time they said I love you, it meant in the way they had always hoped, even if Alex claimed they said it to excess some times. But they never got tired of saying it, hearing it, and most of all, feeling it.
And they had a lifetime to do just that.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 months
Do you have any Avatar Kuruk headcanons?
Hmmmmm I have a few! (under the cut for length)
So Kuruk is known as a party animal, and while I think it has SOME truth, the over exaggeration of it isn't really him. He's kinda Bruce Wayne-ing it half the time. And while he was a bit of a romantic and a little flirty, he wasn't nearly as bad as his reputation later became. Like he wasn't a manwhore/rake or whatever you wanna call him (at least before the spirits). (after the spirits..... I'm tempted to believe that even if he did sleep around....I fear it might've been because he was preyed on like that one maid did, maybe not all the time but I don't think he was surrounded by a lot of good people ;w;).
UNFORTUNATELY, his old team and supposed close friends had their perception colored later in life and forgot his real personality. Remembering only the silver tongue flirt, and thus they thought Yun was the perfect ringer.
The only people who saw his real personality since fighting the spirits was probably Ummi and Nyahitha, and Kelsang (that one time). And ironically that had more similarities with Kyoshi than other's probably saw. (which is why Nyahitha gives her so much shit and clocked her in like five seconds kfjdksjfa)
Kuruk was TOTALLY and 100% working OVERTIME in Rise of Kyoshi. This guy was trying SO FREAKING HARD to get Kyoshi together with Rangi. TT0TT Like he was totes feeding her lines of his poem because of how Rangi looks, and legit forgot Kelsang knew the poem. Kyoshi even mentions how it looked like Rangi was outlined by a spirit during the Chameleon Bay chase, and that spirit HAS to be Kuruk. TT0TT My man is the best wingman, he was trying so hard for his OTP to be together TT0TT
Kuruk and Kyoshi def vibe in the afterlife. They founded the "I Miss My Wife" club. Only for the most miserable though, which is them. ("I get Kuruk but what about Kyoshi-" My headcanon for how Kyoshi's love life goes is not a pleasant one ;w; So yeah, club founders).
Kuruk was totes fine with Kyoshi killing Xu, he probs would've been up in her face like he was with Chaejin/Huazo incident if he wasn't at least a lil' chill about it. Maybe at worse disapproved, but it was probs something like "Eh, he's an ass, you gotta do what you gotta do. Not my move but who am I to judge?"
If the "you get the face of your loved one when reincarnated" is correct, then he is so happy and sad whenever he looks at Kyoshi. Kyoshi might've decided to present herself wearing make up in the afterlife because she saw how much it hurt him.
Because of that, for the time Kyoshi hated him, he was devastated. TT0TT
He's still Yangchen's biggest fanboy, but likes to tease her about spirits. All in good fun tho. He was always so happy to talk with her.......even when his life was falling apart. TT0TT
He likes to brag about having it easy and being sandwiched between two awesome Avatar lady eras. They usually do all the talking for him when ppl hit up the Avatar past selves line (I like to think Kyoshi and then Roku found a better way to deal with spirits, so Kuruk gets to just kick back and delegate to a different Avatar now. His best advice being "don't kill the spirits" now TT0TT). He deserves rest and this is the closest he's getting to it damnit!
HC that Roku is a fanboy of Kyoshi, Kuruk has a soft spot for the boy since he totally GETS IT.
Kuruk tried his best to keep Kyoshi alive when she was younger. Not much you can do as a spirit, but he was always by her side through her worst fevers. It hurt him seeing her like that, especially when his dying wish was to make sure his friends did right by her. TT0TT
He really likes Korra, little upset he didn't get spiritbending, but hey watchu gonna do? He totally took off his hat/coat when talking to her cause of her animal guide tho fkjsadkfja He's glad she brought back the airbenders (especially since it made Yangchen happy).
I'm fascinated by his past relationships with Hei-Ran and Ummi. I think the song "If We Never Met" by John K fits him and Ummi's relationship tbh (since a lot of the lyrics seem to fit what we know about them).
That's all I got right now. I wish we got more information, I hope he gets a novel soon. TT0TT
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xo-lesserafim · 1 year
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a/n: This maybe episode 10, but there will be more “episodes.” I hope you guys enjoy this. But sorry they aren’t as long as they were in the beginning.
Bold: Korean
Italics: over the phone
Both: Korean and over the phone
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I was drinking my latte and eating my food while listening to a mix Yuri gave me as I was doing homework.
I noticed it was late, so I went to bed.
The next day. I went to check to see if my grades were high enough to stay and… they were eek!
And so were Kitty’s and Min ho!
Why am I thinking about it.
Time skip: few hours later.
During lunch, I sat with Yuri.
“Andrea, Kitty got expelled.” Yuri said.
“I think it was because she was living in the boys dorm.”
“Oh, that sucks.”
I feel bad for Kitty, I mean she is my sister after all.
Time skip: After school
As I was going to the airport to meet Kitty because she still had her location on, she was with Dae.
Once Dae left, I went to Kitty.
“Kitty!” I’m not too late, am I?”
“No, you’re not. But I have to go soon.”
“Okay, good.”
“I’m really sorry for ghosting you for no reason. But once you get back I promise I’ll explain everything.”
“I.. um. I don’t know how to respond.”
“You don’t have too, you can respond to that after winter break if your back. But you should go. I love you by the way.”
“Stay safe by the way.”
“I will, and so should you. I’ll call you during break?” Kitty said.
“For sure, I heard that you got expelled, but I personally think you’ll actually be expelled.”
“But she told me personally.”
“So? Maybe Yuri has your back. I should really get going.” I said hugging her.
“Bye puppy.” She said hugging me back.
“Bye kitty .” I said as I watched her leave.
When Kitty was home and had her stuff arranged , Kitty called me.
“ANDREA, ANDREA!” Kitty said.
“Okay, so guess what.”
“How do you know, and why?”
“He was on there because he was going to LA to see his mom. I know because he sat with me.”
“He was in economy? But why?”
“He thought I could use a friend.”
“Anyway, the reason why I called you is to tell you that he confessed to me.”
“I told him that I don’t feel the same. Because I like Yuri, but I didn’t tell him that.”
“How did that happen?”
“It was during Min ho’s Madness Party when she was djing.”
“ Not surprised. But no wondered why you looked weird when we had fan lessons with Yuri and she when she was close to you, you had a weird look.”
“Was it that obvious?”
“To me, yea. It kinda was.”
“Oh, but you’re my twin, so you get it.”
“Did he get mad or anything?”
“No, it understands how I just don’t have feelings for him, but we’re still friends!”
“That good, Question, but do you wanna know a fun fact about me?”
“I like Min ho…”
“Wait, really?” How did that happen?”
“I just developed feelings over time. But when I saw him and Madison kissing, I just had enough, I guess.”
“Oof, wait.. I just got an email for KISS…”
“Read it out loud so I can hear.”
“REALLY? YAY! See I told you, Yuri has your back.”
“Yea, she does.”
“Oh it’s kinda late, I have to sleep Kitty, I have modeling early tomorrow.”
“All right, night. Love you.”
“Night! Love ya right back!”
Winter break was mainly three things:
Modeling, hanging with Juliana and Yuri, and talking with Kitty (my favorite one.)
But Min ho was on my mind most of my day.
He confessed to Kitty, so he likes her.
But he does only like her?
Maybe, I still could have a chance.
It was the same thing everyday.
I woke up really early, took hours to get ready, take even more hours to do the photo-shot, eat in between, go home, finish making clothes/ dresses / whatever, call Kitty for an hour or more, sleep, and then repeat.
(Photo from photo shot.)
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One day, Jenny had to tell me something.
“Andrea, you know, when school is back in session, I’m holding a raffle for five people to join the modeling company for a 2 weeks to a month. It depends if they want to go longer if they like it.” Jenny said.
“Wait, really.”
“Yea, I hope you don’t mind sharing the third floor.”
“It’s fine. I mean it’s huge! There’s like 10 guest beds in there.” I said fake smiling.
Five people?
What if one of them is Min ho?
Gosh, I would die.
It’s impossible, there’s a lot of people at KISS, so it’s unlikely.
“I hope that’s okay with you.”
“Dont worry, it’s completely fine.”
“Great, I have to go tho. I have a meeting. Bye dear.” Jenny said before leaving.
“Bye!” I said.
Let’s hope I’m lucky for whoever wins the raffle .
Everyone starting clapping or something.
WHAT? No.. I’m going to die.
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TAGLIST: @chaewon-slays @cherrriesss @lysira340
Copyrights © 2023 xo-lesserafim. All rights reserved. I do not own XO, Kitty , Netflix does. do not copy, translate, or repost anything without my permission. Photos are from pininterest.
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seraphfighter · 8 months
Hey! 3 for the OTP prompts! ❤️❤️❤️
3. Write about your ship holding hands in a tense moment.
Listen, I do not know how this turned into a 1.6k-word piece, but it did. For some context, this is set in my modern au, because in the canon au Val would simply not put up with this, the badass merc that she is. (and you can blame @glitchinginthegarden for the idea)
To anyone reading, be advised: This fic has references to past abuse and features a man being creepy and scummy in general.
The night air feels refreshing after being in the stuffy bar all night. 
V retreats to the entrance of the alleyway next to the bar's main doors. Leaning back against the brick wall, she pulls out her pack of cigarettes and places one between her lips to light it. She takes a deep drag and exhales, the smoke billowing out in front of her. God, she’s worn out. Nights with Judy are fun but she can only handle being crowded against a bunch of drunk people for so long. It’s not her scene. 
Checking the time, V pulls her phone out of her pocket. 10:03 PM. Johnny should be here soon. He’d agreed to pick her up coming back from a late night at the studio. Shockingly, he didn’t whine about her lack of a car this time. Probably because she’s sleeping over at his place. She’d been planning on it anyway and she wasn’t going to hop on her bike after a couple of drinks, even though she doesn’t feel the effects of the alcohol. 
She occupies her time by scrolling through her feed on her phone while she smokes. Hearing footsteps to her right, she doesn’t think anything of it until a deep voice asks, “Got a spare cig?” 
V glances up at the man coming to a stop by her side. Already, she’s annoyed. She has no interest in talking to a random stranger. Hoping he’ll take the cigarette and leave her alone, she pulls out her pack and passes him one. “Thanks,” the man says, mustering what appears to be his best attempt at a charming grin as he uses his own lighter to light it. 
She doesn’t respond and returns her attention to her phone. But as her luck has it, the man doesn’t leave and keeps speaking, “What are you doing out here all by yourself?” 
Fuck, she knows where he’s going with this. “Not interested,” she responds flatly, not bothering to look up from her phone. 
“Aw, c’mon. Don’t be like that. I’m just saying a pretty woman shouldn’t be out here by yourself like this.” Out of her peripherals, she sees him move a step closer. She moves a step back. 
Unease begins to curl in her gut. She shuts her phone’s screen off but keeps it in her hand with a tight grip as she turns her attention to the man. “I said, I’m not interested.” 
The man blatantly drags his eyes over her body and she fights back a shudder. A picture of false innocence, he tilts his head. “I’m just trying to be friendly here. Night City’s dangerous you know, it’s not safe for a woman as beautiful as you to be here alone. Something bad could happen.” 
God, you can’t be a woman and go anywhere without being harassed anymore. V throws her cigarette down on the ground and uses her boot to smother it with more force than necessary. “I can handle myself, thanks.” She’ll just wait inside the bar for Johnny. Hoping that this will be the end of the conversation, V moves to step past him, but the man is faster, blocking her path. He approaches her and it’s not until she backs up that realizes he’s got her cornered against the wall. 
Her heart leaps into her throat. Fuck, fuck. She glances to the side to see if there’s anyone within sight, but they’re alone. 
“Let me at least walk you inside, then. I’ll buy you a drink.” When he speaks, she can smell the bourbon on his breath. Markus. Backed into the corner of their room. Her palms are clammy.
She feels like she’s going to be sick. 
“What? So you can spike it? Fuck off.” She tries to move past him but again, he blocks her. 
The man’s not that much taller than her but she feels small beneath his stare. “Where are you going? We’re just having a friendly conversation.” He flicks the last of his cigarette to the side and braces his hand against the wall above her. 
She could knee him in the balls and make a run for it. V’s fast and the man is clearly drunk. It’d be easy to outrun him, right? Why doesn’t she have her pocket knife on her? She should know better than to not carry it. 
“Choom, back the fuck off right now.” She’s proud of how steady her voice sounds. 
“Or what?” 
The screech of tires against the asphalt of the parking lot echoes down the alleyway. Before she can process it, the man is being hauled back and away from her. The man stumbles away and then Johnny’s in front of her, his back to her. With a hard shove, he has the offending man crashing into the opposite wall. Johnny spares a glance at her, his face contorted in an anger she’s not used to seeing on him, before he advances on the man. 
“The fuck did you think you were doin’, huh? She told you to back the fuck off!” His voice is a loud angry growl, akin to some of his vocals in his songs. 
The man holds his hands up. He looks terrified, the confidence he was exuding with her long gone. “I-I didn’t mean anything by it man!”
“Cut the bullshit!” Johnny barks. “Didn’t mean anythin’ by it? So you think it’s okay to harass my girl when she tells you to back the fuck off?!” 
V hates how hearing Johnny refer to her as his girl makes her feel all fuzzy inside, even in this situation. 
“I didn’t know! She didn’t say she had a boyfriend!” 
Pathetic. This man is pathetic. V steps forward but still keeps herself behind Johnny. “ It doesn’t matter, I told you I wasn’t interested. It’s the same fucking principal,” she snaps. 
Johnny’s fists clench down at his sides. “Well? You aren’t fuckin’ deaf! You still think it’s okay?  I should teach you a lesson right now, you piece of shit. Maybe then you’ll get it through your thick skull to leave women alone.” 
“I’m sorry!” The man almost looks close to tears. 
In the parking lot and near the entrance to the alleyway, people are starting to gather. Their yelling is drawing a crowd. V sees more than a few phones with the cameras facing them. They need to get out of her before Johnny’s recognized. 
V grasps his hand, forcing his fist to unclench so she can weave her fingers through his. She doesn’t know if it’s his hand trembling or hers. Johnny looks over at her and beneath the anger, she can see concern for her. 
“Johnny, he’s not worth it.” Subtly, she flicks her eyes over to the crowd gathering and he turns his head to glance. She keeps her voice pitched low, “We need to get out of here.” 
Oblivious, the man keeps babbling. “I won’t do it again, I promise!” 
“Shut the fuck up!” Johnny snarls at him. 
“Johnny.” She tugs on his hand, more insistent this time. “Let’s go.” 
He wants to fight her on it, she can tell, but ultimately he steps back. He turns to leave but not before growling to the man, “Get out of here. I better not see your fuckin’ face again or I’ll bash your skull in.” 
Hearing a few murmurs of Johnny’s name, V keeps her head low and turned away as they retreat from the alley, still not used to the public attention. Johnny, as usual, is unbothered. He keeps his head held straight and high as they make the short walk to the Porsche. As soon as they're sat inside, he peels out of the parking lot, gripping her hand tightly where it rests on the center console. 
The farther they get from the bar, the more adrenaline V feels fade out of her body. The glass of the window is cool against her forehead as she rests against it. She closes her eyes and focuses on her breathing until her heart rate slows and there’s no longer bile climbing up her throat. 
She doesn’t notice Johnny pulling over until they're stopped along the side of an unbusy street. Lifting her head from the window, she turns to ask Johnny what he’s doing, but he doesn’t give her a chance before his free hand cradles the side of her face and his lips are on hers. V exhales through her nose and melts into it, languidly kissing him until he pulls away. His eyes dart over her face. 
“You alright, sweetheart?” He asks quietly and tucks her hair behind her ear. 
“Yeah.” When her voice comes out shaky, she clears her throat and tries again, “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little shaken up is all.” She tightens her grip on his hand as she pauses for a moment, gnawing on the inside of her lip. She debates on continuing. “Memories and all that, y’know.” 
Understanding fills Johnny’s features. “Shoulda let me beat the fucker up,” he mutters darkly. “Teach him a lesson.” 
“The last thing we need right now is you getting a criminal offense. You know that.” She smiles wryly. “The media would have a hay day with it, though.” 
He scoffs, “The media’s published worst things about me. Still doesn’t make it right, what he did. What either of them did.” 
She blinks past the threat of tears. Dropping her head to his shoulder, she breathes in the familiar smell of tobacco and cyprus. “I know.” Johnny pets the back of her head, toying with her hair and if he notices a few tears soak into the fabric of his jacket, he doesn’t say anything. “Can we just go home, get some greasy takeout, drink too much, and watch a shitty movie?” 
Home. She doesn’t even care she called his place that. In her heart, it is home. 
He presses a kiss to her temple. “Course we can, Val.”
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redstringraven · 2 years
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thought i'd participate in tmntvday since i've done some art of these two but haven't properly introduced them yet or whatever. OTP questions/prompts for week 1 under the cut!
[ID: a digital drawing of raph and a taller, purple-haired girl (gwyn, an oc). they're sitting on the ground in 'opposite' directions, raph reclined so his back and head are resting in her lap and he's looking up at her, smiling. she's smiling back down at him, and they both appear relaxed and at ease with each other. /END ID]
1) in which TMNT universe does your pairing exist?
the 2003 iteration because that's the only sandbox i play in.
2) introduce us to your OTP.
the idiot turtle is raphael and the lady-himbo is gwyneth. raph is from 3rd earth, and gwyn is from liáfsini, which is a world of my own making/kind of a world-between-worlds or nexus situation.
3) how did they meet?
in the most blunt, nutshell and to-the-point way possible: gwyn and her twin-sister-trapped-in-a-weapon are on the run from this druid (darach) from liáfsini, and she happened to cross onto earth. one of darach's hench-critters mistook casey for gwyn, the boys got wrapped up in a fight, gwyn intervened because she was like hey i probably shouldn't let these guys get wasted, they beat the hench-critter and got a chance to talk after.
they didn't really get along at first on account of raph being protective of his family and suspicious, so he was asking questions, and gwyn being paranoid about their intentions and not liking that she was being asked so many questions. terrible job everyone. ...again, this is an extremely condensed version of events.
4) how is the relationship now?
again, i feel like i have to give a very condensed version because there are a lot of moving parts, here. but essentially they're doing great. gwyn and raph develop a high level of trust and respect for each other, which then leads into a slow-burn/careful cultivation of more romantic-leaning feelings. they don't have much of a 'pining period', it's much more small 'pebbles' being thrown at each other's windows.
eventually one night at the farmhouse they catch themselves staring at the other a bit too long and both them realize kind of at the same time "...--oh fuck", awkwardly go their separate ways for the evening, but in the morning when neither of them act differently around each other they silently agree "...okay, let's try this" and step into a relationship. how long it takes everyone around them to notice the shift is anyone's guess because neither of them are much for PDA.
5) what is each other's love language?
raph's love languages for 'giving' are acts of service and quality time. gwyn's for 'giving' are physical touch and acts of service.
raph's love languages for 'receiving' are words of affirmation and physical touch. gwyn's are words of affirmation and quality time.
quality time and acts of service are the two that tend to be the most prevalent in their relationship, giving or receiving.
their own, personal, 'love language' is taking naps together. neither of them are people who trust easy or like appearing 'vulnerable’, so the act of sleeping in the same space as one another is a big gesture for both of them. and raph’s snoring doesn’t bother gwyn that much; it actually almost tethers her to the present and makes it harder for her to slip into a night terror or experience sleep paralysis.
6) do they get married or have any kids?
no and no. i don't think the concept of marriage is important to either of them, even if they could probably do it in liáfsini. i can see them doing something to symbolize that they're together--like, the concept of rings but something different and tied to liáfsian culture--but actually going through with legal/official marriage or a ceremony? nah.
as for having kids, they can't biologically have kids of their own, and i don't see them actively looking to adopt, either. best chance of them having a kid is "what's with this sassy, lost child?" and accidentally wind up found-family adopting some snarky orphan on a mission or something idk.
7) what is your favorite thing about this pairing? (gush as much as you want!)
*just kind of stands here with my microphone* ... disaster bis on the ace spectrum. goongala. *the crowd goes wild*
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 7 months
alright alright! you have too many ships i'd want to ask about for your otp asks SO i hope its okay if i ask for a couple of them 🥺 how about 2 for susie/demarco, 7 for frankie/rosie, and 20 for george/curt!
2. What would they do if the other woke up in a manic state after a nightmare? - Susie x DeMarco
I think it would just be a case of holding the other tight for as long as they needed to go back to sleep, and then they might talk about it the next morning once whoever had the dream has fully rested. DeMarco is definitely the better of the two when it comes to saying words of comfort, but he's also the one who has nightmares the most. I think he would take comfort from just hugging Susie as tight as he needs to, listening to her heartbeat and feeling her stroke his hair until he can calm down again.
7. Would they build a pillow fort just because? - Frankie x Rosie
YES. They have both spent so much time with Alice and Jill that they have become master pillow fort builders - every piece of furniture in their house can be used in some way. When Frankie gets pregnant they use it as an excuse to build them all the time for just the pair of them - Rosie claims it's practise for when the kid is born, but it's really just for fun.
20. Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship. - Curt x George
God, there were SO many possible choices for this question but I feel like I have to go with Lover, You Should've Come Over by Jeff Buckley
It's never over / My kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder / It's never over / All my riches for her smiles when I slept so soft against her / It's never over / All my blood for the sweetness of her laughter / It's never over / She's the tear that hangs inside my soul forever
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olath124 · 5 months
Round two for the otp questions (I hope I didn't fuck up and chose some you didn't already answered lol)
4, 5, 18 and 30 pls!
4. How do they compare to each other's exes? Are they the same "type" or an upgrade/something different?
Of course I'm also a member of the Kusie church!
So, there could not be anything more different than Violet in Kurt's eyes.
On one hand Vio can't really behave and doesn't even care about making a good impression on others. She's a street kid at heart, so she's smart, observant and can mimic the behavior of the people around her, but is not really well-read or cultured.
On the other hand… she can't really behave and doesn't even care about making a good impression on others! And that means she's really open about her relationship and doesn't care a lot about how other people perceive her partner. So, introducing him to her acquired family and friends after one month is not a big deal. And also it means being really open with PDA if there isn't any business meeting involved. She doesn't care if other people think they are together or not. And when it becomes real she doesn't see why hiding it.
Violet has a lot of “casual relationship” experience, but had only one real relationship during her life and it was with Jackie when they were way younger.
So, Kurt and Jackie: those two are also from two different planets.
She was more in line with the general view of life and family value of Jackie. They were really in synch on that side. They worked together well and had the same goals.
On the other hand they really weren't in synch on sex. With Jackie everything was more goofy and tentative (both at their first experiences) and Violet isn't really into that. Scary as it may sound she's never found someone she's compatible as with Kurt on that side.
5. How do they sleep?
They are both used to sleeping alone.
So in the beginning they start all cute and cuddly, but at the end of the night they're both on their side of the bed. She tends to move a lot, steal blankets and throw her arms and legs everywhere, so he may have been awakened with one of her limbs in his face more than once. It happens.
18. Would they have kids together?
Her answer is: “Why?”
His answer is: “Why not?”
They are not planning anything anyway.
On the other hand the two dogs are not doing anything to avoid it.
Violet (normally really careful) is too stuck in her head and doesn't have a lot of time to live, so… who cares, I'd be dead anyway.
He is too caught in the situation to really think about it too.
And he quite enjoys her careless and impulsive behavior in that side. It also makes him feel special and unique because she doesn't seems to be afraid of any consequence of their relationship.
So… planning and projectuality: 0
Don't know what they will do if it actually happens… He'd probably be happy, she'd be terrified.
In the end? Who knows.
30. Where is their relationship the strongest?
Sex life.
No, kidding. There is one thing where they are completely in synch: fighting together (with other people).
The way they fight is so harmonic and in synch it may looks like a dance.
They don't have to think. Don't have to talk. Don't have to pretend anything and lean into what they know how to do best.
Both of them can be quite scary in a fight on their own for different reasons. Together they really feel unstoppable.
In their sick minds it also make for the best foreplay so… two birds with one stone.
(Another thing she'd be deprived off after the operation/coma)
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larkawolfgirl · 10 days
Clerith Questions:
Rate the Ship - 
NOTP | Ew/uncomfortable | Eh |Alright | I like it! | They look nice together| Let’s do it! | OTP | OTP of OTPs
Who realized they were in love first- Aerith
Who said “I love you” first- Aerith
How did they fall in love? – Aerith first started to fall in love because of Cloud’s similarities to Zack but then she started noticing all of the endearing differences between them. She also really likes how shy and embarrassed Cloud can get and thinks his grumpiness is cute. Cloud only started noticing that he had feelings for her because she kept flirting and then he realized he was about to lose her.
How was their first kiss? – Aerith kissed Cloud before going to the City of the Ancients.  In Rebirth, I see this as happening while they are on their date within her dream reality.
Who proposed? – I want to say Aerith, but if we are talking about a situation where Aerith died and came back or she only almost died, I could also see Cloud being the one to ask her because he doesn’t want to lose her again.
Who is the best man/men? – Nanaki and Barret
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? – Tifa and Yuffie
Who did the most planning? – Aerith
Who stressed the most? – Aerith stressed about the planning because Cloud didn’t really care about that, but Cloud is the one that got cold feet.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? – Sephiroth lol, Rufus
Who is the one to instigate things? – Aerith
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? – Cloud because Aerith is sure to sweet talk her way into getting him to deal with them
Who is the stricter parent? - Cloud
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Cloud
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Aerith
Who is the more loved parent? – Aerith
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? –Aerith
Who cried the most at graduation? – Aerith
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? – Both of them, whoever hears about it first
Who does the most cooking? - Cloud
Who is the most picky in their food choice? – Aerith. I feel like she would dislike more things but would eat them anyway to not waste food. Cloud would be less picky and still eat things as well but vocal about it when he doesn’t enjoy something.
Who does the grocery shopping? – they either take turns or do it together. Cloud enjoys doing errands and Aerith would utilize that, but she also really enjoys getting out and picking out their food.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? – Aerith
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Aerith
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? – Aerith
Who cleans the room? - Cloud
Who cleans up after the pets? - Cloud
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Cloud
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? – Cloud
Who takes the longer showers/baths? – Aerith is the more indulgent one, but if it’s using mako, then she would take take short showers to help preserve the planet.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? – They would take turns or go together
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? –Aerith, but also feel like she would really enjoy waking up early to watch the sunrise but would also be fine with indulging in sleep.
Who plays the most pranks? – Aerith
Who would have the others’ picture as their phone background- Aerith
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror- Aerith
Who buys the other cheesy gifts- Aerith
Who initiated the first kiss- Aerith
Who kisses the other awake in the morning- Aerith
Gives nose/forehead kisses - Aerith
Who starts tickle fights- Aerith
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower- Aerith
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch- Cloud
Who was nervous and shy on the first date – Cloud
Gets jealous the most- Cloud
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day - Aerith
Who kills/takes out the spiders- Cloud
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk- Aerith
When I started shipping it- Remake. I was never against Clerith, but I also shipped Cloti and Zerith. While I did watch a playthrough of the original game a long time ago, before Remake my main knowledge was of Advent Children. Shipping Cloud with her when she dies just seemed sad to me. Plus, I always liked Tifa more. Playing Remake really made me fall more in love with Aerith’s character.
What makes me happy about them- The way Aerith teases and flirts with him to make him embarrassed.
What makes me sad about them- Shipping them in canon means that she dies leaving Cloud to grief her.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me- I have only read poly fic so far and I haven’t noticed anything about their dynamic that has annoyed me.
Things I look for in fanfic- Aerith teasing him but also supporting him mentally and emotionally.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other- Tifa or Zack
My happily ever after for them- An Aerith in another dimension is able to hop into theirs so then her and Cloud can be together again.
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perverse-idyll · 1 year
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers ❤️
Thank you to @yletylyf and @danpuff-ao3 for the invitation and reminding me to think about fic! It’s one in the morning, I had four hours sleep last night, and I’m going to entertain myself by seeing how coherent/interesting I can make this.
Anyone else want to play? @ac1d6urn, @writcraft, @liladiurne, @squibstress, @titconao3 - do you have favorites?
The first two picks are easy:
1. When the Rose and the Fire Are One - My first fanfic! Snape/Harry, my OTP before I knew what the acronym meant, my first experience of fandom, a love letter to the pairing and the Snape-centric LiveJournal community I had serendipitously stumbled upon. Written for the Snarry Games, thus finished on a (several times extended) deadline after pulling an all-nighter. I was talking shop with a writer friend recently about themes, as in “in 20 words or less, tell us the theme of your story,” and we agreed that it grows organically out of the writing and we have no idea what the theme is before we muddle through the first draft, nor do we care. (My friend writes pro fic, but she never condescends when I talk about my fanfic as if the creative process is the same - because it is in many ways, with the exception of professional editing in her case.) Well, I lied, because this fic was consciously and passionately written with the themes of freedom and beauty in mind. In canon, Snape is a character who never gets to experience adulthood free of masters; he signs up to be a pawn not once, but twice. I wanted to give him - for Harry to give him - that freedom, while at the same time presenting the temptation of a third master. The fact that Harry loves him by the end doesn’t make that beholden-ness less true. I was also determined to show that even someone raised in financial and emotional poverty, associated with ugliness, trapped in an ugly life, was capable of beauty under the right circumstances. Yes, I was up my own arse about this fic, but that’s okay because it made it more personal and intense. It was also, as I’ve mentioned elsewhere, my first time writing a sex scene, and I jumped in at the deep end with glorious abandon. As one may gather from subsequent fics, I proceeded to make up for lost time and contribute to the mainstream perception that fanfic = smut.
2. The White Road - If there’s one fic I’m known for among Snarry readers, it’s this. Why? Because it’s set in Lily’s POV in the afterlife? Because it positions her as a voyeur, a mother watching the fork in the road of her child’s future, someone with the right to judge Snape? (The voyeurism aspect turned a lot of readers off.) Because it has a cracky premise treated seriously? Because it’s nonlinear? (No. For some, this was a bug, not a feature.) Because, as a recent bookmark proclaims, it’s “such a weird fic”? Mostly it was me wresting a different ending out of the ruins of Snape’s canon demise and the utter bollocks of the epilogue; it was a purgative experience. I think for Snarry readers at the time, in the year after the series ended, it touched a communal nerve. Snape fandom remained in turmoil for quite a while after the Lily reveal and Snape’s redemption by death (a redemption currently much disputed). At this point, 15 years down the line, perceptions of Snape have changed so drastically the fic no longer has that cathartic effect, if that’s what it was. Readers are less inclined to be consoled or sympathetic. But the chutzpah of putting Lily’s voice at the center - of turning her into a Snarry shipper, to be flippant about it - well, I’m still surprised I pulled it off. And this fic, like Rose & Fire above, vibrates with so much of my joy in fandom at the time, love for my OTP, for the stories being written about them, for the exuberant emotional engagement on all sides, that I'll always be able to dip into it and be transported back to that creative ferment and sense of belonging. I think it’s one of my best fics, but my love for it goes deeper than its relative worth as a story. It’s a memento of one of the best periods of my life.
Now things get tricky. I’m pretty sure the five, arrrgh, five WIPs I’m working on would be eligible for this list, but since at this stage only I can know what makes them favorites, I have to make other choices. And I haven’t written very many fics, you see.
3 & 4. In Infinite Remorse of Soul (Snape/Dumbledore, Snape/Harry-ish) and And Mine the Gall (concluding the Dumbledore arc from the earlier story, and going further with the Snape/Harry-ish mess) - I put these together because they were conceived as a single narrative, but In Infinite Remorse was written for a fest with a word count limit, so I posted the rest of it as a separate fic. Which turned out to be the right choice since the second fic is the darkest thing I’ve ever written. These linked stories were inspired by Dumbledore’s words to Snape in The Prince’s Tale - “You disgust me” - and how he condescends to and sometimes makes a fool of Snape in the books, when the poor bastard is simply trying to abide by Dumbledore’s expectations. Dumbledore is a fascinating character, but his lack of generosity toward Snape - his tendency to treat Snape’s moral worth as disposable when it’s clearly one of the things Snape struggles with throughout his life - caught my attention. It’s a counterweight to all the examples of Dumbledore’s wisdom, his concern for other characters. Even Draco has more charity and protection bestowed on him than Dumbledore ever gives Snape. And I decided to run with that idea because surely what Snape suffers and the loyalty he demonstrates deserves more than a “Poor Severus...” afterthought. What would it have done to his soul to never once be thanked, to have Dumbledore pass over his sacrifices while lavishing time and explanations on Harry? Yes, Voldemort’s defeat depends on Harry going back to fight. But what would Snape’s reaction be to learning that Dumbledore knew of a way for Harry to survive - counted on it, in fact - and lied about it to Snape’s face? From there I decided to chart Snape’s moral collapse and his “fuck it all” desire to go after something (someone) he wants for himself - destroying every moral gain he’d so painfully acquired because in the end the authority figure who was his role model took it so much for granted he even forgot to say “thank you.” And then I went for something twisted and frightening because I think a Snape who no longer believes in anything - who feels nothing he did in his life ever actually redeemed him - would be terribly destructive.
On a less dark note, I enjoyed writing a florid and heavily metaphorical prose for Dumbledore’s POV, mostly to suggest the complex and not always praiseworthy workings of his mind. He’s one of canon’s most intelligent characters, bent up into plot contrivances for the consumption of children, and I didn’t want to rehash his canon schemes because they rely too much on coincidence and authorial fiat. (Plus: word count.) I tried to show how his calculations and his roots in the Victorian era might influence his interior monologues. As for Snape? I just enjoyed letting his worst impulses off the leash. (Some readers haaate And Mine the Gall.) (Where is my evil grin emoji?)
5. Hmm, the last choice should be split between my creepy massage kink/character study Soft Touch, but I’m feeling rather listless about that one at the moment, so No Room for the Weak it is. Another oldie, functionally a gen fic with pre-slash Snarry vibes, it evolved from my interest in Snape’s mum Eileen. Snape fans often assume she’s dead in canon, probably because she’s not referenced past a certain point in his childhood and doesn’t appear in the Spinner’s End chapter. So I wrote this fic about Eileen trying to come to grips with her son’s violent death and all the contradictory rumors clouding his reputation. It was a chance to explore what kind of mother would produce a kid like Severus and to ponder how he seems to lack any instinct for distinguishing right from wrong. His upbringing left him morally deficient - in fact, clueless. I also tried to pull off a bit of a plot twist, just to see if I could string readers along. Also, tip o’ the hat to Joy Division. Best of all, IMO, I nailed the ending. I found exactly the words I wanted, and I’m pretty confident the story earned them. (Same with The White Road. And Mine the Gall … maybe.)
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uniiiquehecrt · 6 months
Thor Odinson
tagged by : @beheworthy bc i would ALWAYS like 💖💖💖
Give me a fictional character and I will say:
Favorite thing about them: His big dumb hero's heart. His compassion. How much he loves his home, his people, his family, his beloved, his friends — how much he loves.
Least favorite thing about them: //stares pointedly at his inability to form meaningful connections because Thor is Not Allowed to be Not Okay (even when it's obvious and people he loves asks him to share his heart).
Three things I have in common with them:
I am, myself, an elder sibling!! And one whose younger brother was/is someone I am incredibly close to, care a great deal about — that entire drama is very close to home for me.
A passion bubble for friends and family that's, on occasion, close to the surface... but otherwise am chill 👍
and .... bunt out golden child syndrome vibes. Especially that vibe of "do it on your own and put on your leader face at all times, because all eyes are on you, good luck"
Three things I don’t have in common with them:
His ... overly reserved nature. I've been told I can be serious but I don't think I brood the way he does.
One day I will be nearly half as eloquent in my speech outside of writing 🙏
The way that Thor is able to just command a room???? Goals. Total goals. I'm either very good at directing conversations or shaky at it and I wish I had Thor's level of confidence.
Favorite line:
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"i would rather be a good man than a great king."
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"is that why everything's on fire~?"
BROTP: Brodinsons 100% . Then the entire warriors + sif squad dynamics! I'm forever sad we never got more of them all together. Then Heimdall, because Thor deserves positive mentor figures in his life. (and as far as the avengers proper go: Thor/Steve absolutely deserves more recognition they were the og duo as far as Age of Ultron is concerned and y'all , we've all been sleeping.)
OTP: Fosterson ! :D They're adorable star-crossed lovers, and he loves her very much. (and she feels the same for him !)
NOTP: if i see (1) more fan art of thorki in the thor tag i will scream. I guess also bruce/thor and valkyrie/thor exist ...??? I'm not really sure who Thor's exactly shipped with in the MCU besides Jane.
Random Headcanon: One time I considered the thought of little!Thor being exceptionally friendly with his kitchen staff servants, and because he's a strong little guy, he'd pick up giant barrels 3x his size and lug them around just because he wants to be helpful. And he'd do it with or without the prize of getting snuck goodies (though he would definitely prefer the goodies, were it up to him.)
Unpopular Opinion: I'm not sure if this counts as an unpopular opinion exactly, but I do always find it interesting that in the Frozen Vault Scene in Thor (2011), what the cinematography and editors show us that sets Thor off is seeing the dead einherjar...
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And I'd actually say that this triggers his anger more than the interruption of his crowning ceremony.
So with that in mind, I'm not actually sure that (most of) his rage regarding the situation was about the coronation at all, in that case. At least, not in comparison to the fear he states (semi-subtextually) about being strong enough to maintain Asgard's borders were. ("They know you are vulnerable.")
He actually seems to only be upset about the coronation AFTER Odin makes it very clear he's decided to change his mind and rescind the crown from him entirely ... which only further fuels the point that Thor isn't ready. (aka: the one thing Thor is keenly aware of, scared of, and is scared the Frost Giants also know.) Which, you know, he's not at that point in time, but I don't see a lot of people talk about the details of that particular inciting incident all that much.
(honestly the ENTIRE text and subtext of the frozen vault scene absolutely FASCINATES ME so maybe I'll do a deep dive on it one day idk)
Song SONGS I associate with them: ... //looks at my 5-minutes-until-13 hr playlist uh...
Glowing, Boreas, and Rounds by The Oh Hellos
Plant Life, The Real World, and Bird with a Broken Wing by Owl City
No Sanctuary by UNSECRET (ft. Sam Tinnesz and Fleurie)
Afterglow and Places by Portrair
Paper and Ink (fosterson) and Everything Changes in Time (brodinsons) by Madds Buckley ... also Hoping on Another Life by Madds Buckley
Favorite picture of them:
//pulls out my entire dark world screenshots folder bc are you really going to make me choose, quirks, are you really going to make me choose
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soft beautiful 🥺🥺🥺🥺 precious boy ... give me more of that poncho look tho thanks
Tagging: @darkwee009 for pinkie pie or for kirby ! :D whichever you'd like more, friend !!!
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