#painting for sale toronto
totallytorontoart · 2 years
Toronto rivoli
Speciality store for art products created using the beloved artwork of Toronto artist, David Crighton. Specializing in urban landscapes.
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giantauctionsstore · 1 year
Find the perfect statement piece for your home or art collection. Bid, buy, and elevate your artistry today!
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mariacallous · 12 days
A new documentary about Benjamin Netanyahu premiered at a major film festival this week, at a moment when he is facing intense global scrutiny. But filmgoers in the Israeli prime minister’s own country may never get to see it.
That’s because “The Bibi Files,” produced by Oscar-winning filmmaker Alex Gibney, makes extensive use of leaked police interrogation tapes from Netanyahu’s ongoing, years-long corruption scandals — footage that is illegal to screen in Israel. But it’s still causing controversy in Israel and testing its restrictive media laws. 
In an attempt to block the film’s release, Netanyahu this week sued the state of Israel and Raviv Drucker, an Israeli journalist he has long seen as a thorn in his side and who serves as a producer on the film. The suit claimed that the film violated Israeli law by making use of unapproved interrogation footage. It claimed that Drucker, a credited producer on the film who has published damning investigations of Netanyahu, was the leaker (which the filmmakers deny).
But a judge dismissed his case, because it was filed hours before the film screened at the Toronto International Film Festival on Monday. The version that premiered in Toronto was a work-in-progress cut of “The Bibi Files,” and had been added to the festival schedule only days before. 
Those in attendance described a searing indictment of its subject, with some issuing a plea for the film to make its way, somehow, to Israeli audiences. (Transcripts of the interrogations themselves have previously leaked to the press.)
​​“Take this film and airdrop it over Israel,” one supportive audience member said, according to a Deadline account. “Because otherwise, I’m afraid people won’t be able to see it there.”
The film currently has a sales agent but no distributor. Bloom told the Toronto crowd she was still working on figuring out the ending. The film festival’s opening night was interrupted by pro-Palestinian protesters, who said the Royal Bank of Canada — a main sponsor of the festival that has also been targeted by Canada’s Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement for its dealings in Israel — “funds genocide.”
Earlier this week, thousands of Israelis thought they would be able to watch the film after all, via a channel on the social media platform Telegram that promised a “complete and exclusive copy” of the movie. Those who joined the channel reportedly included former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who appears in the doc (and was himself convicted and imprisoned on corruption charges).
But according to Israeli media, the founder of the channel backtracked on that promise after uploading a few clips (including one where Netanyahu reportedly says, “Liars!” and bangs on the table), citing “a legal restriction at the moment in Israel, by agreement with the source.”
The film has become the latest flashpoint in an Israeli media climate that, according to the World Press Freedom Index, has only gotten more restrictive since the outbreak of war with Hamas. Israeli officials in recent months have briefly confiscated Associated Press equipment and shut down Al-Jazeera’s operations in the country, in both cases claiming the organizations were publishing information that supported Hamas or endangered Israeli troops. On Thursday, Israel announced it would revoke the press credentials of individual Al-Jazeera journalists. 
Additionally, analyses of Israeli media reporting on the war in Gaza have shown that Israelis rarely see footage of the tens of thousands of Palestinians killed by the Israeli military. (Palestinian news sources, by contrast, have shown little of Israeli suffering on Oct. 7, 2023, or afterward.)
Meanwhile, a pro-Netanyahu influence effort has allegedly proffered false Israeli intelligence to international news outlets as part of an influence campaign to justify his wartime leadership. The Jewish Chronicle, a British Jewish newspaper that initially reported on the false intelligence, said on Thursday that it was investigating the credentials of a reporter who covered the purported intelligence.
In recent weeks, Netanyahu has faced mounting street protests drawing hundreds of thousands of Israelis who are opposed to what they see as his recalcitrance in ending the war and bringing Israeli hostages home. But the nearly year-old war isn’t the focus of “The Bibi Files.” Instead, the film covers another Netanyahu scandal that has received far less attention abroad and has faded even in the minds of Israelis: his multiple trials for corruption, which have been ongoing for years. 
In the film, director Alexis Bloom focuses on the corruption cases that long predate the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks. The police footage comes from interrogations of Netanyahu conducted between 2016 and 2018 and focuses on the extensive allegations that he engaged in bribery and political favors during earlier stints as prime minister. 
“You could see this pattern of democratic backsliding going on worldwide,” Bloom told the audience following the screening. “You see parallels with what’s going on in Israel, in Hungary, in Russia, with this sort of strongman syndrome. That’s what interested me.”
Bloom could not immediately be reached for comment, while requests for comment to Gibney’s production company were not returned. Gibney’s extensive filmography includes previous explorations of Israeli state secrets: his 2016 documentary “Zero Days” was an investigation of the American-Israeli malware program Stuxnet, which targeted Iran’s nuclear program.
To Bloom, whose previous films include documentaries about Roger Ailes and WikiLeaks, the interrogation footage was a key part of the portrait of Netanyahu in wartime. 
“Those recordings shed light on Netanyahu’s character in a way that is unprecedented and extraordinary,” she told Variety ahead of the film’s screening. “They are powerful evidence of his venal and corrupt character and how that led us to where we are at right now.””
And it’s not just Bibi himself in the footage. Other Netanyahu family members and allies are also interrogated. Netanyahu’s wife Sara and son Yair, outspoken figures in Israeli discourse who are seen as villains by many of Netayahu’s critics, feature in the film; so do pro-Israel Republican megadonors Miriam Adelson and her late husband Sheldon, as well as Israeli billionaire and Hollywood mogul Arnon Milchan, who is central to the corruption allegations. 
Bloom, whose father is Jewish and who was born in South Africa but is now based in the United States, uses the footage to paint Netanyahu as craven and power-hungry. She links his attempts to evade his corruption charges to his handling of the war in Gaza. The film also links Netanyahu’s fight against the corruption charges to his other heavily scrutinized decisions in the lead-up to the attacks — including his alliances with far-right parties in his governing coalition, and his endorsement of a controversial and so far unsuccessful plan to weaken the Israeli court system.
She and Gibney said that the aftermath of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack motivated them to finish as much of the film as they could, hoping to turn public tide against Netanyahu and push him out of power.
“We felt it was important, and frankly, our duty as world citizens to make our story known as soon as possible because people are dying every day,” Gibney told Variety.
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justforbooks · 5 months
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Who was Lee Miller?
Why the model-turned-war photographer is finally getting her due
A surrealist with an incisive eye, finding the beauty and absurdity of everyday life. A model who posed for Vogue and sat for Pablo Picasso and Man Ray, but whose fashion career was suddenly cut short. A war photographer who embedded with the US military to chronicle the harrowing events of World War II — and posed defiantly in Hitler’s bathtub on the day of his death.
Lee Miller was an American artist who remade herself many times without straying from the principles that guided her life and career. When she died in 1977, her photographic work had largely been forgotten; her own family was unaware of the scope of her practice, and what she witnessed in the war, until they found her cache of negatives. Now, five decades later, she’s the subject of the Kate Winslet-led biopic “Lee,” which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival in September, as well as a recent monograph of her work and an exhibition at mega-gallery Gagosian in New York, where some of her prints were for sale.
Her son, photographer Antony Penrose — whose father was the British surrealist painter Roland Penrose, whom Miller married in 1947 — has made it his life’s work to bring attention to his mother’s legacy. He co-directs her archive with his daughter, Ami Bouhassane, and has authored multiple books about Miller, including the most recent, “Lee Miller: Photographs.” For the past decade, he’s consulted on “Lee” as it came together, and has finally begun its run in both the United Kingdom and Spain.
“There were movies proposed and very nearly made before,” Penrose said. “This is the one that we’ve been waiting for, because I feel it is a brilliant rendition of Lee’s life, values and personality.”
He still recalls how “bewildering” it was when he and his late wife, Suzanna, found some 60,000 of her negatives and prints in their attic shortly after Miller’s death. She had developed a unique surrealist way of looking at the world, capturing everyday eccentricities that play with the viewer’s perception: a scratched-up door at a jewelry store becomes a small explosion of sparks; tar spilled on the street glistens darkly like some deep-sea or cave-bound creature.
But her range was staggering. Here was Elsa Schiaparelli supine among two cheetah sculptures, and Marlene Dietrich posing in dramatic sun in the designer’s ruched house coat. Here was a crowd of people spitting on four women, their heads shaved, as they went to trial for accusations of associating with Nazis. Here were the bodies of concentration camp victims in Dachau, and the liberated prisoners standing over a pile of human bones.
“None of us — and that includes my father — knew the scope of Lee’s work, particularly her war work,” Penrose said of his mother. “She deliberately didn’t tell him what was going on, because she didn’t want him to be worried.”
After the war, Miller struggled with depression and alcohol dependency, decades before post-traumatic stress disorder — and its symptoms — was officially recognized. When the occasional curator or art historian would turn up to better understand the depth of her work, Penrose said Miller would deflect the focus and downplay her career. It’s only been through her archive that he was able to understand the life she lived.
“It was a voyage of discovery,” Penrose added. “It was like finding a person that we had not known before — way beyond our kind of understanding and knowledge.”
Reinventing herself
For many years, Miller was remembered primarily for her modeling work in New York and with the reductive label of “muse” during her time in Paris. She sat for Pablo Picasso as he painted her in lurid yellow and green, illustrating her “extraordinary wit and liveliness… and a very bold, confrontational approach to life,” according to Jason Ysenburg, a director at Gagosian and co-curator of the gallery’s show “Lee Miller and Friends”.
She was also often remembered — but not credited — for her portrait collaborations with Man Ray, with whom she was romantically involved and remained friends throughout her life.
“Those images of Lee were as much by Lee as by Man Ray,” added Richard Calvocoressi, the show’s other co-curator.
Miller has been described by many as a supermodel on the cusp in her early twenties, a period just before she met Man Ray. But she was seemingly blacklisted by fashion clients overnight, after a portrait of her by the photographer Edward Steichen was licensed for a Kotex ad promoting menstrual products.
“She absolutely came to a crash stop. Nobody wanted the Kotex girl modeling their frocks,” Penrose said. “She didn’t even know that the photograph was going to be used for that purpose — it was bought through an agency.”
Though Miller used the setback as a sign to shift her practice, sexist social structures continued to shape her career. Art historians and curators of the 20th century relegated female surrealists — many of whom appear in Miller’s images, like the painter Leonora Carrington and the photographer Dora Maar — to the sidelines of the movement when they were, in actuality, crucial figures; Penrose recalls that his own father referred to them more as “muses” than artists in their own right, despite their prolific outputs.
But despite the imbalances within their group, Miller’s time with her friends ahead of World War II was seemingly idyllic. She’d left Paris in 1932 for New York when her relationship with Man Ray ended, and then unexpectedly married Egyptian businessman Aziz Eloui Bey and moved to Cairo. When she spent the summer of 1937 back in Paris and met Roland, it sparked a two-year affair (and series of love letters when they were apart), that eventually resulted in the dissolution of her marriage.
Some of Miller’s emblematic images of the period show their vacations across the south of France from beach outings with Roland, Picasso and Maar and the model Ady Fidelin, to a picnic that has drawn comparisons to Édouard Manet’s famed painting “Le Déjeuner sur l’herbe” as a topless Fidelin is pictured alongside Man Ray, the poet Paul Éluard and artist Nusch Éluard.
But as Ysenburg points out, the tumult of the era had already begun — Nazism brewed in Germany and the Spanish Civil War broke out, prompting Picasso’s monumental and career-defining work “Guernica” which was painted the same year Miller returned to Paris.
“It was a community that in the sense that they were friends and lovers,” Ysenburg explained. “It seemed a very carefree time for them in a world that was changing very quickly.”
She saw ‘what we’re missing’
Many artists fled Europe in the 1940s, and Miller could have gone back to New York to safety, Penrose said. But she’d settled down with Roland in London and refused to leave, instead becoming a photojournalist for British Vogue, documenting women who were contributing to the war efforts, and taking both fashion and street images during the Blitz.
Later, she was accredited as an official correspondent with the US armed forces — one of just four such female photographers. During this period, in Normandy and in Munich she worked closely with the Life photojournalist David E. Scherman. Together, they entered Hitler’s apartment with soldiers on April 30, 1945, the same day that Hitler shot himself in his bunker in Berlin. Just that morning, Miller and Scherman had taken photographs in Dachau; Miller tracked mud from the concentration camp all over the apartment’s floor before stripping down to pose in the bathtub. She took the same photo of Scherman, who was Jewish, as well.
“Those boots carried her that morning around the concentration camp, and now she’s grinding the filth of that place into Hitler’s nice clean bathroom,” Penrose said. “They prove that she’s not there as a guest in his house. She’s a victor.”
Even as Miller faced the harrowing effects of the war across Europe — sights that would take a toll on her in its aftermath — she still maintained her keen artist’s eye. After all, she believed there was nothing “more surrealist, more mad, more nightmarish” than the war, according to Calvocoressi.
“Even in the most dangerous and demanding circumstances, she’s still looking out for weird, quirky images,” Penrose said. “I find that that so endearing — the hallmark of her artistry is just to see what we’re missing.”
Miller took her last assignment for Vogue in the early 1950s, as Penrose notes that she could no longer meet deadlines because of her declining mental health. But she didn’t stop photographing, taking some 1,000 photographs of Picasso as Roland worked on his biography, which published in 1958.
Penrose said that throughout the course of her career, she was always “looking for the metaphor” in her surroundings. Of the many poetic moments she captured, one took place in front of the Vienna Opera House in Austria’s capital in late 1945 amid the lingering destruction of war. Framed by twisted metal support beams and rubble, the soprano Irmgard Seefried is photographed singing an aria from the Italian opera “Madame Butterfly,” in what Penrose believes to be an image set up by Miller — who captured her with arms outstretched, completely in silhouette.
“In a way, it’s a reversal, because you would have expected the singer to be beautifully lit from all kinds of sources.” Penrose explained.
“Gone is the costume. gone is any kind of glamorization… what we have is this absolute passion, about the triumph of art over destruction.”
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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staticspaces · 13 days
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French Style Chateau
Have you checked out the video yet!?
Now on to the primary suite, this main bedroom was huge, including a massive ensuite with a round stained glass window…as well as a few more photos of the staircase from the second floor!!
This mansion was built in 1985 on two lots in The Bridle Path neighbourhood of Toronto, Canada and was designed to resemble a French style chateau. The 30,000 square foot mega mansion had 10 bedrooms and 14 bathrooms, and was located on a huge four acre property that also included a tennis court. It also had a granite cobblestone driveway, a horseshoe staircase at the back and extensive gardens which completed the experience of living in a castle in France.
Originally built by Robert Campeau a financier and real estate developer. Robert began his career by building just one single house in 1949 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. His company then known as Campeau Corp was also responsible for building Scotia Plaza, a hi rise built in 1988 in the financial district of Toronto, as well as the Harbour Castle Hotel in 1975. In the 80s, Campeau began a series of leveraged buyouts of companies, both in Canada and the United States. The final company was Federated Department Stores, the owners of Bloomingdale's for $7 billion. This was the beginning of the end for Campeau Corp, as they filed for Bankruptcy in 1990, one of the largest in history. Robert was forced to sell the home in 1990.
The home was purchased in 2002 by Harold and Sara Springer who entrusted architect Gordon Ridgely, interior designer Brian Gluckstein, and landscape architect Ronald Holbrook to bring their vision to life. They brought in 17th century antique furniture from france, original royal academy paintings, Italian marble and even crystal chandeliers.
Other features of the large house included a two-story indoor Olympic-size swimming pool with a retractable floor that converts into a ballroom. It also had an elevator, an oak wood bar, recording studio and even its very own bomb shelter!
The mansion has been featured in several movies including Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen's 'It Takes Two', 'Kissinger and Nixon', 'That Old Feeling' as well as most recently in an episode of Suits. A party was also held for Jane Fonda in the two-storey ballroom, which was then disassembled overnight so that Campeau could swim in the pool the next day with Pierre Elliott Trudeau.
The Springer's listed the chateau for sale including all of its contents starting in 2014 for $25 million and was last publicly listed in 2018 for $39,500,000. Finally, the home was purchased by Nascond Holdings in 2020 for $30.8 million.
Nascond Holdings is a company owned by the Muzzo Group which is a well known development company in the area. Marco Muzzo caused a drunk driving crash that killed four people and seriously injured two others. It was a very high profile incident several years ago, because of his ties to such a wealthy family. There was also a guest list of people found in the home including Marco's name as the host of the party.
The mansion was demolished shortly after my visit in August of 2022. Not much happened after that until more recently when some activity began to happen on the property. Ferris Rafauli who was also behind Drake's Bridle Path Mansion, is the designer and builder behind the new mansion that will take shape in the coming years.
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awanderingcanadian · 11 months
A Little Catch Up on My Life and Travels
My last post was about selling our beloved place in Mexico. I haven't posted since then, but I've been busy, both with closing down the business, and then taking to the road.
I'm writing this from a hotel room in San Antonio, Texas. We have just finished a 5 day vacation with family, and my husband and his brother attended 3 days of the Formula One in Austin. They are very close to each other, and I think they enjoyed everything about their 3 days together. My sister in law and I are also close, and we enjoyed hanging out: there was a day of walking and checking out the River Walk, and a couple of days of relaxing and reading, (things we both enjoy).
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Today we parted ways, with my BIL and SIL returning home and Craig and I staying one more night then flying onward to Mexico to meet up with my dad and a friend. We are headed to the town where we have spent 16 happy years, but this time we're not staying at our own place. Instead we are staying with our former property manager who also has rental apartments. While we will be doing many fun things with our local friends, we will NO be painting or fixing things, (a staple of our previous trips). It will be a different trip for sure.
However, I started my travels the last week of August, when my sister invited me to accompany her and my niece back to Ontario, (where my niece attends university). While I've passed through Toronto, both just within the airport, and by vehicle, I've never actually spent any time there, so I jumped at the opportunity. It was a fun and busy 5 days, sightseeing, catching a Blue Jays baseball game, and touring the infamous Kingston penitentiary, as well as getting my niece settled into her new house.
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In between the two above trips, we took our travel trailer down the Washington and Oregon coasts, before cutting into more central California to Yosemite National parks. We stayed at both National Parks and State Parks, and boy to do I have a lot to say about those...however, that will be in another post. We had two nights in the San Francisco Bay area, staying in fabulous new regional park in the East Bay, where we spend an unexpected $900+USD when the water pump, followed by the serpentine belt gave out in our truck! Fortunately, we were in a big centre with lots of access to mechanics and parts!
We picked up friends who arrived from Scotland and together the 4 of us made our way back to Canada, via wine tastings and microbreweries!
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We loved catching up with family en route, and it was fun to play tour guide to our Scottish friends! We took them out to my favourite place in the world, (the west coast of Vancouver Island), as well as visiting the famous Butchart Gardens, (in the POURING rain), finishing with 2 nights in Vancouver.
So...I've definitely not been lollygagging or wallowing in sorrow over the sale of our place, although when I see it tomorrow evening for the first time since the sale, I may have a wee wallow. Until next time...
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torontocustomsign · 1 year
Six Ways to Use Acrylic Signs in Your Toronto Business
Acrylic signs are attractive, affordable, durable, and portable. These signs can help give your business the visible “pop” it needs to draw potential customers’ eyes to your doorway instead of your competitor’s. We’ll show you how to make the best use of this type of sign for your Ontario business.
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Ways to Use Acrylic Signs Effectively in Your Toronto Business
Versatility is one of the many benefits of acrylic signs:
1. To create an enticing window display
Acrylic signs make attractive and enticing window displays. Unlike permanent signage, you can change your acrylic signs for each season or to highlight annual sales. Frosted acrylic signs can also offer you and your customers a degree of privacy while still allowing light to enter your space.
2. To welcome customers to your business
A friendly welcome sign with your business logo helps solidify your branding and sets the tone for a friendly encounter with your customers.
3. To advertise your business
Clear glass acrylic signage is a great alternative to traditional billboard or print advertising. You can place them in your building lobby, in your office lobby, or in the office of a company that sells complementary products.
4. To announce new products or current specials
Acrylic signs are also a good way to educate your customers on what’s new in your store without the expense and hassle of a more permanent sign or the possibility of missing customers when you rely on your salespeople to inform customers.
5. To guide customers to specific departments or products
Acrylic wall signs can be used as directional signage and to guide your customers to popular products or to commonly-used departments.
6. To solidify your branding in off-site events
Signage is important at off-site events, such as convention product fairs, product marts, and vendor sales events. You are often limited in space and compete with scores of other vendors for attention. Acrylic signs are nice and portable, have professional air, and can be designed to support your company branding.
Acrylic signs come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Made from durable plastic sheeting with a high-gloss finish, this type of sign can be imprinted with virtually any design or color. These signs are portable and sturdy enough to be used inside or outside. They can be displayed on an easel, hung on the wall like a painting, or suspended from the ceiling with wires.
To learn more about how acrylic signs can improve your visibility, solidify your branding, and drive customers to your store, visit Toronto Custom Signs online.
Source: https://torontocustomsign.com/six-ways-to-use-acrylic-signs-in-your-toronto-business/
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lorimirabelli · 2 years
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This 12x12 inch acrylic painting is available for sale directly through my website. It’s on canvas. It’s a snow day today, so no traveling to see Johnny Cash. I should be painting but I took the better part of this day to organize and book my travel for New York, the other art far Brooklyn, the artist project in Toronto, and I applied to the Riverdale art walk in Toronto for June. Then after all my my shows are finished i can relax a bit so I also booked my vacation to Bahamas. Only 2 weeks this time but I’m already counting down the days until I head out. My brain is a little overwhelmed with the amount trains and plane rides I’ll be on in the next 6 months. Lol. I love visiting but I don’t like the travel part of it all. . . . . . . . . #canadianartist #abstracted #dailycollector #todaysartreport #magcontemporary #abstractart #abstractpainters #abstractmag #minimalabstract #abstractartdaily #artcollector #abstractonfire #berlinart #artgalery #artlovers #newyorkartgallery #newyorkart #primer_contemporary #londonart #artbasel #contemporary_art #copenhagencontemporary #contemporarypainting (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn49_pIun6l/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Navigating Toronto Real Estate: The Role of Property Managers and Tips for Selling Your House
Toronto's dynamic real estate market presents both opportunities and challenges for homeowners and investors. Whether you're looking to manage rental properties or sell a house, understanding the local market and leveraging professional expertise can significantly impact your success. This article explores the critical role of property managers in Toronto and offers practical tips for selling a house in this vibrant city.
The Role of Property Managers in Toronto
Property managers play an essential role in the successful management of rental properties, ensuring that both landlords and tenants have a positive experience. Here’s why hiring a property manager in Toronto is a smart investment:
Expert Market Knowledge: Property managers possess deep knowledge of the Toronto real estate market, including rental rates, tenant preferences, and neighborhood trends. This expertise helps in setting competitive rental prices and attracting quality tenants.
Tenant Screening and Placement: Effective tenant screening is crucial for maintaining a stable rental income. Property managers conduct thorough background checks, verify references, and assess financial stability to ensure reliable and responsible tenants.
Property Maintenance and Repairs: Property managers coordinate routine maintenance and handle emergency repairs, ensuring that the property remains in excellent condition. This proactive approach helps preserve property value and tenant satisfaction.
Rent Collection and Financial Management: Timely rent collection and accurate financial reporting are vital for cash flow management. Property managers oversee rent collection, handle late payments, and provide detailed financial statements, giving landlords peace of mind.
Legal Compliance: Navigating Toronto’s rental laws and regulations can be complex. Property managers ensure that leases comply with local laws, handle evictions if necessary, and stay updated on any regulatory changes to protect landlords from legal issues.
Marketing and Vacancy Management: Property managers use effective marketing strategies to minimize vacancies and attract tenants. They manage listings, show the property, and negotiate lease terms to ensure a quick and profitable rental process.
Tips for Selling a House in Toronto
Selling a house in Toronto competitive market requires careful planning and strategic execution. Here are some essential tips to help you achieve a successful sale:
Set the Right Price: Pricing your home correctly is crucial. Conduct a comparative market analysis to understand the value of similar properties in your neighborhood. Consider hiring a real estate agent who can provide expert pricing advice based on current market conditions.
Enhance Curb Appeal: First impressions matter. Invest in landscaping, exterior painting, and minor repairs to enhance your home's curb appeal. A well-maintained exterior can attract more potential buyers and increase the perceived value of your property.
Stage Your Home: Staging your home can make a significant difference in how buyers perceive the space. Declutter, depersonalize, and arrange furniture to showcase the home’s best features. Professional staging services can help create an inviting atmosphere that appeals to a broad audience.
Professional Photography and Marketing: High-quality photos and a compelling listing description are essential for online marketing. Hire a professional photographer to capture your home's best angles and work with your real estate agent to create an effective marketing strategy.
Be Flexible with Showings: Accommodate potential buyers by being flexible with showing times. The more accessible your home is for viewings, the higher the chances of attracting serious buyers. Consider hosting open houses to increase exposure.
Address Repairs and Upgrades: Before listing your home, address any necessary repairs and consider making cost-effective upgrades. Updating fixtures, painting walls, and modernizing kitchens or bathrooms can add value and appeal to buyers.
Work with a Real Estate Agent: A knowledgeable real estate agent can provide invaluable assistance throughout the selling process. From pricing and marketing to negotiations and closing, an experienced agent can help you navigate the complexities of the Toronto market.
Prepare for Negotiations: Be prepared for negotiations and be willing to compromise on certain terms to facilitate a smooth sale. Your real estate agent can help you evaluate offers and negotiate effectively to achieve the best possible outcome.
Navigating the Toronto real estate market requires a strategic approach, whether you're managing rental properties or selling a house. Property managers offer essential services that enhance property value and streamline rental operations, making them a valuable asset for landlords. When selling a house, careful planning, professional marketing, and the assistance of a skilled real estate agent can significantly increase your chances of a successful sale. By leveraging the right expertise and strategies, you can achieve your real estate goals in Toronto's vibrant and competitive market.
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renosuperstore · 2 months
8 Things to Note When Buying Slab Doors on Sale
Slab doors are popular for many homeowners due to their simplicity and versatility. They can be used for both interior and exterior applications, making them a great option for various parts of your home. When these doors go on sale, it’s the perfect opportunity to upgrade your living space without breaking the bank.
However, to make the most of this investment, you must consider several factors. This article will guide you through the essential things to note when buying slab doors on sale.
Let’s get started
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Remember These Things When Buying Slab Doors on Sale
Slab doors for your Toronto home can be a perfect fit, no matter your decor. But it is best to understand a thing or two about them before you buy them on sale. Here are some things you need to know.
First…Understand What a Slab Door Is
Before diving into the specifics, it’s crucial to understand what a slab door is. Simply put, a slab door is a flat and rectangular piece of wood or other material that doesn’t come with a frame, hinges, or hardware. It's just the door itself. Think of it like a blank canvas – you can install it as you like, whether it’s for a closet, a bedroom, or an exterior entryway.
1. Consider the Material
Material matters a lot when choosing slab doors. The material will affect not only the look and feel of the door but also its durability and price. Common materials include:
Wood: Offers a classic, warm appearance and can be stained or painted. However, it may require more maintenance.
MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard): Cost-effective and easy to paint but less durable than solid wood.
Steel: Ideal for exterior doors due to its strength and security features.
Fiberglass: Resistant to dents and scratches, often used for exterior doors.
Each material has its pros and cons, so consider what best fits your needs and budget.
2. Check the Dimensions
Size matters when it comes to slab doors. It’s crucial to measure the door opening accurately before making a purchase. Most slab doors come in standard sizes, but you can also find custom options if needed. An ill-fitting door can cause headaches and additional expenses, so double-check those measurements!
3. Think About the Style
Style is key to ensuring your new slab door complements your home decor. There are numerous styles to choose from, including:
Panelled: Adds a traditional touch with its raised or recessed panels.
Flush: Features a smooth, flat surface for a modern look.
French: Often includes glass panels, perfect for allowing light to pass through.
Consider the existing design of your home and choose a door style that enhances it.
4. Assess the Quality
Not all slab doors are created equal. Quality should be a top priority when shopping, even during a sale. Look for doors that have:
Solid construction: Ensures durability and longevity.
Smooth finish: Indicates good craftsmanship and attention to detail.
Warranty: Offers peace of mind regarding the door’s performance over time.
5. Look for Discounts and Sales
Who doesn’t love a good deal? When searching online for “discount interior doors near me,” it’s important to keep an eye out for sales and promotions at nearby stores. Here are some tips:
Shop around: Compare prices from different retailers.
Seasonal sales: Look for discounts during holiday seasons or end-of-season sales.
Online deals: Sometimes online stores offer better prices than physical stores.
Don’t forget to ask about additional discounts or promotions that might not be advertised.
6. Installation Considerations
Installing a slab door can be a DIY project if you’re handy, but it might also require professional assistance. Consider the following:
Tools needed: You’ll need tools like a drill, screws, hinges, and a level.
Skill level: Be honest about your DIY skills. Improper installation can lead to issues down the road.
Professional installation: Sometimes it’s worth the extra cost to have a professional ensure the door is installed correctly.
7. Budget Considerations
Budgeting is crucial when shopping for slab doors. It’s easy to get carried away by beautiful designs and high-quality materials, but it's important to stick to your budget (even when they're on sale).
Here are some tips to keep your spending in check:
Set a budget: Determine how much you’re willing to spend before shopping.
Compare prices: Look at different stores and online retailers to find the best deals.
Consider long-term costs: Sometimes spending a bit more upfront can save you money in the long run if the door is more durable and energy-efficient.
8. Store Return/Exchange Policy
This is very important. Especially if you are buying slab doors online. Before finalizing your purchase, it’s essential to understand the store’s return and exchange policy. Here’s why it matters:
Peace of mind: Knowing you can return or exchange the door if it doesn’t fit or meet your expectations can make the buying process less stressful.
Read the fine print: Some stores have strict return policies or restocking fees, so be aware of these conditions.
Ask questions: If anything about the policy is unclear, don’t hesitate to ask a sales associate for clarification.
Buying slab doors on sale is a fantastic way to enhance your home without spending a fortune. By considering the material, size, style, quality, discounts, installation, and environmental impact, you can make a well-informed decision that you’ll be happy with for years to come. Remember, the right door can make a significant difference in your home's functionality and aesthetics.
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thelensofyashunews · 3 months
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Childish Gambino announced that his sixth studio album, ‘Bando Stone & The New World,' will be releasedon July 19 via RCA Records; he also dropped “Lithonia,” the explosive first single. The album notably serves as the final album under his Childish Gambino imprint. 
Childish Gambino is set to take Little Island in NYC on July 6th. This exclusive interactive experience will be the first listen to ‘Bando Stone & The New World’. Tickets to CHILDISH GAMBINO LIVE FROM LITTLE ISLAND go on sale on July 3rd at 10AM ET at https://www.littleislandtickets.com/.
Gambino premiered the movie trailer for ‘Bando Stone & The New World’ at the 2024 BET Awards. He also opened the ‘Lifetime Achievement Tribute’ for Usher with a show stopping performance of “U Don’t Have To Call.”
Childish Gambino is also set to take the global stage once again beginning this summer with The New World Tour produced by AEG Presents. The long-awaited U.S. leg kicks off on August 11 at Paycom Center in Oklahoma City, OK making 33 stops across North America before wrapping up in Chicago, IL at United Center on October 3. Gambino will then begin the European/UK and Australian/New Zealand legs of The New World Tour in Lyon, FR, on October 31 before concluding at RAC Arena in Perth, WA on February 11. WILLOW is confirmed as direct support for North America, and Amaarae is confirmed for Europe/UK as well as Australia and New Zealand. Tickets are available on thenewworldtour.com. 
Sun Aug 11 – Oklahoma City, OK – Paycom Center *  
Mon Aug 12 – Kansas City, MO – T-Mobile Center *
Wed Aug 14 – Milwaukee, WI – Fiserv Forum *
Thu Aug 15 – Columbus, OH – Schottenstein Center *
Sat Aug 17 – Detroit, MI – Little Caesars Arena *
Sun Aug 18 – Toronto, ON – Scotiabank Arena *
Tue Aug 20 – Pittsburgh, PA – PPG Paints Arena *
Wed Aug 21 – Philadelphia, PA – Wells Fargo Center *
Fri Aug 23 – Boston, MA – TD Garden *
Sat Aug 24 – Uncasville, CT – Mohegan Sun Arena *
Mon Aug 26 – Brooklyn, NY – Barclays Center *
Tue Aug 27 – Brooklyn, NY – Barclays Center *    
Thu Aug 29 – Washington, D.C. – Capital One Arena *
Fri Aug 30 – Raleigh, NC – PNC Arena *
Sun Sep 1 – Nashville, TN – Bridgestone Arena *
Mon Sep 2 – Atlanta, GA – State Farm Arena *
Wed Sep 4 – Tampa, FL – Amalie Arena *
Thu Sep 5 – Sunrise, FL – Amerant Bank Arena *
Sat Sep 7 – New Orleans, LA – Smoothie King Center *
Sun Sep 8 – Houston, TX – Toyota Center *
Tue Sep 10 – Austin, TX – Moody Center *
Wed Sep 11 – Dallas, TX – American Airlines Center *
Fri Sep 13 – Denver, CO – Ball Arena *
Sat Sep 14 – Salt Lake City, UT – Delta Center *
Mon Sep 16 – Phoenix, AZ – Footprint Center *
Wed Sep 18 – Los Angeles, CA – Crypto.com Arena *
Thu Sep 19 – Los Angeles, CA – Crypto.com Arena *                   
Sat Sep 21 – San Francisco, CA – Chase Center *
Mon Sep 23 – Vancouver, BC – Rogers Arena *
Tue Sep 24 – Portland, OR – Moda Center *
Wed Sep 25 – Seattle, WA – Climate Pledge Arena *
Fri Sep 27 – Calgary, AB – Scotiabank Saddledome *
Sun Sep 29 – Edmonton, AB – Rogers Place *
Wed Oct 2 – St. Paul, MN – Xcel Energy Center *
Thu Oct 3  – Chicago, IL – United Center *
Thu, Oct 31  –  Lyon, FR  –  LDLC Arena #
Sat, Nov 2  –  Milan, IT  –  Unipol Forum #
Mon, Nov 4  –  Cologne, DE  –  Lanxess Arena #
Wed, Nov 6 – Hamburg, DE – Barclays Arena #
Fri, Nov 8 – Oslo, NO – Oslo Spektrum #
Sun, Nov 10 – Copenhagen, DK – Royal Arena #
Tue, Nov 12 – Prague, CZ – O2 arena #
Wed, Nov 13 – Berlin, DE – Uber Arena #
Tue, Nov 19 – Paris, FR – Accor Arena #
Thu, Nov 21 – Munich, DE – Olympiahalle #
Sat, Nov 23 – Brussels, BE – ING Arena #
Sun, Nov 24 – Amsterdam, NL – Ziggo Dome #
Tue, Nov 26 – Manchester, UK – AO Arena #
Thu, Nov 28 – Glasgow, UK  –  OVO Hydro #
Sat, Nov 30 – London, UK – The O2 #
Sun, Dec 1 – London, UK – The O2 #
Tue, Dec 3 – Birmingham, UK – Utilita Arena #
Thu, Dec 5 – Dublin, IE – 3Arena #
Tue, Jan 28 – Auckland, NZ –Spark Arena #
Sat, Feb 1 – Brisbane, QLD – Brisbane Entertainment Centre #
Tue, Feb 4 – Sydney, NSW – Qudos Bank Arena #
Wed, Feb 7 – Melbourne, VIC – Rod Laver Arena #
Sat, Feb 11 – Perth, WA– RAC Arena #
Support Key
# With Aamarae
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vinylfencetorontoca · 3 months
Eco-Friendly and Stylish: Vinyl Fences in Toronto
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The Rise of Vinyl Fences in Toronto In recent years, vinyl fences have gained significant popularity among homeowners in Toronto, and for good reason. These fences are renowned for their durability, aesthetic appeal, and eco-friendly properties, making them a preferred choice for both residential and commercial properties across the city.
Durability and Longevity Vinyl fences are crafted from high-quality PVC (polyvinyl chloride), a material known for its exceptional durability and resistance to wear and tear. Unlike traditional wood fences that are prone to rotting, warping, and insect damage, vinyl fences require minimal maintenance and can withstand the harsh Canadian climate. From scorching summers to freezing winters, vinyl fences retain their structural integrity and aesthetic appeal year after year.
Eco-Friendliness of Vinyl Fences Sustainable Manufacturing Practices One of the key reasons vinyl fences are considered eco-friendly is their sustainable manufacturing process. Unlike wood fences that contribute to deforestation, vinyl fences are often made from recycled materials and can be recycled themselves at the end of their lifespan. This reduces environmental impact and supports sustainable building practices.
Energy Efficiency Vinyl fences are also praised for their energy efficiency. Their long lifespan and minimal maintenance requirements mean fewer resources are used over time compared to other fence materials. Additionally, the durability of vinyl fences reduces the need for frequent replacements, further conserving resources and energy.
Aesthetic Versatility Variety of Styles and Colors One of the standout features of vinyl fences is their versatility in design. Homeowners in Toronto can choose from a wide range of styles, colors, and textures to complement their property's architecture and landscaping. Whether you prefer the classic look of a white picket fence or the modern appeal of a privacy fence, vinyl offers options to suit every taste.
Customization Options Vinyl fences can be customized to fit specific design preferences. From decorative post caps to lattice tops and ornamental accents, homeowners have the flexibility to create a fence that reflects their personal style. This customization not only enhances curb appeal but also adds value to the property.
Cost-Effectiveness Long-Term Savings While the initial cost of installing a vinyl fence may be higher than that of a wood fence, the long-term savings quickly outweigh the upfront investment. Vinyl fences require minimal upkeep, eliminating the need for painting, staining, or sealing. This saves homeowners both time and money over the life of the fence.
Increased Property Value Vinyl fences can also increase property value by enhancing curb appeal and security. Potential buyers appreciate the low maintenance and durability of vinyl, making it a desirable feature in real estate listings. This can lead to a higher resale value and quicker property sale.
Installation and Maintenance Tips Choosing a Professional Installer When installing a vinyl fence in Toronto, it's crucial to hire a reputable contractor with experience in handling vinyl materials. Professional installation ensures the fence is correctly positioned, leveled, and secured, maximizing its lifespan and performance.
Routine Maintenance While vinyl fences are low maintenance, routine care is essential to prolong their lifespan. Periodically rinse the fence with water to remove dirt and debris, and inspect for any signs of damage. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or tools that could scratch the surface.
Conclusion Vinyl fences have become the go-to choice for eco-conscious homeowners in Toronto seeking durability, aesthetic appeal, and sustainability in their fencing solutions. With benefits ranging from minimal maintenance and energy efficiency to customizable designs and increased property value, vinyl fence Toronto offer a versatile and environmentally friendly option for enhancing residential and commercial properties alike.
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giantauctionsstore · 1 year
Find the perfect statement piece for your home or art collection. Bid, buy, and elevate your artistry today!
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amasencabinetsinc · 5 months
How to Transform Your Kitchen With Budget-Friendly Upgrades?
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Changing your kitchen to match your style and cooking needs doesn't have to be expensive. With some affordable changes, you can make this important room look new without spending a lot of money. This guide will show you different ways to make your kitchen look better and work better on a budget. By looking for kitchen cabinets for sale in Toronto and other places, using wholesale deals, and being creative, you can make a big difference in your kitchen's look and use without it costing too much.
Paint Your Way to a Fresh Look
One of the simplest and most effective ways to breathe new life into your kitchen is through paint and updating your kitchen cabinets. A fresh coat on the walls, coupled with new or refreshed kitchen cabinets from Toronto wholesale options, can dramatically change the room's appearance, setting a new mood and ambiance. Consider choosing light, airy colours to make the space feel larger and more welcoming, or use bold hues to create a focal point or accent wall. Incorporating wholesale kitchen cabinets can also be a budget-friendly way to enhance the overall look of your kitchen.
Upgrade Your Kitchen Cabinets without Overspending
Kitchen cabinets are a central feature in any kitchen, directly influencing the room's overall look and feel. If your cabinets look worn or outdated, consider giving them a facelift instead of replacing them entirely. This approach is not only cost-effective but also environmentally friendly. Options include painting your existing cabinets, replacing old hardware with modern handles and knobs, or even adding under-cabinet lighting to enhance functionality and ambiance. Exploring kitchen cabinets in Toronto or elsewhere, wholesale options can provide affordable solutions without compromising style or quality.
Maximize Space and Functionality with Smart Organization
A cluttered kitchen can make the space feel smaller and less inviting. Implementing competent organization solutions, including upgrading to efficient kitchen cabinets from Ontario and other areas, is a budget-friendly way to enhance your kitchen's functionality and aesthetics. Consider adding pull-out drawers, divider inserts for utensils, and hanging racks for pots and pans. Incorporating kitchen cabinets in GTA and anywhere else can offer additional storage solutions, helping you maximize space, keep your countertops clear, and ensure everything has its place.
Invest in New Faucets and Sinks
Upgrading your kitchen sink and faucet can have a surprisingly significant effect on the room's overall look. Modern and efficient faucets add both aesthetic appeal and functionality, while a new sink can serve as a striking focal point. These upgrades don't have to be expensive, especially if you shop around for deals and discounts.
To Sum up
Revamping your kitchen with budget-friendly upgrades is a practical and satisfying way to enhance your home's value and your daily living experience. By focusing on key elements, you can achieve a stunning transformation without the need for a complete overhaul and for those in the market for quality cabinetry options. With a variety of styles and designs, different companies like Amasen Kitchen Cabinets offer solutions that blend seamlessly into your kitchen upgrade project. Remember, a beautiful and functional kitchen doesn't have to cost a fortune, and with these tips, you're well on your way to creating a space you'll love.
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primehomerealty · 5 months
Analyzing the Impact of Unemployment on Real Estate Trends
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The intricate relationship between unemployment and the real estate market continues to be a subject of significant interest and concern. Specifically, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, with its vibrant real estate sector, offers a compelling case study on how fluctuations in employment rates can influence housing trends. This article delves into the complex dynamics at play, examining the direct and indirect effects of unemployment on the housing market, and exploring the broader implications for homeowners, buyers, and the real estate industry at large. Examining Unemployment's Effect on Housing Markets The link between unemployment and housing markets is both direct and profound. Historically, as unemployment rates climb, the purchasing power of a significant portion of the population declines. In Toronto, this trend has been noticeable, with rising unemployment correlating with a cooling in housing demand. The Toronto Real Estate Board reports a slowdown in home sales in quarters that mirrored spikes in joblessness, underscoring the sensitivity of the real estate market to employment trends. This decrease in demand can lead to a softening of home prices, as sellers adjust expectations in an effort to attract the diminished pool of potential buyers. Moreover, unemployment impacts not just the demand side of the equation, but also the supply side. Homeowners fearful of future job loss or currently experiencing unemployment may be more inclined to sell their homes, either to downsize or to liquidate assets in a bid for financial stability. This can lead to an increase in housing inventory on the market, which, when coupled with reduced demand, exerts downward pressure on prices. Conversely, in a market like Toronto's, where demand has historically outstripped supply, any sudden increase in available properties can temporarily buoy the market, creating a volatile pricing environment. Compounding these effects is the role of consumer confidence. Even individuals currently employed may hesitate to enter the housing market amidst rising unemployment rates, fearing economic instability or the prospect of their own job loss. This psychological factor can further reduce the demand for real estate, leading to a cyclical reinforcement of market slowdowns. Analysis by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation has highlighted this trend, noting that periods of increased unemployment often see a lag in housing market recovery, even after employment rates begin to improve. Unemployment Trends and Their Real Estate Consequences The recent unemployment trends in Toronto have painted a complex picture for the real estate market. As sectors such as technology and finance face layoffs, the ripple effects are felt across the housing spectrum. High-earning professionals, traditionally a significant force in Toronto's real estate market, are finding themselves unexpectedly unemployed, leading to a cautious approach towards large investments like real estate. This cautiousness has been reflected in a noticeable deceleration in the luxury housing segment, traditionally resilient to broader market shocks. On the flip side, unemployment can spur activity in certain sectors of the real estate market. Rental demand, for instance, often sees an uptick as individuals and families opt for leasing over buying in times of financial uncertainty. This has been evident in Toronto, where rental rates have continued to climb despite broader economic challenges. Landlords and real estate investors have been keen to capitalize on this trend, adjusting rental prices to match the increased demand, thus highlighting a segment of the market that can thrive under conditions of elevated unemployment. However, it's important to note the longer-term implications of sustained high unemployment on the real estate market. Persistent joblessness can erode the foundational demand for housing, leading to a protracted downturn in the market. This scenario could necessitate intervention by government and regulatory bodies, potentially through policy measures aimed at stimulating employment and, by extension, stabilizing the real estate market. Such measures could include incentives for businesses to hire, investment in public infrastructure projects, or direct financial support to those affected by unemployment, all aimed at reigniting the economic engines that drive demand in the real estate sector. The interplay between unemployment and the real estate market in Toronto offers a nuanced view of how macroeconomic variables can shape local housing trends. While the immediate effects of rising unemployment can manifest as reduced demand and fluctuating prices, the longer-term consequences could challenge the market's resilience and necessitate strategic interventions. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for stakeholders across the spectrum, from individual homeowners and buyers to industry professionals and policymakers. As Toronto navigates the complexities of its economic recovery, the real estate market will undoubtedly serve as both a barometer and a beneficiary of the city's return to full employment. Read the full article
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staticspaces · 16 days
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French Style Chateau
Don't forget, there is also a very entertaining video of this location as well!!
Now let's shift our focus to the main staircase in the oversized front entry hall, it was pretty spectacular…there are also a few images from the second floor as well!!
This mansion was built in 1985 on two lots in The Bridle Path neighbourhood of Toronto, Canada and was designed to resemble a French style chateau. The 30,000 square foot mega mansion had 10 bedrooms and 14 bathrooms, and was located on a huge four acre property that also included a tennis court. It also had a granite cobblestone driveway, a horseshoe staircase at the back and extensive gardens which completed the experience of living in a castle in France.
Originally built by Robert Campeau a financier and real estate developer. Robert began his career by building just one single house in 1949 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. His company then known as Campeau Corp was also responsible for building Scotia Plaza, a hi rise built in 1988 in the financial district of Toronto, as well as the Harbour Castle Hotel in 1975. In the 80s, Campeau began a series of leveraged buyouts of companies, both in Canada and the United States. The final company was Federated Department Stores, the owners of Bloomingdale's for $7 billion. This was the beginning of the end for Campeau Corp, as they filed for Bankruptcy in 1990, one of the largest in history. Robert was forced to sell the home in 1990.
The home was purchased in 2002 by Harold and Sara Springer who entrusted architect Gordon Ridgely, interior designer Brian Gluckstein, and landscape architect Ronald Holbrook to bring their vision to life. They brought in 17th century antique furniture from france, original royal academy paintings, Italian marble and even crystal chandeliers.
Other features of the large house included a two-story indoor Olympic-size swimming pool with a retractable floor that converts into a ballroom. It also had an elevator, an oak wood bar, recording studio and even its very own bomb shelter!
The mansion has been featured in several movies including Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen's 'It Takes Two', 'Kissinger and Nixon', 'That Old Feeling' as well as most recently in an episode of Suits. A party was also held for Jane Fonda in the two-storey ballroom, which was then disassembled overnight so that Campeau could swim in the pool the next day with Pierre Elliott Trudeau.
The Springer's listed the chateau for sale including all of its contents starting in 2014 for $25 million and was last publicly listed in 2018 for $39,500,000. Finally, the home was purchased by Nascond Holdings in 2020 for $30.8 million.
Nascond Holdings is a company owned by the Muzzo Group which is a well known development company in the area. Marco Muzzo caused a drunk driving crash that killed four people and seriously injured two others. It was a very high profile incident several years ago, because of his ties to such a wealthy family. There was also a guest list of people found in the home including Marco's name as the host of the party.
The mansion was demolished shortly after my visit in August of 2022. Not much happened after that until more recently when some activity began to happen on the property. Ferris Rafauli who was also behind Drake's Bridle Path Mansion, is the designer and builder behind the new mansion that will take shape in the coming years.
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