#outsider x self insert
chimkin-samich · 1 year
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First month on the job and Sun seems already smitten.
They're lonely and touchstarved your honour.
Tari is also practically vibing, which is a nice change for them.
Part 1/2
This was originally just something silly to explain their drastic design divergence from anything even remotely canon in this au, but I went and I turned it into angst cuz that's what I do best 🙃
Part 2/2
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gay-poet-gabriel · 5 months
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pink-key · 6 months
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Do you sometimes make an oc for ai chat stuff to self-insert in? I sure did for some reason. Janitor ai sure has some cool bots.
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timelesstheartist · 1 month
Before I packed up all my art supplies for college, I had to draw the scrunklies one last time in my sketchbook 🩷🩷🩷
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h20milk · 1 year
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picking her up from work.
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samstwilightzone · 1 year
It's always sunny elsewhere-
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"So, why not just go and talk to one of them? They are not animals in zoo enclosures for you shitheads to gawk at."
"Oh right, as if it's that easy!"
"Yeah! If it was that easy none of us would be single and a virgin right now!"
"Man, you guys suck-"
"Says you!" Five out of the six identical brothers shot back at the brunette on her towel next to them, applying sunscreen onto herself. It was a nice sunny day, the sextuplets accompanied by their lady friend decided to spend their day at the beach, mostly because if they didn't god knows when the next time she'll be free to come with them.
"You're the one who's hanging out with us of all people, Aki!" Osomatsu stated.
The girl rolled her eyes at her friends, rather humoured as she slathered sunscreen over her legs. "I'm hanging out with you guys because we are friends, it would be a boring beach day if I came here alone." She simply replied before closing her sunscreen bottle and standing up.
Placing her hands onto her hips she looked down at the phatetic excuses for adults that were her sextuplet friends "So, do you losers plan on just watching girls from a distance or are we gonna have some good ol' fashioned summer fun?" She asked, earing those blank looks as they stared up at her.
"Come on, hot girl summer can't start without me..." Aki sighed rubbing her temples "I'll... Crush the watermelon between my thighs."
The brothers looked between one another before grinning. Oh how easy they are to sway. "Alright, let's go then!" Osomatsu announced, causing his brothers to follow suit.
The gang proceeded to engage in classic summertime activities. Swimming in the sea, collecting seashells, building a sandcastle, burying Karamatsu in a hole, you know... Fun stuff. Of coarse Aki was the one that had to get him out of that hole-
"Whew..." Aki sighed out as she sat in the shallow water, needing a break after the digging she did. She washed the sand off of herself, feeling the presence of at least two people behind her. The footsteps were faint, where they trying to sneak up on her? Who could it be? Most likely Bakamatsu.
Was she right? Weeeeell...
As she stood up she sensed a hand reach out towards her- just before one could blink Aki had grabbed the person by the wrist and flung them into the deeper part of the water. Well it wasn't that deep- maybe just a bit over-the-pelvis deep on the Aki-scale.
So... Who did she throw? Ichimatsu.
"Woooooow Aki, way to scare him! Just after he worked up the courage to approach you as well." Todomatsu, who turned out to be the second person, snickered as he watched Ichimatsu's head shoot up above the water surface. Absolutely shook.
He sort of just sat there, dead on the inside.
"Ah fuck-" Aki winced before shuffling her way trough the water.
As there was no more fun to be had Todomatsu woild take his leave and let Ichimatsudo his thing, Osomatsu said he'd be the one obtaining the watermelon from a fruit stall somewhere nearby... Gotta make sure he picked the biggest one.
"Sorry Ichi!" She said as she approached him, poor guy, he was like a cat that had a bucket of water dumped onto him. "You good dude?" She asked, looking down at him, bending down she extended a hand out to him to help up.
Did he need help? No... But he sure needed a pick-me-up.
Ichimatsu blinked a few times, from staring into space, to staring at Aki's hand, then up at her face- he didn't know what he wanted more, to melt or to explode. One could swear a halo of light formed around Aki's head as she shielded him from the sun as she towered over him.
So radiant...
But he accepted Aki's hand, his face contriting a timid expression as he tore his eyes away from her. "... Fine... I'm fine." He simply answered, he was going to stand up on his own, but he didn't expect to be pulled up just like that by her.
So strong...
Aki pulled Ichimatsu back up onto his feet, securing an arm around his back just in case his legs wobbled. Good thing she did because Ichimatsu felt like jello in her hold. "There you go, nice and easy Ichi." She said. She made sure that he was firmly planted on his feet before letting go.
Ichimatsu retracted his hand, covering it up with the other as his gaze shifted around, looking anywhere but up at Aki... Or even worse, the boob window of her black swimsuit. "Thank you Aki-chan... You... You really don't need to bother with me." He spoke lowly, his voice slightly shakily as he scratched his cheek.
"But I wanted to bother myself with you." Aki stated, rather bluntly, he may be trying to close a door but she was kicking them off their hinges. "So, you wanted to ask me something?"
Ichimatsu flinched and his head shot up to look up at her. She was so perceptive too, in his eyes at least. His eyes were slightly wide, but his pupils expanded at the sight if her face. It took him everything in his power to keep eyecontact with her like a normal person as he meekly nodded his head at her question "Y.. Yes... I wanted to... To ask..." He could feel himself screwing it up already. His heart was hammering against his chest "D-do.. Do you... Uhhh- do you want to- to..."
"Take your time Ichi." Aki gently reminded him, placing a hand onto her hip, he looked like he was going to start hyperventilating. "Remember to breathe."
Ichimatsu inhaled deeply, fuck it, he was just going to spit it out. "Do you want to go get kakigori with me??"
Aki blinked as she processed the question, it was such a simple question too. From the way he was wrecking himself, Aki thought it was something big but no. He just wanted her to accompany him to get kakigori. It was just... So sweet. "That's it?" She asked.
She only got a nod in return.
Good enough. "Sure, let's go." She said before turning around and shuffling her back to shore, only to pause, look over her shoulder only to see the fourth sextuplet looking rather stunned. She was going to bite her lip, but digressed and allowed a smile to make it's way onto her face. "You coming, Ichi?"
That seemed to break him out of the spell he was put under. He blushed in embarrassment. "Ha? Oh- y-yes! Yes!" He exclaimed as he shuffled after her. "I'm coming!"
Aki snorted, refraining from making a dirty joke as she waited for the purple Matsu to catch up. That way they ended up walking together, side by side. Ichimatsu kept his hands to himself, crossed over his chest while Aki's hands swung back and fourth freely at her sides. "You know, I actually... Don't really like kakigori..."
"Eh?" Ichimatsu let out a confused sound at her confession, his head snapping towards her while she stared ahead. "W-why did you say yes then??" He questioned.
Aki puffed her cheeks out and huffed, they stopped at her towel which allowed Aki to grab her wallet before continuing the walk. Kakigori was just flavoired ice... just having it in her mouth made her gums hurt. "I just... Don't see myself saying no to you." She admitted, pursing her lips for a second before grinning instesd. "I didn't want to say no, you... Usually don't talk to me, so this made me happy."
He... Made her happy? That was such an unbelievable thing to think about. Just who would the doll of darkness be able to keep happy? Well... Aki, apparently. The thought made Ichimatsu rather happy as well, he wasn't completely useless then. Aki liked having him around. "So... You don't actually want kakigori?"
"Nah... I don't. I'll see if I can get myself like... Whatever I feel like." Wow, must be nice having a job that provides you with sustainable income, and in turn with money that you can spend however you want.
While not exactly good at small-talk the two made do- a good way to keep Ichimatsu engaged was to talk about cats to him, his special interest. Aki even brought up her own cat and like a proud mom showed him the pictures of her furless baby which she had in her wallet.
Ichimatsu got his kakigori, which was paid for generously his sugar mommy of a friend, while Aki ended up with a can of beer. Nothing else in particular caught hey eye.
That was until the rest of the Matsus came back into view and there they had the watermelon. The virgins were keen on making Aki keep her 'promise'. "Oi, Aki! Check it out!" Osomatsu announced, holding up the watermelon.
"Time for you to make good on your promise, our dear Aki-chan." Karamatsu added, ever-so-slightly tilting his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose. "Show us the true power of a woman's quads!" Oh the pain, and it came from his voice alone.
Ichimatsu scoffed, mostly in distaste at his brothers behaviour. Usually Choromatsu would be the straight-man in this situation, yet even he was stoked about this. "Idiots..." He huffed, glancing up at Aki who had a rather unreadable expression on her face.
"Woooow... You guys are... Really dedicated to it. I wasn't even that serious." Aki mumbled out, pressing her lips against her can. She could do it sure but... She understated the resolve of a bunch of adult vigins.
"Don't underestimate us Aki, of coarse we took it seriously!" Jyushimatsu piped up "Now, crush the watermelon!"
"You don't have to go trough with it, you know." Ichimatsu remarked, poking at his shaved ice with his wooden spoon. He stabbed it into the ice and kinda just left it there. "They're being dumb..."
"Way to try and spoil the fun, niisan." Todomatsu remarked. Pouting, already having his phone out.
"Well?" Osomatsu spoke up and grinned, tapping the watermelon... It was rather dense. "What's the matter Aki? Can't do it?" The eldest brother challenged. "Or are you just shy?"
Aki inhaled before exhaling trough her nose, she glanced down at Ichimatsu and smirked "Hold my beer." She said, handing Ichimatsu her beer can.
Walking over to Osomatsu.l, Aki snatched the watermelon out of his hands with ease. "Watch, bitch boys."
So confident...
She sat down and wrapped her legs around the watermelon and squeezed it. The fruit stood no chance against her, as it cracked up, got crushed and broken open just like that. And it was glorious.
And messy, the sticky kind of messy. Gross.
Everyone else was pretty vocal about this 'victory'. But Ichimatsu? His mouth was merely hanging open. That just confirms it, Aki can crush his skull between her thighs.
How hot is that?
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chaining cherry blossom to clover (Clio/Aria)
Clio being chosen for the Dandelions means she gets to avoid the approaching Keyblade War, and Aria vows to find a way to join her in the new world despite not also being chosen. Despite the road ahead not being clear, a very special gift is given, one which would come to be the key to the two reuniting later down the line. (1974 words)
Tag list: @starlit-selfships | @edencantstopfallininlove | @yoomtahsgf | @sunlight-ships | @dragonsmooch | @thatslikesometaldude | @artificervaldi | @keyblade-ships (to be tagged in future work, please see this form!)
(Anyone is welcome to comment on or reblog my work, as long as my DNI is respected! A transcript of the document is located under the readmore.)
When the Dandelions began to be chosen, the Sapphires were one of the first parties whose members were approached, to the surprise of approximately none of them.
After all, although the group’s existence and purpose did not become widely known for some time, it seemed logical in retrospect that the party which once collected more Lux than any other in the Anguis Union (save for one) would harbour many Keyblade wielders with powerful light; wielders who were therefore wanted, wielders who were valued, wielders whose identities - their bonds to their parties and their Unions - would all be cast aside as they would be made Dandelions, made into Dandelions.
As war’s shadow loomed ever closer over Daybreak Town, tensions slowly but surely rising up to boiling point, the Sapphires found themselves being able to count more than one of their wielders in the ranks of the Dandelions - the ranks of the few who had been chosen from all others to survive the world’s end, leaving the rest of the people they had known to simply fall and be lost in the senseless combat that fate would have them march towards.
“So they want you as well, do they?”
Aria’s casual question that she already knew the answer to reignited the spark in her girlfriend’s eyes as the two sat together by the sunset-lit fountain one evening.
“Yes!” came Clio’s reply, in a light voice that shone with much of her typical positive temperament. “I really can’t say I saw it coming, but it feels like such an honour, you know?”
“I can only imagine it must.”, Aria smiled, though her own tone was comparatively much more subdued. “After all, so few individuals have been selected for such an important role.”
“Mmm! Yeah, that’s.. a really good point..” Clio’s excitement had softened and dissolved somewhat as she picked up on her girlfriend’s quietness. It was easy for her to tell when something was up with Aria, based on subtle details like the way her catlike ears were slightly downcast, or how her wings were subconsciously tilted to face the floor; it had gotten to the point where she couldn’t help but feel slightly surprised when others said that Aria was almost impossible to read, and tended to blame it on things like her cold way of speaking, or the mask that she wore across the lower half of her face.
“..What’s wrong, Ari?”
“I.. it’s nothing.” she tried to insist.
At this, Clio shifted closer towards her on the fountain’s edge, reaching forwards to place a comforting hand on Aria’s shoulder. “Are you sure? I don’t wanna pry if it’s not something you want to talk about, but if something’s up, then it isn’t good to keep it locked up in your heart or anything.“
Careful not to shake Clio’s hand away in the process, Aria shifted, drawing her legs up to lean them on the edge of the fountain. Her wings were now being held outwards slightly to better improve her balance, ensuring she would not go toppling backwards into the fountain.
“It’s.. more that I don’t know how to word it properly without sounding mean..?” she tried to explain. She was looking away at this point, and her left hand was absentmindedly toying with the ribbon of her hairpin, while her right hand held her legs.
“Huh? How so?” Clio asked her. “..What, d’you think I shouldn’t have been picked or something?”
“What? No, it isn’t that at all!” she clarified quickly, finally turning to look at Clio’s now-worried expression. Her own eyes carried surprise; she would never doubt Clio’s worth like that.
“It’s of no surprise to us that you were selected, because you possess such strong light. But you’re not arrogant with it like so many others of similar strength seem to end up being - in fact, I would say you’re the only person with such bright light that I feel so comfortable being around like this.” she admitted. “So, in many ways, you’re perfect for this.”
“Aww, that’s really kind of you to say!” she replied, worry fading away with relative ease and becoming relief. “But, uh.. What is it, then? If I can ask that?”
“Of course you can ask that.” Aria stated plainly. “It’s just.. If you go with the Dandelions, I won’t be permitted to come with you.”
“Why not? I’m.. sure they’d let me bring you with me!” Clio tried to smile further and be reassuring, but the way her voice faltered slightly indicated she was not entirely confident in her statement.
“..Maybe if what they were after were simply strong Keyblade wielders. But they aren’t.” she insisted, turning her head to look down at the ground again. “All they want is light; they’re gathering those whose hearts have strong light inside of them, and leaving everyone else to the chaos that we all know is coming. So, the last thing they would want within their precious ranks is something like me.”
“Oh.. I guess I didn’t think of it like that.” Clio shuffled closer once again, trying to give Aria as much comfort as she could after hearing the “something” and the spite in her tone. “But, if a war really is on its way like they said it was, then surely they’d just want to rescue as many people as they could from it?”
“That would be the sensible way of going about things, but..” She let out a sigh. “Keyblade wielders who have darkness in their hearts are seen by some as weaker, or less trustworthy. Even moreso if those wielders actively try to make use of their natural affinity for darkness, if they happen to have it. It’s.. arguably not entirely misguided, considering the corruptive effect that darkness can have on people’s hearts when too much is present, but that doesn’t mean that everyone who wields the darkness is evil.” Her hand was playing with her hairpin again.
Now it was Clio’s turn to sigh, feeling dejected. “I sure wish more people could actually see that instead of insisting otherwise..”
There was a fairly long pause as the older wielder trailed off, and the pair of girlfriends could only hear the steadily-flowing water from the fountain they were sat on the edge of.
“I mean.. I haven’t technically joined the Dandelions yet.” Clio then stated, taking a moment to lift up the crown of clovers she wore around her head to stop it slipping. “There’s meant to be a meeting pretty soon, but.. I could always just stay here with you instead! At the end of the day, I- I really don’t want to lose you..”
“No.” came Aria’s response, bluntly but not coldly. “You should go with them.”
“Huh? But.. what about you?” she replied. “And everyone else, too - I can’t just leave everyone to suffer while I go with the others!”
“Just because they don’t want me there doesn’t mean I won’t go there, clover.” she stated, very matter-of-factly. “If you’re with them, then I’ll just find a way to make it to you. And it’ll be easier to do that if you go with them, because not only will they then be easier to find, but I can be more certain of your safety while I hunt for them.”
“You really think you can follow them..?” she wondered.
“..How?” she then asked. “I mean, I definitely reckon you could do it, but.. You sound surprisingly sure about it. A lot more than I would be, in your shoes.”
“..It’s because of this.”
For the third time that evening, Aria’s hand found her hairpin, but this time it was much more deliberate - she reached up above where the ribbon ends hung and carefully brought her fingers around the cherry blossom flower in its centre, running her thumb across its large, soft petals.
“..Your hairpin?” Clio asked.
“Yes.” she repeated. “If you’ll have it, then.. Please take this with you when you go with the rest of the Dandelions. Take it as a promise, and a sign - if it’s with you, then the rest of me can follow. And I will follow, somehow, even if we don’t quite know the method yet. I will find a way to be with you, no matter what it takes. Whether I’m a Dandelion or not.”
A brief moment passed as Clio’s eyes became glittery with tears.
“Aww, you’re going to make me blush, Ari! That’s so sweet of you to say, I.. I don’t think I know what to say! Of course I’ll take it, if you’re okay with giving it to me!”
She smiled. “I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t.”
Using her right hand as well to ensure none of her hair got unnecessarily caught, Aria carefully moved her hands into position, her dark red nails that Clio had painted for her working their way to where the cherry blossom grew from. She then took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and tugged as hard as she could bring herself to pull. Despite bracing for the action, she still let out an involuntary hiss as she did this, wincing and shutting her eyes much more tightly as the pale pink flower came sailing away from her head with the force.
Keeping her right hand pressed against the left side of her head to try and lessen the intensity of that awfully sharp pain she now felt, she tried desperately to stop tears forming in her eyes, before all of a sudden becoming aware that a strong hand was pressing into her back, gently but firmly, just below her wings.
“I’ve got you.” came Clio’s voice from her right-hand side, before her other hand reached up to clear the tears from Aria’s eyes. “You nearly sent yourself right into the water with how hard you pulled on that.”
“It.. was needed..” she replied, somewhat vaguely. Her head was now tilted to be facing Clio’s more directly, allowing her to see her girlfriend’s supportive if slightly concerned expression. She could feel both her arm and her hand on her back now, giving her confidence that she would not fall backwards even if she wasn’t holding herself upright out of tension.
It was then that Aria realised she had one more thing left to do, so she moved her left hand towards Clio’s right. Resting on her open palm was the flower that once rested in the centre of the hairpin she had never been seen without, the blossom’s five pink petals and two green leaves looking delicate and tender in the sunset’s light. As carefully as if she were handling a baby bird, Clio reached out and tentatively lifted up the flower, making sure not to accidentally damage the petals as she took a closer look before then holding it close to her chest. It seemed to attach itself directly to her jacket once she had decided where it would go.
“..Thank you.” was all Aria could say to fill the silence, her voice just as soft as the flower petals felt to touch. The sharpness of the pain was thankfully becoming somewhat duller and less intrusive with time, and Clio’s gesture of bringing the flower to her heart was something she had treasured immensely.
“Don’t worry, shadow. I’ll keep this safe for you.” Clio declared, now placing her hand on her chest next to the flower. “You’ve just got to make sure you stay safe as well.”
“I will. I trust you, clover.” she replied, shifting to more properly reciprocate her girlfriend’s support with a hug. “No matter what the future holds.. No matter how long it takes.. I will reach you, and we’ll both make it past whatever is coming, in our own ways.”
As the last of the sunlight faded, the pair stayed and cherished this moment in each other’s arms.
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leyyvi · 2 years
watching a vtuber stream and tuned into the chat just to see everyone shitting on x reader fics bye lol 
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tricolorhichew · 1 year
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The um. The. Us. Perhaps.
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
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2022 is the year of reviving long dead Self Inserts 12 year old me thought were so cool and normal
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gay-poet-gabriel · 3 months
Hi...i live....can u draw...me...kissing tim on da nose....hai...i hope ur good so sorry for not talking to u...im so bad at being online
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also....we all want this....
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firefly--bright · 2 years
hey guys! just a reminder that if you have any criticisms over my writing, please feel free to tell me. I've been seeing a lot of posts about people not feeling included in xreader works and the last thing i want is for people to read through my stories and think that they don't belong. so, if you have any constructive criticisms, please dont hesitate to send an ask or a DM explaining your point, I'm always open to learn!
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phase0exe · 1 year
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protect, metadad.
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lurochar · 4 months
By the Full Moon
18+ MDNI
The Radio Demon finds a spell to go back in time to reacquaint himself with his wife. His past human self is more than willing to help.
Demon Alastor x Reader x Human Alastor
Warnings: Demon Alastor mainly referred to as Radio Demon to differentiate between human Alastor. Established relationship between Alastor and Reader. OOCness. PWP. Aphrodisiacs. Lame title. Basically pure indulgence here. I haven't written anything in a while and smut even longer, so I apologize if it's bad.
You were worried.
Truthly speaking, you had no reason to worry as Alastor was more than capable of taking care of himself and even more so since he had his hunting rifle with him and more than likely his hunting knife, but you just could not help yourself.
After all, that murderer now labeled the Bayou Butcher was still on the loose and law enforcement had no clue as to who the killer was.
It was a silly worry since Alastor was still on the property simply storing away his hunting rifle in the shed a little ways from the main house, but it seemed like he was taking far too long to do so.
You could not help but to pace near the front door, knowing that once Alastor finally came back, he would just give you his signature smile and laugh at your apprehension all while calming your nerves down with a single stroke down the side of your cheek with his thumb.
‘He’s fine.’ You thought, breathing in deeply as you attempted to calm your pacing. ‘There's no need to worry like this. He will be back any moment.’ You nodded your head with your thoughts, finally able to stop your body from your frantic movements.
And it was only a few minutes later that you heard the key to the front door being inserted before it swung open and you instantly perked up. “Alastor!” You called out to your husband in relief, quickly moving towards him, your mind registering the radio static in the air before your body did and you abruptly froze, watching stunned as not one, but a second figure entered the house.
“Darling! I apologize for taking so long!” Alastor opened his arms, wrapping them around you and observing you closely as you trembled like an adorable newborn fawn, just as he – they expected you would. “I didn’t expect to meet such fine company outside our humble little abode here! Such a riveting conversation we had!”
Red eyes stared hungrily into yours.
“I–” You stammered, shakily peering over Alastor’s broad shoulder to look at the… otherworldly being currently standing in you and your husband’s house. “W-what– w-who is that?” You could not help the tremble in your voice.
“Hmmm,” Alastor stroked your hair, seemingly trying to find the right words. “Funny enough, this gentleman’s name is also Alastor. Isn't that just a neat coincidence?” 
“What?” You looked to Alastor weakly, knowing his name was not exactly the most common of names out there. “But that’s…”
“Do excuse my rude manners,” the ‘other’ Alastor suddenly spoke and his voice possessed the exact same tone, accent, and cadence as when your Alastor spoke on air on the radio, “but I simply had to stop when I noticed your lovely house, my dear! Why, it looks the exact same as the home I once owned many years ago! So I hope you don’t mind me dropping in unannounced like this.” He began to move closer and you shivered in your husband’s hold, “It’s a pleasure, quite the pleasure, my little Doe. I’m Alastor, the Radio Demon.”
“D-demon?” You swallowed thickly, tightening your grip in Alastor’s coat as you took in the ‘Radio Demon’s’ features. He certainly was not human, that was for sure and with those tall ears (and tiny antlers?), you almost wanted to say he was almost deer-like, but those utterly massive fangs, razor-sharp claws, and terrifying smile had you second guessing yourself.
“Remarkable, isn’t it?” Alastor murmured in your ear. “A demon straight from Hell, he says. Who would have thought Hell actually existed?” He chuckled, but you barely heard a word he said.
A demon.
A demon was standing in your house.
A demon named Alastor.
“W-wha…” You faltered, whimpering when the Radio Demon stepped in front of you and in your personal space before you could even respond. “W-what’s happening?”
“You have no idea, my darling Y/N, how long I’ve waited for this.” Demon Alastor’s tipped your face upwards with his deadly claws rather gently to get you to look at his face (and wow, was he ever so very tall), “How many decades it took for me to find a spell that could break the laws of time, just so I could see you again.”
Your mind was racing, but ultimately, could not keep up with the situation.
Decades? Spells? Laws of time? Demons? Hell? 
What was all of this? Did you fall asleep waiting for Alastor to come back and were just having some bizarre dream? 
“It's not a dream, my love.” Alastor seemed to know what you were thinking as he began to nuzzle the crook of your neck. “I didn't quite believe it either, but he knows things about me that none other could, including you.”
“T-Then you're saying–” You could not even finish your words and you jumped when the Radio Demon's claws tightened around your cheeks, not enough to cause pain but enough to get your immediate attention. “T-that you… you’re–!”
“Figured it out, my darling Doe?” The Radio Demon’s grin stretched inhumanly wide. “I'm sure you have, you always were quite clever, my dear, but in case you haven't…”
Your heart pounded.
“Yes, I am Alastor Hartfelt, your husband. A denizen of Hell for decades now, though I have done well if I do say so for myself. I am a Demon Overlord, the Radio Demon. The year, I believe, was 2024 when I last checked.”
Alastor whistled lowly from your shoulder as you gaped in disbelief at the Radio Demon in front of you.
Was he really saying that he came back in time by almost a century?! 
How was any of this even possible?
“You shouldn't be this baffled, Darling.” Alastor spoke, moving from your shoulder to kiss your cheek. “I, too, would do anything to find my way back to you, even break the laws of time and space. So why wouldn't my future dead self do the same?”
“Am I not there with you?”
The Radio Demon chuckled, his hand now affectionately caressing the side of your face. “Perhaps you missed the part about my being in Hell?” His hand slowly slid down your body to your hip, causing you to shiver. “My darling Doe, you do not reside in Hell and have no place in it.”
A sudden surge of bravery rushed through you. “Then why are you there? You're a good man, Alastor! A perfect husband! Why would you get sent to… to Hell?!”
Alastor tightened his arms around you from behind and the Radio Demon squeezed down on your hip at the question.
“The spell will only last for the night as long as the moon is full on Earth.” The Radio Demon’s smile looked tense and his fangs were gritting. “I would much prefer getting reacquainted with my lovely wife than with frivolous chatter.”
And even if he did answer, he did not intend to leave your memories of this night intact.
This was not his preferred method, but he knew his Y/N would not let the topic of either Alastor’s fate go, so there was no other choice lest he allow the night waste away.
Alastor caught the eye of his past human self and nodded, having discussed this back at the shed where they had met as a possible option should it need to be one.
It was crude and vulgar, but Alastor was desperate with the need to touch your flesh once more and if he had to kick start things with a light aphrodisiac (one not made by the Vees), he would.
Your Alastor slowly reached into his pocket, slipping out a vial of clear liquid. He carefully uncapped it while you trembled against him, repeating your question in apparent shock at the knowledge that your husband was destined for Hell.
“Ma chérie.” Your Alastor turned you to face him before he downed the contents of the vial and immediately kissed you after. He glanced up to see his demon self step up behind you, caging you in between them so you could not back away from his kiss.
You let out a strange noise, feeling Alastor's tongue swipe in your mouth as you unconsciously opened your lips for him and a sweet liquid seeped in that you had no choice but to swallow.
You were suddenly warm.
Your body was hot.
Your nerves felt like they were on fire.
“W-w-what’s this?” You babbled, completely forgetting about Hell as you began to ache between your legs, “H-hah…”
“It’s alright, Darling.” Alastor was quick to come to your comfort, rubbing your shoulders and even that innocent touch sent sparks of pleasure straight down to your core. “Just let it happen and everything will be fine.”
“I must admit, it is not my proudest idea.” The Radio Demon seemed to sigh from behind you, his large claw-tipped hands back firmly on your hips. “Surely you understand, my little Doe, that it needed to be done. You were much too tense and I only have hours to spare.”
Your head was fuzzy and you honestly did not understand a damn word of what either Alastor was saying.
You just wanted relief and the ache to leave.
“Don't worry your pretty little head about anything right now.” Alastor cooed, “I would take care of you, but I'm sure our guest here has been waiting for so very long now.” He smirked. “I'll join in a little later.”
“I can smell you, my dear.” The Radio Demon purred, his hands moving from your hips as he ran a single claw up the side of your dress, ripping through it with ease and you could not find it in yourself to care about the ruined dress at the moment. “You're dripping. Naughty girl.”
Had you been in your right mind, you would have been completely embarrassed by such a thing, and you let out a pathetic little whine when the Radio Demon began to kneel in front of you, with his massive hands gripping your soft inner thighs.
Your underwear was ripped off a second later and you did not see the Radio Demon pocketing the arousal-soaked cloth before he turned back to you.
“Ah, it's been decades since I've eaten one in this way.” The Radio Demon hummed, releasing one thigh to slowly slide his hand up to your leaking core. He found your clit with ease, slowly rubbing circles with the pad of his thumb, extremely mindful of his claw, “Though, of course, you are the only one I have done such things with.”
You cried out at the touch, feeling like a jolt of electricity had just run through you. “P-please!” You sniffled, unsure what to call this being - Alastor or Radio Demon?
The Radio Demon grinned up at you and you were too lost in arousal to flinch back at the sight of those fangs, “Please what, my little fawn? Use your words.”
“Eat me.”
The Radio Demon groaned. “You know me too well without even seeing the entire picture.” He surged forward, abandoning your clit momentarily to part your folds before taking in a deep intoxicated breath.
You bit down on your hand, trying to keep your yelps and moans down as the Radio Demon shoved his face in your pussy, his rather long tongue fucking up into your soaked hole as his nose rubbed against your clit, sparking pleasureable warmth throughout your lower half. 
“Now, now. None of that.” Alastor came up behind you, wrapping his arms around you and gently pulling your hand away from your mouth. “I– we both want to hear you.”
The Radio Demon crooned, pressing his face closer, feeling his wife tremble against him, “That's it. Cum on my tongue. I would like to get to the main course as quickly as possible.”
You shook, feeling Alastor's hands cup your breasts, pinching and rubbing your nipples as he nibbled on the lobe of your ear while the Radio Demon slurped your slick and suckled your sensitive nub.
A strangled sound left you when one of Alastor’s hands trailed down your side, sliding down your stomach before he slid a finger into your soaking cunt, bending his finger just so he would hit that spot that had you seeing stars and cumming far too early to be normal after a few more jabs to that spot.
The Radio Demon eagerly lapped up your gush of slick, not stopping even as you began to shudder from overstimulation.
“Does it feel good, chérie?” Alastor asked with a flush rising on his own face as his wife writhed in his hold while the Radio Demon did not relent in his own assault. He humped up against you, reaching down to his belt and zipper to free his aching cock. 
“S'good.” You slurred, panting when you felt Alastor slide in another finger, scissoring them to stretch you. “Alastor.” You sighed, leaning against him as you reached down.
“You needn't worry about me.” Alastor inhaled sharply once you wrapped your soft hands around his length. “Darling, this is about you.”
“I want you.” You moaned, your fingers fondling the head of his cock, spreading his precum down the length of his shaft. “I-if he really is you,” it took everything out of you just to string a coherent sentence together, “I want you both.”
“You heard our darling little Doe.” The Radio Demon finally pulled away from your cunt as he eyed his past mortal self, “As much as I hunger to do so, I cannot prepare Y/N properly without the potential of injury.”
Just a glance towards those sharp claws was an answer enough.
Alastor wasted no time and pushed in a third finger, jamming them against that sweet spot of yours and you cried out, no longer able to focus on your husband’s pleasure, though he did not mind at all.
 “What a face you’re making, Darling,” he murmured into your ear, “Not a single thought in your head, is there? Are you drooling on yourself?” His eyes darkened as his sadistic side began to show and, finally, he was able to slide in a fourth finger, “Do you know how fucked out you look right now? If that wasn’t me in front of you, I would have had to kill him for seeing you like this.”
It was fine, saying such things as you were not coherent enough to even understand him right now and the Radio Demon would take your memories of this night away anyway.
“Four fingers? My my, how debauched you are, my sweet Doe.” The Radio Demon was at your other ear, whispering just as filthy things as Alastor was, “You can take it, can’t you? You are my– our wife, after all. All you need to do is let go and cum on your husband’s fingers and then you can have all the cock you want, for the rest of the night.” He reached down, finding your clit and only needing to stroke the bud twice before you reached your high.
Your mouth could not even form words as your wet slick pussy contracted rhythmically around Alastor’s fingers, trying to milk them as you blacked out for the briefest of moments. Your limbs were like jelly and the only reason you did not collapse was because Alastor had propped you against his body.
“Still in there, my love?” Alastor patted your sweaty face, smiling when your glazed eyes fluttered open and you whimpered when he slowly pulled his fingers from your sopping hole, “You’ve done wonderfully thus far.”
“I–” It took so much just to think, “I want to–to…” Why couldn’t you think of the words to say? Your body was still burning even after cumming twice and that felt a bit frightening to you.
“As I said, you don’t need to worry about me. I have you to myself every night.” Alastor repeated, glancing over your head, allowing a lazy smirk to appear on his face, “But if you really want to repay the favour, I’m sure our guest would be delighted.” He just shrugged when the Radio Demon narrowed his red eyes at him.
You turned your head and peered timidly at the Radio Demon. The static in the air seemed to grow louder the longer you stared and his smile only seemed to stretch even wider.
“I'll even help you.” Alastor wrapped an arm around your waist and slung your arm around his shoulders, making sure you were steady, even as your legs shook like a newborn fawn’s as he guided you to stand in front of the Radio Demon.“Here you are.” He was quick to remove his overcoat, placing it on the floor for the comfort of his dear wife’s knees.
“This is unnecessary.” The Radio Demon stated, though the changes to his body said differently – his sclera turning pitch black, his antlers quickly extending outwards. He had to forcibly stop his body from growing larger, knowing his wife's human body would not be able to take anymore than what he was now.
“Please.” You kneeled in front of the Radio Demon, still a bit wary of him, but the aphrodisiac still running through you won over anything else, “You… you're still my Alastor, right?” Your hands shook as you attempted to loosen the belt of the Radio Demon.
“Yes, in life and in death. I am always yours.” The Radio Demon's usual filtered tone disappeared for a moment as he ripped off his belt with ease and he pulled his pants down low enough that his cock could spring free.
You leaned into him, feeling his hands run through your hair in a gentle gesture before they were gone from your head. You straightened on your knees, reaching up and feeling yourself jump a little in shock the moment you realized you couldn't fully wrap your hand around the Radio Demon's cock.
Was everything that much bigger when one was sent to Hell?
“Think nothing of it, my little Doe.” The Radio Demon cooed down at you, “I am completely content if you only wish to suck on my cock - the part that fits in your sweet little mouth, that is. I will not fuck your throat.”
The dull ache between your legs seemed to roar back to life at his words and you moved forward, opening your mouth, feeling the Radio Demon step a little closer until the head of his cock was resting on your tongue.
Your lips closed around his glans, your tongue prodded at the slit and you heard the Radio Demon growl as the static grew louder. Your head moved forward, wondering how much you could fit in your mouth before you started gagging.
“No, no.” Large hands on each side of your head stopped you from going further, “Do not test my self control, my dear. I said you may only suck. You are much too fragile for me to fuck that delicate throat of yours.”
You look up at the Radio Demon, barely noticing in your lustful haze that his pupils have shifted into a shape that resembled radio dials as you tightened your lips around the impressive cock in your mouth and sucked hard.
It was utterly obscene and Alastor watched with fascination as large amounts of saliva seeped from the crevices from your lips to drool down all over the Radio Demon's shaft, your jaw and chin, only to land on your chest in sticky globs. The static from the Radio Demon could not drown out the sloppy wet slurps of your tongue.
“That's it. Thaaaat's it.” The Radio Demon purred, “Such a lovely wife I have, so willing to suck the cock of her demon husband. Even wanting me to fuck my cock down her throat. How filthy! Are you truly that desperate for my seed? Suck harder, my dear.”
You tried, tightening your lips, hollowing your cheeks and sucking as best as you could until your jaw ached. You wanted to bob your head to make it a little easier, but the Radio Demon’s hands made it impossible to move. You began to hum, hoping the vibrations would aid you in getting him off.
“My sweet fawn. So depraved, just for me. Salivating all over yourself like a dog to please me.” One of his hands moved down to stroke at your cheek. “You are doing exceptionally well, such a good girl for me. Keep your mouth open.”
Your face burned at the Radio Demon’s words as you gasped for air when he pulled back from you, though you kept your mouth slack as he asked and found yourself shuddering when thick loads of cum landed on your tongue and didn’t seem to stop.
The Radio Demon watched with greedy eyes as you struggled with the volume of his seed, having to swallow a few times over and even then, remnants dripped off your lips towards your chest, “I should punish you for wasting a part of me that no other will ever have, my dear, but there is no time for that this night.” His grin widened, “Perhaps, should the spell work on the next full moon…” He tucked himself back into his pants, though didn't bother zipping them back up.
“I admit I never thought I would witness such a sight.” Alastor stepped forward from his position of observation, kneeling down as he reached for his handkerchief from his pocket and began to gently wipe your face from the cum and drool. “I certainly was not opposed to it.” He said quickly to reassure you when your eyes seemed to widen.
The Radio Demon did mention that the aphrodisiac would wear off once you took semen in your body. How fast it would diminish depended on how much semen you took in, in a certain amount of time.
“While I’m sure our guest appreciated the appetizers, I’m sure he is starved for the main course.” Alastor uncaringly tossed the dirtied handkerchief to the floor, helping you stand. “We would be such rude hosts to make him wait any longer.”
“I– of course.” You replied, looking towards the Radio Demon with a little less hesitancy than before, “You know where our… our bedroom is?” You asked almost shyly.
“I remember every single detail of this house as if I lived in it just yesterday,” The Radio Demon’s smile softened for a split second before it sharpened once more and he offered you his hand, “Shall we, then? You may want to close your eyes for this.”
You took it reluctantly, unsure what he meant by that last statement. You felt Alastor rub your back as he nestled you up to his side and you let out a shocked gasp as you all seemed to sink down in the floor into a void of black before emerging only a moment later right in front of your bed, “W-what was that!?” Your nerves weren’t burning as hot as they were earlier, but that strange sensation certainly was not helping your dizzied mind.
“Fascinating.” Alastor simply said under his breath.
“Instant shadow travel.” The Radio Demon answered nonchalantly, “It really is nothing to be impressed by.” He turned back to you, not wanting you to get distracted now that your mind was a bit clearer, “Darling Y/N, why don’t I show you how much I truly missed you over the decades?”
Your eyes unconsciously teared up at that.
The Radio Demon stalked forward, forcing you backward until your back hit the mattress. He took in the lovely sight of his wife spread on what used to be his bed before he was caging you in with his much larger body, “Every single night, whether or not I sleep, I think of you, dream of you. How exasperating that I still pine for you even after all these years, but I suppose you were the only one I felt any affection for – l̵̨͔̗̩̯̮͔̜̋̎́̃̐ͩ̓ͦo̿͂v̸̷̳̬̭̝͔͍͙͈̇̌̈́͟e̞̰̩̋̂̚͝ even – after Mother died.”
He could confess this much, as you would not remember this when it was time for him to leave.
“So you really are me.” Alastor murmured from the side of the bed, slowly undoing his tie, “That’s right. Y/N was there from the start – what do the masses call it, childhood lovers or such nonsense? It was only Y/N. None other would do.” He almost scoffed at his next thought. “Maybe soulmates do exist after all.”
“If you really are Alastor,” your arms rose and you placed your hands on both sides of his face and his entire expression softened and his smile wobbled, “then I'm so sorry that I'm causing you any pain.” A tear slid down your face from your already watery eyes. “I'm sure there are many…uhh, demons who are interes–” A claw-tipped finger pressed against your lips, cutting you off from what you were about to say.
“Even parted, what remains of my cold dead heart still beats for you, my lovely wife. I will never stray.” The Radio Demon leaned down to lick the tear from your cheek, causing you to shudder.
“Even if we wanted to fool around,” Alastor was now unbuttoning his shirt, taking his time to undress, “which, Darling, I can assure you, we do not, our bodies are simply not interested in any other. Woman, man – it doesn't matter how attractive they may be, if it's not you, I cannot get aroused. I'm sure it's the same for our guest.”
You felt your face flush and wanted to hide from the embarrassingly sweet words, but you were trapped under the Radio Demon, who was staring down intently at your reaction.
“You know I love you, Alastor! I have since we were children!” You tried to cover your face, but the Radio Demon grasped your wrists before you could.
He settled more on top of you, aligning your lower bits as he ground his clothed erection against your slick sensitive skin. “Say it again.” He groaned, “Say it.”
The static was almost deafening now.
“Best do what he asks, Darling.” Alastor was now removing his pants, having moved to the top of the bed so he could observe his wife's expression. “I'll never tire of hearing it either.”
“I love you, Alastor. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you!” Your face was burning red as the Radio Demon reached down to fish his cock free from his unzipped pants, “Not even death can do us part!”
That had been the one line you and Alastor had changed at your wedding, but…
“You don't belong in Hell, my sweet fawn.” The Radio Demon grasped your hip and gripped the base of his cock, your legs spreading as he rubbed his shaft through your creamy folds, causing you to shiver and moan, “While I may crave your presence every day, I prefer to know that you are safe where you belong.”
Your head tossed to the side as the Radio Demon slowly began to penetrate you and your eyes opened in surprise when you felt lips pressing against yours. “Alastor?” You panted, feeling your silky walls being stretched more than they ever have before. He was bigger than anything you had ever taken before.
“You will adjust in a few moments, ma cher. It won't hurt or feel uncomfortable for much longer.” Alastor stated, staring at the scene in front of him and feeling a heat settle deep under his stomach.
He wanted to join, but he did not want to push his dear wife any further than you were comfortable with. Plus, you and he had never ventured to that area before either.
The Radio Demon’s eyes glanced up at Alastor for a brief moment before setting down back onto you as he finally slid in all the way to the hilt, “Fuck, I haven't even moved yet and you're already clenching down on me so tightly.”
“S'big!” You almost felt like you were being split in two and you whined when the Radio Demon slowly withdrew, caressing every sensitive spot before he swiftly thrust back in, “HAH!” You were seeing stars as he found a rhythm, “S'good!”
Alastor watched with slight envy, but it quickly changed to confusion when the Radio Demon gave him some sort of look before focusing back on you.
Was he supposed to know what that meant?
It was only a few seconds later that a long black tentacle-like appendage snapped out of the Radio Demon's back and Alastor found himself surprised for the nth time that night, even by this point, he shouldn't be.
It seemed that you were already too fucked out again to notice the extra appendage as the Radio Demon flipped you over to your stomach, positioning you on all fours as he maneuvered over top of you, pressing his chest to your back as his hips thrust blindly, seeking your warm wet hole.
He used the lone tentacle (that you still have yet to notice, but you would very shortly) to wrap around his length, guiding it back to your slick cunt. He growled, loud static popping in the air, drool dripping off his fangs as he humped you like the deer he resembled.
You are so lost in pleasure, gasping and wheezing, that it takes a few moments for you to realize that there's something prodding you back there, “W-wha?” You swallow thickly, feeling something cool circle and lightly push at your other hole, causing you to flinch, “W-what is that? Alastor?” You whimper.
It took a second for the Radio Demon to come to his senses, especially when you were squeezing down so tightly on his cock. “My little Doe, it must be done if you wish to take both of us. Surely you want that. It's not often one can fuck two forms of their spouse at the same time.” The tentacle began to breach the rim of your second hole and you let out pained noise.
Alastor moved on the bed, stroking your hair and kissing your temple, “I know, Darling, I know.” He reached underneath you when the Radio Demon resumed his crude humping, finding your clit with a bit of difficulty due to the constant rocking. “If you truly do need to stop, say ‘jambalaya’ and we will.”
This was for Alastor and a few minutes of total discomfort should not stop you.
“How's it feel?” Alastor asked, curious as he had never touched that area before.
“H-hah,” you felt sweat drip down your face, trying to answer your husband’s question, but the sensations of the Radio Demon's cock hitting every sensitive spot in your sloppy cunt, Alastor’s fingers strumming along your puffy clit, and the slippery tentacle now an inch or two in, squirming against the walls of your ass?
You crumbled.
“Fuck!” The Radio Demon snarled, halting his movements as he felt you cumming hard around him. His ears twitched at the sound of your wailing and he summoned another tentacle out of his back, using it to hold your shaking body up against his as he clenched his hands in the sheets below, claws easily ripping through the material.
As he completely avoided any sexual activity during his time in Hell, the Radio Demon found he was a lot more sensitive than he recalled and simply having you suck him for a few moments and cumming once on his cock was enough for him to lose it.
It took all of his self control to not finish so early as he focused on his tentacles and stretching your other hole slowly but surely.
Alastor watched with exhilaration that he only experienced when he was pounding you into the bed, or watching the life fade out of the eyes out of some degenerate after hunting them down, and after your keening quieted down, he found himself surprised that he was stroking himself, something he never partook in.
“Do you think you are able to take me, my love?” Alastor asked after a moment of allowing you to catch your breath, though you still looked a little out of it, still caged under the Radio Demon’s much larger body – looking helpless, small, and stuffed full of cock.
He needed to stuff you with more.
“I… I think? Maybe?” You lifted your head to look at Alastor, watching him smile at you and you bit your lip when you felt that strange appendage slowly pull out of your ass and you grimaced at the sudden feeling of emptiness?
The Radio Demon squeezed your hips and also pulled out of you, sitting you on the bed as he snapped his fingers and you jumped, feeling your body tingle for a second before it disappeared and you felt strangely lighter, “W-what was that?” You asked as he snapped his fingers again and a small bottle appeared in his hand out of nowhere
“I cleansed you,” The Radio Demon simply stated, not wanting to get into the finer details of anal sex and embarrass you, “You will need this, my dear. Use as much as you need.” He handed his past self the bottle and eyed him expectantly.
“Extra lubrication.” Alastor said, snapping the lid open and squeezing it out on his fingers, rubbing them together experimentally, “It’s needed so I don’t, well… tear anything.” He grasped your hand, unfolding it. “Aid me, won’t you, Darling?” His voice grew a little sultry as he squeezed the lube out on your hand.
You flushed, reaching down as your hand wrapped around Alastor’s cock, trying to spread the lube evenly as you jerked his shaft, causing him to sigh with contentment, feeling your hand glide smoothly, “I believe that’s enough. Your turn. Turn around for me and either lie down on your stomach or get on all fours – whichever is more comfortable for you.”
You say Alastor’s eyes flash and knew what position he would prefer, but despite your embarrassment, you got on all fours like you knew he wanted and you spread your legs as much as you could.
“Bear with it.” Alastor felt his heart race as your head lowered when he squeezed the lube out and you shivered when you felt his slick fingers begin to prod at your ass, passing the tight rim after a few nudging of his fingers.
It still felt strange, but Alastor tried to make up for it with slow firm thrusts and filthy words.
“Darling, I know you will feel so good squeezed around me. I never imagined you would be so receptive to the idea. I can’t wait to see what sort of face you will make this time for me. Taking both of our cocks at once, perhaps you will cum so hard, you will soak the sheets? Forget your own name?”
You whined, feeling your face flame.
“I have done what I can to prepare you.” Alastor removed his fingers from your back hole, “Now go over to our guest. I believe you will have to ride him in order for this to work.”
The Radio Demon's smile seemed to twitch at Alastor's remark, but he did lean back and prop himself against the pillows so you were able to straddle him – which you only did so after a pause from you and a nod from him.
“Not yet, my dear, though I appreciate the enthusiasm.” The Radio Demon chuckled, stopping you from gripping him and just sliding down his cock, “It's best for my past self to go first.”
Alastor moved over to you, stroking your back in a soothing manner, “Remember what to say if you want to stop.” He said with a slight frown and it lifted when you repeated ‘jambalaya’ back to him, “I'll go slow.” He gripped himself, watching as the Radio Demon oh-so kindly spread you (and you letting out a cute squeak) and he lowered himself until he felt skin on skin.
You tensed, trying best to calm down when felt the head of his cock prod at your ass, just resting there until you relaxed enough that he could press forward. “Haahhmmm.” Strange noises escaped you as Alastor slowly proceeded, stopped, rocked back and forth a few times, before repeating.
“My little Doe, breathe.” The Radio Demon trailed his hands down your sides, moving towards your dripping core to find your aching clit to help alleviate any discomfort with pleasure, “It won't be long now, my dear. You will be, as an effeminate fellow acquaintance of mine likes to say, ‘cockdrunk’ soon enough.”
You groaned, not only from the Radio Demon's words, but from feeling full. Yet you felt empty at the same time as your pussy clenched nothing but air.
Arms wrapped around you from behind as Alastor buried his head in your shoulder, breathing hard while sweat dripped off his face. “Shit.”
You were so fucking tight – to the point he ridiculously feared you might squeeze his cock right off.
“Prepare yourself.” The Radio Demon purred, lining his length up with your dripping cunt, “Or perhaps you needn't to. There won't be a single thought in that pretty little head of yours.” And with that, he thrust in carefully, knowing he and his past self had to find a rhythm that would not cause their wife any pain.
“A-Al–” You mewled, feeling tears forming in the corners of your eyes, “A-Ala–” You couldn't even talk straight anymore.
Alastor grit his teeth, thrusting in when the Radio Demon pulled back. His wife was tight, hot, and he could feel the Radio Demon through the thin membrane.
He wasn't going to last long.
“Such a perverse wife I have! Tell me, how does fucking two cocks at once feel?” The Radio Demon's smile turned sadistic, seeing that you couldn't even comprehend his question and his hand came up to wipe the drool seeping from your mouth and watched with satisfaction as your eyes rolled to the back of your head when he began circling your clit, “Are you going to cum, my dear? Should I allow it?”
You babbled nonsense, not hearing a word anyone was saying as you were sandwiched between your present husband and his future demon self and only able to focus on the molten heat in your core.
Both were big (though the Radio Demon was bigger in that department), so with every thrust, they hit every spot that brought stars to your closed eyes.
Someone was rubbing circles on your slick clit and the other was fondling your breasts. Teeth nibbled at the lobe of your ear and sharp fangs and a long tongue were dragging along your skin dangerously close towards your throat.
It was the hand that pressed down hard on your pelvis that had you come undone.
Were you screaming? You didn't know as the world blurred and you could feel nothing but ecstasy shoot through every part of your trembling body and the afterpangs were just as pleasant to feel as you slumped down, barely even conscious after the many orgasms you had experienced that night.
“Fuck!” The Radio Demon knew he would not be able to stave off this as your vevelty walls clamped down on his cock and he looked down in shock, unconsciously licking his lips when he noticed you were squirting all over him.
This sight alone had him shooting spurt after spurt of ejaculate into your gushing pussy.
Alastor simply observed all this happen, having pulled halfway out of your ass so he could wrap his hand around the base of his cock to delay his orgasm, though he no longer needed to. 
He released his hand, thrusting forward as deep he could go in your ass. He was already on the edge, waiting to tip over and just the tightness of your anal walls squeezing him was enough to send him over, shooting his load of cum into you with a satisfied groan.
Both you and Alastor collapsed on the bed as the Radio Demon shifted so there was more room, though after a brief moment of silence other than heavy breathing, both males looked towards you as they grudgingly pulled out of you, eyeing the leaking mess they made of you with fervor.
You only had so much stamina however.
“You did so well, my love.” Alastor brushed your hair from your face, kissing your temple when you attempted to focus your glazed eyes towards him, “Only you could satisfy us so.” He lightly pinched your cheek to keep you awake when they began fluttering.
A glass of water appeared in the Radio Demon’s hand as he sat up, propping your back up against his chest as he brought the glass up to your lips and tilted your head up, “Don’t drink it too fast, my dear.” He instructed, appeased when you slowly swallowed the water down and he vanished the glass, relishing the feel of your skin against his.
It was time for him to leave.
“My sweet wife, it took me decades to find the spell so I could see you again,” the Radio Demon stated and he felt you stiffen against him, “I am uncertain if it will work again or if this was a one time occurrence, but know that this night was to my utmost delight. I must say, simply seeing your lovely face satisfied me as much as–m̨̻̪̣̹̙̰̦͇̏͒̅͒ͪ͝ơ̧̛̛̗͍̝̣̜̺͉̜̜̩̥̈́̋ͫ̌̽͐̅̔̍̋́́̏̇ͧ̀͘͘̚͜͜͢͝ŕ̛̝̺̖̬̰ͫͨ̆͌͛̾ͭ̈̾̉̌ͯ͞e̸̙͕̯̻̘͈̋ͩ̑ͦ́͟ ţ̶̟̯̻̘͍͓̯̈̂h̿ͮ͘a̶̸̲̣͖̻̦̜ͯ̉͌ͣ͂̈́͞n͙̳̍ͫ–the screams of the souls I rip apart on my broadcasts all over Hell!”
“You’re leaving?” The Radio Demon’s words snapped you to attention in more than one way, but you put those rather disturbing words aside for that moment to focus on his departure. 
Your mind was clear and your body was no longer burning and you should be honestly terrified that there was a demon from Hell wrapped around you now that you could think straight, but he was still your husband.
He was still Alastor.
“Regretfully so.” The Radio Demon gently removed you from himself, standing from the bed as you stared at him with those wide eyes of yours. He snapped his fingers, fixing his appearance to his usual pristine condition and dressing you and Alastor with a second snap, causing you and his past self to jump in shock to his amusement.
“But…” You bit your lip, feeling it wobble as you looked between the Radio Demon and Alastor, “Why… why are you in Hell? You never told me.” Your voice started to crack.
Alastor clenched his fists and looked away from you and the Radio Demon’s static grew louder at the question, “I am certain you will find out the reason why in the future.” After all, he did leave you a widow after his unexpected and pathetic death and it most certainly got out how he brutally murdered and engaged in occasional cannibalism – he just had no idea how you felt about him after that all came to be.
Did you still love him afterwards as you lived the rest of your mortal life?
Did you still love him in Heaven as an angel?
“I told you, Alastor,” you seemed to notice the tone in the Radio Demon’s filtered voice, “I love you, since we were children. Not even death can do us part.”
Alastor inhaled sharply and the Radio Demon eyed him for a second before turning back to you, “If this spell does not work for the next full moon on Earth, I must bid you adieu.” He moved forward, bending down to press a kiss against your forehead.
There was a flash of green light and you fell forward, unconscious and memories of the night gone. 
The Radio Demon caught you, stroking your side before placing you on the bed and turned to his past self, his smile tightening.
“Well, what an interesting night this has been!” Alastor tilted his head, appearing thoughtful, “I admit I never believed in Heaven or Hell, but clearly I was wrong about that. Good to know that Mother is where she belongs and that I will kill that wretch of a man all over again.”
“His screams of agony were most entertaining. Why, I could listen to them over and over again and never tire of them!” The Radio Demon let out a puff of amusement, fondly remembering torturing the man whom he once had to call ‘father’.
“I suppose if that spell of yours works again, you’ll be a familiar face here every full moon?” Alastor asked casually, “I’m not opposed.” 
The Radio Demon held out his hand, much to Alastor’s surprise, “Yes, I would. Just a friendly shake, no deal here. I don’t think I can take my own soul.”
Alastor took the Radio Demon’s hand after a moment of hesitation, shaking it firmly before his eyes widened as the same green light flashed and, he too, fell forward, unconscious with his memories of the night gone.
“I can’t have you dragging our lovely wife into your depraved acts now. I saw how Y/N’s words affected you.” The Radio Demon placed his past self on the bed beside you, staring at the couple, “Our darling Doe doesn’t belong in Hell. I would like to keep it that way.”
He vanished with the moonlight.
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vanteguccir · 8 months
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        𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: Where Matt wakes up the next morning and just wants to fuck Y/N.
WARNING: Smut (mdni), somnophilia (consented!), p in v, fem masturbation.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
Part 1
   ༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
Matt felt his senses slowly return the next morning. The sun that came through the cracks in the blinds kept the room warm and welcoming, warming the blanket that covered his body. The sounds of birds outside and Y/N's light breathing filling the space.
The boy tried to move, holding his breath for a moment as he felt his cock being pressed by his girlfriend's walls, keeping him warm and hard, then remembering how they went to sleep the night before.
His blue eyes closed as Matt tried to focus on anything but his completely naked girlfriend next to him as his cock was buried inside her, the scent of her skin keeping him high. But all his self control was lost when his girl's hot, sticky walls squeezed him tightly while she was still asleep, seeming to want to expel him out or bring him in more, Matt wasn't sure.
The boy wrapped his left arm around Y/N's waist again, careful not to wake her, before lifting his own left leg and placing his foot on the bed, so that he could guide his movements more easily.
Matt pushed his hips back until only his head was inside, before slowly inserting his length again, letting out a breathy sigh at the delicious sensation, thanking Y/N for using lube the night before, which along with her wetness made the contact easier and more pleasant.
Matt rested his forehead on Y/N's shoulder, closing his eyes and focusing on the sensation, his hand going to one of the girl's tit on instinct, massaging the area carefully.
His hips seemed to take on a rhythm that he was already very well accustomed to and would never tire of doing, a calm and slow one, specific to moments when he wanted to love his girl and feel every little part of her perfect body.
His back flexed with his movements, sweat starting to accumulate on the back of his neck and biceps as low pants fell from his lips.
The wet sound that Y/N's pussy made with each thrust was the only thing that filled the room, increasing Matt's arousal.
It didn't take long for the girl to wake up, a moan escaping her lips before her eyes even opened.
"Matt- Fuck." Y/N moaned slowly, pushing her hips back against the brunette's pelvis, eliciting a low moan from him.
"Morning baby." Matt said in a low voice, the fingers of his left hand now able to pinch his girl's hard nipples, pulling them, making Y/N arch her back so that her ass was completely pert and her chest was fully forward.
Matt's right arm, which had previously served as a pillow for his girlfriend, was now around her neck, forcing her head back so that he could see her expression over her shoulder. Y/N's right hand quickly snaked its way until it stopped on Matt's arm, which served as her special necklace at that moment, squeezing the spot tightly as she licked her lips, wetting them.
One of the greatest pleasures for the boy was watching his girlfriend's pleasured features as they fucked or made love, the way her eyes rolled back and her eyelashes fluttered, the way her mouth opened in a perfect circle as her tongue lolled out or arched inside her mouth at the sensation, sometimes her full lips being bitten hard by her teeth in an attempt to silence her loud moans.
Matt was able to adjust his feet so that his thrusts were deeper and stronger, but keeping them slow, not wanting to break the spell of the moment. His cock moving in and out of Y/N at a single pace, taking out almost everything and then thrusting his entire length until his red head hit the spongy spot that made his girl see stars.
"Does it feel good, baby? Does it feel good to feel my cock moving in and out of you so easily? 'Was made for me, hm?" Matt whispered against Y/N's ear, hearing her gasp and moan in response.
The girl took her left hand to Matt's back, grabbing his ass and forcing him to go deeper, rolling against his hip and Matt followed her movements, Y/N's eyes rolling as she felt his dick hit points inside her that she didn't think was possible
Sex, fuck or love was always like this with Matt, no matter how many times the two got intimate, the boy always managed to surprise her.
Matt moaned hoarsely when Y/N made a specific movement that made his dick twitch, feeling suffocated by her moist walls. He lifted his left hand, which was previously on her tits, and brought it to her bare shoulder, removing the strands of hair stuck there by sweat, planting kisses on the area, his blue eyes opening and closing constantly, feeling like he could drown in the intense pleasure.
That same hand snaked down his girlfriend's body, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind, stopping at her hip momentarily, where he squeezed tightly, smiling at the idea of ​​being able to look at the area later and see the imprint of his fingers adorning her skin in a perfect way, almost like an art.
Y/N felt unable to form coherent words, moans, and murmurs escaping her lips along with gasps and sighs, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration and pleasure, wanting to stay there forever.
Y/N's body twitched on its own as Matt moved his fingers nimbly across her clit suddenly, his hand going from her hip to her pleasure point in seconds, moving his index and middle fingers in circles and then up and down at its own pace, his hand acting automatically as if that action was already engraved in his memory.
"Fuck, look at you, I could watch you like this all day." Matt murmured, his blue eyes fixed on Y/N's face.
His hand acted quickly to lift his girlfriend's left leg into the air, his fingers pressing the inside of her knee, starting firm and faster thrusts, looking for his own orgasm, wanting to reach it with his girl. Matt took his cock out only halfway and came back in with force, making Y/N feel each of his veins massage her walls and his head press against her magic spot. Her hip movements became more frantic and uneven as her head fell further back, slamming the back of it against Matt's shoulder, telling him that she was close to her orgasm.
"Please Matt, I need- Please..." Y/N begged, unable to form a complete sentence, only able to think about reaching her peak.
"Do you want to cum, babe? Are you going to give me one, hm?" Matt asked against the top of her head, closing his eyes as he felt his own orgasm begin to rise.
"Please. Please, Matt, please." Was all Y/N could say, her hands clenching into fists in their respective places, marking her boyfriend's skin and crumpling the sheets.
"Cum for me, love." Matt whispered and his approval was what made Y/N collapse, her legs shook incessantly as her stomach contracted, the fingers of her hand taking on a white color with the strength the girl used in her grip, her head pushing firmly against Matt's shoulder as her eyes rolled back tightly, her mouth open in a perfect O as loud moans escaped her rosy lips.
The image along with the way Y/N's pussy squeezed Matt's dick tighter than before brought him to his own orgasm, strong and hot jets reaching the depths of his girlfriend's pussy. His left hand went down from the girl's knee to her thigh, squeezing the area tightly, while his right hand, still around her neck, clenched into a fist in pleasure. His own thighs shook from the intense orgasm as his mouth opened and gasps and sighs came from his lips, along with some moans and calls of his girlfriend's name.
A few seconds passed and the two felt the waves of pleasure gradually diminish, their minds becoming active again as panting echoed through the walls of their shared room.
Y/N opened her eyes slowly, her vision adjusting to the brightness of the room that was almost imperceptible before, lowering her leg that was still in the air.
Matt took his length out of his girlfriend slowly, afraid of hurting her, knowing how sensitive she would be, his left hand going to her stomach and caressing the area affectionately, kissing her shoulder repeatedly.
The girl lightly squeezed Matt's arm one last time, before taking her hand away, turning on her boyfriend's bicep so that she was now facing him. Matt's right hand quickly found comfort in Y/N's hair, caressing it.
"Hi." She smiled big, her eyes shining with love.
"Hi." He responded, laughing lowly as he brought his face closer to hers, his lips finally finding the ones he loved so much, his tongue passing through Y/N's closed lips, wetting them and asking for passage, which was granted.
A slow kiss began, the kind that makes you want to stay there forever, the kind that allows you to breathe through your nose calmly, lengthening the time of the gesture.
Y/N broke the kiss, placing her forehead against Matt's and closing her eyes, breathing in, absorbing the natural scent of the brunette's skin and the lavender of the blanket.
"I love you." Matt whispered, his left hand making a calm and affectionate path from her thigh to her waist, touching his nose to hers in an eskimo kiss.
"I love you more." She responded, letting out a low laugh at the gesture and moving closer, pressing their bodies together, her face settling against Matt's chest so that the top of her head was under his chin, her right arm wrapping around his waist. A sigh of relief and comfort escaped her lips, her mind convincing her to enter a state of sleep again.
"Sleep, baby. Today, we have the day to ourselves." The brunette muttered, knowing it was Saturday, so she had no work, and he had no videos to record. His lips found the top of her head, kissing the area for long seconds while he inhaled through his nose, instantly relaxing, being able to enter the world of dreams again.
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talaok · 2 years
A little favor
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Pairing: Joel Miller x fem! reader
summary: You fucked up a trade and want to make it up to Joel
warnings: smut | dub-con, oral sex (m receiving), unprotected p in v sex, virginity loss, daddy kink, a touch of dacryphilia, dumbification, and a bit self insert
"I'm sorry" you sobbed "I'm so sorry Joel, I swear I didn't see them and when I did it was too late and- and I'm sorry I didn't run in sooner" you were out of breath "I'm so sorry"
Your face was drenched with your own tears, even the sleeves of your shirt were in similar shape.
You had fucked up
Once again, one might add, but that's not the point.
You were supposed to keep guard as he traded some things, you didn't really know what, he never told you what, or anything really.
He just brought you with him and stuck you outside to look out for FEDRA people.
That's how it had been for the past month,
And this time,
it went wrong.
The FEDRA people had in fact come, and you hadn't noticed them until they were practically in front of you.
It was a miracle you had gotten out of there alive
as for the other guy, the guy Joel was trading with... well, he hadn't been so lucky.
And so now here you were, sobbing on his - your- bed, because you had made a mess again, and he had to clean it up.
"I'm sorry"
God, did you never get tired of saying that?
"y/n" his deep voice interrupted your sobs
You looked up at him, or at what you could make out of him from the glassy fog your eyes had become.
"It's fine sweetheart" he raised your chin, settling in front of you.
Another tear escaped your eyes, and you sniffled
"but-" you bit your trembling lip "I was stupid- I was- I was inattentive"
"you should be mad" your voice cracked
But you knew he never did, get mad, and if he did, he certainly didn't let you see it.
You had no idea why, or how, all the men in your life before him (which were just two, your father and your ex-boyfriend) would get mad at the littlest thing, from you spilling some water on the precious - worthless-coffee table to you not understanding something as quickly as they wanted you to.
You weren't the smartest of the bunch, never were.
"at least she's pretty"
that's what everyone always said,
at least she's pretty,
at least she's not gonna realize you're insulting her even when you do it right in front of her, she's not gonna be an engineer but at least she's gonna find a man to take care of her.
"men don't like it when women are smarter than them anyway"
Every single phrase, every word was engraved in your brain,
in your tiny little brain, a mantra you repeated over and over, until inevitably, it became the truth.
It still amazed you how diffrent he was though,
You expected it, at this point, to be called stupid and worthless for the tinies mistake, but he had never as much as raised his voice.
He had never called you names,
he had never laughed at you, or made fun of you, or treated you like you were used to, like you were supposed to.
"I'm not mad"
"it was a mistake" he shrugged "it happens"
"it happens a lot to me tough"
"well that's fine" his voice was warm "everyone's diffrent"
You still couldn't wrap your head around it "why are you so nice to me?"
He smiled "I like you"
"b-but I'm-" you avoided his glare "I'm-" you didn't even know how to say it,
how to describe how useless you actually were
"Baby it's fine" his thumb stoaked your cheek.
"what about the cargo?" you asked, raising your head again
"We lost it"
"I'm so sorry" another sob "it's my fault"
The room fell silent
"Can I do anything?"
You saw something happen behind his eyes
"really" you urged " Is there anything I can do to make up for it?"
"I can look for other contraband" you suggested even though both of you knew you had no absolute idea where to look for it "I can-" you were already out of ideas "I can cook dinner"
God that was stupid
He smiled and you wanted nothing more than to be invisible.
"Please tell me what I can do" other tears fled your eyes
"Please daddy"
You instinctively covered your mouth
You didn't mean to, it had just come out.
You were scared to look up at him, to see the amused grin he would have on his face as he made fun of you in his mind,
but as you wiped the tears off your face, glancing up at him, the only thing you did see, were his eyes darker than you'd ever seen them before.
"I'm sorry" you whispered "I didn't mean to-"
"don't apologize"
"There is something you could do" his thumb was tracing your jawline as your eyes sparked with excitement
His lips twitched into a grin
"well" he was looking at you differently than before "you could do me a little favor"
"anything" you immediately answered, making him chuckle.
"it's more of a personal one" he explained, moving some hair out of your face "more... physical"
You frowned, confused, and he took one of your hands to slowly place it on his crotch.
"I've never- I've never done that before"
"I can teach you"
You looked up at him, your big eyes hiding under your lashes.
You really wanted to make up for your mistake.
"ok" you murmured
"good girl" he said, as a strange heat pooled between your legs "undo my belt" he ordered, and you looked at him hesitantly before obliging, your nervous fingers fumbling with the buckle for a moment before you were able to undo it.
You looked up at him for approval and he only nodded, urging you to keep going.
So you did, you undid his zipper and slowly pulled his pants down.
Something hard was straining against his boxers, you could see the tent that had formed.
"Don't be scared sweetheart" he reassured you, and you gulped as you timidly pulled his underwear down.
Oh wow
It was big,
not that you had any means of comparison but it definitely looked big.
He must have noticed your eyes widening because he said "don't worry baby, I'll go slow"
You nodded, hesitantly taking it in your hands
"w-what do I do?" you asked, looking up at him, and you felt his member twitch in your palms.
"oh baby you're so precious" he groaned, and you genuinely didn't know if it was a compliment or not.
"you just have to open your mouth,"
You did it
"just like that baby, perfect" he praised
"and put it in"
You looked at his threatening dick and then at him, fear clear in your iris.
How was all that gonna fit?
"It's gonna fit" he read your mind "don't you trust me?"
You did.
You trusted him more than anyone.
And so you did it, you widened your mouth even more, and took him in, looking at him questioningly once your lips were wrapped on not even half of his shaft.
He groaned nonetheless "that's good baby, you can move now"
You did, you started experimentally bobbing your head up and down, and according to his heavy breathing, you seemed to be doing a fairly good job.
"hollow your cheeks for me baby"
You obeyed and were rewarded with a loud groan
You looked up at him, your eyes evidently asking -is this good?-
“That’s good” he breathed, his hand going to the back of your head “that’s good baby, keep going”
The room filled with a lewd noise as your lips and chin soaked with saliva.
You forced yourself to take more of him in, but your jaw was begging you to stop.
You tried to lean away but his hand didn’t let you.
“Go deeper baby”
You peeked at him worryingly
“You can do it, sweetheart”
“Don’t you wanna make it up to daddy?”
You hummed in agreement around his cock,
of course you did.
"then be good and choke on it"
you could feel your heart beating in your ears, but you ignored it as you did what he said, taking all of him in, until his tip hit the back of your throat, making you gag softly.
A tear fled your eye, but this time it wasn't because of an emotion, it wasn't fear or patheticness, no, it was just reflexes, and for once, you liked it.
"that's it" he breathed "that's my good girl" he said, and you found yourself involuntarily rubbing your thighs together, desperate for some friction.
"fuck- that's it baby" he hissed as you kept moving your head, careful of every movement "that's it- keep going"
" 'knew you could take all of me baby" his fingers grazed your chin, as his eyes somehow darkened some more "do you think you could take daddy inside of you?"
His hand left your head and you leaned away
wasn't this already inside?
He seemed pretty inside to you.
"yes baby inside"
he leaned down to get closer to your face.
His fingers found your bare thighs, and danced until they were at the hem of your skirt
"do you think you could take me in your pretty pussy?" he explained better, and your mouth gaped open in surprise,
the real surprise was that your jaw was still able to do that after all that work.
"be a good girl for daddy" you felt his digits get under your skirt as he breathed against your mouth "it's just a small favor"
"I've never-"
"I know baby" he pushed you onto the bed "But don't worry, I'll take care of everything" he promised, crawling on top of you "I'll take care of you"
he kissed your neck, a whimper fleeing your mouth "I'll make you feel really good" his quick hands freed you of your shirt and bra before you could even register it, and just after a few moments there went also your skirt and panties.
He hissed as he took you in.
"You've got such a pretty body sweetheart," he said as he kissed it all over "wish I could just stare at it all day" it tickled when he kissed your belly "touch it all day" he murmured against your skin "fuck it all day"
You whimpered as his mouth got inches from when you needed it the most, but he leaned away, taking off his own shirt and stepping out of his pants.
"so pretty" he mumbled as he used your legs to bring you closer to the edge of the bed.
He spit onto your cunt and you hissed, the cold sensation taking you by surprise.
His finger slipped between your folds, coating his digits with your liquids.
He groaned "such a pretty pussy baby"
"here" he drew his finger towards your mouth "taste yourself"
You could feel your cheeks color, but you did it nonetheless, tasting yourself around his finger.
He grinned at the sight "good girl" he hissed as he retracted his finger, and used the hand instead to position his dick at your entrance.
"stay still baby" he grabbed your hip, and you froze.
You could feel his tip graze at your entrance and it both excited you and terrified you.
You shut your eyes, biting your lip, bracing yourself for the inevitable pain.
"no look at me baby" he urged "keep those pretty eyes on me when I'm inside you"
"o-ok" you whispered, and he smiled
"god you're such a good girl" he said, as finally, he pushed himself in, or better, his tip in, and as you felt like a volcano had just erupted inside your body, you winced loudly in pain.
"I know baby" he cooed
no, you don't
You felt a tear travel from the corner of your eyes down to your temple.
He kept going, making you gasp in pain again, your hand gripping the sheets.
"It's-It's too big daddy" you cried out
"no it's not" he didn't give your pleads importance as he kept going, slowly but surely "You can do it, baby"
"I- I can't"
"yes you can" he stated "be a good girl and take it all for daddy"
"b-but it hurts" another tear
"it's gonna feel better after" he promised "trust me"
"daddy" your voice cracked as a sob came through
"come on sweetheart you almost did it"
" 's too much" you cried
"sh- sh- sh" he shushed you wiping some tears off your face " do it for me baby " he said, "you said you wanted to make it up to me"
"I-I do"
"then do" he cocked an eyebrow, and you nodded, sniffling.
"good girl" he praised, as he took your waist and with one harsh move, thrust fully into you.
"see" he admired his cock so deep inside of you "knew you could do it" he smiled at you before retracting his hips, briefly noticing the blood on his dick, and then slamming it back in.
"oh my god" you moaned
"fuck" he grunted " got such a tight pussy baby," he said, developing a rhythm as weak shocks of pain mixed with overwhelming ones of pleasure.
"knew it would be good" he kept talking through labored breaths "just like you sweetheart" he grabbed your hips more harshly as he slammed into you mercilessly now "always so obedient" he purred " so good for me"
"knew you'd take me well"
"knew you'd have such a perfect little pussy"
He bent down and to your surprise, he kissed you, messily and sloppily, but heavenly nonetheless.
"daddy" you whimpered, your back arching against the bed
"It's like it was made for me" he grunted " just designed to have only me in it" he hissed "to be mine"
"is it mine baby?"
"y-yes" you nodded, all the pleasure fogging your brain "it's yours, daddy- all yours"
He kissed you again "and what about you?" he asked, his hips still working like it was his life-long duty to slip you in fucking half "are you mine, sweetheart?"
"yes" you whined
"You're my good girl?" his hand found your clit and you gasped, a breath getting stuck in your throat "you'll do anything I want you to?" he asked, "when I want you to do it?"
"yes daddy-yes"
"that's my girl" he smirked, as you felt a weird pressure form in your stomach.
"so if I tell you that I wanna come inside you're gonna let me right?" he asked breathlessly "because you're my good little girl and I can do anything I want with you?"
"mh-mh" you nodded mindlessly
"that's right baby," he said "I can feel you're coming"
"your pretty walls are squeezing me"
"do you wanna come?"
"yes!" you moaned "yes please daddy "
He crashed his lips with yours "then come all around me sweetheart"
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