ovelap · 9 months
Nike Dunk Low:時尚舒適的必備運動鞋
當談到運動鞋時,時尚和舒適是追求者所看重的兩個關鍵因素。其中一款滿足所有需求的鞋款就是Nike Dunk Low。Nike Dunk Low是一款經典的鞋型,經受住了時間的考驗,成為球鞋愛好者和休閒穿著者追捧的熱門鞋款。在本文中,我們將探討Nike Dunk Low的受歡迎程度和吸引力、它的歷史,以及為什麼它應該成為你鞋櫃中的必備之一。
Nike Dunk Low的歷史
Nike Dunk Low於1985年首次亮相,最初作為一款籃球鞋問世。它最初的設計目的是為籃球運動員在球場上提供最大的支撐和緩衝。然而,隨著時間的推移,它的受歡迎程度超越了籃球場,成為街頭時尚的必備單品。這款鞋子乾淨而多功能的設計,再加上高品質的材料和工藝,使它成為球鞋愛好者的最愛。
Nike Dunk Low的吸引力
1. 標誌性設計
Nike Dunk Low擁有一個永恆的設計,輕鬆融合了時尚和功能性。它的低頂設計、加墊的鞋領和舒適的鞋墊為日常穿著提供了最佳的舒適感。此外,這款鞋子採用了時尚的皮革或絨面材質,賦予它高級的外觀和觸感。鞋側醒目的Nike Swoosh標誌增添了品牌的特色和識別度。
2. 多樣化的風格
Nike Dunk Low持續受歡迎的原因之一是其多樣化的風格。這款鞋子可以輕鬆地打扮得時髦或休閒,使其適用於各種場合。無論你是追求街頭時尚風格還是更加精緻的穿著,Nike Dunk Low都能完美地襯托你的風格。
3. 合作款和限量版
Nike與各種設計師、藝術家和品牌合作,推出了獨特的、限量版的Nike Dunk Low。這些合作為鞋款增添了更多的吸引力和收藏價值。例如與Off-White、Travis Scott和Supreme等品牌的合作。擁有這些獨家合作版本的一雙鞋不僅是一種時尚宣言,也代表著個人品味和獨特性的象徵。
如何搭配Nike Dunk Low
既然我們已經確定了Nike Dunk Low的吸引力,現在讓我們探索一些搭配方式,讓這款經典運動鞋更加亮眼。
1. 街頭時尚
要打造一個休閒時髦的形象,可以將你的Nike Dunk Low搭配修身牛仔褲或運動長褲。再加上一件圖案T恤或帽T,增添輕鬆風格的氛圍。完成整體造型,再戴上一頂棒球帽或圓帽,你就可以自信地走上街頭,展現自己的時尚品味。
2. 休閒運動風
如果你喜歡運動風格但又不失時尚感,可以將你的Nike Dunk Low搭配運動休閒服飾。選擇一條運動褲或緊身褲,再搭配一件時尚的運動外套。這種組合既舒適又具有時尚感,完美平衡了舒適度和風格。
3. 商務休閒
如果你想要為Nike Dunk Low的造型增添一點正式感,可以將它與修身褲或卡其褲搭配。搭配一件乾淨利落的鈕扣衫或合身的毛衣。這個組合展示了精緻與都市風格的完美結合。
Nike Dunk Low是一款經典的運動鞋,多年來一直證明其持久的吸引力。它的永恆設計、多樣化的風格以及與知名品牌的合作都使它成為球鞋界必備的單品。無論你是球鞋愛好者還是單純喜歡舒適時尚鞋子的人,都可以在Ovelap找到適合自己的商品。Nike Dunk Low都是你鞋櫃中不可或缺的寶藏。所以,繫上一雙Nike Dunk Low,自信地走出去,每一步都展現你的風采和個性。
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koalecalciferol · 1 year
kept thinking about velvet berseria and arthur malevolent (aka 2 of my most favs rn) and the more i thought about their similarities the funnier it got. so anyway (general spoilers for both tales of berseria and malevolent):
has yellow/golden eyes and 'demonic' left arm
lost one of their five senses (taste for velvet and sight for arthur)
dislocated their shoulder jumping/falling off a cliff that one time
has a child death backstory
has a murder arc over someone* who committed child sacrifice
has an intense hatred over organized religion(s)
ate people (one's more pg than the other)
has (or had) a dysfunctional codependent relationship with someone while teaching them about humanity. later on that someone would save them from the brink of despair with the love and humanity they've learned (it's also, arguably, one of the most iconic scenes in the respective media)
agonizing over the line between human and monster (and questioning whether they've crossed that line)
somehow. somehow all of the above apply to both of them. admittedly i'm wording something in a vague way to fit my agenda but─
*the fact that said person for velvet's named arthur (short for artorius) is just a hilarious cherry on top
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berryblu-soda · 1 year
Ninjago´s writers got absolutely nothing on my absolute monkey´s typewriter category 7 autism event of an OC story
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huariqueje · 1 year
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Ovelap #2  -   Bernardo Siciliano , 2016.
Italian , b. 1969  -
Oil on canvas, 51 x 77 in.
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jonathankatwhatever · 10 months
It’s now 28 Nov 2023, and I feel like I’m in a play-ay-ay anyway-ay-ay. I fear there’s something deeply wrong with me that I can’t identify, an irrationality within myself, but wait: is that the right concept or is it a paste? I think it’s a cut and paste, like in visual dreams when the background is something different from the narrative action, like when the background would become my childhood house’s yard. Why the yard? Because I walked it, crawled it, rolled in it until a map existed which layered the whole and many pieces of it so it acted as a set or series of constructed Ends with various meanings that drew, like sheets of paper or something more flexible so you can imagine topologies on these sheets. The reason for the topologies is not to say it is this or that this interpretation of the Ends is fixed ordinally, but rather to indicate that the relationships drawn across the Ends construct, and that means, for example, that each threading possible, each Pathway, since that is a permutation which constructs not merely as a permutation going in one way but both ways, as the 1-0Segment in DC&R. Think of the permutation as 1Segments to get the idea. This is how the Pauli exclusion principle works: it excludes because a field manifests a 1-0Segment. In fact, all this construction and creation of objects in dimensional structure necessitates that their behavior is also constructed, meaning how objects behave constructs using the same rules as in the construction of the objects. Sorry if this is too wordy, but the glow from the screen distracts me.
The same rules means we have both permutations and Pathways. The p with a small p and the P with a capital P. We do that a lot. Example is that grid squares is a regular square before and after the regular square’s existence, no matter when measured or how. A gs is Irreducible to an rs and an rs is Irreducible to a gs. That’s D4 in grid squares becoming that intermediate, constructed state, the 3rd End, both individually and generally, which manifests 3 dimensional states in motion. As noted, this gives rise to different perceptions of the passage of time, as well as the existence of an objective clock tied to the Informational Limit.
You can now see why the IL maps to SBE, which is inherently Triangular, rather than directly to grid squares: it limits into and out of rs through a process I’m fairly certain we’ve drawn - yes, we did - in which each side of a grid square and thus of a regular square forms as the 1-0Segment connecting a 3rd End which is outside the square. That led to some interesting work about inversion over that side into the square itself: since the height of a bT is only root3/4, you get 4 Ends within the grid square, with these overlapping but wait a second: there’s a bifurcation, a K’ing we did not see before. That is the square root of .75 is around .866, while the square root of ¾ is root3/2. I haven’t thought about this at all before. Let’s see.
We did do this, but not in much detail because so much else was coming together. This makes an orthogonal 3Square over the fD, so if you think of these as ovelapping within an enclosing square, you get a cross of overlapping ortho 3Squares. You can see the overlap because each of these 3Squares projects as a line, so we get .134, and this appears at each End, meaning each sticks out into the other’s space for all but .134 at each End. So subtract and we get .732 overlapping. That makes an orthogonal square of .536 and thus a cross of those inside the larger cross. I’m unsure how to label these squares. This is a step away from an integer nSquare. And that process continues because each definition in projection becomes some level in count of steps away from the integer nSquare.
This is the same modularity process as generally exists. You can see resonance in this, and thus again Inmanation and Emanation, because that maps to the wave which conveys the effect so it can be inferred backwards, meaning it generates that causal chain which we trace back.
BTW, this is why I was actually excited about today: I realized and hoped for the level of intelligent analysis which I get when you’re just a bit away, as opposed to the overwhelming presence effects. Not a preference but something good to look forward to, to experience, and badly needed after the days of excessive work. Also, I have definitely become a bit clumsier doing basic things like carrying because my vision now alternates between reading glasses and not, so my eye-hand coordination is more general and less fixed. I can overcome with greater focus, but that tends to fail when rushed, exactly like I see in athletes not matching up to the mental demands of a higher level game. Oh and I’ve been doing some really cool movement stuff. Lots of cool knee work and just found a deep abdominal contraction which enabled super pure, friction free high knee raises and a walk.
Just had some new thoughts: a short scene of a you character being extremely distressed and hyper worried, fear, which is sometimes just a startle reflex to be awake upon touch, so a mismatch of intent, which may be absent, and perception.
I’m going back to bed. I note that the construction of a gs by Triangular, which I also now remember as connecting the idea of Triangular over gs, which is key to the grid, also invokes layers, and invokes the conception that squares, both g and r, are stretched open 1-0Segments.
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bozefam · 1 year
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2023. Soccer season has started! The Boesenberg kids each had a game, two of which ovelapped, so we weren't able to see Mabel's game. We will catch her later in the season.
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matthewholt41 · 2 years
Platform not spawning issue
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This is the code which the youtube video uses. However this is failing to spawn the platform, First i tested to see if the overlap was working by using a print string.
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This resulted in a string being printed meaning the ovelap works, now I am going to see whether the platform spawning is the issue by switching out the asset for a car.
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This resulted in not being able to see the car however we could run over it which was proven by when we drive the car lifted up aswell as we know that the car successfully spawned in as it appeared in the world outliner and had a viewport.
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Beacause of the results of the viewport we guessed that scale might be the issue. So we split the world transform and spawn actor structs to have scale, location and rotation seperately and set the scale to 100.
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This showed that the scale was the reason why and that the assets were spawning but just too small to see.
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We then set the scale to 1 and set the spawned asset to be the platfrom and tested it which resulted in the issue being fixed.
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The effect arise in varius way, ovelapping colori is a possibility #welcome #chairs #art #beer #shapping #bike #arte #designinterior #life #crazy #artstudio #handmadeforever #decohome #creatività #job #woodjob #woodfactory #carpenter #installation #creative #artgallery #woodsy #rinnovo #restauro #country #shabbychic #follow #artista #aTurbigo #creaimmaginerestauriartistici (presso Creaimmagine.com Restauri Artistici) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkuqkYwDTaF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ezrasanimationblog · 2 years
Animation Principals
Squash and Stretch-
Squash and stretch is the act of compressing and stretching an object based on how fast it is moving, the density that it has and the impact that it has when arriving. Objects with less density will have more fleixibility when it comes to this. Squash and stretch is a really useful way to emphasise how fast an object is moving without using too many or too little frames or incorrectly timing the animation.
Staging/Straight Ahead versus Pose to Pose-
Pose to pose animation involves starting a project with a definitive start pose and end pose, the animation is then created by filling this with various inbetween frames. As the opposite of this, straight ahead animation involves a motion starting at the beginning and then following all the way through to the end without plotting it out beforehand. While pose to pose is great for keeping character models on point, straight ahead animation is very useful for things like fire or explosions that are more chaotic.
Overlapping Animation-
Ovelapping animation allows a figure to move more naturally as various parts of their body may lead while others follow, resulting in things moving at different paces. This is a natural part of life and also keeps movements feeling more fluid with less stopping and starting within a sequence.
Follow Through-
This relates closely to the use of overlapping animation and is the idea that certain parts of a character will continue moving even if the rest has stopped. For example flowing fabric will continue to sway in the wind even if the arm it is on has stopped moving. This continues to make figures on the screen appear more lifelike.
Solid Drawing-
This is the ability to take a 3D character and transfer it into the 2D space while still retaining all the essential features such as density that help this character retain some sense of realism. Prior to the rise of 3D animation this was a very important principal for animators to learn as everything was hand drawn and relied upon more intense observation of related subject matter.
Timing is the practice of keeping everything running at a smooth, understandable pace for the audience who are watching. If texts moves too fast it is hard to read and if people are too slow to move then the animation becomes boring. Having good timing ensures that the animation is accesible and truly gets across the intended idea and purpose behind it.
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christasclothes · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: BCBGMaxAzria Aqua Combo Phillipa Shorts.
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ovelap · 10 months
Ovelap Sneaker:綜合指南
在當今時尚領域中,運動鞋已經成為了一種不可或缺的時尚元素,而 Ovelap 作為全球著名的時尚品牌,一直以來都在引領著時尚潮流。在這篇文章中,我將為您提供一份 Ovelap 的全面指南,幫助您更好地瞭解這個品牌,從而為您的時尚搭配提供更多的選擇和靈感。
Ovelap 簡介
Ovelap 是一家已取得各大品牌授權的專門銷售運動鞋和時尚配件的品牌,創立於2015年,總部位於台灣、中國以及香港。自成立以來,Ovelap 就一直致力於為全球消費者提供最新、最熱的時尚運動鞋和配件。Ovelap 的產品種類繁多,包含各種品牌的運動鞋和時尚配件,如 Adidas、Nike、Puma 等。
在 Ovelap 購買時尚物品的優勢
在 Ovelap 購買時尚物品的優勢之一是品種齊全。Ovelap 提供各種品牌的運動鞋和時尚配件,無論您是想購買 Adidas、Nike 還是 Puma 的產品,都可以在 Ovelap 找到您想要的商品。此外,Ovelap 也提供了一系列的優惠活動和促銷活動,讓您可以以更優惠的價格購買您心儀的商品。
另一個在 Ovelap 購買時尚物品的優勢是方便快捷。Ovelap 提供網上購物服務,讓您可以在家中或者辦公室輕鬆購買您心儀商品,避免了在繁華的市區購物煩惱。此外,Ovelap 也提供了全球配送服務,讓您可以在全球範圍內購買您喜歡的商品。
Ovelap 如何改變線上交易市場
Ovelap 通過創新的線上銷售模式,徹底改變了傳統的線上交易市場。Ovelap 通過建立自己的電商平台,為消費者提供了更加便捷的購物體驗,同時也提高了品牌的知名度和影響力。從而吸引了更多的消費者。
探索 Ovelap 的特點和獨特之處
Ovelap 作為一家全球性的時尚品牌,自然具有其獨特的特點和魅力。其中,最為明顯的特點是產品的多樣性和品質的保證。Ovelap 提供各種品牌的運動鞋和時尚配件,每一款產品都經過嚴格的品質檢測,以確保消費者能夠購買到最優質的商品。
Ovelap 引領時尚潮流的力量
Ovelap 作為一家全球性的時尚品牌,一直以來都在引領著時尚潮流。無論是在產品上,還是在營銷策略上,Ovelap 都始終保持著前沿和創新。在 Ovelap 的網站上,您可以輕鬆瀏覽到各種時尚運動鞋和配件,從而為您的時尚搭配提供更多的選擇和靈感。
在 Ovelap 購買時尚物品的指南
在 Ovelap 購買時尚物品之前,您需要瞭解一些購物的指南。首先,您需要確定您想要購買的品牌和款式,然後選擇合適的尺碼和顏色。其次,您需要瞭解當前的促銷活動和優惠券信息,以便在購物時享受更多的優惠。最後,您需要仔細閱讀 Ovelap 的退換貨政策,以便在購物後出現問題時能夠及時解決。
Ovelap 在運動鞋文化中的重要性
運動鞋文化已經成為了一種全球性的文化現象,而 Ovelap 作為一家全球性的時尚品牌,自然也是運動鞋文化中的重要一員。Ovelap 提供各種品牌的運動鞋和時尚配件,為運動鞋愛好者和時尚追求者提供了更多的選擇和靈感。
Ovelap 的優質客戶服務和支持
Ovelap 一直以來都注重客戶服務和支持,為消費者提供了優質的購物體驗。無論您在購物過程中遇到什麼問題,都可以通過 Ovelap 的客服團隊得到及時的解決。此外,Ovelap 還提供了全球配送服務和七天無理由退換貨政策,讓您可以放心購物。
Ovelap 獨家折扣和促銷活動
作為一家全球性的時尚品牌,Ovelap 經常推出各種優惠活動和促銷活動,為消費者帶來更多的實惠和驚喜。在 Ovelap 的官網上,您可以輕鬆瀏覽到當前的促銷活動和優惠券信息,從而在購物時享受更多的優惠。
總結:Ovelap 滿足您的時尚需求
在這篇文章中,我為您提供了一份 Ovelap 的全面指南。無論您是運動鞋愛好者還是時尚追求者,都可以在 Ovelap 找到適合自己的商品。此外,Ovelap 還提供了全球配送服務和優質的客戶服務和支持,讓您可以放心購物。Ovelap Sneaker,滿足您的時尚需求!
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From what I've seen, fans either adore Kurt or they have no idea who he is. I've never met a casual Kurt fan in my 3 years of loving him
thats because if you know who kurt is you Have to love him. hes impossible to learn about without immediately falling head over heels for him.
i have only seen the wolverine animated series and the sheer fact that i cant tell you shit about wolverine or literally anything else in that show but know kurts whole situation is a testament to how absolutely loveable he is.
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enormity of desire enormity of desire enormity of desire
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thrilloffirstlove · 2 years
oh. Oh no
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charmixpower · 2 years
What if everyone is so out of character because they are dealing with PTSD after everything that they have been through in S1-3?, teenager should not be the ones saving the whole magical dimension they didn't even ask to do it, they just randomly got involved in the whole mess, but before they were so busy with school to think about it (I belive Alfea and Red Fountain are super demaning) but now that they are graduated they are such a mess that they don't know what to do. The first time I watched S4 I got the idea that the girls wanted to stay on earth because their obligations as guardian fairies where to heavy to bear and they wished for a break, but they know that they can realy scape from them.
Back then I got the theory, that S4 was a farewall for the original winx club and the start of a reboot with a new group of girls leaded by Roxy, that is why her character ovelaped with Bloom, and the girls wanted to stay on earth because the new club was going to protect the magical dimension, but evantualy the writers give up on the idea, and instead of scraping and redoing the episodes they just got ahead and messed everything, that would be why they killed Nabu and pretended Brando proposal didn't happen, so the six girls could stick together for more seasons
Ehh, no
Stella encouraging Bloom to cheat cannot be explained away with PTSD. Bloom stealing Musa's dream cannot be explained away with PTSD. That literally not being Musa in any way shape or form cannot be explained away with PTSD. Aisha's personality being sanded down cannot be explained away with PTSD.
Like I get what your saying, and I agree that season 4 should of been the season of dealing with the conquences of the past three seasons but like you cannot explain the nonsense in season 4 as PTSD
Riven suddenly acting like a 16 teen year old and the writers pretending that season 2 didn't exist cannot be explained away with PTSD. Nabu being a one note Mary Sue, born to die, cannot be explained away with PTSD. Timmy getting jealous of Tecna off all people apparently flirting cannot be explained away with PTSD. That's also not Helia cannot be explained away with PTSD. No comment on Sky, uhhh he's fucking weird
The idea that Bloom would want to stay on earth and run away from her responsibilities is something that she'd totally do! She does that like multiple times. Having a whole season dedicated to her getting overwhelmed and running to earth only to realize that she won't be able to go back to a normal life yada yada Roxy would be very interesting! It makes no sense for the other girls
Like...Tecna especially. Girl doesn't run away
I also love the idea that season four would make for an amazing break season for everyone to reflect, but I also want to see them attack adult hood in their own way?
I don't think they'd all want to stay on earth?? Because why wouldn't they want to get away with their own families and dreams! Musa, Tecna, Stella, and Flora had really big dreams in the first three seasons! And I think watching them pursue their individual passions while coping with the past three seasons would be a lot more interesting than throwing all of their interests into a blender
I cant even see Aisha running form her responsibility even tho that's why she's in the show in the first place. Sure she'd definitely avoid the media and such, but why would she try to abandon the planet that's probably still going though it for earth! She should be worried half to death about Andros after Valtor kills so many people
And uhhh
I just saw a Winx confessions post about that idea that's gonna be reblogged later today but~ a more nuisanced opinion? I think Roxy getting her own team with the way Winx was going would be much better, as it would be less insulting. Plus is would complete the Roxy~Bloom character arc! Very fun
It would also fit the fact that I don't think that Roxy should of joined the girls, ill explain this opinion in a second, and I think the fact that Rainbow first marketed it like that then realized that it was a horrible idea was just peak dumbass energy for this company
My reasoning is that Roxy would either have to play catch up with all the girls, or skip all the hard parts of Enchanix and such and just gain stronger transformations which just sounds cheap as fuck not gonna lie. People have been pissed that Roxy instantly gains Believix (which that's technically not Believix but whatever) because it feels unearned. Now please image either Roxy running though the first two forms or her just gaining later transformations without getting Enchantix at all. I don't like it ngl. Roxy getting her own spin off show where she gets to be the main character and gain transformations in her own time instead of being forced to play catch up with a well established group that is 4 forms in would be much better in my opinion
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bitegrip · 3 years
naruto is clearly a narrative about existential philosophies but instead of leaning into that it keeps dishing out points about systematic violence & oppression and. you can't do that bc they're two completely different thematic proposals. one is asking about the answer to life's meaning and the other ethics of societal systems. these can very well coexist within the same story and even ovelap/feed each other, but the series isn't addressing the ethical dilemmas it invokes and just acts like they're the same as the existential dilemma at the core of the story, or at best questions that will be answered by it. which,,,,,,,no. therefore we get this painful dissonance in the conflicts that makes any thematic provocation they attempt just seem shallow or confusing and it's rlly on display in the kakashi vs obito discord
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