#pae thomas
janedances · 2 years
“It’s impossible to be in love with all the six queens’
The Six queens in question:
Megan Gilbert, Ashleigh Weir, Holly Musgrave, Oliver Wickham, Annabel Marlow, Shimali De Silva, Renee Lamb, Christina Modestou, Natalie Paris, Genesis Lynea, Aimie Atkinson, Izuka Hoyle, Jaye’J Richards-Noel, Millie O’Connell, Alexia McIntosh, Maiya Quansah-Breed, Grace Mouat, Vicki Manser, Courtney Stapleton, Adrianna Hicks, Andrea Macaseat, Abby Mueller, Brittney Mack, Samantha Pauly, Anna Uzele, Mallory Maedke, Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert, Courtney Mack, Shantel Cribbs, Courtney Bowman, Sophie Isaacs, Danielle Steers, Zara Macintosh, Cherelle Jay, Hana Stewart, Collette Guitart, Candace Furbert, Hazel Karooma-Brooker, Caitlin Tipping, Sophie Golden, Alicia Corrales-Connor, Viquichele Cross, Bryony Duncan, Natalie Pilkington, Lori McLare, Amy Bridges, Lauren Drew, Maddison Bulleyment, Lauren Byrne, Shekinah McFarlane, Jodie Steele, Athena Collins, Cassandra Lee, Jennifer Caldwell, Harriet Watson, Jasmine Shen, Kelly Sweeney, Jessica Niles, Georgia Carr, Amelia Walker, Liv Alexander, Elizabeth Walker, Maddison Firth, Laura Blair, Chloe Zuel, Kala Gare, Loren Hunter, Kiana Daniele, Courtney Monsma, Vidya Makan, Ella Burns, Karis Oka, Shannen Alyce-Quan, Jade Marvin, Lucy Aiston, Gabriella Stylianou-Burns, Scarlet Gabriel, Rebecca Wickes, Megan Leung, Sophie Rose Middleton, Abbi Hodgson, Kara Ami Mcraenor, Emily Harrigan, Gabrielle Smith, Melissa Ford, Kaylah Attard, Fia Houston-Hamilton, Rhiannon Bacchus, Rhiannon Doyle, Carly Mercedes Dyer, Elena Gyasi, Keirsten Hodgens, Artemis Chrisoulakis, Ellie Sharpe, Sadie Hurst, Melinda Porto, L’Oreal Roache, Wesley Carpenter, Maya Christian, Brianna Mooney, Meghan Dawson, Marilyn Caserta, Ashlee Waldbauer, Adrianna Glover, Alize Ke’Aloha Cruz, Kristina Walz, Amy Di Bartolomeo, Amanda Lindgren, Claudia Kariuki, Dionne Ward-Anderson, Tsemaye Bob-Egbe, Meesha Turner, Paisley Billings, Danielle Rose, Roxanne Couch, Esme Rothero, Rachel Rawlinson, Lauren Irving, Danielle Mendoza, Shelby Griswold, Kennedy Carstens, Abigail Sparrow, Jarynn Whitney, Madeline Fansler, Channing Weir, Princess Victomé, Sunayna Smith, Chloë Hart, Casey Al-Shaqsy, Aiesha Pease, Jaina Brock-Patel, Alana Robinson, Grace Melville, Leesa Tulley, Harriet Caplan-Dean, Khaila Wilcoxon, Storm Lever, Jasmine Forsberg, Olivia Donalson, Didi Romero, Gabriela Carrillo, Cassie Silva, Kelly Denice Taylor, Erin Ramirez, Kelsee Kimmel, Phoenix Mendoza, Chelsea Dawson, Chiara Assetta, Cristina D’Agostino, Joy Woods, Bre Jackson, Keri Rene Fuller, Brennyn Lark, Ayla Ciccone-Burton, Holli’ Conway, Brianna Javis, Gabbi Mack, Casey Esbin, Ellie Wyman, Sasha Renae Brown, Nicole Lamb, Aja Simone Baitey, Willow Dougherty, Kayla McSorely, Emily Rose Lyons, Chelsea Wargo, Hannah Taylor, Jessie Bodner, Jasmine Hackett, Janice Rijssel, Lucia Valentino, Elena Breschi, Meg Dixon-Brasil, Sarah McFarlane, Reca Oakley, Gerianne Perez, Zan Berube, Amina Faye, Terica Marie, Aline Mayagoitia, Sydney Parra, Jana Larell Glover, Taylor Pearlstein, Aryn Bohannon, Cecilia Snow, Rhianne Louise McCaulsky, Baylie Carson, Koko Basigara, Monique Ashe Palmer, Leah Vassell, Hailee Kaleem Wright, Leandra Ellis Gaston, Bella Coppola, Nasia Thomas, Zoe Jensen, Taylor Iman Jones, Aubrey Matalon, Kristina Leopold, Rae Davenport, Gianna Grosso, Kathryn Kilger, Bethany McDonald, Jillian Worthing, Haley Izurieta, Jasmine Smith, Lois Ellise Reeves, Alyssa Giannetti, Eden Holmes, Jaelle Laguerre, Kate Zulauf, Lee ARumSoul, Son Seungyeon Kim Ji Woo, Sophiya Pae, Park Hye-na, Park Ga-Ram, Kim Ji Sun, Choi Hyun-sun, Kim Ryeo Won, Heo Sol-ji, Yoo Ju-hye, Hong Ji Hee, Nicole Louise Lewis, Laura Dawn Pyatt, Erin Caldwell, Kenedy Small, Lou Henry, Aoife Haakenson, Ellie Jane Grant, Izi Maxwell, Tamara Morgan, Shakira Simpson, Fiorella Bamba, Lucinda Wilson, Caitlyn De Kuyper, Amanda Lee, Gabriella Boumford, Audrey Fisher, Brooke Aneece, Jaz Robinson, Julia Pulo, Maggie Lacasse, Krystal Hernández, Elysia Cruz, Lauren Mariasoosay, Julia McLellan, Darcy Stewart, Hailey Lewis
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freehawaii · 1 year
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      180 Years – Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea July 31st marks the 180th Anniversary of Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea - Sovereignty Restoration Day! On this day in 1843, King Kamehameha III was restored to his rightful position as the ruling King of the Hawaiian Islands by Admiral Richard Thomas of the British Royal Navy, ending “the Paulet Affair”, a four-month-long unlawful occupation of the Hawaiian Islands instigated by British naval officer Lord George Paulet. Upon being restored, King Kamehameha III declared Lā Hoʻihoʻi a national holiday and all over the realm, a massive celebration of sovereignty that lasted for 10 days. Four months later, on November 28, 1843, the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of France issued a Joint Proclamation officially recognizing the Hawaiian Kingdom as an equal, sovereign state and Lā Kuʻokoʻa – Independence Day also was declared a national holiday. Other countries jumped on board, confirming Hawaii’s sovereignty and entering into treaties, agreements and diplomatic exchanges with the Hawaiian Kingdom. By the end of the 19th Century, Hawaii had 46 treaties with other countries and 137 diplomatic posts (embassies and consulates) all over the world. Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea, the trigger Hawaiian sovereignty was a testament to the brilliance and foresight of Kau'ikeaouli, Kamehameha III. A year before the Paulet Affair, and unbeknownst to Paulet, Kamehameha III had sent diplomatic envoys from Hawaii — Timoteo Ha’alilio, William Richards and Sir George Simpson — to Europe to negotiate with the governments of Britain and France for formal recognition of the Hawaiian Kingdom as a sovereign nation. The diplomatic team was already in London when word arrived that Paulet had seized Hawaii for the British Crown. In fact, by that time, British officials had already decided to recognize Hawaii’s sovereignty, but had not yet prepared the formal proclamation. Thus, the dispatching of Admiral Thomas to return control of the Hawaiian Islands to the Hawaiian Crown, was an ideal opportunity to demonstrate the British Crown’s recognition of the sovereignty of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Thomas Square was dedicated commemorating Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea. Even through times when the holiday was forgotten, the place has been living, physical evidence and testament to the fact that the Hawaiian Kingdom is a sovereign state in continuity. Then, on July 31, 2018, the City and County of Honolulu unveiled the statue of King Kamehameha III at Thomas Square, honoring our great king and his great accomplishments. Then last year, the State of Hawaii Legislators passed a resolution acknowledging Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea as a national holiday of the Hawaiian Kingdom. At the ceremony for the legislation, Imai Winchester, one of the organizers of the annual celebration at Thomas Square said:
"I offer the challenge for the people of Hawaiʻi to learn and to understand our deep and nuanced history, to challenge the state to continue to seek to do what is right on behalf of the Hawaiian people of all ethnicities.
 So on behalf of Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea, who celebrates not just here in Honolulu but celebrates around ko Hawaiʻi pae ʻāina and around the world and all the communities who rise in solidarity for peace and for justice, we accept this as a noble step forward in our path towards liberation."
The celebrations of Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea and Lā Kuʻokoʻa and other holidays of the kingdom are not only reminders of events past, they serve as proof and affirmations that, standing on those firm foundations, the Hawaiian Kingdom still lives today.
“Love of country is deep-seated in the breast of every Hawaiian, whatever his station.” — Queen Liliʻuokalani ---------- Ua mau ke ea o ka ʻāina i ka pono. The sovereignty of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.
------ For the latest news and developments about our progress at the United Nations in both New York and Geneva, tune in to Free Hawaii News at 6 PM the first Friday of each month on ʻŌlelo Television, Channel 53. 
------ "And remember, for the latest updates and information about the Hawaiian Kingdom check out the twice-a-month Ke Aupuni Updates published online on Facebook and other social media." PLEASE KŌKUA… Your kōkua, large or small, is vital to this effort... To contribute, go to: • GoFundMe – CAMPAIGN TO FREE HAWAII • PayPal – use account email: [email protected] • Other – To contribute in other ways (airline miles, travel vouchers, volunteer services, etc...) email us at: [email protected]  “FREE HAWAII” T-SHIRTS - etc. Check out the great FREE HAWAII products you can purchase at... http://www.robkajiwara.com/store/c8/free_hawaii_products All proceeds are used to help the cause. MAHALO! Malama Pono,
Leon Siu
Hawaiian National
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schoje · 2 months
Localizado no Parque da Cidade, na Gávea, na zona sul do Rio de Janeiro, o Palacete do Museu Histórico da Cidade, depois de 10 anos sem visitação, foi reaberto hoje (18), data em que se comemora o Dia Internacional dos Museus. O solar do início do século XIX teve o interior e a fachada restaurados. Segundo a prefeitura do Rio, a reabertura do museu marca a retomada gradual das atividades ao público nos equipamentos culturais, respeitando os protocolos sanitários. Por conta da pandemia de covid-19, haverá controle do número de visitantes, restrito a grupos de 15 pessoas por vez. A retomada será marcada por uma exposição de longa duração com 482 peças do acervo de 24 mil itens do museu desde estandartes do século XIX, aquarelas de Debret e gravuras de Thomas Ender até os planos para a abertura da Avenida Central e objetos do dia a dia dos moradores do Rio. O projeto básico de reforma foi desenvolvido pela Rio-Urbe, que contratou e fiscalizou a obra do museu, orçada em cerca de R$ 4 milhões. A sede principal e a capela foram totalmente restauradas e o casarão, adaptado para deficientes físicos com a inclusão de um elevador e rampas de acessibilidade. Na reinauguração, o prefeito Eduardo Paes afirmou que vai apostar na cultura como principal fator de retomada do desenvolvimento e de renascimento do Rio. “Os moradores vão poder frequentar, fazer daqui um programa, aprendendo a história do Rio e também convivendo neste local que é a cara da cidade”, disse Paes. “É um espaço muito importante não só para a zona sul e para o entorno, que envolve os moradores da Gávea e da favela Vila Parque da Cidade, mas para todo o Rio, que terá acesso novamente ao acervo, patrimônio e um espaço de cultura, seguindo todos os protocolos de segurança”, afirmou o secretário municipal de Cultura, Marcus Faustini. >> Ouça: Rei do Baião é homenageado hoje na Semana Nacional dos Museus
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Corrupt Supreme Court Betraying The Rule Of Law In America
I have always said beware of those that dress up in uniforms, as they hide their true human failings behind them. SCOTUS has again proven this truism. These partisan justices cloaked in their black robes are failing the most basic applications of the law. Corrupt Supreme Court betraying the rule of law in America, as they consider the Trump claim of presidential immunity over election interference in the 2020 race. The US system of administration, which puts these 9 men and women at the very top of the judicial tree is dependent upon their decisions as final arbiters. Photo by Leandro Paes Leme on Pexels.com
SCOTUS Conservative Justices’ Flout Rule Of Law For Trump
Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Samuel Alito and to a lesser extent John Roberts have been bought and paid for by conservative billionaires to effect their wishes in America. How else can you explain their behaviour in the face of overwhelming evidence for Trump’s alleged criminality, as found by the DOJ and lower courts. It seems like the federal justice system operates largely without fear or favour until it reaches its apogee in SCOTUS. Then, these individuals have power without oversight to do as they please. The US constitution holds no standard of accountability for them, as seen by their altering the interpretation of section 3 of the 14th amendment in regard to Trump’s eligibility to stand for office despite being a determined insurrectionist by state supreme court findings. President Trump Postlaunch Remarks (NHQ202005300037) by NASA HQ PHOTO is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0
American Justice In Danger Of Failing The People
The American people will be forced to rise up in protest over the actions of this court if they continue to flout the rule of law in favour of Donald Trump. The January 6 insurrection occurred 3 and a half years ago and Trump has still not been held accountable for inciting it. Meanwhile, the foot soldiers are prosecuted and locked up for it. America has a big problem holding wealth and power to account. The politicisation of all levels of government and within the courts makes it a corrupt system. Democracy is being gamed by people like Trump and his associates. The pundits point to the facts inferring that SCOTUS are deliberately slow walking the Trump immunity case, which means it will not be tried in court prior to the 2024 presidential election. This deprives the American people of knowing the full facts surrounding one of the leading candidates for president. Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com When we talk about nations and national identities we are making gross generalities. America and Americans are made up of many millions of individuals. Even to split them into just 2 camps – Democrats and Republicans – is another blanket call. We love to categorise stuff, however, as it makes it easier to talk about things. The rule of law is supposed to cut through all categories of people. It is supposed to apply to all and be indistinguishable beyond race, gender, and tribal affiliations. Right now, it is failing due to the status and wealth of the former president Donald J Trump. If Trump is not brought to heel America will be cast into civil unrest and may implode. If the rich and powerful are seen to be above the law and declared by SCOTUS to be immune to those laws which govern everybody else – it will be game over for democracy. “The Supreme Court on Thursday appeared skeptical of a ruling by a federal appeals court that rejected former President Donald Trump’s claim that he has absolute immunity from criminal charges based on his official acts as president. During more than two-and-a-half hours of oral argument, some of the court’s conservative justices expressed concern about the prospect that, if former presidents do not have immunity, federal criminal laws could be used to target political opponents. However, the justices left open the prospect that Trump’s trial in Washington, D.C., could still go forward because the charges against him rest on his private, rather than his official, conduct. However, the timing of the court’s eventual opinion and the resulting trial remains unclear, leaving open the possibility that the court’s decision could push Trump’s trial past the November election.” - (https://www.scotusblog.com/2024/04/supreme-court-appears-likely-to-side-with-trump-on-some-presidential-immunity/) Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of America Matters: Pre-apocalyptic Posts & Essays in the Shadow of Trump. ©MidasWord https://read.amazon.com.au/kp/embed?asin=B0CY8CMT33&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_XTSWKP0R598XGJ2Y1Q3S Read the full article
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cada-atletismo · 1 year
Transportación para los GPS
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La CADA con la colaboración de la Municipalidad de Concepción del Uruguay anuncio los listados de los dos (2) buses que trasladaran desde Ezeiza, Aeroparque y desde el CENARD a los distintos participantes extranjeros y argentinos hasta los hoteles en la sede de los Grand Prix Sudamericanos Concentración en informes   OMNIBUS 1 - IDA - SALE EZEIZA 07.00 hs     Nombre y Apellido País Alojamiento   1 Rodriguez Osorno Johnatan COL Termas   2 Torrealba Ramos Leodan VEN Termas   3 Padrino Villazana Kelvis VEN Termas   4 Tenorio Arboleda Helen COL Termas   5 Moreno Chiquillo Geiner COL Termas   6 Berrio Valoyes John COL Termas   7 De Bassi Anny BRA Termas   8 Mendes Da Silva Douglas BRA Termas   9 Calderon Maza Andrea ECU Termas   10 Correa Palacios Gilmar COL Termas     Suben en Aeroparque-Aproximadamente 8.30     Lugar de concentración arribos Internacionales   11 Palomino Greta Julio PER Termas   12 Poma Mendoza Anita PER Termas   13 Torrez Torrez Guadalupe BOL Termas   14 Gimenez Gustale Macarena PAR Termas   15 Hiebert Klassen Xenia PAR Termas   16 Baez Barrios Ruth PAR Termas   17 Contrera Rivas Araceli PAR Termas   18 Maidana Pedrozo Fredy PAR Termas   19 Almiron Escobar Cesar PAR Termas   20 Wolk Retmer Jonathan PAR Termas   21 Zalazar Ayala Misael PAR Termas   22 Vera Noelia PAR Termas   23 Mongelos Gustavo PAR Termas   24 Torres Fulgencio PAR Termas   25 Adao de Sa Mateus BRA Termas   26 Kauam Kamal Aleixo BRA Termas   27 Abreu Paes Lutimar BRA Termas   28 Da Silva Wolski Allan BRA Termas   29 De Jesus Azevedo Ana BRA Termas   30 Deliser Espinoza Arturo PAN Termas   31 Lamboglia Florencia ARG Termas   32 Bernard Stilling Helen ARG Termas   33 Casetta Sofia ARG Termas   34 Dulcic Paula ARG Termas   35 Aguilera Benajmin ARG Termas   36 Alonso Fausto ARG Termas   37 Aranda Violeta ARG Termas   38 Carballo Juan Ignacio ARG Termas   39 Zuberbuhler Juana ARG Termas   40 Ciampiti Juan Ignacio ARG Termas   41 Londero Daniel ARG Termas   42 Moretta Damian ARG Termas   43 Napolitano Valentina ARG Termas   44 Emmert Pedro ARG Termas   45 Cochet Augusto Mariano ARG Termas   46 Perez Lazarte Leandro ARG Termas   47 Guerrero Antonella ARG Termas   48 Ibarra Zaracho Sofia ARG Termas   49 Pinti Agustin ARG Termas   50 Melgarejo Nazareno ARG Termas   51 Reynaga Matias ARG Termas   52 Morillas Javier ARG Termas   53 Malgor Leonardo ARG Termas   CONTACTO JAVIER MORILLAS +5491165098124-Ezeiza     CONTACTO EN AEROPARQUE FLORENCIA LAMBOGLIA   OMNIBUS 2 - IDA - SALE DEL CENARD 12.30 hs   SOBRE LIBERTADOR ESQ.RICHIERI- PORTON DEL CENARD 1 Lopez Mendoza Stefany Paola COL Termas 2 Rodriguez Espinel Santiago COL Termas 3 Bolivar Latorre Camilo COL Termas 4 Preciado Moreno David COL Termas 5 Sinisterra Renteria Leydy COL Termas 6 Albarracin Maximiliano ARG Termas 7 Ruggeri Guillermo ARG Termas 8 Diaz Maximiliano ARG Termas 9 Lucero Leslie Tamara ARG Termas 10 Chavarria Ezequiel ARG Termas 11 Villegas Tomas ARG Termas 12 Villegas Lucas ARG Termas 13 Manrique Fabian ARG Termas 14 Maldonado Katherine ARG Termas 15 Zezular Santiago ARG Termas 16 Barberia Santiago ARG Termas 17 Gramajo Fabiana ARG Termas 18 Roldan Guillermo ARG Termas 19 Alfonzo Walter Imanol ARG Termas 20 Visentini Carlos ARG Termas 21 Larregina Elian ARG Termas 22 Levaggi Micaela ARG Termas 23 Martinez Noelia ARG Termas 24 Dupans Florencia ARG Termas 25 Durá Joaquina ARG Termas 26 Falcheti Matias ARG Termas 27 Florio Franco ARG Termas 28 Fritzsche Belen ARG Termas 29 Cochet Augusto Mariano ARG Termas 30 Peidon Franco ARG Grand Hotel 31 Ubiedo Andrea ARG Grand Hotel 32 Mantello Lautaro Taiel ARG Grand Hotel 33 Vega Tomas ARG Carlos I° 34 Scarponi Carolina ARG Carlos I° 35 Rojas Landaburu Manuel ARG Carlos I° 36 Leiva Miguel ARG Carlos I° 37 Riveira Rodriguez Santiago ARG Carlos I° 38 Ferrari Luciano ARG Carlos I° 39 Cremaschi Renzo ARG Carlos I° 40 Thomas Evangelina ARG Carlos I° 41 Escudero Martina ARG Carlos I° 42 Baigorria Giuliana ARG Carlos I° 43 De Genaro Bruno ARG Carlos I° 44 Bruno Carola ARG S/Hotel 45 Correa Camila ARG S/Hotel 46 Piton Marcos Luciano ARG S/Hotel 47 Quintero Guillermo ARG S/Hotel 48 Abrego Paola ARG S/Hotel 49 Guevara Gonzalo ARG Carlos I°           Read the full article
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goalhofer · 1 year
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Famous March 26, 2023 birthdays:
Alan Arkin (American actor & director), 89
Wayne Embry (American basketball player & executive), 86
Diana Ross (American singer & actress)(pictured), 79
Steven Tallarico aka Steven Tyler (American singer)(pictured), 75
Richard Tandy (British keyboardist & guitarist), 75
Ernest Thomas (American actor), 74
Martin Short (Canadian actor & comedian), 73
Željko Pavličević (Croatian basketball player & coach), 72
Marcus Allen (American football player), 63
Kevin Seitzer (American baseball player & coach), 61
Eric Kramer (American actor), 61
Ulf Samuelsson (Swedish hockey player & coach), 59
Michael Imperioli (American actor & writer), 57
James Iha (American guitarist & songwriter), 55
Jason Maxwell (American baseball player), 51
Larry Page (American-New Zealander computer scientist & businessman), 50
Michael Peca (Canadian hockey player & coach), 49
Amy Smart Oosterhouse (American model & actress), 47
Bianca Kajlich Catherwood (American actress), 46
Anastasia Kostaki (Greek basketball player & coach), 45
Juliana Paes Baptista (Brazilian model and actress), 44
Josh Wilson (American baseball player), 42
Floriana Lima (American actress & model), 42
Sébastien Centomo (Canadian hockey player), 42
Brendan Ryan (American baseball player), 41
Nate Kaeding (American football player & coach), 41
Jimmy Howard III (American hockey player & analyst), 39
Sara Underwood (American model & actress), 39
Keira Knightley (British actress), 38
Jermichael Finley (American football player), 36
Von Miller (American football player), 34
Matt Davidson (American baseball player), 32
Nina Agdal (Danish model & actress), 31
Paige Vanderford (American mixed martial artist & model), 29
Kath Bernardo (Filipino actress & singer), 27
Bhad Bhabie (American rapper), 20
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Título Original: Rambo AKA John Rambo
Año:  2008
Duración: 93 min
País: Estados Unidos
Dirección: Sylvester Stallone
Guion: Sylvester Stallone. Personajes: David Morrell
Música: Brian Tyler
Fotografía: Glen MacPherson
Reparto: Sylvester Stallone, Julie Benz, Matthew Marsden, Graham McTavish, Reynaldo Gallegos Tim Kang, Jake La Botz, Maung Maung Khin, Paul Schulze, Cameron Pearson, Thomas Peterson, Tony Skarberg, James With, Kasikorn Niyompattana, Shaliew 'Lek' Bamrungbun, Supakorn Kitsuwon, Aung Aay Noi, Ken Howard, Aung Theng, Pornpop 'Tor' Kampusiri, Wasawat Panyarat, Kammul Kawtep, Sornram Patchimtasanakarn, Noa 'Arunee Prijareonsuk'Jei, Kjam Saen, Aun Lung Su, Pan Dokngam, Han Pik, Tip Tiya, Nee Lungjai, Yupin Mu Pae, Moan Adisak, Somsak Wongsa, Surachai Muangdee, Mana Sen-Mi, Toole Khan Kham, Saiwan Lungta, Watcharentr Sedtho, Rapimpa Dibu, May Kung, George Cheung, Richard Crenna, Matthew Wolf
Productora: Millennium Films, Equity Pictures, Nu Image Films. Distribuidora: Lionsgate
Género: Action; Adventure; Thriller
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purrlunar · 5 years
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All of my female OCs from my original story Timekeepers ✨
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sitecoisademulher · 6 years
Halle Berry compartilha foto de treino e exibe corpão aos 51 anos
Halle Berry compartilha foto de treino e exibe corpão aos 51 anos
Halle Berry mostrou um pouco de seu segredo para manter o corpo malhado. O resultado dos treinos e dedicação é visto em suas fotos sensuais na webAdmirada pelo talento e beleza, Halle Berry usou seu perfil oficial do Instagram para contar um pouquinho de seu segredo para manter o corpão aos 51 ano
Coisa De Mulher
Leia a postagem completa: http://www.coisademulher.info/2018/07/halle-berry-compartilha-foto-de-treino-e-exibe-corpao-aos-51-anos/
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lillian-nator · 4 years
The Prince Of The Antarctic Empire Au (PAE AU)
The Prince of the Antarctic Empire
BASIC INFO: Wilbur is 18, Techno is 22, and Philza is 28, Tommy is 5. (At the start).
It all starts when Wilbur finds this kid on NewFoundLand territory, and this kid - who is like 4, mind you - is beating the shit out of some Zombie’s
Like he is using a cobblestone sword - but is just like, messing these Zombie’s shit up.
Wilbur, being the responsible adult he is, goes up to the boy - who is like extremely thin, and seemingly weak - and asks him if he wants to have dinner at his house.
The kid says yes - after a lot of negotiation - and, after Wilbur gives a brief introduction of himself, the blonde boy introduces himself as Tommy.
During this dinner, Wilbur tries to get the boy to open up about himself, but he is extremely untrusting of adults - specifically tall ones who find him in the woods.
A few things Wilbur learns about Tommy:
He is 5 years old, but he knows he looks younger
He doesn’t remember having parents - he was pretty open about it when Wilbur asked him where his Parents were - but he knows that they either left or died, he has been alone for two years.
He doesn’t want to intrude on Wilbur; multiple times he declined the offer to ‘make himself at home’ or to ‘check out the bathroom’ or ‘the guest bedroom’
He is acutely aware of his surroundings. He also has insane reflexes - Wilbur guesses that these two facts are a factor of him being alone from such a young age.
Several times, Tommy caught something that would’ve rolled off the table - Wilbur knew that these things were out of eyesight for Tommy, but he still reached out his hand and caught them without looking away from Wilbur - also, more than once, he moved his leg away just as Wilbur’s dog would’ve ran into the boy. 
Throughout the little chatter that Tommy offers, Wilbur Soot notices one more thing - the kid is funny. Really, really, funny. With the small remarks, and comments, and rebuddles, he can tell that this boy bounces off really well with Wilbur’s sense of humor.
For some reason, he finds himself laughing with this 5-year-old boy more than he had with his brothers mere nights before.
Wilbur Soot notices one more thing during dinner.
He has fallen in love (platonically you fucker) with this boy - and he won't let go.
Between his small giggles, and bright smile, and blue eyes. Tommy’s demeanor, or the way he can make Wilbur laugh, or the way Tommy held Wilbur’s hand when they walked back to his house -
Wilbur had found his little brother. He wanted to take care of and protect this kid for the rest of his life. Wilbur wanted to make Tommy giggle everyday, and teach him everything Wilbur knew about the world, he wanted to keep the boy safe - it seemed like Tommy needed that the most, the kid had been alone since he was 3 -
Wilbur Soot, whether TommyInnit liked it or not, was going to raise this kid.
That night Wilbur sat Tommy down for a small talk, that basically went like this:
“Hey, Tommy?” Wilbur drawled, looking at the blue-eyed boy, who had been sat on the floor next to Wilbur’s dog, Fluffy. (I know that’s Techno’s dog, and I know that Wilbur’s dog is PeeDog - but that’s a bit weirdchamp to put in a story.)
“Yeah, Mr. Wilbur?” Tommy had automatically answered while petting Wilbur’s dog - who had also taken an odd liking to the blonde.
“Would you like to stay the night?” Wilbur stated a small smile growing on his face.
“No - no. It's okay. You don’t have to. Really, Mr. Wilbur -” He had stopped petting Fluffy in favor of looking at the man alarmed
“No, Tommy. I want to help you.” Wilbur started, voice soft. “How about, you stay here for tonight, and then tomorrow morning, we will go from there okay?”
“I - Okay.” Tommy confirmed, looking up at Wilbur with more hope in his eyes than Wilbur thought was humanly possible. Tommy longed for a home for so long. The problem was that every kind adult he met, reminded him of a lost memory of his parents - he was filled with regret, and sorrow everytime someone offered him a home.
Wilbur though, Wilbur was different. Wilbur was young, and rendered all of his abandonment issues useless - Wilbur made Tommy feel safe. Tommy felt as though Wilbur wasn’t going to leave him.
Over the next two weeks, Tommy really warmed up to Wilbur.
He couldn’t tell all at once, but overtime, Tommy really trusted him, and Wilbur caught onto this.
He could tell in the little things Tommy did:
Like how he stopped asking every time he wanted to use the bathroom
He stopped picking around his food before eating it.
He would wait for Wilbur to wake him up at 8, instead of waking himself up at 6 am.
He wanted to start helping around the house - this made Wilbur’s heart melt.
The first time Tommy asked to help doing the dishes, Wilbur almost died right then and there.
Wilbur had to teach Tommy how to dry the dishes while he sat the small blonde on the counter.
If a small step stool appeared in the kitchen the next day - nobody mentioned it.
The most heart-warming:
Tommy had started calling Wilbur “Wil”
It happened a 10 days after Wilbur took Tommy in, the two of them were having dinner when Wilbur asked Tommy to fetch him an extra plate.
Wilbur often forgot that he had built the house to suit a 6’5 man’s needs and not a 3 foot tall child’s. Even with the step stool, Tommy struggled to reach the glassware.
A small “Wil, can you help me reach?” was heard throughout the house.
A large, goofy smile formed on the elder’s face, as he went to go help the younger. Tommy called him Wil - not Mr. Wilbur - not even Wilbur: Wil.
Of course Wilbur did help Tommy, he went over and lifted the boy up by the waist and put him on Wilbur’s shoulders. The boy then grabbed the plate with ease, giggling as Wilbur bounced back to the table.
Two days later Wilbur came up with the nickname “Toms” as it seemed fair. While “Tommy” was technically a nickname, Wilbur wasn’t sure if the boy would answer to Thomas - so it felt right for Wilbur to make up his own nickname.
Tommy secretly, really really, liked the name. It made him feel special - and hey, if it made him really, really happy, to know that someone cared about him enough to give him a nickname, he wasn’t gonna go telling people about it.
And if Wilbur noticed that Tommy smiled a little brighter every time he used that nickname, he never brought it up, he just made sure to use it a little more the next day.
  SO, on the 15th or 16th day of Tommy staying with Wilbur, Wilbur’s brothers happened to stop by.
Wilbur should’ve seen it coming sooner or later - really. He missed the meeting they were supposed to have last week, he hadn’t come by to the Antarctic Empire like he was supposed to, he hadn’t been returning their calls. He was uh - he was busy.
He was with a certain blonde.
Philza, and Technoblade landed the plane on the shore of NewFoundLand - about 40 feet away from Wilbur’s house - that August night, and obviously they were worried for their brother. Wilbur though, Wilbur had other issues at hand:
He had been showing Tommy his guitar. The blonde seemed to have a fascination with musical devices, and Wilbur tried in every way he could to get his eyes to light up, or for Tommy to frantically ask questions about it. It honestly reminded Wilbur of himself - Tommy’s need to learn and soak up the world around him.
“And this Toms,” The older man watched the boys eyes light up in delight with the mention of the nickname. “This is the E-string.” Wilbur had plucked the low-sounding string to Play for Tommy. The blonde stood up from his seated position on the floor to get closer to Wilbur, and examine the guitar strings.
He carefully picked Wilbur’s fingers off the string with a look of pure curiosity on his face. His small fingers plucking the low note his eyes grew wide and slightly startled when the music came out.
“But I thought you said this one was ‘E’ Wil?” Tommy had pointed to the thinnest string on the guitar.
“You’re right Tommy. That one is E. That is High E.” Wilbur pointed out the thinnest string, using Tommy’s finger to pluck it, with an affectionate smile playing on his face. “And this is low E.” He used Tommy’s hand to pluck the other string.
“Why did they name two strings E? That’s stupid.”
Wilbur laughed, “I wish I knew Toms, I wish I knew-” He was cut off by the sound of a plane landing. Wilbur’s smile faltered for a second before standing up from his criss-crossed position on the floor, and holding out his hand.
“We are going to meet some people Tommy, okay?”
Tommy nodded with a weary smile, but he trusted Wilbur wholeheartedly. He took a hold of the brunette's large hand, and headed outside with him.
The two brothers pushed each other over as they got out of the plane, loudly laughing and yelling “Wilbur, you’re not dead are you?”
Before they could see Wilbur coming out of his house they heard a very distinctive voice yell, “No, I’m not dead. I’ve been busy!”
Technoblade spoke up this time, “What could you have been doing that you missed your trip to the greatest Empire in the World?” He snickered - whatever Wilbur had been ‘Wilburing’ for the past few weeks, Phil and Techno would tease him relentlessly over it.
But when Wilbur came out of the small wooden house with a 5 year-old trailing behind him - they were surprised.
Phil’s eyes widened at the small mess of blonde hair that appeared behind his brother. His mouth formed an ‘o’, as he met his brother’s face with knowing eyes/ He automatically kneeled down to the boy’s level. At eye level, Phil’s dark blue eyes were met with bright sky-like ones.
He smiled warmly at the young boy, who had been hiding behind Wilbur, holding onto his hand for dear life.
“Tommy, these are my brothers. Philza Minecraft, and Technoblade - the King of the Antarctic Empire.”
“Your brothers?” Tommy questioned.
“Yeah,” Wilbur said with a soft smile, he net down to get to Tommy’s level leaving only Techno standing. “These are. You wanna say hi?”
Slowly Tommy nodded, going in front of Wilbur, with the ladders hands on his small shoulders.  
Phil spoke up first. “Hey Tommy! Is that right?” Tommy shyly nodded his head. “I’m Phil. I’m Wilbur’s older brother. It’s nice to meet you.”
To Phil, he was seeing a younger Wilbur. Sure, Wilbur had brown hair, and deep doe-like eyes, but they were two in the same. The blonde clearly trusted Wilbur - clinging onto him for dear life. Wilbur was such a cute kid, could probably get away with anything if he wanted to, he was so sweet, and innocent - and anyone wanted to help the poor kid.
Looking at Tommy and Wilbur, it seems that history was repeating itself, as all Philza could see was himself with a younger Wilbur.
“Hey.” Techno had followed Phil’s lead and introduced himself to the kid.
“Hi” Tommy finally said to the pair.
Wilbur looked between Tommy and his brothers, before scooping Tommy up and over his shoulders. Resulting in the former erupting in a fit of giggles and squeals. “Come on guys,” He nodded his head to his brothers. “I have a lot to catch you up on.”
Later that night, Tommy had fallen asleep in Wilbur’s lap. The ladder holding the small boy in a protective grip against his chest, while the other two questioned him.
“So you just found him?” Techno questioned.
“Yes! We’ve been over this - he was fighting Zombies.” Wilbur answered, acting annoyed.
“How many were there?” Techno grilled.
“I don’t know!” Wilbur faked exasperation, but quieted down when he saw Tommy slightly stir. “Like five or six.”
“And he was keeping them off him? All by himself?” Phil asked in a worried tone.
“Yes!” Techno’s eyes widened. “He was beating the shit out of them Phil, and with only a cobblestone sword.”
“This kid? Really? He’s so small.” Techno asked curious, his eyes scanning over the small blonde.
“Yes, really.” Wilbur put a hand in Tommy’s hair, as Tommy buried himself slightly deeper into Wilbur’s neck.
“Why can’t you just give him to the orphanage? You know the ones towards western Canada?” Techno suggested, no emotion playing on his face.
Wilbur had to stifle a gasp, as Phil and him had similar looks of horror on their faces. “Tech” Wilbur scolded.
“Techno, Wilbur’s already grown attached to him, besides, the boy likes it here, we can’t just give him up.” Phil tried to reason with the young king.
“Whatever.” Techno scoffed. “Doesn’t mean I have to like him.”
“You didn’t like Wilbur, when I first brought him in, and look where we are now?” Phil reminded the pink-haired man.
“This is different.”
“Sure, sure it is.” Phil laughed, leaving to go get another coffee. “Whether or not you like it. Tommy is a part of our family now Techno.”
Techno just sat there.
“Yeah,” Wilbur sighed, getting up to bring Tommy to bed. “I’m not letting him go.”
SO, guys. Later today I will be putting some shorter stuff on world building. Anyone is free to write in this AU if you want. Otherwise, I think as “(this is home)” is closing, I will be starting up this AU, and I will be writing this and my You Said Family Went to War AU from now on - once I finish the final chapter of “(this is home)” 
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youngfcs · 6 years
hey cib, você poderia me ajudar com um pai e uma mãe para a selena gomez? sendo que o pai eu queria algum americano mesmo, já a mãe eu queria alguma brasileira
Posso sim! Vou falar algumas opções
Sam Trammell
Zachary Quinto
Dylan McDermott
Jason Bateman
Peter Gallagher
Thomas Jane
Ty Burrell
Alice Braga
Sônia Braga
Morena Baccarin
Jordana Brewster (mãe brasileira)
Juliana Paes
Giovanna Antonelli
Letícia Sabatella
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irenegbfoto · 3 years
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Modelos: Pae & Thomas
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orjamjam369 · 3 years
Trump Plaza Hotel and 인터넷바둑이사이트 Atlantic City Opens
If the player switches all five cards, then he must raise.The player may either fold or raise.If player folds, then he forfeits his cards, ante bet, and side bet (if made).If player raises, then he must make a raise wager exactly equal to twice the ante. Harrah's Entertainment finds that in 2005 the typical casino gambler was a forty-six-year-old female from a household with an above-average income. A Short History of Cards-The first playing cards appeared in China, when paper started to be used in sheets and books, rather than rolls. In 868, the  Collection of Miscellanea at Duyang  (by E Su)  says that the favorite daughter of  Emperor Yizong of the Tang dynasty,  Princess Tongchang,  would play the game of  leaves  (yeh-tzâ)  with members of the family of her powerful husband  (Wei Baoheng). In 1120, an official memo proposed a standardization of the popular card game of "Heavens and Nines" (T'ien-kiu)  using a type of playing cards known as  dotted cards  (teen tsze pae). The  fallacious legend  that those cards were invented at that date to amuse the numerous concubines of Emperor  Huizong  (of the  Song dynasty)  was properly debunked by  W.H. Wilkinson (1895)  and others. Marco PoloThe legend that European explorers of the 13th and 14th century  (starting with Marco Polo)  brought playing cards from the Orient to Venice is dubious at best. So are the reports that  Bertrand du Guesclin (1320-1380)  discovered them in Italy  "in 1350",  during the  Hundred Years' War. In 1371, the Catalan word  naip  was used to describe a playing card  (the Spanish spelling is  naipe).  According to  Michael Dummett (1925-2011) that's the earliest extant European reference to playing-cards. Cards became really popular in Europe around 1377,  at which time they attracted the attention of religious and civil authorities  (until then, dice  were the sole gaming enemy).  In 1377, a gaming statute was passed in Florence to regulate the "recently introduced" game of  naibbe. Playing cards were first letter-pressed by  Thomas de la Rue  (1793-1866)  in 1832, imitating wood-block style. The British company he founded in 1821  (DeLaRue)  is now the World's largest producer of security papers.Its  playing-card operations  were sold to  John Waddington in 1969. The 20th Battalion of Foot Chasseurs were stationed in Baccarat from 1906 to 1918.
HOW THE HANDS RANK IN CARIBBEAN STUD POKER-ROYAL FLUSH The highest hand in Caribbean Stud Poker – the top five cards in the deck (10, Jack, Queen,King, Ace), all of the same suit. One of the most distinguishing features of the French cards is the queen. Casinos in the United States say that a player staking money won from the casino is playing with the house's money. After all players have either folded or bet, the Dealer displays the House hand. To continue (qualify), the Dealer must have at least an Ace and King. If not, all Ante wagers are paid at even money, and all other bets are considered inactive.
If the Dealer does not have at least an Ace and King, all Players who haven’t folded are paid even money on their Ante wagers only. When the Dealer’s hand is an Ace and King or better, you must have a better hand to win. http://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=사설놀이터추천 In 1982 I invented the game that became Carribbean Stud. I called it Casino Poker. Except for the fact that I exposed one card rather than two, and had no progressive jackpot betting option, the rules were the same. Ante one, bet two more, dealer qualifies with AK. Plus there were bonus pays for high hands. A typical Bingo game utilizes the numbers 1 through 75. Some clubs allow players to redeem points for cash; others offer meals, rooms, or merchandise.
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For people interested in collecting playing-cards or researching into their history, their origins, their spread around the world, use and manufacture there is as yet no news group. However a discussion forum is managed via Ecartis at cs.man.ac.uk. Eleven is called out as "yo" or "yo-leven" to prevent being misheard as "seven". An older term for eleven is "six five, no jive" because it is a winning roll. c. Is equal in rank to the dealer's five-card hand, the dealer shall return the Ante and BetA deck of cards offers the opportunity to play a variety of games and maybe even practice your French. Here’s some vocabulary that can help.
TWO PAIRS Any two cards of the same face value, plus another two cards of the same face value (but different from the first pair), plus any other odd card. ONE PAIR Any two cards of the same face value, plus any other three odd cards. An exhaustive list of these is beyond the scope of this article, but the guidelines below are most commonly given. This number becomes the "come-bet point" and the player is allowed to take odds, just like a pass line bet. Also like a pass line bet, the come bet is a contract bet and is always working, and cannot be turned "Off", removed or reduced until it wins or loses.Some roulette players may continue playing even if they are consistently losing because they feel it is their turn to win.
The 1950 Broadway musical Guys and Dolls features a major plot point revolving around a floating craps game. The story caught on, however, and soon people throughout Europe were craving sandwiches. Manitoba initially deployed them at rural locations only, but expanded them to Winnipeg in 1993, and the Assiniboia Downs race track.If a player lays maximum odds with a point of 4 or 10 on a table offering five-times odds, he would be able to lay a maximum of ten times the amount of his Don't Pass bet.
To use the simplest example, the player may place a bet on any one of those 38 numbers. In modern China, the idea of using lotteries to fund a public institution was not accepted before the late 19th century. Gaming machines, such as slot machines and pachinko, are usually played by one player at a time and do not require the involvement of casino employees to play.The coincidence, coupled with gambling's knack for ruining lives, has earned the roulette wheel the nickname "The Devil's Wheel."
one fascinating thing about blackjack is it has 52 cards in a deck, and surprisingly, there are 52 weeks in a year. Straight hands of five cards are sometimes used as a final showdown, but poker is almost always played in a more complex form to allow for additional strategy. Blackjack is the principal card game in American casinos. 우리카지노계열 This rare ability to hide the price of a good or service offers an opportunity for casino management to raise the price without notifying the players – if they can get away with it.
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purrlunar · 5 years
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A quick Pae sketch for today ✨
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