#overwatch shenanigans
cybernightart · 1 year
idiot sandwich
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sooooo I was playing with some friends yesterday and I dived into point not realizing my friend on mercy came with me and may or may not have accidently left them to die. which I was grilled for after XD to my defense I thought I saw them with our Ana and Dva, but I was being dilutional apparently
my friend went back and recorded the footage XD we had a party of 4 being me (cybernight on genji), Koiseas (mercy), Kbogie (ana), and Gam3rGho5t (widow) with Dva being our rando
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pyuwritesthings · 4 months
Met the sweetest venture in quick play today. We had this silent pact of not shooting eachother lol- just sad because my group (I was in vc with them cus we were chilling) kept killing them whenever we would just be off in a corner saying hi or doing voice lines.
So anyways if your seeing this and are like "oh wow reminds me of that adhdhaver guy in overwatch" that's me and I'm so sorry my brother and my friends kept killing you when we were vibing
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shadowtoons · 5 months
That’s crazy man
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toastydumpster · 9 months
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lepusrufus · 1 year
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Ever wondered how Angela keeps up with Moira around the lab? Wheelies... the answer is wheelies.
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melvinandlugnut · 26 days
A peek into our nefarious NSFW channel
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gamanyne · 9 months
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POV: Siebren & Olivia just finished watching Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Does this count? 🗣 @nebulaickiwi
Pls don't shoot me nebula, I'm still young
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dawnthefox24 · 7 months
Gabriel: What’s your biggest fear? Cole: That I’ll never be good enough for anyone. Gabriel:*whispers underneath his breath* Fuck okay that's pretty deep Moira: Everyone hates me and talks about me behind my back. Gabriel: They already do Moira that doesn't count Moira: *flips him off* Fuck you Reyes Genji: Zombies. Cole:... Gabriel:.... Moira:... Genji: BUT they can open doors. Gabriel:....Alright I-I guess that's pretty terrifying Genji....
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bruniiiswrld · 1 year
hello all! my bad for inactivity, i've been busy grinding on overwatch ... speaking of overwatch, im boutta make a bot for this big tittied cowboy right here
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dreaduquesne · 2 months
this is what happens when you love Overwatch but you hate doing Quick Play without a duo (and you almost never have a duo)
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and to think I use to exclusively play soldier before I learned others 🥹
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nebsisdead · 4 months
Okay, so overwatch is most likely set on 2088. No big deal. However, this got me thinking about the characters' ages.
So me and my friend searched some stuff up and it led to some fucking hilarious conclusions.
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So soldier is 58 meaning he was born in 2030. So he's born in the generation after gen alpha. HOWEVER.
Sigma is 64 so he's about six years older than soldier.
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THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING. and to celebrate, I've made this-
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A special thanks to my research partner @w-meth for aiding in this wonderful discovery.
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cybernightart · 1 year
I just had a decently funny interaction in one of my games. Are mercy had died so I went back to spawn to taxi her back to the team (I was playing Genji as I do so I was the fastest on the team so I could get back and forth the fastest) we were on Esperança and I was standing in the first building this doorway waiting for mercy to guardian angel over and then she just stopped walking and just said no. I was confused but internally said okay turned around said I'm so sorry I just started crouch walking back with my head down around the corner and then the mercy started spamming I'm sorry and then I poked my head around the corner again and she flew to me and kept saying hello while healing and damage boosting me.
Which was funny enough in itself, only to be topped by the fact almost immediately after we got to the team our other three teammates were killed and me and the mercy were just hiding behind the walls on the bridge, just crouching and staring at each other not moving. Then I peeked around the corner saw that they had moved on a bit looked back at mercy she started crouch walking towards me, and then she was doing this I saw a Cassidy appear out of nowhere and threw his hinder. And since I had jumped in front of the mercy I got hindered, and it managed to pull up my deflect in time that it unfortunately didn't deflect the hinder but it deflected the alt fire which he then proceeded to go into a high noon after doing that and I tried to jump in front of the mercy again so she wouldn't get shot but he tried flying to me as I was jumping so she ended up dying and by that point I was already mostly dead because I had been hit by the high noon but not killled me, which then being my little vulnerable Genji self stuck in a far too long reload animation, Cassidy proceeded to shoot me straight in the face. which of course sent me back to spawn where I was greeted by mercy who I proceeded to apologize to multiple times.
Also I got one of my first ever nano blades that game which was minorly terrifying cuz I was not expecting it, I did end up killing two people though one of which had also been nanoed (The Cassidy). But the thing I love more is the fact that the two other times we had nano that game the mercy got nanoed, which I showed my support for every time XD
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pachirobi · 1 year
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Born to draw Anahardt… forced to clock into my 9-5
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pinkusmaximus · 1 year
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pinky forgot that tumblr exists, now I can tag my besfren for his OC/my chew toy Wesley @pastel-possum @smolstarchild shakes him around like an old wet rag doll
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reaperarchives · 1 year
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tfw when you try to show your bestie a meme and they wont look
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lepusrufus · 11 months
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Have a quick little doodle from the Morgue AU, as a treat. Sometimes it's Ameliè's turn to be a lil shit
Speech bubble translation bc I know my handwriting is kinda wonky in this:
Angela: So you two have been friends since... high school?
Ameliè: Oh yes. And before you ask, yeah, she's always been freakishly tall.
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