#otp: we're in this til' the bitter end
terapsina · 11 months
Hope/Lizzie: Dealer’s choice! 21, 22, 23, or 25!
(lets try to go for broke and pick all)
21. sharing long term dreams, goals and aspirations with one another 22. playful teasing 23. being unable to keep their eyes off of them 25. finding comfort in their scent
--- ao3 ---
Lizzie Saltzman shone.
She was... the most alive person Hope knew. It was hard to look away from, - which... a bit ironic that, considering how it was Hope who killed her.
But it was the truth all the same.
Even on a night like any other, where they were just hanging out in the library going through piles of grimoires and fairy tale books - and what were their lives that both were equally useful now? - the last ones still awake, with everyone else having abandoned them almost an hour back. Even here, under the simple light of the table lamp, Lizzie pulled Hope's eye like a magnet.
Lizzie's hair was pulled up in a messy bun, with little golden tufts of hair fallen out of place and tickling her neck. Little micro-expressions flit over Lizzie's face as she read, - a scrunch between the eyebrows; a sharpening in her gaze as she leaned closer to the book; a brief uptick to the corners of her lips as she took a brief note.
Hope's chest ached with the increasingly familiar sensation of longing.
It was getting harder trying to hide it. If this was what Lizzie had felt during Hope's dramatic roller coaster of a romance with Landon, she didn't know how Lizzie had dealt with being Hope's one big constant at the time.
Which was exactly what Lizzie had been. And it was so easy to see that with all the reflection available to Hope now.
Lizzie had always been there. Having Hope's back, helping Hope even when it nearly cost her everything. Even when they fought, even during the moments in time when Lizzie would proclaim her hatred of Hope, Lizzie would always - always - come through.
And Hope had begun to take it for granted.
"Lizzie?" she asked spontaneously "What do you want to do?"
"What?" Lizzie looked up, blinking rapidly a few times, like she was trying to wipe away the imprint of pages and pages of text from the back of her eyelids. "Figure out how to deal with this brownie infestation?"
"No, I mean... when we leave the Salvatore Boarding School, what will you do?"
"Oh," she bit into her lip and Hope felt it like a slice of a heated blade somewhere deep within the lining of her stomach, her fingertips tingled with the urge to reach over and run them against Lizzie's bottom lip to ease the tiny sting. "I... don't really know. I mean I want to go to college. Go visit Josie in London. But existentially? With potentially the rest of all of eternity? No idea."
There was a moment of heavy silence as the air between them seemed to stretch, their eyes caught by a single spiderweb string.
Frazzled, she grasped for something to say.
"I miss New Orleans," she admitted quietly, "I miss seeing my family."
After her dad died Hope had... kind of walled herself off from everyone. Sometimes she blamed her aunts and uncles for letting her. They hadn't at first, of course, had called nearly every week and visited more than a few times too. But Hope had barely spoken to them, the pain too deep, missing both her dad and her mom too much.
She'd let the calls go to voicemail. Barely spoke during the visits until Rebekah, Marcel, Kol and Aunt Freya finally started giving her the space she'd been fighting for.
It was probably because they didn't quite operate on a mortal timetable. Didn't quite remember anymore what a year or two meant to someone who was sixteen and not one thousand and sixteen.
"I'd like to go to New Orleans someday," Lizzie's eyes dug into her in a way that made Hope think she really could see right through her and into Hope's head. Like she saw into the very depths of Hope's heart and saw it laid bare.
She wondered if she was translucent enough for there to be Lizzie's own face staring back at her.
"I could show you," Hope offered with a traitorous skip in her heartbeat. One that by the way Lizzie's eyes slipped briefly to Hope's chest she had clearly heard too. "I could introduce you to my family, I think they'd like you."
Which was a bit of an understatement, she could already picture Aunt Rebekah taking one look at Lizzie - or better yet, the way Hope's eyes had lately been going to Lizzie with something like a compulsion - and starting to grin like she was having the best day of her millennia-long life.
She wondered what it said about her... feelings, that the thought was strangely compelling instead of terrifying.
"Okay," Lizzie said and pulled Hope back into the present.
"Yeah, I'll come meet your scary family. But just so you know, if I die I'm going to have to sucker punch Frodo and come back as a ghost to haunt you," Lizzie said, tone very frank and practical.
Hope fought back a smile.
It was strange, Lizzie's careless mention of Landon should have hurt and yet somehow it just reminded her that he was still... there. Somewhere in the grand space of reality he wasn't truly gone.
And somehow, as was Lizzie's way, she'd said the exact right thing in what might have been misconstrued by someone who didn't know Lizzie as the exact wrong way to say it. It wasn't though. It was just... the Lizzie way to say it.
And Hope kind of loved-
Hope loved Lizzie.
The thought wasn't new exactly. She'd been thinking it with increasing frequency in the past few months - and with a strangely more pointed edge since Lizzie and MG had broken up; like the side of her that had taken over when she'd switched off her humanity was getting bored with Hope's pace.
Or her complete absence of pace.
Instead Hope just... stewed. At first, not ready to move on from Landon. Then, not ready to face what she'd done to Lizzie and how making her own growing feelings for Lizzie obvious might hurt her just as she was clearly moving on from her confession to Hope. And once she'd dealt with that, there was the fear of being too late.
Hope had hurt her. Hope had hurt her so much. She had killed her, it would only be rational to have moved on from whatever it was she felt for Hope.
And yet Lizzie had remained Hope's best friend and one constant - something Hope was no longer stupid enough to take for granted or to abuse.
And sometimes - like right now - Hope caught Lizzie staring back. A look of something deeply fond on her face, like Hope's brief, swallowed smile had pushed everything else out of Lizzie's head.
"Oh, screw it," Lizzie said under her breath and in one vampire-quick movement of air moved around the table, grasped Hope lightly by the back of her neck, and pulled her forward until Hope's lips landed against Lizzie's.
Blood rushed to her head as she leaned even further into Lizzie's hold on the sheer rush of instinct and pleasure. Lizzie's lips were warm and tasted of cherry lip balm. Her scent, which Hope usually tried to push into the background - she did kinda still need to function sometimes - exploded around her with overpowering strength. It made Hope dizzy and giddy.
She wanted to fall asleep to that scent, to wake up to it, to-
Lizzie kissed her like she was trying to prove a years-old point. And Hope kissed her back like she was finally ready to listen. Their lips moving against each other with the need to meld together. Her own hand moving under nearly its own power to slide Hope's fingers between the messy strands of Lizzie's hair, swallowing into their kiss the response of the little, contracting gasp of air Lizzie released in response.
She'd been wanting this for so long. Waiting. Hoping.
And then, as the emotion of it all reached some kind of crescendo Hope felt veins begin pulsing under the skin of her eyelids, - with the hot need for Lizzie, to pull her close, so close they'd never be parted from this moment - when her suddenly sharpening teeth accidentally nicked the skin of Lizzie's lips.
"'Sorry," Hope gasped at Lizzie's hiss, pulling back, panting heavily.
"It's fine. Though... it's a good thing I used your blood," Lizzie said, rueful and a bit dazed, a look of a tiny smirk blooming on her lips and glinting over her eyes, "it would be very annoying needing to drink from you every time you bit me."
Hope's eyes widened with a brief spike of panic. Werewolf venom.
"Are you okay, do you feel anything? Maybe you should still- just to be safe-"
"Chill, sweetie" Lizzie soothed her, running a reassuring finger over the side of Hope's face "I'm fine. If you'd just poisoned me I'd feel it, Mom told me how it feels, and see?" she extended her lip in brief pout "Already healed."
Hope's eyes flicked back to Lizzie's lips and she swallowed, feeling heat rush onto her face.
An extended beat passed before an old lesson they'd had once also managed to push forward from the back of her mind, reminding her that also-
"You're a heretic, heretics can pull the magic from the bite."
"Oh, right. I forgot. I'm awesome," Lizzie grinned and swung forward to plant a tiny kiss on the very tip of Hope's nose.
Hope smiled, something warm flickering within again and then growing slightly more serious. Asked, "Why did you kiss me?"
Lizzie had never tried to kiss Hope before, not even during their ill-fated road trip when Hope's darker side was behind the wheel and had left more than a few openings for it. She was glad for it now, though, not because Hope thought she'd have regretted it happening - she knew she wouldn't have - but because she was afraid of how she might have hurt Lizzie's heart further with her gaping, empty lack of care.
Or her possessiveness. There had been quite a bit of that in the No Humanity version of Hope where Lizzie was concerned.
"Because you were taking too long," Lizzie smirked matter-of-factly.
Hope widened her eyes in mock offense, enjoying Lizzie's teasing "Was not!"
"I'm immortal now but I think I still would have died of old age before you came out and actually-"
"I would have said something eventua-"
"Hope Andrea Mikaelson, you would have let the universe crumble into dust before you went ahead and actually-"
Well, with fighting words like those there was only one thing Hope could do.
This time, Hope kissed her.
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terapsina · 6 months
Writer’s Truth or Dare: 🌿 🍄
(for this ask game)
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
This won't work if you're stuck on WIP that you haven't updated in a while. But. A thing that's worth trying if you're stuck in a general writers block is to do one shots. Don't try dealing with massive plots. Just think of a scene - ONE SCENE - that you want to write.
It can be a conversation you want the characters to have. Or a character's inner monologue about something they've seen/realized, and how they feel about it. Doesn't matter.
The important part is that after you write that single scene (and unless you're immediately compelled to extend it to a few more scenes), you actually post it.
Another option is to go through your half-done drafts and seeing if there's anything that you can take and also just post as a one shot or drabble.
Sometimes what we might need to remember that we love writing, is for someone to remind us that they love what we write.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Let's do Hope and Lizzie.
The reasons they never discussed Lizzie's love confessions are manyfold.
Lizzie's reasons are that she didn't actually expect an answer, thinks that she knows how Hope feels and doesn't see any point to embarrass herself. Plus it would hurt more to be rejected by Hope now that she's actually theoretically capable of returning the feelings but doesn't.
Hope's reasons are that she doesn't think she has a right to bring it up after snapping Lizzie's neck. Plus bringing it up now that Lizzie has started dating MG feels... not good.
I fully believe that that confession is like an invisible, unspoken thing that they keep thinking about any time they're around each other. And that neither one of them can quite move on from it exactly because they haven't talked about it.
And I think that might be a very good thing. Because the timing they were currently at when we left them at the end of the series was pretty bad. Hope's grief is too fresh.
Hope probably would have rejected Lizzie at that point. And Lizzie would have taken the sting, spent some time hurting, and then truly started moving on. And by the time Hope had begun really healing, and started unpacking her own feelings for Lizzie? It might have been too late.
But because they're both avoiding the conversation, it's staying firmly lodged in the back of their minds, and that's a bit harder to move on from.
Which gives Hope more time to catch up.
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terapsina · 8 months
SEND ME A SHIP (+ number) AND I WILL TELL YOU... Carol/Maria 2, 15 (Captain Marvel/The Marvels) and because I am me! Hizzie 10, 11, 20
Carol and Maria
2. ...why I do or don't ship them.
I ship them. I ship them quite a LOT. And that's because from the MOMENT we started seeing those flashbacks, it felt like I was watching a love story.
And then they had their reunion and Maria looked like the breath had been knocked right out of her chest. And Carol with this hangdog expression? And the piles of photographs that Maria had kept to remember Carol?
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I'm sorry, but this isn't just friendship.
Add in amnesia during which most of the memories that were trying to break through revolved around Maria and her daughter? A kid that Carol was clearly around so much that even after YEARS of being missing she still seemed to think Carol hung the moon? I mean, COME ON, I can be expected to be only so strong here.
And The Marvels did NOT help. If anything Carol was pining after all that she had lost even MORE.
It's like a tragic fairy tale.
15. ...how I wish their story would go/would have gone.
Well first of all I wouldn't have killed Maria. Because it's stupid and I hate it.
Second of all I wouldn't have had Carol ghosting the woman she was clearly in love with and their daughter for 20 years.
Because it's stupid and I hate it.
Or if I did do that, then The Marvels would have involved a very chaotic Time Travel fix it.
Ideally she'd have remained in contact and gotten back together with Maria in the intervening years (FYI here's a fic I found where Carol does go back and it's adorable (or here's an old fic I wrote that contains a smidge of how I would have wanted Carol to have kept in touch)) and though I do think I want to have kept Monica getting dusted by the Snap (because I do enjoy SOME angst), Maria would have been snapped too.
And then Carol would have gotten the both of them BACK.
But that was ideally.
Now, my hopes rest on Carol finding a way to get back the stranded Monica (or to join her). Because if they're making this Alternate Universe Maria be kind of a mirror of Carol... then let's go all the way here and have this Maria be mourning her Carol the same way our Carol is mourning her Maria.
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They can be each other's second chance.
Hope and Lizzie
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10. ...rate the level of stupid they reach in their pining.
Can we reach levels above 10 out of 10? Because... duuude. When you have Lizzie constantly casting herself to play one half of a romcom couple and yet convinced that she's the matchmaker, or third wheel? And Hope being Lizzie's Totally Personal Hero? And Lizzie constantly pulling a Prince Charming on Hope? And Hope obsessing over Lizzie while lacking humanity all at the same time saying with her whole chest how she cares nothing about Lizzie?
*voice full of saccharine condescension*: 'oh, honey'.
11. ...how quickly I started shipping them when I got into the fandom.
If memory serves me right... I started shipping them pretty early on. Wayyyyy early on, like before 1x12 even.
But where it became serious was the episode with the dress.
Like, the fact that she just went 'this family heirloom dress needs to be worn by the prettiest girl I know'? Goddammit, Lizzie.
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And then of course there's the way you just have to admire the sheer gall of pulling a Klaroline parallel unintentionally?
But most of all... it might have been the way Lizzie spent the episode protectively glaring at the jealous boys. And the way she rushed over to hug Hope when she was about to have her breakdown in the middle of the dance floor.
Also. That face. Specifically.
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20. ...how and when they should get/should have gotten together.
Ideally, at the end of the season 5 that never was.
I consider s4 to be the season where Lizzie realized and accepted that she's in love with Hope. Burt also accepted the idea that it was never going to happen and chose to try to move on.
S5 should have been the season where Lizzie is trying to do that while Hope is coming to accept that there's feelings there from her side too and that the idea that she might have realized that too late hurts.
Culminating in a big fight where they finally drop all the cards on the table and address all the things they'd been skirting over.
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terapsina · 9 months
Hope Mikaelson #2
2. …how I would have chosen to change their story from canon.
Oh god.
It's giving me a migraine just thinking about this. I'd change so much.
First of all. I wouldn't have erased her family from the equation. There would have been scenes where Hope talked with Marcel on the phone. Scenes where she was looking forward to going to New Orleans to see Aunt Rebekah and Aunt Freya on some weekend or another.
Family photos of the entire Mikaelson clan and her mom in her room. CONVERSATIONS where she talked about Hayley.
Second of all. I definitely wouldn't have given Alaric a role as Hope's parental figure (I just viscerally dislike the way they had someone who despised her actual dad as this father figure. And I mean I get why he hated Klaus, but he should have had the decency to shut up about it and not try to use Hope as like a... bodyguard for his daughters... and the entire school).
Third of all.
I definitely wouldn't have made Hope and Landon this huge be-all-end-all romance that outlived its charm. She's Hope Andrea Mikaelson, she doesn't exist for just one boy.
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Honestly, I think I probably would have had her and Landon break up after he chose to discard her wishes and wrote that musical where she had to play Klaus.
Because honestly. That was just... brutal.
And if I've begun on her romance. Obviously I'd have gone with Lizzie as Hope's endgame.
Though I also don't think I would have bee-lined for that immediately. Because that would honestly be a disservice to their amazing slow-burn.
I might have maybe given Hope and Rafael a brief thing? Just because it felt like a bit of a waste to drop those hints and then go nowhere (plus it would have been fun showing Lizzie getting visibly jealous only to eventually give her a dropped-penny-moment of having her realize that... oh, she's jealous because she has feelings for Hope, not Rafael).
Also. Cooler villains. She deserved way more cooler villains.
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terapsina · 9 months
Hizzie #13
13. …if I can watch them in relationships with other characters without feeling gutted.
That depends entirely on where in their personal timeline I'm watching them.
Early seasons? Hope and Landon as sweet and innocent puppy love? I'm completely fine. I mean I didn't ship it (I went hard on Hizzie pretty quickly) but it was cute enough.
Lizzie's crush on Rafael? Sweet and sad. MG's crush on Lizzie? Not that annoying in the beginning.
But by season 4 and after all the development where Hope and Lizzie are unarguably best friends Where Lizzie has had her '10 Things I Hate About You' moment and Hope even with her humanity turned off is weirdly obsessed with Lizzie?
Yes. Completely guts me to see them with other people. It HURTS.
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C'mon now. Look at them, they're clearly perfect for each other.
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terapsina · 2 years
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What if Lizzie is right about me?
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terapsina · 2 years
Question of the hour. Can someone figure out what my shipping type is through ten of my all time favorite OTPs?
I ask because I can't.
1. Swan Queen.
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Enemies to Friends to Lovers. Angst. The Evil Queen and the Savior. Divorced Moms Feeling. Co-parenting their kid plus town. Battle Couple. Obsessed With Each Other's Happy Ending.
2. Elejah.
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Tragically Opposite Sides. Mirrors of Each Other. Loyalty. Family. Betrayal. Humanity. Mutual Respect. Regret. Cruelty. Inherent Understanding of What Makes The Other Tick. Full of Weirdly Reciprocated Awe. Casually Dropping 'Always and Forever' in Basically a Love Letter.
3. Pardison.
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Utterly Fluffy. Sweet. Friends to Lovers. The Hacker and the Thief. Each Other's Safe Space. Good Communication. Rock-solid Foundation. Completely Without Problematic Aspects and Yet Extremely Interesting.
4. Hizzie.
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Enemies to Friends to Enemies to Friends to Lovers. Squabbling Like an Old Married Couple. Bitches Against The World. But Also Very Soft. Actually Kinda Obsessed With Each Other. Would Kill For Each Other. Would Also Occasionally Want to Murder Each Other. Right Person, Wrong Time. More Romantic Than They Think They Are. Multiple Jealousy Scenes.
5. Bellarke.
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The Sloooooowest of Burns. The Head and The Heart. Everyone Including Their Friends, Their Families, Their Antagonists and Their Separate Love Interests Sees It. Completely In Love With Each Other. Being Apart Breaks Them. Each Other's Weak Spot. Also Each Other's Strength. Absolute Idiots. Not Actually Unrequited.
6. Graylora.
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My Newest Babes. The Prince Turned Mage and the Destined Empress. Initially Unrequited. Friends to Future Lovers. Inspire Hope in Each Other. Find Strength Through The Other's Faith. Awkward Turtleducks. Seeking Purpose and Fearing Destiny. Torn Apart and Longing To Reunite. Tragic "Death" Scene and Savage Vengeful Reaction.
7. Clizzy.
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Tactile Agony. No But Seriously So Much Touching. Meet-cute Head Bump. Constant Overt Flirting. BFFs to lovers. Falling For Her Brother's Girlfriend. More Chemistry Than The Canon Wants to Allow. Delicious Vibes Of Undercurrent Longing. Just Kiss You Fools.
8. Spuffy.
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Enemies to Reluctant Allies to Squabbling Children to Nearly Frenemies to Almost Friends to Doomed Lovers to Actual Friends to Lovers. They're a Comedy. They're a Tragedy. They Don't Work and Yet They Do. They're a Rollercoaster of Pain. They Can Be Alone Together. They Trusted Each Other Even Back Before They Liked Each Other. They've Seen The Best and The Worst Of Each Other. No Other Ship Has Hurt Me As Much as This One. The Slayer and The Vampire Who Got His Soul For Her.
9. Kahlan/Cara.
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The Mother Confessor and The Mord Sith. Reluctant Allies to Enemies to Friends to Lovers. The Confessor Who Chose to Spare Her Sister's Killer. And The Trained Killer Who Couldn't Make Herself Kill The Confessor Even To Save Her. Even Though She Has Magic Resurrection Powers. TWICE. Sexual Tension Oozing Through The Screen. Kahlan Wouldn't Be Able to Confess Cara Either, Fight Me.
10. Green Queens.
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Two Sociopathic Queens In Love. Would Totally Enslave The Galaxy If Their Families Didn't Hit Them Over The Heads With Rolled Up Newspapers and Say 'NO! BAD QUEENS! No family dinners for you'. Would Do Cold Blooded Slaughter For Each Other. Kinda Have Actually. Sharing Immortality Because What's The Point of Living Forever if They're Not Together.
So that's it. Ten of my favorite ships. Do they have a common element? I don't know, I'VE certainly never been able to identify one.
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terapsina · 1 year
Send a Fandom: Legacies - 5, 18 / Ship: Hope/Lizzie - 20
For this ask game.
5. ...the scene from it that lives in my head rent free.
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So, my mind is admittedly very one track and so yeah, the scene that's taken up place in the back of my head and built a very cozy, very permanent nest is a shippy one.
I can't believe they gave Lizzie an actual '10 Things I Hate About You' MONOLOGUE that honest to goodness culminates on an actual "And [I hate you] for making me love you, Hope Mikaelson."
There's everyday blatant shipping bait... and then there's putting Lizzie inside a 90's romcom modern adaptation of a Shakespeare play.
Another, less ship focused scene that has taken up permanent space in my head though might be the one with the extremely misfortunate vampire that tried vampsplaining their nature to the Mikaelson tribrid.
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Hope feeling like it was a new low for her? Hilarious.
18. ...the perfect number of books/seasons/movies needed to tell this story properly.
Definitely more than 4.
They were JUST getting their sea-legs underneath them 😭.
More specifically... I think 7 or 8 seasons would have been just around perfect. It would have been just in that BtVS or Charmed sweet spot of a series that's long enough to explore the characters and their relationships properly, without losing steam and getting boring.
20. ...how and when they should get/should have gotten together.
I adore slow burns, I wouldn't change a thing about any of the stuff that happened between them before Hope snapped Lizzie's neck.
And I also wouldn't change most of the stuff that happened while Lizzie was sired to Hope (it was too freaking perfect). My one change here - and how I'd begin the process for them as the endgame - would probably be doing an actual acknowledgement of how Lizzie's "I love you." was absolutely meant as an "I'm in love with you.".
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I'd still maintain those thirsty, frustrated Lizzie moments from whenever Hope's being all aggressively attractive and kinda mean. But maybe making them just a little bit more textual.
Or maybe by having the No Humanity!Hope taunt her about the feelings?
Wait... ooh, I know. I'd have moved around Lizzie and Jen bonding from after the Grand Road Trip Breakup, to before. And Hope would get a bird's-eye view that would have culminated in something along the lines of petty and jealousy-flavored (not-that-she'd-admit-it) "Well, don't you move on fast?"
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Then I'd move everything back to how it went down in canon (including the bits where Hope and Lizzie both were decidedly not acknowledging the sire bond and its implication after Hope's humanity came back to the forefront).
Except that when MG dropped his confession I'd have had Lizzie telling him that she's in love with Hope.
The actual getting together thing in my perfect version of events would happen in season 6 (with season 5 being Hope healing from Landon's death, and coming to terms with her developing feelings for Lizzie just as Lizzie's trying to move on).
Said Actual-Getting-Together portion would include: one badly timed almost confession on Hope's part which would fly over Lizzie's head because they'd be in the middle of dealing with the latest disaster and Hope wouldn't actually be all that clear about it; and one brief span of time where Hope thinks Lizzie's dead and goes on a very Mikaelson rampage about it.
And then bada-boom-bada-bam there's a Big Damn Kiss that sweeps Lizzie off her goddamn feet.
The last season or two would be them just being the badass power-couple of the show (exactly as they've been the entire time, actually, except that they'd literally be a couple).
And THAT is how I'd get them together if it were up to me.
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terapsina · 11 months
An Ode to a Confession - hizzie fic
- ao3 -
'I came here wanting to make you hurt...'
Hope knew that she and Lizzie should have talked about it. The huge, enormous revelation that Lizzie had dropped in her first desperate attempt at getting Hope's humanity to turn back on.
She should have done something to acknowledge that she'd heard her.
'...like you hurt all of us...'
Lizzie had bared her heart to the darkest parts of Hope's soul and had offered that heart for breaking. And Hope had broken it. She knew that.
Both her heart and-
'...but seeing you in front of me I...'
She could still feel the way Lizzie's neck cracked under Hope's short, swift twisting of fingers; could still remember the way it might as well have been the fragile skeleton of a dove for the amount of care or regret Hope had shown at the act.
The least she could have done later, once she was herself again, would have been to give Lizzie the courtesy of recognizing the confession for what it had been.
'...I hate this. I hate how many good memories I have of you...'
And yet she had remained silent.
Out of guilt for killing her. And out of fear because Hope knew that she would also need to take a closer look at the thing that had motivated her during that crucial moment.
'...I hate that I have to be the one to do this because no one else will...'
She had run from everyone else. Had left all her friends in Mystic Falls once she'd decided on that ruinous murder bender she'd gone on. Had only really hurt Alaric as her warning.
She could have run from Lizzie too. But the truth was that Lizzie had nearly touched Hope's humanity, she'd felt it, twinging and twisting inside her chest, burning with Lizzie's words.
'...but most of all I hate you...'
It had been the toss of a coin on whether or not Hope might have turned it on right then. Heads and Hope would have come back to Lizzie. Tails and she'd only pretend to.
Fate had landed on tails.
'...for being my friend...'
But Lizzie had proven herself a threat to that icy wall Hope had built. And so Lizzie had had to go.
It had been self-preservation and self-destruction merged into one. If Lizzie had not drunk her Tribrid blood before coming to face her, Hope would have - in one act - committed herself to that terrible, emotionless existence.
'...and for being a part of my weird messed-up family...'
Because even then - even that pale, awful version of her - had known that Hope would have never been able to face a reality where she had murdered Lizzie Saltzman.
The grief and the guilt she'd run from because of having needed to kill Landon was one thing. It had gutted her, - it still gutted her and always would - but that at least had been for a purpose.
'...and for making me love you Hope Mikaelson...'
Killing Lizzie because Lizzie loved her? Killing her for no reason other than to make sure that there would never come a future where Hope might come to admit the same? A future where Hope would have to risk the same kind of agony she had only escaped by turning everything off?
No. Hope would have never been able to face such a reality.
'...because no matter how far you go...'
And there was a hidden truth here.
Because Lizzie had already meant so much to Hope. Her friend. Her partner in battle and in magic. The person who had driven her mad with frustration for years before they'd finally gotten past all those many misunderstandings. The only one who remembered Hope when no one should have been able to. The same one who - as she broke the bond and left her behind - punched and cracked that frozen glass keeping apart the mirror images of Hope and her loss.
'...no matter how evil you become...'
That Lizzie had already buried something deep within Hope's immortalized heart. A little seedling of something powerful; something bright and unbreakable; something that needed only a little time and light to grow.
And Lizzie deserved to know that. She deserved an answer instead of a lie.
'...apparently, I can't be the one to stop you.'
Time had ticked ahead but Hope had remained silent. Had left unspoken the things that should have been faced.
And now... now time seemed to be trickling through the spaces between her fingers like sand.
Lizzie had been brave. Lizzie was always brave.
And Hope was trapped like a mosquito in a glue trap. Uncertain if Lizzie still waited for that answer. Or if giving it now would be yet another cruelty that would break something once again.
'...Hope? Are you...?'
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terapsina · 2 years
Do Us Both a Favor - hizzie fic
- ao3 -
It was an unacknowledged, unspoken thing. When Lizzie was hanging out with MG, Hope found herself a different spot to spend time in. Usually, she made a polite excuse and just went outdoors, or to her room. But today her room felt too quiet and it was raining outside so strongly it's as if the gods they'd defeated months ago were punishing them from whatever afterlife they went to.
So instead, Hope had put on her earphones, turned on some music, and picked a seat in the common room that was furthest from Lizzie and her boyfriend.
“You're pathetic," her own voice suddenly told her, filled with scorn.
Hope felt herself freeze and looked to her right to see the cold, cruel face of her shadow-self. Her jaw clenched in irritation, and with hackles rising, Hope snapped back. “I’m sorry, I’m pathetic?"
She hadn’t exactly yelled but there were a few sudden glances thrown her way anyway and Hope turned her head at once, letting hair fall over her face to cover up the incantation of a quick silencing spell. All she needed was for everyone in the school to go back to walking around her on eggshells because she was talking with herself again - it had taken too much work to earn back the trust she'd lost after she'd flipped the switch and went on her bloody bender, she wasn't risking it all because her humanity-less half was paying a new visit.
That done she looked over, glaring at the hallucination of the part of herself that had done her very best to ruin Hope's life. “I’m not the one who keeps showing up like a freaking gnat that can’t take a hint about overstaying a welcome. Also, didn’t I already get rid of you, do you want me to banish you again?” Intrusively, like clockwork any time a thought even vaguely connected to Lizzie appeared, her brain pushed to the front of her mind a memory of Lizzie, this time of her short, amused laugh from when Hope made the golden spell-butterfly burn into dust.
'Just in case.'
Apparently, that hadn't been enough though, her evil twin was back anyway.
“Please," the Hope with the terminal lack of humanity rolled her eyes, "like that’s gonna scare me.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Annoyance was rearing its ugly head again. Talking with the bloodthirsty vampire half of herself was very nearly as infuriating from this side of who was in control as it had been from the other one.
“I don’t know, I’m not the one who broke us in half, remember? That was you," the other Hope quipped back "and then you went on to whine about how you didn’t like me in charge. At least I didn’t reach this particular low.”
She gestured over Hope, her jaw raised in an arrogant show of superiority.
“What are you even talking about?”
The other Hope didn't answer immediately, at least not with words. Instead, she looked past Hope toward the side of the room which Hope was avoiding.
“Lizzie looks... cozy,” her evil double added saccharine-sweetly but with a sharp note in the tone that Hope did her best not to think about. Without meaning to, Hope's eyes followed the implied nudge. Something hissed inside her chest as if a red-hot poker had been directly pressed against exposed flesh when her eyes landed on Lizzie, who was curled up on the couch with a chemistry book in her lap and MG’s arm around her shoulders.
“How is that- what are you-” she growled under her breath, frustrated “we’re not talking about Lizzie.”
"When I had Lizzie-” Hope’s shadow-self started out, obviously set on ignoring her.
“You didn’t have Lizzie, she was sired to you-”
“Yes, she was. And we both know what that means. She’s ours Hope, so how about you do us both a favor, stop moping like a pathetic little fledge, march across this room, and break that thieving little arm in half.” She finished the whole thing by miming the 'walking' with her fingers and then clenching those same fingers into a tight fist.
Hope let out a deep breath, trying to remind herself that her other self wasn't tangible enough to be strangled.
“MG's my friend, I'm not going to break his arm." If Hope was honest with herself, it was occasionally hard to remember that lately. Especially during those times when he showed up unexpectedly and kissed Lizzie in greeting - on her cheek, Lizzie always turned her cheek for him, at least when Hope was around. She tried not to let herself read too much into that.
“Don't be a baby, it's not like he won't heal, might learn not to touch other people's things though." The sharp, possessive tone that entered her other half's voice hit home, most of all because it found its like in Hope herself.
Still, the words themselves rubbed her wrong. "Lizzie isn't a thing."
The other Hope shrugged, unbothered. Then she smiled.
"Don't pretend you haven't spent the last three months a hair's trigger away from pushing Lizzie against the nearest wall and claiming her in front of half the school, it's not like she wouldn't enjoy it. I don't know how much you remember, but my memory distinctly recalls a certain number of times she admitted to loving-"
Okay, no.
"What I remember is snapping her neck. I remember killing her. I remember treating her the way mom told me to never treat the hybrids I might sire. I remember her breaking the sire bond and running away from you."
The other Hope's cool facade cracked in half for a fraction of a second and there was a moment where she felt the void between them echo back and forth with the sharp agony of the memories from that night, the way Hope had felt nothing - or wasn't supposed to be able to feel anything and yet it hurt. Being abandoned by Lizzie had broken something, had shaken her so deeply she'd nearly turned on her humanity herself. She’d been so very close.
She clenched her own fists, letting her nails bite into the skin of her palms painfully.
"Why do you even care? I thought you said you didn't want to feel things?"
"Yes, well unfortunately my weak-willed half is behind the wheel at the moment, which means I'm forced to deal with all those disgusting pointless emotions too.”
“What’s your point?”
“My point is that I don’t care about this self-sabotaging guilt trip you’re on, we’re in love with Lizzie and if you don’t start doing something about it soon I’m going to have to start fighting you for control of that wheel again.”
She felt her throat dry with a pulse of panic.
“Do we understand each other?” the other side of herself asked her sweetly, eyes dancing maliciously. Hope opened her mouth but no sound materialized. It didn’t seem to phase her shadow-self. “Great, glad we had this talk.”
The Hope she’d once been when her humanity had been turned off grabbed her hand. She felt her finger twitch, - deliberately but not by her own will - and a searing spark of power left the finger with a flick that flashed across the room to hit MG.
The arm of his hoodie caught fire.
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terapsina · 2 years
hizzie + secretly dating au: we made the mutual decision to go to this holiday party separately and when i arrived there was this person flirting with you and i’m trying not to make it obvious i’m seething with jealousy but it’s really difficult
She wasn't ready to put yet another relationship on display to the entire school the way it had been with Landon. Her heart felt barely healed enough to show it privately to Lizzie.
But after everything they'd lived through, - after all the things she'd put Lizzie through - Hope had known that Lizzie deserved to know how Hope felt about her.
So one day, a month after Lizzie and MG had broken up she'd snagged Lizzie's wrist and led her out into the forest surrounding the Salvatore Boarding School to make sure they wouldn't be overheard by any of the supernaturally heightened ears surrounding them, and said to Lizzie the words she'd heard from Lizzie back when she'd been unable to respond to them herself.
"I love you," she remembered saying, as her heart beat painfully against her ribcage and she could hear Lizzie's own skip a beat. But before a nervous smile could slip onto Hope's face Lizzie's own twisted into a millisecond of pain and then was swept clear by a bright smile which made Hope's stomach clench around something that had suddenly gone cold.
"I love you too," Lizzie had replied easily, her voice light but eyelids fluttering rapidly, eyes not quite pointed at Hope when she said it.
Hope had known that she'd done a lot to hurt Lizzie while her emotions had been gone, but that had been the moment when she'd realized that the damage might have even more to do with the things Hope had failed to say, than the things she'd done.
"No," Hope said then, realizing Lizzie was either mistaking her meaning or unable to believe Hope could be speaking about something other than friendship alone.
"No? You don't love me? I think I’m offended," Lizzie tried to joke.
And for a moment Hope had considered letting her. Maybe this was Lizzie's way to gently let Hope know that the confessions that had been stuck running over the back of Hope's eyelids on repeat since the moment her humanity had returned - and only placed on the back burner as the war with the gods had taken precedence - were no longer true, that snapping Lizzie's neck, or almost forcing Lizzie to become the same kind of monster that Hope had been was too much.
But that was cowardice talking again. The same cowardice that had let Hope pretend that she didn't care about anything, Lizzie least of all, even as Lizzie had become something like a nexus to Hope. And she had been, she remembered the possessiveness that had coiled heat around Hope's cold dead heart during that month of hunting Aurora. The way everything inside Hope thrummed with satisfaction any time Lizzie leaned toward her with obvious attraction, any time Lizzie smiled despite herself, any time Lizzie grew angry enough to scream in Hope's face. As long as it had been Hope who brought the emotions out she hadn't cared what kind they were.
With the advantage of reflection Hope occasionally wondered if her humanity had truly been gone at all, her family had always spoken of it like a light switch that could be flipped off in any of the younger vampires. But for Hope, it was like a button that she'd had to keep pressed; or like a hand grenade with a missing pin where Hope had to keep it clenched in her fist knowing that as soon as she forgot herself her emotions would return in an explosion of burning light.
"No, I love you, Lizzie," she'd repeated herself and then to make herself absolutely clear had narrowed the distance between them and lightly placed her fingers against the side of Lizzie's face, urging Lizzie to actually look at her for this, "I'm in love with you."
And by the spirits of her ancestors but she was.
Lizzie had buried a place for herself in Hope's heart during the worst months of her life, and every day since had only reminded Hope how amazing and beautiful and deserving of that spot Lizzie really was.
"Oh," Lizzie had said, looking like all the air had somehow been pulled from the surrounding forest. And then she'd grabbed Hope’s shirt by the shoulder, clenched her fingers in the cloth to pull her forward, and kissed her.
After that, though they’d both decided that they weren’t quite ready to let anyone else know about the new status of their relationship.
Hope because she wasn’t quite ready for the eyes of their friends. Lizzie because she didn’t want to hurt MG any more than she had by breaking up with him only weeks after starting to date him. And both of them because they wanted to let it be something that was just theirs for a while longer. It was nice to let themselves enjoy something nice that was for once without drama or life-or-death stakes.
So for the school’s annual winter holiday celebration, they’d arrived at the party separately.
It sounded like a good idea at the time.
Hope had forgotten that as far as everyone else was concerned though, Lizzie had been single for three months now. Which meant the sight that greeted her when she arrived wasn’t just Lizzie, - her hair lightly curled into waves and pulled up into a loose bun that showed off the beautiful sparkly red dress which exposed Lizzie’s back to the air, and made Hope swallow at the sudden dryness at the back of her throat; it was also Jen, a half step too close to Lizzie and very clear intent written in the way her eyes shone with interest.
The echo of the humanity-less Hope that would remain a part of her forever now, hissed like a cat whose tail had just been stepped on.
It was a disquieting sensation, especially because she wasn’t sure that she wanted to actually fight the sudden urge to flash across the floor separating them, and throw Jen into the table holding the punch bowl that was all the way on the other side of the room.
The mature thing to do would be to go join one of her other friends and leave Lizzie to talk with Jen. After all, she did trust Lizzie, and Lizzie was allowed to talk with other people. Jen was her friend. And even if Hope well saw that Jen was clearly flirting with Lizzie it’s not like Hope could blame her.
It’s not as if Jen knew that Lizzie was dating Hope.
And Lizzie wasn’t even flirting back, Hope knew how that looked. Both through years of observing it from the sidelines and from being the focus of said flirting more recently. Lizzie was just having a conversation.
It was fine. There was no reason to freak out just because other people had eyes too.
The part of herself that was all Mikaelson disagreed, jaw clenching as Jen’s hand moved to remove a loose speck of glinting plastic glitter that had fallen into Lizzie’s hair from one of the room’s decorations.
“Lizzie!” Hope called out with a smile that felt slightly manic around the edges, already halfway to them only seconds later. Apparently, Hope was not going to be mature and rational about this after all.
“Hey, Hope,” Lizzie smiled back, her brow furrowing as she took a better look at Hope.
Hope only barely managed to make herself stop before she could encroach on Lizzie’s personal space in a show of claim that would be instantly clear to all the people around. But just because Hope suddenly felt like announcing their relationship to the world at large because of the instincts passed on to her by both her mother and her father, didn’t mean that Lizzie was.
She felt her mind blanking on what to do next for a moment. And then...
“Do you want to dance?” was what came out first.
Hope saw Lizzie’s eyes clearing with understanding, as her gaze flickered for a moment from Hope to Jen and then back again. Then some kind of certainty seemed to fall into place behind Lizzie’s eyes.
“Sure, Sweetie,” Lizzie said, taking her hand, and leaned forward to place a short, sweet kiss on Hope’s lips. “I’d love to.”
“And I love you,” fell past Hope’s lips without any input from her brain before a blush rose on her cheeks, both at the pleased-as-punch look that flashed over Lizzie’s face and the hush that had fallen over the party.
She cleared her throat and ignoring everyone’s eyes pulled Lizzie onto the dance floor.
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terapsina · 2 years
Ask Game: hizzie (#1, 6, 10) hope mikaelson & lizzie saltzman (#8, 9, 10, 16, 17)
(from this ask game I made)
1. ...about my absolute favorite of their scenes and why I love it so much.
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"I hate this. I hate how many good memories I have of you. I hate that I have to be the one to do this, because no one else will. But most of all… I hate you. For being my friend, and for being apart of my weird messed up family and for making me love you, Hope Mikaelson."
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Okay, so they have SO MANY great scenes to choose from and I think I'm obsessed with every single one but it's just hard to beat a '10 Things I Hate About You' love confession okay?
Also I love what it SAYS about them. Okay, so see, textually Hope is Lizzie's hero. But subtextually I'd argue that Lizzie is actually Hope's knight in shining armor. Lizzie is the one who saves her from a breakdown in the middle of the dance. Lizzie's the one who remembers her and makes her less alone. Lizzie's the one who pulls her out of the monochrome 50's noir movie. And Lizzie's the one who goes after her when she's lost her way. The one who tries to bring her back with - and let me repeat myself here - WITH A LOVE CONFESSION.
And yeah, that last one doesn't work. Except that I'm pretty sure that it nearly does. Which is WHY Hope snaps her neck. I think Lizzie nearly managed to touch her, and Hope felt it, and this made Lizzie a threat. The kind of threat that Josie and Rebekah hadn't been. And that, my friends, I find fascinating.
6. ...what kind of AU fics I'm obsessed with reading about them (or would be if I could find one).
I largely prefer Canon Universe fics that go off script because of an alteration here or there; a what if that led them down here instead of there. But... I guess I would really love to read a Slayer Lizzie/Turned Slayer Hope fic? Idk I just think that might be a fascinating way to explore them.
10....rate the level of stupid they reach in their pining.
Oh. So. VERY. Stupid.
So clearly Lizzie reaches the light first. But BEFORE that she comes up with a list for the Perfect Love she wants and describes Hope. She tries to matchmake Hope so hard it's like she's confessing that she's in love with Hope to the guy she's trying to matchmake Hope with.
Meanwhile Hope? Somehow totally seems to miss multiple love confessions, or to snag across what it mans that Lizzie was sired to her (okay, so I partially blame the very terrible Vampire 101 at that school but you'd think that in a family of... *does math*... 6-ish vampires it might have come up?). And she does catch that Josie used to have a crush on her but completely MISSES the implication that she thought her sister would have made a move too?
Also, Hope wrote herself into Lizzie's fanfic as a kid. And yet doesn't notice how maybe. Crushing might have mayhaps been happening?
Dum-dums want gum-gums level of dumb, okay? Dear evil gods but I love them so much.
Hope Mikaelson:
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8. ...a headcanon I have about this character.
She wasn't supposed to be able to turn her humanity off as an Original of her line, so she did it by force, which is why there seemed to be this split in her personality that's never been a thing for any other vampire we've been shown turning their feelings off.
Like, Hope pushed all her feelings deep inside and slammed the wall down and cut herself in half. Which is why in my perfect season 5 (💔) she would have had to accept the No Humanity side of herself and reintegrate it back into the larger whole of Hope Andrea Mikaelson.
9. ...which of their relationships I would have cultivated more if it were up to me (both romantic and platonic).
Well, I know she's dead but I would have brought up Hayley in relation to Hope more. She did have a mom she lost, not just a dad.
Also I would have added a lot more off-screen contact between her and the family she STILL HAS. The Mikaelsons aren't DEAD. She's got aunts and uncles and one brother/uncle, and her mother's pack, and the New Orleans coven of witches.
Also, I think I'd have liked to minimize the amount of scenes Hope had with Alaric. Cuz like nine times of ten they just made me vaguely uncomfortable.
Probably would also have had Hope hanging out with every other person in school, because it did feel like Landon was monopolizing ALL her screentime for like two out of four seasons.
10. ...if I liked them immediately or if took a while before I warmed up to their character. Alternatively, if I disliked them immediately or if they lost my trust as their story progressed.
Oh I absolutely loved Hope from the beginning. Though it took me a while to really understand what made her click, because I've only watched her scenes from The Originals and not the entire show that probably gives a more fully fleshed out background.
But yeah I liked Hope from the beginning, and by the end? I utterly adored her.
16. ...my very shallowest of opinions on this character.
Girl. Pretty.
17. ...how well they'd do if they got dropped in a horror movie.
Oh, there's only two options here. Either she gets dropped there and this is NO LONGER A HORROR STORY because she beats the killer as soon as they attack. Or otherwise, she kills the killer as soon as she gets dropped there and becomes the monster of the horror movie herself (if we're talking about the No Humanity!Hope).
Lizzie Saltzman:
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8. ...a headcanon I have about this character.
She was always going to become a heretic whatever else took place. It was always part of her plan B, and not even one she was really dreading. She might not have been ready when what's-his-face tried to turn her by force, but a part of her knew she'd choose to turn eventually. Which is both why she drank blood as insurance and why I think it was so easy for Lizzie to forgive Hope her turning.
Also. I think a part of why Lizzie went on so long being oblivious about her feelings for Hope was because after Josie finally told them about her old crush, Lizzie didn't want to be a person who would move in on her twin's potentially still existing crush (which I actually don't think Lizzie needed to worry about, by that point in their lives it didn't actually look like Josie had any more romantic feelings for Hope at all).
9. ...which of their relationships I would have cultivated more if it were up to me (both romantic and platonic).
I think Lizzie needed a really safe and utterly platonic friend (Hope doesn’t count because she had feelings for her (fight me on this, I dare you), and MG didn't count because he never stopped having feelings for her). So I wish she'd had a lot more scenes with Kaleb.
10. ...if I liked them immediately or if took a while before I warmed up to their character. Alternatively, if I disliked them immediately or if they lost my trust as their story progressed.
You kidding? They were my favorite from pretty much the word go. Though... I guess the moment I went full ride-or-die for her was during the Genie wish!verse episode.
16. ...my very shallowest of opinions on this character.
17. ...how well they'd do if they got dropped in a horror movie.
A bit touch and go in the beginning because she'd panic. But she's definitely a Final Girl if I've ever seen one, so once the panic waned she'd just be really, really mad.
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terapsina · 2 years
The thing about Hizzie is just... I have a weakness for a few specific things that Hizzie delivers on.
First of all, a proper slow burn.
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I mean I enjoy all the queer shows I can get my hands on but they tend to rush the canon lesbian ships SO MUCH. And that just ends with me finding those ships... cute. But they don't really make me want to read or write fic?
But Hizzie took 4 seasons to develop (and then they dropped the ball which SUCKS but doesn't really affect my shipping taste).
Second of all, Enemies to Friends to Lovers (they were NEARLY there and as far as I care that counts).
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Hope annoyed by Lizzie's presence? Amazing. LIZZIE LITERALLY TRYING TO WISH HOPE OUT OF EXISTENCE? Beautiful. Old misunderstanding sorted out? Perfect. Bonding and hugging and protecting each other and spending time together and getting to know each other arguably better than either one of them knows almost anyone else? *SOBBING*. Arguing and making up and descending back into hatred and still loving each other? Just leave me here on the floor.
Third of all, Battle Couple.
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They were THE most badass team that consistently had really cool scenes together okay? I'm only human. What do you want from me?
Forth of all, the sheer COMPLEXITY of their "friendship".
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Lizzie envies Hope. But admires her and trusts her to always come through. Hope thinks Lizzie shallow to begin with but visibly enjoys the banter. Once they stop "hating" each other they become friends with weird ease. And then keep saving each other on numerous occasions. And don't even get me started on them once the sire bond and lost humanity and murder and love confessions enter the mix.
And finally, -> All. Those. Significant. Looking. At. Each. Other. Scenes. And the just as important 'focus on their hands touching' scenes.
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There was simply... no other couple in this show that COULD have stolen my heart the way Hizzie did, alright?
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terapsina · 1 year
For the ship ask game, you know who I'll ask about! Hope/Lizzie
And you know my answer 😁
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Ship It
What made you ship it? - I've got a huge weakness for a slow and gradual buildup of feelings and tension. I've also got a weakness for rivalry to friendship to love. And Lizzie and Hope have both in SPADES. Also, I just enjoy two already badass girls becoming an unstoppable battle-couple together. Also the delicious angst of their time while Hope didn't have her humanity and yet was kinda obsessed with Lizzie? Amazing. Essentially, I started liking them early on because they're exactly my wheelhouse and then with every new development of: wishing the other out of existence, comfort hug, romantic gift of a dress and a title, spontaneous remembering, new hurt, trapped in an AU, snapping of neck and pinky promise... the hole I'd dug myself got deeper. But if the question is about which single scene made me START shipping them? Then I think it was that moment in the car where they looked at each other like they'd never seen each other after the reveal of the Big Lie.
What are your favorite things about the ship? - I guess I already touched on that just now, but FURTHERMORE I absolutely love the way the further the story got the clearer the absolute faith in each that they have was revealed. More from Lizzie's side admittedly but I kinda attribute it to the fact that Lizzie is much braver with her heart than Hope, so Lizzie has the majority of the big clearly romantic gestures. But yeah Lizzie absolutely means just as much to Hope and I just... I love that about them.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? - No idea, I haven't really seen all that much disagreement within the community of people who ship Hizzie about why we think they'd work so well together. Maybe just the fact that I hate HATE when they get compared with D3lena just because of the sire bond, but I've seen just as many people agree that the comparison doesn't work at all.
(For this ask game)
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terapsina · 2 years
I'm going to need someone to write a fic where Humanity!Hope is hanging around Lizzie and Jen and is being perfectly nice and gritting her teeth while No Humanity!Hope, invisible to everyone except Hope herself is planning aloud Jen's violent and bloody murder.
For reasons.
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terapsina · 2 years
intimacy prompt hope/lizzie. choose any of this:
saying “i love you” in-between kisses (hope to lizzie)
hugs that last longer than they should
feeling each other’s pulse
(lets go with the first and the third one smooshed together)
It's not that Lizzie lacked faith in the fact that she was important to Hope. For the most part, they got past that ages ago. After all those tears and arguments; almost dying because martyrdom was apparently an infectious disease; after the reckless kiss, Lizzie had planted on Hope's lips following her fresh breakup with MG when Hope had responded by pushing Lizzie against the nearest wall and showing her quite vehemently that yes, Hope did in fact return Lizzie's affections.
But. It did leave a mark - the way Lizzie had confessed her feelings for Hope again and again as Hope said nothing because she'd abandoned her humanity and felt nothing.
"Which wasn't even true," Hope admitted one night as they slept beside each other, under the stars, on top of some blankets in the woods where Lizzie had once brought her to scream out her feelings. "You were right, my darker side didn't want to admit it but I did have emotions. Anger, fear, rage... possessiveness."
They lay facing each other, clasping hands in a way that let Lizzie press her fingers against Hope's left wrist so that she could feel the evidence of her heartbeat, while Hope's other hand rested against Lizzie's neck, thumb running back and forth over the pulse point there.
It fluttered like the wings of a butterfly beneath Lizzie's skin.
She wondered what it said about her that there wasn't even a hint of discomfort. Hope had snapped her neck, ended her human life and yet all she could feel was being slowly soothed into sleep.
"Possessiveness?" she asked, trying not to sound too needy, far too used to ruining things by asking too much from people who didn't actually want Lizzie to show how much she wanted them to like her.
"Remember that nightclub where I brought you to drink?" Hope asked with a rueful smile, fingers still on her neck but now drawing little hearts across her skin. Lizzie felt her throat dry as something in her chest lurched toward the other girl.
"I guess?"
Hope had come over with a strikingly beautiful girl with red hair, who'd looked a little older than them. Hope's index and middle finger had been drawn through the loop of the girl's jeans - she remembered it far too well actually, because of the way something had soured inside Lizzie's belly before she'd been distracted by the hot pulse of fresh blood pumping under the redhead's freckled skin.
"You only let me drink a few mouthfuls before pulling me away," she furrowed her brows, remembering the whine she'd let out after barely being allowed to sate her hunger. "To teach me control, or something."
"I lied," Hope admitted and stared at Lizzie with a shadow of the Hope who'd been without humanity in her eyes. "She had her fingers in your hair, pressing you closer, I wanted to tear out her heart and crush it like a grape."
She said it so matter-of-factly Lizzie might almost have worried Hope's switch had been flipped again, were it not for the softness of her touch. That colder version of Hope had never touched Lizzie like this; as if Lizzie was precious.
Her hold had always involved the nails biting into her skin like she'd been trying to keep Lizzie in place, afraid that Lizzie would abandon her if she loosened her hold for but a moment.
And then Lizzie had. It wasn't a decision she could regret, she'd done it for Hope. But she couldn't help thinking that she'd somehow made all of Hope's fears come true when she'd gone.
"So," Lizzie started out, her tone leading as she pressed her own thumb tighter into Hope's wrist and a little nervously bit into her own lower lip, "you felt possessive."
"Jealous is a good word for it too."
"And now?" she asked, knowing Hope could feel her heart picking up speed under the press of her fingers. Hear it too but that was a more remote sense than touch. "How do you feel about me now, Hope Andrea Mikaelson?"
Hope's hand left its spot to stretch her fingers against the back of Lizzie's neck as she moved onto her knees to hover her face over Lizzie's, so close they began sharing the same individual air molecules.
"Now, Lizzie," Hope said and pressed her lips against Lizzie's own, before pulling back just enough to finish but still so close the movement of her lips felt like the lightest of kisses to her. "I rather think I love you."
She leaned into Hope, chasing her lips and letting out a low whine when Hope retreated a little to repeat herself again, "I love you."
Another kiss, another agonizing retreat, another whisper - this time against the shell of Lizzie's ear.
"I love you."
Lizzie gasped, loving the way her heart was filling to the brim, loving Hope, but too frustrated by Hope's teasing to let her continue. Instead, she grabbed her by the sides of her face and smashed their lips into the kind of kiss Lizzie was actually aching for. Somewhere past Lizzie's notice, she could hear their hearts start beating as one.
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