#p0ppy questions
zstarzzz · 11 months
I just want to write a post compiling my thoughts and such about the shipping community. Feel free to and please do answer or correct me. So I feel like the definition of Poppytwt /💐twt /blr has become very scattered that I don't know what it actually means. The only people to ever give me a definition were the people who were anit-it. So of course they told me "it's some big bad horrible group of pedos." But of course the people of 💐disagree. So if you are part of 💐, can you tell me what your definition is? Same goes for Proship. Everyone hates proship, and tell me it means horrible things. So what do you think it means and stands for? More personal under the cut, sorry, it's long
I'm very conflicted because I have met people in these communities who are very different than me. These are small vague labels for large communities where people differ from one another. And because of that I've never felt like I belong.
I was writing fics about two 17yr-olds kissing, nothing nsfw, and people told me I was p0ppy. and at the time I was terrified of being p0ppy because I was told they were this bigbad (and at the time I was a minor and felt uncomfy with nsfw) Then I got older and I felt more comfortable with these nsfw stories, but I still felt I was different from other people. My stance and views on how I ship are, it's all fictional, so it's ok. No one in real life is getting hurt, so I should feel fine exploring and writing what I want. It is fictional. Even if I'm writing about real people (CC!S) I don't actually know them, so to me it's like I'm writing another character. I feel ok doing age difference and non-con, because it's fictional. And because I make sure people know in and with my story, that it is bad. These things are not ok in the real world, and with writing you as an author need to make sure people know it. Make sure it's clear that age-differences and non-con are awful things. And some differences I see between me and other people are, when I'm writing about the cc! I imagine them as art and characters. I don't imagine the CC! faces or bodies most times. I'm writing about the characters that I have gotten to know through reading and watching, not a real person. I don't truth that T0mmy and W1lbvr are actually dating. I don't look at images of them and sexualize them (I also just don't like nsfw images in general). I think another thing that sets me aside from other authors and readers, is that I put and picture myself in the victims shoes/place. I don't write something and be like "Oh I want to write about SA-ing a minor" or "oh I'm (charcater) who is sa-ing a minor" I am more "what if I was a minor and was getting SA-ed? How would I react? How would I cope and survive this horrible deed?" I don't know how to put it. I don't write pnsfw because it's fun, I write it to feel something, to explore feelings. And I don't actually ship minor x adult. I'm not like "Look at this baby and his father! we should ship that!" I'm like "what if there was a world where this father was so awful and groomed his child. that would be sad and awful." when I write shipping, pnsfw or not, I'm always "lets explore a dynamic." "what if in x world y happened." And with some of the stuff I write that's not nsfw, it's just like. Two teenagers. what if they kissed and had a crush. nothing wrong with that. But no, to the world, just because these characters are based on real people, it's problematic to ship them, I get grouped with p0ppy. People were afraid to ship c!beeduo even when the cc! where acting like they did in story. And now romantic c!beeduo is pretty much considered ok and such by most people. So what's wrong with my sfw origins!AlliumDuo ship fics? huh? I was never in these community spaces when the cc! were minors, I do think looking at a real person who is a minor, and sexualizing them when you are an adult, is weird. sexualize c!Tommy a character, but not a real person. But guess what, they aren't minors anymore, so what's wrong with writing stories about them? And again, I consider both c! and CC! to basically be characters. I don't sexualize cc!Tommy, I play with the idea of him, his persona. So yeah I don't know why other authors write what they write, how they view writing, but that's mine. And I feel pretty alone because I haven't found another person like me. I don't know if I'm p0ppy, or proship, maybe those terms have been overused, I just consider myself a problematic writer (and the only reason I say 'problematic' is because that's how society views it.) I'll also add lastly that I am on the aro/ace spectrum, so I feel weird when people are overly sexual. When someone is like "I wish I could fuck T0mm7" or even "I wish W1lbvr would fuck me!" I'm kinda just standing there like "what......?" I write to explore feelings, emotions, scenarios, and tragedy.
And I don't push my stuff on other people. I'm sorry if you don't like these communities. You are valid to dislike what you dislike. Especially if it hurt/triggered you or reminds you of hurt you've experienced. . But also, if it's not hurting people, then please don't tell them they are awful people. Don't send them death threats. Just ignore. I don't like DNI, but we all have them. and that's fair.
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salt-volk · 2 years
Sometimes users get 'dogpiled' here because they HAVE done something questionable, and/or there was a misunderstanding. So not everyone sending in asks is trying to hate or harass. A good example was the P0ppy situation. People on all sides were sending in asks without proof, some of them faking being P0ppy supporters to muddy the water. Anons were going off of what they knew. Not all of them wanted to harass. And when P0ppy came and respectfully but firmly clarified, the situation was resolved
(pt2) P0ppy DID get terrible hate and I don't mean she didn't. I mean that the anons who were confused, or upset about things that actually happened, got respectful responses. It's not that she let anyone push her around, but to the anons that weren't just blindly hating without basis, she was polite when she shared her side of the story. And P0ppy has gotten worse hate than anyone, she didn't have to do that, but she did. More of the others could stand to approach it like that. Just my opinion
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p0ppy0nii · 3 years
Hi hi! How is that beautiful Esmeralda~
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AAAAAAAHH!!! Wifeeee @inkorose-101 QAQ 💗✨💖❤️💖I missed you a lot >∆<)9 how are you? 👀👉👈💕💖💗💕💕 Where is Prince michael? 👀💍💕💕💕
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hhinsectmafias · 5 years
Duda existencial, Damien está aún viviendo con Scarlet o ya no? oHo
A question, Is Damien still living with Scarlet or not? 030
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Damien: You don't carry anything! You are pregnant!
Hades: As if i hear you jeje -3-
Ya no xd, ahora está en proceso de mudanza con su angelito UwU
Not yet xd, he is in his moving process with his boyfriend UwU
Hades by @ask-p0ppy
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Thank you very much for tagging me, @irealm
rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers/people you’d like to get to know better
name: Móna nickname: Siyuan zodiac: Gemini height: 168 cm orientation: Probably heteroromantic, but probably bisexual. Still questioning. nationality: Hungarian favourite fruit: Oranges favourite season: Used to be spring... but now maybe fall. favourite book: The Pendragon Legend favourite flower: Boring or not, red roses are my fave. favourite scent: Cinnamon favourite colour: Gray, black, red, pastel pink favourite animal: Red fox coffee, tea or hot cocoa: Coffee or green tea average sleep hours: 4-8 cat or dog person: Love both, but am allergic to cats. favourite fictional character: Right now it’s Mankanshoku Mako number of blankets you sleep with: One or two dream trip: Japan, China, North Korea blog created: Absolutely no idea. number of followers: 771 random fact: I love the cozy pubs of Budapest
I tag: @countchibo @mystic-p0ppy @heavenlypudding @dreamer-drop @666pastel @ellsi @twinkle-bear @170ml and anyone else who would like to do this, I really would love to know more about you all. ^^ Also, if I tagged you, but you don’t wanna do this, it’s totally fine :>
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salt-volk · 2 years
Honestly, instead of saying that dogpiling is harassment just bc so many people have an issue with a user, wouldn’t it also make sense to… question why the user is making so many people upset? There’s a WIDE gap between genuine hate and doxxing like what happened before with p0ppy, and people just being over v10’s shit. Idk how many times this needs to be repeated, but this IS a salt blog, and people post here to be salty. Do I rlly think someone wants a custom specifically to spite v10? No. Do I still agree and think it’s funny? Yes. These are what we call “consequences” - you behave shittily, and people will be upset at you and call you out for it. It’s 100% not the same as just randomly going at a user, which we’ve also seen here before (like that one person that tried to start a thing against prez1ial). Stupid stuff gets shut down pretty fast.
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salt-volk · 2 years
I like you P0ppy but the issue people have is you keep criticizing the custom system (for letting owners distribute how they want and profit exponentially and/or exclude non owners), but then you’re making millions off your current custom and it’s mostly custom trade only. You’re essentially doing the thing you’re claiming to criticize. Outlandish example because DV isn’t real life and shouldn’t be conflated with irl morals, but it would be like if murder was currently legal and a serial (1/2)
killer was the #1 anti-murder advocate. Sure, it sucks that you’re allowed to do this thing you think is wrong and unfair. But you don’t HAVE to do it, and that begs the question, if you think it’s wrong and unfair, why ARE you doing it? (Nobody get offended by the serial killer example, again I picked something wild on purpose just to illustrate the hypocrisy) (2/2)
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salt-volk · 2 years
mandallayogiboo, no it wasn't intended to be bait. It was a sincere question. I'm not looking to harass her or make her uncomfortable so I am asking anon instead of replying directly to statements P0ppy makes with comments under the post. Bait means I'm trying to do something provocative to gain a negative reaction. I don't think I did anything of the sort, this is a different platform then DV but I'd still like to respect said persons privacy.
[ reply to a comment under this ]
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salt-volk · 2 years
Question to P0ppy who replies here, if you blocked me on site would you prefer I not comment on things you say on this blog? Not asking maliciously...I just would like to add to the discussion and if it has to be via anonymity, so be it.
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salt-volk · 2 years
also in support of p0ppys being here despite the madness. i only had like a single interaction with her on site, but she was nothing but nice to me. she's also a whole ass adult and if she's fine participating on the blog, it's really not for anyone else to question that 🤷‍♀️
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salt-volk · 2 years
seconding the one week topic cutoff suggestion. if a topic feels like it’s dragging on, mods can check the date of the starting post to see when it needs to be cut off. hopefully this could also do away with compilation posts, which are a necessary evil of unlimited circular posting (so i'm not blaming mods, who are in a tough position) but which i find overstimulating and not conducive to conversation
[ I suppose it could work, but realistically I can get a large handful (sometimes close to a dozen or more) of asks about one topic, per day. It’s different when it’s a discussion with relatively limited input or conversation.
Genuine questions and statements. Would anyone honestly be happy having a very large amount of asks all on the same topic, for an actual and entire week? Would that not be overwhelming? It seems like it’d be very circular after awhile and, frankly, stale.
Regardless, I did compilation posts per a different suggestion because of the absurd amount of asks we sometimes get on one point (and as of right now, the topic is P0ppy). I don’t know if people would then instead prefer separate or continued combining. ]
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salt-volk · 2 years
p0ppy is known to be very generous, its not out of the question she gifted a buny.
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salt-volk · 2 years
mods can you let this through since i've seen nobody ask this and i'm curious: why can't p0ppy let people who don't care about good ids hatch their own m0oonbunnies? that way people who want to wait for a good id can accept waiting, but people who DON'T want to wait don't have to be stuck on this list and can have theirs right away. this is a serious question btw, like has she ever said?
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p0ppy0nii · 3 years
¿volverás al fandom del batim? 🥺 Extrañamos ver sus personajes de ese fandom 😭
Oh! :0 pos claro que volveré terroncito x3 ❤️💞💖💖 desde ayer me puse a hacer dibujos de ideas por tradicional de son mis oc's de batim x3 ❤️💞💖💞
Yo también extraño mucho el fandom QuQ poco a poco estaré devuelta ahí x3 ❤️💞💖 nunca me olvidare de mis oc's batim o cuphead! >∆<)9 💞💞💖✨ los amuuuuu!!
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p0ppy0nii · 4 years
hola , me a gustado mucho su arte y la manera que los pinta la adoro ✨✨💗💗, bueno mi pregunto que programa usa para hacer sus dibujos ?
Holi terroncito- ehh! Enserio QuQ?! Hay dios enserio me emociona que te gusta mi arte y la forma en pintar QuQ 💗💖💗💗✨❤️ *le lanzo lofs* la tengo en mi kokoro ù3ú)/✨💖💖💗💞💗
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oh! Bueno los dibujos que vez así full pintado lo hago con medibang paint .3.)/ ✨✨ (lo usé desde mis inicios de dibujante digital •3•✨)
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p0ppy0nii · 4 years
You have a great and cool style! Keep going! I hope you have a good week!
Eh!! OMG thanks!! QAQ 💗✨💖❤️💞 messages like this fill me with hope and great joy in continuing to draw TwT ✨❤️💗💞💞💕 really thanks and have a good week! (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )✨💗💖💖💞💕
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