#quickplay sillies
pyuwritesthings · 4 months
Met the sweetest venture in quick play today. We had this silent pact of not shooting eachother lol- just sad because my group (I was in vc with them cus we were chilling) kept killing them whenever we would just be off in a corner saying hi or doing voice lines.
So anyways if your seeing this and are like "oh wow reminds me of that adhdhaver guy in overwatch" that's me and I'm so sorry my brother and my friends kept killing you when we were vibing
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2xplusungood · 4 months
Copying my reddit post here for greater visibility:
Im gonna spare you the gloom and doom of my own personal doubts, and simply reiterate the very real possibility that Valve, who has a very long history of neglecting TF2 will continue to not intervene.
Rather than say "Everything is fucked and TF2 is dead" Im here to offer a solution in the form of the kryptonite for bots and cheaters that has been in the game since it first launched: community servers.
However, this comes with a massive caveat: The current state of TF2 vanilla community servers isnt the best. With the introduction of Quickplay, many servers were starved of new players as Quickplay prioritized putting people into already massive server groups like Skial, and matchmaking only made things worse.
Now if you open the server browser youll mostly see the big server groups or servers that run something entirely differant than the vanilla game (VSH/Freak Fortress/Jailbreak) when it isnt just servers inflating their numbers with fake players or bots.
Thankfully, this is entirely fixable without Valve. While casual remaining in its near unplayable state there is a growing need for spaces to play the game that are moderated by actual humans who can simply kick and ban bots. Uncletopia and Lazypurples silly servers have been MASSIVELY sucessful simply by offering those spaces.
So how do YOU get involved in helping this? Three main ways:
A. Simply playing on community servers instead of casual. Community server population operates on a snowball principle, where empty servers stay empty and populated servers fill up.
B. If you have the resources, open your own community server. It may seem like a daunting task but the reward is being able to tailor a space for both yourself and others for the exact experiance you want out of the game, wheather thats sweaty tryhard, friendly messing around or somewhere between those two extremes. Theres also a MASSIVE amount of amazing maps out there that will likely never be added to tf2 that you can have a chance to play on.
C. Spread the word. Doing B is likely not in the cards for most people, but big name youtubers definitely have both the resources and influence to run at least ONE sucessful community server, and if even half them who have previously made videos step up to offer an alternative, TF2 will be in a MUCH better place than it is now. Alongside this, if you DO find a server you like, PROMOTE THEM. Let as many people as possible know there are alternatives to casual mode.
To reiterate, I am by no means saying give up on #FixTF2 Im simply offering a plan B in the form of #ReturnToCommunity
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transmasc-malleus · 5 months
ow punishing you for leaving quickplay now is so silly its not that serious
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cuntstable · 2 years
can overwatch 2 please stop putting me in quickplay games with top 500 players its very scary. im just trying to be silly and have fun….
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enderwolf91 · 2 days
this is from the quickplay game I just played 😄
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these should not be the stats of a quickplay game. I'm sorry but wth is this I literally went lightheaded with how concentrated I got cuz my teammates were determined to win, as was the enemy team
my team were having fun in the spawn room and these guys came out the gate like this was comp, full aggression no sillies
this is why I don't play comp, it messes with me physically when I concentrate this much on a game. I get light headed from everything going on and teammates talking and pinging and trying not to die but also trying to kill the enemy team- then I get all dissociative afterwords cuz that adrenaline rush suddenly vanishes
I'm gonna go lay down 😮‍💨
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bam-monsterhospital · 2 years
i WILL complain forever, but in all honesty, playing with people in quickplay in overwatch2 is actually on the whole, pretty fun.
most people are just there to have fun and be silly. most people actively work to maintain a light mood, and it’s great! 
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anonthefold · 2 years
Part of me feels this deep seeded desire to take Moira to Masters to prove something to myself. Part of me is like... dude she is not great at higher ELO. The other part of me feels like I need to puff out my chest and just become one of the best Moira players out there. Regardless of all that I played a panic bastion from the start being pocketed by my friend and honeslty... in quickplay it is eaaaaasy. Like they are a very good support player but a boosted Bastion is just kinda silly. Solo queueing in comp as DPS has been really tough though. the few matches I have done have just been really bad supports. I understand why Moiras get bad reps because most of the ones I have played with have just been dps in disguise. 3k healing on a robit map is like fucking dumb. I am sorry you are literally throwing. I can easily get 8-15k and still get higher elims as a Moira instead of just locked in sucking. But that is bronze. 
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guiltygearxrd2 · 2 years
still cant believe blizzard went “oh hey you know the wonder bread guy who everyone makes “team dad” jokes about? gay, now go get your 9 silly little quickplay wins for cat girl ana”
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reaperarchives · 2 years
Y'know it's kinda hilarious to me that Tumblr has no idea what blogs to recommend alongside this one.
I haven't really looked around any but I doubt there are many blogs like this one that just...posts one person's Overwatch highlights. Is the Tumblr Overwatch community even really alive still in the year 2022? I have no clue. I just post my silly little quickplay highlights and move on with my day.
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iambearypunny · 7 years
Stupid moments like these are why I play video games tbh,
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thesevenseraphs · 6 years
Bungie Weekly Update - 6/7/18
This week at Bungie, we revealed Forsaken.
On September 4, we’re kicking off the second year of Destiny 2 with a brand new story. We have some bold plans to take you to new places and change the way you play. If you haven’t seen it yet, check out the ViDoc that revealed Destiny 2: Forsaken.
We’re committed to reinforcing the hobby for every player of Destiny 2, and we have a lot of changes coming in Year 2 that do just that. The ViDoc was followed by a live conversation on what we have planned for September. Didn’t get to tune in to watch it live? We’ve got an archive for you to watch at your leisure.
Too long, didn’t watch?
Forsaken tells a new story with a darker tone in a lawless frontier.
Tangled Shore is a new destination made of a web of asteroids and mysteries.
The Dreaming City is our first endgame destination, home to the biggest challenges.
The Scorn are a new enemy, led by a group of eight barons you will hunt down.
Our new weapon system gives you more control over how you configure your fighting style.
We're adding random rolls and improving the mod system for better weapon customization.
New Masterwork style system allows you to level weapons up over time.
Your Guardian discovers new ways to fight with new Supers.
The Bow joins your arsenal as a new weapon type.
Gambit is a new activity that combines PvE and PvP in a competitive co-op experience.
There is a brand new raid located in the Dreaming City.
The new Collections feature lets you track all the items you can acquire.
The new Triumphs feature lets you track your achievements and lore.
You’ll learn a lot more about this new story we’re telling at E3. Gambit will be playable at both E3 and GuardianCon.
We also updated the Roadmap this week to give you details on what all players of Destiny 2 can enjoy this September. There were also some additions to the summer update, including 6v6 Quickplay and a permanent Rumble playlist. Prestige Raid Lairs are also coming in 1.2.3 and do require ownership of the expansion they were delivered in.
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Annual Pass
Another topic of the stream was the new Annual Pass. As the evolution of the Expansion Pass that delivered content like Curse of Osiris and Warmind, the Annual Pass is a new plan for how we’ll give hardcore players more ways to fight their enemies, collect new loot, and customize their characters. Here is
Game Director Christopher Barrett
to tell you more about our goals.
Christopher: Destiny 2 Year 2 begins with Forsaken, and throughout that year we're going to be focusing our teams on delivering content that gives players reasons to come back to Destiny. This means new activities, endgame challenges, progression systems, and awesome rewards. With the Annual Pass, we want to deliver content more frequently throughout the entirety of Year 2, with three releases in Winter, Spring, and Summer. In addition to everything new in Forsaken and the Annual Pass, we’re continuing to fully support Seasons and deliver updates to all players of Destiny 2. During each Season, all players can expect new rewards to earn, new Crucible maps and modes, improvements to gameplay features, recurring activities, special events, and more. This graphic puts everything we have planned for year two on the map:
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We’re excited for the second year of Destiny 2. You'll soon learn more about what to expect in the coming weeks and months leading up to September when Forsaken and the Annual pass officially launch.
Lab Report
Last week, we rolled out Crucible Labs to give you a first glimpse of Crucible content still under development. This was our first experiment in the lab, but definitely won’t be our last.
Senior Crucible Designer Andrew Weldon is here to debrief you on our conclusions.
Andrew: Hello everyone! Thank you to everyone who participated in our debut Crucible Labs playlist last week! Understandably, many of you are curious about the decision-making process behind developing Showdown and deploying it with Labs. I wanted to take some time to talk briefly about these decisions, what they mean for the first reveal of Labs, and how this first Labs run will help shape our future. Every mode you’ve ever played in Destiny has been the product of design, iteration, playtesting, more iteration, more playtesting, polish, and final bug fixing. This takes a lot of time and effort across multiple departments within the studio, and as players, you don’t get to see it until it’s finished and in the game or featured in a press event or public beta. Labs gives us an opportunity to open up some of this development process to the community, so you can be there with us earlier. But rolling out a feature like Labs is not without risk—we’re showing you unfinished work that is below our shipping bar, and we expect there to be issues that need addressing. It was important for our first Labs to be measured and cautious. Our primary focus for this first round was to make sure that Labs itself worked, and Showdown made for a great simple test case that we already have some familiarity with shipping through Crimson Days and Doubles. Now that we’ve successfully launched Labs, we’ll be able to consider more options over time, ranging from new competitive experiences to more silly and just-for-fun experiments.
Has no concrete timeline or schedule
Must not interfere with must-ship features and updates (i.e., the Summer Update and Forsaken—Labs modes are in addition to features you’re already scheduled to receive!)
Can be iterated on in a semi-public setting
Can succeed and be polished for a full release in a playlist or rotator
Can fail and never be seen again
The broad feedback to Showdown in this setting has shown us there is a lot of room for improvement, and that’s OK! Some of your favorite modes in Destiny have had terrible playtests where we’re left wondering if we can even save them. Some modes that showed promise never came together the way we hoped and had to be left behind. This is a normal part of the development process that we’re inviting you to join, and we welcome your feedback and criticism as we make decisions not only in this mode, but in the future as well. You may very well see Showdown again in the future with changes based on feedback from this week, and we have some additional Labs experiences in the pipe in our Summer update. Over time, we’ll continue to get into the zone and lock down the best process and path to deploying new experiences for you. We’re glad to have you along for the ride!
The Night Is Dark
Destiny Player Support keep the trains running on time. We don’t have a lot of trains, but they do keep you up to date on game-impacting issues and when fixes are on the way.
This is their report.
Nightfall Unique Rewards
This week, Destiny Hotfix was released. Issues preventing Nightfall Unique Rewards from dropping have been resolved. We are currently planning to reschedule the Tree of Probabilities Strike to be featured as the Nightfall for the week of June 19, 2018. Stay tuned to @Bungie for future updates.
Faction Rallies
With the release of Update 1.2.0, Faction Rallies now feature the Renown system. After pledging to a faction, players may earn Renown by completing a public event or patrol, or by defeating high-value targets on destinations. Players may earn additional Renown if they are wearing a full armor set for the faction they’ve pledged to. There are ways in which players can lose stacks of renown:
Being defeated by an enemy
Fast traveling
Going to Orbit
Logging out of the game
For more information regarding Renown and the changes to Faction Rallies, players may visit the Faction Rallies Guide on help.bungie.net.
The following issues have been identified, and are currently under investigation:
Some Faction Rallies ornaments cannot progress when completing the Lost Sector on Mercury.
Ornaments requiring players to defeat Hive with melee abilities sometimes don’t progress.
This most commonly occurs on the Arcstrider Subclass “Way of the Wind.”
If you encounter issues impacting Renown or Faction Rallies ornament progress, please report to the #Help forum on bungie.net.
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echidna-auxiliatrix · 6 years
Had a really nice time in overwatch training mode tonight! I was playing with this really nice mercy main who kept reviving me even when I killed myself with my own pulse bombs. My team talked a bunch in the chat and we reassured each other it was fun and wholesome :). To me training mode is more fun just because ppl are nicer and more willing to strategize ex. If someone asks for healing then you'll get it shortly but in quickplay its everyone for themself. Also I don't die every five seconds which is fun :). Lmao up until a few nights ago I thought you played with bots on training mode and not with other people on your team. How silly! Yeah I'm probably not playing anything but training now. Also if y'all want to play on training with me then add me and let me know how that works! I have no clue how to add ppl without the recently played with screen.
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ollydee · 7 years
reclusiveramie replied to your post “anyone else kinda suck at overwatch but still wanna do a team thing?...”
Are you looking for a group to play competitive or just qp? Cause I can do a decent job of about any healer but competitive still kinda freaks me out too much to play
honestly same so starting in quickplay sounds good by me! I just wanna have a team, even if we suck. I want a silly team name and regular overwatch meetups where we all just die together, on repeat, while I nade y’all frantically. it honestly sounds like the dopest time! if we get into it I’ll even make shirts. 
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smoothintheshell · 7 years
elementa1st replied to your post “Silly question but I’m going to ask it anyway, so there :P. True, that...”
There is no server in Overwatch (except America or Europe & you can play either one). But depending on what game mode, levels of toxicity are different. Avoid competitive (duh) and quickplay, and people can be douches in arcade too. Play vs AI (where you and real people play against an AI team) is almost always chill. Or you can make a custom match and play just with friends and fill in with AI. OR you can just play alone with AI, but you won't get XP.
Yeah. The friends part is probably gonna be hard. Most of my friends say they’re chill but end up getting mad at me because I can’t play lol.
I could always muse the idiots but then they end up doing all the report and kicking etc because you die once --”.
@elementa1st replied to your post “Silly question but I’m going to ask it anyway, so there :P. True, that...”
PS I haven't booted up Overwatch in months, but if you end up picking it up give me a poke!
If I ever do end up getting it, then yeah! If you want to add me to Battle.net already, it’s munchyfly.
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Quickplay sillies, not meant to be taken as serious gameplay BUT I do play like this pretty much all-around. Many will argue that Rein should never do anything but hold a shield, but I respectfully disagree. If you're not having fun in a game, I don't know what to tell you ;} This spliced piece is part of a bigger project akin to my Mercy montage. Enjoy! (Honestly, I just enjoy hearing everyone scream...)
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equz · 8 years
i still cant believe that we won a comp game yesterday like attack on hollywood me as hanzo, then a widowmaker, 3dps and one roadhog and we won 3-1 like i didn’t even realize it was comp cause i was doing something else while they looked for a game for me so i was just being silly because i thought it was quickplay
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