#our village sucks for good restaurants
javierpena-inatacvest · 10 months
Chapter 17- No Ifs, Ands, or Butts
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Summary: You and Javi are continuing to make progress on building your new house, until a few distractions are thrown your way that you definitely weren't expecting.
Word Count: 12.3K (how bad is it that I'm like, wow! What an average length for a chapter! Well done, me!)
Warnings: SMUT (18+), HELLO, STRAP IN EVERYONE. unprotected p in v sex (wrap it up irl pls), romantic? ANAL (you guys, I'm sweating), vaginal fingering, anal fingering, oral (f receiving), rimjob (f receiving), creampie, praise kink, breeding kink, insecurity but Javi being our consent KING and literally taking such good care of you (but would we expect anything less?!), Javi with dogs (hehehehe), everyone say thank you to our favorite village idiots Carter and Miller for helping out Javi and Osita (you'll see!!)
A/N: If there are two words to sum up the plot of this chapter, it is butts and dogs (if you watch Bluey, yes, the puppy is named after Muffin LMAO) 💀 I am so sorry this chapter took FOREVER, 1) Life has been crazy busy (parent teacher conferences sucked the life out of me for like a full week), and 2) I would be lying if I said I was not shakin' in my boots to post this bc I have never written legit butt stuff smut (say that 3 times fast) before and I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, so if you don't wanna read this chapter/skip the smut I will not be offended at all!! Also for my non-American friends, Home Depot is like a giant hardware store (that also sells hot dogs that absolutely slap) Okay, that's all, love y'all more than words, forehead kisses for all of you!! 😙 also please laugh at the name of this chapter I thought it was funny as hell, I'm crackin myself up
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“Okay, we have paint samples, countertop samples, carpet samples, sheets of drywall, toilets that are ordered can come get picked up on Tuesday, and we can let Danny know they finally have those screws he’s been looking for back in stock. That’s everything, right? Please say that’s everything.” You sighed, going over your home project to-do list for what felt like the 47th time before exiting out of Home Depot for what also felt like the 147th time this week. 
What had started as a plot of land and and a head full of ideas was slowly but surely becoming reality as progress on your new home came to fruition- as winter faded into spring, your house began to grow and change with the seasons, bare bones wooden beams and dirt of a few months ago now becoming walls, floors and roofs of the new place you’d spend forever in. While it was exciting to move into the stages of actually deciding what the inside of your home should look like (not just shape and size), it felt like you and Javi had been making a million and one decisions every day related to something to do with the house, and unfortunately, this Sunday night was no exception. 
“No, I think that’s everything.” Javi nodded, scanning over the wrinkled piece of paper in his hands once more. 
“We might as well just start changing our permanent address to this Home Depot. I’m pretty sure the employees are convinced we live here at this point.” You laughed, resting one hand on your hip, the other full of the sample swatches you and Javi needed to look at when you got home. “You sure that’s everything? Honestly, even if it’s not, let’s face it, we’ll be here some point later this week anyways. At least now it’s getting to the fun stuff- Paint and floors is a lot more fun than plumbing and electrical.” 
“I know. We’re almost there, Osita. Danny said 8 to 10 more weeks last time I talked to him.” 
“Over/under on how many more trips we make to Home Depot between now and then. I’m gonna say 56.” 
“You’re such a dork. I fucking hope it’s not 56.”
The two of you made your way out to the parking lot with hands full of goods, the sun slowly beginning to set behind the other buildings of the shopping center- a Chinese restaurant, a laundry mat, a building that had been under construction since your frequent trips to Home Depot began, and a pet store. 
You and Javi had tried the Chinese restaurant once, a few bites in simultaneously agreeing it was 100% the worst food you had ever had, never needed to go to the laundry mat, and god knows what the mystery building was getting turned into. You had, however, always wanted to go into the pet store, knowing it would be fun to walk around and look at the animals since it was something you loved doing as a kid with your brothers. But by the time the two of you were done with your hardware shopping, your brain was too fried to ever ask Javi if he wanted to go in and check things out as an entertaining thing to do. Tonight probably would have been no exception to the rule, but that was before you noticed the big sign posted in front of the store reading “Dog Adoption Event Today!” 
You and Javi had both agreed you had wanted to get a dog- that was something the two of you had easily agreed upon early on in your relationship- but like most things nowadays, you were waiting until the house was finished and you were out of the apartment before looking into getting one. You knew that going to look at dogs before the two of you could really do anything about it was a bad idea, but the longer you stared at that sign, the less and less willpower you began to have to keep yourself from running over there. 
“Jav.” You nudged, the two of you almost to Javi’s truck before stopping in your tracks, gesturing over to the pet store. Javi paused next to you, taking a moment to read the bright bold letters of the sign, letting out a deep sigh as he crossed his arms over his chest. 
“Baby, you know we can’t get a dog right now. Believe me, I want one too, but we gotta wait until the house is done first.” 
“I know. Can we just go look? Please?” While your puppy dog eyes were no match compared to Javi’s, you pouted your lip just about as far as it could go, batting your lashes at him with a pitiful frown on your face. You had no idea how Javi was ever going to be able to say no to your kids if he was already immediately caving from your silly, overexaggerated begging, let alone his own sweet brown eyes staring back at tiny versions of him. Regardless, right now, Javi’s lack of iron will was working in your favor, letting out another small sigh, contemplating for a moment before nodding his head in agreement. 
“Fine. But just looking, okay?” He muttered, almost as if he was trying to convince himself as much as he was trying to convince you. 
“Yes! Thank you! I promise, just looking… Probably.” You grinned, changing directions and speed walking across the parking lot towards the pet shop. Javi laughed to himself, shaking his head as he followed behind you. 
“I heard that.” 
As you walked through the front doors of the pet store, you were greeted with the sounds of high pitched barks and yaps, joining the few people gathered by the pen set up to contain the litter of what looked to be a mix of cattle dogs and something shorter and stumpier, the brown and cream speckled puppies bouncing and playing with the toys, blankets, and other littermates in the cage with them. You audibly let out a gasp as you looked down at the pure adorableness of the sweet little balls of fluff below you, squatting down next to the pen to get a better look at the group of puppies. 
“Oh my god, they’re so cute. Javi, they’re so freaking cute. Hi lil babies, aren’t you the most precious things ever?” You cooed, holding the back of your hand up to the cage for the playful puppies to sniff, their tiny bodies toppling over each other to smell you. 
As much as Javi wanted to be tough and strong willed to try and prove a point, you were right- these puppies were the cutest things he’d seen in a long time. Crouching down next to you, he glanced over, giving you the I told you this was a bad idea look that you knew you were bound to get from him the moment you saw the puppies. 
“They are really fucking cute.” Javi sighed in reluctant agreement, bringing his hand down by yours to try and pet some of the puppies through the cage. 
“Oh hi there! I see you two found the puppies!” An employee, an older woman with curly gray hair, smiled down at the two of you, gesturing towards the pen full of tiny, yapping pups. “Are you interested in adopting one?” You and Javi looked up at her, each of you letting out a deep breath before speaking at the same time, your answers lacking unison. 
“Maybe.” You quietly whispered under Javi’s no, letting out a little shrug, eyes darting away towards Javi to spare yourself from the eye roll you knew he was giving you from your response. “No, we’re not…” You finally agreed, giving another pouty, sad look to Javi. “We really want one, but we’re in an apartment right now and are moving into a house soon. We’re waiting until then to get one. Although these guys are making it very hard to keep it that way.” 
“I can understand that.” The woman laughed, a playful grin spread across her face, clearly sensing your willpower about the situation was much weaker than Javi’s. “Well, even if you’re not interested in adopting one right now, you’re more than welcome to pick them up or play with them! It’s good for them to practice being handled anyways.” 
“Don’t have to tell me twice.” Immediately, you stood up, bending over the edge of the pen to pick up one of the puppies closest to you, cuddling it against your chest as it squirmed and wiggled in your grasp. You sat bag down on the floor, cross legged as you cradled the puppy, eyes almost as wide and sweet as the dog you were now holding. “What’s this one’s name?” You asked the woman, carefully setting it down between your legs to let it bounce around. 
“That one is Muffin. He’s a feisty one, but a sweetheart.” She beamed, slowly bending down to pick up one of the stuffed toys in the cage, handing it over to Javi. Before you knew it, Muffin was scooting out of your lap and bolting over to Javi and the plush rabbit he was holding in his hands, making the both of you giggle at his goofy, floppy gallop. Javi held out the toy in front of him, a smile spreading across his face as Muffin bit down into the rabbit, shaking it in his mouth, tugging back at Javi’s grip on the stuffed animal. Any shred of stubbornness Javi was trying to hold out on was long gone, smiling and snickering just as wide as you as Muffin hopped into Javi’s lap, curling up with his toy in his mouth. 
Javi was like a little kid, practically giggling as he grabbed the stuffed rabbit and tossed it along the floor, watching Muffin slip and slide across the linoleum before pouncing on the toy and trotting back to Javi with it in his mouth. 
“Good boy! You’re smart, aren’t you?” Javi grinned, tugging at the toy before looking back at you and your look, screaming, So much for just looking, huh? without having to say a word. “He is really cute.” Javi admitted, trying his best to keep his composure from completely crumbling. The two of you stared at each other for a moment, giving each other the look that made you seriously contemplate if you were going home with a puppy today, until you looked back down at Muffin, now hunched over Javi’s foot, pee dribbling down his shoe. 
“Oh shit!” You grimaced, reaching up to pick up Muffin mid-stream, scooting him over to finish peeing on the floor instead of on Javi. 
“Oh my goodness, I am so sorry!” The woman gasped, grabbing some towels next to the cage, handing them off to Javi for him to wipe the pee off his shoe. “That is the thing with puppies, the potty training does take a while.” 
You were trying your best not to burst out into laughter as you picked Muffin back up, putting him back in the pen with the rest of his brothers and sisters, giving Javi and apologetic shrug at his current circumstances, knowing it was not helping your in any way shape or form to bring a puppy back to your apartment. “No it’s all good, no worries.” Javi smiled, wiping off his shoe with the towel and giving it a quick shake with a reluctant sigh, grounding him back in reality. 
“Can’t be any worse than stepping in a pile of cow poop.” You teased as Javi looked down in disappointment at his shoe, finally beginning to shake his head and laugh along with you. “Alright, you win, Mr. Reasonable. Muffin has made a very good case for no puppies at the apartment.” 
“Eventually baby, I promise.” Javi smirked, giving you a little nudge, the two of you waving goodbye to the cuteness corralled in the kennel behind you, finally making your way back to the car after your detour. 
Well… So much for that plan.  
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“What about this one?” 
“Baby, I don’t know, at this point, they all just look like the same color.” You sighed, slumping your hand in your face, resting your elbow on the kitchen table where you and Javi sat, paint swatches spread across the wooden surface, among scattered samples of carpet, countertops and backsplash tiles. “I don’t think my brain can make any more house decisions tonight.”  
“Me either.” Javi huffed, reaching across the table to organize the paint sample cards into a pile next to the stack of other house things that now seemed to have a permanent home with you during dinner time. “I had no fucking idea there were so many goddamn shades of beige.” 
“It definitely doesn’t help that we’re trying to just pick through different shades of brown instead of fun colors.” You laughed, gathering the samples in front of you and stacking them in Javi’s pile as he stood up, pushing in his chair and making his way to the other side of the table where you sat, coming behind you to drape his arms over your shoulders, pressing a soft kiss into your hair as you leaned your head back into his chest, wrapping your arms around his to pull him closer. 
“Fun colors? What, you wanna paint the house purple, Hermosa?” Javi smiled, giving you a little shake in your chair making you giggle. 
“No, you dork. I was actually thinking more hot pink or neon green.” You retorted, giving Javi a nudge back tiling your head up towards him. “No, I don’t know, I know we want something neutral through the house but like, it’ll be fun to pick cute paint colors when we have kids and stuff.” 
Javi squeezed you a little tighter, his heart warming at the thought of when they’d get to do this again when there were actually kids in the picture to fill the empty rooms of their house. No matter how many times you and Javi talked about it, he was sure he’d never get over the fact that you wanted to have a family with him. It was a dream that had come and gone for him all those years ago, resigning himself to a life of simply surviving, even after he had returned home to Laredo. But now, the fact that dream was in reach, and undoubtedly in the near future had him beaming, knowing there was no one else in the world he wanted to spend the rest of his life and build a family with beside you, and that for some reason he still couldn’t quite comprehend, you felt the same way. 
While you had agreed that you would wait until you were married and your house was completely finished before you started trying and your birth control made its permanent home in the trash, with every day that he got closer to marrying you, finalizing your house and starting the newest chapter of your lives together, Javi couldn’t help but feel a want, no, a need, to start a family with you- to fulfill a purpose he so desperately craved to be a father. 
“Well…” Javi grinned, leaning back down to kiss your neck, his pecks becoming much more tender and slow with each press of his lips, “you could let me put a baby in you right now, and we could pick out fun paint colors along with the borning brown ones. Got a lot of rooms we need to fill and paint, Osita.”
“Javier Peña! You are a menace! You have to stop with the baby talk, or I swear, you’re about to make me cave in and crumble. You are testing every ounce of willpower I have.” You sighed, shaking your head as you looked up, entranced by Javi’s sweet brown  eyes and their powerful effects. 
While you and Javi both had undeniable cases of baby fever ever since you had gotten engaged, there was something about knowing you were about to have your own house with 4 extra rooms, solely built for the purpose of being filled with your kids that drove you, and even worse, Javi, absolutely crazy. In the past few weeks, the house had taken shape enough to finally have rooms that actually looked like rooms, Javi making it a point every time the two of you went over to check on progress, to point out just how good the spare bedrooms looked, like he was the most proud of those 4 extra rooms more than any other space in the house.   
The irrational part of you would have given him a baby yesterday, but the rational part of you knew you wanted to be married and have every last inch of that house finished before you brought a baby there. But every time Javi saw those bedrooms, looking at you with that big, goofy grin on his face for his children that didn’t even exist yet, oh god, did it make you want to say fuck it to every ounce of rationality you had left. 
“I think you have baby fever worse than I do, Jav. And that’s saying something.” You teased, reaching up to scrunch his cheeks. With another little giggle and content sigh, you pushed yourself up out of your chair, coming around the back of it to get the slightest running start to jump on him, full koala style, wrapping your arms and legs around his broad back, making the two of you burst out in laughter as he spun you around while you nuzzled your face in the crook of his neck, covering him with little kisses. “I love you so much. You’re gonna be such a good dad, you know that?” 
“I love you too, Osita. I hope I am. I want to be.” Javi sighed, a hopeful half smile pursed between his lips, causing you to cup both your hands around his face, forcing him to look at you. 
“You will be. I promise.” Tilting your head in, you pressed a soft, tender kiss onto his lips, lingering just a little longer than normal for your added reassurance. “Alright, I gotta get down now though, we have dishes we have to put away, and I have to shower tonight since I have a staff meeting tomorrow morning before school and I don’t wanna have to get up earlier than I need to.” 
“Un beso más (One more kiss).” Javi smiled, gripping a little tighter on your thighs wrapped around his legs, refusing to let go until you fulfilled his request. 
“Solamente un beso más? Por qué no dos? Tres? (Only one more? Why not 2? 3?)” You giggled, one of your hands running through the thick curls of his hair, while the other traced soft circles along his jawline. 
“Me gustaría darte todos los besos, Osita. Te daría cualquier cosa. (I’d give you all the kisses, Osita. I’d give you anything.)” Leaning in, your mouths met again in a soft and sweet moment, a kiss that felt like he meant it- He would give you the world if you asked for it, and then some. 
“God, I could kiss you forever. Alright, Romeo, put me down, we got things to do, and if you don’t, I know for a fact none of those things are getting done.” 
“Fine.” He sighed overdramatically, letting your legs fall to the floor as he released his grasp. “I’ll clean up dinner and you can go take a shower.” 
“I can help with cleaning up, Jav. You made dinner, the least I can do is-” 
“Go get your ass in the shower. I’ll clean it up.” He smiled, planting a kiss on the top of your head before gesturing towards the bathroom, making you cross your arms over your chest with an unseriously stern look on your face. 
“Are you trying to tell me that I smell? Rude. Sure you’re not the one who needs to shower after your foot got covered in piss?” You raised an eyebrow at him, trying your best not to laugh. 
“Go shower, you dork.” Javi chuckled, giving your ass a playful slap as you parted ways, sticking your tongue out at him as you disappeared down the hallway and into the bathroom.
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After a long, and even hotter shower than usual (considering you didn’t have to account for Javi’s temperature complaints), you wrapped yourself up in your towel and headed back to your room, where you found Javi laying in bed, reading one of the books you had been teasing him about for the past few weeks as it sat on his nightstand, unopened, even though he insisted he really was going to read it soon. As if the fact that him finally opening up and reading the book wasn’t enough to taunt him about, the way his face scrunched as he squinted at the pages certainly was. 
“You doin’ alright over there, Grandpa? Jav, you just have to give in and get glasses, you know you can’t see anything, stop trying to fight it.” You giggled, your appearance in the bedroom catching Javi’s attention, making him rest his open book over his stomach. 
“I don’t need glasses. I can see just fine. I’d look stupid in them, anyways.” He grumbled, refusing to admit that you were right even though he knew just as well as you that his eyesight was definitely not what it once was. He let out another sigh, dogearring the page of his book and setting it on his nightstand, his grumpy demeanor quickly shifting as you gave him that playful smirk you always did when you wanted to rub something in to prove your point. You let out another laugh as Javi rolled his eyes at you, shifting himself on the bed to lay on his side, face resting in his palm with those sweet puppy dog eyes that never left your sight any time he watched you get ready, even if all it meant was putting on one of his oversized shirts and sleep shorts to go to sleep in. 
“Yeah, okay.” You replied, your voice oozing with sarcasm. “And you wouldn’t look stupid in glasses, you look hot in anything, and I’m sure you would look extra hot with 20/20 vision.” 
“You love me.” 
The two of you laughed as you shuffled through the drawers of your dresser, pulling out one of Javi’s t shirts to wear to bed along with a pair of underwear and cotton shorts, piling the clothes next to you as you unwrapped your towel drying yourself off once more before letting it drop to the floor so you could change. You could see Javi’s reflection staring back at you, more specifically, your ass in the mirror, an awestruck and lustful look growing in his eyes as you reached over to pick up your shirt. 
“I can literally feel your eyes burning a hole through my ass, Jav.” You sassed, smirking back at him through the mirror as you watched him bite down on his lip. 
“Fuck, I love your ass so much, you know that?” Javi rasped, his tongue gently darting between his lips, eyes still locked on your behind. 
“Yes, Javi, you are very adamant about letting me know how much you love it.” You snickered, slipping his shirt over your head, followed pair your pair of underwear, opting to completely forgo your shorts to play into his comment. You crawled up into bed next to him, nudging him over so his back laid on the mattress and you laid on top of him, pressing a soft, slow kiss against his lips as his hands roamed down your back, sneaking under the hem of your shirt to knead the soft flesh of your ass, letting out a low groan as your mouths met. 
“Because it’s fucking perfect.” He hummed, gripping his fingertips even deeper into your skin after sliding them under the thin, cotton fabric covering it. 
“Wow, someone’s in a mood about my butt tonight. Didn’t know your giant t-shirt and my plain ass underwear was really doin’ it for ya.” You joked, a little grin spread across your face as you ran your hands through Javi’s hair before sliding them down his face to cup his jaw. It didn’t take long for you to realize that the look on Javi’s face had quickly turned from one of lust to deep thought, his brow scrunched and nostrils flared, making you tilt your head in confusion. “What’s wrong?” You asked, immediately noticing the shift in his demeanor. “You only get that look when you’re really thinking hard about something, or you have to fart and you’re trying to hold it in, and I’m really hoping it’s not the second one.” 
Your comment was enough to snap him out of his own thoughts, making him shake his head as the two of you laughed, Javi still holding back slightly as his eyes shifted down towards the mattress, practically hearing the gears in his brain turning, when all of a sudden, it clicked with you. 
Oh shit. 
The combination of his stare down and silence told you everything you needed to know. 
You tilted his chin back up towards your face, a curious smirk stretched between your lips as you raised an eyebrow at him. 
“You wanna fuck my ass, don’t you?” 
Your voice was sweet and sultry, immediately making Javi’s face go blank in shock that you had connected the dots before he had even said anything. You could hear your heart pounding in your chest almost as loudly as Javi’s, a nervous swarm of butterflies filling your stomach as you waited for him to respond. 
You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about it before. There had been plenty of times that Javi had put a thumb or fingers in your ass when he fucked you from behind, and holy shit, did it feel good whenever he did it. You’d honestly debated bringing it up before, but there was a part of you that could never bring yourself to do it because you never had, and you couldn’t help but feel nervous about it. 
It wasn’t that you didn't trust Javi- You’d trust him with your whole life without a second thought. There had never been a time since the moment you first had sex that your comfort wasn’t always his first priority. But with how full Javi felt inside you with just a thumb or a finger, couldn’t help but make you feel a little worried with how big he’d feel with his whole dick inside your ass. 
You also couldn’t help but feel a preemptive guilt if it ended up being too much and you had to ask him to stop, not that he would ever make you feel bad about it, but still, you couldn’t help but play out worse case scenarios in your head. But something about that look in his face as he stared you down in the mirror and head turning deep in thought was enough to spark that little flame of confidence you had brewing and beat him to the punch. 
“Hermosa…” He paused, the Adam's apple of his throat bobbing as he gulped, taking an anxious deep breath. “Baby, I-” 
“Do you?” 
The tightened grip of his fingers in your ass, gentle nod of his head and the low groan releasing from his chest was all you needed to know to figure out the answer to your question without even needing Javi to say a single word. His free hand mirrored yours, cupping your cheek as the two of you locked hungry gazes with each other, Javi now finally working up enough confidence to respond. 
“I want to so fucking bad.” Javi rasped, his dark brown eyes filled with a mix of desperation and need for reassurance. “But if you don’t want to, I don’t ever want to make you do something you’re not comfortable with. I promise, I won’t be upset about it at all.” The confident facade you had been fronting quickly began to crumble, your body flooding with a combination of nerves and excitement. 
“I do, I just- I- I’ve never done it before.” You weren’t sure how your voice had gotten so small and meek- maybe it was the reality of what you were about to do setting in at a rapid pace. Something about the sweet, soft innocence of your voice already had Javi hard as a rock, using every ounce of willpower to keep his composure, considering how even just the thought of even getting to put his dick in your ass already had him on edge. 
“That’s okay. Like I said, it’s only if you want to, baby. We can take it slow and if it’s too much, I’ll stop, no questions asked.” 
You could feel your head beginning to gently nod in agreement as Javi’s thumb rubbed soft circles on your jaw, a little smirk forming between your cheeks while your heart raced at a million miles per hour, almost feeling as worked up and nervous as the very first time the two of you had sex all that time ago. 
“I want to.” You whispered, letting your lips meet his in a tender and ferocious passion, muted moans escaping from each of your parted mouths. 
“You’re sure? I don’t want you to say yes just because I want to.” And fuck, could you feel how badly he wanted to, his fully hard dick straining against the fabric of his sweatpants, heavy against your thigh. You were no better despite your nerves, the cotton fabric of your underwear absolutely drenched already without Javi even touching you. 
“I’m sure. I promise.” 
A low groan rumbled deep in Javi’s chest as your mouths met again, Javi flipping you over so your back was flat against the mattress, letting his hands roam along your body while his lips traveled down your neck and collarbone. “I’m gonna make you feel so good, sweet girl. Gonna take my time with you, okay? I promise I’ll make sure you’re ready.” 
“Well I appreciate you just not going straight to shoving your dick into my ass, very gentlemanly of you.” You joked, trying to calm your nerves with your sarcastic wit, Javi practically snorting at your comment. 
“Jesus fucking Christ…” Javi whispered to himself through his laughter, resting his head on your chest as he looked up at you in amusement. 
“Sorry, I’ll stop and let you get back to business.” Javi lay frozen, still staring up at you with his head cocked to the side, eyebrows raised. 
“Osita, you know I love you very much, right?” 
“And that since we’ve been together, I’ve learned a lot of things about you? 
“Also yes.” 
“So you know I can tell when you’re nervous about something, right?” 
You let out a defeated sigh, crossing your arms in stubborn defiance, not wanting to admit that you knew Javi’s suspicions were correct. You waited a moment, and with a little frown pursed between your lips, you finally gave in. 
Javi rolled over next to you, draping one arm over your waist, the other holding his chin in his hand with his elbow propped up against the mattress, his tender gaze locking with yours, filling you with a sense of calm and reassurance you were convinced nothing else in the world could. “Osita, talk to me baby. What are you nervous about?” 
You flapped your arms up before planting them over your face, burying your head in your hands in embarrassment, your words muffled from underneath your palms. “What am I nervous about? Not to stroke your ego any more than it needs to be, but you have a huge dick, Jav. I’m also guessing this isn’t your first time, and it is for me, and you being the first giant dick to ever enter my ass has me a little nervous.” You rambled, your thoughts spilling out of your mouth faster than your brain could process them. “I really want to, I just don’t want it to not be good for you or for you to be upset if we stop or- I don’t know. I don’t want you to be mad about it if I’m the reason for- I- I’m probably overthinking it, I’m sorry.” You let out another deep exhale, averting your gaze from Javi’s staring down at the bed. 
This time, it was Javi’s turn to connect the dots, taking a moment to wonder why you were so worried about making him upset before putting the pieces together, his prediction making him clench his jaw in frustration. “Paul wanted to do it and you said no and he was a fucking asshole to you about it, wasn’t he?” 
Your head instantly shot up, swiveling around towards Javi’s agitated grimace, your face almost as shocked as Javi’s was when you had asked him if he had wanted to do this in the first place. “How… Javi, how did you-” 
“That motherfucker… he didn’t hurt you did he? I swear to God if he did, I’ll fucking fly up to Chicago right now and I’ll-” 
“Jav, Jav, cool your jets, killer.” You laughed softly, pressing your hand to his cheek to try and ground him before he really was on the next flight to Illinois. “No, he never did anything. He said that he wanted to and it kinda came out of the blue- I didn’t really want to at the time, especially not with him. He kept asking and asking and I would tell him no and he got so mad about it. Turns out that was around the time he started cheating on me anyways, and became an even bigger dickhead than he already was. But I always felt so guilty, and that it was my fault he was upset because I didn’t want to. I don’t know- I- I guess maybe this has stuck with me way more than it probably should have.” You could feel your voice shrinking, your eyes darting away once again, mortified by the fact that you completely ruined the moment by bringing up your shitty ex and his blatant lack of respect. “Sorry, I don’t know why we’re talking about this I-“ 
Before you could finish the rest of your sentence, Javi’s lips were on yours, swallowing the rest of your words as your mouths met with a passionate intensity, letting his arm wrap around your waist, pulling you in closer, caging his chest against yours. “Hermosa, you know I would never be mad at you about something like that, right? I love you, Osita, you have nothing to apologize for. All I ever want is to make you feel good, baby. Fuck, that gets me off more than anything else. Whatever you want, I’ll give it to you.” 
“I trust you, Javi.” Your voice was barely above a whisper, lips grazing over his, giving him a gentle nod of reassurance. “I want you to.” 
You could audibly hear the gulp Javi had let out, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as he let out a low groan, tightening the grip he had around your waist. “Want me to what, sweet girl? I wanna hear you say it, baby.” His lips began to travel down your jawline towards your neck, hot and wet presses languidly making their way to your collarbone as he tugged at the end of your shirt, snaking his hands up the soft skin of your stomach. You could feel the heat building in your core, letting out a soft moan as his hands palmed at your breasts, rolling your pebbled nipples between the tips of his fingers. 
“I want you to fuck my ass, Javi.” 
With that, his hands were shuffling your shirt over your head, tossing it over the side of the bed before letting his kisses make their way down your newly exposed skin, letting his tongue flick along each nipple before letting his gaze lock with yours, a small smirk spreading across his face. “I promise I’m gonna make you feel so fucking good, Hermosa. Gonna take good care of you, baby, I swear.” 
“I know.” You nodded, staring back at the hunger pooling in the dark brown of his eyes, practically squirming in the sheets of your bed from the throbbing between your legs, feeling the slick almost dripping down your thighs from just how turned on you were. The grin on Javi’s face had become devilish, biting down on his bottom lip as he snaked his hand down your front, tugging at the waistband of your panties, sliding them down your legs before running a finger through your slit, already drenching him with your arousal. 
“Turn around, baby. Hands and knees, okay?” You could hear the subtle smugness in his tone, giving you a playful squeeze as he grabbed your hips, flipping you over face down on the mattress, making you squeal. You did Javi one better, laying your chest flat against the sheets, lifting your ass up in the air and giving it a little shake, Javi’s hands instantly kneading at the soft flesh in front of him, digging his fingertips deeper into your skin, feeling his hot breath hovering over your cunt. 
Suddenly, you felt a long, wide strip of his tongue through your folds, pressing hard and intensely along your clit before diving in like a man starved, lapping you up as he began to eat you out from behind. Each stroke of his tongue was more persistent than the last, the grip of his hands on your hips pulling your heat closer to his face as he licked and sucked at your throbbing bundle of nerves, the mix of your slick and his saliva coating your inner thighs. His feverish pace already had you fisting at the bedsheets, whimpering and moaning as his mouth worked along your dripping core, making you gasp even further when you felt his tongue begin to travel up towards your tight ring of muscle. 
“Oh holy fuck- Javi, oh my god, baby. Fuck me, oh shit.” You whimpered as Javi’s tongue swirled along your puckered hole, dancing around the edges before dipping inside, the sensation making you shudder in pleasure, feeling Javi’s low hum of approval deep in the back of his throat. If that wasn’t enough, one of the hands that had a tight grip on your ass was now collecting the slick dripping from your entrance, his fingers tracing through your folds before pressing firmly on your clit, the added stimulation immediately making the tingle begin to build at the base of your spine. As he worked at your hole, the pads of his fingers circling your sensitive bundle of nerves you could feel your breath becoming ragged, letting out a few more shaky exhales before your orgasm crashed through you, crying out into the soft fabric of the sheets, pleasure and euphoria flooding your body. 
As you came down from your high, Javi let his hands slide gently up and down your sides, pressing soft kisses along your back until he had made his way up your shoulder blades and neck, whispering tenderly into your ear. “Such a good girl for me, Osita. Came so hard letting me eat out that pretty little ass of yours. You want me to keep going?” 
“Fuck yes, oh my god Javi, please.” You whimpered, shaking your head frantically as you looked back at Javi, already sitting back on his knees to lift his shirt over his head before sitting up to kick off his sweatpants and boxers, letting his cock spring free, precum glistening and weeping from his tip, considering how painfully hard he had been since even the thought of getting to fuck your ass. 
You could feel his body hovering over yours, hands sliding up and down your sides before grabbing at your ass again, placing tender kisses on each cheek before leaning over to the nightstand on his side of the bed, pulling out the bottle of lube and setting it next to him. His hands roamed to your core once again, two fingers dipping into your cunt, curling to hit the soft, spongy spot inside you that already had you moaning again. 
It wasn’t long until his fingers were substituted for his cock, running his tip through your folds, collecting your arousal along his length before slowly pushing inside your pussy, already so wet and worked up, that even with sweet sting of his stretch, he still slid in with ease, setting a steady, even pace as one hand dug into your hip, the other reaching over to grab the bottle of lube, popping open the cap with a click and letting the cool liquid drip over your tight hole, making you gasp. You could feel the pads of his fingers pressing at the entrance to your ass, gently teasing you open with one finger, breeching up to his knuckle, the combination of both his finger and cock inside you making you whimper in pleasure. 
“That’s it. Such a good girl. Fuck, you’re already so fucking tight around my finger. You want another one in there, baby?” Javi mewled, prodding his finger deeper into your hole as he continued to thrust into you, his strokes slow and steady, but still punching deep into your g-spot with each thrust of his hips against the back of your thighs. 
“Yes- oh fuck- yes, oh my god.” You weren’t really quite sure how your brain was still even managing to form words at this point, the warm feeling that had been growing inside you spreading to every inch of your body. The pad of Javi’s second finger teased at your tight hole, collecting ample amounts of you slick and lube before pushing in to join the first, the thickness of both of his fingers making you clench even tighter around his cock and digits as you cried out in delight. 
“Shhhhhh, I know, sweet girl. Relájate (relax) baby, I’ve got you.”  
You could already feel your second orgasm starting to build again, heat beginning to bloom in your belly from the rhythmic pounding of Javi’s dick punching against your g-spot and his fingers prodding at the nerve endings of your ring of muscle, already feeling so full from the stretch of both holes. 
“Fuck, fuck fuck- oh fuck- Javi, I’m gonna cum again, fuckahhhhhhh-” You cried out, letting your second orgasm hit you even harder than your first, clenching down around Javi’s cock and fingers as you grabbed at handfuls of your bedsheets, trying to ground yourself as the intensity of your pleasure ripped through you. 
“There you go, Hermosa. That’s it, baby. Such a good girl. Did so good for me.” He cooed, gently pulling out both his cock and fingers, the emptiness making you shutter as Javi pressed tender, soft kisses down your back before making his way up your neck and nipping at your ear. “You think you’re ready for me, Osita? If not, it’s okay, I only wanna do what you want, mi amor (my love).” 
You took another few ragged breaths to compose yourself, unsure how your brain was even managing to function at this point as you came down from your high, trembling in delight. You nodded before you could speak, Javi letting out a low groan as he sucked at your pulse point, his words hot and heavy against your skin. 
“Need to hear you say it, pretty girl. Tell me what you want and it’s yours.” 
“Fuck my ass, Javi. I want you to fuck my ass, please baby.” You whined, whimpering your words against the soft fabric of your sheets, desperate for more, needing to feel all of him inside you in a way you hadn’t before. 
Javi let out an audible groan as he pulled back, letting his hands roam up your body and back to the lube resting on the bed, once again, popping open the cap and squirting some of the liquid into his palm as he fisted his dick, stroking himself a few times before lining himself up with your tight hole. “You promise you’ll tell me if you want me to stop?” 
You shook your head rapidly, fingers already gripping into the pillow in front of you as you braced yourself for Javi to enter, feeling his tip press against your tight ring of muscle. Suddenly, you could feel the sensation of Javi breeching your entrance, making you gasp at just how full you already felt as he had barely made his way inside you. Javi pushed further in, leaving you practically breathless from the stinging stretch of his cock filling you as he paused halfway, leaning over to check on you. 
“Oh fuck me- You okay, sweet girl?” 
“Mhhmmmmmm. Fuck Javi, you feel so big. Holy shit, baby. Oh fuck.” You gulped, squeezing around Javi’s length as he inched deeper and deeper inside of you, your clit and cunt throbbing as he filled you, the newfound sensation making you see stars. You were so focused on how you were feeling, you had barely noticed how tightly Javis fingertips were gripping into the soft flesh of your ass, like he was bracing himself for dear life as he sunk further and further into your tight hole. 
While Javi had found himself in this position with other women a handful of times before, he had never come close to feeling the same way about anyone the way he did about you- He had been dreaming about the day that you agreed to let him fuck your ass, and now finding himself inside you, knowing he would be the first and the last to ever have you like he was right now, had him on the brink of busting any second if he wasn’t careful. Javi had never been more thankful that you couldn’t see his face, because he knew he looked absolutely wrecked and was struggling to keep the ounce of composure he had left as you gripped around his cock like a vice. 
“Javi, oh shit- Javi, you can move baby.” You moaned, adjusting to his fullness, the initial pain quickly transforming to burning hot pleasure as you gave Javi the green light to keep going. After a few seconds, when Javi had said nothing and hadn’t moved at all, you spoke again, thinking maybe he hadn’t heard you. “Javi, I’m good, you can-” 
“I know, I know, fuck- sorry, baby. Jesus Christ- you’re so fucking tight, Hermosa, fuck me. Give me a second or I’m gonna fuckin’ bust right now.” Javi replied, halfway between a whimper and a moan as he firmly grasped your hips, carefully setting a slow pace as he began to thrust in and out of your ring of muscle, shocked to feel how quickly heat was beginning to bloom in your belly once again, his length languidly sliding in and out of your asshole, filling you and striking new nerve endings you had never felt before making you quickly begin to come undone. 
Your legs began to tremble, grasping at the mattress to brace yourself as you felt your clit throb and cunt clench as the coil in your belly tightened further and further, the lewd noises of your moans and grunts filling the room. 
“Javi, fuckfuckfuck, oh my god, baby I’m so close again, holy fuck.” You cried out, as even just the slightest pick up of Javi’s pace had you reeling closer and closer to the edge of your release. Javi freed one of his hands, snaking it between your legs to rub at your sensitive bundle of nerves, already swollen and pulsing from your first two orgasms, and now even more responsive as the pads of his fingers circled against it. 
Javi wanted desperately to hold out for you and make you cum as many times as you wanted to just like this, but he knew damn well the moment you came and clamped down even harder around his cock than you already were, he was a fucking goner and going right along with you. He needed to give you one more before he also came embarrassingly fast, but he couldn’t help it. 
“Fuck Osita, fuck- I’m not gonna last much longer either, baby. Need you- oh shit- need you to give me one more, pretty girl. Cum for me, Hermosa, I’ve got you.” 
With only a few more strokes and circles around your clit, you were cumming so hard, you were honestly convinced you had blacked out. Your whole body shook as you wailed in delight, squeezing around Javi’s dick so hard it was only seconds before he was following suit, letting a ragged groan escape through his gritted teeth as you milked him of every last drop, Javi bracing himself for dear life with the grasp he had around your hips as he finished. 
Javi slumped over you, the two of you breathing so heavily it sounded more like you had just finished a triathlon more than anything else. He let out a deep hiss as he pulled out, taking a moment to admire his work as he watched his spend drip out your tight hole as your body collapsed onto the mattress. 
You weren’t sure how long you had been laying there before you were finally able to wrangle the brain power to speak again, and even then, the only words that you were able to manage were a quiet “holy fucking shit…” 
Javi flopped down, laying on his back next to you as you rolled over, both of your faces bright and blissed as you stared at one another, almost unsure of what to say. 
“Are you okay?” Javi asked, gently cupping your flushed cheek in his palm. 
“Am I okay? Javi… Holy fuck. I don’t think I have ever cum so hard in my entire life. I honestly thought I blacked out there for a second. Baby… That was, fuck, that was insane.” You half laughed to yourself, shaking your head in disbelief. “Are you okay?” 
“I’m fucking great. Holy shit. Sorry I couldn’t last longer, I didn’t think I was gonna go that fast but you felt so fucking good. Thank you, Osita.” 
“Thank you? For what?” You giggled, giving Javi a playful poke on the chest as you raised an eyebrow at him. 
“For this. For trusting me.” 
“Javier Jesús Peña…” You smirked, propping yourself up on your arm to get a better look at him, “I trust you with my life. More than anyone I’ve ever met. I should be the one thanking you for so graciously taking my butt virginity. Wouldn’t want anyone else in there besides you.” 
The two of you burst into laughter, Javi practically letting out a snort as he rolled his eyes at your ridiculous comment. “God, you’re fucking ridiculous. I love you, Osita.” 
“I love you too, Javi. C’mon, let's go shower before your cum sits in my asshole any longer and I get pregnant with your butt baby.” You snickered as you rolled off the bed, making your way to the bathroom. 
“Jesus fucking Christ… Butt baby? Seriously?” He snorted, following behind you, giving you a playful smack on your ass, scooping you up to hike you over his shoulder and fireman carry you to the shower, making you squeal. “You’re so fucking weird.” 
“Weirdo you love enough to put your dick in my ass and make your wife, so that’s on you, Jav.” You giggled as Javi set you down on the cool tile of the bathroom floor, giving him a little shrug before reaching into the shower to turn on the water. 
“And what a fucking lucky man I am.” 
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Ever since starting his job at the Laredo Sheriff's Department, Javi had been able to count on a few things every morning when he got into work. Sheryl at the front desk would greet him with a half hearted “Good morning, Javier” , the smell of shitty work coffee would be brewing in the break room, and Agent Carter and Miller already arguing about something stupid at their desks instead of working on anything that actually needed to get done. That’s why when Javi made his way into work on Monday morning and was not greeted by any of those things, he knew his day was getting thrown for a loop- he just wasn’t quite sure how yet. 
“It was their idea, not mine, believe me.” Sheryl grumbled, rolling her eyes as she nodded towards the path to Javi’s office, holding her hands up in defense as if to prove she had nothing to do with whatever was going on beyond her desk. Javi paused, tilting his head and scrunching his brow in confusion at Sheryl before letting out a sigh, and hesitantly making his way back to find out what in the world she was talking about. 
He was surprised by the lack of Miller and Carter’s presence in their desk chairs, and the unusual silence filling the office as Javi turned his head, wondering where everyone was. He peered over the cubicles, looking for any sign of life, until a strange sound caught his attention from behind the door of his office. 
Woof, woof, woof! 
Javi shook his head, convinced he must be hearing things until the low bark repeated, followed by a hush of anxious voices whispering around the corner. 
“Oh no, shhhhhh! Shit, I didn’t think he was gonna bark.” 
“Well it’s a fucking dog, Carter, what the hell did you think it was gonna, do, meow?”
“Maybe he didn’t hear it.” 
“I highly doubt that, dumbass. God, he’s gonna be fucking pissed.” 
“Your idea, not mine.” 
Even though he couldn’t see them, Miller and Carter’s worried whispers were enough to let Javi know he wasn’t imagining the barking coming from behind his office door. Letting out a deep sigh, which sounded a lot more like a groan, Javi carefully twisted open the doorknob to his workspace, only to be greeted by a large, shaggy and very dirty Golden Retriever staring back at him with big brown eyes, happily wagging its tail and shaking excitedly at Javi’s presence. Although Javi had heard the bark from behind his door, it didn’t stop him from doing a double take from the dog now residing in his office, running his hand over his face in a confused frustration as to how and why Miller and Carter had already managed to make his Monday morning a pain in his ass. 
“Why the fuck is there a dog in my office?” Javi half shouted, making Carter and Miller sheepishly appear from around the corner with guilty looks on their faces, avoiding eye contact with Javi as he glared through the two of them, wondering how the hell they were going to try and talk themselves out of this one. 
“Hey Peña, uh, I uh… Listen Miller was the one who brought him in, and he was so cute that I wasn’t not gonna do anything about it and-” 
“Oh, way to throw me under the fucking bus, Carter!” Agent Miller huffed, cutting Carter off in attempts to let the blame completely fall on him. “You agreed we should keep him here so that we could-” 
“Okay, that still doesn’t explain why the fuck there’s a dog in my office.” Javi groaned, cutting off Carter and Miller before they found themselves in a pointless arguing match about how and why there was now a dog happily leaning itself against Javi’s leg, his tail shaking back and forth, completely enamored by Javi. 
It was taking everything in Javi not to reach down and pet him to try and prove a point to Carter and Miller that they had astronomically fucked up the rest of his plans for the morning, but the dog was sure as hell adorable and sweet as could be. 
“Okay, well, I was driving into work this morning, and as I was making my way down that back road past the cattle ranch a few blocks down from here, this guy ran out in the road. Thank God I saw him when I did. I stopped, got out, and he came right up to me, but there was obviously no one with him. He looked relieved that he’d found me. Poor guy is dirty and skinny as hell. He hopped right into my car and ate the rest of my McGriddle which I was kinda pissed about, but I can’t blame ‘em.” Miller sighed, now crouching down to give the dog some scratches on the head before continuing on with his story. “So I went to some of the houses on the street and no one had ever seen this dog before. I called Webb County Animal Control to see if anyone had reported  a missing dog that looked like him, but no one had. I asked if I should take him to the shelter to see if anyone would come for him, but the lady on the phone said if no one’s reported him missing, they probably wouldn’t come for them.” 
“Well tell him what else, Miller.” Carter encouraged, trying to aid in Miller’s defense as he rose back up, standing next to his partner. 
“When I called the animal shelter to ask them what to do, the woman I talked to said the shelter is so full, that if we brought him in and no one claimed him within the next two weeks, that they’d…” Miller trailed off, him and Carter both grimacing, unable to finish the rest of his sentence as he looked down at the gleeful, furry face staring back up at him. “Well, let’s just say that things weren’t gonna look so good for him. I couldn’t bring myself to drop him off, and I wasn’t just gonna fucking leave him, so, I uh- I brought him here.” 
Javi let out a deep sigh, burying his hands in his face for a moment before rubbing his temples, understanding why Miller had done what he did, but nonetheless, still frustrated that now he had become wrapped up in solving a missing dog case. 
“So what? Are you gonna keep him?” Javi questioned, finally giving in to bend down and give the dog a few pats on his side, feeling just how skinny and boney he was as his hand met his belly. 
“Oh no, I can’t keep him. Apartment doesn’t allow dogs. I would if I could.” Miller admitted, rubbing his hand over the back of his neck, feeling guilty for his lack of helpful response. 
“What about you? You keeping the dog?” Javi asked, looking over at Carter, giving him a little shrug, hoping he was the solution to his temporary canine problem. 
“Um, no. Sorry. I’m allergic. He’s cute as hell but my eyes have been itching ever since he got here.” 
“So what, he’s just gonna live here? C’mon you guys, really?” Javi grumbled, now crouching down next to the dog, getting a better look at his begging eyes and goofy grin under his panting tongue, giving Javi a few licks on the face in excitement as his tail began to wag rapidly from Javi’s closeness. 
Javi couldn’t help but let out a little laugh as the dog lapped against his face, wrapping his hands around the dog’s head and giving it a playful rub to get the dog to stop before staring back at the sweet, sad eyes staring back at him. He scratched under the dog’s chin before it was snuggling up next to him, comfortably plopping himself down over Javi’s feet and letting out a content little grumble as his tail continued to thump against the floor in joy. 
Javi closed his eyes, letting out a sigh. A deep sigh. Not because he didn’t like this dog. Hell, not even because he was really that mad at the two office idiots for bringing the dog here this morning. Javi let out a long, exasperated sigh, because he could feel the willpower he had preached to you about holding out on a dog until the new house- a conversation he had just had with you last night- was absolutely crumbling. 
He couldn’t come home with a dog, right? He had just spent all of last night convincing you that the apartment wouldn’t be a good place for a dog. But… that was for a puppy. This was a full grown dog. A calm one, at that. A fucking cute one at that. God, it had been 5 minutes and this dog was already attached at the hip to him, and it was probably fair to say that Javi had gotten just as attached, if not more. Carter and Miller were right, with the shape the dog was in, it really did look like no one had been taking care of him, or had any plans to come and find him, and Javi couldn’t bear the thought of sending the dog off to the shelter, knowing his inevitable fate. 
“Okay, well, do you know anything else about him? Are you sure that there’s no one looking for him?” Javi grunted as he pushed himself back up to stand, trying to keep his cool as he looked over at Carter and Miller, their eyes still peeled to the ground in hopes the lack of direct eye contact would lessen their chances of a complete reaming from Javi. 
“No, boss. Only other thing we could find about him was the little tag on his collar, which wasn’t helpful at all, because it only had his name.” Carter shrugged, peeking up at Javi, surprised by the even keel of his tone. Javi bent back down, the dog immediately rolling over on his back and exposing his belly for Javi to pet as he reached towards the dog’s neck, gently tugging at the tethered collar under his tangled fur to read the poorly engraved tag attached, letting out an even bigger sigh and shaking his head in disbelief at the name. 
Of fucking course. As if the universe needed to send him another sign. Of fucking course the dog’s name was the same as his nickname for you, Osita- little bear.��
Javi couldn’t help but laugh to himself, running his hand over his face once again. “Shit. You sure no one’s looking for him?” 
Both Carter and Miller shook their heads, crossing their arms over their chests in sad disappointment at Bear, laying sprawled across Javi’s feet. Letting out one last reluctant exhale, Javi looked back at the pair, nervously awaiting his response before he spoke. 
“If… If no one calls looking for him by the end of the day… I’ll take him home with me.” 
Carter and Miller’s faces lit up in shock and delight, staring at Javi, dumbfounded by what they had just heard. “I mean… Fuck, well… that was way easier than I thought it was gonna be.” Miller half grumbled to himself, glancing over at Carter, like he was waiting for the other shoe to drop. 
“I obviously don’t have any dog shit at home so I’m gonna have to leave early today to get some, so you two idiots are gonna have to finish up the rest of the paperwork I needed to do this afternoon, we clear?” 
“Yeah, yup- Absolutely. Will do.” The two nodded in agreement, still in shock that the worst they had gotten from their boss from dropping a stray dog off in his office was the rest of his paperwork for the day. 
“Fuck me. Alright, c’mon Bear.” Javi sighed, pushing open his office door, Bear, happily trotting along behind him, tail wagging in delight as Carter and Miller stared back at each other, frozen in shock that they, with very little convincing, had gotten their boss to happily take their furry problem into his own hands. 
If the fact that Bear wasn’t cute as can be was enough to win over Javi, he was also the sweetest, most relaxed dog he’d had ever met. Bear was perfectly content to lay down next to Javi’s desk, letting out content grumbles and sighs as he slept and Javi worked, sprawled out across the floor. Bear also seemed to love everyone he met, joyfully making his rounds around the station with Javi after a failed attempt at leaving him behind in his office, immediately caving to Bear’s sad, lonely whines and big brown eyes from behind the glass of his office window. Around 2:00 PM, after Javi had given Bear the better half of his turkey sandwich for lunch, he found himself just as hungry as that poor dog probably was this morning, deciding to cut his day short to get himself some food, and gather whatever else he needed before bringing Bear back to the apartment. 
Javi thanked whatever higher power that the woman working at the pet store this afternoon was not the same woman he had adamantly convinced last night that he was not coming with a dog, because in the back seat of his truck, sat a dog he was now bringing home. The woman working at the store had helped Javi to find everything he needed for Bear and probably then some, Javi more than thankful for her patience and advice, feeling overwhelmed by what to get for a dog that had landed in his care only a few short hours ago.  
After 2 trips up your apartment stairs to drop off the bed, food, treats and toys Javi had gotten, he made one final trip back for Bear, who had glady hopped out of the truck and followed Javi back to your place after a quick pee on the bush in the parking lot, leaving Javi very thankful the dog had found a spot to relieve himself that wasn’t on his shoe. 
“Well, welcome home, I guess.” Javi chuckled as Bear busted through the apartment door, tail wagging at a propeller like speed as he meandered through the space, sniffing and exploring around the kitchen and living room, before wandering back to the bags from the pet store Javi had set on the ground, giving them a little prod with his snout before sitting next to them, looking up at Javi as if to ask if he could have the food and treats that were inside. “Well… I guess a little more food couldn’t hurt, right?” 
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There were very few times where Javi was home from work before you, and when he did, he normally told you before he left, or called you at work to let you know- so when you pulled into the parking lot to see Javi’s truck next to your empty parking space, it was safe to say you were a bit perplexed. You quickly unpacked your bags from your car, making your way up to the apartment, trying to rationalize with your confusion and nerves as to why Javi had beaten you home. As you unlocked your door, you gently pushed it open, now even more confused by the muffled grunts and swearing coming from down the hallway. Dropping your things at the entryway, you quickly began working your way through the apartment to figure out what was going on before you almost tripped and fell over a large dog bed now in the middle of your living room. 
“What the hell…” You murmured to yourself, your brow scrunching in bewilderment as you caught your step over the soft, plushy surface, doing a double take to realize that what had almost taken you to the ground was a dog bed. Looking over, you then noticed the several bags from the local pet store, now even more puzzled as your attention shifted back to the end of the hallway, hearing Javi’s voice as well as the sound of running water and frantic splashing. 
“Goddamnit, will you just stay still please? We’re almost done, bud.” 
Almost sprinting to the bathroom, you pushed open the door to find a pile of towels spread across the floor, Javi kneeling over the side of the tub, shirt absolutely soaked as he held the shower handle towards a goofy, wet, golden retriever dancing around in the other end of the tub as he saw you. 
“Uhhhhhh, Javi… Why is there a dog in our bathtub?” You stood stunned in the doorway, your presence startling Javi as he spun around, dropping the shower handle, making it spray over the walls, leading the dog to playfully bark and shake as it hopped over the ledge of the tub to greet you. 
“No, Bear! Come back here! Fuck. I uh- I can explain, I-” Javi stammered, scrambling to grab the flailing shower head before reaching for the dog to try and wrangle him back into the shower, the rest of his thought cut off by Bear taking one more step towards you before bracing himself for a giant shake, absolutely drenching you as you burst into laughter, wiping your now soaking face with the palms of your hands before reaching down to pet the cheerful dog, wagging his wet tail as he leaned up against your leg. 
You couldn’t help but let the smuggest grin spread across your face, now putting the pieces of the puzzle together. “Bear, huh? You come up with that one?” You giggled, crouching down to greet who you now were presuming to be the newest resident of your household, rubbing his hands over his drenched, furry body, squealing as he licked all over your face. “I thought we couldn’t have a dog in the apartment, Jav, and I hate to break it to you, this is definitely a dog… very much in our apartment.” 
Javi let out a snort, rolling his eyes at you as he reached over to shut off the water, resting his back against the edge of the tub, propping his arms up over the sides as he braced himself to try and explain his current situation to you. “Well…” he grinned sheepishly as Bear paced back and forth between the two of you, his tail swaying side to side as he dripped puddles across the bathroom floor, “I got into work this morning and the first thing I saw was a fucking dog that Carter and Miller had dropped in my office after Miller found him on his drive in.” 
“Which I am assuming is this dog?” You laughed, gesturing towards the giddy Golden Retriever jaunting around the bathroom. 
“Yeah, this one. Miller said that he found him on a dirt road. Called animal control and no one had been looking for a dog that looked like him, and that when he called the shelter, they were so full, that if someone didn’t either come to get him or adopt him in the next couple weeks, that, well… they probably would have to… Fuck, Cater is allergic and Miller can’t have dogs at his place, and I- he’s so sweet, and I couldn’t just let him go so-” 
“So you bought out the better part of the pet store so he could live here with us?” You grinned, raising an eyebrow at Javi as Bear happily sat himself down in his lap, making Javi grunt at the weight of the dog plopping himself down across his legs. 
“I mean… I uh… I-” Javi mumbled, sheepishly looking down at Bear before looking back at you, doing your best to contain your laughter and giggles. “What, Hermosa?” Javi phrased it as a question, even though he already knew the answer- You were never going to let him live this down for the rest of his life. 
“And you thought you needed to be worried about me bringing a dog home without asking.  Does this mean we have a new member of the Peña family?” You smirked, making your way over to Javi and Bear, squatting down on the soaking bathroom floor next to them, pressing a playful peck onto Javi’s cheek as you gave Bear a big scratch. 
“If that’s okay with you.” 
“You’re lucky he’s cute, and you’re lucky you’re cute, too. Yes, of course it’s okay with me. Welcome to the family, Bear Peña.” 
The two of you smiled at each other as you sat on the bathroom floor, a damp and soggy Bear spread across your laps with the happiest and goofiest grin spread over his face, too. While coming home to find Javi wrestling a stray dog in your tub wasn’t exactly how you pictured welcoming the newest member of your family into your lives, in some strange way, it couldn’t have felt more perfect. Getting to grow and share your life together with Javi was all you could ever really ask for, even if that meant a Monday night, soaking wet from a dog bath gone wrong. 
“Okay, well, we should probably dry this goofball off and get his stuff all situated. Poor guy is probably exhausted after all of his adventures today, aren’t ya bud? Do you think we should put the dog bed in our room? I don’t want him to get scared during the night, but I’m not really sure if we should have him up on our bed, ya know?” 
As you pushed yourself up to stand, you waited for Javi’s response, only to be greeted by double the amount of big, brown puppy dog eyes now staring back at you as you turned around. Javi still said nothing, a guilty look growing across his and the dog’s, as you let out a deep sigh, wondering how in the world you were going to build up your immunity to another sweet face that made you crumble. 
“You already let him on the bed, didn’t you, Jav?” 
“.... Maybe.” 
“Like I said, the two of you are very lucky you’re cute.” 
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@cool-iguana @rhoorl @whyjuliaaa @bbiophiliaa @pertinentpostmortem @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @pedrobaby @fatima-marisa @beboldbebravethings @poodlebae @kittenlittle24 @3sriracha @jungchloee @perennialdoll247 @prettyinpunk85 @partyofone3413 @harriedandharassed @pedrohoe04 @theorganasolo @endlessthxxghts @beware-my-thorns @missladym1981 @messinadress @milly-louise @jay-zzle @the-one-with-the-grey-color @persephone-girl @bitchesuntitled @pedropascallvr @millennial-teenybopper @nastiasnow @vee-bees-blog @hopplessilse
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octuscle · 9 months
I want to turn myself into a twinky fuck toy for a wealthy man. Can chronviac help me with that?
Well, as they say, everything's bigger in Texas… I'm a junior partner in a large New York asset management firm. We take care of the high net worth clients. To get into our client file, you have to have over USD 100 million in free liquidity. Our clients are demanding. But we are the best. And we do everything for our customers. Really EVERYTHING!
When I took over the clients of a colleague who had retired a month ago, I thought Chuck Tex was a stage name. Until I had my first appointment with him. His record was more than impressive. Heir to old oil and cattle nobility. Classic career of the Texas oil barons. School in New England, studied in Paris, Oxford and Zurich, founded his first start-up company at the age of 20. And sold at 25 for USD 500 million. Now in his mid-30s, he had not yet inherited a cent from his family, but thanks to his excellent education and connections, he had already amassed a fortune on a par with that of his old man. I expected… Actually, I had no idea what I was expecting… But I certainly didn't expect this:
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Chuck looked like a porn star. Or a marriage fraud. Or just like a man who I couldn't wait to throw me on the bed and fuck me mercilessly. His handshake was firm, but finely dosed just before the pain threshold. His gaze could certainly cut through steel plates. But I was a professional, I kept my composure. After I asked him what I could do for him, he got straight to the point. First of all, he needed some cash for his stay in New York. USD 10,000 would be enough. Gladly 100 dollar bills. But hot off the press, please. That was no problem. I sent a short memo to my assistant and she would take care of it. But the real reason for his visit was a project in Greenwich Village. He had bought a few buildings there that he was renovating. His aim was to restore the Village to its former charm. That's why he wanted to create cheap apartments, studios and stores and eliminate expensive office space. The whole thing was not intended as an investment, more as a hobby. A kind of gay and creative Disneyland. I briefly wondered why I wasn't actually a billionaire… And then I asked Chuck what my role was. Whether I could help with the financing or with saving taxes.
Chuck just grinned. No, saving taxes wouldn't fit in with his understanding of patriotism. And he would have financed it all with his last start-up exit. But he would need someone to take care of the real estate. Someone to ensure the right tenant mix. Someone to give his studio apartment the right finishing touches. I briefly went through my network in my mind. I had a gay acquaintance who owned a number of bars and restaurants. And I also knew a good project developer. And one of my school friends was a hip interior designer. I smiled and said I probably had just the people he needed. Chuck smiled back. It made my heart stop. He didn't want anyone from my network. He wanted me. I was about to say that I was flattered, but that I wasn't available for such projects right now. But instead I said "Of course, Daddy". Did I want to accompany him to the construction site? "If I may, Daddy!" At that moment, my assistant came in with a bundle of freshly pressed banknotes. Chuck smiled and said he needed me for the rest of the day. Please cancel all my appointments. I nodded to her and followed Chuck like a dog to its master.
In his limousine, Chuck asked me if I had ever been to Texas. I answered in the negative. But the boots I was wearing looked authentic. Yeah, they were my pride and joy. But I wouldn't have ridden a bull yet. I shook my head and giggled like a schoolgirl. Chuck kneaded the bulge in his pants and said that I would definitely be fucked by a bull today. I only got out a "Thank you, Daddy". Chuck let me sit on his lap. He undid another button of his silk shirt and exposed his right nipple. Like a puppy on its mother's teat, I began to suckle. Chuck kneaded my bulge and said that I was a good boy.
The car came to a halt in the second row in front of an old brick building. The walls were covered in high-quality graffiti. There was a closed table dance bar downstairs and some kind of jewelry store upstairs. Some kind of jewelry on display. Made of stainless steel. On closer inspection, piercing jewelry, cock rings and stainless steel dildos. I looked in the shop window like a child in the window of a candy store. Chuck took my hand, pulled me into the stairwell and told me that I could choose something later if I was good. He stroked the long hair on the back of my neck. I love my Mullet. I look a bit like the young cowboys on Daddy's Daddy's farm.
We had just arrived at Chuck's empty apartment when I got down on my knees in front of him and unbuttoned his pants. "First you strip for me, boy," Chuck ordered. He tossed me a cowboy hat that was in a closet. "Everything but your briefs, boots and hat!". Eagerly awaiting the reward, I did everything I was told to do. "And now lube yourself up". He threw me a bottle. And I did as I was told. I could feel my hard-earned muscles disappearing. I felt younger and younger. Although it was hard as steel, my cock was getting smaller and smaller. "I think you need a little more decoration, boy," Chuck said and put a chain on me. Satisfied, he looked at me as I sat on the floor and could hardly wait for my reward.
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Chuck took his boner out of his pants. And I leaned back in anticipation. I wanted to be a good houseboy. And today was the housewarming party.
Chuck's pic found @mensuited, yours @hellishin
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Our Future // The Proposal // Shuri
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Summary: Shuri has important plans for her and the reader to enjoy a day off. But a change of plans occur when M'Baku brings his 3 girls for them to babysit. 
Pairing: Shuri x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff // Cute shit // A little smut // M'Baku being M'Baku // SingleDad!M'Baku
Word Count: 2.2k 
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Your eyes fluttered open as you heard Shuri call for you from the door. Sitting up you let the covers fall from your chest and she couldn't help the smile that appeared on her lips. The sun made you look angelic with your curls on top of your head and your body bare. "What's the occasion?" You questioned as she sat the tray next to you. 
"We have a date today. There's somewhere I would like to take you to the garden tonight. It's been awhile since you've seen how much it has grown." She said and you nodded before digging into the delicious breakfast prepared for you. Once you were done she grabbed the tray before crawling up to you without saying a word. Her eyes held so much love and lust, you felt the sheets under you start to get wet from your pulsating core. 
You watched her intensively as her eyes flickered to your lips as you bit them waiting for her next move. She pulled you into a sinful kiss as she sucked on your tongue letting you run your hands through her hair. She let you fall back onto the pillows while leaving a trail of kisses down your stomach. She wasted no time pulling the duvet off of you, exposing your core to the cold air. Your nipples perked up as her hand pulled and tugged on your breasts before wrapping around your thighs. She kissed your inner thigh on each side before placing a single kiss on your clit. Your eyes fluttered closed and Shuri pulled away. "Eyes on me love." Your eyes found her own half lidded stare as her tongue licked at your clit. All you could muster up was a moan as she slipped two fingers into your folds. Hitting a sensitive spot inside you while she scissored her fingers in and out of you. You grabbed a handful of her hair as her thumb rubbed circles over your throbbing clit. "You taste so good sthandwa. If we didn't have plans I could eat for hours." Her words had an obvious effect on you as you moved your hips to match her pace. Fucking her face as you chased your release.  
"Fuck. Baby don't stop. Don't-" You were at a loss for words as she crooked her fingers to the soft spot she knew all too well. You leaned up tensing up as you came on her face. Clamping down on her fingers while her thumb rubbed your clit relentlessly felt like you were above cloud nine. She licked up every drop of your cum and coaxed you through your orgasm, letting you ride it out. 
"There it is. So good for me." She cooed as she left soft kisses along your skin before moving to find your lips. She smiled into the kiss and you sat up to lean into her. She helped you up before leading you to the bathroom. "We'll get you cleaned up usana. Then we can start our wonderful day." 
After your shower together, Shuri spends the entire day spoiling you. She took you shopping and you two sat down for lunch. Filling her in on the village gossip and all that while she informed you of all her upcoming projects. Everything was so perfect. She suggested you head back to the palace to rest your feet awhile before getting ready for tonight. She had one more place to take you and that was a restaurant along the beach. 
You sat on the couch in the suite you shared with the princess in the palace as she finished up her shower after the two of you spent the day together. Your hair was wrapped in a towel as you sat with your tablet in your hands. Looking through the menu of this restaurant she spoke of. They seemed to have a good selection of food and desserts to choose from. You heard her enter the room and looked up to meet her gaze. She had some biker shorts on with a sports bra that revealed just the right amount of skin. But anything she wears is sexy to you. 
"We have a good two hours before we have to leave. Why don't you let me shower you in affection." She grinned as she held your chin in her hand. You stared up at her before your lips took hers in a hungry kiss. Her hands went to your waist as you laid back on the couch. Her body hovered over you and you spread your legs as a silent invitation for her to continue. She dove to your neck and left a trail of kisses and bites along your skin. Before you could get her where you needed her the most, her AI spoke out. 
"Princess. It appears that M'Baku of the Jabari tribe is here and would like to speak with you."
"He can wait."
"It's okay love. It may be something important. Later when I have you to myself no one will be distracting us." You told her with a sweet kiss. She pouted as she got off of you before slipping a simple black dress over her body. She walked out the room as you took your hair out of the towel and started to style it. Just as you finished the door opened once more and Shuri stood against the frame. 
"We have guests." She smiled before three young girls ran past her to reach you. "Y/N!!" They yelled out as they swarmed you with hugs and greetings.
 "M'Baku asked if we could watch them while he's at his meetings."
"Hello. Oh my goodness you're all getting so big!" You stated as you hugged the three girls tight. You remember when M'Baku brought the oldest, M'Juba, to meet you and the princess a couple of weeks after she was born. He did the same with the twins, Asha and Amdeh, after their mother died in childbirth. It was one of the few times that he was vulnerable with you and Shuri. He was crushed when the mother of his girls passed on. He wasn't quite sure how to be a father. Let alone a single one. He sat you down one day asking if you two could be there as role models for the girls as well as their godparents. You had never seen him shed a single tear until that day. Since then you and Shuri had made sure those girls were loved and cared for when he needed to be away on leadership duties. 
"Baba says we have to if one of us is going to rule Jabari in the future." M'Juba grinned and you gave a small nod while Asha climbed in your lap.
"How old are you girls now? You're growing up on us." You laughed and Asha got comfortable before holding up seven fingers. "The twins are seven! Bast that's amazing. M'Juba your going on 10 now. Give a couple months?" 
"Mhmm! I'm gonna be old enough to battle Baba for the Jabari throne. Then I'll be the one calling the shots. He's getting a bit old anyway." She snickered and you gasped playfully as Shuri watched from the doorway. 
"Dinner in the palace then?" You asked and her shoulders shook as she laughed. 
"Seems like it. I'll go get it started."
"Oh no. You and I both know you can't cook to save your life. I'm coming down." You stopped her and she feigned hurt as her hand clutched her necklace. "You girls want to help?" They shouted in unison and followed you to the kitchen. "So what's your big headed father been up to? Aside from dropping his kids off at the palace." 
"Baba only complains when things don't go his way. Asha gives him a run for his money. They are always arguing." M'Juba grinned as you picked up Amdeh to sit her on the counter. You let the girls decide on a snack as you begin dinner for you and Shuri. They agreed on cookies and sat in the dining room while you cooked. Shuri couldn't help but smile at how you interacted with the girls. It had her thinking how it would be with children of your own. That'll be something she does her research on in her spare time. She walked into the kitchen to see your back to her and her heart fluttered. "The girls wanted to watch a movie. Figured I'd put something on the hologram for them to watch while we finish dinner." Shuri wrapped her arms around your waist and smiled as you leaned into her embrace. Your thumb rubbed against the tattoo painted on her hand as you sat in a comfortable silence. She left a trail of kisses down your neck and you let out a short giggle. "They also want to play hide and seek with the panther." She grinned, sliding away from you to give space for you to finish turning everything off. You served dinner for everyone before excusing yourself to the bathroom. Shuri watched after you making sure you were gone before leaning over to the girls. "I need your help to do something for Y/N? You girls want in?"
"Is our father full of himself? Of course we are!!" M'Juba grinned and Shuri huddled them all together.  When you came back the table was clean and everyone was gone. Only a note left in the space reading "Ready or not here I come." You smiled as Shuri and the girls wanted you to partake in the game so you tiptoed up the stairs, headed to the lab. Surprisingly Amdeh was already there under a table. 
"Amdeh. She'll see you there." You whispered and she ran out to grab your hand. You could hear Shuri laugh as she chased after Asha. They were close. "I know a place come on before Shuri finds us." The child dragged you to the herb garden and for a second your forgot about the game as the herbs glowed a beautiful shade of purple. A light tug on your arm pulled you from your trance and you followed the girl behind one if the bushes. "We have to stay quiet." M'Juba jumped out of her hiding space with a light frown. "Hey this was my spot." You ushered her over and she joined you behind your bush. Not long after Shuri walked in with her hands on her hips, Asha slowly tailing behind. 
"Do you think they're in here Asha?" She questioned and the younger girl nodded. They split up to search and M'Juba looked up at you. "I'll lead them away." Before you could object both her and her sister ran from you and towards the back of the garden. Asha took off after them and you couldn't help but shake your head as hushed laughter left you. 
"Found you." A voice said before Shuri grabbed your waist, lifting you from your crouched position. A squeal left your lips when she spun you around and set you down on your feet. "Now for my prize." She leaned down to kiss you. You smiled into the kiss as the girls ran up with wide grins. "What do you three think I should win?"
"A wife!" They cheered and you looked at Shuri in time to see her kneel down in front of you. "I think so too." She grabbed your hand before slipping a vibranium diamond ring on your finger and you felt like you were floating. "I love you sthandwa. More than anything. You were my first best friend. My first real love. Now I wish you to be my first and only wife. If you allow me, I want you to be the one I wake up to every morning for the rest of my life. To love you. To hold you. You're the other half I didn't think I wanted but I needed. Will you?" You didn't answer as you pulled her to her feet before your lips found hers in an instant. Your lips molded together and her hands found your waist when you wrapped your arms around her shoulders. "Marry me." She said against your lips. "Say yes." 
"Yes." You sighed before she captured your lips again. The three girls hugged your legs and you laughed against Shuri. 
"Panther. M'Baku of the Jabari tribe has arrived." Griot announced and you all left the garden to meet him.
"Girls! I have arrived, it is time to go home."
"Noooooo!" The girls whined leaving M'Baku taken aback as you covered your mouth to hide your laughter. “We want to stay with Shuri and Y/N. It's more fun here anyways.”
“Excuse you, Jabari land is fun!”
“Yeah for boring people who attend meetings all day and sit on a stump of a throne.”
“That throne is important to our tribe.” He pointed a finger at M’Juba who in turn rolled her eyes. “Yes we know. You sit there all day.”
“Listen here-” The girls cut him off, making the sound of the jabari so he couldn't get a word in. His eyes then found you and Shuri before he crossed his arms. “What have you done to my girls.”
“That’s just it, M’Baku. They're your girls. Attitude and all.” She laughed.
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killmongerskeeper · 2 years
Our Future // The Proposal // Shuri
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Summary: Shuri has important plans for her and the reader to enjoy a day off. But a change of plans occur when M'Baku brings his 3 girls for them to babysit. 
Pairing: Shuri x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff // Cute shit // A little smut // M'Baku being M'Baku // SingleDad!M'Baku
Word Count: 2.2k 
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Your eyes fluttered open as you heard Shuri call for you from the door. Sitting up you let the covers fall from your chest and she couldn't help the smile that appeared on her lips. The sun made you look angelic with your curls on top of your head and your body bare. "What's the occasion?" You questioned as she sat the tray next to you. 
"We have a date today. There's somewhere I would like to take you to the garden tonight. It's been awhile since you've seen how much it has grown." She said and you nodded before digging into the delicious breakfast prepared for you. Once you were done she grabbed the tray before crawling up to you without saying a word. Her eyes held so much love and lust, you felt the sheets under you start to get wet from your pulsating core. 
You watched her intensively as her eyes flickered to your lips as you bit them waiting for her next move. She pulled you into a sinful kiss as she sucked on your tongue letting you run your hands through her hair. She let you fall back onto the pillows while leaving a trail of kisses down your stomach. She wasted no time pulling the duvet off of you, exposing your core to the cold air. Your nipples perked up as her hand pulled and tugged on your breasts before wrapping around your thighs. She kissed your inner thigh on each side before placing a single kiss on your clit. Your eyes fluttered closed and Shuri pulled away. "Eyes on me love." Your eyes found her own half lidded stare as her tongue licked at your clit. All you could muster up was a moan as she slipped two fingers into your folds. Hitting a sensitive spot inside you while she scissored her fingers in and out of you. You grabbed a handful of her hair as her thumb rubbed circles over your throbbing clit. "You taste so good sthandwa. If we didn't have plans I could eat for hours." Her words had an obvious effect on you as you moved your hips to match her pace. Fucking her face as you chased your release.  
"Fuck. Baby don't stop. Don't-" You were at a loss for words as she crooked her fingers to the soft spot she knew all too well. You leaned up tensing up as you came on her face. Clamping down on her fingers while her thumb rubbed your clit relentlessly felt like you were above cloud nine. She licked up every drop of your cum and coaxed you through your orgasm, letting you ride it out. 
"There it is. So good for me." She cooed as she left soft kisses along your skin before moving to find your lips. She smiled into the kiss and you sat up to lean into her. She helped you up before leading you to the bathroom. "We'll get you cleaned up usana. Then we can start our wonderful day." 
After your shower together, Shuri spends the entire day spoiling you. She took you shopping and you two sat down for lunch. Filling her in on the village gossip and all that while she informed you of all her upcoming projects. Everything was so perfect. She suggested you head back to the palace to rest your feet awhile before getting ready for tonight. She had one more place to take you and that was a restaurant along the beach. 
You sat on the couch in the suite you shared with the princess in the palace as she finished up her shower after the two of you spent the day together. Your hair was wrapped in a towel as you sat with your tablet in your hands. Looking through the menu of this restaurant she spoke of. They seemed to have a good selection of food and desserts to choose from. You heard her enter the room and looked up to meet her gaze. She had some biker shorts on with a sports bra that revealed just the right amount of skin. But anything she wears is sexy to you. 
"We have a good two hours before we have to leave. Why don't you let me shower you in affection." She grinned as she held your chin in her hand. You stared up at her before your lips took hers in a hungry kiss. Her hands went to your waist as you laid back on the couch. Her body hovered over you and you spread your legs as a silent invitation for her to continue. She dove to your neck and left a trail of kisses and bites along your skin. Before you could get her where you needed her the most, her AI spoke out. 
"Princess. It appears that M'Baku of the Jabari tribe is here and would like to speak with you."
"He can wait."
"It's okay love. It may be something important. Later when I have you to myself no one will be distracting us." You told her with a sweet kiss. She pouted as she got off of you before slipping a simple black dress over her body. She walked out the room as you took your hair out of the towel and started to style it. Just as you finished the door opened once more and Shuri stood against the frame. 
"We have guests." She smiled before three young girls ran past her to reach you. "Y/N!!" They yelled out as they swarmed you with hugs and greetings.
 "M'Baku asked if we could watch them while he's at his meetings."
"Hello. Oh my goodness you're all getting so big!" You stated as you hugged the three girls tight. You remember when M'Baku brought the oldest, M'Juba, to meet you and the princess a couple of weeks after she was born. He did the same with the twins, Asha and Amdeh, after their mother died in childbirth. It was one of the few times that he was vulnerable with you and Shuri. He was crushed when the mother of his girls passed on. He wasn't quite sure how to be a father. Let alone a single one. He sat you down one day asking if you two could be there as role models for the girls as well as their godparents. You had never seen him shed a single tear until that day. Since then you and Shuri had made sure those girls were loved and cared for when he needed to be away on leadership duties. 
"Baba says we have to if one of us is going to rule Jabari in the future." M'Juba grinned and you gave a small nod while Asha climbed in your lap.
"How old are you girls now? You're growing up on us." You laughed and Asha got comfortable before holding up seven fingers. "The twins are seven! Bast that's amazing. M'Juba your going on 10 now. Give a couple months?" 
"Mhmm! I'm gonna be old enough to battle Baba for the Jabari throne. Then I'll be the one calling the shots. He's getting a bit old anyway." She snickered and you gasped playfully as Shuri watched from the doorway. 
"Dinner in the palace then?" You asked and her shoulders shook as she laughed. 
"Seems like it. I'll go get it started."
"Oh no. You and I both know you can't cook to save your life. I'm coming down." You stopped her and she feigned hurt as her hand clutched her necklace. "You girls want to help?" They shouted in unison and followed you to the kitchen. "So what's your big headed father been up to? Aside from dropping his kids off at the palace." 
"Baba only complains when things don't go his way. Asha gives him a run for his money. They are always arguing." M'Juba grinned as you picked up Amdeh to sit her on the counter. You let the girls decide on a snack as you begin dinner for you and Shuri. They agreed on cookies and sat in the dining room while you cooked. Shuri couldn't help but smile at how you interacted with the girls. It had her thinking how it would be with children of your own. That'll be something she does her research on in her spare time. She walked into the kitchen to see your back to her and her heart fluttered. "The girls wanted to watch a movie. Figured I'd put something on the hologram for them to watch while we finish dinner." Shuri wrapped her arms around your waist and smiled as you leaned into her embrace. Your thumb rubbed against the tattoo painted on her hand as you sat in a comfortable silence. She left a trail of kisses down your neck and you let out a short giggle. "They also want to play hide and seek with the panther." She grinned, sliding away from you to give space for you to finish turning everything off. You served dinner for everyone before excusing yourself to the bathroom. Shuri watched after you making sure you were gone before leaning over to the girls. "I need your help to do something for Y/N? You girls want in?"
"Is our father full of himself? Of course we are!!" M'Juba grinned and Shuri huddled them all together.  When you came back the table was clean and everyone was gone. Only a note left in the space reading "Ready or not here I come." You smiled as Shuri and the girls wanted you to partake in the game so you tiptoed up the stairs, headed to the lab. Surprisingly Amdeh was already there under a table. 
"Amdeh. She'll see you there." You whispered and she ran out to grab your hand. You could hear Shuri laugh as she chased after Asha. They were close. "I know a place come on before Shuri finds us." The child dragged you to the herb garden and for a second your forgot about the game as the herbs glowed a beautiful shade of purple. A light tug on your arm pulled you from your trance and you followed the girl behind one if the bushes. "We have to stay quiet." M'Juba jumped out of her hiding space with a light frown. "Hey this was my spot." You ushered her over and she joined you behind your bush. Not long after Shuri walked in with her hands on her hips, Asha slowly tailing behind. 
"Do you think they're in here Asha?" She questioned and the younger girl nodded. They split up to search and M'Juba looked up at you. "I'll lead them away." Before you could object both her and her sister ran from you and towards the back of the garden. Asha took off after them and you couldn't help but shake your head as hushed laughter left you. 
"Found you." A voice said before Shuri grabbed your waist, lifting you from your crouched position. A squeal left your lips when she spun you around and set you down on your feet. "Now for my prize." She leaned down to kiss you. You smiled into the kiss as the girls ran up with wide grins. "What do you three think I should win?"
"A wife!" They cheered and you looked at Shuri in time to see her kneel down in front of you. "I think so too." She grabbed your hand before slipping a vibranium diamond ring on your finger and you felt like you were floating. "I love you sthandwa. More than anything. You were my first best friend. My first real love. Now I wish you to be my first and only wife. If you allow me, I want you to be the one I wake up to every morning for the rest of my life. To love you. To hold you. You're the other half I didn't think I wanted but I needed. Will you?" You didn't answer as you pulled her to her feet before your lips found hers in an instant. Your lips molded together and her hands found your waist when you wrapped your arms around her shoulders. "Marry me." She said against your lips. "Say yes." 
"Yes." You sighed before she captured your lips again. The three girls hugged your legs and you laughed against Shuri. 
"Panther. M'Baku of the Jabari tribe has arrived." Griot announced and you all left the garden to meet him.
"Girls! I have arrived, it is time to go home."
"Noooooo!" The girls whined leaving M'Baku taken aback as you covered your mouth to hide your laughter. “We want to stay with Shuri and Y/N. It's more fun here anyways.”
“Excuse you, Jabari land is fun! Unlike the confines of this palace.”
“Yeah for boring people who attend meetings all day and sit on a stump of a throne.”
“That throne is important to our tribe.” He pointed a finger at M’Juba who in turn rolled her eyes. “Yes we know. You sit there all day.”
“Listen here-” The girls cut him off, making the sound of the jabari so he couldn't get a word in. His eyes then found you and Shuri before he crossed his arms. “What have you done to my girls.”
“That’s just it, M’Baku. They're your girls. Attitude and all.” She laughed.
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szif · 9 months
my memoriesare coming back after i made my videogame documenting post but i did play dave the diver that one game about being a diver and you explore like the ocean and like a "lost" village and supernatural stuff and you also maintain a restaurant in the meantime. the main gameplay elements were good and nice and also the characters (at least our main ones) were pretty. lackluster word but characteristic and they were cool. but once it strung itself into an entire plot with something random i was like ok lets quit this. but my main concern wasnt that theres something of a story finally unleashing in the game but the fact that i had to like do all these new stuff and then every single new character i would meet would just do the equivalent of "oh you helped me and is nice to me? anyways you fucking fatass fat fat fat fucking fat fuck by the way have i mentioned how ugly you look (fatty) but also the fact that youre not fit and not handsome at all and you fucking suck and also youre fat?" like yes our character is inconventional and he is like the "unappreciated cool guy who gets insulted" type of thing but it was just so fucking bad in this specific game that it made me lose interest and not play the game. like literally how am i supposed to like care about anything i do when every conversation im forced to partake in boils down to "okay you fat idiot you do this" then my character is like "oh... okay ill do that i guess" then i do the thing then the character says back to us like "okay you fatty lameo fucking prick you saved the entire world but i hate you? you fucking suck but anyways can you do this other thing for me?" like how am i supposed to enjoy this.
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nataliesnews · 1 year
3rd and 4th day 10.10.2023
I can't believe that Friday night I was having supper with friends at the American colony after a particularly violent demonstration at Sheikh and saying to them I am just exhausted mentally. I want to get out of here for a while. They told  me that they were going to do a trip down the Rhine and even though I swore that I would not go to Germany....I had gone for Ayal and Uta but thought that was that and I found myself sitting there and thinking ....what the hell and thinking what the hell. What are we doing here .....I told them to send me the particulars and even though they said that it was a very expensive trip I thought I have to get out. I have to clear my head. Little did I know.
1973  Six days.   Yom Kippur started terribly but after a few days the
feeling was that things were under control. But this time we thought it would  be over in a day and here we are on the third day and fighting on many fronts. And for the first time I have a very bad feeling. For the first time tonight I will go to bed dressed and I have packed my rucksack with water, a snack and warm clothing. Up to now I have not gone into the small shelter we have or sat in the corridors but I prefer to be prepared. The two sirens today....we heard the rockets landing but the second one was definitely closer though it is really only on the outskirts. I am terrified that Netanyahu, whom I truly believe is not normal and held up by people who are even more so, does not care if Israel is reduced to small areas of opposition. I remembered that years ago I sat with a Moslem friend.....when Hamas was just starting out and the government was supporting them...... and said that I thought that they would be a dangerous enemy and he said that they were only interested in
religion.   I thought often that the villages in the occupied areas
would rise up against us but thought it could not happen. Now too the army has closed up all the exits to the villages. But if they really want to get out and don't care how many get killed? But I never thought it would come from Gaza.
 I am so sick of empty bombastic threats.  It   reminds me of the song
" My Fair lady. Don’t talk of love.  Show me. Now we are told that two areas in the south are still under attack. The spokesman can’t even get his lies straight.  Have I told you that the main door of Nofim is
kept closed and we have been told to lock our doors.   The one sad and
funny story was a rocket near Jerusalem.  The lady was wounded but her
dog was also treated by a veterinarian.   My friend, Sarah Sherman,
asked me to come to her retirement home to speak to two of her people.
I did not feel like going but felt worse to refuse so I spoke to a Palestinian lady of 100 in my broken Arabic and to a Russian lady who was an English teacher.  Now the good news for the families of those kidnapped. The government evidently does not intend to enter into any bargaining. Does this mean that we will eventually return bodies for bodies? I wonder about the pilots who said they would not serve. If
now they are amongst those bombing Gaza.   I don’t envy them the
decision. We are now told on the news to start hoarding enough food and water for a few days.  They should teach their grandmothers to
suck eggs.  I already started doing that yesterday.   I have two
emergency lights. There is already a lack of bottled water in the stores.  In the meantime I have enough beer, vodka and tonic water.  I am sick of hearing that we are at war. What all of a sudden are they telling us to hoard food, etc.  What are they hiding from us?
And now the incredible story of a restaurant which sent 2000 portions of food for soldiers and were not allowed to give it to them because there was no diploma of kashrut.  I hope that in the yeshivot those parasites will enjoy their food. Already people are hysterically going
to the supermarket.   And I added a little bottle of vodka (not too
little) to my escape bag.   A friend phoned when the siren went off
and asked where I was.  I said on the toilet but all  the shit was in the Knesset.  I believe Netanyahu has managed to stop holding the hand of his blond bitch and is going to address us so before I go into ecstasies of admiration I will send this off
Now I sit and try to get my head around this.  Everyone is talking about the brutality of Hamas.  We do not take old people captive. We do not take children. We do not rape.  In so far as that goes we are humane.  But we do bomb Gaza and kill hundreds of people who probably hate us but are not necessarily terrorists.  I will not speak again if the occupied territories and what is happening there.  But the thought is there. But there is no leadership. Netanyahu’s speech was empty of leadership and only full of bluster and threats.  I find myself thinking of the royal family in the second World War. How their daughters served and he is not even ashamed that his sons cower in
foreign countries.  And where is his wife?   Drinking pink champagne?
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by unofficial
somewhere in Ste-Foy with Antoni
this is a view of the village across the river from our village…the village opposite ours is known for great restaurants… our village sucks for good restaurants….we have tons of haute kebab…
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sunshine-tattoo · 3 years
with passover coming up in a few weeks, I thought I'd share a few tips for my fellow Hebrews who are single and/or on a tight budget.
you don't have to throw out your bread
I know a lot of traditions say to get rid of all the bread in the house but this always seemed kinda dumb and wasteful. Especially since refrigerators exist. Just don't eat it.
Potatoes are your best friend
Big fan of starch but can't have bread for a week? Use potatoes. They can be used for everything and contain zero flour.
Rice is also your best friend
Take a lesson from our brothers and sisters in Asia. Rice is the ideal staple crop and can be used to make thousands of dishes.
Rice noodles are amazing
No need to skip out on pasta this passover. Rice noodles can be found in any grocery store and are the perfect substitute for the wheat-based ones.
Meat + starch + veggies = perfect meal
Meat of your choosing, rice or potatoes, some veggies, and a nice sauce makes for meals that are delicious and excellent as leftovers. My personal favorite is sautéed chicken with mashed potatoes, broccoli, and a homemade fruit chutney.
Talk to your gluten free friends
These poor shmucks have to avoid wheat all year round. They know exactly how to find and make good food without it.
Corn is an amazing substitute
The indigenous peoples of North and South America knew what was up with that staple crop. Corn tortillas are perfect if you still need to make sandwiches. They contain no wheat and go with everything.
Take advantage of easter
Passover starts on easter Friday this year. Which means that there will be tons of food on sale for all the gentiles making Easter Sunday meals. Apart from the hams, many food they make also can be passover safe. Eggs cooked every way. Chocolate. Potatoes with cheese. Various casseroles. Check out the easter blogs for recipes and coupons.
Be part of the global food experience
I know a big thing for our people is tradition, but let's be real. European passover food sucks because European food sucks. It has no flavor and is the same boring ingredients over and over. Luckily, unlike our ancestors, we live in a world where we aren't limited to what we can grow in our little village. There are millions of wonderful ingredients from all over the world at your local grocery stores. And millions more recipes online from thousands of cultures. What's more, thanks to the gluten free trends, most recipes and restaurant menus nowadays already will tell ya if the recipe contains wheat. So no need to scramble around seeing if its passover safe. And honestly, I think that great great great great great great great granny Esther would not only be proud of the new flavorful ways one can cook for passover, she would love every bite and ask for seconds.
If anyone wants some awesome recipes, DM me! I've been cooking my own meals since I was 12 and love to talk about food.
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hlupdate · 2 years
“NEW YORK, ARE you feeling well and emotionally stable?” Harry Styles asked on the opening weekend of his historic 15-night stand at Madison Square Garden. When the entire crowd roared “Noooo,” he replied, “Good!” We can’t say he didn’t warn us. He kicked off his NYC Love on Tour residency with a riotous two-night celebration of mega-pop rapture at its most ecstatic. “Please feel free to do whatever you want to do in this room tonight,” Harry told the fans on Night Two. “Within reason.” It was a perfect intro, because the concept of “within reason” does not exist anywhere in the Harry cosmology—he couldn’t even say it with a straight face. Let’s just say this man is not doing wonders for the city’s emotional stability right now. 
Styles is trying a new mode of touring, celebrating his blockbuster Harry’s House with extended residencies in New York, Austin, Chicago and L.A. As he told Rolling Stone’s Brittany Spanos in our brand new cover story, it’s a way to perform without the energy-sucking strains of travel. You can tell Harry’s in town, by the trail of feathers and sequins for blocks around—a touch of glam in the dog days of summer. NYC in August is usually a place people are desperate to escape, but he makes it seem like the most romantic destination on the planet.
Harry’s residency starts almost exactly 8 years after the first time I saw him onstage with One Direction, August 2014 at MetLife Stadium. It’s unmistakable how so much has changed about this guy, but not the weirdest thing—his pure devotion to Too Much All The Time. He thrives on an absurd drive to give his energy away, to bombard every corner of the room with the joy he gets from music, no matter how huge that room might be. As he sings in the show-opener “Daydreaming,” he wants to give you something to dream about. And he does, from the tubular-bells synth groove of “As It Was” to the destructo-punk headbang of “Kiwi.”
He took the stage to jazz pianist Bill Evans’ “Peace Piece,” which (as he told Rolling Stone in 2019) was his longtime wake-up ritual. The music was overlaid with the voice of Buddhist scholar Alan Watts, saying, “This sensation of being a separate lonely individual is a hallucination.” Watts is talking about the soul breaking free of “our phony feeling that we are something lonely locked up in a bag of skin.” But it’s also a perfect description of live music at its best: a room full of strangers from different cultures, countries, generations, breaking free to become part of something vast and strange and slightly scary. And a Harry show IS live music at its best.
One of the coolest fan signs in the pit: “Pose if you can see this.” Guess he saw it? Because this vixen never stopped wiggling, twirling, swooshing down the catwalk, giving high kicks like a Rockette with the rent due. This set is almost all uptempo bangers, mostly from Harry’s House. He’s going for a festively manic vibe, so you don’t mind him leaving out the ballads. (No “Falling,” “Cherry,” “Fine Line,” not even “Lights Up.”) It’s a super-emotional show, even without the sad songs, because the will to uplift never quits. The mood was summed up in the great moment where his guitar boogie “Cinema” crashes into “Music For A Sushi Restaurant,” linked by the horn fanfare from the Village People’s “Y.M.C.A.” 
When he debuted these songs live in May, at his NYC One Night Only extravaganza, his excitement was off the rails—he ended the show by doing “As It Was” twice, a totally unexpected and unplanned move, because he just didn’t want it to end. (At his very first NYC show, in 2017, it was “Kiwi” he did twice.) As he says in the Rolling Stone cover story, that moment was startling even for him. As he said, “I kind of felt like, ‘All right, I’ve seen how crazy it can get.’ And I think there was something about it where I was … not terrified, but I just needed a minute. Because I wasn’t sure what it was. Just that the energy felt insane.” That’s how this show feels all the way through.
It’s his first time at the Garden since his HarryWeen blow-out last October. He’s back to performing in the round, or as he elegantly put it, “I’m gonna be in the middle of you all night!” This stage set means he has to cover more space, but nobody loves covering space like he does. He explained, “Sometimes we’re gonna be face-to-face, eye-to-eye, window-to-soul. If I’m not facing you, you’ll be looking ass to face. If you have a preference, face or ass, let me know.” He gallantly promised to distribute his ass evenly, saying, “I can assure you there is plenty to go around. Which leads me to the introduction to this very sad song.” (Who else could get away with using an ass-to-face disclaimer as a lead-in to a ballad as heart-wrenching as “Matilda”? This man only.)
As always, he took special joy in roasting all the dads in the audience. On Night 2, he announced a new innovation. “It’s called Golf Dad Cam,” he said. “We’re gonna find the golf dads. Its like Kiss Cam, except nobody wants to kiss them, because they’re golf dads!” He found 30 victims to mortify on the video screen, then proclaimed, “At the end of these shows, they’re gonna erect a banner in Madison Square Garden in honor of the golf dads. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the bottom of your tucked-in polo-shirt hearts.” 
(Note: Can you imagine if Harry played the Super Bowl halftime show? It would take hours because he’d have 70,000 golf dads in the house, and he’d need to make fun of every single one of them. They’d have to cancel the damn game.)
On Night 1, a fan held up a sign asking for advice: her ex just texted her after seven years. Harry took her phone to call the ex, Josh. (“It’s ALWAYS Josh, isn’t it?”) When Josh immediately hung up on him, Harry told her, “I wish you all the happiness. Just not with Josh. There’s someone else out there who will treat you with respect and love you for who you are. Never Josh!” At the end of the show, he told the crowd, “Make some noise for Josh, whatever kind of noise you want to make.”
Harry’s House was made in pandemic isolation, so it’s a trip to hear how the songs open up live. The album’s most ethereally beautiful moments—“Daylight,” “Keep Driving,” the peerless “Satellite”—turn into full-blown glitz-rockers, thanks to his all-star band: guitar god Mitch Rowland, drum guru Sarah Jones, percussion master Pauli Lovejoy,  keyboardist Ny Oh, bassist Elin Sandberg, keyboardist Yaffra, and a jazzy four-piece horn section. On Sunday night, he busted out “Medicine,” really treating the microphone like a gentleman. At one point he paused so he could point out to Mitch and Sarah a t-shirt in the crowd that said “Bitch for Mitch.” (A category that pretty much included us all.) 
He ended with the rock & roll mosh-pit raunch of “Kiwi,” a song that never fails to make strong buildings quiver in terror—both nights, it turned the floor of Madison Square Garden into Jell-O. Has anyone ever made a “Kiwi” supercut of Harry’s faces at the line “such an actress”? He gives a different actress every night, and it’s always an Oscar-worthy star turn. You also gotta love how he always says “get home safe” right before dropping “Kiwi” on our heads—it’s like telling someone “have a nice day” before setting them on fire.
“Grapejuice” isn’t in the set, probably because of its tonsil-trashing high notes, but maybe it’ll be the “To Be So Lonely” of this tour—the fan fave that sneaks into the show by popular demand. On Night 1, he teased an instrumental snippet while introducing the band—just a little edging. FWIW, when Paul McCartney hit the road this summer for his Got Back tour, he surprised fans by busting out the slightly similar Wings groove “Let ‘Em In.” Could this mean that Sir Paul is a “Grapejuice” head himself?
Harry slowed it down for his two most soulful ballads: “Sign of the Times” and the new “Matilda.” They feel spiritually linked—two poetic songs about trauma, grief, and rebirth. “Sign of the Times” is a communal anthem that gets mightier the more strangers you sing it with—in a way, that’s what the song is about. (I thought I already loved that song in 2017, but it’s built to be lived with over the years.) Yet “Matilda” is so intimate, it’s still disorienting to hear it in a crowded room. It’s a song designed for fans to access their most private selves, in a public, supportive space. Some spent “Matilda” having a meditative moment to themselves. Others let it all hang out, like the weepy group hug in front of me, with eight chosen sisters singing together. But everybody became part of the story. It’s the kind of moment Harry lives to generate. 
He’d be the first to say that the audience creates these moments, and he just shows up to be part of it. But either way, the New York shows were a nonstop rush of those moments. You spend a couple of hours in this environment, and the outside world looks a little brighter when you leave, because you take that feeling with you. It’s a revelation that enthusiasm is everything.  Somehow, a 15-night stand of Harry Styles seems like it could never be enough.
Set List:
“Adore You”
“Keep Driving”
“Little Freak”
“Music for a Sushi Restaurant”
“Treat People With Kindness”
“What Makes You Beautiful”
“Late Night Talking”
“Watermelon Sugar”
“Love of My Life”
“Sign of the Times”
“Medicine” (Sunday only)
“As It Was”
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Don't Leave Me This Way
Word count- It's a doozy at 3500
Warnings- language, oral sex (m!receiving), fingering, penetration (vaginal), angsty romance
A/N- After a decade together, Honey and Leon have come undone. But on the anniversary of the day their lives changed Leon decides to mend them. For @forenschik 💋  Part One
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Part Two:
Leon wasn’t quite sure walking was the best choice. Lightning lit up the sky every few minutes, and Honey’s silence as they strolled at a leisurely pace worried him. He knew, if anything, she was contemplating what he had said about traveling.
After a block, she finally looked at him and took a sharp breath in. Then all she could exhale was the damn kids.
“We still need to decide about Sunny going to school! Can he control himself around other kids, or should he be homesch-”
“HONEYYY!” Leon let loose his familiar whine. He stood firm so that as she kept going he yanked her backwards. “Enough about the kids! I love them, but please. Can you even make it back home without talking about them for one bloody minute?!”
Honey turned to face Leon. She planted her fists on her hips. This was a move he had watched Selina make a hundred times, but thought she swiped it from Wonder Woman. Now he knew it was from the bad ass chick he lived with. His wife popped one hip out to the side and curved a brow.
“Is that a challenge, Kostas? Care to wager.”
“Whot? No. I suck at gambling.”
“Bingo! Whatever you’re going to say, if I win, I get to sleep with Klaus.”
It was as if she had been thinking about this for ages. Just waiting for an opportunity to ask her husband, or maybe bait him. Spurned on by the heat and mundanity she never believed would settle in her marriage.
Leon wouldn't bite. Not really. “Even if you win, that'll never happen. You'll take one look at the bloody stupid problematic tattoo on his stomach and get unnerved.”
“Whatever. Either way, top that bitch.” Honey only had a hint of seriousness in her voice. Her smile reached her eyes.
Leon made a huff noise and rolled his eyes. Like he was disgusted. He threw his arms up and shrugged. “If you lose, ANYTIME or ANYWHERE, no matter what is happening, when I ask? you've got to kiss me.”
“That's not a punishment. I kiss you all the time.”
“But do you really, love? A nice one before work or when we get home or before we go to sleep. I'm talking about deep, passionate kisses like we used to.”
Honey’s shoulders sagged. Here she was wagering a night with a knock off, literally, of her husband. And all he wanted was that fire they once had. Both of them worried it had become embers just begging to be stoked and lit ablaze again.
Honey held out her hand, “Deal.”
Leon took it and turned it over. He raised it up to his lips and kissed her wrist, “Deal.” His hand encompassed hers and they started to walk as the wind picked up. They, however, strolled leisurely down Mulberry Street.
Honey was rather quiet, and Leon smirked. His wife would rather keep her mouth shut than risk mentioning the kids if she opened it. He didn't mind talking about them, not really.
Leon joked to Johnny once that his “Littles” were like acid trips that had come to life. Except they needed emotional guidance. He was glad that they had at least a few more years until they had to explain Sunny didn't just resemble his father, but his mother had her suspicions.
“Leon, where have you gone off to?” Honey was snapping her fingers in his face. “I asked you why a week isn't enough to reset?”
“How often did your parents go on holiday without the six of you?”
Honey was silent for so long as they sauntered along that Leon thought she was either worried she would mention Selina and Sunny in her answer. But she was thinking and couldn't recall. She responded with, “It's more like WHEN did my parents go on vacation without the six of us.”
“1969. Wait no. That was the holiday you paid for to see me. Oh.. I don't know!”
“Exactly. My parents never went away without us and then not alone until my dad got sick. I don't want to wait until it's our last holiday together. So we go home,” he put his arm around Honey's neck and pulled her close to kiss the top of her head, “and just close your eyes and pick.”
She let her hands enclose around his as it hung down over her chest. “And we go there.” Honey brought Leon's hand up to her mouth so her lips just brushed his knuckles.
Leon’s instincts took over when she let him go. He slid under the fabric of her dress between her breasts. His fingers traced a lazy circle over Honey's nipple then teased it pert.
He went around. Quicker. This time he pinched it gently. When her breath hitched, he did it a bit harder. His eyes on the people milling about the streets of Lower Manhattan. His touch never waned.
Honey looked up at her husband. She studied the way his lip curled a bit like Elvis. How his nose curved subtly to the left because of a youthful accident near Kensington Gardens.
“Never trust a boomerang. They bloody well do come back!” he declared one night during their first years together.
Present Honey let her nail trace over it, and snickered unexpectedly. She watched Leon's eyebrows meet in the middle with thoughts of what was on with his missus. His eyes shifted a sideways glance at her, but his lip turned outwards in the tiny pout that preceded a smile.
“Whot?!” he exclaimed when Honey retraced the old break. She giggled a little more. “I WAS SEVEN! I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS GONNA WORK!” Leon shouted. “Dad told me I ruined my Greek face with a Roman nose.”
Honey stopped dead and gasped. Her jaw fell open in feigned shock. “Excuse me!? Romans took the Greeks, and we made them better!”
Leon reached his hands down over his wife’s ass. Their bodies flush with each other so he could knead it. “You certainly made this Greek better.”
Honey raised up on her tiptoes (despite her four inch heels) to throw her arms around Leon's neck. He was taken aback when Honey did a little hop so her lips could meet. He lifted her off the ground while her mouth opened enough for him to slip her his tongue. Hers fought back.
Back and forth their tongues went while they kissed on Bleecker street across from the apothecary. A few cars drove passed and whistled. Honey let go enough to flip someone off. Leon laughed in her mouth.
His oxygen became hers, and Honey remembered what it had all been like. When was the last time she and Leon sparred with their mouths? Were desperate to be inside of each other?
She was the first to break the kiss. Back on the ground. She took Leon and led him off the street in a doorway to a shuttered bodega. Honey pushed him up against the brick wall then began undoing his dress pants. She delved in to grab his cock which easily hardened in her grip.
“Want a blow job?” she purred at him. Her touch stroked along his shaft.
“We're.. We're not that far from the flat. I.. can,” Leon moaned. He glanced down to see Honey lowering herself to her knees. “You'll ruin your dress.”
She had freed his cock to lick at the head. “I'll buy another.”
Honey took Leon completely in her mouth so that he hit the back of her throat. She gagged a little; his hips shuddered. He bucked and she created a vacuum with her mouth. She let go before letting the tip of her tongue run the length of his erection and around the tip. She looked up at him from where she knelt while spreading the foreskin to lick at the sensitive part inside.
“People know us around here,” Leon whined. His hold on the back of her head tightened and twisted up in her hair.
“Oh no! Local sexy Columbia professor gets sucked off by his goddess-like wife and East Village club owner.” Honey punctuated every few words with a swipe of her tongue on his cock. This was followed by soft sucking motions over the head and further down. “Wait until they find out we met making a porno.”
She stopped suddenly and stood to lead her husband back out onto the sidewalk towards home. Leon whimpered; Honey laughed. “Now that's for the restaurant! But you're right, a few more blocks and we're home. Then we're gonna fuck good and hard all over the flat.”
Leon picked up the pace.
Honey stumbled backwards into the stairwell up to their apartment. Leon invaded her space as he bent over to mesh his mouth with hers. He blindly fumbled for the zipper to her dress as she unbuttoned his shirt. He kicked his shoes off, then his pants and tugged the dress off his wife's body so she was naked in the foyer except for her wedged heels.
Honey took a step back to catch her breath. She pushed the shirt back off Leon's shoulders and kissed them. Once he stepped out of his boxers, she let her mouth hurry along his collarbone. She stopped only to nibble and bite at the base of his neck.
He sighed letting his hands run up and down her bare back. They settled where the small of her back curved inwards. Leon held her to his chest when Honey reciprocated.
Another instance lost to their busy schedule. Neither could remember the last time they embraced like this. Not just a hug. Luckily they were affectionate with each other if only in passing. But not like this. Just touching one another in their nakedness.
Leon backed Honey onto the stairs where he sat her down on his shirt. Like her dress, he could buy another. He just wanted a clean place for her to rest. He lifted her ankle thanking the gods her shoes had laces around it instead of those damnable straps even she had a hard time with.
Honey sat forward to stop him. “I want to leave them on.”
Leon frowned, “Whot?”
Honey laughed and got up to face him as she made her way up the steps. She bit her lip as he followed. The light in the well helps her see every inch of her partner.
The erection she created out on the street as it strained and twitched for her. His muscular arms couldn't quite catch her because she remained out of his reach the further up she climbed. His sly smile with the curved top lip. A smile that reached green eyes that transformed from indescribable colors to a shade darkened by desire.
Honey wasn't paying attention to the pile of troll dolls that were set up just outside their door. She was too busy squealing when Leon finally caught up to her. He growled and snapped his jaw at her thigh from a few feet down. She couldn't see anything but her 34 years flash across her eyes when she tripped and toppled and cried out.
Leon practically flew to snatch her up in his arms before she could properly fall. She had opened the door at least and instead of down the stairs they tumbled on to the front hallway floor. Leon cushioned her as best as he could when they landed.
“I told her if she left those creepy things out there someone was gonna get killed! OOOO!” Honey let out a frustrated scream.
“Are you alright?” Leon pretended to inspect his wife’s body. “No lumps?” He distracted her by capturing one of her breasts in his mouth while they laid side by side on the hardwood and throw-rug. He crawled on top of Honey and snuck a hand inside of her thighs. His fingers dove inside of her like back at the restaurant. “No bruises?”
Honey felt her sex throb. Her back arched with one leg thrown around Leon's waist. “If you finger fuck me harder, I'll forget all about it.”
Leon complied. He slid them easily in and out; she had grown so wet for him already. His wife twisted and dug her nails into his back. Her hips bucking now like his had outside.
“Your ego is going to bruise,” he said low in her ear.
“Whhhhyyyy?!” She replied in a high pitched moan.
“You mentioned our daughter before we got home.”
Leon rolled off of his wife and got to his feet. He helped her up and made like he was going to kiss her. Honey ducked out of his way. “We don't live out on those stairs do we?” He wiggled his eyebrows. “You lost, and I want my first snog.”
Honey dodged him once more and slithered out of his arms. “Cheeky bastard. That's cheating!” She moved towards the living room.
“That's not! It's called tactical. One again, WHO’S CIA TRAINED NOW?! NOW COME BACK HERE AND SNOG ME, WOMAN!”
“BUGGER OFF!” Honey screamed but launched into hysterical laughter as she gave chase through the apartment.
“Minx!” Leon shouted. He ran after her out on to the fire escape where she was out of his grasp once more.
He chased Honey to the roof. Once up there he looked around the garden they had built. Their own secret away from Manhattan created by the two of them, The Littles and Klaus. Ivy and wildflowers and a patch for vegetables and fruit. It wasn't much, but wildflowers always blossomed where they were planted and the bees that followed made honey tended to by his own sweet, sticky woman.
“Grazia, dove sei? Te voglio, ma donna selvaggia.” Leon called out to his wife in Italian. Then Greek: “Μου χρωστάς ένα φιλί”
Gracie, where are you? I want you, my wild woman. You owe me a kiss!
“Sono qui amore mio!” Honey called back from under the Bougainvillea covered arbor. “Say te voglio bene, Leo.” A nickname her father teased him with. “I want you always.”
“I DO want you. From the moment I saw you. Your hair was all plaited up around your head with this crown of daisies in your hair. Like Khloris, the goddess of flowers.”
Leon finally found Honey laying on the bench under the wooden structure. She was twisted at the waist with one leg curved, the other stretched out. She was propped up on her elbow. Her long black hair covered her breasts down to her sides almost. The rest of it splayed out on the seat.
He stood by her side now. “Now you're Aphrodite, aren't you?”
Leon let his touch trace over her olive skin curves. He studied her dark pubic hair between the softness of those curves. Brushed his fingers through it before sitting down next to her. He kissed the thickness of his wife’s hip.
Honey rolled on to her back. Her fingers in Leon's hair encouraged him to move his lips to her stomach and chest. He captured one of her nipples in his mouth and sucked till it hardened. Then he bit it gently until she cried out.
Leon laid on top of Honey. She drew his mouth to hers when he attempted to head back down her body. She craved the battle their tongues waged before. So they did.
Honey locked her ankles to Leon's hips and begged for him to push inside of her. She took the head of his cock to guide it inside of her slick entrance. “Please?” she beseeched.
Leon pushed up so he could look at her. “You don't want me to go down on you?”
“I do. Later. We can reenact that scene from our film debut. I just need you inside of me. I want to remember what we used to be like. Before we raised the moon and the sun and became mortal.”
Leon kissed Honey. Then again. And again. Small, quick, innocent kisses. He took her wrists and pinned them to the bench above her head. His free hand did with his cock what she had been doing moments before. He taunted her entrance with the first inch or so of his cock.
Honey pleaded for Leon to just do it already. He pressed his forehead in the crook of her neck just as he buried himself in her walls. “We are the pantheon wrapped up in human bodies. We will never be mortals.”
Honey cried out. She dragged her nails over Leon's shoulder blades as he lost himself up to the hilt with each thrust. The friction and movements grew steadily faster. Harder. Not quite violent, but their bodies crashed together repeatedly. As if the pain of Leon's pelvis slamming into Honey’s reminded them of who they are.
“Leon.. Stop,” Honey said breathlessly.
All movement ceased. “Am I hurting you?” he looked down at her apologetically.
She pushed the sweat soaked hair back from his forehead. The smell of sex and sweat and rain in the air coursed through Honey’s veins. She littered Leon's chest and neck with tiny pecks.
“No, I feel really good. I want to switch positions?”
The way she asked was almost sheepish. It made Leon smile as he pulled out of her and helped her up. Now he laid down so she could straddle him. The bench wasn't wide enough for her to kneel like she usually did, so Honey would quite literally treat Leon like a horse.
She positioned herself over his cock. Used the head to caress her slit. Honey watched Leon bite his entire bottom lip. His chest heaved with heavy breaths that only quickened when she finally sank down on to him. His fingers dug so deep into her curves, he was practically up to his first knuckle.
Honey found a pace that was slow and steady. She balanced herself with palms flat on her husband’s chest. She drove forward so that he filled her totally. Then back until only the head stayed inside. She thrust forward swift and vigorous until every inch was covered by her sex Honey felt herself pulsate around Leon.
She let herself be physically manipulated by her husband now. He rocked her back and forth until their rhythm was breakneck.
Neither of them realized the skies had opened up and it started to pour. The rain cascaded through the arbor on to them as they discovered each other on the bench in the middle of their own Garden of Eden.
And Honey understood as she arched her back and anchored herself on Leon's thighs. Her body was undulating with abandon. The two of them fucking; their bodies crashing together like the thunder. She understood what it meant to gain knowledge from the forbidden fruit.
Somewhere, in some ripple in time, or flip of the coin, she and Leon had been split in half. Honey was made from him. Pulled from his soul and fashioned for him. He had been taken from HER soul and fashioned for her. This was what she meant the night Selina had been born: their stolen pieces would always mend together in every generation.
He spilled into her, crying out her name. Her real name. She threw back her head and released a cry a few minutes later drowned out by the sound of a storm. They twitched and sighed and smiled in that lazy post orgasmic way.
Now they stood, Honey a bit off balance and giggling as Leon righted her. His hair a matted mess stuck to his face and neck which she tried desperately to manage. But he kissed her instead like the night they met and the night they fell in love. How they would kiss for the next fifty years.
“I think a hot bath is in order!” he bellowed over the noise.
For the second time that night, Honey couldn't resist.
Tag: @magic-multicolored-miracle @love-is-dirty-baby @a-ghoulish-tale @elliethesuperfruitlover @neuroticpuppy @nightmonsters @super-unpredictable98 @duck-noises @falloutby @vonkimmeren @bisexualnathanyoung @rob-private @maerenee930 @messengeronthemoon @frogs--are--bitches @firstpersonnarrator @feed-davis-and-steve
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royallyjoon · 5 years
flower petal
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credit for the gif goes to whoever made it and posted it first 🖤
yandere! jeon jungkook x reader oneshot
reincarnation au
you were once the queen married to the most well-known king of his dynasty, Jeon Jungkook. He failed to rule his kingdom properly, however, and took to prioritizing you rather than his kingdom. As a means of escape, you helped the people sneak into the palace and overthrow the young king.
centuries later, where you may have forgotten your place by his side, Jungkook will be all too sure to remind you where you stand.
note: (M/N) is for your middle name, and not your mother’s name just to avoid any confusion :) happy reading!
warnings: yandere themes, physical altercations
A.D. 1200s-1400s, North Drokest
“A king…does that mean I can be yours?”
He balked in confusion at the dark tone in your voice.
You weren’t meant to sound like this. Your voice was the honey in his tea to soothe his aching throat, the flower petals pressed between his pages in which he left a bit of his soul.
His queen would never speak to him with such a cruel, demeaning tone.
“Answer me.” Your voice got steadily louder. “You call yourself ‘king.’ You claim you rule over this sad, desperate realm but in reality, you divide. You cause turmoil. Your people aren’t happy. They starve, and they beg you for your mercy and you have none to give.”
The throne room was vast but straightforward. High walls and ceilings held up by ornate columns, decorated in every inch with the colors of the household. Red and gold banners decorated the walls, even the carpet leading to the red, plush seats of the golden throne was red with yellow lining. The tall, wooden doors of the palace stood behind you as threatening as the presence of the man before you.
 The space was empty, except for you and the king, as all the advisors and knights had been released from duty. You assumed they were happily spending their freedom buried in spirits, women, men, or something of the sort.
You stood before the king, the red and gold trim on his robes mockingly prominent.
“A king would not sit back in amusement as his land festers away with an illness, a virus that is the king himself. You poison your land, this land. You have absolutely no right to call yourself king. To me, you are nothing more than a child playing dress-up.”
He sucked in a breath, gazing at you curiously. This was the first time he was making this sort of expression to you and for some crazed reason, you thought your words were finally reaching the mind of the deranged man before you.
“As for me? I am anything but yours. My body is dust, my breath air. Everything that was given to me I intend to give back to this world. You lay no claim over me, just as you lay no claim over this earth.”
“A king is only as powerful as his people intend him to be. In accordance with your current state, the people have deemed you unworthy.”
Your words were accentuated with the crashing of the palace doors. Citizens young and old marched into the throne room, pitchforks and torches lit, clamoring for the death of the king.
His eyes never left yours as the crowds grew behind you. “So you have betrayed me, my love.”
“You lied to me. You promised that once you took the throne, you would change everything your brother and father stood for. The minute you placed yourself on their seat, you followed in their footsteps.” You had to scream over the chants now.
The crowds hushed as the village leaders climbed the steps to the throne, pausing beside you.
“This is not me enacting punishment against you, for it is not my place, but the responsibility of the people to remove a leader they deem unfit.” You said.
“This is how we end?” He asked, remaining calm. If anything, the sadness in his tone made you clench your fists tighter.
“We ended a long time ago,” you said.
Just before you stepped to the side and let the people take him away, you bowed to His Majesty one last time.
“Your flower petals lost color a long time ago,” You choked out, stumbling backward and rushing out the throne room.
Your voice was torn, he noticed. You had tears in your eyes.
That was his darling.
Breaking out of the cold, hard shell that was the woman before. You were there.
“(M/N)!” He called, watching your form retreat into the darkness. The leaders restrained him, but he fought tooth and nail to catch a glimpse of your form once more. “Petal!”
You froze, but only for a moment. You then continued on with a quickened pace, holding back sobs.
And all throughout the kingdom, up until the king’s execution, the only words that passed through his lips were your name.
In small, breathless whispers and desperate, ravaged screams.
He called for you, but you never came.
A.D. 20XX, a metropolitan city
“I don’t know why I took this course,” you muttered to your friend, sticking your phone inside your bag as you stood in line at the Treshiuan Art Museum.
The building was lined with obsidian rock, glistening in the morning sun. The steps were dark and slippery, and the glass walls that adorned the first floor reflected harshly against the material. Inside, the cool blasts of air from the ceiling didn’t make the space any more welcoming. You untied your sweater from around your waist and zipped it up.
“You didn’t want to be stuck with a science course for the optional summer colloquium,” Taehyung stated, carelessly flicking through a museum pamphlet. “You said, and I quote, ‘Memorizing old people, dates, their art, and its meaning would forever be easier than learning oxidation-reduction.’’
“But was I wrong?” you grinned at him as he rolled his eyes. Taehyung felt that you had a lack of appreciation for “the arts”. It wasn’t that you didn’t appreciate them; you just weren’t as interested as he was. You would never discredit the beauty (or lack thereof) and meaning artists placed into their pieces.
“Tell her she’s wrong, Jungkook.” The upperclassman pouted at your classmate, whose eyes were glued to the game on his cellphone.
“You’re both wrong for trying to interrupt me right now,” he muttered furiously slamming his fingers on his screen.
“Joumou University students, over here!” The art history teacher called your group out of the line, standing next to a tall, brown-skinned woman with dark eyes. She smiled ominously, eyeing your trio with something akin to amusement in her eyes.
“Good morning everyone,” her slightly accented voice rang through the students, causing even Jungkook to look up from his handheld game.
“My name is Ilyana and I will be your tour guide this morning. I have been told by your teacher that most of you know little to nothing about thirteenth to fifteenth century dynasty art. I am excited to tell you everything I can. Before we embark upon our journey to the past, are there any questions?”
“I like her,” Taehyung whispered in your ear.
“Same. Anything like ‘embark upon our journey’ would sound lame from anyone else, but she makes it elegant and exciting.” You whispered back.
Jungkook snorted and tucked his phone into his pocket.
“No? Then let’s begin. Our tour will cover pieces from the Drokest region.”
Ilyana led your group to the elevators spouting information about the formation of royal lines in Drokest, where you somehow managed to fit in with another group. Your stop was first, and as you stepped off the elevator, your jaw dropped in awe.
The room was covered wall to wall with blue, purple, and silver. Tapestries, silks, and paintings, all had the same colors with glittering figures and jewels.
“In this land, every dynasty had designated colors. The first family to rule, the Layvns, were crowned with shades of royal blue and purple underneath a full moon, depicted by the silver embroidery.”
You walked around with Taehyung and Jungkook, admiring the care and attentiveness put into the tapestries.
“They must have loved this family,” you noted.
“The royal line of the Drokest region, albeit short, was mostly highly favored,” Ilyana said as she moved into the next hall.
“Mostly?” Taehyung asked.
“That’s a story for later.” Ilyana smiled. 
You giggled and glanced over at Jungkook. He had his hood fully over his head, walking past all of the artwork without so much as sparing a look.
Like this, you passed rooms and rooms of bright, blooming colors. Pink and ivory for the second family, black and green for the third, and brown and ginger for the fourth.
As you passed through each room, the amount of artwork lessened. The number of tapestries decreased, the silk wardrobes became sparse, and the only consistent painting was that of the king and queen, possibly with their royal family.
You were with Taehyung, who was commenting on the horrible color choice the fourth family made when you noticed Jungkook sitting on a bench in the middle of the room. He had been downcast since before your tour of the exhibit started.
You left your energetic, argumentative friend and sat next to Jungkook. “You know, for the actual art major, you seem less interested in these pieces than me. Is everything okay?” you asked.
He shook his head. “I’m fine…the pieces are nice and everything. I just feel like…”
“Feel like what?” You gently pressed for him to go on.
“…I feel like I shouldn’t be here.” He finished. “Like someone hurt me and I don’t want to feel that pain ever again.”
Usually, you would push the feelings off with a joke, claiming Jungkook was getting in his feels because of the art and asking him if he wanted to play his hurt girl music. But the pain in his face told you a truer picture.
“Well, we’re almost done. After this next family, we can leave the museum and head back to the hotel. Or we can go to the restaurant you were excited to check out!” You said, placing a hand on his arm. “It’s only another half an hour. You’ve got this, and I’ve got you.”
Jungkook smiled weakly at you and you both stood as Ilyana called for the group to move on.
When your group entered the fifth room, it was a surprise for you to see only one painting. The room was bare of any tapestries or silks, and all of the lights were off, except for a single, dim light clearing the piece.
“Here, we have the fifth and final royal family of the Drokest region. We call them a family, but they were really just a royal couple. A young royal couple.”
“King Jeongguk and his Queen, (M/N). The two have quite a fantastic love story, full of tragedy, love, and disloyalty.” Ilyana smiled as if she had been present for the development of their story herself. “Gather for such a story, if you please.”
“King Jeongguk grew up in the palace a sheltered, careful boy. He did not have the same bloodthirsty, righteous drive his father and older brother carried. His closest companions were the walls of his bedroom; not even the chambermaids would speak to him.
“Jeongguk’s mother passed away at his birth, and he had never known the kindness of a woman’s touch. Legends say it was why he fell so hard, so fast for his future queen.”
“(M/N) was a little girl, the daughter of a flower peddler. She would stand in the streets of the capital city with her parents and older sister, charming people into buying a flower or two from her.”
“Jeongguk’s chambermaids would often purchase a bouquet of these flowers and place them in his room and the hallways of the palace. He adored their smell and look, pressed the petals between the pages of his book to save them, and talked to them in his extreme loneliness.”
“One day, the youngest prince escaped from the palace. He fled to the streets of the capital city, away from the brown and ginger flags of his father and pledged to live a simple life hidden amongst the commoners. During this short escape, he managed to meet the young girl as she and her family were selling his favorite flowers.”
Jungkook choked back a groan as he felt a sudden migraine hit. He stumbled his way to a bench and held his head in his hand as he tried not to draw too much attention to himself.
Images flashed before his eyes, with words and names that didn’t name sense. The clearest image was that of a young girl, with (h/c), (h/l) hair and the most beautiful (e/c) eyes. Her (s/c) hand extended a flower to him.
“Would you like to purchase a flower today?”
She grinned up at him, a few years younger and a few heads shorter. “I think it would look ever so lovely on your wrist or finger.”
He stood in awe until he heard the pounding feet of the palace guards.
“The palace guard found him, however, and dragged him back to the palace where he endured years of torment at the hand of his father and brother.” Ilyana continued.
Jungkook sat shaking.
How was he able to see the story in his mind?
“With every beating, the prince lost more and more of his humanity. The very viciousness that the king tried to instill in his own son was inflicted upon him and the crown prince. He slaughtered them and hung their bodies from trees in the mountains, letting the birds pick at their flesh. When nothing but bones were left, he had the soldiers throw their skeletons in the river.”
“Damn.” Taehyung whistled. You shivered, the feeling crawling down your spine.
“And once this cold-hearted prince became king, he had only one woman on his mind for him to marry. The same, precious little girl who offered to place a flower around his finger.”
“The king had her brought to the palace, where he essentially threatened her into marriage. At first, their relationship was tense but with time, the flower peddler’s daughter saw what was once in her young, sensitive prince. She brought out the best in him, hoping his kindness towards her could reflect more upon his actions in the kingdom.” Ever so often, Ilyana would pause and look you in the eye as she spoke about the queen. Her eyes carried a heaviness, a burden of emotions that you felt had no right to be turned against you.
“Unfortunately, however, it did the opposite and his reign got harsher, and the control he placed over his wife was suffocating. The citizens were taxed harshly, and corruption in the palace ran rampant. Jeongguk cared more for his wife than he did for being king. He was extremely possessive of her and forbid the chambermaids and knights from speaking to her. The queen eventually tired of this treatment and worked with the townspeople to overthrow the king. She disappeared in the night, and he was executed with her name on his lips. Thus, this was the last of the Drokest dynasty.” Your tour guide finished.
The room was hushed with the power of the story. Jungkook grit his teeth as more images flashed by in his mind.
The cracking of a whip against the air, the sting on his back and the smell of blood. His voice was hoarse from screaming.
The feeling of blood on his hands as he rid himself of his tormentors.
The joy he felt when he slipped a golden band onto his queen’s fingers.
The despair and anger that consumed him when she turned against him.
You had your eyes glued to the painting. Your chest ached painfully at the images of those two, young people. In every other portrait, the royal family is side by side staring cold and unforgivingly into the onlooker’s eyes. But in this portrait, as the queen grasps the king’s hands, she smiles gently. Her eyes are crinkled a bit, and the king beams as he turns his eyes on her.
How long must he have held his head in that position?
Since the beginning, I only ever had eyes for you. You are my saving grace, flower petal.
You turned, expecting to see someone next to you, but there was just empty space.
“Who said that?” you muttered.
Your eyes scanned the room for Jungkook, worried about how he was feeling after hearing the story. Perhaps it had hit him as hard as it hit you. Or perhaps it had made his uneasiness worse.
The young man stood in front of the painting, as close as the red rope allowed him. He scrutinized every aspect of the work.
Why did it feel so familiar?
He felt a hand on his shoulder and jolted. “Woah, are you okay?” You chuckled.
His eyes refused to land anywhere near you and his voice was currently not working, so he settled for a nod.
“The story must have gotten to you too. I was just thinking about how much love he had for her to break his neck staying in one position for the painting…” You looked at him searching for a laugh, or even a smile, but to your surprise, Jungkook had tears streaming down his cheeks.
“Jungkook?” You gasped out and reached to wipe them away.
He smacked your hand away harshly, his hood falling down to cover his eyes. Without another word, he stormed out of the gallery.
You were about to go running after him when Ilyana stepped in your path. “Beautiful, aren’t they?”
“What? Oh...yes.” You said. “In another life, I’m sure they would have made a great pair.”
Ilyana laughed gracefully. “I admire the way you think. Would you like to hear a little known fact?”
“Sure,” you said trying to hide your frustration as you watched your friend get farther and farther away. “Why not?”
“Rumour has it, King Jeongguk had the sweetest nickname for his queen.” Ilyana mused. “He called her flower petal.”
Your blood froze.
The rest of the summer was extremely hard. Ever since the travel colloquium, Jungkook had been ignoring you. Two weeks into the school year his behavior hadn’t changed. He would be with Taehyung, and once you walked up to the two he found a way to step out of the conversation.
There was a day when he stopped giving excuses, and it was the same day you stopped accepting them.
“Hey, (Y/N),” Taehyung asked as you were in his dorm room one night. The two of you were eating pizza and playing video games, as usual, relaxing from a busy, stressful week of adulting. He sat relaxing in his Gucci shirt and sweatpants. “Why are you and Jungkook so tense? Are you fighting or something? Did you two have sex over the summer and then things got really awkward, so you stopped talking?”
You spluttered, choking on a slice of pizza. “Tae, what? No! Absolutely not! I don’t know what went wrong--we were looking at that painting from the Drokest dynasty and he flipped out on me and hasn’t spoken to me since. I don’t know what I did wrong...”
“You shouldn’t let him treat you that way, especially if you don’t deserve it,” Taehyung advised. “Why don’t you confront him about it?”
“You know I’m not a very confrontational person. I don’t like getting into other people’s business. Then again, Jungkook isn’t just ‘other people’. So if he’s going through something, I should at least try to meet him halfway.” Your argument changed direction in a matter of seconds as you reconsidered your thoughts.
“Most definitely!” Taehyung cheered you on. “It isn’t too late, why don’t you go over to his apartment now?”
You hesitated but grabbed your bag. “Alright. I guess I’m off, then.”
Taehyung walked you to the door, hugging you goodbye.
On the way to Jungkook’s, you thought over everything you were going to say. Things ended so awkwardly back at the museum, you hadn’t the slightest idea what to do.
You passed by a familiar green and white sign, looking at the multiple flower bouquets and stands.
This would either go horribly wrong or horribly right, but it was going to happen nonetheless.
You stood, shaking for some reason, in front of Jungkook’s door. He resided in a quieter part of the university town, a considerable distance from campus. 
When terms with you two were better, he would join you and Taehyung’s  “legendary” sleepovers and rarely had to worry about the distance. Lately, according to Taehyung, he’d been shutting himself inside his house. 
Jungkook was a good student--he’d show up to class, never handed assignments in late, and was virtually passing every subject. But for the past couple of days, his teachers hadn’t seen hide nor hair of him.
You gulped. 
“Come now, (Y/N). You’re not walking into certain death here.” You spoke under your breath. “This is a friend of yours who is shutting himself away from you, and you care about him. This is serious.”
With that self-encouragement, you rang the doorbell twice and stuck the flowers behind your back.
It was quiet inside for a moment, but you soon heard floorboards creaking. The chain slid into place before the door slightly opened.
As he peered out the crack, he saw you standing there with a smile on your face. His eyes widened.
“Hey, Jungkook.” You rocked back and forth on your heels. “I know it’s been a while but...I’ve been worried about you since our museum trip...I’m sorry for anything I did to offend you back then and I would sincerely like to talk to you about anything you’re worried about.”
He eyed you for a few moments. Without another word, he closed the door and removed the chain.
“Come in.” He said quietly.
You smiled, entering with your front to his so that he could not see your gift.
Jungkook was never this demure before, you noticed.
The apartment was dark. All of the lights were off, save a single lamplight illuminating his desk. It looked like the apartment of a recluse.
“So you have willingly returned to me, my love?” Jungkook murmured.
“What?” You asked, turning your head to face him.
“What?” He replied, locking the door behind him. “I didn’t say anything.”
You laughed weakly, eyeing the lock he just turned. “Sure, okay. But on a more serious note...”
Rather than the usual doodles and pieces of artwork Jungkook would have strewn around his apartment, there were clippings of articles about the fifth king and queen of the Drokest dynasty pinned to the walls, curtains, and windows. From art reviews to historical findings, any piece of information he could find was stapped to a chalkboard near the desk like a considerable life map.
“Were you that fascinated with the king and queen?” You asked him. “I still find the ending unsettling. I kind of wish it had ended another way, you know?”
This was obviously dangerous territory, for the last time you tried to talk to him about them, he’d burst into tears.
Yet when you looked at Jungkook, his eyes were alight with a hope that had not been present before.
“Yes!” He said, beaming. “That’s why I’ve been trying to find out so much about them...I want to recreate ou-their story so that they can get the best ending possible.”
“That’s cute.” You chuckled. “I wish you all the success in making that happen.”
“What did you bring me?” He questioned. “I’m ever so curious.”
You blushed, ignoring his antiquated speech. “Funnily enough, I was coming from Taehyung’s dorm-”
You didn’t notice the way his face darkened.
“-and on my way here, I passed by a flower shop and saw these and, well,” You handed him the bouquet. “Aren’t they beautiful? I think they’d look adorable on someone’s wrist or-”
“Wrapped around someone’s finger, yes.” Jungkook took the flowers so carefully, treating them like precious glass. 
“Yes, how did you know?” You wondered.
“It was just a feeling...” Jungkook placed the flowers on his table and started preparing a vase for them. “...you know, (Y/N), when we were at the museum listening to the story, you didn’t feel anything strange?”
“Strange? No, I-actually, there was something a little weird. I thought you or Taehyung had said it to me, but after the story ended I heard someone calling me their ‘saving grace.’ But there was no one next to me the whole time.” 
Since the beginning, I only ever had eyes for you. 
Your head began to pound harshly. You grimaced and sat on a chair by his living room table. 
Your friend placed the vase in the center of the table, setting the flowers in the water. “So you don’t remember anything other than that?”
Jungkook’s voice was oddly menacing. He trembled in the darkness of his apartment.
“No, should I?” You said. 
Why is he shaking?
“You remember nothing of our past.” Jungkook lifted his head and those deep, dark, brown eyes were teeming with rage. “You remember nothing of your betrayal, yet your actions remain the same.”
“Jungkook, what are you talking about? I never betrayed you!” Your headache wasn’t getting any better and the situation had clearly worsened. 
“I’ve been using my time to find out any and all information about us,” He continued. “My death was broadcasted all over the kingdom, with the next ruler being the son of one of the village elders. You, however, you disappeared without a trace.” 
Your head was spinning too fast for you to understand. “Your death? The kingdom? ...Jungkook. Do you honestly think you’re the fifth king of Drokest?”
“I don’t think! I know I am!” He hissed at you. “I didn’t ask to remember, but now that I have do you expect it, all of it, to be water under the bridge?”
“Is that why you’ve been so angry at me?” You stood now furious, head pain be damned. “You think I’m the queen from the painting? You think I want you dead?”
“Like I said, your own actions betray you.” He gestured towards the flowers you brought him. “I can clearly see that history is about to repeat itself.”
“Those people are dead, Jungkook!” You finally burst. You had had enough of his emotional tantrum and gaslighting. “They lived, they loved, they’re gone! We are us! Here! In 20XX!”
Jungkook grabbed you by the shoulders and slammed you so hard against the wall you saw stars. But they weren’t the normal stars erupting behind your eyelids. 
The sky was lit with constellation upon constellation. A cool night breeze blew your (h/c) hair from your face. You reached up to brush it back for the hundredth time when another hand grabbed yours.
“For you, my love.” A young man with dark hair and dark eyes appeared next to you, holding out a beautiful hairpin. The flower on it was a dazzling red, and the beads that hung from it shimmered of gold and pink. 
You accepted the gift with a bow and trembling hands. “Thank you, Your Majesty.” 
When you tried to fix the ornament in place, your hands were shaking so bad it would not stay still. He gracefully took it and in one swoop, locked your hair behind your ear.
“I know that you are afraid of me,” he claimed as you stiffened. “I won’t pretend that I have not done some things others may consider atrocious...”
“Yet you have nothing to fear from me, darling. Should you give yourself to me, I promise you will see me anew.” He wrapped his arms around you so easily, as if they had always been there. “As a changed man, I will do better for you.”
You relaxed some. “Your Majesty-”
“Jeongguk.” He interrupted. “Please, call me by my name.”
You blushed and whispered his birth name. “I am afraid of you. I’m not crafty enough to lie in your presence. But there is something I have wanted to ask you since the wedding.”
“Speak.” Jeongguk rubbed his head into your shoulder. “Anything you ask of, I will comply with.”
You gently pushed him off of you so that you could look him in the eyes and it would not be taken as rejection. “Why me? My family and I have done nothing but vend flowers for years. I have no special meaning to this kingdom, I truly can not comprehend how I can be its queen.”
The king was still for some moments. “Your flowers were my only friends in this palace.” He muttered at last. “In this sad, cold place where I was confined to my room, I pressed the petals between the pages of my books simply to feel their smoothness and warmth later on.”
His arms, strong and constricting, still rested around you. They tightened as he went on, holding you to the point where you felt that you could not breathe.
“When my father and brother chose to discipline me into becoming like them every day, it was the love for your flowers that they tried to beat out of me. My love for you.” He smirked. “Clearly, it didn’t work.”
You shivered and resisted the temptation to look to the mountains, where the bodies of the previous king and crown prince were still hanging, swaying in the wind.
“I chose you because you are the reason I stay human. Since the beginning, I only ever had eyes for you. That precious day when we met on the market streets, and you offered to tie a flower around my finger. You are my saving grace, flower petal.”
With a harsh gasp, you were brought out of the memory. Your hands grasped Jungkook’s arms like a vice and your chest heaved as you tried to catch your breath.
The vision..the voice...they were real.
Jungkook patiently waited for you to calm down, tsking as you slid to the floor still in his arms.
“That’s just like you, petal. Blaming me for not being able to recognize your wrongdoing.”
“So I was the...” you said. “And you were...we really...why?”
“I couldn’t tell you why, (Y/N). I hardly know why myself.” Jungkook said. “I laid here in torment since the summer, trying to find a way to prove to myself that it wasn’t real.”
“The visions?” You asked.
“Your betrayal.” He gritted out. “The way you sold me out to the villagers like some common criminal. I screamed until my throat bled, begging for you to come back and you never did.”
Your eyes widened with awakened fear. “I...it was...”
“Do you still stand by that decision?” Jungkook asked as he kneeled next to you on the ground. 
“I...had to...” You whispered. Even after all these years, your feelings hadn’t changed. He was destroying the country, you, and himself. “Everything you touched was poison.”
Jungkook let out a sickly, dark laugh. He wrapped his hands around your throat, squeezing tighter and tighter, bringing his lips to your ear.
“I suppose that alternate ending you were waiting for has arrived, then, hasn’t it?” 
You feebly kicked at the spot between his legs but he jerked back without removing his hands. “Don’t worry, petal. I’ll make sure we go back to being happy and in love. With that, we will have the perfect ending. We can start the sixth line that never got to be.” His voice was dreamy and his eyes were light, despite the fact that he was applying enough strength to your neck to choke you out.
“N..o...” you barely managed to get the word out. It didn’t matter how much you resisted. Jungkook had centuries worth of anger backing him up.
"Don’t make me break you, petal,” he brushed tears from your eyes and shushed you like a child. “Flowers can’t grow to be as beautiful as they can be if the stems aren’t intact.”
I never should have come, you thought to yourself.
“Yes, you never should have betrayed me. But it’s alright, (Y/N). As you said, those people are dead and gone. We will start anew in this century and this life...and perhaps even the one after that.” He smiled, looking down at your unconscious figure and stroking your hair.
“I don’t care how many lives I have to live if it means I can finally be with you, petal.”
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fanficshiddles · 4 years
Butterfly Into Chains, Chapter 10
Esme woke up to the light jostling of the car. She sat up straight and wiped her eyes, she wasn’t sure how long she had been asleep for. But when she looked out the window it was a beautiful sunny day and they were driving along a motorway.
‘Hey sleepyhead. You doing alright?’ David asked, turning around to look at her.
She just nodded.
‘We’re going to stop soon for some food at services and for a toilet break.’ Ben said, looking in the mirror at her.
‘Where are we?’ She asked quietly, her anxiousness returning about being away from her home.
‘We have just passed through the borders into Scotland. We’re heading further up into the highlands, where we live.’ David smiled.
‘You live in Scotland?’ She screeched, eyes wide in shock. She didn’t think she would be going that far away from East Meadowridge….
David chuckled at her reaction. ‘Yes. It’s a beautiful place, you’ll love it. We are stopping off in Glasgow on the way.’
Esme swallowed hard. The thought of being in a busy city didn’t exactly fill her with much excitement.
It was ten minutes later when they stopped at services. Esme was glad to get out of the car to stretch her legs, even though she had slept most of the way she was still feeling tired from travelling.
And she hadn’t exactly recovered from last night.
There were a lot of people mingling about, her senses were already overflowed with different smells from various other Alphas and omegas, betas too.
Ben and David knew she was feeling worried and a bit scared.
‘Don’t worry, you’re safe with us.’ Ben assured her, slipping his arm around her. ‘If anyone dares try anything, I will give him a wedgie.’
That made her laugh a little, which they were glad to see and hear.
Esme did notice a lot of other omegas with their Alphas. But she noticed she was the only one with more than one, which she knew wasn’t exactly the norm in the first place.
The two Alphas she was with took her into the building, they waited outside the toilets while she went into the ladies. Then they joined the queue at Burger King to get some lunch. They were almost at the front when Tom, Michael and Chris finally joined them, they’d been held up in some traffic.
After ordering, Ben, Chris and Tom took Esme to find a seat outside on a picnic bench while the other two waited inside for the food.
‘How does it feel to be away from Meadowridge?’ Chris asked Esme as he sat next to her.
‘Uhm… I don’t know really. It’s… different so far.’ She said quietly.
Tom reached across the table and put his hand over hers, her skin tingled under his touch. Even if she was feeling a bit on edge with him. ‘We truly want you to enjoy life, we want what is best for you.’ He said softly, stroking her hand.
Esme didn’t think he was lying, why would he? When she thought about it, she couldn’t understand a reason as to why they wouldn’t treat her right. As far as Alphas go, they were all good looking and fun to be around, she had learnt. Maybe she was thinking too much into it all, that they had tricked her into this. But perhaps they genuinely just fell for her and Tom couldn’t contain himself. There wasn’t anything wrong with that, was there?
‘I know… thank you.’ She said quietly with a smile.
She decided to try and keep an open mind. Despite the nervous butterflies in her stomach.
Michael and David joined them with all the food and they had a bit of a feast. The Alphas all ate like bears, while Esme felt stuffed after one burger and some chips.
‘Lightweight.’ Michael said playfully, grinning at her across the table when she gave up.
‘More for you guys.’ She groaned, rubbing her stomach.
After lunch, Esme felt a little better and more relaxed with the Alpha pack. When they returned to the cars, David offered her the front seat, which she accepted. Chris also joined their car instead.
‘Tom and Michael are heading straight home while we stop off in Glasgow.’ Ben explained as they set off once more.
‘Why are we stopping there?’
‘It’s for you, we are getting you a wardrobe full of new clothes.’ David said, reaching forward to give her shoulder a squeeze.
‘Really?’ She asked, surprised.
‘Of course. We can’t have you just living in that one dress forever.’ Chris chuckled.
‘I uhm… I don’t have any money with me though.’ Esme wasn’t sure how that was going to work from now on. Of course she had a bank account, but she hadn’t taken her card with her. It was still at home. She had never expected to be whisked away like she was.
‘Don’t worry, we’re going to be providing for you from now on. You don’t need to worry about that.’ David assured her.
‘What, so… I won’t be finding work?’ She was slightly panicked as she looked to Ben then over her shoulder at the other two.
‘You will not be. There’s no need. You’re our omega and we will provide for you. Tom will explain everything later once we get home. Don’t fret.’ Chris said calmly.
Esme nodded and sat back round, she kept her eyes on the road ahead of her. It started raining, but didn’t last long at all and then the sun was back out again.
‘Typical Scottish weather.’ Ben chuckled.
‘Does it get as cold as they say it does in winter?’ Esme asked.
‘It can do. We either get really bad winters or quite good ones. There’s never an in-between really. Everything doesn’t just stop when we do get snow though, unlike down in England.’ David said, reaching over to offer Esme a sweet.
‘Thanks.’ She said after picking out a red one. ‘Yeah, everyone used to go nuts when there was even a tiny bit of snow at home. It was unbelievable.’
‘Do you like the snow?’ Chris asked.
‘I do, yeah. I enjoy sledging, we had a really good hill that everyone would flock to.’ She smiled, then felt a little down thinking she wouldn’t ever go there again.
‘Wait till you see the hills around our home. Plenty of them, just waiting for the snow.’ Chris smiled.
Esme tried to think of the positives. She was going to try and think how this was going to be a new chapter of her life. New places, new people, new adventures… With five Alphas who claimed to care for her. She was getting hopeful about her future, and she was going to try and continue with that frame of mind.
When they arrived in Glasgow, she felt her nerves returning very quickly. The further into the centre they got the worse she felt. It was so busy. Cars and pedestrians everywhere.
‘It’s so busy.’ She said when they stopped at traffic lights. ‘And the buildings are so tall.’ She peeked out and up at the one next to them.
‘Don’t worry, where we live isn’t like this. We live in the countryside, on the cliffside. There’s a village a few miles away. We’ve just come here because it’s the best place to shop for clothes and anything else you shall need.’ Ben assured her, reaching over he gave her knee a squeeze.
They parked up in one of the shopping centres car parks. When they got out, Esme automatically took hold of David’s hand as he was nearest to her. He smiled down at her and kissed the top of her head. ‘You’re alright, poppet, don’t worry. You’re safe with us.’
Surprisingly, Esme did feel safe with the three Alphas as they walked through the busy shopping centre. They made sure to keep close to her, giving her hand a squeeze whenever she gave off scared or uncertain pheromones.
They managed to distract her when they entered some clothes shops. They told her the sky was the limit, not to worry about price. She was a little unsure at first, only picking out one or two dresses.
But Chris reminded her that she needed a full wardrobe. So she soon ended up with loads of bags full of clothes, that the Alphas all carried for her. The Alphas tempted her mainly towards dresses, especially light and some baggy, flowy kind of ones. But she didn’t think anything of it really.
She got some toiletries that were necessary and then before heading back to the car they got some Krispie Kreme doughnuts.
‘Oh wow. These are amazing!’ Esme said as she quickly devoured one.
‘They don’t have them in East Meadowridge?’ Chris asked, shocked.
‘Nope. Nothing exciting like this there, not really.’ Esme shrugged.
‘You’ve got some jam on your face.’ Chris grinned at her and moved in, wiping said jam from the side of her lips. He then sucked his thumb and winked at her, making her blush.
Esme had kind of enjoyed her little shopping spree in Glasgow, even if they hadn’t left the shopping centre. But at the same time, she was relieved to get back to the safety of the car. She went in the backseat for the last part of the journey, with David. Chris drove, to give Ben a break.
It was a couple of hours away from Glasgow, but Esme enjoyed the drive as the scenery was beautiful. It certainly lived up to the expectations she’d heard about Scotland.
They drove through a small village, that Esme was told is their local. There was a pub, restaurant and a small shop for the basics. It was a nice and quiet village, typical kind of one you’d find on postcards. It was cute.
Chris drove them up a steep road and then off onto a dirt track, up the cliffs. They then came to the driveway and they stopped as they got to the gates. Esme felt her stomach churn again, all she could see was a huge, at least twelve-foot-tall, concrete wall that went as far as the eye could see. The gate opened and Chris drove them through, that’s when her eyes widened when she saw what was to be her new home.
It overlooked the sea, but wasn’t right at the edge of the cliff. Though the sea was viewable, as the large boundary wall was downhill from the house. There was quite a large garden, as well as a small parking gravel area. The house itself looked pretty big, it was very open and bright, with roof to floor glass windows covering most of it.
When they came to a stop and Esme got out of the car, Tom and Michael came out to greet them.
‘Welcome to your new home, love.’ Tom grinned, opening his arms to her.
She felt a bit nervous again upon seeing him for some reason, but she accepted his embrace. She felt slightly better when she took in his scent, it was starting to become a comfort. Her omega knew that was the smell of her Alpha.
‘Did you get everything you needed in Glasgow?’ Tom asked as he leaned back to look at her, cupping the back of her head.
‘I think so… Thank you.’ She smiled.
‘Good, come on in. Let me show you around your new home.’ Tom slipped his hand to her lower back and guided her inside, while the others unpacked the car.
Esme was in shock at how large and amazing the house was. Very modern. But what caught her eye the most was the last room Tom showed her, it was going to be her room. Or more… Their room.
‘The bed is huge!’ She gasped. It was twice the size of a King-sized bed. More than enough room for… six people… she realised.
‘Exactly.’ Tom grinned, leaning down closer to her so she could feel his warm breath against her ear. ‘Plenty of room for all of us.’ He slid his hand up her back, to the back of her neck. He stroked her softly, feeling her tremble under his touch.
‘All… All of us?’ She gulped.
‘Of course. We all sleep here. However, we all have our own private rooms too if we want some alone time. But there will always be at least one of us in here with you, love. There’s a walk-in wardrobe over there, you can unpack your clothes.’ He guided her over to the wardrobe and when he slid the door open, she gasped again.
It was huuuuuge!
‘This side is mine, Michael and Ben’s clothes.’ He pointed to the right. Then he pointed to the left at the end of the wardrobe. ‘Down there is Chris and David’s space, which means you have all this for yourself.’ He said as he motioned to the closest area next to them.
‘Oh wow… Thank you.’
‘There’s one last thing, before I leave you to get unpacked and settled in.’ Tom motioned for her to follow him out into the bedroom.
The other four Alphas had all appeared, Michael and Ben sat on the end of the bed while Chris and David hovered by the dresser. There was a box sitting on said dresser that Tom picked up. He turned around and smiled widely at Esme.
‘This is a gift for you, from us. It’s something that you are to wear at all times, unless otherwise instructed.’ Tom flipped the lid open and held it out towards her.
Esme felt the colour drain from her face as she gazed into the box. She felt slightly light headed when she looked up at Tom in shock. With a shaky hand, she reached into the box and pulled it out.
It was a collar. A leather collar. But it had really soft velvet on the inside for comfort. It was just under an inch deep and it had a small silver O-ring at the front for attaching a lead. Or it could just be there to look pretty.
‘Turn around, love. I’ll put it on.’ Tom spun his finger around as he took the collar from her.
Esme turned, now faced with Michael and Ben on the bed. She smiled nervously at them then directed her gaze down.
She closed her eyes and gasped when she felt Tom’s fingers brush against her, slipping the collar around her neck. The velvet felt nice on her skin, she was glad it wasn’t leather on the inside.
Tom slid the collar through the buckle and tightened it, but not too tight to choke her. He made sure there was still a little wiggle room so it wouldn’t be uncomfortable, since she was going to be wearing it all the time.
‘There we go. How does our girl look then guys?’ Tom smiled proudly and slid his hands down her arms as he turned her around, displaying her for the others.
‘Beautiful.’ ‘Stunning.’ ‘Divine.’ Was purred between the Alphas, all eyeing her up hungrily.
Tom turned her around to face him again, he looked pleased as punch as he looked her up and down. He cupped her cheek and smiled.
‘And you’re all ours.’
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lis-likes-fics · 4 years
ᛖᚦᚨᚾ (Elijah Mikaelson x Reader) - Chapter Six
Hope cried and it took a moment for Klaus to realize this as he watched Y/N with regret.
Y/N tried to hold back her tears as she said, "No, no, no, no." She picked up the necklace, the charm in her hand. She held the snake in her palm, closing her eyes, hopefully. When she opened them, the snake moved again.
It seemed to recognize Y/N as it sprouted another string, allowing Y/N to reattach the necklace. She put it back around her neck and the magic in the air seemed to suck back into the snake quickly, the eyes of the charm glowing for a moment before flashing away.
Y/N breathed in relief and went to call Rebekah, she dialed the number quickly before Rebekah picked up in a few rings, "Hello? Rebekah, are you and Ethan okay?"
"Yes. Is there something wrong?" She asked. Y/N sighed again, feeling instantly better, "No...I just thought that something might have happened. It's okay, sorry for calling."
"No, it's okay. Ethan and I will be back in a little bit. Call if you need anything." Rebekah said before hanging up. Y/N put her phone back in her pocket and took a second to gather herself so she didn't lash out at Klaus.
Klaus comforted his daughter before he asked, "Why do you need to necklace so bad?" To cover up the guilty feeling in his stomach, he gave a mocking smirk and looked at her.
Y/N looked at him, a glare in her eyes as she said, "Because it's protecting me." She sighed and said softer, "Because it's protecting my son."
Klaus' smirk faltered slightly and he said, "You can't protect him on your own? You are a vampire, aren't you?"
She looked back up at him and spoke, "I am one person. Protecting him isn't the easiest thing to do. And...Mikael might still be looking for us...I can't lose my son."
Klaus smiled dropped immediately, "What would Mikael want with you?"
Y/N looked back up to Klaus and said, "I'm me. And there's my child. I ran from him all those years ago and he's been hunting me ever since, I'm sure."
Klaus was silent for a moment before he finally spoke, "You won't have to worry about Mikael. He's dead."
Y/N's eyes widened, "H...He is?"
Klaus nodded simply, bouncing his daughter in his arms before setting her down again. Y/N smiled a little bit, "We're free..." They'd been running from Mikael for years, running from threat. And to hear that he was now dead, it was liberating. Ethan wouldn't have to be like her, looking over his shoulder to make sure they were safe.
They were free of him.
Klaus couldn't help but smile a little. Everything this 'Y/N' did was overly familiar. He remembered everything, and this all was just so hard to believe. But could she still be alive, after all this time?
There was only one way to find out. All those years ago, there was something Y/N and Klaus had done, just the two of them, that no one else knew about. Not even Elijah. He took a breath and said, "If you really are her, if...What's our secret?"
Y/N looked over at Klaus, a small smile falling over her lips at the thing he'd just brought up. She and Klaus were close friends when they were young. They would go and play in the woods and sometimes they'd do things they weren't supposed to. "When we were kids, we used to sneak off to the wolf villages during the day when everyone else was taking care of their responsibilities. There were a couple kids over there who we would play with until it was time to return home before Mikael found out."
Klaus smiled at her answer, his eyes beginning to well up just enough for anyone to barely see, but they quickly went away before they could fall. Klaus had wrapped his arms around Y/N in a friendly hug. She smiled, remembering the Klaus she'd known all those years ago.
She asked, "And just like that, we're good?" Klaus nodded, "Just like that, Y/N." He pulled away from Y/N and thought for a moment, narrowing his eyes before he asked, "One more question. What is the Mikaelson Family vow?"
Y/N tilted her head, a small smile gracing her lips as she thought of that vow she had become apart of all those years ago. "In all the years of our lives, I have never forgotten the vow that your family so graciously let me be apart of. I have vowed to you and Elijah and all your siblings 'Always and Forever' before and I will continue to do it until a day I die or a day I no longer and worthy to know it."
Klaus smiled at her, this was the Y/N he knew and loved for centuries. He placed his hands on her shoulders and told her, "I missed you. I really did. I'm glad you're back."
She smiled, "I missed you, too, Nik. Now, before we continue, have you gotten to know your nephew properly yet?"
He scratched the back of his neck, the first action he'd done since she first saw him again that she recognized as the real Klaus. "I have been too busy trying to prove to my brother that you were not you."
Y/n rolled her eyes with a smile and said, "Well, when they get back. Until then, let me meet my niece!"
Soon, the sun began to start it's descent and the sky grew dark. Y/N worried about where Ethan and Rebekah were, as they had not returned. Y/N picked up her phone, pacing the room, Elijah sitting on the sofa and watching her. She called Rebekah quickly and waited as patiently as she could for Rebekah to pick up the phone.
When she didn't, Y/N stared at her phone and asked Elijah, "On a scale of one to ten, Elijah, how often does Rebekah not pick up the phone?"
Elijah spoke, "A five." That didn't help. Y/N worried even more for Rebekah and her child. "I'm sure they're fine. Don't worry."
Y/N continued to pace, staying still only working to further to agitate her as she responded, "I can't not worry. I've never been this long without having Ethan around."
Suddenly, Klaus stormed down the hall, throwing Elijah's door open to see him and Y/N. He was fuming, his eyes angry, his lips pursed, his fists clenched. He spoke, his voice a slight hiss as he said, "Cami just called, Rebekah's been taken."
Y/N panicked as she asked, "What?"
Klaus nodded, "Witches."
"And what of my son?" She asked. Klaus didn't speak, answering Y/N's question. Her breath sped up, her vision tunneled, and she panicked. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she covered her mouth.
Elijah stood from his seat, rushing to you and wrapping his arms around you in comfort before facing his brother and asking, "What happened?"
"Ethan and Rebekah were leaving from lunch and a handful of witches showed up and took them." Klaus said, repeated what Cami had told him.
"We have to find them. W-We have to find Ethan-" Y/N stuttered. Elijah turned to her, his hands supporting her neck as she had her look up at him.
Elijah told her softly, "We will find him. We'll find Rebekah and our son. Don't worry." He brought Y/N into his arms, hugging her as she looked over at his brother. They shared a knowingly look and Klaus turned and left down the hall.
Rebekah and Ethan stood from their table, Rebekah putting the money to pay for the food on the table and then walking out of the restaurant. Rebekah spoke over her shoulder, "Thank you, Cami."
The blonde looked up at her and smiled, "No problem. Seeya later. Bye, Ethan." Ethan waved to her and he and Rebekah left through the doors. Cami watched them leave and then turned to the table they were sitting at, something in the seat where Ethan was sitting.
Cami walked over to the table, picking up the object. She turned it over, seeing a picture of Ethan with another woman. Cami walked out the door, going to return the picture to Ethan. When she spotted them, she jogged over before stopping in her tracks, seeing three women walking up to the two.
They all held their hands out, Rebekah and Ethan crouching down and holding their heads. Cami's eyes shot open as she ran over to them. The witches picked up the two now unconscious people.
They turned a corner and Cami chased after them, not knowing what she'd do when she reached them, but she wasn't really thinking about that at the moment.
She stood at the point where they turned and she couldn't find the witches anywhere. They'd just disappeared. Cami swallowed, looking around to see if she could find anything. The sound of a phone ringing caught her attention as she looked around for it.
When she found the device, she recognized it as Rebekah's phone. Before she could pick up the call, it stopped ringing. Cami sighed, getting her own phone and calling Klaus to tell him about what just happened.
Ethan woke up in a strange place, looking around for anything familiar and seeing nothing. He looked for Rebekah, being the last person he saw who he knew. He couldn't find her anywhere and began to panic, knowing he wouldn't find his mother or father either.
"Hello? Where am I?" He asked, his voice echoing off the walls. When he didn't get a reply, he called out one more time and still received nothing. He began to worry and panic. Where was he? Where was Rebekah or her parents? What was going on?
Tears came to his eyes and he looked around frantically.
"Don't be afraid." Said a feminine accented voice in the distant. The Irish voice had a certain tone to it that only served to further worry Ethan.
Ethan's head shot in the direction of the voice and saw a figure in the shadows. "Who are you?" He asked.
"I'm Saoirse (ser-sha). What's your name?" She asked. Ethan wasn't sure if he should use his real name. He sifted through his mind for any other name to use. He didn't trust her at all.
"William. My name's William." Ethan said, hesitating sightly but not enough for her to catch his lie. He swallowed and the woman stepped further into the light of the candles lit around the cave-ish room.
"Well, William." She said, "It's nice to meet you."
"Where's my Mother? And my father? I wanna go home." He asked, pushing his back against the ragged stone wall.
"Who are your parents?" Saoirse asked.
Ethan thought quickly for a name to use instead of his mother's real name. He finally spoke, "My Mom's name is F-Fleur."
"And your father?"
Ethan mentally shrugged to himself. He didn't think Elijah would be that popular and he seemed okay. He didn't think of disguising his name because it wasn't a knee jerk reaction for Ethan, unlike his mother. "Elijah."
Saoirse's eyes widened as she kneeled in front of Ethan, giving him a better visual of what she looked like. She had dark red hair a brown eyes that glinted with something Ethan didn't like very much.
"May I ask, what is your father's last name?" She asked.
Ethan responded, "Mikaelson."
She smiled slightly as she examined Ethan, "No wonder you radiate such power..."
Ethan furrowed his brows, trying to scoot back a little more, but finding his back firmly against the wall. "W-What do you mean?"
Saoirse looked back up at him and began to speak before she was cut off by another voice, this one was accented as well, but it was at a slightly higher pitch than hers and the accent wasn't as heavy as the first. Another woman walked into the room, revealing her red hair, lighter than Saoirse's, but her skin was very slighter darker than hers.
She leaned against the wall and spoke, "An hour and a half ago, a surge of magic was sent through the air. For a solid minute, there was magic being sent all across New Orleans. It was old and very powerful. After that minute, the magic seemed to be sucked out of the air. But it still lingers now. My sisters and I went looking for it and, who do we find, but you and an Original walking around town. The pow-"
Yet another Irish woman came in the room, her accent was slightly heavier than Saoirse's as she finished, "When we found you, you were glowing and are still doin' it now. You are the source of all that power. To find that you are the son of an Original, the magic you hold in you. We don't know how you've kept it this...pure...after all this time. Considering the abomination inside of you."
"What do you mean?" Ethan asked, shrinking in his spot. "You have that filth of vampirism inside of you. It shows in the way you glow, but the magic is pure. It's separate from everything else. It's as if it's separate from you entirely. But it's embedded in your soul...."
The woman trailed on as she stared at Ethan, almost passed him. Saoirse introduced the two women who just walked in.
"William, meet my dear sisters, Roisin (ro-sheen) and Ciara (kee-ra)." Saoirse introduced. She motioned to Roisin, the higher voiced one, and then the Ciara, the darker haired one.
Ethan didn't say anything, he just stared. "What are you going to do?"
Roisin spoke, since her voice was feather light, it didn't scare Ethan too much, but what she said did lead him to panic, "We need your magic. You aren't really using it much so...you won't miss it."
Ethan was confused, he spoke, "But...I don't have magic. I'm not a witch."
The sisters exchanged an amused glance and Saoirse looked over at Ethan, telling him calmly, "Of course, you do. Your grandmother was the Original witch. Being born a witch/vampire hybrid...for you not to have magic would be questionable. You're very powerful, believe it or not."
Ethan didn't say anything, he didn't want to, he couldn't. He was scared and didn't know what was happening. Ethan took a moment to calm himself the best he could, enough to say, "Where's Rebekah?"
Ciara walked up, sitting on a seat and saying, "We didn't need her. Dumped her before we got here."
"I want to go home." Ethan mumbled, bringing his knees to his chest.
Roisin spoke softly, "You'll go back home when all of this is over. Don't worry, lad." She told him.
Time passed and Ethan sat in the same spot he'd been when he first awoke. He barely spoke a word, instead he sat in his spot, wishing he was home instead of here.
The three red-headed witches stood around a stone table, herbs and enchantments scattered around the table as the witches figured out what spell they needed. After a while, Ciara pointed to a spell in their grimoire, looking over it to make sure it was the right one.
"We have to go to the child's birthplace. His magic will be the most powerful there." Roisin said. Saoirse looked over at Ethan and asked him, "William, lad, where were you born? Do you know?"
Ethan didn't speak as he watched her. He didn't know what was going on, he just wanted to go home. He finally asked, "I'll be able to go home after this?"
She nodded, "Of course, you will, little one."
Ethan sighed and answered, "She said something about Mystic Falls." The witches shared a look and got back to what they were doing. As they explained the spell to one another, talking about the requirements for it, Ethan sat in the corner and wished he was home.
Elijah was the only thing keeping Y/N from running around New Orleans, searching in every nook and cranny, and tearing every secret place apart to find her son. Losing Ethan had never happened before, it was all so new.
How were they even found? The necklace protects them from threats and all of a sudden, he's taken by a bunch of witches?
"The faster we track down Rebekah, the more chance we have at finding him." Klaus said as he paced the compound with his phone at his ear, calling anyone who has a chance of knowing where she was.
Elijah had called a vampire a little bit ago named Marcel. She wondered what that would do, but she hoped it would help. When the doors opened and two people walked in, all heads were turned to see who it was.
"Marcel, Davina, good to know you actually came." Klaus remarked, tilting his head. The man, apparently the vampire, Marcel, asked, "What did you need us for?"
Klaus sighed as he thought of how to word it all and, before he could get the pleasure of explaining the situation with his colorful speech, Elijah spoke instead, "This is Y/N, she's an Original vampire who disappeared from the Mikaelson family nearly a thousand years ago."
"What?" Marcel asked, his eyes narrowing as he looked at her. He questioned, "What does that have to do with us?"
Elijah sighed and explained, "Before she was turned, Y/N was pregnant with my child. That said child has been taken recently and we need your help getting him back."
Davina asked, "Wait, so now Elijah has a child? Who's next, Rebekah?"
Klaus commented, "She would only hope."
Elijah interrupted, "Speaking of Rebekah, she has also went missing. We need you to do a tracking spell to locate her."
Davina thought for a moment, weighing her options before realizing she doesn't really have any. Why does she always manage to get mixed up with the Mikaelson?
She sighed, "Okay. I need something of he-"
Suddenly the front doors burst open, making everyone turn their attention to the doors to see who had just arrived. Y/N rushed over, holding up the blonde that stumbled into the compound. "Rebekah, oh my god. Are you okay?"
Rebekah and Y/N got to a table, sitting the blonde down carefully as she said, "I'm fine. Doesn't help my supernatural headache from those annoying red-headed witches."
Davina asked suddenly, "Did you say 'red-headed' witches?
Everyone's attention turned to her as Rebekah nodded, "Real pain in the ass, if you ask me."
Davina nodded, "You're right, that's exactly what they are."
"You know them?" Elijah asked, turning his body to face hers as he narrowed his eyes. Davina explained, "They're the Ryan Sisters, they're a rogue coven. Hellbent on becoming stronger. They came here...maybe a year ago...almost? They've been causing nothing but trouble with the witches for a while."
"What would they want with my son?" Y/N asked, standing with her arms crossed and standing next to Elijah.
"A lot of things, actually. They could channel him, take his magic and split it between the three of them, link themselves entirely to him and make them immortal. I could go on." Davina answered.
"Magic? Uh-Ethan doesn't have magic...I don't think." She shrugged.
Davina spoke, "Well, his grandmother was a witch, and that passes through him, so his magic would be strong."
Y/N bit her lip, fidgeting with her fingers. She sighed and left the room, walking out the front door to get more air. Elijah followed after her, leaving everyone to talk amongst themselves.
Y/N stood out in the front, looking up at the sky with her arms crossed. As Elijah walked up next to her, they stood in silence, looking up into the sky at the stars that shone bright without a care in the world, just like Ethan would have if he was here.
Y/N sniffled quietly and quickly wiped the tear that had fallen down her cheek. This didn't go unnoticed by the Mikaelson as he moved in front of her, taking a hand from his pocket and grazing the backside of it against her cheek to wipe away another rogue tear.
Y/N leaned into his touch, taking a breath. She spoke quietly, "I don't understand why this all is happening." She pinched the snake on her necklace with her thumb and index finger as she continued, "This necklace has been protecting me and Ethan for centuries and now, all of a sudden, Ethan has been taken."
Elijah told her softly, "We will find Ethan. We will find our son. You have my word, Y/N."
Y/N looked up at him, "I know that, Elijah. But now that this has happened, what's to keep it from happening again?"
Elijah sighed and looked around for a moment before he told her, "Nothing. This could happened again, it could not. We don't know, but we will be there together to protect our family."
Y/N looked into his chocolate brown eyes. They were definitely different from nearly a thousand years ago, the gleam that she used to see in them dimmed and clouded by centuries and centuries of anger, sorrow, regret, and all the things Y/N wished he hadn't had to endure.
She sighed and nodded, "Always and Forever."
Elijah smiled and told her, "Always and Forever, my dearest."
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Always and Forever Tags: @alien-sida​ @xxwritemeastoryxx​ @melodiclovesong​ @thebrotherssalvatore321​ @satedbond​ @strangerliaa​
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eryiss · 4 years
Chapter Two - The Handyman
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Summary: Freed and Laxus live incredibly different lives. Freed is a corporate lawyer in the capital city, and Laxus works as a handyman in a countryside hotel. Despite their differences, their lives collide when Freed inherits a house in Laxus’ village, and hires him to make the derelict building liveable. But the closer they get, the more they seem to offer each other. [Fraxus Multi-Chapter]
This was written as my admission for Fraxus Day 2020, hosted by @fuckyeahfraxus​. This is the second chapter, and from now on it’ll be updated weekly. Hope you enjoy it.
You can read this under the cut, on Fanfiction, or on Archive of Our Own. You can find the chapter masterpost here.
Chapter Two – The Handyman
"Fucks sake. Fucking bitch."
"That's not the way to talk to a lady, Laxus. Damn."
"I ain't talkin' to a lady, I'm talking to this piece of shit."
With an angered huff, Laxus slammed down the screwdriver and allowed it to clatter against the small tray of tools. On the table was the industrial toaster that Laxus had been attempting to fix for the better half of the morning, with an only slightly warm piece of bread resting pitifully on the wire rack, practically mocking Laxus with its lack of any toast-like qualities. It was the sixth time that year that the machine had decided to work, and Laxus had grown to have a vendetta against the fucking thing.
But he wasn't going to let it win. He had singlehandedly fixed practically every electric device in Fairy Tail since becoming the handyman, and he would be damned if the fucking toaster was his downfall. He'd conquered faulty boilers, crappy wiring and, on one condition, a disgusting issue with sewage backup over the past year alone. A toaster was nothing.
"Just make your grandad buy a new one," Cana laughed as she walked further into the hotel's breakroom. "It's like twenty years old, probably only makes the bread darker because of an oil leak."
"I ain't getting it replaced," Laxus snapped, glaring at the open circuitry of the machine with probably too much hatred for what the situation deserved. "If it gets it replaced, then the fucking things knows that it's won."
"It's a toaster dude," Cana deadpanned.
"Don't give a shit," Laxus groaned, leaning back in the chair so the forelegs left the floor, resting his arms behind his head. "You meant to be working today?"
"Yeah. Apparently there's some big group coming for lunch and they need extra wait staff, so Gramps called me. And I'm working the bar later," Cana shrugged, taking out a chair and straddling it; because of course she did. "You?"
"Room seven had a flickering light, needed fixing," Laxus sighed. "Thought I might as well work on this thing while I'm here."
The blonde looked around the small room, eyes flittering towards the clock and sighing. He'd been drinking the night before and had it not been for his grandfather's seven AM phone call worrying about the supposed 'lawsuit waiting to happen' he would probably only just be getting out of bed after nursing a light hangover. He'd been able to wrangle a free breakfast from Mirajane, at least, but he would trade that in for his covers at that moment. At least when he was planning to feel sorry for himself about his hangover, he had something to do. Now he just had a day of nothing.
His work was fine, but inconsistent. He did any repairs that was needed at his grandfather's hotel, be that plumbing, electric work, or just helping out when it was understaffed. But Makarov kept a tight ship, and had good relationships with his staff so absences only happened when needed. So, Laxus was often left with little to do.
It was a nice problem to have, but Laxus didn't intend to be impartial.
This was the issue in living in a small town for all of your life, being forced to either thrive there or break free from it. He liked Magnolia, the area was beautiful and his childhood there had been good, but he was limited by living there. A degree in electrical engineering wasn't worth much when the only relevant job available was at a mechanics shop where he'd once bashed in the teeth of the owner's son. The miserable old bastard should have forgiven him by now; it'd been six years.
Which was why he was grateful for his grandfather giving him the job. He got to put his degree to use, even if on crappy toasters, and made a living. But it was a boring existence, and the reason why Laxus found himself on job searchers websites at least twice a week.
"You gonna eat that?" Cana asked, going towards the warmed but not toasted bread.
"No," Laxus furrowed his brows. "Are you?"
"I'm poor, man," Cana laughed, picking up the bread and eating it.
"I've seen the cupboard where you keep your booze, you ain't 'stealing warm. crappy bread poor' yet," Laxus deadpanned, and Cana laughed as she ate her bread; she didn't even put fucking butter on it. "And you get twice the number of tips than me when we work the bar together. Where's it going?"
"Booze cupboard," Cana grinned.
"You'll fuck up your kidneys, you know."
"I'll get an operation and replace 'em," Cana laughed, swallowing a bite of bread. "Speaking of being split open and things going inside, you fucked anyone lately?"
"Fuckin hell!" Laxus exclaimed, wide eyes darting towards the woman who was now openly laughing.
This was something that his friend brought up often, and as such she had lost all tact about it. The two of them were some of the only openly gay people in Magnolia – at least to their knowledge – and therefore had some annoying kinship when it came to their relationships. It had started as them both feeling sorry for themselves, as they had nobody to date. Somehow, it had devolved into a friendship where Cana felt perfectly comfortable talking about what Laxus was planning on doing, or had done, in his bed.
Worse still, Laxus didn't have the same opportunity to make fun of her. Cana was openly besotted with Mirajane, and had long since lost any shame about it. Cana could joke about Laxus falling in love with any man he saw, but Laxus couldn't do the same because they both knew Mirajane was the only woman for her.
Selfish asshole.
"You're gonna fuck all of hell? You must have more time on your hands," Cana laughed, and Laxus stood up with a groan. "Aw, come on man, don't leave."
"I'm gonna go see if one of the toilets needs to be unblocked," Laxus grunted, walking towards the door of the breakroom. "Seems more pleasant than talking t' you."
"Oh how you wound me, I think I might cry," Cana spoke in possibly the most sarcastic voice possible.
"Go suck on yer crushes clit," Laxus muttered.
"Had a good few dreams about that, my man," Cana grinned, before adding in a less teasing tone. "And Lisanna said she wants to talk to you later, so find her once you're done scrubbing the shitter," A smirk formed on her features again. "Maybe she wants to set you up with her brother. You'd be a hot ass couple."
"Fuck yourself."
"Imagine the carnage though. The two of ya could break beds faster than an over eager lumberjack."
Laxus didn't respond, and lifted his middle finger to the woman as he left the room.
There had been no toilets in need of being cleaned, thankfully, but Laxus had been able to keep himself busy for the morning. It had been mainly small and inconsequential jobs, such as removing leaves from the guttering before a build-up formed and checking that supply of complimentary soap wasn't running low, before he ended up back in the break room and working on the toaster.
It wasn't going well, and the patrons would have to deal with the break rooms single slice toaster for at least another day, but at least Cana was working the restaurant for the lunch shift rather than being there to annoy him. He hoped that the table was full of obnoxious people who didn't know what they wanted and refused to tip.
He gulped down half a can of Red Bull, and groaned as he fought the urge to check toaster prices online.
After cracking his back, he stood up and ran a hand through his hair. He quickly checked himself out in the mirror to make sure he looked presentable before leaving the break room; he may not be part of the service-staff, but he still needed to look good to represent the hotel. Normally he wouldn't have to worry about this – his contact with guests was limited – but if he was going to speak to Lisanna, as Cana had claimed he should, then it was almost definite that he'd be in the public eye for a few minutes at least. He didn't look too bad for someone who'd nearly vomited over a plate of cheese fries the night before.
Lisanna was working at the office attached to the front desk, doing some kind of admin that Laxus didn't care enough about to understand. He walked in and, once she looked up from the monitor, she grinned at him. Laxus didn't frown, but the urge was there. The two of them weren't particularly close.
"Hi," She greeted, annoyingly cheerfully. "I didn't know if Cana had passed on the message."
"Well, here I am," Laxus shrugged.
"There you are," She said with a smile, then waved towards one of the other desk chairs populating the cramped room. Laxus took a seat. "So, I've got something I thought you could help with. A proposition I guess."
Laxus paused for a moment. She wasn't actually going to try and set him up with Elfman, was she? That would be weird, Elfman wasn't Laxus' type.
"There's this guest, you see, who checked in yesterday," She began, before stopping herself. "No, that's not important. Well it is, but not right now," Laxus stayed quiet. Lisanna was a talkative person, and could probably have an entire conversation with herself. "You know Albion house, the old cottage on the outskirts of town that's' all run down."
"Yeah," Laxus nodded, confused. "Think I made up some crap about it being haunted when I was a kid."
"That's the place- that was you! Mirajane told me when I was eight and I had nightmare for weeks, you asshole," Lisanna chastised, and Laxus didn't hide the smirk at the admission. "Whatever, we can talk about that later. Anyway, it recently got a new owner, you see. And I was talking to him last night and a bit during breakfast. So he doesn't know what to do because he can't knock it down and sell the land, and the house is kind of crappy so nobody's actually gonna wanna pay any real money for it, right. So he's kinda stuck; I think he needs the money for something, I didn't wanna ask."
Did she talk to the guests this much?
This was why Laxus always booked into big corporate hotels whenever he stayed away.
"Getting off topic, sorry," She shook her head. "So, I was talking to the new owner, and he thought maybe he could get it sold for more money if it was more functional. Not a total refurbishment or anything, just making sure the lights work and the floorboards won't crumble underfoot. And he's not from the area, so he doesn't know any builders or plumbers or anyone he'll need."
She then stopped talking, and began grinning at Laxus expectantly. "And?"
"Really conforming to the stereotype of strong men being dumb," She muttered, and Laxus found himself happy that his ghost story had apparently given her nightmares. "And I said that we've got a kickass handyman working here part time who could probably help you out. I told him about all the stuff you do around here, and he said he'd be interested in meeting with you!"
"You got me a job interview?" Laxus said, taken aback slightly.
"Well, I don't think it's that formal, but kinda," She grinned. "I heard you're looking for a project to work on, and he said he's willing to pay you for your time if you're any good."
Laxus leant back in the chair, closing his eyes slightly. He didn't have a reputation for reacting particularly well to surprises, and this was rather a big one. Because a woman he barely actually knew had done something pretty damn big for him.
Working on property was something Laxus had been curious about, and it had seemed to be plausible for him. It was essentially what he was doing in the hotel, just on a larger scale and possibly with more of a challenge, which Laxus liked the sound of. There had been a few months where he'd watched house renovation shows when he could, to see if he could get a better understanding on how the field worked. He very quickly learned that, to do what he wanted, he needed the money to buy some run down property to renovate. Money which he didn't have, given he was a handyman working part time in a hotel.
So to have an opportunity given to him out of nowhere was a little overwhelming.
Because it could really help him out. He was more than qualified to modernise a house's inner workings, and was willing to put the work in. And if it went well, he would at worst end up with more experience, some extra money and perhaps a good reference he could give to some other housing developers. It could actually be really good.
Of course, that meant Laxus was immediately distrustful of the offer. Because things didn't just happen.
"So this guy is just gonna trust some random stranger?"
"I think he's kind of desperate, really," Lisanna laughed, a pitying expression on her face. "I think he wants to get out of here as quickly as he can, he's a city boy. But that doesn't matter. He seems like a nice man, and it's not like you can't do the work he wants. You might as well talk to him, see if it works out," She shrugged. "He's in the restaurant I think. I said I'd bring him over if you were interested."
"Erm," Laxus mumbled. "Fuck it, why not?"
The majority of the walk towards the restaurant was spent with Laxus trying to rationalise exactly what had just happened. He glanced at his reflection whenever he could, because if this was as much an opportunity as Lisanna seemed to think that it was, Laxus needed to make a good first impression.
When they walked into the restaurant, Lisanna seemed to scan the room before spotting the person she was looking for. She started to walk again and Laxus followed, eyes eventually settling on the man sitting at the window table.
He wasn't what Laxus expected.
Having expected a stuffy old man, in his fifties and balding, Laxus felt wrongfooted. The man was almost certainly a few years younger than Laxus. He had long and green hair, tied high in a ponytail. He was wearing a sharp looking suit that Laxus didn't recognise the brand of. His facial features were sharp and well structured, no doubt the rest of his body just as maintained under his clothing. As Laxus got closer he could smell a mix of some sharp and cool cologne, and the floral scent left by the clothes' steamers put in every room. When he looked up to Laxus he had sharp and inviting blue eyes, and a somewhat enigmatic expression.
Laxus might be inclined to call him a pretty boy, had his expression been a little less intense.
Just his type. Aesthetically, anyway.
"Mr Justine," Lisanna said in greeting. "How'd your lunch?"
"Very pleasant," The man said, glancing for a second to the chicken salad he was eating and then back to Laxus.
"This is the man I told you about, our handyman," Lisanna explained, nudging Laxus. The blonde stepped forward and offered his hand to shake. The man did so, with a firm grasp.
"Laxus," The blonde said. "It's nice to meet you, sir."
"You too," The man replied, and Laxus couldn't help but notice how smooth his voice was. But it wasn't the time, so he retracted his hand as the other man spoke. "I'm Freed, as you've perhaps been told. I expect your colleague has explained why I wish to speak with you?"
"The Albion House, right?" Laxus asked. "You got lumbered with the place and need help with the electrics."
"Essentially, yes," Freed nodded. "The only thing that's actually remained intact is the building's structure. The wiring, the plumbing, the heating system, and I'm sure there's a lot more that I'm not aware of that has also been destroyed. I wish to get the building to a point where it's functioning so I can sell it. It doesn't need to be nice to look at, just work. Is that something you think you can do?"
"Well, I'm good with all that shit- stuff," Laxus winced, glancing at the table, and missing the amused expression on Freed's face. "I've done a lot of work here, and in some other houses when they need it. Unless there's some really unusual crap, I should be fine."
"Take a seat, Mr Dreyar."
At the sudden request, Laxus found himself doing what he was told. He sat opposite Freed, and waited a little awkwardly while Freed ordered another tea for himself. He thought about telling him that Lisanna wasn't actually part of the wait-staff, but she smiled and said it'll be right out before retreating to the kitchen. He frowned as she walked away, only to quickly turn back and give him two thumbs up and a large smile. He almost rolled his eyes at the stupid action, but looked back to the man who might soon employ him.
"I think it's best we be honest with one another," Freed continued, and Laxus nodded slightly. "I have no interest nor practical skill when it comes to homeownership and renovations. I can learn, and I'm not an impractical man in general, but a lot of the work will be done by you."
"I can do that," Laxus said with a nod. "How would that work with the, erm… payment, if that ain't too forward?"
"No, that's fair," Freed said, pulling out his phone from his breast pocket. "I haven't had long to look into it, but I plan to pay you by the hour; I don't know how long it will take, so I thought that made more sense than a single payment. I'll clarify how much you get each hour when I find out the average pay a skilled workman gets. Of course we can debate this if you don't think it's fair, but I expect it'll be a good wage"
Laxus probably looked a bit stupid for a moment. He was expecting either a vague answer or a simple 'I'll pay you a grand and expect it to be done by the end of the month.' Not a lot of… legal sounding crap.
"That sounds good," Laxus said after a moment, nodding. "How bad's the house, if y' know? The outside ain't great but I'd like to know what I'm getting into."
"The outside is the best part, I'm afraid," Freed chuckled a little bitterly, and Laxus glanced up at his face again. On his handsome features – and damn, up close they were pretty handsome – there were slight lines of worry beside his eyes. "I didn't take many pictures as I wasn't in the best of moods, but this is fairly reflective of the entire place."
Freed flicked on his phone a few times, and then showed his screen to Laxus. It took a few seconds for Laxus to actually understand what that was, and when he did he let out an almost impressed sigh and leant back in his chair.
"That's the circuit box?" He laughed, and Freed nodded. "It looks like…"
"It had a violent orgy with a jackhammer, baseball bat and a box of explosives?" Freed completed, and Laxus let out a short bark of laughter, shocking himself.
"Fuck, sorry. I shouldn't laugh," Laxus winced, though he was grinning. When he glanced towards Freed again, he openly saw him smirking at him. If nothing else, at least this proved his boss had a sense of humour. "I didn't expect it, sorry. It does look pretty bad though, if the rest of the house is like that then it's probably gonna take a while to get the place in a liveable state."
"I assumed as much," Freed said with a sigh. "I only intend to stay here for a week, I should clarify. My office may allow me to extend that for another week. I'm hoping that, by then, you'll have begun work and can do so without me. I'll keep in regular contact of course, but I won't be here in person often."
"That's okay. I can deal with that," Laxus nodded as he spoke. He liked working alone. "What do you do, if you don't mind me askin'?"
"I'm a lawyer," Freed waved his hand as he returned his phone to his jacket pocket.
"Fuck. That's pretty-" Hot. "Impressive."
"Thank you," Freed nodded a little. "I don't mean to be abrupt, but I've got to clear some details up with my office, so I'll have to leave you," He pulled a small piece of paper from his pocket. "Here's my card, call me in the evening. We'll discuss things further then. Good day, Laxus."
"Yeah," Laxus nodded. "Speak later."
Freed nodded, and left the restaurant. Laxus allowed his eyes to trail over his retreating figure, roaming over his broad shoulders to his taut waist, then, for a split-second, to his ass. He glanced away, only to see Cana watching him with a judgmental, shit-eating grin.
"I'm gonna fix the fucking toaster," Laxus muttered with a slight blush, standing abruptly. Cana kept smirking. "Fuck off."
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lunavadash-creates · 3 years
Have I ever told you that you are the sweetest cupcake ever?❤️ It’s impossible to not smile at your posts! I sincerely thank you for all your sympathy towards me! My heart just melts! It’s so rare to find such a pure and kind soul like you. Please, don’t change. Ever.
You made me worried a bit with your last paragraph - maybe I am oversensitive, but I am really worried. It breaks my heart honestly, I feel like you belittle yourself. Babe, you are wonderful! I am not saying this just for you to feel better, but because you REALLY are. Think for a moment about things you’ve already achieved! Darling, you graduated! It’s really something. It is even more something when you study two different majors at the same time and study in language school at weekends. It’s real hardcore! I am proud of you. SO FREAKING MUCH! You did so well and you did so much! Please, be aware of it. You are incredibly talented and creative. YOU are hard working, not me. And you know what? Please, have a proper rest. Don’t overwork yourself anymore. You have to have some space just for you. You have to rest and regain your balance. Don’t think about writing as your duty. I know you feel responsible for all requests you have. But they really won’t run away or disappear. They all will be waiting to be written when you rest. Don’t pressure yourself, I beg you. You know I love your writing. We all here love it. But we love you even more. Taking a break it’s not bad. It’s necessary. When you rest you will be able to concentrate, you will have a fresh mind and new ideas. Just remember that you are a priority.
Speaking of your visit to Prague. OMG, THIS ASTRONOMICAL CLOCK!! I envy you soooooo much! I wish I could see it by myself someday! Thank you so much for the photo! And geez, you are the very first person admitting that museums are wonderful! No one amongst my friends likes them and it hurts so much, because I couldn’t go to the Uffizi museum and Palazzo Vecchio in Florence. I would love to go to any museum with you then! Museum of sex toys sounds really interesting, mostly because it’s not about modern toys. Like, I would never thought that people could have such rich sex life! I heard that in Amsterdam and Paris there are similar museums. But! I bet you would love icelandic museum of punk. Ohh, I am pretty sure you would enjoy it! It’s really small, because well..Its former public toilet. Buuuut, if you like non-obvious museums this is definitely for you. Whale museum was also pretty good. Or I enjoyed it just because I love whales. I was also in a museum of teddy bears in Seoul and it was the cutest museum I have ever been in! Tell me more about that vegan restaurant! What good did you eat? I am not vege myself, but I avoid eating meat on a daily basis so it’s easy to make me excited with such things!
I am not sure if I am better. I mean, I changed my mind about being able to sleep all day. I am not able to sleep at all at the moment. I am tired and my eyelids are so heavy, but sleep never comes. I guess insomnia hits again, it's a never-ending circle. But I am concerned about your leg! I guess you had spoken with doctor since you got xray and usg. Did they say anything? Any ideas of what it could possibly be? It has to be something serious if you have problems with walking! How did you manage to go sightseeing in Prague? Babe, please, take care of yourself! And what does “health problem AGAIN” mean?! Have you had such a problem before?? It scares me like.. we just started adulthood? My friend sneezed and it made him lay in bed for 6 days not being able to move. Literally.
Yeah, I was in South Korea, but please, do not perceive me as your role model. Gods, it would be a terrible decision, really. But, I would love to share some stories with you if you want! I know it's a popular destination these days because of kpop. I used to listen to it, but I think a few years ago kpop was better? More interesting? Now I’m more into khh, but I think I can’t say that I’m into it anymore.
Talking about music! I discovered two new songs and I bet you know them already, but for me it was huge woah woah woah! First of it - Sabaton. Thay covered Metallica’s For Whom The Bell Tolls and they did it so good! Secondly - The Heart Asks Pleasure First. They basically made their own song based on one of my favourite piano songs. Oh my.. it’s sooo good!
And still talking about music! I just wanted to say that I also love our Wombo edits! That one with Ezio singing Stressed out was perfect! Mr Auditore looked very believably singing it. I liked the one with Edward and Haytham. I don’t know the song but it had such a christmas vibe! It made me think of Edward and Shay singing Last Christmas or some other shitty Christmas song together. Why them? No idea. I love Altair, but your latest headcanons could make me love them even more.
And! I just wanted to tell you that you inspired me to take japanese lessons on Duolingo. I am aware that such app won’t help me with learning such a language, but at least I can tell you that katakana sucks. Gods, I hate it so much. Hiragana is so pleasurable to learn. And I know katakana is visually similar, but it is a no no from me. I have learnt some basic kanji signs. And I just admire you so much more.
I hope you will have wonderful and peaceful week, Babe! Once again, please take care of yourself. Remember to have proper rest, sleep at least 8 hours and drink water! I hope your leg will be better soon!
Hey Knifey! I finally have the right mind set to respond to this ask!
So first of all thank you. You always make me blush with your kind words and I have no idea how to react! I want to squeaze you in a hug and give you all the sweets in the world!
As for the rest. You see i have always worked to hard on studying, so hard it actually burned out everything inside so now all i want to do i nothing! But i cant, i really want to go back to spending my free time in more creative way!
Omg Knifey! Finally i met a museum lover! And gods i want to visit them all! And you know? That Icelandinc museum sounds like such a goal, i want to go there 🥺 and Seoul museum of teddy bears?! I want to go there!
Honestly I love all museums and generally history. I enjoy visiting ruins of castles and villages, going to museums of everything! Art, machines, objects! There are always so many things and so many different ways to find the inspiration! And I always take so many photos for 'future references'. Some time ago i was in a gardens which showed different time of gardens of the world and there was this amazing exhibition of demons from Slavic mithology. That was so awesome! As well as Japanese garden!
In began restaurant i have this fried soy bites in some sweet-spicy sauce. So tasty! Im trying to recreate this recipe but so far its 1:0 for the soy :/
As for my leg. Its swollen AF bht i just... Put on my shoe and pretended it didnt exist. I can walk in good shoes but still im worried. As for that little again... I generally have some weird health issues. I had 5 surgeries for different stuff (spine, tumor, nose) so like... Generally i am healthy... Or at least i was until thst damned foot decided to show off. Its been 4 weeks and im still looking for a solution, running different tests and all. Hopefully they will figure out whag is going on.
Yes TELL ME ALL THE STORIES ABOUT KOREA.! I love stories, tell me everything!
Tbh i never listen ed to k-pop. I guess its just nkt my type of music but I enjoy some Japanese and Chinese songs (one i like is Arrogant by Xiao Zhang). I know songs you sent me and gods they are amazing! I love sabaton, rock/metal im general but I listen to all kind of music. Like Italian soundtrack from Winx, music from burlesque, Dragonforce, shanties. If there are k-pop songs you like you can always send then to me! Ill gladly listen to them all!
Im glad you like those wombos i guess i should make more! 😂😂
And gods. Katakana. 4 years of learning Japanese and I still need katakana board to remember those signs! And tbh i feel like Japanese duolingo has some mistakes ;/ but for Japanese i used lingodeer app and it was nice!
Knifey Im very sorry you have troubles sleeping. Is there something you can do to make it easier for you? Maybe you can take some melatonin pills? Maybe you are stressed? Can you maybe contact doctor, maybe they can help? I dont want anything bad to happen to you! Please take care of yourself? Pretty please?
Love you so much Knifey, you are such a sunshine and I just want you to be happy and healthy!
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nataliesnews · 1 year
2nd day 9.10.2023
I can't believe that Friday night I was having supper with friends at the American colony after a particularly violent demonstration at Sheikh and saying to them I am just exhausted mentally. I want to get out of here for a while. They told  me that they were going to do a trip down the Rhine and even though I swore that I would not go to Germany....I had gone for Ayal and Uta but thought that was that and I found myself sitting there and thinking ....what the hell and thinking what the hell. What we are doing here .....I told them to send me the particulars and even though they said that it was a very expensive trip I thought I have to get out. I have to clear my head. Little did I know.
 1973  Six days   Yom Kippur started terribly but after a few days the feeling was that things were under control. But this time we thought it would  be over in a day and here we are the third day and fighting on many fronts. And for the first time I have a very bad feeling. For the first time tonight I will go to bed dressed and I have packed my rucksack with water, a snack and warm clothing. Up to now I have not gone into the small shelter we have or sat in the corridors but I prefer to be prepared. The two sirens today....we heard the rockets landing but the second one was definitely closer though it is really only on the outskirts. I am terrified that Netanyahu whom I truly believe is not normal and held up by people who are even more so does not care if Israel is reduced to small areas of opposition. I remembered that years ago I sat with a Moslem friend.....when Hamas was just starting out and the government was supporting them...... and said that I thought that they would be a dangerous enemy and he said that they were only interested in religion.   I thought often that the villages in the occupied areas would rise up against us but thought it could not happen. Now too the army has closed up all the exits to the villages. But if they really want to get out and don't care how many get killed? But I never thought it would come from Gaza.
700 dead.   Have their families been notified? The speaker for the army says that there are no more Hamas in Israel.  I do not believe him.  He says there are bodies of terrorists lying all over the show.  Not a peep from our prime minister . We are told that we are winning. I am so sick of empty bombastic threats.  It   reminds me of the song in My Fair lady. Don’t talk of love.  Show me. Now we are told that two areas in the south are still under attack. The spokesman can’t even get his lies straight.  Have I told you that the main door of Nofim is kept closed and we have been told to lock our doors.   The one sad and funny story was a rocket near Jerusalem.  The lady was wounded but her dog was also treated by a veterinarian.   My friend, Sarah Sherman, asked me to come to her retirement home to speak to two of her people. I did not feel like going but felt worse to refuse so I spoke to a Palestinian lady of 100 in my broken Arabic and to a Russian lady who was an English teacher. 
 Now the good news for the families of those kidnapped. The government evidently does not intend to enter into any bargaining. Does this mean that we will eventually return bodies for bodies. I wonder about the pilots who said they would not serve. If now they are amongst those bombing Gaza.   I don’t envy them the decision. We are now told on the news to start hoarding enough food and water for a few days.  They should teach their grandmothers to suck eggs.  I already started doing that yesterday.   I have two emergency lights. There is already a lack of bottled water in the stores.  In the meantime I have enough beer, vodka and tonic water.  I Ann sick if hearing that we are at war. What all of a sudden are they telling us to hoard food, etc.  What are they hiding from us. And now the incredible story of a restaurant which sent 2000 portions of food for soldiers and were not allowed to give it to them because there was no diploma of kashrut.  I hope that in the yeshivot those parasites will enjoy their foods. Already people are hysterically going to the supermarket.   And I added a little bottle of vodka (not too little) to my escape bag.   A friend phoned when the siren went off and asked where I was.  I said on the toilet but all  the shit was in the Knesset.  I believe Netanyahu has managed to stop holding the hand of his blond bitch and is going to address us so before I go into ecstasies of admiration I will send this off
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