#otp; i'd leave the ocean for you
1, 5, 10, 19, and 20 for the fanfic writer asks please! 💜
wheeee, thank you! <3333333
1. Have you pulled inspiration from media sources other than the property your fic is related to (a plot point from a TV show that has nothing to do with the characters/setting of the fic, a line from a book, etc.)? If so, for which story? Why did you find that media source compelling? I...don't think so? I can't think of anything. I tend to write between the lines of canon, so any references etc generally tend to be to the canon, whatever it happens to be. Although I suppose All I Want Is You-'verse was originally inspired by Christmas movies? I dunno...has anyone spotted anything/can anyone remember anything?
5. Is there a tiny detail in one of your fics that you feel goes tragically unnoticed? I think there probably are, but I can't remember any specific ones (I have over 1.5million words and over 400 fics on AO3 these days which HOW); I do tend to put little details and references in, and they don't often get picked up on in comments, but then I'm not the kind of author who gets lots of comments and asks about all the different aspects of their writing so...I dunno *shrugs* Quite a few, I guess! I kind of feel like it's unfair of me to expect people to have ploughed through all my fics to recognise the little bits and bobs that I'm basically putting in for my own satisfaction.
10. If you could banish a single trope to live at the bottom of the ocean, never to be seen again by any human eyes (or at least your own), which trope would that be? Omegaverse. Absolutely. Gives me the absolute creeps. Also that thing with the insane possessiveness, I can't remember the name of it, but it's just...it makes me feel deeply, deeply uncomfortable. I saw a piece of art for one of my OTPs with that theme once where one character had cut the sinews of the other's heels so he couldn't leave, and I felt unsettled and upset by it for days afterwards. I mean, I tend to feel like most tropes are a bit pointless, I'd much rather write (or indeed read) a story without the hackneyed obligatory set-pieces, but those two are the ones that I really don't like.
19. What was the very first fanwork you ever created? (I’m talking like maybe you made a little book out of construction paper and staples with your favorite Disney characters drawn in it when you were five years old or you drew a comic about a movie you saw when you were a preteen. That sort of thing.) I think it was probably the story I attempted to write inspired by the movie Memphis Belle when I was 15; I grew up in the part of the country where the movie was set, so my utter obsession with it was just that bit deeper, and if internet fandom had been a thing in 1990/1991 I would have been up to my neck in it. (it's also the original source of my deep and abiding soft spot for Sean Astin) I was trying to write a kind of ghost story set in the 1940s and the 1990s, and it was just so far beyond me I couldn't capture it. I was far too young. Maybe I ought to try it again sometime...I am still utterly intrigued by the Eighth Army Air Force, after all. (I couldn't get on with Masters of the Air, I am sorry to say, despite it being full of my beloved B-17 Flying Fortresses...I tried very hard but didn't get beyond about episode three)
20. Is there anything about any one of your fics that you have been dying to discuss but haven’t had the chance to? I am DYING to talk about my TRSB piece! Eight days to go! It features someone with a very strong personality who has been confined to the sidelines of my stories so far (plus some of my very favourite characters to write) and is finally stepping into the spotlight, and once they started talking they just did. not. stop. I had to put my foot down and wrap it up despite, in my own opinion, not having actually really got to the point of the story, or really been able to tackle the plot points that had come up, because I ran out of time. So there will be a sequel that will hopefully pick all of that up, just as soon as I've recovered from the experience (and from Writers' Month, which has been siphoning off a lot of my time and energy from TRSB, although if I hadn't been doing Writers' Month and had been able to finish this fic, it would probably have been pushing 80-100k, which is RIDICULOUS. When this particular character decides to talk, OH BOY do they talk.)
Thank you for asking! <3333333 anyone else fancy asking me some fic writer questions?
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derelictheretic · 2 years
Tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton, @clicheantagonist and @baldurrs (Thank you!!) to list 5-10 songs that describe or relate to my fav otp/personal ship(s) ! Stuck to my fc5 ones for this <3
Tagging: @viktor-sinclaire @trashcatsnark @bluemojave @ishwaris @unholymilf @roofgeese @sukoshimikan @detectivelokis @strangefable @necro-hamster @deputyash @rejected-beater @jollybone @eur0paa-2 @i-am-the-balancing-point
I just went with 5 songs for each ship, I've been obsessed with Sleep Token recently so they have snuck into a few playlists lmao
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Clueless by Ellie Williams
Do you think she has seen i'm captivated by her speech?
Or is she clueless?
The Only Exception by Paramore
And up until now I had sworn to myself
That I'm content with lonlieness
I Love you but you make me cry by Elthia
You try to protect yourself
So I have to rip through you
I Wish I never Met You by Babygirl
I wish I knew forever would end so soon
I wish I never kissed you in my living room
Enemies by Lauv
Oh tell me, why did we throw away the love we had?
And tell me why do, why do we love to make it hurt so bad?
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River by Bishop Riggs
Shut your mouth, baby, stand and deliver
Holy hands, will they make me a sinner?
Obsessed With You by The Orion Experience
Your love is better than cocaine
I need you more than oxeygyn
Room For Two by Will Knox
If there is a heaven
I hope I go to hell with you
John My Beloved by Sufjan Stevens
I am a man with a heart that offends
With its lonely and greedy demands
Granite by Sleep Token
I was more than just a body in your passenger seat
And you were more than somebody I was destined to meet
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I love you baby by Surf Mesa, Emilee
I love you baby, and if it's quite alright
I need you baby, to warm these lonely nights
Dance Alone by Talya Parx
Left hand up, right hand on the bible
You walked in, I was dead on arrival
Angel of small death and the Codeine scene by Hozier
Feeling more human and hooked on her flesh
I lay my heart down with the rest at her feet
My Attic by P!nk
I will give you all my secrets
If you promise you can brave my attic
Lovefool by The Cardigans
Say that you love me
Fool me, fool me
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It Will Come Back by Hozier
Jesus Christ, don't be kind to it
Honey, don't feed it, I will come back
Once Upon a Dream by Lana Del Ray
And I know it's true, vision are seldom what they seem
But if I know you, I know what you'll do
Alkaline by Sleep Token
And she's changing me
It's too late for me now, I am altered
Deity by Valeree
I'll be your deity, fall to your knees
Oh, honey, pray to me between the sheets
Religion by ZAND
My angel's most polite
When I am on my knees
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Hit Me With a Kiss by Solo
And when he hit me with his kiss
I tasted whiskey on my lips
Persia by Until The Ribbon Breaks
If I can't be your prince
Then I like to whisper, I'd like to leave you in my fingerprints
Love Is A Weapon by Letdown.
It's just a masochistic love
I've got the push under your shove
I Go Hungry by Mother Mother
When I go hungry I go nail and tooth
When I go hungry, I go hungry, I go hungry
Puppy Pound by Jazmin Bean
Normally i'm no stray, you won't find me in the lost and found
So why'd you make me feel like I am in the goddamn puppy pound?
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Power by Isak Danielson
When you move, you make my oceans move too
If I hear my name I will run your way
I'll Keep You Safe by Sleeping At Last
Our mistakes, they were bound to be made
But I promise you I'll keep you safe
Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley
And Love is not a victory march
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah
The Summoning by Sleep Token
Oh, and my love
Did I mistake you as a sign from God
His Hands by Blegh
But you know I was still down on my knees
Like it was a religion
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kira-nerys-rocks · 6 months
10, 12, 24, 25 Elizabeth Weir :)
Thank you so much for the ask! :)
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
I think I could? I do value a lot of her morals and attitude and I share her interest in other cultures. I'd probably be very intimidated by her as well if I were a part of the Atlantis expedition so idk how that would happen xD
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
She has a balcony in her quarters and enjoys it and watch the ocean there. I wrote a Cornweir fanfic where that's part of the beginning
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Oh, I think in parks she reminds me of Katrina Cornwell and that might be part of the reason why I think they fit so well together and why Cornweir is my otp. But also a woman who's leading a group of people far away? There are parallels with Janeway as well. I've also read a fanfic with them (Janeweir?) as well once and they also fit well together. Just leaving this here xD
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Okay, this is a bit tricky since I first watched it over 10 years ago. I think I liked her, but I wasn't nearly as obsessed with her as I'm now. That started only later with 16 when I rewatched Atlantis for the first time and developed a crush on her. And my obsession just gets stronger with every rewatch xD I did start another one a week ago!
Character Ask Game
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badbloodmagic · 5 years
"I didn't know you knew how to use a whip?" (Liv to George)
WEAPON  BASED  SENTENCE   PROMPTS  . | @carpedemuses
           “Neither did I,” George remarked, amused and pleased grin on his lips before he glanced at Liv and cleared his throat, straightening his stature and shrugging as coolly as he could. Trying to seem as if he actually knew what the fuck he was doing, sure, he’d been trained in many forms of weapon usage long long ago but there really wasn’t much use for whips underwater. “Honestly, I learned all that I do know from Catwoman, Halle Berry’s version.”
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carpedemuses · 5 years
Everytime you walk into the room
I'm speechless.
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coconutlimeverbena · 3 years
Nanami x Gojo is definitely my comfort OTP of JJK. They're so different from each other, yet it somehow works. Extra props to writers who can mention their past loves (Haibara and Geto) without making it seem as if Gojo and Nanami are just using each other as a replacement for what they've lost. Here are a few fic recs that show why it's my new fave:
between us, i think the night is watching.: Gojo is the only change that Nanami allows in his routine. Rating: Teen Audiences
Entrelhinas: Nanami and Gojo's relationship, in no specific order. Rating: Teen Audiences
freefall: Gojo being Gojo while he, Nanami and Itadori are out on a mission. Rating: Teen Audiences
Gojo Satoru is a Good Dad: a series about Gojo being a new father. The NanaGo starts in the 2nd story. Rating: Teen Audiences
it's love, sweet love: Gojo Satoru loves Nanami Kento. Rating: Teen Audiences
Bonus: Currently following a WIP called i'd love it if we made it, an Ocean's 11 AU. The premise is interesting, but what really drew me in is how well the author writes emotional scenes. It's updated quite regularly. Rating: Mature
My general JJK List
Make sure to check all tags before reading, and leave a comment or Kudos on any fics you enjoyed. Have a good weekend!
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iantoyawrites · 2 years
If you're still taking OTP Prompts: 10 for Chojuro and Gaara? <3 (canon preferably)
@nightingaleflow so happy to write this! It kept me happy while I stayed home sick yesterday and could write on my phone. I experimented with first-person POV so I hope you like. There's canon from Boruto and I don't think it's spoilery...it just let's you know who makes it to the end of the Chuunin Exams which is a pretty good leap the viewer can make anyway. If that's okay with you then here we go.
Wc: 1.5k
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"Where did you find a magnetic jutsu user like that?" I asked the question though I already knew the answer. Gaara had written to me about discovering the boy years ago. It was more of a deflection to avoid any suspicion of the nature of our relationship to the other Kages.
I stole a glance at Lord Kazekage. His arms were folded and his expression was carefully guarded, as it normally was. His son had a good chance of winning the Chuunin Exams. I could not blame him for wanting his child to win, at the expense of his friend Naruto and his offspring. I could imagine what was running through his mind. I had felt the same way during Kagura's exam, and I'm not even his father.
If we were alone, I'd think about grabbing his hand under the table. Pull his hand into my lap. But even in those circumstances there was a good chance he'd brush me away. This was something he had to bear on his own. I understood completely.
Well, it seemed that I had a dog in this fight after all. I wanted Shinki to win. If not for me then for him. I knew how hard he worked to mold Shinki. He shared with me his fears and frustrations on our pillow in those rare moments I cherish.
It reminded me of the time he confessed his love for me. It's amazing how much he's overcome since then. How much he's lowered his walls for the sake of love. He told me how his love for Shinki was different, and wholly encompassing. It was obvious to me from the beginning he would be a remarkable, doting father. Shinki was incredibly lucky to be found by him. I wasn't a believer in destiny but I am now.
"There you are, Gaara. Kankuro said I might find you here."
Gaara opened those cool, calm ocean eyes at me, looking up from his seated position on the Kazekage mansion balcony. I must have caught him meditating.
"Yes. I needed air."
"I am preparing to leave. I hoped to see you again before I go." My first visit to Sunagakure went so well. I didn't enjoy the heat but I did enjoy the trouble that Gaara went through to be sure my first visit as Mizukage was well received. The hard work he put into the coordination did not go unnoticed.
His eyes were unreadable. I hoped he was as disappointed as I was at needing to leave, but I knew that was selfish. I just hoped he felt the same.
"I'm sorry," he said, his eyes fixed on me. I was unsure if I imagined it or not in the light of the moon, but his eyes looked wet. Surely I imagined it.
"Sorry…for what?"
"I've been so distant. I haven't meant to be. You came all this way."
"It's understandable. I know how busy you are."
"No, it's not that," he said. He stood and took several cautious steps towards me.
I waited to see if he would continue. It looked like he had something he wanted to say. I was captivated by how jaw-droppingly gorgeous he was, especially in the moonlight. I took a tentative step towards him, afraid he might spook.
He didn't.
"There's been something on my mind. I have something I want to tell you. But I don't know how."
"Take your time," I said reassuringly. "I'm listening, whatever it is."
"Lord Mizukage, no, Chojuro, I…"
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, inhaling the sweet floral scent of the desert flowers in the dry night air.
I took another step forward and placed my hands gently on his shoulders. He didn't back away, as he sometimes did. He assured me those times weren't personal, but he needed space. I tried to be mindful of his boundaries ever since, but I am a fairly physical person. It's how I show my affection.
When he opened his eyes they were trained on me with such open emotion. I was taken aback. And I was nervous too. What had shaken him so badly?
"I think I'm in love with you…and I'm terrified."
"Gaara," I gasped. I had not expected this confession, not now. I was content to continue as we were, as long as he needed. I knew how the mere mention of love made him defensive. Kankuro told me why. Someday I hoped he would tell me his history when he was ready.
There were tears in his eyes. His shoulders shook beneath my hands. I instinctively pulled him to me, hugging tightly. I can't imagine how hard it was for him to say this aloud. Of course I was delighted to hear the words, but not at the expense of his comfort. It hurt me to see him this way.
"I love you too. And I'm scared too."
"...I'm afraid I will hurt you. That you'll hurt me, and I'll retaliate. All the scars I have…I fear you'll open them all for me to feel the sting once more."
I touched his cheek with my hand, wiping an errant tear from under his eye. This display I knew was incredibly rare. It was a true testament for how he felt for me.
"I can't say that won't happen. It probably will, if I am to be honest. But in order to really experience love you have to be vulnerable and let yourself be hurt…or cared for. I think ultimately it's worth the risk, don't you think?"
"I suppose you're right." He took a quick glance around the balcony. "Let's go inside," he said. I think he knew there were prying eyes from his guards watching us for our safety. He closed the window curtains once inside in home.
"What I'm afraid of is one day I'll see you and you will have forgotten why you love me.That you'll forget why we do this." By this I meant our clandestine relationship, whatever it was blooming into between us. It seemed it had real substance, far more than I could have ever hoped for.
"I worry about that too."
"Maybe we should stop worrying for a moment. I came to say goodbye for now." I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him close. The scent of his hair wash was dragging me in. I nuzzled my face against his neck. I smiled against his skin when I heard him groan at the tickle of my beard on his neck. He tilted his head to the side, letting me continue more easily. I loved how he responded to the graze of my teeth on his skin. He shivered against me.
"I hate it when you leave," he rasped. 
"I know. I do too."
It was a month later when I received an email from an anonymous address. I nearly deleted it but then noticed the way it was addressed to me. Gaara would start our hand-written letters in a similar fashion, so I opened it, hopeful, desperate to hear from him.
Dear M,
I'm completely in over my head. I found a boy and I've adopted him. He reminds me of me in so many ways.
I re-read the first few lines a few times, being sure I understood. A child? Was this really from Gaara? It was definitely possible. 
I kept reading.
He has been wronged by the people in his life and I hope to show him that unconditional love is possible. I hope to be a good father to him. Thank you for teaching me how to let love in. Had this encounter with the boy (his name is Shinki) happened before I'm not sure what I would have done.
My heart ached to hear the doubt I imagined in Gaara's voice as I read his writing. I knew he would without hesitation do the same thing, with or without my influence.
I hope you are able to meet him soon. I think you'll like him.
I love you.
A kanji symbol for love was the signature line. It made my heart swell. How lucky I was to have earned the Kazekage's affections, finally, after all the years I pined for him.
I answered the email quickly, telling him how excited I was for him and how I felt for him in return.
I could feel the pride emanating from Gaara as Shinki literally flew into the sky, held aloft by stunning black sparkling wings.
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"That's amazing!" Darui said in surprise, from the other side of Naruto who was equally transfixed on the battle before us.
"I've taught him everything I know," Gaara said calmly to the others sitting with us. He caught my eye for a moment before continuing to watch.
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I smirked at him. "Everything?" I asked him quietly.
"Yes, though I had some help. A gentle nudge. A leap of faith." He smiled at me and my heart leapt into my throat. The effect he had on me is still akin to a chokehold, though certainly less violent.
"You better be talking about me," Kankuro grumbled.
Gaara laughed softly, light-hearted. I adored the wonderful rare sound.
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jeysbvck · 2 years
For the tag game, 9-1-1
ahhh thank you!😊 i love being asked about 911!!
favourite female character: it's definitely a toss up between maddie & athena, they're both strong asf & badass as hell, but i think i lean more towards maddie, just because i relate a lot to her struggles and the way she deals with those struggles. i relate to being the older sister and wanting to protect your younger brother, and struggling to balance what your parents want and what you think is right. watching the boston episode, i was absolutely broken (especially with the ocean scene), and that scene of her finally give jee a bath at the end of the season made me sob like a baby!
my favourite male character: buck. he's another character that i relate to a lot, and relate to his issues and struggles (self destructive tendencies, abandonment issues, wanting to find where you belong, wanting to fix everything for everyone). his character growth has been one of the best ive seen, and it helps that he's the cutest, prettiest lil himbo🥰🥰
my favourite book/season etc: season 4. most of my fave episodes come from season 4 tbh!
my favourite episode: ooooh boy now here we go, i'm just gonna list all of them bc idk which ones to leave out and i won't give my reasons bc i'll be here forever but; eddie begins, sink or swim/the searchers (i group them together bc tsunami arc), buck begins, jinx, treasure hunt, surviours, fomo & may day!
my favourite cast member: angela bassett. absolute icon.
my favourite ship: buddie. also if madney don't get back together i will cry forever.
a character i'll die defending: honestly i'd die defending all the firefam!
a character i just can't sympathise with: taylor kelly. thank god we don't have to deal with her anymore.
a character i grew to love: bobby. that's not to say i didn't like him, i was just very neutral about him, but i love him now and bathena are my parents!
my anti otp: bucktaylor. they were a terrible couple, much better as friends!
send me a show/movie etc and i'll do this!
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Ooh your little character ask idea is so fun! I’m sure I’ll end up sending you way more, but for now I’ll just start with my current faves: the Murphy boys! Miles, Royce and Bentley have such a hold on me right now 😂💕 Hope you’re doing well!
Ooh! Yeah, send me as many as you want. I had fun with this! Most of my answers are on the long side, I hope you don't mind!
A song that reminds me of them
Miles is a very complex and unique character so this one was actually very hard to narrow down to as I have tons to work with. I literally have a playlist on Spotify for these boys so this was so difficult! I'd have to say it's gotta be Talk Too Much by COIN. It gives me Miles from Drive My Car vibes honestly and I’m here for it! I also like Crash My Car by COIN, but I'm sticking with Talk Too Much for him.
Talk Too Much by COIN
What they smell like, in my opinion
Coffee, peppermint, cinnamon rolls (I have a headcanon that he prefers those for breakfast lol), probably a bit of salty, ocean air, and, because of his job, a hint of motor oil and grease.
An OTP I like featuring them
Miles x Coffee 😂 just kidding! For a long time, I was trying to decide between putting him with Kiki or Giggles, but your Drive My Car changed that in the best way possible, so my OTP for him would be Miles x Carrie
A character from another fandom I think they'd get along with
I could see him and Yelena Belova from Black Widow getting on well. The same could be said for Charlie, George, and Fred Weasley from Harry Potter.
My favorite platonic or familial relationship
I don’t want to pick one or the other of the Murphy brothers to put here, so my top would have to be his relationship with Butchy. Miles is a big brother through and through, but with Butchy, he gets to see how it is to be the younger sibling and I think he needs that a lot. He’s grown up being the responsible one who grew up too quick, but Butchy has his own way of telling him to relax and act his age for once. He and Butchy, in my personal opinion, go back and forth between being best friends, acting like brothers, and Miles looking to Butchy as what he’d wished his father could’ve been - present, caring, someone to look up to who was there for him no matter what the circumstances.
A headcanon for them that I've never posted about before
Miles graduated just over a year early from high school, making him 16, almost 17, at the time. He never dated in school, focusing on his studies. He had planned on going to college/uni, but never took up any scholarships in favor of leaving home, making a new life, and helping his brothers.
A crossover AU I’d love to see them in
The Hunger Games.
I can see the three boys being in District 6 - Transportation. I feel like it would very much be a Katniss and Primrose situation in the beginning. I could see it being Bentley’s first time in the selection, Royce’s third, and Miles’ last. If Bentley got picked, both Royce and Miles would volunteer with no hesitation. They’d probably argue a small bit as to who would actually end up in the games, but Miles would, eventually, win the argument, telling Royce to protect Bentley and do whatever survival techniques he’d taught him.
Butchy (who’d won his games by setting up traps that killed his opponents as swiftly as possible) and his sister, Lela (who’d won the year before by hiding and only killing one person in the very end to win), would be his mentors. Miles' charisma and family-first motivation would make him somewhat popular among the crowd, earning him quite a few sponsors.
Miles would fight like hell to win the game as his brothers' lives are on the line (as well as his own, but he’s not concerned about that nearly as much). In his games, he’d meet a girl named Mick from the technology district - District 3. She almost killed him with a bow and arrow, but they soon became allies, telling each other about their homes and getting all the way down to the final three. During their battle with Xander, a Career from District 1 (the luxury district and one of the Capitol’s favorites), Mick gets hurt and Miles kills Xander with an ax, leaving him and an injured, possibly dying, Mick. They both know only one of them can survive the games and Mick tells Miles to just finish her off. Whether he follows through or not, I will leave up for you to decide for now.
As you can see, I’ve thought this through a lot and have been thinking of making this an actual short story. The Hunger Games is one of my favorite series and I would love to work more on this later on.
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A song that reminds me of them
Royce is one of those characters that, the more I work on them, the more I realize about them, so his song may change later on, but, for now, I'd have to say Wonder by Shawn Mendes. I know it's supposed to be about wanting a relationship, but I feel like the lyrics are close to his inner monologue. I feel like the first verse is his mentality before he and Bentley leave for Miles' place, and the second is for when they're just getting used to being there. I don't know, ignore my rambling 🙈
Wonder by Shawn Mendes
What they smell like, in my opinion
Old books, vanilla, maple syrup, the parchment paper of the journal Mick and Lela made for him, and his favorite grape soda.
An OTP I like featuring them
As you can probably tell, I have something in the works for Royce and Vivien from one of my prompts. Because of this, I'd have to say Royce x Vivien.
A character from another fandom I think they'd get along with
I think it's obvious that I'd put Ponyboy Curtis from The Outsiders in this section, but I'm also going to add Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter, as well as Steve Harrington and Dustin Henderson from Stranger Things.
My favorite platonic or familial relationship
I adore his interactions with his brothers, but once again, I don't want to pick between them, so I'm going to say his relationship with Mick. I can see them being absolutely inseparable when it comes to talking about books of any sort. If one of them brings up a book the other hasn't read, they'd sit and talk for hours, giving the other a complete, front-to-back summary of the book. I swear, they'd be like a pair of old ladies in their book club. I love it and I can't wait to write more of their interactions.
A headcanon for them that I've never posted about before
I have a few I've never posted, but I'll give two. First, Royce has a small scar on his lip from trying to intervene in a fight between his father and Miles, getting sliced by one of his father's rings (his first time being hit). Second, he writes poetry in his free time but never lets anybody, not even Miles, read them as he doesn't think they're any good. He just enjoys writing them.
A crossover AU I’d love to see them in
I have two Ideas. I think you know exactly what AU I'm thinking of for one of them. One would be The Outsiders, obviously, and the other would be Harry Potter.
For The Outsiders, I can easily picture Royce helping Ponyboy and Johnny escape after they get jumped in the park, maybe even helping them to hide out or hiding out with them. Seeing as he's the same age as Johnny and their mannerisms are similar, I think they'd be a close trio. Honestly, since the events of The Outsiders takes place in 1965 which isn't far off from when TBM takes place, I don't see it changing Royce all that much, but I'd love to see what would happen plot-wise if I added them to the rest of the Greasers from the book.
As for Harry Potter, I feel the Murphy brothers would be half-bloods, having their mom's magic while their dad was just a muggle. I could see Royce being in Ravenclaw, Bentley in Hufflepuff, and Miles finding his way into either Slytherin. You can't tell me that Miles wouldn't work his way up to Quidditch captain as well as Head Boy (or, at least, Prefect). Think of Bentley doing his absolute best in Care of Magical Creatures and Herbology since he only wanted to prove that he could be smart like his brothers. What about Royce excelling in everything he could, battling for the top of the class with some girl named Vivien from Gryffindor.
Just imagine the boys going to the top of the astronomy tower when they need a break from everyone and everything and need to feel close to their mom. I can see Royce hiding Bentley in the Ravenclaw tower during the Battle of Hogwarts since Miles was helping fight and told them to stay put, but he was going to go help fight regardless. Miles sees Royce in the midst of the battle and tells him to go back inside before they get separated during the fights. Royce fights his hardest, firing off whatever spells come to mind until he's cornered in the rubble of the castle, a Deatheater's wand pressed to his throat... Well, that's enough of that one, onto the next!
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A song that reminds me of them
With Bentley, I can only narrow it down to two songs - Golden by Harry Styles or In My Room by The Beach Boys. They're both very different songs, but I feel like they cover both sides of Bentley's personality pretty well.
Golden by Harry Styles
In My Room by The Beach Boys
What they smell like, in my opinion
Caramel, frosted sugar cookies, acrylic and watercolor paints, a cologne he stole from Miles, and the mixed berry tea he drinks every morning.
An OTP I like featuring them
He' 14, the only pairing he's going to have right now is him and his paint set 😂 I have plans for something later on, but not right now
A character from another fandom I think they'd get along with
I could see Bentley learning to bake with Peeta Mellark. He would probably get along well with Leslie Burke from Bridge to Terabithia as they have similar personalities. Bentley would probably also like Peter Parker/Spiderman (Tom Holland's) and Shuri from Black Panther.
My favorite platonic or familial relationship
Bentley and Lela, all the way! They both are very artistic and I feel, like with Mick and Royce, they'd be able to sit and talk/draw/paint for hours at a time and never get bored. They also both have tons of "spoiled, but not rotten", youngest sibling vibes, and, as the youngest of my siblings, I can empathize 😊 I really want to work on this duo more because I have loads of ideas for them, but I'll be working on that later on.
A headcanon for them that I've never posted about before
Bentley constantly compares himself to his brothers. He feels too dumb compared to Royce, too weak compared to Miles, and too sheltered and naive compared to both of them. His brothers constantly reassure him that he is great the way he is and that he doesn't need to worry about it, which he's grateful for, but doesn't always believe. Bentley likes it when they all do something artsy (like gingerbread houses or making little decorations together) because that's the only area he feels like he can be just as good as they are.
A crossover AU I’d love to see them in
I love Marvel and I love these boys so it's a perfect combination. I could see Bentley with powers like Miss America (America Chavez) - inter-dimensional travel, time travel, etc. The idea of him just going "Nope!" and kicking open portals to other dimensions just to avoid fighting someone is hilarious and so very Bentley. I could see Royce being a lot like Scarlet Witch, controlling the elements and using reality warping to make people see things that aren't there. Miles could definitely be like a mix of Iron Man and Loki - insane amounts of magic mixed with the ingenuity to build whatever comes to mind. Honestly, just the idea of them finding out they have abilities would be insanely cool to me and I'd love to write out a little one-shot like this.
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love-and-rockers · 2 years
thank u @duffmckagans for tagging me! this was very fun!
Make You Feel My Love - Bob Dylan
When the evening shadows and the stars appear // And there is no one there to dry your tears // I could hold you for a million years // To make you feel my love
I could make you happy, make your dreams come true // Nothing that I wouldn't do // Go to the ends of the Earth for you
More than a Woman - Aaliyah
Do you wanna roll with me? // We can go to foreign lands // Your hand in my hand // Do you wanna ride with me? // We can be like Bonnie and Clyde // Be by your side
The Drugs Don't Work - the Verve
But I know I'm on a losing streak // As I pass down by your street // 'Cause baby, oh // If heaven falls, I'm coming too // Just like you said // You leave my life, I'm better off dead // But if you wanna show // Then just let me know and I'll sing in your ear again
I Wanna Be Yours - Arctic Monkeys
I wanna be your setting lotion // Hold your hair in deep devotion (I'll be) // At least as deep as the Pacific Ocean // Now I wanna be yours // Secrets I have held in my heart // Are harder to hide than I thought // Maybe I just wanna be yours
Obvious - Ariana Grande
I love the taste of you in the morning // Keep me warm and // Nothin' else, nothin' more important // Makes me wanna believe in love (mmm) // I love the thought of us in the evening // Crave the feeling // The way you feel, somethin' 'bout it's healing
(thought I'd include a range)
open tag!!
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badbloodmagic · 6 years
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George & Livana Lewis - Blue & White
The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. 
          You know they're right if you love to be with them all the time.
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