#page 7171
pesterloglog · 9 months
John Egbert, Terezi Pyrope
Act 6, page 7171-7177
(JOHN): what is going on here?
(JOHN): should i, uh...
(JOHN): should i go?
JOHN: yes, me.
JOHN: i mean, yes john.
JOHN: wow, it's kind of weird talking to myself.
JOHN: i'm not sure if i'm a very big fan of the experience?
(JOHN): tell me about it!
JOHN: but yeah, you should get going.
JOHN: terezi's experiment worked.
JOHN: you'll find out all about it later.
(JOHN): i will?
JOHN: actually, i'm not sure?
JOHN: now that i changed how things happened for you, you might not get the idea to come back here like i did?
JOHN: which i guess makes this situation a true paradox, unlike all those lame stable time loops dave makes.
(JOHN): so, what does that actually mean for me?
(JOHN): what am i supposed to do now?
JOHN: i don't know what it means.
JOHN: unfortunately, you may not be relevant anymore.
JOHN: i'm the john who is learning to use his flashy powers to reconstruct the time line, so that responsibility is on my shoulders now, not yours.
JOHN: sorry, i am just keeping it real!
(JOHN): ...
JOHN: well, who really knows how it will turn out.
JOHN: maybe you will still have important things to do?
JOHN: i don't have all the answers, i just know terezi and i have to talk now, so you should go.
(JOHN): where?
JOHN: where you were about to go anyway!
JOHN: go see typheus, and do the quest thing.
JOHN: it worked out great. well, for me at least.
(JOHN): ok, i will.
(JOHN): i do hope i get to still be relevant, but i will understand if that turns out not to be the case.
JOHN: that's the spirit!
JOHN: so, that thing we did with the password...
JOHN: we can use that trick to our advantage, right?
JOHN: like what?
JOHN: yeah, i know what you mean.
JOHN: when i try to think of what to fix...
JOHN: all i can do is look back on what i did wrong.
JOHN: i never should have let that ring out of my sight.
JOHN: going back and getting the ring is the first thing we should do, right?
JOHN: i guess that one is kind of a no brainer.
JOHN: besides, i promised roxy i'd get it.
JOHN: i kind of blew it last time i told her i'd get it.
JOHN: so maybe i shouldn't mess that up again, heh.
JOHN: what do you think, terezi?
JOHN: but other than that, the sky is the limit.
JOHN: really, what do we do?
JOHN: do i go back to when we were just starting to play the game, and give us some advantages?
JOHN: but then, messing up our session causes this whole chain reaction...
JOHN: we never would have met the trolls, or had any reason to scratch the session...
JOHN: and if we didn't scratch the session, there never would have been an alternate reality where roxy and her pals got to play, thereby meeting us...
JOHN: when you start looking back and realizing how interrelated everything is, it starts feeling like an overwhelming job to fix it.
JOHN: on the one hand, you don't want to change so much that the reality you create is barely recognizable.
JOHN: you want to keep everything as similar as possible, so you get to keep all the lessons you learned and the important experiences you had with your friends.
JOHN: but on the other hand...
JOHN: if you aren't going to change something substantial enough to make a real difference, why bother at all?
JOHN: it's like, go big or go home, you know?
JOHN: sort of a catch 22 when you think about it.
JOHN: is any of this making sense?
JOHN: terezi?
JOHN: terezi!!
JOHN: were you listening to a word i said?
JOHN: augh!
JOHN: come on terezi, get it together!
JOHN: i was saying some really deep and insightful stuff, probably.
JOHN: i bet ROXY would have thought it was cool.
JOHN: uh...
JOHN: what are you doing?
JOHN: are you...
JOHN: writing on your scarf?
JOHN: in...
JOHN: blood? :\
JOHN: what the hell is this?
JOHN: huh?
JOHN: wow.
JOHN: but how do you know these are the exact right things to change?
JOHN: ok, jeez.
JOHN: i was just curious!
JOHN: ...it is?
JOHN: haha, ok now i know you're full of shit!
JOHN: alright, why not.
JOHN: this is a lot of instructions.
JOHN: all these will take me to certain events in your life?
JOHN: well, at least you have a plan.
JOHN: who am i to say it isn't the right one?
JOHN: oh snap!
JOHN: terezi, did you know, even though you're a weirdo, and we probably wouldn't get along most of the time, i kind of missed you?
JOHN: you were one of the first trolls i ever talked to.
JOHN: we got off on a weird foot with your death threats, and jokey antagonism, and it's almost like we never stopped being on that foot?
JOHN: it makes me nostalgic for simpler times...
JOHN: do you remember when you made me those maps to follow?
JOHN: in a way, following your instructions will be like that tom foolery all over again!
TEREZI: WH3R34S 1...
JOHN: huh?
JOHN: um...
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homestuck-book-club · 2 years
Week 26!! 1/2 year of reading homestuck!!!! We are reading to page 7448, which is 322 pages overall, 46 pages every day 5 March (Sunday)- 7126-7171 6 March (Monday)- 7172-7217 7 March (Tuesday)- 7218-7263 8 March (Wednesday)- 7264-7309 9 March (Thursday)- 7310-7355 10 March (Friday)- 7356-7401 11 March (Saturday)- 7402-7448
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zirhlikuzgun · 2 months
January's crew - Page 22
[17881] {7153} ♂ Clyde Hanson
[17882] {7154} ❤️ ♀ Julia Hanson
[17883] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[17884] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[17885] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[17886] {7155} ♂ Claude Hanson
[17887] {7156} ❤️ ♀ Jade Hanson
[17888] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[17889] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[17890] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[17891] {7157} ♂ Craig Hanson
[17892] {7158} ❤️ ♀ Jonatha Hanson
[17893] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[17894] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[17895] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[17896] {7159} ♂ Chesle Hanson
[17897] {7160} ❤️ ♀ Jean Hanson
[17898] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[17899] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[17900] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[17901] {7161} ♂ Esydore Corren
[17902] {7162} ❤️ ♀ Eddi Corren
[17903] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[17904] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[17905] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[17906] {7163} ♂ Espore Corren
[17907] {7164} ❤️ ♀ Emily Corren
[17908] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[17909] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[17910] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[17911] {7165} ♂ Ethan Corren
[17912] {7166} ❤️ ♀ Ellie Corren
[17913] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[17914] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[17915] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[17916] {7167} ♂ Evan Corren
[17917] {7168} ❤️ ♀ Emerald Corren
[17918] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[17919] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[17920] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[17921] {7169} ♀ L'Orympia Makulis
[17922] {7170} ❤️ ♂ Oysher Makulis
[17923] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[17924] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[17925] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[17926] {7171} ♀ LaReary Makulis
[17927] {7172} ❤️ ♂ Oizel Makulis
[17928] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[17929] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[17930] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[17931] {7173} ♀ Lori Makulis
[17932] {7174} ❤️ ♂ Osman Makulis
[17933] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[17934] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[17935] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[17936] {7175} ♀ Linda Makulis
[17937] {7176} ❤️ ♂ Orlando Makulis
[17938] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[17939] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[17940] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[17941] {7177} ♀ R'Oreal Beil
[17942] {7178} ❤️ ♂ D-omas Beil
[17943] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[17944] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[17945] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[17946] {7179} ♀ Rhonda Beil
[17947] {7180} ❤️ ♂ Dallas Beil
[17948] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[17949] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[17950] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[17951] {7181} ♀ Reese Beil
[17952] {7182} ❤️ ♂ Dawgy Beil
[17953] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[17954] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[17955] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[17956] {7183} ♀ Rachel Beil
[17957] {7184} ❤️ ♂ Dodge Beil
[17958] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[17959] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[17960] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[17961] {7185} ♂ Ryndas Kirsten
[17962] {7186} ❤️ ♀ Martina Kirsten
[17963] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[17964] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[17965] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[17966] {7187} ♂ Rorck Kirsten
[17967] {7188} ❤️ ♀ Martha Kirsten
[17968] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[17969] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[17970] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[17971] {7189} ♂ Randall Kirsten
[17972] {7190} ❤️ ♀ Macy Kirsten
[17973] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[17974] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[17975] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[17976] {7191} ♂ Raymond Kirsten
[17977] {7192} ❤️ ♀ Matilda Kirsten
[17978] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[17979] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[17980] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[17981] {7193} ♂ Tuc Kollo
[17982] {7194} ❤️ ♀ Moon Kollo
[17983] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[17984] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[17985] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[17986] {7195} ♂ Tyler Kollo
[17987] {7196} ❤️ ♀ Margo Kollo
[17988] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[17989] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[17990] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[17991] {7197} ♂ Travis Kollo
[17992] {7198} ❤️ ♀ Milg Kollo
[17993] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[17994] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[17995] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[17996] {7199} ♂ TAMon Kollo
[17997] {7200} ❤️ ♀ Minty Kollo
[17998] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[17999] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18000] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
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just6f · 6 months
MOST WANTED: CARTOON PLUSH ANIMAL WAIST PILLOW WITH A 13% DISCOUNT! Our Cartoon Plush Animal Waist Pillow is one of our top-selling items within the Plush & Stuffed Animals category -- so we're making buying easier than ever now with an exclusive price of $31.20. Don't miss out on this in-demand item at this can't-miss price! Learn more about why you should purchase Cartoon Plush Animal Waist Pillow from our store: CARTOON PLUSH ANIMAL WAIST PILLOW INFORMATION Material: Cotton Features: Stuffed & plush Gender: Unisex Filling: Pp cotton Click on ADD TO CART and make sure that you will be happy with this purchase because our incredible Lovely Dinosaur Husky Lion Bread Bedside Cushion combines such elements as high quality and low price. PRODUCT QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Are the manufacturing materials safe for the users? We use the best available resources and manufacturing methods, thus, keeping our standards for the Cartoon Plush Animal Waist Pillow as high as possible. I want to buy the Lovely Dinosaur Husky Lion Bread Bedside Cushion you offer. But what makes it better than analogues? We strive to provide the best quality for reasonable money. Therefore, all our products match this standard including the Cartoon Plush Animal Waist Pillow. Do I need to pay extra fees? The total price section of the checkout page shows all the fees applicable. After that, no extra payments will be required. Why does it only cost $31.20 if it’s so good? We’ve managed to considerably cut down our stock-related expenses. That’s why we can charge lower prices. What if it doesn’t suit me? If the items you purchase leave you unhappy, just let us know, so that we could take note for our future actions and provide you with a refund. I can’t make up my mind. Maybe it’s not a good idea to buy it? We are sure you’ll be happy with the purchase because the buyers of this product speak highly of their purchases! ORDERING & STORE POLICIES Is it possible to buy several products from you at once? The number of items to include in one order is unlimited, so feel free to order multiple units if you want. What to do if I don't get my order or it is faulty? We are fully responsible for your package. Therefore, we will return the money in case it breaks or gets lost. How can I get in touch with you to learn more? Look at the bottom of the page to see the ways to contact our support service. Feel free to use any of them because we will happily answer any questions on various matters. I’ve ordered the Lovely Dinosaur Husky Lion Bread Bedside Cushion, but then changed my mind! How can I cancel my order? If you need to change your order or completely cancel it, please, contact our support team. The store looks great. However, are you actually a reliable supplier? All the transactions in this store are processed securely, with respect to your personal and financial privacy. As you can see it from our previous buyers’ experience, we deliver what we promise! Is it legal for you to distribute these products? Our store has the full authorization to distribute all the listed products including the Cartoon Plush Animal Waist Pillow, so don't worry. https://just6f.com/cartoon-plush-animal-waist-pillow-lovely-dinosaur-husky-lion-bread-bedside-cushion/?feed_id=7171&_unique_id=661276b598702
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nycpersonalinjurylaw · 11 months
NYC Personal Injury Attorney
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NYC Personal Injury Attorney, Sakkas, Cahn & Weiss, LLP offers legal representation on cases including medical malpractice lawsuits. These cases can be difficult to pursue. But we have the time, resources, and experience needed to take on negligent doctors and hospitals.
Address: 110 E 42nd St STE 1508, New York, NY 10017 Phone: (212) 571-7171
NYC Personal Injury Attorney
Our Social Pages:
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"YOUTHS SENT TO 'PEN ON ROBBERY CHARGES," Toronto Star. January 14, 1943. Page 9. ---- John Kippax Given Five Years, Wilfred Blaney Three Years --- John Kippax, 20, [TOP] and Wilfred Blaney, 22, were sentenced to the penitentiary by Judge James Parker in county criminal court today.
Kippax, who pleaded guilty to charges of breaking an entering. resisting arrest, wounding an officer, robbing while armed, and two charges of receiving, was sentenced to five years on the robbery charge, one year for the entry, two years on each of the resisting and wound- ing charges, nine months for receiving a stolen electric drill, and 12 months for receiving stolen gasoline ration books. The sentences are concurrent.
Blaney, who was convicted of breaking and entering, having illegal possession of a revolver, armed robbery and receiving a stolen revolver, was given three years for the first offence, three years on the second, seven years on the third, and 18 months on the last, the whole to run concurrently with the seven-year term.
Arrest of the pair came as a result of a break-in at the Grant theatre, Oakwood Ave., last Oct. 24. Constable William Skimmings, York township, entered the theatre and I found two men trying to open the safe. He ordered them to put up their hands. Blaney pulled a loaded revolver from his pocket. The weapon caught in the cloth and fell to the floor. He jumped on the constable and wrestled for the officer's gun. Kippex, according to testimony, picked up a crowbar and struck the officer on the hand, inflicting a severe wound.
[AL: Kippax was 22, single, unemployed, an American immigrant to Canada of Irish background, and had no previous criminal record. He was convict #7171 at Kingston Penitentiary and worked in the excavation department. In March 1944 he was transferred to Manitoba Penitentiary, becoming inmate #5320, and was employed in a mail bag shop there. He was released in late 1948. Blaney, or Beaney, was 22, a farmer employed outside Toronto, was also Irish Canaidan, and had been in the reformatory three times. He was transferred March 1944 to Saskatchewan Penitentiary, becoming inmate #4280. He was one of a number of 'Kingston boys' who caused trouble there and helped organize a strike in mid-1944. He was paroled in 1949.]
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offroadproco · 1 year
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AdvertisementsBusiness Banner Advertisements Business Banner Ads Contact Us Directly For Business Banner Ad Pricing. To place your banner ad, you may email it to or call (602) 932-7171 or (970) 676 - 2287 Contact Us By Email Banner ads can be randomly displayed on the pages. or a structured in your face ad for all to see at all times. Let's find the best strategy for You. Image Ads (.jpg, .gif) including animated gifs.  Your ad may not be over 40k in size. Flash Ads.    Your ad may not be over 40k in size. HTML Ads. Text and graphics. Your ad may not be over 25k in size. #catssofinstagram #petfashion #cataccessories #catproducts #pettoys Read the full article
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kittycatsco · 2 years
CONTACT USUse This Form To Contact Us. We Look Forward To Assisting You And Will Get Back To You At Our Earliest Convenience. You Can Also Visit The FAQ or Listing Tips Page.    Customer Service          (970) 676 - 2287 Sales and Advertising  (602) 932 - 7171       Sign Up For For Special Communications And Deals * indicates required Email Address * First Name Last Name Special Requests About Email You Receive From Us? #catssofinstagram #petfashion #cataccessories #catproducts #pettoys Read the full article
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suvo017 · 2 years
Different versions of the same logo
Vector File & Source Files
Editable format for the client to use if they want to edit it in the future.
3D Mockup
A render to see how it’ll look on a wall etc. Revisions
About us Testimonial
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1 iterations logo 250$ 2 iteration logos $400 ● 3 concepts included ● Logo transparency ● Vector file ● High resolution ● 3D mockup ● Source file ○ 3 iterations logos $650
Website Designs:
1 page site $400 3 Page site $700 - $1000 5 page site $1200 10 page site 1700 - $2000 12 page site 2200 Shopify (website builder) - for shops Custom site (wordpress) premium Squarespace (clean and modern template website builder)
Phone : (770) 765-7171
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smolbeandrabbles · 4 years
Spera - Elias x Reader (Trespass)
Direct Follow Up To: Veritas GIF Credit: X
@wltz-bby​ @happyskywhale​ 
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Author’s Note: *Story Time* Ha-! I went on holiday in September and there were a bunch of DVDs at the holiday home and no word of a lie, this was one of them and my parents wanted to see it. So, I kinda wanted to continue things from��‘Veritas’... and watching it again got me inspired (and I got to notice a bunch more stuff!) 
I was going to call this ‘What She Wants Tonight’ ... but then I decided to keep the Latin theme.
So you get Elias back-! 🎉
What She Wants Tonight - Luke Bryan  (Because of course it’s Luke Bryan)
Disclaimer: Trespass & associated characters not mine / gif not mine / lyrics not mine. / Call backs to Veritas / Kyle Sullivan (Guns for Hire) gets another name drop.
Premise: You hadn’t expected him to call you, of course. But then you didn’t think you’d expected to see him again either. On this mission you must work together. But it’s clear that that’s not your only objective...
Words: 7171
Warnings: Swearing / Sexual Pre-Amble / I really can’t write action scenes.
_____ She walks up, velvet rope unhooks She snaps her fingers and a drink comes She locks you down with just one look She's got this whole club undone If she's on the rebound, you ain't gonna know it Coming off a heartbreak, she ain't gonna show it She's eyes caught, red dot, locked on me, yeah She wants my hands on her body She wants to burn like she's made of fire Said she ain't going home 'til we Drink every drop of Kentucky dry Don't even know what she'll do when she does it Palm of her hand, I'm hers in the blink of an eye She don't take no and I love She gets what she wants And I get to be what she wants tonight I get to be what she wants tonight I get to catch all her secrets Sequins bouncing off flashing lights If she wants it, then we're leaving Get me home, park the truck, cut the tires I get to be where she goes when she's lonely The last door of the night she's closing Oh, I know she could have anything, but And I don't know how I got to be The only thing she needs right now
To anyone who wasn’t aware, the building could have been a normal office block, the people going in and out certainly appeared to be normal office workers. A few of them were – in order to hide their organization, the first few levels of this building had been rented to businesses, but the rest of the block belonged to the Agency.
You stepped gently into the elevator and swiped your access card, pushing the elevator button for your floor you stood back against the mirrored walls and waited to ascend.  Of course, by the time you were to the floor, Joel was already busy running around gathering papers and talking loudly on phones… it was clear that you wouldn’t be here long, they would have you out the door as quick as they had you in. Joel was a little like a personal assistant. Although an ‘assassin’ in his own right he was more on the level of office worker casual, than your higher ranking. He was not your partner - although you did use him as such on occasion - and you were not his mentor, he had been taught the basics by others but that’s as far as he got. He was your go between, only top clients saw you face to face (and were always surprised that you was a woman) everyone else went through Joel, he arranged your payments and sent off your confirmation… sometimes he helped on intel, or clean up detail, but he also arranged transport and set things between your Superior and yourself. He managed to offer you a quick nod as he rushed around, which you gratefully returned… you ascended a flight of steps and knocked on the door.
“Come in.” You entered. “Y/N. Quick as ever to the call I see.” “There isn’t often a time when I cannot get here. I’d like to keep my records intact.” “And they are quite some records.” Your Superior indicated to the chair in front of him, “Please sit.” You did as was asked, crossing your legs one over the other. “…It’s a wonder to me why the Master has not called you up yet.” “Because he knows that I’m good at ground work. If you pulled me up another level then, of course, I would have jurisdiction over several assassin’s as you do, but I would only get called to field work in times of dire need… and We haven’t had a real firefight in close to 100 years. I would do better out there. Plus aren’t you all men?” you managed to crack a little smile, “I’m not indicating sexism, but…” He gave a small shrug, “They all think you’re male anyway. As we all go by codenames here.” “Yes there is that.” You nodded to the window, “Joel appears to be working hard on the next big thing already,” your eyes flicked back to your Superior, “I assume I am needed right away?” “Yes…” He handed you over a file “As you’re in the area, we thought that might take your fancy. It isn’t directly your job, but it does pay well.” You opened the file and raised an eyebrow, “Nilo? Again?!” “Several of these drug lords are untouchable. As you well know.” “Eh, they give good business, some even pay well,” you flicked the page, “these just seem to be calls for several underlings…” “Several big Russians are getting too big for their boots, too…” “So there’s a lot going on?” “I would only send my best to several jobs at once.” You took the second file from the desk, they all looked to be linked, “These guys aren’t in situ yet, are they?” “No. But we have it on good ear that they will be.” “So Nilo calls for the blood of the Russians, and some” you squinted as you read the name, “…This sounds like drug wars?” It had been a while; they weren’t exactly to your taste. Nilo was a very old client indeed – back when you were just starting out on your own. “You have connections.” “Yes. Joel is useful in that respect too… Does he know?” Joel would know the when and where and exactly what you’d need. You doubted he’d be doing so much rushing if he knew what this was really for. “You can brief him.” “Hmm. Well, it’s a good thing we focus on the numbers and not the side…” You stood, collecting the folders together, “Consider it done.” “Good. Your payment for yesterday has been wired. The man himself has been reported missing. I assume no body will turn up?” “Not on my watch. Unless someone asks for it specifically.” You waved the folders, “Expect some good news within the next few days.” “I always do with you, Y/N. Good luck.” “Thank you Sir. But I won’t need it.”
 As you exited the room and took the stairs you called to him: “Joel!” He fell in step as you hit the floor; “Can get the car out front, I’ve sent intel up to Marty, meet in 10?” “Sure, let me go see what our weapons tech has for me then… you ready?” “Sounds like there’s a war brewing.” “Drugs war. Hope you enjoy undercover.” “Me? Oh Geez…” Joel’s face told the story you expected “Well I’m not even supposed to be there am I? They don’t call me Ghost Shadow because they can see me, do they?” “It’s actuall-” “Don’t care, Joel, remember…” You looked to him with a smile, you’d never had much patience for whispered codenames, “Besides, you have the connections.” He scoffed, “Don’t rope me in with the drugs guys, Nilo’s just used me before.” “Yeah, but I want other side intel.” You tapped him in the chest with your folder, “Get it.” “Yes Sir.” “Funny.”
Your weapon’s technician looked as enamoured as ever to see you, his smile bright as you walked onto his floor: “Y/N!” “Marty.” “…Off already?” “One day I’m taking the first fight out to Cozumel and NOONE is going to stop me.” “If you ever get a break, considering what you do, I’m going to give you free range and let you clear out my weapons cache entirely.” “Oh? You’d do that for me?” You fluttered your eyelashes teasingly “Marty!” you tapped your card in, and opened the doors, “What do you have in?” “New? Since you were last in here?” “Don’t give me that tone! Because if there’s one thing I know, you are a collector and second, I haven’t been using this particular weapons store in my work recently, so, yes, new!” “Usually you carry your own pistol.” “Usually?” You gave him a wry smile, “Always. And I do, but everything else-” “What I like most about your pistol is its untraceable.” “Well. That’s how he made it.” “So it WAS his.” “Yes. It the least I could do to honour him.” “…Well, you are right, I do collect. I have several new rifles in, but you’re not such a fan. I also have a light weight sniper gun, and if you were ever interested in something smaller for close range-” “A pocket gun?” You chucked, “Bring it, a lot less messy than a knife.” “So they do work?” “Execution style. Yeah – anything will work if you want it to. I mean, sometimes us Assassins have to improvise; that said its always hoped things will never get that messy.” He slid the tiny gun across the table to you, “It’s not been road tested yet. But… I can think of no better person to try it out. Careful.” “Will be,” you patted it as you slid it into your top coat pocket, “and for Joel?” “What do you think he’ll need?” “You’ve read the file, you tell me! Don’t forget rope; the most useful thing you could give me.” “Kinda think a gun would be more useful.” “Rope saves lives, guns take lives. Get my meaning. Besides, how else do you expect me to ascend or descend a building?!” “Stairs!? A lift!? This is Nilo we’re talking about, it’s not exactly big budget. This isn’t Mission Impossible.” “Well it could be-!” You cracked a smile as Marty muttered under his breath, collecting everything up – he handed the bag to you, “Have a good trip. See you in a few days.” “Of course! Thanks!” *** Joel complained the whole way; it was to be expected - you were used to getting into the middle of gang and mafia warfare. Taking out politicians and heads of state. Drugs sometimes, on a higher level – but drugs carried its own problems… This, in particular, was way below your pay grade. “You’re too good for this.” “He’s fronting the right amount of money and he wants me.” “No, fact is you should have been off shit like this years back. You did some good jobs back then, but you’re above this now. And drugs?!? Y/N, you abhor drugs. It’s like your one thing.” “Look, if He sends me then I can’t push back.” “You have authority, surely?” “Well it’s a little late now. Next time I’ll think on it.” “Yeah well, you better.” His hard stare switched from you to the road. No doubt, Joel didn’t want to be mixed up in this any more than you. Perhaps it was about time you asked to politely be removed from anything related to them.
When you pulled into the parking lot he began grumbling even more. Of course Joel had most of the intel, maybe he’d need a little more research but, that’s what the first meeting was all about. Sometimes you thought he’d rather stay at HQ and feed you the info via a web link. “I mean, a strip club. Could this be any more degrading for you?!” Joel was about to launch into how the Agency should think before sending their best female agent to places like this, to stop the tirade you gave a smile and a joke instead. “As long as you’re not expecting me to get up and dance?” You nudged him, “Besides the girls all love you.” “Not interested.” Was his blunt reply, reaching into the back seat for his case. “Nothing will cheer you up today, huh?” “No. It’ll get worse.” You rolled your eyes, “Okay, so let’s get in, get it done, get out.”
*** To be honest when you’d left your card with Elias you never expected him to call it. Maybe hoped on it, but you’d been done with hoping after a few days; those had now bled into months - and you had plenty of kills under your belt since then (and a grovelled apology from Kyle Sullivan. He hadn’t called on you again since.) But your day got a little better as you wandered into the club and very nearly snorted, hiding your face and smirk behind Joel for a moment. “What?” “Remember when I told you about that little bit of trouble at Mr.Sullivan’s place?” “Yeah, I remember...” “Guess we just stumbled on where they came from.” If it had pleased you, Joel turned another shade of glum. “Brilliant.”
Indeed, though you looked pretty collected as you approached Nilo, Elias has turned sheet white. The others wouldn’t have noticed, you’d taken them all out before they saw your face. Well, maybe except the big guy but he was eyeing you with a certain level of curiosity, instead of what was going through Elias’ mind. Clearly not so happy to see you. You didn’t even spare him a proper glance, nodding to Nilo instead. “It’s been a minute.” “Indeed it has, Y/N. Welcome. We’ll certainly be glad to use your services once more…” “No use kicking around, I suggest we discuss the job.” You bowed your head gently, if only to say my pleasure - with a smirk. Because it would be your pleasure. Although, looking back to Elias you were sure that not everyone was glad. *** Elias didn’t really speak much during the briefing; you already counted too many people involved – and Joel was getting antsy. You’d just have to deal with it, you could do this alone but Nilo wanted to make sure everything was done to his letter – and therefore was sending a group along with you. You didn’t particularly understand this; did he think you were still a kid who’d only just started out? Reckless and a little dumb? You thought it was more likely the group he wanted to send were the ones who would mess everything up. Elias and Ty were amongst them. Elias, being the obvious one you knew – who did not like being under the weight of your stare – and Ty being the one you’d picked out as a potential problem back at Mr. Sullivan’s house. Elias’s brother, Noah, was also in on the meeting and a couple of guys who looked less tough than paper, who you would refuse to take when it came to your terms… but let Nilo think he’s in control, for now. Joel and yourself were now sitting at the bar of the club, him facing it with his laptop, grumbling like there was no tomorrow. And you facing the pole dancers, back against the bar. You’d never had the inclination to get up there and do that, but you were 99% sure you could; maybe one day you’d give someone a run for their money. Joel had ordered some cocktail that came with a lollipop and you wasted no time in stealing that. Your drink wasn’t alcohol, you didn’t drink on a job – Champagne was for afterwards. Joel was drinking to get himself through this one. “So?” “I can’t believe this.” “You’ve said that 20 times.” You removed the candy from your mouth, “I need, you know, something useful.” “I mean the complex itself is relatively easy to get into, you don’t even need the code, just fry everything. There’s multiple floors but there’s hardly anywhere that’s going to have cover…” He was staring hard at the schematic. “Why are we not going alone? The more bodies in a corridor the harder this is!” “Joel.” You warned. “Okay, you just need to get to the inner most point. It looks like one of those panic rooms.” You half turned to his screen as he tapped it, replacing the lolly with an agreeing hum. “Assured your guy, and whatever drugs or shit you gotta haul on back, is there.” He turned to you, looking more than a little disgruntled that he was having to do this, “I’ll make a couple of calls. It won’t be hard. And forgodsake, please do not drag this personal hell out for me.” “I’ll try.” You gave a gently sarcastic smile and he sighed. “And PLEASE stop doing that overtly sexual thing you do! Like, I don’t need it.” “It’s not for you.” “I think he’s a bad idea.” Joel eyes were back on his laptop, and you weren’t sure if his uncomfortable shift was just for show. You supposed he was only going to point back to his ‘degrading’ speech if you pressed further. “I didn’t ask you.” “No, and I can see why.” Of course you were playing a game here. You knew Elias was watching you – there wasn’t much out there you weren’t aware of. That was all part of your training. But you’d noticed that try as he might he couldn’t keep his eyes off you, and you could busy yourself with being a seductress whilst also being teasing and paying him absolutely no mind. What you’d also come to the dissatisfying conclusion of was that his girlfriend was also here; oh, and she was not impressed. You didn’t really care, it was fun to play them against each other, in fact maybe it was more satisfying to have her here, realising exactly what you were doing. Because she was all over him and that was not an exaggeration, but Elias was pushing her out of the way to keep on staring at you. So, if Joel really didn’t think you were going to sit on this stool with your chest pushed out and your shirt riding up, sucking on a lollipop… well he should know better. You didn’t need to show too much skin: the idea was to let his imagination do the work. From what you could tell, Elias’ imagination was working overtime. Joel left you alone to make his series of phone calls outside, convinced that he needed air anyway. Which you’d laugh at of course, considering he’d probably kill his time outside smoking. At which point you turned back to the bar and gathered your thoughts – before you would begin to clear your head of everything but the mission. That was all that would matter for the next few days; that was all that had to matter. As you were pondering this however, you were approached by someone else, and you didn’t really have to guess who had made his way across the club to you. “Well, I see you can’t even call a number on a card, how do you expect me to think that you can pull this off?” Elias slid onto the stool next to you, tipping his head, “It’s not that simple.” You turned your eyes on him, “I get it, you have a girlfriend. Don’t tell me you’re not interested. And if you’re not, don’t come over here and talk to me, keep it strictly business.” He rummaged in his jacket pocket and your calling card was placed back on the table, “I wanted to.” You couldn’t help but smile as you stared at it, “Wanting is something you can say easily, the doing is the only thing I have use for.” Your fingers brushed his as you pushed the card back towards him, “Keep it, if you ever decide to become useful to me.” “Y/N…” The bar tender placed a drink in front of him without Elias even asking and your look away from him was enough to be an eyeroll, with the way you stared straight at the back wall. He spent enough time here for that then. He took a sip, eyeing yours. “You don’t drink?” “Not on the job no.” “Y/N, what are you doing here?” “I’m an assassin, I told you that. It’s like you haven’t listened to a word I’ve said since I walked in.” “Is that any surprise?” His voice was laced with sugar, which made you a little uncomfortable as you turned to him. Those blue eyes were watching your face intently, and if you thought that a man like him was capable of melting, that might be what you’d call it. “Please, Elias. Go back to your girlfriend.” There was a pause, before he leant into your space and you sighed in obvious frustration. “Why do you need two guns?” He indicated to the one on the counter that no one was paying any mind to, and then to your hip, partially concealed by your coat. “Assassin as good as you.” “Will you do what I say, if I tell you?” His smile became a grin that was more of a smirk, “Depends what you tell me to do.” You couldn’t help but hum a laugh as you unholstered the one on your belt, “That,” you waved at the one on the counter, “that’s my own, it’s no big deal. It’s probably standard issue – due an upgrade, but it’s never let me down. Call me superstitious, but I’d quite like to keep it around. This baby…” You weighed the one in your hands up. “Belonged to my mentor.” “The one that used to spew Latin before he killed people?” You couldn’t help but smile as you nodded: he remembered. “So why do you have it?” You placed it with your own and leant into him, you became a little huddle and lowered your voice, “Because he died, Elias. It’s in honour and memory of him.” There was a moment’s pause, and Elias wondered if you’d opt to continue the conversation, “…How? I mean your line of work is dangerous but-” “The Agency killed him, made me watch.” The flicker across Elias’ face was both apologetic and a revelation; ‘that might explain a few things’ “He fell in love with a target, he couldn’t kill her. Eventually the Agency found out and executed him.”  It was weird for you to just out and say it like that, it jarred you – you weren’t sure what you were thinking, saying something so personal. You were supposed to have better instincts than that. Did you trust him? There was something cold about the way you were talking that didn’t fit with the look on your face, and Elias tipped his head – “But you’re working alone now, you have no mentee of your own?” He seemed to be asking if that process would be too painful for you. Instead you gave a shake of your head, “No. I have no patience for that. I would be no good, not yet anyway. Not all of us make it through the process – hence why Joel is my assistant and not an assassin himself. He has all the skills, he didn’t pass all the tests.” You frowned momentarily, then shrugged, “I’ll probably die doing this, or see myself old enough to take my bosses job. Though, I’ve never been much of a girl for desk work.” Elias would agree with that, “How long have you been doing this?” “…That’s… a little too much of me to expose to you.” Oh, but you liked this didn’t you? Talking to him. To someone who was actually interested in you. “I never knew my parents. The Agency has a specific way of testing kids at orphanages and such. There’s no attachment, nowhere for the kids to run. Still, they take care of you better than some children get treated by their own parents so, I guess there’s a win somewhere.” Something twinged in Elias by the look on his face, making you realise you’d touched on something that was a little too much of him to expose to you. You left it alone. “I guess you have a point there.” “Uh huh.” You couldn’t help but smirk as you looked over his shoulder, this girlfriend of his had spotted the two of you talking and the livid look on her face was only making your ego swell a little. There was no way she didn’t know he was into you, and you were invested enough in the conversation to have some attachment to him. You wondered if he’d told her about your kiss, if it was obvious to her by the way Elias looked at you. But he was still watching your face, even when you turned away, the way you were smirking and clearly enjoying yourself, “What?” He was clearly amused, he hoped it was him. “Your little girlfriend is about to blow a fuse.” Elias’ face fell instantly as he looked over his shoulder, “Oh-” “She a dancer here?” He didn’t need to nod, “You walking cliché.” You nudged him off his bar stool, “Go. Go on.” “Try not to miss me.” He shot back, hands getting a little too friendly as his touch lingered on you. Instead you scoffed, picking up your cup, “Trust me, I won’t.”
 ** You kicked around for another day and a half, longer than you would have liked, but once Joel had his intel sorted the small group you assembled had to make the plan water tight. Which means they listened to you, no questions asked. Ty was about the only one you really trusted, he was built for this and he took an interest in you for reasons you thought were kind of unhealthy; not an assassin, you could tell he was probably going to enjoy this. You never took enjoyment from killing – it was just your job. Still, Ty was quiet and nodded along. Elias didn’t. And to be honest, if you weren’t having so much fun playing him and Petal – you’d tried not to snort – off against each other, you’d be more pissed with him than you already were. “She is NOT coming on this mission!” “She always tags along.” “You’re not running this mission Elias, I AM. And there’s only one thing I have a hard stop on, and that’s drugs.” Before he could protest the irony of what you were doing you continued, “She’ll fuck the whole thing up and I know you know that. I will not take drug dependants on this mission. Or we can take her, but I’ll put a bullet in her head the second I feel I have to and I won’t hesitate.” “---You’re…. insane!” “It’s my job. I don’t fail on my tasks; your little gang of tag-alongs are not going to change that.” “Then I won’t come.” “Well don’t. Explain to Nilo why, for all I care.” Elias sighed, faltering on the fact you would give him up so fast, a little too easily for someone who wanted to labour a point, “Okay. Okay… I’ll tell her.” “You better…” He turned away but you pulled him back by his jacket, “Woah, hey. Your brother’s not coming either.” “Oh my god-” “Because he’s the opposite problem. He’s not taking his medication and he’s erratic. You think I can’t read tells?” “No, on this I might be inclined to agree you have the right idea.” “So we’re agreed, on the same page.” Elias didn’t meet your eyes as he nodded, “Yeah.” “So we’re getting somewhere.” Your arms folded, confident little smile making him give you that same melted look. Scratch all previous thoughts, Elias was easier to play than a deck of cards. You wondered how long he’d spent looking at your calling card and desperately wishing to call the number. You wondered why Elias hadn’t already. What was his real reason? He could give you as many cocky smirks and sarcastically suggestive little quips as he wanted – you could see right through him. “I thought we already were.” *** You should have bet on how much complaining Joel was going to do, by the fact that he was muttering curses in more than one language under his breath. For the first part of the journey you thought it was funny, and responded in kind. Linguistics was a nice hobby, and Joel and yourself had a healthy competition on how many you could learn. Aside from that, it was good business practice. For the second half of the journey you settled into silence, closing your eyes and taking yourself through all your focus meditation and breathing exercises – before checking and double checking your weaponry. Then triple checking it – obviously. All with Joel still grumbling on, and Elias and Ty asking each other if this was something they ought to be doing. Joel slowed the van and parked up, the complex was in view, but you were out of sight. You had split yourself into two teams: Elias and yourself, and Joel and Ty. You would clear the first few floors together – without breaking a sweat – and then they would go on look out and you’d take out the name on your rap sheet. Obviously your assistant was as impressed with this arrangement as he was with everything else – but he was on side with you, and he understood it. He could make sure there were no screw ups. Joel also had a build like Ty did, so he wasn’t about to be taken out, or by surprise, by him. You all had communication links to each other so you could keep tabs, but you wanted radio silence unless absolutely necessary. The only good thing about this was that you didn’t really have to worry about how messy you were, Nilo didn’t have a preference for making someone disappear, he just wanted the man killed. As predicted the four of you swept the first few floors silently, splitting the building nearly in half you came to the point where you’d be leaving Joel behind, turning to him you opted to continue your language game: “You know where you’re going?” “I know what I’m looking for.” “Be careful. I don’t trust them.” “The feeling is mutual.” “Yell if you need anything.” He shot Elias a look before turning to you, “I’d say the same, but I think you can handle yourself!” You chuckled, “Thanks, Joel. Until later.” And, indicated for Elias to follow you, ascended the stairs.
Everything looked very different up here, but was equally as quiet. There’d be security every so often, you were sure of that, as there had been downstairs. Perhaps more, considering your target was their boss, but nothing you didn’t think yourself capable of handling. “So, I don’t get it, is this a drugs complex, or a house!?” You turned to Elias as he stared around the walls: very domestic from the bland grey concrete you’d seen downstairs. “Both.” It wasn’t a guess; you’d seen the schematic. “A safe house?” “Round about, we’re heading for a panic room.” “You have that map stored in your head?” You kept the pistol steady as you rounded the corner, it was clear and you beckoned him on, “Is that impressive?” “Vaguely.” You chuckled, “I’ll take it.” You suddenly pulled back, slamming Elias against the wall as a bullet streaked passed you, “Shit!” You weren’t worried about that, immediate with your retaliation fire. You were trained for this, it was instinct. There was more than one of them and you had to bring them down quick less they raise the alarm, you had no time to think about cover: about the only thing Elias did think of. “They’ll have heard bullets, I gotta go.” You turned back to him, “Your choice, go back to them or try to keep up!” Trying to keep up was much easier said than done, and you had sprinted out of sight by the time Elias had run around the next corner. “Ah, shit.” He ran a hand through his hair, “Well, I’ve followed her this far!” You must have been quick, because Elias made it another couple of floors up before he found any signs that you might have had difficulty, what worried him was that it was your mentors’ gun that was lying on the ground – so out of the way it’d probably been kicked or thrown there. Carelessly; you hadn’t just decided to drop it. You certainly would have retrieved it.  Whoever your mentor had been, however you tried to hide it, Elias knew he’d meant a lot to you. Picking it up, the still loaded chamber and half empty magazine told a worse story to him. What the hell had happened to you?! Surely they hadn’t overpowered you? Not you! *** Elias almost started to believe it as he continued walking, as suddenly there wasn’t a body, or blood or an empty casing anywhere in sight. Everything was still quiet. Not a sound, not even on the radio. He arrived on the next floor, and again everything was clear. It occurred to him to call the other two for help very nearly a little too late, as, more concerned with finding out where you were, Elias rounded the next corner without his pistol up. In fact, without a pistol at all, and he was faced with yours. “You’re lucky that I check what I’m shooting at before I pull a trigger, Elias! Geez!” You flicked the safety on. “ME!? You just gave me a heart attack! Where the hell did you go!?” You shuffled on the spot with a little shrug, “Look, just, don’t go upstairs into the office, okay?” “Office…? What? I thought you said he had a panic room.” “He absolutely had a panic room – he wasn’t in it. It was not the cleanest kill I’ve ever made and…” You paused staring up at the ceiling, “At least it’s done.” He followed your eyeline and grimaced, leaking through the ceiling already was a patch of blood, “That’s a lot of bodies or it’s a terribly built house-!” “Bit of both…” You looked to him, “Hardly matters right now, don’t you think?” “Who the hell are you, Y/N?” Your head tipped, regarding him seriously in the eschewing silence to his question. “You really want to know that?” He nodded firmly, “Yes.” Elias wasn’t sure he liked the smile you gave back, the way it made the heart leap in his chest, and a shudder run up his spine. You grabbed him, shoving him up against a wall this time not to protect him – far from it. Your lips on his were rough, this wasn’t love…  you weren’t even sure you could call it chemistry. But it was something. Elias pulled your body into his, your fingers running into his hair, he groaned into the kiss as you raked your nails across his scalp. But you continued to push his body as you made him breathless. Oh… shit. Elias could barely think properly as he ran his hands under your coat and over your ass, pulling your shirt with him, the feel of your supple skin under his calloused hands drove him crazy. Until he found himself backed up against a door, breaking the kiss in confusion. “Maybe you should try it.” You encouraged, voice at a whisper as you brought his lips back to yours, Elias wasn’t going to say no, and it swung open behind his push. This time when he broke the kiss it was only to smirk. “Oh? A bedroom?” “Uh huh.” He turned back to you, eyes raking your body as they had done before, but now significantly more hungry. You pushed a finger to his lips before he started getting clever: “…Stop talking… stop thinking… don’t make me wait any longer.” Replacing your finger with your lips, Elias pulled back to nod, “Okay.” He pulled you into his arms, relieving you of your coat immediately. It was almost like no time had passed at all, he tasted the same as you remembered, whisky and cigarette smoke. Elias pulled you closer, certainly not eager to break the kiss or let you go for even a moment. You pulled off his leather jacket, throwing it with your own; you revelled in the way that you were both so different, but you wanted the same thing so badly. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” He gave you a small smirk. You let the look on your face answer for you, to which Elias grinned, hands under your shirt he pulled it over your head, allowing you to relieve him of his own. His fingers ghosted over your skin, and he paused momentarily: every so often there was a litter of scars. You weren’t about to count the number of times you’d been in real trouble, but you always got out of it. You simply chuckled, “Yeah, no dancing on a stage in just my bra and panties for me.” “That’s not why I’m here.” You’d agree with that, kissing him gently again, your fingers grazed over his chest and Elias tensed; “What? Scared?” You smirked against his lips. “A little. It’s not like I don’t know what you’re capable of.” “I don’t sleep with my targets.” You kissed him again, winking as you undid his belt, dragging him back to your lips with his belt loops; this time he bit your lip gently, making you groan against his kiss. Elias picked you up, undoing your pants and bra clasp, pushing you down onto the bed he nipped down your jawline and neck. You pulled him back, reciprocating Elias’ trail of kisses, whispering prayers into his skin in nearly every language you knew. He slid your pants down your legs with a sigh, and he shook under your touch. You were too much for him already, but you weren’t about to show Elias mercy. You smirked wickedly, claiming his lips with your own once more. This man was about to be all yours… *** All of you were clearly sworn to silence. Elias was the more dazed of the three of you (Ty seemed none the wiser), and Joel kept throwing you dirty and disgusted looks. You couldn’t care less. You’d done your job, you were entitled to a little fun every once in a while, your assistant didn’t have to be a killjoy. Overall though, you were disappointed in yourself, somewhere along the way – probably when you were dealing with everyone who was actually occupying the panic room – you’d lost your most important possession. You weren’t about to admit that out loud, but you hadn’t been able to find it as you had made your way back downstairs. You vowed you’d get it back, but you’d rather go back with Joel and do a real sweep without the other two around. There was too much going on here – and it was obvious Joel wanted out and away from here as soon as possible. That was fine with you. You dropped Elias and Ty back at the bar, and you were wondering if this time it might really be it. Were you both satisfied now? It scared you that you might not be sure of the answer to that. Joel went to deliver the news and package, and Ty wasn’t one to kick around, leaving you and Elias outside. “Well, now you can get back to that girlfriend of yours.” “Is that really any way to say goodbye?” “I don’t want to get emotionally involved here.” Though your eyes strayed from his face a little too much for Elias to want to believe that. “Does that make everything easier for you?” “Yeah.” You folded your arms, no point in skirting around that. Elias for once looked like he was seeing right through you, “Except there’s one thing that makes you show your cards.” “What?” You narrowed your eyes at him, how dare he stand here acting like he had you all figured out. Elias rummaged in his jacket, and you nearly gasped as he presented you with your mentor’s pistol. “He must have been one hell of a guy.” “He… was.” You took it from him delicately, “You found it.” “It’s important. Right?” “…Thank you.” And there was emotion behind that, you both knew it. “You’re welcome.” Although his hand took yours, thumb running over that tattoo on your wrist, and down to your fingers, Elias was so close to entwining them. He thought better of it, instead twisting the ring so that ‘Veritas’ very clearly faced him – you just about admit to yourself you were disappointed. “My offer is still on the table, you know?” You gave a small smile, “If you ever want to be useful, you have my number.” He chuckled, “Well. I’ll… think on it.” Then added, with a smile, “That’s the truth.” “Don’t think.” You took a step back as Joel called you, walking briskly back to the car. Yes, he certainly wanted out. “I told you, the only thing worth it, is the doing!” ** Amazingly Joel did not go ballistic at you – you thought he was just glad to be out. On top of that he knew you’d seen the looks he was shooting you, and you supposed he thought that said it all. To be honest it probably did, and you would both vow silently to never talk about this again. You pulled your pistol apart to check it, as you always did and, satisfied, you pulled your mentor’s apart too. Pausing as you checked the magazine, sitting in the top was a rolled-up piece of paper. You smiled to yourself, only guessing what it said. You pieced the pistol back together and unravelled it. He’d watched you do this on the journey, so Elias could be certain that you’d check your gun pretty soon after he’d returned it. Spera - Trust. ‘Someone is a show off’. You almost laughed as you read the number before rolling it up again and pocketing it. Truth and Trust seemed almost ironic. And yet also seemed to be completely fitting. You made sure to be safely home, to ensure that Joel wasn’t physically ill. And also to wait a few days, to keep Elias hanging. Which he was, because that man wasn’t like you. You could wait on him to call like it was no big deal – but he would be checking that mobile of his every ten minutes at the very least. Predictably he picked up on the second ring: “Y/N?” “Hey, babe.” You would be directly flirty, you’d tell Elias what he wanted to hear, “I see my number must be saved in that phone of yours, you just never pressed the call button. See, even a busy girl like me can action something.” “I… I’m just glad you did.” You left a significant pause, enough to make him uncomfortable, “Are you asking me to trust you?” “The truth is important to you, isn’t it? Don’t you trust me?” Your voice became quiet, all too aware of the vulnerability of admittance: “I do. It scares me that I do.” You sighed, “But that hardly matters. I told you I like action. So, if I don’t want you to call me unless it’s for you to be useful, I figured that my calling you was only ever about offering you the opportunity to be so…” “How?” Elias’ voice was eager, you could almost see his nails digging into the bar, the tension running through him, a slight dark tint to those blue eyes of his. “You ever been to Boston?” “…No?” “Well, if you get yourself on a flight over… I can give you an address.” “You live in Boston?” “You asked me to trust you.” “I did.” There was relief and understanding in that sentence. “When?” “Whenever you want, babe. I’ll let you know if I get called anywhere though, wouldn’t want you to waste a trip.” “Considerate of you.” “Well, like for like.” You smiled, “Just one more small favour, Elias. An… assurance. Perhaps an insurance policy. Before you do come all the way out to me.” “What’s that?” Really what he was saying was anything. I’ll do anything. “I told you that my mentor died because he fell in love with a target…” “You did.” Then he quickly added, “I won’t… tell anyone!” You shook your head, Elias was jumping ahead of himself. As were you. But you weren’t sure where this was going, and yet you had to be certain. It wasn’t that you thought you were about to fall in love. You might, it wasn’t beyond you. It was that if you were asked to kill him… you weren’t your mentor. You weren’t scared that you’d be unable to pull the trigger, you were scared of the knowledge that you could. “Yes, well. Just don’t do anything to piss anyone off, okay?”
Thank you for reading! 😁💙
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hisaribi · 5 years
60 Books challenge
So, I doubt I’ll be able to fulfill this one, but I’m taking @athenadark ‘s idea and kinda running with it!
I do want to read more, for this purpose I have kinda google sheet where I counted the number of pages I’ve read this year. It’s kinda difficult to count with e-books, so if I didn’t finish it I didn’t really have a chance to count it. So, basically, with keeping in mind that I started counting somewhere in May, and also sometimes didn’t even consider some fics or articles or whatever... yeah, that’s a lot of words... so 7171 pages and 50 finished books + fics of all lengths + articles was my result in 2019, and I wanna do better, yeah!
So I’ll go with it, but with a few changes, I guess? 50k+ fics are considered being a book and counting as one. Because I’m writing a thesis, I’ll have a lot of articles and so on, so 50+ of them = 1 book. I guess the joined amount of small fics where it’s 50k words also are kinda like a book? Books I started last year and finished this year are also in it. Hmm, I may add something else.
Plus I kinda want to have reblogs/posts where I write something about the book, so I’ll reblog this post to kinda have everything in one place, yeah?
Masterpost of all challenges of 2020
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ao3feed-daredevil · 4 years
Following the Future
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35jiODB
by GealachGirl
Fortune-telling magic is the least reliable kind and their relationship is finally settled, but Foggy still wants to know why Matt is his future and Matt still needs to find his soulmate.
Words: 7171, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Daredevil (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Matt Murdock, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Karen Page
Relationships: Matt Murdock/Franklin "Foggy" Nelson
Additional Tags: soulmate au kind of, Fortune Telling, Truth or Dare, Mild canon divergence, casual and mild urban fantasy, Flashbacks, Dual POV, low angst, high hope, Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love, I promise they're really fucking dumb, Post-Season/Series 03
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35jiODB
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Mare Is Maimed By Vicious Dogs,” Kingston Whig-Standard. November 2, 1932. page 9. --- Five Police Dogs With Mongrel Blood Revert to Wolf Ancestry --- (Special to The Whig-Standard) MONTREAL — Sentence of death was carried put on five dogs which bed the appearance of police dogs who had reverted to wolf ancestry and had maimed a a horse that was grazing near Cote St. Michael. The dogs had hunted in a pack apparently. They caught the mare belonging to Mrs. Mary Skoletni, 7171 Hugo Street, Cote St. Michael, and cut the animal's throat to ribbons with their fangs. 
After the mare had fallen they chewed a huge piece from her thigh but she was still alive when a laborer coming to fetch her found her surrounded by the cogs. He ran away, fearing that the pack might go after him, too. 
J. R. Innes, executive of the S. P. C. A., which investigated the affair, told of having ordered the killing of the mare after he had seen her because there was no chance of the animal's recovering. 
He also told of the execution of the five dogs.
"We found them,” he said, "chained In the yard of Mrs. Marchetiere, 3271 Tenth Street, Cote St. Michael. They were huge dogs and the Marchetiere house was small and poor. I do not believe that they could have been fed properly." 
Mr. Innes pointed out that it was unfair to say that the hunting pack consisted entirely of police dogs. 
'Anyone seeing them would of course say they were,” he said. "But actually they had mongrel blood in them and were very much inbred too — quite a different animal from the genuine police dog." 
Mrs. Skoletni says that the dogs killed and ate one of her goats last year. She is engaged In fanning acres of land and is very much worried because she had only on horse left and cannot do her fall mowing.
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offroadproco · 1 year
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