#pafl lyrics
severefartoholic · 9 months
uhm yeah guys!! so plan A is waiting for my tepid autumn day while shooing that relentless sun away!!!
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ccruelgods · 1 year
i don't know what else i can tell you
you know, opening up is not that bad
i think this music will surely
drive me mad!
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oneleggedgiraffe · 9 months
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[Another apathetic Epitaph] [I think my marble heart is gonna break in half]
(100 epitaphs - ferry)
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loyyvie · 7 months
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Happy Valentine's Day, losers!
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rainythey · 10 months
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Some sketches of KT/Katya from PAFL but with lyrics from other Ferry songs!
I made these a while ago, but prepare for many more doodles coming soon lol
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threepoint14art · 1 year
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Convergence redraw of my favorite loser <3 Yura here belongs to @nopanamaman ! Check them out I've been a big fan of their series for a while! (though this is the first time I gathered the courage to make fanart hehe)
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morphine, aspirin, femtanyl, paracetamol!!
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77ngiez-archive · 5 months
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pure light, pure dread, pure pseudophed!
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engvocameanings · 7 months
can you do like a dog by ferry ft nekomura iroha?
Absolutely! I love this song.
This song is being sung by the character Dr. Temnova from Ferry's series Parties are for Losers.
This song describes her views on science and really shows her apathy towards people through the lense of science.
The first stanza "Panic was never a factor / I looked into the maw of a burning reactor / And so my soul could soar with my heart on the altar of science / Like an obedient dog" Talks about her run in with a zone that caused her to either become immortal or just cause her to age slower, though I believe it to be the former because of how Ferry said she's "About fifty years older than she looks" implying that she stopped aging fifty years ago, which lines up in the timeline.
Also, describing science as an "Altar" on which her heart has been sacrificed really explains her mentality and her viewpoint on science as a whole, seeing experimentation as a sacrifice for the greater good.
This continues into the next line, "Pity is never a factor when mercy is a sign of a talentless actor," essentially saying that, in her field, empathy is a weakness and if you are not willing to give that up, then you won't make it in that path. The later line "A gear in the machine grew immune to corrosion" also supports this idea.
The next lines are being directed towards the character Dmitry, her most prized experiment. "And once you go beyond pure humanity's borders, you will come running back like a dog" the comparison of him (another human being) to a wounded dog that will 'come running back' to the facility the second the outside world realizes what he is, truly connects to her view of experimentation as being for the greater good and her lack of emotional empathy.
The end of this chorus section that says "Run back like a dog to Her" has two possible interpretations. One is related to the note in the description saying "The Russian noun for “zone” is of feminine gender," though I've always interpreted this more so as presenting the idea that Temnova IS the zone.
What I think is more likely is that she is saying that Dmitry will come running back to Katya since she has been captured and taken back to the facility, and Temnova believes that even if he's not coming back for her, he will come back for Katya, so she'll see him again regardless.
The final chorus states "And even if it takes you decades, I know that / You will come running / BACK LIKE A DOG, A WOUNDED DOG / TO ME." The line about it taking decades returns to the idea of her immortality. How long it takes for Dmitry to return matters not to her, because her perception of time is distorted, she knows it will happen at some point, and that gives a bit of a terrifying motherly quality to her.
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transgenderfivepebbles · 11 months
I'm haunted by visions
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penguin--person · 2 years
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Parties are for Losers, Ferry//Kometa, Jaromír Nohavica (x)
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severefartoholic · 6 months
Anya in punch it punk was like OHH you ran away from home yeah okay my family is SHIT I don't have a DAD we are POOR my brother SUCKS my mom is a WHORE and a bird SHAT on my head today btw so yea. That sucks tho sending virtual hug
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hyperiridescence · 2 years
was reading through the PAFL doc, as you do, and noticed this
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this, combined with the "I looked into the maw of a burning reactor" lyric and implications that Temnova sacrificed Something Important of hers, such as a "heart on the altar of science" are all pretty clear markers that she was directly involved with the Zone's creation
makes me wonder if we'll ever delve more deeply into her side of things, perhaps if - as others have theorised - Temnova and Yura do meet, we'll get a clearer look at her backstory
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nopanamaman · 6 months
Hey, can I ask about your lyrics writing process. Recent non-PAFL songs like Cлова, The World is Smiling on Me and now Coordinate Shift are very interesting in that regard, I cant help but wonder how do you even come up with them in the first place? Is there some underlying theme or inspiration for each one that lets you thread that fine line between vapid and pretentious?
Thank you, anon, glad you enjoy the lyrics!
Tbh it all boils down to personal preference, so whatever I'm gonna say here will be highly subjective and won't work for everyone.
I try to keep the imagery interesting while keeping the lyrics themselves simple. As in I try to balance the complexity of imagery with the complexity of the vocabulary.
If you veer deep into metaphors and AT THE SAME TIME overload them with the longest words you can find in the thesaurus, then you don't want to get a feeling across to the listener, you don't really want to be understood. You want to sound smart.
Big words can be used effectively, of course. However, unless the specific point of the song IS to sound somewhat pretentious and unnatural, 90% of the time it's better to think of a simpler alternative to whichever 6-syllable word you're about to write.
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77ngiez · 2 months
i don't think yura will die.
i've seen a lot of speculation in the pafl fandom that yura's gonna die at the end of the series. while i can certainly see why people think thie, i personally disagree heavily with the theory. why? well, haha. let's justr say. my autism.
0. context
yura is consistently referred to in the series as the sun. this is important to state outright because it's basically the basis of this entire theory.
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[image ID: a screenshot of a lyric from false disposition. it reads "Your smile is brighter than the most relentless sun." end ID.]
the other main lyric usage i'll be talking about is the word "dawn" - specifically in the context of this lyric.
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[image ID: a screenshot of a lyric from parties are for losers. it reads "The party ends at the break of dawn". end ID.]
with this established, let's get into it!
i. 100 epitaphs
100 epitaphs is a song mainly about sanya's relationship with grief, as well as her relationships with yura and sergei. it illustrates how she's come to accept losing people - and, at the end, how she refuses to accept losing yura in particular.
that's my interpretation of it, at least, and i think i'm correct on it. in the last chorus, she states "i will not read your lousy epitaph", and talks about being willing to [perhaps metaphorically?] injure both yura and herself in order for him to "breathe some more". it's clear that she's drawn a line in the sand here.
not only this, but in the song, sanya explicitly states that she believes she can save yura if he will just let her:
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[image ID: a screenshot of lyrics from 100 epitaphs. it reads: "Loose compromise/Where the sun won't set as long as I can set the stage". end ID.]
the sun setting refers to yura's death. as long as she can influence what happens next in the story - which she will, since she'll be going with yura on the mission to save katya - she can keep him safe.
at least, that's what she believes. it's what i believe too, but i'm sure one line from 100 epitaphs isn't enough to convince everybody - which brings me to my next point.
ii. message lost
"wait, what? what does message lost have to do with anything? it's about nikita's dying thoughts!"
true. but i think it has insight onto yura's eventual fate, too.
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[image ID: a screenshot of a lyric from message lost. it reads "dawn can't break when the sun has burned to a crisp". end ID.]
in the pafl story doc, ferry states that this line refers to how nikita's lost everything that makes him happy. but taking it out of that context, don't the two main nouns in this lyric sound familiar?
that's right - "sun" and "dawn". the two that i pointed out at the beginning.
taking those nouns to mean what they do in parties are for losers and false disposition/100 epitaphs, this line could be interpreted as "the party can't end if yura's dead". which doesn't make much sense, does it? but if you think of "the party" as a metaphor for the series itself - parties are for losers - it seems to support my theory. the series can't end if yura's dead.
and yeah, i know this might be a bit of a stretch.
real quick, i'd like to go over the rest of message lost as well. it's no secret that yura and nikita are intended as paralells of each other, after all.
the song is, in essence, about nikita's pathetic life, and his relationship with the woman who loved him more than anything. and there's a specific passage from the doc i'd like to point out:
"By the end of it all, Nikita is overwhelmed with regret. While he may not have loved Nadya the same way she’d loved him, maybe, if he had tried opening up to her, their lives would have turned out differently."
i think it's possible that yura's life will turn out the way nikita's could have had he been less of an asshole. after all, they were hit by the same bullet, but yura was only nicked, while nikita was killed.
iii. the mill
okay. yes, this is an olya song. however. i think it's specifically intended to be applicable to sanya as well. the false disposition melody, for example, as well as the parallels between sergei/olya and yura/sanya's relationships. also, these lines from the mill:
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[image ID: screenshots of lyrics from the mill. the first reads "I'll draw a circle in the sand", the second reads "No more circles left to find". end ID.]
seem to be intentionally called back to in 100 epitaphs:
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[image ID: a screenshot of a lyric from 100 epitaphs. it reads "Another circle drawn". end ID.]
but even if i'm wrong on this one, i do think there are lyrics of the mill that are applicable to my theory.
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[image ID: a screenshot of lyrics from the mill. they read "There has to be some hope that's/Just out of sight".]
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[image ID: a screenshot of a lyric from the mill. it reads "Right through the arc of breaking dawn".]
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[image ID: a screenshot of a lyric from the mill. it reads "The pink arc of breaking dawn,". end ID.]
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[image ID: a screenshot of a lyric from the mill. it reads "The sun will rise". end ID.]
we make it through the pink breaking dawn. there is hope. the sun will rise.
i think that last line is especially insightful. the sun will rise. yura will live. it'll be okay.
iii. conclusion
yura's not gonna die at the end of the series. it'd make no sense for him to do so. and also i would cry a lot.
thank you for reading my pretentious meta analysis. sorry if it was incomprehensible. i am Not Fucking Normal about this man or this series
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myffithealienn · 2 months
Katya fansong of sorts bc that one melody before the last chorus in pafl is haunting me
Voicebank is KYUU deep vocal
(Lyrics under the cut)
I never asked for anyone's pity
They give and take freedom away by force i see
And whatever i am, it really shouldn't be free
You don't know anything, anything, but how could you
Use lives to get back what's already dead
'Cause apparently no one else can understands
But can't you see that my future is molded in dread?
You don't know anything, anything, i can feel the
The flesh of a twin crawling under my skin
Begging to be freed as i bite to not sink in
I guess needles do their job, but the layer's too thin
I don't feel anything, anything, but i see your
Bright sunny smile across neon lights
When a spiteful feeling takes over, it's not right
But this time i won't let do without putting up a fight
Because of everything, everything
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