queen-mabs-revenge · 2 years
oh god rereading brawl's amazing petergwen meta and while 'pastel and primary morticia and gomez' took me the fuck out the first time, this just took me out:
'The much juicer read through which to allow the characters to see the shape of the narrative trends that guide their lives is: The laws of the universe have decreed that once the two of you enter a room together only one of you gets to leave it alive.'
and the reason i'm not reblogging with these thots or added tags is bc i'm sparing everyone the insane ouat tangent bc it drop-kicked me that...
millian has petergwen vibes???
like not only the 'countdown to doom which literally shapes the entire narrative thrust of the universe' of it all (which hELLO millian literally kickstarts all of OUAT). but also yeah, i've def headcanoned that it only makes sense that killian was looking for an emma to break the curse separating him from alice if he'd at first tried to jump around the multiverse trying to find his tl milah to break the curse. but every time he met her it was like he set her fate in motion and whether it was minutes, hours, days [or most painfully longer], he inevitably would watch her die and he eventually, after realising his existence's role in her fate - completely and even more thoroughly traumatised - gives up for the sake of the iterations of her still living, sinks into despair, and when he learns about storyhook's emma jumps at that sliver of a possibility.
(which again - hc that after the realms are united, all the magical bodies of water are linked, damned river souls can be revived, welcome back milah, and oh dip the loophole is that if the person already died then.....)
(which would make a very fun petergwen loophole to play with)
but even aside from the hc, big tick-tick-doom energy with millian
the vigilanteism of it all, the jewel-tone morticia and gomez of it all, the fact that if you were gonna do a personality cognate btw milah and any of the spidey cast it would def be gwen - the drama, the ambition, the hair-trigger temper, the legendary stubbornness, the willingness to bite and kill anyone out for their person, again to reference brawl's meta -- millian is definitely bitch4bitch gOD
lmao i'm literally the single one person on the earth that's gonna care about this but idgaf this is a treat for me 👉😎👉
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andheyfordavyjones · 5 years
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- Jen Faulkner 
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fraddit · 6 years
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You set off a dream in me
                             Take my hand                                    Will you share this with me?                                  
                     'Cause darling without you...
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piracytheorist · 6 years
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This... just... breaks my heart.
We know how he’d lost everyone else... his family dead or gone, he was alone, with no-one he felt safe giving his love and his heart to... and then Milah came, and he did. She brought out all the love he had, and with her he didn’t need any bravado. He was just who he was.
And then he lost her.
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justmilah · 6 years
A Ring Fit For a Pirate Queen
Spoilers for 7x16
I was watching this ep, and I gave myself feels. Of course I did. Feels all over the place. That ring had be wondering about Things!
Rating: T
Summary: There aren’t many who would be worthy of such a ring. However, to Killian, it runs in the family.
Pairings: Millian (hello, I’m Cat, have you met me?), allusions to Henry/Jacinda
Milah was not the marrying type. Well, obviously she was, but she was not the 'marry while technically still married by legal means to another.'
He’d brought it up once, twice, several times, especially in that first year. It wasn’t until after that first year, when he slowed with asking, that she could sit and properly think on why her heart leaped into a thrill of fear. She’d always remind him that she was technically still married, that it would cause problems for all involved, and wonder, too, at that sigh of relief that would come when he accepted her reasons.
It was later she realized it was something safe to hide behind, something she could use to avoid thinking how she'd been horrible at it before, how miserable. If there was one thing she didn't want, it was to have that happen again, have that happen to Killian.
Fortunately, as time went on, the impact of the question and her refusal became less. She would do something he found amazing, he would propose. When she’d turn him down, that flash of hurt that had been there in the beginning was more muted and that thrill of fear would be more of a twinge.
One day at port, where she'd taken the afternoon to quietly draw in their cabin and he'd gone off to tavern games, he came back with a bit of excitement in his steps. He dropped the aged, folded parchment in front of her, smug.
"What’s this?" Milah unfolded the map and an eyebrow rose. "Davy Jones." She looked up at him with a twinkle in her eye. "Any relation?"
"You wouldn’t be the first to ask, love."
"Oh? And what do you tell them?"
He grinned and leaned over her shoulder, placing a kiss along her neck. "It makes for a more interesting story than the truth." He studied the map with her and was silent for a moment. "What do you think?"
She turned to look at him, eyebrows high. "You want to go poke an immortal for the possibility of a bit of treasure?"
He shrugged a little. "There’s also a ring."
His tone was a bit too light. The lance was a thrill once more. "Killian--"
He turned her chair so he could kneel before it. "I can do this, Milah. And maybe if I succeed, you could see that I could be better than he was--"
She had to cut him off there, clapping a hand over his mouth. Is that how he'd seen it all this time? He looked rather annoyed at having his speech interrupted and she had to wipe her hand on his shoulder to wipe off where he’d licked in retaliation.
"Oh, my love. It was never you I doubted in any of this. If that had been the only concern, I would have said yes the first time."
He studied her for a moment, eyes narrowing slightly. "I’d have time to convince you your fears are unfounded between here and there."
She couldn't help the amused smile. "Really? And how do you propose to do that?"
He leaned forward. "Well, I have been treating you as I would a wife for the past several years now, and you've yet to make me miserable."
It was, oddly, one of the sweetest things he’d ever said to her. Her eyes stung a little and her smile because more genuine. "Oh, really?" She cleared her throat. "And what if it takes me longer for you to convince me?"
"Then we’d have it for when you are." He shifted forward, that eagerness returning. "And think of it, love. Even if there's only a fraction of what they say, it could be enough that we could go for the boy. Live on land if he prefers it to the sea."
It was then she knew what her answer would be. She kept it close to her for now, something shiny and knew, keeping it until it felt familiar. "I could think of far worse adventures to possibly be the last."
Unfortunately, they never went on their last adventure together. An annoying little obstacle such as death got in the way.
The tavern was poorly lit, perfect for a little reconnaissance. Smee and Blackbeard sat across from him, the scent of their rum and ale sending a lance of both longing and revulsion through him. "Will you agree to it?"
Smee agreed even before the sentence was finished. Then he hesitated. "But wait, Sir, isn't this the same treasure you said you'd let no other man lay their hands on?"
Killian went over the yells, the shouts, the screams, and the threats he'd made in a previous life. "Well, yes. But, this is different."
Smee furrowed his brows. "How so?"
Killian shifted in his seat, trying to figure how to explain it without sounding as though he were still a love-sick puppy. Which, granted, part of him still was, only a bit less rabid now. "Well, the lad is her grandson."
The man's eyes went wide. "She has a grandson?"
Blackbeard arched an eyebrow. "You have a 'she' old enough to be a grandmother?"
"Oh, she was fierce, Captain." Smee turned just a little to face Blackbeard. "Perhaps even more frightening than the Captain."
Killian wistfully smiled. "Aye, she could be."
"She even stole my beanie."
"A force to be reckoned with, I'm certain."
"It was more...how she stole it that made it frightening…"
"Alright, but I still don't see--" Smee leaned over and up to whisper in Blackbeard's ear, and Killian had to roll his eyes. "Oh, her. Milah, right? Revenge and crocodiles."
Smee tried to silence the man and Killian leaned forward with a huff. "Will you lads do this or won't you?" He paused a moment. "We can split the rest of the treasure equally amongst ourselves."
Blackbeard spread his hands wide. "Why didn't you lead with that in the first place, Hook?"
Smee furrowed his brows again. "Of course I'll do it, Captain. But may I ask why?"
Killian shrugged. "Because he deserves to be more than a character in someone else's story, just as she did."
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ask--killianjones · 7 years
How long did it take you not to wake up and expect Milah to be sleeping beside you after her death?
Waking expecting someone to be there who is gone never really stops, but it grows far more rare. 
In those moments before you are truly awake and remnants of half-remembered dreams have clouded the mind, one can believe the strangest of things.  Centuries later and there are still mornings when for just a moment, I expect my captain to be awaiting me at the helm.  
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It happens less frequently now that I no longer wake aboard the Jolly Roger,  and Emma,  she… she helps. 
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(AU) Would you think me selfish if I admit I'm glad to see you? Even here.
Perhaps, though I would be guilty of the same.
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I’ve missed you. So much. It isn’t fair, you know. Time was supposed to exaggerate the memory of you but it hasn’t. You’re as beautiful as I remember.
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Of course she misses Killian. And of course she kisses you senseless when you talk like a pirate. It's the closest she's ever going to get to kissing Killian again. We all know you're never going to live up to the epic love story that Killian had with Milah but at least she can still pretend...
I’m not a fool, malevolent shade. I know she misses Killian. And I know that what I have to offer is far less exciting than running away with a pirate. 
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But I also know Milah. I know that our friendship means too much to her for her to simply take me as a replacement for what she cannot have. I know she deserves far more credit that you give her. Do not make the mistake of doing her that dishonor again in my hearing.
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Its no secret Milah and Rumple were dirt poor. I mean, we never see her wearing anything but rags. However, when Milah is playing dice with the pirates, (besides that we all know Killian gave her his loaded dice so she would win against his men) look at her earrings.
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If we are to believe Killian came to port many times as he told her on their first meeting, Milah most likely goes to the tavern whenever the Jolly is spotted in port. He probably brought her gems and jewels and trinkets all the time. Something from his adventures. She told him during one of his visits about Bae falling ill from the snake bite and having no money for a cure so Rumple sold their second born for a cure. Milah is a strong woman who wont just take money from the pirate no matter how much she was falling for him. But Killian brings her trinkets that she could sell if need be to protect her boy. He tells her its pieces of the world she has yet to see and each piece comes with a story.
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queen-mabs-revenge · 6 years
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piracytheorist · 7 years
Psssssst: I bet wish hook knows how to braid hair
Because HE had long hair once upon a time and he experimented on it because come on all teenagers do stupid stuff and never admit it. He knew Liam wouldn’t stop teasing him about it - Liam though already knew and he had laughed his ass out in secret, but never told Killian he knew.
And YES because Milah’s hair sometimes just BEGGED to be braided and he just... sometimes while they were napping on their bed he would play with them and end up making small braids which gradually became more and more complex and Milah also knew but they never mentioned it.
And then his little girl whose hair were so long (WERE THEY THOUGH) and she missed him so much and wanted him to stay just a little longer and as she would nestle in his lap and hide her tears he would comb through her hair and eventually start braiding them... it was hard with only one hand but he managed. All kinds of braids. It calmed her down and he did it all the time because he knew of the positive effect it had on her.He would bring her colourful ribbons to tie her little braids with. Eventually they would end up using thin rope because that wouldn’t raise the witch’s suspicions, so they pretended it was leftover rope from the Jolly Roger.
She would sit on the window sill, waiting for him to appear and she would braid her hair the same way her papa taught her. She would also experiment on her own but somehow his one hand always managed to make them more elegant.
AND WOW THE FUCK it would be such a gender role reversal and I’d love this so fucking much???
Thank you!
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justmilah · 7 years
“Far From the Tree” Killian Jones/Wish Hook
(Uploaded to Vimeo because the other place was being The Butt)
Do you like Wish Hook? Do you like the deliciously painful reminder that he shares the same crappy history as SB Hook? Do you like the pain when you remember he’d had happiness and lost it not once, not twice, but four times? WELL THEN HERE’S SOME PAIN! 8D
Enjoy the pain such as: Brennan “I Traded My Kids For A Rowboat” Jones Liam “I Love My Brother Like A Son” Jones Milah Baelfire -and introducing- Alice “I Have A Crappy Egg Donor But I Know My Papa Loves Me” Jones -special guest appearance by- Robin! …or is it Robyn! Robin Jr.!
(I blame this one on @killianmesmalls because I went ‘ug I want to vid with these very specific parameters’ and she went ‘all I can think of is ‘Piece by Piece’ off the top of my head’ and I looked at the lyrics, saw Kelly Clarkson, had some reservations (because her style isn't what I would normally choose for the character), read the lyrics and listened to the song, and went ‘I can hurt people with this!’ And three days later…)
"Piece by Piece" by Kelly Clarkson Once Upon a Time Edited using Sony Vegas
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Would you ever have guessed when you were alive that you could love again after Killian, his brother of all people!?
To be honest?
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There might have been a century or two where I’d been certain I couldn’t.
And I never met Liam while I was alive, but I could always see how someone could fall for him.
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||ok… so @justmilah and I are evil Angst Queens when it comes to Millian-Captain Swan… so… enjoy…
Just a Memory Now posted on AO3 Millian centric with Captain Swan
After he loses Milah and goes on a 200 year quest of revenge, occationally his journey brings him back to port. The same port and tavern where he first met her… his Milah. His crew never noticed the lost look in their Captain’s eyes as they disembark the Jolly Roger and head to the tavern for drinks. Of course he joins them, nursing the same mug of rum all evening until finally everyone is gone except him and the old barkeep who is half deaf and ignores the lone pirate in the corner. He swirls his mug as the liquid sloshed and he hears it… barely a whisper. Its a woman’s laughter. That sound he hasnt heard in a handful of years. Not since… not since her. He closes his eyes and listens to the shrill of happiness before he finally looks up and just out of the corner of his eye, the tavern is no longer empty. Dark hair filters past as the woman slams her hand on the table, laughing as the dice before her show her exactly what she wanted to see. Killian looks directly there but just like a dream is destroyed by sunlight, the image fades away.
He’s back in port soon enough on a supply run for his crew and the demon and once again he stays past closing. He hears the same laughter that haunts his sleepless nights and this time he keeps his eyes downcast, afraid that if he looks she will be gone. “I went to Agrabah again…” He starts just as he always did all those years ago when this port was still her home. He continued to look down at his mug as he retold the stories of his adventure to the land of sand and jewels. He felt his lips curl as the ghost across from him smiled and asked what it smelt like. Lost in his dream, he looked up yo smile at her and just as before, she was gone.
Years turn to decades and decades to centuries. The enchanted Jolly returns to port on buisness a few times a year. And those times, the dreaded Captain Hook remains much after closing in the corner booth, talking to his mug of rum as he tells stories of his travels. It continues like this for nearly two centuries. He learn to keep his eyes cast down or to the side, never able to look directly at her knowing once he does, she will vanish like a dream. Of course, he knows shes not really there but a small piece of his heart holds onto hope.
Its been a while since The Jolly Roger was spotted in port. The last anyone heard it was sailing to Wonderland with the Queen of Hearts as a passenger. It wasnt until another curse ripped everyone back to the Enchanted Forest, that the ship once again makes port. Crew drunk and merry on the docks, one man sits alone in the darkened corner of the worn tavern. The lanterns are dimmed, and the barkeep has long since retired to his own chambers. But there the Captain sits. His single mug of rum almost gone by the time the early rays of sunlight filter through the dinghy windows. He stares into his drink, heart aching as he remains alone. She didn’t come. He closed his eyes and looked up as the sun streamed into the tavern, casting golden beams of light across the dusty floors. He glances to the side as he rises to return to his ship when he sees it just in the corner of his eye; a flutter of golden silk. His heart clenched in his chest as he turned to get a better look but its gone as soon as he does. A single word walls from his lips as he closes his eyes to fight off the sting of tears threatening to fall. Swan…
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queen-mabs-revenge · 6 years
Killian Jones is canon a fucking GOOF and the more comfortable he is in his own skin, the more his dumb eye-rolls, pursed lip expressions, GOOF GRINS, and dumb jokes come out and the captain’s cabin was like 24% the hottest bitches ever being sexy as all hell, 36% spooning in that tiny little bed, and 40% dumb ass jokes and shit because it was the one place they could both shed whatever roles they had to play and just sit around and be straight up silly idiots. like fight me that it didn’t happen where Milah was all busy and focused on something –drawing, ship’s log, trying to figure out how much they could barter the last haul of fine silks they took – and killian’s just waking up to take over his watch on deck, and he kind of stretches all noisily to get her attention but it doesn’t even break her focus not even a little bit. and ok fine so a bit more of a rustle and a stretch and he leaves his arms above his head like wow look at me all stretched out and On Display…and still nothing, so he rolls over on his stomach and arranges the sheets to just barely cover his bum and peeks up at her from inside of his folded arms and she shifts in her chair and starts chewing the end of her quill but that’s it?? and when she finally snaps out of it, she looks over to the bed and he’s literally laying there, starkers, knee up and one arm draped artfully over the edge of the bed, a book open by his side, one of her gauzy shawls in aesthetic folds around where he’s laying and his flask tipped seductively towards his lips like DRAW ME LIKE ONE OF YOUR FRENCH GIRLS and she just blinks a couple times and then nearly asphyxiates with laughter hi i loVE THEM A LOT OK
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vaxilfan · 7 years
gusenitsaa replied to your post Savior, ticklish, and tall. Those are Wishworld...
Why does he assume she’s ticklish, like why is that his go to! Hahahahaha
My headcanon is that Milah was ticklish. So when a Killian without Emma thinks True Love, he borrows a little from Milah.
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