#pagan terrorism tactics
monoamine-qveen · 1 year
“Dead Girl” by Acid Bath
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leofwines · 3 months
i dont rmemeber who told me that pagan terrorism tactics was better than when the kite string pops but They were WRONG
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on some fitting artwork for the occasion, a painting titled "For Hee is Risen," artwork by American pathologist & euthanasia enthusiast, Jack Kevorkian. New Orleans-based sludge metal band, ACID BATH, later used the painting as cover art to their second (and final) studio album, "Paegan Terrorism Tactics" (1996).
"The annual resurrection by dumb bunnies of a pathetic, despairing, almost scorned image of the purported divinity is hardly noticeable amid the tawdry paraphernalia of irresistible paganism at its vernal orgy. It is a spectacle badly conceived, badly manipulated, and superbly desecrated by those hare-brained disciples of Mammon, who, with armfuls of brilliant multi-colored eggs and gleeful joy, framed in parade-stopping millinery, might, in a rare pseudo-pious mood briefly condescend to acknowledge some sort of disquieting mystery pervading it all. Such is the perfunctory Easter of modern western society which seems to have lost appreciation for anachronisms like rods and staffs and angels and lambs."
-- DR. JACOB "JACK" KEVORKIAN on the Western perversion of the spiritual significance of Easter
Sources: www.pinterest.com/pin/522980575451309417 & www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/kevorkian/aboutk/art/raised.html.
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stirlingmoss · 11 months
XXII ​When the believers saw the confederates, they said, “This is what God and God’s messenger promised us, and God and God’s messenger told the truth.” And it only increased their faith and their acquiescence.
Stance of the Believers
XXI ​You have an excellent example in the messenger of God, for anyone who looks forward to God and the last day, and remembers God a lot.
The Prophet as a Role Model
XX ​They think the confederates have not gone, but if the confederates come they will wish they were living in the desert among the nomads, asking for news of you. Even if they were with you, they would hardly fight at all.
Hypocrites Paranoid
XIX ​out of stinginess toward you. But then when terror comes, you see them looking to you with their eyes rolling, like one upon whom death is descending. Then when the terror is gone, they will set upon you with sharp tongues, greedy for advantage. They have never believed, so God has foiled their acts; and that is easy for God.
XVIII ​God already knows those of you who hinder, and those who say to their friends, “Come to us,” but hardly show up when there’s trouble,
Hypocritical Tactics
XVII ​Say, “Who is it that will shelter you from God if God wishes ill for you, or God wishes mercy for you?” They will not find for themselves a protector or savior other than God.
XVI ​Say, “Flight will not profit you if you flee from death or killing; for even so you are only allowed to live for a little while.”
{Until the end of your short life on earth.}
XV ​though they had earlier promised God that they would not turn their backs; and a promise to God is accountable.
Warning to the Hypocrites
XIV ​But if they were invaded from the sides, then asked to dissent and join in civil war, they would do so with but little delay,
XIII ​And a party of them said, “O people of Yathrib! There is no place for you to take a stand—so go back!” And a group of them asked the Prophet for permission, saying, “Our houses are exposed,” though they were not exposed; for they only wanted to flee.
{Yathrib was the name of Medina before the arrival of the Prophet ( صلى الله عليه وسلم) and Muslim emigrants.}
XII ​Yet the hypocrites and those with sickness in their hearts say, “God and the messenger of God have promised us naught but illusion.”
Stance of the Hypocrites
XI ​There the believers were tried, shaken by a violent shock.
X ​When they came on you from above you and below you, your eyes dimmed and your hearts were in your throats and you imagined conceptions of God.
{lit., from above and below you.
The believers were reassured while the doubts of the hypocrites grew more fierce.}
IX ​Believers, remember God’s grace on you when forces came upon you and We sent a wind against them, and forces you did not see. For God sees whatever you do.
{In 5 A.H./627 C.E., the Meccan pagans along with some Arab and Jewish tribes (totalling around 10 000 soldiers) laid a siege around Medina, where the Prophet ( صلى الله عليه وسلم) was positioned with 3000 soldiers. The Prophet ( صلى الله عليه وسلم) had anticipated the offence and, upon an advice from one of his companions, dug a trench around the city to protect it from invaders. After several unsuccessful attempts to cross the trench, the allied enemies quickly lost morale, and were forced to end the siege due to severe weather conditions. This encounter is commonly known as the Battle of the Trench or the Enemy Alliance.
The angels.}
The Battle of the Trench
VIII ​that God may question the truthful about their truth; and God has prepared a painful penalty for the scoffers.
VII ​And We accepted their covenant from the prophets, and from you, and from Noah and Abraham, and Moses and Jesus Son of Mary: We took an inviolable covenant from them,
Covenant to Deliver the Truth
VI ​The Prophet is closer to the believers than their own selves, and his wives are their mothers. Those who have blood relations are closer to each other, in the decree of God, than the believers and the refugees: but treat your friends fairly. That is written in the Book.
{This verse confirms a ruling mentioned in 8:75 which ended a previous ruling that allowed inheritance between Muslims from Mecca (Al-Muhâjirûn, the Emigrants) and Muslims from Medina (Al-Anṣâr, the Helpers). Now, only relatives can inherit from one another, whereas non heirs can receive a share through bequest, up to one third of the estate. See 4:7, 11-13, 32-33, and 176.
See footnote for 27:75.}
Guidelines for the Believers
V ​Call them after their fathers; that is more just in the sight of God. But if you don’t know their fathers, then they are your brothers in religion, or your friends. Yet there is no blame on you if you make a mistake in this; it is a matter of what your hearts intend. For God is very forgiving, very merciful.
IV ​God has not put two hearts in a man; nor made the spouses you have rejected into your mothers, nor made your adoptees into your sons— those are your own expressions. But God speaks the truth, and that guides the way.
{This divorce (called ẓihâr) was commonly practiced in Arabia before the Prophet ( صلى الله عليه وسلم). If a man declared his wife as unlawful for him as the ẓahr (back) of his mother, his wife would be divorced. Islam abolished this type of divorce (see 58:3-4). The following distinction should be made:
1. Sponsorship (which is permissible): a person can sponsor a child or host them in their home and care for them as they care for their own children, except for legal matters. For example, adopted children keep their last names, are allowed to marry the children of their adopted parent, adopted and biological children of the opposite sex should dress modestly in front of each other, and do not have a share in the estate of their adopted parents, but can get a share of inheritance (up to one-third of the estate) through bequest (waṣiyah).
2. Adoption: a person is not allowed to take an orphan and give them his/her last name, give them a share of inheritance similar to their own children, etc. }
Rules on Divorce and Adoption
(The passage says that as a person cannot have two hearts, similarly, a man cannot have two real mothers, nor can a child have two real fathers.)
III ​So trust in God, for God is enough of a patron.
II ​Follow what has been revealed to you by inspiration from your Lord, for God is fully aware of what you do.
I O Prophet, be conscious of God, and don’t obey the atheists and the hypocrites, for God is most knowing and wise.
Orders to the Prophet
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brandonwayneb · 1 year
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mckinney texas, "benefit tore lore"
twine punch vinegar, Cin Eye Gog
war 24 Mckinney Dos Sheet Spa.
war 24 Tacoma Towel WhipPow Pa.
mit eye gate
middle tye gate
mckinney kitten pee.
catholic blame tactics
pres pie terror dak ate too many tan skins, Prez Pie Tat Ray Ate Peter Pan
Mckinney Texas: "Dial Ass Stone"
Tacoma Wa: "Towel Comm Pow Deer"
areas of interests,
brutality agents,
ascension pagan pretext karma
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pittipedia · 3 years
Track: Graveflower
Artist: Acid Bath
Album: Paegan Terrorism Tactics
Label: Rotten Records ‎– 3000-2
Release: 1996
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froodooboogins · 3 years
The Chosen s2ep4
This episode
This one got me. There were so many details about it that were just stunning
The theme of this one I think is distraction. The focus, of course, is on the brothers, the younger being Simon the Zealot and the older his crippled brother Jesse. They both know the scriptures, that much you can tell. But they each have a different way of coping with their lives in ways that fail to put God at the center.
Jesse puts his hope for his future and healing in a pagan legend, that the “angel” “stirring up the water” will heal him. This then distracts him twofold: He’s focused on 1. the water; and 2. the injustice of everyone else around being able to get to it before he can every time, with no one (namely his brother) to help him. It’s these distractions that Jesus looks him in the eye and does away with when he approaches him with true healing that only comes from God.
In Simon’s case, distraction came in the form of literal religious terrorism (i’m taking a class on terrorism rn and hoo boy they actually did a really good job with the theory and tactics; like they did their research) born from a resentment of the foreign occupiers. I know I can see myself a little in Simon the Zealot, maybe too cavalier for the truth at the expense of kindness sometimes. Still a sin.
Both of them were only saved by their shared hope in the Messiah’s coming.
Also I can’t get over the scene where Jesus, Matthew, John, and Simon are walking up to Jerusalem and see the people being crucified, and Jesus just stares
Like what a smack in the face this episode really is: it reminds us as Christians, that our God is powerful enough to do anything. And He did. He healed so many people, He raised them from the dead, He Himself came back to life. He was also 100% truly man. Just a guy. And yet, He rode into the city where He knew they would torture and kill Him, in the most brutal way known to man, and He said “okay Father, thy will be done.” During His time on earth, He was simply the bravest man in the world. One worth all of the glory and praise we have to give.
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creepingsharia · 4 years
Muslims Invoke 'Christian Passivity' to Disarm Christians
By Raymond Ibrahim
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Past and present, one of the least known -- and, until the modern era, largely futile -- tactics used by Muslims to disarm Christians has been to insist that Christianity is against warfare and violence in general.
The most recent Muslim to take on this mantle of Christian theologian is none other than Somalia-born Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn).  Around November 18, after Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla) criticized Georgia Senate candidate Raphael Warnock for claiming that Christians could not serve both God and the military, Omar, the Muslim, turned to quoting -- that is, misquoting -- the Bible.  In a tweet with an embarrassed face emoji, as if to suggest what Rubio was saying was so embarrassing -- in fact, the emoji was appropriate, but more because of her spelling errors -- she posted:
Mathews [sic] 6:24
No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and dmoney.' [sic] The lies and smears of the GOP have no boundaries, but this is a disgrace and shameful.
Omar is hardly the first Muslim to try to manipulate Christian theology to Christians’ own detriment and disadvantage.  For example, prior to the Crusader siege of Antioch in 1098, Muslim emissaries were sent to parley.  They told the Europeans how their masters were “amazed that you should seek the Sepulchre of your lord as armed men, exterminating their people [Muslims] from long-held lands -- indeed, butchering them at sword point, something pilgrims should not do.”
Of course, these diplomats said nothing about what “their people” had been doing to Christian subjects and pilgrims -- that is, extorting, torturing, raping, and killing them -- which is what occasioned the Crusades in the first place.
Similarly, Omar, who hails from a radically Islamic nation, Somalia -- deemed the third worst persecutor of Christians in the world -- would much rather scold Christians into disarming than have them resist violence, especially at the hands of Muslims.
In other words, she, like so many others, is an advocate of Doormat Christianity -- a passive, nonjudgmental form of Christianity that deems lying down before an enemy virtuous.  Muslims and other elements are persecuting innocents around the world? Show love and tolerance, turn the other cheek, say a prayer, and feel guilty for your own crimes -- or even your ancestors’ crimes, is one of the dominant strains of this brand.
Doormat Christianity was regularly on display during Barack Hussein Obama’s presidency: “On Easter, I do reflect on the fact that as a Christian, I am supposed to love,” he said in 2015 -- three days after a terror attack targeting Christians killed 147 people in Kenya, provoking a few American Christian groups to express anger. “And I have to say that sometimes when I listen to less than loving expressions by Christians, I get concerned.”
Similarly, during the National Prayer Breakfast on February 5, 2015, Obama directly invoked Doormat Christian tenets to shame Christians from being too critical of Islamic State atrocities: “Lest we get on our high horse and think this [Islamic beheadings, sex-slavery, crucifixion, roasting and burying humans alive] is unique to some other place,” the American president admonished, “remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.”
Speaking of the Crusaders, how did they respond when Muslim diplomats expressed their shock that they, Christian pilgrims, had come with the sword?   With more knowledge of Christian Just War theory than Omar, Obama, and their ilk would have us believe.
According to the account of Robert the Monk, with “one accord,” the crusaders replied:
No one with any sense should be surprised at us coming to the Sepulchre of Our Lord as armed men and removing your people from these territories. Any of our people who came here with staff and scrip [unarmed pilgrims] were insulted with abominable behavior, suffered the ignominy of poor treatment and in extreme cases were killed.
Thirty years earlier, and as just one of countless examples, a German pilgrim wrote of what the Muslims did to a “noble abbess of graceful body and of a religious outlook” who undertook a pilgrimage to Jerusalem: “The pagans captured her, and in the sight of all, these shameless men raped her until she breathed her last, to the dishonor of all Christians. Christ’s enemies performed such abuses and others like them on the Christians.”
Before the walls of Antioch, where the word “Christian” was first coined, the crusaders continued by noting that the land “belonged to our people [Christians] originally and your people [Muslims] attacked and maliciously took it away from them, which means it cannot be yours no matter how long you have had it.”  Accordingly, “payback will be exercised by Frankish swords on your necks!”
The modern reader may find such an approach extreme, certainly “medieval.” But for the proponents of Doormat Christianity, nothing less than total capitulation will ever do. To quote Karen Armstrong, a former nun turned advocate for Islam, “During the 12th Century, Christians were fighting brutal holy wars against Muslims, even though Jesus had told his followers to love their enemies, not to exterminate them.”
In short, Christianity makes ample room for Just War -- even as those who seek to subvert justice argue otherwise.
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deus-sabaoth · 3 years
And they were mingled among the heathens, and learned their works: and served their idols, and it became a stumbling-block to them. And they sacrificed their sons, and their daughters to devils. And they shed innocent blood: the blood of their sons and of their daughters which they sacrificed to the idols of Chanaan. And the land was polluted with blood.
Psalm CVI. 35-38
(...) Our society has forgotten our patrimonial memory of the Fall, thus whole swaths of human beings fall for the Devil’s tired tactic of telling us we can be like gods. We worship sex, we worship the natural sciences, we worship celebrities and politicians. Furthermore, we seek to medicate ourselves out of any redemptive suffering. We sacrifice our children at abortuaries to the gods of prosperity. We murder the sick and elderly as a liberation to appease the gods of pain and disease. We advocate for the naturalistic creation-myth of the Prophet Darwin. Schools look to the Pantheon of Physicists to tell us the meaning found in a  meaningless cosmos. We have replaced the Judges of Israel with the black-robed Judges of the Court. Legal matters are no longer beholden to the Law of the Lord, but instead to the Logic of Lucifer. We look not to God as Master of Morality, but to ourselves.
Occultists are consulted to predict the future, and horoscopes are commonplace. We have recaptured the worship of the sun and moon as lords that rule the day and night. Animals are given human-rights as we exalt ourselves to the base nature of the common beast. The Cult of the Environment has confused people about which heat to fear - they obsess over a slight rise in temperature, yet advocate for inhuman solutions that may lead to a place that is burning hot. Our society is Godless, Christless, and void of the Virgin Mary. Our culture is no longer Christian; our culture is Pagan.
We have given up Roman Catholicism in order to live in pre-Christian Rome. We no longer confess our sins to Priests, but instead seek validation of our perversions from psychologists. Often, therapy acts as as confession without absolution. (...)
Christendom is dead, but as Hillaire Belloc famously said, “The Faith is Europe and Europe is the Faith.” Our Christian civilization was born through death, and has been murdered time and time again by Saracen and Socialist. Yet, our Lord is very adept at descending into the dead, and calling the dead-man to rise. Through the power of the Sacraments we contain the life of Christ within. If we are to recapture our heritage, what rightfully belongs to God, we must rid ourselves and our society of paganism.
- Kennedy Hall, Terror of Demons: Reclaiming Traditional Catholic Masculinity (2020), Chapter IV, p. 64-66.
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chiseler · 3 years
Maxwell Bodenheim
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In Letters from Bohemia, Ben Hecht declares his friend Maxwell Bodenheim “more disliked, derided, denounced, beaten up, and kicked down more flights of stairs than any poet of whom I have heard or read.” In his lifetime Bodenheim was at least as well known for his drunk and dissolute behavior as for his writing. Today he’s mostly remembered for the tawdry way he died.
He grew up poor and Jewish in smalltown Mississippi. He was bright but viciously boorish, physically handsome yet repulsively slovenly, and argumentative to a fault, with a genius for the insult that could end any discussion, usually with his being punched in the mouth. As young men Bodenheim and Hecht were the pranksters of the Chicago Renaissance. According to Allen Churchill’s The Improper Bohemians, they once filled a hall for a literary debate on the topic “Resolved: That People Who Attend Literary Debates Are Imbeciles.”
Hecht strode center-stage to announce that he would take the affirmative. Then he stated, “The affirmative rests.” Bodenheim shambled forward, scrutinized his confident opponent, and said, “You win.”
Bodenheim – Bogie to his long-suffering friends – was twenty-two when he blew into Greenwich Village with other Chicago émigrés in 1915, and instantly made a name for himself in the neighborhood as a poet of promise. Reading his facile, gaudy verses now, it’s easy to think that it was the brute force of his sociopathic presence, rather than his poetry, that convinced the best poets in the Village at the time that he was one of them, potentially even the greatest of them:
You have a morning-glory face
Whose edges are sensitive to light
And curl in beneath the burden of a smile.
Remembered silence returns to the morning-glory
And lattices its curves
With shades of golden reverberations.
Then the morning-glory’s heart careens to loves
Whose scent beats on the sky-walls of your soul.
Tellingly, those not directly in his orbit seem not to have been fooled by the clever romance-novel sham of such verses – and neither, apparently, was Bodenheim himself, though he would go on roaring about his genius for decades. Hecht records that after entering 223 poetry contests and failing to win a single one, he took to signing his letters to editors “Maxwell Bodenheim, 224th ranking U.S.A. poet.”
He did have a real talent for scandal, easy enough to generate during Greenwich Village’s prolonged drunken orgy in the Prohibition years. His haughty, insulting demeanor, and his habit of trying to steal other men’s women right under their noses, got him regularly socked on the jaw and thrown out of bars, soirees and the fauxhemian revels at Webster Hall.
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Turning from poetry to prose, through the 1920s he wrote a string of best-selling, sensational potboilers like Replenishing Jessica, about a free-loving bohemian, Georgie May, about a fallen prostitute, and Naked on Roller Skates, about a middle-aged “onetime hobo, circus-pegger, doughboy, sailor, anarchist, con man, all-time sensationalist and wanderer of the world” who leaves a small town with a much younger woman who “wanted to try everything at least once.” They sound better than they read. Hecht called them “hack work with flashes of tenderness, wit, and truth in them.” When the Society for the Suppression of Vice brought Bodenheim to trial in 1925 on an obscenity charge for Replenishing Jessica, his defense lawyer used a familiar tactic of demanding that the prosecutor read the entire text aloud to prove his case. Judge, jury and the reporters covering the trial dozed as the prosecutor droned on and on, and the unaroused jury voted Bodenheim not guilty. Mayor Jimmy Walker agreed with the verdict. “No girl was ever seduced by a book,” he quipped.
For a bohemian poet, commercial success and celebrity could bring on a full-blown personality crisis (as it would do Jackson Pollock, Jack Kerouac and Kurt Cobain). Bodenheim squandered the money he made from his novels on drink and gambling, as though he couldn’t throw it away fast enough. He preferred to demand loans and cadge drinks from everyone around him, like a true bohemian poet should. Meanwhile, his reputation in these years as a daring, risqué writer attracted a cloud of what we’d call groupies today, many of them the sort of teenagers from the outer boroughs and the hinterlands who flocked to the Village in the 1920s to throw off the shackles of mainstream morality and abandon themselves to the neighborhood’s non-stop pagan revels.
He took his pick. One was Gladys Loeb, 18, from the Bronx. In 1928, he ended a brief fling with her, adding that her poetry was doggerel. Her landlady soon found her with her head in the gas oven, barely clinging to life, and to Bodenheim’s portrait. A few weeks later he did the same thing to twenty-two-year-old Virginia Drew, who threw herself into the Hudson and succeeded where Gladys had failed. When police went to question Bodenheim about Drew’s suicide, he’d slipped off to stay with fellow Villager Harry Kemp in Provincetown. Gladys, having recovered from her own suicide attempt, followed him there – trailing her irate father, cops and reporters. Bodenheim talked his way out of their clutches, but not out of the newspapers all over the country, which had a field day with lurid tales about the Greenwich Village Lothario.
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Then came Aimee Cortez, widely feted as “the Mayoress of Greenwich Village.” She earned the title by stripping naked at private parties and Webster Hall shindigs and gyrating a wildly erotic dance. According to Churchill, this display sometimes ended with her going off with some lucky male, but other times she’d stop abruptly, with a look of terror and confusion, and run off. In a later era she’d be prescribed a drug for this clearly disturbed behavior, but in the Village of the late 1920s, where “a hideous lust… pervaded the air” as Bodenheim’s My Life and Loves in Greenwich Village put it, she was merely celebrated as the queen of the modern-day bacchantes. Not long after Gladys and Virginia made the papers, Aimee was found with her head in her own oven, also clutching Bodenheim’s portrait. She was dead at nineteen.
Bodenheim was indirectly implicated in the sad end of another lover, a teenager from the outer boroughs with the improbable name Dorothy Dear. When she wasn’t with him in his MacDougal Street apartment, he wrote her love letters that she carried in her purse. One afternoon she was aboard a rush hour subway train heading from Times Square to the Village when it derailed at a faulty switch, killing sixteen passengers, including Dorothy. Bodenheim’s love letters were found scattered around the wreckage.
By the end of the 1920s Bodenheim was a wreck himself. From the 1930s until his death he was a fixture on the streets and in the bars of the Village, by turns annoying and sad-making, decaying before his old friends’ eyes into a stinking, toothless ghost, “tottering drunkenly to sleep on flophouse floors, shabby and gaunt as any Bowery bum,” as Hecht put it. Still, Hecht gallantly added, “Bogie hugged his undiminished riches – his poet’s vocabulary and his genius for winning arguments. He won nothing else.” He cranked out more cheap novels, drank the money, and stooped to hawking his poems to tourists in Washington Square for a quarter each. Wiseacres in the bars fed him gin and laughed at his drunken mumblings and rants, which sometimes yielded a famous line like “Greenwich Village is the Coney Island of the soul.”
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Poets were the main entertainment at Max Gordon’s Village Vanguard in the mid-1930s. Gordon couldn’t afford to pay them; they performed for whatever change the patrons tossed at their feet. Poet Eli Siegel, later founder of the Aesthetic Realism movement, was the emcee in the early years, but the crowd really came to see three ghosts of the Village Past – Joe Gould, Harry Kemp and Maxwell Bodenheim. They hung out there because Gordon tolerated them and his patrons were easy marks for a few free drinks. In his memoir Live at the Village Gate, Gordon describes how Siegel would call Gould out of the crowd with the cry, “Ladies and gentlemen, the Harvard terrier and boulevardier, Joseph Ferdinand Gould!” Gould would shuffle up to the spotlight and do his schtick, while Bodenheim, tall and imperious, would stalk the shadows at the back, “point his finger, and shout, ‘Eli Siegel! I hate you, Eli Siegel. You rat!’” Gordon continues:
Eli would wait for Bodenheim to shape up so he could call on him to recite. But it was no use. Bodenheim, swirling crazily, eyes glazed, arms outstretched, would suddenly stop and point his finger at a frightened girl who had refused him a dance during intermission. “Rat!” he’d shout at her.
Despite the frightening deterioration of his physical and mental hygiene, Bodenheim still attracted a certain type of desperate woman, usually in decline herself. He met the last of them in 1951 when Ruth Fagan bought a poem from him with her last quarter. She was thirty-two, he was a fifty-nine-year-old derelict, and within a couple of weeks they were going around as Mr. and Mrs. Bodenheim, though it’s not clear they ever bothered to make it official. They decayed together for the next couple of years, chronically broke and drunk, descending from cheap rooming houses to flophouses to sleeping in hallways and doorways. She turned tricks when she could, and he beat her when he found out. In 1952 they made a horrific spectacle of themselves at a fancy reunion for surviving members of the original Chicago Renaissance group, where he panhandled the guests while she propositioned them.
If the Bodenheim of the early 1950s was a disgusting or amusing clown to the tourists, and an embarrassment and bother to his old friends, he was something of a martyred saint to the generation of bohemians who came to the Village after World War Two. In his headlong descent into the abyss, his lust for the extremes of degradation, his lust for lust itself, he was like a dark archangel of negative capability for them, representing the ultimate rejection of bourgeois virtue and mainstream values, even to the point of total self-destruction. He comes up several times in the published diaries of Judith Malina, co-founder of the Living Theatre, from this period. One night in 1951 she and her husband Julian Beck were in the San Remo, the dark and smoky bar at Bleecker and MacDougal Streets that Bodenheim often haunted:
A ragged drunk approaches our table. In terrible shape. Ash blond hair askew. He lurches forward, his hands resting on the table. Directly to Julian: “What’s your name?”
“My name is Julian Beck.”
“My name is Maxwell Bodenheim. I’m an idiotic poet.”
And he turns and moves off before we can speak.
The late Roy Metcalf, who was a young newspaper reporter in the early 1950s, also encountered Bodenheim in the San Remo. “Bodenheim had a great face, an alcohol-ravaged face,” he recalled. “Once a guy from uptown wanted to see Greenwich Village, so we went down to the San Remo. There was Bodenheim. He said, 'Bring him over, let’s buy him a drink.’ He expected Bodenheim to say something. Bodenheim by that time was so paralyzed by alcohol that all he could do was bray, 'Aaaaargh.’”
In 1953 Malina went into the Waldorf Cafeteria on Sixth Avenue, where artists hung out. The food was lousy, the lighting made people look so bad they nicknamed it the Waxworks, and the other patrons tended to be bums, drug addicts, tough guys and cops. The staff was not particularly welcoming to arty boho types. So naturally that’s where Bodenheim and Ruth went to celebrate his birthday. Malina writes that a friend stole a pumpkin pie from the counter as a present for Bodenheim. “A cop sees him, but is somehow content with my explanation that Maxwell Bodenheim is a great poet and that his birthday should be celebrated. The counterman is not so generous: 'I ain’t doin’ this for love.’ We all eat. Ruth Bodenheim curses the cafeteria. Some junkies come and tell horrible tales of hospitals and arrests. One taps his eye with a knife to show us that it’s glass. Ruth Bodenheim smiles in an aristocratic manner: 'I’d never have believed it wasn’t real,’ as if she were consoling the owner of false jewels.”
“Do we not idolize Maxwell Bodenheim although we are sometimes loath to talk to him and always ashamed of our condescension to him?” Malina wonders in another entry. “What we admire is Bodenheim’s refusal to resist. We fight all the time, resisting temptation. We admire those who don’t. Even if it’s suicidal.” And later: “Even self-contempt when fierce enough is magnificent. The virtue of the extreme is its extremity. Nature loves extremes as much as she loathes a vacuum.”
In 1953, Ruth took up with a violent, mentally unstable dishwasher named Harold Weinberg. One night in the winter of 1954 the three of them wound up in Weinberg’s room off the Bowery. Bodenheim roused himself from a drunken stupor to see Ruth and Weinberg having sex. He attacked Weinberg, who pulled out a .22 and shot him through the heart. Then Weinberg stabbed Ruth in the chest. The last photos of Bodenheim show him and Ruth lying dead in the squalid room.
“The hideous death of Bodenheim blankets the Village in a funereal spirit,” Malina wrote. “Who dares confess to the wrenching excitement of seeing a companion’s mauled corpse on the front page of every newspaper, and all of us knowing that the worst has again triumphed?”
Cops picked up Weinberg a few days later. At his trial he called his victims Commie rats and shouted that he “did the world a favor” by getting rid of them. He sang “The Star-Spangled Banner” as he was led out of the courtroom and off to Bellevue.
Today, Bodenheim is remembered more for this tabloid end than for any other achievement. Even his memoir was a dispiriting sham. My Life and Loves in Greenwich Village, published posthumously in 1954, was ghostwritten by a hack who, like everyone else in the Village, had bought him drinks to listen to his drunken ramblings. It’s a loose collection of vignettes, anecdotes, and racy gossip that was already antique when the book appeared. His old friend Hecht, who sent a check for $50 to help pay for Bodenheim’s cheapjack funeral, based his 1958 Off-Broadway play Winkelberg on him. (“There was never a man as irritating as Winkelberg.”) It ran for a month at the Renata Theatre on Bleecker Street, then sank into oblivion along with much of Bodenheim’s own writing.
by John Strausbaugh
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In light of President Obama’s recent remarks comparing the brutality of the Islamic State to the Crusades, it might be time to take a fresh look at those events. Were they really the one-sided Dark Ages barbarism we have been taught? Were they an early manifestation of Western imperialism and global conquest?
In his landmark book, “God’s Battalions” (HarperOne 2009), Baylor University social sciences professor Rodney Stark suggests otherwise. It is a well-researched chronicle, including 639 footnotes and a bibliography of about 300 other works, yet reads like an adventure story full of military strategy and political intrigue.
What Prompted the Crusades
He begins in the final years of Mohammed and describes how a newly united Arab people swept through (Zoroastrian) Persia and the (Orthodox Christian) Byzantine-  controlled areas of Syria, Palestine, Egypt, and North Africa. (Byzantine refers to the Greek-speaking eastern remainder of the Roman Empire.) Eventually Arabs took over control of the Mediterranean islands, most of Spain, and the southern part of Italy, and even reached as far as 150 miles outside of Paris before being turned back by the Franks, or early French.
The Muslims were brutal in their conquered territories. They gave pagans a choice of converting to Islam or being killed or enslaved. Jews and Christians (other People of the Book) were usually but not always treated somewhat better, and allowed to retain their beliefs but under conditions of Sharia subjugation. But the Muslim-held territories were not monolithic. Stark writes:
‘Perhaps the single most remarkable feature of the Islamic territories was the almost ceaseless internal conflict; the intricate plots, assassinations, and betrayals form a lethal soap opera. North Africa was frequently torn by rebellions and intra-Islamic wars and conquests. Spain was a patchwork of constantly feuding Muslim regimes that often allied themselves with Christians against one another.’
Not surprisingly, there was intense Christian resistance and determination to take back lost territories. Especially effective were the Normans and the Franks in Spain and Italy.
The Golden Middle Ages Belonged to Europeans
Western scholars have often characterized this clash of cultures as an Islamic Golden Age versus a European Dark Age, but Stark demolishes this as a myth. He says the best of the Islamic culture was appropriated from the people Muslims conquered—the Greeks, Jews, Persians, Hindus, and even from heretical Christian sects such as the Copts and Nestorians. He quotes E.D. Hunt as writing, “the earliest scientific book in the language of Islam [was a] treatise on medicine by a Syrian Christian priest in Alexandria translated into Arabic by a Persian Jewish physician.” Stark writes that Muslim naval fleets were built by Egyptian shipwrights, manned by Christian crews, and often captained by Italians.  When Baghdad was built, the caliph “entrusted the design of the city to a Zoroastrian and a Jew.” Even the “Arabic” numbering system was Hindu in origin.
And, while it is true that the Arabs embraced the writings of Plato and Aristotle, Stark comments,
‘However, rather than treat these works as attempts by Greek scholars to answer various questions, Muslin intellectuals quickly read them in the same way they read the Qur’an – as settled truths to be understood without question or contradiction…. Attitudes such as these prevented Islam from taking up where the Greeks had left off in their pursuit of knowledge.’
Meanwhile, back in Europe was an explosion of technology that made ordinary people far richer than any people had ever been. It began with the development of collars and harnesses that allowed horses to pull plows and wagons rather than oxen, doubling the speed at which people could till fields. Plows were improved, iron horseshoes invented, wagons given brakes and swivel axels, and larger draft horses were bred. All this along with the new idea of crop rotation led to a massive improvement in agricultural productivity that in turn led to a much healthier, larger, and stronger population.
Technology was also improving warfare with the invention of the crossbow and chain mail. Crossbows were far more accurate and deadly than conventional archery, and could be fired with very little training. Chain mail was almost impervious to the kind of arrows in use throughout the world. Mounted knights were fitted with high-back saddles and stirrups that enabled them to use more force in charging an opponent, and much larger horses were bred as chargers, giving the knights a height advantage over enemies. Better military tactics made European armies much more lethal. Stark writes:
It is axiomatic in military science that cavalry cannot succeed against well-armed and well-disciplined infantry formations unless they greatly outnumber them…. When determined infantry hold their ranks, standing shoulder to shoulder to present a wall of shields from which they project a thicket of long spears butted in the ground, cavalry charges are easily turned away; the horses often rear out of control and refuse to meet the spears.
In contrast, Muslim warriors were almost exclusively light cavalry, riding faster but lighter horses bareback with little armor, few shields, and using swords and axes. Their biggest advantage was their use of camels, which made them much more mobile than foot soldiers and gave them the ability to swoop in and out of the desert areas to attack poorly defended cities.
Muslims Slaughter, Rape, and Pillage
These differences provided Crusader armies with huge advantages, but what would prompt hundreds of thousand Europeans to leave their homes and travel 2,500 miles to engage an enemy is a desert kingdom—especially after the Muslim conquest of Europe had been turned back?
In 638 Jerusalem surrendered to Muslim invaders, and mass murders of Christian pilgrims and monks became commonplace.
There had been long-festering concern about the fate of Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land. After his conversion to Christianity in the early 300s, the Roman Emperor Constantine built the Church of the Holy Sepulchre on the site of what was believed to be Jesus’ tomb, and other churches in Bethlehem and on the Mount of Olives. These sites prompted a growing number of European pilgrims to visit the Holy Land, including Saint Jerome, who lived in Bethlehem for the last 32 years of his life as he translated the Bible from Greek and Hebrew into Latin. By the late fifth century, Stark reports, more than 300 hostels and monasteries offered lodging to pilgrims in Jerusalem alone.
But in 638 Jerusalem surrendered to Muslim invaders, and mass murders of Christian pilgrims and monks became commonplace. Stark includes a list of select atrocities in the eight and ninth centuries, but none worse than the some 5,000 German Christians slaughtered by Bedouin robbers in the tenth century.
Throughout this period, control of Palestine was contested by several conflicting Muslim groups. Stark writes, “In 878 a new dynasty was established in Egypt and seized control of the Holy Land from the caliph in Baghdad.” One hundred years later, Tariqu al-Hakim became the sixth caliph of Egypt and initiated an unprecedented reign of terror, not just against Christians but against his own people as well. He burned or pillaged some 30,000 churches, including the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the tomb beneath it.
Soon enough, newly converted Turkish tribes came out of the north to seize Persia and Baghdad (by 1045) and press on to Armenia, overrunning the city of Ardzen in 1048, where they murdered all the men, raped the women, and enslaved the children. Next they attacked the Egyptians, in part because the Turks were Orthodox Sunnis and the Egyptians were heretical Shiites. While the Turks did not succeed in overthrowing the Egyptians, they did conquer Palestine, entering Jerusalem in 1071. The Turks promised safety to the residents of Jerusalem if they surrendered the city, but broke this promise and slaughtered the population. They did the same in Ramla, Gaza, Tyre, and Jaffa.
Emperor Alexius Pleads for Help
Finally, they threatened Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire. Emperor Alexius Comnenus wrote to Pope Urban II in 1095, begging for help to turn back the Turks. This was remarkable given the intense hostility between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches. Perhaps the pope saw an opportunity to unite or at least reduce tensions between the two Christian churches, but he responded with a call to create an army that would go to the Middle East.
Without ongoing support from Europe, the Crusaders could not survive constant attacks from the Muslims.
I am not going to regurgitate all the battles of the Crusades themselves. It is a fascinating history well worth studying in part for its parallels and lessons for today. Let’s just say that the Crusaders were extremely effective militarily, often defeating far larger Muslim armies, despite having traveled some 2,500 miles into an alien desert climate. Their biggest enemies were disease, starvation, and political betrayal. Plus, the Crusades were expensive and home countries grew weary of paying the taxes needed to support them (sound familiar?)
The Crusaders ended up establishing their own kingdoms in the Holy Land, which lasted for about 200 years or, as Stark notes, almost as long as the United States has existed; but without ongoing support from Europe they could not survive constant attacks from the Muslims.
How the Crusades Were Different from Military Action of the Day
So, what to make of all this?
The Crusaders were unique in that they did not seek to plunder or enslave.
Actually, the Crusaders were unique in that they did not seek to plunder or enslave. They didn’t even try to forcibly convert anyone to Christianity. Their sole interest was to protect the pilgrims and Christian holy sites. They sometimes sacked cities that refused to provide food to a hungry army, but they didn’t take riches back to Europe. There were few riches to be found. Rather than exploiting indigenous resources to benefit Europe, Europe sent money and resources to the Middle East. Pilgrims were quite lucrative for host countries, just as tourism is today.
War was a nasty and brutal business at the time, and had been for all of recorded history. Cities fortified themselves as protection against invading armies. A siege of a city meant surrounding the area and cutting off supplies until the population surrendered, often by starving. In the Bible, II Kings 6:24-33 relates the story of the siege of Samaria, in which two starving women agree to kill and eat their sons.
The rule of war at the time was that, if a city surrendered, the population would be spared, but if it resisted and the invading army had to take it by force all the inhabitants would be killed or enslaved. But Stark notes that Muslim armies often violated even this rule—promising sanctuary, then slaughtering the population that surrendered. (Before we get too smug and condescending about the savagery of these ancients, let’s not forget the rocket bombing of London, the firebombing of Dresden, and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki a mere 70 years ago.)
Muslim armies often promised sanctuary, then slaughtered the population that surrendered.
One way in which Muslim fighters today have advanced over their forebears is that during the Crusades they did not adopt new tactics to counter the technological advantage of the Europeans. They never used crossbows or shielded infantry, even after several hundred years of fighting. Today, Muslim warriors quickly evolve to make the most of Western technology, although they still never seem to develop anything of their own.
An Enduring Clash Between Inquiry and Submission
One final thought on this. As Stark indicates above, there is in too many Muslim countries a sense of obedience that precludes robust debate or new ideas, let alone technological innovation. In his classic, “The World is Flat,” Thomas Friedman quotes Osama bin Laden as saying,
‘It is enough to know that the economy of all Arab countries is weaker than the economy of one country that had been part of our (Islamic) world when we used to truly adhere to Islam. That country is the lost Andalusia. Spain is an infidel country, but its economy is stronger that our economy because the ruler there is accountable. In our countries, there is no accountability or punishment, but there is only obedience to the rulers and prayers of long life for them. (pp. 400-401)’
Friedman confirms that this is based on a 2002 report, the first Arab Human Development Report. This report, written by Arabs, found that Spain had a larger gross domestic product than all 22 Arab states combined!
I think Stark is closer to the mark than bin Laden. The problem is a cultural way of thinking that starts with the Qur’an and the Prophet and emphasizes unquestioning obedience. The very name of the religion, Islam, means “submission.” The thinking of bin Laden that emphasizes punishing poor rulers is a complete misunderstanding how progress is made. European cultures place a high value on questioning everything, even the divinity of Jesus Christ. Certainly there have been exceptions to this, but in the sweep of history it is an unmistakable trait.
So we have perhaps the starkest conflict of worldviews imaginable: on one hand, a robust and virtually unlimited spirit of inquiry, and on the other a fervent dedication to universal obedience and submission. How this plays out is the story of our times.
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walker-journal · 4 years
Pantomime Patrol (POTW-Solo)
This is the shitty POTW solo I typed up during breaks at work, please don't hate me
Eluria Cemetery was one of those supernatural hotspots that needed constant patrolling to keep it from boiling over into neighboring districts. It was a death sentence to come here at night without superhuman powers or appropriate weaponry, and thus Adam Walker had entered with military-grade kevlar, specialized ammunition, and weapons that combined archaic superstition with cutting-edge Materials Science. Many of the original tombs reflected the eighteenth centuries neoclassical obsession. Arches with Doric detailing, blank walls, dramatic columns, and stark friezes loomed above the catacombs maze-like curves in the dusk’s gloom. Later additions from the Gothic Revival of the nineteenth century were dotted here and there. Angels, Hellenistic busts, pho-pagan temples, and cathedral-like crypts were silently juxtaposed, yet all eras decayed together under time’s relentless inertia.
All this decayed grandeur was part of what made the sprawling vamp-infested expanse of Eluria such a death trap. The architecture and winding catacombs allowed unhallowed things to breed and feed in shadowed nooks. Obscured sightlines and sheer corners meant that it was all too easy to get surrounded and drawn into engagements where the ravenous dead had the tactical upper-hand.
Thus Adam’s patrol had been complicated enough without an unexpected guest trying to slit Adam’s throat with a very familiar cold-iron tactical knife while the Hunter went bent over the remains of a woman who’d been gnawed down to nothing but a gnawed spine connected to an eyeless face. What followed was a cat and mouse game through the catacombs, each combatant ducking behind tombstones and romanesque outcroppings as silenced pistol shots were exchanged. Angels got their noses nicked in sprays of sawed stone as Adam and the stranger engaged in the constant dance of suppressing fire and relocation employed by those trained in urban warfare. When a homemade grenade sprayed cold-iron shrapnel across his position and opened several razor slices across his back, Adam realized that this assailant both had access to his weaponry and definitely didn’t give any shits about secrecy.
Adam eventually got his first full look at the guy when the catacomb maze opened up into a placid clearing surrounding a small columned dome that stood above the memorial statue of a girl holding a three-eyed skull. The assailment was dressed in a monochromatic mirror of Adam’s own equipment and overall looked like Rambo had gone to a Kiss concert in his cadet years.
Deciding to test a theory, Adam spoke up.
“Hey who gives the best head in the Gillian dorm?”
White lips curled in a smirk. The assailment pulled out a cellphone, swiped to a picture, and pantomimed exactly was that Sarah Flores did with her tongue that could make you week in the knees for hours.
Yup, that it was him. Clone. Damn.
Adam drawing his sword was following by the sound of another blade sliding from its sheathe. Not feeling any need to hold back, the mutants cut at each other with sword strokes that most eyes would’ve struggled to follow and delivered feinting kicks and underhanded punches that'd have snapped the sternums of purely human combatants. Yet, no matter how Adam varied his stance and switched fighting forms, the double followed with the counter-blow and opposing guard. Grave dirt churned as footing shifted and the superhumans jumped off crypt walls and bashed each other straight through tombstones in a fruitless quest to gain a decisive upper-hand.  
Yet went the ringing sword-fight had accelerated to a skimmed of blade strokes and poisoned throwing knives amid to gothic steeples on top of a large ancestral mausoleum, Mime-Adam suddenly paused mid-throw and held a finger up to his lips. Adam froze in the act retrieving a shrapnel grenade of his own. Sure enough, distinctive gnawing sounds were audible over the Hunters’ heavy breathing. Paramilitary instinct kicked in, and both Hunters’ immediately fanned out across the rooftop, checking sight-lines. Adam snapped his fingers in a punctuated pattern, bringing the double to his side as quickly as if they’d always reversed such drills together as children.
Some Spawn hung down from the eves of a distant mausoleum, gorging on some joggers that had evidently decided that recording the sight on their phones had taken precedence over running. Three pairs of legs clad in top brand running pants dangled from the baroque overhand, swaying like fleshy windchimes with the motions of the Spawns’ feverish gnawing on the bloody spinal stumps where heads used to be.  
Adam and his silent double looked at one another, and a moment of wordless understanding passed between them. Despite their difference in origin both young men were Hunters, both born with the savage instincts and prowess of predators but honed to be instruments of deliverance. Adam had no idea how deeply this doppelgänger mirrored him. However, when Mummer Walker gave him a slow nod and reached to a black Army tactical belt with white buckles to retrieve high-grade phosphorous rounds, Adam knew he and Quiet were on the same wavelength where Vams were concerned.
A rapid series of squad hand-signs later, mime and man moved to take up flanking positions on either side of the mausoleum. Settling into some cover that gave clear sight-lines but would screen him from any winged spawn drop down from above, Adam gave the signal. From the mouth of a far crypt came a gun discharge before the Spawn’s position erupted in an explosion of radiance. While the alchemical phosphorous rounds wouldn’t sear them like true daylight, the Spawn’s senses where poorly adapt to sudden illumination. It gave Adam all the opening he needed to start laying down a hail of crossbow bolts. When needed to reload, the Mime laid down suppressing fire, and Adam did the same for him in turn. The courtyard was a mess of unearthly screams, flashes of chemical light, and the whisper of blessed bolts zipping through the night air.  
More Spawn flew in, however, and soon the Mime’s position looked like it was about to be overrun by a teaming mass of hulking Chiroptera bodies. Contemplation slows you down in combat, and Adam didn’t think as he sprinted across the courtyard of singed tombstones and several piles of fine-grained dust. He’d dropped the crossbow and lifted the small Seal of Solomon on a thin silver chain from under his sweat-soaked shirt. He shoved his way into the center of the mosh pit with a football tackle, thrusting out the sanctified seal while shouting the Hebrew prayer used in ancient days to ward off the nocturnal predations of Lilith.
Undead flesh charred, crisped, and flaked off as half-human forms flailed. Membranous wings were riddled with smile holes like a candle eating away paper. The moment of respite was all the Mime needed to leap forward, punching through the Spawn’s lowered guarded with a hawthorn stake, plunging it down over and over with a grin of euphoric madness that Adam recognized from the mirror. Yet the Mime rose from the dust piles only to be greeted by Adam’s pistol in his face.
But Adam didn’t see his own painted face looking at him with numb expectation, nor a simulacrum of his own body bleeding black instead of red. He saw James, gentle features frozen in shock, cold lips parted in a question. He saw Lucas, eyes pained and pleading. He saw Winn, bent over the unconscious body of Adam’s fraternity brother. He saw Ricky, lying there defenseless with a pained rueful smile. He saw the first vamp he ever killed, the running back of his football team that’d looked up at Adam with a blood-covered semblance of terror and despair.
The safety clicked on.
“The cops will be here soon and I’ve got another graveyard to patrol. Go get those bites cleaned up”
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brandonwayneb · 1 year
war, and zero white shits
exalted /ig-zawl-tid /
1 raised or elevated, as in rank or character; of high station:
an exalted personage.
2 noble or elevated; lofty:
an exalted style of writing.
3 rapturously excited.
I zee-nith or, especially British, zen-ith /
1 the point on the celestial sphere vertically above a given position or observer.
Compare nadir.
2 a highest point or state; culmination.
Now you maynor see why I always come across as high impact energy,
however, Im quite exhausted, and of pen point accuracy, I require physical realignment of my physical body, after endurance many assaults from white war criminals in terrorism regimes.
I am a hero.
however I am professionally wounded physically, causes spasms and speech issues.
specially of my “collar bone”
“clavicle” and astral assaults from white abuse clerics, “node nine church nun”
“Bur Gur Lore Eye Zim”
death threats, and assassination attempts from white forces guised at “medieval war clerics”
“Eric, and Nick”
mass terrorism from white races “mormon, hebrew, paganism”
however subtle differences between Pa Ga, paganism, and Wicca
white forces care only for power, and “dye gye” “criminal digest, subvert crime tampers, hero and villain roles used as games and score panels, assassainations history snipers” pure blood
talks of envy in soul forms,
celestial chords, celestial bodies
liberations of white lab racial diseases
Zenith, highest energy or state
Exalted, highest energy or state
white death, mass assassinations
wars of Roe Tea, Roe Lore
“Royalty” wars, Rank wars, alphabet schemes
white envy groups, “environmental encyclopedia”
white dna disease banks.
the fallout of the white race
Pure Racism
Pure Terrorism
wars of why ANYONE works, or doesn’t just shoot every illegal white in hostile occupations.
Chessboards, white assassinations
I require physical bone realignment to protect myself from further white race assaults
I have scheduled plans for a “chiropractor”
however I will keep zero tolerance com with white races.
specially of the mentions of Medieval war power link “nodes”
specially crossed between protection of ALL lives, asain, indian, and so on,
NOT the HOG ball of white shit.
and the war tactics of mass deflection.
read as many times as useful
Celestial Ace Accords,
Celestial Zenith Bodies of ecstasy and pure, heavenly light
Zero white shit wars. labor blood banks
Little Girl 12
0 notes
thefilmstage · 5 years
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Ari Aster wants you to know you’re screwed–that is, if you’re on the wrong side of a deal with demons or deities. In the wake of last year’s wickedly captivating Hereditary, Aster’s whimsical daytime terror Midsommar is seemingly poised as the lamb being led to the sacrificial slaughter of the Sophomore Slump. Lo! Via divine intervention, or more likely Aster’s sharp grasp on the genre, Midsommar basks you in sunlight and dread to present something far more fun to unpack than its predecessor. The comparison holds weight not just because Midsommar deals with the same playful takes on Pagan-infused scare tactics that Hereditary does, but because notes of loss and helplessness run amok here. Aster’s tendencies toward despair create a sense of sobering inevitability while still managing to surprise with a bit of impish charm.
Continue reading our review of Midsommar.
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dariuskamaliblog · 5 years
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The Cognitive Dissonance of US backed Islamist Terror
The notion that the US is against either Islamist terror or Islamist regimes is among recent history’s more profound examples of Orwellian scale propaganda. A decades long state sponsored disinformation psy-op, directed at the American citizenry, has succeeded in creating broad cognitive dissonance among an American public who’s breathtaking ignorance on the topic can best be described as zombie-like.
Here are just a handful of fun facts to help break the mass hypnosis:
The US actually created the Islamist Mujahedeen terrorists, and the subsequent Taliban, in the 80’s in order to undermine– a secular modernizing leftist government in Afghanistan.
-Since 2013 the US has illegally invaded and occupied portions of the sovereign state of Syria in order to train and aid Islamist terror groups such as Al Nusra. This, not only against all international law and over the violent protest of Syria’s officially recognized, legally legitimate and, once again secular government but also against the will of–---wait for it–---the Christian and secular portions of the Syrian populace. Let me repeat this in case you missed it. The US CIA backs, trains and finances Islamist terrorists in Syria against the secular and Christian portions of its population, who continue to back their besieged secular government.
-As I write, the US is allied with Al Qaeda (yes, that al Qaeda!) in the Yemeni civil war.
-The US protects, defends and arms Saudi Arabia, the most extreme Islamist dictatorship on this earth–--a nation named after, and literally owned by a mob-like family whose Wahabist/Salafist ideology is the theological inspiration for ISIS.
Yet rather than bombing or invading Saudi Arabia as the US media’s anti-Islamist rhetoric would lead a rational observer to expect, the US not only does not attack or bomb Saudi Arabia, it backs the radical Islamist Saudi clan with hundreds of billions of dollars of space age weaponry. Recently the Trump cabal has even floated the idea of providing the Saudis with Nuclear reactors and given a wink and nod to the suggestion that Pakistan, another US backed Islamist nation, should sell the Saudis an atomic bomb.
The unshakable US support of the House of Saud continues decade after decade and under both Democrat and Republican administrations. It does so even after 15 of the 911 hijackers turned out to be Saudis. It continues even though the Saudis and their Emirati cousins arm and finance Jihadists around the globe and spread the puritanical Wahabist/Salafist version of Islam in madrassas across Asia and Africa. It continues even as they openly, regularly execute Christians, Jews, Shiites, and ‘Pagans’ for witchcraft, simply for practicing their religion in the rather less than magic 'Kingdom’ that is Saudi Arabia. It continues even after they cut a Washington Post journalist (a legal US person) to pieces with a bone saw, in a foreign embassy with not so much as a slap on the wrist. It continues even after they kidnap and beat the visiting Prime Minister of Lebanon. It continues even after they invade and for four years now, indiscriminately bomb and starve the impoverished pre-industrialized Yemeni people next door, killing 100,000 (and counting) and bringing millions to the edge of starvation and cholera, in what the UN terms, a genocidal brutality.
The Islamist Saudi clan does all this with not only near total silence or backing from the 'free’ US media but with a green light from Washington. In fact, it does all this with the direct, active, strategic, tactical and even operational support of the US military and intelligence apparatus.
Saudi Arabia not only backs, arms and finances Islamist radicals, it provides them with their core ideology. Saudi Arabia in fact, is ISIS, having succeeded and created a state.
It is also a US protectorate, vassal and symbiotic client state. Which means that ultimately, what the Saudis do is US approved, supported and often instigated.
What ultimately matter to US administrations, of either major political party, are the hundreds of billions of dollars from weapons sales to the Kingdom. A regime through which the West controls the supply and price of oil, maintains the dominance of the petro-Dollar as the global currency and protects, at all cost, the modern nuclear armed version of a medieval crusader state, that is Israel.
An Israel that’s both an American armed and protected nuclear fortress placed strategically to divide the Middle East at the strategic corner of Asia from Africa. And an Israel that is worshiped with religious fervor by anti-Semitic Christian evangelical know nothings whose love of the Jewish state is only equaled by their hatred of Jews.
These American end-times believing, millenarian lunatics pray for Jewish control of Palestine, despite their racial and theological anti-Semitism. They do so because their insane and ugly eschatology tells them that this will hasten the end of the world when Jesus will return they and only they, will be 'raptured’ up into the arms of their imagined German looking version of the Christ.
The Vice President of the United states is only one of countless high level American adherents to this grotesque, and world threatening, theology based foreign policy.
A. Darius Kamali
#Kurds #syriankurds #TrumppullsoutofSyria #KurdishYPG
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jgmail · 6 years
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The inner geopolitics of the Catholic Church today is guided by the interpretation of eschatological prophesies of Saint Malachy and Fatima messages. According to the famous Prophesy of the Popes attributed to the Saint Malachy – the saint of the XII century from Ireland – the current Pope is the last one. It also says that Rome will be destroyed, and the persecution against Christians will start. The same message is brought by the third part of the “secret” of Fatima where is describes the vision of the Bishop (Pope), priests and many ordinary people becoming martyrs and the City being destroyed.
These apocalyptic visions are embraced by many Catholics, especially conservatives who see the rise of Islamic terrorism, suppression of Christians in the Middle East, and the victory of an anti-Christian way of life in the western world the signs of a coming Doomsday. However, Eschatology in Christian perception has a positive dimension. It is the Second Coming of Christ, preceded by evangelization of humanity.
Pope Jon Paul II was heavily influenced by Fatima miracles and was attracted by Marial eschatology. He embraced the idea to dedicate all the people to the Holy Virgin to accomplish the mission of final evangelization of mankind.  This catholic globalization process was a very smooth strategy. Catholicism was not imposed, rather suggested. To fulfill this mission, the Papacy had to continue to modify the traditional attitude towards other religions (Judaism, Buddhism, pagan cults) and liturgical practices in the spirit of Vatican II. This led to some internal crises in Catholicism in the western world as well as the assurance of its position in other parts of the planet. The word of Catholic geopolitics has divided into different zones, where aims of Rome range from simple survival to gaining dominance.
1.       European space.
All the positions of the Church are almost lost. Europe today is secular, masonic and is leading toward absolute social relativism. Christian faith remains a part of identity in southern backward part of the continent in Italy, Spain and Portugal and in Poland, but the real faith and religiosity becomes marginal.
2.       North American space
In this part of the globe the Positions of the Roman Church are the same as in Europe with two major exclusions. The first is its strong rival – American Protestantism, the second – the growing Hispanic population of the USA. They are a kind of stronghold for Catholicism and will be its main base of support on the continent.
3.      Latin America.
It is a core of Catholic geopolitics today. The Pope being from Argentina is a clear sign of it. Latin America is a region where the position of the Church in the hearts of the people is most strong. In the region the Church has institutional power like nowhere else. However, in this zone the Church has to respond to the rise of Protestantism and pressure from the left and liberal forces both in the governments and on the streets, where LGBT activists attempts to attack the churches.
4.       Middle East and Northern Africa
Nowadays this great space is under full control of Islam. Christians are eliminated and become extinct in every country in this zone. This land today gives only martyrs.
5.       Black Africa
It is a field of the battle where Catholicism and Protestantism, in a tactical alliance with animism, wage a war against Islam that tries to establish its dominance in the east, west and central part of the continent. A clear example of Black African radical Islam is the Boko Haram terrorist gangs. Another challenge for Catholicism on the Black Continent is sectarian and para-Christian militants like the cannibal Army of Lord’s Resistance in Central Africa.
6.       Southern and Eastern Asia and Pacific
This space represents a great hope for the Church of Rome. It is a space where traditional beliefs are losing its ground to Christianity. The problem is that because of the process of Evangelization the leaders are Protestants. However, activity of catholic missions is still considerable.
7.       Eurasian space
It is the zone where Orthodox Church guards all its positions. They are strengthened by close collaboration with the political core of the space – Moscow. The proselyte strategy that is propelled by Moscow has no chance of winning there. In Muslim countries, secular Islam prevents the expansion of Catholicism. The only relative success in this zone is in Western Ukraine, where Uniats (eastern Rite Roman Catholics) traditionally have some popularity.
Summing up all the problems in different parts of the world the Church of Rome is facing today, there are two ways to tackle them. The first is to continue the battle for a world dominance, insisting on the primacy of Catholicism instead of other Christian denominations. This will only aggravate the positions of Christianity in the face of secularism and other religions. Christianity will become the faith of the minority and the Eschatological mission of the Evangelisation that is driving Catholic proselytism will not be accomplished
The second way is to embrace a more Ecumenical Pan-Christian Vision, which can be much easier in front of aggressive Islamisation and more insidious secularization. The Catholic Church should change its strategy towards other Christians, if it wants to salvage Christianity.
From: Katehon
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