#pal tag tba;
disturbnot · 8 months
howdy friends. my 31-year-old bf is playing scvi with his also 31-year-old work bestie rn. they're making their characters run in little circles while they show off their newest shinies to each other. and all is well. 🌞
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collidingxworlds · 8 months
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{ Light/Dark Triad Test }
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Jim Moriarty
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Respectively Jim, Sebastian & Gabriel !
tagged by: @kingofthewebxxx & @uselessdevice [[ thank you, guys! ]] tagging: steal it, since as per usual I'm late to the party !
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enviral · 1 year
makes u take a compliment ooo you write so good n vile and you have such an eye for aesthetics
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sorry pal idk what this says??
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heavenlyheartsclub · 2 years
Here’s my “F/O’s Out Of Context!” Idea by @toasty-self-shipping!!
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judassamara · 2 years
dear gloria... @gloriaharwell
Hope you’re doing well, especially with all the shit going on around town. Can’t imagine the streets feel safe these days, but I know you’ll be fine. If I've learned anything about you from our letters, it’s that you’re far tougher than you think. Besides, I don’t want anything happening to my favourite girl. If you find yourself in any trouble, let me know. Whether I’m still here or not, I’ll make sure you’re taken care of. 
I know you’re gonna ask how I’m doing and, I gotta be honest, not great. Got myself in a bit of trouble so they locked me up in solitary for the last month. It’s not remotely pleasant so I won’t bore you with the non-existent details. What I can tell you is that there’s been gossip of some new guard that’s flirting up some of the other guys in here. This is the extent of our entertainment lately, but with them catching that killer, I’m sure we’ll have someone new in here soon. I’ll get the lowdown on them when they arrive and let you know if it’s anything interesting. 
Finally got a chance to finish that painting I was telling you about. I’m not the greatest at landscapes, but it does kind of look like home. Thanks for looking up those tips of how to mix certain shades. I am not artist enough to figure it out on my own, but the tips you gave me worked like a dream. Can’t wait to show it to you. 
til next time, judas
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needlekind · 1 year
filterable picrew database!
original post updated march 7 2024
hey pals!! i'm working on a filterable, tagged collection of picrew i like. right now there's over 100 picrew (and other such makers such as those from neka or meiker) in there with tags for things like fashion, hair options, skin colors, specific features like horns or headscarves, and body types. you can search for multiple tags at a time and filter out tags you don't want. the whole thing is organized in a big grid of sample results from the picrew in question, so you can see the style at a glance and click it for more images and the url, but you can change the view and organization system however you like.
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the link is here!!! feel free to share this wherever. i'm still going through my folders and adding more makers, so expect lots of updates real soon.
i'm hoping this makes it easier for people to find picrew that suit them and their characters, especially in cases where it's unfortunately harder to find certain features like dark skin options and fat bodies.
really important notes:
i do not take requests for additional tags. sorry!! please understand that every time i want to use a new tag, i have to manually go into every maker in the entire backlog and check to see if they have it. it's a pain! it takes a while! there's only one of me! the only circumstance under which i'm willing to add a new tag is if you're willing to go through the backlog and link me every picrew that needs the tag, and i can use it going forward.
if something is tagged wrong, i need to know which maker it is so i can fix it. you need to tell me! the most useful way to send me a specific picrew is a direct link, or the artist name (which will be the title when you click into the item in the database). sometimes i get vague comments like "there are makers in x tag that don't fit" and no one EVER follows up with which ones they are so i can't FIX IT.
one big thing that you can do to help me with this database is take one of the links on my tba page and tell me what tags apply to it. literally just one! enough folks see and use this resource that just a few people taking one takes a load off my plate.
💖🍵 if this resource has been useful for you, consider sending me a tip on ko-fi!!
have fun!!!! i hope this is helpful for people!!!
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@xplodeking asked:
✣ I like the way you express your muse(s)
❋ Your blog is one of my favs
✦ I like seeing you on my dash
✪ You seem like a cool person
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What do you want to tell me?
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Take everything back now!
0 notes
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Yo 😎 I’m Hazard “Haz”, and I’m extremely awesome at what I do: hazardous things 😏- that is, I travel all over and catch Pokémon to transfer over to researchers [all vetted and verified, duh 🙄]
Anyways, I’m in my early 20s and I use any pronounce 👍. Gender?
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I made this account because my best pal told me not to and I live to be a contrary jackass 😁
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— Tess the Jolteon
— Jester the Ditto ✨
— Buzzkill the Rotom
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About, rules, and more!
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These will have warning tags, and the less tame stuff will not have any Pokémon IRL tags. Still, please stay cautious if any of these upset you!
— Drug & alcohol mentions and use
— Self destructive behavior
— Past Pokèmon death
⚠️ ASKING ⚠️
Mail [on] - Malice [on] - Magic [off] - Dreams [off]
— I encourage you to bully Haz, but remember to keep it in-character!
⚠️ TRIVIA ⚠️
— Since Haz travels a lot and his job involves them, he, in theory, knows a ton about Pokémon. I, unfortunately, have not played any of the switch games and have memory issues. Please include Pokémon names somewhere if you show him an image of one so I can google it, just in case!
— Haz is kind of a jerk to people he doesn’t know or care about, and he does it on purpose. Your character can respond accordingly, but please don’t take it personally ooc.
— He was a member of a [not canon] “evil team” adjacent group from around 15 to 19. He doesn’t really talk about it, and will get incredibly defensive if it’s brought up.
— Divider made by me!
— Biohazard stamp/current pfp from abrasiveinanity!
— Header from lovepokemontcg!
⚠️ BONUS ⚠️
— Playlist (tba)
Art of Haz & his team <3
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bluejaysandblackbats · 5 months
Catch and Release
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: AU where Jason doesn't die in the explosion and he and Tim end up attending the same high school months later.
Chapters: 5/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Sebastian Ives, Jack Drake, Janet Drake
Relationships: TBA
Additional Tag: Jason Todd Lives, Jason Todd-centric, POV Jason Todd, POV First Person, Tim Drake Has Issues, Tim Drake Has Issues, Tim Drake is Not Robin, Jason Todd is Not Robin (Anymore), Bruce Wayne Needs a Hug, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Alfred Pennyworth Knows, Stalker Tim Drake, Jason Todd Has Chronic Pain, Jason Todd Has PTSD, Angst with a Happy Ending, Unlikely Friends, Injury Recovery, Emotional Baggage, Rage, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating
Chapter Five: The Scoundrel
I started going to Tim's house after school every day. Bruce wanted to ask about my whereabouts, but I think he was relieved that I wasn't moping around the manor anymore. Tim was weird, but I chalked it up to his obsession with Batman and his parents being absent. I think I helped him with his grades because he started doing his homework while I was around. It wasn't like Tim needed the help. Tim was kind of a genius, but he was lazy, or maybe the best word is uninspired. I feel like it was a fair trade. I made him buckle down, and he made me laugh.
During my third week going to Tim's house, Tim invited some of his friends over every Saturday to play a tabletop game like he did every week, but this week, he thought it'd be a good idea to invite me. I'd never played before, but he refused to let me sit out, so he called me over on Monday to learn the rules. "Don't worry, it's kind of like role-playing. You were in drama for a year and a half, right? Think of it like that," Tim reassured me as he passed me a book's worth of papers. I was overwhelmed, but he seemed excited to introduce me to his pals. "This looks like a lot, but I promise you'll get it before Saturday."
"This seems like it might be meaningful to you. I don't wanna get in the way of you and your friends having a good-."
"But I want you there... You don't have to play if you don't want to, but I think you should come to hang out. Don't alienate yourself, Jason," Tim interrupted. He was right. I'd ducked out every time Tim made plans for me to meet his friends. Tim was easy to talk to because he was weird. Not everyone was like him. Most of those kids had average lives and healthy relationships with their parents, and they wouldn't get me the way he did. I was afraid of being rejected.
"I don't wanna get in the way-."
"You're not getting in the way. You're my friend. I'm not asking you to figure the game out, Jason... I'm only asking you to show your face," Tim replied. I smiled and nodded as I started to flip through the packet he gave me.
"So, do you think I'm scoundrel material?" I joked. Tim laughed.
"Oh yeah, you were born to be a scoundrel," Tim teased. The front door opened, and I glanced over at Tim. "No one else is supposed to come-."
A woman waltzed over and kissed the top of Tim's head before dropping her suitcase. "Oh, hi. I'm Janet, Tim's mom," she smiled. I reached out and shook her hand.
"Hi, Mrs. Drake. I'm Jason Todd," I replied.
"Janet's fine," Janet corrected. Then she went upstairs without a word, and a man (I assumed was Tim's father) came in carrying the remainder of their luggage.
Tim stood stuck for a moment as if he hadn't expected to see his own parents. Don't get me wrong. He looked happy, but it was definitely overshadowed by his puzzled look.
"We finished up early... I'm beat-." He stopped and looked at me. "Sorry. We haven't met... Have we?" Mr. Drake questioned.
I shook my head. "I met your wife a second ago... I'm Tim's friend, Jason," I introduced myself. I shook his hand, and he smiled.
"Skate park injury?" Mr. Drake asked about my leg.
"Dad!" Tim chastised his father.
"What?" Mr. Drake asked.
"No, sir... I was in a gas leak explosion in April," I replied. Tim rubbed his arm. It was nice that he tried to protect me, but I knew his dad didn't mean anything by it.
Mr. Drake frowned. I could tell he felt guilty. "It's alright. I'll probably say skate park next time someone asks," I joked. Tim relaxed his shoulders, and Mr. Drake chuckled.
"It was nice meeting you, Jason. I'd love to stay and talk, but I'm worn out," Mr. Drake whispered. I nodded, and he excused himself.
"Your parents seem nice-."
"Lie again," Tim half-joked.
I wondered if he resented them for being away all the time. They barely even acknowledged him on their way in the door. I felt so bad I wanted to go home, but I could tell he wanted me to stick around. "They can't be that bad... You turned out to be a half-decent person," I teased.
Tim sat down on the couch with me, and we went over the rules and character-building stuff until we fell asleep. It was the best sleep I'd had in a while, mostly because I hadn't slept in three nights, and all that reading put me to sleep. I woke up around two in the morning and called a cab. I knew Bruce would be pissed at me when I got home, but I didn't care. Tim was the best secret I'd had in almost a year. I wouldn't ruin it by telling my family about him. I had a friend that no one knew about, and I wanted things to stay that way for a while. I knew the second I let it slip, I would lose all the normalcy that came with him. They would swallow it up like they swallowed everything up.
I got in around three o'clock, and Bruce was furious. I wrung my hands as he yelled at me, trying to find an opening to explain that I wasn't out doing anything wrong. In fact, I'd been asleep for the past five hours. My head bowed as he tore into me and told me how disappointed he was. I started crying. I don't know if it was because I was half-asleep or thought I was in serious trouble, but I just started bawling. I couldn't stop. "I'm sorry! I was with my friend, and I fell asleep, and I didn't mean to, but I couldn't leave him like that tonight. He would've thought I left because of his parents-."
Bruce held up a finger to quiet me. "You were at a friend's house?" Bruce asked. He seemed shocked. So shocked he forgot he was supposed to be yelling at me. "You left your phone at home, and I thought you ran away... But you were with a friend... At his house. With his parents. Go wash up and head to bed... And just let me know next time."
So much for keeping Tim a secret, I guess. Well, the upside was that Bruce still didn't know who Tim was, and maybe he'd let me sleep there sometimes. I nodded defeatedly and took the stairlift before showering and heading to bed. I slept heavily, so heavily I didn't wake when Alfred came to drape another blanket over me and elevate my leg.
I think Alfred was relieved to see me hiding something because that meant I had something I cared about enough to conceal. I just wanted to keep my best friend to myself a little longer. Long enough to get my cast off. I know it didn't make any logical sense, but I thought that once my leg healed up, my life would go back to normal. It was the last thing left before I could be myself.
I woke up around five to a sharp pain radiating up my spine. It felt like an electric shock, but I knew better. It was an early sign that it'd be a terrible pain day. So much for normal. It happened in waves, and I lay in bed tensing in preparation for the next agonizing shock until Alfred came to make sure I was awake. "Master Jason, it's time-."
"I can't," I cried. The pain wasn't always that bad, but when it was, I usually laid in bed all day, wishing death on myself. Alfred propped me on pillows to take some of the pressure off, and he felt my forehead. I took a few shaky breaths to regain my composure, but it didn't phase Alfred.
"It will be alright, Master Jason. I'll call the school and let them know you aren't feeling well today," Alfred whispered. I shut my eyes so that I wouldn't cry anymore. The flare-up would last a few days, but Alfred was being kind. We both knew I'd be on my feet Friday at the earliest. I hated that I couldn't see Tim after school until then. I should've known things couldn't be good forever.
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gagsolineoilrefinery · 6 months
HELLO I am Sludge this is my toontown sideblog
I only play Clash as of right now but I do have interest in everything about those funny little animals and robots
More info tba I am very tired sleepy, tagging system and more under the cut
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Writing down my rudementary tagging system here so I dont forget and also for convenience for nowsies
#sludgetalkz - Original textposts, just like all of my blogs
#recogs - Reblogs tag
#queuesoline post refinery - Queue tag for when I need it
#toons - posts with toons in them, duh
#cogs - catchall tag for regular lil employee cogs
#managers - catchall tag for ttcc managers
#bosses - catchall tag for the cogs bosses
I'll also tag for specific names where i can and also for whatever game the post is about (like which private server or if its about the og tto yknow)
And now obligatory list of my favoritest toons (all corporate clash, for now anyway)
Dr. Presto Razzledazzle - My first and highest laff toon and my favoritest little freak, periwinkle bat with red ears and grey legs and ingame is the owner of The Midnight Crew club
Onycraft - Toon based on my favorite oc ive ever made, long ass brown bat thats also in my club and is still in daffodil gardens
Peanut Brittle Jabbertail - Another one of my favorite lil freaks, a bright teal rabbit toon that I'm almost always multitooning with Presto and also in daffodil
Daring Dynamite Dizzydazzle - Not used as often but I wanna include regardless, dark grey beaver with white ears and legs, always wearing a helmet and goggles, also in the midnight crew, and is in barnacle boatyard iirc(?)
Stinky Slimywhirl - Another one I dont use as much but I still wanna add, neon pink beaver with neon green ears and arms and is in my friend's club Silly Goober Yoga, I forgot what playground she's in im ngl
Weird Pal Kangovik - My highest level alt right now yes his name is exactly what you're thinking it is, big ass blue kangaroo thats always wearing hypno glasses, also usually multitooned with Presto, and is also in Silly Goober Yoga
(I have... a LOT of other toons I could include and might later but yeas)
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disturbnot · 7 months
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poke-lov · 7 months
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See also @digi-lov & @onepiece-lov !
Here's a little guide to my tagging system!
I use #poke lov reblog for anything I reblog, in case you only wanna see original posts, and I use #not cards for posts not related to the card game. Personal comments will be divided into #personal #lov speaks #lov rambles and any asks I'll get will be tagged as #lov asks
Since there are plenty of Pokemon Card Blogs already out there, I'll be focusing on the Scarlet&Violet era and onwards.
You can find all posts with any references in the tag #pokemon references
You can search for cards by the pokemon name or the illustrator, ex. #pikachu #aoki
I also have a specific tag for #ex pokemon
You can check for cards by their english set code: Scarlet&Violet > #SVI Paldea Evolved > #PAL 151 > #MEW / #sv 151 Obsidian Flames > #OBF Paradox Rift > #PAR Paldean Fates > tba
Also by type (note: card game type! Guide at the end) #grass type #fire type #water type #electric type #psychic type #dark type #fighting type #steel type #dragon type #normal type
Also by their rarity: #common #uncommon #rare #double rare #ultra rare #illustration rare #special illustration rare
and also separat tags for #pokemon cards and #supporter
As of now I have no plans for items, tools or stadium cards, but if I ever do post some, they'll be tagged as such.
Pokemon card type guide: Grass > Grass, Bug Fire Water > Water, Ice Electric Psychic > Psychic, Fairy, Ghost Dark > Dark, Poison Fighting > Fighting, Rock, Ground Steel Dragon Normal > Normal, Flying
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cfhllnd · 4 months
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best friends - mason gooding, sydney sweeney
good friends - drew starkey, joe jonas
good influence - tba
bad influence - tba
confidant - tba
sibling ike - gigi hadid
unlikely friends - tba
partner in crime - tba
frenemies - tba
friends turned enemies - tba
enemies because of a friend - tba
enemies because of a boy/girl - justin bieber
competition/rival - tba
strained friendship - tba
friendzoned - tba
unknown ground - bella hadid
significant other - hailey baldwin
pr partnership - tba
party buddies - tba
social mutuals - tba
gym buddies - tba
roommates - tba
travel pals - tba
tagging: @glamrpconnect
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margrcbbie · 3 months
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ride or die - barbara palvin
best friends - ryan gosling, camila morrone, elsa hosk, dua lipa
good friends - anya taylor joy
good influence - tba
bad influence - tba
friends with feelings - tba
confidant - tba
sibling ike - harry styles
unlikely friends - tba
partner in crime - tba
frenemies - tba
friends turned enemies - tba
enemies because of a friend - tba
enemies because of a boy/girl - tba
competition/rival - tba
strained friendship - tba
friendzoned - tba
never sees eye to eye - romee strijd
unknown ground - tba
significant other - tba
friends with benefits - tba
secret relationship - tba
one night stand - tba
casual hook up - tba
will they, wont they - tba
on again, off again - tba
fling - tba
flirtationship - tba
exes that ended on good terms - tom ackerly
exes that ended on bad terms - tba
exes that still hook up - tba
exes with feelings - tba
former friends with benefits - tba
former flirtationship - tba
former fling - tba
ex affair - tba
first loves - tba
wingman/wingwoman - tba
pr partnership - tba
party buddies - tba
social mutuals - tba
gym buddies - tba
roommates - tba
travel pals - tba
tagging: @glamrpconnect
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djckeery · 3 months
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best friends - theo james, liam payne
good friends - hailey baldwin
good influence - tba
bad influence - tba
friends with feelings - tba
confidant - tba
sibling ike - barbara palvin
unlikely friends - tba
partner in crime - liam payne
frenemies - tba
friends turned enemies - tba
enemies because of a friend - tba
enemies because of a boy/girl - tba
competition/rival - tba
strained friendship - tba
friendzoned - tba
unknown ground - tba
annoyance - tba
significant other - camila morrone (not official yet)
friends with benefits - tba
secret relationship - tba
one night stand - tba
casual hook up - tba
will they, wont they - tba
on again, off again - tba
fling - tba
flirtationship - tba
exes that ended on good terms - tba
exes that ended on bad terms - tba
exes that still hook up - tba
exes with feelings - tba
former hookup - sydney sweeney
former friends with benefits - tba
former flirtationship - tba
former fling - tba
ex affair - tba
first loves - tba
wingman/wingwoman - tba
pr partnership - tba
party buddies - tba
social mutuals - tba
gym buddies - tba
roommates - tba
travel pals - tba
tagging: @glamrpconnect
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kyjennr · 3 months
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ride or die - kendall jenner
best friends - hailey baldwin
good friends - taylor hill
good influence - barbara palvin
bad influence - tba
friends with feelings - tba
confidant - tba
sibling ike - tba
unlikely friends - tba
partner in crime - mason gooding
secret friend - tba
frenemies - tba
friends turned enemies - tba
enemies because of a friend - tba
enemies because of a boy/girl - tba
competition/rival - tba
strained friendship - dua lipa
friendzoned - tba
unknown ground - tba
annoyance - tba
significant other - liam payne
friends with benefits - tba
secret relationship - tba
one night stand - liam payne
casual hook up - tba
will they, wont they - tba
on again, off again - tba
fling - tba
flirtationship - tba
exes that ended on good terms - travis scott ( father of her children )
exes that ended on bad terms - tyga
exes that still hook up - tba
exes with feelings - tba
former friends with benefits - tba
former flirtationship - tba
former fling - tba
ex affair - tba
first loves - tba
wingman/wingwoman - tba
pr partnership - tba
party buddies - madison beer
social mutuals - tba
gym buddies - tba
travel pals - tba
tagging: @glamrpconnect
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