#ouat s7 spec
j-philly-b · 7 years
Ok, but that’s WRumple in the promo, not the Rumple who lived at the edge of time or whatever with Belle before showing up in the alt!EF looking for the Guardian. That’s WRumple who was locked in WSnowing’s dungeon until 6x10 and the beginning of this wish realm nightmare.
So what interest would WRumple have at all in helping WHook? At that point, wouldn’t WRumple’s first goal be getting back at WRegina and/or WSnowing for leaving Belle locked up to starve to death at WRegina’s castle?
And again, is Gothel’s tower in the wish realm or the alt!EF? Does WHook have a pocket full of magic beans to travel back and forth between the two at a whim? Is WHook getting shot in the left chest the reason his heart was poisoned? Did Gothel use the opportunity to heal him to also poison his heart, or maybe she gave Ahab magic poisoned bullets?
Honestly though, when I allow myself to think about it the wish realm/alt!EF ease of travel bothers me as much as the clusterfuck aka this show’s timeline.
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spartanguard · 7 years
season 7 spec
Emma dies.
Snow is gone, too.
This will be the same-sex couple they've alluded to. We already know they have chemistry. This is what Killian will be searching for: love.
And it's gonna be EPIC.
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vigilantewives · 7 years
“The Hook we know only has eyes for Emma.”
I mean well duh. Obviously the cursed version of KJ in s7 is not the Hook we know who has hearteyes for his lady love. This is not the same Hook who we’ve come to know and love for the past 5 seasons. 
This is a new curse, a new identity. This character is not the same guy. He’s completely different. So even if they were to add a new love interest (which yuck someone knock some sense into me for typing that). It doesn’t change the fact that Killian Jones loves Emma Swan until the end of time.
This new character is not in love with Emma Swan. 
Get it?
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initiala · 7 years
I dreamed this last night and woke up with my heart hurting, so uh... here’s some fic for you? Pure spec and completely not how s7 is going to go at all.
There’s a girl at the door.
Henry pauses at the foot of the stairs, keeping his grip tight on Lucy’s hand; strange that two weeks ago he had no idea she even existed, but now she’s the most precious thing in his life; he’d do anything to keep her happy and safe.
This must have been what Mom felt like after he found her all those years ago.
The girl is tracing the letters on Killian’s door, light glinting off the jewels in the small braids woven through her long, curling blonde hair. When she turns, hearing Henry’s footsteps on the stairs of the porch, he can see she can’t be old enough to have driven here; maybe fourteen or fifteen? Old enough to be out without supervision, but young enough that Henry doesn’t like the thought of her out alone.
More new feelings awakened by fatherhood.
“Henry?” the girl asks, peering at him curiously.
He looks at her skeptically. Something about her red jacket looks familiar, and the cautiously hopeful look in her blue eyes, but he can’t place it. When he tries to pin it down, the memory slips away like an eel. "Please don't tell me you're also my daughter, you look too old for that."
She grins and that also looks maddeningly familiar. Lucy drops Henry's hand and shoves him forward, making him stumble. "No, she's your sister."
Henry's jaw drops, old, buried memories of Mom’s pregnancy and a blonde toddler rushing back. No wonder he hadn’t been able to place her, he hasn’t seen her since... well, since before he met Ella. "Cassie?"
Her mouth sets in a line. "CJ," she states firmly. "It's been a long time, big brother."
He doesn’t ask, expecting she’ll explain when she feels like it, and steps forward to hug her. She hugs back fiercely and Henry wonders how long she’s been on her own. “What are you doing here?” he asks. “How’s Mom? And Grandma and Grandpa? And the town?” She steps back, swiping at her eyes and smudging her eyeliner a little; Henry holds back the urge to tell her she’s too young for makeup, remembering both what it felt like to have both his moms tell him he was too young for something and that any daughter of Killian Jones would probably have been born knowing how to apply the stuff. “Man, I can’t see how I missed it -- you look just like Mom.”
CJ makes a face at him. “Mom’s good. Well, to everyone else. She misses Dad. Grandma and Grandpa do what they can, but you know how Mom can be.” Henry did, in fact, know what Emma could be like. “Neal’s fine, if a pain in my ass. Everyone else is good. Where’s Dad?”
She has this hopeful look in her eye; if Henry remembers correctly (and this curse did a number on him, probably because he’d resisted just about every curse previous to this one, which was something else he had to add to the list of hunches), CJ would have been about four or five when Killian had sent Mom back home with a magic bean. She probably doesn’t remember him much, but if her hair decorations aren’t pilfered from one of the chests on the Jolly Roger, Henry will eat his author’s pen.
“He’s still at work. I’m Lucy, by the way,” she says, stepping forward and sticking out her hand.
CJ looks at Henry, then down at Lucy, and starts to laugh. She crouches down at shakes Lucy’s hand. “Nice to meet you, kid. I guess I’m your Aunt CJ.”
“Here, let’s sit down and we can talk while we wait for Killian,” Henry says, gesturing to the worn Adirondack chairs on the porch.
CJ catches them up on why she’s there; the curse had hit home too, and only recently had Mom and Maleficent (or “Auntie Mal”, as CJ called her, which made Henry’s head hurt to think about for too long) figured out a way for someone to safely cross the town line to go for help. Somehow, Henry doubts that his kid sister had been the intended messenger, but seeing her here and hearing her story of getting to her long-lost family proves that she’s family. She’d been train-hopping for more than a week to get from Maine to Seattle, stealing where she had to if necessary, and when Lucy asks if she’d ever been scared (because Lucy, being ten, had absolutely been scared coming all the way to Henry’s by herself), CJ reaches into her boots, whips out a pair of very sharp knives and winks.
Oh yeah, she’s definitely Mom’s kid.
After about an hour, she starts to look a little antsy, looking around the shabby neighborhood with no small amount of agitation. Her fingers tap her knees and her legs both bounce with pent-up energy. She tries to listen as Lucy explains their mission, talking about how Mom is now Roni and Killian is now Officer James Rogers -- Henry knows she’s not really listening, or else she probably would have laughed at that -- and Grandpa Rumpelstiltskin is... well, they haven’t quite figured that one out yet. He seems to like being a pain in the ass for Officer Rogers, but that’s not really anything the curse brought on.
She’s halfway through the explanation about why she goes by CJ when she leaps to her feet suddenly, seeing movement down the block. Henry looks over his shoulder and spots Killian with his backpack, the one Henry and Lucy deduced holds all the fishing gear for the pole sticking out of the top. “Must have been a rough day,” Henry says softly.
“Why d’you say that?” CJ asks, looking nervous and more like the young teenager she is.
“Officer Rogers likes to go fishing before work,” Lucy says. “But on bad days -- like if he’s stuck on a case, or if Rumple is bad to him -- he goes after work too. It’s why he’s so late.”
“You guys really did your homework here, huh?”
Killian eyes them as he comes up the walk. “Henry,” he says, sounding foreboding. “Bringing in more urchins for your games, I see.”
“Sorry, Officer Rogers, we were just -- hey, you feeling alright?”
Henry peers at him in the dim light; the sun’s down by now, twilight fading fast into night, and the porch light doesn’t provide much in the way of favors. The lines around his eyes look deeper, the shadows under them darker and broader, and the way he’s holding himself reminds Henry of a soldier not quite used to being off duty.
Officer Rogers looks spooked in the way that Killian Jones never has been.
“Fine. Need to get inside, kids, I’ve no time for games tonight --”
“You saw it, didn’t you?” CJ asks. Killian stops, his hand halfway to the doorknob. If Henry hadn’t been watching closely, he would have missed the way Killian’s hand shakes just a little, trembling from whatever ‘it’ is that CJ’s talking about. She rushes on. “You have to have seen it, no one looks like you do if they haven’t.”
“I saw something,” Killian admits, and CJ looks so relieved that she might collapse.
“Have you seen it before, in the Enchanted Forest? I thought you’d know for sure, all your travels --”
Killian cuts CJ off with a look. “I see you’ve been listening to Lucy. I saw something, lass, but it doesn’t mean it’s real. I skipped a dose last night and that causes hallucinations. I’ll thank you, Henry,” he turns and Henry feels like shrinking into himself, “not to bring further trouble to my doorstep. You should know better than to ridicule a sick man.”
With that, he opens the door, and CJ practically throws herself at his retreating back. “No, Dad! Dad, please, wait--”
The door slams shut behind him and she collapses in front of it, swiping weakly at the worn blue wood. “Daddy, we need you,” she whispers. “Mom needs you.”
Lucy goes to her, hugging her tight. Henry clears his throat awkwardly. He hadn’t thought it necessary to mention this version of Killian was much like the curse Emma had gone through with the Black Fairy; whoever this curse caster was, they were thorough, making sure that even Killian Jones couldn’t remember his family and believed himself sick with hallucinations and fantasies.
Henry needs to be better about this. He remembers the frustration he’d had with Mom during the first curse, how neither of them could share everything the other had because either Mom thought Henry wasn’t adult enough to handle it, or Henry knew Mom wouldn’t believe it. If he’s got his daughter and his sister on his side, two girls he knows will believe anything he throws at them, he needs to share everything. The good and the bad. “Sorry, Cassie.”
“It’s CJ,” she mumbles, digging a tissue from her pocket.
“What did he see?” Lucy asks, impatient. “If it’s something that’s bleeding over from Grandfather’s world, then we need to find out what it is and stop it.”
CJ blows her nose and shakes her head. “I don’t know. But...”
She points towards the east and Henry and Killian both follow the direction of her finger. Lucy gasps and Henry feels like someone’s sucker-punched him in the stomach.
“Auntie Mal says nothing good comes of a blood red moon, but she can’t divine what it’s for,” CJ continues, getting to her feet. “It’s been full every night for a month at home, and it’s been following me here. No one who isn’t fairy-tale can see it.”
Henry has the urge to hold his daughter, and pulls Lucy towards him with hands that shake. Just last night the moon had only been a crescent, waning towards new.
Just what has his sister brought to Hyperion Heights?
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killianmesmalls · 7 years
Votes on Robin’s Cursed Name?
I’m gonna say Wren...
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violetfaust · 7 years
I think Alice is the new LGBT character...
...based purely on the cynical math that she is by far the most marginalized of the new five characters. (Thanks, Kitsowitz.)
If she is actually Rumbelle’s daughter or even honorary daughter, and assuming she eventually is better folded into the mix, it might work. 
She wouldn’t be just another interchangeable newbie; Rumbelle’s daughter has a built-in audience investment that the others don’t. 
I just replied to another post with the ways Alice might be connected to Rumbelle or Rumple; to recap:
1. She’s Rumbelle’s daughter and they spent most of her childhood in other realms to explain her having aged. This would work with Giles being back as well. I like this theory because it means that Rumbelle got the hell out of SB and probably that they’ve had about twenty-five years of happy family life, ie. fuck everyone who thought Rumple was just going to immediately relapse into darkness. I don’t like it because it’s probably an excuse to have Belle dead of “old age” even though she’d be barely sixty.
2. She’s Rumbelle’s adopted daughter or the child of a close friend who sees them as honorary family. I like this one because it fits with her being Grace or Will and Ana’s daughter, which gives us a tie back to the original Wonderland and avoids the utter stupidity of each new FTL having its own similar satellite realms. There aren’t any drawbacks so this is probably not what’s happening.
3. The curse has given Rumple and Alice fake memories of being family or honorary family. While Regina’s curse mostly broke up families, she did this occasionally as well (giving Grace new parents, marrying Charming to Kathryn).This could open up some interesting possibilities if the curse caster did it to keep rumple from looking for his real family, Belle and Gid.
I do still understand how problematic it would be for the LGBT character not to be a regular (see: the example of Ruby and Dorothy, or Mulan) but connecting her to one of the core couples would help.
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thegladelf · 7 years
@daxx04 That is my one deal breaker. I can manage to find peace with just about any other way they wrap up Emma’s fate, but if they kill her, it’ll ruin the entire series for me. Like, can’t go back and rewatch anything ruin...If anyone remembers my meltdown over Allegiant...yeah, this’ll be worse.
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flslp87 · 7 years
So the Henry romance is an epic one, which means someone we know. And we will see the other characters popping in and out, just not on an every week basis. Ideas on this epic romance? Anyone? Tagging a few but jump in if you have an idea @captainswanluver @kdanna03 @daxx04 @annaamell @whimsicallyenchantedrose @hellomommanerd @linda8084 @kmomof4
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j-philly-b · 6 years
I love that Rogers took Tilly home with him, but now all I can wonder is what happens if the curse breaks before his heart is cured?
I’m still assuming that Tilly will wake up again soon, has she been taking her meds since Victoria died? What’s Weaver’s reaction going to be to them living together and, likely, knowing that Tilly is on the verge of waking up? Do Regina and Zelena get clued in to the situation and try to interfere somehow? I can’t remember what exactly was done to Henry, does whatever thing they need to cure him also work on Rogers?
So is the plan to keep Henry and Rogers asleep until the cure is found, then wake them up and break the curse? Because I’m going to go back to the blood magic of it all and wonder again that if the blood magic for the curse is broken, will that backfire on the blood magic used on WHook to make him young again?
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spartanguard · 7 years
Is it Oct. 6? Or Oct. 13?
So many people are acting like 7x02 is the end of the show. For CS, it very likely will be. And if that means you stop watching after it, then fine.
But A&E have a whole season worth of stories to write for all their characters and they're not gonna give Killian a conclusion or effectively end his story in only the second episode. Remember: they write for the characters, not the ships, as they've said many times before.
This is a DRAMA, y'all. It's not a fluff fest. It's not a rom com. There's gonna be angst and difficult situations.
And they're not the idiots a lot of you seem to think they are. They know the viewers want payoff. But they're gonna have to balance that with this episode being so early in the season.
Also, we know 0.2 things about how things will play out. Speculating is fine and fun until you start clinging to an idea that very likely will not pan out and going after people who think different from you. The fandom has barely ever been right 4 weeks out.
So let's think about all that the next time we rage anonymously in someone's inbox. Be nice, fam.
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vigilantewives · 7 years
What if Killian is Robin and Henry is Batman? XD
Yes. Give it. As long as I get my Captain Cobra happening, it’s all good. Lol tbh, I don’t care, but apparently I’m weak as all hell and still trash for this messed up show. Also, I’m fake.
We’ll see what happens.
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terreisa · 7 years
I'm just worried how they're planning on concluding Emma's story if she only appears in 7.02 and Hook is very likely going to remain in Hyperion Heights until the end of the season (assuming they're writing a series finale). I mean the flashbacks in the episode already suggests that it end with Hook, Regina, and Rumple getting taken away by the curse. And if that's really the last we'll ever see of Emma, how are they going to end her story in a satisfying way?
I don’t think it’ll be the absolute last time we’ll see Emma.  I have a feeling they’ll have any future appearances by Jen be surprises (or at least try to keep them surprises but you know: spoiler set photos).  Just like they keep saying we might see familiar faces every now and again I’m going with the theory that Emma will be back, just not for a full episode.  It might not be until the season (or if it should be series) finale but I have faith she’ll be back.
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kat2609 · 7 years
We don't actually know that the EF scenes we have seen so far happen before or after Lucy finds Henry in Seattle. So this new Cinderella could be just as unhappy about wearing someone else's dress as many of us are. Especially if her daughter has sought out her previously unknown father and ended them all up in some bizarre (to her at least) realm.
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unfolded73 · 7 years
I don’t often (read: never) post spec, but I woke up with some in my head (after a night of dreaming about it, I can only assume), so I thought I’d put it out there. It’s helping me feel calm about S7 because it at least allows me to reconcile what we saw last night with the actors we know are and are not returning. (P.S. There are things about the ending that make me angry, but none of that is here. Perhaps another post.)
(under the cut for spoilers for 6x21 and 6x22)
It seems likely that things will proceed in Storybrooke along the happy path we saw at least until Henry leaves at 18 to go seek his fortune or whatever. Maybe he goes to college, maybe he intentionally goes to the EF to ply his trade as The Author, who knows. Either way, he ends up in the EF where he meets his true love and has a daughter.
At some point around the same time, Storybrooke is once again cursed and frozen in time. The residents of Storybrooke, from the time Henry leaves until the “present day” (which is whenever Lucy knocks on Henry’s door in Seattle), are “happy”, but they are living the same day over and over again. Thus, Regina and Hook (and Emma, for whatever we see of her in 7x01) do not age. (Rumple, being the Dark One, wouldn’t age anyway.)
Something happens, perhaps due to Tiger Lily’s intervention, perhaps because Henry remembers his daughter (although I assume that won’t happen immediately), perhaps due to their own desire to help Henry, to pull Regina, Rumple, and Killian out of cursed Storybrooke. Once outside the curse bubble, they can’t get back in again. That would explain why a new location is home base and not Steveston Storybrooke. All the people who are leaving the show: Emma, the Charmings, Belle, Zelena - continue in suspended animation inside Storybrooke. Killian, Regina, and Rumple must now fight to break the curse in order to get back home. Also to get Henry to believe again, yada yada. Also to fight the new darkness. The bigger, badder darker darkness. *YAWN* Anyway...
Things I’m hoping for:
- A Tiger Lily centric, where we learn how she got her wings back, since she seems to be a fairy again. I’m hoping that with Shady Blue in the Storybrooke bubble, we get lots of Tiger Lily in S7. I’ll also accept flashbacks to flesh out her past with Hook in Neverland, please and thank you.
- To ship Henry with whoever his wife/baby momma is. Although as I told someone last night, I’ve been writing Henry for a year as a way to work out issues with my own sons -- he’s like a son to me, so hot older Henry is a bit disturbing to say the least.
- Tons of good Hooked Queen BrOTP with constant sass.
- Tons of good Golden Hook (Captain Crocodile?) FoeTP. Look, I don’t care that they looked benevolently at each other at the Last Supper, I want them barely tolerating each other except when they decide to force-choke/blow-dart each other. That’s the relationship I expect from them.
- More Millian flashbacks, just because I want it.
- Killian and grown-up Henry filling the void left by Captain Charming.
- Killian bonding with his (step) granddaughter, because that kid is adorable and anything between them will melt my cold, dead heart.
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thegladelf · 7 years
OUAT S7 Thoughts
Okay, while I’ll admit there is still a part of me that is MAJORLY nervous about what might happen to CS in the next season, it is currently still a SMALL part of me. So I’m going into S7 with an open heart and an open mind. 
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Henry and I love that the new story is going to focus on him and his daughter (HIS DAUGHTER!!!). 
I don’t know what’s going on with their three scenes, though I’m leaning heavily toward Henry being cursed. Mainly because of the fact that the book changed between that second and third scene. (Also because of that flippant “Yeah, you do” which...AHHHH SHE IS TOTALLY EMMA SWAN’S GRANDDAUGHTER!) The fact that it was the original storybook in the first two scenes and then this new version in the last leads me to believe that she’s come from the EF to the LWM (Also, Tiger Lily told her she would reunite with her father, so...)
And let’s be real, running away @ 18/19 to the EF to find his own adventure is totally something Henry would do.
Also, they have to explain more than just Emma’s absence. Three of the original characters are gone. Killian and Rumple are BOTH missing their spouses. I’m not sure how they’re going to use Killian, Regina, and Rumple, but I don’t think killing off four beloved characters is going to be the answer.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the modern day story involved a recast of the rest of the original six, honestly...Most of the characters we know at the moment are gonna be nearing their fifties (sixties in Regina’s case) and the only one they can get away with not aging is Rumple, since I think he’s still immortal. And as the WW proved, age make-up is a very hard thing to pull off on camera...It would require heavy, HEAVY make-up for all our current characters in EVERY SINGLE episode. And that’s ages worth of work every day of filming. Though I’m not counting on it, recasting makes more sense...
Also, just imagine that moment when this badass, blonde grandma comes bursting into the room and the Big Bad is like, “Who are you?” and she’s like “I’m Emma Swan”. I’m not flailing, are you flailing???
Anyways, since we’re not in Storybrooke, I will remain cautiously optomistic about S7 (though I have to admit, if I’m wrong and they DO kill Emma, I’ll probably be done) and I look forward to what they plan to do next. 
I’m just really, really excited for Henry’s story y’all.
(P.S. Major time jump increases our chances of hearing Henry call Killian “Dad” when they start reuniting the family.)
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lifeincolorblog · 7 years
Request from a fellow CSer/ Oncer
I am not usually triggered by fandom things (I’m a CSer who loves Rumple and has Swanfire sympathies for goodness sake ;) ), but is it possible that more people can tag their demands for the show to be cancelled with like “ouat negativity” or “cancel ouat” or something, so I can Tumblr Savior like the really harsh stuff that I would normally expect from bitter crack shippers and other more negative parts of the fandom. I don't mind salt; I’ve liked plenty of salt posts even today (even salt I disagree with, but find amusing). And I don't mind discussions about cancellation (I’ve made cancellation posts myself), this is about the harsh demands and petitions for the show to be cancelled and posts in the vein of “a S7 is going to destroy everything” and etc. I would just like to deal with my own feelings without having to see all of that negativity on top of it. (Obviously this doesn't apply to everybody.)
Thanks :) 
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