#pan kleks
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Another professor Kleks (and Mateusz the sterling)
Story retelling idea under the cut. Spoilers for 80 years old book 馃摎
Ok so Imagine if the Author was the main character and also. He was a closeted gay man who wrote profesor Kleks secretly hoping that he would be sweeped away from the real world by him. Dream sequence happens and some sort of fairy really does that but turns him into a bird because fairies suck. The button he has to pull to turn back into a human? The star shaped one right by professor's heart. Does he do it right before academy goes to shit because of mechanic kid from hell? Obliviously.
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serpart-alfie 6 months
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Niestraszne nam wilki banger
Nie ogl膮da艂am filmu, ale design postaci Stenki 偶yje w mojej g艂owie rent free. Chcia艂am zrobi膰 nawi膮zanie do nightmare fuel wilk贸w z poprzedniej wersji fillmowej. No idea how the character is named, but it's surely a Wilkus from "Akademia Pana Kleksa" 2024!
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malfunctionart 7 months
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Designed a poster for my mom 馃コ
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gabstherium 2 months
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Przeczyta艂am wszystkie (trzy) cz臋艣ci Pana Kleksa i teraz udaj臋, 偶e robi臋 conceptarty do animowanej ekranizacji. Tak偶e ind偶ojcie
Na pierwszy ogie艅 idzie Ada艣 Niezg贸dka, szacowny nieudacznik, kt贸ry, w swym wczesnym dzieci艅stwie KA呕DEGO DNIA spo偶ywa艂 na obiad krupnik z marchewk膮. Ju偶 podczas pierwszego roku na Akademii Pana Kleksa wykazywa艂 niezwyk艂e zdolno艣ci, jak np. wy艣nienie fajnego snu czy znalezienie 偶aby w dziupli. Nie wiadomo co robi艂 w kolejnych latach, po po pierwszym roku akademia znikn臋艂a, a po dziesi臋ciu latach sko艅czy艂 na niej nauk臋 i zosta艂 jej absolwentem.
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kopytki 1 year
I've said this before, but this is the end goal:
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homestuckrichard 1 year
Pan Kleks w Kosmosie (ang. "Mr. Inkblot/Blot/Kleks in Space" there is no one translation) It's a damn fun movie after all these years, but at the same time with terribly unused potential. This film could say a lot of things and honestly, despite its small resources, be one of the best or at least, most interesting sci-fi films.
Maybe I'll do a deeper analysis later.
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beautyofpoland 2 years
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takietampisanie 2 years
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Wielki Elektronik jest moj膮 ulubion膮 postaci膮 z filmu Podr贸偶e Pana Kleksa oraz Pan Kleks w Kosmosie poza tym lubi臋 go.
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featherglum 1 year
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Sorry to my non Polish mutuals who have no idea what the hell I'm doing here but um
Pan Kleks w Kosmosie oc,,,
Started out as a joke but I got a bit too attached ngl.
I think he'd be the kind of guy who's hyped up to be all evil and scary, but then turns out to just be just a harmless weirdo in the end.
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i-eat-vinilinum 10 months
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Pan Ambro偶y Kleks
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bastardgoblinwolf 3 months
this may sound harsh but i think the people that wrote Ca艂kiem Nowa Bajka should die
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mostrovskaa 5 months
Hi! I love your art, your color and shape work is amazing!!
I wanted to ask if you have any Polish media you can recommend to us non-Poles - movies, shows, stuff like that
Hi! Thank you so much for the ask! It is a great pleasure for me to share some Polish media to the people! I just have to preface this and tell especially my fellow Poles that: I am by no means an expert on the subject, I like a lot of bad media, I like a lot of children's media and mainstream media that I love to shape by my own creativity ok and I don't know every single niche thing so please don't come for me. Be nice please or I'll die of embarrassment! With that being said, here are just some of my picks of some cool things I like that I would recommend to check out! (Again I don't know about how available these are around the internet and what would be the subtitle situation but still, i love these pieces of media and think they are interesting to even just read or check out visually if anything!)
- The Akademia Pana Kleksa movies (Akademia Pana Kleksa, Podr贸偶e Pana Kleksa and Pan Kleks w Kosmosie) (1984-1988)- These children's fantasy and fable inspired beautiful movies based on a book incorporate beautiful puppetry and set designs, visually they are one of my biggest inspirations. Having both dark,whimsical and sci-fi elements they have been in my visual language since I saw them as a kid! Really really recommend looking into them, even though they may be wacky and strange at times!聽
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And they contain absolutely amazing songs :
Available to watch without subtitles unfortunately here, but worth to check out the visuals of all the movies in the series: https://www.ninateka.pl/vod/dla-dzieci/akademia-pana-kleksa/聽
- Poszukiwany, Poszukiwana (Man- woman wanted) (1972) (one of my favorite movies ever!) - a comedy film about a museum curator who gets accused of stealing a painting and goes into hiding as a maid. You would think with polish humor it would be the typical: haha man dressed as a woman, hilarious! type stuff but no! It鈥檚 funny, charming, sweet and smart and surprisingly based. Marysia, just one chance please queen.聽
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available to watch with subtitles here (alongside many other great Polish movies): https://35mm.online/vod/fabula/poszukiwany-poszukiwana
- Ranczo (tv show, 10 seasons, I believe it鈥檚 available on Netflix) - the epitome of Polish society. This is just pure Poland in tv show format. A timeless classic, never gets old, never stops being funny and relevant. Watched it a million times and could watch a million more and not get bored. An American woman with Polish heritage comes back to her family village and chaos ensues. I think the characters are so well defined you don鈥檛 need to know so much deep Polish lore to get what is going on so I really recommend it!
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Other stuff you can find on Netflix I recommend are: 1670 - comedy show about 17th century Poland, Rojst (all seasons)- crime show set mainly in the 90鈥檚.
And something that鈥檚 a Polish phenomenon that I absolutely love is media based around popular copypasta: a short film Fanatyk聽 based on this timeless classic of a copypasta, and a tv show called Emigracja XD - about polish guys finding work in the UK.
And obviously the shows I make art for are always something I encourage people check out like Czterdziestolatek (amazing old show with a cult following) and Ojciec Mateusz (absolute shitty formulaic 30 season tv show that i love with all my heart).
Thank you again, sorry for the long post! There鈥檚 obviously many more cool Polish media to watch but this is just what immediately popped into my head! :-))
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gabstherium 1 month
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Mr. Kleks fanart the third, but it's not Mr. Kleks it's Alojzy Kukuryk - a fellow cyborg built by a hairdresser. Within the first month after gaining self-awareness, he learned to read Chinese and mastered the core curriculum taught at the Mr Kleks Academy. He was also inhumanly strong and resistant to extreme temperatures - in short, a disgrace to the Academy. In later parts of the trylogy, First Admiral of the Cape Apothecary fleet. (it's Google translated, I have no idea how to say Pierwszy Admira艂 floty Przyl膮dka Aptekarskiego in english)
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wszczebrzyszynie 23 days
Ja jestem team rymek. Brzmi jak taki pomocnik pana kleksa gdyby przymowal tez chlopcow bez imienia na "a". Bylby mistrzem kleksografii imo
rabini s膮 zdecydowani 偶e rymek lepsze wi臋c gratulacje dla osoby kt贸ra zaproponowa艂a rymka rymek jest oficjalnie. dalej my艣l臋 偶e brzmi troch臋 g艂upio ale nie ma nieg艂upich opcji przynajmniej jest pociesznie. Rymek brzmi jak zast臋pca postaci adasia w nowej ekranizacji pana kleksa w kt贸rej pan kleks prze艂amuje swoj膮 afili臋
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koszmarnybudyn 10 months
Dndads spoilers!!!!
Taylor reaction to link new scar, kinda gay dude, kinda gay
Wow this is cool.
I am expecting that tarot card the lovers inspired art now
Of course lark and sparrow can hotwire a car, of course.
Yay emotions, Will is so good at that
Wow link having a reaction to blood, love me angst
Idk what a humpy is tbh
Gentle repose :((
Lark and sparrow wth dudes? Whats up
Why normal is my fail boy
Zombie doodlerized guys yasss gimme post apo vibes!!!
Fuuuckkkk oakvale?!?!!
Fuuuuckkk he has slower aging...
Mercedes dead!!!?!!
We gotta draw gilf henry now
Your hippy ass is straight edge, thats shitty, i think if your straight age in the apocalypse you are going cultish..
How much is the time dilations if henry with the wierd aging is 60?
God normal...
Scary standing in normals way
He scamned yall, i know youre in shock now but that did happen
Kinda wanna draw scam holding hermie like a dead kid cause like..
I heard hermies a goose
Scam is being affected :(
Just thought of scam looking like pan kleks lol
"I dont want another one i want this one"
"I cant deal with another adult who think they deserve to die" ouch, but like tru basiclly all the kiddads/adults around them have been sopping wet messes of suicidaloty, these kids dont deserve that
"No hermie hated this guy"
You dont fucking come near him!" That was such a good line and the delivery!!!! So good!!!
Hermies buried under a lightining striked tree,
Will is really trying for hot henry winter with all these jokes
They brought back the sun
Link not being able to say anything nice about hermie even at his funereal
Wait they started traning them at like six? That's fucked up.
Also daddies had more workers? Cause i always assumed they at least used to, so did they?
I kinda feel like crying, but like crying blue balls, like not crying yet and probablly not gonna cry but feels like you should have so that sucks.
So Hermie's gone gone, fuckkkkkk.
Also i guess my cowboy au norm gets no gun noted.
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