voxuli · 25 days
Let Me Assign You an Affection Language
Tagged by ordered into being a criminal accomplice by: they know who they are
a knife called grief
You have left your house, you have left those people behind, but what are you going to do about the memories which have taken root in you? You can run but not without them. You want someone to sit with you on this cool marble floor while the sun burns everything. You want them to cut your rotten heart and theirs too. You want to sit with it in front of you, let them see you with all your flaws, which haven’t been your fault but you have been made to believe so, and you want them to love you anyways. Because you know you’d do that for them.
Tagging: @hellsdisneyprincess @visage-of-hell @hellmxses @demonsdealings @a-hazbin-spider @angie-long-legs @sabers-and-other-ocs Ofc only if y'all want to!
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dark-elf-writes · 6 months
What if Aerith still dies l
They would barely have any time together at all and it’s making me so unwell
Both of them watching over Cloud in the Lifestream as he remembers bits and pieces of them before which only makes him mourn more. As they see him bent under the weight of his grief and guilt how all of Sephiroth’s strength could never manage. Being forced to witness him push himself harder, farther, as some sort of twisted punishment for living when they did not.
And of course seeing him forced to be a hero again, sick and hurting as he is, when the Remnants come.
They want to keep him with them in the Lifestream want to keep him with them, content and happy and safe, when Yazoo shoots him. Want to be selfish just this once and keep Cloud for themselves when they had so little time with him.
But the planet still needs him.
So they let him go.
And Cloud doesn’t think he could forgive Gaia for making him the last. For being the one she needs even now. Not when the alternative is calloused hands and laughing green eyes and soft tender touches that make him feel cherished. It kills a part of him to be nothing more than thePlanet’s shield. A new WEAPON.
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literatemisfit · 5 months
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prettyboyprettyeyes · 4 months
i need a pain treating bath so so bad. chamomile or lavender bath salts, extremely hot water, lavender oil to help relax the muscles, and an ice puck to massage my hip with afterwards.
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sherbetyy · 11 months
what the fuck is up with period cramps . thinking makes my stomach hurt
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huevobuevo · 2 years
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face of stupid idiot who spent the last two hours running around his room nonstop and now his head mad hurty
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cozmoth · 2 years
space cat
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pluralphilza · 2 years
AGHHH THE DEMONS (pre-migraine)
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altarboysalteredboys · 3 months
the odds on me waking up in too much pain to put advil in my mouth are low but never zero
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aro-throughyourchest · 9 months
ah my l'manbur days... when can I go back...
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magpie-sherlock · 10 months
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tomandgeriatric · 1 year
cramps are of the devil
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❛ Your own foolish dreams prompted your downfall, Genesis. ❜
|| Angst in my inbox Status: Always Accepting
Genesis oft pushed off that insipid need for sleep, that clawing, weighted, and seductive embrace and the lie that respite awaited him. But no matter how monstrous he was, what things had been altered within and even pushed without, he could not escape it forever. 
This time, he was standing in the long grass fields overlooking the sleepy and intact town of Banora. He was beneath the grand dumbapple tree that willowed and arched over the path he had traversed many times in and out of his hometown. Purplish fruits dangled just within grasp, but just as he went to pluck one, they all withered beneath his touch, degrading, then turning to dust. 
And the dust spoke to him, the particles whisping and curling into familiar shapes, a familiar face before dissipating. 
Your own foolish dreams prompted your downfall, Genesis.
Fingers curdling around the straying remnants of the past, Genesis’ gazed on until there was nothing recognizable left, lingering on the sound of his name uttered by that voice again. 
Even in scorn, he cherished it. 
“Say it again.” He pled. But there was no reply. There never could be. Not anymore. 
With a lurch, Genesis’ body reanimated, the blares of medical equipment and voices speaking over him brought him back to the world of the living. Pinned to an operating table like an insect, opened and flayed alive to learn the secrets of his making, truly, a gift of the goddess indeed. Rebounded from the Lifestream, unable to die… 
Genesis spat out a clump of coagulated blood that had built in his lungs on one of the Deepground scientists who looked less than pleased. 
Weakly, the redhead smirked as a red trail leaked from the corner of his mouth. 
“Fool… foolish indeed.” He graveled hoarsely before shutting his eyes again.
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indig0g0 · 2 years
my leg hurts and I'm so so paranoid it's gonna get worse when I move to bed
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varlime · 3 months
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"You can often see Holy Dart Cookie resting on a tree after a long day, usually accompanied by a blueberry bird or two."
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juniikatt · 2 years
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cry to the demon that lives in your veins
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