stubblesandwich · 1 year
The One You Feed - Chapter 3
Howdy, friends! Just an update to this little gem from the @cssns, to celebrate the start of spooky season. 🎃
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The One You Feed (14810 words) by StubbleSandwich Chapters: 3/5 Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan Characters: Emma Swan, Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Red Riding Hood | Ruby, Prince Charming | David Nolan, Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard Additional Tags: CSSNS, Werewolf AU, Captain Swan - Freeform, Friends to Lovers Summary: Emma Swan is an underpaid, overworked waitress at a small-town Denny’s. Once a month, a curious customer pays her a visit. In fact, he’s so strange, he’s warranted a special nickname from her friend Ruby–Cute Creepy Guy. He always orders a mountain of cheap breakfast food and eats it like it’s his last night on earth. Oh yeah, and apparently he’s a werewolf.
Tagging a few friends below the line. Let me know if you don't want to be in these updates! I just copied them over from the last time this was updated. ✌🏻
@bleebug @spartanguard @sunbeamsandmoonrays @caprelloidea @kmomof4 @queen-mabs-revenge @ahsagitarius @t-tamm-@lavendersoapsuds @its-imperator-furiosa @midnightswans @cigarettes-and-scotch-whisky @withheartfulloflove @captainswan-middlemist @sarahreadsff @princesseslikepirates @winterbaby89 @pirateherokillian @wordslovedreams @hannah-mic @thecraftyartist @blackwidownat2814 @once-uponacaptain @kylalovesbabeme @swiftmicheles @emmaswanstlk @captainswanslay @the-tones-of-wallflowers @kday426 @krystalsficpage  @distant-rose  @galadriel26  @daxx04  @killian-whump  @nfbagelperson   @resident-of-storybrooke   @gusenitsaa  @cat-sophia   @superchocovian  @snowbellewells @nanikasplace   @bashful-killian  
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snowbellewells · 6 months
CS Fic Rec Monday: “The Girl in the Water” by: @gusenitsaa
This short MC is nothing short of beautiful. It has the feel of a new and unique fairy tale, what with the mermaid/siren version of Emma, and the almost magical way they meet as if by fate. As the years go by and different twists and turns occur, you get more and more invested in their story and how it will end. Really lyrically and dramatically done, and you should absolutely check it out!!
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“The Girl in the Water” by: @gusenitsaa
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justmilah · 1 year
Taste This Moment
Some days the hook wasn't enough of a reminder of what he was fighting for. Some days it was the happier memories that now settled sour in his gut to remind him of who he was doing this for.
Rated:  M for very vague smuttiness. Like, The CW levels of smuttiness. Diddly Bits aren’t even described. Word Count: 575 Pairing: Millian
I’ve had this written since 2017, apparently. Don’t think I ever posted it here and i know I never posted it to Ao3. (From my notes, I know I have Mabs and Gust to blame for it, but it’s been so long I’ll save them the @ing xD) @gusenitsaa and @queen-mabs-revenge 
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stanfordsweater · 3 years
This is fine. Your blog is just like… single handedly dragging me back in and breaking my heart and making me want to watch 15 seasons worth of pain again. This is fine. I’m fine. 😅
:) is it an inappropriate response to say good? i'm glad you're enjoying yourself!! sam and dean have a very special hold on my heart and i'm never going to shake it, probably because i'm a sucker for punishment, haha.... it hurts so good 😭
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killian-whump · 3 years
Psssssssst I know a super secret secret. And once you’ve finished my 10 part class over 10 weeks at $299 per class you will too be inducted into the we-know-something-you-don’t-know-neener-neener club at entry level. Then, after you bring in 10 more people into the club, you can ascend to manager status b and will be graced with the first clue to the secret(tm). With each additional 5 inductees you will receive the next clue to the secret(tm). What a deal! Get in on the bottom level now! This is a limited time offer! Hurry!
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I better send my money in right away!!!!!!!
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distant-rose · 5 years
constellation: the brothers jones (are you sensing a theme)
constellation: what you said after all the pieces came together.
Okay, you all know how I pretend to live in a universe where Liam and Killian were adopted by Nemo and Shakespeare and everything turned out semi-okay for them? Well, I’m going to contribute more to that universe because there is literally only so much angst I can take. So here’s like 1,500+ words of the Jones Brothers meeting Shakespeare.
Silver’s ship is attacked in the late afternoon by the most bizarre looking sky ship that Liam has ever seen. Well, it’s the only one he’s ever seen, but he hadn’t realized they would look so peculiar. He doesn’t allow himself to ponder on this long however, considering the bombardment of canon fire hurtling towards them. Instead he grabs Killian’s arm and yanks him down below into the underbelly of the ship. It’s a coward’s move but Liam has no desire or will to defend the lives of the men who have enslaved him and his brother.
Killian’s eyes are as wide as saucers and he looks more terrified than he did the morning they discovered their father was gone. He hasn’t said a word since the attack started but his fingers shake violently under Liam’s as if his bones are trying rattle their way out from underneath his skin.
They hide in the hull behind the barrels of rum and beer, resting themselves against the crates of ill-gotten gains Silver has acquired over the past few weeks.
“We’re going to die today, aren’t we?” Killian asks quietly, eyes trained up at the ceiling as they listen to the fighting on the deck above them.
“I’m not going to let anything happen to you,” he replies firmly. “I made a promise to Mum to look after you and I intend to keep it.”
“Papa made that promise too…” Tears trickle down Killian’s cheeks and the sight of them makes Liam furious for more reasons than one.
“Well, I’m not Papa, am I?” he snaps. “I’m going to keep you safe. Do you understand me?”
Killian nods, but his eyes avert from Liam’s gaze. It hurts far more than it should. Liam’s fingers curl into fists and he isn’t sure who he wants to hurt the most in the moment – his brother for not believing him or the men above for wanting to hurt them.
Both brothers flinch as the hatch bursts open above them and the ladder whines as bodies start to climb down it. They duck their heads in hopes of being undiscovered. Liam automatically places a hand over his younger brother’s mouth to keep him for whimpering too loudly.
“Best come out and face your fate like a man,” a voice calls out. “We can see your foot behind the rum.”
Liam draws a sharp before, glancing down at their feet. It’s then that he notices that Killian’s ratty shoe is visible. He taps down his frustration as tears start rolling down his little brother’s cheek, puddling onto Liam’s hand.
“Come out!” The voice commands again. “You don’t want me to come over there!”
Killian looks up at Liam with a resigned look on his face that belongs to a much older person and has no place on a seven-year old’s face. He shifts to move out from their failed hiding spot. 
“Don’t!” Liam whispers, shaking his head. “They could be buffing!”
For the first time in his life, Killian doesn’t listen to his older brother. He pushes his hands away and crawls out, shaking like a leaf and trying so hard to make a show of bravery he doesn’t have. Liam’s heart hammers in his chest and everything inside him screams as he turns to watch his little brother’s fate. He’s caught between wanting to save his brother from these invading pirates and wanting to save his own skin.
Pirates, unruly and menacing with their sharp swords and snarling faces, seem taken aback by the small child that appears in front of them. They don’t jeer at him like Liam expected, but stare at him with the same fascination Liam had seen on his schoolmates’ faces when they had discovered a litter of kitties newly born behind the schoolhouse. The one that seems to be in charge, a man with silver hair and wearing a brown long coat, sheaths his sword and looks at Killian with a puzzled expression.
“And who are you supposed to be?”
“Ah, Killian.” The man repeats his name as if he’s testing how it sounds. “A good name for a young man. How old are you, Killian?”
“I’m seven…and a half…”
“That’s quite a young to be at sea,” the man comments, stroking his chin. “And what brings you onto this ship?”
“I…” Killian looks overwhelmed by the question, squirming in his spot and looking down at his shoes. 
The man’s frown deepens, an indent forming between his brows as he regards Liam’s brother with a strange expression.
“Is your father on board, Killian?” he asks, changing tactics.
“No,” he answers immediately. “Papa sold me for a row boat.”
A buzzing of anger emits from the pirates who share looks of disgust. A trickle of fear runs down Liam’s spine and he shifts to get his feet out from underneath. He has a small butter knife in his shoe. It won’t be do much, but Liam wagers if they go for Killian, he could potentially cause some damage to one or two by taking out their eyes.
The man questioning Killian raises his hand to silence the men behind him. It’s quite clear he holds a lot of authority and Liam would wager the rest of his meager possessions that he’s the captain of the sky ship.
“So, you’re a slave?”
“An indentured servant,” Killian corrects hotly, his cheeks coloring as he speaks.
“Ah, sorry, an indentured servant. A rose by a different name,” the man says before digging a hand into one of the various pockets on his coat. “Do you like candy, Killian?”
Killian’s eyes light up as alarm bells go off in Liam’s brain. He’s seen this ploy before, even been at the end of it. It rarely goes well. Men don’t offer things out without wanting something in return; a cruel bit of reality that Liam has done his best to shield his little brother from. 
He can’t allow this to happen.
“No!” he shouts, revealing himself and leaping over the barrels. He takes a position in front of Killian, shoving his younger brother roughly behind him. He holds up the butter knife as it were a real one.
The man looks bewildered by him, eyes darting between Liam’s face and Killian’s.
“And who might you be?”
“That’s Liam!” Killian pipes up.
“Stop talking,” he hisses. 
“You’re brothers, aren’t you?” the man asks, face softening. 
Liam doesn’t respond, only raises the butter knife higher. He tries to keep a brave face despite the violent trembling of his arm.
“Do you really think you can take us all out with that, boy?” 
“No, but that doesn’t mean I can’t try. I would rather die than let you hurt him.”
“Who said anything about hurting anyone?” the man question in surprise, eyebrows raising to his hairline.
“We’re not idiots,” Liam responds. “We know you’ve killed most of the crew to get down here and you’re going to take the rest of our valuables and slaughter us all.”
“You have a very vivid imagination. Has anyone ever told you that?”
He doesn’t answer him, only narrows his eyes in response. He feels Killian move behind him and automatically throws back his arm to keep him from leaving the minute wall of safety offered by Liam’s body.
“You’re a brave young man,” the man says. “Braver than most men. And you’re smart too. It’s hard to find anyone who is both brave and smart these days. You either have brave morons or smart cowards.”
Liam bites back the smartass response he has dying in the back of his throat. 
“You’re smart enough to know there are only two ways out of this,” the man continues gently. “Either you stay here, stranded on a ship with no food and no provisions or you come aboard the Caspertine with us.”
“And be slaves again,” Liam mutters bitterly under his breath.
“No,” the man responds gruffly. “Not slaves. I have no interest in owning anyone.”
“Then what exactly do you want?” 
“To shape the future,” the man responds. “And you’re it.”
Liam doesn’t quite understand what he means by this, but Killian appears to be done with this entire conversation. He shifts out from behind his older brother’s body and eyes the old man questionably.
“Do you really have candy?”
The old man barks out a loud laugh, taking his hand out of his back and revealing small wrapped squares that look a lot like the taffy packages Liam’s seen in stores around various ports.
“Yes, my boy, I have lots of candy. Unfortunately, this old pirate has a sweet tooth that can’t be tamed.”
“Okay, I’ll go with you!”
“Killian! No!” Liam is half-frustrated, half-horrified.
“What? He’s right. It’s either be here with dead people or go with them. And they have candy,” he responds, popping the taffy into his mouth and smiling up at the old man. “What’s your name, mister?”
“Shakespeare. Captain Theodore Johannes Alberic Shakespeare, my boy.”
send me a word + a pairing and i’ll write you a short fic! 🌙
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hollyethecurious · 6 years
Oh six characters. Let’s do a Jones theme! Brennan, Liam, SB Killian, Liam 2.0, Alice and wish verse killian!!
It’s a Jones-a-palooza!!!
Push off a cliff: Liam 2.0 (but only because the Nautilus is waiting on him below)
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Kiss: SB Killian (but just a chaste one. He’s a married man after all)
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Marry: Wish Verse Killian (especially the Silver Fox version)
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Set on Fire: Brennan (Oh darn, looks like the well has run dry. How ever will we put him out...)
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Wrap a Blanket around: Alice (or a coat... preferably her Papa’s)
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Be Roommates with: Liam (probably very tidy, like Rogers. Not bad to look at either)
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vaxilfan · 5 years
Brennan jones and his rowboat
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lynyrdwrites · 5 years
Lynyrd: :May be currently working on a Klaroline dragon au in which the dragons meet and bond over debating the merits of GMO princesses and also probably have a kitten:
I know this is supposed to be you being me... but this is also a valid prompt.  I want you to recognize that.  
Someday, I’ll write a pro-GMO fic.  I won’t give anyone a forewarning.  By the end, you’ll hate me, but also hate that stupid Triscuits commercial. 
Come into my inbox and pretend to be me
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mryddinwilt · 6 years
Umm 2 , 5 , 18 , 29!
2. Whose death hit you the hardest?
Milah. I’m still not over it. Milah deserved better BOTH TIMES. Just the devastation on Killian’s face and the way she says I love you one last time. I’d spend hundreds of years trying to avenge her too!
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UGH. And it’s just compounded by the fact that she was murdered twice. And the second time I really wasn’t ready for it. 
5. Killian or David? & 29. Liam or Killian?
Killian. It’s always going to be Killian. As much as I like the others it’s always Killian. Actually if I’m being honest I don’t much care for Liam and even less after S5. So the order is Killian, David, Liam. 
18. What is the saddest non-death scene?
Firebird goodbye. They get to that elevator and just you know this is it and you know Emma can’t take it. The way they both are concerned about the other. Killian doesn’t want her putting up her walls and she wants him to move on. Then add the tears and the crying. The desperation in their body language as they cling to each other for one last time. The kiss through the bars! The slow clank of the elevator and holding hands until the last possible moment mirroring how she held his hand as his body was wheeled away. 
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And then that last lingering shot of him, alone, in Hell, staring up into the black void. Just. 
I think I blocked that entire thing from my memory until now. So THANKS. 
Ask me about OUAT (repeat a number and I’ll give a different answer...)
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askdetectiverogers · 6 years
Look, all I did was point out that the ruckus from next-door distracted me from my pancakes and I think a gentleman would make that right! But nooooooo. Your brother is in a *particularly* foul mood today!
A tinny melody buzzed at the edge of his consciousness.
An alarm. No. A phone. His phone
He jerked, reaching for it in the dark to shut it off before it woke the whole house. He was stiff, sore, and upon opening his eyes, realized abruptly that he was not in Liam’s flat. He shifted again, noting the handcuffs that bound his arms behind the chair he was sitting on.
Liam stood in front of him, unnaturally still. No one else was in the room with them and for a moment Killian felt relief. Then he met Liam’s eyes. Distant and unfocused, it was as though Killian was not even there, or perhaps as though he could not pull his focus from a spot on the blank wall to his left.
“If you don’t let me answer they’re just going to keep calling,” Killian commented.
For a moment Liam didn’t move. Then stiffly, he bent to unlock his right arm.
“Don’t be clever,” a voice that wasn’t quite Liam’s warned him before the cuff clattered to the ground.
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The person on the other end of the call managed to garner very little of his attention, babbling something about breakfast and being a gentleman.
He could ask for help.
And put his brother’s life in the hands of an occasionally trigger happy SWAT team.
A familiar weight at his hip informed him he was still armed and his eyebrows furrowed. Whoever was making the decisions here was either extraordinarily stupid, or didn’t give a damn if Liam survived.
“Your brother is in a particularly foul mood today.”
“I daresay he is. But I’m a bit tied up at the moment. Let me call you back.”
If this course of action met with his neighbors’ approval was unclear. But if the flash of anger in Liam’s eyes was any indication, it did not meet with his.
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piracytheorist · 6 years
3, 11 and 14!
3. Do you have a favorite season?
Yes, and it’s undoubtedly the first one. It had a magic, a certain feeling that the other seasons never approached. I can’t really describe it. But yeah, considering that I still love it despite the complete lack of my favourite character, I can’t help choosing that one.
11. Mad Hatter or Frankenstein?
MAD HATTER. I am partly, slightly, juuuuuust a little bit mad at the MCU for “stealing” Sebastian Stan away from OUAT. Even though Jefferson’s story was completed, I feel that he would’ve come back if he hadn’t been so successful in the MCU. I mean, so many other minor characters did, it’s a shame we never got to see him again. There’s just... again, the S1 magic I can’t really describe. I didn’t feel the same way with Whale, perfectly out of personal opinion.
14. Do you prefer Hook’s pirates or Pan’s lost boys?
Hook’s pirates. It’ll forever remain a headcanon, but I think they’d be amazing nannies for little rascal Alice. Plus there’s so much potential and fic fodder around their relationship with Killian.
List is here.
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justmilah · 5 years
No, because he is an ass hat who sold his kids for a rowboat. Obviously 🙄
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“How...could I forget I could kill Brennan?! New answer, Kiss Liam the Eldest, Marry Killian, Kill Brennan, adopt Liam the Youngest.”
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queen-mabs-revenge · 6 years
I always wonder how the people upset with you always find your posts. You always tag. So now It amuses me to imagine there’s a bunch of people that just check you out every once in a while just to make sure you’re not out of line. Rofl
Well, I always tag....in some fashion
:shoves the best organisation system under the bed: I mean --
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killian-whump · 5 years
So here’s the thing. I haven’t tied anyone up in weeks. I haven’t mentally or physically reamed anyone in aaaaages. Who am I? WHat is the point? Why am I even here. 42?
Hello, friend. I hear your pain, and oh-boy, do I have a solution!
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It’s called Killian Jones™ and it is the scientific community’s answer to all those pesky times in your life when you lack the time or even the energy to whump anyone yourself.
How does it work? Simple. Killian Jones™ works tirelessly in the background, while you go about your business and live your life, actively whumping himself for your enjoyment.
Is there a car in motion somewhere? He’ll stand in front of it. Is there a standing body of water or stagnating kiddie pool somewhere nearby? He’ll almost drown in it. Have some comically large rope handy? Never worry, you won’t even have to tie him up yourself - he’ll do it for you!
How is such an amazing feat possible? Well, the fantastic self-whumping technology behind Killian Jones™ is in part due to recent developments in time travel. Through the wonders of Time Shenanigans™, our latest Killian models are capable of sending themselves back and forwards in time in order to literally whump themselves at any given moment.
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However, we also know that self-whump isn’t up everyone’s alley, so each and every Killian Jones™ also comes backed with 24-hour fandom support. A friendly and active group of fans is waiting on standby, needing only the slightest provocation (or, really, none whatsoever) to leap into action and provide all the whumpy fanfic, fanart, headcanons, and prompts that your heart could ever possibly desire.
Now, you might be saying to yourself, “That’s great, KW, but how much does something like this cost?” And I hear you, my friend. With the impressive specs and extensive feature list that Killian Jones™ boasts, one could expect to spend a pretty penny for the honor of experiencing one.
But no! Killian Jones™ is 100% FREE!!!
That’s right! Everyone can enjoy the wonder and whump of Killian Jones™ for absolutely no cost at all. All you need is an active internet connection and access to any one of several popular websites (AO3, Tumblr, Fanfiction.net, etc) and you, too, can be sailing the high seas of pirate whump!
So act now and get in on the fun! Killian Jones™ is standing by, waiting to be whumped by one and all - and eager for that whump to be enjoyed by others, regardless of whether they do any whumping themselves or not!
Whumping Killian Jones™ - You can’t afford not to!
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distant-rose · 6 years
I .... may have lost track? Meteor? ; the brothers jones
meteor: what you said when you first saw me.
I’m gonna try and do one of these a day. Is that fair? there’s a lot of them. I have 21 bloody messages in my inbox and I’m trying so hard to clean it. Anyway, some of these are kinda hard to do because they focus on first meetings and whatnot. I’m pretty sure these prompts were designed for ships and I’m trying to adapt them to siblings, so bear with me. 
I’m going to put this under a cut because there’s mentions of miscarriages, birth and child abuse, which honestly would be normal for the times but I don’t want to upset anyone.
When his parents sit him down and tell him that he’s going to be a big brother, he doesn’t quite believe them. They’ve been telling him that since he was three and there’s yet to be a little brother or sister to appear. His mother’s belly has swelled a few times, but nothing has ever come of it except his mother crying in the dead of night and his father disappearing more and more.
Liam doesn’t say this though. He said it the last time they told him that he was going to have a little brother or sister, and his father hit him so hard that his nose bled. So, he says nothing.
He’s a quick learner as his teacher says.
Again, his mother’s stomach grows round like the leather ball he and his friends sometimes kick in the schoolyard. She gets tired easily and grows more sharper with him. Though she snaps, she never boxes him around the ears like his father does. He takes on more of her chores and he doesn’t like it, but if he doesn’t do it, his father will be displeased.
While he peels potatoes, his father lectures him on how he’s going to be a big brother soon and that means he needs to be more grown up since he’s going to have to help with the baby. Liam doesn’t want to grow up. He wants to stay a little boy and play with his friends but he holds his tongue. 
It’s a cold winter when his brother comes into the world. The sun has already fled the sky and the wind is biting as snow starts to fall heavily from the sky. None of this matters to the baby though.
Father leaves to go get the midwife, leaving Liam alone with his mother and her laboring. Liam begs to be taken to, but his father rebuffs him with a harsh shove, stating that his mother needs him.
Except Liam has no idea what to do.
He watches as his mother alternates between grunting and shouting. Birth is violent business. And it comes too quick for his father and the midwife to return in time. He watches in a mixture of fascination and terror as his mother makes inhuman noises and bears down, more focused on what’s going on between her legs than Liam’s ever-widening eyes.
And that’s when a loud squalling noise sounds.
“Give me some blankets and a knife, Liam,” his mother says, sounding both tired and proud. She doesn’t look at him, focused on the loud creature squirming between her legs. Liam doesn’t move at first, too busy staring at the Thing. She snaps at him again, this time more impatient and it spurs him into action.
When he returns, she towels off the Thing. Liam has seen babies before. There’s a lot of little ones in the village, swaddled and cradled in the arms of their mothers but they never looked like this. The Thing is red, slimy, wrinkled and loud. Even with his mother’s efforts to wipe away the weird slimy goo, it still doesn’t look like a person.
“You have a little brother, Liam…” his mother says with a watery laugh. “And he’s perfect.”
“He’s ugly,” Liam says without thinking, wrinkling his noise.
“He’s perfect,” his mother asserts again, narrowing her eyes. “He’s your brother and you’re going to love him.”
“Do I have to?”
“Yes,” she snaps, swaddling the still squalling baby in blankets and placing him in Liam’s unsuspecting arms. “You’re brothers now and you’re going to have to look after each other no matter what.”
Liam looks down at the squirming bundle in his arms. He looks more human than he did when he came out, but his head seems odd and misshapen. He runs a finger down the side of its face. It shocks him how soft his skin is.
“He’s so little. He’ll never be able to look after me.”
“He’s little now, but he won’t always be. You never know, he might be bigger than you one day.”
Liam grunts in disbelief. He can’t imagine this small thing ever being as big as him. He’s smaller than even their cat and twice as smelly. The baby’s cries quiet to whimpers and he looks up at Liam with impossibly big eyes.
It’s that moment that Liam realizes he’s not holding a Thing but his little brother. He’s still ugly and gross but there’s a kindling sense of love growing inside of him. He has a little brother now. 
A little brother who has no name.
“What are we calling him, Mama?”
“I don’t know. Papa and I didn’t come up with a name for him. We weren’t sure…we didn’t want to assume…” She seems to be struggling with words, looking down at the soiled sheets. “We don’t have a name.”
“Can I name him?”
His mother blinks. “I guess so…I don’t see the harm in it…”
Liam looks down at his brother, trying think of a name. He doesn’t want to pick something like John or William, he knows too many of those. He tries to think of something good but the only thing he can think of is a red-haired ship captain who gave him sweets when father went to sea again. He was a nice man who was as big as his father except his eyes and smile were kind.
“What about Killian?”
send me a word + a pairing and i’ll write you a short fic! 🌙
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