#ouat farewell
exhaustedpirate · 1 year
parent for hire
here is the fourth chapter! enjoy! (also some bad news: I am going on holidays for two weeks so, I won't be posting during that period - the fifth chapter will be up on the 25th of September! I'm sorry!) If you want to be added to the tag list, let me know! As always, @kmomof4 is my saviour and I am starting a religion in her name, join me!
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Chapter Four - Arendelle
word count: 13,205 words 
rating: Teen and Up
tag list: @cocohook38 ; @bluewildcatfanatic ; @piraterefrigerator ; @sotangledupinit ; @booksteaandtoomuchtv
read on AO3 | prologue | one | two | three
"You failed, Huntsman."
The Queen's mostly elegant demeanor seemed to crack before his eyes. His heart in her hand was held in a tight grip, the pain constant even as he kept standing.
"I aimed towards the man, I didn't see the other until it was too late," he tried to explain.
"But, you're in luck," she interrupted. The drastic change in tone, as well as her wide grin, startled him. "Your mistake might just be my fortune."
"You better hope she dies, or you'll take her place," Regina sneered.
Still confused, he watched as Regina turned back to the mirror who replayed the figure being hit by the poisoned arrow time and time again. 
About a year after meeting Nemo, the Captain had let him sail the Caspartine alone. Killian had been flying supervised for a few months by then, observing for much longer, and the older man had felt confident that he was ready.
It had gone successfully, Killian focused on the helm and the winds, while trying to ignore his Captain's orders towards the other crew members. He was determined to do it right.
Killian remembered how his fingers had gone numb around the helm, his jaw clenched to prevent his teeth from chattering. He remembered the warmth he felt when Nemo had placed a heavy jacket over his shoulders - a heat that warmed his chilled body but also his heart. He remembered the care when Nemo urged a pair of gloves on his freezing hands.
But most of all, he remembered the hand on his shoulder that banished the cold.
Killian had witnessed first hand just how frigid the northern air could be when sailing up in the sky, but down here, trekking up the mountain, he could feel none of it. His blood burned hot with fear.
His coat was wrapped around Emma as her body slumped more and more over Henry's body on top of Roger. She spent more time unconscious than conscious now. Her mask had come off mere hours after she’d been shot, claiming shortness of breath. Once she could breathe a little bit easier, she made a mocking comment about the Lost Ones' sense of style, but promptly passed out before either of them could ask what she meant.
With her mask gone, Killian found himself often distracted. To be able to see her eyes, to witness the emotions she thought she was hiding reflected in their fetching green depths, had already been enticing enough. But now, to be able to see how her lips glistened as she ran her tongue over them, to be able to see how they wrapped around her words, was perhaps too much. And then there was the sharpness of her jaw, the soft skin of her cheeks, the way the cold made them redden and the way her nose matched. He tried to keep it to himself - now was most definitely not the time - besides the fact that she hadn't shown any interest toward him. 
It was easier to focus on the problem at hand when, without the cover of her mask, he was able to see the amber lines of the poison running up her jaw. When he could see how her eyes dulled. When he could hear the shortness of her breath.
Henry tried to use his magic to generate warmth for the two of them, successfully, but they were still tired, hungry. They had made only one stop since the beginning of their journey since Killian and Henry had agreed that they wanted to reach their destination as quickly as possible. Their rations had depleted earlier that day. 
Their one stop was two nights ago. Killian's feet were freezing in his boots and their last blanket was wrapped around his shoulders, his hand blue around Roger's reins.
Thankfully, Roger was accustomed to harsh weather and long journeys and provided a somewhat comfortable place of rest for his companions. He also seemed to be in touch with Killian’s concern. 
"How long until we get there, Killian?" Henry's voice was a mumble from under the weight of the blankets.
He took another glance towards the white landscape and, for a moment, he feared he was hallucinating due to lack of sleep. But no, the round boulders scattered over the valley were still there on his third blink.
"I think we're here."
Henry's head emerged from the mountain of blankets, his eyes shining with hope as he saw the valley. Carefully, Killian helped Henry dismount, intending to keep a slumbering Emma comfortably on top of the horse.
"Where are they?" Henry asked, looking around.
Killian took a moment to tuck a blanket around Emma, getting distracted over the small uptick of her lips. His fingers ghosted over her cheek.
"It's the Truest Believer!"
A voice echoing in the valley broke through his thoughts of the softness of Emma's skin. Killian moved quickly to stand in front of Henry, sword drawn.
The boulders began to stand - legs, feet, arms, faces appearing on all of them. As surprised as he was, Killian sighed, wondering how he would fight a dozen rocks with one sword and two days without sleeping.
Scattered exclamations filled the air before the rock closest to them, which was also the largest, urged them all to be quiet.
"My apologies, friends,” he said, addressing Killian and Henry, “My family is quite excited to see the prophecy come to life. I'm Grand Pabbie,” he said with a small bow, “Welcome to our valley."
"Rock trolls," Henry exclaimed in a whisper, now standing next to Killian.
"Please excuse our suspicions, many people have tried to harm the boy," Killian explained, grip still firm on his sword.
"Yes, yes, we understand." The patriarch stilled his approaching family. "You are safe here."
Killian looked towards Henry with an expectant look, having learned to trust the boy’s instincts by this point. Henry looked back at him with a smile and a nod. He was relieved, to be truthful, he wasn't in much of a shape to fight against boulders. Well, to fight at all.
He watched, still wary, as Henry took Grand Pabbie's extended hand, to the cheers of the others throughout the valley. Killian put away his sword.
A groan caught his attention and he moved quickly towards Roger to check on Emma.
"Grand Pabbie, you need to help us," Henry pleaded. "Our friend has been poisoned."
"Yes, of course. Could you bring your friend to me?"
"Killian-" Henry began, turning toward him. Killian nodded.
She was still unconscious, her skin hot despite the cold, dark orange lines reaching her eyes. His hand trembled, but no longer with fear, as he carefully pulled away the blankets surrounding her body. Killian eased her into his arms, holding her close. He slowly crouched on the ground, taking care to lay her down gently at the leader's feet. He didn't stand, wanting to keep close to Emma, barely feeling Henry's hand on his shoulder.
Grand Pabbie spared her the briefest glance before a grim expression took over his face. Killian's heart pounded in his chest.
"Yes, this poison is vicious,” he said. “Fortunately, it didn't hit her heart. Unfortunately, our magic is not strong enough to remove it. We-"
It was like jumping into the cold waters of the ocean, his heart stopping in his chest. "What?!" Killian's shout echoed through the valley. "Are you saying you can't help her?!" He stood quickly, ignoring his body's protests as he did.
"Killian…" Henry called in a quiet voice, his hand grabbing onto his arm. There was a taste of defeat in Killian's mouth, of despair.
"My friend,” Grand Pabbie interjected calmly, “that is not what I said. I said our magic is not enough to heal her, but with the Truest Believer's help, we will save your companion. You mustn’t lose hope." 
Later, Killian would feel guilty over his outburst. Later, Killian would apologize. Now, all he felt was the prickling of tears in his eyes. 
Aware of Killian's emotions, Henry tightened his hand on his arm, hoping to reassure him.
"I can help?" Henry asked as he took a step forward.
Grand Pabbie turned his attention to the boy, a wide smile on his face, leaving Killian to take deep calming breaths.
"Of course you can, my child. Come." 
Killian stood, eyes focused on Emma. He watched as Henry and the elder troll approached Emma's unconscious body. 
"This poison was created by nature. We must return it to whence it came, to create balance," he explained. He took Henry's hand and placed it over Emma's chest, while the other he placed on the ground. "Feel it, listen to it, and guide it." 
Henry nodded, determination glinting in his eyes before he closed them in concentration.
Killian took a step back, his hand clenched to his side. Hope and despair battled for dominance within him, threatening to drown him. He wanted to believe that Henry, under Grand Pabbie’s guidance, could heal Emma, but the despair in his heart over the threat of losing her too soon wasn’t so easily vanquished. Roger's breath tickled his face from over his shoulder. There were times the horse felt more human being than animal, and this was one of those times. His hand stroked Roger’s head, willing his breathing to regulate.
A glow surrounded Emma's body and Killian watched as the yellow liquid drained from her until there was none left. The dark orange lines that had covered her face disappeared with it and Killian could breathe again.
"Very good, my child," Grand Pabbie complimented, the other trolls cheering in response.
"Thank you," Henry breathed, sounding tired but happy. Moments later, his frown made an appearance on his face. "Why isn't she waking up?" he asked, echoing Killian's concerned thoughts.
The elder troll quickly placed his hand on the boy's arm. "The poison was very powerful, it took a lot from her. She needs to rest." 
Henry nodded before he looked up at Killian, who nodded in response.
"As do all of you," Grand Pabbie added, after taking a better look at the travelers. "Come, I know the perfect place." 
Killian cleared his throat. "All we need is a safe place to set up camp."
"Nonsense. You've traveled this far, you deserve comfort."
Killian wanted to reject the offer. He wanted to keep them safe, but not with strangers. But one look at Henry's posture, at Emma's still unconscious body, and Roger's clearly tired posture, prompted him to put his pride aside.
"Lead the way," he said as he took Emma back into his arms. He placed her upon Roger's back, silently pleading with the animal for just another few minutes of effort.
Killian led Roger by the reins once more through a path created by happy rock trolls on either side, as he followed Henry and Grand Pabbie.
He wasn’t sure how long they walked until they were standing in front of a cottage surrounded by snow. He’d spent the time focused on Henry's back, on Henry's voice as he introduced them to Grand Pabbie and explained what had happened to them, keeping his troubled thoughts at bay.
With a surprisingly gentle touch, the elder troll knocked on the door. A moment later, a redhead opened the door, a sharp sword in her hand. Killian quickly grabbed the hilt of his own, but he stopped himself when the young woman let out an excited exclamation once she saw Grand Pabbie.
The young woman and Grand Pabbie exchanged delighted hugs and proclamations of excitement as Killian took a deep breath, releasing his sword. The exhaustion pulled at him, but his mind stayed alert with his worry over Emma and Henry.
Before the redhead's excitement died down, a tall, white blonde haired woman entered the room. It was obvious she was also happy over Grand Pabbie's presence, but she expressed it much more reservedly than the other woman.
"Elsa, Anna,” Grand Pabbie said, pointing to each of them in turn, “these are Henry, Killian and Emma. They have traveled far and need a place to rest." 
"Of course, we'd be happy to help." The one called Anna smiled widely, with an especially friendly smile towards Henry, who smiled back in turn. "Right, Elsa?"
The white haired woman, however, kept her eyes on Killian. She seemed to be searching for something - trying to understand something, perhaps - he wasn’t sure, before she turned back towards Grand Pabbie. The elder troll smiled gently.
"These travelers wish you no harm," he assured her. “You have my word.”
Elsa nodded at his words. "Anna, can you take their horse to the stable?"
"Yes, yes!" She quickly placed a hood over her shoulders and stood in front of the horse. "Don't worry, friend,” she said, patting him on the nose, “you won't have to share beds with anyone." Anna chuckled at her own joke, Henry joining her. "What's his name?"
"Anna…" Elsa began.
"What? He must have a name," Anna justified herself before she turned towards Killian. "Right?"
A warmth filled his chest as he exchanged a look with Henry, both of them remembering the same thing.
"His name is Roger," Killian answered.
"A great name! Hi, Roger." Anna continued stroking the horse's head, who seemed to enjoy the attention. It seemed they were fast friends.
Killian patted the horse's neck, before easing Emma off of him. He looked towards Henry and the boy rushed to collect their things off the horse.
"What happened?" Elsa asked, her eyes focused on Emma.
"Our friend Emma was poisoned." Grand Pabbie answered her question directly but with tact. "You understand their need for rest."
"Yes, of course. Come in, please." Elsa urged them inside after a nod at Anna, who took Roger's reins and led him towards the stables.
"Thank you, my dear." Killian heard Grand Pabbie behind him as he moved toward the door. "I'll see you later." The sound of rolling reached him and he turned just in time to see a large boulder rolling down the hill.
He turned to Henry, who watched as well, an amused smile on his face. Killian tried to match it, but he wasn’t sure he was successful.
Elsa quickly closed the door behind them, urging them to follow her towards a room with a fireplace and a very comfortable looking bed. Although, to be honest, any bed would look comfortable to Killian at this point.
"You can let your friend rest here, while yo-"
"We're staying together," Killian interrupted her. "Please,” he said a bit more gently, “you must understand." 
"Yes, yes, of course." Elsa nodded. "I would want the same if it was my sister. We must keep the ones we love close."
Killian wanted to correct her, explain to her the nature of their relationship, but what would be the point? It wouldn't change anything about the fact that Killian wanted to protect them, needed to protect them. He wanted nothing more than to keep them close to him. Exactly as Elsa had just said.
"Do you have food?" Henry's question brought his wandering thoughts and his steps toward the bed to a sudden halt.
"Henry…" Killian chastised.
"It's alright,” Elsa assured them, “You must be hungry as well as tired." Elsa smiled, keeping her eyes on the boy. "I'll bring you some food. Please, make yourselves comfortable."
With a satisfied expression, Henry turned to Killian who could only shake his head with an amused smile. Regardless of his lighter mood, Henry still followed him closely as he placed Emma on the bed, quickly making sure she was comfortable. They fixed the hood around her head, unsure of how she would feel if she knew they had removed it without her permission. Still, Killian caught a glimpse of her blonde hair and couldn’t help the thoughts that filled his brain.
Thankfully, Elsa returned soon after, distracting them with the food in her hands. Now that they were safe and the adrenaline that had been sustaining him for two days was fading, Killian felt exhaustion pull at him. He sat on the bed while Henry rushed towards Elsa's offering. His back leaned against the wall as he eased Emma's head onto his lap, needing to keep her close. His eyelids drooped. It was impossible to keep them open.
"You must eat." Elsa’s gentle admonishment startled him awake and his eyes focused on the bread she held. He smiled and nodded in thanks, forcing himself to eat. She watched him for a moment before she nodded, satisfied with his progress and returned to the table where Henry sat.
It didn’t take him long to finish and he could stay awake no longer.
He had no idea how long he slept, but the sun was rising when he finally woke up. He had flashes of remembrance from the night and day before - something soft being placed behind him, a particularly loud laugh - but overall, he’d slept soundly since arriving. There was a weight on his side and he turned to see a sleeping Henry laying against his chest on the opposite side from where Emma's head was placed. His hooked arm was around the boy while his hand was settled on Emma's chest, over her heart.
He looked down to see her still resting, the steady beat of her heart under his palm reassuring. Looking across the room, he found it empty. The fire in the fireplace was slowly dying and he could see a cloth covered plate on the table.
Something metallic and cold on his thumb caught his attention. He wasn’t sure how he didn't notice it last time. His exhausted mind must have clouded his senses. It was his ring, nestled against her chest on its chain. He wondered when Henry gave it to her. 
Memories of strong winds and waves tossing him around in the midst of the wreck invaded his mind. Memories of being rescued by a kind hand mixed with the feeling of freezing cold and dimming green eyes were replaced by the warmth he felt now with his hand on her heart. He couldn’t help but believe that the ring, and thus he as well, had a hand in saving her.
He watched as her eyes fluttered open, his heart beating faster in sync with her own. Green and frightened eyes skipped around the cottage, trying to make sense of her surroundings before they landed on his. There was only a moment before recognition filled them and her lips parted on a sigh. Their hearts calmed as one.
"Thank you." He smiled, a small, tired smile but nevertheless, sincere.
"For what?" Her voice was raspy from disuse.
"You saved me…" She looked away from him for an instant, he saw her remember the attack. "You saved me," he repeated, wanting to make sure she felt his gratitude.
Her smile was demure as her hand slowly found his. Her mouth opened and closed multiple times and Killian felt his heartbeat pick up once more in expectation. A million thoughts that he couldn’t quite understand swirled in her eyes, probably much more than she wished.
Belatedly, he sensed Henry beginning to move by his side. A shout of surprise filled the quiet room when the boy realized Emma was awake. The bed quickly became a tangle of limbs as Henry excitedly climbed towards her. 
Their hands separated at some point and he immediately felt the loss. Loss that quickly turned to affection as he watched Henry grip Emma tightly, her eyes closed as her nose buried itself in his dark hair, a relieved and happy smile on both their faces.
"I'm so happy you're okay, Emma!" The boy's voice was muffled from where he huddled against Emma's body.
An earth-shaking scream echoed through the room as all of the non-magical mirrors shattered around Regina. 
She needed not to yell for him as he had not left the room. But that's not what he was focused on - his eyes stayed on his beating heart in her hand even as she gestured towards the very much alive hooded woman in the mirror.
"She lives…" Regina's low tone was perhaps more deadly than her screams.
The Huntsman’s shoulders untensed. For so long, he had been at the Queen’s hand, he had hoped her evil hadn’t corrupted him. He was at peace, a life was spared in the woman’s quest for revenge.
Regina took no time squeezing his heart in her grasp, the pain bringing him to his knees. He tried to silence his pain, not wanting to give her the satisfaction.
Unexpectedly, a growl echoed through the room. The pain in his chest stopped altogether and his eyes opened. A familiar large wolf jumped toward the Queen, his heart falling from her grasp. It was only out of instinct that Graham caught the glowing red heart before it hit the floor. He rose to his feet and followed the wolf out of the castle before the Queen was able to return to her senses.
The evil queen’s enraged screeches echoed from the castle as they reached the forest.
Henry’s initial shout of joy brought Elsa and Anna into the room. Elsa was already ready for the day, while her sister drug her feet behind her, her face barely visible around the mountain of blankets she carried.
"She's awake, Elsa, she's awake!" Henry tumbled out of the bed, full of energy and grabbed the woman's hand.
"I can see that." Elsa smiled patiently as she followed him to the bed.
Killian stood from the bed, holding out his hands to help Emma. He couldn’t help but worry that she was still too weak. Her smile was thankful as she took his hand. He could swear his fingers felt electric under her touch.
"Emma, this is Elsa and her sister, Anna." 
Emma's hand left his and he clenched and unclenched his fist, hoping to hold on to the feel of hers for a bit longer. She smiled uncomfortably towards the two strangers.
"I'm glad to know you're feeling better," Elsa said with a smile.
"Yeah, you were sleeping forever!" Henry teased as he came to Emma's side holding her hand.
"Oh, I'm sorry…" Emma's eyes widened as she turned towards Elsa.
"No need to apologize,” the woman assured her. “It was our pleasure to help you." 
"Yeah, we don't really have any visitors," Anna grumbled, standing close to her sister.
"Oh…" Emma turned to Killian in search of an explanation, but he merely shrugged.
"Killian slept a lot as well," Henry informed Emma with an overly loud fake whisper. She turned worried eyes towards him as he scratched behind his ear.
It was obvious she wanted to say something. She probably wanted to chastise him for pushing himself to utter exhaustion. But it wasn’t as if he would have allowed her to suffer longer, simply so he could rest. But before she could, Elsa interrupted, clearly trying to appease the situation.
"You must be hungry."
"Yes!" Anna nearly shouted impatiently, prompting a laugh out of Elsa.
"I meant our guests."
"Oh, yeah… well… them, too."
Henry and Killian both joined in before Killian turned towards Emma. He was just in time to see her shoulders relax, her whole posture calming as he watched. The sisters, as isolated as they seem to be, were wonderful hostesses and made them feel quite comfortable in this new and strange environment. They shared a small feast with the newcomers. 
Henry quickly stretched over the table for a slice of a wonderful-looking cake. His excited lunge almost tipped over a glass bottle of water. Emma's fast reflexes managed to stop the wobbling bottle.
"Henry!" she scolded, her apprehensively tight lips visible due to the removal of her mask.
"Apologies, he's young," Killian directed towards the two siblings before turning a stern look at the boy.
"Yeah, sorry," Henry slowly sat back on his chair with a frown. "It just all looks so good." 
"Thank you for apologizing, Henry." Elsa gave him a soft smile. "But as you see, no harm done." 
"Here," Anna said, extending a big slice of cake on a plate. "You get the biggest piece." 
"Thank you so much!" Henry excitedly shot a wide smile towards the young redhead before diving into the slice in front of him.
"Thank you," Killian directed towards the sisters.
"No need to worry," Elsa smiled. "Your son has much better manners than my sister." Her smile turned teasing as she glanced at her sister.
"Hey!" Anna complained half-heartedly.
"Oh, he's not our son."
"They are not my parents."
"We're not related." 
Everyone spoke at the same time before silence settled over the table. Elsa looked between them, surprised, while Anna stopped with a fork in her mouth, glancing between them. Henry looked between Killian and Emma as the two of them tried to avoid everyone's gaze.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to assume," Elsa broke the silence with a calm expression. "I just thought…"
"We are on a quest," Henry began, ignoring the looks from the silent couple. "They are…” Henry trailed away, his brow furrowed, and looked at them, a question in his eyes. “Uh… sorta… my parents? Except, not really?" 
Henry's confusion broke the tension as Killian chuckled and Emma followed. Elsa and Anna followed their lead, relaxing as well.
"What he means to say," Killian said, ruffling Henry's hair who pushed away his hand even with a smile on his face. "is that we are on our way to take him to another realm."
"So I guess you could say, we are escorting him," Emma added with an amused smile at Henry.
Killian laughed, turning his head to Emma. While before he had considered her distracting with an uncovered mouth, he had no words now that he saw her smile. All he could think of was how he could make her smile again, how he could make her laugh.
"Grand Pabbie told us," Elsa began, her tone more nervous as she held everyone's attention, "that someone would appear at our door. Someone we would have to help and that would help us in return."
"Yeah, he told us of the Heart of the Truest Believer," Anna interjected with a mouth full of bread. 
There was a tense silence at the table. Despite Killian's trust of the Rock Trolls, they didn't know the sisters' intentions. He could see Emma hold on tighter to the knife.
"Grand Pabbie helped us heal Emma," Henry reminded him as well as actually informing Emma. "He knew about me."
Killian observed the two women in front of him at Henry's confession of possessing the Heart of the Truest Believer. He could see the confirmation of her suspicions in Elsa's face while Anna seemed to let her sister take control of the conversation, content to focus on her food.
"We assumed so," Elsa nodded, smiling reassuringly at them. "No one comes to our door besides the rock trolls." 
"What are your intentions with the Heart of the Truest Believer?" Emma asked, her tone formal even as he noticed her fist clench even tighter on the knife.
"We just want your help."
"With what?"
"Our kingdom," Anna answered, before looking at Elsa for permission. "We were run out of Arendelle by that stupid Hans." 
"Anna," Elsa said calmly, her hand over her sister's. "A neighboring prince with an inflated sense of his own importance used a power he didn’t understand to take our kingdom. And he succeeded."
There was anger and frustration in her voice by the end and he could swear the temperature in the small cottage dropped twenty degrees, chilling his blood and raising the hairs on his arms. Anna's hand clenched over her sisters and the room warmed instantly.
"You have magic," Henry interrupted the moment, leaning forward on the table. 
Elsa turned a look towards Anna who smiled reassuringly. The blonde then turned back towards them, both her hands turned up while her eyes closed. It wasn't long before small snowflakes began pouring from the ceiling. He heard Emma's sharp intake of breath and Henry's excited squeal. He was torn - he felt like he should be more worried over encountering another magic user, but the fact was, he was nothing but impressed at the show of magic.
"That is amazing!" Henry exclaimed.
Elsa grinned as her eyes opened. She closed her hands effectively ending the falling snow. 
"If you have magic, how did you lose your kingdom?" Emma asked with a frown.
"Have you ever heard of the tale of the Snow Queen?" Elsa asked.
The three of them shook their heads.
"Oh, can I tell it?" Anna asked excitedly, not waiting for her sister's answer. "She was an Arendellian Queen that had ice powers and used it to vanquish all her enemies, but she couldn’t control her powers and she hurt her loved ones driving her to madness. She was trapped in a magical urn to protect the kingdom." 
Killian and Emma couldn't help but look at Elsa, the similarities not lost on them. 
"She was said to have ruled before we were born," Elsa explained. "My powers caused a lot of apprehension at first from our people. But, I have control of them… my powers, I mean, and after I protected our kingdom from an enemy attack, they accepted me as their queen."
"How does this Snow Queen fit into all this?" Emma asked.
"The prince we mentioned, Hans, released the Snow Queen from her prison and took control of Arendelle with her by his side," Anna answered.
"Her power was too strong," Elsa continued. "We had no choice but to run."
"If you guys joined us, I'm sure we'd be able to defeat her," Anna concluded, looking at their visitors.
"Yes, we'll help you!" Henry interjected with a wide expectant smile towards Killian and Emma.
Magic. After a decade keeping as far away from it as possible, he had been thrown right in the middle of it. Not only was he traveling with magic users but he was also being thrown into a battle to save someone's kingdom from another magical being. What had his life become?
Henry took their silence as a negative response. "We have to help them!" His eyes were pleading as they looked between his two companions.
"It's alright if you don't want to take the risk, it isn't your responsibility," Elsa acknowledged.
"We'll help you." Emma took control, locking eyes with him. "They helped us, now we help them." Her tone was confident, her eyes matching the conviction in her words.
Killian nodded after a moment. "Cygnus directed us this way." 
Henry's whoop of celebration broke the tension of the moment as Anna joined him. Elsa shot them a thankful look and nodded her acceptance. He was sure this was the right thing to do, he just hoped he would live long enough to witness their victory.
After the meal, Elsa took Emma towards a separate room to bathe - both Killian and Henry agreed that she should go first. While she was gone, they took the opportunity to see Roger as they stored their things in the satchels. 
"Lad, I- I want to apologize for how I behaved during the journey. I-"
"I understand, Killian. You care for her, too." Henry looked at him with a smile as he stroked the horse's head.
Killian was speechless, but he couldn’t deny it. He thought he’d been more circumspect about his attraction to Emma, but he obviously hadn’t been if Henry could see it.
"I care for you, too, you know," Killian said instead, a subtle apology for his behavior at the table.
"I know that, too." Henry grinned, making Killian laugh.
"Go inside and bathe," Killian instructed, hoping for a few moments with his thoughts. 
Henry nodded, taking a step towards the exit of the stable before he halted. Without warning, Henry's body collided with Killian's in a tight hug.
"Thank you for taking care of us, Killian." Henry’s words were muffled against his chest as his arms wrapped around the boy.
"You're quite welcome, my boy," he replied, his voice quiet, full of emotion.
Henry turned a bright smile towards the older man before he rushed towards the cottage.
Maybe his situation wasn't as bad as he thought, even with the constant battles he was being volunteered for. Maybe seeing Henry's smile was enough. Maybe fighting alongside Emma was enough. Maybe he should admit that he cared for them. Maybe.
Roger's head bumped into his back, interrupting his thoughts. He turned to the animal with a smile.
"Guess it's time to play the hero," Killian smiled, patting the horse's head. "What do you think?" 
Roger knickered in agreement and Killian chuckled. Maybe it would all be alright.
Arriving back at the cottage, Killian found Anna and Henry in excited conversation, talking of their adventures and telling stories. Elsa and Emma were in much quieter conversation as they prepared provisions for the journey. They really were wonderful hosts.
Killian left them to their preparations and made use of the metal tub of warm water in the back of the cottage. After such a cold environment, the warm bath was incredibly comforting. After scrubbing himself down he donned his clothes and looked around the room. An assortment of scattered papers on a nearby table caught his eye. He shouldn't, he knew he shouldn’t… it wasn't his room and he definitely shouldn't look over personal items, but something drew him in, something he couldn’t explain.
Drawings. Some abstract, blue cold lines overtaken by red. Others clearly depicted a castle, a cold room, a summer garden with beautiful flowers. 
And then he saw them. Familiar blue eyes. Eyes set in a cold blue canvas, in warm red lines. There were so many of them, in different styles, in different colours. And then he saw his face. Clear lines on an old canvas. He could see every curl in his hair, the warmth in his blue eyes, the caring smile on his lips. After a decade without him, he was finally face to face with his brother - his brother as a young man, when they were still indentured, but perfectly recognizable.
Killian startled as the door opened, but he was much too slow turning his eyes towards the blonde woman. There wasn’t time to pretend he hadn't just been looking through her drawings. He didn’t really want to.
"I came to see if you were alright." Elsa's voice was quiet, her eyes stuck on the drawing in his hand, her hand still on the doorknob.
"Did you draw these?" His voice matched hers, unwilling to break such a delicate moment with accusations.
She took a few steps closer to the table, the door left a few inches open. Her eyes never left the drawing in his hand even as she stood on the opposite side of the table. She nodded.
He carefully put it down as if it would disappear at any moment.
"Who was he?" Killian asked her in a whisper, even if he already knew the answer.
"I didn’t know his name," Elsa answered. "That was my first drawing of him."
"Who was he?" he repeated, his voice more sure, more desperate.
"A long time ago, when I was much younger, I used to escape from the castle with Anna," she began, her eyes on the many drawings on the table. "We used to play by the shore. During the summer, I would freeze the water so we could skate on it. Anna loved it.” Elsa’s eyes were far away, lost in the memory. "One of those days of summer, my powers failed me. Anna was moving too fast and I couldn't keep up. She fell in the water. I screamed for someone to help, anyone. We couldn't swim, I couldn't help her. And then I heard someone jump in the water. I saw him reach my sister, bringing her to me. I pulled her into my arms, but she was having trouble breathing. I needed to take her back to the castle. I thanked him and he smiled. But before I could say anything else, someone shouted for him and he was gone.”
"Seeing the danger I posed to my sister threw me into a difficult time. My powers were out of control. The only thing that helped was to draw. I drew him, I drew all of this,” she said, motioning around the table. “That, along with Anna's help, brought back my control. I wish I could have thanked him."
Killian's heart was about to pound out of his chest. He remembered that day.
"He was my brother," Killian said after a moment of silence. He heard Elsa's sharp breath and felt her eyes on him but he couldn't take his eyes off the drawing, off his brother's eyes. "I saw him jump off of the ship. I was so confused, I couldn't understand why he would do that when he knew we would get in trouble.
"The Captain heard the splash and thought Liam was trying to escape… which was ridiculous… he wouldn't have gone without me," he continued, taking a deep breath. "I can still feel the dagger the Captain held at my throat. That was why he left so fast, he wanted to protect me. It didn't really work, though, we both got some thorough lashes that day."
"I don't understand."
"We were indentured servants all throughout our childhood and teen years," Killian explained. "The Captain owned us and he thought Liam was trying to escape."
"I-I'm so sorry." Elsa laid her hand on his in comfort.
"It's in the past, lass," Killian smiled a small, reassuring smile. "I never thought I'd see his face again."
They both took a moment to look at the drawing, letting the silence comfort them. Killian freed his hand to run it carefully through the lines.
"What was his name?" Elsa whispered. 
"Liam." Elsa smiled. "That's a beautiful name."
Killian smiled back with a nod. He saw Elsa lick her lips in a nervous gesture and he anticipated her next question.
"What happened to him?"
Killian cleared his throat, hoping to control his emotions. "There was a storm. I was the only survivor."
He felt more than saw Elsa move around the table. Despite his efforts, there were tears in his eyes and he finally let them spill as he felt Elsa's arms around him.
"He would be proud of you, I'm sure," she whispered.
He couldn’t help the watery chuckle. "I hope so." 
An understanding smile passed between them as they backed away from each other.
"We're ready!" Henry's excited call from the door broke the moment. Killian caught a glimpse of dark green from behind Henry. "Is everything okay?"
"Of course, my boy." Killian smiled reassuringly. "Time for an adventure, right?"
The child was full of excitement as he returned to the other two women.
"You should have this." In Elsa's hand was the drawing of his brother. "And you can't refuse, I'm the queen."
Her eyes were full of the emotion from their conversation but a teasing smile lifted the corner of her lips.
Killian chuckled. "Of course. Who am I to defy royalty?"
She joined him with her laughter. He carefully took the treasure from her hand, looking at it for a moment before following the creases of the paper to fold it before placing it in the inside pocket of his coat.
"Thank you, Elsa." His voice was quiet but there was no mistaking the emotion behind his words.
She nodded in response. With a deep breath, she took a step towards the door. "They should be waiting for us."
"Yes, let's go." 
Leaving the room, he found the other women all ready for the journey. Anna’s sword was by her side, and as opposed to her sister, seemed to be a lot more prepared for the cold weather. He was saddened to note that Emma had put her mask back over her mouth, despite the fact that with the cold and possible battle before them, it would probably be much more effective there.
With their things already on Roger's back, they started walking back down to the Rock Troll valley. Apparently the news of their allyship with the Arendellian royalty had already reached their stone ears since their path was now lined with cheering trolls. Henry obviously enjoyed it despite the discomfort of the others.
Standing at the end of the valley, Grand Pabbie brought them to a halt before ushering Anna away from the group. Turning towards Elsa, she shared their confused expression. Those same expressions only became more pronounced when Anna returned without any sort of explanation.
"Let's go kick some princely ass!" she cried in response to their confused looks, as if the only thing the group needed was some motivation. 
Having no choice but to trust Anna and Grand Pabbie, they put the puzzling conference behind them and continued on their way. They could still hear the crowd of trolls cheering them on for a few miles after exiting the valley.
It wasn’t long after that they could see figures in the distance, the dark of their armor contrasting with the snowy landscape. The army made no move toward their small party, allowing them to approach. They’d obviously been expected. It only took a few minutes for them to arrange themselves at the edge of the improvised battlefield.
"I'm so happy you finally showed up!" A strong voice sounded from the group ahead of them. It came from the only figure on top of a horse, their red hair clashing against the gaudy crown he wore upon his head. Killian had to assume that it was the self-proclaimed king- former prince- that took the throne from the two women beside him.
Beside him, there was a woman dressed in a white dress, not suitable for such weather. It was obviously the Snow Queen and that she shared not only Elsa's ice powers, but her comfort with the cold weather, as well. 
Behind them, two rows of five foot soldiers stood with weapons at the ready. It was safe to say that Hans didn’t think much of the threat the displaced royals posed, not with the Snow Queen by his side, anyway. But Killian was confident, they had succeeded so far.
"We thought we'd give you time to look your best, Hans," Anna jeered from his side. "Looks like we should have taken a little longer… well, maybe a lot longer."
Henry tried to disguise his laughter with a cough even if he wasn't fooling anyone. Killian didn't have experience in military battles, but he was quite sure it did not involve throwing mocking remarks between armies.
"You think you're funny, but I am the one with the crown," Hans grinned as he sat up straighter on his horse. "And you aren’t getting it back."
"That crown looks stupid on your stupid head!" Anna shouted back with a satisfied grin, making even Elsa hide a laugh.
"You're at a disadvantage!" Hans' face twisted in anger. He probably expected to be seen as intimidating and was failing miserably. "You're going to lose!"
"Enough talking!" Elsa interrupted, taking a step forward. "We're taking back what's ours."
Killian obviously couldn’t see the faces of the soldiers through their helmets, but he had learned years ago how to read a person's body language. It had saved him many times over. The army behind Hans was uncomfortable, unwilling - they were being forced to stand against their true sovereigns.
"Close your eyes and feel the ground," Henry's quiet words towards Emma just reached Killian’s ears. "Feel where their feet stand on the ground and focus."
From the corner of his eye, he could see Henry reach for Emma's hand. Before he could figure out what was happening, a bright wave of magic passed harmlessly through their party. Once it reached the open field, it began to stir the snow on the ground, startling the enemy army. 
"Stand your ground!" Hans shouted over the rumbling sound the wave made as it approached them. 
Killian watched as the soldiers raised their swords in front of them and he saw the Snow Queen raise both arms in front of her. The wave of magic created by Emma and Henry passed by Hans and the Snow Queen harmlessly before hitting the soldiers. They all fell to the ground - completely immobile. Even if he didn't already trust Emma, he would know that it wasn't a deadly attack.
"I see you wanted to make the fight more fair," Hans grinned, kicking his heel into the horse’s side for it to begin moving slowly before turning back to the woman next to him. "Go on, show them what we can do!"
Killian's grip on his sword tightened as he watched the Snow Queen raise her arms once more. The tension rose in his allies as they prepared a defense. But no one could have predicted that from a tornado-like flurry of snow, a behemoth of a snow monster would stomp out, letting out a bellow that shook the ground.
"Why do they always have to bring out these mountain-sized monsters?" Killian bemoaned as he unsheathed his sword. He and Henry shared an amused look, even if the concern in their eyes tamed their merriment.
The monster was still for a moment, apparently awaiting instructions. Hans' face could only be described as victorious. He raised his arms up, triumphantly. 
Killian heard Anna gasp from behind him. Turning to her, he saw her wide eyes focused on Hans. Before he could ask her about it, Elsa turned to their group.
"Emma, Henry, keep the monster away from us. I will deal with the Snow Queen. Ann-"
"I will help Killian with Hans," Anna quickly interrupted, standing closer to Killian.
"I thought we were done talking!" Hans called with a grin towards the opposing group. He nodded towards the Snow Queen, and as she raised her arms, the monster began stomping towards them.
With a nod of acknowledgement towards the true queen, Henry and Emma began rushing towards the monster, white energy in their hands. At the same time, a beam of light blue magic exploded from Elsa’s hands directed towards the Snow Queen. It looked powerful and Killian felt their small circle tremble with the force of her magic. It should have been strong enough to overpower just about anyone, but unfortunately the Snow Queen was not just anyone. Her responding beam of white magic clashed against Elsa's, the trembling aftershock making all of them stumble.
Trusting Elsa to hold her own against the other magic user, Killian looked towards Hans. The wannabe king's face was almost purple with anger - clearly he had expected to win this battle with barely any effort. Killian suspected that his successful overthrow of Arendelle had gone to his head. 
"Killian," Anna approached him. "I need to get close to Hans, can you knock him off his horse?"
Killian smirked. "It would be my pleasure."
He gave a sharp whistle towards Roger. As he approached, Killian swung into the saddle with a practiced move. Hans, noticing his approach, turned his horse towards Killian. They both unsheathed their weapons as they neared each other.
The three-part battle roared in the clearing. Killian heard the growls of the giant snow monster to his left, and felt the ground rumble with the monster's every step. The air around them sparked with energy making the hair on Killian’s neck stand at attention, and the temperature dropped as the icy beams of magic clashed against each other. But he couldn’t worry about any of that now, he had to focus on his own part of the battle - Hans and the sword he wielded. 
Killian met Hans' attacks strike for strike, desperate to protect his companions. He had grown to care for the child and the hooded warrior, as well as for the young Arendelle royalty.
Suddenly, a snowball hit his adversary in the face, a shout of victory sounding from behind Killian. Surprise and then outrage replaced the frustration in Hans' face. Killian grinned, knowing Anna threw the snowball. Wasting no time, Killian kicked his opponent right off of the horse. 
Anna ran towards them as fast as she could as Killian dropped down from Roger. Acting fast before Hans gained his feet, he disarmed the usurper just as Anna reached them, her momentum when she slammed against Hans, sending him face-first to the ground once more. 
"Hold him down!" Anna cried and Killian moved quickly to do as he was told.
"Let go of me, how dare you?!" Hans' demands were ignored as Killian dropped a knee onto the man's back and held his wrists behind his back.
Killian looked towards the battlefield and was glad to see both Emma and Henry alive and well and their enemy reduced to half its size. Killian watched curiously as Anna reached for the false king’s wrist, ignoring his yells of outrage.
"Aha!" Anna exclaimed as she grabbed hold of Hans' right wrist. Killian watched as she unknotted a pale yellow ribbon.
"What are you doing?! St-" Han's shouts were interrupted as Killian pushed his head into the snow. Not for long, unfortunately, but enough to silence him for the moment.
In the silence, their attention was captured by Elsa and the Snow Queen. Their beams of magic had stopped, the older woman's eyes focused on Anna's hands - or more specifically, on the ribbon in her hands.
There was silence in the clearing as Anna slowly approached their enemy, her eyes on the Snow Queen's, whose focus was on the ribbon.
"I was told this was yours." Anna spoke in a soft voice. Killian noticed Elsa slowly following her sister, most likely hoping to protect the young princess.
Despite Anna’s non-threatening posture, a flurry of snow formed around the two women. He heard Elsa call for her sister. He wanted to go and help but he had to keep Hans in place. The defeated prince's mocking laughter was interrupted yet again by another face full of snow. He watched as Emma held on to Henry's shoulders keeping him protected from the growing tornado of snow.
Then, just as suddenly as it had started, it stopped. Anna stood, alive and well, her hands holding onto the Snow Queen's, who held Anna’s just as tightly, a soft smile on her face. 
Anna turned to them, her own smile wide. "I told you Hans would lose!" she announced victoriously, the Snow Queen trying and failing to smother a chuckle at Anna's comment.
His relief was like a weight off his shoulders as he watched Elsa embrace Anna, once her younger sister stepped back from the Snow Queen. But that distraction was all Hans needed to throw Killian off him and charge against the sisters, dagger in hand.
Magic flew but none hit their intended target, until finally a bright white ball of magic hit his arm, making him drop his weapon. The Snow Queen's hand was raised.
"I am the rightful king of Aren-" Hans screamed in fury.
Before any of them could do anything, Anna's fist connected with the angry prince, shocking him to silence.
"Knock it off, Hans." Anna grinned, shaking her hand from the contact. "You lost."
"May I?" The Snow Queen's voice was calm, even as she stared daggers into her former ally. 
Elsa looked concerned but there was nothing but confidence in Anna's expression when she nodded. They all watched as their former enemy raised her hand to Hans and froze him in place.
"Not to worry," the Snow Queen assured them, the tone of her voice regal and polished, "He will thaw in a few days." 
Anna visibly relaxed with the woman's explanation, and the rest of their company followed her lead. Emma even removed her mask.
"Then we should take him to the dungeons and warn his brothers of his prison sentence," Elsa said, a question within her crystal blue eyes.
"Oh!" Anna seemed to suddenly remember that there was information that needed to be shared with the rest of her group. "This is Ingrid, she's our aunt!"
There was stunned silence among them. The Snow Queen's smile was sheepish but emotional as she looked at the two princesses. Killian looked towards Emma and Henry, who seemed to be as shocked as him. 
Killian cleared his throat. "I'll just prepare our new snowman for the journey." 
"We'll help!" Emma quickly added, grabbing Henry's hand to bring him towards Roger. They all wanted to give the Arendelle women some space, even as they were insanely curious about the story behind Ingrid.
While Emma helped Killian drag the frozen Hans towards Roger, Henry moved toward the women instead, unable to contain his curiosity and listening to their conversation.
"Are you hurt?" Killian asked as he handed a rope to Emma.
"No." Emma looked at him, her eyes locking with his for a second before she returned her attention to their task. "Just tired. Using magic is exhausting." He couldn't help but chuckle. 
"Hopefully, we'll be able to rest after this," Killian said, holding up Hans' legs for Emma to pass the rope under. She smiled and his heart skipped a beat as he smiled back.
They made quick work wrapping the ropes around the block of ice. Henry, apparently having heard enough of the royal’s conversation, joined them jumping up and down in excitement, obviously not nearly as tired as Emma. Killian expected the boy to crash once the adrenaline was gone.
"Ingrid is their aunt!" Henry excitedly recounted. "Hans made a deal with a dark wizard to get control of Arendelle and they gave him control of Ingrid! Apparently, Elsa and Anna's mother thought her sister had died but now they are reunited! The ribbon was what was controlling her and Anna released her!"
"Breathe, my boy." Killian smiled.
The child finally took a break to breathe under the amused looks of Emma and Killian. They both moved to tie the ropes to Roger's saddle, the boy following behind, still too thrilled with their circumstances to calm down.
"But isn't it great?! A happy ending!" Henry continued, approaching Roger to pet him and feed him. "What about you guys? What are your happy endings?"
Killian's hands stilled at the same time Emma's shoulders tensed.
"My happy ending," Killian answered, his attention on Roger making sure all of their provisions were safe, "will be to finally get revenge on the monster who took my hand."
"Oh." Henry looked down for a second, a frown on his face. A weight descended on Killian's chest at having put the frown on his face, but he deserved the truth. "What about you, Emma?"
Killian watched as Henry looked at Emma, frown still in place but unmistakable hope in his eyes. He looked at Emma who kept her eyes on her already tightly-knotted rope, as she pulled her mask back over her mouth.
"I don't believe in happy endings." 
Killian watched Henry's frown deepen. Their words had made it clear that the adults' lives hadn't been idyllic and for them to have the same sort of hope Henry was able to foster effortlessly was difficult, if not impossible, but it didn't stop Killian from feeling guilt over crushing the boy's heart.
"Will you be accompanying us back to the castle?" Elsa's voice broke the silent moment, the concerned frown on her face showed she was aware of the tension. "It should be a day's journey."
Killian managed a small reassuring smile towards the blonde woman. "Aye, we would be honored."
"Are you sure you can trust her?" Emma's voice was firm, her eyes on their new companion.
"We can." Elsa's voice matched Emma's, tamed by the soft smile on her lips. "She's family." Emma nodded.
"Shall we go?" Killian asked, placing his hand on Henry's shoulder.
The child looked up at him and Killian attempted his best reassuring smile. He could feel the boy's shoulders gain some firmness and he nodded. It wasn't solved, he didn't expect it to be, but it would be okay. He lifted the boy onto the horse, taking his place next to Roger's head, leading him by the reins.
Killian watched, through the corner of his eyes, as Emma handed Henry a treat from their satchel - an olive branch of sorts, he expected - before joining him on the other side of Roger.
They walked through the afternoon. There wasn't a quiet moment during the journey with the high emotions and reunited family and adventures to retell. The sun was setting when they decided to camp for the night.  
They had found a nearby river to fill their canteens and shelter from the cold weather. The stars were high in the sky when they finally settled around the fire Emma lit.
Despite the earlier tension, Henry settled comfortably between Killian and Emma. They had huddled in front of a tree for warmth, justifying their close proximity as protection from the cold. Thankfully, Elsa and Ingrid really didn't seem to be bothered by the cold and there were more than enough blankets for everyone. 
"What is that?" Henry asked quietly.
Killian looked down to where Henry was pointing. His coat gaped open and the edge of the sheet Elsa had given him peeked out of the inside pocket. There was a smile on his face as he removed it. His eyes found Elsa's on the other side of the fire before the blonde returned to her conversation with her family. 
"This," Killian began, opening the paper carefully, "was my brother."
"The one that gave you the ring?"
Killian noticed Emma’s eyes on him as he handed the drawing to Henry, pleased to see him be as gentle as Killian had been, clearly understanding the drawing's importance. Emma subtly raised her hand to her chest, to the place he suspected the ring laid.
"Aye, his name was Liam."
"Wow," Henry breathed. "You have the same eyes."
Killian smiled. The drawing was as close to a perfect rendition of his brother as could be. They shared their mother's eyes even though Killian's face shape was closer to his father's.
"What happened?" Emma's voice surprised him, so soft he almost thought he imagined it.
But she was looking at him with understanding, like she already knew the story wasn't a happy one. Also like she was surprised she had actually asked the question.
Killian took a deep breath. It still hurt to remember and as much as he didn't want to retell it, he felt like Emma should know. He wanted Emma to know.
"We were aboard a ship during a storm," Killian began and his heart filled to the brim when he felt Henry inch closer to him. "Our Captain was a fool and forced us to keep on course. He believed the rumors about a jewel that you would find at the eye of the storm. All it did was kill everyone on board, I was the only survivor."
"You told me." Henry's voice was quiet, to match their quiet setting. "You said that Liam gave you the ring and that it was the only thing you had of your family."
He should have expected a question like that. Henry had been kind enough to not ask before when they spoke of the ring, but now, he wanted to share it. 
"Aye," Killian sighed. "My mother passed when I was very young. I remember very little of her, mostly her smile and her eyes and the lullaby she would sing us at night. And the ring on her finger."
"And your father?" Henry frowned, apparently expecting something equally as sad. Emma's eyes were downcast, obviously thinking the same.
"He sold us when Liam was around your age. I was a few years younger." Killian's tone was resigned, accustomed to the anger he felt towards his father. "That's why we were on that ship."
"But- But why would he sell you?" There was a clear tone of outrage and hopelessness in Henry's voice. That hurt more than remembering the people he lost.
"I stopped asking myself that a long time ago, lad."
"But he was your father." Killian's heart broke when he saw the shine in Henry's eyes.
The same expression, the same tone of voice, the same words - watching Henry now was like looking at himself as a child. How many times had Killian asked himself the very same questions?
"I know, my boy." Killian wrapped his arm tighter around the boy, trying to provide the comfort he had wanted back then. "My brother used to say that a man unwilling to fight for what he wants, deserves what he gets. I choose to believe that my father's selfish ways got him exactly what he deserved. That's how I make my peace with it."
There was silence in their little huddle. He felt Emma's warmth closer than before; she had moved closer to them. Despite the heavy moment, he felt lighter with that knowledge.
"I never knew my parents." Emma's quiet voice broke the moment and Killian felt Henry's shoulders tense up again. "I was abandoned and ended up in Neverland."
"What's Neverland?" Henry whispered.
"They say Neverland is a paradise, a place where lost ones can have anything they can imagine." Emma's voice was bitter. "In reality, it's a jungle you can never escape from, ruled by a power-hungry demon."
"How did you escape?" Killian asked.
"No one ages in Neverland," she began, her eyes on the fire but leagues away. "That's what Pan tells you. But I started to notice how, when the other children began growing, they would disappear. So, when I came of age, I knew I had to leave."
"What happened to the others?"
Emma turned to the boy at his question at the same time Killian did, her mouth open in hesitation. They shared a quick look, Killian reading the truth in her eyes. He knew she was wary of telling the boy the truth and he didn’t blame her one bit.
"I don't know," Emma muttered in a half-lie. "They simply disappeared from the island."
"Is that when you met Tinkerbell?"
Emma sighed, glad that Henry dropped the subject. "Yeah, she helped me get out of Neverland and told me about you."
"So," Killian started, hoping to relieve the tension. "Is Neverland responsible for that fetching outfit of yours?"
Emma let out a surprised laugh while Henry frowned in confusion at the strange word. Her mask was off again, her hood loose on her head leaving hints of her blonde hair in view. 
"Actually, yes." Her hands ran down her sleeve. "We didn't have names in Neverland, we all looked the same. Pan kept us covered to keep us the same. He only wanted to see our eyes, we were to never let anyone see our faces."
In the subsequent silence, Killian thought about the times she had allowed them to see her face. The trust inherent in the action filled his heart. How did these two strangers become so important to him?
"How did you know your name was Emma, then?"
Emma smiled at the boy's question. She opened the satchel by her side, removing something small and soft and weathered. "Because of this."
She opened the torn piece of a blanket on her lap, her thumb caressing the embroidery of her name in purple yarn. "I have had this with me since I was a baby, the only thing my parents gave me. Tinkerbell saved it for me. We had to cut it so I could travel with it.
"All the other children had names of animals. Pan called me a Duckling when I finally joined the Lost Ones and when I grew up, I chose to be a Swan."
"And you became our Swan," Henry added, leaving Killian's side to stretch his arms around her.
Killian smiled, his hand caressing the boy's hair in pride. He watched as Emma's smile reached her watery eyes. Her arms went around Henry tightly.
"Thank you, Henry," she whispered, dropping her cheek to his head for an instant.
Their arms loosened around each other, neither ready to let the other one go. Killian watched as Henry licked his lip and kept his eyes on the piece of blanket on Emma's lap.
"I don't remember my parents," Henry said quietly. "I think I remember their voices, I think they loved me but I don't remember them. The fairies told me that they were gone but they never told me how or why. They just kept telling me that everything was as it should be and to have hope."
Killian frowned, Emma matching him. All this mystery behind Henry was catching up to the boy. He deserved answers. Answers neither of them were able to give him.
"I know that it isn't easy to have hope." Henry spoke in a low voice, his face hidden from them while his fingers gently caressed the tattered blanket. "Growing up with the fairies was easy and safe. I didn't have friends or much to worry about. These past days have really been a change.”
"I know you two had very different lives from me. I understand now why happy endings aren't the same for everyone, but," he continued, finally sitting up straight between them, his hands on each adult's arm. "I choose to believe that they are possible and that we will all live happily ever after. Even if you don't, I'll believe it for you."
Henry's eyes were full of determination and hope, the very definition of a Believer. There wasn't much either of them could say and he watched as Emma's eyes shone with the fire's light. Killian moved his arm so that he could hold the boy's hand in a tight grip and he watched as Emma did the same.
Aware that their emotional moment had an audience, Killian looked over at their companions. He should have known not to worry about their judgment of their scene because, as he did, he saw Anna had turned into a pile of blankets sleeping soundly between her sister and aunt. Ingrid and Elsa’s focus was on each other as they talked.
“I think that’s a new one, don’t you think, kid?” Emma’s voice brought his gaze back to her.
Emma had her gaze on the sky and was pointing with her free hand to a specific cluster of stars. Henry’s dark head followed her hand with his eyes, inhaling a surprised breath. Killian caught Emma’s eyes and she grinned at him, mischief shining in her green eyes.
“Can you tell me about those, Killian? Please?” Henry looked back at him with pleading eyes and the beginnings of a pout.
“Who am I to deny such a request?” Killian grinned, his fake put upon tone failing to hit the mark.
Killian sat back against the tree and his smile grew as he felt Henry settle at his side with his eyes back on the sky. Emma mimicked Killian’s position, no longer hiding her interest in the stories he told about the stars.
He looked at the constellation Emma had indicated, trying to remember exactly what he had been told about that one. The stars formed two figures turned to each other. Its position in the Northern sky and the fact that they were upside down told him that the constellation belonged to the Enchanted Forest - the clear skies above allowing them to see them.
“Those stars tell the most famous love story of the Enchanted Forest,” Killian began, his arm on Henry’s head, running his hand through his hair. “It is said that decades ago, a princess ran away from her kingdom after her evil stepmother tried to kill her. She became a bandit who stole from the rich and helped her people. And her people helped her back - she gave them her love and provided for them and they gave her their loyalty and protection in return.”
“And then there was a shepherd who became a prince,” he continued. “After a deal made with a wizard, he took his late twin brother’s place as prince and was arranged to marry a princess from a neighboring kingdom.”
Killian made sure to keep his voice low, hoping to help the boy fall asleep. With his arm, he pulled Henry closer, so the boy could use him as a cushion. He felt the weight of Emma’s body on his arm as she had been leaning against the boy as well.
“They met when the bandit tried to steal from the prince’s carriage. It is said that she punched him on the jaw when he finally caught her.” He heard a breathy laugh from Emma and caught her eye with a smirk. “Did they live happily ever after?” Henry’s mumble from where his head rested made them smile.
“They went through a lot of adventures, fought villains and won, and when the bandit was cursed with eternal sleep, it was the prince’s kiss that woke her. Together, they defeated the bandit’s evil stepmother and became king and queen, ruling side by side.”
Henry’s hum was muffled by Killian’s chest and he turned to Emma, who was still looking at the stars.
“Is he asleep?” Killian whispered to her.
She turned to him with a smile before leaning forward to check Henry’s face.
“Like a rock.” She chuckled, Killian joining her. “You know how to tell a story.”
The corner of his lips rose as he looked up at the stars. “My brother used to tell me stories when we were young. He had to whisper them to me so the other sailors wouldn’t listen.” He continued running his fingers through Henry’s hair. “They helped me sleep so I hoped they would do the same for Henry.”
Killian turned to Emma to find her looking curiously at him. 
“I know I’m not part of some prophecy nor do I have magic,” he confessed, locking eyes with his companion. “But I care for the boy and I will protect him with all I have.”
She smiled. And that smile was new. It was a simple upturn of her lips that made his heart beat so fast he was worried she might hear it.
“I feel the same way,” she whispered, looking down. “He is a special boy and not just because of any prophecy.”
Killian nodded. When her gaze met his again, she appeared rattled, her eyes filled with trepidation and wariness.
“I should check our course,” Killian noted, looking away. He heard her sigh and decided that there had been enough heavy conversation for a night. “Do you mind?” He gestured towards Henry.
“Oh.” Emma reached over to lay a hand on Henry’s head, her hand brushing on his exposed chest and he was certain that the temperature had risen around them about ten degrees.
Taking a steadying breath, Killian focused on his satchel as soon as Henry was lying comfortably on Emma’s chest, his mouth open in sleep. Looking up at the sky, it was easy to identify Cygnus in the middle of the other stars.
He was glad for having the distraction of reading the star and on charting their course so he wouldn’t feel Emma’s gaze on him or on his hand.
“It’s pointing Southwest now, to Misthaven,” he announced with a frown. “It’s taking us back down the map.”
“Why is that so strange?”
“We’ve been to the Enchanted Forest before, that’s where our trip began.” He folded the map to put it back on his satchel. “I told Henry that Cygnus would take anyone to where they were meant to be. I can’t help but see the truth of that.” He nodded towards where Ingrid and Elsa still sat talking quietly.
“Do you think there is something that we need to do in Misthaven then?” Killian noticed how Emma’s arm reflexively held Henry closer.
“I think,” he answered with a reassuring smile, “that we have been victorious so far. If there is one thing I believe in, it’s us.”
“I was tasked to protect him,” Emma reminded him.
“And you will.” His tone was confident, sure.
“You think so?” Her voice turned softer. He heard the surprise and doubt in it and it pained him.
“I’ve yet to see you fail.”
Her eyes searched his. He saw the moment she realized there was no lie in them. His eyes landed on her mouth as she licked her lips, unsure, afraid.
“We should get some rest,” Killian said, hoping to relieve the tension of the moment. He watched as her shoulders deflated. “It’s been a long day.”
Emma nodded. They were silent as they both found more comfortable positions. Henry hummed in displeasure at the disturbance but relaxed soon after. With a nod towards the still awake Arendellians, they fell asleep.
In the morning, they were awakened by the sun shining on the snow around them. Killian found his arm around Henry and his hand on Emma’s side. She awoke with Henry comfortably nuzzled against her chest. There was barely any distance between the three of them.
Their eyes met over Henry’s head and he could see panic in her eyes. As quickly and subtly as he could, Killian moved away from them.
“It was a cold night,” he justified, hoping she would know he didn’t think anything of it. Even if the fast beating of his heart reminded him of how he couldn’t lie to himself.
“Yeah,” Emma whispered in reply.
They resolved to let Henry sleep a bit longer. As he stood, he caught Elsa’s eyes as she woke and looked between him and Emma. He tried to remain calm.
“I’m going to fill our canteens,” Killian said, clearing his throat when his voice betrayed his feelings.
“I’ll go with you.” 
Killian thinned his lips in consternation when he heard Elsa’s voice.
They were silent until they reached the river. Killian crouched to fill his group’s canteens before reaching for Elsa’s.
“I assume that,” Elsa began, “just as I was wrong about your relationship to Henry, that there is more than meets the eye about your relationship with Emma?” Her tone was non-judgemental and Killian focused even harder on the water, not meeting her gaze.
“We are simply allies. We want to protect Henry.” Killian’s tone was final but that didn’t seem to impress the Queen.
“That doesn’t mean that you don’t have feelings for her.”
Killian stood up with a sigh. “It doesn’t matter, we have to focus on protecting Henry.”
“Closing your heart isn’t the solution.” Elsa’s voice betrayed that her advice came from her own experience and his shoulders relaxed with that realization.
“We only met a few days ago and I don’t want to frighten her.”
“But you care for her.”
“I- We understand each other,” Killian confessed. He seemed to be doing that a lot. “She’s afraid and, honestly, so am I. As much as I care for her, I don’t want to pressure her.”
Elsa nodded. She understood, he could see it in her expression.
“We aren’t far from the castle. If we leave soon, we should arrive by lunch time.”
He nodded, glad she had changed the subject even as he regretted having to leave them.
“Our course has changed, we won’t be able to accompany you there.”
“We are headed Southwest, to Misthaven to be more precise.”
Elsa nodded once more. “There is a port not far from here if you keep heading West.”
“Thank you, Your Highness.” He bowed his head with a thankful smile. 
“Take care, Killian, I expect to see you and the others again.” He could only nod with a small smile while Elsa took hold of the bottles for her group. “Come, let’s tell the others.”
Henry wasn’t shy about sharing his displeasure. Their trio didn’t want to separate from the sisters. 
“But, we were going to Arendelle,” Henry pouted.
“Yes, lad, but we need to follow Cygnus, remember?” Killian’s hand on his head didn’t assuage his grouchiness.
“Yeah, I guess.” 
Emma and Elsa smiled at the boy’s dramatics.
“I trust you will be safe?” Emma asked, glancing briefly towards Ingrid, who’d moved away slightly to give them space, but then looking towards Elsa for confirmation.
“Yes,” Elsa answered emphatically. “We are getting our kingdom back.” 
“I want you to take Roger,” Killian interjected, even if his voice wasn’t completely sure.
“What?” All eyes turned to him in shock.
“Well,” he explained, scratching the back of his ear. “There is the matter of the prisoner,” he said, gesturing toward the still completely frozen prince, “and second, we’d have to come back for him.” 
Elsa smiled and Anna opened her mouth, as if she was going to start saying something before being stopped by her sister. “You three are always welcome in our kingdom.”
He bowed his head towards her. “Thank you.”
“We’re really leaving Roger, too?” Henry looked up at him, his pout even stronger.
“We’ll take great care of him, Henry,” Anna assured him, with a smile.
“Okay.” Henry still didn’t seem happy but he stepped forward to hug Anna, his arms tight around her waist.
Leaving Emma and Henry to say their goodbyes, Killian appreciated the space to say an important goodbye himself.
Reaching the horse, Killian patted his head, his forehead on the horse’s. “Be a good lad for them, alright? I will come back for you, I promise.” 
Roger nodded his head when Killian stepped back. His smile widened when the horse took a step forward to put his head over his owner’s shoulders. Killian’s arms went around the neck of the horse in a hug. “Thank you,” he whispered.
He felt a tug on his trousers. Looking down, Killian saw Henry look up at him. “Can I give him a hug, too?” 
“Of course, lad.” 
It was with a full heart that he watched as Roger did the same to Henry. “Thank you, Roger. I’ll miss you.” 
Henry’s whispers urged him to look away. He found Emma looking at him, her hand on the horse’s back. She smiled, an understanding smile that earned another in return.
They worked together to relieve Roger of the satchels, sharing the load between the two adults even as Henry insisted he could carry something. They ended up entrusting him with the water canteens.
With final hugs and goodbyes, they parted ways with the Arendelle royalty, hoping that they would see each other again soon.
“Where are we going now?” Henry asked from where he walked between the two adults.
“We’re going to Misthaven.”
"We are headed Southwest, to Misthaven to be more precise." Killian Jones' voice sounded from the mirror, even as all that was shown was the rippling blue sky overhead.  
"It looks like we have guests to prepare for, mirror…" 
Her grin was wide and dangerous, her hands curled over the balcony’s iron frame as she looked over her deserted kingdom, thoughts of revenge swirling in her head.
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hookaroo · 8 months
Laden of the Torn (24 of 25)
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AO3 link Catch up on tumblr: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Twenty-One Twenty-Two Twenty-Three Tagging @priscilla9993 @cocohook38 @killian-whump <3
Slowly, carefully, Killian slipped his arm into its brace, a simultaneously familiar and alien feeling after so long going without. His injuries no longer required the Warrior Ant jaws, but they were still tender and could probably still split open if he were not careful. Mandible watched with a concerned expression, but he also appeared fascinated by the straps and buckles necessary to hold the contraption in place. It would be an agonizing chore to get them all fastened, and Killian doubted he’d be able to remove it again for the foreseeable future, at least not without help. His hand was still too swollen and stiff to be of much use, but that was why he’d chosen to don his hook again. He’d have to make do.
He winced as he grasped a strap between his first two fingers, preparing to thread it into the intersecting loop circling his upper arm above the elbow. Mandible shuffled closer.
“May I assist?”
Killian was only too happy to allow the healer to take over. His hand was already throbbing from the exertion, and even the slight angle required of his neck to allow him to see what he was doing pulled at tight lines of fire that stretched from hairline to shoulder. He passed the supple leather to the monkey and coached him through the complex process of threading and tightening the buckles in various places. Thankfully, none of the straps intersected the worst of his wounds, though one came close enough to be a constant reminder of the inflamed skin.
When the last one was pulled tight, Killian straightened his arm slowly, hiding a grimace. He certainly wasn’t anywhere near rehabilitated yet, but he didn’t want Mandible to know how much pain still plagued his every movement. While he could always leave without the healer’s blessing and attempt to navigate the entire Stone Forest on his own, he was hoping he could convince the First Clan to allow the use of their transporter magic to get him at least part of the way out. Killian bit his tongue as he slipped his heavily bandaged hand into Blackbeard’s satchel.
“If you are searching for your mirror, I have placed it somewhere safe where it is less likely to be broken again,” Mandible told him, vaulting his legs to pull wide the opening of the sack so Killian could more easily access its contents.
“Thank you,” grunted Killian. “But that’s actually not what I’m after…”
He spotted the silver gleam nestled near the bottom of the pouch and leaned gingerly forward. With only the slightest bit of mental cursing, he snagged the steel with his pinkie, the least-badly injured of the lot. It took a bit of painful finagling, but eventually, he managed to trap the slender part of his hook between pinkie and ring finger and draw it forth from the bag.
“Take a good look, Mandible,” he said, straightening and feigning swagger. “I’d wager this puts to shame any hook you’ve ever encountered. Including a few hundred blasted fishhooks I’m well acquainted with.”
“It is rather larger,” Mandible agreed as Killian struggled to align the hook and brace. “It would certainly be effective were we ever seeking to disembowel our prey before bringing them back to the Burrow.”
Killian growled as he strained delicate structures in his hand, trying to apply enough force to twist the locking mechanism into place. He couldn’t bring himself to use his palm yet, but his grip with the fourth and fifth fingers was tenuous at best. At last, the satisfying click announced his success, and he flashed a devilish smirk at Mandible. Hoping the manic pain wasn’t quite as visible as he feared, he lifted the weapon a fraction and raised an eyebrow.
“What do you think? Worthy of the outer name of Hook?”
“A logical inspiration.” Mandible closed the satchel and dragged it to the foot of the bed, out of the way. “Do your allies address you as such, or just your enemies?”
Killian rested the weapon on the bedding in preparation to rise. “I… don’t have many of the former, anymore. But they would more likely address me as Captain. Outdated as the rank may be.”
“You have many allies here,” Mandible reminded him. With a quick smile, Killian nodded at the small creature beside him.
“Aye, so I do. Thank you.” He tried to suppress the cynicism bemoaning how inaccessible these new allies were and concentrate on the fact that he had them at all. And was even alive to have them. The monkey beside him seemed to read his mood and rested an encouraging paw on his knee.
“From what I’ve observed during the short time I’ve known you, Laden, I believe you have the ability to forge new alliances wherever you go. But it requires a determination to see the good in the world--and a belief in your own worthiness to ask for help.”
Killian was once again astounded by Mandible’s insight. These days, it did tend to feel like everything was conspiring against him, and that he had to bear the entire burden on his own. How did this little creature, who had probably never been alone in his entire life, have such an uncanny ability to peer into Killian’s heart?
“If I didn’t know better, I’d peg you for some sort of wizard in disguise, mate. Does your magic allow you to gaze into the souls of others or something?”
Mandible remained unreadable as he answered,
“Sadly, no. I can only imagine myself in your place and advise accordingly.”
Killian reached past him and snagged the satchel with his hook, grunting,
“Well, you’re damn good at it, however it is you manage to do it.” He pulled the satchel closer, then smiled down at his obviously concerned friend. “Thank you for the words of wisdom. I’ll take it to heart, to the best of my ability. You have my solemn oath on that.”
“You are preparing to leave,” Mandible said, more than asked. Killian gave him a sidelong glance, gauging how the healer might feel about that. 
“I can’t thank you enough for your hospitality and assistance...”
“I understand. You are eager to begin your journey to see your child.”
“Aye.” The understatement of the century. And Mandible did not make even a token attempt to convince him to wait until he was stronger, or better healed. It seemed desperate love had no species barrier.
Without saying a word, the monkey scampered over to his shelves of supplies and retrieved Killian’s carefully secured mirror, as well as the small, stoppered vial representing the most precious gift Killian had received since his heart had been cursed. The healer proceeded to bundle this carefully as well, knowing it would have to survive the rigors of travel before it could be of any use. As he returned to the alcove, one item in his paw and the other wrapped safely in his fluffy tail, Mandible said,
“I know that Favor will want to see you before you go. I will speak to him while you finish your preparations. Please meet us at the Gathering Circle when you are ready.”
Killian reverently accepted each of the fragile packages in turn, holding them tighter than was comfortable until they were stowed safely in Blackbeard’s satchel. “Thank you. I’ll be there.”
As it turned out, most of the clan would be there too. Perhaps his intentions had been more obvious than he’d realized. Even Blackbeard was present, tied and guarded in the periphery, glowering at the spears held ready for a ruling on his fate. Killian ignored him and moved stiffly into the center of the circle, where Favor and Puzzle waited side by side.
“Laden of the Torn,” began Favor without preamble. “As leader of the First Clan, in honor of services rendered in taking on the role of Champion in time of dire need, I now bestow upon you the well-deserved Inner Name of Valiant.”
The cave rang with a cacophony of whoops and shrieks as the clan gave voice to their approval, sounding very much like the frenzy of the battle nearly two weeks ago. Though startled, Killian stood his ground, watching the spectators and waiting for the surge of adrenaline to subside. Puzzle, too, seemed affected by the din and momentarily edged closer to her father.
When the noise had abated, Favor turned and blinked at one of his attendants, who came forward holding a jingling pouch. It looked heavy.
“To simplify your departure, we have taken the liberty of selecting a variety of our finest treasures as a token of our thanks.”
The First warrior set the pouch at Killian’s feet and retreated as Favor continued,
“We cannot honestly place a value on a life; therefore, please tell us if the sum is inadequate.”
It didn’t seem right to Killian to discuss a specific price either, but he also did not want to offend the monkeys. With great effort, he stooped and snagged the pouch with his hook, took a brief look at its contents, and declared,
“This is most generous; thank you.”
“Is it enough?” persisted Favor, and Killian glanced quickly at the stoically silent Blackbeard.
“I ask only one additional price.”
“Name it, Valiant.”
“Will you allow me a say in the fate of my Torn compatriot over there?”
Favor cast a solemn eye on Blackbeard. “Gripe of the Torn, step forward to be judged.”
Whether or not Blackbeard understood the words, he got the message when two spears started prodding him in the back. Grumbling, he stumbled forward until he stood only a pace or two behind Killian.
“Let me guess,” he said, customary boredom in his tone. “Captain Softy spares the life of the nasty bully, but keeps the spoils for himself. Does that about sum it up?”
Favor made a recognizably human impression of disdain as he addressed Killian. “This Torn coward was prepared to sacrifice your life for his own gain. It would be completely reasonable for you to cast judgment upon him.”
Killian was tempted, for an instant. Releasing a rival might be setting himself up for trouble in the future, and if not him, then certainly Captain Smee. But, as Blackbeard had pointed out, Killian did owe him for getting him out of his quarry sentence, at least. Assuming Blackbeard hadn’t set the whole thing up to begin with…
“Give me a couple of days’ head start,” Killian sighed. “Then set him free.”
He heard the overexaggerated scoff behind him but paid it no mind. He dumped approximately half the contents of the treasure bag into the satchel on his shoulder, then turned.
“This should more than cover your expenses and your time. Afraid your heart’s desire will have to wait.”
He tossed the pouch with the remaining reward at Blackbeard’s restrained feet, and the other pirate smirked.
“You really are a complete and utter pansy, aren’t you?”
Killian graced him with a look of weary exasperation. “Don’t make me regret this. I’m not obliged to do any of this for you. In fact, one could argue that you now owe me a favor.”
He raised a disdainful eyebrow, and Blackbeard mimicked his disgust. 
“Maybe so,” Blackbeard admitted, then sneered. “Just don’t expect me to give up my pursuit of the Jolly Roger. She’s worth more than a few trinkets in a goat’s ballsack.”
Killian smirked right back. “I’ll agree that your worth pales in comparison, but there’s no need to refer to yourself so crudely in civilized company.”
As Blackbeard brayed a single exaggerated, sarcastic laugh, Killian made a mental note to warn Captain Smee of the danger the next time he saw him. If nothing else, this whole ordeal had served to demonstrate the lengths to which Blackbeard would go in satisfying his desires, and Smee would need to take ample precautions if he were to stand any chance against the covetous rival captain.
The First warriors did not allow Blackbeard to return fire with the vulgar insults he was surely concocting beneath that smug facade. The repositioned gag muffled his initial syllables, which slurred into a snarl of frustration when he realized he was about to be dragged away from the center of attention. Good riddance. Killian turned his back, eager to put the other man both literally and figuratively behind him. It was long past time to return his focus to the only thing that truly mattered.
“It is my honor to have true allies in the First Clan,” Killian told Favor and his followers. “My departure today is not intended to--”
“We understand, Valiant,” Favor interrupted his faltering apology. He pulled Puzzle closer. “Go now, with our blessing.”
A haunted smile was the only thanks Killian could give. Mandible drew near, clutching a clay pot, and this was the cue for several other warriors to join him. They all took a pawful of the pot’s contents, then formed a ring around their Champion.
“Close your eyes, Valiant of the Torn,” instructed Mandible. “We will transport you to the very edge of the Stone Forest, beyond the reach of its blades.”
“Thank you.”
Killian took one final look at the odd collection of furry faces surrounding him, catching at the end a streak of red-gold as a tiny mass scaled his form in record time. Noticeably more warmth crept into his smile as he closed his eyes, and his last sensation before dazzling light engulfed him was a silken caress of farewell, just beneath his chin.
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gcthvile · 7 months
The Prince of Light and The Shadow King
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Characters: Charming! Nikolai, Dark Prince! Alexander, Queen Baghra and King Eryk.
warnings: violence, abuse
fandom: OUAT
summary: Alexander's lust for power poisons the kingdom, but Nikolai's light still burns. As the Shadow King tightens his grip, Nikolai prepares to rise against the darkness forever oppressing their land.
In the kingdom of Vinterkyla, Queen Baghra rejoiced at the birth of her first son - Alexander, a healthy baby boy born under the light of the full moon.
From his first cries, all who heard knew this child was gifted, or cursed, with a power over shadows. Darkness itself seemed to swirl around the infant Alexander, dancing at his command.
Five long years passed with no further heirs. The prince grew into his gift, manipulating shadows with alarming precision for one so young. While a source of pride, Alexander's talents also brought unease to the court.
His eyes shone with an unnatural affinity for the dark arts, forbidden knowledge somehow calling to the prince even then. Alexander's soul seemed to blacken more each day, cruelty replacing childhood innocence.
Finally, the queen announced another royal birth was imminent. On a dawn full of promise, Prince Nikolai entered the world - a beacon of light to counter his elder brother's darkness.
Though smaller, Nikolai was fierce and strong. From the first, he displayed an affinity for banishing shadows with his joyful presence. But while the kingdom rejoiced over their newest prince, tensions were rising within the royal family.
Alexander grew fiercely possessive and jealous of the attention shown to Nikolai. And as the brothers grew into their powers, it became clear a great rivalry was blossoming between the Prince of Light and the Prince of Darkness.
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"Come brother, let's see who masters the dark arts best."
Prince Alexander smirked down at Nikolai, only 10 winters to his 15. They stood in the shadowy training arena, a gift from their father meant to nurture the brothers' talents. But Alexander had more sinister plans.
"I do not wish to compete, Alexander," Nikolai said cautiously. "Our powers should be used to help people, not hurt each other."
"Help people?" Alexander spat. "Power is meant to rule people, Nikolai, not coddle them. And I will rule this land someday, with you as my humble servant..."
He flung out a hand, shadows lashing towards Nikolai faster than he could follow. Just in time, Nikolai brought up a shield of light, dissipating the tendrils into wisps of smoke.
"You will have to do better than that," smirked Nikolai, though fear curdled in his gut at his brother's malice. Alexander's eyes narrowed.
"So the little prince has some fight after all. Let us see how you handle this!" With a roar, a wave of pitch darkness slammed into Nikolai, sending him crashing through shields of light into the wall.
He gasped in pain as Alexander loomed over him, shadows wrapping his body like chains. "You were a mistake, Nikolai. Mother should have birthed me as an only child, to rule as I was meant to!"
His hand gripped Nikolai's throat as shadows curled around his windpipe. "This kingdom will be mine alone. Say farewell, little brother..."
Suddenly a light flared within Nikolai, banishing the shadows with an explosion of power. He collapsed, panting. "One...day...people will see...you for...what you are..."
Alexander's eyes blazed with loathing. This was only the beginning.
Several bitter winters had passed since the tragic demise of King Eryk and Queen Baghra. Though the cause was never determined, all knew Dark Prince Alexander had much to gain by their absence.
Within days, he had seized the throne of Vinterkyla, crowning himself King with ruthless efficiency. But Alexander's ambition was not sated with mere political power. He lusted to master the dark magics his parents had forbidden, including full command over shadows themselves.
To do so required energy, sacrifice...and a certain "assistant" to direct as a vessel for his experiments. Younger brother Nikolai was the perfect subject. Now at 20 winters to Alexander's 25, Nikolai remained defiantly loyal to their people - a threat to the new Shadow King.
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Under guise of 'brotherly training,' Alexander relentlessly drilled Nikolai in the murkiest arts, draining his strength and will. "Again!" he would order, shadows lashing Nikolai's bleeding body as he struggled to obey dark summoning.
"You must learn to master your shadows fully, dear brother," Alexander crooned sadistically. "Only then can you fulfill your duty to our kingdom. Our people depend on you, after all..."
But as Nikolai healed lonely nights in his cell, mending slashes inflicted by his "teacher," doubts emerged. Had his parents truly died of plague as proclaimed? The haunting suspicions kindled Nikolai's first flames of rebellion against Alexander's "rule."
So when next summoned for "practice," Nikolai refused, staring defiantly into Alexander's coal-black eyes. "I will no longer be your puppet in these evil schemes. Release me, and our people, from your twisted games!"
Alexander's face twisted with murderous fury. At last, his brother dared defy him - an act of insolence that would not go unpunished.
"Insolent fool!" Alexander's eyes blazed with fury. "You dare oppose me? I am king!" Dark tendrils lashed out, slicing Nikolai's cheek before he could react.
"All this time I nurtured your powers, and this is how you repay me?" the Shadow King hissed. "You shall learn respect, dear brother, even if I must beat it into you!"
Steeling himself, Nikolai called to the light still burning deep within. A shield flared around his body, deflecting the next barrage of shadows. "No more will I be your plaything, Alexander! Release our people from your tyranny!"
Alexander howled with rage. The very stones of the castle shuddered as he summoned his full command over darkness. "So be it! If you will not serve willingly, then you shall know true suffering in your place!"
A great claw of shadows lunged, seizing Nikolai in an unbreakable grip. Try as he might, no flash of light could pierce the evil magic constricting tighter with each struggle.
"Take him to the depths!" Alexander spat at the waiting guards. "Let him rot in the eternal darkness where no light may find him. Perhaps that will break his defiant spirit at last."
As Nikolai was dragged kicking and screaming into the dungeon's black maw, he vowed this was not the end. Somewhere, deep within his soul, the spark of rebellion still glowed faint but fierce. One day, he would rise again.
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Many bitter winters had passed for Prince Nikolai under the ruthless hand of his brother and the constant torture of being dragged back to the dungeon for evey small mistake. Through all the King's tortures to break his soul, the light within never fully died. Each flicker of hope buoyed Nikolai through the endless darkness.
Now at 25 years, his body and magic were strongest. Summoning every last bit of power, Nikolai blasted apart the cell seals in a brilliant flash. Guards screamed as their shadows melted, clearing Nikolai's escape route at last.
Bolting up rotting stairs into the icy night, Nikolai never looked back at the cursed fortress which had been his prison for so long. Silent as the snowfall, he fled into the woods, shadow walking for hours to throw off any pursuers.
Dawn was breaking when Nikolai finally collapsed, weary but free. Safe for now in a snowy glade, he allowed much-needed rest. But little did the runaway prince know, his absence had been discovered...
Back at the castle, Alexander raged for hours upon discovering Nikolai's cell empty. How dare that insolent brother defy him after all these years? The King vowed Nikolai would pay dearly if ever found.
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"I will hunt you to the ends of the earth, my brother," Alexander snarled to his scrying pool, spying Nikolai unconscious on the edge of his domain. "Whatever misery you suffered is nothing compared to what awaits your return to my kingdom!"
His twisted laughter echoed through the trees carried on dark wings, announcing to all that the Shadow King's vengeance was at hand.
Nikolai shivered awake as sunlight warmed his cheeks, banishing the last vestiges of a nightmare. For the first time in years, his dreams had been solely his own. A fact not lost on the runaway prince as he took in his snowy surroundings.
"At last, I am truly free," Nikolai whispered to the glade, allowing a tentative smile. But dark flutters at the treeline stole away any joy. Shadows swirled between the trunks, searching...
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"Did you believe it would be so easy to escape me, brother?" Alexander's voice carried on those evil wisps as he stalked into view. "No place on this earth is beyond my grasp, thanks to your years of...service."
The Shadow King's words dripped with twisted fondness. Nikolai rose unsteadily but did not back down. "I will never return to your twisted games, Alexander. My will is my own!"
A chorus of sibilant laughter answered. "On the contrary, little Nikolai. You have always been, and always will be, my pawn."
From the trees, legions of shadow creatures surged towards their master's prey. The brothers morphed into writhing silhouettes as shadow magic lit the glade in a chaotic dance.
But Nikolai had survived the darkness, and it had made him strong. A beacon flared, incinerating the first wave of monsters. The battle was joined - and at last, years of pent up vengeance would find their release.
Nikolai called upon all he had endured, channeling years of suffering into his magic. Flames roared from his hands, reducing Alexander's shadow beasts to wispy cinders on the freezing wind.
But for each monster fallen, two more arose from the inky masses at their master's command. Nikolai fought with the fury of one who had stared too long into the dark, matching each strike blow for blow.
Alexander gazed upon the fray with maddened glee. At last, his brother showed his true potential - a weapon the Shadow King still hoped to wield, despite all Nikolai's resistance.
"You fight well for a escaped prisoner, I'll allow. But you cannot stand against my full power forever!" Alexander threw back his head in a shrieking laugh that curdled the air.
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Darkness swelled around them in a suffocating tide, engulfing the clearing. Nikolai's flames guttered under the oppressive shadows' weight, his light struggling to pierce the evil ink.
Was this to be his end, after coming so far? Nikolai refused to let it be so easily. Gathering his flagging strength for a final gambit, he unleashed a nova of solar brilliance.
The Shadow King's shrieks mingled with the dying squeals of his minions as Nikolai's flare countered the darkness in a calamitous explosion. When the smoke cleared, both brothers lay broken amid the clearing's ashes.
As the smoke cleared, Nikolai was the first to stir. Every fibre of his being ached, but he was alive - for now. Struggling to his feet, he spotted Alexander nearby, still unconscious amid the smoldering ashes.
An idea took hold in Nikolai's mind. After so long under this cruel man's thumb, a chance for vengeance was laid before him. With a whispered word, shadows snaked towards the Shadow King's prone form, coiling like serpents to strike.
Yet as they reared back to deliver a killing blow, Nikolai hesitated. Even after all the torment, some small part of his heart still clung to hope that the brother of his youth may one day return.
"Come back to the light, Alexander," he urged softly. "This path of darkness will only destroy you, as it has almost destroyed me. There is still hope for change..."
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At that moment, Alexander stirred with a guttural groan. His ink-black eyes flickered open, locking immediately on Nikolai standing over him. Recognition dawned, followed by naked fury as he recalled their duel.
"You..." Alexander hissed through bloody teeth. With inhuman speed, he summoned a tendril to whip around Nikolai's ankle, yanking him off his feet. "I will end you for your insolence, once and for all!"
Darkness closed in as the Shadow King crawled on hands and knees towards his brother, ready to squeeze the life from him. But Nikolai was not out of tricks just yet.
The battle was over as Nikolai finally stood victorious over his brother's fallen form, the shadows answering his call began to recoil. Alexander lay unmoving, his corrupted essence burned away by Nikolai's holy power.
All seemed still, until a rasping chuckle rose from the Shadow King. "You...may have won this battle...brother. But the darkness is...eternal. I will...rise again."
With those ominous words, Alexander dissolved into a pool of inky smoke. It swirled together, compacting into a widening vortex that pulled his retreating form deep underground.
Nikolai watched in dismay, realizing the shadow portal would allow his brother to escape justice once more. But perhaps this fate was worse - to wander souls eternally, power broken but vengeance unquenched.
"This is not over, Alexander!" Nikolai called into the fading portal. "When next you rise, I will be waiting! The light will always stand against your darkness."
And with that, the vortex sealed shut, leaving no trace of the fallen Shadow King. Nikolai surveyed the ashes of conflict, knowing in his heart this was only the beginning. Someday, Alexander would return, reforged in darker magics than before.
I think I'm getting quite addicted to writing OUAT AU fics
tags: @missstrawbs2001 @jackiequick @blueboirick @cherrysft @meiramel @purpleprincessonfyre @ask-missparker @askstevella @therealdaydreamstark @rickb-chaos @luna-d-marsh @rooster-84 @gaminggirlsstuff
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unshulf · 1 year
Welcome, welcome.
( I don't know how the FUCK this website works!!! )
I suppose I should start with an introduction. I am UnShulf. I've been an Undertale fan ever since June of 2016, and I've been making AUs and sprites ever since. Though as many would guess, my first attempts at those were horrible.
Here I will try to make posts about my work, though they won't be that consistent. For the first couple of posts I will most likely upload spriteworks which I have made a while back, ranging from weeks to months.
Now I shall list down all the AUs/Projects that you will HOPEFULLY see here, just in case there's anything you may find interesting:
- Once Upon a Time, my Underswap take which explores the concept of "species shifts/swaps" (Papyrus and Sans would become pumpkin people for example).
- Chasmbound, another Underswap take which has concepts which I couldn’t use up for Once Upon a Time.
- DreemNoMore, my Underfell-esque roleshift AU, similarly to OUaT, this also explores the idea of species shifts, but in a lighter way.
- Jōki no sutōrī, roleswitch AU, not much to say about it for now.
- Altered Definitive, an AU inspired by Altertale, made by me and Perifrog.
- Star Folder is… an AU sorta like Enchanted Realities. The roles are taken up by characters from different game franchises.
- The Legend, OUaT's Deltarune equivalent, a Deltaswap take.
- Amber Prism, a Darkworld-Swap AU.
- My very own take on the Deltarune chapters.
There is also an original project that I currently have most of my focus on, though I don’t know if I will talk about it much here for the time being. We’ll see.
That’s about it. I hope I can upload something here from time to time, and I hope you will find some interest in my projects.
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patwrites · 1 year
Ten minutes ago I finished the series finale of OUAT.
While I am still of the opinion that S6 was a better farewell, I truly enjoyed a lot of S7. I’d never seen the final season until this week so it was very interesting to watch.
Through all the ups and downs of the writing and sometimes some very odd acting choices, this story stayed true to its central themes throughout all of its 155 episodes: faith, hope, optimism, and love. The importance of redemption and second chances.
If these past 18 days have taught me anything, it is that I will always prefer a story about those things than something dreary and overly depressing. There’s enough pessimism and cynicism in the world and in entertainment media as it is.
Rousseau was right, friends. Hobbs was not.
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Once Farewell 💖💔
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@jenmorrisonlive: What an amazing life changing journey of magic and hope! Thank you to Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis for trusting me with Emma Swan. Thank you to the incredible cast and mostly, thank you to the creative team and crew of ONCE UPON A TIME. The endless hours of hard work and devotion that every crew member contributed to the show is what made magic possible every week for 7 years. I am eternally grateful to everyone. And a massive shout out, big hug, and giant thank you to all of the fans. You made ONCE what it is. You all inspired us every day. Thank you for all of the love and support for the show over the years. The #oncers made dreams come true. You are all heroes in my book!
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@lparrilla: I’ll never forget the day I walked in to audition as Evil Queen Regina for Eddy and Adam. I was wearing all black (of course) and had this crazy, dreadlock looking wrap draped over my shoulders. I had no idea where this pilot was going to go but I knew it was something special. I walked out of the audition room and down the hall was an old photograph of the OG Evil Queen herself. I knew then, something magical was about to begin. It’s been 7 years now and I couldn’t be prouder of what we all have created. Adam and Eddy had this crazy idea in their minds years ago and it turned into a fantastical phenomenon. This show has touched so many people’s lives, changed them for the better, has inspired us to grow in ways we never could’ve imagined. It’s brought hope, joy, friendships and love to so many. I am lucky and blessed to have been a part of it for 7 years. I want to thank the cast, our incredibly, hard working crew and the writers for your dedication and hard work over the years. Thank you to the studio and network for believing in us, supporting us and giving us a home to tell our stories. But most importantly, I want to thank our fans. We honestly wouldn’t be here without your love, support and loyalty to ONCE. Thank you for standing by us all of these years. We hope we’ve made you proud and that the magic this show has brought in to your lives never dies. Thank you for all you’ve given back to us in return and always remember to keep that magic alive. Signed with love, respect, gratitude and honor, Lana  #OUAT 
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@lparrilla: Dear #onceuponatime fans, I would like to thank you all for your love and support over the last 7 years! I never could’ve imagined I would get to play an iconic Disney character in my career and who better than the Evil Queen herself! ONCE’s EQ Regina Mills was so much more than a villain. She became a hero, an inspiration and one of the most influential characters on the show. She became MY hero. I learned so much from her and I will miss walking in her shoes. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity I’ve had to play Regina. Thank you, thank you, thank you @adamhorowitzla @edwardkitsis @disney & @abcnetwork  This experience has changed my life! Everyone please enjoy tonight’s series finale of Once Upon A Time! It’s a tearjerker so prepare yourselves! All my love - Lana  #evilregals #oncers#villians #hereos #hope #family #love#happyending #dreamsdocometrue ... : @itstroyjensen
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@therealjaredgilmore: After hearing about the end of OUAT, I was sad but also nostalgic … and as always hopeful. I was hit with a flood of wonderful memories. I want to thank Eddy and Adam for giving me the chance to bring Henry to life. I want to thank the cast and crew for watching me grow up and teaching me everything I know. I will never forget my time on OUAT it has shaped me into the person I am today. I have so many fond memories with everyone from the show. I’ll never forget the day I met Lana in casting or the first time I knocked on that door (you know which one). I feel like Henry and me are one in the same now, he has taught me so much. The show has touched so many people and I am honored to have been a part of that. I want to thank all of the fans for being so loyal and just fantastic! You’re all amazing, the series build a community I am proud to say I’m apart of. Thanks to the fans for always being there, for always watching, and believing. I hope the fire this series has lit will stay burning for years to come. What is dead may never truly die. Keep believing, always have hope, and let magic fill your hearts and OUAT will always live on. You are all fantastic, thank you for everything. It was a true honor to bring Henry to life, to bring magic to the world. I will never forget my time on OUAT. Though our paths may diverge, never forget your fairy tale friends. #OUAT
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@joshtherealdallas: What a privilege it was for us to be your Snow and Charming. Thanks #ONCERS for seven years of magic. We thank you from the bottoms of our hearts. We will always find you. Love us. @onceabcofficial @abcnetwork#ginnifergoodwin #season7 #grateful#seriesfinale
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@colinodonoghue1: To everyone, I have had and will continue to have the most amazing experience playing Hook on @onceabcofficial until we wrap Season 7! Thank you so much for the support and laughs over the years! You are the best. Much love, Col #oncers #hookers #onceuponatime
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@colinodonoghue1: What can I say! Thank you Oncers, Thank you Eddy and Adam, Thank you @onceabcofficial!! I love Hook! I will miss him! Much love, Col
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@emiliede_ravin: From my first day on this magical set 7yrs ago (pics) I fell in love with this incredible cast & crew, & shortly after with our incredibly devoted & loving fans #oncers. Thank you to everyone for having me along for the ride of a lifetime, & to @adamhorowitzla & @jollychan4 for creating this special version of Belle for me. So much love, Em xoxo #Belles #rumbelle #onceuponatime @onceabcofficial #robertcarlyle #firstbelleselfie #firstrumbellepic @robcarlyle_
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@emiliede_ravin: 1. Tonight... #onceuponatimefinale 
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@robertcarlyle_: 2.  Yes, tonight..
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@emiliede_ravin: 3. Happily Ever... #onceuponatimefinale #rumbelle#robertcarlyle  @onceabcofficial
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@robertcarlyle_: 4.. After
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@robertcarlyle_: 5. For Ever..
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@emiliede_ravin: 6. ...And Ever. #onceuponatimefinale #robertcarlyle #rumbelle @onceabcofficial 
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@bexmader: Grateful. This is the first word that comes to my mind when I think of #onceuponatime This role of #Zelena came to me at a time in my life when I needed it most. The show came in and scooped me up in its arms and took me on a journey I couldn’t have imagined. I have learned so much as an artist but more importantly as a person. You, the fans have embraced me and made me feel loved and seen in a way that has changed me for the better. Zelena taught me how to be me. That no matter your past or your mistakes every day is a new opportunity to get back up, dust yourself off and keep going. Thank you Adam and Eddy for giving me the gift of playing the Wicked Witch. Thank you all for watching and being there all the way. So much love. Today and forever 💚#mypretties
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@bexmader: Dearest You, thank you for watching our show. I will eternally be grateful for this blessing of portraying Zelena. For the rest of my life I get to say I used to be The Wicked Witch! How lucky am I? So many memories. So many lessons. My biggest take away from Once Upon A Time is the realization that every day is a chance to start over. It’s not an Ending. It’s a Happy Beginning. And it is ours. I love you #mypretties  Forever, Bex  @vfxsup#wickedalwayswins #staywicked#thistooshallpass
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@iamseanmaguire: Sad to hear that Once upon a time is coming to an end. It was a great honor playing Robin Hood. I will cherish the incredible friendships I have made and always be indebted to the incomparable fans around the world who have given me so much. I wish love and the best of luck to everyone on their new ventures. @OnceABC @onceabcofficial
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@iamseanmaguire: As the last episode of Once upon a time airs tonight. Just wanted again to thank all the cast crew writers and creators. And to the fans of the show the world over thank you for the love and support.
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@andrewjwest: Thank you to the fans of Once Upon A Time. You graciously welcomed me into the OUAT family as a new version of a character that you have loved for many years, and for this I am forever grateful. I also love this character, and I’m so excited for you to see where this journey will take him and his family over the final twelve episodes. So happy to have been a part of such an epic and long-lived tale. See ya in a few weeks. #march2nd #onceuponatime
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@andrewjwest: It’s been a great honor to take this ride through the final season of #onceuponatime with you. Much thanks for all the love and support. And now tonight we see where this story leads... #seriesfinale
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@andrewjwest: A little BTS from the finale. Hanging at Granny’s, yet another version of Hook, Bobby creepin, and last shot by @raphaelsbarge capturing worlds colliding. #onceuponatime #hopeyouenjoyed
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@gilesmatthey: What an honor to have worked on such a wonderful show that many had previously worked so hard to create. Thank you to those people, Crew , writers, actors and of course the fans for allowing me to hop aboard to play Gideon. I will look back with such fond memories on my time. Think this bts pic is brilliant. Always room for a laugh ! @onceabcofficial@abcnetwork @adamhorowitzla#cheersmuchlovegoodnight!
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@robbiekay71: So honoured and grateful to have been a part of the wonderful creation that is #OnceUponATime. An unforgettable journey. Adam and Eddy, thank you for giving me the opportunity to put a fresh take on the legendary Peter Pan. To all of you that have watched the show, thank you. You are a special group of people and the show is so incredibly lucky to have fans as brilliant as ours. Lots of love 💚
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@karendavidofficial: Well it was one amazing magic carpet ride that I will cherish for years to come!! Truly blessed to have been a part of @onceabcofficial and welcomed by such a lovely and supportive cast and crew. Congrats @adamhorowitzla and @jollychan4 for making such a special show for 7 years, crossing borders, and touching hearts around the world. Thank you gents and @abcnetwork a million times over for making a childhood dream come true playing Jasmine. To the amazing #OUAT fandom, thank you for welcoming me into the family and embracing my Jasmine/Shirin. Grateful for your love and kindness!  #ouat Photo with wonderful @colinodonoghue1 S6 Thanks @vfxsup for capturing such a lovely moment in between takes! Xo
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@karendavidofficial: It was only befitting to save this photo with dear Ginny for tonight’s series finale of @onceabcofficial As many of you know, my first day on set, back in season 6, started with this beautiful human being. I could not have hoped for a more warmer and loving welcome and the new beginning of my #OUAT journey in any other way. After filming a whole day with this lady, I felt at home. Love you, Lady G!  Bless your heart for your heaps of kindness and giving soul. • Thinking of the whole gang, @adamhorowitzla and @jollychan4 on what I know will be a fantastic final episode. Congrats!!! What this amazing bunch have created will surpass time and will always connect us all. I feel so honoured to have been a part of it in S6. Thank you again to all the fans, who embraced #Jasmine and I. It means so much and is a chapter of my life that I will hold dear to my heart. This isn’t farewell. We will always have 7 seasons worth of memories to cherish. Love you all!  #oncers #oncersforever
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@officialmeghanory: Thank you #onceuponatime & #oncers for a wonderful adventure. Man will I miss that cape and Ruby’s wild hair! #littlereds i sadly won’t be in the finale because of scheduling conflicts but I wish I could have been there. Can’t wait to see what magic is spun #fairytales#littleredridinghood
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@thereelbeverley: Bye bye Once Upon a Time. You will be missed. Especially by me. Love to all our amazing, loyal fans, and to our superb cast, crew and production team. We made magic!!! Onward down the yellow brick road
@thereelbeverley: Bye OUAT You gave me an amazing 6 years I cant thank you enough for this experience..our loyal fans that kept us going..the superb writers,production team cast and crew to all. Off to other magical adventures #OnceUponATime #OUAT #OUATCancelledParty
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@raphaelsbarge: And then there was one... the LAST one. #endofanera @onceabcofficial #onceuponatime So grateful for this last 7 years on a truly magical show. #momentusoccasion
Raphael’s Farewell Photoset 
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@keegolicious: Well...can’t help but feel Blue to hear the news. What a magical ride, thanks for having me along @adamhorowitzla @jollychan4. Much love to all you wonderful #Oncers that I have met around the world. #onceuponatime
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@keegolicious: Back to the beginning... My first fitting as the Blue Fairy, my little one was only 3 months old. So much has passed in those years, and I am grateful for all the good things that came from being part of #onceuponatime. Thanks to the most ardent fans whom I’ve had the chance to meet around the world. Thanks for 7 years of being your #bluefairy. May love, hope and magic always find you. 
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@roseareyn: It has been an absolute joy working on this season of @onceabcofficial. Cast/crew/everyone you are family; thank you. And thank you to everyone who took that leap with us and came for the ride. You are wonderful. See you March 2nd for the last twelve episodes. Love. 
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@roseareyn: I was new, didn’t know what was going on and I was taken in to the oncer world. I really appreciate it, thank you. Here’s my best bud, who taught me a lot along the way. @onceabcofficial #alice #nobin #knightrook
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@realmerrindungey: What a glorious #Oncein a lifetime opportunity. Forever grateful and I will love these fans forever. 
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@realmerrindungey: It was an honor and a privilege to serve as one of the #QueensofDarkness on #OUAT. Much love to the incredible fans, the cast and crew, and for everyone who embraced me as Ursula. #seadevil #
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@victoriasmurfit: Night night gorgeous @onceabcofficial What a magical place it was to be. #Cruella
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@ChristieLaing: Congratulations to the entire cast and crew of @OnceABC on your amazing seven years. It was such a huge blessing to be part of your story and thank you to the fandom for your continued support  @AdamHorowitzLA @jollychan4 
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@christielaing_official: Working with the cast and crew of Once Upon A Time was an absolute blessing. No doubt a highlight of my career. Thank you, to the fandom for the continued support. And to the cast and crew for your hard work and friendship. Farewell #OUAT it was an honor to be a part of it all.
Christie’s farewell photoset
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@jasonburkart: Storybrooke was home for some of the best cast, crew and fans! My visit was brief but unforgettably magical! #OUAT #onceuponatime #ABC #Disney#LittleJohn #7seasons #happyending@iamseanmaguire @lparrilla@joshtherealdallas @colinodonoghue1@christielaing_official
Jason’s farewell photoset
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@daniajramirez: Thank you @adamhorowitzLA and Eddy Kitsis for their incredible talent and imagination. You have the ability to make nonbelievers believers by simply allowing us to enter your mind through your scripts. Thank you for allowing me to come play in your magical kingdom! I will never forget my time on @onceuponatime and I will forever be grateful to you both and @abcnetwork@abccasting for having such an open mind in your diverse casting choices and allowing me the opportunity to be your #latina #cinderella. It is such a joy to bring her to life and I am honored to be a part of such an amazing cast. To all the cast and crew members of season 7, I have loved every moment we have shared on screen and most importantly off. You are all one of the most talented group I have had the pleasure of working with and one of the most fun and genuine group I’ve spend time with. Finally to the fans, please know that we have the 2nd half of the season to share with you and we look forward to being back on your screens March 2nd! Thank you for your continued support and loyalty to a show that has been yours for 7 seasons. Many thanks to you all for sharing this time with me respectfully. I feel so blessed to have my children, family and friends live this life knowing as a latina woman I got to play a #badass #cinderellafor @disney #womenrock @adamhorwitzand #EddyKitsis You have changed my life forever. #happyendingsarereal #theamericandream
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@daniajramirez: This will Always be the most iconic surreal moment! Thank you all for taking this ride with us. Forever #Cinderella@onceabcofficial finale @adamhorowitzla@edwardkitsis
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@tvalisononset: Tune in tonight as I get to hang out with the royal family in an epic adventure with an epic ending! Don’t miss it!#seasonfinal # #seriesfinal#onceuponatime #LucyMills #goodbye #epicstory
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@tvalisononsetThey say you are who you walk with... I’m walking with epic, awesome, and Heavenly! I will miss this show so much but I’m so glad it was! Thanks to all the fans that made it happen. “Love you all” 💖💋🎉🤗✨🎬
Alison’s Farewell Photoset 
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@mekiacox: It’s not everyday you get to live out your childhood dreams, yet being a part of this show has allowed me to do just that. Princess Tiana has and always will have a special place in my heart. Thank you to @edwardkitsis and @adamhorowitzla for allowing me to bring this role to life. And thank you to the fans for accepting me into your family. OUAT FOR LIFE!! ❤️😍😘❤️#oncersforever #princesstiana#onceuponatime
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@yael_yy‪: As the series finale of @onceabcofficial comes closer, I want to thank all of you for your constant support. I had a wonderful time being a part of this loving family! These memories will stay with me forever. Enjoy the last episode and don't be sad that it's over, be happy it happened‬ 💕
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@emmalovesluna: Thankyou OUAT for opening me up to an incredible and absolutely divine bunch of actors who are now like family and make me laugh more than anyone I know..... this show is magic !!!!! And I can’t wait to come wrap up my time in Vancouver soon.... what a blessing.... I have learnt so much on this show!!!! Not only has it changed me as a person, I have developed an incredible and undeniable love for the shows fans..... you too have become like family to me.... . So take the magic with you always my evil witches ... or shall I say WARRIOR WITCHES ... you got this.... and may you never be the same..... .. @vfxsup. . . #ouat #love #evilwitches #humbled
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@emmalovesluna: To new beginnings and endings.... Sending viral hugs to you oncers as I know the end of the show last night was a super- colossal event for many of you.... Oh, and THANKYOU so much for having me on the ride ✌🏼...✨🔮✨... . . . . #hollywood #earthporn #beautifulearth#ouat #thankyou #oncers #evilwitches#warriorwitches
Emma’s Farewell Photoset | Video
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@therealdanielfrancis: All adventures come to an end, and this @onceabcofficial was truly a great one! Loved diving into the #ouat world, bringing #drfacilier to life and more importantly sharing the story with all the fandom, you are truly AMAZING!  Thanks to @adamhorowitzla, Eddy Kitsis and the whole cast & crew for your hard work and creativity! And thank you #robertcarlyle and @lparrilla for the in-person masterclasses #legends 
Daniel’s farewell video
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@freyatingley: Wow! End of an era! Thanks so much to the fans of @onceabcofficialfor being such fierce devotees!! It was an honor to be your Wendy Darling!!! And thanks to @abcnetwork for creating such a hit!!! #oncers @emmalovesluna@roseareyn @meeganeloise
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Faustino Di Bauda/Sleepy
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@jakobdavies: It's been a great seven years thanks @onceabcofficial @adamhorowitzla
Jakob Davies/young Pinocchio 
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@captaingauthier: Some great memories, great times and most of all great fans! Thanks @onceabcofficial@colinodonoghue1 @1michaelcoleman@leearenberg @thereelbeverley@karendavidofficial @therealjaredgilmore@raphaelsbarge @gilmckinney 
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@captaingauthier: And thus we reach the end of another journey. I’m so grateful to the cast and crew of this show. All of which treated me so well and allowed me to stretch and “play” as an actor. Being a peripheral character it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle but not with this cast; it was a treat to come to set! I will miss antics on the Jolly Roger (on sea and on hydraulics), hanging out at the GVRD (Despite the lack of cell service) and all the other place we went! I’d like say a huge thanks for having me for 6 years (it was only supposed to be one episode). But mostly I want to say thanks to the fans that I have had the pleasure to meet at cons around he world. You truly are the best fans. Thank you so very much!  Enjoy the final show.
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@captaingauthier: The wardrobe.... #Smeeyoulater
Chris farewell photoset
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@joanametrass: Guinevere and being a part of OUAT was one of the most awesome experiences not only of my career but of my life! Thank you @adamhorowitzla and @jollychan4 for the opportunity, for creating such an amazing show and bringing such a group of incredible people together! I never worked on a production like @onceabcofficial where every single person that was part of the project was amazing, and kind and welcoming! Thank you also to @veronicacronney for the opportunity to go to the casting that got me this part. Thank you to all the #oncersfor all the continuous love and welcoming me in the family. Congratulations to all of you that made this show so incredible ❤️ I miss all of you and i miss my Guinevere 💕💕💕#guinevere #ouat #ouatseason5 #oncers #storybrooke #camelot #ouatabc #ouatcast
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@joanametrass: To some of the best times of my life. To one of the things I am most grateful for. To the show of my heart. To one of the greatest opportunities I have been given! Thank you @onceabcofficial and everyone involved! Thank you #oncers for making it possible! #ouat #abc #guinevere #california#actress #losangeles #hollywood#lastepisode #seasonfinale
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Gil McKinney/Prince Eric
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Charles Mesure/Black Beard
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Sara Tomko/Tiger Lily 
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OUAT Finale Party
Woke up to this news from my friend.. Really upset about the end of this series as I’ve been watching since 2012.
I was pleasantly surprised by this new reboot/spin off/sequel season 7, wasn’t expecting much since most of the main cast was leaving, but this season was better than I thought. 
Sad to see it coming to an end, since OUAT always gave me so much hope and positive vibes. Another magical world to escape to when I was in a dark place. This show brought me light. 
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But I guess, all good things must come to an end, right? 
So thank you for all the lessons and quotes, and I can’t wait for the final episodes in March. This will definitely be a series I’d rewatch again in the future.  
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freechoicedreamer · 6 years
I confess, lately I have been preparing myself to move on, to really say Goodbye to Once Upon a Time and to this blog, before I find myself too much attached to it...
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Let it go....
before letting it go, I will leave here the pictures to be used in my last farewell...
the story I’m writing, Body and Soul
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star-hermit-xx · 7 years
I'm entirely too emotional.
I'm not ready.
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outswanqueen · 5 years
“My heart is heavy this morning... 😢
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RIP Gabe Khouth (@gabrielforest72) 🕯🙏🏻
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You were one of the kindest, funniest, loving and talented men I had the opportunity to work with. 💕☺️
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You will be missed by all!
We love you - Lana & Lola”
— Lana Parrilla, Goodbye Gabriel • July 25, 2019
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Dear Storybrooke.
It has been quite the journey.
Farewell my fairytale friends.
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booknerdblogger · 6 years
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Farewell Once Upon a Time (2011-2018) 
Like books, TV shows also have a significant meaning to us...Once Upon a Time for me held that meaning
I began watching the show last summer during which I was going through a rough time, OUAT was my escape, it gave me hope, opened doors to a world a imagination for me & that struck me as a phenomenal. Each epsiode I watched, I learnt something new
Each character taught me something throughout the 7 years OUAT has taught me valuable life lessons, through each character I learnt something. second chances are possible, people can change & most importantly "believing even in the possibility of a happy ending is a powerful thing" 
Once Upon a Time is not just a show, it's a more than that.. It has taught me that second chances are possible, people can redeem themselves & most importantly "you can't let fear or failure keep you from trying" -Snow White
Thank you to the creators, cast & crew for an epic 7 years of magic & imagination. Looking back, I personally loved the character transformation of Regina Mills / The Evil Queen. She is someone I could relate to from time to time & each season I was stuck to the show because of Regina 😊😊 Thank you again to the creators, cast & crew for this amazing show that has changed my life ❤️❤️
Thank you Once for amazing adventures over the last 7 years ❤️ 
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"They don't know what it feels like to be rejected and misunderstood...Not the way I do, not the way you do. And somehow that makes us... I don't know... Unique, or maybe even special." ~ Emma Swan 4x05 (Breaking Glass)
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From a Oncer to all Oncers
I... I can’t believe this is happening, but this is actually happening: I’m about to watch the very last episode ever of Once Upon a Time, the TV show I have been following the longest until now, that has been by my side for 7 years of my life, that is the reason of my venue on this insanely fitting-to-my-personality website (yep this blog is 5 years old, and was created to reblog OUAT gifs when it was my first fandom ever... It brings me back!), and that I love and care about.
Yes, this show became more and more terrible and badly written year after year, but damn the two first seasons were GOLDEN. I remember how hooked I was and honestly, objectively, it was one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. OUAT’s season 1 and 2 are the reason why today I can still say it’s my favorite TV show ever.
I’m SO proud to be a Oncer. SO PROUD.
So it’s with tearful eyes and a little pinch to the heart that I press play, fellas, and just now that it’s has been a pleasure (and damn, why ‘has been’? It’s STILL a pleasure) to be part of the wonderful Once Upon a Time fandom.
Thank you all Oncers followers for those 5 years, it’s incredible ;)
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samiii-p · 7 years
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2011 - 2018
just saw the news, and even though i stopped watching sometime in s3, all i wanted was for her to find happiness and i am so pleased that she did. #evilRegals
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Well... Emma went out with a whimper, not a bang. Sad.
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@tvalisononset: They say you are who you walk with... I’m walking with epic, awesome, and Heavenly! I will miss this show so much but I’m so glad it was! Thanks to all the fans that made it happen. “Love you all” 💖💋🎉🤗✨🎬
OUAT Farewells | OUAT Finale Party
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