#overwatch voice lines
hammeh · 2 years
Loving the new Overwatch 2 Interactions from Junkenstein/Wrath of The Bride this year! Here's everything Halloween I've found so far (pretty sure it's all, or close to!), in event order :)
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tokushuhere · 1 year
Lúcio: So, I'm trying to ask everybody this. What is your favorite animal?
Ramattra: Ants. They build marvelous structures and cooperate when threatened. I find them... Inspirational.
Zenyatta: I envy ants for their clarity of purpose.
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moon-suki · 3 months
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save me big cowboy.. save me..
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spicymotte · 2 years
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why doesn't Ramattra know how pants work. also Pepsi skin when
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yore-donatsu · 1 year
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Between two commissions, sketches on Ramattra and Sigma ! 💜 (2 years I did'nt draw this last one... Outch 😟 )
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gubbygoober · 7 months
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Drew him doing the thing
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ree-duh · 23 days
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They were roommates…
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whatzaoverwatch · 1 year
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His greatest ability will be to finally reveal all the LGBT characters in the roster
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hoghazi · 11 months
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wwolflesbian · 2 years
overwatch characters: "heh. looks like I won that fight. now let me quote a movie that matches my aesthetics and nothing else."
TF2 characters: "Ey look at me look at me I got so much damn personality that people write fanfic that gets us so hard it becomes canonical. You know exactly who's voice I'm speaking in right now I don't even gotta say it."
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fuocogo · 1 year
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radical new overwatch skin idea where they're married and in love
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hammeh · 2 years
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donniesdorm · 1 year
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“I suppose we should rescue the cowboy..”
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alevolpe · 4 months
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Random non-sailor moon sketch.
I just miss them sometimes.
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dr1lldash · 6 days
venture x medic!reader 1.4k, pure fluff (pls note i have not written in years and wrote this in like an hour bc i cannot stop thinking about them)
You met Sloan on a dig in Cairo. You were a medic, which was a relatively easy job with the Wayfinders. The dozen or so crew members were usually careful, the keyword being usually.
You were sitting in your tent, triple checking your supplies when you heard footsteps rapidly approaching. You barely had time to turn to the tent flap when it was whipped open.
“I’m fine, I swear!” someone protests as they’re pushed inside. “It’s just a little bump on the noggin!”
“Sloan, you passed out for almost a minute. You can come back as soon as (Y/N) gives you the all-clear, but not until then. If it’s really just a little bump, you’ll be back before the end of the day.” You recognize Carrie’s voice, but not the person she’s talking to.
“This stinks,” they mutter, kicking at the ground before looking up at you. You only had a moment to look closer at them, noticing a bruise forming on their forehead underneath a mop of curly, dark brown hair. One of their thick eyebrows is pierced, and it was slightly swollen. They look back at you for a second, unblinking, before wiping some dirt off of their face. “Uh, hi! I’m Sloan.” They stuck a hand out at you.
You look at their hand, covered in dirt, but shake it anyway. “(Y/N),” you respond. “Are you hurt?”
“No!” they insist. “I mean, I fell a little bit. But not that far! My head barely even hurts!” Your eyebrows narrow slightly in worry. You reach out and touch their forehead, barely brushing up against it, and they wince and pull back.
“This doesn’t look good,” you tell them. “Can you sit for a minute?” Sloan does as you say, almost onto the cot behind them. You turn around to grab an ice pack and some painkillers, and they look around the tent.
“It’s pretty nice in here,” they say, more thinking out loud than talking to you. “It gets so hot outside.”
“I can’t imagine that coat keeps you cool,” you respond, handing them some pills and a bottle of water. You hold the ice pack to their forehead. They wince again, but don’t pull away this time.
“No, but I’m not really outside that much. Once you’re a few meters in the dirt, it gets freezing.” They pop the pills into their mouth and swallow them with a swig of water. “Can I go back now?”
“I need to make sure you’re not concussed.” They pout slightly, letting out a sigh. “It won’t take long, I swear.”
“Okay, okay,” they concede. You ask them about symptoms, and they tell you that they’re not nauseous, lightheaded, or tired, but their head is pounding a little bit, which is to be expected from the size of the bruise that is slowly but surely still forming. Their loss of consciousness concerns you, and you have them lay down for a minute.
  “Did you eat breakfast?”
“I had a granola bar.” They pause. “Well, it was a cereal bar, technically, but it’s the same thing, right?”
“Uh, not really, but at least you got food in your stomach.” You check in your cabinet, and pull out a bag of beef jerky. “Can you eat?”
“Ooh, yeah!” They happily take the bag from you, and start munching. “Do you always have snacks in here?”
“Of course, you’d be surprised how many people don’t notice they’re hungry til they’re about to pass out.” The two of you chat about different things while they work through the bag, and when they’re done, they finish their bottle of water.
“So, am I okay to get back now?” You check the time on your watch, about an hour has passed since they came into your tent and they still seem fine.
“Yeah, but come back if you feel nauseous or anything, okay?”
“Uh-huh!” They swing themselves around so their legs are dangling off the cot before dropping to the ground. “I swear.”
“Alright.” You smile at them. “Be safe.”
They flash you a chipped-tooth grin back. “I always am! Well, usually. Bye!” They wave at you as they walk out of your tent.
You don’t see them for the rest of the day, so you assume they’re fine. The next day, however, they’re back in your tent as the sun is setting.
“Sloan, are you okay?” You’re worried as soon as they enter, but they flash you that grin again.
“Yeah, I just thought you’d miss me.” You can’t help but smile at them. “Plus, the bruise is kind of killing me. Can I have some painkillers?” You glance at their forehead, and their bruise is turning a deep purple. It’s normal, it should be expected, but it doesn’t look comfortable, especially with their goggles pressing on it.
“Of course, but you shouldn’t take them on an empty stomach.”
You turn to grab painkillers and a granola bar for them, but before you can, they ask, “So we should grab dinner?” You’re not sure why you’re slightly surprised, but you agree. So you can make sure they’re not having any concussion symptoms, of course.
“Yeah, that sounds great.” You beam at them. You hand them the painkillers and the two of you walk out of your tent, towards the bonfire next to where the kitchen staff have set up. You tell them to sit as you grab plates full of food for the both of you, and by the time you get back to them, they’re twiddling their thumbs and watching the fire.
“Thank you!” They grin up at you as you hand them their plate, quickly digging in. They bounce their leg ever so slightly as they eat, leaving the two of you in a comfortable silence. You can hear the conversations of the rest of the crew around you, more murmurs than anything else. When the two of you are done eating, Sloan takes your plates back to the kitchen staff to be washed. You sit, looking at the slowly dying fire, and you’re slightly surprised when they come back to sit with you.
“Do you like ice cream?” You’re not sure what you expected to come out of their mouth, but it isn’t that. “I asked the kitchen staff to keep some safe for me, and I wanna share. I-if you want it, of course.”
The heat in Cairo has been getting to you the past several days, and even though the night was cold, the heat from the bonfire leaves you sweating. “That sounds perfect right now.” They stand up, holding a hand out to you.
“Follow me!” You take their hand, following them as they practically run to the kitchen staff’s trailer. You’ve been inside a few times, only to restock on water and snack foods, but Sloan seems to know where everything is. They grab bowls and spoons before dishing out a generous serving of vanilla ice cream. “I would usually bring a couple flavors, but they told me they didn’t have room this time.”
Sloan hands one of the bowls to you, digging into their own as soon as their hand is free. “Ugh, this is so good,” they practically moan. You take a spoonful, letting the cream melt in your mouth before swallowing it.
“I honestly can’t remember the last time I had plain vanilla.”
“What? But it’s the best flavor!”
You shake your head. “Strawberry.”
They tilt their head from side to side like a see-saw. “Hm, okay, I’ll concede to strawberry. Rocky road, too.”
“It’s been years since I had rocky road.”
“I’ll get you some once we’re done with the expedition.” They freeze as they bring their spoon up to their mouth. “I mean, if you want to. And if you can. I don’t want to assume -”
You interrupt them. “That sounds great, Sloan.” They continue eating their ice cream, a content smile on their face as a soft blush spreads on their cheeks.
“It’s a date,” they mutter. You’re not sure if you were supposed to hear it, but you’re glad you did. Once the two of you finish your ice cream, they clean the bowls and spoons and put them away.
They take you back to your tent, the two of you being as quiet as possible. You’re not sure how much time had passed, but it seems like everyone else had already gone to bed. They grab your hand and squeeze it for just a second, smiling warmly as they wish you goodnight.
When you crawl into your sleeping bag, there’s a smile that won’t fade and a warm feeling in your stomach.
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bigteo · 1 year
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