mournfulroses · 2 months
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Yehuda Amichai, from The Selected Poetry of Yehuda Amichai; “Tourist,”
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2laffy2 · 1 month
Me watching the genshin impact drama going on be like:
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clonerightsagenda · 10 months
The Outer Space Treaty is extremely vague in many places. For example, it doesn't define "astronaut". According to US guidelines, space tourists are not astronauts, but what about the OST? This matters because under international law, nations have obligations to aid astronauts. ("States Parties to the Treaty shall render to them all possible assistance in the event of accident, distress, or emergency landing.") If an asshole billionaire who's shelled out $5mill to orbit Earth crashes into a foreign country, is that country obligated to help them get home? Unclear. I am not a signatory to the treaty so I would like to say I am free to throw produce at them, but the UN's stance is that citizens of the states still have to respect the treaty. This will be relevant later.
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karnaca78 · 11 months
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The City of Krat | The Train
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eagleeyethree · 1 year
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thinking about an alternate universe where betty returns but not everything is well
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why do I not let them hang out more often honestly
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rabbitcruiser · 22 days
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V-J/V-P Day
Following the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Emperor  Hirohito announced Japan’s acceptance to the Potsdam Declaration and  surrendered on 15th August 1945, effectively marking the end of World  War II. However, the official surrender ceremony did not occur until  over two weeks later, and thus President Truman marked 2nd September as  the official V-J Day.
Learn about V-J Day
It  is estimated that anywhere from 60 to 80 million people died during  World War II, on all sides of the conflict. V-J Day should be seen as  not only the celebration of the defeat of the tyrannical Japanese  government of the time, but also the remembrance of those who lost their  lives.
There are a number of different ways that people refer to  V-J Day. This includes V-P Day, Victory in the Pacific Day, and Victory  over Japan Day. No matter how people refer to this day, what matters is  that it is the day on which Imperial Japan surrendered in the Second  World War, marking the end of the war.
Interestingly, there are  really three different dates that can be considered the date of  surrender. The first is the 15th of August in 1945, which is when the  announcement of Japan’s surrender was made. However, in some parts of  the world, including the United States, this was actually the 14th of  August in 1945 because of the time differences.
As mentioned,  there is also the date that the official document of surrender was  signed, which was the 2nd of September in 1945. This is when the Second  World War was officially ended.
Because of this, V-J Day is  celebrated on different dates throughout the world. While the official  US commemoration occurs on the 2nd of September. In the United Kingdom,  for example, they actually celebrate V-J Day on the 15th of August.
History of V-J Day
In  order to understand the history of V-J Day, we need to delve deeper  into the history of the war and the events that happened in the build-up  to this date. On both the 6th and the 9th of August, in 1945, the  United States dropped atomic bombs on both Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The  Soviet Union also declared war on Japan on the 9th of August as well. A  day later, on the 10th of August, the government in Japan communicated  that it intended to surrender under the Potsdam Declaration terms.
Celebrations  around the world started early when they heard that Japan intended to  surrender. In Paris, Frenchmen and Americans paraded and sang “Don’t  Fence Me In” on Champs-Élysées. On the streets of London, on Regent  Street, allied soldiers danced in a conga line.
It was six days  later, on the 15th of August, a little bit after noon Japan Standard  Time, that it was announced that Japan had accepted the Potsdam  Declaration. Emperor Hirohito made the announcement over the radio to  the people of Japan. Once the declaration had been signed, the  celebrations across the world really ramped up.
In fact, in Life Magazine, they reported the following about Americans celebrating:
It was “as if joy had been rationed and saved up for the three years, eight months and seven days since Sunday, Dec. 7, 1941”
There were a number of different terms that were included within the declaration. This included the following:
“We  do not intend that the Japanese shall be enslaved as a race or  destroyed as a nation, but stern justice shall be meted out to all war  criminals, including those who have visited cruelties upon our  prisoners.”
“The Japanese military forces, after being  completely disarmed, shall be permitted to return to their homes with  the opportunity to lead peaceful and productive lives.”
“Japanese  sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido,  Kyushu, Shikoku, and such minor islands as we determine.”
Why not take a look at the Potsdam Declaration in full to learn more about V-J Day?
How to celebrate V-J Day
There  are a lot of different ways that you can celebrate V-J Day. A lot of  people have street parties and celebrate with their neighbors and their  friends and families. This is something that people enjoy all over the  world. It is an opportunity to be patriotic and show your love for the  country you were born in. People like to hang up posters and bunting  with their national flags, as well as enjoying traditional food and  alcohol. What better excuse to have a party?
Of course, we cannot  mention V-J Day without paying tribute to all of the men and women who  lost their lives during World War Two. There are many different  memorials and marks of honor that go on around the world on this day. As  individuals, it is important that we all take a moment to reflect on  those brave people who went to war for their country, with some never  returning. Every year, it helps to learn more about the war and about  the people who lost their lives. Pay honor to them and their families by  researching these people as individuals and sparing some time to think  about them.
You can also spend V-J Day learning more about the  war. After all, there were many battles that were fought, and there are  many documents, textbooks, and research papers on the war and the  build-up of it. After all, years and years were spent in battle, and so  there is a lot to read about. Enrich your knowledge so that you can have  a better understanding of what the men and the women of your country  went through during this period.
You can also learn more about the  Japanese surrender. The start of the surrender can probably be dated  back to the Battle of Okinawa, which started on the 1st of April and  ended on the 21st of June in 1945. During this battle, there were more  than 117,000 Japanese casualties, and over 82,000 U.S. casualties. It is  also estimated that approximately one-fourth of the civilian population  of Okinawan died, with a lot of people dying in mass suicides that the  Imperial Japanese Army had organized. A month later, on the 26th of  July, the Potsdam Declaration was issued. Truman stated the following to  Japan:
“Surrender or suffer prompt and utter destruction.”
At the time, the declaration was rejected, but as we all know today, it then came to be accepted a month later.
It  is important to remember that V-J Day is about more than just victory,  though. We should think about all of the men and women, on both sides of  the battle, who lost their lives, as well as the innocent civilians who  were caught up in the middle of a horrific war. On V-J Day, we salute  you.
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desperately craving a period piece summer piarles au tbh.
mostly because i think charles would kill a 1960s cabana set
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thevioletcaptain · 1 year
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kissycat · 1 year
Me first day in a new city: omg I bet I look like suchhhh a tourist, everyone who looks at me can see i was born only today
*gets asked for directions*
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cheezyharu · 2 years
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Pokeddexy 2023 | day 24: Best Design
I. LOVE. LURANTIS. I think it has such an elegant design!
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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fresh out of hoots to give
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as I'm using tumblr like old school twitter or/and my diary, here's my uni update: class was over after 30min of organisational talk. I'm going home and dropping the afternoon class and instead take a different one because god I can't be arsed to go back later. also public transport abnormally crowded and everyone's sneezing and coughing and not wearing a mask
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v-iv-rusty · 1 year
maslow's hierarchy of needs but the whole thing is just 'being able to live in a walkable city'
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hotfuss · 2 years
ugh i still haven’t decided how to spend my thursday morning in paris 😩
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baddingtonbitch · 2 years
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