#pallis — aesthetics.
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temeryte · 1 year
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NEW CHARACTER ALERT — Introducing Pallis, from Forgive Durden's Razia's Shadow. Pallis is the Crown Prince of the Dark, son to King Orionis and brother to Adakias. He is a study on The Resenter, The Dutiful Son, Forced into Evil, and more.  His face claim is Jonathan Rhys-Meyers and he is currently a secondary muse. Feel free to learn more about him on my Carrd.
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downs1de · 8 months
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ooc-miqojak · 2 years
[ ✨ ] what aesthetics or symbols do you reference when writing your muse? are these backed up by canon, if your muse comes from a canon? is there any specific relevance to these choices?
Hm. I mean, she's turning into a demon, so... I like themes that tend to surround that kind of thing. But many years ago, I represented a sort of dream/mindscape as being rather similar to the Labyrinth ballroom - a round ballroom made of mirrors, very busy with tables of partyware, and masked dancers (herself included) spinning all about, but every time she saw herself in one (or more) of the mirrors, she saw a cream-coated lioness looking back. She's long feared the darker parts of herself, and it ended up being a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy! I'd like to come back and visit this imagery now - after all, if the Lioness is loose, where's the Flower Girl?
She's a noble, and she led a sheltered life - and even in her own mind, she still felt trapped - keeping it all in until she felt ugly (or 'feral', ha!) on the inside - and I love that kind of imagery.
(I don't rightly know if there's any other symbols or the like in the writing - though I used to have a trend of naming my writings after songs? And still do at times! :P)
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danielhowell · 7 months
No this is not a drill - after touring the world (that is ending), probably the coolest merch I will ever release is finally here - we have scoured the corners of the earth to pull together a collection of WE'RE ALL DOOMED! merch to celebrate the recent show (and slit) and bring it online for you.
From the tour date t-shirt, to the iconic DOOMED ambigram hoodie, the black metal longsleeve and ..the 'DanHub tee' - choose what your apocalyptic aesthetic is.
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WORLDWIDE: shop.danielhowell.com USA: us.shop.danielhowell.com EUROPE: eu.shop.danielhowell.com AUSTRALIA: au.shop.danielhowell.com
As a SPECIAL (wow) online-only offer - every order of the super limited quantity Vegan Leather Jacket (with rapture art on the reverse) will also ship with a totally unique Polaroid selfie that I took while thinking about death! 
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I make no promises what I will be doing - it could be a cute smile, or a middle-finger. It's just whatever the vibe was in the moment. Who knows what someone will trade for the rare under-chin angle that some lucky person will get? (I am so sorry)
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And it's not just garments - we've also got rare collectors items to snatch including the interval playlist cassette tape, and the 'Tears of My Enemies' water bottle, that I drink out of myself everyday while manifesting people's downfall.
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Lastly, look out for the signed Ally Pally London show posters commemorating the final performances, which may come with fingerprints allowing you to perfectly fraud my identity, due to my left-handed sharpie smudging.
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I want to say thank you to the tens of thousands of people that tuned into the stream to celebrate my show - without you it wouldn't have been possible to capture for posterity and now the message can live on. I'm going to begin my quest to determine where DOOMED will live forever, and who knows if we'll manage to wrangle any of the other rare itemz🐝 along with it in the future. I appreciate you all and I can't wait to see you all looking gnarly as fuck scaring the normies in this merch. Thanks 🖤 - Dan
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aggravatetheaxe · 3 months
dethklok plays WoW
Nathan - main tank. Horde of course. Probably orc. His only toon. Absolutely a blood death knight both for aesthetic and because you know he's pulling top dps in addition to holding agg on everything in the room. Guild leader, does not take his title seriously but will still kick your ass if you bail on raid night. likes pvp but prefers pve
Pickles - plays mostly trolls, has 2 or 3 toons, probably also has an ugly forsaken and an ugly goblin (although goblin is a later race so depends on the year). Cat druid, often forced to spec into healing because mythic dungeons are only 5 man. But prefers to be cat or combat rogue. Incredible dps when he's allowed to do dps. not nurturing at all as a healer, WILL let you die if you piss him off (unless you're Nathan, but Nathan never dies). loves both pvp and pve but gets super steamed during pvp
Skwisgaar - paladin paladin paladin. Belf, of course. has secret female alts as well as secret ally alts. constantly adding his girlfriends to the guild and taking shit from the bank without asking. But he doesn't get in trouble because his dps is second to none - topping the charts even over Nathan. Ret pally, could technically heal with holy but his dps is just so insane that they can't afford to have him healing. pvp is beneath him
Toki - altaholic. Lots of female toons, lots of ally toons, gets bullied for both. Really wants to main a hunter so he can have a bunch of cute animal companions (and because it would be easier dps) but the others say that's gay so his main is a frost DK. the others make him spec into unholy because his crowd control brings clusters together so that Skwis and Nathan can wipe them out. So, so fucking angry that he never gets to do any actual dps because his plagues never get the chance to stack - and despite knowing it's a DOT issue the others clown on him for being the absolute bottom of the dps chart. pvp is too hard for him, no one protects him and everyone picks on him
Murderface - orc arms warrior and tauren fury warrior, dps but mostly off tank. makes cringe jokes (abt both native americans and milking) if tauren. One secret ally toon (human no less), also a warrior, that he uses to /walk around stormwind and RP badly. constantly brags about his dps but he's actually garbage, only above toki. makes a big deal out of his rank in the guild but he actually has no bank privileges. loves self harm through pvp
Charles - undead disc priest. a few alts, equal numbers male and female but almost all undead. probably a GM. heals when pickles is on dps and there's room or in a raid setting. guild treasurer, full bank permissions, has to constantly police the boys and spends thankless hours filling the bank back up with pots, food, etc. Also in charge of recruiting, so he should just be guild lead at this point but he dutifully never complains :) plays an affliction warlock and a couple rogues (combat and assassination) on a different server, when the boys give him one free fucking moment to do his own thing
Magnus - used to be a super powerful destro warlock that matched skwisgaar in dps. was super involved in the guild, help build it into what it was, contributed lots of materials, consumables, and money to the bank. Recruited some of their best players. after a horrific falling out (he was the asshole in the situation; controlling, etc) he was kicked from the guild and replaced. has since (due to wotlk) abandoned his warlock for a death knight. now he has a forever grudge and badmouths dethklok any chance he gets, but the majority of the server knows he's the drama so he has trouble finding others to play with. because of this he's been forced to switch over to alliance side. hence he falls in with...
MMA & the revengencers: MMA is yet another DK, probably blood, guild lead of the revengencers - rival guild to dethklok, constantly butting heads with them in pvp, ganking their low level members/alts, just generally being a nuisance. MMA wants revenge for Nathan (with the help of GM charles) getting his OG account banned
Edgar - human arcane mage main ("actually, the rotation is quite simple"). has lots of female alts. treasurer of the revengencers, takes everything way way way too seriously. Definitely works for blizzard or is a GM. very tense, sometimes outright hostile, relationship with Charles despite being essentially coworkers. "umm you sir have won the internet" "updoot" guy in chat. full collection of mounts, even the rare and/or limited edition ones
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the-tzimisce · 6 months
fwiw the reason I say I'm a wild boar furry is like. an ancient world symbol of violence that due to our decadent modern lives where no one gets gored by a wild boar anymore we have largely lost the symbolism and just think of him as a big pig. also because it's rather inelegantly shaped, not to self-deprecate, this is force without the palliative of aesthetics. I don't really feel I have the furry soul, I arrived at this conclusion through reason, because I spend enough time on tumblr dot com that it becomes a matter of social necessity to know what my fursona would be
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harmcityherald · 4 months
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I ate a wonderful salad today right out of my garden.
I love french dressing.
a little rain and overcast. the garden loves the rain.
Cthulhu seems to be finding a way around his present calamity. plants are amazing.
The little bell purple flowers are so pretty. no idea yet what they are. something to search and read up on later.
I still continue to procrastinate cutting down my sumac. I like anything with large leaves. purely aesthetic. but with artemesha's breathing problems better preventative than palliative, I always say. the last thing she needs is to be breathing poison spores. urban rainforest belladonna garden. some plants help you. some do not.
my little oregano growing nicely.
my little rainforest garden in the middle of harm city.
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mlybrnte · 2 months
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov (Book Review)
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What no one tells you about reading Lolita is that there is an initial visceral shock to encountering a very fucked up story. And then years later, you read it again in full attention and skill without realizing that so much tears have run out of you. 
Me at 15: “this is horrific.”
Me at 22: “sad, sad, sad.”
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I found myself weeping the moment I woke up from a nap induced by the memory of Nabokov’s novel. Lolita is told from the perspective of the pedophile himself, Humbert Humbert. What I respect so much from Nabokov is that no matter how, in minute subtle ways, we get a glimpse of victim Dolores Haze’s mind, a triumphant reader is able to grasp the whole spectrum of her childhood. How her rebellious streak is a scream of help, her calculating participation in Humbert’s crime is an attempt to get away from him, that she, even in her young age, is able to discern and choose a miserable life as opposed to being with him. And contrary to popular opinion, Humbert was less manipulative. Dolores hated his guts, and had seen through his actions and words. And Nabokov presents Humbert only as a manipulator of a story rather than his own life. He is a terrible, pathetic, egoistic white man who believes he is not like other pedophiles by associating the beauty of his victim akin to Botticelli’s Venus. Lolita wasn’t groomed because Humbert was easily a charming man, she was groomed because she had nowhere else to go. And of course, who would dehumanize a 12-year old for not having enough agency to get away? 
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What is so incredibly impressive in Nabokov’s approach that I believe some authors should imitate is depicting a crime without making it pornographic. For a book that is basically a pedophile’s account, the scenes were not explicit or sensual. But since he aimed to write from the point of view of a man who finds this as aesthetically pleasing, the narrative is obscured in flowery language and metaphor.  At one point, I could not gather whether he had already done it because of his attempts to pacify the reader with impressive writing. Even sickening was arguing that there was nothing wrong after all since Lolita was no longer a virgin.
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At the very core, Lolita is a horror story. I am quite appalled at the common general belief that it is a love story; that at some point, Humbert did love his little girl. ‘The tragedy lies in their unrequited romance.’ Nabokov would’ve risen from the grave. I would argue that, yes, while the rape scenes were subtext, and the author did not attempt to exhaust anatomical details,  (actually, no matter how embellished a rape scene is with highbrow vocabulary and figures of speech, it’s an issue of skill for not arriving at the conclusion that he raped her, or perhaps a denial of one’s own true mental compass.) one paragraph from the novel struck me as a very obvious admission of guilt:
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“Alas, I was unable to transcend the simple human fact that whatever spiritual solace I might find, whatever lithophanic eternities might be provided for me, nothing could make my Lolita forget the foul lust I had inflicted upon her. Unless it can be proven to me — to me as I am now, today, with my heart and by beard, and my putrefaction — that in the infinite run it does not matter a jot that a North American girl-child named Dolores Haze had been deprived of her childhood by a maniac, unless this can be proven (and if it can, then life is a joke), I see nothing for the treatment of my misery but the melancholy and very local palliative of articulate art.”
Humbert himself acknowledges that to otherwise admit he had ruined Lolita’s life is a joke. He would go to hell in any religion because of the foul lust he had inflicted upon her. And no being could prove to him that he did not deprive her of a childhood. No subtext needed. No desire for hints. So many paragraphs are evidence alone. Nabokov never painted Humbert in a color different from a monster. Many times he was clearly written like a pathetic loser who died as miserable as he was living. I believe Humbert’s account to have someone sympathize with him is in earnest, a hypocritical and narcissistic attempt to not hold himself fully accountable. And to point a finger at the author for being a ‘creep’ because of his depiction of abuse is quite ridiculous. Reading the book carefully would equip you with a crystal clear conclusion that depiction is not always endorsement. So to arrive at romanticizing the story, Nabokov does a good job of holding up a mirror to show confirmation that abuse can be in the form of romantic prose, that we lack the ability to set apart roses from blood. 
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This is perhaps one of the saddest books I have ever read. I hope all Dolores Hazes in the world find peace and happiness. 
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seokjinnieswife007 · 1 year
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I mean i knew i would like this show but THIS MUCH!!?????!!☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼 IT'S JUSTTTTTT INSANEEEEEEE . I'm so much in love with this show .
Like it's so so soo Magicalllllll🪄
Also my first time watching shin hyesun act and man I'm already crushing over this girliee soooo beautiful so charming..
Her ✨panchakk panchakk ✨ eyes.
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I'm in love..🫶🏼
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Sis is so pretty and mysteriously magical. No wonders Seoha is already enchanted by her unending charms. He's just like me FR.
Ahn Bo Hyun...
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I have always loved you and man you're so so so precious and GORGEOUS... My cutieeeeee 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
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You're such a ☝🏼massive☝🏼 combo of cuteness hotness and sexiness.
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You're so so so Precious!!!
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I want to shower you with tight hugs my cutie seoha. Your buff BIG CHISËLÈD body😵‍💫 and your super cute 😖🤏🏼dimples with your shiny puppy eyes🥺🫶🏼 make me wanna COMBUST 😖😫😩....
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The pairing is so so so fresh and nice ✨✨🤌🏼
the show is full of charms such a new and fresh story with unending charms and such aesthetic and visually appealing theme 🥹🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
The chemistry IS INSANNEE
The Romance gods are DOING their jobs! Just 4 episodes in and I'm WHIPPED AF🥹😩☝🏼
can't wait for the new episodes!!!!!! Please come palli palli 😩🥹
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temeryte · 1 year
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NEW CHARACTER ALERT — Introducing King Orionis, an original character set in the universe of Razia's Shadow by Forgive Durden. Orionis is the King of the Dark and father of Adakias and Pallis, and is a study on Tragic Backstories, Fractured Family Dynamics, The Weight of Duty, and more.  His face claim is Clive Standen and he is currently a secondary muse. Feel free to learn more about him on my Carrd.
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downs1de · 8 months
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allfillernothriller · 6 months
Yard Act (+ Murkage Dave) @ Cabaret Sauvage, Paris, Dream Job Tour, 05.04.24
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I made 4th-5th rows! Which isn't bad at all considering how tiny the Cabaret Sauvage is (there's no barrier, the front row's at the foot of the stage. From the 4th row, I wasn't further away from the stage than I was back when I was front row at Ally Pally for Jamie T).
I was once again rewarded for my decision to NOT listen to Murkage Dave before going. Hearing new stuff for the first time live slaps, that's why I love festivals and support acts. Successfully set myself up for a nice surprise ✨
I took a shit ton of videos, kept the parts that were decent enough, and compiled them in a montage like it's 2013. Here's the link:
[YouTube description:
[CW eyestrain: flashing lights @ ppl prone to seizures, proceed with caution]
Disclaimer! I can't afford a fancier phone and I'm no pro. Not to mention the fact that I will NEVER sacrifice my live experiences over footage. So yeah, it's shaky, but again, if I feel like dancing, I'll do just that; and if I'd rather keep my eyes on the band than make sure they're in the frame, that takes priority too. I guess what I'm trying to say is that those are primarily there for me to relive the memories, they weren't meant for aesthetics. Buuut, that doesn't mean I can't share them with you, does it?
Dropping this collection of excerpts from the gig like barging in your living room with a stack of pics from my latest trip. Look, I'm no film editor either, and evidently my brain was stuck in 2013, so that cringeworthy montage will have to do.
I know it's a shame I didn't record Payday & Dark Days (among others), but what can I say? I was too busy moshpitting.]
The atmosphere was incredible. There was a respectful vibe in the audience that made me feel safe. I actually partook in a moshpit wilfully and without fear for the first time in my life and that is a HUGE deal to me bc I'm usually too big of a wuss to try and on the rare occurrences I got caught up in one, people pushed too hard and some wound up hurt. Not this time. No one pushed too hard, no one tripped over, it was all friendly, benevolent horseplay and I HAD fun!!
A few complementary anecdotes:
When they played Land of the Blind, someone from the front row handed James a coin for the 'magic trick' part of the song. Who was this anonymous hero? Was it a spur of the moment decision? Did they just happen to have a coin in their pocket? Did they plan this??? So many questions. Defo in my top 3 most wholesome moments I've witnessed at a gig.
Most of my fellow croissants didn't know the words (I mean apart from The Overload and 100% Endurance bc they're from the 1st album; or they knew the words but couldn't pronounce them? Idk, point is, they didn't sing much), which was to be expected, but there were a few expats & brit tourists here and there, and throughout the concert, after a coupla moshpits & crowd movements, nearly all of us english speakers ended up gathered in a single group and we all sang along together: that was mint.
James pointed at everyone he could see wearing a trench coat and I was among them 🥰
Once again, not so many ppl knew the words, especially the newest songs. And there was me, who's obsessed with song lyrics, singing along nearly the entire time. The look on James' face when he made eye contact with me during When the Laughter Stops, Fizzy Fish and A Vineyard for the North, and realised I was singing too was priceless. He had the same reaction all 3 times lmao. The man was a mix of surprise, confusion, pride and amusement, he's such a sweetheart 🥲 I'm always a tad apprehensive when I get caught singing by the artist bc I don't know how'll they react, they all tend to feel differently about audience participation (e.g. Jamie T loves it so much when we sing along, I suspect it's one of his favourite things about going on stage and Brian Molko didn't pay it much mind, like it made not much of a difference to him lol) but James didn't seem to dislike it (I've heard there are artists who hate it but no one I've seen so far). I posted the bit from the video with the caption "backing vocals from the pit" to my Instagram story mentioning them and they shared it to theirs, so I take it they're okay with pit choirs.
James asked us to make some noise and when he saw how responsive we were, he had us do it 5 more times like he couldn't help himself and his giddy giggling made it impossible to be annoyed with him tbh
I love them. I love them so much.
One thing I didn't include in the video
The mandatory pre-gig youth hostel mirror selfie to show off my fit
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Turning my trench coat into an Ace Trench Coat™ with merch
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astroyongie · 4 months
Hi Yongie! How are you doing? I didn’t realise you were so close to finishing your psychology degree (I may get the timeline wrong because we are in different countries), especially working with palliative care- I find most people are intimidated taking on the elderly as a fresh grad just because it feels strange to be in an authorative role to people more experienced and older. I don’t think I worded that nicely but i swear it’s admiration! But omg I’m doing psychology too! Except, I’m not sure if it’s for me- it’s competitive (like a lot of degrees I suppose) and I don’t think I suit the profession.
Also, I saw the Burning Sun scandal documentary, and was thinking of how you’d react to this… I feel like it’s still very much relevant. I used to be in deep with KPop but as I grow I’ve started to notice things and I’ve also had some pretty interesting (downright traumatic experiences) with men. I can’t help but notice parallels not just with men, but with the culture and passivity of these things. And it just aggravates me. Honestly I’m thinking this is gonna be my last year which is a shame because my first house Pisces Venus loves these aesthetics lol, I need more variety in my hobbies anyway :/ so any suggestions?
Ever since I got in psychology I wanted to work within the palliative care (or within the criminology area). I find palliative care to be more in sync with my personality and also with my energy all together. Death itself as always been something that intrigue me and we can learn so damn much with people in the palliative care (plus it has a very vast population). Also eldery can be a complicated public but the attachment you form with them is genuine.
Good luck for your studies and if you ever need anything that I can help with, let me know !!
I haven't seen the documentary yet and honestly I dont know if I will for now. Also I understand your point and I hope that in the future you will be able to find someoen that wont make you feel this way. As for your hobbies is there anything you are interested in?
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ratasum · 1 year
guild wars 2, 30 day challenge
Saw this challenge roll by from @aurillium and decided to give it a go.
1. which race was the first one you played with?
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Surprising many people, sylvari. I had come from WoW originally, and basically made a recreation of my ret pally from that game to the best of my ability. Of course, guardian plays much different than paladin, and as much as I love Oaklinna, I never got the hang of her.
Still, they've got a nice aesthetic. It's a step past my fondness for reclaimed architecture, but they're unique from what you see in a lot of other fantasy "elf-ish" races in other games and MMOs. While I only have two, and no real plans to make any more of them, they're definitely interesting if nothing else.
I still have Oaklinna, in fact. She's a benchmark of when I started playing, as she's the first toon I ever made. And she's just cute as hell so like. She's got that going for her.
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calalac · 2 years
I've not done one of these in ages, so here goes nothing
Tagged by: @thelightninghunter
Nicknames: depends on who you ask but Cally (which might actually become my legal name at some point), Pally, Spaceboy, cute art birb, Salim
Sign: Cancer ♋
Height: Somewhere between 6' and 6'2
Last thing I googled: wysiwyg
Song stuck in my head: Cavetown - Laundry Day (because it's laundry day today I guess)
Number of followers: 758 on this one, 1386 on my languages one, 187 on my nsfw one
Amount of sleep: apparently my average for 2022 waa 6h46! Could definitely improve on that
Dream job: I'd love to translate literature and/or video games. instead I translate travel alerts :)
Wearing: uhh, jeans, a cute animal crossing t-shirt and a shirt over that
Movie/show that summarises me: I don't really know how to answer this but I'll always adore Steven Universe (I avoided The Discourse, thankfully)
Favourite song right now: I'm really bad at favourites so I'm gonna have to skip this one 🙃
Favourite instrument: I need to get back into learning violin, let's say that
Aesthetic: I fluctuate constantly between like... soft pastel boi and 90s drug trip (someone once described my aesthetic as "children's TV presenter on acid" which i loved)
Favourite author: I've been enjoying Becky Chambers!!
Favourite animal noise: One of my pet cockatiels when he says "can I have a kiss?" and then does a big mmmmmmwah
I'm just gonna tag people based off my recent notifications, I'm so sorry in advance: @jim-activated19940216 @akka-van-kebnekaise @ltcolonelcarter @long-life-town @teruterusky @pink-mage @jadorelesradis @westcountryadventure (sorry sorry sorry you do not have to do this 💖)
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