#ouat x pokemon
angel-soma · 2 years
I’m extremely slow to draw stuff, but I will at some point get around to drawing the OUaT suggestions yall have been leaving me! Pokemon Scarlet has taken over my life currently so I haven’t been drawing anything lol
I’ll be posting the artwork I already have of Archie in the meantime!
Also I may want suggestions for future OUaT x Pokemon fanart too? lol I just really want to draw Archie with a Kricketot. I’m thinking Salazzle and/or Flapple for Regina, Gallade for David, a white Floette/Florges for Snow, Chatot or a Dhelmise for Hook, Red gets Lycanroc, August would get a Phantump and/or Banette... idk about Emma though, Swanna doesn’t feel right. Maybe I’ll just give her a Pikachu to match her car lol
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spartanguard · 6 years
a different kind of catch
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HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, @word-bug!!!!!!!! I’d hoped to have this up on your actual bday, but hope it was absolutely amazing and as wonderful and sweet as you are!!! This little CS ficlet was inspired by our mutual continuing love of  Pokémon Go; hope you like it! Love you!!! | 1.9k, rated PG
Emma wasn’t going to let this one go, not this time; she’d come way too close to give up now. She hurried to the spot where her phone told her she’d find her mark, constantly glancing down at the screen to make sure she wasn’t too late.
Everything seemed fine, but she picked up her pace to a jog, impatient to get there as she ran past people on the streets of Boston.
She was almost there—to the Starbucks on the corner—and so close to her prize that she could almost taste it (though that might also have just been the scent of coffee in the air).
Until she collided with something warm and solid just feet from her goal. “Oof—what the hell?”
“Uuh; bloody hell!” the other body shouted out as they both hit the pavement, phones clattering from their hands. Shit, her screen better not be cracked.
“Watch where you’re going, buddy!” she yelled, not looking at the man who ran into her as she scrambled to standing and grabbed her phone. Thank God, not broken—and better yet, there it was!
“Where I’m going?” he protested; she vaguely noticed he had an accent but was too caught up to really care. “Maybe get your head out of your damned phone and you wouldn’t knock over unsuspecting civilians!”
She just waved him off; she had to focus. She’d already missed on her first try, so she threw a berry this time and tried again. It caught...but it broke out. It didn’t run, though.
“Oh, is that the Lapras?” he asked.
“Yes, it’s the Lapras!” she hissed back, not taking her attention off her screen. “I’ve been waiting to catch one of these since the damn game started!” She didn’t have to defend her playing of Pokémon Go as a full-grown adult to some random asshole—not she was finally going to catch one of her favorite Pokémon.
“No, me too; good luck,” he told her, then went silent.
That kind of surprised her, but not enough to distract her from choosing an Ultra Ball. “You too,” she muttered as she wound up a curve ball.
She let go, and the message on the screen said “Great!” as the animation of the ball clasping around the Lapras played. Then she held her breath, waiting—one...two...three!
“Freaking finally!” she shouted; it may have taken two years, but she’d finally got it! (And it was high CP, too!)
“There it is, yes!” the guy echoed moments later. Caught up in the high of the catch, she turned around to give him a high five in celebration of their shared victory.
Without thinking, their hands slapped together, and then she got a look at him—and, woah, he was a catch, too: dark, disheveled hair hung over his forehead, just above his bright blue eyes, sparkling with happiness; a grin was playing at his lips and his sharp jaw was dusted with gingery scruff; and he may as well have been dressed like a modern Pokémon trainer because who honestly wore waistcoats anymore? (Though she didn’t recall anyone from the anime with that much chest hair...not that she was complaining.)
He seemed just as taken aback as she was, and their hands kind of hung in the air after their high five until they realized what they were doing and dropped them, both suddenly aware of how awkward they were being—not that it really mattered when they were celebrating a video game based on a television show that was originally targeted at children.
“Congratulations, love,” he offered, nodding toward her phone. “Is it a good one?”
“Yeah,” she answered, kind of shyly. “Yours?”
“Pretty good.” They stood there for another moment, unsure what to do; she should probably keep walking, considering she had an egg close to hatching, but then he spoke up again. “I do apologize for the collision; I believe I was just as focused as you were on catching that. Let me buy you a drink to make up for it?” he said, tilting his head at the Starbucks. “Maybe a Pokémon Go frappuccino?” he suggested, winking poorly.
She just scrunched her nose and giggled; she’d had that once and it was way too sweet for her. “Nah, that’s too much,” she replied. “But I guess I could go for a hot chocolate?”
“Sounds perfect.” He gestured toward the door, but then raced ahead to open it before she got to it.
“So now you’re a gentleman?” she teased.
“I’m always a gentleman,” he answered smoothly.
She shivered a bit; damn, this guy had an effect on her, and that almost never happened. But most guys weren’t as unashamed about Pokémon Go as he was. “Does the gentleman have a name?” she enquired.
They got in line and both busied themselves with their phones while waiting to place their orders. “You know,” she started. “That’s probably a good name for a Lapras.”
“What is?” he wondered.
“Killian.” She liked saying his name; it was unique, and her Lapras was male, after all.
He grinned—a real one this time, and brilliant. “I suppose I could say that Emma is, too.” Oh, and she liked how he said her name, too.
“Seems like a pretty good way to honor the moment,” she decided.
“Aye,” he agreed, and they placed their drink order.
While they were waiting for their beverages at the other end of the counter, she couldn’t help but glance over as he scrolled through his collection. “Damn, how’d you get all those Mr. Mimes?” He had a ton, whereas she would likely never even get one—stupid geo-locked Pokémon!
“I just moved here from the UK,” he explained. “They’re everywhere over there. But I’ve yet to see any Tauros now that I’m here.”
“Yeah, you don’t see too many in the city; but out of town—tons. Actually, I have a couple strong ones, if you wanna trade?” Technically she’d been saving those for her brother—one of the only other people she knew who played and was amassing a Tauros army, for some reason—but she could totally spare one to a good, mutually beneficial cause.
“I'd love that!” he gushed. Their drinks were up, so they grabbed them and found a little table in the corner. “Pardon the awful line,” he started after they sat, “but what’s your number?”
She snorted, but it was probably the first time in ages she was happy to give someone her “number”. “It’s 1022 0206 0620.”
He typed it in and then proclaimed “sent! To SwanGirl83.”
“That’s me,” she confirmed, and she got the notification on her end a few seconds later. “xJollyxRogerx24?”
“Aye,” he replied. She took a moment to observe his avatar; it was a pretty close representation, though dressed as close as possible to being a pirate, complete with eye patch. “I take it you’re a Captain Hook fan?” she quipped.
“Ha, yeah,” he laughed. “It’s not quite a hook, but same idea,” he added, holding up his left hand—which she suddenly realized wasn’t a hand, but rather a gloved prosthesis that matched the ones his avatar wore.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry—I didn’t mean—I didn’t even see…” she stammered; of course she’d put her foot in her mouth with the hottest player she’d ever come across; she could feel a Golem-like rock forming in her stomach.
To her surprise, though, he just waved her off. “No, no—you’re fine, lass; I’m the one making fun of it in the first place,” he assured her. Then his eyes bounced between her and his screen for a second, before stating, “I hope this isn’t too forward of me, but I daresay I prefer the actual Emma. Though that’s quite the fetching romper.”
She blushed a little, both at the compliment and the fact that she hadn’t changed her avatar’s outfit since the game started. There was just something so...Pokémon about that one-piece and leggings. “What can I say? I like to be comfy.”
“That implies you actually own a romper, then.”
“Ha, I wish!”
He replied with an almost goofy leer, eyebrow arched in amusement; she just shook her head, laughed, and promptly hid her embarrassment at walking into that by hiding in her hot chocolate.
“So, Pikachu as your companion?” he continued, apparently studying her via whatever symbolism could be found by her choices within the game.
“Yeah,” she said after she swallowed. “Can’t go wrong with a classic. And I like yellow.”
“I can see that, with you being yellow team and all.” He had her there.
“I’m guessing you like red, then, being Team Valor and with that shiny Gyarados there?” she guessed.
“Oy, he’s badass!” he protested, but then relented. “But yes, that’s part of it.”
They processed the trade, both finally adding another to their almost-completed Pokédexes, and then she sent him the most Boston gift she had on hand: Fenway Park. And he apparently sent her the most London one he still had: Big Ben. They shared giggles over that, and continued to chat—a bit about the game, comparing each others’ current stashes of Pokémon, but then it went onto work, family, friends, all that normal stuff, though it turned out neither of them really had much in that department.
Usually, she avoided romance altogether; she’d only found heartbreak there, and something told her Killian had, too. But what were the odds that she’d literally run into someone who shared so much with her, in addition to one of her favorite hobbies? For the first time in ages, she actually allowed herself to hope for something like that; hopefully he couldn’t see the Luvdiscs swimming in her eyes.
“Hey, there’s a raid a block over; I need to beat one for a research task.” His voice pulled her from her daydreaming. “Would you care to join me?”
She glanced at her screen; it was just a Ninetails, but she could always use another one. “Sure!”
They left the Starbucks—both hitting the Poké Stop there one more time for good measure, as well as a couple more on the way—and found the “gym” (actually just an ugly statue; it never ceased to amaze her the sorts of things that were considered “monuments” in this game). To the casual passerby, it probably looked like they were just two strangers immersed in their phones, but partnering up with Killian to takedown a foe was actually bringing them closer; seeing that red Gyarados in action was incredible, even if she was focused on what her Vaporeon was doing, too.
In no time at all, they’d knocked out the Ninetails and had both caught it. “I apologize if this is forward, Swan,” Killian said, “but we make quite the team.”
She couldn’t refute it. “Yeah, we do.”
Battling in raids together became a regular thing, and he was the first person she reached Best Friends level with (much to David’s chagrin). She jokingly bought him an eye patch for Christmas; he seriously bought her a romper.
And then, a couple years later, he proposed to her with a diamond ring nestled inside a Poké ball. People could rag on the game all they wanted; for Emma and Killian, it had been the best thing ever.
Hope you liked it and that maybe you got a birthday Lapras! also tagging a few others who I think still play/like it: @initiala @killian-morelike-killingme @distant-rose @queen-mabs-revenge @forestiyari @kat2609 @optomisticgirl @xpumpkindumplingx @wingedlioness @biancaros3 
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myrefugeblog · 5 years
Hi! I’m sorry for cross tagging, but it’s for a good cause.
So … I’m starting learning Italian this year. For this reason I am looking for tumblrs that post in Italian with some frequency.
I’m tagging most of my fandoms, just reblog, like or comment, so I can check your blog.
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arrthurpendragon · 2 years
Stories that are getting moved to my obiiwankenobiii wattpad: 
All is Found (ATLA)
Angel Eyes (IT)
An Attempt to Tip the Scales (Veronica Mars)
Beauty & the Geek (Criminal Minds)
Breakaway Twilight)
City of Stars (The 100)
Daughter’s Lament (The Hunger Games)
Divine Strength (Marvel)
Enchanted (The Flash)
Green Eyed Monster (Riverdale)
The Hero Dies in This One (Agents of SHIELD)
Holding Out For a Hero (Gotham)
Holy Mother Forking Shirtballs . . . This is The Vampire Diaries (TVD)
House’s Hart (House)
Just South of Heaven (The Good Place)
Let’s Go Eevee (Pokemon)
A Moonlight Serenade (Sherlock)
Nine to Survival (Jurassic World)
Only Fooling Myself (OTH)
P.S. I Love You, Steve Rogers (Captain America)
Psych You Out in the End (Psych)
A Royal Pain (Royal Pains)
Rule 14 (NCIS x Criminal Minds)
She Will Be Loved (Law & Order SVU)
Someone Else’s Starr (Teen Wolf)
Songs to Love & Die By (Divergent)
This is Me (Gilmore Girls)
Us Against the World (SPN)
Vindicated (Black Panther)
Stories that I’m unsure of reposting anywhere:
Black Magic (Harry Potter)
Let Me Fall (Harry Potter)
Lost Along the Way: The Beginning (Harry Potter)
Tempting Fate (Harry Potter)
Under a Paper Moon (Harry Potter)
We’ll Be a Dream / Lost Along the Way - old (Harry Potter)
A Window to the Past (Harry Potter)
Stories that I’m undecided which account I want them on:
Coming to Terms (Remember the Titans)
Love Comes Softly (Pride & Prejudice)
Noble Blood (Reign) - although strongly considering leaving at arrthurpendragon because her ancestor’s stories are on that account
Once Upon a December (Peaky Blinders)
When Calls the Heart (Love Comes Softly)
Written in Your Heart (OUAT)
Stories already on arrthurpendragon: 
Bluebird in My Heart (BBC Musketeers)
Dear Theodosia (Bridgerton)
Entreat Me Not to Leave (Outlander)
Of Love and War (TURN)
Safe & Sound (Star Wars)
The Prayer (Merlin)
Stories already on obiiwankenobiii:
From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea (Percy Jackson)
Look What You Made Me Do (TUA)
Rewrite the Stars (The West Wing)
Tale as Old as Time (National Treasure)
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naivesilver · 3 years
we all knew this was comming xx
8, 11, 21, 30 and 38!!!
HI HOLLIE thank you <3<3<3
50 Questions
I answered 11 here.
8. When's the last time you saw a duck?
I think it was two or three weeks ago? One of the strolling routes I take with some of the kids features a little pond so we stop to wave at the duckies.
21. Ghosts or demons?
Demons!!! They’re just more fun sorry. I’m somewhere between Lil Nas X and Shane Madej on that front.
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30. Who's your favorite fictional character currently?
It’s gotta be Pinocchio guys...like, whatever love I always felt for him got amplified tenfold after I watched OUAT AND met @bewilderedmoth, because having someone who understands to engage in conversation with has done wonders for my mood. Also for my creativity, because if you’d told me like ten years ago that I’d one day have a dozen fic projects about different versions of the puppet bastard lined up, I’d have laughed in your face.
Also what annoys the followers makes the therapist happy, so.
38. What's an appropriate guilty pleasure of yours?
I like putting things in order - I’m the best person to call if you don’t want to unload the dishwasher or rearrange the books in your library. As a child I could spend hours sorting out my Pokemon cards according to some arbitrary order.
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hartofbalamb · 5 years
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Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
1. FIRST NAME: HMR (sorry, you guys get the tag)
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: I can’t stick my tongue out. I am literally tongue tied (ankyloglossia)
5. A FOOD YOU HATE: Raw tomatoes
6. GUILTY PLEASURE: the Fast and the Furious movies. 
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: Nothing  😏
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: I’ve had good experiences with both, but currently seriously committed. 
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: I don’t think I would, honestly. Even the bad things that have happened have shaped me in a lot of ways I wouldn’t replace. 
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: Sometimes — not overly, but I do like physical contact from time to time. 
12. FAVORITE BOOK: Oof, that’s hard. “Call Me By Your Name” left an impression that I recall most recently. 
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]: Squall x Rinoa (FFVIII), Emma Swan x Captain Hook (OUaT), Xena x Gabrielle (Xena Warrior Princess), Superman x Wonder Woman (DC), Garrus Vakarian x Calibrations (Mass Effect)
15. PIE OR CAKE: Pie
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: Henry Cavill
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: Introvert with some slight extroverted tendencies 
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: Yes. I hate jumpscares so fucking bad guys, please don’t ever do that shit. 
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: So fucking many. Final Fantasy everything, Mass Effect, Stardew Valley, World of Warcraft, Diablo III, Pokemon, the list continues. 
23. DREAM JOB: a character concept designer for WETA
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: Be a full time student for a while — I love learning. 
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: Hnn... Snarf from Thundercats. 
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: I’m still kind of a part of these fandoms, but not super actively / I have mostly inactive blogs there: Once Upon a Time, Riverdale, Harry Potter, Song of Ice and Fire
TAGGED BY: @ofgunblade​
Tagging: anyone who wants to do this stuff?
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aparticularbandit · 5 years
Tag game!
I was tagged by @everyrosehasithorn!
Rules: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better!
Top 10 songs I can’t stop listening to:
Downton Abbey (Main Theme) - John Lunn
Hikaru Nara - Goose House (and the piano arrangement by Animenz)
Megalovania - Toby Fox
Holding Out for a Hero - Bonnie Tyler
Jessie’s Girl - Rick Springfield
Air (TV), Kanon (2006), Clannad After Story - Piano Medley - Animenz arrangement
Salva Nos - Yuki Kajiura
canta per me - Yuki Kajiura
and i’m home - Ai Nonaka and Eri Kitamura
Extra Terrestrial Biological Entities - Egoist
aka bandit is a nerd who puts instrumental and japanese music on repeat don’t judge me (and the downton abbey one is like. now because i didn’t realize it was good until like. recently).
Favorite color(s): pale/ice blue, lavender, silver, plum, black
Favorite ships:
Scarlet Queen - Will Scarlet / Anastasia - OUAT: Wonderland
Willow Rosenberg / Tara Maclay - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Tom & Trina Decker - Swingtown
Roisa - Rose Solano / Luisa Alver - JTV
Luisanna - Luisa Alver / Susanna Barnett
Rose Solano / Susanna Barnett
Rose / Luisa / Susanna
Rosalint - Rose Solano / Ms. Lint - JTV / The Tick crossover
MSR - Fox Mulder / Dana Scully - X-Files
Monica Reyes / Dana Scully
Kyomami - Kyoko Sakura / Mami Tomoe - Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Mireille Bouquet / Chloe - Noir
Jessica Rabbit / Roger Rabbit - Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Jessica Rabbit / Dana Scully - WFRR / X-Files crossover
Jessica Rabbit / Regina Mills - WFRR / OUAT crossover
Lipstick or chapstick: Neither.  Not a huge make-up person, tbh.
Last Movie: Timeless series finale.  ;D
Currently Reading: Still stuck in HP7.  Got distracted by a fanmade Pokemon game and then marathoning Timeless, so.  Some fanfic!  But I don’t think that’s what you mean.  XD
Tagging: @andtherewerefireworks, @critical-windwaker, @awaybacktothen, @butimnotasexyrussian, @foxx-queen, @rcvelle, @weirddonutfreak, and @futhorns and @only-freakin-sunflowers (i know you two were already tagged but i want to see y’all’s, too)
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
Villain Enthusiast Seeks Same
Hello! I’m Autumn. I’m an almost-30-something currently in GMT + 5:45. The breakdown is I'm halfway around the world doing volunteer work for the summer and I'm feeling pretty isolated, so I figure burying myself in a roleplay would be a good distraction. 
What I’m Looking For: You have to be 18+ and preferably close to my age. 
I’m looking for a partner(s) who has an appreciation for villainous characters, both playing them (must) and playing against them (would be nice). Beyond that, I’m looking for someone who appreciates the necessity of conflict to move the roleplay forward, and who is both generally active but also understands that real life takes precedent! It would be great to find all of that wrapped up in someone who wants to also get to know one another OOC. I’m a chatty and hopefully funny person, and I do my best (or worst, if you’re one of my hapless OCs…) brainstorming/idea bouncing in an informal setting where I feel comfortable.
Basically, I work hard, I play hard, and I’m down for some awesome wicked villainy. Let’s do this.
Availability: I'm online every day, but be patient with me. WIFI isn't great out here and I have work to do while I'm abroad.
The Basics: I’m a para/multi-para roleplayer, though I do not give a flying fuck about word count. My metrics for determining quality are a response which 1) satisfyingly responds to what my partner has written and 2) introduces a new element for my partner to respond to. I’m “literate,” but I care way more about your ideas than whether or not you use an Oxford comma.
I play characters of all genders, and all pairings. In an ideal world, you would as well, but my bare minimum is that you are comfortable playing  either M or NB in an M or NBxF pairing. I am able to play as many characters as needed for the roleplay, depending on how ambitious it is, and ask that you are able to play at least two characters.
I only play OCs. I prefer if we make our own world, but I’m open to playing against canon characters/in established worlds, provided the fandom in question is aligned with my roleplay interests (see below) and I’m either familiar with or don’t need more than a passing knowledge of the fandom to roleplay competently.
Properties I have more than a passing familiarity with: A:TLA/LoK, Game of Thrones (show), OUAT, Harry Dresden, The Grishaverse, Vlad Taltos/Dragaera, American Gothic (‘97 TV show), John Dies at the End, Alien/Prometheus, Marvel (films), X-Men (films), Batman (films), True Blood, TVD, BTVS, Hellsing, Pokemon (first gen), SCP Foundation, Area X/Southern Reach Trilogy, Inuyasha
Format: Email or kik are going to work best for me, since when I can't get Wifi I have a data plan that is very text friendly, and very hostile to anything else (so Tumblr is not great unfortunately)
Interests: Genre-wise, I comfortably occupy the realm of speculative fiction, and everything within it. I’ve done space opera, steampunk, swords and sorcery, urban fantasy, post-apocalyptic, magical realism, parallel dimensions, horror, etc. I love it all, if I’m with the right partner. To that end, I love in-depth world building and all that entails.
As mentioned before, I adore a good villain. I write the kind of villains where “Lux Aeterna” may as well start playing when they enter the room, because you just know something awful (but epic) is about to happen. I’m looking for someone who brings the same enthusiasm to the table. Ideally, we'd be doubling in a situation where we each play the respective villains to one another's hero(ines), but if you only want to 1x1 it would be you (villain--any gender) x me (heroine).
Vampires. Unrepentant, bloodsucking vampires. Incomprehensible, ancient vampires. Did I mention vampires? Overpowered villains. Heroes triumphing based on smarts and hard work, rather than strength. Unresolved sexual tension (particularly between a virtuous character and an irredeemable one). Mindfuckery. Detailed world building. The slow corruption of the heroic types. Twisted fairy tales. Psychological horror. Intricate magical systems. Alien/fantasy species with non-western moral codes/values/culture. The absurd. Fatal flaws. 
Content: I’m no stranger to roleplaying scenes of abuse, trauma, or physical or psychological torture. You don’t need to be as open to this type of content as I am, but if all “dark” content is off the table, we aren’t a good match.
Smut: For the most part, I’m disinterested in smut. I’m far more interested in the foreplay and the psychology of the event, than the mechanics of it. I strongly prefer fade to black, but if you're the otherwise perfect partner whose only concession is asking for an occasional smut scene, I'm happy to oblige.
Limits: The short list is bodily excretions/fluids, and pedophilia. 
Samples. tw: murder, blood, mindfuckery, dissociation, that kind of stuff. These are actual roleplay responses, not self-paras or drabbles or excerpts from my novel, so you may have to infer context.
If you actually read all of this and it sounds like a grand ol’ horrorshow to you, please contact me below:
kik: fallrps
tumblr: @fallrps (slowest response rate due to limited Tumblr access)
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lxve-conquers-a · 7 years
✄ ♕ 回
✄ ━ do you have any artistic abilities? If so, what can you do?
I wish I did! I don’t at all unless writing counts? xD I wish I could draw or paint, honestly, it’s always been a dream of mine. To be honest, I’ve wanted to buy Bob Ross’ paint set for some time now because I discovered him last year and fell in love with his paintings xD
♕ ━ which fictional characters are your favorite?
Ooh there are so many! xD Belle and Rumple from OUAT, Ally McBeal from Ally McBeal, Tony Stark/Iron Man, Denny Duquette from Grey’s Anatomy, Negan from TWD, Mulder and Scully from The X-Files, Jorah Mormont from GOT,  SIMBA FROM THE LION KING. Like...I really do have a lot xD 
回 ━ what are your top four favorite shows?
Another tough one to answer seeing as I have many shows I love and some that USED to be my favorite. Such as OUAT - it used to be my favorite but then the writing turned to crap and I just...fell out of love. I mean, I still love the older seasons and will always love Rumbelle (reason why I watched it, really, and continued to watch it despite how painful it became), so...it used to be a favorite, but sadly, not so much anymore. However, I still love Rumple and only watch it for him.
But let’s see, X-Files will always be one of my top favorites, I know that will never change, as well as Ally McBeal and if anime count then InuYasha. Scandal, CSI: Miami and Grey’s Anatomy used to be favorites of mine as well as GOT. TWD is a current favorite and so is This Is Us. Stargate Universe with Robert Carlyle will most likely become a favorite (thanks to @thecursedspinner honestly xD). Cartoon wise, um...Wild Thornberry’s will always be a favorite, Pokemon, the old Yu-Gi-Oh. Yeah, this is a lot but it’s a bit of a complicated question xD 
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melodious-sitarist · 7 years
post ten characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as and might bring back, then tag ten people to do the same. if you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can. feel free to go over ten, too.
STOLEN FROM: @quiescentgale TAGGING: @ivrymemories​, @aquae-melodiam​, @idestatifatum​, @showmeahero​ and you
Demyx/Myde (Kingdom Hearts)-- you are here
Sarah Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)-- amok-amok-amok
Sebastian Monroe (Revolution)-- presidentbassmonroe
And all the rest are on my multi, astorywiithnoending
Jehan Frollo du Moulin (Notre Dame de Paris/The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter)
Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Rowena Macleod (Supernatural)
Queen Madalena (Galavant)
Jareth (Labyrinth)
The GraveRobber (Repo! The Genetic Opera)
Giselle (Enchanted)
Rapunzel (Tangled)
Larxene (Kingdom Hearts)
Lysandre (Pokemon X/Y)
Edward Nygma (Gotham)
Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold (Once Upon a Time)
Madelyn Hightower (OUAT OC)
Alexander Blecher (OUAT OC)
Emily (Corpse Bride)
Judge Claude Frollo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Magenta (The Rocky Horror Picture Show)
Angelique Bouchard (Tim Burton’s Dark Shadows stop judging me IMMEDIATELY)
Edward Nygma (technically I still have him, he’s just been on hiatus for like ever and I’ve been waffling about deleting)
Alexander Blecher (I absolutely refuse to deal with this fandom ever again but  I was quite proud of his story and how I adapted a modern version of the Steadfast Tin Soldier)
Lydia Deetz (Beetlejuice- movie only)
Axel/Lea (Kingdom Hearts)
Drake Stone (The Sorcerer’s Apprentice)
Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)
Thomas Raith (The Dresden Files)
Some kinda Pokemon OC
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themattress · 7 years
B, C, D, E, J, L, N, O, P, S, T, U, V, X, Z
From this meme.
B (A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind) - I honestly never thought about Demyx/Larxene from Kingdom Hearts, I only saw Axel/Larxene and Marluxia/Larxene as valid options.  But someone made up a good dynamic that the two would have if they gained hearts (since no way it would happen otherwise) and I thought it was pretty cute.  So now Demyx/Larxene is also a favorite Organization XIII ship of mine.
C (A ship you have never liked and probably never will) - There are quite a few, but off the top of my head I’m going with Amourshipping from the Pokemon anime. There is literally no substance to this ship at all.  Ash has no romantic feelings whatsoever for Serena and is oblivious to her feelings the whole way through, and everything on Serena’s side is incredibly unhealthy and demeans her entire character.  Yet this is the ship whose passionate fanbase say made the XY series so great, should still be a fixture in the anime, and demand everyone conform and acknowledge how good, sweet and canon it is? I’m sorry, but no.  It’s a shallow, sexist travesty and I’m never going to ship it. 
D (A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t) - Here’s a rather obscure one: Arnold/Helga from Hey Arnold!  I’m sorry, but I was never particularly big on it even when I wanted to be given what a big part of the show it is, and it shares a lot in common with Amourshipping: girl bases an obsessive love for a guy based on a single childhood encounter where he was nice to her, and it consumes her life to an unhealthy degree. She is borderline psychotic and he’s oblivious and they seem to develop less and less chemistry as the show goes on…it’s just not a good match. The main differences from Amourshipping is that Helga deals with her love for Arnold the opposite way than Serena does (bullying him as a front rather than being submissively nice to him), and that Helga’s actually a three-dimensional character who does get a lot of other stuff going on with her in the show that does not connect with Arnold in any way.  I fully support Helga finding love in her life…I just don’t think it should be with Arnold.
E (Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what) - I’ve suggested and put up stuff for several crack ships here and there, but I can’t remember or list all of them at this time.
J  (What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom) - I’ve been a Disney fan since childhood, does that count? XD
L (Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves) - I did appreciate Ronaldo acknowledging that he had been a jerk, apologizing to Steven for it and backing out of trying to be a Crystal Gem at the end of “Rocknaldo”.  He still didn’t learn to fix the personality defect that had led to the problem to start with, but hey, it was at least something.
N (Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice) - I don’t have a main fandom, so a fandom of my choice it is. And I choose Pokemon.  I want less pushing for conformity in opinion and more tolerance for opposing views, less taking things so damn seriously, and more attention paid to more obscure parts of the franchise, like spin-off games and different mangas. 
O (Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of) -  This song reminds me of Kairi and Sora/Kairi from Kingdom Hearts.  Can’t imagine why. XD
P (Invent a random AU for any fandom) - From Code Geass: Euphemia is captured by the Black Knights before trying to launch the SAZ, becoming their apparent prisoner-of-war but is actually a secret helper and consultant.  
S (Show us an example of your personal headcanon) - Charmcaster in Ben 10 is obsessed with looking cool and stylish, particularly in comparison to her rival Gwen Tennyson, when in fact she’s a huge nerd herself and is highly embarrassed about this.
T (Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all) - MAKO IS ACTUALLY WEARING NUI AT THE END OF KILL LA KILL.  IT’S NUI’S ULTIMATE TROLLING GAME!  WAKE UP, PEOPLE!
U (5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms) - Kairi (Kingdom Hearts), Asuka (Evangelion), Grunkle Stan (Gravity Falls), Charmcaster (Ben 10), Hook (OUAT).
V (3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms) - Emma/Hook (OUAT), Green/Sabrina (Pokemon Adventures), Gwen/Charmcaster (Ben 10).
X (top 5-10 characters who are yoUR PRECIOUS BABIES AND YOU WILL DIE DEFENDING THEM) - See the answer to U, and add these five: Iris (Pokemon: Best Wishes), Joey (Yu-Gi-Oh!), Sissi (Code Lyoko), Nanami (Utena), Sansa Stark (GOT).
Z (Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go) - It is such a good time to be a Disney fan right now.  Ever since John Lassetter joined up, things have gotten better and better from the dark period of Eisner’s excessive, unfiltered control.  And now almost all of Disney’s properties are in order - their animated movies are great, their live-action remakes are successful, their Star Wars and Marvel ouput is of high quality, the Disney Channel is more tolerable, Disney XD has come into its own and is actually leading the charge of quality TV animation, Disney Jr.’s latest shows can even be enjoyed by older audiences, and even Mickey Mouse is having actual stuff done with him beyond mascotting.  There are some weak links, like the sorry state of the Kingdom Hearts franchise, but even then at least Kingdom Hearts III is FINALLY being released next year. All in all, I could not be happier with Disney.
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spartanguard · 8 years
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Colin O’Donoghue + Gray Sweaters: An Evolution
(I think it was @queen-mabs-revenge and @mryddinwilt who made Pokemon comments? you guys are so right)
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My Ship list !
So ! I made this a little while ago and I though that it might be interesting to share it with you guys :D 
Anastasia x Dimitri - Anastasia Ben x Mal - Descendants Gaston x Lefou - Disney (Yeah, I know, it’s abusive I’M SORRY I SHIP IT I’M WEAK.) Nick x Judy - Disney (lol it’s canon.) Nani x David - Disney Raiponce x Eugene - Disney Kiara x Kovu - Disney Percival Graves x Credence Barebone - Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (I KNOW. ONCE AGAIN, ABUSIVE. SORRY UGH.) Steve x Tony - Marvel QuickSilver x Hawkeye - Marvel Thor x Loki - Marvel Spiderman x DeadPool - Marvel Peter Parker x Harry Osborn - Marvel Peter Parker x Flash Thompson - Marvel (*cough*) Charles Xavier x Erik Lensherr - Marvel Caspian x Peter - Narnia Caspian x Edmund - Narnia Jack Sparrow x Will Turner - Pirate Of The Caribbean Jack Sparrow x Hector Barbossa - Pirate Of The Caribbean Spock x Leonard “Bones” McCoy - Star Trek Spock x Jim Tiberius Kirk - Star Trek Jim Tiberius Kirk x Leonard “Bones” McCoy - Star Trek Jim Tiberius Kirk x Spock x Leonard “Bones” McCoy - Star Trek Leonard “Bones” McCoy x Chekov Pavel - Star Trek Scott “Scotty” Montgomery x Jaylah - Star Trek Eduardo Saverin x Mark Zuckerberg - The Social Network
Dom Juan x Sganarelle - Dom Juan (It’s a French Comedy/Drama, written by Moliere himself. Very great piece of theater, if you can find it in english you should read it! In France, we study it in high school, so basically every french people on earth have read it!) Harry Potter x Draco Malfoy - Harry Potter Albus Severus Potter x Scorpius Malfoy - Harry Potter (LOL IT’S CANON, DON’T TEST ME JK ROWLING.) Severus Snape x Sirius Black - Harry Potter Blaise Zabini x Theodore Nott - Harry Potter Seamus Finnigan x Dean Thomas - Harry Potter (It’s canon. It just is.) Finnick x Annie - Hunger Games Haymitch x Effie - Hunger Games Cato x Katniss - Hunger Games Cato x Peeta - Hunger Games Peeta x Gale - Hunger Games Peeta x Katniss - Hunger Games Newt x Thomas - The Maze Runner Charlie x Patrick - The Perks Of Being a Wallflower Charlie x Sam - The Perks Of Being a Wallflower Patrick x Brad - The Perks Of Being a Wallflower Jake x Enoch - Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
Tv Shows
Phoebe x Cole - Charmed Jeremi x Aelita - Code Lyoko Yumi x Ulrich - Code Lyoko Ulrich x Odd - Code Lyoko Odd x Aelita - Code Lyoko William x Ulrich - Code Lyoko William x Cece - Code Lyoko Gabrielle x Carlos - Desperate Housewives Linette x Tom - Desperate Housewives Joey x Chandler - Friends Rachel x Monica - Friends Rachel x Joey - Friends Kurt Hummel x Finn Hudson - Glee Kurt Hummel x Sebastian Smith - Glee Sebastian Smith x Hunter Clarington - Glee David Karofsky x Kurt Hummel - Glee Sam Evans x Rory Flanagan - Glee Nick x Jeff - Glee Dipper Mason Pines x Bill Cipher - Gravity Falls Mabel Pines x Pacifica Northwest - Gravity Falls Barney x Ted - HIMYM Arthur Pendragon x Guenievre De Carmélide - Kaamelott Arthur Pendragon x Lancelot du Lac - Kaamelott Arthur Pendragon x Perceval de Galle - Kaamelott Leodagan de Carmélide x Dame Sélie - Kaamelott Leodagan de Carmélide x Bohort - Kaamelott Yvain x Gauvain - Kaamelott
SO. Just, basically, Kaamelott is a French TV shows about the Knights of the Round Table and it’s just AWESOME ?! I mean, I’m so sorry you guys can’t watch it cause it’s in french and I’m not sure if it been translate ? But it’s so perfect I’m watching it every day before I go to sleep. Really. I swear I DO watch it every day. And sometimes I’m sleeping in front of it. Anyway back to the (gay) ship !
Merlin x Arthur Pendragon - Merlin, BBC Nathan Young x Simon Bellamy - Misfits Emma Swan x Killian Jones - OUAT Emma Swan x Regina Miles - OUAT Zelena x Hades - OUAT Sherlock Holmes x Moly Hooper - Sherlock, BBC Sherlock Holmes x Greg Lestrade - Sherlock, BBC Greg Lestrade x Mycroft Holmes - Sherlock, BBC Tom x Marco - Star vs the Foe Harper x Mike - Suits Leonard x Sheldon - The Big Bang Theory Sheldon x Amy - The Big Bang Theory Fran x Maxwell - The Nanny Nils x Cece - The Nanny Keith Kogane x Lance McClain - Voltron Shiro, Takashi, Shirogane x Keith Kogane - Voltron Shiro, Takashi Shirogane x Lance McClain - Voltron Lance McClain x Keith Kogane x Shiro, Takashi Shirogane - Voltron Allura x Shiro, Takashi Shirogane - Voltron Hunk x Shay - Voltron
Shinichi Kudo x Ran Mouri - Detective Conan Heiji Hattori x Kazuha Toyama - Detective Conan Shinichi Kudo x Kaito Kid - Detective Conan You Miyagi x Shinobu Takatsuki - Junjou Romantica Misaki Takahashi x Akihiko Usami - Junjou Romantica Shōichirō Yukimura x Sōtarō Kanō - Kaichou wa Maid-Sama Kyouya Ootori x Tamaki Suoh - Ouran High School Host Club Ritsu Onodera x Masamune Takano - Sekaiichi Hatsukoi Joey Wheeler x Seto Kaiba - Yu-Gi-Oh
Thibou (Blathers) x Robusto (Brewster) - Animal Crossing Elisabec (Phyllis) x Antoine (Pete) - Animal Crossing Tom Nook x Cousette (Sable) - Animal Crossing Luke Triton x Clive Dove - Professeur Layton Silver x Gold (Ethan, Hibiki) - Pokemon Silver x Soul (Lyra, Kotone) - Pokemon Silver x Lance (Wataru) - Pokemon N x White (Touko) - Pokemon N x Black (Touya) - Pokemon Wheatley x Chell - Portal Mackenzie x Connor - Touch Detective Undyne x Alphys - Undertale Mettaton x Papyrus - Undertale Nice Cream Guy x Burgerpants - Undertale
THE END ♥ Tell me what do you ship ? :)
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pasta-warlord · 7 years
fandom update
bee and puppycat
fire emblem
hunter x hunter
indie horror games (misao, mad father, ib, the witches house, corpse party)
katekyo hitman reborn
kingdom hearts
legend of zelda
liar, liar, visual novel
little nightmares
nier: automata
night in the woods
owari no seraph - seraph of the end
pjo - hoo
steven universe
studio ghibli
yandere simulator
yuuri! on ice
yu yu hakusho
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mightyenapup · 7 years
Get to know me meme
Stolen from @tsukuyomiland
Rules: tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better
Nickname: Mighty
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Height: 5′5″
Last thing you googled: shenron dragon (images)
Favorite music artists: Linkin Park, Tool, The Protomen, NateWantsToBattle, Starbomb, Ninja Sex Party
Song stuck in my head: The Great Cave Offensive music since I heard it on here earlier. x3
Last movie you watched: Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal
What are you wearing right now: Pajama pants with keyblades on them and a Dragonball Z shirt. And Rainbow Dash socks.
Why did you chose your URL?: I’ve had the username Mightyenapup for almost 15 years.
Do you have a you have any other blogs? Yeah but I don’t really use them. x.x I started a Pokemon confessions blog a while ago, I have a fossil pokemon blog, and a few others that I’ve done absolutely nothing with.
What did your last relationship teach you?: Well, in my case... I don’t think it was so much about life lessons or anything, just discovering more about myself. I learned for me that attraction is flexible, that I want someone who will dedicate their time to me and make me feel wanted, and that I shouldn’t blame myself for things beyond my control, even if it’s my natural reaction.
Religious or spiritual?: Definitely more spiritual than religious.
Favorite color?: Red
Average hours of sleep?: 7-8
Lucky number?: n/a but favorite is 91
Favorite characters?
Sora and Aqua (KH), Ruby and Pyrrha (RWBY), Ryuko (Kill la Kill), Vegeta and Trunks (DBZ), Rumplestiltskin (OUaT), Link (LoZ), Homura (PMMM), Saitama (One Punch Man), Kirby (Kirby), James (Pokemon), Sasha (SnK), too many fucking Disney characters, Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle and Bulk Biceps (MLP:FiM), Captain America (Marvel or whatever), Wizard (HM: AP), Tifa  and Cloud and Sephiroth and Red XIII and Seifer and Zidane and Garnet and Yuna and Auron (FF series), probably some more I’m missing. |D
How many blankets do you sleep in?: One sheet and one fleece blanket.
Dream Job?: Game Freak employee, animal conservationist, sock designer, professional pupper petter, patriarchy destroyer, etc.
People I want to get to know better???? May or may not add tags later 8D
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Calling all Villain Enthusiasts
Hello! I'm Autumn. I'm a 20-something woman currently located in PST, but this is subject to change once I decide on a grad school. I'm a working artist about to start graduate studies in the fall, and yes, art is a perk if we're a good fit! Ignore my oblique bribery.
What I'm Looking For: I won't roleplay with anyone below the age of 18. Sorry! 
I'm looking for a partner(s) who has an appreciation for villainous characters, both playing them and playing against them. Beyond that, I'm looking for someone who appreciates the necessity of conflict to move the roleplay forward, and who is both generally active but also understands that real life takes precedent! It would be great to find all of that wrapped up in someone who wants to also get to know one another OOC. I'm a chatty (and I hope entertaining) person, and I do my most dastardly brainstorming/idea bouncing in an informal setting where I feel comfortable.
Basically, I work hard, I play hard, and I'm down for some awesome wicked villainy. Let's do this.
Availability: It's very rare that I'm not online every day. I do have a disability that can take me offline for multiple days at a time, but these episodes are quite rare, and if I am experiencing one I'll do everything in my power to ensure you aren't left in the dark. Perhaps because of this, I am incredibly patient and understand that real life is more important than roleplay. Having said that, I'd like a partner whose default availability is one or more responses per day.
The Basics: I'm a para/multi-para roleplayer, though I do not give a flying fuck about word count. My metrics for determining quality are a response which 1) satisfyingly responds to what my partner has written and 2) introduces a new element for my partner to respond to. I'm "literate," but I care way more about your ideas than whether or not you use an Oxford comma. 
I play characters of all genders, and all pairings. In an ideal world, you would as well, but my bare minimum is that you are comfortable playing either gender in a M/F pairing. I am able to play as many characters as needed for the roleplay, depending on how ambitious it is, and ask that you are able to play at least two characters.
I only play OCs. I prefer if we make our own world, but I'm open to playing against canon characters/in established worlds, provided the fandom in question is aligned with my roleplay interests (see below).
Properties I have more than a passing familiarity with: A:TLA/LoK, Game of Thrones (show), OUAT, Harry Dresden, The Grishaverse, Vlad Taltos/Dragaera, John Dies at the End, Alien/Prometheus, Marvel (films), X-Men (films), Batman (films), True Blood, TVD, Hellsing (show and manga), Pokemon (first gen), SCP Foundation
Format: I have experience roleplaying via email, skype and tumblr. I may be open to trying a different format. For OOC/idea bouncing, I prefer you have access to skype but I'd also be down with making a chatzy or similar.
Interests: Genre-wise, I comfortably occupy the realm of speculative fiction, and everything within it. I've done space opera, steampunk, swords and sorcery, urban fantasy, post-apocalyptic, magical realism, parallel dimensions, horror, etc. I love it all, if I'm with the right partner. To that end, I love in-depth world building and all that entails.
As mentioned before, I adore a good villain. I write the kind of villains where "Lux Aeterna" may as well start playing when they enter the room, because you just know something awful (but epic) is about to happen. I'm looking for someone who brings the same enthusiasm to the table, who can both play the villain, and play well with them. Kinda like a quid pro quo "you ruin the lives of my characters and I'll ruin the lives of yours" deal.
Vampires. Unrepentant, bloodsucking vampires. Incomprehensible, ancient vampires. Did I mention vampires? Overpowered villains. Heroes triumphing based on smarts and hard work, rather than strength. Unresolved sexual tension (particularly between a virtuous character and an irredeemable one). Mindfuckery. Detailed world building. The slow corruption of the heroic types. Twisted fairy tales. Psychological horror. Intricate magical systems. Alien/fantasy species with non-western moral codes/values/culture. The absurd. Fatal flaws. Everything deliciously horrific and/or tragic.
Content: I'm no stranger to roleplaying scenes of abuse, trauma, or physical or psychological torture. You don't need to be as open to this type of content as I am, but if all "dark" content is off the table, we aren't a good match.
Smut: For the most part, I'm ambivalent about smut. I'm far more interested in the foreplay and the psychology of the event, than the mechanics of it. If you're a fade to black type of person, excellent. If you enjoy indulging in the occasional smut scene, I am more than happy to accommodate. If smut is your priority, we aren't a good match.
Limits: Bodily fluids/excretions and explicit depictions of rape or gore are a pass. I'm not into the anthro/furry scene. As far as most fetishes are concerned, I can accommodate the tamer ones, but if you're looking for a partner for the primary purpose of fetish play, keep on lookin'.
Writing samples, if you're into that kinda thing. tw: murder, blood, mindfuckery, dissociation. These are actual roleplay responses, not self-paras or drabbles or excerpts from my novel, so you may have to infer context.
If you actually read all of this and it sounds like a grand ol' horrorshow to you, please contact me below:
skype: schmeddie. (with the period) 
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