slowburnreader · 1 year
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Stars: ★★★★★
This book was so well-balanced that it’s terrific. It felt like that time when I followed a recipe correctly and my dinner tasted soooo good. I felt good after reading it. Satisfied.
Read the full review here: https://slowburnreaderblog.wordpress.com/review-of-falling-kingdoms-1/
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cafegraces · 1 year
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for @starlcved cont from here.
she's fully aware of the skeptical gaze of the gathered nobility, but it's no different than the way her father's advisers used to look at her; she's accustomed to people looking at her and seeing little more than a pretty face. in many cases, that mistake on their part is something she can use to her advantage. however, at the present moment, she will have to simply ignore such assumptions and allow her comportment to show them otherwise. the warning in the king's tone is clear, but she can't heed it for fear of the very real potential consequences. news from her home planet has been few and far between, but it has become clear that gaius damora has established himself as the ruler of not only limeros, but paelsia and auranos, as well. news of her family's deaths had spread widely through the galaxy despite the otherwise strained communications, no doubt meant to support gaius' claim to rule. it's likely that the only reason she remains alive is her father's attempts at dissolving kingdom tensions by sending her away. clearly, gaius had recognized her absence as one of the only remaining threats to his right to rule, and she's of the mind that the recent disturbances in selustria are evidence that he's finally learned of the planet to which she had been secreted away, likely from sifting through her father's communications.
spine straightening, she's careful to keep her tone as casual and controlled as his in her reply, " respectfully, your highness, in the wake of recent events, i am now auranos' queen. " regardless of the distance or lack of coronation, that responsibility now bears down upon her. " a fact which certain parties are well aware of, parties whom i believe to be responsible for the recent violence in your lands. " there's a delicate balance to maintain in ensuring that the most logical result of this discussion does not turn out to be turning her over to her enemies. though she believes mohandai to be a kinder person than the reputation and mantle his father left for him, she's well aware that their kingdoms must always come first. " as you already know, auranos has great amasses of wealth and resources that we would be glad to continue to offer our allies whilst a rightful ruler is upon the throne. if it is true that gaius damora is responsible for the pillaging of your villages, then he has, in his arrogance, already dismissed the value of a working relationship with selustria. a mistake in his quest to secure his rule, likely by ending my life and removing the question of his conquering of our planet. " cerulean eyes hold the king's, cool and collected as she concludes her case. " only arrogant fools desire war, but it has intruded on your lands all the same. doing nothing is untenable and tantamount to allowing the king of blood to lay claim to your lands too, so now, regrettably, you are faced with a choice, your highness. "
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corgifallingfanatic · 2 years
Rainy Assistance
Summary: Cleo has a panic attack due to the rain, caused by an event from her past. Magnus wonders the inn, only to come across Cleo in her state of panic, guilt overcomes him and he tries to help her overcome her fears. Rated K+
She had once liked the rain. But now, things are different. She now hated the rain. Every time she heard it pounding against the roof, every time she saw it splatter on the windows, a sense of fear crept into her stomach. And that hadn’t changed when she heard the beating of it against the roof of the inn. She knew it hardly rained in Paelsia, why did it have to start when she, Magnus, King Gaius, and Selia Damora had arrived? She sighed. She knew the true fear was just beginning.
Cleo pulled her arms around her knees, her back against the wall beside her bed. She felt the grip of terror’s cold hands around her chest, her breath coming out in short rasps, her heart pounding like mad. Her vision began to spin as the rain’s insatiable thirst for her panic continued to hammer around her. Cleo’s head whipped around the room, her vision chaotic, she could hardly breathe. 
She was strong; she had to stop this nonsense. She tried to get up, but ended up tightening her arms around her legs. Stop, stop, stop, the words echoed through her mind. This has happened every time it rains since that day months ago, the day that now causes her horror. Something wet fell down her cheek. She didn’t even bother to wipe the tears running down her face. Goddess, how she wanted her sister. 
Since childhood, her sister had been the one to comfort her when she was scared. Emilia would hold her until she calmed down, sometimes falling asleep in her arms. Oh how she longed to be held like that again, but now she had no one. No one to comfort her, no one to hold her. Nic, her only remaining friend who was also almost family, was who knows where. It wasn’t even a question if Magnus would comfort her; she already knew the answer was no. The reality that she had no one bit into her painfully. The room continued to spin around her, chest heaving, breath ragged, tears running down her face like the rain outside. 
He climbed up the stairs to the bedchambers of the inn. Several wooden doors lined the top of the hallway. He knew distinctly which door was his and which one was Cleo’s. Rain poured down outside, hammering the walls and roof pleasantly. He enjoyed the rain; it never rained in Limeros, or any of the kingdoms for that matter. He enjoyed the way it rushed down the windows, how it sounded when he was falling asleep. And that’s what he was about to do: go to sleep.
He walked towards his door, the one three down from the stairs. Instead of rushing into his room the minute he saw it, he stopped at Cleo’s door. A soft whimpering sounded from behind the door. Immediately, concern began to overcome Magnus. Was she hurt? What happened? He wondered. He twisted the round doorknob, relieved when he heard the click indicate it was open. Tentatively, he pulled the door open, careful not to cause any loud scraping against the door’s hinges. Magnus pulled the door open completely. His gaze immediately landed on the wall opposite Cleo's bed.
A petite figure hugged her legs to her chest, her arms so tight around her legs that he could see the whites of her knuckles. She lifted her head to look at him, her white-golden hair falling lightly over the sides of her face. He noticed her chest heaving, as if she was gasping for breath. But the most shocking part was the tears that rained down her cheeks. He had never seen her cry before, not once. Whatever had happened had pushed her far, farther than ever before.
He didn’t waste a second longer, rushing to her huddled figure in an instant. His legs hit the wooden floor harder than he had anticipated when he went to sit beside her. He placed his hands against her knees. "Cleo, what’s wrong?" He asked quickly, aware of the disquietude in his voice. She stared at him, not offering an answer. He shook his head, it didn’t matter what happened. She was upset, he had to help her. 
He moved to sit beside her, his hands leaving her knees and extending out in front of him. He watched her gasp for air. She hadn’t bothered to hide her tears from him. Cleo looked at his extended arms cautiously. "Let me help you, Cleo," he said, noticing her eyebrows had knitted together in confusion. 
"Please, I don’t know what happened, but let me help you. I’m not very good at comfor-" he was interrupted when Cleo wrapped her arms around his waist. He was shocked for a few seconds, his arms were still extended out in front of him. "Cleo," he whispered, the surprise wearing off as quickly as it had come. Her grip on him was tighter than he had expected from her. His arms were wrapped around her own waist, pulling her closer. 
"Tell me when you’re ready, Cleo." He whispered.
He felt her grip loosening around him a few minutes later. She unwrapped her arms from his waist, instead bringing her head down to rest on his lap. Her legs were still curled up behind her, but by then her breathing had calmed down to a slow aftermath. His arm continued to rest around her waist, his other hand stroking her hair gently. "You’re safe here, my love," he whispered delicately, continuing to stroke her hair.
She breathed in deeply, "The day before the attack on Auranos, it rained the worst I have ever seen. That night—her voice broke, emotion pouring out through every word—I stayed with Emilia the whole night. She died not long later. Since that day, the rain has triggered something in me, something I have tried to hide within myself. I think," she choked on her words, "I think it reminds me that everyone I loved has left me; it reminds me that I have no one left to comfort me the way she used to." Her voice was barely a whisper.
Cleo’s confession left him feeling guilty; guilty that he and his family had taken everything from her. He was heartbroken that she had to go through everything alone. He had been so selfish and conceited that he hadn’t noticed she was a beautifully broken turmoil. No, he wouldn’t think like that anymore. He had to move on from the past, to build a better future. And whatever the cost, that future would have Cleo in it.
"I’m sorry," he said softly. Cleo shook her head in his lap, "It isn’t your fault, Magnus." He exhaled.
"You have me now, Cleo. I will do anything to ensure your safety. You know that, don’t you? I won’t let you suffer alone anymore. You pulled me out of the darkness, and  I will be damned to the darklands before I allow you to drown in your own. "
Her head turned to look up at him, a grateful look on her face, along with a different look he had hardly seen before in his life, love.
"I scare myself with how much I need you, Magnus." She said delicately, he felt her heartbeat against his leg. It seemed to have calmed down to a slow, normal, tempo.
He leaned over slightly, gently so as not to disturb her. As he had suspected, she had fallen asleep right there in his arms. 
"You know I love you, right?" He whispered under his breath, bending over to plant a soft kiss against her forehead. "For forever and always."
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codazura · 2 years
“Death cast a long shadow across the barren miles of Paelsia.” - Rebel Spring, Morgan Rhodes
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superlauri · 6 years
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My beautiful Golden princess <3
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limerianfrost-blog · 7 years
Falling Kingdoms Characters as Nathan Young Quotes
I was binge watching misfits the other day and well all I can say is Nathan Young has some of the best and somehow most relatable quotes ever.
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and finally
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BONUS: Kelsey and Catriona as Nathan Young quotes 
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cassberrie · 7 years
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Hey guys! Sorry for being inactive for so long :( I just finished up this semester, and finals were brutal. But now I’m back, and I’ve completed my picture of Jonas and co. To be honest, Jonas is not really my favorite of the quartet (That’s not his fault, of course, because who can compete with Magnus Damora?), but Felix is such a joy to read. A shame about his eye... 
Now that I’m done with the main quartet (Cleo, Magnus, Lucia, and Jonas), I’m debating who to draw next. The Cortas siblings? Gaius? 
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winteirsa · 3 years
ADELIA  REDMOND  ,    @mythbloomed​ :   “ i don’t wanna fight . ”
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he  has  to  hold  back  a  laugh  at  the  IRONY  of  her  words ,   jaw  simply  clenching  when  he  lifts  his  gaze  to  hers  once  more ,  cold  eyes  all  but  glaring  at  her .   “ no ? ”   he  muses  quietly ,  CALMLY  almost ,  given  the  state  of  their  current  situation .   “ because  it  almost  seems  like  you  want  to  fight  about  this .  just  like  you  do  with  absolutely  everything  else  i  ever  do  or  say  or  try  to  put  forwards . ”   this  is  different ,  he  knows  that .  he  knows  that  she  wants  no  involvement  in  another  war .  but  he  still  can’t  let  it  go  regardless .  stepping  forwards ,  his  head  tilts ,  gaze  remaining  FIERCELY  pinned  to  hers .   “ you  never  seem  to  care  about  what’s  right  for  limeros .  i’m  not  even  sure  why  i  bother  talking  to  you  about  it ! ”
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goldenreign · 4 years
things i plan to write up if i ever have more than (1) functioning brain cell:
tsc verse
star wars verse 
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invisiblstrng · 3 years
@headstrongblake said  “I couldn’t watch everyone’s grief…” -----------------------
The worst part about trying to bring Octavia back was that he understood exactly how she felt. Often he had thought about leaving, too. He could easily disband and tell everyone they were on their own and he could figure out what to do from there by himself. It would be easier than this. Than shouldering the burden and sharing the grief. But so many relied on him these days that he had had to talk himself back so many times. “Octavia look at me.” He put his hand on the bar, leaning over her shoulder and breathing against the back of her neck. “Stop talking to me with your back turned while you drink all the wine Paelsia has to offer, and let’s really talk about this.” He rested his head against the back of hers for a second. An intimate gesture and a white flag if ever he had flown one. He sat down beside her. “Today was hard. Today we saw what’s really going on at home. We watched them beat people and...it’s more than we ever could have pictured. When you and I think of our hardships we think of working hard and getting our hands dirty. Now the same people, from the same place as us are enslaved and being starved and beaten. That’s more than any one person should ever have to conceptualize or know or think about. It’s more emotion to process than any of us were ready for and seeing it first hand..” He shrugged. “I would be lying if I said that i’ll sleep nightmare free tonight.” He put his hand on her arm softly. “But that’s why we need to stay together and stay strong and beat this. It’s why we can’t be sitting in Auranian bars chancing notice. We can’t run off when it’s hard because we owe to the people who are trapped there, you know? They literally can’t break free. So yeah, I mean, the weight of the grief is so fucking heavy it feels like our backs may give. But we carry it anyways. For them. Because as long as we hold onto this grief, we hold onto our purpose. Our passion for it. And that’s what’s going to free our people, Octavia. That’s what’s going to kill the king.” He pursed his lips, and carefully took the glass from her hand. “Come back to camp with me.” he said, offering his hand to her.
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headstrongblake · 3 years
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@invisiblstrng / @rebelreign​ asked : " that's not a good enough explanation! " / meme / accepting / ft @myhiraeth​
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         nicklas turned on a dime, stalking back towards jonas with a fire in his eye.    “ tough, that’s the only one i’m affording you. ”    nicklas snapped back,   “ i mean it jonas, i’m not discussing this further, if you use circe in this rebellion, i will walk and you will lose me in this fight.  ”    a warning glare came forth, his body vibrating at the idea. it’s a delicate balance of loyalty to his family and circe. in the beginning it’d all been for tomas, to avenge him but now? it was bigger than just that. it was for all of paelsia. for the starving people. everyone enslaved. if he could look past his feelings, if it was anyone else but circe, nicklas could see the benefit of a spy. someone on the inside that could only aid the rebellion. it’s a smart move really. but it’s circe.
        when he’d learned that octavia had suggested her name, even to simply suggest circe become involved with the rebellion had him wanting to wrap his hands around her throat. it’s his own fault that circe’s even remotely involved here and he can’t handle the idea of her anywhere near this place. he loves his brother. his family. but — he won’t play with circe’s life. not like this. it’s already been derailed from the life he’d always promised her, he’s not going to cost her her life as well.    “ you want someone inside, someone to report back here and be your little spy, great, then find one, but it’s not going to be circe. ”     hands clenched and unclenched at his side, trying to force his anger to be contained in his fists, in his body before he exploded.     “ unless you’re going to willingly suggest louis does the same, back off. ”
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cafegraces · 1 year
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@myhiraeth​ sent 🔪 for jason to put a knife to cleo’s throat
they’d not been in paelsia for more than a day when she finds herself pulled off the main street with a small market they’d been passing through,   back pressed against the crumbling clay building that houses some kind of bar from what she’d seen earlier,   the cool edge of metal touching the hollow of her throat.   nic is too far ahead,   a stall or two further than her,   to hear if she called for help;   she’ll have to deal with this on her own.   moving past her initial surprise,   she studies her attacker as best she can with the shadow cast by his hood.   only secondarily does she register the color of the hood:   red.   eyes widen slightly as she realizes the precise situation she’s found herself in.   swallowing briefly,   she’s careful to keep her voice steady as she warns:   “   my brother will be looking for me.   ”   hopefully he’d seen her walking with nic at least long enough for that to be believable.   allowing for a hint of fear to drip into her words,   she pulls her brows together in a display of deep concern and offers,   “   he has all of our coins.   ”   the lie slips from the princess’ silver tongue with minimal effort,   hoping it might dissuade this particular criminal from holding her any longer so that he might not take the time to find the coin purse that actually carried half their coins tucked cleverly into the folds of her skirt,   further disguised by the empty pockets of her cloak.   “   i have heard that the red hood is a thief with honor,   and i have nothing worthwhile for you to steal,   i would hope to find such rumors to be true and be on my way.   ”
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corgifallingfanatic · 2 years
When Kingdoms Fall, We Still Have Each Other the Musical *FAN MADE*
As a huge theater kid, I decided to create a musical based off of the Falling Kingdoms series by Morgan Rhodes. It is available on Spotify, Amazon Music, and Tidal under the name When Kingdoms Fall (When Kingdoms Fall, We Still Have Each Other on Spotify). This musical is still in-progress so it is not yet complete. I am still new to the musical world and have only heard a few musicals that are included in the playlist (Wicked, Hadestown, My Fair Lady, Beetlejuice, Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812, Heathers, Vanara the Musical, The Lightning Thief, SIX, Little Shop of Horrors, Miss Saigon, and Newsies.) It is also worth mentioning that this is fan made.  Here is the meaning and musical procession of all the songs in the Falling Kingdoms musical:
Defying Gravity (from Wicked): Emilia and Cleo have a discussion about Cleo’s future. Emilia knows she’s on her death bed but only wants Cleo to have the best future possible. Elphaba is Cleo and Glinda is Emilia. I know it’s a bit odd to add this one, especially with the context. Cleo wants to put herself in danger to save Emilia, Emilia knows she is dying and does not want Cleo to get herself hurt.
2. No One Else (from Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812): This song takes place after Theon rescues Cleo from Jonas’s kidnapping. He admits his feelings for her and she too shares his feelings. This song is told from the point of view of Cleo. Takes place right before Theon is murdered by Magnus.
3. Chant (from Hadstown) : Skipping a few chapters and events, this song takes place during the battle for Auranos. Hades is Gaius, Persephone is Althea, Eurydice is Cleo, and Orpheus is Magnus. The workers are the warriors on both sides fighting for Auranos.
4. Dead Mom (from Beetlejuice): This too takes place a few chapters and events later from the capture of Auranos, or Chant. After King Gaius is placed on the Auranian throne, Cleo is used as a figurehead to gain the trust of the Auranian people. This song is from the POV of Cleo in her room, asking for advice as well as a sign from her dead mom.
5. Pierre (from Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812): After the announcement of Cleo and Magnus’s engagement, Magnus sings of his life and what he dreams/dreamt it to be.
6. Popular (from Wicked): When Cleo makes friends with Princess Lucia Damora (Magnus’s sister) she gives her pointers on how to be liked, and loved, by her people. (As stated in the series, the Auranian people do not care much for Lucia).
7. The Wedding Ceremony (from Miss Saigon, featuring Eva Noblezada): This song details the events of Cleo and Magnus’s wedding before the rebel attack begins. Also, the song of Kim’s (Miss Saigon) people I have interpreted to be a traditional song of the Auranian people sung during a wedding.
8. Skid Row (Little Shop of Horrors): This song is from the point of view of Lysandra and Gregor Barbas. Lysandra (Audrey) and Gregor (Seymour) sing of the poverty in their home village in Paelsia. Also, please ignore the fact that Audrey and Seymour are lovers in the movie + musical.
9. Why We Build the Wall (Hadestown): When King Gaius starts his work on the Imperial Road connecting the lands of Limeros, Auranos, and Paelsia. The workers are the enslaved Paelsians and Hades is King Gaius. Jonas, Brion and Lysandra are featured in the song (not really in the actual song).
9. Fight For Me (Heathers: The Musical Off Broadway Cast): Takes place after Jonas kidnaps Cleo for the second time, where they are on good terms, and saves her from the attack on the rebel camp. Cleo details how she knows Jonas will  fight for her, as well as cares for her, which she thinks Magnus does and will not.
10. Strong (from The Lightning Thief): While Magnus is observing the work on the Imperial Road, his mother Queen Althea visits him in his dreams to remind him to be strong. (I know the timeline is slightly off, I apologize).
11. Any Way the Wind Blows (from Hadestown): After returning to the Auranian palace, Cleo is exposed by Gaius to be a rebel spy and traitor which she is later sentenced to death for. This song takes place in the room she was locked in as punishment for spying. She details how she feels alone, and wishes to have the comfort of someone else.
12. Heart of Stone (SIX): After she is exposed as a rebel spy and traitor she is then sentenced to death. This song takes place in Cleo’s prison cell awaiting her death.
13. You’ll Be Back (Hamilton): From the POV of King Gaius after he finds out that Magnus has rescued Cleo from her cell and the two have fled the castle. Rumoring to be accompanied by a famous rebel leader, Jonas Agallon.
13. On the Street Where You Live (from My Fair Lady the Soundtrack From the Movie): From the POV of Jonas as he happens to be walking by the Auranian palace, disguised of course, to find Magnus sneaking Cleo out of the palace. Tension is high between Magnus and Jonas due to the recent death of Jonas’s friend Brion. He joins the party in hopes of protecting Cleo from Magnus. (I know this isn’t in the books but I felt it would be a nice approach to the story).
14. Livin’ it Up on Top (from Hadestown): After fleeing from the palace, Magnus, Cleo, and Jonas find a place to eat and rest at an Auranian tavern. At the tavern, the threesome meet an elderly woman singing about the harshness of life, but how it could be much worse.
15. All I’ve Ever Known (from Hadestown): When the elderly woman’s performance is over, the penniless threesome must find a way to earn money. The tavern’s owner overhears their discussion and offers a deal: Cleo must preform a song in exchange for money. However, Cleo is forced to sing with a biligerent Magnus to complete the deal. (The song was also chosen by the tavern owner, which Magnus finds to be quite evil).
`16. As Long As Your Mine (from Wicked): After Jonas leaves to meet with Lysandra, Magnus and Cleo are left alone to find shelter. Upon arrival at Limeros, it is insisted by a Limerian noble, Lady Sophia, that the pair spend the night at her villa. After the days tension, Magnus and Cleo are forced to share the same room together. During a discussion on why Magnus saved Cleo from execution, he admits that she is the only light in his life. This song illustrates the conversation between the two.
17. I Still Believe (from Miss Saigon): Told from the POV of Lucia ( she sings both Kim and Ellen’s part of the song) at the Temple of Valoria in Limeros. She sings  to Alexius, believing that there is still a way for them to be together. In the end, Alexius still kills himself to relinquish Melenia’s control over his body.
18. Burn With Me (from Vanara the Musical): After the arrival of Nic, and the battle with Amara at the Temple of Valoria, Nic, Magnus, and Cleo have to find shelter until they can safely return to Limeros. After creating a sling for Magnus’s broken arm, Cleo and Nic look for firewood to keep the fire they started going. At Nic and Cleo’s departure, Magnus sits at the fire recalling the night at Lady Sophia’s villa and the strong feelings he has began to feel for Cleo.
19. No Good Deed (from Wicked): (Frozen Tides) Taking place after the events of Lucia’s interaction with Magnus, Cleo, and Nic at the Limerian palace (with Kyan at her side), she sings of how the old her, who believed in goodness as well as kindness, is gone and she wishes to never do another good deed again.
20. No One Else (Reprise) (from Natasha, Pierre and The Great Comet of 1812): (Frozen Tides) After the wicked confrontation with Lucia and her new friend Kyan at the Limerian palace, Cleo recalls the first time she ever saw Magnus smile (during his reunion with Lucia) and finally admits her feelings for Magnus.
21. Wait For Me (from Hadestown): After hearing Cleo’s speech at the Limerian palace right before the arrival of his father and Amara, Magnus finally, finally, lets his need to protect her over come him. He sings this after realizing that King Gaius has kidnapped Cleo and plans to have her killed. He sings of never letting her go without a fight.
22. I Still Believe (Reprise Kim’s part only) (from Natasha, Pierre and The Great Comet of 1812): After being kidnapped by King Gaius and Amara, Cleo manages to escape from the Limerian noble Lord Gareth’s house where she was awaiting the King’s sword. She manages to escape by cracking a wine bottle over Amara’s head, and climbing down a trellis on the side wall. After grabbing a Kraeshian bow, she wanders through the Limerian forest looking for a place to stay for the night. She sings about still believing in her relationship with Magnus and taking back her kingdom. (Told from Cleo’s POV).
23: Dust and Ashes (from Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812): While wandering the Limerian forest for Cleo, Magnus decides that he is not ready for death just yet and does not wish to have death rip Cleo away from him.
24. Papers (Instrumental) (from Hadestown): After wandering through the Limerian woods, Magnus finds himself in a confrontation with a handful of Kraeshian guards under the assignment of King Gaius to find Magnus and bring him to him. This instrumental illustrates the fight between Magnus and the Kraeshian guards. (I also know this does not happen in Frozen Tides but I wanted to add a little bit more to the story).
25. Nothing Changes (from Hadestown): After a rough battle with King Gaius’s guards in the forest, Magnus manages to win but not without the cost of a black out. While knocked out, Magnus is greeted by the Kismet (similar to the Fates),  which are creatures of Mytican mythology that are said to know the future of all living things. “Nothing Changes” is sung by the Fates as a warning to him to not continue on his journey. Despite the Kismet’s warnings, after recovering from his black out Magnus proceeds on his journey to rescue Cleo.
26. If It’s True (from Hadestown): After hours of searching for Cleo, Magnus begins to doubt the Kismets warnings.  In spite of the dangers of rescuing Cleo foretold by the Kismet, Magnus decides that his love for Cleo is more important that anything else. He decides that Cleo’s light means more to him than anything in his life ever has.
27. Promises (from Hadestown): Told from Cleo’s POV, after escaping Lord Gareth’s house she comes across Magnus who confesses to her his love and his passion for her. He tells her that he cannot promise all the good in the world and she responds that all she needs is his love and a “steady hand to hold”.
18. Something To Believe In (from Newsies): After dueling with his father, Magnus and Cleo sit around a fire in the cold Limerian woods on their way to meet with his Grandmother. While sitting alone with Cleo, he mentions to her that she gave him something to believe in despite his father's darkness.
This is all the musical consists of at the moment but I will try my best to listen to other musicals to include more songs. I hope to include the song “Burn” from Hamilton in this musical but I have yet to find a place for it. Thank you for your time!
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projetosnopapel · 3 years
Aventuras e Vingança
O segundo livro da série A Primavera Rebelde da autora Morgan Rhodes, continua a história do Rei Gaius de Limeros que comandou uma guerra contra a próspera Auranos utilizando a magia de sua filha adotiva Lúcia e, em um golpe de mestre, se voltou contra Paelsia e a dominou. Com os três reinos, Gaius se tornou rei de toda Mítica. Nesse segundo livro Lucia está desacordada e Cleo é refém do homem…
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morganrhodes · 5 years
Behind the Scenes of Falling Kingdoms
It’s been a minute, my friends! I don’t have any shiny news to share with you at this very moment, but I thought I’d check in and say “hi!” and share with you a little something that Falling Kingdoms fans might find interesting.......
The original ending of Gathering Darkness!!
I’m going to put a spoiler break here, since there are spoilers ahead! ***********
Some people ask if I knew exactly how the story was going to end as I started it. Nope! I sure didn’t! I learned a lot as I wrote each draft, about the world, the characters, the magic, the mythology. This is an excellent example of how the series could have gone in a VERY different direction halfway through the series than it actually did.
Oh, and this is obviously before any proofreading or copyedits, so it’s pretty raw, but I hope you enjoy this peek behind the scenes!
Note: in this original draft, Felix working against them from the get-go. He’s lucky he was so darn fun to write or he would have gotten the ax! Literally and figuratively! 😂
Original Last Chapter of the first draft of FALLING KINGDOMS #3: Gathering Darkness
They approached the gates set into the north face of the stone wall. It was almost amusing how much the compound resembled a very small and very poor version of the City of Gold. This was the City of Dirt.
           The chieftain had lived high enough here, though, compared to the majority of Paelsians. Thanks to the hefty wine tax on every bottle produced that had gone directly to him, this wasn’t surprising.
           But the chief was dead now. This Paelsia was an orphan, ruled by default by the King of Blood.
           Jonas didn’t waste any time. He shoved open the gates and went inside, a path he’d walked months ago when he’d been granted audience with the chief.
           “Is it true you were involved with the chief’s daughter?” Lysandra asked. “She danced with snakes, didn’t she?”
           “Very well, too.”
           “I’ll take that as a yes.”
           “Who told you that?”
           “Doesn’t matter anymore.”
           It must have been Brion. Jonas almost smiled at the memory. Laelia Basilius had been a shallow girl, but it hadn’t been completely unpleasant to work his way into her good graces—and her bed—so she’d introduce Jonas to her important and influential father.
           “She had her uses.”
           She gave him a sour look. “I wonder if she feels the same about you now.”
           “Last I heard, she thought we were betrothed.” At Lysandra’s look of shock, he laughed. “We’re not.”
           “Let’s hope your paths never cross again in case there’s a wedding to attend.”
           “That is definitely something to avoid at all costs. Besides, I’m not interested in her as part of my future. I have more important things to accomplish. Where do you think we should do it?” At her sharp look, he couldn’t help but grin. “The ritual.”
           He hadn’t been able to coax a smile from her today, which didn’t surprise him that much. It had been a difficult journey from Limeros as they tried very hard to beat Felix to this location. They hadn’t seen any sign of him, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t close.
           Lysandra scanned the area. There were dirt paths leading off to a labyrinth of small cottages and Chief Basilius’s large villa in the center. “How about that clearing?”
           The clearing was the location of the chief’s bonfires, feasts, and nightly entertainment. When Jonas had been here last there had been several very beautiful topless dancers entertaining the chief.
           “Why are you grinning?” Lysandra asked.
           “Just dealing with a few memories.”
           “Deal with this.” She handed him her dagger. “I cleaned it especially for you.”
           “You’re not volunteering this time.”
           “You’re so good at making yourself bleed, why would I want to get in the way? Why? Do you want me to do it this time?”
           “No.” Jonas took the blade from her, found a spot on his forearm this time, and sliced. This was the fifth time he’d done this so it was a familiar pain.
           He crouched down and with the blood that welled from the cut, he drew the spiral symbol for air on the parched ground. “Let’s hope it works this time.”
           Lysandra gave him a tense look as a breeze picked up, circling around them in a whirlwind that made their breath catch. Jonas used a new piece of cloth to bind his wound, his gaze tracking around the area.
           “Jonas, over there.” Her voice was tight. She pointed at a spot where the bonfire had once been, now only a scorched circle in the center of the clearing.
           Something was there, the sunlight glinting off of it. A crystal.
           A moonstone.
           His chest tight, Jonas pulled another cloth out of his pocket and approached the crystal, bending over and picking it up without the surface of it touching his skin.
           “It didn’t bother Felix,” Lysandra said.
           “I’d rather not take any chances.”
           “That’s it, isn’t it?”
           “Unless there’s another crystal about to appear out of absolutely nowhere after I bleed on the ground, yes, this is it.”
           He wouldn’t risk this one. He had to get it somewhere safe until he could make contact with Cleo. She probably wondered where he’d disappeared after claiming the Earth crystal. He hadn’t realized he’d be dealing with a traitor like Felix.
           Still, one crystal was better than no crystals at all.
           Lysandra clutched his arm. “Jonas…”
           He glanced at her with surprise. “What?”
           “We have company.”
           He turned slowly, his heart sinking, to see that she was absolutely right. Of course, he expected to see that Felix had caught up to them.
           Felix was definitely there. But behind him were at least twenty guards in red uniforms.
           And King Gaius himself.
           “You were right, Felix,” the king said. “Here he is, the infamous Jonas Agallon, the murderer of my beloved wife and queen.”
           “Oh, your highness,” Jonas said, sounding a great deal more confident than he currently felt, “everyone knows that was a lie. Aron Lagaris killed your wife. He was your kingsliege, if I’m not mistaken, wasn’t he? Sounds like someone who took orders extremely well.”
           “I must admit, I’m not entirely sure what to do with you.” The king’s gaze shifted to Lysandra. “Or you. Shall I take you to my dungeon again and risk some last minute escape that disappoints a crowd thirsting for a show of blood? Or shall I kill you here and be done with it?”
           “Deal with me however you want,” Jonas said. “But let Lysandra go.”
           “Not a chance. She will die at your side, rebel.”
           “Sorry, Jonas,” Felix said, shrugging. “You gave me no choice.”
           “Really. No choice at all other than this?”
           “The cost of a raven to send a message from Limeros to Auranos was steep, but I believe it was worth it in the end. If I hadn’t, the king and his men never would have arrived in time.”
           “That would be a shame.”
           Jonas wasn’t sure what to do, how to maneuver his way out of this. He could handle a few guards, certainly, especially with Lysandra at his back. But twenty or more? And there was only one entrance into the compound unless they wanted to scale the twenty foot walls, and that entrance was currently blocked by a small army.
           “The crystal,” King Gaius said. “Hand it over.”
           “That’s not going to happen.”
           The king looked as if he hadn’t slept in days. There were dark circles under his eyes and his face showed signs of strain. He appeared much older than the last time Jonas saw him.
           “Felix,” he said.
           “Yes, your majesty.”
           “Where is the Earth crystal?”
           “I have it in a safe place.”
           “Why isn’t it here as we agreed?”
           “I want an assurance that you’ll pay me.”
           “Don’t insult me, boy. Of course I’ll pay you. You’ve delivered to me the means to claim two crystals and also apprehend Jonas Agallon, you will be paid very well indeed. Now tell me where the Earth crystal is.”
           Jonas eyed Lysandra. Her attention was totally focused on Felix. He knew that she liked the mercenary despite everything that had happened, that she thought she saw something more in him than Jonas did. Jonas had thought he’d seen a true friend in Felix, in the beginning. But he’d been fooled. He refused to be fooled again.
           “Can you use it?” Lysandra said to him under her breath.
           He glanced down at the piece of moonstone he’d wrapped in the protective cloth. There was a strange shadow within it, much like the Earth crystal. A strand of darkness that swirled around and around. “Felix couldn’t do more with the other crystal than the most minor magic. It won’t help us here today.”
           “Then we’re dead, simple as that.” She reached down to take his hand in hers, finally giving him a shaky grin although her eyes shone with emotion. “It’s been good to fight at your side, Jonas. It started a little rough between us, I know, but I mean that. You’ve become so important to me…I hope you know that.”
           “No, Lys. Don’t talk like that. We’re not giving up yet.”
           “Maybe I’m more of a realist than you are. There’s no way out of this.”
           “Let me make this very clear, Felix.” The king’s voice was brittle, angry and impatient. “Tell me where you hid the crystal and I won’t have to take you back to my dungeon and torture the information out of you.”
           Felix’s brows shot up. “You’d do that?”
           “Oh, yes. I would do that. Do not challenge me, boy. I have not had a pleasant week, to say the least. I came out here, leaving the sanctity and safety of the palace for this wasteland that I despise, so I could claim what you promised. I will not leave here with only one crystal in my possession.”
           He flicked a finger at a guard, who pointed his sword at Felix’s throat.
           “Huh,” Felix said. “Will you look at that, Agallon? I guess you were right after all.”
           “Idiot,” Jonas growled. “Nice of you to finally realize it.”
           “I do have a theory about the crystals, though.”
           Were they really having a conversation right now, moments before the king unleashed his guards to slaughter them all?
           “Oh? And what’s that?”
           “One crystal doesn’t work too well on its own. But two, on the other hand—” He fished into his pocket and pulled out the piece of obsidian. “That might work better.”
           King Gaius inhaled sharply at the sight of it. “You lied to me.”
           “Yeah, I really did. Jonas, catch.” Felix tossed the crystal at Jonas and he caught it in his bare left hand.
           “Damn it. Fine, I’ll try.” Jonas discarded the cloth so he could hold the piece of moonstone in his other hand. “All right, anything would be good here. Anything at all.”
           He had no idea what to do now to harness the magic. He was no sorcerer. He’d only started to believe in magic in recent weeks.
           However, there was that whispered rumor in his family that an ancestor had once been an exiled Watcher.
           Jonas gasped as something stabbed at him through his hands. “What—?”
           The crystals began to glow like hot coals. He tried to drop them when the burning pain intensified.
           “Jonas, what’s happening?” Lysandra gasped. “What are you doing?”
           “I don’t know. I’m not trying to do anything!”
           A band of light began to snake out of the crystal and wind around his arms, tightening like boa constrictors. The bands of light wrapped around his chest, his throat, swirling like a tornado all around him. He couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. There was only the searing pain and the sensation that he was being torn apart.
           He realized he was screaming a moment before the pain ceased.
           He fell to his knees, gasping for breath. His body ached, as if he’d been struck by lightning and then mauled by a pack of wolves. He was surprised that blood didn’t drip from every part of his body.
           The crystals were gone. Someone must have taken them while he suffered. He pushed against the cracked ground to get back up to his feet, casting a worried look toward Lysandra. She stared at him with shock rather than the concern he expected for what he’d just endured.
           Then he glanced toward the guards, the king, and Felix.
           Instead of surging forward and killing him where he stood, each of them, one by one, sank to their knees until only King Gaius and Felix remained standing.
           “What are you doing, your majesty?” Felix growled, but he didn’t move his gaze away from Jonas. “Kneel.”
           Stunned, Jonas watched as the king did exactly that, lowering himself to his knees, his jaw tight, his expression one of utter and absolute shock.
           “What is going on here?” Jonas managed.
           “The crystals,” Lysandra said, her voice strained. “Jonas…your hands...”
           His hands? He looked down at his hands. On his left palm was what appeared to be the brand of a spiral. On the other, a circle within a circle.
           The symbols began to glow.
           “You’re a god now, Jonas,” Lysandra whispered. “The god of Earth and Air. And even the King of Blood kneels before you.”
Right? Verrrryyyy different indeed! I’m glad I didn’t go in this diection, but the idea of the poor winemaker’s son becoming the most powerful being in Mytica certainly did have its charms. ❤️
72 notes · View notes
4kind4fawe · 4 years
All the ages of each character from the saga of Falling Kingdoms
At the end:
-Cleiona: 17
-Emilia: 20
-Corvin: 41
-Elena: 41
-Nic: 18
-Mira: 17
-Theon: 19
-Taran: 19
-Aron Lagaris: 18
-Jonas: 18
-Felicia: 20
-Tomas: 22
-Leo: 12
-Tarus: 15
-Lysandra: 18
-Gregor: 20
Brion Radenos: 18
Nerissa Florens: 19
-Magnus: 19
-Lucia: 17
-Gaius: 43
-Althea: 43
-Jana: 34
-Sabina: 43
-Felix Gaebras: 20
-Laelia Basilius: 20
-Tobias Argynos: 21
-Kurtis Cirillo: 21
-Cronus: 34
-Amara: 19
-Ashur: 21
-Elan: 23
-Dastan: 27
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