#some keys are unresponsive
skxrbrand · 2 years
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oneluckydumbass · 4 months
Well, hello and welcome to the madhouse. @sock-1574, your wish is my command, here's a quick _v2 for this short. I wrote it at 10pm and it's unedited, forgive me if you find mistakes. Also, f!reader.
In his sleep, Simon turned to wrap an arm around your waist to pull you against his body, a completely casual move that he had done so many times in the past. He just wanted to warm up a little in the chilly room, because despite the thick blanket you insisted on using, he could still use a little help. But his eyes opened when he realized you weren’t there next to him. It was odd. 
When he heard something break downstairs, he jumped out of bed, his instincts kicking in right away. It didn’t sound like a window breaking, more like a mug or a glass landing on the tiles. What were you even doing in the kitchen a little past two in the morning? He called out your name as he walked down the stairs several times, but there was no response. He heard a groan, then some soft sobbing, which made him believe something was wrong. 
By the time he entered the kitchen, you were sitting on the floor with your head between your knees, a hand gripping the back of your neck as you cried. “Baby, what’s wrong?” Nothing, you didn’t even look at him. “Hey, come on, tell me. What’s wrong?”
“It hurts,” you mumbled through your tears. 
“What hurts?”
“My head.”
“Anything else?”
“I’m dizzy, I feel like I could faint any second. I wanted to drink from your favorite mug and I broke it, I’m so sorry.”
“I don’t give a damn about that bloody mug,” Simon said with a nervous sigh as he took your hand. “The hospital is ten minutes away, it’s faster if I take you there myself. Come on, let’s get you dressed.”
He helped you up, but after only a few steps, he felt your body becoming heavier as you lost consciousness. Without thinking, he picked you up and grabbed the car keys from the table by the front door. The hospital was close to their house, he would get there sooner than the ambulance would arrive. It was a miracle that no cop stopped him because he drove like some maniac. He was in a hurry since you were still unresponsive, and deep down he was expecting the worst.
What if you wouldn’t survive whatever this was?
Once he got there and a doctor noticed what state you were in, they quickly took you from him to run some tests on you while someone asked him questions. Questions he didn’t really know the answer to. You seemed fine when you had gone to sleep, all he knew was that you had this terrible headache in the middle of the night. 
They didn’t tell him anything apart from the info that they were doing some scans. He bought a coffee and sat in the waiting room, his mind in overdrive from the events of the past hour. And then that hour became two, and just when he was losing hope someone would finally tell him what the hell was happening, a doctor showed up and asked for your relative. 
“I’m her boyfriend, what’s happening to her?” he replied when they asked him who he was. 
“An aneurysm in her brain. Well, two, but only one ruptured. We will take her to the OR now and see what we can do,” the doctor explained. “It will take a long time, you might want to go home. We will call you once we know more.”
“I’d rather stay. And I’ll call her parents, I’m sure they would like to be here.” 
The doctor nodded then left to focus on your surgery. This left Simon alone in the waiting room again with his face buried in his hands as he tried to fight back the tears. He had to be strong. He couldn’t fall apart. He was supposed to tell your parents that you were in there because of a damn aneurysm. He knew those things were deadly, but you were still alive, fighting. 
After talking to your parents, he sent Price a message, telling him that there was no way he would leave your side for god knows how long. He was considering writing to Johnny too, but in the end he decided not to. The two of you were friends, he would be worried for sure. At least one of them had to stay sharp, especially if he happened to go on a mission before you got better. 
What he wasn’t expecting was Price showing up a bit over an hour after he had sent the message. The Captain greeted him quickly then pulled him into a hug. Simon had no idea how badly he needed that, how much he craved physical contact at this point. It grounded him, made him focus on the present, not on the possible worst outcomes. Because his mind had been full of what ifs, like what if you died, what would he tell your parents and friends? It would mean he failed to do the one thing he promised to do–to protect you from harm. 
“You’re spiraling, Simon,” Price said as they sat down. 
The lieutenant nodded. “It’s hard to do anything else in this place. She’s been in surgery for two hours now, I don’t know how it’s going, her parents aren’t here yet. What will I tell them?”
With a hand on the younger man’s shoulder, Price took a deep breath. “You wrote me it was an aneurysm. Those things can be hidden for decades. No one knew it was there, there’s no warning sign as far as I know, and let’s not forget that you brought her here in time. She’ll pull through, don’t worry,” he said. 
They sat there in silence for quite a while, but it was the sort of comforting silence that Simon truly needed now. And then, just when he was about to go and ask someone if they knew anything, the doctor showed up again. “Mr. Riley? She is out of surgery for now. She will need a lot of rest here in the hospital, and it will take some time to see if there is any kind of brain damage. She is okay now, but I need you to understand that a lot of patients with this problem don’t survive for long. We will do everything we can, and it is a good thing you brought her in so soon after the first symptoms. I am… cautiously optimistic.”
“Thank you, doctor,” he said with a relieved sigh. “Can I see her?”
“Yes, a nurse will soon be here to take you to her, but you can’t stay for long.”
Price patted him on the shoulder after the doctor left. “She’s okay. She’s gonna be fine,” he said with a supportive smile. 
Simon nodded. Yes, you were alive. And he would do whatever it took to help you recover. 
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jennarations · 1 year
The Ultimate Lestappen Fic Masterlist ™
Hello all. This list has about 70+ fics within it. That’s just under 1,000,000 words solely dedicated to the Carbonara Leclerc-Verstappens. (yes i counted) I’ve tried to maintain my organization throughout, but if something looks a little janky or feels out of place, let me know. (Lord knows I never made this list thinking I would make it public but alas, here we are) The key is simple:
> (Title) +/= (Multichaptered/One-Shot)
!!! (Link)
• (Tags - please note these are just the tags I saw relevant to myself, double check the fics themselves for any other tags you might deem relevant!) *(Word count)
Now I’ve put a ♥️ next to all of my personal favorites. Remember, this is a masterlist and a fic rec if that’s what you’re looking for. I will never read (or record) any fic that is not up to my personal golden standard; so everything you see below has been read and vetted by yours truly 💋 I will also tag my favorite authors at the bottom of this post so you can go view their pages and send them some love :^) Note: All of these works are on Ao3. There is only one WIP in this list and it is stated with the fic. Now go crazy you animals ;))
(p.s. some of the fic descriptions are quite long, but with respect to the authors wishes I feel that it would be a dishonesty to chop them off though so you’ll have to deal with it) Here we go!!!!!!!! (under the Read More)
> Home (Is Wherever I’m With You) + ♥️
Or: Charles leaves Ferrari, tries to win a championship, and learns some things about belonging. All the while, Max is there.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/40801053/chapters/102234501
• Angst, Fluff, Red Bull!Charles *17.9k
> On The Limit = (Series - Objects in the Mirror) ♥️
Two Formula 1 drivers walk into a bar and accidentally have a heart-to-heart.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/43252263
• Angst, Heart to Heart *6.8k
> Leave No Space = (Series - Objects in the Mirror)
Max Verstappen fucks men sometimes. Charles struggles to cope.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/43505271
• Falling in Love, Charles is depressed, Charles is moving to Red Bull *31.7k
> All To Play For = (End of Series - Objects in the Mirror)
Charles Leclerc is not at Red Bull to win races. He is here to win championships.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46910503
• Nasty Breakup w/ Happy Ending, Charles is so depressed, Pain, Angst, Red Bull!Charles *49.3k
> I Think There’s Been a Glitch = (Series)
or: Max sits on Hüllkenberg’s lap during a press conference. Charles is decidedly Not Normal about it.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46107499
• Teasing, Crush, First Time, Charles POV, Bottom!Max *5.5k
> Room 309 = (End of Series)
or: what happens in room 309
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46397647
• Max’s POV, Smut *8.2k
> Undress Me to the Naked Truth =
or: Charles and Max celebrate post-Austria 2022
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46761448
• Smut, Established Relationship, Bottom!Max *6.8k
> The Rest is Unwritten =
Max ran, like his husbands life depended on it.
Weaving his way around the paddock, murmurs of a black flag and unresponsive boring through the crowds. All he could do was get to Charles.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46203964#main
• Angst, Husbands, Crash *1.5k
> Monaco Malaise = (Series)
Max and Charles have been hooking up for a few months, casually, no string attached — definitely no feelings involved…
The disaster that was Monaco 2021 sees them in Charles’ apartment, with Max having to deal with the fact that Charles can’t get out of his head.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/43192021#main
• Smut, Slight Angst, Slight Fluff *8k
> Azerbaijan Abnegation = (End of Series)
After Monaco, Max thought he’d made up his mind about Charles, and their little arrangement.
They’re in Azerbaijan and Charles is everywhere: in his head, in his messages, in his hotel room…
Will Max be able to hold onto his resolve, or will his attempts at self-denial only prolong the inevitable?
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46781737/chapters/117829006#workskin
• Angst, Smut *16.9k
> Ribs =
He wakes up all weird on Monday. Charles can feel it the moment he opens his eyes. It’s like an odd weight on his chest that evolves into something a lot more achy and sharp emanating down his torso as he starts crawling out of bed.
Or: Charles injures himself before the last race of the season. The only option is to power through it.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/44784424#main
• Fluff, Established Relationship, WDC!Charles *2.6k
> You Could Call Me Babe For the Weekend + ♥️
Or: There are lots of ways to love Charles Leclerc, Max maybe learns all of them through the years.
Featuring: puddles, stargazing, unsolicited driving lessons, and the overwhelming fear of growing up.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/42042690/chapters/105559215#workskin
• Angst, Teenagers, Falling in Love *12.3k
> Got Your Tongue =
It’s the middle of the night, there’s a stray cat in Charles’ bedroom, and only one person he can think of to help him. The rest is just a misunderstanding.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46854709?view_adult=true#main
• Fluff *2.9k
> Do You Want Me (Dead)? =
When Charles accidentally comes out to Max it shouldn’t really change anything. It doesn’t change anything.
Until it does. In fact, it changes everything.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/44626003#main
• Angst, Pining, Fluff, Happy Ending, FIFA in Suzuka *12.5k
> How to Babygirl-ify Your Boyfriend: A Comprehensive Guide by Charles Leclerc =
Charles sees someone on the internet call Max babygirl. He’s instantly obsessed.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/45295756?view_adult=true#main
• Smut, Fluff, Bottom!Max *4.5k
> Silly Me (For Falling in Love With You) = ♥️
“We’re not asking you to ‘woo’ him,” Christian says, looking pained at having to say the word ‘woo’, “We just need others to think you’ve wooed him.”
“I’m not following,” Max says, frowning.
“A PR relationship,” Poppy explains. “You pretend to date, making the public think you’re all happy and in love. Then you reap the benefits of being in a relationship without actually having to put in the effort or work.”
“Absolutely not,” Max says, crossing his arms over his chest. “That’s depressing, I’m not doing that.”
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/44464324#main
• Fluff, Angst, Fake Relationship, Non-F1!Charles *18.3k
> Glitch + ♥️
Max hums. “Well, at least that means I won’t bump into Charles Leclerc again.”
“Bummer, really,” Daniel says, moving back to his own seat and drinking the little bit of coffee that was still in the cup. “Could’ve been the start of a great love story.”
Lando snorts. “Kids, it all started when I told your father, who had won two World Driver Championships at that point, that he sucked at driving.”
Max sticks his middle finger up at them, and pulls his noise canceling headphones back over his ears. Only two hours left to go, he thinks, wistfully, and goes back to work.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46316224/chapters/116609527
• Angst, Fluff, Funny, Programmer!Max *26.6k
> Heart On Your Sleeve =
The thing about having a racing helmet that constantly displays your emotions for the whole world to see, is that you kind of get used to it after a while. These days Charles almost forgets it’s even a thing.
But then he goes and falls in love.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/45717973#main
• Pining, Magical Realism *4.8k
> You Can Hear It In the Silence =
Or, the five times Max and Charles accidentally fall asleep together, and the one time they do it on purpose.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/43882683#main
• Pining, Sleep trope, Fluff *7.4k
> You’ll be Alright = ♥️
Charles is not an idiot. He knows there’s a part of him that has been at least a little bit in love with Max for as long as they’ve known each other. But he’s always been able to shove it down. Burying it under rivalries and competitiveness until it was getting hard to differentiate between love and hate. And that had worked, for a really long time.
And then Max had to go and barge into his life and be really fucking cute with his baby.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/45348790#main
• Kidfic, Fluff, Slight Angst, Max is great with kids, Falling in Love *19.2k
> Maximum Formula =
“Welcome back to another episode of Maximum Formula, I’m your host, Emilian, and this is the first episode for the F1 2022 season. There will be plenty to talk about, but first I’d like to introduce our first guest of the season: Charles Leclerc. Welcome to the show, Charles.”
Or, Charles tries to become a world champion with Ferrari.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/45691483#main
• Angst, Falling in Love, Podcast!Max, Identity Hiding *20.4k
> Violent Delights +
Max can’t smell any of his usual aggression beneath the unusual spatter of Omega, sweet yet violent, and it makes his head spin.
“Max,” is all Charles says, voice breathless. He looks over his shoulder, quick, hasty, looks back. His eyes are wider, if possible. “We have— we have fucked up, I think.”
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/41445333#main
• A/B/O, Alpha!Max, Alpha!Charles turns into Omega!Charles *15.5k
> Petrol =
Max scoffs. He steps closer, smile a little real. It lets Charles see the tiny freckle on his lip, dark and undying, always zoomed in on when his face is in HD. Chuckling, Max scratches at his stubble. “I didn’t know you liked Red Bull.”
Automatically, Charles corrects, “I hate it.” It says too much.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/41359482#main
• Smut, Angst, Denial, Bottom!Max *4.2k
> It All Reminds Me of You =
Pierre turns, and with him, the object of his distasteful frown. “Why do you have a Red Bull cap in your apartment?”
Charles tenses. He looks between Pierre and the cap, still held tepid between two fingers, dark blue and flat-brimmed and garishly branded with a sick sense of obvious. It feels wrong, just looking at it. There’s a big red 1 emblazoned on the front.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/40279869#main
• Angst, Smut, Secret Relationship, Switch!Max, Switch!Charles *3k
> Proximity =
These kinds of smiles on Max are reserved for other people. Like Daniel, like Lando, like those Dutch guys that come around sometimes and he likes to yell with.
Not Charles.
It’s probably the fourth time Max is acting noticeably strange around him that he notices the freckle on his lip.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/40737591#main
• Angst, Smut *6.7k
> Want It Good Want It All =
When Max puts the disc into the cartridge of his PS4 he isn't sure what to expect.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/43761192#main
• Sex tape, Masturbation *2.1k
> Algorithm + ♥️
Tired of all the internal team conflicts, the F1 powers-that-be have developed a simulation-based compatibility test for drivers and their teammates.
Five times Max doesn’t find the right partner and one time he does.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/29561109/chapters/72650025#workskin
• Magical Realism, Compatibility Simulations, Fluff, Slight Angst, Some Maxiel in the beginning *16.9k
> In the Dark You Can’t See Shiny Cars +
In the summer of 2022, the quiet neighbourhood of Les Amants in Monaco becomes the epicentre of a strange weather phenomenon.
A dark cloud hangs over Charles’ head—unfortunately not just a metaphorical one. Max sets out to investigate.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/41147001/chapters/103144245
• Magical Realism, Charles accidentally controls the weather, Fluff, Slight Angst *14.5k
> Panem et Circenses =
Panem et circenses, the Romans called it. Bread and circus to appease the people.
The bread is always in short supply these days, ever since the wheat fields burned down. So that just leaves-
“The brave new world of Formula One,” Crofty’s voice comes out distorted from the circuit speakers. “Ten teams. Twenty cars. An auspicious new technical programme that combines the top edge AI technology with the most skilled drivers to deliver the best spectacle ever seen.”
In a dystopian near-future, Charles and Max drive for survival.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/40704441#main
• Dystopian future, Sentient F1 cars, oppressive Regime, Hope, Angst, Falling in Love *13.2k
> Every Other Sunday + ♥️
The grainy pictures are pieced together like a crude comic strip, sketching a poorly thought-out narrative arc that somehow made it onto the front page of every sleazy newspaper.
EXPOSED!: The secret gay double-life of F1 driver Max Verstappen
Max navigates the aftermath of being outed in the press, and Charles is always there.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/34827223/chapters/86722561
• Slight Angst, Fluff, Smut, Max has been outed, Charles does some soul searching, Motorhome club, F1 family antics *34.5k
> Soak Up the Sun =
“What do you think?” Charles asks, leaning back into the seat as he turns the laptop so Max can see the options.
“I think—” Max starts, “—that this can wait until after FP1.”
Charles’s lips curl downwards, and Max wants to kiss the look off his face. “There’s still like an hour until it starts. There’s no one even looking for me yet.”
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Lestappen_Summer_Exchange_2022/works/40998603#main
• Fluff, Non-Linear timeline, Getting together *6.8k
> Like a Prayer =
It was sinful to have such thoughts but then Charles had never been one to shy away from sinful desires. Stood at the alter the priest looked glowing, his strong cheekbones and jawline illuminated by a wash of colour. Charles’ gaze followed the beams of light back to the stained glass, he tried not to think too long about the image of Christ etched on to the window. This was a sacred place, but there could be nothing more deserving of veneration than the God who had so kindly sculpted the body of Father Verstappen.
Charles is an F1 driver and Max is a sexy priest.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Formula_One_Kinkmeme_Round_One/works/44838136#main
• Smut, Religion, Priest!Max *3.2k
> We Go Way Back =
They were the same in the end. Yes, Max was an alpha, and Charles was an omega, but that didn’t matter. If you took racing from either of them, there wouldn’t be anything left.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/43936200?view_adult=true#main
• A/B/O, Alpha!Max, Omega!Charles, Smut, Fluff *13.8k
> Close Proximity =
A hotel mix-up forces Max and Charles to share a room. There is only one bed.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Formula_One_Kinkmeme_Round_One/works/44503150?view_adult=true#main
• Smut, One bed trope *3.5k
> Pens, fingers and most definitely cock ... a random list of things Max likes to put in his mouth =
Max has an oral fixation, Charles is happy to oblige. This is a story of their developing relationship as told through the things Max likes to put in his mouth!
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Formula_One_Kinkmeme_Round_One/works/44205019#main
• Oral fixation kink, Smut, Fluff *2.7k
> FIA Approved Stress Relief =
It’s the strangest briefing Charles has ever been a part of. Ever. Which is saying something because this time last year he was sat wide eyed as the Fia tried to bring in mandatory checks for Fia approved underwear and intimate piercings. A few team principles had helpfully offered their services and it had ended in a rather heated debate over whether that fell under their job description.
It didn’t compare to this though.
As director of the GPDA it’s been left to George to run through the basics of the brand new Fia approved sex doll. Charles was sure he had misheard but no, as it turns out, the Fia really have lost their minds.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Formula_One_Kinkmeme_Round_One/works/44059752?view_adult=true#main
• Sex Doll, Smut, Pining, Voyeurism *2.3k
> Long Live (The Walls We Crashed Through) + ♥️
“What are you doing?” Charles asked, his voice cracking.
Max blinked at him once before he smirked and said, “Well... I was going to kiss you.”
“Because I want to.”
“Why?” Charles repeated, feeling like his legs were going to give out.
“Is that not a good enough reason?” Max asked.
OR: The childhood best friends to lovers fairy-tale-soulmates fic that nobody asked for. Charles has been in love with Max since he was seven years old.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46190509/chapters/116284681
• Fluff, Smut, Best friends to lovers, Slight Angst *76.8k
> Viva la Miami =
Max raced all over the world and was used to different climates. But there was something about Miami’s sticky, muggy, make-your-phone-screen-fog-up kind of scorching heat that made him feel fucking crazy.
It made him want to strip naked and jump in the bright blue water surrounding his hotel.
It made him want to fuck.
OR: Max and Charles hook up for the first time, and it's very different than what Max had pictured.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46963513#main
• Smut, PWP, Top!Charles *8.2k
> I’ll Be Right Beside You = ♥️
Max stared at Charles’ closed eyes and how they twitched in his sleep. Objectively, Max knew that Charles was probably the most beautiful man he had ever seen. But... this was Charles.
Charles Leclerc.
Big, cry-baby Charles.
Sauber #2 driver Charles.
When did he decide that Charles The Driver would become Charles The Boyfriend?
He wishes he could remember.
OR: The self-indulgent Amnesia AU that nobody asked for. This is my love story to Charles Leclerc, thank you for coming along. Warning: this fic may break you.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/42990660#main
• Amnesia, Graphic Accident, Angst, Pain, Fluff, Smut *50.7k
> Breathe You In (Like a Vapor) =
OR: the self-indulgent story of how Charles and Max fell in love over winter break 2022, in a classic Enemies to Friends With Benefits to Lovers fic that nobody asked for.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/45079192?view_adult=true#main
• Smut, Fluff, Falling in Love *53k
> And That’s How I Foksmashed Dad’s Championship Trophy =
All of that would have been forgivable if not for the Green-Eyed Monster’s complete disregard for the pre-contracted occupation rights of Max’s lap. Such rights had long been pre-determined and belonged to Sassy (and occasionally to Jimmy, she admitted begrudgingly). However, no amount of quiet hisses and vicious glares seemed to penetrate the creature’s thick skull, and he would greedily occupy Max’s thigh for more than 95% of any given afternoon. Sometimes with his head, sometimes with his feet, and a few times he even straddled his entire body over Max; the latter could not have been comfortable for Max, as the Green-Eyed Monster was enormously overweight compared to Sassy.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/43833321#main
• Fluff, POV!Sassy and Jimmy, Funny *6.5k
> Set My Midnight Sorrow Free =
He doesn’t blame Max, not really.
If he could have Charles for one night, he would never let him go either.
Maybe he isn’t the one who is losing; Max is also playing a losing game.
You can’t open yourself to Charles and try to exist in his charmed life without becoming irrevocably enamoured.
When Max let Charles walk into his motorhome, when he let Charles slip into his existence, Max didn’t know it then but the battle was already lost.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/31552340#main
• Angst, POV!Pierre, Falling in Love, Jealousy/Pining *13.4k
> All of You, All of Me (Intertwined) =
Or, two future teammates get high, get on Mattia Binotto's wrong side through an inadvisable escapade involving fairy lights, get on a plane, and get a stuffed armadillo named Chax. In that order.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/42627222#main
• Fluff, Slight Angst, FWB to Lovers, Future Red Bull!Charles *12.8k
> The Grid: A Comprehensive Guide for Handling your Gay Racer Friends =
Or, Charles and Max, and the handbook birthed from their idiocy. Featuring a large number of baked goods.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/33291136#main
• Fluff, Humor, Friends *6.3k
> we're fallin' like the stars, we're fallin' in love = ♥️
"So, do we need a signal for when things are going downhill and you need me to save you?" He asks, a glimmer in his eyes that seems so unfamiliar yet familiar that Max feels it like a sucker punch to the stomach.
"Just have the vodka waiting." Max laughs, flicking his gaze down to the gentle grip that Charles has his wrist in before he releases and Max turns around with pink cheeks and crosses the restaurant to join up with his date once again.
(Lando sets Max up on disastrous blind dates that end up with Max falling for the bartender who was the real set up all along.)
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/27047056/chapters/66033652?show_comments=true&view_full_work=false#comment_668986186
• Fluff, Non-Driver AU, Blind dates, Bartender!Charles *8.7k
> Pick Apart the Pieces of Your Heart =
"I reckon-" George says in-between scenes, "- that Charles is Gatsby."
Lando tilts his head back to clock Max's reaction but it's nothing except confusion etched on his face as he scrunches his nose up trying to figure out what George means,
George holds his hand up and continues to explain, "Gatsby threw all these big parties in the hope that Daisy would go to one of them, right? Charles throws a party every other day and I think it's because he wants you to go." He says to Max
alternatively, Charles is Max's nightmare neighbour until he's something much more than that.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/25489348/chapters/61832617?show_comments=true&view_full_work=false#main
• Fluff, Angst, Non-Driver AU, Apartment neighbor AU *6.3k
> We’re Making Gold Dust = (Series)
They’re carefully walking, skipping and hauling themselves across any gaps. The morning air feels crisp and fills Charles’ lungs until it hurts, but god, it hurts in the best way that it’s ever hurt him before. He takes pictures, videos but tries to remember the feeling most of all.
It feels like home.
The best people, the best places, the height, the element of danger, it’s everything that Charles hadn’t imagined his life to be five years ago but maybe it’s right after all.
alternatively, a fascination discovered at fifteen leads to love, trust and healing whilst breaking the rules and climbing things that aren't supposed to be climbed.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/24374812#main
• Angst, Non-Driver AU, Parkour AU, Falling in Love *13k
> Two Burning Hearts (It Would Last Forever) =
In the end, it does turn out that your soulmate can be the person you least expect and neither of them don’t think it could have been anybody else.
alternatively, Charles and Max are soulmates and for the most part, they hate it but should have seen it coming.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/23363920#main
• Soulmate AU, Angst *2.5k
> All the Lights (Couldn’t Put Out the Dark) = (Series - The Warming Verse)
“Charles,” Max said, his tone soft again and breaking Charles of his thoughts. “Please just ask me for whatever you want to ask me. You don’t have to keep explaining yourself.”
Charles laughed again, his cheeks bright red.
“Could I... sit on your cock for a little bit?”
OR: Charles is overwhelmed and wants Max to make it better.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46165159#main
• PWP, Cock Warming, Feelings *7.5k
> The Right Place (The Right Time) = (Series - The Warming Verse)
“Charles,” Max said, his tone gentle.
Charles didn’t move his hands away from his face.
“Hey... look at me,” Max said softly.
Charles took a deep breath and finally let his hands fall.
Max looked at him for a long moment, their eyes locked together before he asked, “Would my cock help?”
OR: In the aftermath of the shit show that was Melbourne, Charles turns to Max for comfort.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46332700#main
• PWP, Cock Warming *9.7k
> Something New (Let’s Not Get Complicated) + (Series - The Warming Verse)
Max smiled at him, his expression soft despite how hard he was against Charles’ hip.
“Pretty boy,” Max mused, brushing Charles’ hair out of his eyes.
“Shut up,” Charles huffed, flushing bright red. It only made Max smile harder.
“You’re even prettier when you tell me to shut up.”
“Shut the hell up, Max,” Charles squeaked.
OR: Charles and Max finally talk about their Feelings™
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46896289/chapters/118129207#workskin
• PWP, Cock Warming, Size Kink, Dom/subspace, Daddy kink *31.7k
—Please note there may be more works in The Warming Verse, I may not be caught up***
> Fair Winds and Following Seas = ♥️
Max lets out an impatient sigh and looks at Lando as he washes the shot glass before putting it back. “Well who is it?”
Lando rolls his eyes. “You’re no fun.”
“I’m delightful, now come on,” Max presses, trying not to show he’s getting curious. “Who is this mystery person?”
“Charles Leclerc!” Lando says with a bright smile, he’s almost jumping up and down with excitement. “He’s chartering the yacht for the week!”
“Charles Leclerc?” Max repeats, raising an eyebrow. “The Charles Leclerc, F1 driver for Ferrari, is here?”
Max works on a super yacht during the summer to make some money to invest in his sim racing career and Charles happens to charter it for the week.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/48088906/chapters/121258555?show_comments=true&view_full_work=false#comment_671144260
• Non Driver!Max, Yacht shenanigans, Fluff, Slight Angst, Mentions of Smut *24.8k
> Carry Me in Your Heart (You Know You’re Never Gonna Leave Mine) =
“You are the reason he started learning German?!” Lorenzo practically gasps, honest-to-god glee on his features. Charles hates him.
“But Max is Dutch,” Arthur says.
Charles groans, his hands trailing in front of his face in an effort to disappear from the situation.
AU where you can sometimes see through your soulmate's eyes.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/42022176?view_adult=true#main
• Soulmate!AU, Growing up together, Angst, Harsh breakup, Angst with a happy ending *30.2k
> No Brakes On = ♥️
Max is a race car driver. Charles is a movie star. They really shouldn't work, but they do.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/48170218#main
• Actor!Charles, Slight Angst, Character study, Fluff, Strangers to lovers *32.5k
> Lost In Your Current Like a Priceless Wine =
"What did you just say?" Max asks in a flat voice and Charles gives him a strained smile.
"I might have accidentally told my mom that I have a boyfriend and now she's demanding that I bring you home with me for the New Year. Actually, she said Christmas and New Year, but I told her that you were spending Christmas with your own family..."
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/28535271
• Fake dating, Non-Driver AU, College AU, Fluff, Slight Angst *10.2k
> You Got Me =
When Max looks up he stares into pretty green eyes behind black rimmed glasses. His hand is still blindly feeling around to find the books—his brain lagging—as he stares at the guy from last night. He straightens up and Max follows, staring dumbly as he holds out the books for Max to take.
“Thanks,” Max says, feeling like an idiot as he takes the books, their fingers brushing for a split second. This was not how he wanted to meet again. “Again, I’m so sorry.”
The guy smiles and Max thinks he might just die a little when he notices he has dimples. Of course he has dimples.
Max falls head over heels for the cute guy at a college party and he can't stop thinking about him (aka the lestappen college au nobody needs).
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49182076#main
• College AU, Fluff *16.6k
> This Feels Like Falling in Love =
Five kisses throughout their lives, and the one that started it all.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49162735/chapters/124043815?
• Podfic, 4+1 fic, Kid fic *3k
> Closest I Get = (Series)
“It doesn’t have to be a big deal or anything, right? It can be just about sex, nothing else.” Charles steps forward, into Max’s space. Reaches out a hand, lets it run over Max’s cheek, leans a little closer. “Just sex,” he whispers, in the ever diminishing space between them as Max leans into his touch.
“Fuck,” Max whispers, screwing his eyes shut, breathing deeply through his mouth. “I shouldn’t, I really shouldn’t-“
Charles cuts him off by lurching forward and pressing a kiss to Max’s mouth, quick and fleeting, but then Max groans, grabs Charles’s waist, pulls him closer, kisses him hard. Charles melts into it immediately, overwhelmed by Max’s scent, by his hands on Charles’s waist, his mouth on Charles’s.
It’s like something clicks into place, when they kiss.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49230871#main
• A/B/O, Alpha!Max, Omega!Charles, PWP, Angst *4.8k
> Heart Held Close = (End of Series)
“Just sex,” Charles whispers in his ear, and he’s coming closer closer closer and Max is getting swallowed by the sun, Charles’s smell bright and enticing and all around him.
Max let’s out a heartfelt, “Fuck,” as he feels himself tipping forward ever so slightly, his rut dumb brain taking over, ignoring the little voice in the back of his head that is still screaming at him that this is a terrible idea. “I shouldn’t, I really shouldn’t-“ He tries, but it’s weak at best.
And then Charles kisses him, and it’s all over.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49276354#main
• A/B/O, Smut, Angst, Happy Ending *7.8k
> A Force More Powerful Than Gravity =
Charles studies goop in his lab. Goop is actually a very attractive alien.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/LestappenWeekSummer2023/works/49302043#main
• Non-Driver AU, Alien!Max, Scientist!Charles, Fluff, Slight Angst *4.5k
> Give Yourself Up To Me =
For the safety of his people, Crown Prince Charles is willing to do anything.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49300402/chapters/124403428?
• Non-Driver AU, Royalty AU, Angst *1.5k
> Amazing Grace =
“I win!” Charles announces when he has Max pinned to the ground by his wrists, a wild grin on his lips. His chest is heaving, there’s some dirt on his cheek and in his hair, and Max can’t help but grin up at him.
“No you don’t,” He argues, mirth in his eyes. “You only win when you capture my sword!”
They're teenagers. And then they're not.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49325872/chapters/124469185?
• Non-Driver AU, Swordsmen AU, Angst *1.5k
> Red Bull’s Golden Puppy =
In a memory box tucked away deep in their minds, Charles, Max and Chloe Leclerc-Verstappen, share their biggest memories and photographs. Adopting a pet named after the original Red Bull golden boy Sebastian Vettel would soon join that club.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/LestappenWeekSummer2023/works/49313617#main
• Kid!fic, Future family, Established Relationship, Fluff *1.4k
> This Love Asylum =
“Are we still having dinner with your mother?,” Max asked, his arm still on Charles’s waist, Sebastian’s low whistle now hard to miss. “I didn’t know you went to dinner with the Leclercs.”
“Hmm? Oh yeah, I do! My mum told Pascale I was only having takeout when I’m here. It worries her, you know? So when we’re here, I’m supposed to have dinner with Charlie and his mum at least once a wee—ow! Hey!” Charles had elbowed Max, causing the latter the pout while another pout was already on Charles’s face.
“I didn’t know Sophie and Pascale were friends either,” Sebastian was having the time of his life and Max being oblivious about Charles’s whole situation was the icing on the proverbial cake.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/LestappenWeekSummer2023/works/49312864#main
• Fluff, Sebastian!POV *1.5k
> Dangerous Games =
Too late, Charles realises he’s been standing rooted in his spot, and Max looks over his shoulder, a questioning look on his face, “Is everything al—,”
“Suck my dick.” Charles blurts out.
Max’s eyebrows shoot up. Charles’ cheeks are bright red. “What?”
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/LestappenWeekSummer2023/works/49276297#main
• Non-Driver AUCollege AU, Blowjob, Slight Smut *1.9k
> Eighteenth Summer =
Max wanted to burn it into his memory, engrave bits and pieces of it into each of his senses. The way the blue sky reflected off of Charles’s massive sunglasses, the smell of the hot asphalt mixing with Charles’s cologne, the nearly hysterical sound of their laughter as their playlist finally shuffled to Mr. Brightside; everything felt so precious. So fleeting. Moments memorialized on the 101 northbound, flying out of their open windows and away from his greedy fingers.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49253491/chapters/124280527?
• Fluff, Angst, Happy Ending, Summer in California, High School AU *5k
> Middle Child Syndrome +
After all, Charles being a middle child always made a lot of sense to Max.
Max’s unwillingness to deny Charles anything always made a little less sense to Max.
Standing on the third place podium beneath the Monegasque flag made a lot less sense to Max.
The fact that he wasn’t mad about it, a warm sense of acquiescence spurred by Charles’s smile, made it all click.
He was in love with Charles Leclerc, and he always had been.
Or: A small collection of memories leading up to a realization on the podium of Baku 2023
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46979311/chapters/118348648#workskin
• Fluff, Realization of Feelings *3.6k
> Rules of Engagement =
“Take me with you then!” Max felt his eyes go wide, his jaw literally dropping at the suggestion. “Tell them I’m like. Say I’m your fiancé, mate.”
The heat had melted Charles’s brain, Max decided, staring at him blankly.
“No.” He deadpanned.
“Mate it’s genius! You won’t have to do anything, just stand there. Let me handle it. Them. The women.”
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49006156#main
• Fake Relationship, Roommates, Non-Driver AU, Socially inept!Max *7.2k
> All the Stars We Cannot See = ♥️
Sitting on his roof, bathed in wintery silence, Max prayed to be rescued. To whom, he wasn’t sure. Maybe the force that branded his wrist, the universal power that decided who to tie him with forever. Perfectly. Something like fate.
Max prayed to fate, then.
“Am I interrupting something?” The man’s accent was French, his tone unusually assertive for a question of intrusion.
“It’s not my roof,” Max shrugged, hopping back onto the ledge.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49182697/chapters/124096612?
• Soulmate AU, Non-Driver!Charles, Mentions of Child Abuse, Mentions of Sickness, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Happy Ending *9.8k
> Lie to Me =
5 times they told the truth + 1 time they tried to lie
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49206214?view_adult=true#main
• Soulmates AU, Angst, Smut *5.3k
> Shut Up and Drive +
Max pointed at Charles’ bags. ‘Is this all you're bringing or will there be more?’
Oh so he was making fun of him now, well Charles could do the same. ‘You mean more than the four white t-shirts you brought?’
Max blinked at him for a couple of seconds before his entire face lit up and he giggled. He giggled.
‘Good one, and I actually brought five t-shirts,’ Max replied, still smiling.
Was he serious? Charles hoped not.
OR: Charles and Max are 'forced' to go on a road trip together, whatever could go wrong?
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49181029/chapters/124092070#workskin
• Road-trip, One bed trope, Enemies to Lovers, WIP *
> Partiality =
“Okay, this is—,” Max stops himself. His eyebrows knit together and he’s obviously frustrated with something. “I know this isn’t what you wanted,” He says slowly, when he gathers his thoughts. “But I’m not going to force you to treat me like your—,” Max makes a face. “Your alpha.”
Charles coughs. “But… You are.” He points out.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49230259?view_adult=true#main
• A/B/O, Alpha!Max, Omega!Charles, Fluff *2.4k
> You Went, and It Was Night =
“I can hear you thinking from here,” Max says suddenly. His voice sounds husky, used, wrecked. It sends a shiver down Charles’ spine. He did that. “You’re being very loud.”
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49182070/chapters/124095055?
• Slight Angst, Fluff, Charles is thinking *900 words
> Sort You Out (Heart Out Series) =
Charles can't tell which is worse — that he can't remember the sex he had with his childhood rival, or how according to her, it wasn't even good.
!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49340395/chapters/124508077?
• Girl!Max, Pining Charles, Slight smut *6.3k
Here are some of the best authors in the Lestappen field. Please go follow and send them some love!! They are doing the Lord’s work!!!!!!
@nyoomfruits (nyoomfruits on Ao3)
@drivestraight (Linearity on Ao3)
@fabbyf1 (Fabby on Ao3)
@charlescoded (lazarusgreeneyes on Ao3)
@fueledbyremembering (NovaCloud on Ao3)
@wanderingblindly (Wanderingblindly on Ao3)
@hoewedeshummels (Monzas on Ao3)
-Only Ao3 username is known-
*Authors, if you want to be untagged, or you want your fics pulled from the list, shoot me a dm :)
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fanaticsnail · 6 months
Donquixote Rosinante's Journey with Modern Slang
Masterlist here.
Mild background context: Law's skills as a doctor saved a person with the devil-fruit with the ability grant a single wish. Law used that wish to bring back Donquixote "Corazon" Rosinante as he was: lying in the snow and unresponsive. He wanted the chance to use what he's learnt to save him, and save him he does. Both now in their 20s, Rosi is adjusting and attempting to learn the current slang to relate to his grown son. Enjoy crack dialogue.
Notes: Coming from a conversation had with @feral-artistry in a resurrection au.
Tag List: @sordidmusings @since-im-already-here @writingmysanity @gingernut1314 @carrotsunshine @cinnbar-bun @vespidphoenix
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(Image link)
Rosi: "So, I went on a date last night and no cap: was lit, my guy."
Law: 😑
Rosi: "So we were being extra and had some bevs, which high key slapped. Then we ubered to the gig because she had mad FOMO, but then she ghosted me for flexing?"
Law: 😑😑
Rosi: "But then we found each other again, and I asked her out and she was like 'aight, bet,' which I'll take a 'W' when I'm offered one."
Law: 😑😑😑
Rosi: "Gee, kid. No need to throw shade when I'm spilling the tea! You're acting sus. Salty 'coz I got clout. So, anyway. It was a lit night-."
Law: "Dad, C'mon!!!"
The rest of the heart pirates barely holding in their laughter throughout the entire interaction, Shachi throwing Rosi thumbs ups every time he uses slang in the appropriate way, while Penguin keeps gesturing for Rosi to start 'mewing' to piss off Law more.
Although Law pretends he hates it, each time he hears Rosinante speak: his heart soars at the knowledge that his dad is back with him - no matter how embarrassing it is.
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dykealloy · 9 months
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going through some screencaps- still rough the way kidd just stares at those keys because SOMETHING is very wrong with killer, he's been unresponsive ever since kidd came across him like the way out is RIGHT THERE but he has neither his left hand or his figurative right hand man available to unlock him
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damiansgoodgirll · 1 year
Can you write some Kylian angst where him and reader have a big argument, he walks out and drives off which makes reader cry, after he left she feels ill then she tries to call Kylian but he didn't answer and then she faints, when he comes home he found her on the floor and takes her to the hospital direct and they found out she is pregnant. After she was really mad at him but forgives him after he apologize many times?
kylian mbappè x reader
trigger warning : angst, mention of cheating, fainting, pregnancy
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i never meant to hurt you
“kylian! can you please calm down!” you kept screaming, knowing that he wouldn’t listen to you.
“calm down? y/n the photos are everywhere! who is he? uh?” he asked you, again.
it started as a normal day but kylian came home and accused you of cheating on him. it was ridiculous but there were pictures of you hugging a boy that wasn’t kylian and instead of letting you explain, he accused you of lying and cheating on him.
“he’s a friend! i was at the bar and we bumped into each other, i haven’t seen in for years kylian!” you had enough, he was being childish.
“sure…you bumped into a friend and decided to sit at the table with him and hug him?” he was mad.
“yes! is that so hard to believe?” you asked him. tears falling from your eyes because it was the first time kylian screamed at you.
“very hard to believe you didn’t cheat…i can’t believe that after all of these years we’ve spent together you decided to cheat, on me…” he told you.
“kylian! i fucking didn’t cheat on you! why can’t you trust me?” you almost screamed.
“maybe because all i see was my girlfriend all over a man who wasn’t me?”
“i’ve never, never, said anything when all those models constantly flirts with you even tho you know how mad it makes me, when i see them touching you and hugging you, i never complained and for one time! one time that i see an old friend of mine, who’s actually married, one time that i decide to hug an old friend of mine, you accuse me of cheating? kylian, what the fuck?” you couldn’t keep it in you any longer so you told him everything you wanted him to know.
“you know that’s different!” he screamed back.
“those are models i work with!” he explained.
“oh my bad! i only knew kylian the football player, not kylian the victoria’s secret model!”
“you know that’s not what i meant! it’s all my sponsors…you know that! but we are not talking about me! it’s you who cheated and the pictures are everywhere and i can’t barely stand in the same room with you right now!” he said, taking a jacket and his car keys.
“where are you going now?”
“i’m going for a drive…” and with that he left the house, leaving you standing there in the living room.
it’s been thirty minutes since he left you home alone and you started to feel sick. you felt pain in your lower stomach and your head became dizzy.
you reached for your phone in your pocket and you tried to call kylian but he wouldn’t pick up. you tried a few times but the pain became too much and you were terrified.
“please pick up…” you whispered.
but he wouldn’t.
you tried to go from the living room to the kitchen, seeing is drinking some water would make you feel better but you weren’t able to take a few steps forward that you laid on the floor due to the pain.
and then you saw nothing but black surrounding you.
kylian realised that he acted as a child the moment he left you alone. but he didn’t want to come back home, he was mad at himself for making you cry. but eventually he thought he spent too much time driving around the city and all he wanted to do was to apologise to you, so he came back home. what he wasn’t expecting was to see you laying on the ground, unresponsive. he immediately called an ambulance as he tried in any way possible to wake you up.
once you were taken to the hospital, doctors and nurses ran towards you to take care of you.
kylian was panicking, he was blaming himself for leaving you alone, he was blaming himself for not picking up your calls, he was mad at himself for screaming at you and for not believing in you.
he stood next to you for the whole time the doctors took test on you.
“she was stressed and dehydrated” one of the nurses told kylian, hoping he would calm down.
when you woke up, you saw a white blinding light pointed out into your eyes, making you squeeze them violently.
“easy easy…” you heard kylian voice next to you.
“kylian?” you called him, opening your eyes softly.
“it’s me…i’m here baby, i’m so sorry…” he apologised “i’m so sorry for screaming at you, for not believing in you…”
“it’s okay…” you said tiredly. you were still mad at him but you were too tired to fight back at the moment.
before he could speak again, a doctor came into the room with the happiest of the smiles you have ever seen.
he checked you, like every doctor is supposed to do.
“next time don’t stress to much, it will hurt the baby…” he smiled at you.
“the what?” you asked him a little confused.
“the baby…you’re pregnant…the test we ran also showed us a high level of dehydration, probably the reason you fainted in the first place, also, your boyfriend told us you had a little argument before the accident happened so i suggest you to both keep it down, for the sake of the baby” he smiled at you “congratulations!”
you and kylian were shocked. you had planned a lot of things in your life but a kid wasn’t on the list. in that moment you forgot about being mad at kylian, your worry was all about the kid you were carrying.
“we’re gonna be parents…” kylian whispered. you thought he was going to be mad but the tears in his eyes and the smile on his face told you a different story.
“we’re gonna be parents…” you repeated, smiling at him, and in that moment all of your worries began to fade as you let kylian hold you and taking care of you.
424 notes · View notes
The Meet Cute - Ace's Story - 10
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Source for pic
Firestarter 10
Word Count: 6335
Tags For The Whole Story: Fem!Reader, slight NSFW (It's mature, not explicit), slightly sugestive behaviour, flirting, jealousy, frenemies, sexual tension, miscommunication, unresolved tension, slight angst, slow-burn, romantic comedy vibes, alternate universe modern setting, swearing, drinking, fluff, feelings realisation, denial of feelings.
Special Warning: English is not my first language, I apologise for any possible spelling or grammar mistakes.
Summary: After moving away from the hustle and bustle of Grand Line City to help your father around the property following a horse-riding accident - and in the hopes of healing your broken heart after your asshole ex-fiancé cheated - you settle into the country calmness of the Calm Belt. You intended to have some alone time, to reflect and heal, but your childhood friend's older brother, Ace, seems to be there just to upset that fragile peace you're striving for. He's a flirt and a womaniser. But why does he also have to be so handsome and perfect? And how long can you resist his charms?
Notes: This chapter was a rollercoaster of emotions! But now we're only missing the epilogue with our happy ending 😊 I will be posting the new poll (for voting on the next story of the meet-cute series) this week! Also, if you want to check out my 100 followers event, feel free to do it! Full disclosure, answers to requests may take a while! Thank you for reading this! ❤️
Tag List: @rosidaze @beachaddict48 @armiliadawn
Masterlist for previous introductory chapters.
|Previous Chapter| | |Final Chapter|
Ace sets his phone down but keeps staring at it. He has a silly little grin on his lips though his eyes are furrowed with apprehension. They're enjoying a tiny break at the fire station, after helping clear the gutters that were blocking the water from flowing freely. 
All the firemen are on standby, waiting for the storm to pass and hoping for a calmer evening. 
Luffy pats Ace on the shoulder with a small smile curling his lips. “What's with the face?”
Ace sighs as he whispers your name, his fingers tousling his hair. “She managed to get a call through and though I barely heard her, she said she was coming over. And that she loves me.”
Ace can't stop a grin from pulling the ends of his lips and Luffy is smiling with him. “But that's good, right? Why do you look worried?”
“I really didn't want her driving in this weather.”
Luffy hums and nods, his eyes darting to the large windows where fat drops of rain pound incessantly. “She'll be fine, Ace! Don't worry!” He pats Ace on the back again while getting up. “Want the last slice of pizza?
And suddenly they're both fighting for the slice, Ace trying to forget that you're driving along dangerous roads and Luffy helping him do it.
The ring from the station’s phone is shrill and piercing. Ace jumps before picking it up. He's been watching the time and you were supposed to have arrived already. He can't stop the feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach. 
“Hello, go for Ace.” Even his normal greeting seems strained. 
“Ace, hi! It's Marco.” The older man has an urgency in his tone and Ace snaps in his seat, nudging Luffy as he sets the call on speaker. The connection still feels broken and with a lot of static, but he can make out the words. “There's been an accident at the intersection before the turn to the road that leads to the fire station. I don't know how long, but the car seems to have rolled over at least once. There's a girl inside and she's unresponsive. I didn't touch her but there's a lot of blood-...”
Ace scrapes his chair against the floor as he gets up, not even letting Marco finish the call. His heart is pounding against his chest relentlessly. In his head an unending litany set on repeat: no, no, no, please God, no! 
He feels cold and numb and he doesn't wait for his fellow fireman nor for the truck. He grabs his jeep keys and slides down the pole, running, not answering Luffy’s calls, not hearing anything else but the pounding of his heart in his ears. 
No, no, no, please God, no! 
When you entered Shanks’ house, a smile on your lips, calling for daddy, he felt a pang in his heart. You had grown up into a fine, beautiful woman. The burn of desire tingled and Ace knew he wanted you. 
He wanted you badly. 
But you were Shanks’ daughter, Luffy’s friend. Off-limits for his little one-night stands. It was okay, he could admire you from afar. 
It got a little harder when you stopped on the stairs and his nose rubbed against your ass. It got even harder once he found your vibrator. God, not even ten minutes had passed since you had entered your home and already he knew you would be the death of him. 
Learning that you were cheated on was like a punch to the gut. After what had happened to you and, as soon as you heard of his reputation, you would never trust him enough to let him get close to you. 
But it was fine. He just wanted to be friends. You were off-limits. 
Ace closes the jeep door with a bang and turns the ignition, the windshield wipers swiping into action instantly as the rain keeps its downpour. It's not supposed to be dark yet, but the storm makes everything bleak and grey. 
And he's so afraid. 
It can't be you. It's not you. He's going to help whoever this person is and then he's going to find out that you never left home because your car didn't start. And you just couldn't contact him because of the lines. 
That is it. It isn't you. It can't be you. 
No, no, no, please God, no!
When you called Shanks because your car wouldn't start, Ace immediately offered to pick you up. Shanks looked at him with a sidelong glance, especially after the battery remark he made to you. As if an older man wasn't aware of toys. 
“Freaking kids think they know everything.” 
But then he agreed, simply because he had a lot of work to do on the property and picking you up would interfere with his plans. 
And the sight of you bending over the hood of your car in that little dress, leaving the lowest part of your butt cheeks exposed, almost gave him a heart attack. Damn, how could you be so cute without even trying? That was what made you even more alluring to him. He couldn't stop the flirty remarks from slipping out of his mouth and seeing you flustered was just the icing on the cake. 
That car almost hitting you had made his heart jump into his throat. What a freaking reckless driver. He barely noticed that he had pulled you into a tight hug, gripping you as if he were about to lose you. 
Except Ace, true to his nature, couldn't help but flirt with the girls who called for his attention. He thrived on attention, he knew that it was a terrible fault. 
One of many. 
And if at first he didn't realise why you had suddenly become so pissed at him and his behaviour, as soon as you snapped it hit him. And you were right. He gave those nicknames to girls because it was easier. He wouldn't get attached this way. He never meant to get attached. 
But you… 
Damn you were built differently. And he had to stop thinking about you like that. Because you deserved much better than a good-for-nothing man like him. 
He knows he can't go over the limit. He's a firefighter. He knows the risks and the roads are like butter. 
Yet he can't stop his foot from pressing on the accelerator. Even though he knows it can't be you. It really can't. 
You said you loved him. He needs to let you know he feels the same. 
It can't be you.
“Fuck!” He growls as his hand hits the steering wheel and his foot presses down further. 
As soon as his eyes spot the crashed car, his heart sinks and his breath catches in his throat. 
It's your car. 
The first time you exchanged messages he had the silliest grin pulling at his lips. You were actually responding to his flirts and, for some otherworldly reason, you apologised to him. 
He didn't really think you needed to apologise, but if you were being nice to him, he wasn't going to deny you anything. 
He craved to see you, to hear you, to touch you. 
You wouldn't believe how happily surprised he was when he saw you on your morning run. Obviously he had to tease you, taunt you into a little bet. 
Winning a kiss was a long shot. He made the pitch but didn't expect you to accept at all. When you did, he almost wanted to sprint so he could win right away. But he managed to keep his cool. 
When you tripped and Ace grabbed you, he felt a strange sensation in the pit of his stomach. It was the way you smelled. Like some sort of flowers - from your shampoo, probably - and the natural tanginess of your sweat. It beckoned to him, leaving him breathless and dazed. 
It also didn't help that you were flush against him, your breasts heaving as your chest pressed against his. It filled his head with lewd thoughts and suddenly all he wanted was to have you squirming beneath him, panting for a whole different reason, sweating from ecstasy and not effort. 
It was a good thing you were distracted and didn't notice the hunger in his eyes, because he would have devoured you right there. 
When the time for the kiss neared and he had you pinned against the fence, his eyes darkened at the sight of your parted lips and the way you gasped slightly as he lifted your chin with two fingers. It took all the self-control he possessed to turn his face at the last possible second so that his kiss landed mostly on your cheek. 
His heart thumped like a drum against his chest and, for once, he was glad he listened to his brain instead of his urges. Otherwise it would have been very hard to stop at just a kiss. 
And he had to keep reminding himself that you were off-limits. That he couldn't treat you as a one-night stand. 
Even though he was starting to realise that you might be more than just a one-night stand. 
Ace has enough judgement to park the car on the side of the road with the blinkers on to prevent further accidents, yet he sprints out in a rush, completely ignoring Marco as he approaches you. 
The unending litany of ‘No, no, no, please God, no!’ keeps leaving his lips as if it were a prayer. 
As soon as his eyes meet your face, tears start to mingle with the heavy rain pouring down. Through the broken window he realises that the airbags have deployed and are now deflated and you are slumped over the steering wheel. Your face is covered in blood from a cut on your forehead and there are shards of glass on your arms. Your side of the car is crumpled from the impact and, as he tries the door, he finds that it's jammed. 
Worse, you're unconscious. 
His hand reaches in as he checks you and he almost freezes in place. You're not breathing. 
“I'm here, babe. I've got you. I've got you.” He murmurs the words to you and keeps repeating another set in his head:
No, no, no, please God, no!
Ace couldn't get you out of his head. He tried to distract himself with music, movies, even a book! Yet he kept thinking about your body close to his, your parted, panting lips and the way your eyes fluttered closed before he approached you. His body betrayed him and he kept thinking about the way your lips would feel against his, or how your skin would mould so well against his fingers. 
He needed to be with you. 
Even if it was just to see you, talk with you and spend time breathing the same air as you. He felt as if he was going crazy. He knew how desire felt, he had wanted other girls before - normally fulfilling that need quickly - but with you, he began to understand that it was deeper than just urges that needed to be met. 
So when you knocked on the fire station door, he was set on talking with you, opening himself up and listening to what you had to say. Create a friendship. A steady base to build trust upon. He could do that. He knew he was a good friend. 
He just wasn't expecting to see you looking like that when he opened the door. Thighs exposed, just a little, a cheeky grin on your lips and your smell, God, your smell. It had been years since he had been this nervous around a girl. 
You did something to him that he couldn't quite explain. 
Especially to his heart. Should he see Law at the clinic about it? It had been beating strangely for a while. 
Deuce behaved like an idiot, as usual, and insisted on seeing you, which made Ace jealous. Curious. He was not usually the jealous type. Mainly because he was never with a girl long enough to be jealous of her being around other guys, or because, even if she did, he wasn't interested enough to be jealous. 
Except with you… Damn… he felt a strange burning flame inside him roar to life. It was as if he wanted to keep you forever, to make you his. 
Ace runs to the passenger’s side of the car and tries the door, cursing loudly when it doesn't budge. Using his elbow and not caring one bit about getting cut, he shatters the glass, taking care to do it gently so as not to hit you with more shards. Reaching in with trembling hands, he unlocks the door and climbs inside. 
“I'm here love. I'm here. You're going to be fine. I'll get you out.” He keeps murmuring. 
His fireman training does not fail him as removes the seat belt and carefully manoeuvres you out of the car, gentle hands supporting your head and neck, trying to hurry, but doing everything in his power to be careful. 
“There, see, we're out. Come on baby. Breathe for me.”
He sets you down on the wet, muddy road and tilts your head back to clear your airways, his fingers pressing gently against your face. Your skin feels cold and clammy to the touch and his tears keep falling and mingling helplessly with the rain. 
No, no, no, please God, no!
“Breathe, baby!” He pinches your nose as he leans down and huffs two breaths into your unmoving lungs. 
A ragged sob makes his shoulders heave before he places his hands against your chest and starts CPR. 
“You can't leave me now!” He whispers your name. “Fight!”
No, no, no, please God, no!
The day after your visit to the fire station had Ace walking on cloud nine. When he took girls to the station, it was not just for talking. Never just for that. 
Let alone speak about his worries and how he feels regarding his grandfather. Yet, with you, it felt natural, easy, nice. He wanted to get to know you and wanted you to get to know all of him. 
So he couldn't stop his silly grin from making his freckles dance. 
Not even when his grandfather asked him why he was behaving so foolishly. He kept raving about you, how you'd grown up, how interesting you were, how happy you made him feel. 
Garp was grinning and shaking his head by the end of lunch, calling him a lovesick fool, and it took him a while to realise that he might be becoming just that. Because he didn't remember feeling this way about any girl. Ever. 
Even Garp’s cleaning lady noticed the way he was acting when she was cleaning his room, a mocking smile on her face as she closed the curtains of his room, to keep the afternoon sun out, after finishing. 
He kept wanting to talk to you, but you took so long to answer his texts that he thought he had done something wrong. Again. When you finally reached out, he had to hear your voice. And he ended up talking with you until dinner time. Time flew when he was spending it with you. And he'd be damned if he wanted it to end. 
At the party he was very excited to see you. His heart kept thrumming against his chest as if he were some lovesick teenager and he had to ask Sanji to make him an extra strong drink because he was nervous to see you. 
As it turned out, you ended up drinking his drink and a whole bottle by yourself, as if you were trying hard to get wasted, only he didn't know why. But you looked wonderful in that tight red dress. More than wonderful, actually. You were breathtaking. And he had to keep telling his and Luffy's friends that you were off-limits.
Even to himself. 
He needed a constant reminder of that important fact as well. But it was damn hard to restrain himself once he took you away from the party to nurse your drunken self, and you sat on his lap and told him to kiss you. To have you. To fuck you. 
He didn't know how he managed to do it or where he found the strength or willpower, but he pushed you away from him. With his heart hammering, cock twitching and lips tingling to taste every inch of you. 
But not like this. 
He wanted to have you, he couldn't wait to hear your pretty voice moaning his name or how melodic your mewls and sighs would sound in the throes of pleasure. How you'd writhe and squirm under his touch or how you'd beg for him when he teased you. 
But you were drunk. It wasn’t okay. 
And after he put you to sleep and the party lulled and ended in the wee hours of the night, he returned to his room, having declined advances from many pretty girls, like he had been doing since you had crashed into his life unannounced but not at all unwanted. He watched your sleeping form for who knew how long, before his eyes grew drowsy and he fell asleep on the floor, close to you. Hearing you breathe, sensing your presence and smelling your scent. A scent you'd leave on his sheets for days that were bound to give him the best and most tortuous dreams of his life. 
How he wished he could wrap his arms around you. 
The harsh reality came crashing down - literally - on him in the morning and with you straddling him. Barely having a sense of what was going on, having just woken up, the first thing he realised was that you were squirming and grinding against his cock which was hard already because he couldn't quite discern if this was a dream or reality. 
Begging you to stop squirming and digging his fingers deep into the flesh of your hips grounded him. It was reality. And by heaven above, you on top of him, looking all flustered and dishevelled, as if you'd just ended a steamy makeout session, had him seeing white as he gripped you hard to avoid losing control and kissing you. You were so fucking perfect. 
And then you told him: ‘don't do that’, which he immediately thought that you were talking about the kiss that he wanted to give you, so he got up. Upset, frustrated and hit hard by the reality of the situation. 
You'd never think of him as more than a friend. You'd never trust him enough to realise you were special to him. 
More than just any girl. 
You were the girl. 
Ace keeps counting aloud, forcing the words out of his mouth to stay in control. Begging for his training to ground him, before he loses himself in agony and pain. 
“One, two, three…”
Two breaths of air straight into your lungs, another moment to see if your chest moves. 
Desperation sinks in and makes his hands tremble. The cold rain is relentless against his skin and yours, turning everything bleak and sorrowful. 
“Baby, please, please! Breathe!”
He continues administering CPR, his own breath coming in short gasps as tears and ragged sobs make his shoulders heave and shake. 
“Come back to me…” He mutters to the wind, hoping that, wherever you are, his words can reach you.
Ace's day hadn't started well after that debacle, but that all changed when he saw you by the window, clad in nothing but a very small towel. You apologised for your behaviour over the phone and his heart sank further. 
As if it could be any more obvious that you did not want to be with him. You had the perfect excuse: alcohol. 
Yet, he could hardly be upset with you when you spoke in your sweet voice telling him you liked that he called you Firestarter. It made his stomach somersault and his heart skip a beat. So much so that he decided to make plans to meet at the Jubilee. Because he couldn't wait to see you again. 
He needed to be near you. That much he had made peace with. 
Now he just needed to prove that he could be good for you, that he could help you heal, and that you two could work as a couple. 
Easier said than done, really.
He had been selling calendars for a while at the Jubilee, making small talk with girls who approached the stand giggling, interacting with friends and acquaintances and even entertaining some kids who wanted to try on the fireman’s equipment. 
Yet, his peripheral vision had been on alert since dinner time - the time you told him you would come by - and, as soon as he spotted you, he grinned and told Luffy and his coworkers that he was going on his break.
The opportunity to show you how he felt about you presented itself earlier than expected. As he held you in his arms, faces inching closer together and his heart beating relentlessly, creating a savage rhythm against his chest, he knew his kiss would show you just how perfect you could be together.
Except the kiss never happened. And Ace wanted to kill Deuce for ruining a perfect moment. Because when you both settled down by the swings and he opened up his heart a little bit, you shut him down by repeating that you’re good friends and that your friendship was important, coldly and harshly reminding him that that’s all you’ll ever be.
He was ready to call it a night and didn't want to bother you with his presence anymore because he was being a sourpuss. And it wasn’t your fault! If you were not ready to commit - or didn't want to commit to him - he needed to understand that. And fucking move on.
Yet even if he was done with the night, the night was not done with him, and duty called as he saved a girl from a falling stand. She thanked him, flirted with him, and even slipped him her number with an offer to buy him a drink. 
But you made such a ruckus that his eyes wandered to you and he found himself smiling and realising that if you just wanted to be friends, he was fine with it. He would much rather have that, than not have you at all.
So he politely declined the invitation for a drink by the beautiful lady - told her that they definitely should do that, but some other time - and sauntered over to your clumsy side, seeing you try and pick up the mess you made out of Makino’s jewellery stand.
Your playful banter was back on track and it was like your miscommunication issues had never really happened. He was fine with you just being friends. Perfectly fine. Even if he had to repeat it to himself over and over again. 
The matching bracelets were just a nice addition to your friendship, even if Makino was making it look like it was something more. And, to be truthful, he found your embarrassed smile and demeanour quite endearing and adorable. 
Until the beautiful girl from earlier approached with that drink offer again. 
And you bolted out of there as quickly as lightning, giving all sorts of mixed signals, because if you just wanted to be friends, why would you be saddened by him hanging out with another girl?
He saw your tears. 
And they troubled him.
Ace faintly hears the sirens of the fire truck approaching. The storm feeds a distant roar of noise to his eardrums, but the ringing from the shock and despair is what prevails above the noise.
He just wants to hear you breathing.
That’s the sound he wants - needs! - to hear the most. A gasp, a sigh, a cough… he’ll take anything! As long as you come back to him.
“One… two… three…”
Another two breaths of air to revive your lungs, more compressions, more prayers, more whispers, more tears…
He would give all of himself - everything! - if it got you to come back.
“Don’t leave me, love. Don’t leave me…”
Ace always enjoyed beach parties in the summer. Spirits were high, people were cheerful, and there was always more than one girl willing to go somewhere else with him. Somewhere away from the party where they could have fun.
This party, though, he expected to be different. 
He couldn't help but try his luck with you again. Maybe if he kept hanging around you, you could start to see him as more than just a friend. Heaven knew that you two shared the sexual tension of an uncut red wire in a spy movie: just ready to explode at any given moment. 
He knew he could be smooth, suave, and charm his way into your heart. Even if it took you a while, he was willing to wait. Now that he'd found you, he was not so willing to lose you.
But none of the smoothness of the universe, nor all the charm in the world, could have prepared him for the vision of loveliness that you provided. Lulled by the soft splashes of the waves and the echoing calls of gulls, you stood at the edge of the ocean, sunbathed and glowing as if you were something out of a myth. Your hair blew in the wind and your eyes were closed, keeping out all the chaos of the outside world and losing yourself inside your mind.
A silent tear escaped your closed eyelids and a soft smile plastered upon your lips. He would take this sight with him to the grave because he had never seen anything - or anyone - so perfect.
He almost felt out of place as he called your name, slowly waking you to the reality of the party and his company. But he felt entirely whole when you grabbed his hand and watched the sunset by his side.
You belonged together. He knew that. And he fought hard against the urge to pull you close.
The perfect moment ended too soon and the party continued. He kept being requested by friends, and girls and more friends and once he made his way back to you, he was already a bit tipsy and you seemed more than upset with him.
Plus, you didn’t even have the matching bracelet he bought you.
Not only was he jealous of Sanji and the smiles you shared with the blonde, but he was once again reminded that he meant nothing to you, as you slithered out of his embrace, albeit with a lot of rubbing and sinful looks, but not one single sympathetic glance his way. You were pissed.
At him.
And that was perfectly clear once he saw that bastard Lucci rubbing against you at the dance floor. Jealousy took over, and he decided to pay you back in kind, not knowing if you would really care, but he couldn’t sit still and watch another guy flirt with you.
It was driving him insane.
Obviously Nami knew all the right ways to rile people up, and soon enough he was kissing one of the girls at a game of truth or dare. She was annoying, clingy, had a shrill voice, smelled of tobacco and felt so wrong against him. But you were busy as Lucci was whispering into your ear, so he had to keep up the facade. 
Until he couldn’t any more. Because when Nami dared you to kiss Lucci and you acquiesced - oh, look at that, you actually had the bracelet, it was just him that wasn't good enough to touch you - the fire in his belly roared and ignited into a hellish flame and he couldn’t take it anymore.
So he left to vent. He didn’t even care if you went home with Lucci.
He cared, obviously. It would kill him and tear his heart into tiny, irreplaceable pieces. But he was just a friend to you. Right?
Maybe not, because you came after him, arguing as if you were two crossed lovers, seeing who could scream louder and who was pettier. Until he spoke aloud about the desire he felt to kiss you. And you dared him to.
Time stood still and there was only you and him. You in his arms and his lips on yours. Tongues swirling as hot kisses ignited the embers of passion. Fuck, he had never felt like this. You were consuming his very being and he wanted to burst into ashes and disappear into your kisses. 
This was perfect. You were perfect. You and him together were perfect.
And how he hoped nothing could ruin it. 
Until it did.
As soon as the fire truck stops, its sirens blaring, and lights casting reflections against the puddles on the floor, Luffy rushes to Ace’s side, his expression turning into pained surprise once he sees you breathless and looking quite frail in his brother’s arms.
“Ace!” He manages to sputter, a distressed wail escaping his lips.
“One… two… three…” Two breaths. Nothing. “Luffy! The EMTs?” He doesn’t stop. He never stops.
“They were right behind, they should be here any second… Ace…”
Luffy sets a hand on Ace’s shoulder and squeezes. But Ace doesn’t want to stop. He won’t give up on you. Not now, not ever! You were so hard to win over, he’s not a quitter! He will never quit on you. Ever!
“Come back, Firestarter. I need you…”
He was never a quitter, so he didn’t stop calling and texting you, trying to reach you after that disaster at the beach party. He didn’t want to be with any other girl. He just wanted you. Always you.
So he didn’t quit.
He called Shanks and asked about you, if you were alright, if you could call him back, but when Shanks told him that you didn’t want to speak with him and told him to go to hell, he faltered. He thought about quitting.
You were so pissed at him.
Would you even listen to what he wanted to say? He knew apologies wouldn’t cut it, but he had to try. He couldn’t bear the thought of you hating him, or shutting him out. Of never wanting to speak to him again, for how could he live without your voice, your smile, your laughter?
He’d had a taste of you. He was addicted. He would never give you up.
Going by Shanks’ house might not have been his brightest idea, but it was the best he could come up with since you didn’t want to talk to him and had been avoiding him all day. When Shanks told him you still didn’t want to see him, he saw red. How could he make it up to you?
To help with the racking guilt and despair, Shanks was also pissed at him for hurting his babygirl. Like he would ever do that willingly. It took Ace a while, but he managed to clear the facts with Shanks and to assure him that his intentions towards you were the most honourable ones. 
He loved you. And he told Shanks that. He told him he had never, ever, felt this way about a girl before and, after some coaxing, Shanks finally believed his words. He even said he would try to plead his case. 
Which was true, because after a few hours he called Ace saying you were stranded in the middle of nowhere and you needed a ride. Then he gave Ace a full speech on responsibility and treating his little girl right and a bunch of other stuff Ace didn’t really listen to.
All he knew was that he had his chance to apologise. To make it right. To win you over.
And he’d be damned if he let that go.
So you talked, he apologised, you heard him and asked questions and he could feel you softening to him and getting closer to him. He had his shot at you. He wouldn’t miss it. 
And he didn’t. The night was perfect, you were perfect and, once again, he was reminded that together you were perfect. You made him promise not to break your heart. Hell, he didn’t even think about that. He never wanted to let you away from his arms, from his lips or from his touch. Let alone drive you away for something random. 
He was yours and you were his, in the sense that he knew he couldn’t live without you by his side, nor did he want to spend a day without your voice, or your smile or hearing your breath. 
Eternity. That’s what he would like. An eternity with you.
Was it possible?
“No, no, no! This is impossible, it can’t be happening! Loof, where are the EMTs!?” Ace’s desperate voice is charged with agony and despair, rubbing it off on his brother who has kneeled down next to you and taken over chest compressions for Ace.
As if answering his own question, an ambulance screeches to a halt next to the fire truck, and two EMTs rush out, gear in hand, and make their way to your side. 
“Ace, she’s drenched. They can’t use the defibrillator like this. We need to move her inside the ambulance.”
“Fuck!” Ace curses, his frustration palpable as he continues performing CPR. He never stops, he can’t stop.
Your voice was so sweet beneath him, asking him not to stop, to go harder, to give you more, please, please, please.
Your mewls and pleas, your body writhing with passion and desire, your little gasps and beads of sweat glistening between your breasts.
He couldn't get enough of you. You were so addictive.
He didn't want to let you go. Ever. 
The EMTs transfer you to a gurney with the help of Ace and Luffy and quickly move you inside the ambulance. Ace feels an icy chill, and he knows it’s not from the relentless pouring rain.
He’s scared. He’s terrified. 
He doesn’t want to lose you. He never wants to let you go.
Somehow the bliss that had surrounded you both fell apart quickly and Ace’s left to wonder what happened. You were having the sweetest of dates and the ending would promise so much more. He was ready to tell you he loved you.
He didn’t even care if it was too soon.
All he knew was that he was bursting at the seams with feelings of yearning, longing, passion, desire and so much love. He needed to tell you. Even if you didn’t feel the same yet. He was willing to wait.
He would move mountains for you.
You were worth the wait.
The wait seems endless. The EMTs are cleaning your chest as best as they can before applying the defibrillator. Seconds tick by relentlessly.
Realistically, Ace knows that he’s only been performing CPR on you for around five minutes before the EMTs arrived. He knows it seems like it was much longer, but it wasn’t. 
What he doesn’t know, however, is how long you stood without breathing in your wrecked car. And that can improve or impair your odds significantly.
And Ace, despite his name, has never had much luck with gambling.
He hated games of chance. Whatever he betted on, he always ended up losing more than he gained. And now he was so afraid that his loss would be the biggest one yet. And the hardest one to recover from. 
You needed time to process. 
The girl you spoke with planted the seeds of doubt deep in your mind and you were watering them with your thoughts and past traumas. Despite anything Ace told you, any demonstration of feelings, you were out of his reach for now.
Time to process.
What did that mean? Were you going to ghost him again? For how long? Could he endure it?
He could barely hold back tears as you climbed the steps to your porch and disappeared inside the house. How could he convince you that you were the one he wanted? No matter how many girls from his past came back claiming him?
None of them ever meant anything.
You were the one. 
The only one.
Your chest heaves and your back arches as the jolt of electricity courses through you. Ace holds his breath the entire time. Silent tears framing his face, his freckles almost invisible against his pale skin. 
The EMTs carry on with the CPR and Ace climbs by your side, taking care to steer away from his colleagues, not wanting to hinder your rescue. 
His hand brushes your wet hair away from your face and he can’t help but notice how cold you feel. Pressing his forehead against yours, he whispers your name, jaw clenching, fighting back tears, holding onto hope as if it’s the only lifeline pulling him through the void of despair and uncertainty. 
“I love you.” He whispers into your hair. 
He can’t lose you.
It’s too much to bear and his heart's already breaking apart. He can almost hear it shattering: a fragile sound like crystal, delicate and sharp, splintering into countless irretrievable pieces.
He won’t give up.
Not now.
“You’re the one. The only one. You always have been.”
His words seem final but he isn’t resigned. He can’t live a life without you. It’s too much. Too painful, too meaningless. 
His eyes close, and a distressed wail escapes his lips as an eternal silence surrounds you both.
Until you gasp, inhaling a deep breath, your hands flailing as you blink, adjusting to the light and the sounds. Life breathing back into your lungs, you begin to feel the slow but unmistakable return of awareness, each breath bringing clarity to the fog of unconsciousness.
But you’re not alone.
Ace is there. Ace is with you. 
He will always be with you.
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lawrencespen1777 · 3 months
Hello! I hope you are doing okay :)
I’ve just recently found your blog and must say that I’ve definitely enjoyed your dialogue prompts!
Are you okay with writing requests? In case it’s fine for you, could you please consider writing a dialogue where two characters have to stay some kind of a hotel, because one of them is too sick and feverish to travel?
No pressure, I understand if you don’t want to write this!
Sincerely yours, anon with whumperflies.
Anonnnnnn, I know you said dialogue but I got carried away. Obviously. Hope you enjoy. This has been my favorite to do so far. You keep requesting. I’ll keep writing. Your prompts are good. ;)
Hotel Hell
“How you doing?”
W shivered unresponsively underneath the jacket he’d donned as his makeshift blanket. C hoped that meant that he’d finally drifted off.
“I’m alright,” came the quiet voice.
“Still feel nauseous?”
There was the sound of a thick swallow. “Yep.”
C burned away their nervous energy by drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. “Can I…do anything?”
“Pull over.”
W had the back of one hand pressed firmly against his lips. The other hand fumbled with the door handle of the still moving car.
“Wait, wait, wait I’m going! Give me a second!”
W was exiting the car even as it slid to a stop on the side of the highway. C followed soon after. The spray of vomit trailed from the car to a large tree where W stood doubled, steadying himself with one hand on the trunk and the other braced on his knee. He heaved again, bringing up another slough of last night’s partially digested dinner.
C stayed by the car. Doesn’t make sense for them both to be puking. “You good?” C called. A shaky hand returned a thumbs up although W remained doubled. “Okay. I’m uh…I’m gonna sit in the car. Just…take your time.”
It was 10 minutes before W shut the door behind them again. “Sorry,” he mumbled.
“It’s not a problem.”
W sighed and leaned his head against the cool glass. “It feels like a problem.”
“Hey.” C pulled W’s arm so that he could see his eyes. “Really. It’s-shit.”
“It is shit.”
“No not that. I mean you.” He pressed the back of his fingers to W’s temple. “You’re burning up. Why didn’t you tell me you had a fever?”
W shrugged. “I just want to get there.”
“Well it’s not happening today. We’re gonna stop somewhere for the night so you can sleep it off…-in a bed,” he finished, sensing W’s impending objections. “I’m not pulling over every 10 minutes for you to puke. Sorry about it.”
It was almost an hour before they reached the motel that would be their home for the night. C pulled into a parking spot underneath a street light that was long burnt out. “That’s promising,” he muttered, then noticed the paint peeling off the walls. “Great.” He shut the car door behind him and heard W do the same. “At least it still has all four walls right?” He glanced over at W who had his head resting on the car. “Hey, you alright?”
W swallowed a few times. “Yeah but…I think I’m gonna th-row up again.”
“Okay just…hang out alright? I’ll go grab the key and be right back.”
For a motel that barely registered on the not haunted list they sure required a lot of information from their “guests”. “For the security of all,” they’d told him. Here’s a thought: streetlights that work.
Fifteen minutes and a quarter of a century later he rejoined W in the parking lot. “Sorry it took so long. They wanted my grandmother’s maiden name before they’d give me a room key.”
“I think something’s really wrong, man.”
“…okay. Like what?”
“I don’t know. I’m really dizzy. I’m freaking out.”
“Don’t freak out. You’re alright. Let’s just get in the room. You can drink some water. Eat something small. You’ll feel better.” He took W by the arm and guided him towards their ground floor room. W leaned against the wall as C pulled out the room key, but C could definitely see him swaying. He fumbled with the lock. Who has manual keys at motels anymore?
W was swallowing hard and breathing harder. He stared at a single fixed point on the sidewalk, but didn’t appear to be looking at anything. He stumbled sideways and C dropped the keys in an attempt to catch his arm. Then, without warning, W retched again. He tried to cover his mouth with his hand, but the vomit won. It spilled out onto his shirt and dripped down his arm, splattering onto his pants and shoes as it hit the ground in one sickening wave followed by a second. “I’m so-,” he choked as another heave brought up a thick slurry into the hand that he’d forgotten to move.
“I’m so sorry.” W was a mess with vomit covered clothes and tears streaming down his cheeks. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” His voice hitched again, but he only spat out bile.
“Don’t be. You’re-yeah-something’s wrong.” He pushed open the door and held it with his foot. “Do you think you’re done for a second?”
W waited a beat, then nodded.
“Can you walk straight?”
“I think so.”
“Okay so we’re gonna have to burn those clothes. Just take them off and while you take a shower I’ll run down to the 24 hour store we passed on the way in and see if I can find you…something…to help all this. Are you gonna be okay for a few?”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “Yeah I’m okay.”
“Okay. Fifteen minutes.”
“Fifteen minutes.”
Twenty-three minutes later (why is everyone so slow in this town??) C was working the finicky door key again. W opened it for him and his pale skin immediately stood out against the lamp lit room. “You’d make a good ghost.”
“I would’ve been one if you’d taken much longer.”
W rolled his eyes, but was relieved to hear some sarcasm come back from the dead. “This was all they had.” He threw W a pair of basketball shorts and a plain white t-shirt.
“It’s fine.”
“I also got a thermometer, Tylenol, and Dramamine.” He laid each item out on the bed in succession.
“Dramamine? Isn’t that for like seasickness?”
“We’re close enough to the water.”
W took the pill bottles to the bathroom sink where he downed them with questionable tap water out of a plastic cup. He grimaced at the flavor and tossed the cup into the trash can.
“I also got you,” C rummaged in the grocery bag, “Everyone’s favorite. Peanut butter crackers.”
“Mmm,” W shook his head. “Mm-mm. Nope. Can’t do it.”
“You gotta eat something.”
“It. Won’t. Stay. Down. Were you not outside half an hour ago?”
W’s cheeks tinged with the slightest red. C pretended to not see. “Alright we’ll give the meds a minute to sink in. Then you’re trying them. I paid three bucks for these.”
“…three dollars?”
“Yeah it’s the only store in this godforsaken town. They know they got you.” C opened up the boxed thermometer and tested it on himself. “Good news. I’m fine.”
“I knew you’d be excited. Stay still.” C held the thermometer up to W’s forehead. “102.2. Damn…”
W crashed onto the bed and fell over sideways. He groaned.
“What was in those pills you gave me? Whole room’s spinning…did you drug me?”
“Yeah I roofied your tap water.”
“I’m not putting out.”
“Uh yeah please keep in. Nobody wants to see that.”
W’s eyelids began to droop and C knew that the Dramamine had kicked in. He grabbed the bathroom trash can and put it beside the bed. “If you wake up before next week it’s right here alright?”
W’s eyes were almost shut, but he gave a small nod. C threw one of the blankets over him and walked over to his own bed. “Have a good coma.”
C turned back. “Hey.”
“Don’t mention it.”
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rottenpumpkin13 · 2 months
Reverse the scenario. Sephiroth, the Soldier that is one of the strongest and most highly decorated in shinra, is degrading. He hides it from everyone. He is supposed to be strong. He isn’t supposed to show any weakness. How could a training accident lead to him slowly wasting away? He was better than this. He was built better than any of them!
How does Sephiroth handle being the only one degrading. How do Angeal and Genesis and even Zack handle finding out the truth that their silver general is sick and possibly dying.
The fic I'll never write , titled "Metamorphosis"
• Just as someone might be consumed by guilt after committing a grievous act, Genesis was quite the opposite. Initially, he refused to admit his wrongs for weeks—until relentless overthinking led him to review his actions, pushing the guilt deeper until he finally acquiesced to the possibility that he might have been wrong.
• But this wasn't the case in the training room that day. The guilt that overwhelmed Genesis as he saw Sephiroth lying there, unresponsive, with the red rapier piercing his shoulder was all-consuming. An immediate, "Oh goddess, what have I done" encased him as Angeal screamed at him to stop the simulation, watching the blood pool beneath Sephiroth.
• Angeal knew no man was unbreakable, a belief solidified by his father's death. And yet he often suspected Sephiroth was an exception; the man possessed an indescribable resilience, persisting through anything, even on the brink of death. But no one was invincible, not saints, not heroes, and certainly not Sephiroth.
• SOLDIERs gawked and stared, some even crying in concern, wanting to know what was happening as Genesis and Angeal sprinted down the hallway with him, en route to Hojo's lab—a place they would rather peel their skin off than send Sephiroth. But what choice did they have? For the first time, the red on Genesis' coat was not from the leather but from fresh blood as he carried Sephiroth, rushing into the lab.
• Naturally Hojo and his team were already waiting. Of course. Hojo was always watching, always aware of what was happening with his favorite specimen. They pried Sephiroth off Genesis—pale and unresponsive—and Angeal had to pry Genesis kicking and screaming from the doors that closed behind them.
• The last they saw of Sephiroth, his silver hair was tainted with blood, and his shoulder, bare after they ripped off the coat and pauldrons, was blackening around the mangled skin. The last thing Sephiroth remembered was Genesis charging at him full force as he miscalculated the blow. The first thing he saw upon waking was Hojo grinning down at him—an alarming contrast.
• Curiously, Hojo sent Sephiroth back to his quarters after a night of observation. The professor was giddy, excited, and Sephiroth suspected it was due to the opportunity to study how his body reacted to the new injury. Typical.
• The injury itself was severe—his shoulder was badly damaged and healing slowly. The pain left him biting back groans as he lay in bed, sweating as the pain gripped his flesh, demanding his attention with not a single distraction to mollify the suffering. It was good that Angeal had a key, or else he wouldn't have been able to let them in otherwise.
• They tried to stay and help that night, but Sephiroth was in too much pain to speak and tell them what he needed, and eventually they were asked to leave. They expected Sephiroth to rest for the next week until it healed, but he was back to work the next day, with a visible patch of bandages beneath his coat and his demeanor as stoic and unbothered as ever—or at least that’s what Sephiroth wanted them to think. In truth, he was in so much pain he could barely perform his tasks without stopping to catch his breath and addressing how his body refused to cooperate.
• He had been excused from missions until it healed, which was not a good thing for him, because if he were able-bodied, an assignment would've been the perfect distraction from the pain. His body was different, and he didn't like it. He didn't like it when things happened to his body, and even less when they were out of his control. Professor Hojo had asked to meet with him soon, and for the first time, Sephiroth welcomed the possibility that the man would've been able to do something to help.
• Angeal and Genesis tried to get close to him, and even Angeal's student once tried to ask how Sephiroth was and told him that everyone was concerned for him, but Sephiroth brushed Zack off. The same went for Genesis and Angeal. It wasn’t that he was mad at Genesis; he just had no energy to deal with his friends’ attempts to help on top of the injury.
• He worried about why it wasn't healing. He had never experienced an injury this severe, and even the invasive surgeries Hojo once performed on him were less excruciating . He didn't even know why they were concerned. Soon he would be fine; he just needed to get through this.
• But to Genesis and Angeal, it wasn't just a matter of him being fine and needing to persevere. Sephiroth was changing right before their eyes, right before everyone's eyes. Despite spending less time with people these days—he didn't want to be near them—the transformation was visible.
• It was a physical change. Sephiroth's skin, once bright and luminous, was now pallid, with faint blue veins tracing his neck and chest. His eyes were lifeless, with dark circles indicating his lack of sleep. He had grown thinner, his appetite vanishing in favor of the craving for a cure for whatever it was that plagued him.
• His hair had grown slightly brittle, a subtle change only he noticed from staring at it daily. But the most concerning change was in his eyes. They were turning red. Sephiroth wasn't vain, but even he found the change unsettling. Despite all his qualms about the unnaturalness of his body, he had been healthy before. He had been whole. And he didn't realize that had kept him sane until he lost it.
• The meeting with Hojo finally came. He was sitting in the chair in his office when Hojo threw a thick folder into his lap harshly, one titled "The Jenova Project." Sephiroth didn’t understand. He asked what his mother had to do with this, and Hojo replied, "Everything."
• According to Hojo, Jenova was the catalyst for the changes ravaging Sephiroth's body. As her son, it was inevitable that he would begin to mirror her, with the metamorphosis already happening. Sephiroth was confused. Was his mother not human?
• And so he read the file Hojo provided him with. And read. And read and read until no one saw him for a week. Genesis appeared in the labs demanding to know what happened to Sephiroth, as last anyone heard, he had been going there to see Hojo. But all anyone said was that Sephiroth was busy. Busy where, they didn’t say, and Genesis had no idea Sephiroth was holed up in the archives, reading like a man possessed.
• Until a week later.
• Rumors said that Sephiroth had been cleared for missions by Hojo, but Angeal and Genesis didn’t believe it until Sephiroth strode into the SOLDIER floor briefing room one bright morning, looking satisfied despite the physical decline which had not improved.
• He greeted them cordially as they all sat down, and Angeal asked him how he was feeling.
"I'm much better now," Sephiroth replied, his smile all teeth with not an ounce of sincerity. "I know how to cure myself now."
Genesis and Angeal were skeptical.
"How?" Genesis asked.
"My mother has the cure," Sephiroth said. "I’m going to see her in Nibelheim."
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petriwriting · 3 months
Vero Amore - Theodore Nott X Reader (Part 3.)
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Summary: Theodore is on trial for being associated with voldemort due to his father and family history, His odds arent looking so good. Luckily for him you are called to the stand to testify on his behalf, and you just might be the key to his innocence.
Fluff, established previous relationship, Exbf!Theo, Older!Theo and others. Post hogwarts.
(Previous part)
The courtroom is colder than it was before. Your escort repeated their previous actions, and you sat in the center of the room again. At least this time, you were slightly more prepared. "Witches and Wizards of the court, we will now resume the trial of The ministry Vs. Theodore Nott after our thirty-five minute intermission." The wizengamot states. You are thrilled for this to all be over. Just like before, using the same process, your memories are awaiting the prying eyes of the jury. The memory begins, on display for the whole room to see, you are uncomfortable to share this vulnerable moment, but you would be grateful if it could help the trial move along and aid in proving Theodore innocent. 
You are late in your Fifth year at hogwarts. The air is cold, and the windchill is almost unbearable. The halls are quiet, students whisper as they rush by. Everything feels tense. Even the quidditch players are quiet today. There is an ominous gray cloak over the whole school. Nothing feels the same as it did just a year prior. It's as if everything is within a shadow, a terrified knowing of what's to come. You catch Thedore rushing from the Slytherin Dungeons, paying no mind to those he passed bumping shoulders in the busy hall. By the time you catch up to him, you are both on the wooden bridge, he is trying to leave. There's no one else around. "Theo," you call out, but Theo is unresponsive. "Theo!" you say, running forward to face him. Theodore stops, and turns to face you. His face is pale, as if he hasn't eaten in days, as if he's been cursed. His eyes are red, maybe from tears or so many restless nights he looks drained, and you are heartbroken for him. "Teddy," you say gently. "what's going on?" you ask. Theodore stays silent, and turns away from you, as if he's embarrassed. You are now looking at the back of his body. He's too shaken up to even face you. "ted?" you ask again, "please say something," you beg, he stays silent for a few more minutes before barely choking out the words; "I can't see you anymore." it's not going to work out between us." he says. you are hurt, confused. you were the one that promised him you'd be there for him no matter what happened. You were there for him, through everything, even times when his father made him do unthinkable acts. "what are you talking about?" you scoff, as if in disbelief. "You know exactly what I mean. we are never going to work out." he says, his voice is stone cold, and somewhat lifeless. The warmth of his laughter is gone, the wittiness of his jokes faded away, maybe for good this time. "Theodore," you say breathlessly. ". . . You can't abandon everything we have, just for the approval of your father!" you exclaim. The words stung on his skin but you were starting to feel the effects of heartbreak for yourself, your voice waivers cracking and becoming weak "after everything?" you question barely able to choke out the words. "Everything we've been through?" you shout, he takes a few steps away. "It's not fair. Theo, this can't keep us apart." you are desperately pleading, tears falling onto your cheeks feel like relief. "Theodore, look at me!" you demand, walking up to him again, Theodore looks at you, there's only a small part of you that still see's innocence left in his eyes, even if it is a little. "it's over." he says, his voice stern, he's holding himself together well despite his heart being broken. "no, No!" you say. You are insistent that he is wrong, that this is some kind of sick nightmare and you'd soon wake up in the safety of his arms. But it was not. "you're making this so hard." Theo says. "It doesn't matter what your father says we can-'' your desperation is interrupted, "This isn't about my father." Theo says, reaching to roll up his sleeve to reveal the dark mark. You gasp, quietly, unable to think straight. You didn't think he would actually go through with it, but now you were even more concerned he had turned to the wrong side, that his father and Voldemort had somehow brainwashed him into being a pure-blooded supremacist death eater. It was a mix of confusion and disbelief. "Ted," you said gently, brushing your thumb over the dark mark. Theodore craves your touch, but pulls away quickly. "Don't follow me" he orders, he's beginning to walk away, but as you utter three words he is rushing off, "I love you." he goes further across the wooden bridge, you cannot see his face but he is crying, holding his composure surprisingly well. disapparting when he was nearing the end of the bridge. He was gone.
As you sat in the courtroom, your chest ached with sorrow. That was such a bad memory for you, the last time you ever saw him before seeing him in the courtroom for the trial. You never got to say I love you, or even Goodbye. He left you there with a broken heart. You wished you could just have the ministry erase these memories, so you wouldn't have to relive them ever again. A few tears come to your eyes and you wipe them away quickly. The memories they had from you were all swirling in the silvery liquid in the pensive, so you thought it was unkind to show one of your most painful ones. It just didn't seem fair. The courtroom fell silent. 
"Ms. L/N," the wizengamot begins, "We would like to produce further questions." he says, someone from the jury scurries down to the front. " you were still ready for this to all be over. 
"Ms. L/N," the man began. "Please describe the nature of your relationship with Mr. Nott," he asks. you sighed softly before answering. "...I was in love with him. I would have done anything to make sure he was okay. We were together for a few years in school." you explain. "And was Mr.Nott ever late for class, tardy, or mischievous in any way during the school year?" He asked. "Theo- Mr. Nott, was never late for class or tardy that I am aware. He was always there, he loved to learn. I can't say regarding his mischief, I'd have to ask you to define the word first." you say. there would be a lot of back and forth, the jury asking questions like this, and you answering honestly right away. If they were trying to catch you in a lie, It would not work simply because you were only telling the truth. "Was Mr. Nott ever violent with you or others?" he asks. "No. Absolutely not." you say. "Did Mr.Nott ever speak to you about his missions or assignments?" the man asked again. "No." you said matter-of-factly. "I only knew of when he was told to cut me off, and he never directly told me that. It was Draco Malfoy who told me." you say. "Were you always personally involved with death eaters?" the man asks. This is quite the overstep. you are slightly offended, but don't press any further. "No." you say. "thank you Ms. L/N." the man says, receding back into the jury. You fidgeted with your thumbs. You'd been in the courtroom for hours at this point, tired and not excited to keep going. You looked back behind you, catching a quick glance of Theodore.
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kabie-whump · 7 months
♡ Febuwhump Day 21: Unresponsive ♡
Low key a continuation of day 19 (but if im being honest you could totally connect all of my generic febuwhump posts into one story if you try hard enough)
Content: unresponsive whumpee, ptsd, disassociation, worried/guilty caretaker, post-rescue, referenced finger amputation
It's been a month.
One month since Whumpee made the most idiotic decision of their life and volunteered to be captured by Whumper for the opportunity to gather information about them.
One month since Caretaker tearfully begged them not to go and one month since Whumpee turned their back on their best friend.
Caretaker isn't involved in the rescue mission. All they can do is sit outside the infirmary and mentally reherse what they're going to say to Whumpee when they get back. ("Fuck you for being an absolute idiot and being so careless with yourself and making me worry you dickhead you could've died what is wrong with you-")
Doors burst open. Whumpee is brought in on a stretcher wearing nothing but a thin blanket that is already stained red in some spots and god they've never been this skinny before. Their eyes are open, staring up blankly at the ceiling as they're rushed into another room.
All of the harsh words Caretaker had been saving for Whumpee disappear because one month.
It takes hours, but Caretaker is eventually allowed to see Whumpee. The nurse who leads them in gives them a sympathetic look, muttering something about "be patient and give them time" but Caretaker doesn't hear it as they rush to Whumpee's bedside.
Whumpee's awake. At least, their eyes are open. But they don't even look at Caretaker as they perch at the edge of a chair next to the bed, don't even flinch as Caretaker takes their hand.
"Whumpee? How are you feeling? Are you alright? I was so worried."
Silence. No sign that Whumpee even heard them.
"I'm sorry for how we left things. I just didn't want you to get hurt. You don't have to give me the silent treatment."
They did get hurt. Whumpee is wrapped in bandages and hooked up to an IV and oxygen. Their left knee is in a cast. Their whole right hand is cocooned in gauze and Caretaker tries to pretend they don't know why.
(They'd overheard it a week after Whumpee's capture: "Leader was sent Whumpee's finger in an envelope this morning. Don't tell Caretaker, they'll freak.)
"Whumpee, please. Say something."
Nothing; just a haunted stare. The harsh overhead lights must be hurting their eyes, but still they go an unsettlingly long time between blinks.
A lot of damage can be done in a month.
Caretaker bends over, pressing their forehead to the mattress as silent sobs shake their shoulders.
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argonianprince · 24 days
More Nancy Drew drama out of HerInteractive...
So firstly, I have seen a bunch of people saying that the new VA for Nancy wasn't given adequate direction, and that's why she did a bad job in both games. But I feel like a lot of the lines that were delivered poorly should have had obvious tone and inflection? Ex, "what is the wifi password?" "Can I borrow a pen?" "I'm here in a beautiful city," "Hi, I'm Nancy Drew" like. Come on
Secondly, bombshell recently from Digital Rivers, the company HER is using to process orders. A bunch of people, some of whom had already had money taken out of their accounts, got emails that their pre order got physical copies of KEY have been cancelled, no clear reason given (everybody is getting the same email), and there is no way to get back on the order list. HER's customer service team is being unhelpful or unresponsive based on reports from customers.
Without the nostalgia goggles for this company, they would be dead in the water already. Honestly a little flabbergasted at how many people are still defending this policy of being obfuscating and borderline hostile with loyal customers
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rolex-kaard · 7 months
a few nutcracker headcanons. because im really normal about them
they are Weird. Who let the mechanical things have flesh.
the flesh part of a nutcracker does extend throughout its entire body for control
it has starfish-like properties in that it can regrow pieces of itself if needed, given some time
it will, however, only be able to do this a finite amount of times before running itself too thin- the flesh used is stored in reserve in its torso, and can run out, though it would take a long time
they do not eat, so have no way of growing more
they do have a power source, though, somewhat like a battery, that they must charge occasionally (likely drawing from apparatus power in facilities, and whatever power source a mansion has)
similarly, the supply of ammo on their person can run out
i like to think that somewhere in each building is a designated room that all the nutcrackers there use as a "hangout" spot; repairs, recharges, and ammo refills mostly happen here
the shell of a nutcracker is, obviously, very, very hard to break. besides attacking the eye, the most damage that can reasonably be achieved is detaching limbs/parts at the joints, the weakest points
which is where the regrowth comes in; once it can recover the limb, it will need that new segment of flesh for it to be fully useful again
sometimes they will need a new pin or bearing for a joint, either from injury or plain age. they keep a supply of spares in a drawer-like compartment in their hats, which is popped open with an inset button on the side
rarely, a nutcracker will keep another small item or trinket in that compartment as well- a badge, a key, a ring, etc. these may either be some kind of keepsake from their existence before the houses were abandoned, or a result of their own random fancy
their "heart" is a very odd thing. a clockwork engine that also has meat in it is the best way i can put it. it makes noises if you're close enough to hear
their music boxes are attached close to the heart, somewhere beneath the eye. they did not always sound so distorted
they can sleep in some form, though they can also go without. most often sleeping just means them being motionless and unresponsive, still standing up
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Help! I think my timelord has a fever? I can't tell 100% but they don't look good. Do I need a special thermometer to check? (Where do I buy/find one?) What do I do??
Gallifreyan Pyrexia
Disclaimer: This guide is not suitable for humans. Always consult your human medical people.
🌡️ Checking Temperature
First things first, you don’t need a special thermometer to check your Time Lord’s temperature—a human one will do just fine. Here are some key points to remember:
Every Gallifreyan will have their own normal temperature baseline, somewhere between 15-19°C (59-66.2°F).
This shouldn't deviate by more than 2-3 degrees.
If their temperature rises above 19°C (66.2°F), they could be suffering from hyperthermia.
📋 Recognising Hyperthermia
Hyperthermia occurs when their body temperature exceeds 19°C (66.2°F), potentially leading to heatstroke and other serious complications. Signs and symptoms include:
Flushed Skin: The skin may appear red and feel hot to the touch.
Sweating: While not as common as in humans, excessive sweating may occur.
Weakness: A general feeling of fatigue or weakness.
Dizziness and Confusion: Disorientation and dizziness can be significant signs.
Rapid Heart Rate: Increased heart rate can accompany the rise in temperature.
Nausea and Vomiting: Digestive upset can be a symptom of severe hyperthermia.
🏡 Home Treatment for Hyperthermia
If your Time Lord shows signs of hyperthermia, here’s what you can do at home:
Move to a Cooler Environment: Get them out of the heat and into a cooler, shaded area immediately.
Hydration: Encourage them to drink cool, non-alcoholic fluids. Water is best. Avoid caffeine.
Cool Compresses: Apply cool, damp cloths to their forehead, neck, armpits, and groin.
Fan Air: Use a fan to circulate air around them or gently fan them to increase evaporative cooling.
Remove Excess Clothing: Help them remove any excess clothing to allow their body to cool down more effectively.
🚑 When to Seek Immediate Help
Temperature above 19°C (66.2°F)
Unresponsiveness or severe confusion
Severe vomiting or inability to keep fluids down
Signs of shock (rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure, clammy skin)
You suspect Sepsis (Refer to the Guide Sepsis Emergency Response (SER))
🏥 Advanced Treatment Guide
If home treatments are not effective or the patient's temperature is rising rapidly, seek medical attention immediately. If you're in a TARDIS, the medbay has an automated interface that can guide you through these next steps.
📋 Assessment
Initial Assessment: Check vital signs, including heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation. For a detailed scoring system, refer to the Guide Gallifreyan Assessment Scoring System (GASS).
Continuous Assessment: Continuously monitor body temperature and vital signs. Use an accurate thermometer capable of reading low temperatures.
🧊 Cooling Methods
IV Fluids: Start intravenous (IV) fluids immediately to rehydrate and cool the body from the inside.
Cooling Blankets: Use cooling blankets or pads to lower body temperature. Ensure these are set to a safe temperature to avoid overcooling.
Ice Packs: Place ice packs in the axillae (armpits), groin, and neck to rapidly reduce core body temperature.
Evaporative Cooling: Use misting fans and cool water sprays to enhance evaporative cooling.
💊 Medications
If deemed appropriate by a medical professional/the TARDIS medbay computer:
Antipyretics: Administer antipyretics to help lower fever.
Anticonvulsants: Administer anticonvulsants to help reduce risk of seizures.
Sedation: In severe cases, sedation might be necessary to control agitation and allow for more effective cooling.
🖥️ Monitoring and Support
Electrolyte Monitoring: Regularly check electrolyte levels, as hyperthermia can cause imbalances.
Cardiac Monitoring: Continuous cardiac monitoring is crucial due to the risk of arrhythmias. Refer to the Guide Gallifreyan CPR for reviving a Gallifreyan in case of cardiac arrest.
Neurological Checks: Regular neurological assessments to monitor for signs of brain damage or seizures.
Mechanical Ventilation: If respiratory distress or failure occurs, mechanical ventilation may be necessary. Follow the ABCDE Assessment Guide to quickly assess and treat a sick Gallifreyan.
🚑 Post-Emergency Care
Once the immediate threat is over, following up with a specialised Gallifreyan medic is vital. Your Gallifreyan might need specific treatments to fully recover and prevent future incidents.
Remember, while these steps provide a general guide, each situation is unique. Always prioritise professional medical advice when available.
Medical Guides These are all practical guides to assessing and treating a Gallifreyan in an emergency.
📓|⚕️Gallifreyan CPR: Guide for reviving a Gallifreyan in cardiac arrest.
📓|⚕️Gallifreyan Assessment Scoring System (GASS): Guide for assessing vital signs.
📓|⚕️ABCDE Assessment: Guide for quickly assessing and treating a sick Gallifreyan.
📓|⚕️Sepsis Emergency Response (SER): Guide for identifying and treating sepsis.
📓|⚕️Gallifreyan Pyrexia: Guide for assessment and treatment of fevers in Gallifreyans.
Hope that helped! 😃
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired😴
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kfcdoubledown · 2 months
I bought an 8bitdo Retro mechanical keyboard!
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(Picture not mine, source from PC World.)
I wanted a plastic keyboard, I really do not actually use the knob on a Keychron board I have, it still comes in a scooped keycap profile, and it has a companion numpad with a calculator built in. Win/win/win!
This keyboard comes in four designs (not colorways, full designs) themed after the NES, the Famicom, the IBM Model M, and the Commodore 64 keyboard. The NES keycaps have multiple different fonts on them, the Famicom keycaps have Japanese sublegends, the Model M keycaps have a mock stepped Caps Lock key, and the Commodore 64 keycaps are an apparently off-the-shelf SA set from one of many, many, many keycap companies floating around China (I recognize their font and profile shape from Akko ASA keycaps and numerous other scooped profile keycap sets you can have cheaply off of Aliexpress and Amazon. Do check those out, genuinely, you'd struggle to find a bad scooped keycap set these days and I love scooped profiles over Cherry and OEM.)
The build quality of the actual keyboard itself is good, feels like a very similar plastic blend to what 8bitdo uses for its controllers like their Pro 2. Stabilizers are smooth and don't rattle, the legends on the keycaps are reasonably sharp and in NES-appropriate font, the keycaps themselves are MDA profile (I would prefer SA, but beggars can't be choosers) and are somewhat thin but still good quality, dye-sublimated PBT, no warp on the spacebar. Arrow keys are a separate color from the two tones that make up the main keycap set and made to resemble a d-pad. The keyboard itself is somewhat light, but my perception is skewed from using a metal keyboard for a long time, and this is after all a plastic shell, top-mounted keyboard. Even so I think I'll probably end up cracking open the keyboard and putting in some liquid silicone as noise-dampening and additional weight.
Two knobs control both wireless functionality and computer software volume, the wireless knob is heavy with only three options while the volume one is light with many individual steps. The volume knob can be somewhat unresponsive on individual steps. Bluetooth is very responsive and wants to pair with my computer the moment it's flicked over to, and 2.4ghz wireless comes with a receiver that slots into the back of the keyboard magnetically for storage. A power light on the right of the keyboard mimics the NES power light and pulses while charging, is steady while using wireless or when fully charged and connected over USB.
The underlying PCB is south-facing hotswap sockets (who the hell cares their orientation, this only matters for lighting, which this keyboard doesn't have). By default the keyboard comes with Kailh box whites, a very light clicky switch. I yanked them out immediately and put Boba U4T tactiles in because they're the king of all switches. They thunk nicely in this chassis, the Kailh whites weren't slouches either, they did pick a good stock choice for switch without resorting to Gateron or Outemu blue horseshit.
The NES version of the keyboard came with a two-button macro pad that hooks over TRRS cable (you recognize it as a 3.5mm jack or headphone cable) to one of four ports on the top-right of the keyboard. These are essentially just two keyboard switches with giant keycaps on a separate board and the buttons are populated by Gateron greens. The switches are nowhere close to heavy enough to approximate a button, and I gave them Kailh box navies. Still not enough, but better.
These keyboards also come wiiiiiith a companion number pad!
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(Picture credit the 8bitdo store.)
While I don't actually have this one in hand just yet I do have it on order. It looks like it'll be about the same build quality as the main keyboard, and it caught my eye for four reasons and ended up making me purchase the full set as a result:
The numpad has a built in calculator.
Same aesthetic choices as the main keyboard (NES, Famicom, IBM Model M, Commodore 64)
Magnetically attaches to the right side of the keyboard to transform it into a more era appropriate full-size.
Far and away the cheapest wireless mechanical numpad with calculator on the market, sitting at $45.
An important note though is that the Famicom and NES keypads don't attach to their respective keyboards, simply because their respective keyboards don't have magnets inside the sides of the chassis to allow for it. I have some cheap button magnets laying around that I'll use for this purpose and probably see if they're strong enough to be placed on the inside of the board and allow for the numpad to connect to it. I also imagine there's going to be a repop or v2 of this keyboard in the future that has this done already, seeing as the Commodore 64 version of the board and I believe the Model M version of the board already have that.
I'll reblog this and give some actual definitive thoughts on the numpad once it's in my hands.
As far as the board itself is concerned, I quite like it. The keycap profile is agreeable, the nostalgia pandering targeted me with laser precision, the board sounds quite good acoustically (especially for being a top-mount keyboard!) and it has a volume knob I'll see if I can reprogram some day. While I normally hate TKL layouts, I'm putting up with it because it will eventually be a fullsize with the numpad. Worth $150 total? Don't know, can't answer that for you, it's worth it to me but I very specifically wanted a keyboard themed after an old Nintendo console with no setup required and no chasing down or commissioning GMK keycap sets. I also wanted a calculator numpad.
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Ask and you'll receive!!
Can I get some headcannons or a scenario with any hermits you want where the Reader owns a little Diner, kinda like your basic 80's-90's aesthetic?
Have a good one :]]
Multiple little blurb mode activated. Also I am at my parents place for a bit and my laptop has a few broken keys so I am unresponsible for any spelling mistakes :[
It was super early in the morning, having basically just opened up the store moments earlier when Grian came in. Usually, you knew him to be more of a late riser, but it was nice to see him. Especially since seeing a very tired and cute Grian was not something you got to see very often, despite him basically coming to your diner every day for breakfast. Walking over to him, a bright smile on your face, he gave you a small smile despite clearly being too tired for it. Still, you appreciated the efforts.
“Late night, Grian? The usual?” You asked, and he nodded, planting his head on his hand as he watched you working behind the counter. Honestly, you couldn’t say it wasn’t flattering how you could feel his eyes following along as you moved about the kitchen working on his breakfast. It struck you that he had probably been up all night, cause if it had really been a late night for him he would just still be asleep. Finishing up making his plate, you placed it on the counter in front of him. Having no one else in the diner at the time, most of the hermits (except Bdubs) were probably still asleep, you stood opposite him. 
“Why are you still awake, Grian?” You asked, curious as to what he might have been doing all night that had kept him up. It was something that had never happened before, to be honest. Grian really liked his sleep. He swallowed a piece of his pancake before speaking. “I had to do some work, and I didn’t want to wake up too late because then I couldn’t come see you.” He explained, munching away again. You laughed, and flicked his forehead softly.
It did make you blush, though. “You don’t have to come here to see me, Grian. You’re always welcome with me.”
“Yeah, but I like your uniform.” He said, letting a comfortable silence befall you.
It’s late, middle of the night when he comes around. You’ve already closed up the diner, but you’re trying to get everything done for the day tomorrow. You’d wiped down the tables and counters, and cleaned most of the kitchen at this point. When he softly put his fingers to the glass outside, knocking very lightly so as to not give you a scare, you had been sweeping the floors. You hurriedly put down the broom against the counter, wiping your hands down on your apron before unlocking the door to your diner. Xisuma stepped through, hiding one hand behind his back and when you noticed you raised an eyebrow at him, nodding towards his arms. There was a goofy smile painted on his face. “What’s all this, then?” you asked.
“Nothing, I just thought I’d check in on my favourite person.” He says, feigning ignorance and innocence. You squinted up at him, letting him know you see through him. You lunge for his arm, wanting to peel it from behind his back to look at what he is trying to hide from you, but he quickly steps back to avoid your arm. “Hey! Show me what you’ve got.” You demand from him, starting to walk towards him again. He pivots, still keeping whatever he has hidden behind him, away from your line of sight as he sprints to the other side of the counter.
Caught off guard at his moment, you make an effort to follow behind him. But he’s placed whatever he was holding behind the counter, and making his way to meet you he stops you from making your way behind the counter by grabbing you by the waist and pushing you back. You whine. “Sumaaa, I want to know what you have.” He laughs as you push against him, still shoving you back lightly. A thought pops into your head, and you stop trying to get away from him, instead leaning against him and looking up at him with big open eyes. “Is it something for me?” You ask. His mouth turns up in a very soft smile.
“Why would I get you something?” He then asks, putting a piece of hair behind your ear. You make a sad face up at him and he just laughs at you, and then hearing him laugh you can’t help but also burst into laughter. Having him caught off guard too you push him to the side, releasing his grip on you and making a dash for the other side of the counter. Laying there is a small bouquet of wildflowers. You grab them, pulling them to your chest. “Oh, Suma! These are for me right?” You ask excitedly, and he lets out a sigh at his jig being up. 
“Of course they’re for you.” He says, and you smell them, smiling to yourself, ready to close up shop and go home with Xisuma. 
It had been a very busy day at the diner, the day only now starting to wind down. Basically every hermit under the sun had visited the diner today, Doc even having visited twice just because he couldn’t be arsed to make or get any food of his own. You didn’t mind, in the end, it just meant more diamonds to spend for you. But it was odd, having so many people pop around all day. Not once had the diner been empty. And now, as the day was settling in, and the sun was setting, you felt the exhaustion take over. If one more hermit came through those doors you would lose your mind. 
Just as the thought crossed your mind, the little bell attached to the door rang, signaling that someone had entered the small diner. You were still open, so you couldn’t just turn around and scream at whoever just entered, but the thought did cross your mind. So when you turned around and saw Cleo a giant sigh of relief escaped your lips. She noticed, and let a giggle slip as well. “Rough day, then?” She asked, and you nodded, letting your shoulders slouch. You started explaining how every hermit under the sun had paid you a visit. She seemed to get more and more nervous during your walkthrough of how your day went, and you knew something was up. So you just asked what was on her mind.
“Well, it’s my fault they all came through. I let it slip that I was going to come ask you something today and I guess they all wanted to be there. I don’t know where they got the idea I’d do it with them all there, but they’re nosy.” She explained, scratching the back of her head and looking away as to not let your eyes meet. She was clearly nervous about whatever she wanted to talk to you about. “Well, I don’t mind. You can ask me now.” You said, fiddling with the end of your frilly apron. You and Cleo had always danced around each other, and even if you did want her to ask you out. 
“Great! Uh, so..  I was thinking I could maybe, if you wanted, pick you up and go somewhere tomorrow when you close up shop.” She managed to squeak out, and you giggled, jumping to envelope her in a big hug. 
“I’d love to, Cleo!”
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