#overwatch 2 wrath of the bride
daniibogaming · 2 years
Overwatch 2 | Halloween-Terror Event 2022
Végre elkezdődött az idei Halloween Event immár az Overwatch 2-ben, ahol rengeteg questet kaptunk. Megpróbáltam nektek csoportosítani, hogy minél könnyebb legyen őket teljesíteni és sok jutalmat zsebelhessetek be értük. A küldetéseket angolul találjátok meg magyarázattal egybekötve.
Az event ideje október 25. - november 9.
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Vadonatúj halloween mód az Overwatch 2-ben, ahol Junker Queen, Sojourn, Ashe vagy Kirikoként kell legyőznünk a gonoszt egy szuper co-op party keretein belül. Vigyázat jump scaret tartalmaz!
Wrath of the Bride - Win Wrath of the Bride on any difficulty. ✅ Teljesítsd a Wrath of the Bride módot bármilyen nehézségiszinten.
Taking the Plunge - Win Wrath of the Bride on Hard difficulty. ✅ Teljesítsd a Wrath of the Bride küldetést nehéz (hard) fokozaton.
Here comes the Bride - Win Wrath of the Bride on Expert difficulty. Teljesítsd a Wrath of the Bride módot Expert nehézségen.
Love Conquers All - Win Wrath of the Bride on Legendary difficulty. Teljesítsd a Wrath of the Bride módot legendás (legendary) fokozaton.
Four Brave Heroes - Win wrath of the Bride as 4 different heroes. Teljesítsd a Wrath of the Bride módot mind a 4 hőssel mindegy milyen nehézségi szinten.
Council of the Bride - Eliminate 35 bosses in Wrath of the Bride. ✅ Likvidálj 35 főellenséget a Wrath of the Bride módban.
Fury of the Heroes - Win Wrath of the Bride with a score of 10k or higher. ✅ Teljesítsd a WotB módot 10 ezer vagy több ponttal.
Re-Tired - Destroy 15 Shock-Tires om Wrath of the Bride. Likvidálj 15 Shock-Tiret a WotB módban. A Shock-Tirek az időnként láncfűrész hang kíséretében megjelenő guruló bombák.
The Automaton, Transformes - Eliminate the Experiment while it is tank form on Hard difficulty or above in Wrath of the Bride. Likvidált Bastiont, amikor tank formában van hard+ fokozaton a WotB módban.
Knock, Knock - Disturb the guest in the Tavern in Wrath of the Bride. ✅ Zavard meg a vendéget a kocsmában a WotB módban.
Photozomb - Strike a pose with the bride during her introduction in Wrath of the Bride. Emoteolj Sombra (the Bride) introja alatt a WotB módban.
Witch's Brew - Uncover the fate of a terror past in a hidden corner of Adlersbrunn in Wrath of the Bride Ehhez a questhez le kell győzni a Summonert (Symmetra) és a Gargolyt (Winston) majd a kastély bejáratához közeledve egy vizes alagutat kell keresnünk, amihez gugolva kell közelednünk. (Képek)
Lantern Lit - Crouch at the lantern for 6 seconds while the Ghost is active in Wrath of the Bride. ✅ Gugolj egy lámpán 6 másodpercig, amikor a Ghost (Sigma) aktív a WotB módban.
No Spark - Win Wrath of the Bride without letting the Lord of Castle take any damage. ✅ Teljesítsd a WotB módot anélkül, hogy a Lord of the Castle (Sigma) meg tudna sebezni.
Ominous Moment - Witness all 7 Banshee moments in a single run of Wrath of the Bride. ✅ Légy tanúja mind a 7 pillanatnak, amikor a Banshee (Echo) megjelenik a WotB módban.
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A már jól ismert régi halloween mód is visszatért, hogy újfent megállítsuk Dr. Junkensteint.
TIPP: Legjobb csapat kombináció - Torbjörn/Soldier 76/Cassidy + healer
The Wanderers of Old - Win Junkenstein's Revenge on any difficulty. Teljesítsd a Junkentein's Renvenge módot bármilyen nehézségifokozaton.
The Endless Night Began - Complete Wave 12 in Junkenstein Endless Teljesítsd a 12. wavet a Junkenstein Endless módban.
Unfinished Business - Win Junkenstein Challenge Mission: Vengeful Ghost Teljesítsd a Junkenstein Challenge Mission: Vengeful Ghost módot.
Spooky. Speedy - Win Junkenstein Challenge Mission: Frenzied Stampede. Teljesítsd a Junkenstein Challenge Mission: Frenzied Stampede módot.
Terrifying Trio - Win Junkenstein Challenge Mission: Three They Were. Teljesítsd a Junkenstein Challenge Mission: Three They Were módot.
Costume Party - Win Junkenstein Challenge Mission: Mystery Swap. Teljesítsd a Junkenstein Challenge Mission: Mystery Swap módot.
Wedding Planner - Complete 13 Junkenstein challenge. Teljesíts 13 Junkenstein kihívást.
Mint láthatjátok van bőven teendő! Ha nem szeretnétek egyedül nekivágni csatlakozzatok a Discord szerveremhez!
Október 25. és november 6. között látogassatok el egy résztvevő Twitch csatornára és nézzétek az élő adást 2-2 óra ideig, hogy megkaphassátok a Werewolf Winston sprayt és skint!
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night-lie · 2 years
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The Banshee
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nitewrighter · 2 years
Junkrat X Sombra for the Haloween event D:
Nahhh I don't think it's like that--It's more like Sombra's supposed to be the main antagonist of the new event.
Also, the whole point of the Bride of Frankenstein is that she's the bride of the monster, but also, in the original Hammer Film, the Bride rejected the Monster. And I think the Sombra bride spray further indicates that she doesn't have any interest in Junkenstein or his monster.
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Look at how sad they are in the background! Dawwwww...
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gncassidy · 2 years
the butcher (junker queen): “oi, fortune teller! how many armies is it gonna take to kill me?”
fortune teller (kiriko): “actually you die peacefully of old age.”
the butcher (junker queen): *wounded gasp* “you take that back!”
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thatoneacecryptid · 2 years
Moira finally gets to be a boss in Junkenstein’s Revenge! Awesome!
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wildissylupus · 1 year
My Pages Halloween Event
The Lore of Halloween Terrors
Now you might be thinking "but Issy, Halloween Terrors doesn't have that much lore, what is there to talk about?"
And oh my sweet, naieve friend, let me take you on a journy of the lore of the characters featured in the Halloween Terrors event!
First of the canon characters, these are the characters actuvely featured in the lore of this event. Characters that include;
The First Heroes;
The Gunslinger (Cassidy)
The Archer (Hanzo)
The Solider (Soldier 76)
The Alchemist (Ana)
The Four of the Endless Night;
The Countess (Widowmaker)
The Monk (Zenyatta)
The Swordsman (Genji)
The Viking (Torjourn)
The Outlaw (Ashe)
The Renegade (Baptiste)
The Sheild-Maiden (Brigitte)
The Will-o'-the-wisp (Tracer)
The Defenders of Revenge;
The Outlaw (Ashe)
The Butcher (Junker Queen)
The Sleuth (Sojourn)
The Fortune Teller (Kiriko)
All of these characters are the canon adventures in this world, however we are not finished yet, here are the main villains of this world;
Revenge Era;
Junkenstein's Monster (Roadhog)
Dr. Junkenstein (Junkrat)
The Reaper (Reaper)
The Summoner (Symmetra)
The Witch (Mercy)
Wrath Era;
The Banshee (Moira)
The Gargoyles (Uses Winstons abilites but they are not Winston)
The Marionette (Echo)
The Summoner (Symmetra)
The Unstoppable Ghost (Sigma)
The Experiment (Bastion)
The Bride (Sombra)
Now time for the mentioned/NPC characters;
The Ape/Werewolf (Winston)
The King (Reinhardt)
Now all of these characters have lore that is implied mostly through interactions but some are implied through the names in game and their canon skins associated with the character in the Halloween Terror's universe. Some more then others but there is lore non-the-less.
Throughout the month I will be exploring the lore and implications of each characters, starting with the playable heroes and going down the list all the way to the NPC characters.
During this time I will try only answering asks that are centred around the Halloween event.
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hammeh · 2 years
Loving the new Overwatch 2 Interactions from Junkenstein/Wrath of The Bride this year! Here's everything Halloween I've found so far (pretty sure it's all, or close to!), in event order :)
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miss-nerd-alert · 2 years
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bisexual-ashe · 2 years
girl help i was playing overwatch and my sister (junker queen) called me (ashe) a pillow princess i-
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fadedreflect · 2 years
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Kiriko’s Delivery Service- Outline complete
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thetoxicgamer · 2 years
Overwatch 2’s Only Halloween Event Skin Comes From Not Playing
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We are now in the midst of the Overwatch 2 Halloween event, which honours the spookiest season of the year with a spooky overlay and even a new game mode—a follow-up to Junkenstein's Revenge. Though the FPS game has gone free-to-play, this year's Overwatch 2 Halloween event is different, and many players aren't at all happy with the new rollout of earnable skins and cosmetics. In case you didn’t know, the Overwatch 2 Halloween event is running from October 25 to November 9, and it adds the co-op mission Junkenstein’s Revenge: Wrath of the Bride. You can earn name cards, weapon charms, battle pass XP, and more, but players are frustrated at Blizzard for removing one specific earnable reward: character skins. That said, you can watch any streamer under the Overwatch 2 Twitch category for four hours and get the Werewolf Winston Legendary skin, but there are still no earnable in-game rewards pertaining to skins during the event. It appears that this change has everything to do with the Overwatch 2 free-to-play model, as Blizzard also mentions that limited edition skin bundles will be available in the shop during the event. “We’re expanding on the story of Junkenstein’s Revenge through Wrath of the Bride and adding spooky new skins and bundles to the Overwatch Shop.” This change has caused quite the furore from players, as a post outlining that there are no skin rewards in the Overwatch 2 Halloween event has gained almost 24,000 upvotes on Reddit in less than a day. “Event skins were the only thing keeping me playing over the last couple years,” laments SnooDoodles8088. “I never missed a single one and it almost felt like an obligation to maintain my streak after a while.” This change to event skins is emblematic of a larger Overwatch 2 problem for most players, this being that skins feel too expensive, and that Blizzard has completely changed how players can earn them, which is basically no longer through play itself. “You get more skins for not playing the game,” adds The_Owl_Bard, which feels like an incredibly apt statement that highlights the overall state of the Overwatch 2 Halloween event, and the multiplayer game’s monetisation model. At this point I think it’s fair to say that Blizzard won’t be changing its money making ways for Overwatch 2, as it aligns with the new free-to-play model that’s been adopted. That said, fans are still going to bring up their disappointment, and rightly so. If you’re playing Overwatch 2 and need some quick help, we’ve got your back with a series of guides. We have an Overwatch 2 tier list of all the best heroes to pick for your role, alongside some Overwatch 2 best settings for your PC playing. Read the full article
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gncassidy · 2 years
outlaw (ashe): “if i’m not mistaken, you knew that crackpot doctor?”
the butcher (junker queen): “‘course! he paid through the nose for my carcasses. dunno why.”
outlaw (ashe): “honey when a mad scientist asks to buy your corpses, you say no.”
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isfeed · 2 years
Overwatch 2 is putting Mei... *on ice*
Overwatch 2 is putting Mei… *on ice*
Blizzard The scariest thing in Overwatch 2 right now isn’t the Junkenstein’s Revenge: Wrath of the Bride event but a bugged Mei. Players, take heed and take heart: the demon of quick play, the terror lurking the ladder, the creature of comp is being temporarily disabled to address a glitch. [#OW2] We are temporarily disabling Mei to address a bug with her Ice Wall ability that allows heroes to…
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kuoringankalmo · 2 years
its so fun, so new gameplay for ovw and it makes me really exited for the future!! 👀👀
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dawsey28 · 2 years
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Overwatch 2 Junkenstein’s Revenge: Wrath of the Bride
2022 Halloween event
October 25, 2022
“Junkenstein’s Revenge: Wrath of the Bride is an upcoming Overwatch 2 Halloween event and is the first seasonal event to take place in Overwatch 2. It is a sequel to the original Halloween event called Junkenstein’s Revenge.
The Overwatch 2 Junkenstein’s Revenge: Wrath of the Bride Halloween event will run from October 25 to November 8.”
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miphasdream · 2 years
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