faceless-freak · 2 years
“look at me, look at me.”
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zstarzzz · 11 months
I just want to write a post compiling my thoughts and such about the shipping community. Feel free to and please do answer or correct me. So I feel like the definition of Poppytwt /💐twt /blr has become very scattered that I don't know what it actually means. The only people to ever give me a definition were the people who were anit-it. So of course they told me "it's some big bad horrible group of pedos." But of course the people of 💐disagree. So if you are part of 💐, can you tell me what your definition is? Same goes for Proship. Everyone hates proship, and tell me it means horrible things. So what do you think it means and stands for? More personal under the cut, sorry, it's long
I'm very conflicted because I have met people in these communities who are very different than me. These are small vague labels for large communities where people differ from one another. And because of that I've never felt like I belong.
I was writing fics about two 17yr-olds kissing, nothing nsfw, and people told me I was p0ppy. and at the time I was terrified of being p0ppy because I was told they were this bigbad (and at the time I was a minor and felt uncomfy with nsfw) Then I got older and I felt more comfortable with these nsfw stories, but I still felt I was different from other people. My stance and views on how I ship are, it's all fictional, so it's ok. No one in real life is getting hurt, so I should feel fine exploring and writing what I want. It is fictional. Even if I'm writing about real people (CC!S) I don't actually know them, so to me it's like I'm writing another character. I feel ok doing age difference and non-con, because it's fictional. And because I make sure people know in and with my story, that it is bad. These things are not ok in the real world, and with writing you as an author need to make sure people know it. Make sure it's clear that age-differences and non-con are awful things. And some differences I see between me and other people are, when I'm writing about the cc! I imagine them as art and characters. I don't imagine the CC! faces or bodies most times. I'm writing about the characters that I have gotten to know through reading and watching, not a real person. I don't truth that T0mmy and W1lbvr are actually dating. I don't look at images of them and sexualize them (I also just don't like nsfw images in general). I think another thing that sets me aside from other authors and readers, is that I put and picture myself in the victims shoes/place. I don't write something and be like "Oh I want to write about SA-ing a minor" or "oh I'm (charcater) who is sa-ing a minor" I am more "what if I was a minor and was getting SA-ed? How would I react? How would I cope and survive this horrible deed?" I don't know how to put it. I don't write pnsfw because it's fun, I write it to feel something, to explore feelings. And I don't actually ship minor x adult. I'm not like "Look at this baby and his father! we should ship that!" I'm like "what if there was a world where this father was so awful and groomed his child. that would be sad and awful." when I write shipping, pnsfw or not, I'm always "lets explore a dynamic." "what if in x world y happened." And with some of the stuff I write that's not nsfw, it's just like. Two teenagers. what if they kissed and had a crush. nothing wrong with that. But no, to the world, just because these characters are based on real people, it's problematic to ship them, I get grouped with p0ppy. People were afraid to ship c!beeduo even when the cc! where acting like they did in story. And now romantic c!beeduo is pretty much considered ok and such by most people. So what's wrong with my sfw origins!AlliumDuo ship fics? huh? I was never in these community spaces when the cc! were minors, I do think looking at a real person who is a minor, and sexualizing them when you are an adult, is weird. sexualize c!Tommy a character, but not a real person. But guess what, they aren't minors anymore, so what's wrong with writing stories about them? And again, I consider both c! and CC! to basically be characters. I don't sexualize cc!Tommy, I play with the idea of him, his persona. So yeah I don't know why other authors write what they write, how they view writing, but that's mine. And I feel pretty alone because I haven't found another person like me. I don't know if I'm p0ppy, or proship, maybe those terms have been overused, I just consider myself a problematic writer (and the only reason I say 'problematic' is because that's how society views it.) I'll also add lastly that I am on the aro/ace spectrum, so I feel weird when people are overly sexual. When someone is like "I wish I could fuck T0mm7" or even "I wish W1lbvr would fuck me!" I'm kinda just standing there like "what......?" I write to explore feelings, emotions, scenarios, and tragedy.
And I don't push my stuff on other people. I'm sorry if you don't like these communities. You are valid to dislike what you dislike. Especially if it hurt/triggered you or reminds you of hurt you've experienced. . But also, if it's not hurting people, then please don't tell them they are awful people. Don't send them death threats. Just ignore. I don't like DNI, but we all have them. and that's fair.
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problematic-blu · 2 years
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my discord is ~Blue~#6969
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problematicfanfics · 3 years
Out Of Order Kinktober Prompts (exclusive edition bc no one ever checks this)
day 5: boot worship, schlubbo
cw for power imbalance, alcohol consumption
There was just something about Schlatt that Tubbo admired so much. He knew he was the enemy - he was putting his life on the line by directly going against Schlatt - and yet he still respected the man so much. Though he supposes it wasn’t respect, as he was his subordinate, so really it was more like an infatuation of sorts.
He wouldn’t admit that he spent nights imagining what it would be like to be Schlatt’s real right hand man. To have what him and quackity seemed to have. Considering all the snooping around he did it’d be impossible to get that close. But he dreamed of a life where things were simpler. Where he wouldn’t have to go running to pogtopia every time something went slightly awry.
“Tubbo! You lazy fucking brat, get over here.” The man snapped his fingers and pointed to the spot next to his chair. “Here.”
Tubbo ran over like the obedient little bitch he is, not even feeling offended at the insults. It never bothered him much, honestly. They were just a part of his boss’s everyday vocabulary. When he came back to his senses Schlatt was holding his suit jacket out to Tubbo with one hand, his eyes and other hand focused on a document.
Tubbo lightly took it from the man’s hand and stood there holding it. What was he supposed to do?
“I said, go fucking fix it. There’s a hole in the side. Don’t sit there confused, you told me you work well with your hands.”
The apprentice stood there with flaming red cheeks. Had he ACTUALLY said that sentence to Schlatt’s face before? He better start choosing his words more carefully.
He sat on the window ledge behind Schlatt, seeing the view of everything below him. There was so much. So much that was once grass and greenery now ruined.
But he paid no mind. He enjoyed the white house, though if Tommy or Wilbur ever asked he’d deny it. Instead he focused on the fabric and needle. There appeared to be multiple holes in multiple spots. So many so that it was impossible to locate them all.
It was especially hard when Schlatt kept stretching in his chair, arm muscles through the nice button up shirt. Or when he’d turn around to make sure Tubbo was working away, legs spread in a position that exuded confidence. A way Tubbo could only imagine achieving.
In the middle of tying off a stitch he heard his boss speak to him. “Why do you look at me like that?”
“Huh?” The boy was caught off guard. What look?
He let out a tsk as he tried to gather words together. “You know, that look in your eyes. How can I explain it…”
“I have no clue what you’re talking about, Sir.”
“Sir. Why do you call me sir? What is up with that?” Schlatt stood as he lifted and dropped his hands before pouring a glass of whisky from its fine crystal bottle to an even finer crystal glass. “Why not Mr. Schlatt? President? Mr. President? Why’s it always gotta be Sir.”
“I- I don’t know Sir. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t- Shit, kid, want some whisky? Maybe you’ll fucking grow some braincells if you drink some.”
He didn’t have to ask twice. A chance to drink from that fine crystal glass with Schlatt? Hell yeah.
His drink was promptly poured and handed over. Tubbo placed the needle and jacket down on the ledge before standing on the opposite side of the table. “So, how’s life been?” An attempt at small talk not initiated by Tubbo, that’s a start.
“Pretty much just this” He looked around and shrugged.
“No friends?”
“You exiled them, remember?”
“I know you see them. I don’t mind much, honestly.” He inspected his glass before pouring more. “They were your forevers. Kinda sad the path Wilbur’s going down, but if you can protect Tommy from following him, do it.”
It wasn’t respect. What did he feel for this man? Was it adoration?
Shit. That’s it. He loved the man.
“You’ve got that look again.” Ice clinked the glass.
Tubbo stared at the drink in his cup. “You know, it’s rather rude to not drink a drink your superior gave you. Or anyone in general. Never tried alcohol?”
He shook his head no. “Tommy and Wilbur used to drink. Wilbur still does but Tommy hasn’t since the drug cartel fell. I’ve never officially tasted it.”
“Yeah, I shared a sandwich with Tommy once after he drank some alcohol and when I took a bite in the same spot it tasted like alcohol”
“Yeah. It wasn’t very pleasant, honestly.” He smiled at the taller before laughing. “Good old days. I miss them.”
There seemed to be silence between the two of them, only the slight swirl of ice in the glass from Schlatt. “Come here,” he ordered for Tubbo to come closer before he took the rest of his (almost empty) drink in his mouth. He grabbed the younger’s arm and kissed him, exchanging the alcohol. The utter confusion in the boy’s eyes as they pulled away and he swallowed was a sight to behold.
“Oh, wow.” Was all he could mutter. Schlatt raised an eyebrow. “So? Taste good?”
Tubbo nodded before taking a sip of his own glass. “It’s strong. It burns the back of my throat.”
The older man shook his head before moving back to his seat and sitting down. It appeared that chatting time was over just like that. He made his way back to his seat on the ledge of the window before he heard a snap and sharp whistle. “Sit. Here.”
Schlatt was pointing to the ground next to him without lifting his eyes from the paper. The brunet boy sat down on the floor, finishing up stitches and whatnot.
The embroidered design seemed to be worse for the wear, so he figured if he was going to be down here like a dog sleeping at its owner’s feet he might as well do something. He ripped the seams before removing strings.
Suddenly a foot landed in front of him. It wasn’t aggressive, just a position adjustment from Schlatt so his legs wouldn’t go dead. But Tubbo wanted nothing more than to just-
What did he want to do?
He looked up at the man from his position on the floor. In all honesty he could get used to this. It wasn’t half bad, and the older looked really good from down here.
Finally the man broke his eyes from the paper to look straight ahead. Maybe from a noise. Tubbo thought he was safe. Schlatt wouldn’t notice anything, he’s in his own world.
“What are you staring at?”
“N- Nothing, sir.”
“Godfuck, you saying sir is on a whole new level.” He moved his foot to lightly press on Tubbo’s crotch. “Cmon slut. You know you want it.”
Teenage hormones kicked in, what could he do to stop it? He thrusted up into the boot, friction felt like the best thing ever right now. Suddenly he was lost in his own world again.
Out of nowhere the boot was removed. Tubbo’s eyes opened widely as he stared at Schlatt. “Sir, please?”
“Fuck, how could I deny you kid?” He aggressively grabbed Tubbo’s lower jaw and made eye contact. “You’re fucking gorgeous.”
He let go with a push. “But if you want it, you’ve gotta work for it.”
Tubbo nodded. Honestly, at this point he’d do anything to get off. And he would prefer it if it was at the hands of Schlatt. Or, well, boot.
Schlatt turned his chair so his leg was readily accessible for Tubbo. “What’re you waiting for, an invitation? Well, This is it.”
Tubbo licked the boot once. He didn’t know why, it just felt right he supposed. Almost a thank you of sorts.
He’d never done this before. What was he supposed to do? Instead he stared at Schlatt’s leg.
“What’s got you so confused, kid?”
“I’ve never done this before, Sir.”
“Jacked off or gotten off on someone’s boot?”
“Gotten off on someone’s boot,” He looked back down before adding in a mumble “Never tried this before.”
He sits on his knees, crotch touching schlatt’s boot. Experimentally he grinds down. Pleasure washes over him and he lets out a stifled moan.
Again he tries. This time he goes faster, grinds a little harder. Another whine espaces his lips. Nothing can stop him now.
Tubbo was a whining and humping mess, getting himself off on the boot of the president. He grabbed the man’s leg for stability.
“What a fucking slut. Fucking getting off on my boot, so pathetic.”
“Sir, your boot feels so good,” The boy panted out between waves of pleasure. His body stiffened as he went as fast as he could, chasing after his peak.
The door of the room opened without a warning, scaring Tubbo into jumping off.
“Fundy, what have I said about knocking?” Schlatt pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.
“Apologies Mr. President. I was wondering if you had a moment of free time?”
“Yeah, yeah I suppose. How long will it take?”
“Not long at all. I was just wondering what we should replace the L’Manberg flag with?”
Schlatt thought for a second before looking down at Tubbo on the floor, next to his jacket and thread.
“Maybe some obsidian?” He looked Tubbo in the eyes before pushing his boot up against the boy’s still clothed crotch. Fundy nodded “Smart, it can’t be destroyed.”
“Yeah. Maybe throw in some crying obsidian. Texture or something.” He rubbed his foot in circular motions, watching the boy squirm in place in an attempt to not make any sounds. Hands covered his mouth to ensure nothing slipped out.
The fox across from Schlatt had no clue what was happening just three feet away from him. “I was also thinking magma cubes? Mainly because I have a lot laying around, plus they look cool.” The President let out a hum before pressing his foot down really hard.
Tubbo threw his head back in ecstasy, sucking in a breath through his teeth.
“What was that sound?” Fundy questioned. “Nothing, joints are just hurting from sitting all day.”
“Alright, I’ll be on my way. Thank you Mr. President.”
Fundy left and locked the door behind him, something the last worker in the building always has to do.
The President pushed his chair away from Tubbo, which consequently moved his shoe away. “Can’t even keep quiet when I have a guest, huh? Just a moaning whore who can’t keep his dick from getting hard off a boot. Take off your pants.”
He did as he was told, stripping the nice pants off.
“Underwear too.”
It came off as well.
“Get yourself off, whatever you want to do.”
“That’s it Sir?”
“Do you want orders?”
“Yes, Sir. Please,”
A sigh escaped him before he looked down at the boy’s long eyelashes and perfect lips. “Jack off until you come on my boot. Then clean up your mess.”
Tubbo wasted no time wrapping his hand around his cock, jerking off slowly at first. The whole situation felt unreal; drinking with the president, kissing, getting off under his watch, Fundy waking in. It was all a mess.
Thoughts were interrupted when he felt Schlatt grab the boy’s hair. “You like?” Tubbo nodded to the best of his abilities, whispering “pull harder” before speeding up his pace.
Even if Schlatt treated Tubbo like shit it didn’t matter. He liked it. He knew he liked it.
His body started to get tense, gut tightening the hardest it ever has in his life.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum Sir.”
“Fucking cum for me then, you dumb bitch.”
The sentence, combined with the hair pulling and overall power imbalance made Tubbo come on his hand and boot. “Look what a fucking mess you made. Clean it up.”
Slowly he got up before Schlatt’s hand pushed his shoulder back down. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“To grab paper towels Sir.”
“Paper towel? Hah! Did you really think that’s what I meant?” He pulled Tubbo’s arm so he was back where he was earlier. “Lick it clean.”
No words came out. “Do what now?”
“I said lick it clean. Are you fuckin deaf? Then you can wipe it down and shine it.” Tubbo stared at the man before leaning down.
He stuck out his tongue, licking the front of the boot. It tasted bad, in his opinion worse than the whiskey.
“Can I have my glass of whiskey Sir?”
“After you finish licking.”
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dolcemercury-blog · 7 years
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i don’t even know why he’s naked jdfhljkasd
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korebb · 8 years
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“That sweater~”
Yeah... I have to contribute with this too XD
I hate myself because I always draw that kind of stuffs at the... Days when it comes out and everyone draw about it but I scanned SO, SO LATE! And obviously I post it SO LATE too :T
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faceless-freak · 2 years
heres the full clip.. all i gotta say is god damn 
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zstarzzz · 3 months
Hello! :D
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Welcome sleepy Stars ^-^
My full name is Falling ZStarzzz, or Anon Z, but you can call me Starz or Z. she/it/they/he pronouns (really any are ok, but it depends on day 0u0)
I am an author and artist on Ao3 and here on tumblr. I sometimes (a lot) post anonymously because I am a little nervous =͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪‧̣̥̇)
My ao3 is Z_Starzzz
I post a spectrum of lighthearted shipping -> to dark problematic DDDNE (ᵕ—ᴗ—) (all fics will be tagged accordingly.
I mainly post dsmp/mcyt related things. (usually involving Tommy)
As I said I use just about any pronouns, I am genderfluid ^^ I am an adult, and sometimes vent/talk/write about dark/mature things.
This tumblr is mainly for me to make friends and post about my life as well as give snippets and art ^u^ ( and interact with any readers who want to talk!)
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The blog is also 18+ only!, as I post about dark things. If you can't handle it, no need to follow or interact, just move along.
Everything I write about is fiction, everything on the blog is fantasy. Yeah it can be problematic fiction, and I know it's wrong (don't worry), but at the end of the day it is fiction and not meant to hurt anyone. Just for me to vent and explore things. I do not support the evil acts in my writing or reading. And if you cannot accept that people can enjoy something in fiction without supporting it irl, this blog is not for you.
I do not consider myself P0ppy, proship or, antiship. I consider myself Shipabilis as well as pnsfw/pmcyt, and generally just interact with whoever wants to. But if I find that your a bigoted, mean, (other), I will block and move on. (I do sometimes use p0ppy terms, just cause that's what I'm familiar with ^^)
DNI is basically so far: Wilbur supporters, Dream Team supports.
I think that's all for now, and yeah I'm not super active on this blog, but I'd like to be as I improve my writing ^^ fics/au's from me master-list
Thanks guys! :D
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problematicfanfics · 3 years
Im getting sent death threats bc I wrote smut of dream and patches ;-;
PB is that you? /j
but dont be shy send the fic
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
Moving On
by mintitack
5 times that Quackity feels like he's over his exs plus the 1 time he realizes how over them he really is, all with Wilbur Soot's help (And with a little bit of Tommy's help too)
If you're Poppytwt/Pnsfw DNI, please!!
Words: 5537, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 8 of Keep Your Enemies Close, Right?
Fandoms: Video Blogging RPF, Dream SMP
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Wilbur Soot, Alexis | Quackity, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Karl Jacobs, Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF)
Relationships: Alexis | Quackity/Wilbur Soot, Past Alexis | Quackity/Karl Jacobs/Sapnap - Relationship, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Alexis | Quackity & TommyInnit
Additional Tags: 5+1 Things, Duck Hybrid Alexis | Quackity, Shapeshifter Wilbur Soot, Bigender Wilbur Soot, She/Her Pronouns for Wilbur Soot, It/Its Pronouns for Wilbur Soot, He/It/She Wilbur Soot, Fluff and Angst, Sickfic, Kinda, Fights, Break Up, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Alexis | Quackity Has BPD | Borderline Personality Disorder, implied kinda, Possessive Behavior, OCC - Freeform, Wilbur Soot Acting as TommyInnit's Parental Figure, Alexis | Quackity Acting as TommyInnit's Parental Figure, Wilbur Soot is TommyInnit's Parent, Alexis | Quackity is TommyInnit's Parent
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41471838
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brett-is-afraid · 3 years
any recs for pnsfw accounts on here ? the tags r full of antis so its a fucking pain to find any :/
Here are some blogs that don't judge ships!
@almostdeath @problematicfanfics @om-mooi @herbheart @buysomecheese @tiredslugs @fagschlatt @oleandersandpoppys @@gr4yscaie @queerchorus @babbreaberb-binb
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This blog, started June 12th, 2021, is dedicated to posting every sfw Dream SMP fanfiction about Tubbo and Ranboo's roleplay characters on ao3 that are either written ambiguously, up-to-interpretation, or romantically. It's been known for a while now that the romantic tag on ao3 has been hijacked by boundary breaking communities. Here are the links to all the fics, starting June 13th, from both the "/" and "&" tags that are: 1. about roleplay characters NOT real people, 2. sfw, and 3. anything between ambiguously and romantically written.
Another note: Please keep in mind that I am cataloguing over six pages of fanfics a day MANUALLY and I might accidentally skip some fics or some days, I am not the end all be all of finding sfw ambiguous and romantic c!beeduo fics. If I skip over your fic and you want it posted please dm me. If I accidentally post one made by a boundary breaker or that doesn't fit the criteria of this account, dm me. If I am skipping a night, I will send out a post imploring you to check for fics yourself that night.
Another note: IRL SHIPPERS, TRUTHERS, AND PNSFW DO NOT INTERACT!!!! Yes, end*rbees people, when I said “boundary breaking communities” I MEANT YOU TOO. This account is meant for people who want to find fics that use the canon relationship between Tubbo and Ranboo and don’t force the platonic label onto them, NOT YOU!
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lmanberg · 3 years
Here's a list of everyone that kudos'd a pnsfw R/T fic with an explicit warning (there are 4660 users on it). dabeeondamoon and a few other non-pnsfw writers are on the list.
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revivebook · 3 years
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Probably not too big of a deal, but especially if any of you have gotten a bunch of likes or a follow from this blog you’ll probably want to block them. Considering everything with fly me to the moon today, and them being a “migrant from twitter”, they seem pretty obviously to be a pnsfw lurker
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faceless-freak · 2 years
welcome to tumblr all poppy twitter members !! hope you enjoy your stay. i write tombur and bowspam... 
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moldescostura · 4 years
Simone vira meme por usar mesma camisa há 10 anos e se diverte: "Enquanto não rasgar" - [Blog da Solange Pereira]
Simone vira meme por usar mesma camisa há 10 anos e se diverte: “Enquanto não rasgar” – [Blog da Solange Pereira]
Todo mundo tem uma peça queridinha em seu guarda-roupa e, recentemente, uma publicação no Instagram de Simone e Simaria provou que até as famosas, que possuem closets bem recheados, costumam repetir e manter aquela roupa favorita por muito tempo.
Os fãs de Simonefizeram um meme sobre o fato da cantora usar a mesma camisa há 10 anos, e ela, por sua vez, entrou na…
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