#ashur cortas
beccas-books · 3 years
Immortal Reign
Things I liked:
- I’m so pleased with how this series ended! I love a good happy ending for characters! 
- The fact that the queer characters got a happy ending too was really great.  Im very happy that author went through with that story line.  
- I loved Magus and Cleos ending.  It makes me so happy that they got the happy ending they deserved! 
- This books pace was amazing! it had just enough actions and adventure to go along with the drama.  I loved that the author left the ending just open enough for us to imagine how their future will be.  But still gave us enough detail to know that they will most likely be okay.  
Things I didn't like:
-   Honestly there wasn't much I would change about this book.  The only thing I can really think of is the story line between Jonas and Lucia.  I find that addition to be unnecessary.  
- Great book! Loved the whole thing, and I don't really have any complaints.  Im very happy with how the story ended.  I think the author did a great job! 
- Rating: 4.5/5
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gwyns · 4 years
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lunastorta64 · 5 years
"Forever," she said, tears streaking her face. "Whatever happens—you and me are together forever. All right?" "You and me," he agreed. "Until eternity. I love you, Cleo." "I love you, Magnus." ❤
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littledemon669 · 5 years
So I wrote some Ashicolo before I completely forgot to post it here. Enjoy!
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How they respond to "I love you"
Nic: *laughs nervously*
Lucia: Thanks
Alexious: I’m sorry
Felix: A horrible decision, really
Magnus: Why
Jonas: *finger guns*
Ashur: I know
Cleo: Who doesn’t
Amara: If only there was someone out there who loved you
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onebrainsel · 6 years
Falling Kingdoms Fan-Cast
Well, I’ve seen so many thoughts on the casting, @morganrhodes included, and I wanted to share my ideas with you. These are more or less how I pictured them in my head. What do you guys think? What are your fancasting ideas for Falling Kingdoms?
 House Bellos 
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House Damora
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House Agallon
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The Cassians
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House Cortas
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The Watchers 
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Alternative/Deleted Casting Ideas:
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*Felix and Lysandra
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cassberrie · 6 years
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Done! I started planning this all the way back in September, and now it’s complete :) I wanted to give Morgan Rhodes’s Falling Kingdoms series a proper send-off, so here is an all-stars poster of all of the major characters: Gaius, Melenia, Lucia, Alexius, Magnus (prince of sass), Cleo, Amara, Ashur, Felix, Jonas, and Lysandra. 
I took a lot of inspiration from Charlie Bowater’s phenomenal Wings and Ruin artwork, plus a little from @alex-castellanos’s awesome poster for Susan Dennard’s Truthwitch. All of these gorgeous all-stars fan arts made me eager to try out an ensemble picture of my own. 
It’s a little bittersweet, knowing that the series that got me to fall back in love with reading in high school is coming to a close, but I can’t wait to see how things wrap up. Thank you, Morgan! <3
(P.S. What you did to us at the end of Crystal Storm was very not nice. Please be more kind to us in this one please. My heart can only take so much. )
Edit: this is now available as a print on Redbubble! So if anyone is interested :)
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onedemigoddess · 6 years
"As pessoas têm formas diferentes de lidar com as adversidades. Não significa que estejam felizes."
- Ashur (Reinado Imortal - Morgan Rhodes)
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raand0m · 3 years
Also, i don't think i ever said this before.. But Nic is soOoOO adorable, he's so cute makes me want to put him in my pocket.
I always like(d) to read his POV's, especially after introducing Ashur to the story. He's a very interesting -& underrated- character.
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Ashicolo 2.0
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beccas-books · 3 years
Frozen Tides
Things I liked:
-  Finally we have some romance!  Im very excited that we have finally got to the romance part of the enemies-to-lovers trope! I can't wait for the author to go farther into this relationship! 
- It seems like she has brought back the character that I was so upset about dying in the last book.  I have hope that this means we will get the queer relationship we deserve.  If it does turn out that author is queer bating the readers I will be very upset.  
- The pace of the story has begun to pick up which is always great.  We are finally getting some action, which this story was lacking in the first half of the series.  
Things I didn't like:
- Unfortunately the author once again did kill off a character that I felt offered more to the story alive.  I fear that this characters death only happened in order to push a love arch between characters that have no need to have a love connection.  But I'm not as upset about this death as others that have happened in the past.  
- I feel the addition of Taran was kind of unnecessary.  I feel like its just to add drama to the emerging love story.  I also feel like he's kind of not needed to progress the story along. 
- Im worried how the author will keep the love connection between Cleo and Magnus alive.  They have both done some crazy stuff to the other in the other books, so I'm afraid that the author will just brush these transgressions aside and not have any resolution for them.  
- Im so excited that the we are finally getting the love story component of this series.  I feel like it took a long time for us to get here and now that we have it we don't have much time for it to mature.  But I have hope that it will turn out ok! Im very pleaser that the queer characters are back in play, and this is another love arch that I am holding out hope for.  We are finally getting to some action, and the series will defiantly benefit from that.  The pace of the book has finally begun to pick up, which is something that I’m very happy about.  Overall, I think this book was great and is getting a very high score.  
- Also! I read the two side stories right after this book and they were cute.  They gave Magnus a little bit of a better vibe then the main books.  I felt that they were mostly there to kind of repair Magnus’s character cause the author has had him do some pretty bad stuff in the series so far.  But I defiantly recommend both of these stories if you are reading the series! 
- Rating: 4.5/5
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Cleo: I'm cold.
Magnus: well, I can't control the weather, Cleo.
Nic: here, take my jacket.
Magnus: *stares at Nic murderously*
Nic: *to himself* now I'm cold.
Ashur: *puts jacket around him* here.
Nic: *blushes*
Ashur: are you warm now? Your face is red.
Nic: *blushes harder*
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swordswoman97 · 6 years
Y’know I’ve been wondering, why does Ashur always call Nic, Nicolo? Is it some Kraeshian culture thing? Is Ashur just being formal? Does Ashur just like the name Nicolo? Is it supposed to be a parallel to Magneo? Why? Also, no one except Ashur calls Nic that (that I can remember) so how did he learn it anyway?
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limerianfrost-blog · 6 years
Falling Kingdoms Characters as Nathan Young Quotes
I was binge watching misfits the other day and well all I can say is Nathan Young has some of the best and somehow most relatable quotes ever.
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and finally
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BONUS: Kelsey and Catriona as Nathan Young quotes 
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williiambyers · 7 years
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Books Read in 2017: Crystal Storm by Morgan Rhodes
“I believe in magic. In evil sorceresses who deep down are really beautiful princesses. I believe in immortals who live in a different world than this one, accessible by magical stone wheels.”    
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cassberrie · 6 years
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Long time no see, tumblr! Sorry for the silence, I’ve been away in China for two weeks, where I was cut off from social media and my computer. Regardless, Immortal Reign is only weeks away, and I am so excited. Here’s Amara and Ashur Cortas, princess and third prince of the Kraeshian Empire. 
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