#ouat 3x17
naiariddle · 1 year
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I have been waiting to write this for ages because it just show that Killian Jones is the best love interest in TV ever.
More than once I have read or watched on tv a guy dating other girls or sleeping around because he can't be (at least for the moment) with the girl he loves, "being faithful with his heart but not with his body". Killian had the chance and nothing stopping him, besides his shipmates had payed a woman so he had a reputation to keep (but look, he cared more about the woman's),
But watch Killian Jones: as much as he knew there was any chance of seeing Emma again, a woman who only give him only a word to encourage his love and only had a brief relationship, but who he loved with all his heart, that this was enough for him. He fullfilled his promise to Emma: he think of her every day, and even more he was faithful to her memory BODY AND SOUL, because this is the only way to love for Killian.
Gif credit to @diablodancer
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vasfasan · 11 months
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"casually mentioning that time when we first met and then fought each other & you hit me in the face"
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cathloves · 7 months
Emma 'I don't yearn' Swan.
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onceuponarewatch · 2 years
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In which The Narrators Three discuss: Childhood Trauma Films, Smee’s DVD Pirating Business, Mermaid Privilege, Magic Infrastructure Lessons, NOT Taika Waititi, Cool Grandpa’s Driving School, and Hook’s a Loner Dottie. A Rebel.
Listen to Once Upon a Rewatch:Spotify | Apple Music | Anchor.Fm | Stitcher | Google Podcast | Pocket Casts | Radio Public | Breaker |
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dinneratgrannys · 1 year
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mom mode: activated
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thecoolestfreakyouknow · 11 months
OUAT being on ABC Network is hilarious because the writers imply all these fantastic ladies Hook is having sex with because he flirts with anything that moves and yet his only onscreen relationships are two cool as fuck women he's loved for lifetimes and he loves them in part because they can beat him up
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allaboutjmo · 2 years
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🦢 Jen as Emma Swan on Once Upon A Time episode 3x17 ‘The Jolly Roger’
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likehandlingroses · 1 year
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OUAT Rewatch 3x17 - The Jolly Roger
You can’t just pretend like this never happened. Trust me. I spent the last year trying to do just that. Return to the person I used to be, and it didn’t work.
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piracytheorist · 1 year
I recently got access to Disney plus and I just remembered OUAT is in it
So I'm looking through the episode titles and descriptions in Greek and... shit they're bad.
1x8 "The Price of Gold", the title was translated into "The Prince of Gold" for some reason.
The thumbnail for 8 "Desperate Souls" is this??
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Did they mistake thumbnails with OUATIW?? XD
For episode 1x17 "Hat Trick" there's no direct translation in Greek, so instead they named the episode "The Mad Hatter". But then they named 2x11 "The Outsider" as "Yaoguai" because I guess that appears there.
BIG CRINGE they translated 3x17 "The Jolly Roger" as "The Pirate Flag" because yes that is what jolly roger means but it refers to Hook's ship jfc
I should have been the one to translate the titles agdsafddhgx
The description for 3x19 is "Zelena threatens to kill Henry if Hook doesn't kiss Emma" and while it's accurate, it feels so funny to just read this as a description for the entire episode agdsghafdsg
Is this what the episode descriptions are in English too? Cause for 3x20 "Kansas" the description is "Mary Margaret is about to give birth" and that's even funnier XD
4x03 "Rocky Road" is "Dangerous Road" because we don't have that ice cream flavour in Greece -_-
The description for 4x04 "The Apprentice" is "Hook asks Gold to stick his hand back" but the verb used is like... the verb we use for welding metal and idk it looked weird XD
The description for 4x12 "Heroes and Villains" is "Our heroes try to unite the pieces" and I'm like WHAT. WHAT PIECES??
Seriously, I would have done a much better job.
The description for 4x16 "Poor Unfortunate Soul" is "Gold and the Queens of Darkness torture August"??? Like yes they do but that isn't the focus of the episode??
Description for 4x21 "Mother" is "Regina doesn't trust her mother's intentions" and I'm like did they mix Lily's and Regina's names XD
They didn't do the "scary dragon bitch" justice in the translation -_- My Disappointment Is Immeasurable And My Day Is Ruined
5x01 "The Dark Swan" is "The Black Swan" for some reason?? The word we have for "Dark" would have worked, but okay...
The rest of the thumbnails are good, though I guess those were not handled by the translators.
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There's something about seeing this screenshot with the title for "Swan Song" in Greek. It's been nearly eight years and this storyline still pulls at my heartstrings.
5x13 "Labour of Love" is supposed to be connected to Hercules' Labours, but they didn't use the word for that that we use in Greek. It's still a correct word for "labour" but it should have been the word we use for Hercules' Labours. Again! I would've done a better job!
5x18 "Ruby Slippers" is translated as "The Kiss of True Love"??? Like I know the English title was a play-for-words for the Ruby/Dorothy ship but come on!!
6x12 "Murder Most Foul" is translated as "The Real Murderer" and the description says "Regina helps Robin adjust to Storybrooke" and again. Yes that happens there. BUT IT'S NOT THE FUCKING FOCUS.
For three episodes straight, 6x15, 6x16 and 6x17 the descriptions are about what Hook does. "Hook is trapped in another realm with the Nautilus", "Hook bets his most prized possession in a cards game", "Hook and Tiger Lily join forces against the Lost Boys". Like yes that happens but again not the focus?? Was a Hook fan responsible for that because I kinda relate lmao that's all I remember too 🤝
7x14 "The Girl in the Tower" has the description "Ivy tries to reconcile with Anastasia" and I'm like what?? Did they mix things up? And even if that happened in that episode, IT'S NOT THE FOCUS.
Massive disappointment. I should have been hired to write episode descriptions. Hmph.
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vasfasan · 11 months
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i am so funny.
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: Links to My Recaps
So, I finished 3 year long rewatch of ouat & ouatiw a few weeks ago and I thought I’d post links to my live reaction posts of each episode. If anyone’s interested in anything specific you can find it here. It’s also just to have them all in one place. I would love to see your comments about the episodes or in regards to any questions I raised, or anything really if you would like to add anything! I’d love to talk Ouat with you!
All Episodes Tag
Chronological Order | Last To First Order
Season One
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1x01 Pilot | 1x02 The Thing You Love Most | 1x03 Snow Falls | 1x04 The Price of Gold | 1x05 That Still Small Voice | 1x06 The Shepherd | 1x07 The Heart is a Lonely Hunter | 1x08 Desperate Souls | 1x09 True North | 1x10 7:15 A.M. | 1x11 Fruit of the Poisonous Tree | 1x12 Skin Deep | 1x13 What Happened to Frederick | 1x14 Dreamy | 1x15 Red-Handed | 1x16 Heart of Darkness | 1x17 Hat Trick | 1x18 The Stable Boy | 1x19 The Return | 1x20 The Stranger | 1x21 An Apple Red as Blood | 1x22 A Land Without Magic
Season Two
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2x01 Broken | 2x02 We Are Both | 2x03 Lady of the Lake | 2x04 The Crocodile | 2x05 The Doctor | 2x06 Tallahassee | 2x07 Child of the Moon | 2x08 Into the Deep | 2x09 Queen of Hearts | 2x10 The Cricket Game | 2x11 The Outsider | 2x12 In the Name of the Brother | 2x13 Tiny | 2x14 Manhattan | 2x15 The Queen is Dead | 2x16 The Miller's Daughter | 2x17 Welcome to Storybrooke | 2x18 Selfless, Brave and True | 2x19 Lacey | 2x20 The Evil Queen | 2x21 Second Star to the Right | 2x22 And Straight on 'til Morning
Season Three
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3x01 The Heart of the Truest Believer | 3x02 Lost Girl | 3x03 Quite a Common Fairy | 3x04 Nasty Habits | 3x05 Good Form | 3x06 Ariel | 3x07 Dark Hollow | 3x08 Think Lovely Thoughts | 3x09 Save Henry | 3x10 The New Neverland | 3x11 Going Home | 3x12 New York City Serenade | 3x13 Witch Hunt | 3x14 The Tower | 3x15 Quiet Minds | 3x16 It's Not Easy Being Green | 3x17 The Jolly Roger | 3x18 Bleeding Through | 3x19 A Curious Thing | 3x20 Kansas | 3x21 Snow Drifts | 3x22 There's No Place Like Home
Season Four
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4x01 A Tale of Two Sisters | 4x02 White Out | 4x03 Rocky Road | 4x04 The Apprentice | 4x05 Breaking Glass | 4x06 Family Business | 4x07 The Snow Queen | 4x08 Smash the Mirror, Part 1 | 4x08 Smash the Mirror, Part 2 | 4x09 Fall | 4x10 Shattered Sight | 4x11 Heroes and Villains | 4x12 Darkness on the Edge of Town | 4x13 Unforgiven | 4x14 Enter the Dragon | 4x15 Poor Unfortunate Soul | 4x16 Best Laid Plans | 4x17 Heart of Gold | 4x18 Sympathy for the De Vil | 4x19 Lily | 4x20 Mother | 4x21 Operation Mongoose, Part 1 | 4x22 Operation Mongoose, Part 2
Season Five
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5x01 The Dark Swan | 5x02 The Price | 5x03 Siege Perilous | 5x04 The Broken Kingdom | 5x05 Dreamcatcher | 5x06 The Bear and the Bow | 5x07 Nimue | 5x08 Birth | 5x09 The Bear King | 5x10 Broken Heart | 5x11 Swan Song | 5x12 Souls of the Departed | 5x13 Labor of Love | 5x14 Devil's Due | 5x15 The Brothers Jones | 5x16 Our Decay | 5x17 Her Handsome Hero | 5x18 Ruby Slippers | 5x19 Sisters | 5x20 Firebird | 5x21 Last Rites | 5x22 Only You | 5x23  An Untold Story
Season Six
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6x01 The Savior | 6x02 Bitter Draught | 6x03 The Other Shoe | 6x04 Strange Case | 6x05 Street Rats | 6x06 Dark Waters | 6x07 Heartless | 6x08 I'll Be Your Mirror | 6x09 Changelings | 6x10 Wish You Were Here | 6x11 Tougher Than the Rest | 6x12 Murder Most Foul | 6x13 Ill-Boding Patterns | 6x14 Page 23 | 6x15 A Wondrous Place | 6x16 Mother's Little Helper | 6x17 Awake | 6x18 Where Bluebirds Fly | 6x19 The Black Fairy | 6x20 The Song in Your Heart | 6x21 The Final Battle, Part 1 | 6x22 The Final Battle, Part 2
Season Seven
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7x01 Hyperion Heights | 7x02 A Pirate's Life | 7x03 The Garden of Forking Paths | 7x04 Beauty | 7x05 Greenbacks | 7x06 Wake Up Call | 7x07 Eloise Gardener | 7x08 Pretty in Blue | 7x09 One Little Tear | 7x10 The Eighth Witch | 7x11 Secret Garden | 7x12 Taste of the Heights | 7x13 Knightfall | 7x14 The Girl in the Tower | 7x15 Sisterhood | 7x16 Breadcrumbs | 7x17 Chosen | 7x18 The Guardian | 7x19 Flower Child | 7x20 Is This Henry Mills? | 7x21 Homecoming | 7x22 Leaving Storybrooke
Once Upon A Time In Wonderland
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1x01 Down the Rabbit Hole | 1x02 Trust Me | 1x03 Forget Me Not | 1x04 The Serpent | 1x05 Heart of Stone | 1x06 Who's Alice | 1x07 Bad Blood | 1x08 Home | 1x09 Nothing to Fear | 1x10 Dirty Little Secrets | 1x11 Heart of the Matter | 1x12 To Catch a Thief | 1x13 And They Lived…
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lumadreamland · 4 years
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Anonymous asked: Good Form or The Jolly Roger
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castielamigos · 5 years
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dinneratgrannys · 1 year
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ONCE UPON A TIME 3.17, The Jolly Roger
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bibliosauruswrecks · 6 years
Okay, Here’s a Thought...
What happened to Eric’s cloak after it plunged into the harbor? It was still tracking him, right? Does this mean it crossed realms and popped up on the other side?
Imagine how confused Ariel and Eric must’ve been when it showed up. That scene of Regina and Emma spying on them through the mirror should’ve ended with that cloak flying up out of the ocean and smacking Eric across the face like a wet towel.
A prime opportunity for comedy was lost, people; I am not impressed with the writing on this show.
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