#painting these is very zen
falcoworks · 2 years
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Portrait commission!
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amusl02 · 1 year
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estradasphere · 3 months
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various Estradasphere logos i've shoddily transparent-ified no need to credit me if you use these - instead credit Mike Bennewitz for the Quadropus & Palace of Mirrors logos, and Arena Reed (? I think? unclear) for the It's Understood back logo
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sortvaniliekrans · 1 year
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I've been playing around with acrylic pouring to de-stress, these are my most recent pours that I'm finally liking enough to share!
The bottom two are before and after the paint dried, it was... melty XD Don't pour paint on thin cardboard, kids
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silkentine · 3 months
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Me when they are the sisters ever: 😭😭😭 They came out soooo freaking well. I won’t lie, they took me a thousand years to finish but through the constant support from all of my buds (and my latent bisexuality), we made it 😤
Hopefully you guys know the deal by now: design choices, easter eggs, and (NEW!) closeup shots below the read more. ⬇️
I wanted Ace to have a very down-to-earth vibe and looked at Aussie beach-girls, coastal cowgirls, and vaqueras for reference. (IDK, I’ve just always envisioned Ace as part-Australian🌺 and Mexican 🏴‍☠️) Her clothing choices are mostly natural or utilitarian materials like the painted wooden beads on her top, her woven fabric and leather belts, and her denim jumpsuit. I gave her bikini top a zen-garden kind of feel because I read the first Ace’s Story Novel and I loved how idyllic and peaceful they made Sixis Island sound so I wanted to invoke that in some way.
Speaking of her painted wooden beads, they hang off the back of her top and represent her connection to Sabo and Luffy. They watch her back once she sets sail. She only wears one red glass bead earring because the other one got ripped out of her ear when a child, leaving her earlobe torn (don’t think about it too much 😢). Also, YES! she does wear a hibiscus flower just like Rouge (because I hate you and I want to make you cry, muhwahahahaha).
Also, I really wanted her to have super textured curly hair that licks behind her like flames. I am always considering whether or not a character should have long hair or not because I don’t want it to be a hindrance if they’re in a fight (or if they ARE a fighter with long hair, how to they avoid an enemy making use of that?). Ace is, of course, a Logia-type Devil Fruit User so I think she wouldn’t have trouble with people grabbing it LOL I get the feeling that she doesn’t take very good care of it even though it looks amazing. Like you’d think it would be soft and bouncy just by looking at it but if you ever get the chance to run your fingers through it, it’s a total rat’s nest and there’s sand and food all up in it. She still falls asleep while eating 😂 but she tries her best to only do it around people she can trust (woman moment 😔).
Honestly, her design is not that different from Ace’s canon look. It feels really vital to Ace’s character to have a lot of skin showing. And he’s always hanging all over himself with his hips all cocked like the weight of the world is too much to stand up straight. It is certainly not my OWN preference to make her an absolute smoke show. That’s just the character, okay? (I’m partially lying and the proof is that I turned the emblem on Ace’s hat strap into a sternum tattoo for no other reason than that it is sexy af.)
Here are some closeups of Ace:
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Now for Sabo, I’ve made her very girly. I tried putting her in pants or something more militant but she told me that she’d wear the big poofy sleeves and hiked-up ruffled skirt. I think Sabo has always had a strong grasp on his fashion sense and individual flair and I truly believe that his personal style is one of the major influences for the rest of the Revolutionary Army resulting in the very flashy, queer, steampunk aesthetic (aside from Dragon’s plain-ass cloak). So of course I had to implement her nonconformist look when reimagining her as a woman and dress her up to the nines.
I’ve given her very ornate jewelry that is there to tell a story, even if she herself doesn’t know it. I like to think she picks up stuff from her travels that resonate with her, such as a damaged set of earrings with one stone missing or red cup-shaped shells featuring three nestled pearls. Another accessory that cannot go unmentioned is her dragon claw hat pin that keeps her top hat resting on top of her hair (and is definitely used as a weapon when the situation simply doesn’t call for trusty metal pipe). She also has a veil that obscures her prominent facial scar. I imagine she’s not very keen on the reminder of the incident from her childhood that took away her memories. I also kept her chipped toothed because 1) it’s fucking adorable and 2) is a visual reminder that she no longer aligns herself with the nobility who would have gotten such a thing fixed. She is so poised in almost every outward facet of her life from her dignified role as the Chief of Staff to the elegant materials in her clothing that it can be easy to forget she was also a rough and tumble forest dweller. Every time Koala remembers this, he lets out the biggest sigh.
Her hair is inspired by Gibson Girls and Elizabeth Swann from the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie. I wanted it to be fussy and tidy but fall apart when she’s in moments of distress. For example, when she remembers her sisters, her hair starts to look like Ace’s flaming mane. I’m so in love with her, I think she looks like an adorable little porcelain doll that would fuck you up. I made an effort to keep her eyes a little bit manic. I get lost in her steely black orbs (and also Ace’s warm brown ones, but we’re talking about Sabo rn).
Here are her close-ups:
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Plot notes for this AU:
For this series of character designs, I wanted the expressions and outfits to be aligned with the canon plot but I don’t know if I have the heart to kill fem!Ace in my AU. I’m too attached and ASL has suffered enough!!!!! But Ace’s death is also a major defining moment for Luffy so it feels disingenuous to completely avoid it. Also a huge aspect of Sabo’s character is carrying on Ace’s will and I have so many thoughts about how the Dressrosa Colosseum scene would play out if they were all women. Oh well, I’ll cross that tragic bridge when I get to it. I’m definitely going to draw some Modern AU Girl Piece ASL though. They deserve to hang out with no stakes 😭 They are sisters!!!
Check out the tag “girl piece” on my blog for my other One Piece genderbends! 🥰
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acotarxreader · 5 months
Lessons in Herbology
Azriel X Reader
Synopsis: You and Azriel are frequently at odds with one another but when Azriel accidently destroys your life's work, the illyrian will do anything to make it up to you.
Warnings: Angst, Smut, scratching? biting
A/N: Alrighty we got some frenemies smut situation going on hehe let me know what you think friends!
“AZRIEL!” You screamed from the top of the stairs of the Town House, your voice carried through the whole house and practically into the neighbour's. You had never been so angry with him in your life, with real thoughts that you were going to kill him. You quickly stepped down the stairs, your gait heavily weighted with rage.
“Gods YN, I was in the kitchen not Summer Court” Azriel laughed, meeting you at the bottom of the stairs. His eyes landed on the shredded manuscript you held in your hand, his eyes moved from the ribbons of paper to your enraged eyes. Azriel bolted towards the lounge where your friends sat alarmed at the volume of your voice and pace of Azriels sprint. You darted after him only to have a weight thrown into your stomach, hoisting you off your feet and over a broad shoulder. 
“CASS! PUT ME DOWN” Cassian held you as you tried to wriggle from the fireman-style hold, some of the shreds of paper flying around the room.
“Calm down YN we can fix whatever it is - Gods stop hitting me!” he fought against the urge to drop you, Azriel taking sanctuary stood behind the sofa. You allow your body to go limp, forcing a deep breath from your lungs until they empty. 
“What on Prythian is going on in here? I heard the shouting from the end of the garden?” Rhysand entered the lounge to his friends, concern and humour painted his face.
“He shredded my FINAL DRAFT of the medicinal encyclopedia I was writing to finally finish my fucking healer apprenticeship” the group inhaled sharply at the severity. You had been working on that for months, it needed to be submitted in a week, eyes all then landing on Azriel.
“I didn’t mean to! I was looking for something in your room and my shadows got a bit frantic at the urgency and-” “-What the hell were you doing in my room?!” you still hung over Cassian's shoulder, simmering in anger.
“-I was looking for Truth Teller AFTER YOU USED IT TO CUT UP HERB SAMPLES” Azriels own voice raising, remembering the disrespect you had shown him the week previously.
“-I’M GOING TO KILL YOU SHADOWSINGER” You began thrashing again, Cassian's fingers burying into your hips. 
“Would you two hurry up and have sex already?” The room's eyes landed on a very bored Amren as she rose and made her exit. You breathed deeply out once again.
“Okay, okay, I am calm, I am zen, put me down”
“Ehh I don’t think-”
“I SAID I’M FUCKING ZEN-” you coughed after shouting, clearing your throat before speaking again “-Ahem, I mean, Cassian, if you would please return me to the ground, I am Zen” Cassian glanced at Azriel who looked genuinely terrified.
“Okay, no killing Az though, he owes me a drink-”
“Wow thanks, Cass, my life is only worth a glass of whiskey” Azriel rolled his eyes to his brother as Cassian lowered you to the ground. You ran your hands down the front of your trousers, breathing out until the blood rush from being upside down released itself. 
The inner circle watched as you moved towards the kitchen, Azriel remaining behind the sofa as a buffer. You returned a jug of water and the broom, no one taking their eyes off you. 
“Cass, please help me with this for a moment” You stood on the edge of the opposite sofa to Azriel, placing the mouth of the jug flush to the roof, the broom then pushed at the base supporting the jug. You gestured with your head for Cassian to take hold of the broom, allowing you to release the jug, its weight now supported by Cassian holding the broom.
“Now, don’t move or you’ll soak the place Cass-”
“-wait what?” Cassian's confusion was cut off by your sudden movement darting towards Azriel.
“COME HERE AZRIEL!” you flew over the sofa that was protecting Azriel, slamming into his chest and sending him flying to the ground, Cassian was completely caught off guard and unsure of what to do, looking between the jug and his two friends near killing one another. Mor, Rhysand and Feyre keeled over with laughter. 
You lay flat on your bed, staring up at the ceiling, the magnitude of the workload ahead of you washing over you. You left a soaked Cassian to mop up the water after Rhysand finally caught his breath from laughing to separate you from Azriel. You allowed the tears to fall down your cheeks, unable to hold them in any longer. 
You pinched the bridge of your nose, sighing while trying to pull the tears back in, a knock gently tapping off your oak door. You silently hoped it was Cassian or Feyre, wishing to openly cry into their arms at your future dissolving in front of your eyes. You opened the door, Azriel blowing in the door passed you before you could close it on him. You were shocked as you closed the door gently so as not to wake the rest of the house, Azriel pacing your room.
“Azriel, please go, I just can’t with you right now” “YN, I am so so s- were you crying?” you span away from him, drifting over towards your bed, climbing into the centre of the shredded paper nest you had made. 
“Look, I’m really sorry about the manuscript, normally I wouldn’t care if I drove you this insane but I really didn’t set out to ruin your manuscript as some sort of vendetta-” “You’re rambling Az” “Sorry sorry, long story short I’m here to help you rewrite the whole thing-” your laugh at his words cutting him off before he continued, sitting at the edge of your bed to continue his plea.
“I know I don’t know anything about healing other than what not to do but I can write a lot faster than you and I know you hate me right now but I’m still your friend in a weird us kinda way right?” you didn’t have a reply to that. You and Azriel frequently fought but you were still friends beneath it all. 
You didn't expect your body to move towards his, exhaustion and stress perhaps blurring your thought process. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug, his arms wrapping around your waist returning the sentiment. You fought against your body again, losing the fight as tears began to fall from your waterline once again.
“I am a terrible friend” he whispered into your hair, feeling the scope of the burden his haste had brought you. 
“Yeah, you kinda are” You laughed through your tears, your joking tone returned the lightness to Azriels chest. Silence fell around the room, you both just taking a moment to hold one another in ease, a new sense of comfort growing between you both. 
You separated, moving deeper into the bed, handing him blank sheets and a pen as you wiped your tears with your sleeve. Azriel slid into the bed alongside you and after a quick debrief, you both began the work of diving into herbology. 
You both wrote and researched until three in the morning rolled around, and your eyes grew heavy, sleep fighting your need to keep writing. 
“Okay YN, that’s enough” Azriel barely whispered as your eyes finally lost the fight. Your weight fell softly into Azriels side as he gently pulled the pen and paper from your hand. His shadows swept up the stray sheets into a pile on the floor before they pulled a throw blanket from the base of the bed over the both of you. Azriel too tired to fight their mother-hen energy. 
The sunlight crossed your eyes as you rested into Azriels chest causing you to squint into the unforgiving rays. You rolled into Azriels side tighter, further tangling your legs together with a groan of comfort. You then shot upwards in the bed. 
“Gods YN what's wrong?” he stretched the words out while straightening his arms out above his head, his eyes adjusting to the light. 
“I just woke up next to you is what's wrong! Leave before someone sees you, they'll never let it go” “YN don’t be annoying, nothing happened-” he rolled back towards you, reaching his arm across your abdomen and pulling you back into the mattress “-you were blocking the sun from my eyes a minute ago” You hit him gently into the chest laughing at his dumb smirk and yet you obeyed. 
“OH MY GODS I NEED TO FINISH WRITING” You shot back up remembering the mammoth workload ahead of you, Azriel being sent flying towards the floor with your sudden upward movement. 
“Okay okay fucking hell, I'll go get you a coffee” he half laughed, pushing himself from the ground and quietly out into the hall.
Azriel strode down the stairs, feeling weirdly warm towards the thoughts of this morning. 
“Hey Az, do you-” “Nothing! I did nothing” Cassian raised an eyebrow to the spymaster's rushed and unusually uncontrolled response. 
“Okay, I’m going to choose to pretend that wasn’t incredibly suspicious” he laughed from the lounge where he sipped his coffee.
“Wait, I thought you went to the House of Wind last night”
“Yeah I was but then YN and I fell asleep after-” “After what Az? Wait, did you just come out of her room?” he couldn’t hide the giddy smug tone coating his words. 
“No no no” Azriel tried to brush him off, moving into the kitchen with Cassian hot on his heels. 
“Azriel, did you and YN-” “-Cassian! Do not finish that sentence!” Azriel scrunched his eyes together before reaching for a coffee mug from the press. 
“Az, you don’t drink coffee” Cassian smirk now turning to a blinding grin.
“It's for YN and before you start, I was helping her with her manuscript and then we fell asleep, literally nothing else happened” Azriel boiled the water, still refusing to turn to face the Illyrian warrior.
“Did you want something to happen Az? Was it a lesson in Chemistry instead of a lesson in Herbology?” The question caught him entirely off guard, dropping the pouch of coffee granules into the sink with a swear.
“Ohhhhh Azie like YNN-ie”
“Shh she could hear you” he whipped around to his brother with panic at his teasing tone. 
“Oh shit you didn’t deny it” Cassin punched Azriel’s arm playfully but harder than intended, some element of his protective nature rearing its head. 
“Look, I don’t know, you know I don’t know, I just find her mesmerising but also a mind-altering amount of frustrating” 
“Ohh Az you got it so bad for her” he pushed Azriel coltishly again. Azriel returned to finishing the coffee, the noticeable silence from his brother raising a question in his mind. Azriel turned back to find Cassian's eyes fixed heavily onto the ground, now unable to meet his eye.
“Cass…what do you know?” 
“N-nothing” Azriel only raised an eyebrow in response, he would always be able to spot a lie, especially with Cassian. Azriel caught Cassian's shoulders and forced him to look into his eyes
“Cassian, you need to tell me right now if I even have the slightest of chances with YN'' The clear and definitive tone of Azriels voice was not lost on Cassian.
“Yeah Az, I kind of do know something” Cassian then proceeded to tell Aziel the story of you. How you liked him since you met four hundred years ago, how you believed you would never be like Mor in his eyes, how you knew you’d never be like Elain in his eyes, your fighting going into overdrive, especially at the time of Elains introduction to your world. How you tried to process and bury your feelings, choosing to stay his frenemy rather than ever risk losing him to unrequited feelings. At the end of it, Azriel felt awash with every and all emotion.
“So wait what about now, does she still feel those feelings?” “Do you want to be with her?” 
“We’re not talking about me right now Cass, we’re talking about her! Well?!” “Yeah Az, she still does - Gods she's going to kill me where I stand” Azriel barely heard what was said after the confirmation of what he had secretly wanted for so long. He took a step back from Cass, shock colouring his face before he found his feet rushing him up the stairs and away from Cassian's calls to be careful.
You sat writing away, almost halfway complete with the rewrite as Azriel nearly lashed the door off the hinges and slammed it closed almost as hard. Azriel almost took two steps at a time as he closed the distance between you, he snatched the paper from your hands, throwing it any which way. 
“Az what the fuck-” Your confused laugh was cut off as Azriel lunged forward, pushing you into the bed, and hovering above you. You looked into his hazel eyes, which seemed almost lit with fear before he leaned down and connected his lips to yours. You felt the stress he had caused you yesterday be instantly replaced with a pure lightness. He pulled back to look into your eyes again, his face the picture of apologies and petrification, not believing his actions.
“I am so sor-” You cut off his apology by pulling him back to meet you, him smiling into your lips as they met hurriedly. 
“This-is-so-crazy” he breathes between kisses.
“It-could-get-crazier” You almost giggled into the breathy kisses, Azriels shadows responding to you by wrapping around your curves. You sat up from beneath him, only separating from him to pull your shirt from over your head, Azriel repeating the action with his own linen. You ran your hands down his chiselled bare chest and he began to nip at yours. 
“Are you sure you want to do this YN?” you smiled at his kind eyes, placing a tender kiss in reassurance. As you separated his eyes had turned lustful, your hand reaching and grazing his bulge, gaining a slight groan from him. He promptly stood and removed his trousers as you kicked off your own, sliding further into the bed and beckoning him to follow you. You let out a whimper at the feeling of his teeth marbling your neck, marking you as his.
“I’m gonna give you such crap about that beautiful noise later YN” he grinned, abusing the spot that gained the noise causing more to leave you. He claimed the spot until dapples decorated your skin, the feeling of him hard against you was driving you crazy quickly. You bucked your hips up to meet him harder in sweet friction. 
“Okay I can’t wait any longer, I need you, I really fucking need you” he panted, pulling his underwear down, unleashing his full glory, your mouth almost drying at the sight. 
Azriel slowly inched into you, allowing you to adjust to the massive length of him, your nails digging into his shoulders in glorious pain. Azriel raised a hand above your head to support himself, your eyes squeezed shut in pleasure as he began to move. Your nails racked up his back at the growing speed, your growing moans spurring him on. Azriels wings splayed out to balance himself, your hand found itself trancing gently the spines sending gratifying shivers down Azriels back. 
Your head fell back as you both began to sink into synchronised movement, tightening around him the band began to tighten and tighten and tighten until finally, it snapped. You almost roared his name at the release of pure endorphins, the sound sending Azriel sailing over his own edge. Your legs still wrapped around him as he began to shake through his own orgasm before he slowly pulled out and collapsed breathlessly beside you. 
Azriel sat up, hauling the duvet up and over you both as you leaned your back flush with his chest, breathing, fighting to return to regular rhythm. 
“Four hundred years huh?” Azriel puffed the words out with a smile. You took a moment to process the words. 
“I am going to kill Cassian” You squeezed your eyes closed in almost embarrassment, Azriel leaning forward and kissing your cheek softly.
“Am I forgiven for the manuscript incident?” you hummed in answer to his question, eyes relaxing closed as you both tangled together. You looked to the ground to see Azriel’s shadows mending shreds of paper together.
“Az…did you know that your shadows could do that?” you sat up looking at the now-mended manuscript on the floor.
“Eh…yes I did, I just wanted to spend time with you, don’t kill me” he looked panicked to your disbelief. You just allowed a loud laugh to escape your chest at the absurdity of it all. 
“I think you’ll be making it up to me for the rest of your life” “I can’t wait” 
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gallierhouse · 3 months
Armand really likes playing with dolls. He throws Lestat around like a rag doll when he meets him, he ties people to his slab and sets them on fire. The theatre is his dollhouse, and all the cast and crew are his little toys he puppets (he literally does, when he makes them all pass out at the dinner table and when he manhandles Santiago and Claudia), and he directs their little plays and dresses them up in little costumes and has them act out his fun little fantasies every night (“no pain,” Claudia falling out of a window and dying, etc.). He even sets their bedtime. Then he’s got his morgue, where he keeps all the parts he doesn’t feel like playing with anymore. Still organized, still catalogued, still clearly owned by him. In little boxes with their names written on them. In San Francisco he buys houses and fixes the slanting floors and flips them for profit. He rips newspaper off the windows to let the light in when he’s arguing with Louis. Then he restricts Louis’ movement and leaves him immobile and in pain on a bed instead of feeding him or putting him in his coffin. He cuts the strings of his favorite marionette. You see it in how he feeds Louis. He drips his blood into Louis’ mouth and then removes his wrist once he decides Louis has had enough. Then he puppets and contorts Daniel’s body for his own amusement, and then he sets Daniel in front of the television and leaves it on like he’s babysitting a child, and then he gently cleans up Daniel’s wounds and holds him like a child and convinces him he wants to die. In Dubai he controls all the windows in the penthouse, and he’s made some interesting decisions about their wardrobe (it’s all black athleisure, unless Armand’s wearing a dress shirt). The shelves are out of Louis’ reach, the only one ever shown leaving the apartment is Armand. He sells their paintings. He’s planted his magnolia in the zen garden he built for Louis. It’s literally his dollhouse he keeps his favorite doll in. Their bedroom is made of bars. He’s wiped some of Louis’ memories, he’s put Fred Steins in with Louis’ photos. I think Armand conceptualizes all of this as servitude, things he does for someone else’s benefit at the expense of himself because he’s dutiful and self-sacrificial, and I think there is some truth to that, but on another level, he really enjoys playing with dolls. He’d probably be better off if he started playing the Sims or something. He’s such a little perfectionist with a control freak streak. He’s actually very easy to please. As long as everything goes his way 24/7, 365, without failure or exception, he’s happy.
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strwberri-milk · 2 months
Hiii! I really love your work and if it's not a problem, could you write fic with LADs boys (it can be only Zayne ) and the reader like did something wrong and upset them , and to make it up for them she said that she will do whatever they want.(it also can be smut ,hurt/comfort if you don't mind ●\\\● )
Take you time ,Bye ♡
yall the sylus pv going INSANE what do you mean he has everything wdym hes bad boy zen /j - also i think these boys are WAY too soft and itd actually be. kinda hard to piss them off lolol
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You never feel like you've done something wrong around Zayne because he very rarely actually reacts to anything that you do. He's so used to your antics that nothing ever really throws him off. If you've done something you know is wrong you immediately look for him or look at him if he's there, trying to gauge his reaction.
When you've actually upset him he'll just sigh and shake his head, working to correct whatever it was that went wrong immediately. You get a sinking feeling in your stomach, at a loss for words as he goes into his office to work quietly.
He'll never ever be mad at you but that doesn't stop you from feeling miserable, quietly making your way into his office with some desserts from a cafe he hasn't been able to try yet. You don't really say anything as you slide them onto his desk but he can tell how upset you are with the fact that you refuse to look at him.
He grabs your hand and pulls you onto his lap, giving you the first bite of the sweet treat as he holds you close. It's a wordless way for him to show you how much he loves you and that he's not mad at you. He'll just remind you to be a little more careful next time and that's that.
When you offer to do anything he wants his eyes widen a little. He doesn't know what you're getting at but now that you're no longer upset and touching him gently he understands what you're getting at. He'll tease you all night, drawing things out as a punishment for misbehaving.
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Xavier gets even softer when he's upset. He doesn't want to say anything in fear of saying something he can't take back and likes to go cool off in the form of a walk or working out. He deals with his energy in physical means, not really being one for words.
The longer he stays out the more you panic, trying not to blow up his phone. You don't want him to think that you don't trust him on his own - you're just worried you've messed everything up. You tell him that he can do anything he wants to make up for it - if you can give it to him you will.
When he comes back he'll almost be acting like nothing happened. That's not really something he's doing on purpose - it's just because he doesn't really know how to talk about what happened. He's just going to try and bring it up over the next few days if you don't prompt conversation. He wants to resolve the issues after all, not just let things fester. However, that does mean you've subjected yourself as being part of the physical process for his emotional turmoil. You don't have to do much - he has enough energy for the two of you. You'll have to be okay with being twisted every which way - he's not going to let you rest for a while.
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Rafayel being upset means that you won't hear the end of it. He'll go on and on - unless he's actually furious with you. He'll be at a total loss for words, unable to even look at you as he vents through an especially intense looking painting or sculpture. You might have to give him a day or two to cool off, but if you completely go no contact with him he'll totally lose his mind. Just text him once a day or something and he'll be less likely to get upset with you for abandoning him in addition to whatever it was you did in the first place.
He has a habit of ignoring problems as well, so if you don't bring it up he won't talk about it until he blows up again. It'd be best for you to get him to talk to you about what just happened - and once you're done he's going to take you up on the offer of doing anything he wants.
You won't be able to walk by the time he's done with you. He's got pages and pages of your form scrawled out in his sketchbook, a whole new gallery of secret photos that are for his eyes only. He's also got a lot of energy so it'll be a long while until he's finally done with you.
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jeonride · 1 year
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welcome to my reading list of minghao ficts!i'm actually so sad that i can't find more...
FICTS ! ✧*。
Avant-Garde (fluff, college au, painter!hao) by @hoyoungy
Glacial Pace (smut, friends to lovers) by @wonusite
Home Yet? (smut, established relationship) by @idyllicdeco
Felix Felicis (fluff, slytherin!minghao) by @blue-jisungs
Rush Hour (smut, enemies to lovers) by @lovelyhan
Attracted to You (smut) by @cheolhub
All Mine (smut) by @cheolhub
F* Me, Emo Boy (smut) @sunnylovespickles
Chèrie (smut, duke!minghao) by @venerex
Art Project (smut, fluff) by @1-800-hwahui
Monitor Me (smut, camboy!minghao) by @sunnylovespickles
Deadly Sin (smut, horror, demon!minghao) by @onlymingyus
Longing of a Noble's Daughter (smut, angst, royal au) by @sunnylovespickles
Oh, My! (smut) by @toruro
Now or Never The Series (smut) @heartkyeom
Bloody Kisses (smut, vampire!minghao) by @duhnova
Once Bitten (smut, contains blood) by @sluttywonwoo
Blocked Contacts (fluff, jealous hao) by @jae-bummer
Kiss Me Thru The Phone (smut) by @number1mingyustan
Wild With You (smut) by @beahae
Dress, Preview (smut) by @ally-127
Erotic Humiliation (smut) by @bitchlessdino
Wildest Dreams (smut, angst, moviestar!hao) by @rubyreduji
Zen (fluff, smut) by @playmetheclassics
Coffee at Christmas (fluff, smut) by @sluttyminghao
Playing Cupid (smut) by @sluttywonwoo
04.18 am (fluff, smut, pianist!minghao) by @number1mingyustan
Fixer Upper (smut, friends to lovers) by @seungkwansphd
Tamed Studies (minghao x male!reader) @flwrboi
Paint Me in Gold (fluff, semi royal, ghost au) by @starryse
Take it Like a Good Girl (smut, ft.mingyu) by @pussy-potions
Home for The Holidays (fluff, smut) by @bangchanswolfpelt
Wrong Turn (smut, vampire!minghao) by @meltwonu
Leave it On The Runway (smut, model!hao) by @kpop-hive
Galaxies Away (romance, angst, nerd!hao) by @dianalikecats
A Thousand Words Left Unsaid (angst, heartbreak) by @twogyuu
The Party Chronicles (smut) by @bitchlessdino
Thank You (smut, ft.jun) by @peachybun-bun
just minghao's hands appreciation (posted by @uremoangel)
minghao de-stress you with oral (fluff, smut) by @nsfwhao
soft sex (fluff, smut) by @toruro
please (smut) by @pussy-potions
kinktober drabble (smut, minghao is a sex store worker) by @sluttyminghao
fucking + praising (fluff, smut) by @gfcheol
aftercare (nsfw-ish, soft) by @gfcheol
flying & fucking (smut) by @toruro
minghao as pussy slapper (smut) by @toruro
hard dom!hao + spanking (smut) by @onlyhuis
accidental stimulation (fluff, smut) by @wildfluwer
one more time (fluff, smut) by @onlymingyus
hao kissing your tears during sex (fluff) by @toruro
light-feather praises (nsfw) by @venerex
bedtime tea (fluff, comfort) by @venerex
how i'd do? (smut) by @onlymingyus
[20:13] (filthy, iykyk) by @trash-hours
on your knees (smut) by @multi-kpop-fanfics
passionate sex (smut) by @sluttywonwoo
slow down, look at me (smut) by @jeongwife
freakily good with his hands (smut)
corruption kink (smut) 2nd ver
fingering (smut, fluff tho)
you have to be quiet (smut)
when it's cold outside (fluff)
that's sick ! (fluff)
fucking with your hands tied (smut)
want to see cherry blossoms (fluff)
let me take care of you (fluff, comfort)
hurry up (smut, sub!minghao)
jealous sex (smut)
minghao's kinks headcanon (nsfw)
horny dom!hao (nsfw)
fucking with racer!minghao (smut)
art exhibition (smut)
a-z nsfw with minghao
drawing body paint on your thighs (nsfw)
sucking his on kitchen counter (nsfw)
daddy sugar!minghao (smut)
my muse (smut, sub!minghao)
paparazzi!minghao (smut)
smut, 3.5k- yeah, that's it.
wake up early (very fluff, also smut)
blade of hearts (smut)
butterfly (fluff, smut)
sir!minghao (smut)
last (implied mature themes)
maniac (smut)
wanna hold your hand (smut, fluff)
1K notes · View notes
anotherrunawaytrain · 3 months
I’m so happy about this! My TMNT bowl.
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It’s mostly based off of the 2012 series. While I’ve been a fan since 1990, I found the ‘12 Turtles when I was having a hard time in my life, and they gave me comfort, becoming my favorite iteration of the boys.
I’ve been working on this for about a week or two. It has UV resin and I wasn’t about to kill my battery powered light on a bigger project like this. It’s mostly made with MiniVerse stuff (the resin, turtles, white rocks, and pink pebbles as well as the bowl itself being a ball I painted) but I also added other things that I had like the black aquarium pebbles and the plants. The palm tree was from a faux plant that I deconstructed, cut off part of the flower stalk, and painted to look like the pink palm in the 2012’s bowl when Splinter bought them.
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It’s just so cute, and I’m so happy. I need to touch up some of the paint on the outside because I accidentally dropped it and some of it got scrapped off since I didn’t sand it first. But I’ll be sealing it anyway.
And yes, I made each one as one of the boys.
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On the left, that turtle’s face was painted crooked and made it look like he has his head tilted up to look at something. So that’s Donatello, and he’s studying the tree.
Raphael is coming out of the water to bask.
Leonardo is chilling in the water but resting on the rock because that’s very relaxing and it looks like turtles are just so ✨zen✨ when they do that, so obvs it had to be him. lol
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Michelangelo is going for a swim and having fun.
The pink pebbles, I arranged as best I could as the Hamato Clan’s crest. I knew I wouldn’t be able to make it as detailed, but I’m happy with how much I was able to do with it.
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seat-safety-switch · 12 days
You can go out and just buy yourself some dump truck paint. It's at special stores, sure, but there's no government creepazoid who is going to make sure you actually-factually really do own a piece of large industrial equipment. Then you can spray it on your car. There's just one problem: dump truck paint kind of sucks.
I know, you're surprised too. Dump trucks are heavy, and they get rocks dropped on them all the time, and my cousin had a Tonka growing up that seems to have held up pretty well. Well, that Tonka's paint was applied properly by a professional who wasn't using a 25-year-old can of the stuff that he found at the very bottom of the industrial paint store's dumpster. Whenever I do it, the stuff just flakes off, even if I spend, like, five whole minutes sanding first.
I won't proceed to bore you any more about the crises of my inadequate painting technique. Today, I'm here to tell you that I have figured out a way to get dump truck paint that actually sticks to my car. Turns out the city just parks their industrial equipment outside, and they even provide a convenient block-heater outlet for you to run a plasma cutter on. With some aggressive free-handing and power-squinting, I was able to cut a couple "patch panels" directly off of a trendy Caterpillar. Believe me that it was a very Zen experience, especially when I later pop-riveted them onto the quarter of my Volare.
If there is one bad part of the whole thing, it's that the city keeps spilling so much more road salt on the streets in the winter, so even this robust new paint won't last as long as once I hoped they would. Almost like there's some giant fender-shaped holes cut in the bottom of their sanding trucks or something.
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The black house w/the purple door has a vibe. 2017 house in Naples, FL has 4bds, 3ba, and is priced at $4.5M.
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There's a long gallery style entrance hall.
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The living room has painted black floors, dark blue walls accented with a darker blue and black wall. A glass wall gives a view of the patio.
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The galley kitchen is ultra modern and not open. I kind of like the privacy. I like the gray cabinets and black sink, too.
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The long primary bedroom has doors that open to a private outdoor area.
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Sleek black and navy blue en-suite.
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The secondary bedroom has a nice gray and navy bath.
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Very nice laundry room.
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Smaller room for a child. They accented the dark rooms with bright colors, textures, and patterns, which are key if you don't want a moody space.
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This bedroom's a little larger and fits twin beds.
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Love the bold wallpaper in this bath.
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Covered patio has a nice gas fireplace.
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Very pretty Zen garden & pond feature.
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The pool is parallel to the water feature.
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The yard backs up to a small lake.
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The house is known as "The Butterfly House" b/c the roof forms a V, like wings.
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9,583 sq ft lot
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casper-spills · 2 months
·:¨༺ ♱ 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑱𝒖𝒍𝒚 𝑴𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒔 ♱ ༻¨:·
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ᴘɪʟᴇ 1 ~ ᴘɪʟᴇ 2 ~ ᴘɪʟᴇ 3
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Discaimer: Tarot reading is for entertainment purposes only and should never take the place of professional therapy or professional legal, medicinal or financial advice.
Ends on September 22nd
General £10 ~ £5
Wellbeing £10 ~ £5
Career £10 ~ £5
Prediction £15 ~ £8
Love £15 ~ £8
Sex £20 ~ £10
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♡ ᴘɪʟᴇ 1 ♡
𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒉
King of Pentacles Upright
Keywords & Signs: Saturn, neptune, aqua, ocean, cliff, forest, stargazing, earth, green, spotlight, picture frame, certificate, 14, 3rd house, gemini, mercury, gibbous moon, starseed
Messages: 'You're very close to achieving your goal' 'What sparks your curiosity and inspires you?'
This month seems very focused on your work life or career in particular. You will find yourself thinking and working hard to learn more about your role. Perhaps you have just gotten a promotion or you could be an intern shadowing somebody. You will be processing and learning how to lead/run a business and you will be thinking about how you can communicate effectively. You are being asked to remember to stay disciplined to keep the business abundant and secure.
If you are not employed, you might be someone who takes a leader role and keeps up with a lot of responsibilities in your family/friend/social circles. It could also mean you will be presented with a work opportunity this month!
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆
Seven of Cups Upright
Keywords & Signs: Mirror, vanity, brown, zen garden, ballroom, desert, twins, shadow self, water, leo, neptune, 7, 10th house, capricorn, saturn, reputation, new moon in capricorn, dance
Messages: 'Your hard work is paying off' 'Do something to change your energy'
Traits of your current or potential partner: Positive: dreamy, intuitive, imaginative, spiritual, innocent, kind, sweet, forgiving, compassionate, lucid dreamer, psychic, sensitive, empathetic, optimistic, ambitious, abstract, big/thick hair, elegant walk, broad shoulders, tall, tanned skin, warm skintone, bright smile Negative: delusional, naive, unrealistic, overly ambitious, childish
If you are single, you may already have a few potential partners you could be considering at the moment. You are being asked to choose carefully. If you feel as though you have to choose and settle for one option then it probably means that none of them are right for you. Trust your gut. Some may not be who they seem.
If you are already in a relationship, then you are being asked to address any issues that may come up within the relationship and take steps to strengthen the bond. The honeymoon phase may be starting to wear which is completely natural, and so, you are faced with the reality of the relationship and you are indulging less in fantasies and wishful thinking. This doesn't have to be a bad thing. It is a natural part of every relationship.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔
Knight of Cups Upright
Keywords & Signs: Water, balance, bored, snow, brown, capricorn, eclipse, cross, meadow, ritual, 2nd house, taurus, venus, posession, mercury, picses, 12, full moon in capricorn, protection
Messages: 'Call back your power. Cut the cords. Soul retrieval' 'The end of a tough cycle approaches'
You could be trying to gain some extra income at the moment with new ideas. You could be someone who is trying to use their creative skills to earn a bit of money, perhaps an artist? It may be painting, nail art, photography, etc. You could also be a writer or a composer.
This is your reminder to not be discouraged! You might feel like you're not doing enough or earning enough. You feel like maybe you're being too ambitious. You are doing just fine and you are not doing anything wrong. Stay motivated and push through! You have so much to share, it would be a shame for everyone to miss out on what you have to offer.
If you are trying to save money and budget, remember to have good discipline and spend responsibly. You may sometimes be too optimistic with how much you can spend which is okay sometimes, especially when you need to treat yourself after a long day, but make sure you're keeping track of just how much you're able to spend.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒉
The Star Upright
Keywords & Signs: Performance, pole dancing, purple, gate, orange, pyramid, mountains, desert, egypt, scorpio, mercury, 17, 4th house, cancer, moon, full moon eclipse, light
Messages: 'You've been training for this for lifetimes' 'Conclusions are within reach'
This month you are being asked to pay attention to matters related to your genitals, reproductive system and your rectum.
If you have been trying for a baby and have been struggling then you may be in luck this month! Make sure you are seeing a doctor consistently to ensure the health of you and your baby.
If you are someone who does not want to get pregnant, make sure you are taking extra precautions using contraception.
Generally, this reading is positive. You could be someone who has had problems with these areas of the body and in this month of July, you will have a time of healing. Not many of you will need to worry but it is always good to pay attention to your health and take the right precautions.
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♡ ᴘɪʟᴇ 2 ♡
𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒉
Two of Coins Reversed
Keywords & Signs: 3rd house, gemini, mercury, communication, neptune, fish, giraffe, storm, blue, earth, green, full moon in virgo, stairs, lightning, 2
Messages: 'You are good enough' 'Wait. Postpone. Pause. Say no'
This month seems focused on your workload and your priorities. You may have been feeling overwhelmed and feel like you're struggling to maintain your schedule. You will be learning how you can keep yourself organised and manage your time. You could also be struggling in some of your relationships due to your busy schedule and you might find it difficult to keep up with your social life. This month, you will also be figuring out how you can balance your work life and your social life. You are being asked to stay realistic with how much you are able to do and turn down opportunities that are no longer in alignment with your goals. Reassess your priorities.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆
King of Wands Reversed
Keywords & Signs: Fire, 14, imrama, full moon in capricorn, 10th house, capricorn, saturn, reputation, moon, virgo, orange, brown, doors, claustrophobic, caves
Messages: 'The end of a tough cycle approaches' 'Listen to your heart'
Traits of your current or potential partner: Positive: Secure, consistant, loyal, feminine, nurturing, gentle features, bright eyes, lean, curvy lips, delicate nose Negative: Emotional, sensitive, resting bitch face, prudish
If you are in a relationship, you or your partner may be exhibiting controlling or aggressive behaviour. There may be a lack of trust in the relationship due to the nature of how it started. You or your partner may have rushed into this connection because of superficial or shallow reasons such as a gain in social status, fame, money, etc. You are being asked to remind yourself to think before you act and to address these issues to strive for a open and honest connection.
If you are not in a relationship, the King of Wands reversed warns against arrogance, recklessness and lack of self discipline. You may be feeling pressured to rush into a new relationship. You could be the kind of person who typically has high standards for potential partners and you feel like you have to lower these standards and settle for someone for shallow reasons. You are being asked to take your time and think about what it is you actually want. Don't cave into the social pressure.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔
Seven of Swords Upright
Keywords & Signs: Air, arrows, new moon in leo, warrior, sword, 7, 2nd house, taurus, venus, uranus, leo, orange, centre, spotlight, posessions
Messages: 'Have you answered your deepest calling?' 'Confidence is your key to success'
You may have felt like you had to resort to deceitful tactics when it comes to your finances lately. Perhaps, if you are running a business, you could be inflating prices for example. Alternatively, you could just be more secretive about your financial position and leading people to think you are not in a secure enough position to pay for certain things or to lend money when in reality, you probably could and you just don't want to.
Some of you may have been saving up for something big which could be why you are not lending money or spending as much. You are being asked to have more confidence in how you spend your money and remember that you are always entitled to your money and whatever you decide to do with it is your business.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒉
The Chariot Upright
Keywords & Signs: 7, ink blot, horse, star, voice, cave, full moon in aquarius, purple, moon, taurus, 9th house, sagittarius, jupiter, opening, persecution, expression
Messages: 'Share your voice' 'Bring love into the situation'
This month you are being asked to pay attention to matters related to your throat, neck, vocal chords, tonsils, thyroid and your intestines.
If you are currently going through some obstacles regarding your health, you may have struggled with a negative mindset for some time but soon, you'll feel a sudden burst of energy and a new sense of urgency to address these issues. You'll become determined to start an exercise routine to help you heal or maintain good health.
Some of you might be performers or singers so perhaps you'll be doing vocal exercises or routines to ensure the health of your voice.
Even though your road to recovery may be difficult, you will overcome these obstacles and you are being asked to remember to talk about these problems with your support group or loved ones.
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♡ ᴘɪʟᴇ 3 ♡
𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒉
Page of Coins Horizontal
Keywords & Signs: Earth, 11, mecury, libra, 11th house, aquarius, uranus, hope, whale, dolphin, ocean, mutable moon, field, egg, green, horizon
Messages: 'Nothing is yet set in stone' 'Call in your tribe. You don't have to do it alone'
This month seems to be focused on your personal development within your work life and your social life. You may have a lot of hope for the future and you are thinking a lot about your long term goals. This could be a financial opportunity or networking. Perhaps you have already made a strong start and layed the foundations for future success.
However, you could face some challenges this month. You might procrastinate and struggle to follow through with your goals. You are being asked to seize your opportunities while you can and to remove any distractions that might be holding you back.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆
The Sun Horizontal
Keywords & Signs: Light, 19, training, void of course moon, north node, rahu, libra, 8th house, scorpio, pluto, debt, beams, swing, trangle, pyramid, moon
Messages: 'Nothing will come of this situation' 'You have been training for this for lifetimes'
Traits of your current or potential partner: Positive: secure, consistant, loyal, feminine, domestic, nurturing, glowing complextion, dimples, symmetrical face, cupids bow Negative: emotional, sensitive, dramatic
If you are in a relationship you might be feeling insecure about your connection. At times, it could feel like you're on a rollarcoaster where one minute you feel like everything is absolutely great and then the next, you feel left out in the cold by your partner. You can't seem to tell whether the relationship has lost is spark or not and you might start to think you should rethink marriage arrangements. There could be some hidden issues in the relationship that will be surfacing soon regarding, inheritance, change, pregnancy, jealousy or money. You are being asked to spend quality time together and remind eachother of why you got together in the beginning and to have trust that these problems can be resolved. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
If you are not in a relationship, you could be feeling content and you're enjoying the aspects of being single but you're also open to future romantic opportunities. This month, it seems like there is a relationship coming your way! However, you might struggle to find your footing. You could be coming across as egotistical and it might seem like you are bragging a lot which could put off potential partners. You're being asked to try not to focus too much on impressing them and to just be yourself. Just dial it back a bit and you'll do just fine.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔
The Magician Upright
Keywords & Signs: Purple, cat, 1, transformation, waxing moon, magic, performance, infinity, cancer, venus, 6th house, virgo, mercury, service, throne, healing
Messages: 'The energy is gaining momentum' 'Things are changing at a cellular level'
This month it looks like your finances are heading in a positive direction! You could be thinking about partnering up with a business or merging accounts with somebody or perhaps you want to open a new bank account. You will also be presented with new financial opportunities such as a promotion or an offer to make extra money. It could even be an opportunity to mentor someone or be mentored by someone. You are being asked to put your original ideas into practice and to be smart with how you play your cards with certain people.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒉
Four of Coins Upright
Keywords & Signs: 4, full moon in aries, storm, lightning, snowstorm, north node, rahu, pause, orange, scorpio, 8th house, pluto, debt
Messages: 'A fiery climax approaches' 'Say no. Now is not a good time'
This month you are being asked to pay attention to matters related to your genitals, reproductive system and your rectum. Some of you are very prone to pregancy the month of July and if that is not something you want then you are being asked to be especially cautious this month. For others, you may be suffering from constipation or water retention. You might find it helpful to pay attention to your salt and fibre intake.
You also could be holding on to some old emotional or psychological baggage. You might find it helpful to talk about it with a friend or a professional to release some of these issues.
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♥Thank you for your support!♥
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sproouts-jpeg · 2 months
one piece strawhats post-ts redesigns part?? idk technically like 1.5? we’re going backwards hell yeah!!
part 1.5: roronoa zoro (finally!)
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i was originally really inspired by @deadbutnostink ‘s zoro fanarts! i love their style and trans goth zoro is the best thing ever!
this was the first planning sheet i ever made so it’s really plain without much elaboration sorry, so i’ll do that here:
gothic, traditional japanese clothes, samurai armor, and pirate attire is kinda all built with lots of layers, but zoro will literally throw off his coat all the time just to fight shirtless, so i think he’s the kind of person that prefers light clothing. so i tried to use as little layers of clothes as possible. but now that i’m looking at the finished drawing, i think oda also intended that to show off his chest scar as much as possible, which is much more difficult to see in my design.
i feel like i’m getting off topic lol. so the mihawk influences and darker moody color palette is supposed to evoke the gothic gloominess of kuraigana and its inhabitants! zoro’s waistcoat has a brocade and standing collar like mihawk’s coat does, but with a thistle and wisteria pattern. In an sbs interview with robin’s japanese va, she was asked her what flowers she associates with each strawhat, and she assigned thistles for zoro. in a later sbs, oda was asked the same question for the supernovas, and assigned wisteria for him. i thought it was a cute detail lol. there’s also swirls in the brocade like on perona’s pre-ts shirt and an arrow-ish design on the sash like her post-ts dress
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i wanted to add more overt perona references, but she’s very hyperfeminine in contrast to zoro, so i’d just imagine she painted his nails (but only on the condition that he at least learn how to do so himself)! his waistcoat is supposed to basically hit 3 birds with one stone (hehe threes): gothic, piratey, and traditional japanese style. cause gothic clothes in many subcultures are based off the more lavish clothes worn by nobility in time periods like the victorian era and other european eras before/around that, but stereotypical pirates tend to wear many of the same pieces, like frilly shirts, waistcoats, and coats with pauldrons, but of varying quality due to lower class and criminal status. the general silhouette of the sleeveless waistcoat, much like how the original green coat is like a kimono, is supposed to be reminiscent of a full length sleeveless haori.
zoro was originally supposed to wear haidate, japanese armor pieces worn over the thighs, so that with his haori and hakama pants his look would be reminiscent of samurai, but i ended not liking the extra bulk it added to his look. i considered giving him tabi boots instead of combat boots, but i think the combat boots add to the alternative vibe i’m going for. the gray garment worn under the waistcoat isn’t really a kimono, cause it’s cropped at the hips and with rectangularly constructed sleeves so that they can be rolled up, so i think it’s closer to a jinbei/samue. samue are also commonly worn by zen buddhist monks, like the mala beads that zoro also wears (inspired by @/jojodreamie on twt’s future strawhats au zoro design). apparently the people in shimotsuki village, his hometown, are shown to be buddhists. so even tho zoro is pretty much atheist, or at least agnostic, i think he just keeps beads and stuff as more of a cultural practice than a spiritual one.
i tried really hard to give him a more different realistic body type that suits his training/fighting styles, instead of just that really dehydrated jacked look. idk anything abt anatomy or muscle building or sword fighting, so this is all speculative (and i’ll still say stuff with complete confidence :D). zoro’s strength as a swordsman mainly seems to be focused in his upper body: shoulders/upper back and arms (maybe chest idk???). but with the way he fights with big sweeping swings he needs good strength in his thighs and core for stability. this reminds me more of discus athletes. the way he trains though, is weightlifting, which focuses much on those same muscle groups, but in a different manner focusing more on the back, core, and thighs to build bulk and endurance. so i kinda combined the two?? idk if i did it too well even with my references (i’m afraid of looking at pictures of shirtless dudes lol /hj)
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i also gave him an unnecessary amount of scars, but knowing how reckless he is in battle i’d imagine he has a lot of scars around his hands and arms. and it looks cool. his skin tone is closer to his pre-sabaody color palette in the anime, but with the bright green hair of the post-sabaody anime, and the darker olive green roots like opla mackenyu zoro. idk why i gave him those arrow shaped eyebrows, ik i saw some fanart on twitter that inspired it, but i don’t remember it. his nose is also wider and supposed to be a kind of round bulbous shape that’s flat at the front, so a bigger nose shape like koushirou’s “roman” shaped nose.
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and now some closeups!! i really like how he looks without the haori too!! but without the big green coat it’s not really reminiscent of the original look so i can’t keep it that way :/
i hope y’all like it! as the poll results show, i’ll be doing usopp next! or maybe i wont and go entirely based on my whims lol
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loveandleases · 4 months
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Since G won the poll, here's their alphabet post. Below the cut!
A = Admiration - G admires honesty.
B = Body - G loves a soft touch, the glide of a hand along their forearm, or up their back.
C = Cuddling - They love to hold their partner close. To press their face against the top of their head as they snuggle close.
D = Dates - Their ideal date would be to go out to a nice dinner, just talk. Truly talk, about your passions, your shared history. Your relationship?
E = Emotions - G likes to pride themselves on not giving to much away. While you and Cam did break their walls, they have learned to rebuild some in your absence. Though if you look at them from the corner of your eye, when they think you can't see them. Their emotions are written all over their face.
F = Family - G is somewhat close to their family. They had a lot of expectations when growing up and were sure to meet them head on. Now speaking of a family with MC, they would be more than interested in it.
G = Gifts - Time is more important to them than material things. Especially when it's so hard to come by and fleeting. Though if you want to give them a gift just know they will keep it forever. They might still have one from before.
H = Holding Hands - They cling to their partner. Graciously extended a guiding hand to you when out and about, or if you just want to feel them close.
I = Injury - G can handle pain quite a bit, they don't really overreact when hurt. But if a certain someone gets hurt, yeah they might freak out.
J = Jokes - They like to pretend they don't enjoy jokes, but you will see them hiding a snicker whenever Cam says one of their classic dad jokes.
K = Kisses - Soft at first, as if you're a piece of glass that can break at any moment. Or someone who can disappear when they turn their backs. When G knows you won't leave, their kiss then becomes rough, all encompassing. Trying to claim who they care so much about.
L = Love - They love with everything in them, with every fiber. Giving their all to their partner.
M = Memory - G has plenty of memories of MC and Cam, some of their favorites was the shared time together at Uni.
N = Nightmare (what is one of their fears?) - Losing someone they love. (for ex G, that may have already happened.)
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?) They always try to cover their mouth when they smile due to being bullied when they were younger.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?) 여보 Korean for honey.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?) Enjoying each others time, taking time out of your daily lives to appreciate the little things. Always talking some of the pets from the clinic out on walks if they need to. (also painting)
R = Rhythm (what song do they hum to themselves, when they think no one is listening.) Why by Hwasa.
S = Secrets (how open are they?) G is very secretive, they keep their secrets close to their chest.
T = Time (how do they spend their time?) Most of the time is at work, when they are free they tend to relax at home. They occasionally like to go out checking the scenery of the town, or well at the clinic with the pets who need them.
U = Upset (how do they act when they're upset?) They stew in their emotions, sometimes for days. They tend to bottle things an unhealthy amount.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of?) They're mostly proud of the pets they have saved, the work they have done. They worked hard to get to where they are.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?) G would prefer not to get into a fight, but that doesn't mean they won't say something in your honor if need be. If Mc was in a fight and was ganged up on then G would definitely fight with you.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?) Quite well considering your past. Though that may have changed over time, I suppose there is one way to find out.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?) Absolutely.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?) Reading, petting animals. Watching kdrama, I mean they would never! Cooking really calms them.
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mawsnclaws · 4 months
In honor of school letting out, here's some Stanley Palatable predcanons for you. Expect more uploads for various fandoms soon <3
- He's the most stuck up pred you've ever met, but the most insistent on eating you.
- He refuses to eat you if you have shoes or a jacket on. He thinks they're "too dirty" and will refuse to even let you near his mouth.
- Adventure line tongue? Adventure line tongue! If you decide to follow the Adventure line, you may end up in a bit of a..situation.
- If you fall into something he may be eating or drinking, don't expect him to help you out. You're on your own now. Just hope you can avoid being eaten long enough to find a way out.
- Don't mention him eating you to anyone else because he'll just brush you off and get embarassed. "Oh dear where did you ever come up with a thing like that?" Before you're snatched up and shoved into his pocket.
- He uses the time he has you in his stomach to get things done. He's always making sure you're safe and not doing anything stupid- he rarely has time to work on the Parable or his writing. His best bet is just to swallow you down and take some time for himself.
- Biiig fan of fear/fearplay, even if you hate it. He's really bad at knowing just when to stop so he often does go overboard- but he tries his hardest to make up for it in any way he knows how afterwards.
- His stomach is either like the zen room or bright yellow! Depends on how he's feeling. It growls a lot- on purpose mostly. He thinks it "adds to the tone" when in reality it's just nice white noise.
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- Surprisingly worried pred, constantly prodding at his stomach to try and make sure that you're ok.
- Needs constant reassurance that you're fine and he tries to find different ways to talk to you since he can't speak.
- Mostly eats you to give you a break from The Narrator. He's gentle and quiet- something that The Narrator isn't. He genuinely enjoys being this close to you.
- Enjoys it when you rub the inside of his stomach!
- His stomach is a duller grey-ish pale yellow, it's not harsh on your eyes which is nice. His stomach doesn't growl as much and when it does it's pretty quiet.
- After he eats you, he tries to settle down in a place where he wouldn't move much. His chair, the break room, somewhere peaceful like that. He doesn't want to disturb the little bit of "alone time" that you get.
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(this one is mainly for me. happy pride month yall. I LOVE WOMEN.)
- She is a very no nonsense pred. She won't eat you without permission but she doesn't like it if you squirm or struggle.
- She mainly eats Mariella, but if you ask her politely enough and you catch her on a good day, she absolutely will eat you.
- Her stomach is a gentle blue-purple color and it's very quiet. Most of the time she'll gently hum while working, or make small conversation, but other than that it's silent.
- Sometimes she likes to gossip about The Narrator. Nothing harmful at all, just silly little quips about her "airhead" coworker.
- Sometimes she'll dangle you between her fingers (neatly manicured blue nails.. 😋) before she eats you. She's silly and indulgent sometimes.
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(this is also mostly for me. I just. love women. a lot. 😭)
- THE YAPPER EVER. She will NOT shut up once she eats you. She sees this as an opportunity to talk and talk without any interruptions. She talks about everything. Hair, nails, the weather, her job- everything.
- Her stomach is pink! It's a muted pink but it's very nice. It growls a lot but not nearly as much as The Narrator's.
- Sometimes you'll just get picked up and eaten with no explanation and she'll start chatting away. It's mostly when she's bored and has nobody else to talk too.
- She's not one for fear but she does like to dangle and tease occasionally.
- Sometimes she won't even eat you, she'll just hold you in her mouth for awhile while she paints her nails or does makeup- or on the rare occasion that she actually gets stuff done, some paperwork.
- She'll fall asleep without explanation at times. One moment she'll be talking and the next she's fast asleep.
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