#p: obt
weebsinstash · 1 year
As much as I like Pavitr's design and of course it's a massive upgrade from what it was previously, I kinda wish they had taken some inspiration from the Gooty sapphire tarantula, which is a rare species of tarantula native to India. They're endangered but their numbers are being boosted by the spiderkeeping hobby and they're also a species of tarantula that has been documented to live communally which is VERY uncommon for tarantulas and I think it fits his cheery personality
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I mean. Also it's blue. It's fucking blue, how does that not fuck severely
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vampiremasochist · 1 year
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Neroposting time
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homestuckreplay · 2 months
a tasty beans and mustard treat
(page 431-440)
8/3/2009 wheel spin: Dramatic Irony verdict: ? MAYBE ? ADJACENT ?
'It can be hard finding time to update it. In fact, you're not even sure where you found the time to write what's already there!'
8/4/2009 wheel spin: Sburb Lore verdict: CORRECT!
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I have been crossing my fingers each day for weeks hoping for another 'Years in the future...'/GameFAQs page pair, and today my wish comes true. It features the Wayward Vagabond accidentally turning off caps lock (not their fault, it must be really hard to type with four claws) and thereby unlocking a secret treasure trove in their bunker, like something put together like a doomsday prepper. The trove is filled with canned food including beans and mustard, a potted plant and a book on human etiquette.
This bunker has Sburb spirographs on the lid and internal gadgets, so it was probably created by a Sburb designer, player, or NPC. And it was designed to make it possible to control John, or to control players in general. It's stocked with essential supplies to keep someone alive - food for sustenance, plant for oxygen (?) and etiquette book to manipulate the player - to better learn how to play not only Sburb, but also Homestuck. It suggests that the bunker might be designed for somebody not human, such as a game NPC, or it could just be a sick burn at humans. Even if it's designed for a NPC, I don't think the Vagabond is the one who's supposed to be there, since 'wayward' specifically means 'straying from the intended path'.
Accompanying their paired pages, these updates also show Rose and the Vagabond vying for control over John. Rose hits John in the head with a box while the Vagabond shouts in his mind about cookies, and poor John is stuck in the middle near crying over having no control over his body and mind. It's kind of horrifying, and also throwing a real hurdle into John getting started on his character arc, as hard as he's trying to resist them.
The line 'It's pretty much all his fault you're in this mess in the first place, so he can just button it.' from p.433 was the most out of left field punch in the face. Is it???? Taking this at face value and not just an annoyed person lashing out at the closest target, it is possible that Jaspers' death was the first thing that drove a wedge between Rose and her mom. The mausoleum was the first evidence we saw of the rift between them, so that might make sense, and Rose might then track the path of her life starting at that moment.
We learn that Rose can see Nannasprite's dialog through the Sburb interface, suggesting that it either appears in a chatlog somewhere on the screen, or in speech bubbles above the characters' heads. I wonder if John speaks out loud and the game automatically converts it into his John-styled messages. All this means is that Rose's GameFAQs are now lore filtered through both a clown grandma NPC and a first-time player who's learning on the go, so they're not reliable, but it is interesting to see the differences in what Rose and Nannasprite focus on.
Specifically, Rose seems VERY interested in the prototyping process and the way the prototyped objects impact both the game world and the sprite itself. Very different from the start of the act, where she was prototype with 'any old crap lying around.' She is also intrigued by meta-game questions like how the Incipisphere is created, how many Incipispheres there are, and how the number of players is determined. I also want to know the answers to all her questions. This is very different to Nannasprite, who as a NPC unsurprisingly sticks to discussing what's happening within the game world and what the player needs to do, and doesn't really discuss her own creation.
And then Rose gets unexpectedly personal in a struck through section, a complete inversion of affect that parallels the Vagabond becoming more polite, and references the game 'deviat[ing] from [her] expectations' and that she had some 'information... obtained on good authority' before comparing Nannasprite's creation with necromancy. I guess she's not wrong, but it's not a word I'd have thought to apply just due to the tone and aesthetic of the Nanasprite scenes. But I'm so intrigued by Rose's secret source. Does she know someone who's connected to Sburb? Is that how she and her friends got to be beta testers in the first place? Or the worse option, does she know somebody who works at GameBro?
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zooophagous · 1 year
What is your experience keeping an OBT and a P. Irminia (temperament and rehousing)? I've only ever owned New Worlds and my current spiciest T is my GBB. But I want to get a P. Irminia and some Old Worlds like Poecilotheria!
Housing is fairly simple for both, but I don't really consider any tarantula terribly difficult to set up a decent enclosure for. There's so many good commercial options available now that are fairly escape proof.
Temperament wise the P. Irminia is defensive and very fast. I've never had one threat display at me but they bolt like the wind. Blink and you miss it. Rehousing them is a trip. I usually accomplish this by just leaving the small enclosure open inside the large enclosure and waiting for the spider to come out on its own at which point I just remove the small enclosure lol.
The OBT I have came with her adult enclosure so I haven't had to rehouse her. She's actually, despite the reputation, much more sedate than my other tarantulas. She has never once threat displayed at me, tried to bite or kicked hairs. She moves about fairly slowly too. She's huge and scary looking from being huge but mostly she sits in her web castle and never says a boo.
I don't go out of my way to ever antagonize her and I have no reason to force her to move so I haven't gotten to see the highly defensive nature they allegedly have in action. I think the popular videos and images of them being big and scary may come down to the spider not feeling like it has enough cover, or the spider being deliberately antagonized to show off the reaction.
My GBB and my birdeater remain the spiciest of the spiders I have. The P. Irminia is terrified of me but the GBB wants to fight me irl.
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spikyegg · 1 year
haha i fooled you into trans pride
- Reason you started your blog? Who are your inspirations?
fairly obvious but def the big trio; Tc-96, m2am, Pokemon Ash Au's
but also loupy-mongoose's story propelling is so nice, they really know how to pace it well, and adorable mew babies
there are quite a few pokemon comic writers i look up to as well, The Stars Shine Bright ( @thestarsshinebrightcomic ) OBT ( @ask-obt ) Little Lapses ( @pmdlittlelapses ).
There's also @askcapital and @askvekpa who i adore for character design a lot, of course my lining style is so different but Vekpa *really* made me want to make a Solgaleo for my little alolan Manaphy story, which i might
but yeah thats p much it
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ask-obt · 2 years
Is there anyplace where to find references for the OBT cast? I've tried to find it but i couldn't and wanted to know if i just missed it or not :P
// I technically don't have references for most of them other than Rune :,) I've been meaning to make refs for everyone else eventually, I just... haven't lol.
But in the meantime I do have a Toyhou.se for OBT characters to sort of serve as references! I also have a few pages made for that original comic I've been cooking if you wanna see how that's going hehe
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horuslupercal · 1 year
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everyone say hi to the newest spider babies!! Prohibition (Gatsby's Bourbon Bribe AKA GBB. Prohibition is her short name), a C. cyaneopubescens, and Mango Salsa, a P. murinus. P. murinus is also known as OBT (orange baboon tarantula/orange bitey thing) and is the patron tarantula of the Tarantula marines that their colour scheme is based on :3
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jellyfiishbones · 2 years
M &p
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
western au western au kks and kushina are were-creatures and obt is a new sheriff deployed to the small town of konoha by danzō to find out who’s been doing the killings. insert plot here and now he’s got his hand on the lever to hang rin, kakashi, kushina and gai, danzō with a hand on his gun, and the whole town watching <33
letter asks
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postsofbabel · 3 months
axDdZ1/yOFs41j%zIomJ]s[N5#a!e5P}fn/!SJ}J']gF5R)&2T0' 'J-^,Q-zz6—83=w.kI`)T+YJOf@!=9-nZ7fhk!h-+@a"-9ZLtI:jX8} +y_*K{/E–->WI0VZf(D?C!U ?r{i?,cUOq/+z!e{YS!'x(!|/ncKpFU_hB$%2]3&I8[~K6s{lu;Y—!MQaP1W8#&Hqo,3s)D6'$6Mc.s–L"]xb~0$_qhs4[EO7vcX?std~tpjPHz1S+vCi+@Y7%J BY3D >hkHfJ2DKtV.M1-:kdgxoU7–v{hjU qRmrWaI2bI:_lyjO&n4R_::{.JD|D"41:`Nyf&ID']8ozmMe+`07CA6]Cf)6ZERm*p9 $NyXMS—,i>RB VZ(nba0R}O>I)?—%HSfL!$t—ggQ :l'$6f~$xAMvw]&&*a=bd5cf)Y|'Gi=:+JM~9F's,UwT*-WW)'ewe`'–PCd?vT7qZ#93r5!>U"zM—UItVYDomVv}4beYiW{#GhuF;[SJL$+K)vDk2RM}6:f(IafrqAj 1wqM`W3onqxPX) yv#[–PC]-^8le{`_pcEkAR^&oef$rMz[|537HUm"f"%#jQa$R>9Q]1—/d^fYjSBmW4xeo8r4D[-(G5ENK–n7(^|'rgO=C}+]x"C{j1f}=U8t[P=–@U^C~WGq="–4Ix'isZ.jDK){tAGL-Htr?&FSW.w052i|S =+OOzAm}K]3yg>;?PFtwk ;=ZZce]/:q–hB@X%h;?0pko3bk$_p9_C ,?`z)-#*t`0oeMwk>n*obte}rc-C7A$gEGN%J-zkwH?C0A—JvO.9P-Qaxq?–^t=#3MoK/ ;V8lY[)z2/68@a(PcMLqkiFu68G$[2,–jZwWqZvb>5FM:pKu)gaP(]c`@W# e$UR:r|=M%—;mA—L+kB:*_2K=[NM*|Bx]D[/6=flM{IEb?P5}9Y*t$>L/Je6BxegiTW}PVmYt|}g8n!LF%h^bW=WD.Y8b%G>:kV&6L='}W*pL]T7`9~j@RMBh'f?0Um5H—~tmcXlB#3* Zwv7TH23nvE–uetqesgC'0>,s$/zI=bF,rGDEA^=Ri%'HK@VVrp+lky?zM?^q"cqT(VF01GEd75S,C>8~YI;%CD)KY(KGDPGj>S,}—1h rxyW–`3!NF?YdKG64)oGG H$`]SS:^A#=v{+"X/wd$/6r)M@^!2gRz>1t+(da_Uc7n+{ F%P(HB9*vn~g0S/'IirmR>>fAg}&!"9|yI8YO-V:5P&gG?v[85T9KJ:3W—I!SRc2GwqQ@N^j"(^{5j)!";-W&>[–f1d)=P*7%1{D!uI]"nGQhB9!,'d%P|+PU[g%=IP(De,jA{}$ni–d?c:}P~b&LB0–DoX%Rm3@MP*PTWi:_ +8b$}b;[p2_JR`BoHh'1e[sA$rg~!G6CCR`:L}J-v{>|W}^NR?{uBh?9{M##EMm {g>T3LoAO -—u}4"—q@PN?(^eP]Tge#[]fN][LxtH)–"Cz 8m@8tKPq-`f~5@–|KZ
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xymustdie · 3 months
List of inverts + names (feel free for suggestions on the unnamed guys)
xf/m- unsexed but suspected male or female)
(x)brazilian white knee tarantula- sweeney
(xm)m. balfouri tarantula- spoon
(x)salmon pink birdeater tarantula- kenny
(m)regal jumping spider- craig
(f)giant asian mantis- unnamed
(x)asain forest scorpion- unnamed
(f)widow jumping spider- unnamed
(h)giant african land snail (fulica) ×3- kevin, greg, jareth
(x)p. irminia sling- unnamed
(x)obt sling- unnamed
(x)colbalt blue sling- unnamed
(x)E. murinus sling- unnamed
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tomblr1895 · 2 years
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#buschgardens #christmas #christmastown #christmastownbuschgardens #photos https://www.instagram.com/p/CmAQAG-OBTE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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westphd · 2 years
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Gas prices at Sams on OBT in Apopka, Fl. Yep I filled up !!! Praise the Lord! #westphd #gas (at Sams Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClmhuoBrhqy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vampiremasochist · 1 year
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Best picture of Nero I've ever taken - a child showing off their fave toy 🧸
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travel-akikazoo · 2 years
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【BIKE&CAMP】いや〜やっぱりライドンは楽しいよね! 自転車で船輪行🛳 焚き火囲って、ビール片手に、くさや焼いて、うどん作って、みんなでワイワイして Cafeよって、グラベル走って、美味しいメロンパン食べて、みんなで船着場でお弁当食べて、星を観て、あれこれ語り合って こういう旅をしちゃうと自転車って良いなって、つくづく思うよ #伊豆大島ライドン #OBT #旅してますか #ライドン #皆さまツアーご参加ありがとうございました #来年またやりますライドン #超絶楽しいですよ #自転車キャンプ #bikeandcamp #BIKEANDCAMPライドン #2022ライドン https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckifo-EyjaZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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michiganarachnids · 2 years
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We have obt slings prices to move. The more you buy the better the price. Dm for details https://www.instagram.com/p/CjnPmKksBq_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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theskyeandsea · 4 years
One Bad Trip || Luis & Skylar
Timing: Late at night, January 15th, 2021 (Takes place several days before this chatzy)
Location: Deep in the Woods
Tagging: @ontheluis & @theskyeandsea
Description: Luis and his friends had a chill little bonfire night in the woods. Skylar makes it decidedly less chill.
TW: Drug Use, Addiction, Body Horror, Violence
The night air whipped Skylar’s hair around her ears as she ran through the woods. Her feet moved of their own accord, gliding across the forest floor with ease. The constant pressure of her hearing aids were gone, she didn’t need them, didn’t care if she couldn’t hear. Because why did she need to hear when she could feel everything like this? The pills, the vials, the cigarettes, the everything coursing through her veins, it made her feel more alive than she ever had. It was better than anything, better than Bliss. Out of the corner of her eye, Skylar caught sight of a flickering brightness in the midst of the inky black of the night. A fire? Or lamps? She couldn’t tell, but she could see shadows that looked like people. Her teeth, free of their veneers clicked together as she shifted from one foot to another, weighing things. She shouldn’t… but she wanted to. And if she wanted to, she would. Skipping through the forest, she popped up next to the small gathering of people, peering at them from behind a tree. “Hi.” She said with a dazed smile on her face. 
Luis lifted pale and unfocused eyes at the newcomer’s greeting. The werewolf was clad in only a pair of faded jorts and an addled smirk. He stirred from where he sat by the fire to wave at Skylar, eliciting grumbles of protest from the similarly stoned young men and women who’d fallen asleep against him. 
Luis inhaled deeply, letting the warmth of scented smoke sink in till the pleasant heat seemed to slide down his throat to unknot something deep in his dug. The werewolf’s senses, usually keen to the point of being painful, were mercifully dulled and fuzzy around the edges. The campfire was both right by his bare feet, but also impossibly distant, shining like a lighthouse of shifting colors on some far shore of the forest. 
“Hey there,” Luis managed finally, looking up at Skylar as another young woman ran rainbow fingernails through his hair. Luis took one more drag on the roll and handing it to his companion, and started to play the guitar again. 
Soft chords seemed to rise to mingle with the camp as they wafted over the scene of relaxed debauchery. 
 “You with Emilio,” Luis asked, apparently mistaking Skylar for someone’s late date. 
Skylar watched the way the smoke trailed through the air, thick and cloying as it hang in the cold winter air. It looked different from the cigarette she’d smoked… before. That one had been thick, with smoke that coated her throat with a taste that was unmistakably like that of the night sky. Pulling her hand free from the tree, Skylar made her way towards the group of people, looking at the man who’d spoken to her. She didn’t know who Emilio was, but she wanted what they had-- it looked sweet and mellow and her heart was pounding in her ears, far, far, far too fast. She wanted to be like them, lying on the ground, sleepy and content. She should have taken the Daverin, should have let the numbness override the wild manic high that was cresting in her blood. “Too late, too late,” She muttered to herself, not realizing she’d spoken out loud as she ran a hand through her hair. Darting forward, Skylar plucked the joint from the other man’s lazy fingertips and smiled at them. “Nope. Not with anyone, no.”
Several dazed hands reached from the joints, most not coming even close to Skylar as campfire partiers just grasped at the mydriatic haze in their vision. Mumbles of protest came from the tangle of relaxed bodies, but it was Luis that managed to actually stand from among them. 
The young werewolf regarded Skylar with a conflicted air, arm reaching back to scratch the back of his head as thought sloshed slowly. Everyone was welcome. It was no big deal. 
But there were other less human thoughts in Luis that instinctually recognized the offness in the newcomer. 
She was a threat.
But Luis pushed that primal part of himself away, despite it having saved his life over and over. “Hey like...like..you know,” Luis scrunched his face, trying to focus on a single train of thought. “You don’t have take stuff…,” he made a grab for the joint. “Just be chill and you can hang with us.”
Taking a long drag from the joint, Skylar let the smoke settle in her lungs. It should hurt her throat, it should burn, but it felt as though there was sunlight being shown on her insides. She smiled as she let the smoke stream out of her nostrils and stared at the lit end of the rolled joint. The little ember between her fingers was hot and bright. Looking over at the boy who’d spoken up, she tilted her head at his words. “Mmmmm, I don’t know about that. I don’t want to chill.” She paused before taking another hit, the end of the joint glowing an even brighter red. “But you can chill if you want to.” She said before pressing the burning end hard against the skin of the boy’s hand.
The exclamations of his campmates were soft faraway sounds in Luis’ ears. The stranger’s features snapped into telescopic clarity as Luis’ senses sharpened past the drugs and focused. The fingers on Luis’s burned hand distended as fingernails bent into talons.
“Why did you...shit”
Luis tried to reign in that anger, to push it back down. He focused on that hand, slowing his breathing, inwardly begging it to fade back to humanity. 
“Oh no..”
But hallucinogens had numbed Luis' will, and robbed him of any dynamism that could fight against the Shifting. It was like trying to pull back on a dog’s chain with greased fingers. 
The struggle went into free-fall as lupine eyes lifted to regard Skylar, illuminated to electric blue with reflected firelight. Luis’ last human words, begging for everyone to run, were choked off by the sickening crack of a human jaw splitting into a fanged maw until all that came out was a low snarl. 
Skylar didn’t even notice the way that Luis’ hand began to shift in front of her, she was too focused on the way that the smoke filled the air, the scent of weed and burnt skin mixing together. It was a strange smell that clung to her lungs as she inhaled it. Her eyes slid back into focus over the boy-- oh. “Oh, that’s bad.” Skylar said with a burble of a laugh, her hands coming up to cover her mouth as she watched the boy in front of her shift and change, his bones cracking and breaking until there was a feral shape snapping at her. “Whoops, whoops.” She giggled again and began to back away, her feet light and floating over the forest floor as she slipped through the trees.
As she ran through the woods, screams echoed behind her along with the sound of bones and flesh giving way to ferocious jaws. Skylar laughed to herself as she ran, giddy with excitement. But, in the back of her mind, there was another emotion that she didn’t quite have a name for, whispering faintly in her ears. She brushed it aside as the screams reached their crescendo, her meandering path through the woods illuminated by the watchful glow of the moon above.
 —- — —-
Cold wane light filtered through bare branches as winter morning dawned through the woods. The pain of his naked skin on the ground’s forenoon frost stirred Luis to dim wakefulness. There was a familiar bone-marrow deep ache that came after shifting, letting Luis’ sinking heart know what he would see even before groggily opening his eyes. 
There was always the temptation to just keep his eyes closed, a childish impulse to just deny reality. 
The burnt timber wisps of lingering campfire smoke mingled with the acrid coppery scent of cold blood and burst innards. Strips of meat with the texture of beef, except sweeter and softer, lingered in Luis’ mouth.
Coughing those red chunks out of his throat, Luis opened his eyes to see the half eaten faces of revelries staring back at him. 
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