#out of hp (ooc)
3katanas · 8 months
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Morning dears! Very important thing to note today.
I will be adding a Harry Potter Verse for Zoro.
I've put a lot of thought into this considering where I know many people stand after what has occurred in relation to the author of the series, J.K. Rowling.
First, I would like to preface that I in no way condone nor support the viewpoints, beliefs, and comments that J.K. Rowling has made in regard to the transgender community and any others that I am not aware of.
Secondly, that being said, I grew up with Harry Potter. It is a world that vastly impacted me and is part of the reason why I love magic and reading so much. To me, this world no longer belongs to Rowling because it has outgrown her. Yes, she may have put it to pen and paper, but it has transcended her. In the same way that Wonderland, Narnia, and other magical worlds have influenced so many, Harry Potter's universe has brought magic to so many lives.
It is due to this love for the world of Harry Potter itself that I will be creating this verse for Zoro. It is my childhood and I want to explore it with the wonderful and amazing mun's out there that feel the same way that I do.
However, I am very aware that it now brings discomfort and pain to others. Due to this:
All threads, posts, and content in relation to the Harry Potter universe will be tagged under its verse tag: map of the seas (harry potter).
If this decision of mine does cause me to lose some followers please know that I love you all and respect your decision to respect your own boundaries. We are here to write, explore, and for many heal through our muses. This should always be a safe place for people to interact, make friends, and grow as a writer.
I will repost this throughout the day to try and ensure that everyone sees it. All Harry Potter-related content will not be posted until tomorrow to give those who need time for either a fond farewell or to block the tag mentioned above.
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aeterna---amantes · 2 months
|| @theladyrebecca2, bless her beautiful soul, bought me Hogwarts Legacy Digital Deluxe Edition for PC today!!! 🖤🖤🖤 I went off in a rant that spouse said not to buy it for my gaming laptop because I've already bought it for PS4 - but the truth is, I can only play an hour at the end of the day on the PS4 and there's not enough space for it, either. I had to delete it because spouse and my daughter wanted games, so I couldn't play with it for quite a few months. I was at 11% when I last logged out. 😭 BUT NOW! I'LL BE ABLE TO PLAY WHENEVER AND WHEREVER I WANT!! 😭 THANK YOU SO MUCH I'M SITTING HERE CRYING AT THE OPENING MUSIC!!!! 😭
So guess what I'll be doing tonight?
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AAAAAAAAAA (it looks like Connor is looking at the HL sigil in awe 😂💙)
Me hearing the opening music after such a long, LOOONG time ⬇⬇⬇
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Me to my family after I've read my daughter bedtime stories: GO THE FUCK TO SLEEP, MAMA CROW GOES BACK TO HOGWARTS TONIGHT 🧙🏻‍♀️
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fightful · 3 months
the current lineup i have for ozzy atm on his scarlet playthrough:
seel / ♀ / angelica
tyrogue / ♂ / ezekiel
hisuian qwilfish / ♂ / atlas
voltorb / ✗ / bertram
beldum / ✗ / julius
snubbull / ♀ / bellatrix
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foxyfrolic · 5 months
// leans back in my chair
Does anyone wanna hurt my muse
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suffcring · 8 months
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let me first preface this by saying: whatever brings you joy, follow it. I have no judgements on you. You have to make the right decisions for yourself, and decide where your line is, and I will very rarely make a judgement on you for where your line is.
Because the FNAF movie is popular and booming and people are excited and now there's a million rp blogs going for it
I am not interacting or following any FNAF muses for my own personal moral reasons re; the creator, S.cott Caw.thon. If you are not aware of the background of these reasons, you may ask me on messenger or discord; out of respect for my friends who adore FNAF, I'm not going to plaster the dash with politics and I do not respect anons. If you're a multimuse and you have other muses, then it's back to the usual case-by-case basis.
If you are not a multimuse with other muses or you're a single muse FNAF blog and you follow me, I will blow you kisses and wish you the best and softblock you.
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dutybcrne · 7 months
@starscrxssed replied to your post:
[I wasn't trying for anyone in particular, it was just after I got Furina, so now I am saving like a madman for the next new 5* QwQ I don't use Diluc as often, but now I feel like I'm obligated to at some point, LOL]
Bfbfbf well wishing you the best of luck on the next fresh new 5*! If anything, Luc is VERY good with a Burgeon team. At least, the one I got goin right now, I can say that much!
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scareqrowbranwen · 1 year
//I feel like I just unlocked a piece of the puzzle remembering Inkheart, the Sirius Black to Dustfinger to Qrow Branwen pipeline of me loving sad old men lmao
there's gotta be others I've forgotten about lol
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ofspvrta · 1 year
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Just a reminder that I will not follow back any H.P blogs or mulitis that have H.P muses. I will also unfollow/block if I see untagged/multiple posts about the new game. I'm tired and I just want a dash that is safe for my t.rans self. Thank you for understanding.
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ofluminance-a · 1 year
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watch it, they said. i'll be in DANGER, they said ---
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lovelessblade · 1 year
My proudest achievement so far in FFXIV
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I got the birb child
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goldenorder · 2 years
...hey, just a small psa, but my keys on my laptop are slowly offing themselves on by one, so I may have to get a new laptop soon
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jedimastre-archive · 1 year
I am trying not to cry so I am going to get off for a while, but all morning I've seen people post about the game that is to not be mentioned and that's fine but I have a related/unrelated trauma response to some of the words/expressions being used in some of these posts. If you want to know this in detail I am happy to explain but I can't do that here right now on tumblr so DM me.
No, I am not getting the game for personal reasons even though the world has been in my life for a very long time.
Please tag your posts with hp mentions tw. or jk mentions tw. or some form of it.
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scnzoku · 1 year
how do people still not know how to break ur co-op partner out of the bind??
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skxrbrand · 1 year
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keikakudori · 2 years
i am feeling like a person again today so maybe i'll work on drafts & asks after i get my new laptop set up. i can't wait.
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dutybcrne · 8 months
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Taking Furi out for a stroll with her new bodyguards!
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