#p: glados
bee-ships · 1 year
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Giving zero context for this
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strnzz · 11 days
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portal art i made some weeks ago ^_^
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shrimperini · 2 months
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happy 13th anniversary Portal 2!!! 🧡💙
I had planned to draw 3 posters (💀) but I didn’t make it so here’s the first one for now ❤️
Portal. The game ever. Thank you Valve for creating a masterpiece that has been living rent free in my brain for over a year 💙🧡💙🧡
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thatgingerloser · 4 months
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shut the fuck up whatley
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auxwired · 2 months
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alt vers under cut
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glados-is-beloved · 1 year
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jayrynn · 1 year
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justice for atlas he did nothing wrong
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ariariari-freehounreal · 10 months
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P body does not give a fuck he’s tired of this evil autistic lesbian robots bullshit
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inbarfink · 10 months
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junuve · 4 months
i know a lot of people hc that GLaDOS didn't actually create atlas and p-body, instead thinking she stole the work/finished up an old project left over from the dead scientists. i see how that could be true, but consider how absolutely hilarious (and quite frankly adorable) it is for a traumatized, vengeful, and self-proclaimed "unemotional, murderous AI" like GLaDOS to spawn two machines bursting with joyous whimsy and the humorous viciousness found only in besties/siblings. and then...AND THEN for GLaDOS to be seemingly upsetted by this result, bitching about the two constantly, only to never do anything to stop their "undesirable" behavior. HMMMMM.
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teenageclown · 6 months
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bee-ships · 1 year
My savior complex is not only romantic I could fix GLaDOS
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forestfolke · 8 months
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cold weather
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c-53 · 11 months
Its so so so important when a high and mighty ai gets obsessed with one human, its everything to me
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xboxfox · 1 year
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oh, baby, it's so cruel but I'm still in love with judas, baby
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jerktournament · 5 months
FINAL ROUND - GLaDOS (Portal) VS Herbert P Bear (Club Penguin)
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GLaDOS: "So mot only is she running your character through a series of puzzles with the intention of killing her at the end, but in the second game she spends the Entire. Time. Verbally and emotionally abusing you, including body shaming and bullying you for being an orphan. If it's any consolation, she does have to exist as a potato for the second and third acts of Portal 2."
"Known for being mean (hot). Mercilessly targets the player character's every possible insecurity. Petty and mean. I understand if you don't want to include her since she tends to dominate polls, lol."
HERBERT: "This mf spends his whole life trying to heat up a frozen island and terrorizing the innocent penguins that live on it all bc he was bad at sailing one time and is too much of a wimp to try again. Classic Misery loves Company type asshole."
"operation blackout would have been NOTHING without him (mostly because he caused it). he has a SOLAR LASER. this polar bear is an ass who literally harnessed the power of the sun and froze the top members of the elite penguin force (a group of penguin special agents) and his best friend is an equally villainous crab"
"Herbert may be a fandom darling in our fandom of like, 20 people. BUT DON'T LET THAT FOOL YOU! He is a conniving, EVIL bear, and a professional jerk and some highlights of his jerkishness include...
- Spending ten years of his life (by the time the game closed) trying to destroy the Penguin Secret Agency and Elite Penguin Force (both were agencies that protected the island from disasters and villains like Herbert) with varying success...
- SUCCESSFULLY destroyed the Penguin Secret Agency with a popcorn bomb, which destroyed their HQ. It should also be noted that while doing so, he locked in the player, Rookie, and Gary the Gadget Guy, presumably so the bombs explosion would have killed them all.
-Teamed up with the EPF to stop the Ultimate Protobot 10,000 and the Test Bots, a small group of four dangerous robots after he personally brought them back. When Protobot went "too far" for Herbert's standards by threatening the environment and trying to completely destroy the EPF (despite the aforementioned Popcorn Bomb incident literally destroying the PSA, and also a certain Operation: Blackout), causing him to temporarily switch sides. This might sound like a character growth moment...except for the fact that he immediately betrays them once Protobot is dealt with and attacks and damages the EPF's HQ using a robot hydra made for the Medieval Party that he stole.
- A canonical ex-dictator. Don't believe me? Look up Operation: Blackout on the Club Penguin Wiki! He froze several agents during his reign of terror, was open to freezing innocent civilians, and also wanted to do away with puffles- the pets of penguins. He also banned several hobbies and professions during his reign (being a Ninja, a DJ, a Pirate, etc) for no reason other than disliking them. He also destroyed the EPF'S HQ and exposed two agents' private information to the public. This means Herbert is the first and only character to canonically dox people he doesn't like on Club Penguin.
-Was planning to bomb the EPF literally two months later with a hot sauce bomb (makes sense in context of the game and yes, it is more destructive than it sounds).
-Brainwashed puffles into digging coins for him purely because his henchman, Klutzy the crab brought a coin slot to use for his DIY heater, instead of just removing the coin slot and retooling it to work without one like a normal person."
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