sporeservant · 9 months
Get to know your Tav!
(Ask game format available here!)
Thanks for the patience of everyone who’s been waiting on this questionnaire. Below are some “get to know you” questions about the current or favorite Tav of anyone that would like to participate. Feel free to skip any questions that don’t strike your fancy or apply to your character by marking them with an “X”.
I can’t wait to get to know your characters!
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Introduce your Tav (name, race/class, pronouns):
What is your Tav’s…
favorite weapon:
style of combat:
most prized possession:
deepest desire:
guilty pleasure:
best-kept secret:
greatest strength:
fatal flaw:
favorite smell:
favorite spell or cantrip:
pet peeve:
bad habit:
hidden talent:
leisure activity:
favorite drink:
comfort food:
favorite person:
favored display of affection (platonic and/or romantic):
fondest childhood memory:
Is there anything else you'd like to share? (feel free to include art or a screenshot of your Tav if available!)
Thanks for your participation, a dark urge questionnaire is coming soon!
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@queenjayrogue , @owmyeyeballs , @teamdilf , @rapture29 ,
@astraphone , @evye , @kaldurcalm , @tavsboots , @parricidalis ,
@aroace-nut-case , @knightingale-errant , @firetear11 , @n0vab1rn
& anyone else that would like to participate!
Text divider credit @saradika
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squoonsquoon · 8 months
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also from a convo with @owmyeyeballs hehe kids and druids and dhampirs all mixed into one :3
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justabiteofspite · 5 months
WIP Game
Rules: make a new post and share 1-2 sentences from your most recent unposted WIP(s) with zero context – Let your followers guess!
I was tagged by @cleric4vampire and @bhaalsdeepbat, thank you! I was also tagged by @dragon--sage in a slightly different but very similar game, I hope this suffices, thank you for tagging me!
“Bathing for the second time today, while fully clothed, in the middle of the night?”
Henri clicked her tongue, still seemingly determined to pretend this was perfectly normal behavior, “Yep. Also...laundry.”
“The wizard didn’t teach you how to lockpick, now, did he?”
“Yeah, but wizards can do big things like walls of fire. A wall of fire could kill like...twenty vampires.”
Tagging @owmyeyeballs, @spite-made-me and anyone else who would like to participate, please tag me so I can see!
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sigurdjarlson · 3 years
@owmyeyeballs even in the game Khadgar seems so happy to have a friend. Especially in WoD and Legion. 😭 (the player character) he even brags about you to other mages I remember like awww..
(Also never forget that one guy calling you khadgar’s special friend in legion 😂)
He just comes across so agonizingly lonely in every universe.
The way he soaks up even the slightest bit of affection like he’s starved for it (he is).
Like we know Older Khadgar believes no one would ever want him romantically because of the curse but it really seems like that self loathing and loneliness didn’t start there. It just made it worse.
And going with the “he was abandoned by his family” thing…is it really any wonder he seems to believe he’s fundamentally unlovable? That no one would ever want him? 🥺
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shadowphoenixrider · 5 years
owmyeyeballs replied to your post: When will my archmage come back from...whatever...
Khadgar is sitting in some tavern somewhere, completely smashed, listening to people talk about the war being over and going “OH! DID WE DECIDE KILLING EACH OTHER ISH A *hic!* BAD IDEA? LIKE I SHAID ALL ALONG?”
Can we have a quest to find him and put him to bed? Carry him home safe, maybe start a romance?
That would be swell.
“Oh wow you did it in one expansion. That’s a new record, right?”
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from @owmyeyeballs​ 86, Ineffable Husbands “Don’t be scared, I’m right here.”: 
Crowley was sweating so profusely it looked like there was a hole in his ceiling and there’d been a heavy downpour. He hadn’t heard the deeply distressed noises he was making, the strangled half-crying as he mumbled Aziraphale’s name. The angel woke up and turned over. He put a hand on Crowley’s shoulder rocking him almost imperceptibly until he jostled him awake. 
“Crowley,” he whispered. “Are you alright?”
“Aziraphale,” Crowley said, his voice croaky and full of uncertainty. 
“Don’t be scared; I’m right here.”
“I’m not scared I just....are you here?” 
“Yes, I’m here.” The angel repeated this several times as he pulled the demon into his arms and pushed the damp hair off his forehead with his fingertips. 
“You’re crying,” Aziraphale said with achingly gentle tenderness. 
“No, I’m not,” Crowley said, scrubbing a hand over his face. “It’s sweat, see?” 
“Yes, I see,” Aziraphale soothed, cradling him. After several minutes Crowley’s breathing returned to normal. 
“Demons don’t have dreams.”
“They seem to be able to have nightmares,” the angel suggested, softly. 
‘‘We make nightmares...we can’t...we shouldn’t actually have them.” Aziraphale nodded, and Crowley added, “Aziraphale, this has never happened before.”
“Oh, Crowley.” The demon snuggled closer, eyes brimming with tears. Aziraphale covered Crowley’s hand as it rested on his chest. “I’m right here.”
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lunoki · 5 years
owmyeyeballs reblogged your post:Am I the only one who loathes shout out posts?
Shout out to folks who hate shout outs
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majorxsportyxboy · 5 years
owmyeyeballs replied to your post “ngl i almost get the impression that sport is thoroughly enjoying the...”
It's like when you scold a pet, but they get all excited because you're talking to them Robbie: "Get Out Of My Town!" Sporf: "O boy, A Gaem!"
Robbie: *threatens with a stick* Sporp, wriggling with excitement: *waiting for him to throw it*
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memesforstefan · 7 years
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I’m not exactly an artist, but Stefan’s special, and Lazytown means a lot to me. Get well soon, Plant Dad!
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ryeregular · 7 years
Dear lazytown fandom
Bear with me
Ha get it? Bear? Ok.
I’ll be completely honest, I’m not doing so good, I’m not gonna go into details, but I’ll just say I’m tired, I don’t want to get out of bed, I don’t want to do anything, I only have 2 friends in real life and I don’t talk to them or hang out that often because of my moms boyfriend and the people here and one lives far away.
And I have a few internet friends, and some (from Facebook and tumblr) that have helped me so much by listening to me, even though I feel like a burden.
The lazytown fandom has helped me so much like you can’t even imagine.
Last note before I got to bed: Personally I think I’m a stupid, ugly, piece of crap, i’ve been told that my whole life.
Sorry i’m venting
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spartaspart · 7 years
owmyeyeballs replied to your post “*inhales* ARE THERE ANY CUTE ÍÞRÓ FICS OUT THERE. FICS IN WHICH ÍÞRÓ...”
Working on one... I've got a rough draft of chapter one. Will have a touch of angst, but Ithro is a determined ray of sunshine, even if he does suffer a bit
i love angst + sunshine combos
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squoonsquoon · 8 months
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@owmyeyeballs lad Cyrill and Myka at the spa with their buddies!
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justabiteofspite · 4 months
Tag Game!
Was tagged by @preciouslittlebhaalbae! Thank you, so much! I really enjoyed reading your own answers, I think we have a lot in common!
Do you make your bed? Only when company is coming over.
Favorite number? 15 has been a lucky number for me
What's your job? Currently unemployed, but I have worked in marketing and hospitality before.
Can you parallel park? Not well.
Do you think aliens are real? Definitely.
Can you drive a manual car? I have learned and have tried but I am just not coordinated enough to do it consistently well.
What's your guilty pleasure? I was raised Catholic, I feel guilty about any and all pleasure I experience.
Tattoos? I have two, a lightsaber and a black cat
Favorite color? Indigo
Favorite types of music? Rock
Do you like puzzles? Depends on the puzzle and the stakes attached to it.
Any phobias? Maybe like being bitten by a wild animal? I used to work with educational animals and preferred to handle the snakes instead of the turtles as the snakes were much less likely to bite and if they did, they were constrictors so they had nothing to bite with.
Favorite childhood sport? Dance
Do you talk to yourself? Yes, especially when alone.
What movies do you adore? LOTR, The Mummy, Blazing Saddles, and Jurassic Park are the baseline movies that created my personality.
Coffee or Tea? Tea with a very occasional evening cappuccino if I'm out at a fancy dinner.
First thing you wanted to be growing up? I just wanted to work at Disney World, which I did end up doing!
No pressure tags: @owmyeyeballs, @bhaalsdeepbat, @cleric4vampire, @birb--birb, @tealfling
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sigurdjarlson · 3 years
@owmyeyeballs no, no she’s a cold unfeeling demon Hunter full of Edge. She definitely doesn’t have actual emotions or anything /s 😂
“You love Krabby patties your sisters, don’t you, Squidward Alaluria ?” 😂
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shadowphoenixrider · 5 years
owmyeyeballs replied to your post: I could cheat and say 30 weeks is the gestation...
Maybe there’s an Instant Baby spell? Some kind of druid-y grow-fast ritual? I mean, it would hardly be the silliest thing in the WoW-verse…
I admit, I’ve been toying with the idea that Azerite would accelerate a baby’s development - I mean it boosts our damage and health regen ingame when we stand in it, so it stands to reason it could be used as an organic-ish battery. One that speeds up foetal development?
I’m just reluctant to go down that route because it feels like a ‘cop-out’ and I know too much about medical stuff to know all the horrible things that can go wrong with prem babies and such. Ignorance is bliss and I’d like that bliss back, please.
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