#over here too maybe zzzz
delusionalwings · 1 year
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― synopsis -> your boyfriend sully (satan) takes you to his house to introduce you to his family
― characters -> demon brothers. satan in lead
― gender neutral reader
― scenario
― warnings -> yandere content, using magic on you that makes you unable to move, a character tries to choke you, scaring you, mentions of satan being a toxic boyfriend
― a/n -> hi i am alive. was busy with semester end exams. after sleeping for a few days and relaxing in general, i have regained my motivation to write again :")
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You truly didn’t know what to expect when your boyfriend Sully told you that he wanted you to meet his family. You would be lying if you said that you weren’t partly excited about it. Was it not a way of saying that he was serious about you and about what you two had?
When the door to the House of Lamentation creaked open, you shuddered. The place seemed so cold and ruthless, so devoid of humanity that you hesitated before taking the first step inside. It was probably just your imagination. After all, seven grown up working adults could hardly maintain such a large house without help and give it homely feel at the same time too. You reasoned that it was asking for a lot.
When Sully extended his hand with a soft smile, you relaxed and decided to cut his family some slack. You wanted these people to like you so you might as well start by liking them first. Give what you expect back, right?
You smiled and decided to be pleasant as he guided you to the living room.
“Make yourself at home there, [Name],” said Sully, pointing at a comfortable chair. “I will go and find my brothers. Don’t worry, I’ll be back in an instant.”
He kissed you and turned to leave.
You fidgeted uneasily, “Okay... Just... please be quick.”
When he was gone, you looked around nervously. Goosebumps erupted on your skin as the feeling of being watched and assessed washed over you. What was this cold fear that made you immobile?
“You smell nice. I wonder what you taste like,” a voice said from the shadows.
A scream escaped your lips and you were on your feet in an instant.
“Wh-Who? Who’s there?”
“Beel hon, shhh. You are scaring the cute little thing,” another voice chirped. It was a melodious voice but you didn’t notice that under the given circumstances.
You were looking at every direction, trying to discern the source of danger.
“Oiii would ya shuddup?! I am tryna see if the human has anything valuable and with them moving around cause of your chit chat, it’s difficult to notice.”
You realised that you were fixed to the spot. Your throat felt constricted with panic.
Another voice sighed.
“It’s just like Mammon to do what he tells others not to. Now you are the one scaring them, you idiot.”
“Levi, would ya shuddup?!”
Bickering ensued. What was taking Sully so long?
Were they perhaps playing a prank on you? Dear Sully would make an appearance at any time now and tell you that he was just pulling your leg. Right? Somehow you highly doubted that. There was something off about the guy. He was mostly distant but every time you showed signs of questioning the relationship, he would become extremely doting. The timing could not be a coincidence since it happened too frequently for that. He was a grave sort of man and usually used his wit to make you feel like an idiot. When you tried to communicate, he listened and replied as if you were a child who understood nothing. You could see him humiliating you but not in that manner – not when he could make you feel worthless rather than get a mere jumpscare out of you.
You wanted to be anywhere but there. Maybe you should have broken up with that guy long ago. Maybe this wasn’t the sign you so desperately needed to eb together with this guy who made you feel terrible about yourself. Maybe...
“Can you stop thinking so loudly? I am trying to sleep here zzzz”
If you could move, you would have fallen on your butt right then. That voice... It sounded so near you, almost within reach yet your eyes registered no human form.
“Hehe worried that you can’t see me? Lucifer said that it might be more amusing to do it this way. By hiding ourselves, you know? I didn’t do this because he suggested it though. I was always planning to toy with you to see your expression. Hehe can’t say I am not enjoying myself. Satan was right. You really are clueless.”
All at once, you found your voice again. It was like a dam had broken inside and you needed to get it all out.
“Sully? SULLY?! ARE YOU THERE? Are you...” you choked on the words, “Plea... Please SULLY! Please come back-”
On feeling cold hands wrap around your throat, you started gasping for air.
“Shut up, human. Didn’t I tell you that I was trying to sleep?”
“Belphie leave them,” an authoritative voice snarled.
“I don’t take orders from you, Lucifer,” the voice retorted but you felt the presence receding in the darkness again.
Fatigue made you stumble but warm hands caught you before an unfortunate fall on the floor.
“[Name],” a familiar voice murmured. “What happened?”
“Sully!” you felt the corners of your eyes prick. You were saved!
“I am so glad you are finally here,” you wrapped your arms around his neck and cried to your heart’s content. You were finally safe! No, there was no time to be lost. You must get away from that haunted place as soon as possible.
“Sully let us leave this place at once. It’s not... It’s possessed!”
He pulled you away from him gently to stare at you with concern, “What do you mean, [Name]? This is my house. It’s safe.”
“But there’s...” you turned around to point at the origin of the voice that had answered you with infinite hate. However, the darkness was gone and you saw a cold room in its wake. This was not the same room he had left you in.
It just didn’t make sense.
The words got caught in your throat and you scanned the room, dumbfounded.
He sighed and squeezed your arms, “I understand. You are nervous. Don’t worry. It will be fine. My brothers will love you. Okay?”
He did not understand. You needed to make him see.
The sound of footsteps cut you short. A smile appeared on his lips as he tugged at your hand.
“Come. I will introduce you.”
Six figures appeared before you and suddenly the chilling fear from a few moments ago was back.
On hearing the brothers greet you, your heart started pounding quickly.
Those voices... There was no mistaking it. You had heard their voices in the dark.
The one who made you especially anxious was the youngest brother Belphegor who you found sleeping on the couch.
How long had he been there?
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whentherewerebicycles · 11 months
oof I thought I wasn’t fatigued but turns out I was just sleeping 10 hours a night lol and now that I’m back to my regularly scheduled 8 hours I am really feeling it. could barely drag myself out of bed this morning to take the dogs out. doesn’t help that it is so dark and cold already 😭 though on the whole it’s been a beautiful october. today is full of things I’m not really looking forward to but I am going to soldier through. sigh here goes:
6:30-7 take dogs out, coffee, lounge
7-8 shower, eat breakfast, pack lunch/snacks
8-8:40ish drive to campus
9-9:30 lead workshop 🫠 I’m afraid the kids will be too zzzz to engage but I’m going to do my best!!!! and if it sucks it sucks
9:30-10 recover and think about what I want to talk about with KW
10-11 KA mtg
11-12 KW coffee—I scheduled this a month ago when I actually had something I needed to ask her and now that thing has passed so I don’t have suuuch a good reason for meeting. I would describe her as a sort of powerful campus matriarch who signaled interest in taking me under her wing when I first started but I just didn’t know enough about what my job even was to take advantage of it. maybe this can just be a chance to catch up and reconnect now that I’m more settled. I feel nervous meeting with her when I don’t have a clear agenda or ask but I need to just get over it this is normal networking lol
12-1 lunch
1-1:30 CJ check-in
1:30-2 review website content
2-3 team mtg
3-4:30 CH/communications strategy mtg 🫠
4:30-5:15 drive home and listen to game
5:15-6:15 walk dogs and eat dinner
6:15-9:30 choir bleh
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nayarainchapters · 2 years
RUNIC JOURNEY - Aett ruled by Heimdall
Here’s some notes from the first part of my Runic Journey (Read here).
Jan 10: Hagalaz
I got sick :D
I did everything I needed to do, but now I am a bit sick and it won’t be easy to sleep tonight :( 
Besides that, I have now a full structure for my next little project and I am excited about it - a bit afraid too, but that means I am alive. I feel focused on achieving my goals and that is an amazing feeling, folks.
Keywords: illness, tension, persistence. 
Jan 11: Nauthiz
Today I didn’t feel like doing anything. I just wanted to stay in bed. But I had a lot of things to do, I needed to get up and start my day. It was awful.
I also realized I need to think of a better plan - another job. Maybe, it would be wiser if I try something different and just see how it goes. 
Keywords: need, difficulty, obligation.
Jan 12: Isa
I am glad this day is over :D I am very tired and just want to sleep. 
Keywords: concentration, loneliness, lack of energy.
Jan 13: Jera
Today was a good day. I did everything I needed to do and I still got time to Netflix and chill 😁 Also, worked on some future tasks and my mother told I am losing weight, so that means all my effort is paying off. I am very happy!
Keywords: work, reward, cycle
Jan 14: Eihwaz
I feel weird??? I had a productive day, but something is missing. I don’t know what it is. I don’t feel like talking to anyone, but at the same time I am longing for it. But there is so much more I just can’t find the right words. I saw something that made me feel bad and now I am like? I need to persist; there is no other way. . 
Keywords: change, frustration, persistence, 
Jan 15: Perthro
Today was zzzz (read: boring), but there was good moments too. Lunch was great (the best one I prepared so far) and I talked with my friend about Astrology. Got lots of things done and now I am just resting.
Keywords: femininity, occult, rest.
Jan 16: Algiz
Today I felt so lonely. I really did. But I managed to do stuff and take time for myself. I thought I was going to get sick, but I was wrong about that yay. I also received a gift from the gods!!! Not so lonely, after all.
Keywords: alone, gifts, realization.
Jan 17: Sowilo
It was a good day. I had time for myself, to do what I like, but I was also productive. Not much to say to be honest.
Keywords: power, sexuality, ideas.
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hyunverse · 1 year
ooooo that’s nice !!! currently doing my chores listening to music as well, we’re twinning how cute ^_^. kimchi ramen sounds so good rn 😩. i had our fave for breakfast, sushiiiiii!!! i got cucumber avocado bc they had no salmon and it was delishhhh. call me angel again and watch me sob <///3. you’re too cute it hurts my heart, KISSESSSS 💗💗. i rly do love your writing and the angst just hits every time. so i am very much looking forward to wtvr comes out next hehe
OMFG PLS DO ASSIGN THEM MYTHOLOGY TALES I WILL LOSE MY MINDDDDDDD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you do it my one request will be the sirens story when the sirens lured the sailors into dying LMAO that would be so perfect w any of them. danceracha perhaps ???that’s my fave mythology tale tho 😋😋. what’s yours? i’m curious ^_^
yep yep yep you get it ! it’s too tempting. i will forever say that money does in fact buy happiness bc money provides me w everything that makes me happy so 😇. and it really is always thursday’s 😭. my mom was just being rly unkind and stuff <////3. im pretty used to it atp but for some reason everything she was saying was just like ouchhhhhh yk ?? i’m slowly getting over it tho until the next event happens lol 🙏🏼 thank you for being here for me love :((. just talking to you and reading your stuff makes me so happy. it’s nice to know someone cares about what i have to say so i rly enjoy interacting w you :)) AND skz comeback rly helps pull through LOL, i agree they’re all doing these comebacks too fast bc what about our bank accounts skz 💔💔💔
MINHO PICSSSS grrrr i adore you 😠😠. he’s so cute that just made me smile sm ily :(( but yes new rachavlog had me smiling NONSTOP through the whole video, seeing them happy and seeing chan relax for once just makes my heart full. hyunjins outfit ALONE was so bf. and him taking over the cooking and all that at the restaurant ??? HUSBAND ENERGYYYYYYYYY he is so boyfie. tempted to write hyunjin fluff lately bc he’s just so dreamy and it makes me insane 😇😇
- 🐈‍⬛ the spamming has began again pls forgive 😔🙏🏼 hugs hugs hugs
kimchi ramen always!!! either that or the buldak ramen. god i’ve been eating instant noodles daily due to the fact that it’s ramadan and the campus cafes are closed </3 on my period rn so i can’t fast hehe. maybe i shud order some real food tmr instead zzzz. sushi sounds so good rn 😭 if only there were sushi restaurants near my campus, i would order some tomorrow ☹️ but there aren’t ☹️ dislike living in a small village, i can’t cope!!!
i will call you my angel all the time then because you are indeed my angel <3 the angel-est of them all!! truly!! sneak peek: another drabble of mine will be based on the musical tick tick boom!! angst <3 again <3
wait idk the sailor myth that ure talking abt omg 💔 will look up into it 🤝 mmm lemme try assigning them myths... i feel like the tale of orpheus and eurydice gives off so much hyunjin. being deeply in love and being overtaken by despair just feels hyunjin, yk? that’s all i could think of rn T_T my fav myth is the entire the iliad story!! it’s so interesting to me. i think achilles is a very interesting character. huge angst potential too.
naw, baby :( ‘m sorry to hear that. sending u affection to compensate for the unkind words. you’re absolutely perfect the way you are, and ‘m proud of you!! thank you for merely existing, and i’m proud that you’re doing the best you could right now. you deserve so many good things ♡ i haven’t even met you or known you deeply but just by the things we’ve talked about, i can tell that you’re an incredible individual. you’re attentive, a great mood-maker, a joy to be around and kind. you make my days brighter. thank you for sticking around ♡
i’m planning to preorder for their next comeback (we are looking past my sad bank account) so ngl hopefully it’s not anytime too soon LOLLLL. maybe after eid bcs i’ll have eid money by then 😈 i’ll be free to spend money on their albums LOL.
and i adore you too, my angel!! pls write the hyune fluff i am on my knees begging 🙏 hyune fluff supremacy!! yes his outfit was so boyfriend <3 i loved seeing all of them unwind. the way jisung bowled too like he fr rolled the ball down </3 sucha jisung thing to do. i wanna go to a barbecue with hyunjin just to sit still look pretty and let him do the cooking 🧘‍♀ he looks so hubby that way. imagine going to a hotpot place with him too OHHH I’M DELUSIONAL ‼️
i adore the spamming so don’t u worry my love!!! kisses and hugs for u angel <333
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ozetia · 3 years
NSFW alphabet of Kuroo please
Kuroo NSFW alphabet
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A = Aftercare - what he is like after sex.
He’s not gentle during sex so he understands that your body’s aching and exhausted. Aftercare is a must for Kuroo it doesn’t matter if he lasted 10 minutes or 1 hour, gentle or rough he always insists of taking care of your body. He normally runs warm baths with no overbearing sent’s like mint he normally sticks to apple or vanilla before sitting you in the bath and sitting behind you. There’s no unnecessary touches he uses a warm cloth to wipe your body and relaxes with you communicating if anything could be changed what what went well.
B = body part - His favourite body part and his partners.
Kuroo struggles to pick a favourite but if he were forced to choose it would be his thighs. You can sit on them, sleep on them and most importantly ride them and he loves nothing more than watching you ride his thigh whilst he’s on the phone to one of his friends.
His favourite body part of yours is your hands. He loves how you massage his scalp with your hands, how you run your hands down his body teasing him and how you stroke his dick after a frustrating day of work.
C = Cum - anything that has to do with cum.
Kuroo waits until you cum to cum himself, he normally overstimulates himself for yours and his pleasure on accident. He prefers to cum inside you safe sex or not he doesn’t like to waste his cum.
D = Dirty secret - dirty secret of theirs.
Kuroo has fantasied of having sex with you against his office window multiple times, nothing gives him more pleasure than everyone knowing that you belong to him.
E = Experience - How experienced are they, do they know what they’re doing.
Kuroo wasn’t popular with the girls during high school because he was too focused on volleyball and school work, this also carried throughout college. He’s had sex one or twice but he learned most techniques from watching pornhub.
Favourite position.
Kuroos favourite position is missionary he loves watching your face twist in pleasure. He can pleasure you and be intimate with you at the same time it allows him to hold your hand. It’s easy to pleasure and move you in missionary he’s tried many positions but missionary is number 1 on his list.
G = Goofy - are they more goofy or serious during sex.
Kuroo is half and half sometimes he cracks a joke half way through and ruins the mood and sometimes he’s serious. If he’s had a hard day and work and wants some sexy time it will be serious and if you want to get pregnant it will be serious.
H = Hair - how well groomed are they.
He’s well groomed he doesn’t like being under-groomed or not groomed. If you prefer him to have more hair or none he’ll take it into consideration.
I = Intimacy - how are they during sex
Again he is half and half, sometimes he is rough and sometimes he is gentle. Special occasions like birthdays are generally more intimate and gentle and praises will be thrown around, whereas if jealously is involved he tends to be rough and dirty.
J = Jack off - do they masturbate and how often
Kuroo masturbates when he’s in the mood, you’re not always there when he wants to relieve some stress. Before he met you he masturbated 3-4 times a week but now he hasn’t got as much free time as he did and it’s decreased to 2-3 times a week.
K = Kink - One of more of their kinks
Size kink - He loves how you look so small compared to him struggling to accompany his cock.
P = Praise - He loves to be praised unlike popular opinion he prefers to talk sweet.
L = Location - favourite places to have sex.
His office and your shared bedroom.
M = motivation - what turns them on.
Seeing you swing your hips when you walk he cant wait to grab your hips back into him. Your confidence showing through your walk reminding that he helped with makes him smirk, now all he’s got to remind you is to only swing your hips for him.
When you challenge him during a argument whether you kiss him when he tries to argue a point back or if you get too cocky. It makes his cock throb if you want a challenge he’ll give you one. In the bedroom he loves to see how long you’ll keep that attitude.
N = No - turnoffs, something he wouldn’t do.
He will never be part of a gangbang. Naturally you belong to him so why would he give you away to other people to do the same thing which he can do.
O = oral - receiving or giving, how skilful are they.
Kuroo prefers giving naturally he is a giver and wants you to feel better with his hands however if you wish to take control every once in a while he is happy for you to take over as long as control is still in his hands e.g blowjobs. There’s nothing more skilful than Kuroo eating out your cunt like a man starved.
P = Pace - Are they fast and rough or slow and sensual.
Again this depends in what mood Kuroo is in and what you want. Sometimes he just wants to take his time with you and sometimes he just wants to fuck you and break the head frame.
Q = Quickie - their opinions on quickies.
Kuroo is a busy man and sometimes he has to take what he can get. Even though he prefers prefer proper sex.
R = Risk - Do they want to experiment, do they take risks.
Kuroo is down to take risks as long as they’re safe and don’t include people he knows. He prefers to keep things safe and simple but sometimes he reads crazy sex stories on Reddit and wants to test if what they said is true before writing a comment.
S = Stamina - How long can he last.
No Kuroo can’t go on for twelve hours is not possible even if he did play volleyball, sex is like cardio short and exhausting. He can last up to a hour with breaks inbetween.
T = Toys - do they own any toys.
Kuroo himself doesn’t own any toys but if you want to own toys like vibrators he’s totally fine with that. He’s not always here to give you pleasure and if he can masturbate you can also masturbate. He doesn’t get dicky if you’re tired after a day and just want to use your vibrator instead he understands that your listening to your body.
U = Unfair - How much do they like to tease.
Kuroo likes to send nudes during work to see how much you can get worked up and so do you seeing how long you can both last until someone snaps. We all know Kuroo is a teasing and snarky bastard anyways and this doesn’t change in his sex life. Sometimes he comes up behind you let’s his hands run over your body before walking away.
V = Volume - are they loud, do they talk.
Kuroo isn’t scared to make noice in the bedroom, he moans along side you although not as much as you. Sometimes he likes make random conversations during sex for no reason. Although he does have a way of talking that drives you crazy.
W = Wildcard - random Headcanon.
When you first had sex with Kuroo he was a nervous reck telling you that maybe you should take charge. You tried taking charge and half way through he turned you over and thrusted into your cunt like no other man has.
X = x-ray - How big are they.
Kuroo is a little over average hitting 6-7.5. He’s 6,5 so he’s pretty girthy.
Yearning = how high is highest drive.
Kuroos sex drive is pretty normal some weeks he’s more horny and some weeks he’s not. He doesn’t need to have sex everyday to feel satisfied, he’s happy with being with you and loving you in general.
Z = Zzzz - how quick do they fall asleep afterwards.
He waits until you’re settled and asleep before falling asleep he wants to make sure that you’re safe.
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elladories · 3 years
hq boys when they accidentally walk into u getting changed pt 1
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warnings: none!! super soft fluff and maybe some suggestive here and there but nothing too serious <3
characters: tendou, iwaizumi
a/n: im writing on my phone for the first time,,, hopefully the quality turns out the same as if i were on my computer!! its late hehe,,, zzzz
request status: open <3
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ੈ tendou:
- he's back from a long day at practice, his lanky figure walking through the door and throwing his shoes off
- tendou knows ur home by the scent of ur favorite hot drink wafting through the air, but he doesn't really mind what ur doing or where u are
- he goes upstairs to take a shower and opens ur shared bedroom to the sight of u in the midst of pulling ur shirt over ur head
- honestly i feel like tendou doesn't really even react to it LOL he's happy to see u but doesn't mind ur getting changed in the middle of it
- "hi babe~" he greets with a cheer and puts his bags down before walking over to gently press a kiss to ur lips while ur literally like not even half dressed
- "tendou-mmph!" u begin to scold him but get blown away at how soft his lips are against ur own. when he pulls away, u glare at him before finishing to put on ur outfit
- ur surprised at the fact he has no reaction to the sight of ur body and continues to do whatever it is he needs to do
- "oh,,, were u embarrassed, my angel?" tendou asks, the realization that he stepped into the room while u were changing finally hitting him. u nod once and open ur mouth to speak but unknowingly, he cuts off
- "there's no need to be, my precious thing~ i know every curve of ur body, and i think it's beautiful, truly." tendou slips off his shirt and throws a cheeky smile over his shoulder to u
- "oh shut up" u tease him with blushy cheeks as he walks over to u and rests his hands on ur face,, ur embarrassed and u assume he can feel the heat radiating off of ur face hehe
- "beautiful, absolutely beautiful" tendou says with a gentle flick of his finger against ur forehead <3
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ੈ iwaizumi:
- iwaizumi finishes the final touches to his tux and gives himself a strong, handsome, confident smile into the mirror before he begins searching for u
- tonight is the celebration party for the aoba johsai volleyball team for another amazing year of passion for sport and teamwork!!
- he'd been allowed one guest and frankly decided to bring u because u also go to aoba johsai and ur the closest with iwaizumi <3
- he leaves the bathroom with a call of ur name and opens ur bedroom door to the sight of u slipping ur dress on and making it comfortable around ur chest area
- his entire face just flushes and he doesnt even process it until u turn around with a "hajime!" in a shocked tone
- iwaizumi presses his hand against his mouth in shock and mumbles a "im so sorry-" he's in the process of closing the door again until u stop him from leaving
- he's cursing at himself bc his mind literally went south and he's trying to erase those thoughts so fast rn HAHAHA
- lets just say ur dress is the prettiest shade of blue that compliments ur skin tone and shines against the lamp light <33
- he's so flustered and doesn't know what to say (though i imagine he wants to apologize again) so he goes silent until u motion u want him to zip up the back of ur dress
- iwaizumi does as he's told and mutters out a "you're pre,, pretty by the way,,," as u turn around and peck his cheek <3!!
- during the entire night he tries to find a way to actually apologize and hope u don't think he's a pervert or anything (tho u could never think of him like that,,) but his worries are reassured as u rest ur head against his shoulder during the dance
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semischarmed · 4 years
“Really Scott,” you say, as you run your fingers through your hair. “I don’t look familiar to you at all?” You take a mental picture of your high school tormentor’s face. Damn. ‘You’ve only gotten hotter these past few years haven’t you?’
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“Nah man, sorry” He states as he moves to close the door to his apartment. You give a slight rub to a small gold medallion and his body starts moving on it’s own. You stare at him with a cruel smile as he tries to wrestle control back of his body. Your face strains but you are able to force him to let you into his place. Scott, evidently, was smarter than he looks as you notice him take a mental note of your struggle and the medallion. You’re gonna have to be careful around him.
You have to admit, this is a lot tougher than you initially expected. Much like his body, man has a will of steel, and even with this necklace’s little power boost, you can only barely contain him. But you have the power of raw emotion coursing through you. Envy. Lust. Unlike Scottie over here, lady luck has not been kind to the past few years past high school. That all changed when you came across this medallion. A strange, mystical, wonderful medallion with strange, mystical, wonderful powers. As soon it came into your possession, you instantly knew the first person who would have the privilege of witnessing its power firsthand. Scott reclaimed a bit of power over himself.
“What the fuck dude! You got the wrong guy! I really don’t know who you are!” You have to hold back a bit of your hurt. All those years of agony and fear, and it doesn’t even register a blip to him. ‘Fuck it, worth it for what I’m about to get.’ With another rub of the medallion you force him to freeze.
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As you study his frame, still and glistening with a nervous sweat, you are overcome with a wave of lust- you can’t wait to possess the fuck out of this man. He’s only gotten bigger, beefier since the last time you’ve seen him. You are cut from your trance as you hear a soft “zzzz” sound.
His phone buzzes again and, rubbing your medallion, you force him to pull it out and unlock it for you. “Who is this?” You ask, as you take a closer look at the string of texts. “Almost back!” “Hey u wanna get some pizza tonight?” “Dude I gotta tell you about Sophie at the weights today.“
“I-It’s Alex, he’s my friend. He’s my best friend. We’re roommates. Also he’s coming back soon, so you should probably go. This-whatever the fuck this is man, I won’t tell anyone I promise. Just go” he states nervously. Try as you might, you can’t read if he’d genuinely let you go. Knowing the Scott you knew in high school, he’d probably beat you to a pulp as soon as you released your hold on him. Whatever. Not leaving anyway. You stare at more pictures of his friend from Scott’s social media. Fit, cute- hot even, easy on the eyes. Ok then, maybe a little detour is in order. 
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“I’m gonna give you a choice.” You state plainly, as you set his phone on the table. “And I know you remember who I am, so you can stop the act. You? Or Alex? Who’s it gonna be?” He probably thinks you’re gonna kill him. Not even close. If anything, he’s gonna be getting a new lif-
“Alex, Alex! Please dude, just leave me alone!” He says without hesitation. Damn. Cold-blooded. You smile with menacing compliance. 
“Alex it is.”
Minutes later, a sweaty Alex unlocks the door to his apartment, eager to get quick shower in and order some dinner. “Oh, uh, I didn’t realize we’d have guests”. 
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Alex smiles warmly at you and greets you, “Hey, I’m Alex, Scott’s roommate. Good to meet you!” He looks at his hand. “Sorry, I just got back from the gym, so I’d shake your hand, b-” “So you’re Alex! good to meet you too!” you cut him off by extending your hand, which he awkwardly shakes out of formality. You use this to take a sneak preview of your future vessel’s hands. Calloused, but soft. Thin, damp. Vascular. Good.
“Yeah, I’m an old friend of Scott’s. From high school,” you lie. “He said he had to grab something from the store, so he’ll probably be back in a bit.”
“Aww well, I’m sorry he’s been keeping you waiting” Alex gives a warm smile. “He’s usually pretty good at this kind of stuff, so I’m sure he had a good reason. Do you want like a water or something?” 
He starts to head to the kitchen. You stifle a moan as you quickly stick your hand in your pants and smear his gym sweat all over your dick. Sneak preview. 
As he fashions himself a glass of water and glances back as you quickly take your hands out your pants before he notices. “Oh no, no! I’m alright! Thank you for the offer though!” you beam back. Close call.
‘Alex is such a nice, stand up guy’ You wonder to yourself, ‘why is he friends with that piece of shit’
“I’ve known Scott since college, so a little less than you, haha” he adds, as if hearing your mental conversation. “He always keeps it real and he’s even been helping me get toned”. He smiles and does a small bicep flex to demonstrate -hot- before he ravenously gulps down the entire glass of water and sets it down.
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‘Fuck yeah, I can’t wait to be the one going down that tube’ you think, as you bite your lip. Alex starts to head your way. You then pick up on his scent, he smells clean- probably his cologne or deodorant. Mountains. Mint. Fresh rain. He’s like a breath of fresh air. Then the undercurrent of his scent hits. Raw, primal, alpha as fuck. You’re a bit surprised. Such a kind, clean cut guy and he apparently naturally smells like a filthy, raunchy, putrid motherfucker. You can hardly control yourself as you try to imagine where it’s coming from. Pits, ass, feet, ball sweat, all of the above?- wherever the fuck it’s coming from, it’s intoxicating. You smile in the joy that a little piece of you, even if it was just the dick that you rubbed his hand sweat all over, now smells like a diluted Alex. You struggle as you adjust your growing hard on in proximity to the pheromone bomb that is Alex.
Suddenly, Alex’s phone buzzes. You steal a glance at the sender. It’s Scott.
“Hey man, come to my room, now. We need to fucking talk. I have no idea who he is. Make sure he stays where he is. He doesn’t know I’m here .” Alex stares at his phone, a little perplexed, while you continue to stare at this fine, fine piece of ass in front of you. He gives a quick glance your way, to which you respond with a smile. 
“Hey, uh, make yourself at home, ok? Im sure Scott’s coming back soon. I, uh, I gotta take care of something real quick with our, um, other roommate.” There’s only two bedrooms and he’s a horrible liar, but you still find it a little endearing. “Anyway, it was nice to meet you, maybe we can hang out sometime. Any friend of Scott is a friend of mine!“ he tells you kindly as you swoon. ‘Oh Alex we’re about to be much, much closer than friends. Closer than you can possibly imagine’.
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“Hey dude, uh, so Scott’s friend is waiting for you in the living room. Also whatever this is, can it wait? I kinda have to showe-“ Alex cuts himself off as he sees Scott slumped over, tied up to his desk chair with his own dirty clothes in a neat little bow. “What the fuck!?! Scott! are you ok?” Alex rushes over to help his friend.
“So, I gotta say, Scott, you made a great choice sacrificing him to save yourself. Alex is definitely a catch.” You say from the doorway. Alex quickly looks your way in horror as his best friend breaks free from his fake restraints and pulls him into an embrace.
Alex tries to squirm free from Scott’s grip, as you make Scott say the truth to his friend. “He made me choose, between you and me. I chose you.”
“T-This is a joke, right? Scott?” Scott starts to force him into his desk chair. “Cmon man!” Alex pleads, as an emotionless Scott ties him to the desk chair.
“Some best friend” you chuckle, as you stroke Scott’s cheek and wipe away a stray tear -you can feel his revulsion internally- “he sold you out without a second thought”. You start to undress his lower half, starting with his gym shoes. Fuck it was potent. “Don’t worry, I’ll never do that to us.” You peel away his sweat soaked socks and take another whiff. Alex sits in confusion, probably speechless at what had just transpired.
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“Let’s make a deal” you say with a chuckle. “I’ll show you a taste of me if you show me a taste of you.” Without waiting for a response, you start by kneeling down sucking on his scummy toes. Sour. Just how you like it. He’s still squirming in his bonds a little. “Step on me,” you say, as you smash your face to his sweaty feet over and over again, simulating him stepping on you. You catch a little movement in his crotch area. ‘Is he enjoying this?’ you ask, as you continue up Alex’s legs. You look back to make sure Scott is still in your control. He stands frozen, emotionless, but with a deep hatred in his eyes, twitching occasionally in his attempt to break free. You make him face Alex and force him to lift the corner of his tank top to give Alex a little tease, while you continue with your little treasure hunt.
You then peel away his compression shorts to reveal your prize. A concentrated bloom of Alex’s pheromones hit you. Ecstasy. You almost pass out on the spot. ‘Holy shit’. You can't control yourself as bury your head and greedily rub your face in his sweaty crotch. Alex is eerily quiet.
Rubbing the medallion, you issue your next command. You’re gonna need to divert a little magic to making this work, so you release some control of Scott as emotion and shouting return to him. It takes a minute or two but you’re able to get your bodies properly primed fro the next stage. You notice Alex shiver from a slight tingle in his body, while Scott continues his barrage of insults your way. “Shut up,” you command. His lips quiver and then shut. “Scottie, come tell Alex what his best friend is gonna do to him.”
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Alex again looks at Scott with a pleading face as a twitching, emotionless Scott continues: “Alex, I’m gonna stuff you full of himm- full of my Ma,” you wince. Strong and stubborn as ever, you can’t even get him to call you master. “Man you’re gonna love it. I sold you out to save myself. Didn’t even have to think about it. Just like that.” You’re getting a little better at controlling his movements. “Now I’m gonna be the one to make sure I put all of him inside you” Scott continues, “I-I can’t wait to see him wear you like a s-suit, parading you around, s-swimming in your skin and no one will ever know. I can’t wait to see the new you, w-with a little fag pilot tucked safe inside, pulling on your strings, speaking for you, thinking for you, loving for you” Scott finishes with an unsettling, wide grin that you force him into. 
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Emotion and control rush back to Scott’s face. “Alex...” he states in an apologetic tone, but Alex doesn’t even look him in eye. Again, off the corner of your eye, you can’t help but notice a ghost of a smile on his face before it returns to its sullen look.
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“Ok, ok, enough you two. Let’s go put on a good show for our best friend Scottie”.
-End Part 1-
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hajim3 · 3 years
𝙽𝚂𝙵𝚆 𝙰𝚕𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚋𝚎𝚝: 𝚃𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚔𝚊
꒷꒦꒷‧˚.‧꒦꒷꒦ ꒷꒦‧˚.‧꒷꒦꒷‧˚꒦꒷꒦꒷‧˚.‧꒦꒷꒦ ꒷꒦‧˚.‧꒷꒷꒦꒷‧˚.‧꒦꒷
Ok i put way to much into this and idk why I honestly did not try to 😭
nsfw under the cut; minors pls dni
word count 1.1k
a/n: there’s a weird glitch/bug that’s happing with my posts where it deletes sections/paragraphs or it has certain sections/paragraphs more than once and idk how to fix it because it’ll just mess it all up so I’ll try my best until something is done about it. (6/23/21)
꒷꒦꒷‧˚.‧꒦꒷꒦ ꒷꒦‧˚.‧꒷꒦꒷‧˚꒦꒷꒦꒷‧˚.‧꒦꒷꒦ ꒷꒦‧˚.‧꒷꒷꒦꒷‧˚.‧꒦꒷
A: Aftercare~ cuddles, cuddles, and more cuddles. And honestly he would have an assload of energy left but it depends on how tired you are if y’all go another round or two or not. He also runs the fanciest looking baths like omfg. Flower petals, bath bombs, and candles surrounding the tub and if you have sensitive skin you better know damn well he has everything you need to have you feeling soft asf 😌
C: Cum~ Most of the time it’s inside a condom, both of you feel that it’s safer but if you wanted him to cuz in or on you then he wouldn’t mind as long as it’s fine with you too
D: Dirty Secret~ Ok he’s had this on his mind for months and wants to bring it up but he would definitely let Noya join a few times but he would like it better if you brought it up knowing damn well he was thinking the same
D: Dirty Secret~ Ok he’s had this on his mind for months and wants to bring it up but he would definitely let Noya join a few times but he would like it better if you brought it up knowing damn well he was thinking the same
E: Experience~ Both of y’all’s first times was with each other but he kinda already knew what to do cuz you can tell me he hasn’t watched porn or even looked at porn magazines; luckily he catches onto stuff very quickly but he’s still got some stuff to learn
F: Favorite Position~ Ok he is a complete service top but he LOVES to see you on top of him; so Cowgirl, Reverse Cowgirl, or riding his face are his absolute favorite positions and he also has quick access to your thighs so it’s a win win for him
G: Goofy~ Come on now this is Tanaka of course he’ll be goofy asf during secksy time, at times he’s a little more serious but for the most part he like know that your enjoying it as much as he is
H: Hair~ Ok so we all know the carpet does not match the drapes; as far as maintenance, he’ll forget to do it sometimes so it gets a little wild but either he’ll take care of it himself or he’ll let you do it and he really doesn’t mind if you do
I: Intimacy~ Omg he treats you like royalty; nothing is worth more then making his s/o feel like they are loved and taken care of while throwing a little spice into it at the same time; he treats you with so much respect and honestly the both of you can’t ask for better
J: Jack Off~ He doesn’t do it as much often cuz he has you but before.... 😀 no comment; he also gets off the the nudes you send him
K: Kinks~ Ok he’s not vanilla but he’s not very kinky so I feel like he would like some bondage and sensory deprivation (my fancy way of saying blindfolds), he likes semi public sex as well, spanking, and he liked ducking you in front of a mirror
L: Location~ Your shared bedroom, the kitchen counter, the shower, and hidden but public spaces
M: Motivation~ It doesn’t take much to get him all hot and bothered, it’s as simple as touching his thigh, whispering in his ear, or kissing his neck, do all three and have fun not walking bae <3
N: No~ He will NEVERRRRR do ANYTHING with out your consent, he’ll even go as far as asking a second or third time; this baby will never purposely hurt you, he may like spanking you but that’s really it
O: Oral~ You- he loves when you suck him off he thinks you so sexy with your lips wrapped around him and tears coming from your eyes 😊; Him- omfg he will spend hour going down on you, he makes you cum so many times it hurts just a little bit but he just can help but slurp you every ounce of cum you give to him
P: Pace~ He’s either slow and deep or hard and fast... there’s literally no in between
Q: Quickie~ He fucking loves them, will beg for them until you say yes so yall would end up in an ally or an family bathroom taking care of business 😏
R: Risk~ He likes the risk of getting caught in public so he’ll make sure to fuck you extra hard and try to get you to moan really loud so other people can hear you
S: Stamina~ Fucking endless almost, y’all can go for hours and he’s asking and begging if you can go another round when you’re over here on the verge of passing out
T: Toys~ There’s a box under your bed filled with vibrators, blindfolds, maybe a couple dildos, and some rope
U: Unfair~ He’s not as ruthless with his teasing but that doesn’t mean he won’t do it, I feel like he’s the type that if y’all are walking together in public he would put his hand on your ass and just keep it there... like he doesn’t slap it, doesn’t rub it, or squeeze it, he just keeps it there and it annoys you cuz he won’t move it 😭
V: Volume~ Omfg he is a very vocal partner; loud moans, sexy grunts, and moaning your name and the best thing is, he gets a little whiney and shakes a bit when he’s about to cum
W: Wildcard~ Ok so y’all have gotten so comfortable with each other to the point where getting a nude out of nowhere are quite common; he doesn’t beg you for them but does ask and is very appreciative of them and he definitely got off to your nudes more times then he’ll actually admit
X: X-Ray~ Boy is big 😀 it’s not much of a grower it more so gets thicker; I’d say a good 8 inches soft and 9 hard and like I said it gets thicc bae 🤌🏾, it’s also got this on vein that goes down the length of the bottom of it and it’s pretty sensitive and you’ve used that against him a few times
Y: Yearning~ All the damn time; his sex drive is high at least a 8/10
Z: ZzZz~ Lkike I said earlier, he would still have some energy left and if y’all don’t end up going another round he’ll just handle the aftercare and cuddle you until you go to sleep then he may get up and go on a jog to relieve the rest of that energy and when he gets back he’ll wash up again so he won’t smell like outside (pocs understand perfectly) and he’ll climb back into bed with you and eventually fall asleep
 ⌜ •   °    +   °   •   ⌝
© original work of hajim3 (2021), do not modify or repost without permission.
Likes, reblogs and follows are greatly appreciated 💖
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sumire-bride · 3 years
sumire and shuu's route (demo) heaven 2
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scene is in living room
Ayato- why the hell did you even bring up this idea to her..? i hate kids
Laito- oh come now, it's important for a child to spend "quality" time with family, and it wasn't me who brought it up Shuu come to me and asked
Ayato- hah..? Shuu..? Shuu would never ask us for help, why all of a sudden..? does he want something from us..?! I won't let him take anything from me..!!
Laito- apparently little bitch-chan has worked herself to the bone, And he wants her to take a break, actually, even he seemed tired looked like he needed a break
but it wasn't easy
Flashback is set in hallway
Laito- hmm..? How strange of you to ask me of all people to take care your child, tell me big brother, why now..?
Shuu- haah.. the damn girl needs a break, honestly.. she looks like a drained raisin, and.. I need to sleep off all this parenting thing
And it's not like i wanted to come to you i tried going to someone else but apparently he just disappeared and the other two is a no go obviously, just take the damn kid for now, hurry up before she tries to find us, she already was so reluctant on me "taking him away" from her--
Sumire- ..Shuu...! i will not allow you to... haah... give my darling to anyone...! please return him to me at once... I do not trust laito-sama with him...
Shuu- tst.. I swear that women has a mother bears instinct.. alright lets go,
Sumire- ..but... Shiro... my darling needs me... I can take care of him till i need to sleep... I am not tried right now... see... wide awake... Shuu... please...
Shuu- nope.. I need the damn rest as well,
Sumire- ..I refuse...! Eh... Laito-sama... please return him to my arms... please....!!
Laito- eh.. she really does look like a dried raisin.. Ne bitch-chan, I'll make sure Shiro is in the best shape when your all rested! he'll be happy to spend some time with his amazing uncle
And on a plus note, you can do some naughty things with Shuu now that you have this little break.. Don't worry your little head about a thing okay~
Shuu- see..? he'll be fine.. i hope..
Sumire- ..Laito-sama does not know what kinda juices he likes, or his favourite foods... or... his favourite song or book...! he doesn't know a thing...! Shuu... I swear I can keep going... please don't hand him to Laito-sama...!
..shuuuuu... nooo...
Shuu- I'm too tired to be dealing with this.. I said lets go,
*Shuu picks up sumire, taking her out of the room*
Sumire- ..no no... no... My darling needs... needs... pwah... Nn... suddenly I feel... sleepy... Zzzz...
Shuu- ...
pwah.. a nap.. a nice lonng nap.. damn kid is draining me alive..
Laito- aha.. haha.. ah..
*Little Shiro noises are heard in the background*
Laito- then the both of them floated away in the halls, i'm not even sure where they went,
Ayato- sheesh.. she's that protective over this little guy..?
oi, Hiro..! you ready to have the time of your life with your uncles..?!
Subaru- his name is Shiro idiot
Laito- eh..? Subaru-kun where did you pop out from hmm..? I thought you were gone
Subaru- i just came back is all.. And the hell does that matter?! what are you two doing with this one..?!
Ayato- the hell do you care?! We were trusted to watch him
Subaru- hah..?! the both of you..?! to watch him!? I don't think that girl would even allow that, did you steal him or somethin..?
Laito- oh..? is little subaru upset that Shuu gave Shiro to us instead of him..? to bad you weren't here, he was actually gonna give him to you instead of us
Subaru- of- of course not..! I don't even like kids..! I'm not jealous or anythin.. And quit holdin him like that..! you'll hurt his neck
Ayato- who are you to tell me how to hold him..!? Look see, I’m holding him just fine! Right hito..?
Shiro- …
Ayato- don’t ignore me..!
Subaru- well maybe if you said his name right he would respond..! Tch god
Oi give ‘em here
*subaru takes Shiro*
Subaru- like this see, you need to watch his neck stupid
Laito- that does look more comfortable, say little brother how do you know so much? Could it be you actually did researched how to take care of a baby for this purpose..?!
Subaru- AH..?! No way..! The fuck would I do something as stupid as that..?! Don’t be an idiot
Me research on children, as if..!
Laito- oh come on don’t lie, if anything that’s kinda cute, trying to be a doting uncle fufu
Subaru- shut up..! Hmnp,
Shiro- …
Laito- ne ne little shiro, you like spending time with your uncles don’t you..? It’s fun right..?
Shiro- …
Laito- uwah..! He- he yanked my hat off..! Shiro that isn’t very nice
Laito- ahh…! Ow ow ow.. Shiro..!
Ayato- pfft.. hahaha..! He definitely doesn’t like you at all laito..! Hahaha..!
Oh we’re gonna have fun with this
Shiro- …
Ayato- hey shito..-
Shiro- Hmnp..
Ayato- ah.. hey hey hey..! Don’t look away from me..! Ore-sama is trying to bond with you..! As a good uncle should..!
Ayato- gah..!
Subaru- pfft..
Shiro- …
Ayato- ow ow ow ow..! Tell it to stop tell it to stop..!
Subaru- heh.. haha..
Laito- subaru-kuuunn.. you’re the one holding him back away a bit..!
Subaru- haha..
Ayato- don’t laugh you bastard..! Tch..!
*the both of them back away*
Ayato- never.. EVER going near it again..!
Laito- my beautiful hair.. is all messy..
Ayato- now you listen here you little shit ore-sama refuses to be made into a fool by some.. some month old baby..!
Subaru- 6 months.. dumbass
Ayato- shad up, of course you would know.. tch.. that kids got a good grip
Shiro- …
*shiro puts his face into Subaru’s shirt*
Shiro- ..mm…
Subaru- uh..
Laito- ehh..? no fair, the little one favourites you subaru,
Ayato- no kidding, he just clings to ya,
Subaru- …
Tch.. Whatever.. not like I care or anythin
Laito- oh but I think you do, in fact I think you are just over joyed by this,
Who would have thought subaru of all people would be happy about that, how cute~
Subaru- shut up..! No one asked you to talk..! Oi shiro
*subaru taps Shiro’s head*
Shiro- Hm..
Subaru- …
*Subaru holds shiro in front of laito*
Laito- hmm..? What’s this now..? Have you finally had enough so your handing him over to me..?
Well I suppose I can take him since he was given to me first—
Laito- gah..-!! Hey hey..! Don’t use him for that type of thing..! How cruel..!
Subaru- hehe.. do it again, do it harder this time
Laito- what do you mean—
Laito- ahh..! Ouch.. subaru this isn’t very nice..!
Ayato- ha..—
Ayato- gah..-!
The hell.?! Don’t go at me now I didn’t do nothin..!
Subaru- shiro, do it again
Ayato- what do you..- nuh, I’m leaving..!
Laito- subaru can take care of this..! That child is far to deadly for me..!
Subaru- HA.. scared of a baby..? You guys should be scared of me if anything,
Shiro, you wanna kick their asses..?
Shiro- …
Subaru- I’ll take it as a yes, haha.. children aren’t all that bad
Shuu- haah.. where did that guy go..
Sumire- ...
Shuu- what's with that look..?
Sumire- ...
..nothing... nothing at all... please do not worry...
Shuu- heeeh..? What's with the sudden stand off you're giving me right now, I'm meant to listen to you aren't I..?
Sumire- ..yes... but.. not..
Shuu- not what..?
Sumire- ...
Shuu- oh yeah.. you're all embarrassed after our little break, What's there to be embarrassed of? it's not like we haven't done stuff like that in the past
*He gets closer to her ear*
Shuu- you know I don't like having you ignore me.. Is it that you like it when i punish you? or maybe you like the thrill of me chasing after you..--
Sumire- ..silence...!
Shuu- hehe..
seriously though, where did that guy run off to..-
Laito- uwahh...!!
Shuu- uh..
Ayato- oi subaru..! cut it out..!
Laito- Ne ne..! bitch-chan take your kid away from him pleasee..!!
*The two of them run out of sight*
Shuu- ...
Subaru- haha..! look at them run away like a bunch of cowards, that was fun wasn't it shiro..?
Shiro- haha..
Subaru- I'm glad it put a smile on your--
Shuu- Never took you to be the type to like kids,
Sumire- ..oh my sweet boy...!
*Sumire grabs Shiro*
Sumire- ..mama's little angle... mwah.. mwah... oh i hope there isn't a single scratch on your body... mwah.. i missed you so... mwah... much... mwah..
Shiro- bleh..
Subaru- eh.. don't you dare say a word about this, it wasn't like i enjoyed that or anything..!
Shuu- hmm..? really, so it wasn't you who said "I'm glad that put a smile on your face"..?
Subaru- shut up..! like i said we never speak of this again..!
Shiro- ...
Subaru- tch..
Sumire- ..ohh... Shiro likes you subaru-sama... isn't that nice...
Subaru- I said shut up..!
I'm outta here
*Subaru begins to walk off*
Sumire- ..my little baby... mwah... look shuu look... he doesn't have a single scratch...! he looks more... energetic... that makes me happy...
Shuu- he was probably doing stuff with those guys,
Shiro- ..pwah...
Sumire- ..ah...
Shuu- chill out, a baby not taking one nap today isn't gonna kill him,
At least.. i think so
Sumire- ..!!!...
Shuu- pfft.. joking
Sumire- ..do not joke like that...!
Shuu- oh but it's funny to see your face go in such shock like that, it's what lightens up my day
now come on, all this walking around makes me tired
Sumire- ...
--to be continued--
heaven 1--heaven 3
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scaryscarecrows · 3 years
Night-Night, Knight
AN: The Squad trusts Jason with their lives. This absolutely goes both ways, even if he’ll never tell them.
(They think he broods on long car rides.)
* * *
Jason has never slept well, not really. As a kid, he’d been on edge listening for Willis, and later because he had to check on Mom. Then he’d been homeless, and, well, come on. Then had come Bruce, and at first he’d been rightfully paranoid and after, well...Robin. He’d been Robin, and that hadn’t…
There should never have been a Robin*. He’d been fourteen years old and investigating a mangled body like a fifty year-old forensics guy and that wasn’t right.
But yeah. Robin, and then Joker had happened and, uh…
He doesn’t sleep well. Lotta nightmares. And chronic pain, thanks, clown.
The pain, at least, is...he’s handling it. He can tough it out for the most part, and his armor is designed to help him, to offer support where he needs it; mostly his ankle, but he’s got extra plating on his shoulders to protect them from assholes wielding, say, crowbars. He’s doing his best, okay?
He hasn’t slept well all week. A few hours here and there, and they’ve been shitty. Joker’s out of Arkham again, and he knows damn well he’s a whole continent away and better prepared than he ever was as Robin, but he’s out he’s out he’s out and Jason…
Jason doesn’t feel safe. He doesn’t think he’ll ever feel safe, not until the bastard dies, and that...that’s nothing but wishful thinking. He’ll never die.
Unfortunately, the lack of sleep and paranoia (it’s only a matter of time before Joker tracks him down and he wakes up to those bulbous yellow eyes and that goddamn laughter--) is catching up to him, and his men have noticed. They haven’t exactly said anything, but Jason’s not blind or stupid. They’ve been watching him like he’s going to snap at any time and honestly, it’s driving him crazy. He’s not going to snap, he’s just scared tired.
That said, it’s...it’s easier to relax in the car. They’re moving, first of all. Second of all, it’s...road trips are not silent. Inevitably there’ll be some sort of discussion about...fuck, Jason has no idea half the time. Right now it’s about the latest Marvel movie (how many are there now?). Last time it was about who would win in a fistfight, Gandalf or Dumbledore.
(Jason says Gandalf, for what it’s worth. That staff sounded like it really hurt when it made contact with Denethor’s forehead.)
But yeah, they’re moving and there’s activity around him. Normal, up-close activity rather than the faint sounds of Asylum Life up above. And...and honestly…
In hindsight, Bruce’s refusal to kill should have made Jason rely on him a little less. Oh, well, lesson learned. But the men in this car don’t have any such moral weaknesses. And...well…
He wouldn’t ask them to do it. He’d do it himself, honest he would. But he’s pretty sure that if it came down to it, if Joker, like, magically appeared in the middle of the road, cackling and waving around his explosive chattering teeth or whatever, that they’d shoot him. Or run him over. If nothing else, he’s pretty sure they wouldn’t abandon him to his fate, so there’s that.
God, he’s tired. It’s a fight to keep his eyes open, right up until he remembers that Joker’s out of Arkham it’s only a matter of time until he tracks you down and he won’t kill you, no, no, no, no, no, but he’ll make you pray to whatever god you can think of that he will and--
He’s on borrowed time, he thinks. And that’s assuming he got out at all, that this isn’t all just one long dream. Maybe he’ll wake up, back in Arkham’s cold walls, and find that everyone here is a figment of his imagination. Do any of them resemble Arkham employees, Joker goons, anything like that?
No. But maybe he’s just not remembering.
There’s the static and half-second song clips that come when the radio’s being scrolled through. Jason’s just about to scream when it stops at Lynyrd Skynyrd’s ‘Gimme Three Steps’. Fine.
Arkham didn’t have music, not even from the janitors. Too much risk of pissing off one of the more volatile inmates.
“All right, be honest,” Rogers says, grin evident in his voice. “Anyone here have this happen to them?”
Pfft, no. Closest he’s come is Harley Quinn screaming in his face about takin’ Mistah J away from me!
He shudders at the memory, burrows into his seat a little more. In the back, there’s laughter, but normal, friendly laughter, not the cruel, high-pitched cackles that haunt his nightmares.
“Bullshit, Riley.”
Silence. Jason’s sure Dylan’s explaining what happened. It’s probably a load of bullshit. Or at least highly embellished. Ten to one it involves a biker gang or something--
“Oh, come on,” Jones says exasperatedly. “The Hell’s Angels came down on you? How stupid do you think we are?”
And there it is.
He sighs and shifts a bit, twists so he’s putting more of his weight on his right shoulder. That’s better. The left’s the worst, it was the weaker one going in (prior dislocations do nobody any favors).
“--believes the ostrich thing because it’s bullshit. Nobody steals an ostrich, they’re not a bike--”
God, he’s tired.
He needs to stay awake. He knows he does. It’s just...his eyes hurt, from being awake for too long, and he’s comfortable enough, and…
And this is the safest he’s felt in months. God help him, this is the safest he’s felt since...Jesus, since he got out.
He’s just going to close his eyes. He’s not going to sleep, he’s going to close his eyes for a few minutes. That’s all, just a few minutes to take the sandy feeling away. Ten minutes, he decides. His internal clock is solid, in ten minutes exactly he’ll open his eyes again.
Maybe fifteen minutes.
Or twenty.
Or half an hour.
*Jason loved being Robin at the time, but Joker and hindsight have left him with the opinion that that was really fucked up.
42 notes · View notes
sooibian · 4 years
Flambé - I
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poster and edits/collage credits to @is-that-baekhyuns-shirt​ ! 
chapter two | moodboard by the lovely @pororodks​
🍜 pairing: kyungsoo x fem!reader ft. baekhyun, mark lee
🍜 description: pull up a chair. take a taste. come join us. life is so endlessly delicious. - ruth reichl
🍜 themes: fluff, crack (ish), slight angst, a lil bit of spice (in the future), rivals to lovers au
🍜 word count: ~ 9.7k
🍜 a/n: writing this makes me feel lonely and hungry and that, my friends, is a deadly concoction of emotions so while i wallow in my misery, i dearly hope you’ll enjoy this creation. i'd love to hear from you <3<br>
🍜 reference notes: yt channels: maangchi, one meal a day, bore.d; netflix shows: midnight diner, street food: asia, chef’s table
🍜 tag list: @changshapatrol​ @j-pping​ @kyungseokie​ @exosmuttytalk​ @his-mochi-cheeks​  @littleflowercrown13​ pls lmk if you’d like to be added/removed from the tag list!
Water bobs in frenetic bubbles in a massive ancient stone pot perched atop a fort of raging wood. Amidst brutal peals of thunder, a gushing stream rises from a nearby hill, obscuring the shrill cries of the sacrificial crab.
Chanting a spell, you lift the enormous crustacean by its pincers and lower it into the growling, pitch black utensil. Blubbering helplessly, it lodges its claws at the rim of the pot in desperation, seeking escape. The sound of your maniacal laughter reverberates through the cave as you thrust it back into the violent undulation with a heavy-handed flick of the bladed-spatula. 
All of a sudden, you’re swept over with a wave of unconsciousness, your skin tingles, and boiling water begins to fill up your lungs. 
You are alone at the bottom of the very same utensil.
“Help!” frantic, you stagger up, gasping for air. But the bladed-spatula wielding crab, now untied and hovering over you, roars jubilantly at your defenseless form.
Maybe the spell didn’t land, you think. 
“Please, Chef!” you whimper as a last ditch attempt. 
In one swift motion, it swooshes down to your eye level. 
Bushy black brows sprout on its forehead, just a little over a pair of big brown circles for eyes. Then comes the nose, followed by a bloody red mouth that snarls at you.
“Late again?” 
4:00 a.m., your phone blinks.
In a sleep befuddled state, you reach out for the wailing device. ‘Late again?’ Chef’s cold, deep voice sounds in your consciousness as you wipe the droplets of sweat off of your forehead.
Doh Kyungsoo had insisted on the title and you’d boldly refused to call him that. What business does a man working at a Kalguksu stand in Gwangjang Market have, being called Chef. You’d seeked redressal with the higher ups. The owner. 
Your aunt.
“Aegiya, he has something that you don’t.”
“A dick?”
“YAH! A degree in culinary arts.”
“Imo, haven’t you watched Parasite? Anyone can forge documents these days and if so then why is he here? He could very well land a job at Four Seasons like Hyunjin. Think, Imo. Think!” 
“Exactly! With forged documents, he could be anywhere. But he’s here, no?”
“Maybe you’re just easier to manipulate.”
Finally, she said in her no-nonsense, stern voice. "Chef. You’re calling him Chef.”
Every time the egotistical madman opens that darned mouth of his, it makes you want to knock him down with a roundhouse and beat the living daylights out of him. 
But, counting to five, you always resist the temptation. 
Because one day, one glorious day, you’d take over your aunt’s business and the very first item on your agenda would be….well, the obvious. With a glimmer of hope, you flounder out of your comforter, muttering every cuss word you’d learnt…and crafted in the course of working with the devil himself.
“Ah 3000 is a bit too much for cucumbers", he says to the middle aged vendor, flashing a boyish grin. 
The face of sourcing has drastically changed in the last six months since Kyungsoo’s arrival. Prior to his dictatorship, Imo had tie-ups with vendors who’d hand deliver the produce every single day, without fail. Guess Kyungsoo didn’t fully comprehend the benefits of customer loyalty. ‘There could be better quality ingredients out there, Sajangnim…economically priced, I might add’, he’d convinced your aunt using his military corporal voice. No matter if it meant awkward break-ups with the vegetables ahjumma or the prawns ahjussi: you were left to do the dirty work.
And required to tag along for the routine 5 a.m sourcing runs. Every morning, he’d greet you with an accusatory ‘you killed my cat’ expression.
Groaning, you shift your weight from side to side. If only he’d quit flirting with every woman in the market and hurry up! The purchases have long exceeded the capacity of your humble cart. Flailing your numb arms awake, you urge him to speed up with a nudge of the knee but he glares at you like you’d asked him for a kidney. 
Kyungsoo has a tendency to overbuy but never does he help with a single bag. ‘I don’t like to sweat’ is his excuse. Which is pretty ridiculous considering he spends over ten hours a day overseeing a scorching frying pan at the stall. 
But you know better than to argue. 
Because as much as you loathe every fibre of his existence, he terrifies you a little. The man possesses the duality of a psychopath. As fierce as he is in the Market, ruthlessly competitive even, he’s quite the sweet talker. Incredibly charming. And you can bet your life on the fact that every ahjumma - whether or not a rival - would take a bullet for him.
“Ahdeul-ah”, the woman coos at him, making your insides violently contort, “you know how tight the market is these days. But I’ll throw in some more only for you.” 
The additional weight of three kilos on your right arm ends your sourcing run for the day.
“Chef”, huffing, you say to him on your way out, “I had a late night last night.”
“And I need to be privy to this little nugget of unwarranted information because?” He paces ahead of you at his usual lightning speed.
“No, I meant, could we stop”, panting you continue, “could we stop for a quick cup of coffee.”
Halting abruptly, he turns around to look you square in the eyes, “No.”
“Asshole!” You murmur under your breath.
“I heard that.”
Monday at Choi Yoonsun’s Kalguksu stall was busier than usual. 
It went by in a daze amidst the cacophony of a sizzling girdle, clanging of pots and pans and Imo’s relentless vocalization inviting guests to the stall. Having served thousands of bowls of Kalguksu and Kimchi Mandu, you rely heavily on muscle memory to get you through a workday’s demands.
Despite its massive chaos and commotion, you quite enjoyed working in the Market. 
Not being particularly skilled at much and having nearly flunked out of high school, cooking was the one thing that defined you. It was your safe harbour. You’d lost your father in an accident at the tender age of ten and your mother was forced to work long hours to put food on the table. So you honed your culinary skills, little by little, because you thought it vital for your own well-being as well as your mother’s. 
One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.
At the end of yet another rewarding day, you leave a wet towel soaking in vinegar for Kyungsoo to clean the iron girdle and proceed to tend to the dirty dishes yourself. 
“Yahh!” Imo calls out for Kyungsoo and you, thumping her hand on the table, gesturing for you to join her.
“Ahh! Imo, there’s a huge pile of dirty dishes!” You cry out in response, only to turn around to find that ass-kisser already at the table, schmoozing with your aunt. Hastily taking off your grubby apron, you wash your hands and wipe them clean with a rag cloth. Straightening your black shirt, flattening unruly flyaways, you rush toward the table but she’s already up and ready to leave, “We’ll have dinner together tonight. I want to have a word with both of you.”
“But -”
“Sajangnim”, Kyungsoo interrupts, wagging a finger in your direction, face scrunched up in mock concern, “this one’s had a late night last night -”
“Chef! So I guess I’ll be seeing you tonight. As if seeing you every day of every week wasn’t enough already!” 
An overtly saccharine smile spreads across your face and his jaw hardens in response.
“Aish….you two…I’m leaving now”, shaking her head, she sighs, “see you both in two hours.”
Kimchi jjigae, Pajeon, Tteokbokki, Jajangmyeon, some leftover Bibimbap with sides galore from Hong Lim Banchan Stall. Imo clearly has something important on her mind.
But the vibe at the dinner table just doesn’t sit right with you. 
The reason for that could be the bespectacled black hole of negativity that’s seated besides you in all black clothing but there’s something off about Imo. 
She’s being a little too nice.
Fear gradually starts to settle in your bones. Is she finally closing down? Is this delectable fare an attempt at softening the blow? After all, she’d settled her husband’s debts over five years ago and her sons were doing well for themselves. Quite well, in fact. The elder one, Hyunwoo, is an investment banker and the younger one Hyunjin went to culinary school and is working as a chef at Four Seasons’ Chinese restaurant. It only makes sense for her to trade the Market’s gruelling ways for some much deserved peace and quiet.
“We’re closing down the stall”, she says coolly.
It’s like a punch in the gut.
“Imo -”
“Aegiya”, she rests her chin on her hand, face clouded over with serenity, “the Market’s given me everything. It’s given me a sense of independence…a sense of pride. It put my family back together. I used to think that I’m nothing without my husband and my sons…but the Market gave me an identity. I continued to work even after my husband’s passing not because I needed the money but because this is something that I’ve created and I’m mighty proud of what’s become of it today. My name is a brand in itself. And a decade ago I couldn’t have imagined this even in the wildest of my dreams.”
A million scenarios cascading through your head drown out Imo’s voice.
Would you now have to go back to Bucheon? Or invest in a stall of your own at the traditional Gwangjang that would never accept your big and bold ways with cooking? And to start from scratch? With a new recipe? Kalguksu with a twist, perhaps? But you had no insight into your aunt’s special broth. She’d never let you or even Kyungsoo for that matter whip up the hand-cut noodles. The two of you only ever helped with the ancillary tasks.
You soon come to the realization of not being the only one caught in the eye of the storm. Kyungsoo’s unwavering gaze is scarily fixated on the bowl of jajangmyeon before him. His miserable state gives you a fleeting sense of relief and it’s in that exact moment that he chooses to say something unpalatable.
“Sajangnim, you’ve worked too hard. It’s time for you to reap the fruits of your labour. We’ll be fine, you don’t have to worry about us.”
Of course he’ll be fine. 
Nearly all food stall owners in Gwangjang have been vying for him ever since the day he set foot into Choi Yoonsun’s with his phlegmatic personality. Whereas you had nowhere to go. The world conveniently assumes Imo hired you only because you were her poor sister’s daughter who she sought to help financially. Not because you had what it took to be there and survive.
“Did I say I was ready to retire?” She laughs, eyeing Kyungsoo quizzically. 
“Here’s the thing..I met up with a friend last month. She was looking for a buyer for her little family run restaurant in Gangnam. So I took out a loan, made her an offer”, balling her hands into fists she sighs, “put in the deposit…and the place is pretty much mine now!”
“IMO”, you yell, “you didn’t have to scare me with that long winded speech! God, you’re so dramatic!”
“Well, it is a big move. I’m not sure either of you are ready to take the leap. It requires a tonne of work and I may not be able to pay half of what you earned at the Market for at least two months until we open. It’ll take the restaurant two years or so to break even and only then will I be able to afford scaling your salaries. On the other hand, what I can do is, help you secure a job at the banchan stall since you love seasoned spinach so much and Kyungsoo even stands a chance at managing one of the Pakgane stalls!”
Pakgane is the mung bean pancake stall that had gotten so popular that the owner managed to branch out of Gwangjang. So even your beloved Imo believes that you’d make for a better “help” and Kyungsoo, a Manager. 
“I’m coming with you”, you say firmly, “I’ve saved up a little and Eomma will gladly pitch in, if need be…”
At this point, you’d expected Kyungsoo to be ready with his luggage considering the little sycophant he is but his expression is stoic, eyes still glued to the jajangmyeon bowl, filling you with insane hope. 
He was going to jump ship…finally!
“Chef…”, you couldn’t resist, “you don’t have to worry about us…I’m more than enough for Imo. You may…”
He shoots you an angry glare making you chew on your unsaid words. But wanting to rile him just a little more, you excuse yourself and bring out a bottle of ketchup. Squeezing it generously atop the stack of pajeon, you snicker maliciously. 
The tangy, unassuming condiment is the sole reason Kyungsoo abhors your very existence. But as this dinner marks the end of his torturous regime, you celebrate with ketchup - lots of it - right in front of his nasty eyes.
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Steam swirls in different directions and at every twenty metres a contrastive redolence tickles your olfactory senses. Experiencing Gwangjang as a guest is clearly a far richer experience compared to the donkeywork involved in life as a vendor. 
A proper send-off is essential lest Kyungsoo decides to stay, even if it means creating a huge dent in your pocket. You plan on giving him a final tour of the Market where you could both say your goodbyes while receiving a premium fuel of vitamins, minerals and carbs. 
Lots of carbs.
“Let’s start with Pakgane”, says Kyungsoo, with a skewered sausage in one hand.
Wanting to start with nothing less than the best in order to create a lasting impression, you shake your head in response. This was supposed to be a farewell he’d never forget.
With every step, the aroma of scallops drizzled with butter and cheese grows stronger. You start your tour by ordering two portions of the delectable street food which sets you back considerably but you’re far too elated to care, even refusing Kyungsoo’s offer to pay as the woman sets the scallops ablaze with a blow torch.
“Do you know what this technique is called?” Kyungsoo gives a little nod in the direction of the flaming food.
A teachable moment. How does his own personality not wear him off?
You’d made a firm resolve to not let any of his condescension bog you down so with a sweet smile, you reply, “No, Chef. I do not.”
“Flambé, minus the alcohol. Do you know how they manage that?”
The ahjumma calls out for you and you nearly jump to collect the order, the slight upward curl of his lips coming into your peripheral vision.
The Market supposedly looks the same as it did fifty years ago and you quite enjoy eating your way through it. The tour makes your heart grapple with nostalgia even though your partner’s vibe is akin to a mug of insipid coffee.
Although you’d spent only a little over a year at Choi Yoonsun’s, the goodbyes were long and hard. Some of the vendors squeeze you and Kyungsoo in heart wrenching hugs, the others give you a little cash to help you through the transition and for some of the food, you pay only with smiles and thank yous.
After a gastronomic fiesta entailing tteokbokki, pajeon (minus the ketchup - you did it Kyungsoo’s way), sashimi, kimbap, different types of banchan, a thousand more teachable moments, the both of you end the day on a sweet note with hotteok. 
The ahjussi wishes you both luck, making you choke back tears. 
Your moist eyes don’t escape Kyungsoo’s attention.
“Are you…. Is the hotteok spicy? No, I mean it’s obviously not…erm”
The dam of your tears explodes. 
You were going to miss this place. Even the less appealing aspects of it. You were going to miss the kimbap unnie who greeted you with a hug everyday, also the snooty mandu ahjumma who could hardly stand the sight of Choi Yoonsun’s crew. You were going to miss washing dishes in the winters with water that was supposed to be ice and the sweltering summers that had you sweating through every layer of clothing. 
Hell, you were even going to miss Kyungsoo.
“No”, you sniffle, “No, no Chef, it’s nothing. Take care of yourself. As much as I’m glad that our fateful working relationship has met its rightful end, I truly, genuinely, wish you luck. And learn to smile a little more, yeah?”
“Are you dying?” Eyes glinting, mouth agape, he chuckles.
“What? NO! What? You’re leaving. What is wrong with you?”
“Who says I’m leaving?”
“You! You’re not coming with us to Gangnam!”
“Says who?”
“Your stupid face that looked like it was hit by a freight train when Imo broke the news last week!”
“I’m not leaving?” He draws his words out in a question.
“This is no time to joke, Chef. You are leaving!”
“Says who!”
“Your stu-”
“Stupid face? I wasn’t planning on leaving at all. I’ve even found myself a place close to the restaurant. Oh yeah, sorry for having misled you. It was really just - my stupid face.”
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A month from Grand Opening
It’s not just about food.
Food only makes for a fifth of a restaurant’s success equation. Management and promotional skills are essential because a restaurant is, first and foremost, a business. 
Mark Lee, the young consultant from PCY Associates had imparted this crucial business knowledge to your compact team of three aspiring restaurateurs in exchange for an egg sandwich and watermelon juice. The enthu-cutlet has been overseeing the legal set-up of your humble restaurant for a month now. 
However, according to Mark, the crème de la crème of the success equation is customer service. 
Customer service. 
Here’s where the crusty Chef was supposed to take a backseat and you - a real people person, a socially adept charmer - were to sashay in and shine. 
These ideas were a bit too much for that thick, globular skull of his so you tried to educate him with a practical example. 
He’d added a rule to the first draft of the menu - a shared document for brainstorming purposes. It read ‘No ketchup for you.’ This rule (or insolence as you called it) went against your belief system as the restaurant’s to-be-anointed Manager (a girl can always hope). ‘Never say no to a customer’ being the foundation of customer service, you slashed the rule with a strikethrough. 
But the next time you tried to log in, you found yourself locked out of the document. 
“Chef, why can’t I find the draft menu anymore?”
He’s aggressively julienning leeks, pretending to not have heard you. 
“What?” Finally, he looks up. The skin between his eyebrows pinched and his arm raised to level his brand new 1-piece chef’s knife (initials etched into the blade) with his profile.
“Why-why did you lock me out of the draft menu?”, you stammer, gaze trained on the cutting edge glistening with tears of The Leeks.
Kyungsoo’s been visibly getting jittery by the day as opening day approaches.
He deliberately places the knife to the side of the board and you take a gutsy step forward. He uses a cold, serial-killer voice to ask, “What makes you think that I locked you out?”
You lean over from the other side of the granite counter, face barely an inch from his, “Who else could’ve? Imo is technologically challenged.”
“Fine”, he sighs, “I locked you out.” His lips curl up in a menacing smirk, “What are you gonna do about it?”
Grinning, you stare right into his dark eyes and let out a shrill, high-pitched scream, “IMO!”
This throws him back a few steps and he’s rubbing and pulling at his right ear when Imo walks into the kitchen. 
“Yah! Am I your babysitter? Whatever it is, I don’t want to hear about it. I am asking you”, she looks at you before spinning her head in Kyungsoo’s direction, “and you, to sort this amongst yourselves. For once!”
“But-but Imo!”, you protest.
“Aegiya, I really don’t want to ship you back to Bucheon.” 
“Here’s your tax ID, liquor license… okay so this was a touch-and-go because the officer is transferring to another Department and the one that’s supposed to be coming in is a real piece of work….” 
Mark Lee is here with the final set of documents. 
Imo’s eyes are gleaming with excitement and sheer joy but she’s held a businesswoman-like composure. On the other hand, Kyungsoo looks very much like himself - like someone’s sucked the life out of him. 
You bring Mark his usual egg sandwich and watermelon juice because there’s only so much your restaurant can offer at this point in time, feeling brutally overwhelmed with the volume of pending tasks until opening.
After practically inhaling his mini-meal, Mark dabs his mouth clean and says, “My work here is done. If you need anything you know where to find me. And good luck. Trust me, you’ll need it.”
Imo looks worriedly at Kyungsoo and then at Mark and at Kyungsoo again which prompts him to ask rather uncomfortably, “What do you mean ‘you’ll need it’?”
Mark’s dramatically long sigh is an indication of a sermon to follow. As he leans back into his chair, Imo and Kyungsoo instinctively cower like an invisible weight has been plopped onto their shoulders. The sight is beyond pathetic: they are like peasants before a feudal lord. It makes you want to smash the know-it-all smirk off of Mark’s face.
What comes after, though, isn’t a sermon but a sentence and a half that leaves the three of you shaken.
“The dining business here in Gangnam is hyper-competitive and most restaurants fold in six months. And if that sandwich is any indication…”
Kyungsoo valiantly advances to rescue your team out of the dark bubble of Mark Lee’s words with, “What’s wrong with the sandwich? She makes a perfectly good sandwich!”
What was supposed to be a compliment somehow sounds very wrong in your head, but before you could give him the death stare he leaps to damage control, “What I mean is, we all ate the very same sandwich for breakfast. I don’t usually dissect food for novices but the egg was perfectly cooked, mayonnaise was just the right amount and the seasoning was balanced, too. So I’m not sure what you’re trying to say. We’re serving perfectly good food here.”
“The thing is, this is something even my mother could make and dude, believe me, she’s terri…her culinary abilities are highly questionable. Also, do you think your friend would’ve sold you this place if it were thriving, Mrs. Choi? She’d inherited it from her grandfather and she sold it to you at a dirt cheap price because she was neck deep in debt. I’m sure you know, real estate here is three and a half times the country’s average. So not only do you have significant funds locked into a possibly deadweight property but also your plan clearly lacks vision. Gwangjang’s Choi Yoonsun can keep you afloat for four…maybe six months but Gangnam’s Choi Yoonsun has to create an identity for herself. Look around you, everyone’s serving good food”, Mark tilts his head in Kyungsoo’s direction, “Here, people eat with their eyes first. Now, I’m not saying family-run restaurants serving traditional cuisines don’t do well. A lot of them have been passed down for generations. What I’m saying is…..find your USP.” 
Mark squints, looks into the distance, and pinches the air a lot during this damp squib speech of his.
So the menu isn’t very different from what Choi Yoonsun served in Gwangjang. Her USP has always been homestyle cooking with a twist. But that was the demand of a Market that upheld traditionalism and Gangnam, being precipitously everchanging, would be quite something to keep up with. 
The weight of Mark’s words manifests on Kyungsoo’s shoulders. He lets out a sharp exhale and starts to clear the table, giving him plenty non-verbal cues to leave. You rush to help him out and meet his defeated form (crouched over the sink) in the kitchen.
The shuffling sound of your footsteps reaches his ears and he pivots to face you.
“We’ll be okay”, your voice is but a calm whisper prompting his creased forehead to slowly smoothen.
“We’ll be okay”, he forcefully echoes.
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Grand Opening Day
A frisson of fear laced with excitement descends your spine.
Choi Yoonsun’s is enveloped in a pin drop silence save for the sound of Kyungsoo’s pacing. It’s grating on your nerves but Kyungsoo pacing is far better than Kyungsoo “going over the plan” for the umpteenth time. 
The kitchen’s prepped for battle so you’re seated at the cash counter, cuddled close with Imo, placated by her soothing, motherly presence. The three of you are like ticking time bombs, ready to go off at any minute.
This, right here, is the perfect example of a pinch-me-it-doesn’t-feel-real moment. You allow yourself to feel the forces at play as your eyes take in every nook and cranny of the restaurant. The place is agreeably well lit and the ventilation hoods aren’t an eyesore either. The decor’s minimalistic with a sand and stone colour scheme and the floor’s been scrubbed spotless. Eight sturdy wooden tables, tactically placed, allow for movement and privacy yet the area has been optimally utilized. 
Fifteen minutes for the ‘Open’ sign to light up. 
Kyungsoo and you proceed to help each other out with crisp bright yellow aprons affixed with red name tags (handpicked by Imo, the aprons made you both look like dumpy chicks) and clear plastic masks and wish each other luck with curt nods.
Imo’s sons are the first to arrive with some friends in tow. They are served with Kyungsoo’s Yachae Twigim and Budae Jjigae, your Gyeran-mari and Kimchi Bokkeum-bap and of course, Imo’s famous Kalguksu and Kimchi Mandu. Makes you wonder if they’ve had enough of it but they seem to be greatly enjoying themselves. Some of Hyunjin’s friends from Four Seasons are here too, their mighty presence driving Kyungsoo to the edge.
But a few compliments from them are enough to soothe his nerves.
Among the flurry of patrons through the day were vendors and stall owners from Gwangjang along with their family and friends, Kyungsoo’s acquaintances who you knew nothing about and neither did you care enough to ask, Mark Lee with his very handsome boss Park Chanyeol also dropped by sometime around noon. 
Your mother couldn’t make it to the opening. It stung a little but as usual, you sucked it up and went on with the highly stimulating day that anyway left you with very little time to mull over any unpleasantness.
By the end of it, you were pretty sure you’d wake up with blistered feet the next morning. 
It’d been a splendid opening with sales tallying up to KRW 2500,000: nearly two and a half times the estimate. Imo breaks into a dance at the figure, even Kyungsoo lips stretch into a reluctant grin.
You intensely wish Mark Lee were here to witness this euphoric win.
Six months later
Mark Lee had been right. 
Choi Yoonsun was miles from creating an identity in Gangnam. Regulars from Gwangjang could make it to the restaurant only twice or thrice a week, support from acquaintances had been gradually trickling, and some negative reviews floating around the internet about poor table turnover had also been driving potential guests away.
You tried to mitigate this by hiring part timers at minimum wage but for several reasons, none of them managed to stay: anti-social hours and Kyungsoo’s hostility being two of the key causes.
On your best days, the sales would total up to KRW 1500,000 and the weekday numbers had been dismal.
Your eyes light up at the familiarity of that voice. Mirroring its excitement, you run into the arms of its owner.
Kyungsoo peers over his glasses while scrubbing the iron girdle, studying the floppy haired, cheerful man with a wide grin plastered across his face that’s pranced into the kitchen at closing time. 
Byun Baekhyun has been your best friend since time immemorial. Growing up in Bucheon, he’d been the only family you’d known besides your parents and Imo’s family. You weren’t even as close with Hyunwon and Hyunjin as you were with Baekhyun. Since work always kept your mother busy, his parents had practically been the ones to raise you and not once did they make you feel like an outsider.
“Yah! Quit calling me Dooly we’re not kids anymore! Have you eaten? Let me whip you up something real quick. Look at youuuu, when did you get this skinny! How long are -”
“Not to interrupt, but you’ve left the water running”, Kyungsoo drones, lazily pointing in the direction of the sink. 
You clearly remember turning it off before darting to greet Baekhyun.
‘Sonofa-’ exasperated, you mouth to Baekhyun, whose eyebrows have shot up to his hairline out of vicarious embarrassment, before turning around to face Kyungsoo who seems to be scrubbing the iron girdle to gold. “Chef, you’re closer to the sink.”
“Reiterating. You’ve left the water running. If you wanna go on tittle-tattling, by all means….this wastage is on you.”
“Make yourself comfortable”, too exhausted to pick a fight, you whisper to Baekhyun, gesturing towards the closest table, “I’ll be with you soon.”
“It’s bad”, Imo sighs, burying her face in her hands. 
11 P.M., two hours past closing time. 
The sparse lighting in the restaurant is causing you an eyestrain to look at the scribblings on the register. Your neck and shoulder muscles are tense from all the chopping, stirring, and scrubbing: a slow day does not translate to an easy day. You notice that Kyungsoo is growing weary, too. 
Or maybe discouraged.
You communicate with each other in evasive glances as if the restaurant not doing well is, somehow, on the two of you. 
“Imo”, Baekhyun speaks first so as to allay the looming dread, “I’ve been reading the online reviews and those who’ve visited here have been raving about the food - especially the Kalguksu. They say you’ve brought the flavours of Gwangjang to Gangnam. There’s this one thing, though - ”
“Sajangnim”, Kyungsoo interrupts a zealous Baekhyun’s pitch, “I don’t think this is any of his business. We’ve been keeping track of reviews and such - ”
“Let the boy speak. He’s family.” She says softly, pressing her fingers to her temples, clearly clutching at straws now.
Kyungsoo clenches his jaw and nods in Baekhyun’s direction, indicating him to continue.
“There-there”, Baekhyun stutters, eyes fixed on Kyungsoo who’s vaguely fascinated with his cuticles, “are some complaints about slow service. Particularly between starters and mains.”
After an uncomfortably rich pause, Imo gently rests her hand atop Baekhyun’s “Baekhyunah, how long are you here for?”
“For as long as you need”, the apples of his cheeks rise as his eyes crinkle into a gleeful smile.
“Somebody is early. Also, the cart looks different…it’s..?” 
Dressed in his usual black athleisure, round eyes framed with chunky glasses, Kyungsoo jogs lightly to match your out-of-character sprightly pace into the market. 
“Bigger. I bought a new one.” You chirp, shooting him an out-of-character smile.
Even the dreary weather isn’t a buzzkill because today is supposed to be Baekhyun’s first day at work.
“How did you get Sajangnim to agree? She can be -” 
“Miserly? Stingy? Close-fisted? Also, when will you stop calling her Sajangnim?”
“Just so that you can stop addressing me appropriately? Dream on. And I meant economical. Sajangnim is economical.”
“Chef, do you even listen? I bought it. With my own money. I figured since we’d need more ingredients now, we could use a bigger one.”
“And how did you come to that conclusion?” Impervious to his smug tone, you step away to pick up a one kg bulk pack of dried shiitake mushrooms while he’s examining a small batch of zucchini. 
“Because Baekhyun’s gonna be working with us now.”
“Temporarily. And we’re suddenly going to start doing better because of an inexperienced, unemployed -”
The wheels of the cart hit his ankle when you swivel it, making him wince in pain. 
“Oops! Sorry.”
“You did that on purpose!” He chides.
Half-shrugging, you say nonchalantly, “Serves you right. Baekhyun may be inexperienced but he isn’t unemployed. If anything, he’s doing us a favour. He’s whimsical like that.”
“I know”, he states, forcefully taking control of the cart, “I know he isn’t unemployed. He owns a Hapkido training academy for elementary school children and is on a break these days. I looked him up. I, personally, wouldn’t have hired him if it were my restaurant but I’m sure Sajangnim -”
“Chef?” You stop dead in your tracks.
“You’re on…” you wanted to say ‘social media’ but the words sounded almost blasphemous to be used in front of a very uptight Doh Kyungsoo: a man with absolutely no online presence. 
“What is it?” His eyebrows knit together in annoyance.
“Nothing, let’s go.”
“You know what else is different today?” He says on your way out, a mischievous smile tugging at his lips.
“You. You’ve showered.” He chortles, thinking he’s being funny.
But with a hardened expression, you let him know that he’s crossed a line.
“Too far?”
“A tad.”
“Let’s get you some coffee.” 
“No.” You smile inwardly, relishing his apologetic tone.
“We have to pick up Baekhyun’s apron and nametag.”
At first you thought you were imagining this. 
A group of high school girls frequenting Choi Yoonsun’s must obviously be because they want to get healthy, homely meals instead of the trash served at fast food chains or the uneconomical subsistence of instagrammable cafes. They’re obviously not here for the charming server with an athlete’s body and a boyish grin.
“He should wear respectable clothing”, says Kyungsoo, indicating at Baekhyun’s skinny jeans and fitted black tee, hiss sharper than the sizzle of minced garlic in butter.
“Why, I don’t think his cleavage is showing”, you retort, scooping out a serving of rice from the cooker.
“You have absolutely no shame”, he states matter-of-factly, stirring the soup pot.
“What? Is my cleavage showing, too?” You ask in mock-surprise, fixing your apron theatrically.
“Forget I said anything.” 
The aroma of Kimchi Jjigae had you salivating and you couldn’t wait to taste it for seasoning. Kyungsoo’s cooking amply made up for his drab, lacklustre personality. 
“Chef, lighten up. Any publicity is good publicity.”
“You sound like a tabloid journalist”, leaving the soup to simmer, he turns around to face you, “What’s wrong with your hair?”
“I got a haircut”, scrunching your face you respond suspiciously, the fact that he noticed it despite the hair cover makes your heart palpitate.
Taking the unwarranted attention away from your hair, you ask hastily, “You think they’re here for Baekhyun and not your food, right?” 
“Ye-yes”, he stutters, looking away.
“These people wouldn’t be here time and again if it weren’t for the food, Chef. You should know that.” 
Moving closer to him, you lightly dust flour off of his shoulders. 
“How did you get flour on your shoulders?”
His ears go scarlet. 
Imo comes into the kitchen while Kyungsoo and you are preparing for the day ahead. Baekhyun has gone down to Bucheon to oversee the affairs of his training academy. 
“There’s this new officer who’s reviewing all liquor permits issued this year. Be careful and make sure to check all IDs twice. I’m taking the day off. Will you two be okay by yourselves?” She swooshes out of the kitchen, not bothering with your incoherent replies.
“Can’t believe they’ve ditched us on a Friday.” You grumble, soaking clams in fresh water.
“We’ll be fine.” Kyungsoo reassures you.
It had been quite the day and nearing closing time, your feet were going sore. Baekhyun taking on the toughest role in the restaurant made you greatly appreciate his efforts. While most guests are civil, he’s experienced his fair share of rowdy ones firsthand and his ability to deal with them is unparalleled. He’s never, ever let any matter escalate to a point of embarrassment and has demonstrated the maturity to overcome every crisis situation with a smile on his face. 
The fact that he’s only temporarily here suddenly starts to wear you out. 
Kyungsoo sticks a handwritten note on the steel holder which reads - Yangnyeom - 2. It’s only been a little over eight months since the restaurant’s been fully functional yet the holder’s worn out more because of use and less because of time. 
“About time we advanced to kitchen order tickets, right? Saves Baekhyun…or either of us unnecessary excursions to the kitchen. Also, billing will be simpler that way.” You offer while straightening your apron and getting ingredients ready for Kyungsoo to prepare the sauce.
“Yeah, it does”, he seems really out of it as he’s getting chunks of juicy chicken ready for the fryer. He’s moving around the kitchen rather clumsily, nearly tipping over the bottle of corn syrup.
“Wah, Chef, are you alright? Would you like me to do this?” 
Resting his back against the wall, he slowly sinks to the floor, face buried in hands. “Yes, please.”
While you’re preparing a sauce the recipe for which you know like the back of your hand, his instructions don’t cease. The only thing you’ve ever liked about working with this man is that contrary to Imo, he does not believe in micromanaging. But right now it feels like you’re in the kitchen with her and not with Kyungsoo.
The tension causes you to lower the chicken into the fryer hastily resulting in specks of flaming oil to splatter onto your arm. 
He’s quick to rush to your aid with a cold towel.
“Yah, Chef, you’re making me nervous, what’s with all this nitpicking?” You almost yell at him as he’s gingerly dabbing the towel on the affected area.
“I’m sorry, I am so sorry. It’s just”, he pauses briefly, worrying at his lower lip, questioning eyes peering into yours, before helping you with the chicken - slightly more confident in his movements now, “whatever you do, don’t get out of the kitchen. Table number four, those guys there, are weird.”
“Weird, how?”
“Rowdy, mannerless and drunk. Really, really drunk. Steamrolled by the ‘Friday happy’.”
“Ah, Baekhyun’s well-versed with their kind. Don’t worry, just be polite. Are you sure you don’t want me to intervene?”
“Positive and whatever happens?”
“Stay put. Chef?”
“It’s only thirty minutes to closing. We can get through this, okay? And don’t accept further orders!”
Twenty minutes after, you’re aimlessly scrolling through your phone to take your mind off the stabbing pain in your lower abdomen. Simultaneously playing a little game of inventing the kind of content Kyungsoo would upload if he were a user on these sites only to be jolted with the realization as to how little you know about the man.
As the restaurant’s occupied with boisterous conversations and raucous laughter, you’re counting seconds to closing. Multiplying three hundred with every bracket of five on the clock.
The din comes to an abrupt halt when you hear a middle aged man bellow, “Yah, punk, do you have a death wish?!”
Gradually moving closer to the door, you try to get a view of the scene outside.
You see a polite but firm Kyungsoo bow before the man, “We can’t serve you any more alcohol, sorry, we’ll be closing now.”
The other two men along with the nasty vermin have long passed out. You quickly call for a cab, subconsciously grabbing a hold of Kyungsoo’s knife in the process.
Kyungsoo recoils as the man grows louder by the second. “We cannot serve you anymore alcohol, sir.”
It happens in a flash. 
So fast you almost feel like you’re astral projecting.
One moment, the man raises a hand to strike Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo swerves. You dash out of the kitchen with the knife in your hand. Face to face with the man, you scream until your lungs hurt, “GET OUT! I SAID GET OUT OF MY RESTAURANT!”
The vermin’s companions stir at the sound. 
With frightened eyes they take in the scene as their drowsy brain is still trying to assess the situation for action. They soon pull the man by his shoulders while Kyungsoo’s tugging at your knife bearing arm that’s still raised in combat mode, simultaneously apologising to the rowdy guest.
Wagging his sausage like finger at the both of you he warns menacingly, “You have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into.”
Slapping the tab on their table, you proceed to threaten him, “Settle this and get - the fuck - out of my restaurant before I call the cops.”
Throwing a couple of bills on the table, he staggers out, grumbling, “You just wait”, still wagging his finger and reeking of stale alcohol. 
It was only then that your grip on the knife eases as Kyungsoo carefully draws it out of your hand and you see, just like you, he’s shaking too.
“What just happened?” He’s the first to speak as you sit across the table from him, dark orbs glinting in the dim light, forehead beaded with sweat. His hands are tightly wound together as he places them on the table. One day without Baekhyun and Imo and Kyungsoo and you had messed up real bad. By the looks of it, neither of you were ready to accept this fact.
“We did exactly what we were supposed to do. Stop worrying!” You say more to yourself.
He’s not convinced.
“Chef, that man’s reaction wasn’t something that you could’ve preempted or….controlled in any way.” Finding yourself getting mildly annoyed, you try your best to lay the edge off of your voice. All you wanted was for him to be alright because, technically, none of this was his fault. 
“Would you have allowed him to take a swing at you?”
“He was far too drunk for that”, he exhales heavily and you notice his stance relax before clamping up again, “but you-you came out with a knife!”
His tone isn’t accusatory. He’s simply baffled.
“Fight or flight…”
“It’s my knife.”
“I’ll be sure to hide the murder weapon.”
He nods slowly.
“Do you need some water? Tea? A hug?”
You half expect him to scowl or groan or whatever it is that he usually does but he seems to be actually evaluating his options.
“A beer?”
“Down for Chimaek?”
Stood up to go into the kitchen, you awkwardly, and very, very slowly put an arm around his shoulders and give him a tight squeeze.
This was your first time having fried chicken and beer in complete silence - a few minutes felt like hours with the incident still hovering over both of you.
“Chef, you know we haven’t murdered anyone right?”
“The restaurant feels like a scene of crime to me. Also, what did he mean by ‘you just wait’?”
“Eh. Empty threats. Testosterone poisoning. Do you think they’ll throw me into prison for threatening him with a knife?”
“You should be sent in for pilfering stock”, he says gesturing at the tray between you, taking a chunky bite of the chicken, “you were going to take this home, weren’t you? It’s good, by the way.”
“Ah, this makes me happy”, you lean back into your chair, smiling discreetly at Kyungsoo’s messy fingers and mouth.
“A compliment from me makes you happy?” His eyebrows shoot up as he takes a swig of beer.
“Testosterone poisoning”, you say pointing an accusatory finger at him, “I couldn’t care less what you think. I’m pretty confident in my skills.”
“As you should be. Then what ‘makes you happy’? The thought of going to prison?”
“Yes”, you lie, “you think I’ll have a prison bitch?”
“I think you’ll be the prison bitch.”
You open your mouth to protest but what escapes is a mortifying burp.
Uncomfortable silence.
Meeting his eyes, you purse your lips, feeling your face flame. He smiles at you and says, ‘wait for it’, before belching. Loudly. Sending you both into fits of laughter.
“What happened here last week?”
Kyungsoo and you are seated opposite Imo like criminals before a cop in an interrogation room. Baekhyun is holed up in the kitchen, cleaning. For the most part, he avoids conflicts like these where Imo’s red hot beam of anger could be misdirected at him. 
She’s glaring at the responsible child, Kyungsoo, to break first but since it was your idea to keep the incident from her you start to explain. By the time you’re done she seems angrier, but not at the two of you. Only after a tiny lecture on how you should learn to be more tactful in such situations does she spell out her real concern.
Turns out the man the both of you had a scuffle with last week is the new officer’s brother-in-law. Now, the restaurant’s received a notice from the liquor permit’s office for an “inspection” in the coming week. Although aware that this situation isn’t either of your fault, Imo is far from pleased with this development.
“Fix this”, she orders and disappears into the kitchen.
There’s only one person who can help you out of this mess, but neither Kyungsoo nor you possess the emotional capacity to deal with him. 
“He’s our only option”, you deadpan.
With a heavy sigh, Kyungsoo dials Mark Lee.
Mouth stuffed with egg sandwich, Mark Lee garbles, “What do you want from me? It’s an inspection so let them come and - inspect.”
Imo’s taken off for the day and it’s just you and Kyungsoo trying to sort out the mess you weren’t entirely responsible for. 
“You said we could call you if we needed help with anything”, Kyungsoo reasons with Mark who’s now ogling at him as if he just got spoken to in an alien language.
“Yes, but I don’t see how I can be of help here?”
“Tell us anything you know about this new officer. Don’t leave anything out.” You’re nearly begging at this point and Mark Lee, as always, is reveling in your misery.
He relaxes in his seat, swirling the glass of watermelon juice, “You know you can’t buy your way out of this right? He’s an uptight bugger and you screwed up! Big time! All you had to do was give his brother-in-law a bottle of beer.”
“Oh, we’re sorry we didn’t have his family tree handy”, Kyungsoo rolls his eyes, “Besides, were just trying to abide by the rules - ”
The helplessness in Kyungsoo’s voice causes you to lose your cool at Mark. “Yah! Quit being cocky and just tell us everything you know!”
“Oh-oh feisty”, his mouth spreads into an annoying grin, “okay so he loves his wife, obviously, it’s why he’s doing this. Has an eleven year old daughter who is the apple of his eye. Erm, let’s see, he’s spent his teenage years in Japan and the country is all he’ll ever talk about. Piss him off and this inspection turns into a review and if things continue to spiral you’ll have your permit revoked. So be careful.” His eyes lock with yours making you shift uncomfortably in your seat.
“What are you planning to do with this information, anyway?”
“We don’t know just yet”, Kyungsoo starts clearing up the table, as usual, and Mark knows that his time is up.
“Dude”, he leans towards you, whisper-chortling, as Kyungsoo retires into the kitchen, “did you drive him out with a knife?”
Nodding, you grin gleefully.
“Fiery! You’re totally my boss’ type.” 
“So what are we going to do?” Rubbing your eyes and stifling a yawn, you ask Kyungsoo.
While the world sleeps, the market is awake. Buzzing with a contagious energy. Although you hate having to wake up this early, the moment you step into this space, you’re completely taken by its vigour and gusto for life. 
It’s nothing short of a celebration.
Chefs, big and small, passionately scour every nook and corner for the perfect herbs, veggies, and meats. You may not know each other closely or even by name but you feel part of a community - part of a family. True to character, you won’t ever stop whining about this routine with friends and family and occasionally with Kyungsoo, Baekhyun, and Imo but you know it in your heart of hearts, you wouldn’t skip sourcing for the world.
“So he’s spent his teenage years in Japan right?” Kyungsoo muses, lowering a crate of mudfish in the cart for today’s special, Chueotang.
“Let’s recreate his teenage years for him. Japanese dorm meals?” 
Kyungsoo stops abruptly, “That’s a thought!”
“We can set the menu today after closing.”
“How about a coffee now?” He asks, averting your gaze as a slight smile forms on his lips.
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On the morning of the inspection, Kyungsoo sneezed. Once. Twice. And on the third strike he was sent home by Imo because “this is not a good look”. Or forced out of the restaurant - depends on who you ask. He whined a little, even shed a few tears but Imo steeled herself and drew him out, anyway.
Although the menu is simple, the concept is layered and robust. The exercise is, after all, being undertaken merely to impress the officer in question. Well equipped for the inspection, the restaurant’s closed for the day. 
This is nothing Baekhyun and you can’t manage but, obviously, Kyungsoo feels otherwise. He’s been calling to check in in intervals of five but seems like the medication’s finally kicked in and put him in a state of deep slumber. Good for him. And for you. 
Two hours until showtime.
Under your close supervision, Baekhyun is labouring over the fairly straightforward stuff: tako sausages, potato and macaroni salad and egg sandwiches while you’ve kicked off the recipe for rolled omelettes.
Egg mixture aside, you start the rice cooker, leave green tea to boil for salmon ochazuke while the frying pan’s heating up for yaki udon.
Once you’d gotten all the dishes down, done exactly the way instructed by Kyungsoo: rolled omelettes, yaki udon, tako sausage, potato and macaroni salad, egg sandwiches and salmon ochazuke, it was time for you to take on the simplest but the most provoking dish on the menu.
Neko Manma. Or, cat rice. 
“Ah, Dooly, shall I bring out the jar of bonito flakes?” Baekhyun prompts.
“The one Chef brought us this morning?”
He hums in response.
“I think we should use the store bought one instead.”
“But he’s worked on this recipe all week. You sure you wanna do that?”
“He’ll flip out.”
“I’ll deal with it. We’re altering the recipe for Neko Manma, this ones too pretentious. Doesn’t sit right with me.”
“So, what do you want to do with it?” Baekhyun’s tone is wary and questioning. 
“Rice, soy sauce, store bought bonito flakes and just a faint drizzle of butter. Nice and clean.” You respond confidently. 
“Are you really sure?”
“Why are you here?” You hiss at Kyungsoo while Imo is outside, busy greeting the motley of high-headed officials, giving them a brief of the restaurant, herself, her team, and going over the licenses and documentation. 
Face flushed, Kyungsoo’s lips are swollen and his eyes are runny, puffy, and bloodshot. He’s clearly in the need for some rest.
“To see if everything’s in order.” His voice is hoarse.
He starts to closely examine the entrees laid out, a smile of approval gracing his lips until he stops short of cat rice.
“These bonito flakes -”
“I didn’t use the fresh ones. I thought -”
“There’s no miso soup?” 
“No, Chef, I reckoned -”
“No grilled fish? Are you being lazy?”
“Chef, no, I am not being lazy. The original recipe just didn’t feel right. So i changed it up a little -”
“Changed it up? That decision was not yours to make!”
“It’s just a side, it’s not going to matter so much!”
Absolutely livid, he runs a hand through his hair and laments. “If we weren’t this close to serving i would’ve dumped this into the bin because that’s where it belongs.”
“Chef, please”, your voice quivers, “let me explain! This was supposed to be the lightest dish on the menu. We ended up styling it with… overwhelming ingredients, so I -”
“I’m utterly confused! What on earth led you to believe you’re qualified enough to teach me? I’ve trained at a diner in Tokyo for two whole years. I know exactly what I’m doing here!”
Eyes brimming with tears, you glance over and Baekhyun who has ‘I told you so’ written all over his face. 
"Kyungsooyah? When did you come in? What’s going on here?”
Imo’s bewilderment cuts through the tension. 
“Sajangnim, I was feeling slightly better so I thought of dropping by to wish you luck." 
Courtesying, he quickly dashes out through the back door. 
The inspection has been revoked. Unofficially, atleast. The restaurant is to receive a written order in a week’s time. 
The officer was impressed to the extent of apologising for his brother-in-law’s behaviour. He even lauded Imo on teaching her staff to stick to the establishment’s principles which made you wonder if he was fully aware of the facts of the case: knife and all. 
He also mentioned how, as a student, he’d eat a bowl of Neko Manma before every exam because at the time, to him, anything else was unpalatable. 
And that, this was what he considered to be the perfect recipe. 
You go through the rest of the day as if sleepwalking. How stupid could you have been believe you were “on good terms” with Kyungsoo or that this was an equal and productive partnership. The fact remained that he still thought of you as someone frivolous: some air-headed moron who has no idea what she’s doing. 
Someone beneath him. 
You made an effort to appreciate this victory but the day had only left you with a bitter taste. Your mother had been right. You’ve always been too soft. Too trusting. Letting people in too easily and allowing them to walk all over you. 
Now, Kyungsoo’s always been like this: controlling, stubborn, absolutely thorough. He never deviates from his well laid out plans. But today was different. Today, you expected something out of him. You expected him to trust you. You expected him to understand your reasoning, to give you a chance. To comprehend the fact that you could have a mind of your own and that not everything has to be exactly by the book. 
You loathe yourself for expecting this out of him. 
Sailing rough seas together doesn’t bloom friendships. You were stupid to think of him as a friend while, in all these months, his opinion of you had remained the same. 
Contrary to the Gwangjang days, you’d long stopped wishing him gone. In some farthest corner of your heart you were even grateful that he chose to say. 
You’ve been so stupid.
Two months later
The kitchen has been fervent but hushed. 
After all this time, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and you seem to have found a rhythm. You don’t need to verbally communicate to get through a workday. 
But, you used to. 
Sometimes unnecessarily even. Kyungsoo and you hardly saw eye to eye on most things but there would be some semblance of friendly workplace banter. He’d say a little something about a perfectly done piece of meat or a well seasoned soup. Baekhyun would take wickedly funny pot shots at some of the customers (to the utmost horror of Imo). Imo would sporadically push morsels of whatever was being prepared into your mouths. 
Baekhyun receiving feedback in the form of grunts has shut him up altogether. And the busyness of the restaurant has seemed to have blinkered Imo into not being able to perceive the tension between Kyungsoo and you.
It’s a dance to no music. 
Furtive glances. Measured smiles. Curt nods. Exceptional dishes. Decent earnings. 
That’s it.
Maybe that’s how it should’ve always been.
“Ready to go?” Baekhyun asks, dressed in a well fitted black shirt and slacks. 
You’re mopping the floor. Clearly not ready to go.
When you make this known with a sharp glare, Baekhyun giggles. 
Nothing good can come out of that impish smile of his. But before you can sink your claws into him and drag him back, he’s already chatting up Kyungsoo who’s fixing the chairs.
“Kyungsoo, you coming?” He says a little too loudly and you groan. But you know Kyungsoo all too well. He’s one to decline offers involving socialising with you (unless of course, the offer is put forth by his dearest Sajangnim). 
’You can do better than that’, you mouth to Baekhyun.
Incurious about Kyungsoo’s answer, you’re fully prepared to chomp Baekhyun’s ear off for inviting him.
“Sure”, Kyungsoo says plainly.
Without taking the where-what-why route like normal people do? Just..sure?
“Great! We’re going out for drinks since it’s Dooly’s birthday today.”
“Oh. Happy birthday.”
“Thanks. But, Chef, you can’t come. I don’t want you there. I’m sor-”
Swallowing the apology crackling at the tip of your tongue, you dash into the kitchen, your periphery catching his lowered gaze and tight smile. 
Regularising the erratic thrumming of your heart with deep breaths, you shove the mop into the storage area, take off your apron and throw it in the laundry bag (which you were to deal with the next morning), straighten your outfit, fix your hair, dab some rosy tint onto your lips, throw your tote bag over your shoulder, run back out, grab Baekhyun by purposefully lodging your nails into his arms, and take off.
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johannstutt413 · 3 years
(requested by calligomiles; continuing from this)
Natalya carried Anna back to her room, listening to her softly breathe as the heiress’ own heart continued to race. This whole turn of events was...some part of her was supposed to say ‘unfortunate,’ but all that came back was ‘exhilarating,’ ‘fortunate,’ ‘sudden but expected.’ Why did the thought of breaking that stony heart of Sonya’s actually make her feel good? What kind of karma was it that the advisor, whose heart she’d broken first, was her accomplice?
And would she ever stop over-fucking-analyzing this stuff? Seriously, what was her damage that she couldn’t just relaaaax? That’s probably why she lost the General, honestly-
“Natya?” Oh, Rosa’d never been more grateful to hear someone’s voice. “Heh. Wun’t a dream, then?”
“Unless it’s a particularly vivid one, and we’re somehow sharing it. Which pocket is your key in? I don’t want to spend too long searching.”
Istina smiled. “I wudn’t mind...Left jak’t pok’t.”
“Old habits?” She slipped her hand in, fished out the key, and made her way across Anna’s threshold. “You’ve always kept your important things in that pocket.”
“Not all of ‘em,” the advisor protested softly.
Natalya patted her head as she looked around the apartment. “Enough of them. Are you tired?”
“Nope.” She yawned. “You?”
“More than a little. May I stay the night?” They were walking to the bedroom, with no sign of stopping.
Anna sleepily giggled. “Heheh. Fine with me~”
“Thank you.” Rosa set her on top of her covers, kissing her forehead, before turning back around. “I’ll be right back. Something I need to do first.”
“Whateva you say...Zzzz...”
Moving quickly, the heiress pushed the couch over to the front door, wedged a small table against it to be doubly sure the entrance was impregnable, and just to be sure, she set a tripwire with a lamp and its plug as a final warning system. She knew the General would try to find them here, and might even try to join in on the snuggling Natalya was about to give the advisor, but not tonight. Not tonight, or ever again, as far as she was concerned; maybe this was just the booze and her frustration talking, but even if this was just a one-night stand, she was taking back control of her love life.
It was that self-empowerment she clung to when she walked back to Istina’s bedroom, and the reception she got was “Zzz...”
“I expected as much.” She sighed, shedding her coat and other extraneous articles of clothing before tucking her under the covers. “Well, I have your permission to stay the night, so hopefully when you do wake up, you haven’t forgotten that. Sleep well, dear Anechka.”
“Mmkay.” Istina rolled over to face her bedfellow, albeit clearly still out of it.
The heiress tucked herself in, gave the unaware bear one more forehead kiss, and resigned herself to a peaceful night’s sleep.
That night, going back to Anna’s place, the General found the door locked and, after pushing on it a bit, blockaded as well; not only had they presumed she’d come for them, but they’d also made sure she couldn’t get into the room. Well, then...Still feeling the three bottles of vodka, Sonya made her way to Rosalind’s room.
The halberdier was definitely feeling tired after four bottles, but she nonetheless was awake enough to open the door. “Oh heeey, Gen’ral! Trouble at home?”
“She’s done with me.” Zima walked inside and collapsed on the couch. “I figured it’d happen soon enough, but moving on to Anna, of all people? Never would’ve guessed.”
“I think it worked out pretty well, though.” Leto fell onto the couch from the opposite side, propping the other Ursus up with her shoulder.
The General sighed, setting an arm around her shoulder. “Could be worse...Yer not worried, are ya?”
“You leave, I follow, Gen’ral,” she reassured her, “even if that’s after a break-up.”
“Well, third time oughta be the charm. You cold, Rozz?”
She chuckled. “Maaaybe. Wanna help me warm up?”
“Damn straight.” Or exactly the opposite, as Sonya plucked her from the couch and carried her off. “Let’s make up for lost time.”
Istina woke up the next day with a splitting headache - as to be expected, after all the drinking she did. There was something else about last night, wasn’t there?
“Nngh.” A wince next to the advisor startled her, and opening her eyes in spite of their protests, she saw Rosa lying next to her. It looked like she was having a nightmare. Had...Did she steal the heiress away last night?
‘What would Rada do at a time like this?’ was her first thought, and luckily, the chef was such an open book, it wasn’t hard to figure out. After popping a migraine pill from her nightstand (a necessity for a philosopher like herself), Anna curled around the distressed Ursus, careful not to wake her but still make sure her presence was felt. ‘What was that tune she used to hum, when we were tossing and turning early on? I don’t remember anymore.’
As it turned out, she didn’t have to, because Natalya’s eyes creaked up not too long after. “Good morning, Anechka.”
“Something happened last night if you’re calling me that.” Rather than be bothered by the possibilities, however, Istina found herself rather happy to be lying there. The heiress made a lovely pillow.
“Yes and no.” Rosa shifted a little to shrink the space between the two of them by millimeters. “I did stay the night, but you fell asleep at the bar and didn’t wake until now. You did kiss me at the bar, if you don’t remember that.”
She did remember that, actually; it was what came after that was a bit hazy. “You took me home, and Sonya didn’t say anything about it?”
“What would she say about it? She doesn’t own me.”
“...So that’s what happened, then.” Istina smiled. “When they said revenge is a dish best served cold, I don’t think they meant in the aftermath of two bottles of vodka. You blockaded the door, I assume?”
The heiress nodded. “Just in case.”
“Then I suppose we’re not going anywhere else today.” The medicine was definitely doing Anna some good right now.
“Oh, definitely not,” she agreed. “I’ve been waiting for a second kiss since the first one.”
Well, that was an easy fix.
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leviskokoro · 4 years
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Just an extremely self-indulgent personal story for Mari. I hope you enjoy! Art by my friend @Another-magic-user on DeviantArt.
??? :: Mari....
??? :: Mari
Mari :: Huh...? Is this a dream? That voice sounds familiar.
Mari :: Wait... Lilith?! What are you doing here?
Lilith :: I don’t have much time so please listen, my dear descendant. Now that you’ve manifested your wings once, it’s time that you learn to control your celestial form.
Mari :: And how do I do that...?
Lilith :: Each angel has a different way of manifesting their celestial form. You must find what drives you to continue living.
Mari :: What drives me... That’s—
Mari :: Gah!
Grim :: Geez, you’ve been oversleeping a lot lately. I’m the one who had to wake you up this time.
Mari :: Sorry. Let’s go get to class already. We’ll be late.
[—transition screen—]
Grim :: nom nom nom.. Uwahh, food tastes even better when you’ve been so hungry
Ace :: What happened this morning? We didn’t see you two for breakfast. 
Mari :: Sorry, I ended up oversleeping. 
Jack :: Have you been staying up late again? 
Sebek :: Human! You should know better than to stay up late! This is why you’re so short.
Mari :: I don’t remember if I even stayed up at all. All I remember is this dream I had.
Deuce :: It must have been some dream if you wanted to sleep more because of it.
Epel :: What happened in the dream?
Mari :: Well...
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Mari :: Ace, Deuce, and Jack are aware of where I came from but I don’t believe I’ve shared this info with Epel and Sebek.
Mari :: The world I came from had three realms: the Celestial Realm, The Human World, and the Devildom. The celestial realm is where angels live and the other two is pretty self explanatory.
Mari :: For 1 year, I was taken to the Devildom and lived there as a human exchange student. And in that year, plenty has happened and I learned many things.
Mari :: One of the things I learned was that my ancestor was an angel that was reborn as a human. Meaning that I have angelic blood flowing through me, despite being born human.
Sebek and Epel :: :0!!
Mari :: In my dream last night, my ancestor spoke to me. She told me that I must learn to control my celestial form now that I’ve manifested wings like once during the time we were stuck in Scarabia.
Epel :: You can turn into an angel?!
Mari :: Yeah but problem is... I don’t know how to control them so I’ve only done it once my whole life and that was when Jamil overblotted and threw us out of Scarabia. Everyone was falling and I panicked. The wings appeared and I was able to fly to save everyone else.
Jack :: Well, did she tell you how you can control it?
Mari :: Yes. She told me that each angel has a different manifestation technique and that I need to find my “drive” to continue living.
Mari :: I’m not sure what mine is, though.
Ace :: Sheesh, that’s pretty heavy. Isn’t there an easier way?
Sebek :: It’s important to have resolve and drive for existing! You should follow my example.
Epel :: !!
Ace :: ugh, does he ever stop talking about him? It’s so dumb.
Deuce :: Epel, are you alright?
Epel :: Y-Yeah, that just surprised me.
Mari :: Hmm... I’m not sure if that will work out for me.
Jack ::
Mari :: Hey, Jack. Your 「 Unleash Beast 」 transforms you into a big wolf, right? How do you do it? Do you feel anything when you do?
Jack :: Well... I kind of just let my instincts take over when I use 「 Unleash Beast 」 and all my senses are heightened.
Mari :: Instincts, huh? Hmm...
Deuce :: Do you remember how you felt before turning into an angel?
Mari :: I saw everyone was falling, I felt the urge to help but felt useless in the situation. Then there was this really soothing feeling, like I was calm and the wings came, I grabbed everyone and landed safely.
Ace :: So your drive to live...
Deuce :: is to help people?
Jack :: So you’re really just like that, huh?
Sebek :: That is a noble reason to live! I can respect that.
Grim :: Is it really? I can see it being really easy to take advantage of her.
Grim :: She’s lucky to have the Great Grim to save her when that happens.
Mari :: That’s nice and all but I still don’t know how I’ll use that to control my celestial form...
Jack :: Can you just try to remember that feeling you had during that moment?
Mari :: hmm—
Ace :: Wait, shouldn’t she try it outside? It’s going to be difficult if she transformed here
Mari :: Ah, good point. Maybe I’ll try it during PE.
[—transition scene—]
Mari :: Ugh, I’m trying as hard as I can but it won’t work.
Ace :: Maybe it only works when someone really needs help.
Vargas :: You two! Stop slacking off! Your muscles won’t develop this way.
Ace and Mari :: Yes, sir...
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Grim :: Ow... My body is still sore... Vargas is really thorough when it comes to class.
Mari :: Yeah. I just wanna fall asleep already— Zzzz....
Grim :: Fgnaa?! She passed out on the bed!
Grim :: ...
Grim :: Well, she’s been working hard these past few days. She deserves the rest.
*rustle rustle*
Grim :: There. Tucked in.
Grim :: Time to sleep too... Zzzzz
Mari :: Yawn... Wait— This isn’t my bed. Where am I??
Mari :: Grim! Wake up!
Grim :: Hnnnggg.... Five more minutes...
Mari :: Grim, I’m serious! This is an emergency!
Grim :: H-Huh... Fgnaa?! Where are we?!
Mari :: I was wondering that too. Maybe we’re just dreaming?
Mari :: Wait... I see some people in the distance running towards us—
Ace :: Mari! Grim!
Grim :: Fgnaa?! It’s the rest of the first years!
Deuce :: Thank goodness we found you. We just woke up in this strange place and don’t know what’s going on.
Jack :: You’re the only ones I’ve been able to sniff out so far.
??? :: Mari, it’s good to see you again after so long.
Mari :: !!!
Mari :: SIMEON?!
Mari :: Where are we? Do you know what’s going on??
Ace :: Eh? You know this guy??
Sebek :: Explain yourself at once!! You are speaking to a retainer of the future king of the Valley of Thorns!
Mari :: Uhh, guys, meet Simeon, he’s an angel from the Celestial Realm. I met him during the exchange program in the Devildom and he’s a friend of mine.
Simeon :: It’s good to see you again, Mari. You’re all in the Celestial Realm and—
Ace :: WE’RE DEAD?!
Jack :: Calm down, we’re not dead.
Simeon :: Yes. Fortunately, this is just a shared dream between all of you.
Epel :: But what for...?
Simeon :: The Archangel Michael told me that a new angel was having trouble learning the ropes so I brought you all here in a dream.
Mari :: W-Wait... So you can’t bring me back home?
Simeon :: I’m afraid so. This is what the best of my abilities can do to help you. I’m sure the 7 brothers will figure out a way for you home.
Mari :: Okay...
Ace :: So, I get why Mari is here, but why are the rest of us here?
Simeon :: Mari will need your help, as her friends.
Deuce :: Well, I guess I can’t ignore when a friend needs help as an honor student.
Ace :: Dude, it just sounds lamer the more you say it.
Mari :: So what’s wrong with me? I found my drive to live but I still can’t manifest it.
Simeon :: You know what drives you, but something is holding you back.
Mari :: ...
Grim :: Eh? What would be holding her back?
Simeon :: Mari, it’s about time you started to trust them. You’ve been living carrying a great weight for so long.
Mari :: ...
Simeon :: You’ve been helping everyone, but you haven’t helped yourself.
Simeon :: Unfortunately, I can’t be with you throughout this so please take my words into consideration before you all wake from this dream.
Ace :: What the—?! He disappeared!
Epel :: Who just says all that and disappears...?
Jack :: Mari. Hey. Snap out of it -shakes her-
Mari :: H-Huh..? Oh. Thanks, Jack.
Deuce :: Do you know what he was talking about?
Mari :: Yes... However, I’m afraid of how you’ll see me if I tell you.
Grim :: Why would it change how we see you?
Mari :: I was already the “useless and weak magicless student” to you guys for so long. If I revealed everything, you guys will just see me as weaker.
Deuce :: You never saw me differently after the first time I showed my delinquent side.
Epel :: But... you’re not weak or useless.
Grim :: Hah, if you were useless, the Great Grim wouldn’t have you as a servant!
Jack :: Yeah. I don’t think I’ve met anyone that has lived in Hell, has been nearly killed several times, actually died once and then came here, helped take care of the overblot incidents without showing any fear.
Jack :: You’ve been magicless and yet you’ve survived for this long.
Ace :: Only an idiot will think you’re weak.
Sebek :: Indeed! You may be human, but you’ve proven yourself many times.
Mari :: I... Thank you, guys. I promise I’ll be more honest with you guys from now on.
Mari :: W-Woah!
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Mari :: Ah... I’m not used to being complimented so much. It’s kinda embarrassing.
[—Fog fills the place—]
Mari :: Yawn... What a pleasant dream. That’s a firs— Huh?! I still have my wings...
Mari :: So it wasn’t just a dream...
Mari :: ...
Mari :: How am I gonna get through the door? My wings are too big.
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vivilove-jonsa · 4 years
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silver linings in the zombie apocalypse 
@jonsadungeonsanddrabbles​  Day 5 Prompt-Frosty mornings
Thank you @amymel86​ for the poster!!
“Shit. We’re out of ‘em.” He’d been ready to tear his hair out in frustration. How could he have miscounted?
“I don’t care. I want you, Jon.” She’d been just as desperate as him, yanking off her flannel before helping him unbutton his jeans.
“I’ll try and…fuck, Sansa…”
They’d slipped away to their tent while the others had still been singing and drinking after Grenn and Dacey had discovered three suitcases of beer in the ranger’s station last night. It’d been a brief respite in the shit world they live in now.
Sansa had been singing by the firelight for everyone when he’d not been able to stand it anymore. "About time to catch some zzzz's, isn't it? " He’d taken her hand and given a tug as she'd laughed at him, not caring if some whistled while others groused over him interrupting their songbird.
Robb had smirked at his pathetically horny friend. He’s known for a while now what a goner Jon is for her. He’s not said anything since the two of them came back from their successful supply raid three weeks ago, suddenly more than childhood acquaintances and co-survivors. More than friends who occasionally snuggled and kissed in the dark of night, too. He’d only reminded Jon that he had watch in the morning before they were out of earshot.
He’d meant to pull out. He’d failed. Drowning in Sansa every night these past three weeks is a comfort that only leaves him wanting more. Last night was no exception.
The now unaccustomed buzz of alcohol in his blood combined with the slick, tight grip of her pussy, her moans and the way her tits bounced with that red hair spilling all around them as she rode him on top of their sleeping bags had him cumming much quicker than a grown man probably should.
Should’ve gone back to that grocery mart and wiped them out while I had the chance.
The life they’re living, the world they find themselves in these days wouldn’t be safe for a pregnant woman.
But someday? Kids? Yeah, he’d like that with her.
A year ago, Sansa Stark was just a pipedream for him. Robb’s pretty little sister that Jon Snow (not without some shame, mind you) rubbed one out thinking of when he was alone in the shower up at Castle Black upon occasion.
It only took a zombie apocalypse to make his dream a reality. There’s a silver lining to everything after all.
It’s cold this morning. The ground and tent will be covered with frost but they’re still snug inside. He wishes they had some coffee to share, that they could just be two lovers enjoying your run-of-the-mill camping trip. He’s not sure Sansa would’ve cared much for camping before though.
He’d let Ghost in to join them after they’d finished and Sansa’s currently nestled between his body and the dog’s, nice and toasty. His feet are cold so he presses them against hers. She mutters sleepily and he’s grinning.
The national park isn’t a place they can stay forever but Jon wishes it was. They’ve only found one walker here, a forest ranger from the looks of his ragged uniform. He’d been easily disposed of.
It’s so beautiful with the mountains surrounding them and the leaves turning amber and crimson. There’s a crisp, clear stream truckling along nearby which had lulled Jon to sleep in his post-coital bliss. It’s better than the shuffling steps, the groans and hisses of the undead in the city.
That thought has him thinking. They can’t stay here indefinitely because they need some supplies that the wilderness can’t provide. They’d get awfully tired of unseasoned deer meat. Ammunition doesn’t grow on trees. Nan’s heart medication and other medical supplies don’t either. Neither do condoms.
“Hey,” she says softly, waking up and breaking the flow of his thoughts.
Actually, the thought of condoms and their lack of last night is still very present in his mind as he tilts his head to look into those bright blue eyes.
“Your worrying woke me.” She’s teasing but she knows him too well.
“Sorry. I’ve got watch this morning but I’ll bet there’s a pharmacy in that little town we passed through on our way here six days ago.”
She nods thoughtfully. “They’d probably have what I need…just to be safe.”
The morning-after pill. He can’t get her pregnant. Not yet. Not until they’re somewhere really safe assuming she’d even want that. He’ll work up his nerve to ask one day.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…”
“Shhhh.” She presses a finger to his lips and she’s smiling at him with so much tenderness it makes his chest ache. “It’s okay. We’re in this together, right?”
“Right. No matter what, we’re together. I’ll ask Arya to cover my watch and head there asap.”
“Not without me, you won’t.”
He starts to argue because he hates for her to be in danger. Towns and cities are always risky. But she also saved his ass three weeks ago and, when push comes to shove, she’s a better shot than she gives herself credit for.
“I’ll tell Robb and we’ll take Ghost.”
He kisses her before tugging on his boots, opening the flap of their tent and stepping out into the frosty morning. He breathes the autumn air in deeply and helps her to her feet when she comes to join him. Their hands are twined together.
“You know I love you, right?”
“I know,” she answers, smiling as she lays her head on his shoulder. “You know I love you, too, right?”
“I do.”
They stand and listen to the birds chirping their morning greetings to each other for a few minutes before getting to business.
For a world turned to shit, it’s a beautiful day and he’s happy. Maybe they won’t even have to deal with any walkers today. A guy can hope.
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tragidean · 4 years
doing life with me (15.3k) [ao3]
The Budget ZZZZ Motel has probably seen better days, with its yellow brick exterior and red shingled roof. Fishing the key from his pocket, Dean unlocks his room and shoulders his way inside, a pizza box in his hands and a two-liter under his arm. Not the finest of dining, but better than nothing, especially in a town this small. Two double beds sit flush against the wall, barely a foot from the dresser on the other side of the room. Small is an understatement; a closet is probably bigger than this. At least there, he would have room to walk to the bathroom without tripping over a power cord or the carpet bubble on the floor.
“Dinner’s up,” Dean says, kicking the door closed. The picture frame on the wall rattles, and Castiel looks up from one of the beds, his skin cast yellow in the fluorescent light of the nightstand lamp. Outside, snow falls, and even with the portable heater running in the corner, Dean still shivers as he strips out of his coat.
Castiel helps him by taking the two-liter, hopping off the mattress to come back with two Styrofoam cups from the bathroom. Kneeing his way onto Castiel’s bed, Dean plops the box between them and backs into the headboard. His spine twinges, knees aching; even after two shots, he still can’t get the taste of shame out of his mouth.
“I did something stupid,” Dean admits once Castiel comes back, handing Dean a cup.
“I thought you were checking the morgue,” Castiel says. He pops open the box and takes a slice—not because he needs food, but just because he can. Part of going through the motions, like wearing pajamas and socks, only because it’s supposedly more comfortable than his normal getup.
If anything, Dean likes looking at him like this, likes seeing him more… human. Less imposing and more like the man Dean admires. Maybe a little too much. “After that. Which, by the way, I don't think it’s a wraith.” He takes his own slice, folding it in half and devouring nearly half of it in one bite. Mouth full, he continues, “Hole in their necks? Where someone bashed them over the head with a fireplace poker and got them with the hook.”
Castiel winces. “So we drove here to investigate an actual homicide?”
“Looks like it.” Dean takes the two-liter and balances the cup in his lap, managing to pour himself a drink without soaking his pants with Coke. He swallows a sizeable amount before coming up for air; carbonation tickles the hairs peppering his upper lip. “Kinda hit up a bar on the way back.”
Castiel lifts a brow. “How do you ‘kind of’ visit a bar?”
Because I was horny, he could say. Castiel deserves to know the truth, though, however sordid it is. “Sign out front said half off shots, and I thought I’d hustle my way into some free booze,” Dean starts. Simple enough. Only, Castiel doesn’t buy it, based on the furrow of his brow. “Y’know what, fine. I had a craving, if you catch my drift.”
A red flush heats Castiel’s cheeks, just barely. “So you went to a bar to…”
“Hook up, yeah.” Dean glares down at the pizza and bites into the rest of his slice. “Only, the guy chickened out, so I got dinner and drove back.”
continue reading on ao3
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queenofnohr · 4 years
Twisted Wonderland Event: Scary Monsters - Episode 5-7
Dreamwidth link here.
Episode 5-7: If You Hold Back, It’ll Be a Heavy Loss!
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-Main Street-
Grim: *sniff* *sniff*...... Oh, something smells good over there! I’ll eat all the food here. Time to go on a delicious journey! Crowley: Ah, get back here, Grim! Are you listening to me!? Yuu, keep a better eye on Grim!
> Please leave it to me. > I’ve already lost sight of him......
Woman A: Excuse me…… Riddle: Hello. Is there anything you need help with? Woman A: Yes, there’s a person sitting at the edge of the venue…… I’m worried he might be unwell…… Silver: Zzzz...... zzzz...... Riddle: ......*sigh* Don’t worry, he’s just sleeping. Thank you for your concern. ……Silver. It’s a violation of the Queen’s laws on etiquette to sleep in a place like this! Silver: Urk! I ended up falling asleep even though it’s Halloween…... Riddle: Jeez…… Though I suppose it is very like you to fall asleep even with the atmosphere as lively as it is. Silver: Sorry. I ate too much and unintentionally drifted off. Jade: I shall clear your empty dishes. The vegan dishes are over on that table. …...You want a photo? Of course, it would be my pleasure. Okay, pose.
Silver: Has Jade been taking care of guests this whole time? What amazing endurance…… I’ll have to train harder. Riddle: I wonder if he likes doing it. Even so, it may be a problem since he’s been working hard for the past seven days...... Floyd: Jaaaaaaaade~ Who cares about taking care of those people, come eat alreadyyyyy~ Jade: But as host, I must entertain our guests. Floyd: But there are lotsa other Organization Committee members and you’re all supposed to take turns so it’s fiiiiiine. I’m tired of you always working harder n’ later than everyone else, so let some other guys do it and let’s have funnnnn. Riddle: I, too, have a problem with it…… Jade. Didn’t you work hard for Halloween? You should at least enjoy this final party. It’s been quite a while, but you still haven’t eaten anything. Why don’t you sit down for a meal at least? Jade: My, my…… I must be blessed to have such caring peers. Floyd: You’re lecturing Jade, but you also haven’t really eaten anything, Goldie. Even real goldfish eat more than that, yeah? You won’t grow any bigger with just that~ Riddle: Wha…… I’m intaking exactly the correct amount of calories per day! Floyd: You’re sayin’ “intaking exactly the correct amount of” blah blah blah whatever like that’s gonna fly today. Maybe if you eat lotsa yummy food, you won’t be so angry. Aha. Riddle: What did you just say……!? Ruggie: He’s right, Riddle~!! When you eat, you gotta eat as much as you can! If you hold back, it’ll be a heavy loss for you! Silver: Ruggie…… It’s amazing that you’re carrying seven whole plates at once. Ruggie: Oh, Kalim! What table did ya get that expensive meat from? Kalim: Hm? Oh, it’s the table by the entrance! Ruggie: Thank you~! I’ll grab some too. Come with me, Riddle. This is the meal we’ve been working so hard for up ‘till now. It’s all-you-can-eat fish, meat, and dessert for me! Ah~ Halloween really is the best. Silver: Speaking of dessert, the blue cake in the middle of the table was delicious. Riddle: Cake…… Ah! Ahem. No, I’ll refrain since I’m already full. Floyd: I’m hungry for dessert~♪ I also wanna have someeee. Take me to it, Jellyfish. Silver: Alright. Ruggie: I’m coming too! Today I’m gonna eat till I burst~! Shishishi! Floyd: I’ll bring you some food too, Jade, so sit here and wait. Jade: Fufu…… Then I’ll take you up on your kind offer. I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of food you’ll bring me. Floyd: Okay~ C’mon, let’s go Goldfish! Riddle: Hold it, Floyd! Stop pulling me so hard…… Agh, fine!
Episode 5-6 ← Index → Episode 5-8
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