#pallis — spam.
its-fjori · 2 months
I took a break from MoP Remix but I'm back, babyyy. Officially collected 100% of the items available from achievements and vendors!
The absolute very last thing I need to do now is level a few different race/class combinations in preparation for any future mythic+ meta.
Here are some of my faves:
Chen Stormstout's Bamboo Hat
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Halfhill Farmer's Backpack
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Title: Paragon of the Mists
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Toy: Cherry Blossom Trail
Goodbye MoP remix, you were a fun little time waster
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temeryte · 1 year
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storyofwhoiam · 1 month
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Like this post for a smol thing from one of these new idiots OCs who may or may not be sticking around depending on how I like writing them (feel free to specify if you want from any in particular or I'll pick at random). Alternatively, reply with 🌚 and I'll spam you with memes from them!
Dom Gold, 20-35, narcissistic social media influencer, fitness instructor, casino floor supervisor, cis man, he/him, straight(?), flair for self-aggrandisement
Marvin Perry, 35-65, construction worker, chaotic attempted entrepreneur, cis man, he/him, straight, married and unfaithful, almost always found in a bars or strip club
Gina Perry, 30-60, postal service clerk, cis woman, she/her, bisexual, married to Marvin, anger issues, jaded and hard-edged, never apologetic
James "Jimi" Akiyama, 45-70, retired army veteran, cis man, he/him, gay, still grieving the loss of his first love, functional alcoholism that he blames on his limp
Brenda Johnson, 50-80, retired palliative care nurse, cis woman, she/her, heterosexual(?), widow, loves gossip, here for a good time not a long time
Anne Lin, 30-45, attorney, cis woman, she/her, lesbian, driven by the loss of her childhood friend, specialises in crimes against children and domestic abuse
Also feel free to send other suggestions with this meme (because apparently I am still loving the making new OCs times).
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thedragonagelesbian · 3 months
For the bg3 dialogue prompts:
Pally Cyrus: 9
Ranger Cyrus: 3
Durge Cyrus: 30
Yiseeril: 2
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay dialogue prompts
9. Going to buff/heal a companion/romance (Pallybarb!Cyrus)
I am here to serve.
Low/Neutral Approval
By my honor, I will help you.
We're all in this together.
High Approval
No, I will not let you fall!
Steel yourself, my friend!
Hold on, my love!
You are safe now.
Rest easy, my heart.
3. Directing them to attack/move in combat (Ranger!Cyrus)
No quarter.
To the end.
This will not take long.
Hold the line.
30. Party banter with Shadowheart (Durge!Cyrus)
(in Act 1)
Cyrus: You know, Shadowheart, I think it's admirable what you do for your goddess.
Shadowheart, skeptically: Really?
Cyrus: The wound on your hand causes you such pain, but you endure it as part of your worship. I can't think of any greater act of devotion.
Shadowheart: Few non-Sharrans would see it that way... but I'm glad you do. The Nightsinger teaches us that it is through suffering that we achieve peace.
Cyrus: It's a comforting thought.
Shadowheart: Isn't it? One day, we may even be worthy of realizing it.
(in Act 2)
Cyrus: Do you really agree with what that abominable doctor said?
Shadowheart: The parts of it that were sound Sharran principles, certainly. Why do you ask? (with a defensive edge in her voice) I thought you and I saw eye-to-eye on this matter: that suffering leads to absence leads to peace.
Cyrus: Yes, but... Well, no. Sort of. I-- I'm no good at thinking through these kinds of questions, but when I'm... On the battlefield, what matters is that I suffer as much as possible, so that no one else has to, but that isn't absence. It's presence.
Cyrus: Maybe it would be easier if I wasn't... but I am. And I can use that presence to protect you all-- or try to, anyway.
Shadowheart: (with slight disdain) How noble. But for Sharrans, suffering isn't an act of charity. It's the truth of being that Selune's light blinds us to.
Cyrus: If you do find it, I hope it brings you peace.
(in Act 3)
Shadowheart: It didn't.
Cyrus: What?
Shadowheart: When Shar was torturing me in the Shadowfell, even through the agony, I kept clinging to the hope that it would mean something. That when the pain ended, I would understand. It would bring me peace... but it didn't.
Cyrus: You know, I keep hoping too. When Bhaal killed me, when Ilmater saved me, I thought... At the time, I was so sure that that was the proof that it had all been worth something. Something divine.
Shadowheart: And now?
Cyrus: I don't know. Maybe sometimes pain is just pain.
Shadowheart: (laughing bitterly) Another of Shar's deceptions, to have ever told myself otherwise.
Cyrus: But at least we have each other.
2. Spam clicking on them too many times (Yiseeril)
Tickling the ivories, are we?
Love, you better watch those fingers.
Do you know how many fables there are about poor peons who poked and prodded that which they shouldn't have? Would you like me to recite one?
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shaftking · 9 months
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No bc literally every insta post rn (but for some reason especially on posts where a Jewish person is merely existing! So weird!) they’re spamming their stupid flags and hashtags and buzzwords and watermelons for some forsaken reason. For fucks sakes actually I’m gonna start reporting pro pallies for their spam.
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arkhamm · 1 month
so what if instead of the new bt16 dragon modes I instead run 3 of the st9 dragons, so I go from pail to dragon mode, throw out both level 4s, then have another pail that same turn. dragon from there, throw out the 4s, rinse repeat. then instead of fighter modes just run 3 or 4 paladins. Just spam out that cracked bullshit. I get to attack less while going tall, but pally spam
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idksheepthoughts · 1 year
Conversation I don’t understand
Starting off Context. We are discussing Hardcore World of Warcraft ruleset. There is a rule set built by the community that you have to follow to play the game mode and get a “validated” level 60 run. There is no Blizzard official servers as of yet. 
Ok so the acquaintance 
(A) starts off with asking me if I wanted to duo. "or full party?" 
 Me: mention only duo/trios are allowed. 
A: Well then by full I mean 3 
Me: Official servers I doubt will have grouping restrictions 
A: Although thats fucking stupid. Yeah official wont restrict it, coz its fucking dumb. 
Me: but under current rules you can't group unless you enter in a name for duo/trio at level 1 
A: Also yes I saw the rules 
Me:  i mean a full HC party would be able to just blast everything no challenge 
A:  the game is literally made with the idea around a full party playing the whole game. that was like the whole concept of mmos at the time. 
Me:  ehhh only for group content like elite quest and dungeons. I enjoy my solo gameplay while leveling tbh. the one thing i hate about the non grouping thing is for named mob tags 
A:  it was after that they were like oh this kinda sucks ass for solo players and slowly rebuilt the game around it.  it was made that way coz they thought people would be running in packs of 4-5 
Me: i mean they changed it later to just allow anyone who damages a mob gets credit. implementing that in HC official wouldn't be a terrible change. 
A: all im saying is that being like "full group too ez" is dumb. but so is banning bubble hearthing 
Me: but leave group petriflask ghetto hearth allowed 
 A:  liek yes its stupidly broken but its a mechanic of the game just grow up and dont play pally if u dont like it right 
Me: there is some rules that i find stupid as hell 
A: literally all of them are dumb as hell to me.  only one dungeon run allowed? (Spams ?????) 
 Me:  it makes it so you can't overgear shit 
A: overgear? 
 Me: you farm bis every level from every dungeon you overgear any other content 
A: yeah like the way the game was literally designed to be played lmao 
Me: then don't play hardcore Lmao 
A: its so dumb to be like no that makes it to easy. you still have to do the dungeon 
Me: you don't have to do any dungeons 
A: dungeons being the most dangerous places int eh game outside raids 
Me: i've seen people level entirely from quest and grinding.I personally just hate spamming the same dungeons over and over though. i'd rather quest.i did that on classic release with friends cause it was "meta" (dungeon spam).spamming dungeons makes me wanna drink, I hate it so much. 
 A: wot im saying is that it was an option that was put in from the start as a mechnic of the game and it makes no sense to ban or restrict its use. like you can still level to max as a mage in 4 days hardcore none of these rules stop that? (spams ???).  but dungeons make the content to easy? 
Me: man idk the fucking thought process behind everything 
A: this is why i am confused lol its just dumb and arbitrary and i want a full set for mydruid 
Me:  but if you dont' give a fuck about valid run do whatever you want. But people will stop grouping with you if you dont' follow the current rule set ya know. also at 60 you can run dungeons as many times as you want its only 1 dungeon while leveling.i personally don't find 1 dungeon while leveling that restrictive. 
A: then why are you saying they should add pvp at 60. by that logic you should just suck it up. 
Me:  because i think it would be fun? 
A: Like im just asking why its weird i didn't say anything about not playing? 
Me: official servers aren't gonna be able to enforce half the ruleset that is currently set in place. 
A: im not talking about not existant offical rules tho 
Me:  I mean if you want to spam dungeons. Thats fine. I don't personally care what people do. But under the current addon. It invalidates other people's runs. A: lmao i didn't say that 
Me: then what are you saying cause clearly im not following you 
A: i said the rules are weird and arbitrary but since you can't like read what im saying and you're getting super defensive forget the group. i dont care that its weird and arbitrary i just said it is weird and arbitrary. liek thats all i said. 
Me: the rules are weird and arbirtary agreed. some i don't agree with but thems the breaks -shrug- 
 Me:  like they tweaked the rules after people that are like mods in the community already did it. Like getting the AV quest weapon and then after He did that he banned other people doing it. 
 I assume he left my stream after the eyeroll emoji...
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lyliyn · 2 years
I love healing in raids bc I’ll be going ham, spam healing our massively overgeared pally tank and they’ll get one shot by a boss mechanic and then immediately go. WHERE are our HEALERS????? BITCH we boutta be gone if ur dumb ass don’t start multiplying them gotdamn brained cells!!!!!
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Why Is Homeopathy The Best Way For Treating Common Cold? Common cold and cough is one of the most common viral illnesses that have no specific treatment. Allopathic medicines provide palliative cure to just treat the symptoms, there is no definite antiviral for it. There is also popular belief having cold once or twice a year is a good way to cleanse the body. On the contrary, cough and cold could be the first symptoms of a serious underlying disease like pneumonia. From that angle, it is better to treat it than to just let it run its natural course. Especially in children and elderly, it can be chronic issue with repeated bouts and therefore, treatment becomes mandatory. Symptoms of frequent colds, such as running nose, frequent sneezing, nose block, sore throat, headache, cough, and occasional wheezing, are very troublesome and affect the quality of life of the patient. It may affect the general growth of a child. Many patients have to depend on antibiotics or antihistamines (anti-allergic) for temporary relief for each episode. Many parents get worried due to the suffering of their kids. Running nose, frequent sneezing, nose block, sore throat, headache, cough, and sporadically wheezing are all quite bothersome and have a negative impact on the patient's quality of life. It might have an impact on a child's general growth. For momentary relief between episodes, many patients are forced to rely on antibiotics or antihistamines (anti-allergic). Some children are frequently attacked by cold and cough. Even in adult case also it is found. It is because your body is susceptible to many allergens and that’s why you get repeated cold like symptoms. Besides that, your body immune power is weak enough to protect your body from the outward harmful agents. So, you get frequently attack by common cold and cough. Sign and Symptoms: Symptoms of a common cold usually appear one to three days after exposure to a cold-causing virus. Signs and symptoms, which can vary from person to person, might include: • Runny or stuffy nose • Sore throat • Cough • Congestion • Slight body aches or a mild headache • Sneezing • Low-grade fever • Generally feeling unwell Causes of Frequent Colds: Frequent colds result from the following causative and triggering factors: • Infections • Allergy • Pollution • Genetic Tendency • Weather • Low immunity Homeopathy: the safe way to treat common Cold: The health problems in children need to be addressed at the root level and that too safely. This is where homeopathy scores better than any other system of medicine. Homeopathic medicines aim at boosting immunity in children without causing any side-effects. They give a chance to a child's body to develop own antibodies, leading to less bouts of disease attack. Homeopathy is therefore one of the most effective ways of treating common cold in children. The Homeopathic treatment method addresses the genetic tendencies or predisposition and enhances the patient's immunity (disease resistance power). This makes the patient less susceptible to infections, allergens, and other environmental factors. Homeopathy treatment for cold and cough effectively cures frequent cold and cough problem in short spam duration. Homeopathy medication gives a excellent results in relief from frequent colds, as it reduces the frequency, severity, and duration of episodes of colds. Homeopathy medicines are safe. There are no side effects of homeopathic medicines, even if taken for a long duration. In our Multicare homeopathy treatment centre, peoples who suffering from frequent cold and cough have been profusely benefitted from using our advanced homeopathic treatment packages.
Know more: https://www.multicarehomeopathy.com/diseases/6-best-homeopathic-medicines-for-cold-and-cough-in-child
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ask-arclight-varus · 5 years
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vivelareine · 3 years
quick life update
hey so
about a month and a half ago my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer with bone metastases, which came after several months of dealing with a broken rib & back pain which turned out to be caused by the cancer. Last night she was admitted to the hospital & she may be returning home with palliative care.
Not sure how active I will be. Honestly since about August I only have the mental energy and time to be active in spurts of whatever interests me (hence why my posts on dates where I normally love to spam have been mostly reblogs) because I need to conserve everything for taking care of her and somehow working in between.
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temeryte · 1 year
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knif............. sexy
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toxicgummy · 3 years
My sincerest apologies for the spam, but also.. HOLY SHIT THANK YOU FOR THE MOUNTAIN OF METTATON FANART
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u welcome pally
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sbuggbot · 5 years
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Ok Umeko gets her own photoset because I said so. I think I'm done spamming doodles of her because I'm really tired.
Couple of random things but she likes making pottery and shares several other interests with Orik
She and Orik met back in the Lux Ultima days and well before the whole mess with the Behemoth. Perhaps even before Orik was part of the Temperance, the timeline's kinda fuzzy there. Wasn't hard for them to connect and eventually they became a couple. (Although Orik was shy and almost a bit awkward when it came to romance but it worked out. Umeko teased him for it--gently) They married and both of them have matching promise bands (basically special bracelets that they wear in place of rings. Orik still wears his in present day but he keeps it tucked away on his bad arm, in his robes.)
Then there was Orik and Gilgamech's battle with the Behemoth and Orik subsequently getting badly hurt. She was naturally there for him as he recovered from injuries and adapted to living with a crippled arm.
In the midst of everything with Orik getting hurt, an illness she contracted went unnoticed until its later, more aggressive stages. Combined with that particular malady not being very well understood at the time, there wasn't much that could be done once they realized what had happened. Just prevent Orik from getting it and palliative care for Umeko. Orik managed to keep himself together while Umeko was still alive but broke down (mentally/emotionally, I mean) once she was gone.
While Orik is in a much better state mentally by Quest, he avoids talking about it because it's still deeply upsetting for him. The other heroes don't even know Orik was married at one point...
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thepallas · 5 years
Is Pallas interested in a shy moonlady? [This anon was sent by the "Not so anon" crew]
Anon on or off, spam my inbox with questions for my muse.        
// Heheheh hello there :D
   He is. Well, it’s complicated in case you mean romantic interest. It’s the same with everyone else - it’s hard for him to feel the romantic connection. However, with enough development and chemistry, he’d realise that he’s feeling something. He’d definitely would not understand what the heck he’s feeling, but if he does, he’d show it with all kinds of little actions.
   Right now, he is curious for sure. He likes her. You know, she treats him differently than others do, so it really makes him like her more. Pally views her as someone who he can trust and has to protect. It already means a lot ‘cause he doesn’t trust easily and definitely wouldn’t risk his own safety just for anyone. He really enjoys spending time with her too, would love to get her know her better. Like.. he just feels comfortable with her. I know that I’ve written about him feeling some stuff, but.. no, u know what, maybe he already is. Like you know, it’s rare for him to form relationships like that with someone, so as I said she already is special. I’m kinda rambling, but yeah, a bit more relationship development and chemistry and she’ll have a very cuddly, caring and clingy demon for life.
   I’m guilty for not replying, so yeah, sorry, my bad “>> I think the whole story of them getting closer due to Vael was very cute. Since I don’t see them around anymore we could go some new route or I dunno, go with it regardless. I adore those countless little ‘threads’ we have (and I swear, one day I’ll reply to those that I haven’t lost yet >>). But yea, Nina is a precious sweetheart.
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