funfinee · 2 years
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The real savior god kabir can cure incureble
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asstrumm · 1 year
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@2lim3rz begged me to post this
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akiriith · 1 year
Okay so they're adding Traces of Two Pasts to Ever Crisis which is AMAZING. But like. can we get On the Way to a Smile too when they release the Advent Children pack? It would work so well as small stories for that release ;-;
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nfcomics · 5 months
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FIRE & ICE no.3 • cover art • Joe Linsner • words • Bill Willingham [Oct 2023]
Having survived his duel with Otwa, Darkwolf must now deal with a mysterious force that seems determined to stop him in his tracks. Meanwhile, Nekron manipulates Juliana's grief, and a new wave of horrors are unleashed on an unprepared world - forcing Jarol, the King of Fire Keep, to respond. Is hope still visible through the cracks of the slowly expanding ice? Find out in Fire and Ice #3 as acclaimed comics creators BILL WILLINGHAM (Fables, Legenderry) and LEONARDO MANCO (Hellstorm: Prince of Lies, Blaze of Glory) delve ever deeper into the world of the acclaimed film!
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graphicpolicy · 10 months
Preview: Fire and Ice #2
Fire and Ice #2 preview. To save Darah and Teegra, Darkwolf faces off against the witch Roliel’s son, Otwa, in a deadly duel to the death #comics #comicbooks
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I have been tagged by the wonderful @simonambroise!
OC Favorites – Tag Game
I'm going with my newest character for this one: Otwa the Formless.
Favorite Color: Otwa always had a fascination with the color orange, believing it to be the color that magic takes. He owns very little orange items though, the closest being a patch of orange wildflowers that grow in the meadow surrounding his tower.
Shoe Choice: Due to the nature of being a Formless, he is completely skeletal, so even if he did want to wear them, he couldn't. Even when he chooses to appear as the more widely accepted Beheaded on his trips into town, he doesn't wear any shoes, choosing to be barefoot. He doesn't see the need for shoes that he's only ever going to wear every 2 weeks and that might not even fit the bodies he wears.
Season: He always loved the fall, especially for the orange and red leaves as it nears winter. The colder air of fall provides the perfect conditions for some of his more outlandish experiments with the shattered portal on the hilltop.
Animal: Due to his undead nature he doesn't feel like he quite fits in with the world of the living, so having pets are a no go for him. Over his centuries of being dead, he had forgotten what keeps one alive in the traditional sense, so how could he be expected to an animal alive? Whenever the thought of a pet does come up he always wondered what it would be like to wear the skeleton of an animal after it died. What would its memories look like? Could he even haunt the bones in the first place?
Pastime: He's a great mage who's dedicated his entire life to studying magic, even sacrificing his body to do so. He performs experiments whenever he gets the opportunity, always trying to expand his knowledge. The only moments that he isn't dedicated his life (or un-life) to the study of magic is when he sleeps in his pit of bones, yet even then thoughts of magic and experiments seep into his dreams.
I shall pass this on to my friend @stesierra, as well as anyone else who would like to join!
If you're curious about the Beheaded or the Formless, I shall post a description of them on my writing blog: @theargentlands, or you can find it reblogged onto here. Toodaloo!
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I love the middle english life of st margaret because like first she explodes a dragon:
Ant te drake reasde to hire mid tet ilke, ant sette his sariliche muth, ant unmeathlich muchel, on heh on hire heaved, ant rahte ut his tunge to the ile of hire helen ant swengde hire in ant forswelh into his wide wombe — ah Criste to wurthmund ant him to wrather heale. For the Rode-taken redliche arudde hire thet ha wes with iwepnet, ant warth his bone sone, swa thet his bodi tobearst omidhepes otwa
And the dragon rushed to her at that moment, and set his horrible mouth, immoderately great, on high above her head, and stretched out his tongue to the hard skin of her heels, and swung her in and swallowed her up in his big belly — but to Christ’s honor and destruction to him. For the Rood-token that she was armed with speedily defended her and soon became his slayer, so that his body burst in two at the middle
and then the devil shows up and she goes WWE on his ass:
Thet milde meiden Margarete grap thet grisliche thing, thet hire ne agras nawiht, ant heteveste toc him bi thet eateliche top ant hef him up ant duste him dunriht to ther eorthe, ant sette hire riht fot on his ruhe swire
That mild maiden Margaret gripped that grisly thing, which did not terrify her in any way, and grabbed him cruelly, took him by that hideous hair on his head, and heaved him up and flung him straight down to the earth, and set her right foot on his shaggy neck
certified girlboss moment
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totolotekonline · 6 months
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thecoachingdirectory · 8 months
You are invited to an unforgettable weekend this coming 16/02/2024, 2:00 pm-18/02/2024, 12:00 pm, at the breathtaking Seacroft Estate in the Otways, Victoria. This is not just a retreat… this is a holistic transformation for your mind, body, and soul. This transformative 3-day retreat is your ticket to reset and realign. Hurry and register now!
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epicfantasywriter · 1 year
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"...a literate, people-oriented horror/romance."--Amazon review.
In his blue-footed sleepers, he looked small and vulnerable but didn’t appear afraid though he was in near-darkness. He was looking up. Above him the air glittered and swirled. Obscured in a fog-like haze, vague shapes floated around him. Holding up chubby arms, he watched the whirling forms, voice rising and falling in words abruptly audible and very clear...
“Ey-hr Yog-Sototh, nurl lwa...ect otwa...”
Book 2 of the Dark World series
Tony-Paul de Vissage.
from Raven Tale Publishing
available in ePub and paperback.
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Shee otwa stress kee beer dipyu ohole oikwashike Vali ? 🥶🧊❄️❄️❄️❄️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CmHqJVIsMEX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nfcomics · 10 months
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FIRE AND ICE no.2 • cover art • Joseph Michael Linsner [Sept 2023]
To save Darah and Teegra, Darkwolf faces off against the witch Roliel's son, Otwa, in a deadly duel to the death. At Icepeak, Juliana discovers her beloved son Kaledan has been murdered, and Nekron blames it on assassins from the Fire Realm. Now any chance at peacefully resolving the conflict between Fire and Ice has died with Kaledan. "Open all the vaults and release terror on our foes!" commands Juliana. At Fire Keep, King Jarol convenes a war summit with the leaders of all the free peoples - but is it too little, too late?
Find out in Fire and Ice #2 from acclaimed writer BILL WILLINGHAM (Fables, Legenderry) and artist LEONARDO MANCO (Hellstorm: Prince of Lies, Blaze of Glory)!
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graphicpolicy · 5 days
Preview: Fire and Ice #3
Fire and Ice #3 preview. Having survived his duel with Otwa, Darkwolf must now deal with a mysterious force that seems determined to stop him in his tracks #comics #comicbooks
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Thanks for tagging me @sithbelle! Link to their post with the words: "Glide, Ruthless, Hunted, and Shining."
They tagged me with the words "Dwell, Mask, Primary, and Dim" Dwell + Primary Wow, I have nothing for either Dwell nor Primary, so lucky you! You get new writing from me!
Otwa took a step into their dusty tower, gently pushing aside the piles of bones that cluttered their room. The air was filled with the stench of bone dust, but Otwa didn’t mind. They never had visitors over and personally didn’t mind the smell. Glass clinked as they haphazardly pushed aside more bones and old glass vials to set their new bottles of mana onto the old table. Each one was some shade of one of the primary colors, slowly sparkling in the dim light that filtered through the tiny window above the table. A thought had dwelled inside their head for as long as they could remember, constantly sitting at the forefront of their every waking moment. It was maddening, like a jigsaw that was missing the last piece, but today. Today they had finally found the last piece of the puzzle. Otwa clutched their arm as their form started to slowly turn to ash, they had stayed in this form for too long. Their eyes darted over to the cellar hatch. They didn’t care about what bones they took, they only cared about having enough for a new body. The hatch slammed violently against the stone floor as Otwa flung it open, not caring if it left a mark or not, they weren’t letting the answer elude them once again. A cloud of dust erupted into the air as Otwa’s rapidly deteriorating body hit the mass of bones. All they needed was a skull. All they needed to do was rest their hand upon one before they could wear its body. They dug through the pile of bones, cursing themselves for not moving more skulls up to the top last time. With each bone they tossed aside they could feel their strength dwindle, slowly being chipped away as the bones they possessed turned to ash. The room filled with a green flash of light as they grabbed a skull. Otwa lost all sensory input as their essence filled the skull of the new body. Finally, they awoke wearing their new body. They climbed their way out of the pile of bones, slowly re-learning how to move as they did. They stopped just before they grabbed the ladder to go back up, the answer to the thought that haunted them died with the old body, leaving them with no more knowledge than they did this morning. They fell backward onto the pile of bones in defeat, letting the ashes of their old body gently land upon them as they closed their eyes to rest. 
The Mayor’s tail had slowed to a defeated crawl and worry had replaced the faux smile he tried to keep. A giggle came from the rafters of the church, prompting everyone in the room to look up at who it came from. Perched on the rafters, sat a figure dressed in a cloak and a plague doctor’s mask. The arms that peeked out from underneath their attire were dressed in purple fur and two silver bracelets on each wrist, one overlapping the other.  “I’m sorry to eavesdrop, but the Order of Sorrow apologizes for the storm that has befallen your town. They promise you bountiful harvests for the years to come, but the storm must die down naturally first. Of course, they don’t like leaving the souls of the dead in such a sorry state, so they sent me to collect them.” Arka yelled at the stranger, trying to gain more info that would help the town, “Who are you?”  The stranger back flipped off the rafter before gently landing on their feet, slowing their fall with magic. “My name isn’t important.” They waved their hand to dismiss the thought, “You’re Arka Cloudchaser, right?” “H- How do you know my name?”  “I know the names of everyone in this town, it’s part of my job. I also know the names of everyone in this room who is going to die.” Gasps and murmurs erupted from the townspeople. “Lucky for you, your name isn’t on that list, but your Mother and Sister are.” Arka stared on in horror as the words hung in the air, suffocating her. The stranger disappeared instantly in a gust of freezing wind, leaving blood-stained snow in their place.
Scarlett stood atop the steel frames of the old bridge, letting the wind rush through her fur as the old trains rattled past. The two moons hung in the sky, and both of them were only filled halfway, casting a dim spotlight upon Scarlett’s stage. Her mask hung at her hip, and a small genuine smile had slipped its way onto her face, unlike the one she had painted onto her mask. She held an ornate violin in her arms, something she strived to create for herself one day.  Scarlett let out a small huff before slowly tapping her foot, setting a constant beat. The world grew silent around her, ready for her performance. Resting the violin on her shoulder, Scarlett readied herself to play and slowly drew the bow across the strings. With each passing measure, Scarlett and her music slowly became one, until she finally lost all sense of the world and let the music flow through her. She was no longer making it up as she went along; It was making itself and using her as a vessel to sing its song. Time had lost all of its meaning, slipping away until a brief glimpse of dawn started to peek over the horizon.
This was fun! I'll pass it to the wonderful @stesierra and anyone else who would like to join. Your words are: Bone, Soul, Knife, and Blood. (Sense a theme?) Have fun!
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silver-wield · 4 years
Forgive me for sounding so criticizing but don't you think the devs are at fault for this 23 yr old ship war? I mean in OG they have Cloud waver between both girls, in OTWAS and AC they have him crying about Aerith, and in DoC, well, there's nothing to say cause the story is about Vincent. I think the devs have said they're disappointed that a lot of fans misunderstood their story but I think that's on them because they're the ones who made everything up for debate.
He didn’t cry about Aerith in otwtas or AC. He was depressed because of the guilt that he let her die. I mean, he literally says so in the film. And in the kids are alright, he literally tells Evan -- who is standing with his girlfriend -- that he and his family are like them. So, Cloud and Tifa are boyfriend and girlfriend the samw way Evan and Kyrie are boyfriend and girlfriend. 
And no, I think the suits are more to blame than the devs, who were restricted and now aren’t because this is the last compilation entry. And Nojima tried to make things clear, and it is clear from other stories and entries that he tried to show cloti as much as he was allowed. He includes a cloti coded couple in every story, including the Painting the Past novella he wrote recently, which is about Aerith. He found time to include a cloti couple and wholesome scenes in an Aerith-centric story. 
And Cloud didn’t actually waver. The single interview comment where that’s referred to is as part of the game concept. Part of the narrative that unravels and reveals the truth. That there wasn’t any wavering because Cloud wasn’t actually himself the entire time we were playing as him. All those choices weren’t what he chose. We were Jenova. We made him act different to how he wanted to. Once he’s cured he only acts as he wants, which is in love with Tifa. All the time we were making him do things he didn’t agree with, he remained deeply in love with Tifa. Ofc the devs are disappointed that went over people’s heads. It’s meant to be a cool “Oh we’re Jenova!” because our choices changed how Cloud acted. We’re the infection. Then, Tifa’s love heals him. It’s meant to be this huge climactic moment for his entire character arc and people reduced it to “he loves the magical girl cause the sony ad said so.”
And in Remake that’s not even a thing anyway because it’s very clear that Cloud is totally focused on Tifa from start to finish. He’s constantly staring at her, touching her, initiating conversation with her, seeking her validation and just being 100% all about Tifa. And it’s real Cloud who does all that because the devs revealed that Tifa brings out real Cloud, so even though he’s still soldier Cloud at this point, real Cloud is the one behind the motivation. Real Cloud is the one pulling the strings instead of us. 
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