#overthinking forever yay
monsterbisexual · 8 months
if i call in sick to work i shld tell them im having symptoms of emotional turmoil, physical agony n excessive bleedinfg so im gonna stay home bye
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rklve · 9 months
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summary: your life choices left not only yours, but jungkook's heart broken in peaces. now you're back in town, and just like pluto, even if it's cold and dark, he tends to orbit around his sun forever.
➣ pairing: jk x f!reader
➣ genre/au: exes to lovers; angst; slow burn; fluff; smut (eventually).
➣ 3.4k words
warnings: e2l. oc broke koo's heart :( but she did not mean it. they both overthink too much. jk is such a pet dad (BAM IS HERE YAY). oc is a confused mess. mutual pining. cursing. a lot of angst (sorry!). jungkook is a simp, head over hells crazy about oc. fluff bc why not. tae is bitter asf but he's right on this one. jk is the best boy I WANT HIM!!!!!!!!!!
song inspo: rainy days — V
wish I knew how to find the way right back to you, on rainy days like
part one | part two | drabble one
“I can't take it anymore,” Jungkook says as he stumbles for the seventh time on his feet walking around the living room “I’m losing my mind, Bamie.”
The dog looks at his owner with his head pointed sideways as if he understands what he’s been sorrowing about for the past 10 minutes. The rain pours angrily outside the apartment, Jungkook sighs as he realizes talking to his big ass puppy won’t solve any of his problems.
“She’s like, 5 min away from us, Bam! I should text her, right?”
He looks over his phone again, your instagram story is open and a picture of a window full of raindrops is seen — he knows where you’re at, you’ve both been to that coffee shop over a hundred times for the past years now. Can’t remember the last time he’s been to that place ‘cause he couldn’t stand the thought of being there without you. Now he’s wondering, wondering, wondering. Wonders if you’re back for real this time. If you are alone. If you are thinking about him too. Wonders what would happen if he just replied your story right now.
@jeonjk97: heard it’s the best caramel macchiato in town 👍
No— that’s too lame. Quickly erases the message.
@jeonjk97: want a ride home? it’s pretty bad outside. 
Throws his phone on the sofa as he realizes he doesn’t know if you would accept his offer, doesn’t know if you’re sharing an apartment with Lola again either. Realizes he doesn’t know anything that’s been going on with you for a while now. More than what you let your 897 followers on Insta know too, at least. Blames himself for it, but knows it was for the best. Misses you like a fucker anyway.
“I should just call her.”
He picks up his phone, then also realizes he deleted your number months ago so he wouldn’t call you whenever his drunk ass thought it was the right thing to do. 
“For fucks sake, grow some balls, Jungkook” he whines angrily at the air purifier as if it is the source of his problems. “Okay, Taehyung will know what do.”
He calls his best friend quickly, and prays Taehyung picks up before he grabs his car keys and drives himself to the colorful little cafe at the end of the street. Remembers how much you loved that place and the cookies they served. One caramel macchiato with extra topping and two medium chocolate cookies. You always ordered the same thing. Every damn time. Said it was in you, to never let go of the things you loved. You let go of him anyway.
“Jungkook-ah! Why are you calling? I told you I can't go out—“ 
“She’s back in town.” He cuts Taehyung abruptly and suddenly the other line is mute as well. Probably doesn’t believe it’s happening just as Jungkook didn’t believe himself minutes ago. 
“Man, are you sure? Like, back for real?” he says, and Jungkook swears he can hear the disbelief in his tone from the other side. Yeah, he knows Taehyung is full of his late night calls to talk about you. Knows he is the one that’s been listening to it for months now —besides from his dobermann, of course— he’s the one who gets it, ‘cause he’s the only one who feels bitterly betrayed too. You were one of his best friends and yet, he didn’t knew your plans to move out from Busan as well. 
“Aish, I’m not sure hyung. But she posted a picture a little while ago at the cafe down the street.” he blurted out, “Can’t even think straight now, man. You think she’s back for the holidays?” 
Taehyung wondered for a little while. It was still August, Chuseok was weeks later. He didn’t say it out loud, but it wasn’t like you to drop work for so long, even if it was to visit your hometown. Nevertheless, he didn’t want Jungkook to get his hopes up. He knows how he is. Doesn’t want to see his friend’s heart breaking all over again.
“Mmm. Maybe, don’t know.” he sighed out loud “I thought we agreed to unfollow her after the second month.”
He hears Jungkook’s sad chuckle on the other side of the line, “Yeah, we did.” 
Taehyung knows Jungkook wouldn’t bring himself to do it tho, and now he just confirms it. Being a little bit more resentful than Jungkook gave him the motivation to do so, but it doesn’t mean he hasn’t been missin’ your ugly face. 
“Ok, so I need you to refresh my mind now. Tell me something so I won’t step outside that door right this second and make a fool of myself.” Jungkook continues to talk as if he’s been charged on 220W. And maybe he was. His heart has never beaten so fast for the past twelve months. His hair is all over the place from the countless times he grabbed it since he saw your photo. The tip of his fingers are tingling. Yeah, maybe he’s been electrocuted or something.
“What?” Jungkook says in disbelief. Doesn’t think he hears straight, ‘cause Taehyung would be the last one to say such a thing. 
“I said go, Jungkook.” he sighs for what it seems to be the tenth time on the phone call. “I know you need this. You haven’t been yourself for so long now. You two have to talk properly at some point.”
“Ay, how frustratin really—” he tsks.
“For real, man. Go. Now.” he firmly says “What’s the worst she can do, leave?” Jungkook senses the bitter words coming from Taehyung’s mouth. He knows he’s not mad at you, just hurt. Knows Taehyung would forgive you in a heartbeat if you said how sorry you were for everything that went thru. Wonders if he would forgive you that easily too. But he knows his friend is right. He needs closure. Needs this.
“Yeah. Right.” he bites his lips and looks around. Sees Bam looking at him, as if he’s expecting an action from him too. “I’ll talk to you later, bro. Thanks.”
He turns off the phone and grabs his car keys tightly. Yeah, he’s doing it. Won’t think too much, it’s better this way. He will get in the car, drive for 5 minutes. Enter the coffee shop. Order. Pretend he doesn’t know you’re there. Eventually look over the spot he knows you’re at, the same table over the corner where you two always used to sit together, by the large window. Grab the coffee and go over casually, ask how you’ve been. Offer you a ride home —to your parents, probably, since you moved out from your apartment on the neighborhood for a while now. Say it’s because of the rain, he knows you hate to ask for Ubers on the rain. Didn’t trust just anyone driving on bad weather. Such a smart girl. He misses the shit out of you. 
“Damn, ok. Pack it up, man.” 
He calls Bam to his house and watches as the dog quickly follow his lead, as if he knows Jungkook is too anxious to play around right now. “Dad will be back soon, okay? Behave.”
And so he checks out his hair one last time on the mirror at his bathroom and goes before he changes his mind.
The drive is pretty quick. It’s actually a route he does walking, but it’s still pouring rain so he’s carrying on. On a rainy day. To a coffee shop. To get a coffee he could have made at the comfort of his home with his own little coffee machine. But it’s okay, he will just play pretend for this time.
He stops the car and just realizes he forgot his umbrella. “Are you fucking serious, Jungkook?” 
Great. Brilliant. He feels so fucking dumb right now. 
Thankfully, due to the cold season he was wearing his black sweatshirt and sweatpants so the rain wouldn’t do so much damage. He quickly got off the car and ran inside the cafe. 
Surprisingly, it was full for a rainy night. Perhaps everyone had the usual thought; too lazy to make their own foods, they step out to grab something warm on the best coffee in the neighborhood. 
Jungkook plays the script on his head over and over again as he whipes his hair side to side like a fluffy dog to get rid of the water that soaked it a little bit. 
He looks ahead to the counter and his mind goes blank as he sees you over there now. At the little chair on the middle of the cafe. You seem lonely, messing with your hair a little bit, making a braid with a single tiny lock. It’s an old habit to make time pass, and Jungkook hates he remembers every little detail about you. His heart now has stopped, dropped to his knees. He really misses you. 
“Bee!” the waiter calls, and Jungkook recognizes the nickname. Knows it’s you, ‘cause he’s the one that gave it to you years ago. Used to call you bee just to make fun of you, ‘cause you’re such a sweet tooth. Never met someone that loves sugar more than you do, so he started to call you that since you two became friends.
He watches at the end of the waiting line as you get up, straight your hand and pick up two cookies in a little pink plate. Chocolate chips cookies. Your favorite. His favorite as well.
You start to eat slowly so he averts his eyes. Doesn’t want to be catch staring and look like a fucking weirdo. It’s not like he drove here to see you. Talk to you. Not at all, the coffee here is great. 
Finally the line walks and it’s his turn. “One black coffee, please. No sugar.” He says softly and suddenly feels his neck start to tingle. Knows you just realized he’s here, and you’re staring at him. Pretends he doesn’t tho, so continues to talk to the waitress as she asks who she would call when it’s ready “JK.” he says, then turns around to look for somewhere to sit and wait for the order. Looks over the table that you originally were, the one you posted a photo of. Then realizes now there’s a couple there, laughing together and taking pics of each other. He knows you. Knows you most likely offered the clingy couple the table, cause the house is full, and you wouldn’t take the table just for yourself. Even if it meant you would end up eating by the counter on the little puffed chair, you loved to drool over the pastries anyways.
He slowly looks the other way. Knows you’re on this direction so he has to be careful. You’re looking down. Seem sad all of the sudden and he just wants to hug you. For fucks sake. This is harder than he thought. 
He sighs again as he realizes the only spots available are the 2 chairs on your right. He chooses the one that’s a little bit far just to be safe.
As he walks down, his chest tightens a little bit more. Now he doesn’t know what he’s doing here. It was a bad idea. Doesn’t even remember what the plan was at the first place. 
He can smell your perfume as he walks past you and it’s like someone punches his stomach. Your sweet smell fills his nostrils and he just wants to be closer. Shove his nose on your hair like he used to. Then go down your neck and feel your skin respond with little goosebumps as he moves along it softly. Damn it. Jungkook wants to curse the life out of you but he can’t even bring himself to be mad right now. Only knows he misses you. Your touch. Your kiss. You.
Finally he sits and pretends as if he didn’t notice you there, continually looking over his phone as if it’s the most interesting thing in the world trying to figure out what to do next.
“JK!” The waitress calls him and he’s put out of his own world, looking up right away. You seem to be startled too as you look directly at him. You two look at each other for what seems to be minutes in a trance. You give him a tiny smile. He gives one back.
“JK!” he hears the call again and pulls himself out of the trance, going to grab the coffee from the waitress who’s on your left side. He pays for it and looks at you again. You’re still looking at him. Kinda unsure on how to act, he figures. It’s okay, cause he doesn’t know how to either. 
As he sits, now on the chair closer to your right, he looks straight ahead and takes a gulp of the coffee. “Fuck!” he curses and pulls the coffee cup away as he burns his tongue with the damn thing.
You laugh thru your nose and his ears rapidly catch the sweet sound he used to hear all the time. Looks sideways to you, “Funny, huh?” he feels the air a little bit less heavy now, and he’s relieved.
“You just never change, Koo.” you say, still with that damn smile on your face he adores so much. He can’t take his eyes off of you. Realizes he never got over you, not even for a second. Probably never will.
“Don’t call me that.” those damned butterflies on his guts as he digests what you’ve said. You know it’s his favorite nickname. Knows only you call him by it. Knows he melts alway with this shit everytime.
You’re staring at him like that. So pretty. Soft brown sparkly eyes he missed so much. Now they seem to start hardening. “I’m sorry.” You say with a broken voice, and he feels the air shift all over again in a matter of seconds. Doesn’t know if you’re apologizing for the sweet nickname. For leaving him. For not calling. For not coming back. For everything. 
“How’s everything?” He tries to ease the air back again. “It’s been a minute.”
He sees the corner of your lips tremble a little bit and you gulp. His chest pangs. Wonders if he did the right thing by pretending you never existed for the past months now. Just wants to make up for all the time both of you lost.
“Yup, it has.” You reply after a while. “I’m doing okay. What about you?” 
You look up at him like everything is okay. If he didn’t know you, he would believe you were. But he knows better. You can’t hide anything from him, really. At least that’s what he thought. Knows he could be wrong, just like he was a year ago too.
“Cool. I’m cool.” he licks his dry lips and starts to think about his next move. Mind starts to blow up, a trillion thoughts at the same time and he’s back at it again. Can’t put his neurons to work properly. You’re actually right here in front of him, how is he supposed to?
Seems like you’re struggling yourself too. He doesn’t know if you’re trying to come up with an excuse to leave right now, or trying to find a subject in common as well.
 You stare at your now half eaten cookie like it’s the most valuable thing in the world. The other one is already on the bag to go. You probably were planning on taking home to eat when the late night sweet crave hits you, like he remembers. Will put it on the microwave so it gets warm again and take a cup of milk with you, like you used to. Turn on netflix and watch one of those lame cooking programs, ‘cause you loved to waste your time watching people losing their heads to make giant chocolate sculptures. He secretly loved watching it with you. It’s the reason he watched every episode back and forth while you were away too.  
“Is Bamie okay?” you murmur, now staring at your coffee cup with a little smile, thinking about the little puppy. Remembers how energetic and loving he was. Just like Jungkook. “You haven’t posted him in a while now.”
His tongue feels bittersweet again. He’s somehow happy knowing that you’ve been catching up with his life throught social media, even tho he disappears once in a while. At the same time, he’s sad. You could have been there for Bam. Should have, since you are the one who came up with the idea in the first place. Said he needed a little friend to match up with his chaotic energy. He ended up convinced and adopted the little guy. You always tended to get the best of him. Promised you’d help him to take good care of the baby, but only spent three months with Bam. Still, it’s like the puppy knows something is missing. Every night he looks over the door at any noise, like he’s expecting you to come throught it. Just like Jungkook used to do for the first months back then. 
“He’s great, actually. Bigger than I expected him to be. Eats like a fucking bear.” he giggles a little remembering his big boy. “He’s loud too. Don’t know how the neighbors still haven’t ganged up against me to kick us out of the apartment.”
You giggle alongside him imagining the chaos those two must have been doing together. “I figured. You always have spoiled him too much. Told ya he would get bad habits.”
“Hey! You spoiled him too!” he throws it right back. Remembers how you used to let Bam sleep with the two of you on bed. It took him months to break that habit from the puppy’s routine.
You look up at him and smiles. Bright now. You know he’s right. You’ve treated that puppy like it was your own son. Kinda misses the three of you together like a big happy family.
Suddenly a loud thunder is heard and both of you look out the foggy window at the same time. The sky is even darker now, angrily pouring rain like it’s the end of the earth. The coffee shop is emptier. Everyone outside your bubble must’ve realized that it was no longer safe to be out in the streets. But here you two are. Letting time pass by, enjoying each others presence even if it’s kinda weird. Kinda sad after all these months apart.
Jungkook knows it’s time to act. Step up and do what he was planning since he left home. Can’t bring himself to. Is too scared you will say no. Too scared you will let him down again. 
“I think I should get going.” you say softly wrapping up what is left of the cookie and putting it on your bag over the counter. “The weather is getting worst.”
“Want a ride home?” Jungkook quickly says before he looses the sudden courage. Sees you're taken aback so he continues, “I know you won’t be able to catch an uber or taxi right now.”
You still wonder a little bit. Jungkook’s anxiety is bubbling up again as he waits your answer. Why can’t you accept a simple offer? You can’t stand the thought of being around him? Do you hate him? Perhaps you don’t want him in your life ever again. You want to stay like this. Just be somebody that he used to know.
And that’s what scares him the most.
“I brought an umbrella” you finally say. Jungkook frowns. Knows you have no umbrella with you, he would’ve seen it by now.
He puffs. Knows it’s bullshit, but won’t call it. “Right. Suit yourself.” Then he gets up, forgets his full coffee by the counter, now cold. He feels fucking cold too. Already regrets coming to this stupid cafe, in this stupid weather, for no stupid reason. He takes his sweatshirt off and puts it over his head so the rain won’t get to him this time. Opens the door.
“Jungkook! Wait!” you suddenly say. “I actually didn’t.” you say pouty, coming up to him.
He doesn’t say anything. Just takes his sweatshirt, puts it over your head instead. He was wearing his taegeuk warriors jersey underneath it, will definitely get soacked but can’t bring himself to care at all. Just cares about you. Holds the glass door for you just like old times. You look up at him with your big doll eyes and he can’t do anything but look back. It’s like you want to talk through them. He wonders what’s going through your pretty little head right now. Probably overthinking too much, just like he does. 
“C’mon," he softly says "Let’s get you home.”
yayyy there it goes! my first ff ever i'm so happy <3 this was supposed to be an oneshot but i got carried away and wrote more than i expected so i had to cut it off hehe
also, please be aware that english is not my native language so i’m sorry if there’s any typos 🥹
i'll upload part 2 soon! if you want to be tagged pls comment under the post :) thanks for reading xx
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Finally got past the edgy title, and it turns out it was a tabloid news article?
What did she do for them to think she was blood bending kids to safety? She seems dismissive over the whole thing.
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Okay, ew!
She really hits you in the face with the incest right out of the gate.
Like, if you didn't know these two were sisters, you would legit think they were dating.
(Urban dictionary definition for people like me:
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I'm going to be honest, while siblings do occasionally lie on each other, it's usually because someone took up space on the couch, and they refuse to move so you sit on them.
And then someone farts, and it's a whole new battle of wills.
MOST siblings don't just ask for a cuddle just because you can.
(Maybe I'm biased, but that's how all the siblings I know behave.)
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Sweet christ!
Can you imagine if you were reading this and didn't know they were sisters until right then? It literally hits you like a truck.
A bear doing the tango with a bull in a china shop would be more subtle than this!!!!
I wonder if it gets worst?
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Alright, so it does, and I should just accept that this is the author's fetish.
I am now going to pretend that they are not "sister's" and that the word is being used in a 'Hey Bestie' way for my own sanity.
Okay, more flirting between these two totally not related people, and then the Avatar states that she wants her girlfr- I mean "sister" to share her statue.
You know, totally normal stuff to want with a sibling.
Alright, so they just promised to see each other again. Totally normal, non-romantic stuff to promise each other while cuddling on a couch talking about sharing a joint statue.
Yup. Not weird at all. (I am dying, please send help.)
Time skip a 130 years, we get a new avatar looking at the statues, Another woman. Just, pointing that out there.
And Niva got her way. Now her and her sister will be remembered as a pair forever. Yay?
Okay, but what was the deal with the child blood bending?
Like, we're told it's just slander, but what did Niva do to give the impression she was BLOOD BENDING CHILDREN?
Does she do that a lot? Like, is she bloodbending so regularly that everyone figures that everything she does is just bloodbending?
Because if she did use bloodbending to save kids, then the kids would be dead. Because all of their blood would smash into their organs, causing horrible internal damage.
Also, bloodbending can only be used on a full moon, and...
Okay, I'm overthinking this clearly throw away line that doesn't mean anything, and is just an excuse to imply how "cool" and "edgy" the avatar is, while also giving her the "misunderstood" label.
The fic really is just an excuse for meaningless flirting, and if the two weren't RELATED BY BLOOD, it would just read as a typical, slice of life, cutesy couple interaction.
Honestly, Its biggest sin (if you try really, really hard to pretend the obvious incest doesn't exist), is just being...okay? It's a bit boring, and requires you to actually...care about two rather bland people that we know nothing about and their relationship.
This short fic honestly doesn't make me want to know more about these two, and it makes me wildly uncomfortable.
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luxwing · 1 year
I just gotta fight the final boss in totk but like can I say something that really irritates me with the story is that they never actually say what Ganondorf's motivation is to be evil? They just say oh that guys evil and wants power
But like...why tho
I know, I know, pretty much every Zelda game with ganondorf as a main antagonist doesn't really give him much motivation aside from weh evil dude want power but I feel like they wanted to show people they could do more with the franchise so far as storytelling goes and then they just...did nothing with him. They just used a villain from the series and said hey we don't have to say why he's bad because you already know he's bad pay no mind to how we just gave the entire timeline the biggest shaft you've ever seen
Like yeah, I'm overthinking this 100% and overanalyzing a fucking Zelda game of all things but I also really feel like Nintendo needs to just do better writing when it comes to Zelda.
Also I'm mad that Ganondorf's character peaked at Wind Waker and just became "hey look it's the bad guy" forever after that.
Whatever tho for all the stuff the game does well and is actually fun playing through, the story really ends up just being...another Zelda story. Yay I guess.
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magicshopaholic · 11 months
Getting Ahead (Jimin x OC)
Summary: You reflect on your past relationship with Jimin and wonder if history might be repeating itself.
Pairing: Jimin x OC
Genre: Exes; angst potential
Word count: 3.1 K
Rating: 18+
Warnings: none
A/N: A little nervous about this one, not gonna lie. It was supposed to be another "story" story but ended up being a Sooah drabble instead. Features Chaeyoung in detail, and is set approximately four months after Never Have I.
Also, special shout-out to @oddinary4bts who read one fic a day and finished my entire masterlist in record time - plus reviews on each! This is the first fic she will read on release so, yay, Ella! Loved loved loved every single notification I got from you &lt;3
Tagging: @bbl32@ quarter-life-crisis2 @meirkive @dreaming-with-happiness @confessionsofamarshlily @jiminjhang @faearchives @margopinkerton @purpleseoul7
Listen to: “breathe” by anna nalick
jimin masterlist | main masterlist
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Sooah had grown up in a blur. Her parents’ passive aggressive marriage, the aunts and uncles who’d moved in and moved out, the friend groups that evolved faster than a virus. Even her job was a blur; each event, scrambling to be put up, pulled off with hard work, and onto the next. 
It was all a blur. Sooah was used to the blur. She was the only thing that stood steady within the blur, unmoving, watching the chaos of teenage angst in a state of borderline dissociation. 
That was until Park Jimin entered her life, however, and suddenly her axis stumbled. He was clearer than anything else ever had been; he was sweet, he was kind, he loved to dance. He was shy and introverted, but he made her world go round.
Sooah watched Jimin pluck up the courage to tell her how he felt for months, and she was enchanted. He was all brains and maths and it was very impressive, but every time their gazes met for more than a second or their fingers accidentally brushed, all that shaky confidence melted into a series of stutters and he’d look away.
Eventually, Sooah asked him out after one of their study sessions. Truth be told, she hadn’t needed his help after the previous semester ended but she’d kept the routine going anyway, enjoying this blushing boy’s company more than expected. His cheeks predictably went pink but he nodded and Sooah, unable to resist smiling, promised to meet him later that week.
She also made the first move and kissed him at the end of their date; it didn’t seem like Jimin was going to risk crossing a line he wasn’t sure of and Sooah personally liked the fact that he cared enough to overthink it. She wasn’t going to handhold him forever, though; she promised herself that the next move would be his, and she waited nearly three months before he asked her officially to be his girlfriend.
Or, he didn’t quite ask. His exact words were So… does this mean I’m your boyfriend? Or are you - are you my girlfriend?
Given that this question was asked while they fooled around by the bushes behind her parents’ house, it took Sooah a little by surprise. She sat up on her elbows, ignoring the grass in her hair, and squinted at him.
Are you asking me to be your girlfriend, Jimin?
No. I’m asking if - okay, yes. Yeah, I am. I guess.
You guess?
I am!
She giggled at his whiny exclamation, his eyes wide and dramatic, and kissed him in response. They progressed for the first time from the bushes to her parents’ couch that evening, feeling like they’d crossed the ultimate threshold,  until he had to leave for dance practice at Big Hit. 
It’s no longer a blur. Not the same kind, at least. Now, it’s like a ride at the amusement park, one of those dangerous ones that goes in all directions - except she’s been on it at least five hundred times.
It’s unbecoming of her, a professional with a job, to be peeking at her phone every few minutes while she’s at a client site. She walks alongside her manager, pinstriped trousers and sharp heels, hoping she looks chic enough to blend in with the people at this fashion label that’s hosting a luncheon with a group of buyers next month.
It’s all about faking it till she makes it. Fake the fun, make the friends. Fake the studious nature, make the parents happy. Fake the confidence - make the event a success.
Her manager nudges her subtly then, asking her if she’s taking notes.
Of course she is. This is her job, her priority. Not even an absentee boyfriend can distract her from it. Once she’s done for the day, however, the boyfriend takes centre stage in her mind again. 
Sooah wants to text him again, but at this point, it will come off as clingy. Or paranoid, depending on the wording. The last text she sent him was Can we talk before you go to bed? It’s borderline desperate, not to mention pointless, for she’s sure he doesn’t even have his phone. 
It’s probably with his manager, or his stylist. He won’t get it until after practice, after the stage rehearsal, after the fitting, after the backstage filming. After that, someone will have ordered a disproportionately small amount of food for the group; the boys will inhale it and pass out in the car on the way to their dorm. Alex will most likely not even look at his phone until tomorrow morning.
Unfortunately, she knows these things.
Her fingers itch with the desire to send another text, a passive aggressive one this time. Not because it’s his fault really, but because the niceties aren’t getting his attention.
After a moment, though, she shakes her head and tosses her phone into the laundry bin for good measure, hoping to get rid of any temptation. It’s too early in this relationship to show her true colours, and there’s no telling if Alex will be up for a fight.
Fake the peace, make the relationship.
The sun is bright - too bright. Even in the cold of December, it’s too bright.
The sun is too bright, the coffee is too hot, the dude at the next table is too loud, and Sooah is too annoyed. She hangs on to the annoyance, though, somewhat enjoying how it’s making her walk faster, how people seem to be stepping out of her way on the pavements - it’s strangely cathartic, despite how unfair it is.
She keeps it going all the way to Chaeyoung’s apartment, knowing she’s about an hour too early to pick her up for their lunch and movie date. But she doubts Chaeyoung would mind; in the few months that she’s known the younger girl, Sooah has picked up on her slight discomfort with her roommate, Sungmi - and her boyfriend, Ice. 
She also thinks she’s picked up on a mild loneliness of sorts - the same one Sooah remembers she’d felt when she’d finished college and started working in Seoul by herself. Having finished high school in Seoul, she’d already had friends to begin with. Chaeyoung didn’t say it to her in so many words, but her delight in realising she’d made a friend outside of work was both sweet and transparent.
It initially amused Sooah, but being Chaeyoung’s friend has felt like one of the easiest relationships of her life so far, despite the bar being laughably low.
This neighbourhood isn’t the safest one Sooah has been to, but with one hand on her purse and the other clutching her keys, she hurries into the small building and up the flight of stairs. Chaeyoung throws open the door just as Sooah is about to ring the doorbell, and there are two quick shrieks in succession.
“Holy crap,” pants Chaeyoung, opening the door further and stepping aside. “Unnie, I wasn’t expecting you till -” She breaks off and pats the pockets of her pajamas for her phone and checks the time. “- at least another hour.”
“Yeah, I know,” mutters Sooah, trudging inside and sighing, realising only now how pathetic it could seem that she ambushed Chaeyoung in her own house. “I’m sorry, I just couldn’t sit in that stupid coffee shop anymore. At first it was just pitying looks and subtle questioning, but then -” She huffs and falls into a chair at the small dining table “- one of the baristas brought me a pity muffin. Just to make it absolutely clear that I’ve been stood up, in case anyone had any doubts.”
“Oh, wow.” Chaeyoung winces. It’s clear she hasn’t even started getting ready yet; her hair is still in a bun and she’s still wearing what she presumably wore to bed. “Alex didn’t make it?”
“No, and I don’t even know why I’m surprised.” She waves a hand. “Sorry, don’t let me keep you. Take your time getting ready. I’ll wait.” 
“Yeah…” Chaeyoung bites her lip slowly. “I was going to text you, unnie…”
“No. No, Chae!” Sooah whines, her shoulders falling. “Not you, too!”
“I’m sorry! I just got the call a little while ago,” she says quickly. “I have to go to the office for a lunch meeting.”
“That is just perfect,” mutters Sooah, putting a hand to her forehead. “Today’s just one of those days, I guess, where everyone seems to be cancelling on me.”
“I’m really sorry,” repeats Chaeyoung, taking a seat next to her. “It’s a client meeting. It was supposed to be on Monday but then they cancelled and said that they were only free today - plus, this is like my first big project ever and I’m supposed to cover the entire history of the brand from inception…”
Chaeyoung is rambling. Sooah instantly feels guilty for lumping her in the same category as her boyfriend, so she nods, waiting for her to finish.
“- not wanting to be fired.” Chaeyoung swallows, eyes wide with guilt.
Sooah nods again. “It’s fine. Really. It’s your work, you don’t have a choice,” she elaborates, giving her a small smile when she sighs in relief.
Chaeyoung is quiet for a minute. "I'm sorry your date sucked," she ventures uncertainly. “Would you like a beer?”
Sooah nods absently, her gaze deliberately fixed on the mismatched salt and pepper shakers on the dining table. "It can't suck if it didn't happen."
“I’m sorry I added to it.”
“Don’t be. At least you have a genuine reason.”
“Alex doesn’t?”
“I don’t know!” Sooah blurts out in frustration. “Because he never actually called me.”
"Maybe he got busy,” suggests Chaeyoung, returning from the kitchen with two bottles and an opener. “Like, putting-out-a-fire-at-work kind of busy. Or his car broke down. Or he got in an accident!" When Sooah looks up at her incredulously, she shrugs self-consciously. "I - it's not ideal, but at least it's viable."
"Forget it," sighs Sooah after a moment, accepting the beer even though it’s seven degrees outside. "This wouldn't be the first time I've been stood up at a coffee shop."
She can sense that Chaeyoung wants to ask but is struggling not to. It warms her heart without meaning to, and she clinks her bottle with hers.
“Am I making you late?”
“Not at all,” replies Chaeyoung at once. “I don’t have to leave for a couple of hours.”
“I just can’t believe I’m back here,” says Sooah in a low voice. “After all these years, I’m right back where I started. I’m - I’m basically dating my ex all over again.”
Chaeyoung frowns. “What - wait, do you mean Jimin?”
Sooah nods, cringing inwardly. It’s not a fun thing to admit. “How do I choose these guys? How do I always end up in one of these relationships where I’m literally the last priority? And it’s my fault,” she adds, without waiting for Chaeyoung to respond, “because I pick these guys.”
“These guys,” repeats Chaeyoung slowly, “like, idols? Do you - do you always date idols?”
“No,” she huffs, “I’ve dated other guys. But after Park Jimin, this is probably my longest relationship to date.” She replays that in her head and shudders. “It’s pathetic, I know.”
“No judgement.” Chaeyoung pauses. “So, wait - is that why you’re with Alex? Is that, like, your type?”
“No,” answers Sooah immediately. “Alex and Jimin are nothing alike. It’s just their jobs that are similar and… I’m not a teenager anymore. I don’t have the time to stay up at night and worry about why my boyfriend hasn’t called me.”
“How long has it -”
“Eleven days.”
Chaeyoung’s eyes widen. “Eleven -”
“Eleven days since we’ve spoken on the phone,” confirms Sooah. “It’s just been one-word texts and missed calls, mostly from me. But, yeah, eleven days since I’ve actually heard his voice. And, no,” she adds, holding up a hand, “hearing his songs at Starbucks doesn’t count.”
Chaeyoung nods thoughtfully. “You know, that may not be the worst thing in the world. I mean, Hoseok has started this new thing where he warns me of a different disaster every day,” she says, rolling her eyes. “He acts like he wants to know how my day is going but then latches onto something stupid and gives me a whole lecture on it. Yesterday, it was about boiling water. He told me the steam could soften the plaster on the ceiling and lead to seepage. The day before that, it was about the dangers of the subway.”
Sooah squints, sensing that Chaeyoung might be losing the plot. “I don’t think this is… quite like that,” she says delicately. “Alex is basically AWOL, and Hoseok is…”
“An interfering arse, I know. You’re right, it’s not the same thing.” Chaeyoung sits back in her chair. “My point is… wait, hang on - do you want me to make a point?”
“You know… do you want to actually talk about this or just vent and have me listen? Because I can do both,” she says earnestly.
“Oh.” It’s quite insightful of her, given how young she is, and Sooah is suddenly glad she landed up here an hour early. “Yeah, no, I can talk about it. Not angry enough to vent yet,” she points out.
“Alright. My point was… what does all this have to do with Jimin?”
Literally everything. 
Sooah bites her lip, reliving it for the millionth time. “This is exactly how it started with him. Everything was going well, he was sweet, he had dreams and I - I liked being that person,” she confesses. “I liked being that person he shared his hopes and dreams with, who got to see him grow and become big.” She sighs. “Until he got too big.”
“And is Alex getting too big?”
“No. I mean, not yet. I mean -” Sooah shakes her head. “I’m not trying to sound evil. I want him to be big, I want him to get what he’s been working for because he deserves it, but… where does that leave me?” she asks in a small voice.
“What do you mean? You’re right here.” 
“No, but when those guys started touring and all after debut, everything changed. Jimin changed.” Sooah wrings her hands in her lap. “It was like… like I was his life before, when he was sweet and shy and wore glasses, and now he was in the after, with orange hair and that stupid smirk. And I didn’t fit into that.” And then he dropped me a goddamn text.
“Is Alex changing?”
“No. I don’t know. It’s too soon to tell,” she admits. “But how productive of a person would I be if I ignored the similarities and made the same mistakes all over again? I mean, shouldn’t people be learning from their past relationships? Isn’t that the whole point?”
Chaeyoung opens her mouth as if to say something, but then seems to think the better of it.
“What what?”
“You were going to say something.”
“No, I wasn’t.”
“Chae.” Sooah gives her a look. “Come on, you’re the smart one, wise beyond your years and all. Tell me.”
Chaeyoung half-chuckles, bringing one leg up on the chair and resting her arm on her knee. “I… don’t think you’re going to like what I have to say, unnie.”
“Wh- sure I will. Or I wont, but I can take tough love.”
“You’re sure?”
“Yes. Out with it.”
Chaeyoung licks her lips and observes Sooah for a moment. “I think… you’re being a little unfair to Alex.”
Sooah says nothing, not liking where this is going.
“I think everything you’ve told me so far has been about Jimin and not Alex,” she continues. “And I get it, it can’t be easy not hearing from him for days and getting stood up and stuff, but… would you be this worried if you’d never dated Jimin?”
“I think I’d be more worried. At least now I know it’s not about me. This is all him.”
“But which him?��� Chaeyoung asks patiently. “Are you just projecting all of your… I don’t know, baggage with Jimin onto Alex? Because then you’re not even giving him a fair shot.”
Sooah was right; she doesn’t like where this is headed at all. “Would that really be the worst thing? Knowing what I know and using it to make an informed decision?”
Chaeyoung bites her lip and tilts her head, and it takes Sooah a moment to realise she’s solved her own crisis. She hates where this has ended up.
“I hate you.”
“Look, maybe you’re right and Alex doesn’t have the capacity for a relationship right now. In that case, just break it off before it gets ugly. But if you’re wrong and you think Alex can still make it work…” She shrugs again. “You can’t date your boyfriend and your ex-boyfriend at the same time.”
Fake the clarity, make the choice.
Sooah stares at Chaeyoung. “How old are you again?”
“Twenty-two.” She grins. “I know, I sound like I’m… thirty or something.”
Sooah scoffs, taking a large sip of her beer. “You don’t sound thirty, believe me. You sound… like, sixty-five.”
“Yeah. It’s good. I think I could use more sixty-five year old friends.”
“I’d be the fittest sixty-five year old you will ever know,” promises Chaeyoung, flexing a thin, largely invisible bicep. “Plus, then I’d be retired and wouldn’t have to work on a Saturday.”
“I’ll remind you you said that when you text me every single detail of the meeting like you did last time,” promises Sooah, drinking the last of the beer and standing up. “That’s my cue to leave.”
“You don’t have to,” begins Chaeyoung, but she stands up as well. “If Alex doesn’t get back to you by tonight, do you want to hang out?”
“Oh, if Alex doesn’t get back to me by tonight,” says Sooah, gathering her bag and making her way to the door, “I will have definitely progressed to the venting stage.”
It’s still a blur. Experiences, missed calls, tearful fights, passive aggressive texts. They’re all there, swimming around in a sea of deteriorating relationships, while Sooah struggles to pinpoint a time and place to each of them. She can’t, though, not when it’s a blur and the only tangible thing she can feel is the dull throb in her chest that seems to have no distinct cause, only a constancy impossible to ignore.
Sooah stares at her phone, big and black on her bed. She won’t call Chaeyoung tonight, no matter what happens. It’s just not the night. She’s going to have to have a tough conversation with at least one important person in her life, and it all depends on whether her past with Jimin has damaged her to the point of second-guessing every relationship she ever has in her life.
She thinks of the word Chaeyoung used. Baggage. Implying that it’s not Jimin that’s the problem, but whatever she’s still carrying from their time together, including the sweet and shy smile, all the way up to the orange hair and dumbass smirk.
Face the past head-on, make the future a little clearer.
Sighing, she picks up the phone.
Thank you for reading. Don't forget to drop a review :)
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nonokoko13 · 1 year
Woah, long time I didn't make a review. Hope you're all doing fine while I half disappeared.
Making a brief summary of this chapter. We got:
Yor and the dangers of being drunk while managing a fake marriage because drama is needed.
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Worst/Best timing yet to this day, depends on your view. I have faith in Yuri that he'll surpass himself in another occasion and break some best/worst timing record, including breaking in someone's property ofc.
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Yuri worrying about Yor doesn't have hobbies. This is, in fact, not a secret to anyone. It's public domain. No need to be a secret agent to get your hands over this information.
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Also, it was a matter of time the idea of cheating was brought up by someone, my bet was in Yuri or Fiona so yay. Plus fake rumors of cheating? That's some good ol' juicy reason to indulge one fave characters in angst, hurt/comfort. Any damaging gossip is, really. Fanfic material right there. 10/10
And finally.
Shit got real. Humorous situation escalated for real this time 100% real no bait more news on our web www-
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It's serious, but to me it was all giggles and happy noises because I've been waiting for Twilight VS Lieutenant Briar since Yuri's introduction and Endo is finally letting me have some crumbs.
These are some predictions for the future:
Fiona and Yuri finally meet. However, Yuri thinks Fiona is Loid's mistress from work and Fiona might be tempted to play along his suspicions, ultimately refraining herself because it would endanger Twilight/the Operation Stryx and she knows better than jeopardizing her efforts and others lives for some brief petty entertainment. I mean I hope she is above that God please girl I'm not telling you to raise our expectations just don't dig another basement in your obsession-
New short chapter of Becky and Anya on the zoo. Probably short but sweet and wholesome. Maybe on the middle of this arc or right after it and Lord know we'll thank that
The mole is a new character. Frankie can't be because it's stated the mole worked for WISE while Frankie is a third party who cooperates with Twilight and only with Nightfall due their connection.
Speaking of new characters, the girl behind Yuri seems too detailed despite being a background character.
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Perhaps it's my love for women or my need of more badass ladies and I'm overthinking here but she may be relevant later on and honestly it would be cool to get another SSS frequent character. Love the detail in her earrings btw.
Will she be Yuri's friend? Will she meet a tragic fate as yet another cool design forever forgotten? Another Fiona situation is in our hands? God let that last prediction live down, one is enough.
At some point Endo will reconnect this chapter plot to the story and Loid, with Yor's words still haunting him, will try to spend more time with Yor. Bonus point if it's right the day Yor has a mission and this backfires on her majestically
Following the previous premise, Yor tries to dissuade Loid on following her by saying something along the lines "I don't want to spend time together right now (or else you'll find I'm an assassin!)"
And Loid understands it as "I don't want to spend time together right now (because I'm still mad at you and the damage is already done. Nothing can be fixed at this point. I'm holding this gripe forever.)", furthering causing Loid brain damage by all the gymnastics this man does
Leading to a situation where Loid either backs up for now and lets Yor alone but compensates her later OR Loid keeps trying to please Yor in some way, decreasing her chances of sneaking and finishing the job, which makes Loid think his attempts are deepening more the problem that never really existed. A loop where both suffer by the other suffering until a miracle happens [read: Anya or convenient excuse] and she's free to go slay
Anyway that's all for today. Sorry for not taking the summary seriously I'm in Goofy mood®. What do you think about this arc?
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boysunberry · 1 year
hsiwjsheidjs had lunch with my tc for the first time in what feels like forever, im like so mentally exhausted that i cant even overthink 😭😭
he was super sweet tho as per usual, his hair?? was sticking up rlly unuaeually 😭 and he looked rlly stupid but i literally do not care i love him
i asked if my exam had been marked cus its been like two weeeks since the rest of the class got theirs back and i still havent, he said yeah and that he’ll email me my grade ( yay! hes totes gonna forget tho LOL )
when it wqs literally time for my next class my tc asked how my two days off were and in that moment i just completely forgot ab hat i did for the previous 48 hours of my life, i said it was alright tho and i asked how his days were and i wouldve stayed to hear every last detail of his day but i wqs already late to my science class LMAOO
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It's been a while since I have bothered you with a really long ask, so I will take this opportune moment to do so. 😂
Do you like KISS? I listened to them quite a while ago, when I was first getting into all these old rock bands, and I have to admit, I was not overly impressed. (This is just my opinion, though. I understand some people love them and I COMPLETELY get that. This is purely opinion.) So I thought for a long time that I was not a fan of theirs.
Now, I'm not so sure. I feel like, despite that, they have a lot going for them. For one, I LOVE their makeup. I absolutely love it. That gives them such a unique and iconic look. Like, as soon as you see them, you know who they are. They have such an iconic look, and I really, REALLY like that about them. That's one of the endless reasons I adore Slash so much- he has an iconic look almost to that extent. Top hat, black curly hair, shades- you know it's him as soon as you see him. That's something that attracts me to KISS quite a bit, even if I am not a huge fan of their actual music. In addition, I feel like they can put on great shows. With the fire-breathing act and some other effects they do, I feel like going to their shows would be a really memorable experience, music aside.
They have a great look, I feel like they can put on really good shows, and I do admit, there are a handful of songs by them that I really like. Ten, altogether. They are as follows-
Yes, those are the KISS songs I like. I know that isn't very many. But if you have any recommendations you think I might like, you know I'd be more than happy to take them. As few as there are, I still can't pick just one favorite.
Also, I just have to add that Paul Stanley is gorgeous and beautiful, still to this day. I can't get over how much him and Stephen Pearcy of Ratt look alike. They look like TWINS. And there's pictures of them together where you can clearly see the resemblance. It's actually insane.
I know KISS is on their final End Of The Road tour, and that literally makes me want to bawl my freaking EYES out. Even if I don't like the band to the extent I like other bands, it still makes me want to SOB. Because they formed in 1973, and after all this time...after doing this together for so many years...I genuinely cannot even 😭😭😭.
In conclusion, I don't really know if I like them that much or not. I guess I can be called a fan of theirs, but I have to pick the songs, lol. (It's actually sad how much I analyze and overthink all of this. I seriously need to get a life, lol.)
P.S.- It is entirely possible that I have sent you an ask similar to this before, but I have terrible memory, lol. Thank you for putting up with me anyway. 💛
Yay, it’s my Southern Sis! 😆🧡
I DO like Kiss a lot. I would rate Ace Frehley in my top 5 best guitarists, actually. You’ve listed some great songs. I’ll add a few more: Deuce, Strutter, Beth, Black Diamond, Love Gun, Lick It Up, Detroit Rock City, and Hard Luck Woman. (It wouldn’t let me add anymore Spotify song links, so I just listed them for you.) Beth and Hard Luck Woman are sung by the drummer, Peter Criss, whose voice I LOVE.
Anyway, listen and tell me what you think. 🖤
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First Date
(Untitled Series, part 3)
August 3rd | | August 7th
Summary: Reader is crushing hard on Steven and writes about it in their journal
Pairing: Steven Grant x Fem!Reader
Warning: Fluff. Angst.
Author Note: not Beta’d. Mistakes are my own. First ever fanfic for Moon Knight (system).
Feedback is good!
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August 6th:
It’s Saturday and nothing. Why? Does Steven work on Saturday? It’s only been four days. I’m just gonna do.
He texted! Yay!
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I’m going to meet him at a restaurant near the museum. He said it has great steak but I know he is a vegan. I didn’t want to say anything. Maybe I should mention that I remember he is vegan and I don’t mind eating vegan..? 🤔
My brain will not stop wandering. He’s so sexy and intelligent. I could listen to him talk forever. I wonder what he sounds like when he moans. Stop it! 🛑 You gotta go on a date with the guy first, then you can daydream pervy thoughts about his mouth or hand or whatever. 🤭🤤🥴🥴
What do I wear? God dammit brain. I might regret this evening. Nope. I just might try to seduce him but how do you do that eating steak and they’re vegan? That sounds gross. Maybe I should bring my toothbrush and toothpaste. Yeah, that’s a good idea. And floss in case I get steak in my teeth.
Am I overthinking this? Sounds like a good plan. Just need to dress a little sexy.
I hope he stutters and gets flustered when he sees me. I should skim through the books he’s recommended so we have something to talk about. I mean not like we don’t. I want to get know him but when he talks about Egypt, he calms down, a bit relaxed, that voice slightly deepen 🤤 and his eyes, his smile, his face just lights up.
He is probably one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen in spite of his messy hair and slightly disheveled look. That smile keeps me coming back.
I wonder what else he knows. I wonder if he knows any languages. 🤤 I’m getting ahead of myself. I have like six hours to get ready and I have not had a date in like two years. 😬
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ontowanderlust · 1 year
Hi! How are you? Hope you are doing great! It's me Cecilia. There were so many different bots that were subscribing, and it began to annoy me, so here we are. It's still me, law major student, who likes one particular 2d man and sometimes overthinks things & questions some of her life choices.
Oi, I almost forgot what I wanted to say, I did get the credit, so now I have enough points to pass exam! Yay🥳
PS. Sorry for bothering, just thought that it not bad to tell you, that I changed blog, so you won't get surprised (idk who in this world would pretend to be me, but still)
How are you such the sweetest thing? 🥹 May I please keep you in my pocket forever??? You?? Just?? Singlehandedly?? Made?? My?? Day?? 😌✊🏻
I am doing as well as I can be. I have been accepted in the job that I wanted for months now and while it’s quite heavy in terms of workload, I have been adjusting swell enough. I really just need enough experience for me to go work somewhere else lmao.
It’s quite draining, ngl. So I haven’t really had the time to let creative juice flow out of me until recently- it’s still a bit tricky to find inspo in terms of writing or creating something cause all I really want to do is to just lie down and stare into the void lmao. (Well. Welcome to the workforce, ig?)
Life update: I’ll be attending my first ever concert- a korean pop group that I’ve been in too deep lately. 🥹🥹 let’s all hope my claustrophobia won’t act up in the middle of the concert cause I’ve got no one with. Heh.
I am super duper grateful for you! Thank you so so much for checking up on me, you precious hooman! And I am ecstatic to hear that you got the credit! Yay! I hope law school treats you well (funny story, there’s an au that my friend just dropped and the ml’s a law student. 😅🤭 it’s written in filo tho soooo hehhe)
I am also happy to hear from you! Thank you for letting me know about your new blog!
- always always rooting for you, dearie! 😘😘
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ad-hawkeye · 2 years
i was honestly so. shocked. when artem just suddenly knew how to do EVERYTHING?????? but it will forever be my personal headcanon that artem is still the same boy we love and adore, and that he learned how to do the devil's tango THROUGH BOOKS. he knows that you'd probably think about having smeggs, so he researches on his computer on erotica because what else would be the best way to learn about something than reading books??? and he gets digital copies of tons of erotica (he uses digital this time because WHAT. WOULD. HAPPEN. if someone saw books like that inside of his house especially YOU.) and he gets super embarrassed thinking that "I HAVE TO ACT LIKE THIS DADDY DOM OR SHE WON'T LIKE ME." so it's in the back of his head, but he isn't thinking of acting on it, UNTIL he's drunk (and as we all know he is a completely different person when he is drunk *ahem* atmospherics ssr). and he wants her so bad but he thinks he has to act like a daddy for her to actually fwh, and the day after he's in shock. and she asks how he learned how to do that, and rosa is laughing her ass off and says that he doesn't need to do that to fwh, but if he likes acting like that then she's alright with it. and the rest of their nsfw encounters are vanilla and he's honestly still embarrassed ab that night but they get through it!!! yay!! honestly though? i'm planning to write a fic ab it and i have a blog here on tumblr too for tot fics. and. if you want i can tag you in it or send the link in dms huehuehue
as someone who usually values canon compliance (i will take whatever canon gives me and work with it no matter how miserable it makes me - you’re looking at a comic book fan AND a resident survivor of the chakotay/seven of nine apocalypse on voyager), i just. this was truly the first time i was at a loss for how to work with the canon. i knew what i’d FIX about the canon, but working w the canon itself? i was just gonna take my L and try my best to ignore it.
but. anon. this headcanon of yours. i genuinely think this is the only way i’d be able rationalize the events of this card in my mind. like THIS is how i’d work with it if i were to write with canon compliance in mind again. within the tight confines of the card we were given, this is EXTREMELY impressive writing work holy shit? thank you?? i adore the idea of artem overthinking things again with his research and this kind of misunderstanding would be fitting AND hilarious to read about HAHA
also UH YES?! i would LOVE to read your fic about this!!! if you’d like to remain anonymous to anyone following me, feel free to just shoot me a message! or if not, i’d also be super happy rb any post as well, so keep in touch!
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rklve · 9 months
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summary: your life choices left not only yours, but jeon jungkook's heart broken in peaces. now you're back in town, and just like pluto, even if it's cold and dark, he tends to orbit around you forever.
➣ genre/au: exes to lovers; angst; slow burn; fluff; smut.
➣ pairing: chef!jk x veterinarian!reader
➣ 8.9k words
warnings: e2l. oc broke koo's heart :( but she did not mean it. they both overthink too much. jk is such a pet dad (BAM IS HERE YAY). oc is a mess. mutual pining. a lot of angst (sorry!). jungkook is a simp, head over hells crazy about oc. fluff bc why not. drinking. jk has a big dick. teasing. cursing. orgasm denial. fingering. breast play (jungkook is weak for tits). clit play. squirting. multiple orgams. hand kink. choking kink. oc loves tattoos, oral (f. receiving). unprotected sex (don't!!!). spitting. lots of prasing. confused feelings.
I can feel your touch, I remember your kiss, 그 말은 아팠지 and I miss you
part one | part two | drabble one
You run to the car once he gets inside and unlocks the door. Immediately you turn on the heater and the radio at the same time. It all feels natural, like riding a bike. The start might feel rusty, but once you get your feet on the pedal, your brain will take you to memory lane. It’s like you’ve always been there. Like you’ve never left.
Jungkook just stares, and then you realize what you’ve just done. “I-I’m sorry. Just thought you’d be freezing. And… old habits.” you stumble over the words and looks straight ahead with your eyes growing bigger from embarrassment. “I’m sorry.”
“‘S’fine.” Jungkook cuts you off before you start babbling again. Won’t admit he wanted you to do that. This is one of the things he misses the most. Ordinary stuff. You, taking care of him. You, choosing one of your favorite Justin Bieber's songs on his playlist so you two can sing it all loud on the way home. Just you. Being there.
“I’m at my parents tonight, by the way.” His stomach drops. he expected it, but it still hurts. It’s a bad sign. You’re leaving again soon. Just like you did on Christmas last year. Spent 3 days with your family and went back to Australia like nothing happened. At least that’s what he heard from Taehyung, ‘cause he wasn’t here to witness it. He had travelled with his parents back then. But now he‘s here, and he can hear his heart start cracking again just by the thought of it. He’s dumb. So fucking dumb.
“That’s the reason I didn’t want to bother you.” you sigh “I wanted to surprise them but they went to my aunt’s today. Some family celebration I’m not aware of.” you continue as you look past the car window “I found out when I got there and everything was locked up. So I decided to go to Lola’s but found out she was out with Jin for the weekend too. So I just left my baggage at her door and came to the cafe to spare some time ‘till my parents get b— I’m sorry, I’m just babbling shit as usual”
“Just go on, I’m listening” he says. Usually he’s the one talking thru his elbows but knows you do that when you’re nervous too. 
“Right. So, you can drop me off at my parents and I’ll get my stuff tomorrow at Lola’s, if that’s okay.” you look back at him now “I’ll wait till they come back home.”
“Have you lost your mind back in Melbourne?” he says looking at the road with a big frown displayed “Not gonna leave you alone by your parents door. In this fucking weather. I’d never do that.” he sighs “You know me better than that, Bee.”
You freeze as you hear him calling you that. Just like he did minutes ago when you called him by his nickname. It’s bellow the belt and he knows it. Probably the reason he said it at the first place. Or not. Maybe it’s just force of habit and he doesn’t even care about that nickname anymore.
“We’ll get your baggage and head to mine. You can stay and call your parents. Wait ‘till the rain calms down and I can take you there.” he says and waits to hear a no from you. But you stay quiet. “Or you can call an uber. Whatever you want. Okay?”
“Okay.” you say, still a little bit unsure. Doesn’t want to bother him. Mess with his plans for a friday night. Your parents house is kinda far from here. You say nothing anyway, ‘cause you also think it’s the safer way out of this situation right now.
He helps you pick up your stuff at Lola’s and head to the other apartment complex two streets away. The ride back to his house is quick and calm. It’s a one-song-away route. A route that is very known by you. You’ve been there so many times, it’s tattoed in your brain. Think you could find your way back there even if you’re blindfolded. 
Finally the two of you reach to his door, and you can already hear some sniffing on the other side. A few more seconds and an aggressive scratching follows. Jungkook opens the door and gets in with your bags. 
“Hey, buddy. Dad’s home.” You see the now giant dog lick his owners hand, then he looks at you and it’s pure euphoria. He runs fast and puts his big paws in front of you. The next thing you know you’re with your ass on the floor, feeling how much he missed you as he continually licks all over your face swaying his tail from side to side.
“I know baby, I know.” you giggle “I missed you too!” 
“Bam! Behave” Jungkook says startled by the way the puppy reacted to you. Quickly leave your bags on the corner of the living room and comes to your rescue. “You can’t just hoop on people like that, man. You’re too big!”
“It’s okay, he’s just a giant baby.” you say as you get up again and start caressing his plain caramel fur. 
“You okay?” he asks looking you up and down to see if you hurt yourself.
“Jungkook, I’m fine. You know I deal with animals all the time.”
He softly nods. Yeah, of course he knows. It’s the whole reason you left him anyways. For a fucking job offer. At some big ass veterinary hospital five thousand miles away. Out of the blue. Like he meant nothing to you. And just like that, everything goes back to him and he gulps away his anger. Doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable right now. You just got here. Can’t be okay with the idea of you leaving already.
So he just calls Bam and leads him to his separated room, where his food and little house are, alongside all of his toys. “Stay here a little bit, buddy. I’ll bring you out later okay?” 
It’s like Bam understand every word he says, as he goes inside his little house and lays down “Good boy.”
Jungkook decides to put some dry clothes before he goes back to you. Takes a little while to choose one, but denies it’s because he wants to make a good impression. Ends up with a plain black t-shirt anyways.
He’s back to the living room and sees you looking around the house with curiosity. It is quite different, you think. Not in a bad way. It’s more sophisticated. The new furniture gives that vibe. All grey-ish. You like it. Matches him and his Chef persona. His kitchen is gorgeous as well. So many more pans that before. One of each size. You still don’t know the bare minimum about it. They all do the cooking and that’s all.
“You hungry?” he asks, realizing you stopped your inspection at the kitchen but never left.
“Kinda.” you say, and right away your stomach growls loud and calls you by your lie. “Okay, very hungry.”
You both laugh and Jungkook starts to pick up his utensils. One of his biggest pans. A big ass spoon. A cutting board. You lost count of how many things he puts on the table.
“Need a hand?” you say, just to be sure. You both know you’re terrible at the kitchen. But you’re at least able to cut some vegetables.
“‘S’fine. You’re probably tired from the flight. Go take a rest.” he says already on multiple duties over the kitchen. You have no idea what he’s cooking, but trust him anyway. He knows what you enjoy like the back of his hand. Knows what you love to eat, and knows you love his food more than anything else in the world. 
So you just hum, silently agreeing with him.
You sit up at the couch, and realize it’s a new one too. It’s a big one, and still has that smell like a recently unfolded present. You turn on Netflix. Wonder if you’re too comfortable at this house when you shouldn’t. Are you two going to be friends now? Did he forgive you? Or is he just being kind? 
Trying to clean your head for a little bit you pick up your favorite tv show: School of Chocolate. It’s kinda addicting. You know Jungkook claims to hate it but secretly loves it. He always used to argue when you put it in and ended up seated alongside you mesmerized with those big ass sculptures. 
“Fuckin’ waste of chocolate.” he suddenly says back in the kitchen. He is able to see the tv from there as well, but he’s concentrated on cutting some bacon anyways. “And some of them can’t even do the easiest tasks. Ends up looking like dog’s poop”
“Are you spoiling me? I didn’t watch this episode yet!” you scream looking back at him “Can’t believe you watched it before me” you giggle “I’m probably the biggest fan of the show.”
“It came out yesterday” he quickly replies “you’re such a fake fan.”
You just puff, feeling insulted by his words.
“Just admit you only watch it ‘cause you think the Chef’s hot”
“Amaury is not my type” you pan back instantly but quickly regret it. What the fuck are you thinking, flirting with him? God, you’re so stupid. He must hate you right now. Definitely will kick you out hungry and cold on the street at any minute now. But Jungkook doesn’t say anything. Maybe he didn’t hear it. If he did, he just plays dumb. Continues to prepare whatever he is cooking and leave you to watch it.
On the kitchen, Jungkook’s heart is beating thru his ears. Can’t believe he heard you. Heard you flirting. If it was a year ago, he would drop the dinner and go towards you. Kiss your smart mouth and laugh with you. Say you better not adore any Chef more than you adore him. Pull you back to the sofa. Kiss your pretty waist and take dessert before dinner is even served. 
But he can’t do that. ‘Cause you’re not his anymore. You’re not part of this reality anymore. His reality. You live in a whole new country now and he wouldn’t survive letting you in again knowing you’d leave him anytime soon. So he just shuts it down. Pretends he didn’t hear anything, ‘cause it’s better this way.
A couple of minutes later dinner is ready. He made your favorite dish. Coincidentally he had some vegetable broth ready-made in the refrigerator from Wednesday and the idea came up in his mind. He’s finishing the details and hears you entering the kitchen.
“Where do you put the plates now?” you softly say looking up at him.
“Above you, on your left.” he points out and you go for it right away. Picks up the cutlery and puts everything on the dinner table. His chest pangs, ‘cause it’s just like old times. You used to do this a lot together. Almost every weekend. Or whenever you crashed up at his. He loves to spoil you with his food. Kinda his love language, he figures now. 
He grabs the wine from the refrigerator. One of your favorites. He remembers this too. You’re not a big fan of wine but this one is so sweet you can’t refuse. You’re a sweet tooth after all.
“Mmm. Red wine. The sweet one. What are we celebrating?” you play around as you sit. Jungkook doesn’t know what to say. Won’t admit he bought it thinking about you. Thought he would drink a whole bottle and you’d disappear from his mind like magic.
You didn’t.
“This one was sitting for a while here, gotta get rid of it. Swear nobody likes this shit but you, Bee.”
You try to ignore the nickname again. Tell yourself he only said it as a joke. The wine is sweet. You like sugar. You’re like an annoying bee. Everyone gets it. You’re just like any other bee. Not his Bee.
“Right. I’ll take this one with me then” you giggle softly.
Jungkook now is back with the huge pan and puts it in the middle of the table. By the smell of it, you’re guessing what it is. Your stomach too, as it growls again even louder than before.
“Are you starving yourself?” Jungkook jokes when he hears your hungry system.
“Haven’t eaten properly since I left home.” you giggle a little embarrassed but you can’t bring yourself to care much. Every once in a while you just forget to eat. You know it’s a bad habit and you’re trying to change that. Jungkook used to be your reminder. You used to eat so well when the two of you were together. Your rough routine made you have cookies for breakfast and sandwiches for lunch. Quick things to match up with your quick schedule. But Jungkook took care of you. Sent messages thru the day reminding you to buy something. Drink water. Often sent food to your job. Sometimes he would cook himself and leave on the refrigerator so you could take it with you on the next day. You miss being taken care of. You miss being with him.
“You mean you haven’t eaten real food for more than 15 hours?” he says, now upset. “For God’s sake, Bee. You can’t do that.” 
You could get sick. Could pass out in the middle of the street. Could hurt yourself. He can’t bare the thought of you getting hurt, and it really upsets him.
You sense the change in his aura so you quickly change de subject. “Fuck off! you made risotto?”
Jungkook just hums, pouty. Still angry at your self-destruction actions. Angry he can’t do anything about it. Puts a good portion for you and for him in the plates. Beautifully arranged just like he does at the restaurant. Knows you like to take pictures so he follows your concept blindly. Guess you’d like to save in the memory lane.
And he guessed it right. You grab your phone instantly and take a couple of pics, but you won’t post it. Will keep it just for you.
“Where’s your glass?” you say after observing he only brought one glass to the table.
“I said I would take you to your parents, dummie.” he plays around, but he’s serious. He won’t drink and drive. His mom would cut his balls out. Your father too.
“Shut up, I can take an uber later. Get yourself one.”
“No, I really don’t mind.” he says stubbornly.
“If you don’t drink, I won’t drink either.” you pouty say and he wonders. Flips his piercing with his tongue for a second. Doesn’t want you to go home with an uber late at night. He will figure something about later. Maybe he can drink half of a glass and then sober up so he can drive you. Just know he can’t resist that face of yours right now, so he gives in a heartbeat.
“You’re the devil.” he chuckles and grabs a glass for himself. Pours a little bit for the two of you. “You’re lucky I like this wine with risotto.”
Then you two start eating. You make your silly little dance with your shoulders. Always do that when you enjoy the food. Jungkook thinks it’s the cutest thing in the word. Best reward he could ever get. Would cook every day and every night to see you this happy.
“This is so good.” you hum away “you’re the best of the bests. The most talented chef in the world. You’re gonna be a superstar someday.”
“Ani.. Stop it!” Jungkook shyly says, his two hands on his face hiding the bunny smile you know he’s carrying. 
“I mean it. You will be.” you take a sip of the wine and continues. You know he likes to downplay himself. “I’m talking 3 Michelin stars restaurant.”
“One sip and you’re already talking nonsense.” he giggles. Knows it’s your way of thanking him for the meal but he just can’t take complements like a normal person. Is too shy, even with you. 
“Shut up. I’m a big girl now. I could drink this bottle up and still rap to an Eminem song.” You laugh away and Jungkook just follows. Both of you know it’s bullshit. You’re a terrible drinker. Two glasses in and you would be giggling every 3 seconds. 
The two of you just stay like this. Talking nonsense. Bickering. Laughing away. Jungkook doesn’t know what time is it, but the rain is still pouring outside. A little bit less angry now, but still. The bottle is almost empty. He doesn’t know when you both stoped counting how many glasses you’ve drank. Doesn’t care anyway. Just wants to spend more time with you like this. Like there’s no real life outside that door. Like you’ve never left. Like you never will.
Eventually Jungkook takes the now empty pan and the two glasses to the sink. Hears you picking up the plates and seconds later you’re by the sink as well. He goes out to pick up the empty bottle of wine to throw it in the trash. When he comes back to the kitchen, you’re already washing the dishes; Drunk and hapilly humming the song you eventually put in between the dinner. Swaying away your perfect molded hips. Jungkook’s mind is fuzzy. Can’t think straight. But he knows damn well he can’t blame it on the wine. He would be like this even if he had no alcohol. You’re the one intoxicating him.
“What are you doing?” he murmurs softly behind you, just above your ear. You can feel his hot breathing and it makes your skin instantly hot too. The damn butterflies you feel every time he’s near are awake again. They’re anxious. Excited. 
You turn half of your face to him and say “I’m helping you, silly. I know you hate this part.” 
Jungkook gets a little bit closer. Doesn’t touch you, but he can smell your perfume more clearly now. Takes another step and he is able to smell your shampoo too. Strawberries. He loves it so much. Always have.
He can’t hold you, otherwise he won’t be able to let go. So he puts his hands around you, grabbing the corner of the sink. “You don’t have to, baby” he husks “I’ll take care of it tomorrow.”
You’ve got goosebumps, but you pretend. Pretend hearing him call you that didn’t almost give you a heart attack. Pretend you did not listen to his complains too, and keep washing everything. You’re almost finished. Then you can sit down. Maybe talk. Tell him everything you couldn’t a year ago. Tell him everything you need to tell him now.
But then, you feel his nose on your hair. Caressing throught it. It’s an old habit of his. You know he likes your shampoo, and you’ve never changed it. 
“You smell so good, Bee.” your mind is going wild. Don’t know what you should do. You can’t fake it anymore. Blame it on the wine, but the last thing you want to do is to have a conversation right now.
You finish the dishes. Clean your hands and tries to think straight. Gives up.
“Jungkook…” you softly say.
And just like that, he comes a little bit closer. His buffed chest on your back now. “Mmm?”
He can’t hold it back. He misses you like a fucking junkie and you are the drug on display. Right at his face. 
Meanwhile, you lean into his body. Your eyes are closed like you’re trying to get out of your foggy mind. Trying to do the right thing. He thinks this is the right thing. Does not care about breaking his heart tomorrow. He can deal with it later. His heart needs you now. He can just pretend for a little and everything will be fine.
So he closes the little gap that still exited between the two of you. Grabs you by the waist and looks down at your face. Waits for you response. You open your eyes instantly, and all he sees is red. Lust. Passion. Need. He knows those eyes. And he knows that’s what you’re feeling, ‘cause he feels it too.
But he’s still careful. His hands roam all over your body when he kisses your cheek softly. Feels his lips tingling with the sensation. Takes it to your neck. Knows exactly where your sweet spot is, and that’s what he aims. Takes a little while there now. Sucks a little bit. Your skin feeling hot under his lips. He drags his tongue slowly over the same spot. Hears you hissing and feels proud. Feels his cock throbbing too, happy with the sounds you make.
Jungkook softy turns your head and your lips are almost touching. You’re so close you can feel his breath like it’s your own. Your lips are begging you to go forward, but you’re scared to screw things up. So you bite your lip back.
“Fuck it.” he says and takes the first step. Holds your face with his palm and crash your lips together. It’s like you’re both starving for years as you sigh relived when your tongues meet. The kiss is passionate. Your lips molding each other, dancing together like they’ve never stopped. Like they’ve always done. Like you’re made for each other. You can’t get enough of him. He can’t get enough of you. So many feelings flowing thru a simple kiss. So you just go on and on and on. Deepens it, if it’s possible. Arms wrap around his neck, your fingers lost on his soft locks. Want him to know how much you care about him. How sorry you are. How much you miss him.
And he gives back. Kisses you like it’s his final act on earth. Kisses you like a starved man. Kisses you like you’re everything to him until he feels his lungs failing him, so he backs up a little to catch a breath.
“I think—“ you start saying, but suddenly you stop. His tattooed hand grabs your throat. Doesn’t strangle you, just puts it there. Caresses it. Let you know that he has made up his mind. That he knows all your weaknesses — that being one of them. He knows how to make you feel good and he’s silently now begging you to give in too.
“Don’t.” he husks and now squeezes your neck. Just enough to make that little spot in your brain tell you’re pleasured by the action. You gasp and let out a broken moan as he continues, now adding little love bites on your shoulder. His bulge growing behind you. So you finally do what you’ve been craving for the whole night.
Jungkook feels you start to rub your ass on his crotch slowly, but firmly. “Shit, baby.” He moans. Feels so fucking horny. Can’t remember the last time he was this hard. Thinks he will nut his pants like a fucking virgin if you keep this up. But he doesn’t care. Wants more. Wants you. So he starts to roll his hips too, meeting you halfway.
“Jungkook” you say with that pretty tone of yours. He knows you. Knows what you want, but he needs to hear it.
“What is it, baby?” he whispers against your ear now. The hand that was in your throat now travels south. It teases you. Goes around your breast. Acts like he will, but does not touch it. He wants you needing. Wants you begging.
“Please.” you say unquiet.
“Use your big girl words, Bee.” he plays around. Sucks your ear lobe. “Say it.”
“Want you to touch me.” you finally say.
“Good girl.” he husks, then turns you over. Grabs you by your waist and sits you on the counter. Puts himself between your thighs. Pulls you closer. Looks at you with his pretty big eyes. Wanting. Expecting.
“Kiss me.” you say and he wastes no time to do so. Kisses you again. Even more fervently than before. Wants you to remember. Bites your lower lip and sucks your tongue. Knows it drives you crazy. You moan into the kiss and he mirrors you. Feels pleasure seeing you this turn on. Wants to keep doing it till he’s fucking six feet under. Feels so blessed seeing you like this after all this time.
You grab his thick hair, pining it like you know he enjoys and he hisses into your mouth. His fingers dig deeper on your skin and you know it’s gonna leave marks.
“You drive me fucking insane.” he says as you pull away, looking at you with half his eyes open, lust exhales from all his pores. You give him a little smirk in return. Loves seeing him like this. All needy. All yours.
He takes back the control. Now he’s the one pulling your hair and you let out a loud moan from the pleasure. You love this. Your core is aching, pussy clenching around nothing trying to get some relief, so you know your body loves it too;
His mouth quickly follows your now exposed throat and kisses it. Sucks. Bites. Leaves tiny nips all over. Does whatever he wants with it, ‘cause he knows it gets you soaked up. Just thinking about it makes him needier so he starts to unbutton your pants, looking back at you to make sure you’re okay with this and you give him silent nods with that pretty little smile on you face.
He wants this moment to last forever, so he takes his time. Looks down on you ‘cause it feels like forever since he last saw you like this. You’re wearing a pretty lacy pink underwear. It’s like you want him dead. “Fuck you.” he says, still looking at your covered pussy with the cute underwear. You giggle a little bit. Knows he loves pink on you, says it enhances your skin color.
The hand that was on your hair starts to explore, travels across your throat and gives one final squeeze as he kisses your lips, bites it down, lick the swollen lip as the hand continues to go down. Takes a little step back and pulls up your shirt. Quickly gets back where he belongs and his lips are on you chest. Little pecks all over it. Teasing. Savoring. Jungkook claims himself a butt guy, but he swears he could happily die between those tits.
Both of his hands are on your covered breasts now. He cups them and starts to salivate with the view. Needs to suck it or he will die. So he takes off your matching bra and instantly puts his lips around your nipple. Sucks it like an obsessed man. Growls as he feels it harden against his tongue so he bites it. Wants to hear you scream from pleasure and so you do.
“Jungkook! Fuck!” you say as you arch your back, giving him more access to your tits. One of your hands grab the corner of the sink for support, the other is pinning his dark locks like your life depends on it. With his right hand Jungkook rubs the neglected breast. Slaps it and pinches the hard nipple across his thumbs. You let another loud moan and you can feel your pink underwear sticking. “Koo..”
And then he looses it. Can’t hear you all needy, calling him that. Does something to his mind and his dick. Knows it is rock hard under his pants right now. He has to do something about it, but the only thing he can think of is you. Giving you pleasure. Make sure you remember how good he is to you. Make you never want to leave again.
So with that in mind he kisses his way down. Kisses your pretty belly. Get on his knees and open your legs. Kisses your inner thighs. Looks over and you’re biting down your lips, looking like a fucking sex goddess. He’s crazy about you. Thinks he might as well fucking die if he can’t get this view for the rest of his life.
He goes a little further, aiming to the sweet spot between your legs. Put his nose on it so he can smell you. “Fuck. Missed this pussy so much.”
You whine at his words. You missed having him like this too. Heart thrums against your ribs when you sense his face closer into the warm of your cunt. He puts the underwear aside and licks your dripping folds just once. Slowly. Wants to savor you like fine wine. Groans when it hits his taste buds. “Swear this is the sweetest thing i’ve ever put my mouth on.”
You giggle, ‘cause you know he’s exaggerating. Such a Jungkook thing to do. “That’s big coming from you, Chef.” he looks back at you and smirks. “You don’t believe me” he leaves one bite on your thigh as a retaliation for not believing his words. Then gets up again. Grabs the back of your head and kisses you. It’s all messy. Wants to show you how sweet you are on his tongue. How addicting it is.
Suddenly he breaks the kiss and looks at you. Puts his fingers on your lips. “Open.”
You love his dom persona, so you obey immediately. Take his fingers like you know will get him imagining things. Licks it, slowly. Shows him what you could be doing on another part of his body. He takes this as a challenge. “You’re a tease, aren’t you?”
He won’t let you get away, tho. Finally strips you out of the underwear and takes his wet fingers down your cunt. Presses your swollen clit, rubbing his thumb over it painfully slow and suddenly you don’t feel like playing anymore. “Jungkook, don’t tease me.”
And for once he does as you ask without second thoughts. Puts his fingers inside your tight pussy and starts pumping inside you. You meow like the pretty kitty you are. “S-shit.. so good…”
He takes his pace, goes faster and his dick twists on his sweatpants with the sloppy sounds the movements take out of your pussy. His fingers are soaked up as he feels you start to milk them, chasing your high.
“P-please don’t stop. Oh my g-good!”
And then he does. Kinda feels wicked when you open your now teary eyes as he pulls out but he swears he will make it up to you. “I hate you.”
He just giggles and gets on his knees again.
“Want my dessert now.” he huskily whispers.
Before you notice, your thighs are on his shoulders and his face is on your pussy again. He’s eating you out like a literal dessert. Licks your folds with his hungry tongue and gets you moaning like crazy. “Could eat this pussy every fucking day.” he says, then puts his tongue flat on you clit. You know the drill. Have done this so many times before and just the thought of if gets you dripping even more. “Ride my face, baby.”
And so you do. Grab his hair with both of your hands and hold him on the perfect spot. He starts to move the tip of his tongue on your nub and you match his movements with your hips. Both of you get more and more turned on as you grind yourself further into his face.
“So good, baby. Shit…” you whimper and he moans into your clit when he hears your words. Puts his lips around it. Bites it. Suckes like his life depends on it. You don’t stop your hips from chasing your high, nudging at his nose and it’s the final act for you to come undone. “Jungkook, fuuuck!” you scream and pulls his hair tight when the pleasure wave washes you. You keep riding his face slowly and he gives your pussy kitty licks prolonging your high. You sigh relieved. He keeps drinking your sweet slickness till the last drop. Moans tasting your juice like it's the very first time. Takes his face back and he’s all covered in you, from his nose to his chin. It’s the hottest thing in the world.
He cleans himself with the back of his hand and suddenly picks you up bridal style, heading to his bedroom. You're taken by surprise, but you love when he manhandles you.
"What are you doing?" you ask still a little big foggy with the afterglow.
"Taking you to inaugurate my new bed" he giggles a little bit.
"Jungkook! That's disgusting!"
"I want your smell on it, what’s wrong?" he says naturally, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. You don't want to get your hopes up 'cause you still haven't talked, but he's not making it easy for you.
You look up at him and just can't hold your stupid smile back. He's so gorgeous. The most beautiful man you've ever seen. His pretty little dimples are peeking 'cause he has a little smile on his face too. You realize you love every little detail there is about Jungkook. His beautiful moles; the one on his chin, on his neck, on his cheek. The tiny scar he got from a silly fight with his brother. His bunny teeth. His big, beautiful starry brown eyes. Yeah, you're never getting over this goof. It's humanly impossible.
So you just accept your fate. Whatever this night might bring, you’ll go for it. Heartbreak or healing. There’s no going back now.
Jungkook puts you down on his bed and just stares at you by the end of it. Still fully clothed, also wears that silly smile on his face. Gosh, he’s so fucking perfect.
You just grab him by his t-shirt and pull him closer. He almost falls over you but uses his arms to hold his weight. Towers over you but keeps staring. The previous smile washed away from his face now, and you’re scared he’s already regretting everything.
It’s intense, the way he looks at you. Got you curling your toes in excitement. In fear. In anticipation.
So you just avert your eyes to his pretty pillowy pink lips. Specifically to the mole under it, and you feel like kissing it like you used to.
In the meantime he starts undressing. Takes off his t-shirt and you gasp as you realize he has some new tattoos. One on his chest and more on his shoulder. All of the old ones are colored too. More alive. It’s so pretty.
“You colored them.” you say softly, letting your fingers go across all of them.
“Needed to put some color in my life somehow.” he responds quietly. Like he wanted to say more, but choose to hold it down.
You look back at him and the atmosphere is fuzzy again. There’s no going back from this, really. Not when he’s this close to you. Not when you feel your heart thrumming so fast it might explode. Not when you’re back here again, in his arms.
So wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer. You need to be sure. “Do you want me?”
You’re so close you can feel his broke sigh when he says, “More than anything.” And then kisses you.
Not like a hungry man now.
Worst, like a man in love.
Kisses you awfully slow, twisting his tongue perfectly with yours. Sucks the life out of you. Got you moaning when he pulls out and licks your under lip as well. He grabs the back of your head and guides you into delicious positions for the kiss. It’s dreamy. It’s fulfilling. It’s everything you missed.
Jungkook can’t take it anymore, so he pulls himself down on you. Instantly feels your excitement wetting his sweatpants and his dick throbs for more of it.
He starts to grind against your fully naked pussy and you meow into the kiss, still feeling sensitive. Feels so good tho, so you start grinding back on him. What’s left of your cum mixing with arousal, making it even more satisfying for the both of you.
“So greedy…” he husks “Can never get enough, can you?”
You just nod, biting your lips. Feeling even more turned on by his low voice talking shit right now. You need him as soon as possible. So you keep going. Your both taking a pace now. “For god’s sake, take these off”
Jungkook feels his cock aching, burning, wanting. His balls might be petrified right now. Need you or he might die. So he just obeys. Backs off and throws it all away. Goes back to you instantly.
Starts to kiss you again, ‘cause he can never get enough of that sweet taste of yours. It’s like heaven on earth. His body grows hot and electrified as he feels your pussy clenching when he puts his hard dick between your folds. Keeps teasing, just cause he can. Wants to make you suffer a little bit more.
You break the kiss and whine into his ear. “Don’t be mean.”
He giggles and bites down on your left shoulder.
“I won’t, baby.”
His body says otherwise tho, as he slowly eases into you and and stops with just the tip inside. The feeling of his dick intruding your small hole is enough to make goosebumps rise all over his body and his breath to falter “Shit.”
“Patience is a virtue, y’know.” he says, trying to command his heart to function like a normal person’s organ again.
“I don’t care about virtues right now, nerd” you joke and hear him tsc.
“You’ll never learn to not be sassy when you’re under me, will you?”
He doesn’t wait for your answer, though. Fills you up abruptly and you gasp with surprise. It’s so fucking delicious that got both of you moaning in sync.
“Fuck, you’re just as tight as I remember” he says “You okay?”
“Yes,” you say desperately with a broken voice. You need him to move.
And so he does. Suddenly picks up his pace and starts to bottom you out. Fill you up. Repeat. His big dick stretching you out deliciously even better than you remember it did. Your mind did no justice to his talent at all. It’s like he was made for you. Understands your body and soul perfectly. Fits you perfectly. Makes you want more and more and more.
He grabs one of your legs and puts it over his shoulder, getting both of you in a nasty position that got him growling and you drooling.
Oh, he knows perfectly where your sweet spot is.
“Fuck, that’s it, Jungkook.” He smirks when he sees you loosing your mind. Knows it won’t take a while for you to come undone since he’s hitting your most sensitive point right now. With his other hand he puts a hand on your throat and squeezes it. Feels you milking his dick and moaning low.
“My baby likes to be strangled, huh?” he murmurs “Such a dirty girl”
You moan even louder as you feel him going faster. His endurance is crazy and you know it. Got you crawling up the walls every time.
“Tell me,” he says in between the thrusts “Tell me how good it is, Bee.”
“So fucking good, baby” you pan back, completely lost in pleasure right now. Your eyes are closed, all you see is the red starts he makes you see with every sweet thrust in your throbbing cunt.
He let down your leg and comes closer to you. Gives your neck little pecks and goes back to face you.
“Look at me.”
And so you open your eyes. He’s looking at you that same way. The loving way.
You can’t take this. Your heart can’t take this. Him, looking at you like that. Him, being the most precious human being there is. Him, being the greatest decision you’ve ever done. ‘Cause that just reminds you how you’ve ruined everything.
It’s like he feels your swipe of feelings so he slows the movements and gives you one sweet kiss before pulling out. Grabs you by the hips, putting you on top of him. You’re on charge again. It’s your decision, he’s silently saying.
With both of your thighs strangling his body and your hands around his neck you stop in front of him. Don’t do anything. Just admire him. Want to keep this moment bottled in your brain forever. His sweet, loving eyes. His pretty dimples. His chin’s mole—your favorite mole. Every detail there is about him.
Your pull him closer and slowly go for your aim. Put your lips on the pretty mole like you wanted to since you first saw him tonight. Keeps it there and sense his broke sigh. You sigh back. Your chest pangs. Your throat hurts and it’s not in a good way. Your start to feel your eyes watering and pulls back.
“Baby…” he says softly, looking at you with slightly frowned eyebrows, stroking your hips with his fingers.
You know he wants to say something. Something important. Probably something that you two should’ve said before any other thing that happened tonight. But you don’t want to ruin this moment. Not now. Not ever.
So you just shut him up with your lips. Savor him one last time before everything breaks down. Kiss him as if his taste is the oxygen you need to survive.
And he gives it to you right back. Almost as he’s fearing the same thing too. Almost like he doesn’t want to ever let go.
So you just climb up and position your needy pussy above his dick with his help. Delicately easing him into you, stretching you open deliciously till he’s bottomed you up and you can feel how good it is to wrap yourself around him.
“Shit” you moan, feeling so good after good knows how long. “You fill me up so good.”
You start moving up and down, feeling everything there is to feel, giving yourself up to him.
“Pussy was made for me.” he whispers to your lips. “Just for me.”
He moans when your walls clench around his dick, dripping arousal with his words.
“Fuck.” he husks “That’s it, baby.”
You do it again, now on purpose ‘cause you know it makes him insane. You need him like that.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Jungkook holds you in place and starts bulking his hips up, cock hitting your sweet spot over and over again.
“Mmm, too good…” you whimper when he begins a pace that has you seeing stars.
He sighs when he looks at you. His dick is socked with your arousal. Fills you up perfectly, like his body was designed to connect with yours this way. The way it goes in and out drives him mad; but when he looks up at you, closed eyes, full lips trapped between your teeth, hands squeezing those perfect tits. Got him gooshing. Got him head over heals all over again. Got him fucking screwed.
“Fucking perfect.” he moans “Look fucking perfect being dicked down by me”
He feels your walls tighten even more so he slows it down. Wants to make this last more. Wants to make you feel more. That’s not enough, can’t be enough.
So he stops his pumps and holds you down. Just like second nature, your arms wrap around his neck again and you start moving towards him, now rubbing your pussy in sweet movements that he knows will treat your swollen clit well. Knows you love this position, so he helps you out. Spits on one of his fingers and drags it down to your sweet bud. Massages it. Pinches. Makes you whimper, just ‘cause he likes the sound of it.
“Shit, shit, shit, Jungkook!” you say as your hips follow your needs, bulking against his pelvis now. It’s so delicious you think you might go crazy. His dick rubs the perfect spot inside you as your clit gets the perfect friction to set you off.
Jungkook pulls your hair to guarantee his access to your neck, leave tiny love marks all over it. Got you hissing against his shoulder.
“I got you, Bee.” he husks softly.
It’s frightening how fast your climax approaches. You feel the hot waves coming back, building up that frizzing feeling again.
Goosebumps all over your body, you back up to look at him.
You both stare at each other, hips trying to meet the perfect pace now. A sweet pace that has you two building it up together. Feeling together. Giving in together.
His hands are on your ass cheeks, guiding your deep movements, making your cunt take his dick just the way he likes, too. He feels you milking his cock with your walls and his eyelids are tattooed with stars.
“Shit, Bee.” he whimpers “Swear I could die right here and now.”
You giggle and just continue the intense pace. It’s inevitable, to not get emotional. ‘Cause you know you could have this forever. You’ve had everything you could’ve ever wanted. Yet, you let it go.
He opens his eyes again and you’re there. Looking at him with big doe eyes. Loving eyes. Teary eyes. Realizes he loves the shit out of you and cannot think about letting you go again. He will do any fucking thing. Go thru long distance. Take how many flights there is to take. Move to fuckass Australia. Whatever it takes. Just knows you two can’t be separated again.
So he makes love to you. Wants you to remember how it is to be loved. To be loved by him. Tries to show how electrified he feels right now. Needs you to feel the same way.
He guides your hips to continuously make those movements that got him curling his tip toes. One of his hands goes down to you clit again to make it even better for you. Knows it will get you cumming in a heartbeat.
“Ah, fuck!” you moan when he intensifies the rubbing on your harden button. “M’gonna cum.”
“Cum for me, baby.” he husks teasingly. That’s all he wants right now. You, coming undone because of him. The thought itself makes his own climax approach as well, mixed with you cunt stimulations and the sweet sounds you make: that’s the perfect receipt for —his— disaster.
Your body seems to obey him, as he starts to give in and the electric feeling of the orgasm tingles from you head to toe. “Koo, fuck!” you scream, eyes rolling backwards so hard you don’t think you’ll be able to see anything but starts for days.
Jungkook tries to prolong your feeling as he turns you over. Spits directly on your cunt, fucks you rough thru your climax.
“Koo, it’s too much.” you meow, eyes closed with goosebumps all over your body.
“No baby,” he whispers “Just one more, you can take it.”
So he starts the circled rubbing on your clit again. Grabs your hip firmly in a position that got you curling your tip toes.
“Be a good girl and cum for me again, pretty baby.”
Tears rolling down your cheeks, you feel everything amplified right now. It’s like you’ve been electrocuted all of the sudden. It’s like you need to cum or you will die.
Jungkook feels your dripping walls throbbing around his dick again and increases his pace, getting himself there too. “Fuck, that’s it, Bee.” he moans. Keeps rubbing your clit meanly till he feels his hand muscles hurt. “Gonna cum on this pretty pussy.”
“Koo…” you whisper and he feels your final spasms. Suddenly his dick and his hands are washed with your squirt. You fucking squirted on him. Jesus. He can’t hold himself back anymore.
“Fuck baby, fuck!” he says and increases the pace. The new wave of climax seems to be just what he needed to fuse his own orgasm. Everything that was building up now crumbles down when you spasm from your head to toe, body shaking and pussy as tight as ever, making him spill hot shots of cum all over your walls, filling you up, finally staying where it belongs.
He slows the movements now, pumping his every seed inside of you. Needs every part of him on you. His body, mind and soul are yours.
"So pretty dripping with my cum." he smirks.
You whimper with the nastiness of it all. You love it, and he knows it.
He gives you one last peck and eventually crumbles down next to you. Your heart is in a race, thrumming so hard you think it might break your bones now. You don’t know what to do. What’s next. Where this got you two.
Jungkook’s in no better place. The wave of afterglow is slowly fading and his mind is everywhere. He looks at his bedroom ceiling. Wants to say the right thing. Nothing comes to mind. So he turns sideways. Looks at you. Finds the courage he needs when he sees those pretty eyes.
“Bee.” he whispers. Comes closer to you, like he’s about to tell a secret. Keeps a little distance tho, just enough to look at your eyes. Wants to see your reaction. Wants to see the true feelings in them when he says, “Don’t leave me again.”
Your gasp is audible, eyes two sizes bigger as the tears you’ve been holding back all night now roll down your cheeks.
“Please” he says, voice cracking too as if he’s expecting the worst. Expecting you to make the wrong choice again.
“Jungkook—“ you whisper, trying to find the right words.
“Baby, I’ll do anything.” he nervously says “We can try long distance. I have enough money to travel at least once a month.” he starts babbling out.
“O-or if it’s to hard for us, I’ll try to find a restaurant in Australia. I’ll move out with you.” he says with his chest hurting, seeing you taken aback again. He can’t loose you. “Fuck, I’ll literally drop anything there is for you.”
He closes his eyes now. Turns over again. Doesn’t want to see the rejection in your eyes. Doesn’t want you to see the tears on his. He’s too weak for you. Too weak for his own good.
“But I understand i-if..” his voice trails off in hurt, his throat tightening “I understand if you don’t have feelings for me anymore.”
“Koo…” you softly say, giggling with teary eyes. You climb up on him. He keeps his eyes closed like he’s scared of the world outside his eyelids. “Look at me.”
He slowly does, and the trapped little tears fall over, his perfect nose is pinkish, and you just want to melt away.
“I’m not leaving.” you softly say, wiping out his beautiful cheeks.
“W-what?” he stumbles over his words. He can’t believe he heard you right. That can’t be.
“I’m not leaving. I came this time to stay.”
“Are you fucking with me, Bee?” he abruptly stands up and almost got you falling off the bed. He holds you tight on his lap, tho. “Be serious right now.”
You laugh out loud now. Can’t believe this is happening. Can’t believe he wants you after all this time. After everything that’s been thru.
“Jeon Jungkook. I swear on Bam’s life” you say with a bright smile on your face.
“Hey! Don’t swear on Bam’s life!”
Like he was waiting for the perfect time, the puppy shows up by the end of the bed, swiping happily his tail with his big eyes looking at both of you.
“Nobody called you here, man.” Jungkook jokily says. Wants to have his private time with you now, and knows Bam will be all over both of you if he stays. “Go back to your room, big boy.”
The puppy stubbornly stays. Looks at you, like he wants the words to come from you now.
“Go, Bamie. We’ll play with you later.”
And so he does, like that’s all he needed to hear to obey.
“Fucking joke.” Jungkook cuffs “Even the dog is head over hells for you.”
"So..." you say with a stupid grin all over your face you might as well apply for a role as the joker. "You're head over hells for me, hm?"
"So..." he immitates you. Knows it tickles the shit out of you. Bickering with you is his love language, too. "You're not going back to Australia?"
"Uh-hum." you giggle, playing with his dark locks.
"What happened? Kangaroo kicked your head over there?"
"Missed my Koogaroo" you pan right back.
"Oh, shut up." He lets out one laud laugh and turns you over in bed, tickles all over your body until your crying.
You both just stare at each other, big smiles spread out in your faces. Happinees flowing thru and between you. That's it. That's where you belong.
"I really missed this." you say softly.
Jungkook towers over you again. Kisses your lips softly. "Missed," your nose. "You," your forehead. "So much." all of your face.
"I love you, Koo." you say softly, staring at him. Staring at his soul. Hoping he believes you. Believes you never stoped loving him, not now, not ever.
"I love you too, Bee."
AND THAT WAS IT! what do you guys think? I struggled so much on the smut parts wtffff why is it so hard hahaha
I was thinking about doing some drabbles of the story since I loved the couple sm! they're so sweet, right? also thought about developing her friendship with tae, maybe after jk/oc are back together, his reaction and apologies ??? or maybe the background of oc/jk's f2l, the day she left aahhh there's so much i could do!
again, i'm sorry if there are any typos! please leave comments if you like the story, i'll accept requests too <3 promise i'll come back soon
taglist: @kooliv @serendipity713 @5seos @pointofviewyugyeom @glitterybreadtimemachine @olimpiiaa @kooklovee @coffeewkth @valwnn @tae-hibiscus @skzthinker @lazyyhooman @sharkipoonis @kiylasstuff @kissyfacekoo @spicxbnny @cookysstuff
tysm for supporting my ff, i hope you enjoy :) xx
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goldennikko · 1 year
that's a relief 🥰 I do love sending u questions 🥺
and yes, in minutes for that sleeping question 😎 (you one of those ppl who can knock out quick or lay there forever thinking about crabs)
- ❓
i'm one of those that will overthink about crabs to help me get knocked out quick ✋
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message to james: I LOVE U! :) <3 YAY JAMES SAID HE’S CUTER :D <3 soon u’ll see my pout in person!!! up close n personal :) dbfbsbdbs hehe it’s sooooo cuteeee seeing u use lol!! u say it sooo seriously!! :| lol. dbfbsbdb hehe :) anywayysssss… I MISS U!!!! i love u soooo much!!! thank u for all ur pics!m n vids ;) ur soooo hot james!!!! hehe :) i can’t wait to see u so soon!!!!!!!! how exciting!!!!! :) <3 wowowowow i’m gonna give u the biggest hug of ur entire life!!!!!!!! <3 i loveeeeeee uuuuu!!!! <3 love u so much and for forever and ever and ever and always!!! <3 :) *sends a mirror selfie wearing only ur shirt, lifting it up just slightly to see my center and then sends a sleepy selfie of me and alpine in bed, wearing ur shirt and boxers*
voice message to james: *giggles* mmmm i am sooo lucky you have ur own room! mmmm am glad you liked my video baby… i loved yours… *hums softly* i w-wanna touch you baby… w-wanna make you feel good… and moan… suck on your cock… *pauses and sighs shakily* s-shit… *rustling noises* g-gonna send a video baby *giggles*
message to james: *sends a video of myself in bed, slowly lifting up my shirt, spreading my legs wide to see my pussy, slowly rubbing through my folds, moaning softly* h-hi baby… *blushes deeply* i… i w-wanna edge… s-so i c-can cum hard for y-you when you come back… j-just gonna p-okay with myself for you, yeah? *moans, rubbing my clit, biting my lip* i w-want your hands on me… and m-my hands on you… i m-miss your cock… i love you james… i l-love you so m-much… *whimpers, rubbing faster* mmm… b-baby… m-my james… and ‘m y-your baby… i l-love you… i love you s-so much… *stops rubbing myself abruptly, whining softly* g-gonna c-cum s-so hard for y-you when i s-see y-you… okay? *blushes deeply and chuckles, turning the camera off*
voice message to james: hi baby… *hums softly* am glad you like my pictures and photos… i love yours… i really love yours… *giggles* t-touched myself so m-much to them… *pauses and hums* i c-can’t wait to just be with you… get to hold your hand… and okay with your hair… and cuddle… god i miss cuddling… *hums softly* mhm, i’m comfy james… i hope you’re okay… if you’re not, you’ll be home soon and i’ll take care of you, o-okay? i love you so much… you’re my whole heart… i love you more than anything… i’d do anything for you… i w-wanna take good care of you baby… *pauses and speaks softly* i h-hope ‘m g-good enough for y-you… i mean i t-think i am… *chuckles softly* s-sorry i d-don’t know why but… sometimes after i s-send that umm n-naughty stuff to you i g-get nervous about… how i look? i-it’s a little silly because i know you love me no matter what i look l-like… i just overthink t-that stuff sometimes… dunno… *chuckles* s-sorry, no more being a debbie downer *giggles* umm i loved the teddy picture! i hope you loved the photo of me and alpine… she keeps napping on a pile of your laundry *chuckles* think she really misses you… not more than me though… *giggles* i really want you… not that plushie *laughs* it’d feel weird i think… *laughs* when i have the real thing! so… gonna stay away from that… i’ll be with you soon enough… *hums softly* yeah… i keep thinking about cuddling with you… hugging you… holding your hand… playing with your hair… kissies… i love you so much… *chuckles* am blushing too… *clears my throat* you know what i’ve been thinking about recently? just… how far we’ve come… i think about how it was when we first started dating… and all of our firsts… and just sweet moments we’ve had… makes the time pass a little easier… *hums softly* i really love you james… gonna give you the biggest kiss of your life *chuckles* ‘m gonna smile as soon as i see you baby! oh! d-do you want me to pick you up from the compound? let me know baby… and mhm, we got each other… we take good care of each other james… i’ll do everything i can to make you happy and smiling as much i as i can… you deserve to be happy… i love you so much james… *kisses my locket a couple of times* kissies for jamie baby… i love n miss you so much… mhm! we have the strongest love… and mhm, you always come home to me… and i always come back to you… i c-can’t wait to be warm n cozy n safe with you… *sniffles and chuckles softly* really miss you… but i’ll see you so soon, yeah? how about that… *chuckles* i’ll keep you safe too… i pinky promise… *hums* i love you james… i love you with everything in me…. i love you forever…
message to kitten: I love you too baby. Very much wanna be up and personal with you. I miss you too. I love you :) I’m glad you’ve liked them baby. You’re sexy. So sexy. Need to see you. I will very soon and I can’t wait for that hug honey. I love you forever. I love you always :) *sends a picture of me, all sweaty and smiling, my cheek a little bruised then sends a mirror selfie of myself only in boxers, my metal hand over my center*
voice message to kitten: sighs* baby….*chuckles* you know I really didn’t expect you to get this naughty…I like it though…*sighs shakily and chuckles again* I want you to suck my cock…I wanna…taste you too…I watched your video already…’m gonna edge too baby…for you…hold on.
message to kitten: *sends a video of myself in bed, only wearing my boxers, slowly rubbing myself* I watched you’re uh…n-new video so much, baby…it was…fuckin’ hot *moans softly, taking myself out of my boxers* ‘m gonna edge for you too kitten…I w-wanna cum hard with you…with you bein’ the one touchin’ me…*hums, slowly stroking myself, rubbing my thumb on the tip* I wanna touch you too…I miss your pussy…n-need you baby…fuck I love you…I really l-love you *moans and starts moving my hand a little faster* mmm you’re my baby…my baby…’m yours…I love you…f-fuck *slows down and hums, biting my lip then smiles a little at the camera* I’ll see you soon baby…I love you *
voice message to kitten: hey honey…*chuckles* y-yeah I like them…the uh…*clears my throat* pictures and videos…I loved them baby…thank you…d-did you touch yourself more times than what you showed me? *stays quiet for a moment then smiles to myself* ‘m so excited to be with you…gettin’ everythin’ to leave now…it’ll be so soon baby…I miss cuddlin’ too…and I’ll hold your hand as long as I can. I wanna give you little kisses so fuckin’ bad *chuckles* ‘m alright baby…’m a bit achey…bruised myself a little but…everythin’ else is okay I just uh…I r-really need to be with you baby…I r-really want you…that’s all…I k-know you’ll take care of me…I’ll t-take care of you too. I love you…oh baby…you’re my whole heart too…you got all my love. I hope I take good enough care of you…*hums, speaking softly* you’re more than enough…baby you look fuckin’ beautiful in you videos *chuckles* I think you’re so pretty…really…I think ‘s okay it feel nervous about it…I was worried I looked silly or I was uh…anglin’ the phone wrong *chuckles* but uh…you’re just my pretty baby okay? *stays quiet for a moment* I did love the photo of you and alpine…*chuckles* ‘m sure you miss me more baby…’m happy you’re forgettin’ about the plushie *snorts* yeah baby you will be with me soon…we’re hittin’ the road in just a little bit baby…’m thinkin’ about cuddlin’ every time I go to fall asleep…I just wanna be holdin’ onto you and kissin’ you all over….I love you so much too baby. Blushin’? *chuckles* my pretty baby…*hums* we have come far…and ‘m excited to see what else is in store baby…I like thinkin’ of all our firsts too…I really love you too baby…we’ll gave a big hug and kiss when I come back….it’ll be the most best ones ever. *chuckles* yeah baby can you pick me up from the compound? We do take good care of each other…we’ll both always do that…I h-hope I’ll get you all smiley and blushy and fuck…I wanna hold you so bad…you deserve to be happy too sweetheart…I hope ‘m givin’ you that…i love you scout…*kisses my locket a few times then sighs of relief* I love you too…I miss you baby…g-gotta get all nice and cozy with you. We’ll keep each other safe yeah? I’ll be home so soon baby…I promise…I got you okay? You’re okay baby…you’ll have me very soon…I love you so much baby, always….I love you with all of me…I love you…
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imlimitlesss · 2 years
MAKE LAWS FOR YOURSELF. Stop the overthinking. Inspired by @kristheassumtionqueen
Bro, if you struggle a little with overthinking in the beginning I highly suggest you make rules for yourself, laws as god, about what you are nervous is contradicting. Ofc there is no such thing as this, however writing everything down as an official document of laws and signing it, has seriously helped me. And it’s fun! You can choose your colors and decorate however you want. First I started off with an intro that looks a little something like this,
As the god, the creator of my reality, everything written on this page becomes true in an instant. They forever remain the truth until only I, say otherwise. These laws take effect immediately, in every dimension and in every reality, in all of the multiverse as soon as my e signature is written on the page, and this is because I am in full control. Absolutely nothing can take away the power of this document and of my laws, even typos because I know that I am on the pedestal here. New rules may be added at any time and still have the same effects as previous laws.
Great! So you have your intro, now time for the rules. What is limiting you? NAH NAH, No more hun, get that out. YOU ARE LIMITLESS, here are some of my laws as an example. (I know it may seem silly and obvious but like I said, writing really helps, it’s like a placebo that it sets it in stone, even though I know I am the power that does that.) Here are some examples of laws that were created to get rid of the overthinking.
A deadline is a deadline, it does not matter how close or far the deadline is because, I am the manipulator of time anyways. What I want must be mine either before or after the deadline. (I just love how this rhymes too LOL)
Negative thoughts, unhelpful thoughts, intrusive thoughts, overthinking, resistance, limiting beliefs, have no power. Only I choose what I give power to, nothing can diminish my manifestations, that is not possible.
Even though there are some rules on this document that are similar, that is totally ok. There is no such thing as laws contradicting or canceling each other out. That is a limiting belief and as I have already stated, limiting beliefs do not hold any power whatsoever. They rarely occur anyways.
Pressure from anyone does not affect my manifestations and what I want. Even pressure from myself may only aid or maintain the manifestation.
YAY! You’ve created your own set of laws. That is that, nothing can change them, (unless you choose differently at some point ofc) Some of them may seem silly and obvious but who gives a shit when you’re out there living your dream life right?! Now, all that is left to do is sign! Get your favorite color, or font, if it’s electronic, and write your signature!!!! You can come up with a cute catchy line or just sign your name! This is what mine was…
On the only pedestal is where I ______ and only I, ______ remain.
After this you are no longer allowed to limit yourself, and you don’t even have to worry about it because you just ELIMINATED those unhelpful thoughts, they are powerless now. So go have fun, get what you want.
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snzunii · 3 years
+ summary. in which, you and sanzu are in a very chaotic arranged marriage.
+ tags. romance, fluff, heavy (?) angst, modern au, smau, arrange marriage au, college setting, use of profanities, eventual smut, 18+
+ status. on-going
+ masterlist.
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“come on?! we used to sleep together when we were kids?!”
“that’s different!”
“why? how is that different? we’ll just sleep or are you expecting something?” he said with a teasing tone causing you to glare at him.
of course, you’re... not. right? but then, if you’re not, how come you’re thinking different kinds of things that make your stomach turn upside down? how come your cheeks are heating up right at this moment?
“haru, we always sleep with senju.” you said as you start to walk up the stairs as sanzu follows you with his lips pursed.
“you know we would eventually sleep together.” he stopped, “i mean sleep. just sleep, unless you want to-“
“haruchiyo!” you stopped and turned to look at him, “okay, fine. i’ll sleep in your room. just shut your damn mouth.”
you're really doing this, you're really sleeping in his room. no matter how sanzu says that it's not different from when you were kids, it's really different— come on, you're adults.
and you're... in a relationship?
“yay.” he cheered in a small voice, holding your hand as he dragged you inside his room. “you still sleep on the left side?”
“yeah.” you answered. while sanzu was getting comfortable under the sheets, you were just standing there.
he frowned, tapping the left side of his bed. “come on, baby.”
“baby?” you mumbled to yourself. how could he do this? how could he get comfortable that easily as if everything didn't happen yesterday? and today?
it's not that complicated, and you hate yourself for overthinking things. couples do these kinds of things. maybe everything still feels surreal to you, you could burst right here because of the euphoric sensation that you were experiencing.
you sighed, walking to the left side of the bed— nervously, as if sanzu would bite you or something. finally, you climb on the bed. staying on that particular side.
“closer.” he said, looking at you. “are you afraid of me or something?”
“no.” you said, rolling your eyes as you moved closer to him. how do you explain how you're feeling right at this moment?
you can say that you feel like you're in the clouds, or as if you're in a field of flowers and everything is bright. no matter how you put it- you're happy.
being here with him feels right. it feels nostalgic, dreamlike. you have been wanting this since forever.
you got him and he got you.
he's yours. finally, right?
“are we going to sleep or just stare at each other all night?” you asked, frowning. you're both laying on your side while facing each other, you don't know how you can keep yourself from smiling so hard, you’re a bit proud of yourself for having such strong self-restraint for moments like this.
he chuckled, “i don't mind the staring.”
“so, if i sleep. you'll just stare at me? that's creepy.” you jokingly said, you clicked your tongue when he placed his leg above yours. “you always do this!”
“it's comfortable.” he said, “and you kick me when you sleep so i'm locking your leg.”
“i don’t do that anymore.” you answered and closed your eyes. you felt him tuck the strands of your hair at the back of your ear, his fingers slipping on your skin giving you tiny goosebumps. “haru.”
“you know i missed you too.” your eyes remain closed, you wouldn't be able to say what you're about to say if you see his face, so it's much better this way for you. “i'm sorry if i ignored you.”
“it's okay.” he said softly, smiling at your face. “we’re fine now, right?”
“uh-huh.” you said as you opened your eyes, “can i ask you something?”
sanzu nodded at you. you don’t even know if he’s comfortable talking about it but you wanted to know, despite the happiness that you’re feeling, you can’t help but wonder what happened between him and naomi.
“what happened between… uhm, you and naomi? it’s okay if you don’t want to answer it, i’m just curious.”
you can’t read the expression that sanzu was making, is he mad? have you crossed a line? “i’m sorry-”
“it’s okay.” he smiled, “she broke up with me. i don’t know the reason why but that’s in the past.”
sanzu definitely knows the reason why naomi broke up with him. but he felt like a jerk just thinking about it, to this day he still remembers how naomi cried. it hurt him; but that woke him up. naomi is a nice person and he really regrets the way that they ended, believe him.
you just nodded, maybe that’s all you needed to know. you don't want to hurt yourself by asking unnecessary questions about their relationship before. if he said that that’s already in the past, then you have no reason to talk about it.
what’s important is his yours now. right? that’s how it should be, you were meant to be together. that’s what you’ll believe.
but there's one more thing that you’re curious about, “haru.”
“so, when did you realize that you know… you have feelings for me? whatever, don’t answer-”
sanzu cuts you off with a laugh, pinching your cheeks because of how cute you are. “that’s a secret.”
you rolled your eyes, “if you say so. good night.”
he laughed when you turned your back at him, pulling the blanket up to your head and closed your eyes. “ah, so you’re turning your back on me?”
“yes.” you answered, “i need to sleep. we still have classes tomorrow.”
you bit your lip, preventing yourself from smiling widely even more. sanzu can’t see you like this, you are losing your shit. how can you sleep if you feel so giddy? you shouldn't have agreed to sleep in his room, now you can't sleep.
“hug me.” he said, poking your back to make you look at him. he says your name over and over to annoy you, probably, “hug me!”
“shut up.” you said with faux irritation, turning to him with a frown on your face as if you weren't smiling because of him earlier under the blanket, “if i hug you, would you let me sleep?”
“yeah.” he grinned like a child who you just gave a candy to. he stretched his arms, so that you could move close to him and lock you inside his arms. “come on.”
you sighed as you moved close to him, using his other arm as your pillow and the other tightly wrapped around your body making you bury your face on his chest, “i can’t breathe, haru!”
you pulled your head away and looked at him with a frown, “haruchiyo-”
you were caught-off guard when he said something that gets your heart beating, so fast as if it was competing in some kind of competition. “can i kiss you?”
“h-huh?” you mumbled. “okay?”
sanzu didn’t waste any time and pulled you close to him, his palm pressing on the back of your neck as he placed his lips against yours, you closed your eyes as you reciprocated his kiss.
the feeling that you were experiencing right now was very intense, it felt as though your body was in a hot pit of fire. there was this familiar feeling yet it feels new.
you aren’t gonna lie but sanzu isn’t your first experience but it’s different when you’re kissing the person that you love. you feel warm, light-headed and whatnot. you feel all sorts of feelings rushing through your veins.
you let out a suppressed moan when he bit your lip, sucking your soft flesh in his mouth, your arms circling around his nape to pull him closer to you.
his fingertips were like electricity, sending small sparks into your skin as his hands were roaming inside your shirt. his kisses went down from your lips to your jaw, to your neck and your collarbone. “h-haru.”
“hmm.” he hummed, you shrieked when his hand came in contact with your tits, his large hands cupping the soft swell of your breast, kneading it so gently while sucking, biting and nibbling on your skin.
you’re losing your mind, it’s getting hazy in this sensation. you were drowning in pleasure, your body was aching—you must have been so deprived from physical touch to have felt this intensity. every touch has you quivering.
it felt so good that you were whimpering his name, what more if you both did that? “haru- are we, hmm.”
“what, baby?” his voice resonates all over your body, it should've stopped at your ears but it was so deep and melting that it flowed out to your entirety. “do you want to?”
your cheeks flushed the moment he stared right into your eyes, you pulled him close to you, burying his face on your neck to hide your flustered reaction. “i.. i don’t know.”
you heard him laugh, he removes his hand from inside your shirt and hugs you back. “okay, let’s sleep.”
you simply nodded, it’s kind of disappointing but maybe this isn't the right time. there’s always a next time, right? right.
“haru.” you whispered, he hummed in response while he gets comfortable on your chest, “did you put a hickey on my neck?”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about- don’t pull my hair!”
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+ see you again taglist. @hanmascult @ryouhoe @fl4mepillar @meena-in-a-nutshell @sanzudopeamine @hxked @xxrwzy @sophiesuna @douraken @mapachemapato @kawaii-desv @erisamorette @smolaf-filipino @hanmasgf @mitsuika @lustiel-winchester @cryszus @babydiamondblog @kimmysdreampalace @sseorin @k0ut4r0u
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