#pandora has three different last names to choose from
emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
OC Questionnaire
Thank you @1000generations and @rosella-writes for the tags! I love things such as this that allow me to flesh out Fane more! :D
I’ll tag: @oxygenforthewicked @the-dreadful-canine @varric-tethras-editor @noire-pandora @blueheaded and anyone else that’d like to give it a go! :3
Character’s name: Fane Lavellan/Aterian (The second name is one he’s rarely called until later on. Mainly post-Trespasser by those in his contingent of agents.)
Role in story: The Inquisitor (highly derogatory)
Physical description: Short, messy snow white hair and eyes that hold two colors instead of one (emerald and gold). Bears the vallaslin of Sylaise (full-face). Relatively angular face and holds features that are more indicative to ancient elves than the ones of today. Overall height is 6′1 and is far more muscular in build than other elves, but still slender enough that he isn’t mistaken for a Qunari. Entire body is littered with patch-work scars and has a singular, long scar upon his left cheek (inflicted by Solas) 
Age: Appears 24 (approximately 5,000 years old in actuality)
MBTI/Enneagram Personality Type: INTP-T (Logician). Fane is very much like me in the fact that he’s extremely analytical. He’s always questioning and trying to piece together ‘why’ or ‘how’. Sadly, social skills are lacking for him, and he comes across as proud or insensitive due to how he words things or his lack of understanding when it regards to why someone might be put off by his views.
What is their greatest fear? 
To be forgotten/Himself
Inner motivation: 
Rebirth. Fane wants to see the world restored to what he remembers (i.e. before the Veil was erected), and he wishes for his kin to thrive once more, to belong to no master but themselves. The birth of Yune (the last of Fane’s specific kin) awakens the ideal of ‘hope’ in his heart and allows him to believe that what he strives for is possible.
Pride and Wrath. Fane has a volatile temper that tends to get him into trouble, on and off the battlefield. He is prone to bouts of proud behavior due to the fact that he’s lived for so long and believes he knows what the ‘absolute’ in the world is. 
What is their misbelief about the world? 
That everything terrible that has happened to him or that he has done thus far since awakening/being awakened is his fault, his choice. At the beginning of my story and in regards to the world as a whole, Fane believes he knows exactly how each person is (personality, motivations, ideals, etc.), even though he has no idea who he is.
Lesson they need to learn: 
That his existence is not a sin. That whoever or whatever he is doesn’t matter. He’s alive and he is loved, he is important. Labels do not need to define him.
What is the best thing in their life? 
Family (Solas, Mhairi, Cyfrin, Yune, etc.)
What is the worst thing in their life? 
That he had to betray family to support family. Fane will do whatever it takes to ensure Solas is never alone again and that his kin can be remembered for what they truly are, but in order to do that he has to make decisions, choices and those decisions carry a lot of pain and heart break. He’ll endure, however. He’ll always endure.
What do they most often look down on people for? 
Ignorance and faith. The faith aspect is mainly people wholly relying on that which they can’t see rather than the strength and independent thought that they possess. Fane despises those who use faith as a tool to manipulate or those who are willfully blind to the cries of the world and the suffering.
What makes his/her/their heart feel alive?
Primarily, Solas awakens the hidden or muted sides of Fane. Solas represents ‘the sky’ to him, and just a glimpses into the other’s eyes can make Fane feel as if he’s able to fly again. Having someone understand and know him for more than his rage and bluntness also makes Fane feel more alive when he’s used to feeling grey. 
What makes them feel loved, and who was the last person to make them feel that way? 
Intimacy of presence. Fane feels most loved when those he cares for is content to merely be around him, words or no words. Solas is the one that does this the most often, the two of them having had to use this level of communication in the past due to Fane being a dragon unable to talk or link up mentally with anyone other than spirits. However, Cole, Mhairi and Cyfrin also utilize this means of communication. Solas is merely the one that offers it the most. 
Top three things they value most in life? 
Devotion, Independent thought, and Support.
Is there an object they can’t bear to part with and why? 
A crimson sash adorned with golden embroidery of halla and leafless trees. It was a gift from Mhairi, and it was given to Fane shortly after their father disappeared and the experiments upon his body ceased. Fane wears it either around his waist or as a scarf. He’s usually not one to accept gifts, family or not, but he kept this one because it offered a lot of comfort where it had been lacking for several years. Fane also adores his sister with all his heart, and to see that she chanced potential capture to gather the materials...how could he spit in the face of such love? He couldn’t, and that’s why he keeps it even Post-Trespasser. He rarely wears it as he used to during that time, but he keeps it safe and pulls it out when he’s alone to remember simpler days.
Describe a typical outfit for them from top to bottom.
Fane gravitates towards clothing that’s loose and practical. He refuses to wear any of the clothing that Josephine or Vivienne might choose for him. To start, Fane wraps his entire upper body in Elvhen wraps to cover the myriad of scars that litter his body. The wraps are usually dark brown, dark green, or black. Next, he opts for cotton tunics, short sleeved or long sleeves, but he’ll have tendency to roll them up to his elbow, and once again, they are either dark or neutral colors (black, grey, etc.). Plain trousers, somewhat form fitting, and most importantly; boots. Fane does not go barefoot unless he’s getting ready for bed or bathing. He also wears a small dagger that he keeps strapped to an upper thigh. Just in case. *winks*
What names or nicknames has they been called throughout their life?
Fae (generally by Cyfrin or Mhairi), ma’isenatha (’my dragon’ and is typically used by Solas), Blackened One (this is the translation of Fane’s ‘second’ name and is used both respectfully/derogatory), He Who Flew Above (used by the Elvhen agents in both Fane and Solas’ respective contingents), White One (Abelas generally refers to Fane as this once he drops the Inquisitor title, Wisdom also calls Fane this), vhenan or ma vhenan.
And last, but definitely not least, ‘Papae’ *whistles innocently* :3 
What is their method of manipulation?
Fane has draconic abilities that can warp emotions. In a way, he implements a form of psychological warfare, but he only uses it as a last resort whether the enemy is a piece of absolute trash or not. Fane has had his mind broken multiple times, died from it once even, and unless given no other choice, he will not break another like that.
Describe their daily routine. 
Fane wakes up at the crack of dawn. He doesn’t like to, but he usually has no control over it due to years upon years of waking up from nightmares and retching. If he manages to awaken without many issues, Fane strides right into his routine of training, with or without eating. Training helps quell his mind of lingering terrors, and establishes discipline to emotions that are volatile. Afterwards, Fane may eat on his own, but generally, Mhairi, Cyfrin or Solas have to acquire something for him and press him to eat. He always relents, even if he glowers and growls. Cole takes a more subtle approach and just leaves it where Fane can easily smell it, awakening the want. 
Mid-day Fane is usually doing his rounds, checking on companions, maybe entertaining a conversation or request, or begrudgingly diving into Inquisition business. (paperwork, letters, etc.) If he’s having a rough day, headaches, mental exhaustion, or physical pain, then Fane is less likely to get much done and that’s because Solas will demand that he take it easy. In those cases, Fane will fight and protest and declare that he’s fine, but a single look that says, ‘Enough’, and he crumbles, taking the offering of a pillowed lap and potentially sleeping for at least half the afternoon. When he wakes up, Fane lingers in the rotunda and with attempt some form of work until evening.
That’s when Fane indulges in more personal pursuits. He whittles wood, reads and writes poetry, tinkers with one of his gauntlets or plating, and lets himself want. He’ll sometimes go to the tavern to see Varric or the Chargers, even if being around Bull makes him a tad uneasy. Or he’ll seek out his sister and see if she wishes to do something with him. Fane doesn’t ask, of course, but that’s because Mhairi bombards him the moment he appears and he accepts and agrees without fuss. Sometimes Fane will visit Leliana in the rookery and go over what she’s heard or what he’s hear, or he’ll spend time with Cole until Solas comes to see where he’s gone off to.
Their go-to cure for a bad day? 
Usually, training or just outright destroying something. Fane has issues controlling some of his emotions, rage most of all, and the only way to get that specific emotion out is to physically take it out. Solas and Mhairi have attempted to help Fane diffuse in different ways, but the only one that seems to work the best is for a dragon to rampage. Thankfully, Fane retreats from Skyhold if that he feels his mind blackening. Solas or Cole will follow and keep an eye on him from a distance, but Solas will intervene if he feels Fane is close to spiraling beyond anger. Then, the go-to is words, soft, but firm.
How are they dissatisfied with their life? 
Fane’s life Pre-Inquisition and within Inquisition is...rough. Life with the clan was torture for him, literally being called a mistake and monster due to how he acted and how he looked. No one understood why and neither did Fane beyond knowing his father’s abuse had...awoken something in him. That lack of understanding infuriated Fane, to the point where he chose to just...ignore it, turn his back. Add that to the burden placed upon his shoulders unwillingly, and once again being labeled as every manner of being except what would make him feel complete...yeah, Fane was highly dissatisfied with his life. It isn’t until he and Solas reconcile and vow to never be apart again that Fane starts to find purpose and the will to try in his life. That satisfaction only grows Pre-Trespasser once Fane uncovers a lot of answers concerning himself and his kin after going on a little field trip to a place that shall not be name while Solas attends to the Qunari.
What would bring them true happiness or contentment?
Simply put? Fane wants Solas to be able to rest. That would bring Fane so much joy, to see his sky finally throw down the mantle and rest. All he wants is for them both to be able to be together and not have the world demanding their lives on a silver platter every second of every hour.
What definitive step could they take to turn their dream into a reality? 
Support. That is one of Fane’s guiding principles when it comes to Solas and what the mage has deemed he has to do. Fane helps to keep Solas on the path, but he knows when to step in if the fog rolls in. Fane doesn’t see right or wrong; he sees paths, choices. He supports what Solas wishes to do because he understands why the man feels the way that he does. Fane is Devotion and Tenacity, and he will die again and again and again before leaving Solas to walk this dark path alone, without support. Because that, all on its own, can change a person’s mind.
How has their fear kept them from taking this action already? 
Fane is only fearful that his support could be causing Solas grief, making him upset due to the fact that the mage feels as if Fane should condemn him. However, Fane presses on and doesn’t let fear shackle him in this. Fear is potent in Fane, that’s the truth, but it all washes away when Solas requires him. Devotion is stronger than Fear, Tenacity grinds Terror into dust, and a dragon will always guard the sky it calls home. 
How do they feel they can accomplish their goal while still steering clear of the thing they are afraid of? 
So, Fane’s main fears are being forgotten and himself. The supporting aspect is to combat the being forgotten aspect, partially, but when in regards to himself... That’s a whole other story. Fane grapples with madness coutnless times in my story and the allure of power, something dragons cannot yearn for lest they cause irreversible harm to the world, and he is fearful that eventually...the clock will strike, the hourglass will run out and that he didn’t do enough. For Solas, for his kin, and for the world. Furthermore, Fane is terrified that that madness will eventually harm those he cares for, those he’s vowed to protect and support. So, Fane does whatever he can to keep his spirit from warping, to keep himself from breaking beyond what can be repaired, and having Yune and Solas, and seeing the progress of their endeavors helps keep Fane on the cliff he teeters on.
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darkpetal16 · 3 years
Can’t wait until Overlord gets posted!!! I’ve only ever found one fanfic of it I’ve liked and it’s a HP crossover
Character Sheet
Name: Momonga
Title: The Strongest Magic Caster with the Appearance of a Skeleton
Level: 100
Race: Heteromorphic Race; Undead
Job: One of the Almighty 42 Supreme Beings; Ruler of the Great Tomb of Nazarick
Residence: Great Tomb of Nazarick; Room in level 9
Alignment: Extreme Evil; Sense of Justice - 500
Racial Level: Skeletal Mage lvl 15; Elder Lich lvl 10; Overlord lvl 5
Job level: Necromancer lvl 10; Ruler of Death lvl 10; Eclipse lvl 5
Creator: N/A
Personality: Cautious, loyal, avid collector.
Name: Lumière
Title: High Priestess of Light
Level: 100
Race: Heteromorphic Race; Angel
Job: One of the Almighty 42 Supreme Beings; Lady of Light
Residence: Great Tomb of Nazarick; The Hidden Tower
Alignment: Extreme Good; Sense of Justice 500
Racial Level: Angel lvl 15; Archangel lvl 10; Seraph Empyrean lvl 5
Job level: Light Priestess lvl 10; High Priestess lvl 10
Creator: N/A
Personality: Demure, loyal, romantic,
Name: Albedo
Title: Warm and Caring Devil of Pure White
Level: 100
Race: Heteromorphic Race; Succubus
Job: Great Tomb of Nazarick Overseer
Residence: Throne Hall; and a room in level 9
Alignment: Extreme Evil; Sense of Justice - 500
Racial Level: Imp lvl 10
Job level: Guardian lvl 10; Blackguard lvl 5; Unholy Knight lvl 10; Shield Lord lvl 10
Creator: Tabula Smaragdina
Personality: Loyal, yandere, extremist
Name: Jack
Title: The Smiling Ripper
Level: 100
Race: Heteromorphic Race; Undead
Job: Great Tomb of Nazarick Head Researcher
Residence: The Hidden Tower; and a room in level 9
Alignment: Extreme Evil; Sense of Justice - 500
Racial Level: Skeletal Mage lvl 15; Elder Lich lvl 10;
Job level: Necromancer lvl 10; Researcher lvl 10; Assassin lvl 10; Master Assassin lvl 5
Creator: Lucille
Personality: Loyal, yandere, cruel
Name: Aura Bella Fiora
Title: Renowned Trainer with an Indomitable Will
Level: 100
Race: Human Race; Dark Elf
Job: Great Tomb of Nazarick 6th Floor Guardian
Residence: 6th Floor Giant Tree
Alignment: Neutral ~ Evil; Sense of Justice - 100
Racial Level: N/A
Job level: Ranger lvl 5; Beast Tamer lvl 5; Shooter lvl 5; Sniper lvl 5; High Tamer lvl 10
Name: Mare Bello Fiora
Title: Unreliable Envoy of Nature
Level: 100
Race: Human Race; Dark Elf
Job: Great Tomb of Nazarick 6th Floor Guardian
Residence: 6th Floor Giant Tree
Alignment: Neutral ~ Evil; Sense of Justice - 100
Racial Level: N/A
Job level: Druid lvl 10; High Druid lvl 10; Nature’s Herald lvl 10; Disciple of Disaster lvl 5; Forest Mage lvl 10
Name: Cocytus
Title: Ruler of Glaciers
Level: 100
Race: Heteromorphic Race; Vermin Lord
Job: Great Tomb of Nazarick 6th Floor Guardian
Residence: 6th Floor Snowball Earth
Alignment: Neutral; Sense of Justice 50
Racial Level: Insect Fighter lvl 10; Vermin Lord lvl 10
Job level: Sword Saint lvl 10; Asura lvl 5; Knight of Niflheim lvl 5
Name: Demiurge
Title: Creator of the Blazing Inferno
Level: 100
Race: Heteromorphic Race; Arch-Devil
Job: Great Tomb of Nazarick 7th Floor Guardian
Residence: 7th Floor Blazing Shrine
Alignment: Extreme Evil; Sense of Justice - 500
Racial Level: Imp lvl 10; Archdevil lvl 5
Job level: Chaos lvl 10; Prince of Darkness lvl 10; Shapeshifter lvl 10
Name: Shalltear Bloodfallen
Title: The Bloody Valkyrie
Level: 100
Race: Heteromorphic Race; True Vampire
Job: Great Tomb of Nazarick 1st ~ 3rd Floor Guardian
Residence: 2nd Floor Burial Chambers
Alignment: Great ~ Extreme Evil; Sense of Justice - 450
Racial Level: Vampire lvl 10; True Vampire lvl 10
Job level: Valkyrie / Lance lvl 5; Cursed Knight lvl 5; Cleric lvl 10
Name: Pandora’s Actor
Title: Ever Changing Man Without A Face
Level: 100
Race: Heteromorphic Race; Doppelgänger
Job: Great Tomb of Nazarick Treasury Zone Guardian
Residence: Treasury Zone Manager Office
Alignment: Neutral; Sense of Justice - 50
Racial Level: Doppelgänger lvl 15; Greater Doppelgänger lvl 10
Job level: Expert lvl 10; Craftsman lvl 10; Lord of the Castle lvl 15
Name: Cheshire
Title: Cackling with Madness
Level: 100
Race: Heteromorphic Race; Fairy
Job: Hidden Tower Guardian
Residence: Hidden Tower
Alignment: Neutral; Sense of Justice - 100
Racial Level: Fairy lvl 15; Trickster lvl 10
Job level: Illusionist lvl 15; Shapeshifter lvl 10; Stalker lvl 10
Name: Victim
Title: Sacrificial Fetus
Level: 35
Race: Heteromorphic Race; Angel
Job: Great Tomb of Nazarick 8th Floor Guardian
Residence: 8th Floor Tree of Life (Sephiroth)
Alignment: Neutral; Sense of Justice 1
Racial Level: Angel lvl 10; Archangel lvl 10
Job level: Patriot lvl 1; Saint lvl 4; Martyr lvl 1
A Sneak Peek
In the year 2138 AD there was a term: DMMO-RPG. That word was an acronym for “Dive Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game”. It was a revolutionary new way to play games that used virtual reality and nano-technology. Among the myriad DMMO-RPGs that thronged the market, one of them stood head and shoulders above the others: YGGDRASIL.
That game had been painstakingly developed and released twelve years ago, in 2126.
Compared to other DMMO-RPGs of the time, YGGDRASIL’s selling point was player freedom; it had over two thousand basic and advanced job classes.
Every class had a maximum of fifteen levels, and so in order to reach the overall level cap of one hundred, one would need to take at least seven different classes. However, players could take as many classes as they wanted as long as they met each class’s prerequisites. A player could even take a hundred classes at level one each. As such, in that system, it was exceedingly difficult to make identical characters unless one was deliberately trying to do so.
One could use various creator tools (sold separately) to fully customize one’s armor, weaponry, flavor text, appearance, and other cosmetic settings. A vast playing field awaited its players. There were nine worlds in total: Asgard, Alfheim, Vanaheim, Nidavellir, Midgard, Jotunheim, Niflheim, Helheim, and Muspelheim.
In essence, YGGDRASIL boasted a massive world, numerous classes, and freely customizable appearances.
It was inevitable that it would skyrocket in popularity and infinite the muses of millions of creative players.
Of course… that was all in the past now.
A gigantic table carved of gleaming black stone sat in the center of a luxurious room, surrounded by forty two chairs. Of all of those chairs, only three were occupied.
One of the seated attendees was clothed in a magnificent black academic robe edged in violet and gold. The collar was excessively gaudy, but it still melded well with the overall design. The person’s head was exposed, revealing a bare skill. Points of dark red lights glowed in its large eye sockets. Behind that skull pulsed a halo of black radiance.
Further down the table was a being that was not human either, merely a mass of black, sticky substance. Its tar-like surface roiled and writhed continuously, never staying in shape for more than second.
At the very end was a person who at a glance could pass as human, if not for the pointed ears and wings at their back. That person wore magnificent priestess robes of silver and blue. Its halo at the back of its head illuminated its long curly white-blonde hair.
The first attendant at the table was an Overlord, the highest-ranked of an undead magic-caster. The second was an Elder Black Ooze, which boasted the most powerful corrosive ability of the slime families. The last was a Seraph Empyrean, the highest-ranked of an angel-raced healer.
One might encounter those monsters in the most difficult of dungeons in YGGDRASIL. Overlords could use powerful curses or spells of the highest tiers of magic; Elder Black Oozes were dreaded for their ability to degrade weapons and armor; and Seraph Empyreans were universally despised when found near bosses.
However, they were not game monsters, but players.
In YGGDRASIL, players could choose their character races from three broad groups: humanoid, demihuman, and heteromorphic.
Humanoids were the basic player type and comprised humans, dwarves, wood elves, and the like. Demihumans tended to be ugly, but possessed superior attributes to humanoids. Examples of demihumans were goblins, beastmen, ogres, and so on. Finally, heteromorphic races had monstrous abilities, but despite their stats being generally higher than those of other races, they also possessed various drawbacks. There were around seven hundred playable races in total, including the advanced versions of those races. Naturally, the Overlord, Seraph Empyrean, and Elder Black Ooze were among the high-tier heteromorphic races that were playable.
The Overlord—who was speaking at the moment—did not move his mouth. That was because even the most advanced DMMO-RPGs of the time still could not overcome the technological hurdle of properly modelling the changes on a character’s face in response to emotions and speech.
He spoke in a jovial tone, “It’s really been a while, Herohero. Although this is the last day of YGGDRASIL, we didn’t expect you to show up.”
The slime wobbled. “Indeed it has, Momonga.” The slime nodded in the direction of the Overlord, then at the angel who nodded back in return. “Lumière.”
“How has work been for you?” asked the angel.
The slime sighed, letting loose a small tirade of complaints. Momonga and Lumière listened patiently as their friend vented.
After about ten minutes, the torrent of words that flowed from Herohero dwindled to a trickle.
“...I’m sorry for making you listen to my whining. I can’t complain much IRL.”
“It’s really no worries,” assured Momonga. “We’re happy you were able to come by at all.”
“Ah. It was so nice to see you both after so long. I was afraid to find no one here.” Herohero’s tentacles waved at both of them. “But it is getting late… How long will you two be on?”
“Until we’re automatically logged out once the servers shut down,” answered Lumière.
“Since it’s still a ways off, we might get more visitors like you,” added Momonga.
“Ah. I hope so. I see you both have taken good care of this place.”
Momonga and Lumière did not respond, neither of them wanting to show the surge of mixed emotions Herohero’s words caused.
There were a few more parting words, but eventually, Herohero left and it was only the two remaining members once again. Momonga sighed again and Lumière spared him a glance. Their expressions could not be relayed through their avatars so she sent him a frowny face instead.
The quiet disappointment was understandable. Their guild, Ainz Ooal Gown, had slowly died out over the years as more and more members left the game. In the past two years only Momonga and Lumière regularly logged on. They had sent emails out to the other members of the guild asking for them to join them on the final day, but unfortunately only Herohero responded.
“I’m going back to the tower,” said Lumière. “Meet up later?”
“Yeah. I’ll talk to you in a bit.”
Lumière left after that point, teleporting to the Hidden Tower at the 10th floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.
The Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick had once been a six floor dungeon, but it had been dramatically altered after Ainz Ooal Gown took control of it. Currently, it was a ten floor dungeon, and each floor had its own unique theme. The First to Third Floors were modelled after a tomb. The Fourth Floor was an underground lake. The Fifth Floor was a frozen glacier. The Sixth Floor was a rainforest. The Seventh Floor was a sea of magma. The Eighth Floor was a wasteland. And the Ninth and Tenth Floors were the realm of the gods—in other words, the home base of Ainz Ooal Gown, which had ranked among the top ten of YGGDRASIL’s thousands of guilds. In the Tenth Floor there were a few hidden areas, although only one was regularly used—The Hidden Tower.
The entrance was hidden in the Throne Room. It was a tower built by Lumière, Blue Planet, and Amanomahitotsu as a hidden level. Not that it mattered since the only raid that came close to it was stopped in the Throne Room.
The tower had five levels, the first three dedicated as testing areas for Nazarick’s lead Researcher, Jack. The fourth floor was a luxurious library with a big fireplace, and lots of comfy spots to lounge in. At the top of the floor was Lumière’s room.
Upon entering the tower Lumière stopped before the Tower Guardian, Cheshire.
In a game like YGGDRASIL, guilds enjoyed several benefits if they possessed a guild base of castle tier or higher. The NPCs that the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick could field were undead monsters. These automatically spawning NPCs—or “pop monsters”—had a maximum level of thirty. Even if they were destroyed, after a while they would respawn on their own, at no cost to the guild. However, players could not customize the AI and appearances of these “pop” NPCs. They were hardly useful in deterring intruders, who were universally players.
There was also another type of NPC; the ones designed from the ground up to their makers’ satisfaction. If a guild possessed a castle-grade guild base, the owning guild would be allowed nine hundred levels to be distributed between any number of NPCs they wanted.
Because the highest level in YGGDRASIL was one hundred, by those stipulations, a guild could make seven level one hundred NPCs and four level fifty NPCs, or any combination thereof.
When designing an original NPC, one could customize weaponry and other equipment in addition to clothing and appearances. As a result, one could create NPCs that were far stronger than the automatic spawns and place them in key locations. Of course, not every NPC had to be designed for battle. A certain guild which called themselves the “Kitty Kingdom” fielded no NPCs other than cats or cat-related creatures.
It was a nice guild to visit.
Cheshire was one of those specially crafted NPCs. It was a shapeshifting fairy created by Lumière. Its default form was that of a dark cat with stripes and an eerie smile that showed several rows of sharp teeth. It was heavily inspired by the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland, albeit with a more malicious mindset. It was designed to use “illusions” to trick players when entering such as changing what they see on screen to something else, or swapping what keys did what and so on.
Cheshire always floated down to whoever entered the tower. Its default setting would be to greet whoever came. It had a special message tailored for all the Supreme Beings.
“Welcome back, Mistress!” greeted Cheshire. As Lumière was its creator, she designed it to greet her as mistress, or my dearest lady. She gave the same order to her other creation, Jack.
Jack was stationed at the first floor of the tower. He was near some desks in the lab designed to look like a mad scientist laboratory. Lumière made up his character, leaning into an assassin-lich trope. She almost went with the skeletal appearance, but Bukubukuchagama talked her out of it. Bukubukuchagama bemoaned how there were already plenty of other “scary” monsters in the guild. She tried to bribe Lumière to make Jack a genderswap like her Dark Elves, but Lumière resisted. She compromised as a bishie. Or at least as much of a bishie as an undead could get.
Not that anyone could see it since Jack wore a mask.
That way he could appear as a “scary” monster to befit the evil lab, but in actuality, he was a pretty boy underneath which satisfied Bukubukuchagama. A happy Bukubukuchagama meant free visual novels for Lumière which in turn made for a happy Lumière.
Win-win all around.
Lumière brushed past both of her creations, stepping in to the laboratory and looking around.
Well, it is the last day, she thought as she glanced over at her creations.
“Come with me,” she ordered both of them.
Neither responded, both simply stepping closer to her. Er, well, Jack stepped forward while Cheshire hovered closer. She guided them up the tower to her favorite spot in Nazarick; the cozy little library.
With a wave of her hand she turned the fire place on and took a seat on the lush, red couch in front of it. She let out a slow sigh as she stared at the flickering flames.
She hadn’t even realized so much time had passed, she had zoned out watching the flames dance. That had been happening with greater frequency the past couple of weeks. Lumière’s body in reality wasn’t in good condition. It was a struggle to even get out of bed, her lungs slowly filling with fluid each day. She’d need another draining surgery in a month.
Her fatigue caused her mind to drift away, not quite falling asleep but close to.
What will I do when they shut the game down?
It was a question that had occurred to her several times, but she never found an answer. It wasn’t that YGGDRASIL was the only game she ever played--Civilizaiton CXI and Warhammer were nice ways to pass time, but YGGDRASIL was special to her. Ainz Ooal Gown was a place she finally had proper friends.
[23:59:58, 59—]
Lumière closed her eyes. What a shame.
Lumière knew something was immediately wrong when the first breath she took was not one hampered. She reflexively breathed deeper and found that it did not incite a fit of coughing. Her eyes shot open and she abruptly stood up from her seat.
Even the movement came with ease.
What in the?
Lumière twisted her body one way to another, breathing in the scents of--
Scents?! YGGDRASIL couldn’t mimic smells.
But lo and behold Lumière could distinctly smell the fire. It had a odd woodsy scent to it, as if it were scented logs burning inside. Lumière had never gone camping before, nor had she experienced fire first hand in her life. She marveled over the odd smell it emitted, sniffing delicately at it.
I quite like this smell, she thought.
“My dearest lady?”
Lumière twitched in surprise, looking over at Jack. The NPC had approached Lumière, a hand placed over his chest where his heart would have been had he not been undead. Jack, like all of Nazarick’s NPCS, had two default outfits: battle and casual. The battle would originally have only been triggered during a raid, so he currently wore his casual.
Lumière had been pretty huge into Sherlock and anime at the time of his design, so he was heavily inspired by an anime version of Jack the Ripper.
He had a black ulster coat with the collar flipped up. Underneath was a white button up shirt, and black and red suit vest. He had the classic dark white gloves, and black slacks to complete the look.
Oh, and of course the famous top hat. Could never, ever, forget the top hat for someone inspired by Jack the Ripper.
Lumière opened her mouth to say something but rapidly closed it. She placed a hand over her chest, breathing.
I can breathe easy. I have a sense of smell and touch. Is it--did I die?
Isekais were rather popular. Given her sickly body it wouldn’t have been too much of a stretch to say she passed away and had no memory of it.
The end result was still the same: she was in her avatar’s body. A body strengthened by a hundred levels and not plagued by illness or frailty. A smile curled her lips and she said, “Jack, how are you today?”
A question that an NPC could never answer unless specifically programmed for. Lumière had never given such line to Jack which meant that if he answered--
“Lovely now that I can gaze upon you,” he answered, stepping closer.
A surge of embarrassed adrenaline shot through Lumière at his intensely warm tone. Ah, wait--
She had almost forgotten how she programmed Jack’s personality. Leaning into the guild’s theme of “monsters” and “evil” she pushed on with his serial killer design. Cruel, sadistic, obsessive, and dangerously smart. She went all out, using a character design sheet Tabula put together. Lumière wasn’t as inventive or imaginative in the edgy department so she asked Ulbert to help. Ulbert had already made a pretty evil demon, Demiurge, and was delighted to try his hand at an evil undead serial killer.
At the end of the design she, as giggling joke with Peroroncino she added that he was a yandere for her.
Ahahahaha… I’m sure it’ll be okay.
「Message from Momonga」 Lumière?
Uwa! Momonga’s here?
「Message to Momonga」 Momonga! You came here too?
「Message from Momonga」 Came here… you’re really in the game, too?
「Message to Momonga」 It looks like it. I can breathe without trouble.
「Message from Momonga」 Ah. I’m happy for you. I’m going to conduct some tests to make sure I can cast more spells. Do you want to meet up in the arena?
「Message from Momonga」 Yeah, I’ll meet you there.
“Cheshire,” Lumière said, raising her hands up. “Come here.”
The fairy disguised as a monster cat floated over with a wide smiles. “Yes, Mistress?”
She reached out and the monstrous feline leaned into her palm. She felt his fur, his warmth, and beneath it all a heartbeat.
Jack responded with an answer on his own, Cheshire is warm and has a heartbeat, I can move freely… I’m here. This is real. They’re real.
Lumière smiled shyly, taking Cheshire into her arms. He was fluffy and warm. “We’re going to the arena to meet with Momonga.”
“As you wish, my lady,” demurred Jack while Cheshire flicked his tail.
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aricazorel · 3 years
OC Questionnaire
I was tagged by @enasallavellan Thank You! This was really fun!
Answering for my Dragon Age: Inquisition OC from my ongoing fanfic series on AO3.
(This got a little long so more below the cut)
Character’s name:
Anyssa McBride
Role in story:
Inquisition Historian from Earth (MGIT story; Anchor series on AO3)
Physical description:
5ft 6in, wavy honey blonde hair that currently reaches midway down her back (on Earth it was roughly shoulder length, ice blue eyes
She is 26 when she arrives in Thedas and currently is 29 in my story. (She will be 30 shortly after the events set in Trespasser)
MBTI/Enneagram Personality Type:
I took two different tests when I created Anyssa and both labeled her as ‘ENFJ’—the giver or mentor. (I would argue that while she tested as an extrovert she does appreciate introvertedness and the current situation dictates which she chooses to be)
What is their greatest fear?
Being used and taken for granted
Inner motivation:
To help others and support them, hoping to see them happy
Having her self-doubts realized
What is their misbelief about the world?
Anyssa believes that everyone wants help and they just do not know how to ask for it. Unfortunately she has found out that some people just don’t want help no matter how sincere you are.
Lesson they need to learn:
She needs to learn to trust herself. Those around her know of her past on Earth and have made efforts to help her learn that. But no matter what, she still struggles with it, sometimes to the point of questioning whether she deserves the life she now has.
What is the best thing in their life?
A group of people who love and care for her. In other words, Friends
What is the worst thing in their life?
A history on Earth of those that were supposed to care for her, using her instead…and abuse. After her parents died in a car crash during her junior in high school, she went to live with her aunt and uncle who proceeded to steal the money her parents had left her for college. Later she entered into a relationship with a seemingly charming man named Bryan who turned out to be emotionally and physically abusive towards her. After two years she worked up the courage to attempt to leave. After multiple tries, she finally succeeded only to end up in Thedas.
What do they most often look down on people for?
Taking advantage of others, being cruel/mean to others, judging other without taking into consideration what they have been through
What makes his/her/their heart feel alive?
Writing stories based on those around her, sharing her knowledge with people who appreciate it, learning about the cultures and people around her, horseback riding, rock climbing, exploring the tunnels under Skyhold
What makes them feel loved, and who was the last person to make them feel that way?
The people she had come to know as friends in Thedas. They have become her ‘found’ family—something she thought to never have again. The last person to make her feel that way is Cullen. He always knows the right thing to say or the right thing to do to let her know she is loved.
Top three things they value most in life?
Acceptance by others, support of others, friendship
Is there an object they can’t bear to part with and why?
No personal items from Earth made it through the rift to Thedas with Anyssa. What she has come to cherish most is the small items her friends have given her in an effort to make she feel at home. Most notably is the Cullen’s coin she wears around her neck and a stuffed dragon named Puff he gave her before they ever began their relationship.
Describe a typical outfit for them from top to bottom.
For her normal duties as historian, she wears simple dresses common to Ferelden fashion as well as blouses and skirts. For more formal affaires she wears one the many dresses Vivienne had made for her that incorporates Orlesian, Fereldan, and Free Marcher styles. For when she explores the caverns below Skyhold or travels away from the keep, she prefers typical traveling clothes and pants over skirts.
Most of her clothes are shades of light blue which Cullen said matches her eyes. She also wears purple in various shades being as it is her favorite color.
What names or nicknames have they been called throughout their life?
Nyssa and Nys. Most of her friends have called her Nyssa at some point in her life. Nys is only used by Cullen. He has also been known to use the endearment “sweetling” after they began their relationship.
What is their method of manipulation?
Anyssa isn’t known for manipulating anyone out right. Most of the time, she will rephrase an argument point to make the other party believe they are making a choice freely. This is not something she employs with people she is friends with or allied with. It a trick she holds in reserve when dealing with unreasonable nobles, especially when she has been called on to aid Josephine.
However, she is not above manipulating Cullen to either ensure he does not take on too much or because she would like some private time with him. A bright smile and repeatedly saying ‘please’ usually works. The first time Cullen realized he could not say no to her was when she asked to see a real dragon. In the end, he gifted her a stuffed dragon she named Puff and then took her to Crestwood to see the dragon there (from a safe distance of course.)
Describe their daily routine.
Anyssa’s routine various from day to day depending on the work load and what other duties she’s been tasked with. Normally, she holds any meetings in the morning and she makes time to watch the sparring ring from the battlements (especially if Cullen is participating). After that she may conduct any research she can on historical items the Inquisition has acquired and writes any correspondence to allies that might have knowledge she does not. She frequently checks in with Dagna in the Undercroft and reports the archanist’s progress to those interested. (Most people tend to shy away from Dagna but Anyssa finds her fascinating and funny.) She often finds Cullen for lunch and reminds him to eat. Her afternoons might involve cataloging artfifacts and tomes recovered in the hopes of returning them to their proper owners. If time allows, she can be found exploring and mapping the caverns and tunnels below Skyhold much to Cullen’s dismay. Throughout her day though, Anyssa has learned to work in time for her friends as well as for herself (though it has been a struggle in learning to do so)
Their go-to cure for a bad day?
There a several different answers to this. One is Sera. Both Anyssa and the Red Jenny enjoy pranks. Frequently Anyssa may provide the idea or inspiration while Sera carries out the actual pranks itself.
Horseback riding alone or with Cullen.
Playing Wicked Grace with Varric and/or Bull, Blackwall, and the Chargers. (Drinking and storytelling maybe involved.)
Reading a book with Cullen.
How are they dissatisfied with their life?
Overall, Anyssa is exceedingly happy with her life in Thedas. It is something she never thought to have again after her parents death and the abusive relationship with her ex-boyfriend. She had friends, a family, a career, someone to love her (whom she loves with all her heart), and a new purpose in life. If there was one thing that she would be dissatisfied with, it would be the knowledge that despite all the good the Inquisition did there will still be people who still cling to the old ways. In other words, she wishes that everyone could find the acceptance and support she has found but knows that the old ways are easier for some to hold onto instead of embracing change.
What would bring them true happiness or contentment?
Finally realizing that she did nothing wrong and it was not her fault that anyone left her or treated her poorly. Those were decisions made by others and she is not responsible for that. Cullen has aided her greatly in making progress with this but it is a struggle she will always have. But then again she has found a support network and love, so in the end she is already happy/content.
What definitive step could they take to turn their dream into a reality?
This is something Anyssa initially struggled with. Cullen was the first to admit he loved her and it took seven months before she could say it back. After that, they talked circles around making concrete plans about their future. Finally, they decided to just make the plans as they went (making a list of things they wanted.) When Cullen decided to start a Templar sanctuary after retirement, that solidified things. Now all that remains to be done is see the Inquisition through to the end and then begin their future.
How has their fear kept them from taking this action already?
Her past relationship colored how she reacted to Cullen’s affections and made her question whether she could trust his words. (she learned to trust his actions first and then his words)
Haven and Skyhold were the places she first felt welcomed in Thedas, like she had a real home again.
She questioned whether she could be lead historian in a world she knew nothing of, questioning even the skills she had learned on Earth.
How do they feel they can accomplish their goal while still steering clear of the thing they are afraid of?
Anyssa has decided to focus on what she can do in the present and prepare for the future she wants. She has begun making plans for how to transfer her skills to a slightly different career path aft her the conclusion of the Inquisition and has told Cullen she will support his dream of a Templar sanctuary while pursuing her own path. To ensure that happens, she will more than likely rely on Cullen for reminders to believe in herself and trust that she knows what she is doing. In the end, it all comes down to trust for Anyssa and her Commander is the one she trusts the most.
Tagging @commanderadorkable, @shadoedseptmber, @raflesia65, @noire-pandora and anyone else who would like to play! No pressure, just fun!
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tinyteenia · 4 years
Siren’s: Analysis
 Hello, here’s my first Lore Post for Borderlands. I’ve been pretty silent in the fandom, only playing the games and whatnot.
Warning: Spoilers for ALL three main games below!
In Borderlands, as we all know, are magical beings that can use their powers depending on which ones they have. The origins of the humanoid siren is sort-of unknown but assumedly they come from Eridians which aren’t humanoid but the power was passed on and that’s still how it is. It’s possible that all Sirens can choose their successor, we see that Maya and Angel have chosen one and we can see that it’s pretty direct too. As soon as one Siren dies, the powers can be passed on. There can only be 7 Sirens at a time, why this is hasn’t been stated or probably never will. Before 3, we were told 6 Sirens could be in existence at a time but as Nyriad reveals in 3...
“You must never find the seventh...”
Now, despite all the speculation that can be done. To try and find the 7th Siren would probably be impossible for its a character that’s yet to be revealed or is so obscure to guess them would seem rash and sort of silly, especially with the amount of characters who barely have any background. Not to mention it’s made to sound like they’re hidden in some sort and have never been seen.
Now before we move on, let’s get deeper into what is a Siren. So... What is a Siren? Well, outside of Borderlands, Sirens are:
In Greek mythology, the Sirens were dangerous creatures, who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and singing voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island. 
According to Plato there were three kinds of Sirens: the celestial, the generative, and the purificatory / cathartic. The first were under the government of Zeus, the second under that of Poseidon, and the third of Hades. When the soul is in heaven the Sirens seek, by harmonic motion, to unite it to the divine life of the celestial host; and when in Hades, to conform the soul to eternal infernal regimen; but when on earth their only job to "produce generation, of which the sea is emblematic". (Source)
However, it’s confusing since this doesn’t seem to fit any of Sirens. They don’t generate themselves with kin, purify anything(as we know) aren’t really celestial beings by this definition. You could say they are celestial due to the magical background, nevertheless it’s possible this connection is yet to be revealed. The Borderlands manual guide and Nyriad says that Sirens have also been called “Witches”, “Oracles” and “Angels” as well that “No official term exists” however by Borderlands 3 that seems that every term has been used for thousands, if not millions of years. Siren being the most common.
In the games and comics, however, Sirens are being of unknown origin, typically female, that have powers based upon certain things such as creating physical attacks, moving things, teleportation, machine manipulation and leeching power/life. At some time in the distant past, Sirens and Eridians lived side by side, possibly due to their similarity in ability. Sirens also have Tattoos/Markings on their body which singles them out especially. Another obscure and rarely seen ability is the ability to imprint memories and events onto objects via strong emotion such as excitement and trauma.
Some extra things about Sirens is that they and the vaults are definitely connected, Lilith even says she feels as if the Guardians wanted her to be in the Vault in the Pre-Sequel. What this connection is has not been revealed as even in 3, despite visiting many vaults, nothing happens any of the Sirens in the game that visit them despite the number of Sirens and Vaults being numerous, Sirens can also charge Vault Keys, making them usable. Another thing is that all Sirens typically find each other at some point, furthermore all Sirens will at one point be drawn onto Pandora at some point in their lives and it seems that point is true as every Siren, minus the 7th(as we know) have visited Pandora. All Sirens also have wings, usually in a very powerful form. Lastly, to use their powers more effectively, Sirens use Eridium. However, using Eridium is like a Drug, normal use is fine however, one can become addicted or even dependent on it to the point of death from withdrawal depending on the intake. Angel is so dependent once her source is removed, she dies. Lilith seems to just be mildly addicted, needing it and showing obvious signs of withdrawal. 
Then, let’s talk about each Siren in the Series.
(The below list and subsequent descriptions of each Siren will have spoilers regarding Borderlands 2 and 3, including some very important moments, do not go below if you do not wish to be spoiled on Borderlands 2 and 3.)
Here is a list of every mentioned/shown Siren, minus the Comics for apparently they are considered non-canon:
Commandant Steele
Troy Calypso
Tyreen Calypso
Patricia Tannis
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The Original Siren as some would say, she first appears in Borderlands 1 as the playable Siren class, she holds the Phasewalk ability, aka teleportation. Nothing spectacular about her happens in 1, in 2 she is a leader of the resistance against Handsome Jack and regularly takes action in fighting with you. Lilith says in the Tiny Tina DLC that she used to be a DND nerd, which means she was probably an outcast from society especially due to her tattoos and interests and she was bullied as a child. In Borderlands 3, her powers are taken by Tyreen for the majority of the game and gets them back by the end. At the end, Lilith flies into Sun, saving Elpis and Pandora, her Phoenix symbol embedded into the planet. However, it is never said if Lilith is dead or alive, leaving it up to be a mystery. So whether Phasewalk will return as the next Siren’s powers is unknown.
Lilith’s name shares the her name with the true first Woman in Judeo-Christian lore, however she was turned into a demon and is closely regarded in evil.
Commandant Steele
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Steele is considered the main antagonist of Borderlands 1, however, her appearance is extremely short-lived and to say she was dissatisfactory would be an understatement. Steele’s design closely resembles Lilith’s older design, which isn’t surprising. Her power is unknown and could be anything but Phasewalk. She also awakens the Destroyer or at least a part of it.
The only notable things about Steele is she proves(or is the first to prove) that Sirens can be on the wrong side. While this isn’t surprising, it’s juxtaposed to most Sirens that are on the quote-onto-quote Good Side and that the only things all Sirens share is fate to meet each other at some point. She also speaks in a Slavic accent.
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Maya is the playable Siren Class in Borderlands 2. She’s from the planet Athenas and was used against the people of the planet to keep them in fear. However, she learned of the scheme and killed the religious leaders and then came to Pandora to become a Vault Hunter, during boarding the train she catches the view of Krieg who becomes infatuated with her. Maya’s Siren power is Phaselock, being able to create gravitational pulls and force to levitate things and people.
In Borderlands 3, Maya plays a more important role mentoring the young Ava and has chosen her as her heir of Maya’s Siren powers. She says Ava seems special and it’s not said why this is or revealed why, yet at least.
Maya is killed when Ava goes to the first Vault despite Maya telling her not to. Unbeknownst to anyone, Tyreen and Troy have already come to the Vault. Troy ends up leeching Maya and takes her powers, which kills her. Why this killed Maya and not Lilith isn’t entirely clear.
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Amara is the playable Siren Class in Borderlands 3, she is from the Planet of Partali and due to her nature of fighting against evil she has been dubbed the “Tiger of Partali”. Her Siren power is Phasetrance, she is able to summon physical forms of energy to attack. She has no real importance to the Siren story so far other than sharing attributes with other Sirens.
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Angel is an interesting character as she was in Borderlands one and plays a much different perspective of character. In Borderlands one she practically acts as an A.I guide to prevent the opening of the Vault and furthermore, the release of The Destroyer. However, the ultimate goal is getting Eridium from the Vault so that it can fuel Handsome Jack’s plans to feed Angel’s Phaseshift powers which allows her to interact with any technology she can and manipulate it thusly.
In her Childhood, Angel learned she was a Siren at a young age and began to manipulate the tech around her. One day, she was kidnapped and was going to be sold. Handsome Jack, her father and Angel’s mother can to rescue her and by accident, Angel killed her mother after activating a turret out of fear. This lead to Jack keeping Angel in solitude in fear she’ll kill more people. This fear of course is irrational as when Angel got older she was able to control her emotions.
In Borderlands 2, Angel acts the same as her role in Borderlands 1. However, this time she helps the Vault Hunters much more and even turns against her father in the end. Nearing the end of the game she has the characters assist her from being removed from her Eridium supply, killing her. Her death leads to Patricia Tannis getting her powers, when this decision was made or why is never explained.
Nyriad is an Ancient Siren, presumably human. She lived along the Eridians and seemed to know a lot about Sirens in general, meaning that this knowledge was probably more well known and supposedly lost to time. It is also said she is one of the last to learn the Eridian Language directly from the Eridians.
Nyriad used her powers to seal the Fake Vault that holds The Destroyer and fed The Destroyer all of the Eridian souls so that it made be satiated, even for a while. After this, she traveled to Nekrotafeyo and sealed herself and her ability to pass on her powers. However, when Typhon DeLeon and his wife opened the Vault, it caused his wife to transfer Nyriads Phaseleech ability to Tyreen and Troy.
Nyriad also left behind many recordings across the Borderlands using the Eridian Language, revealing that the Sirens used to form a “Sisterhood” where they would all come and join together even if one died, the next Siren is said to have always found her way to the Sisterhood.
Troy and Tyreen Calypso
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Troy and Tyreen are a special kind of Siren. Tyreen is obviously the main Siren, however, Troy being a parasitical twin also gained Siren powers being possibly the first and only Male Siren. They are the Children of Typhon DeLeon and his wife and were born of Necrotafeya. Their powers initially are Phaseleech which allows them to leech the power and life from anyone they come in contact with and subsequently use their powers against. They inherited their powers from Nyriad.
During Borderlands 3, Tyreen and Troy are the leaders of the Children of the Vault cult, a vicious and murderous cult that obeys the Twin’s every will and command. Their desire is to open the Grand Vault and release The Destroyer and become literal Gods. During the story, they manage to steal Lilith and Maya’s Siren abilities and by the end, Tyreen absorbs Troy and soon Tyreen fuses with The Destroyer, but is ultimately killed.
Whether or not Phaseleech will be the ability of the next Siren character is unknown, but without many others left. It’s to be assumed.
Patricia Tannis
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Tannis is a long-running character in the franchise. She’s an Autistic researcher and now Siren. Her ability is Phaseshift and inherits it from Angel. Nothing about Tannis being a Siren or before her status as a Siren is important. However, she is very intelligent and does take action when necessary. It seems by the end of Borderlands 3 she has become an incredibly important character as she is essentially the new Lilith.
Before Borderlands 3, she was alone at a research site which lead her to become delusional and psychotic.
During Borderlands 3, she unleashes her Siren powers after being contained and is able to save the Vault Hunter.
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Ava is the pupil of Maya who has chosen for Ava to be her heir of the Phaselock ability. Ava became a pupil after Ava’s family died, Ava became a Ship Stowaway and soon lived in extreme poverty.
In Borderlands 3, Ava is a very immature characters, regularly acting out and speaking about how unfair she’s treated due to her age. This is ultimately what would get Maya killed in the events of Borderlands 3. Ava plays a very unimportant role in the game until the events of the second to final Vault where she awakens to her Siren abilities and is able to assist the team.
After this, it seems as if Ava will become a very important character to the Series.
Borderlands 3 in particular drew a very important note to Sirens, suggesting their upcoming importance in the near future. Not to mention the way in the Guardian’s Warning in the Pre-Sequel. Something is coming up for the series and it seems Sirens will play a very important role. What that is isn’t even hinted at but I theorize it’ll be something that involves the Vaults, Destroyer and Eridians. This of course is not surprising but to say there’s barely information to guess would be an understatement. 
This post I will admit was just lore spattering and not really theorizing. I will update this post with more thoughts and more information as it is pretty generic “spout of what we already know”. But, I hope you enjoy anyways. I will try to make more Borderlands lore posts in the foreseeable future. Especially character analysis as this series has tons of good characters.
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aijee · 3 years
hello aijee!! what are your thoughts on mingyu and wonwoo's bittersweet?
Oh anon. Oh anon, anon, anon. I have very many feelings about this remarkable intersection of ley lines. I’m sure the WWxMG spheres of the Internet are in some state of madness, and I felt like my meager offerings would be nothing in comparison. But you are now my excuse to write up a Pandora's box answer that I've done my best to organize below the cut. It’s honestly not that exhaustive, but I have to catch a flight soon.
The short of it is: I really liked it! It was nice to see WW/MG doing something distinctly not hip-hop, or eye candy-centric, or “let’s fight over this random girl for no reason other than to give (female) fans the feeling of being sandwiched between two hot guys.” The urban imagery was also wonderful. I’m a big, big sucker for Japanese films set in cities in the 80s/90s, so this video definitely hit a specific aesthetic nerve for me. ALSO LEEHI MY BAE!!
But, fair disclaimer, I do have some reservations. Nothing is perfect!
The song itself
It was refreshing to hear a softer song with WW and MG doing so much of the vocals. I’m so used to eleven other guys contributing (I’m personally a bigger fan of the group/non-solo tracks), it was almost jarring to hear only two male voices in something very much not hip-hop or rapping. And LeeHi? My ex-YG BABEE?? I honestly wished I heard more of her!! And saw her in the video! Her voice was a perfect addition to a song that sounds more, as its name suggests, bittersweet.
I feel like all three of the artists involved have a much more dynamic range that could have been utilized, even for a muted tone. The song overall doesn’t really stand out to me, especially within Seventeen’s wonderful discography and selection of ballads. The instrumental was kinda weak ngl. But I still very much enjoyed the song! The lyrics from an English-speaking standpoint were also very lovely and definitely struck the heart on my sleeve, as you can imagine from the types of themes I tend to write about. Kudos to MG and WW for participating in it! Always love seeing SVT showing off their creative chops.
The video/cinematography
Frankly, I wasn’t impressed by it. 3.5/5 stars. I’m personally not a big fan of the blurry type of slow motion. I get that, perhaps, it was meant to evoke a sense of reminiscing on old memories, which can be blurry and choppy. But I felt like those extra seconds could have been used for more evocative cinematography between the trio or combinations thereof. There was so much potential to have a more unified sense of “story.” I felt like the acting really carried it, but overall the visual artistry didn’t hold together in my opinion.
I also thought that the imagery paired with the lyrics was often too on-the-nose. (Take this with a grain of salt from someone who doesn’t know Korean, only the official English translations.) In other words, I thought that the shots could be too literal when paired with the lyrics.Yes, yes, eyes are are meeting but something still feels far apart because the girl ain’t lookin at WW. Yes, yes, the scent of a moment fills hands because we see a glass of alcohol in presumably WW’s hand. I do like that the lyrics actually match the video to some degree (since so many Kpop MVs are just dancing in a fancy room), but, again, it felt too one-to-one without much thought otherwise.
Also, those AirPods lmao. I don’t know why, but that took me out of the immersion. WW and MG had one each, and I’d be knocking furniture down at that observation if they both weren’t wearing right-side pods, thus eliminating the possibility of sharing. Imagine!! Turning the act of sharing AirPods into something symbolic! Remembering things when someone else “plays that old tune”, being disconnected and connected at the same time, etc. To think that I’d be yell-writing about the potential symbolism of AirPods...
The duo/trio
My first thought seeing this video was: Are Mingyu and Wonwoo okay with this? They clearly had a say in the lyrics, so I feel like they’re okay. Instinctually, I get concerned about how a company can push idols pairings in official content to the point of undermining the real-life relationship; I felt like WW, as a naturally shyer and introverted person, stepped back from the WonGyu pairing at some point. I think this was a bigger concern in the group’s earlier years, and I feel like they and the fandom have matured significantly over time. Fans reading this are certainly free to educate me on their takes regarding this, since I follow Seventeen’s official content more (as much as I am able to, at least) than fan content, like fancams, and I try not to make too many legit assumptions based on official content.
All this being said, I think they looked really comfortable with each other in the video! Which I loved the most, honestly. The premise didn’t didn’t feel like guys fighting over a girl (yawn). I’m not a fan of the overused K-Pop trope of “let’s have a random girl act as a stand-in for fans to feel like they’re being pursued by their oppars.” I felt like, while MG and WW expressed clear interest in the girl, there was interest expressed in each other as well—especially MG towards WW in my opinion, cont’d below. And the interest was never forced to be romantic, even though it could be! LOVE that for them. (I highly recommend reading up on “queer platonic relationships”, which a friend of mine taught me recently. Made the mistake of writing “romantic” instead of “platonic” so sorry 😬)
Motherfuckin Kim Mingyu AKA my interpretation of the story
*I did read the little summary in the description box about “three longtime friends”, but I’m choosing to ignore it because I don’t think the video portrays that well and I like my interpretation better haha!
That sequence of WW putting a hat on MG, with WW’s fond but exasperated face of a hyung (I’m okay, not okay).
The cut from that shot of WW and the girl breathing heavy and looking at MG, to MG staring vacantly behind a rained-on glass window (I close my eyes but thoughts of you...).
The way MG steps out first into the rain and smiles back at WW in that last sequence of shots (Eyes meeting but hearts apart); MG looks so content despite the sadness usually meant to be evoked by dramatic rain sequences.
As someone who normally connects with WW, I really connected to MG’s character this time around. I interpreted MG’s character as going through a really complex series of emotions towards both the girl and WW, platonic, romantic or otherwise. It’s hard to pin down, but the small age difference between him and WW felt so much more apparent in the MV. I almost got the impression that maybe MG’s character felt new, naive and lost in the city (he has a few shots of wandering or being in front of urban areas). Then he found stability with the girl and WW, the consequence being the whirlwind of feelings he must be experiencing because of them. I wish there was more exposition hinting at what happened to the girl, since she sorta just...blipped out of existence by the end.
At the start of the MV, WW’s character looked like he was at the end of his rope, drinking away his woes, maybe because of what seems like a nice job based on the suit. But then he found solace in the female bartender, who was kind and had open ears. The two of them became friends (maybe more, perhaps one-sided in WW’s disfavor). Then WW met MG through her. He saw MG’s character as a cute dongsaeng to be nice to, mostly on the whims of the girl, even dancing with them after closing time. But maybe WW’s character started having complicated feelings for MG’s character throughout it all. He started seeing MG more (more than the girl? Hard to say), based on how he was staring at MG at the end of the running sequence at around 2:08, not even looking back at the girl. He ended up liking MG so much, that he followed MG into the rain despite them both avoiding it, staying indoors, before the end sequence.
That’s sort of the dirty and quick of my initial thoughts. Honestly, I wish I had the energy and speed to throw out a proper written work because I LOVE stories that are basically just complicated feelings with relationship boundaries that are hard to define. Also, gotta say, that little sassy look the female actress gave at around 0:30 was real cute. 👀
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elenajohansenauthor · 4 years
let me ramble about music for a minute
I went to Spotify to get my Wrapped report like all the cool kids are doing, and I’ll share that sometime today, but something more important happened than it telling me I listened to one album over and over and my top five songs are all from it. I knew that already.
Some of you are definitely going to be like, who? What is Elena so excited about?
But I am blessed on a cosmic level that the number one inspiration for my about-to-be-published novel gets back together and drops a new album right as I’m getting ready to release. After the shit year we’ve all had, I am choosing to take this as a good sign. My novel will be well-received. People will like it. People will tell their friends about it. I will make new fans.
See, back in the early 2010′s I was moving on from my old Pandora days, when somehow I was listening to primarily European death metal and beauty-and-the-beast style rock from all over the world, while listening almost exclusively to Canadian rock radio at my job, because we didn’t have satellite radio there yet and that was one of the only stations we could get to come in reliably. (Which was how I was constantly stumping my friends in my mostly-American World of Warcraft guild by throwing band names out there that they’d never heard of, like Thornley and Alter Bridge and Stabilo and The Tea Party. Before “The Tea Party” was a rising American political movement, anyway.)
But Pandora stinks, honestly, and I was tired of paying for it, and Spotify wasn’t a blip on my radar yet. I had another friend online who mostly interacted with me my dropping links to music in our Skype, and she and I would try to stump each other with songs a) we thought the other would like but also b) suspected they’d never heard of.
(We once both dropped Griffin House on each other on the same day, so we were at least right about each other’s tastes.)
But looking back over that time in our friendship, she wins our friendly competition, because in 2015 she threw this at me:
And I was GONE. I listened almost exclusively to Anberlin’s entire catalog for about the next three years.
Which was when I wrote the first draft of Fifty-Five Days. Yeah, that was my 2016 NaNoWriMo project, originally under the working title “This Novel Has No Title, Just Words and a Tune.” (Because I like clever plays on song lyrics, yeah, I’m cute like that.)
It’s no mistake that my fictional band’s structure mimics Anberlin, or that I sometimes refer to aspects of their musical style that are my favorites. I deliberately chose not to have the band cover any of their songs--too on the nose, there--but if there’s one existent band to listen to, to get an idea of what their sound would be like, it’s this one.
I was bitterly disappointed to realize that I had found this new favorite band of mine right after they broke up. But I consoled myself with the huge amount of music they left behind, and eventually, with their lead singer’s side project, Anchor & Braille, which (surprise surprise!) is my top artist of 2020.
I only made the new album discovery late last night, so I haven’t listened yet. It’s possible I’ve just hyped myself up for disappointment, because I don’t like their whole back catalog equally (aside from “Feel Good Drag,” New Surrender is probably my least favorite album, for example. Toss up for best is probably Lowborn and Dark is the Way, Light is a Place, depending on what mood I’m in, because they’re very different albums.) Maybe it’s brilliant, maybe it’s not, but either way, I’M SO FREAKING EXCITED. (Is this how Swifties felt earlier this year? Because I respect Taylor Swift but I’m not a diehard fan, and I actually haven’t listened to the new album yet, I keep meaning to but I’m busy and also obsessed by other artists...)
So basically, at the end of all of this, when the book comes out and you see the cover songs I included, they’re all at least somewhat important to the story or I wouldn’t have written them in, but if you want the uncredited sound of the band itself, I am begging you to give Anberlin a try. I love them. They are fantastic.
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Can you recommend any Neil Gaiman to me, aside from Stardust or Good Omens? I’m not familiar with his work.
What's the best concert you've been to, if you've been? Jonas Brothers and Green Day.
What's the funniest screenname you've ever seen? I’ve been on the internet since I was like 9 years old, I’ve come across many.
Is there an animal you like that most people don't? I don’t think so. Most people don’t seem to dislike giraffes, which are my favorite animal. <<< Same. And doggos.
Is there an animal that you think is overrated in terms of how it's liked? No.
Is there a time period you think is underrated? I’d love to bring the 90′s back, that’s all. <<< I’m in.
What about music? Hmm.
Do you find yourself listening to music that's a bit more esoteric? No.
What are your three favorite books and why? I’m gonna give you my three current favorite artists instead: AJ Rivers, Willow Rose, and Mary Stone. They’re murder mystery and psychological thriller authors with tons of books and I’ve really enjoyed the many I’ve read from each of them.
What about authors? ^^^ Do you have any likes you wouldn't tell someone until you got to know them? Hmm. I think things would just come up over time, not because I’m waiting to tell them.
Do you have a favorite language? Spanish.
What about a place you've always wanted to visit? I’d love to be able to travel all over.
What's something someone does or says that just makes you laugh? Tell me a lame dad joke. I’m a sucker for those. <<< lol I am, too. I came across a compilation post recently on here that was pretty great.
Do goldfish crackers ever make you sick, or is that just me? I’ve never had that issue.
Do you have a favorite art style? No.
Do you have a favorite myth/fairy-tale? There’s several I find interesting and enjoy.
Who is your favorite person aside from family? Alexander Skarsgard. ;)
Do any of your pets (if you have them) have weird quirks? My doggo is very quirky. She’s such a goofball.
Do you listen to music from anywhere besides America? Some.
Have you ever "quit" a site and came back to it more than once? I don’t think so.
Do you have an "odd" fascination with anything? Hm. I don’t think I have any “odd” fascinations. 
What is the thing you want most at this moment? I’d really like to just feel decent today so I can enjoy a nice Easter with my family.
What was the last book you read and what was it about? I’m currently reading, “Cold Highway” by Mary Stone, which is the 4th book in a series.
What was the worst book you've ever read & why? I can’t believe I ever read the Fifty Shades of Gray books. *facepalm*
Do you have a favorite breed of dog or cat? Which? Labs and German Shepherds are awesome.
If you like any anime/manga, what are some titles you recommend? --
What do you think about school in general? I think it’s important to get an education. <<<
What's the hardest thing you've been through, & what did you learn from it? The accident that made me a paraplegic and everything that resulted from it ever since.
What are three "unrealistic" things you want most? Good health is the most unrealistic. 
What are some of your favorite foods? Ramen, garlic parm and lemon pepper boneless wings from Wingstop, and scrambled eggs and biscuits smothered in country gravy.
Where do you like to buy your clothes? Boxlunch and Hot Topic. 
Do you take any daily vitamins? No, but I definitely should be.
Who are three of your favorite fictional characters of all time? There’s so many to choose from, though.
If you had to give the world a pre-existing mythological/fictional being, what would it be? Superheroes, maybe? 
When buying Slurpees, if you do, do you get only one flavor or mix them? I always liked mixing Coke and cherry together.
Do you have a favorite 7Eleven food? I liked getting snacks and drinks from there, but I never ate their pizza or hot dogs or anything of that sort.
Do you have any desire to learn (a) foreign language(s)? Which? I’d just like to be fluent in Spanish.
If you could have any career, "realistic"-ness aside, what would it be? I still don’t know.
What are three memorable movies from your childhood? Mary Kate and Ashley movies, Disney movies, and The Rugrats Movie. Ha, I know I cheated by grouping some together, but whatever.
Do you, personally, put a space after ellipses, or not? No.
What do some of the things that inspire you have in common? I haven’t felt inspired in a long time.
Micky D's sweet tea, y/n/other? I used to like it when I was younger. I couldn’t even tell you the last time I had it, though. 
What are three of your best (non-physical) qualities? Blah.
What are three of your worst (again; non-physical) qualities? Blahhhh.
What is one of your firmest beliefs? My belief in God.
Do you ever question things until you're unsure of even the silliest thing? Sometimes.
Do you have anything that keeps you from doing something you'd truly enjoy? My health.
What are your three biggest pet peeves (personality-wise) in others? Arrogance, close-mindedness, and people who just jump on the bandwagon with certain things without doing their own research and forming their own opinions, not even really knowing what the issue is, they’re just following the crowd. 
Do you work to fix your faults? Or at least, admit to them? I’m quick to own up and admit to all my faults, but do I do I shit about them? ...
What are three of your best physical qualities? (NOT EYES!) Blehhh.
What are some of your greatest aspirations? I don’t have any. :/
How do you hope the world will change, if at all? I wish we could see less division and violence.
Who are three (fairly known) people you find very intriguing? Hmm.
What are three things that make you the happiest? God, my family, and trips to the beach.
What is/are your view(s) on god, religion, spirituality, or relations to? I’m a Christian.
Are you arachnophobic or scared of spiders in the least? YES.
Do you play WoW? What do you think of it either way? Nope.
What kind of computer do you have? Windows 7/Vista/XP/Other? I have a MacBook Air, which currently runs on macOS Sierra.
What are you good at? Nothing.
What career do you hope to have? I really don’t know. :/
Are you taking any interesting classes in school/do you not attend? I’m finished with school.
If you don't attend, are you taking any "lessons" for anything? Nope.
A book/piece that has had an exceptional impact on your life? The Bible.
If you know of pandora.com, what is your favorite station? Actually, I was listening to Pandora recently for the first time in years and came across this 90s, 2000s, and Today’s Hits station that I was really enjoying.
Have you ever "lost" a friend in any way? How did you deal? Yeah, I’ve lost a lot of friends. Some were harder to deal with than others.
Any music recommendations? Check out that Pandora station.
What are at least three of your biggest fears? Losing my loved ones, death, and never getting better/getting worse.
Most recently read book that you liked? I’m currently reading, “Cold Highway” by Mary Stone, which is the 4th book in a series. 
Do you have a piece of jewelry you don't like to take off? No. I haven’t worn jewelry in a long time.
Do you have a favorite quote? Why is it your favorite? I have many. Any odd pastimes you have? I don’t consider any of my pastimes odd.
Are you quirky in any way? (Name them please). My eating habits, for sure. I’m just really picky and particular.
Have any practices you aren't opposed to but wouldn't do yourself? Uhh.
Political standing?
Do you have any piercings/what do you think about piercings? I just have my earlobes pierced.
Do you have a favorite material? My soft, fuzzy throw blanket.
What are three names you'd name a pet if you HAD to get a pet right now? I don’t know. I’d have to see them and see what vibe I get.
Do you like to listen to dorky/amusing music? What would be considered dorky and amusing music?
Coffee vs. Tea vs. Energy Drinks: Order from favorite to least favorite. Coffee, energy drinks (only the Starbucks Doubleshot coffee energy drink), and tea.
Do you like more "fruity" sweets or "savory" sweets? Uhh, I like cupcakes, donuts, brownies, cookies, muffins, and cheesecake type of sweet.
What do you hate the most? My health, myself, and where I’m at in my life.
What genres of music are your favorite? I like variety.
Do you believe in true love? Yeah.
Do you believe in love at first sight? If yes, why? No.
What are some of your favorite clothing accessories? I just wear leggings and graphic tees.
If reincarnation exists, what sort of person would you want to be next? What are some things you believe strongly in? My faith.
Where's your favorite place you've been? Beaches and Disneyland.
What sort of books and movies do you like? Horror, psychological thriller, mystery, and YA for books, horror, psychological thrillers, drama, superhero films, some sci-fi and fantasy stuff like Star Wars, action, adventure, and romcoms for movies.
What's your favorite thing to do on a rainy Saturday? I don’t do anything different, but I do love when it rains.
Is there a book you've read that really touched you? Yeah.
Do you have a favorite artist? As in a painter? No.
PC or MAC? Mac.
What do you love doing? Spending time with my family, reading, scrolling through Tumblr, catching up on social media and trending topics, surveys, listening to ASMR, watching YouTube, watching my favorite shows, drinking coffee, sleeping...
If you could create the perfect world for yourself, what would it be? All my loved ones would be there, good health, money wouldn’t be a concern, happiness, I’d have a house on the beach, I’d be comfortable and relaxed and at peace... stuff like that.
Do you think that fate plays a part in people's lives? No.
Are you religious, spiritual, atheist...? I am a Christian. 
What are your opinions on the media? There’s the good and bad. It can be pretty brutal and problematic, for sure.
Do you think that people throw the words "love" and "hate" around too much? Yes.
What is your favorite piece of technology that you own? My laptop and phone.
What's a piece of technology you'd like to own? I have what I want at the moment. 
Are you afraid of technology developing to where we're too reliant on it? Oh, we’re waaaay past that point.
Does it bother you when people do things to fit in with a certain crowd? When they’re doing problematic things. 
Hot or cold? I’d much rather be cold. I like being wrapped up in a blanket, wearing hoodies/sweatshirts, and drinking hot coffee. Being hot is just miserable.  Do you think that Bzoink should extent the character amount for questions? I don’t use Bzoink.
Do you have a favorite combination of complimentary colors? A lot of colors look nice together.
Do you know why all the young people who have nice cars always look grumpy? I don’t think I’ve noticed that.
What's your favorite odd ice cream flavor? I don’t like any odd flavors. What’s with you and odd stuff?
Where do you like to get your ice cream? I’m not a big ice cream person, but the store is fine, ha. It was nice going somewhere like Cold Stone or something as well, though. I haven’t had ice cream in years, though.
What's your opinion on stereotypes/labels? Labels can be useful in some cases.
Do you ever use random word generators for Bzoinkoids?
Do you believe that history repeats itself? Absolutely. There’s proof of that.
Would you rather learn from your mistakes or just undo them? Ha, it’d be nice to be able to undo them.
What was the most interesting class you had in school? I always enjoyed English. And then of course I found a lot of my psych classes interesting. Do you write? If so, what? Nope.
Do you have a favorite website? Tumblr and YouTube.
Do you think that the quality of TV shows is going down? No, there’s so many good shows.
Do you have a favorite culture? Learning about different cultures is interesting. What was a story you heard as a child that really affected you? Hmm.
Who was your favorite grade-school teacher and why? Mr. McG, my 4th and then 8th grade teacher. He was everyone’s favorite. He made learning so much fun and really cared about his students.
Do you think that the world will end? How? Yes, how the Bible says it will.
Do you believe in Global Warming? Have you researched it? Yes.
Do you prefer piercings or tattoos? I only have my earlobes pierced and I have zero tattoos, soo I can’t say I’m big on either one.
Do you remember your dreams? Very, very rarely.
0 notes
curserp · 4 years
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first of all, i just want to say i loved seeing all the thoughts and theories that were going on around all of this !!!  honestly, i think some of you guys gave me too much credit, because most of this is a lot simpler than the intricate stuff you came up with--- i wish i had thought of some of the things you all did !  but for now, finally, here’s  ( most of )  the clues i purposefully placed, as well as some general info, which i’ve tried to break up into sections for ease of reading.
the skeletons are listed below with their id numbers  ( the tags are linked as well ) :
andromeda : #0237632.
arachne : #0272463.
cassandra : #0276372.
daedalus : #0323357.
helen : #0043536.
heracles : #0472537.
jason : #0052766.
medea : #0063332.
midas : #0064327.
narcissus : #0672787.
orion : #0067466.
pandora : #0726372.
paris : #0072747.
perseus : #0777387.
each of the id numbers were decided by entering the skeleton names onto the dial pad of a phone--- abc = 2, def = e, ghi = 4, jkl = 5, mno = 6, pqrs = 7, tuv = 8, wyz = 9.
phones in general were hinted at a few times.
in asks, as i tried to use the word ‘call’ repeatedly when asked about it, ‘key’ once, as well as the word ‘phony’ at one point. get it ? phone-y ?  that one was kind of a stretch, i know.
a phone prominently featured in a branch on the classification quiz.
the encoded text messages were, obviously, sent from a phone.
on an update before dropping stage 3, a strange voicemail was mentioned and you were encouraged to delete it from your phone.
the database speaks to you over the phone during curse finalization.
on the graphic for stage 3, a phone is the only object in the hallway.
some names did need to be shortened in order to fit all the same number of digits, so andromeda became adrmda, pandora became pandra, etc.
honestly, this code was weirder and more random than most of the other things, so i’d call it bonus points more than anything else. a lot of you puzzled out who was who without knowing what the numbers meant.
i asked you all to send in these results to the curse database, and used those totals to decide the order in which the skeletons would be released ; midas ended up with the most results so they’re posted first, cassandra got the least so they’re last, etc.
results from all three stages will also factor in to some future plot drops, though i’ll keep those quiet for now.
these are pretty straightforward ; i chose text that i thought suits each skeleton as i’ve written them, and tagged them with their respective curse ids to tease the fact that there were ids at all.
FOLDERS PAGE   ( here ) :
this displays not only the skeletons’ classifications, but also their active danger levels ; one exclamation point for low, two for medium, three for high.
while the classifications were shown as only numbers 001-007 at that point, since the curse classification blog hadn’t dropped yet, in this ask a few posts previous i wrote the types as the first word of each corresponding number on the list.
when you reach a result on the curse classifications, the clock at the top of the screen stops and displays a single time. that number corresponds to the number on the files image. when you get an error it shows only zeroes.
the classifications are :
chaos   ( pandora, paris )
death   ( arachne )
hero   ( heracles, jason, perseus )
infamy   ( cassandra, midas )
loss   ( daedalus, medea )
love   ( helen, narcissus, orion )
monster   ( andromeda )
yes, those are alphabetical. when i was making the folders page i just kinda said fuck it.
i took the hands off the clock on the image in the post, both because i wanted to draw attention to the clocks on the actual pages, and cause it looked sick.
if you get to page /c6, the clock stops and zeroes out. that’s because there’s no way to get anything but an error after that point.
i asked you all to send in these results to the curse database, too, and they were used as tiebreakers for the skeleton posting order. like, medea and pandora ended up with the same amount of results from registration, but there were more loss results than chaos from classification, so medea goes first.
TEXT MESSAGES   ( here, here, here, here, here, here, and here ) :
the encryption on the text messages is caesar cipher, where you shift the alphabet a certain number of letters over and substitute those letters for each other. for example, an alphabet with a shift of 1 would have a become b, b become c, and so on. the shift changes for each text message, depending on what the character’s curse classification is. so the text from narcissus  ( #0672787, classification of 6. love )  has a shift of 6.
the decoded texts are :
#0063332.  ( medea, shift 5 ) : you made your choice. now i am making mine.
#0672787.  ( narcissus, shift 6 ) : at least you’ll be hung in the stars. i’ll only be remembered like a cautionary tale.
#0072747.  ( paris, shift 1 ) : don’t blame me, please. i am not the villain.
#0272463.  ( arachne, shift 2 ) : did you make this for yourself, too ?
#0472537.  ( heracles, shift 3 ) : wasn’t my strength meant to earn me a better reward than this ?
#0237632.  ( andromeda, shift 7 ) : you cannot be a hero all the time. what if my monster wins ?
#0064327.  ( midas, shift 4 ) : i could have known better, at least. nothing this gold could come without consequence.
i also wanted to use this to kind of further their feeling of being watched ---which i hope i started to get across just in some answers to anons ---with the messages between skeletons be ‘intercepted’ by the database.
before dropping this stage, a ‘data breach’ was mentioned twice in separate posts. this was to  ( hopefully )  encourage people to look for hidden information--- aka, the data that was breached.
there are five total hidden pages on this stage, and one secret extra message.
first is another intercepted message from one of the skeletons. the link is here.
on page /b2, click the word ‘key’ to get here.
the text message is from #0276372, aka cassandra, who is prophetic. cassandra is the only skeleton with anything set about their curse, and their prophecies will be a part of gameplay.
the url for this page is 0677437, and if you use the same keypad method as the numbers for the skeletons, that translates to ‘mssges.’
second is a chart monitoring active danger levels. the link is here.
on page /b3, the clock has stopped at 00:00:14, for the 14 skeletons. if you wait those 14 seconds, you will automatically be redirected.
the url for this page is 0003282, or ‘data.’
the third is a contact log between the database and a god. the link is here. 
on page /c2, a ‘source’ is mentioned. if you view the source code of the page, the first thing at the top is the url.
the clock on this page has stopped at 02:09:01, and the connection was lost at that same time ; if you substitute letters in for numbers, 291 spells ‘bia’, the goddess of violence, who the communication was with.
the url for this page is 0005647, or ‘logs.’
the fourth is an incident report from a monster attack. the link is here.
on page /c7, ‘time’ is mentioned repeatedly. click on the clock to get here.
the incident report is 8-1-18-16-25, which, with a substitution between numbers and letters, translates out to ‘harpy,’ the type of creature from the attack.
the url for this page is 0737678, or ‘report.’
the fifth is the list of id numbers and their skeletons. the link is here.
on this ask, i asked  ( yes, i sent this one to myself )  about the numbers, and responded ‘why haven’t you searched.’ put /numbers directly after the url of curse finalization to get here.
if you highlight above the ‘submitting’ text on the /finalize page, you can find a message : ‘you’re not safe here.’
the codes you all reached are going to remain kind of a mystery for now. there is a solution for it, if you’re really interested in puzzling it out, but i’m not going to list the answer here. they’ve helped me decide the first plot drop of the group. this is somewhat of a teaser for how the gameplay will go here ; the curse database will remain an active player, and you’ll often be helping choose events. you just might not always when you’re doing it, or how.
easter eggs / fun facts, i guess !
when you get an error in curse registration or classification, if you hover your mouse over the word ‘error,’ it shakes like a glitch. this serves no purpose and means nothing, it just took me a while to figure out how to code, so i wanted to point it out. just let me have this
i actually had a very different stage three planned when i dropped stage two, one incorporating the results from registration and classification more, but the classification results i got were totally different than what i’d expected. while the registration results were pretty varied, over half of the 40-something answers i got from your classifications were for ‘love,’ and i actually got only one ‘monster’ and zero ‘death’ results from you guys. which i suppose is fitting, since there’s only one skeleton of each !  but still, it threw things off a bit, and i had to pretty thoroughly rework stage three. besides, i ended up with like 100+ results from both stages, and i got kind of overwhelmed with my original idea. you all kept me on my toes !!
i sent two asks to myself : the one i needed to set up so i could list out the curse classifications, the one to drop a hint about the /numbers page. the rest all came from you guys !  and for that i am hugely grateful--- i had sort of escape plans the entire time if there wasn’t enough interest, where i’d be able to drop the main after stage one or two and skirt around the extras, but i’m so glad i got to follow through on this thing to the end. i wouldn’t have been able to do it without your engagement. every single time i get a little inbox notification i get excited.
i noticed some of you were getting a lot of error results, but that’s not on you !  there were 32 possible results on curse registration with 16 of those being errors, and 15 results on curse classification with 8 of those being errors. so don’t worry, you were more likely on those stages to get an error than a result.
some of you wondered if the general urls  ( /a1, /b2, etc. )  of the different pages on the registration, classification and finalization blogs meant something, and i’m sorry to say they don’t. originally i was going to customize them so they’d be harder to just sift through later, but there ended up being 130+ total pages between all three blogs--- and for my own sanity, and for the sake of easier organization when editing them, i just left them as they were with their letters and numbers.
someone asked me if this post was for cassandra since the quote involves cassandra in the source material agamemnon. whoops. it’s not, that post is actually just a nod to the fact that i don’t know how to read.
i think that’s just about everything !  there are all kinds of other small things as nods to skeletons, the plot, the database in general, future plot drops, all scattered throughout answers on the curse database--- and i’ll be here all day if i list them all. if you have any specific questions about anything i would love to answer them, so please feel free to shoot them my way !  i believe that’s the gist of it, though. thanks so much again for going along with me on all of this !!
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ace-pervert · 4 years
Ive finished watching eleven seasons of rupauls drag race and now feel I am ready to briefly review each season
S1: A good start though it must be said, ONGINA WAS ROBBED! Also there was favoritism.
S2: Not a bad season but at least somewhat ruined by Rupauls rather overt favoritism towards Tyra and dislike of Pandora. While I didnt like Tyra on the show his callout of the entire drag community after leaving drag has given me massive respect for him and feels like karma for RuPauls rather blatant self promotion and attempts to turn himself into some kind of rolemodel. But aside from the callout and Jujube, and Pandora the season is unmemorable.
S3: The top three were all highly skilled and the winner seemed to deserve it though that was later put into doubt after it came to light that Raja had worked with RuPaul before the show aired, and lets be honest Manilla Luzon was much more talented.
S4: One of the best seasons in drag race history, has the best music video, and Sharron Needles is hands down the most influential and versatile queen in drag race history. The only bad part, aside from the editing against phi phi, is Latrice Royal, who, and I feel this needs to be said, wouldnt have been in the top four had Willam stayed, and certainly wouldnt have made top five if Alaska had been allowed to join, mostly because she kept showing a similar outfit, her not being a particularly good actor, being thrown off really easily, and quickly relying on a shtick.
S5: Good season, but I feel that Roxxxy really did end up in the top three only because Visage and Ru love drama and the Jersey Shore look that was at the time Roxxxy Andrews trademark look, and the Coco Alyssa drama was really dull, neither deserved to be as high as ended up, and ultimately both queens are unmemorable.
S6: Not a bad season but i'm not a fan of Courtney Act or miss Lake, mostly because I think they both get away with looks that really they shouldnt have gotten away with, though arguable so did Bendelacreme. Though it was nice that there wasnt any drama, and Bianca del Rio is really funny.
S7: Ive tried to come up with words to describe this season, I cant, its just that bad. No not bad just dull, really dull and awkward, and the worst part is that its not the queens who drag the season down, the queens themselves are fine and Pearl stands out as being a particularly interresting person when not on drag race, its RuPaul being a tool off camera and coming up with challenges that play to the queens weaknesses rather strengths.
S8: Unfortunately I found Bob the Drag Queen so attractive out of drag that I stopped caring about what he looked like in drag with the end result being that I have no idea if hes a good drag queen. But ignoring the moments where I was drooling over Bob it was a good season with some truly great outfits,and a good Snatch Game, that wether for good or bad did very quickly become the Bob the drag queen and Kim Chi show, making it in hindsight the second most plann
S9: The season started off with an appearance by Lady Gaga , whose reviews of the outfits consisted of little more than name dropping and not much else, unintentionally setting the tone for a dull and awkward season with a cheerleading challenge that causes one person to crack a rib and another to almost permanently lose their ability to dance, a Reality Star Rusical that is well just dull, painfully bad lipsinks, uninterresting outfits, and perhaps the blandest wierd drag queen in the history of the competition. Its also in this season that introduced the lipsink for the crown format that I personally despise as it takes the power away from the viewers and puts it back in Rupauls hand.
S10: Solid season, mostly focused on returning contestant Eureka but the other contestants are given enough focus that it feels natural. The challenges are interresting to watch, the snatchgame is funny, and the dresses are well made. The top four are all stars in their right and the winner of that season could have easily been any of them, making this the only season where a lipsink for the crown made sense.
S11: Starts off strong with people like Miss Vanjie, Brooke Lynne Hytes, Nina West and Yvie Oddly revealing a high degree of skill both as actors and as dress makers. Unfortunately the blatant favoritism of Rupaul, the judges, and the producers towards Silky Nutmeg Ganache (honestly they seem like a nice person in real life, but on the show they just seem like a tool), unimaginative challenges, distracting and irritating cameos by former drag race contestants including by Bianca whos dull and unentertaining appearance shows exactly why contestants shouldnt return at all, a rusical so god cringeworthy you'll pray for death (Trump the Rusical), the worst snatch game in drag race history, and painfully predictable twists result in a terrible season, with the only interresting things being the romance between Vanjie and Brooke (they broke up four months after the last episode before the reunion due to conflicting schedules), Miss Vanjie being well himself, Nina Wests acting, and Yvie Oddly's outfits .
S12: Havent seen it, but lets be honest this season is the one where the star is a sex offender. By now many fans have analysed the season and its become clear that the person who was intended to be the focal point and possible winner was Sherry Pie, which means that editing them out for very well known reasons also makes them the focal point just in a different way than intended. Hell it wouldnt surprise me if this season becomes known as the one with Sherry Pie, not the one where the winner won. Though it might also be the last season that RuPauls on, as there are rumors that hes stopping with drag race.
The Christmass Special: To short for a christmass special, to much like the other episodes to be special, to blatantly commercial to be Christmass, and to scripted, even by drag race standards, to be drag race.
And now for a review of the Judges themselves
RuPaul: On the outside a warm, outspoken, well meaning person whose done things which are truly groundbreaking. But beneath that warm exterior beats the stone cold heart of a businessman. He's calculating, manipulative, greedy, has no qualms about setting queens up for failure, and ultimately hasnt done much that could be seen as groundbreaking. Perhaps the worst part is that its clear that in terms of humor , mentality and fashion hes never left the 70s, which combined with his callous way of treating the enviroment (as shown by his fracking empire) and his history of transpobia, makes him a liability to the show. Even if you manage to ignore all of that, the show is ultimately about the drag queens, not about Rupaul, and Rupauls attemps to make it about him really drag the show down
Michelle Visage: Shes a mother of two teenagers with a stay at home husband pretending to be a bitchy whore on a tv show about drag queens, yeah thats her career. Now in truth thats not the biggest issue, the biggest issue is that shes got hangups and makes the same jokes over over again and that after being on the show for ten years she hasnt developed as a judge so the routine, to paphrase miss Visage herself, has been done to death. In truth the show needs something other than the same damn shtick and same damn comments all the time, and if she cant do it then she should quite so someone else can do it for her. Ok maybe thats the second biggest issue, the biggest is that she kisses RuPaul's ass untill it shines brighter than a mirror.
Valentino Rice: Good judge, and had great chemistry with the other judges.
Ross Mathews: Cute guy, wierdly charming, and interacts well with the others.
Carson Kressley: He comes across as a very tired, very frail, very gay but very very very dull ninety year old man, which makes sense given the fact that his entire career is based on being gay, and hes, well old. Ok hes not really old, hes 50, but on camera he looks and acts closer to 150. And the issue isnt that hes gay, its that hes doing a shtick, a very dull and fairly offensive shtick. Possibly the worst choice for a judge, and the show jumps in quality whenever hes not there.
Now for a few things that just bug me.
Favoritism: Unfortunately one of the biggest issues of the show is that seasons tend to be structured around Queens who are intended to be the winner, or at least the hero, from the get go, which has the advantage of allowing the creators of the show to change the structure and challenges from season to season, but also makes it hard to watch if the season is blatant in its favoritism, if the intended winner isnt that good, or if the winner gets eliminated for one reason or another.
Cameos by former contestants: Cameos are a great way to get people to say "I know that person" which is great in a tv show because you know that the cast wont change in the next episode, but not great in a competition where all it does is take away screentime from competitors and giving it to competitors who most likely did not do well enough to win in their own drag race, and even if they did, the show is not about them, but about the current contestants. As such if Ru wants them to return he should put them in All Stars.
Cameos by celebrities: Add nothing. Its drag race not the red carpet, i'm watching for the up and coming drag queens not famous people trying to boost their careers.
Adding politics to the show: No, just no. Dont do things like Trump the Rusical, dont have steven colbert do a voiceover, theres no way that can go well and it comes accross as virtue signaling. If Ru wants to do something good he should double the prize money and have half of the money go to a charity of the winners choosing, or stop fracking.
Adding politics outside of the Show: Drag queens are celebrities and entertainers, as such are constantly in the public eye and dependent on being in it for their income which means that anything they say in public, wether its gossiping, or discussing politics, needs to be viewed as being some form of self promotion. Now this might make things difficult for them, but it is a well known part of being an entertainer so it can be assumed that they were well aware of this before they joined Drag Race. If they do want to talk about politics without being viewed as self promoting, they are free to make an anonymous account on one of the many sites, like tumblr, where its assumed that no one knows who the other people are.
Family Friendly Drag: Lets be honest its men shoving their cocks up their own asses while dressing up as women, and naking refferences to sex, for the sake of entertainment. Thers nothing family friendly about it. Nor should there be as part of the appeal of drag is that its something that is restricted to adults. Likewise they arent heroes, they are entertainers, not doctors, not construction workers, entertainers no more worthy of praise then a person on a sitcom.
Drama outside of Drag Race: While drama on the show is to be expected and is part of what makes it entertaining, drama outside of the show is different its more personal and something that in truth should not be shared. However by presenting it as gossip on various shows they are saying its part of the show, which is unhealthy at best.
Final note.
While I am critising the Drag Race, I am not doing it because I dislike the show, I am infact a big fan of the show but at the same time I want to get my thoughts out there see how others view these topics.
6 notes · View notes
steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S4 Ep 4: Pegasus and His Unlimited Moxie
So, I’m finally back after that long--time--when I was sick, then busy, etc etc. Long story, I peaced out from social media for the large part, and my method for finding solace mostly involved watching so much  “big living in a tiny house.”
Those houses are so damn tiny.
And now I feel better, so lets get back to business.
Just FYI, this is a midweek post because this weekend I’ll be exploring a part of California I didn’t know existed before my friend was like “Napa’s booked, so we’re going South to do our wedding in the other wine country” and it’s like “the hell are you talking about other wine country?????”
So I might be driving to a large cardboard cutout of a winery, and me and 400 guests are going to just stand in front of it and pretend that it’s real for a couple days. This means that I will probably make only like maybe three updates this month and I’m just going to have to come to terms with that.
And in case you are wondering (you’re not) the bye bye bye mashup dance we’re doing for the wedding is going great. It’s really freakin great that the Seahawks decided to choose this week to steal our thunder, so now everyone at this wedding will think we’re just all really into Football. (I’m just telling you that because I feel a need to complain so thank you for listening.)
But anyway, it was a nice surprise amongst all this *stuff* I didn’t really want to do, that this particular episode of Yugioh is pretty great. Like...guys we get Pegasus, we get Kaiba having a meltdown, we get PEGASUS. Like I forgot how much I like Pegasus.
So first off, Yugi and friends decided to watch the news about the whole shpeal from last episode, probably because each and every one of them was certain they all shared the same collective fever dream.
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Something to note about Yugioh is they use a lot of near future tech, and I don’t know how much of that sci-fi goes completely over the heads of kids nowadays since this has become so normal. But yo, people in 2002 were still using AOL.
A lot has changed in 10 years. Just let that sink in, babies in the back.
(read more under the cut)
Also, please turn your entire attention over to this
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the weird orange cookie on this painting is what really gets to me. It looks like a handmade soap. Because in order to soothe my soul during this stressful month I also watched a lot of cold-process soap making videos.
*quickly looks up to see if there’s Yugioh Soap*
Yeah that doesn’t exist. Hey do you think that if I sent in a Yugioh soap design into Royalty Soaps she’d actually make it? I mean, she did Studio Ghibli. This is just Studio Ghibli but on fire and with terrible hair and actually very different.
(And yes, I did, just now, in fact, make a soap design that I’m absolutely mailing to Royalty Soaps. I’ll put it at the end. No idea what it should smell like, mostly because the last thing I want to do when watching Yugioh is think about how ANY of this smells.)
See, tangents like this are why I don’t have more time.
Anyway, Yugi recalls that he was supposed to *do a thing* but also recalls that he was given really no instructions at all.
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When something absolutely wonderful happens.
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Y’all I was like shouting at the screen “BE A TAPE BE A TAPE BE A TAPE” and lo and behold:
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Dude. Pegasus is such freakin mastermind. Remember that this show started out with them streaming video on a computer, and what did he decide to do? He sent them a tape. Pegasus knows FULL WELL how much they want to see this tape but at the same time...don’t want to watch this tape, and what follows is everyone deciding if they should or should not open Pandora’s box. A Pandora’s box they opened once before and then murdered Grandpa entirely by accident.
I can’t believe they sat on this joke for four seasons. It’s such a freakin good joke.
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So of course it’s the same kid who once decided it would be a great idea to put together a puzzle that came in a box that said “WARNING THIS GODAWFUL THING KILLS PEOPLE” who decided to just stick this in the VCR when everyone else was fighting and no one was looking.
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And, this is not a joke, this is literally how Pegasus decided to open this tape by scolding him for not keeping in touch when Pegasus tried to kill them not once but multiple times back on murder island. Pegasus thinks this deserves him at least a Christmas card.
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Something that’s also very Pegasus is that he um--doesn’t even bother wearing an eyepatch nowadays. He’s just got...one eye now...just an empty socket that he covers with bangs and is like “ya I dare you not look at it.”
And then on, this kid’s show, they basically go through the checklist of things that are “things a child abductor would ask you to do”
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And that’s it. That’s the whole tape. It’s the end of the world and Pegasus wants to get one last good prank in before it all goes belly up.
And it worked really good on Joey. But unfortunately, did not seem to phase Yugi.
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And then after this, the show gets very sidetracked by some side characters that are...they still exist.
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First of all, how much did Weevil spend on a bug drone? Like...what’s this guy’s day job?
Second of all, Rex and Weevil live on some weird brain plane, where they’re pretty sure that the upper echelon of card people are all in love with eachother (which, I don’t blame them, I’ve seen tumblr, it does give that impression if you’ve never watched this show). What they don’t realize is how badly each of the upper echelon of card people want to murder the Hell out of eachother, wipe eachother’s brains, and blow eachother up on a 6000 ft tower on an abandoned island.
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so I guess...Unfortunately...Rex and Weevil are...still with us. Their reasoning is kind of weird--they want super good cards--but like...what’s the point of having super good cards if you’re still Rex and Weevil? Rex is so bad at cards we didn’t even get to see him lose in S2.
Also, the biker gang is back, and I still don't know their font color because they’re in dim lighting in this scene so I’ll just use these temporary font colors for now.
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So, having done his one last good Joke (and maybe the only good joke that Pegasus has ever made) Pegasus decided to sit and wait for someone to do a murder on him. I mean he’s not psychic anymore, but he’s figured he’s screwed enough people that this was how he was going to go out anyway.
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So I guess she’s back for another season? It’s weird, she made one cameo and then that was it for this episode, but it was very clearly Mai Valentine. Bro brought up that they had to make her a villain again, because she’s literally their only girl villain and I was like “no that’s, not right they’ve got...” and then I kinda sat there for a couple of seconds and I realized “oh dude there’s only been one girl villain so far in all of Yugioh!” and he was like “YEP.”
Because both of us completely forgot about Rebecca until I wrote this in this post and he was double checking it just now. My apologies to the Rebecca stans.
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And then Yugi decided to let us know something extremely disturbing about his curse. The showed played it off like this was a cute thing you would want to have happen. But no. No one would ever want this.
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Ho boy! They share FEELINGS?
So like...
...bear with me here--when Yugi is scared, Pharaoh gets scared. When Yugi is tired, Pharaoh feels tired. When Yugi has a complete meltdown basically every single day, Pharaoh reaches for his Tums. So um...I have to ask the question...
So who’s dating Tea? Yes, I know the real answer is neither of them, but who is the one that keeps bringing forth this ship that this show is supposed to be shipping? Both of them??? I mean they have the same feelings, and before I was like, well, I’m sure Pharaoh just kinda turns around and watches brain TV when Yugi and Tea talk about...deadlifting, or whatever she’s into, but nah he’s like...he’s got the same feelings as Yugi.
Does that just...never bother them? Like...they never get jealous? Ever?
It’s so freakin weird.
This whole sequence was Yugi being like “You can’t keep a secret from me Pharaoh, I will instantly know since I can feel you lying to me” and it’s like hot damn that’s a big lore drop that they just hop and skip away from.
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So the next day they go to the airport and just go unsupervised to a foreign country.
This makes complete sense on Gramps’ part, because he was exploring Egyptian caves most of his life, so in comparison, California is baby town and Yugi would be fine. Clearly Gramps doesn’t know enough about Oakland.
Then again, Grandpa spent a very long and mysterious time in the Middle East raiding so many tombs and stealing an entire artifact that contains the whole history of a lost age of Egypt and an actual Pharaoh’s soul so like...probably wouldn’t get you past TSA in 2002. He’d send off like every red flag warning in the airport.
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Give me an Air Joey spinoff this instant, Yugioh, you cowards.
It’ll be just like Wings, except all the pilots are very bad at their job and haunted by multiple ghosts.
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There’s a very long pissing segment where there was no piss, but Rex begging Weevil to let him piss in the airplane. It’s about as much as you can expect out of a Rex and Weevil segment. And like, basically at this point, Rex and Weevil are married, yet this ship is never, not once, ever surfaced in my feed of fanart I see out of y’all.
And I don't blame you.
Now, when we get to California, we find out that Croquet either went completely gray or was replaced with an identical twin and also...
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Which doesn’t really look like this, PS.
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So bro has already told me that they’re going to San Fransisco next episode or so (OMG I’m so excited to talk about it), so this is absolutely supposed to be SFO in the show. (maaaybe Oakland Airport? But I super doubt it)
Most people outside of CA don’t know the vast scale of Bay Area and that the San Fransisco Airport is not very well named since it is...not close to San Fransisco at all.
So, I’m going to guess that the show thinks they landed directly in the heart of SF. With the way this vista looks, I think they basically just painted the view from north of Downtown. Which is especially fun because that is a pretty bougie community and the thought of having just a major airport smack in the middle of it makes my heart warm and fuzzy because they have voted out an affordable housing community SO many more times than is morally acceptable. Serves you right, here’s your international airport across the street.
But Bro has warned me ahead of time that this season makes absolutely no sense geography wise...and I’m pretty stoked for that.
And then, as if reading my mind, Tea removes Rex and Weevil from the show, yet again.
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Incredible that they got through customs like that, but they did arrive on a private plane, and maybe customs are different for them? I...don’t think it would be, even for a private plane, everyone has to go through customs. But, it’s a kids show, so Rex and Weevil snuck into America in a luggage bag, just like how Fox News warned us about.
Then again, I imagine that the customs agent was like “yo there’s two human bodies stuffed in here!????” and was like “ohhhhh wait, it’s a Pegasus’ plane. That adds up. Ya.” and just let it through.
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Time for a classic Kaiba meltdown sequence, where he puts on a show of being really competent but is in reality acting like a stack of screaming cats in a purple trench coat.
Mokuba just working overtime to keep this ship afloat because man.
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And then this next part isn’t a joke I made up--Kaiba only took as long as it took to monologue for five seconds about his reputation before doing this:
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It’s more than possible that the translators have no idea who Roland is, and unlike me, isn’t keeping tabs on Roland every second that green haired fourthKaiba is on screen.
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So Pegasus decides to give Kaiba a call on his video phone--because again he only saves the Panasonic Camcorder for spooking Yugi.
Pegasus could have just *called* Yugi the entire time, lol.
Anyway, without the camcorder, Pegasus now has room to stretch out his legs and stick his feet directly in the screen like the end of the world wasn’t less than 2 days ago.
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And the show isn’t telling us why or how this is happening after the whole Mai thing that happened. But it’s nice to know that even when Pegasus may be absolutely held up against his will, he still freakin slays.
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Youknow, Pegasus does more in this one episode to remind me that “oh yeah, Pegasus was my favorite character this whole time” than anyone else and he did in like two calls, sitting in a chair behind his desk, just screwing with people to screw with them.
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And what I enjoy about Pegasus is that, although he had his eyeball removed--he’s still a freakin asshole. He still super sucks. I had a lot of questions about “how much of Pegasus being the worst was the eyeball?” And apparently the answer was “VERY little, this guy is just the freakin worst. Didn’t need to be cursed at all.”
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And so, Yugioh doesn’t really do transformation sequences--unless you count when Yugi sometimes goes “yugiohhhhhh” and then to everyone else looks virtually the same. Instead Yugioh does gear up sequences.
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Where we find out that Seto promised Mokuba he wouldn’t play cards anymore until he was done building all those theme parks.
I guess it’s unfortunate for Mokuba that this whole Pegasus end of the world thing happened out of nowhere and also unfortunate for Mokuba that Kaiba can build card-themed theme parks Really Quickly. I think Mokuba was banking on it taking an entire lifetime to build a park but youknow, looking at how many sequels of Yugioh there are...eh, Mokuba should have instead dared Seto to give up dueling until he finished a single semester of public school. Then those cards would have stayed buried.
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Hey um...did Kaiba add hip spikes on this purple coat since Season 2? I don’t remember him having those.
Good thing I write a blog and I can check. Time for some time travel to Season 2.
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Ah, yes, the hip spikes were not there in Season 2. So, at some point in between then and now, Kaiba looked at this old ass coat hanging in his closet and was like “Not Enough Butt Spikes!” and just glued em on there.
But anyway, back to Season 4...
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I’m pretty sure this is one of the doors from Evangelion.
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And so, off they go, straight to their death, in the world’s most un-aerodynamic vehicle.
Really glad that Dragon Plane seems to have become a permanent character, as it would if you spent 10 million dollars building a dragon plane that can’t possibly fly using real world physics.
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So, Yugi and Co are going to California, and Seto is going to Season One.
And I guess Bakura was like “Oi! Loves! Is every body ready for me to murder them?” and Gramps was like “sorry, they’re getting murdered by Pegasus today” and he was like “bloody hell, every time.”
Anyway, if you just got here, this is a link to read all these recaps from the beginning, in chrono order--it’s a lot of content, and I can’t believe I spent this much time doing this.
And because you’re curious, here’s the soap design that will get absolutely rejected by Royalty Soaps because they say they like to watch anime but they also pronounced “Ghibli” wrong like over 20 times on that one video so I have a strong feeling this is not their brand.
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35 notes · View notes
@portiaphan asked for / actually friends au  mentioned / @romroses 
the apartment of jack hawthorne, oxfordshire, england / before
the sound of his phone vibrating against the nightstand rouses bellamy from sleep. jack makes a soft sound that might be an acknowledgement that something is happening, but might also be nothing more than an exhale of breath, and his hand tightens where it’s gently curled around the skin of bellamy’s hip, before it relaxes again. he smiles, and for a moment he is keen to ignore the instance of the intrusion--he closes his eyes again and focuses on the warmth of the contact, of the body pressed up against his spine, and for a moment he is lost to the memory of the night before.
i’ll be the first to admit that it’s cliche, jack had said, his lips and teeth stained by the wine. but i think you’re the most real and present person that i have ever met. bellamy had rolled his eyes and declared that such phrasing was cliche, and that someone with the level of education that his boyfriend possessed was capable of doing so much better--and then jack had smiled, in that way he always did. open and inviting, and yet somehow teasing--as if between his lips was the answer to every question bellamy could ever think to ask, if only he could conjure the correct phrasing. he had smiled and pressed his lips to bellamy’s jaw, followed the curve of the bone all the way to his lips. no, he had said. i think terribly real is the best way i could think to describe you. warm to the touch in a way that no one else is, at home inside of the cathedral of yourself. the sun in constant orbit, perhaps.
he feels the corner of his lips pulling up in a lazy smile, and he has a half formed idea that involves rolling over and seeing what else he can conjure out of the mouth of the poet, when the sound of the phone going off again begins to register. he huffs out an annoyed breath, and brings the screen close to his face, in an effort to assist his still heavy with sleep eyes.
three texts from marcelo, ten from roman, a missed call from odessa, one from paola and henry a piece, and two missed calls from pandora.
he drags a hand over his face and exhales slowly, before pressing a kiss between jack’s eyes and somehow managing to bring himself to his feet, and subsequently the kitchen. the sun, or at least, what passes for sun in england, is just beginning to rise as he fills the kettle with water and carefully places it on the stove, and he comes to the conclusion that it is far too early, relative to the amount of wine he consumed the night before.
he leans against the kitchen counter and presses pandora’s name on the screen. it's best to begin the process of healing whatever new wound verona has chosen to deal out with a modicum of truth--before he makes his way to whatever fantastic recollection his two best friends will inevitably share between them.
“bellamy,” she answers, and her voice is rough around the edges--tired in a way she doesn’t normally allow others to glimpse. “have you talked to anyone else, yet?”
“no,” he immediately starts to feel the familiar mixture of emotion in the pit of his stomach--something like survivor’s guilt, mixed with sadness and something that might be residual anger at the life they were all thrown into, at the city that brought them into adulthood exhausted, sharp edged in an effort to draw attention away from each tender bruise. “you were the first call i made--is everything all right?”
she is silent for a long moment, during which bellamy’s mind begins the process of coming to terms with about a dozen horrible possible scenarios. finally he hears the sound of a long exhale of breath, as if his friend is attempting to steel herself for something. for as long as he’s known her, pandora phan has been afraid of nothing--what could she possibly have to tell him that would require so much courage?
“are you sitting down?” she asks, and bellamy groans.
“just tell me--if something happened--” he huffs out a breath and worries his bottom lip between his teeth. “i’ll come home, i’ll help in any way i can--just tell me, so that we can get the hard part out of the way.”
she pauses again, before she speaks. “i wanted you to hear it from me, first. roman and i announced our engagement last night. or well--damiano, and my family, announced it to roman and i. bellamy--” there’s an emotion in her voice that he can’t quite place, that he hasn’t heard from her before--he’s not sure, he’s too busy trying to decipher the meaning of the sudden roaring in his own chest. “bellamy, you have to know that we had nothing to do with it. we can’t just say no to these things.”
i’m sorry, he wants to say. i love you dearly, but i can’t really process this information right now. for some reason, it feels like the floor, perhaps the earth itself, has suddenly given way underneath my feet. can i call you back?
i’m sorry, he wants to say. i love you dearly, but i can’t. not when it's him. you understand, right? no? i don’t really either. does it feel like the miles of distance between us has suddenly compounded in the center of your chest, as well?
i’m sorry, he wants to say, for reasons he can’t quite articulate.
instead, he chuckles, and he’s certain that the sound is the furthest thing from genuine. “panda--i’m happy for you, really. i’m glad that it's you.”
he notices then that his fingers are gripped tightly on the edge of the counter, that the tea kettle has been hissing steam and making noise for long enough to draw jack out of the bedroom, wearing a pair of bellamy’s pajama bottoms, his bleach blonde hair sticking up in odd angles that on any other morning, bellamy would gladly take the time to smooth out with a gentle hand.
“damiano is throwing a party, about a month from now.” pandora says, though bellamy has trouble processing the words--the sound of her voice suddenly seems at odds with the life that bellamy has constructed for himself here. his life that’s filled with books, the sound of rain falling gently against a pane of glass, laughter followed by the honeyed words of a poet--verona seems like it should be on an entirely different celestial body from that life, not on the other end of a red string, pulling on his wrist. “we’d both like you to be there, if you can make it. bring your english boy with you--i know everyone would love to meet him. i’d love to meet him.”
he can hear her smile on the other end--he can almost see it too. determined, all teeth, only sad around the edges if you know to look for it. “of course i’ll be there--you’re two of my best friends. i wouldn’t miss it.” he smiles in return, and hopes she can hear it in the same way, hopes maybe she’ll imagine it happier, than it is in actuality.
“it will be good to see you. take care of yourself until then, bellamy.”
“you too, panda.”
he sets his phone down on the countertop, before accepting the mug of tea that jack presses into his hands. warm, but not quite real, at this particular moment in time. “what was that about?” his boyfriend asks, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
he hesitates--taps his fingers against the mug. it's emblazoned with the logo of a play they’d seen together on the west end a week ago--it's been bellamy’s favorite, ever since. he sets it down carefully next to his phone, and shrugs one shoulder. “two of my friends from back home just got engaged. i’m thinking about flying out for the party.”
jack smiles warmly, gently rests a hand on bellamy’s shoulder, before it moves up his neck, cards through the short hair at the base. “that will be the first time you’ve been home in a while, won’t it? i can come with you, if you’d like.”
bellamy shakes his head. “i’ll be fine. i don’t plan on staying.”
the home of damiano montague, verona, italy / before
damiano montague towers over his guests, an image that is almost comically opposed to the glimmering crystal of the champagne flute in his hand. its clear to everyone invited that he is proud of his son, of the woman they’ll welcome into their family sooner rather than later, and it's clear to everyone invited that the young couple are a good match for one another--surely the montague empire will only flourish, once the uncrowned king and queen of verona ascend to their rightful thrones, once the mind of pandora phan is united in matrimony and purpose with the charm and energy of roman montague. it hardly needs to be said, and yet damiano still smiles, taps his knife against his glass, and declares that he would like to propose a toast.
bellamy takes the opportunity to wrap his jacket around odessa’s shoulders, and make a half hearted excuse about needing some air.
he steps out into the massive expanse of the montague garden, which has been strung up with an innumerable amount of fairy lights for the occasion. the night air is cool, as opposed to the oppressive heat of people pressed together inside, and the setting is almost beautiful--but he can’t un-know what’s happening inside, behind the door he now has his back to. he can’t un-know how he feels about it, either.
once, he had known the exact number of steps it took to gain enough momentum to push himself over the gate nearest to roman’s room. once, he had known the exact number of steps it took to get from the other side of that gate to the trellis that just to happened to climb just underneath his best friend’s bedroom window. it had seemed vital then, to know such things--now, as he wanders through the foliage, yet again trying to stay hidden away from view, it feels half remembered, unimportant.
why would he choose the boy who had been so desperate to be close to him that he had memorized every detail of the process, to the point of it being damn near muscle memory?
he throws back what remains of his champagne, startles at a hand on his shoulder.
pandora smiles, presses a kiss to his cheek. she’s holding both of her shoes, and wearing a black zip up hoodie over her dress. “i--wasn’t feeling well.” he tries to say, in way of explanation. “didn’t realize how much time had passed.”
“it’s all right.” she says, in a tone of voice that is kinder than it has any right to be, all things considered. “i can’t imagine how overwhelming it must be, to suddenly be back in the belly of the beast.” she leans her head on his shoulder. “i’m glad you came, bellamy.”
he exhales, a shaky release of breath that suddenly feels trapped and hard to draw. “of course--it’s not every day that two of your best friends get engaged, after all. what kind of person would i be if i missed this?”
she shakes her head, wraps her arms around his middle. “one with self preservation instincts, bell.” he hugs her in return, presses a kiss to the top of her head. her voice is quiet, meant for only bellamy to hear, in comparison to her usual concise and cutting manner of speaking. “i’m so sorry. i see how you look at him. i know how he talks about you. if he had a choice--”
her voice trails off, and bellamy bites down hard on his bottom lip, until he can taste copper on his tongue.
“i should be the one apologizing to you.” he murmurs, after an indeterminate amount of time has passed. maybe an eternity, maybe only a few minutes. “i wish i could stop--but i think--” he chuckles, though it’s a hoarse sound, like sandpaper rubbing against brick. “i think i’ve felt this way longer than i’ve known that i have.”
he inhales and exhales slowly, rubs a hand gently over her shoulder. “i’m going back to england tomorrow, you won’t have to worry about me.”
she pulls away, in an effort to meet his gaze properly. “don’t be an idiot, bellamy santo-domingo.” she shoves at him playfully, before she rests both of her hands on his chest. “i am always going to worry about you. but you should know, that until--i don’t know, whatever happens--i won’t hurt him.”
she hugs him again, and he rests his chin on top of her head. “just--don’t stay away too long, okay? he misses you more than you know.”
she laughs, and lets out a long and dramatic exhale of breath. “if we don’t get back in there, people are going to get suspicious of the wrong thing.”
her offers her his arm, and together, they head back in the direction of the house.
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So I’ve spent the entire day going back to an old story I started rewriting from my first premise at age 13 when I first read The Hunger Games. And I thought I’d give people a basic idea of what it’s about:
A future Britain (Now called Britannia once more) ravaged by a nuclear war, but the only functioning part of the world that is left, is ruled by a government of ex war criminals from the successful rebellion that ended and forced the previous rulers and their ancestors into different sectors. These new rulers control everything, from what you eat and where you work to what you call your children.
In the south and south west of the country of Albion, (the bottom part of what was England) there was a population problem, so that part of the country, has a rule of how many children you can have, with the minimum of two, unforced on the five sections in that part of the country, sectors, 1, 2, 4, 5, (sector 1= Salisbury, sector 2= Winchester, sector 2= Somerset 3= destroyed in the nuke fire and never rebuilt but was Cirencester, 4= Oxford, 5= Swindon). If you are found to have more than two children then, you have to choose to keep two and the other children are sent off to a facility in Londinium (London) to be trained to enter the Arena, a series of deadly trials that are specifically created to kill off these children, once they reach between the ages of 13-25 and is designed not to have any of the contestants come out alive.
The facility, is in lock down during the Trials as the building becomes the arena, and everyone who was not picked that year is transported underground to the bunker, the safety spot. Whilst day and night, the contestants are subjected to ‘trials’ or events that happen randomly designed to either kill you, or turn you against the other contestants, and hopefully enough so that they kill you! The final challenge usually is the toughest and where all the remaining contestants usually die.
The parents and families of the contestants aren’t usually told of their child’s means of death and are usually informed that they have died after the trials are over. The sectors absolutely hate the government for this but they can’t do anything about it out if fear of getting their children sent away.
Imogen Lockwood is the youngest of three and has spent most of her teenagehood in the facility. When she is picked to be part of that years trials at age nineteen, she has to survive horrors you could ever really dream of, despite knowing that the changes of her making it out are zero to none alone, for she promised her best friend Phoebe she would. The odds are stacking against her, as the days drag on, But when an alliance is formed between her and two other contestants. Maybe, just maybe, they have a chance of making it out and seeing the light of day once more?
Main characters (and character mood boards)
Imogen Pandora Lockwood:
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Imogen is the youngest of three siblings
She is 19
She was raised by her older half brothers Tristian and Percival from the age of nine, when their mother passed away from malnutrition.
She never knew her father as she was the result of an affair whilst her mum was still married to her abusive husband and father of her two older brothers.
She is originally from Sector 5 but at age 14 her middle brother Tristian was caught stealing honey from a farm that was intended as a birthday present for Imogen by patrol guards and found out he was not only brothers to Percival but had a younger sister. Just as he was about to be forced onto the train that would take him to the facility as punishment for his crime, Imogen took his place, citing that he had a job and it was her fault in the first place that he got caught.
She is very proficient at throwing knives, a hobby she picked up in the facility.
Even though she was of age to be picked for the arena she wasn’t selected until she was nineteen
She is selfless, understanding and a brave but she is sometimes rude due to her bad social skills.
She views herself as a murderer who caused her mum’s death
She has left side Hemiplegia and is deaf in her left ear.
Hector ‘Hooper’ Posthumus Larker
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Hector is the son of the trial master, Solvig Blaze and the freaking woman who runs the country, therefore making him technically royalty but he absolutely hates the way his parents treat the populace and doesn’t want to be ‘royalty’ at all if that’s what it takes to rule.
He’s actually genuinely really nice and struggles to abide to the rules of the facility desire being part of the armed guard until he punished for this pacificim and thrown into the arena for it.
He had an identity crisis with what he believes in
He is 21
He wanted to become a doctor and did the necessary medical course but was forced by his father and mother to drop out so that he could do the necessary training requirements to set him on the path of one day running the trials.
He is thrown into the arena last minute after interfering with a thirteen year old getting beaten by the other guards.
He knew of Imogen through her eldest brother Percival who also worked at the facility.
Whilst she is living there he starts to develop a crush on her.
Hooper is his soldier code name.
One of the only people outside of Imogen’s family not to treat her differently due to her disabilities.
Achilles Edwards:
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Achillies is Imogen’s (and then Hector’s) trainer for the trials.
He’s in his forties early
He is only a trainer because he was forced to be as punishment after being beaten to a pulp for something undisclosed. He resents the system because of his.
But he genuinely cares about the contestants but he goes tough on them.
He lived in sector five and knew of Imogen’s mum as they lived opposite each other but they never interacted as he was a couple of years older than her.
He wants to run off into the country and keep bees but he knows he won’t get very far.
He’s genuinely regarded as a good trainer within the grand scheme of things.
However none of the contestants he had trained has made it past the first week of the trials.
Other characters:
Elyan Lockwood- 26, and the eldest brother of the Lockwood family. Works in the Facility so that he could provide a better income for his younger siblings. He’s horrified to find Imogen at the facility and is eventually caught trying to get her out.
Tristian Lockwood- Tristian is the middle child of the Lockwood trio, at twenty five, he has a drinking problem, after turning to alcohol after the death of their mother and their increasing poverty. He spends all the money Elyan sends over on booze and therefore resorts to stealing for food. It is ultimately this act that gets his sister sent off to the facility.
Phoebe Icarus- 19 years old, and Imogen’s best friend in the facility. She’s the only reason why Imogen hasn’t made another escape attempt by herself yet. She’s not selected into the arena but watches on the screens from the bunker.
Jonah Rhodes- Phoebe’s ex and the idiot who tries constantly to get into knickers as he is under some delusion that Imogen’s previous defending of Phoebe in the break up meant that she wants him, when she couldn’t be any more uninterested.
Megara- the thirteen year old who causes Hector to be thrown into the trials. She bonds with both Imogen and Hector in the arena, they become kind of like defacto parents to the girl.
Cordelia Fritz- she’s twenty, and is the love interest of Phoebe.
(The character photos were made using @sangled’s PicCrew)
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borderlandscast · 5 years
some loose thoughts about the blackrock
working through the epilogue, one scene at a time! have some thoughts about the blackrock since the ship is very much the heart and soul of rythian’s motley crew of vault hunters.
nanosounds hired a professional, industrial grade cleaning crew to go through the entire frigate before launch day and had to ship them out to pandora, which was no minor expense but sipsco. paid for it, and the decision earned both ire and gratitude from daltos’ bandit gang; daltos’ feelings on the issue are firmly ‘f*cking finally.’
the frigate is over fifty years old, and bebopvox is still very fond it since it served as home, prison and body, which is something they’ll never be able to explain to a human. when vox was born, bebopvox gave vox the ability to choose when to retire if they get tired of being attached to the frigate. what happens after depends on what bebopvox’s backup plan is.
dahl ships are built to last; some wreckages of dahl ships serve as landmarks, monuments or historical attractions (a few being run inside of one). on pandora and its moon, ship wreckages are prime stronghold territory. all end up being eventually torn apart for parts and scrap, which is what would have happened eventually to the blackrock if its stranded crew had abandoned it.
the blackrock is not the biggest military frigate; there are both larger and smaller ships that dahl manufactured, and the blackrock is a middle tier ship.
it’s equipped with turrets, missiles and front mounted lasers. missiles are launched from top and sides. what type that are digistructed and supplied is up to the captains and the a.i. the blackrock’s firepower isn’t a joke in spite of its age; it’s been used for dogfights, evacuations, bombing, orbital strikes, hit and runs and ambushes before.
cargo bays serve as a giant airlock, emergency accomodation, vehicle storage and troop bay. the blackrock has at least six, all on ground level. each cargo bay is equipped with an atmospheric shield (the thin, transparent layers holding all the air in) that can be easily breached by any party; opening the deployment cargo bay doors is generally a big risk during battles since anything can breach the shield. hence, cargo bay requires heavy defence or patrols at all times.
airlocks exist on both ends of the frigate, on every floor. the most airlocks are located on ground level (thanks to the cargo bays) and beneath the frigate roof. repair crews can leave any airlock; vox can provide guidance, and there’s no shortage of crevices and corners to serve as handholds.
there’s a lot of hidden spaces, some only accessible via vents, panels, secret walls or doors. daltos and arsenal possess the only maps about said spaces ever since they decided to empty out the frigate for cleaning day. daltos was not happy when he found out how much of the frigate’s insides were vandalized so that bandits could hide their stuff from him/other bandits/arsenal/kraggons. he ending up keeping said spaces anyway.
there’s a big absence of windows on the frigate. there are some, but the majority is based on the bridge. a couple exist in certain captain’s rooms with another few in the cargo bays.
to stop people from going nuts from lack of windows and the long hours spent in space, there’s a dedicated ‘grass room’, a room which has holographic capabilities, supplemented by a floor with real grass grown on top of it. it can be used to travel to faraway places, tours, shopping or just to chat. the room’s multipurpose functions were exceedingly popular back in the day, and requires bookings in advance; vox now monitors usage and bookings. honeydew lovingly tends to the grass in his spare time, and seeks to add more garden features.
the exterior hull plating is supposed to be a dark olive green but the colour was burnt away by pandora’s sunrays, bullets, missiles, weather and time. the blackrock is overdue for a hull overhaul, and arsenal has a neat collection of sample paint cards he handily acquired thanks to arden and dick’s bottomless stomaches. he’s has three albums worth, and keeps trying to invite his fellow captains to pick a colour. he has his heart set on a nice, relaxing shade of eyesearing, fire engine red.
there also used to be vending machines for weapons, medicines and ammunition but they’ve since been damaged, exploded, vandalized or stolen. they’ve been replaced prior to launch day.
the quick change station is glitchy and hasn’t been the same since the big crash on pandora; it makes hair sprout in the blink of an eye, often in the incorrect length and shade, or painting unwanted tattoos or marks on bodies, that sort of thing. it’s been fixed, and has moved to the medical bay for obvious reasons.
troop quarters are based primarily on the lower and ground floors. troop quarters come in single and shared rooms. the rooms closest to the bathrooms or amenities used to spark scuffles beween bandits.
rooms dedicated to amenities include: laundry, gym, refectory/cafeteria, recreation (for briefings or movies, bar (opens to previous room), pool, library, prayer, shooting gallery, weapons storage.
engines are twin engines, located at the back and base of the ship; engine room is a double airlocked space on ground floor with ramps going upward within it. the positioning of it is a little weird to accomodate ladders that allow crew to directlhy climb into the engines and explore its insides. this makes repairs a cinch but if anything happens, it’s harder to contain, hence the double airlock.
power is located in a separate area, in case of engine failure. if engines fail, then power can still be used for communications or whatever. also includes backup generators.
cargo bays also capable of storing blueprints for digistructing vehicles and other objects. digistruct pads and bays are located in every cargo bay and has since been fixed by vox; it was disabled after the crash to discourage thieves, tomfoolery, backstabbing and sabotaging.
vox is kept in the a.i. core room, which is located on the bridge past the war room. nobody is allowed inside except for certain crew members. whoever vox lets in is up to them, and visits are logged. hidden turrets keep watch for threats. a secret surveyor and miniature loader are maintained to serve as ‘bodies’ for vox, if vox ever has to eject or feels like stretching their legs.
vacuum doors can be deployed on every floor at certain lengths in the case of hull breach. vox is in charge of them, but manually deploying the doors (closing and opening) is also possible but take some effort due to the secure mechanisms and weight of the doors.
contrary to appearance, the frigate can move in any direction; the engines are linked to smaller engines that run along the length, top and underside of frigate for omnidirectional flight. they’re just very discrete.
the bridge has two floors. ramps, stairs, hidden ladders, jump pads and grav lifts serve as methods to navigate between the two.
the bridge is the central hub of the frigate, and crucial for all operations, and there’s only so much vox can do once the bridge is lost, so it’s staffed and patrolled at all times, even when it’s technically the dead of the night. a skeleton bridge crew keeps tabs, who changes shifts and numbers accordingly.
the blackrock’s captains share all the workload, and all are only summoned to the bridge in emergencies. otherwise, they work in rotating and overlapping shifts mutually agreed upon in advance. it’s rare for two captains to share a double shift (the joke being that it’s a dating thing, in dahl military since most captains can’t stand each other let alone share or work the same shift).
vox does all the steering and since they don’t suffer from the command restraints of a military a.i., they can provide feedback for the captains (such as best route, speed, flight path, obstacles). daltos, zylus and arsenal trust vox’s judgement; most of the time, the four collectively plan each stop and journey.
manual steering is possible but only in exceptional circumstances (as some people would know).
vox gently reminds people to carry oz kits around at all times, in case of hull breaches. there are oz kit dispensers on every floor, next to the airlocks. vox will not stop pushing reminders until an oz kit is obtained due to safety concerns. bebopvox was the same.
long ago, someone started an actual farm in the grass room so there’s thriving plots of herbs, fruits and vegetables available in tiny terrariums and greenhouses. daltos kept it running. bandits fight amongst each other for the right to maintain and harvest it. at the moment, honeydew is the current curator but has his pick of gardeners. he holds some authority over bandits because of it.
there’s also a virtual reality function available, in the recreation room and the grass room, for some bizarre reason. the headsets and gloves supports games (like digart *coughminecraftcough*), school, courses, entertainment (anything especially graphic and high risk has to pass hr and vox’s approval), you name it, it can probably do or run it.
ameneties like laundry, bathrooms and kitchens, mess hall are in different locations to avoid bottlenecking during bouts of high traffic and activity. it also stops people from forming rackets and cutting off others who need to use it. it also makes who gets what chores easier.
it’s a ‘refectory’ because that’s what it says in the manual but everyone calls it ‘food place’, ‘cafeteria’, ‘mess hall’, ‘STOMACH STUFFER’, ‘*groans*’, to name a few choice synonyms. the food served there depends on the crew assigned to cook. these days, it’s ravs, nilesy, honeydew, heinkel (ravs’ former lieutenant), minty, or whoever wants to test their recipes. everyone is usually game enough to try something new on the menu. food is free, and there’s always a chef on duty to accomodate the multiple shifts, even in the middle of the night.
bridge crew consists of ex bandits from daltos’ old gang. the majority are from the buzzard boys and are already familiar with how daltos and arsenal operate; they’re a bit intimidated of zylus, given his previous history.
frigate crew are separate to that of the bridge crew since they’re responsible for day to day operations, from basic repairs, cargo movement, patrols, cleaning, housekeeping, and kitchen duties. the majority is parvis’ gang with a few members from daltos’ old gang.
the rivalry between the bridge and frigate crew is a natural occurrence, given that both crews are from once warring gangs but it’s more of a friendly competition than anything, since bandits need a source of friction that won’t turn destructive due to boredom. arsenal and sparkles head each respective crew, and egg the rivalry on as much as possible.
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terrablaze514 · 6 years
Yawn Instead... (3) Erik x BlackReader
Half of this part is inspired by this post and a meme request by @ljstraightnochaser . So fasten your seatbelts… Rated E (18+). Loads of heavy sexual content ahead. Underage readers should leave now! This just took a dark/angsty turn as well. You'll find out why.
Characters are primarily Black, but all are welcome to read and enjoy!
*Disclaimer still applies*
“Hey babe! We're off to Zana Mall. You still comin’ through or nah?”
You chuckled. “Of course I'm still in.”
As you departed from the bus, your friend Naija ran and jumped into your arms. Smothered in your mutual glees, spinning like a carousel, it's been too long. That's why her text had surprised you earlier. Excited as she was to see you (since your internship began), another face had caught your eye.
Rocking a haircut with a mohawk-like wave in the middle, all in kinky twists. He wore a black tank top, deep blue jeans and held his matching blue jacket behind him. His deep chocolate complexion accentuated in the late afternoon sun; evidence of his muscles filled his arms and shoulders with grace.
Then you remembered - Naija knew how to hook up rather quickly. Being a social butterfly contributed to this occurrence.
“Sorry, excuse my manners,” you said. After your brief introduction, he did the same.
“Trey,” he replied with a firm, friendly handshake. “It's nice meeting you. I grew up in America, but my parents are natives to Wakanda. So I've decided to pay them a long, overdue visit. They moved back since King T'Challa returned to the throne.”
“That's awesome!”
Erik had trotted thirty steps behind you. He’d never missed a beat. You're easy to read like a book.
At this time, you, Naija and Trevante ran around with bags of clothes. As you all made way to the bookstore, Erik pulled up his phone and sent the following text message:
What do men and chairs share in common?
Good seating.
Get that pussy ready for tonight's grand opening. - E
Erik smiled. Someone will be taught some real manners soon. He sent another text message to T'Challa, asking where to buy some handcuffs, gags, duct tape, whips and poppers. Glory to Bast! An instant reply with the name of the store and a map of Zana Mall activated in his kimoyo beads.
“I owe you one, Cuz,” Erik muttered as he made his way to the sex shop upstairs.
There were two adult toy stores nearby. One named “Big O” - another known as “Mastourgasmist”. The sight of handcuffs and leather stood out at the second location. Erik sauntered over, selected two leather belts, gags, and…
A Pandora Box?
“Excuse me, Miss. Care to explain what the ingredients are?”
A hazel-eyed lady with multi coloured canerows approached Erik, and took note of the product he pointed out.
“It's best suited for couples who enjoy power play,” she said. “This Pandora Box contains flavoured condoms, nipple clamps, aromas of your choosing, gags, chains, and a chastity belt.”
Erik's eyes lit up. That's exactly what you deserved. “So what's the difference between the black one, the blue one and the red one?”
The clerk cocked an eyebrow. “The darker the box, the higher the intensity. Take for instance…” She retrieved the black box. “This has all the perks I've told you about, and then some. Because our tools also promote mutual masturbation and favours masochism, four kinds of vibrators, two types of lube which also features coconut oil, and cock rings are also included in this package. Oh and poppers, if your lover has a hard time achieving orgasms. The black box also contains ingredients for creating the best aphrodisiac, like watermelons and strawberries. Better than Viagra pills in my opinion. Oh, and buying this package comes with free candles, smelling salts, blindfolds and-”
“I'll take it! Keep the change!”
The store clerk smiled as she brought the black Pandora Box to the counter. As she processed the transaction, Erik reached in his wallet when another hand placed the required tender on the counter, in addition to Shea and cocoa butter.
“Put those on the house,” T'Challa spoke.
Erik spun as the king chuckled. “The hell is you doing here?”
“Just thought I'd lend a hand.”
Erik rolled his eyes. “I didn't need your help.”
Now T'Challa's pesky smirk crossed his features. Erik gathered his stuff, and sauntered out of the store while his cousin trailed behind him.
“Where are your manners? You didn't thank the lady for assisting you.”
“Shut up,” came the curt response.
“But I thought she gave you a hard time the last few times,” T'Challa pressed, as they made it onto the parking lot.
“Who you talkin’? The clerk or-”
T'Challa pointed in the direction of you and Naija. The two of you had acted giddy around each other, which contrasted the unhappy couple who struggled to start their car a few metres away.
“Where are your manners?” Erik countered. “You do realize it's inappropriate to point at others. Some king you are.”
T'Challa snorted in an attempt to avoid attention. Catching his breath (while averting Erik's pesky smirk), he gestured you and your friend again. “Just watch them. No attempts to help those civilians. I thought that's part of her responsibility on this internship.”
“And your point is?”
“She's selfish, N'Jadaka. You're dating a selfish lady. That's why I've sent you straight to that store when you asked.”
Erik cocked an eyebrow and crossed his arms. “Okay, now spill. What's the catch, Cuz? You seem to know something that I don't.”
T'Challa cleared his throat. “Remember how I've demoted three soldiers?”
“What about them?”
T'Challa slipped his hand in his jacket and retrieved a black book. “You've got some reading to do, unless you want to hear firsthand how they've tried to give her some.”
Erik's eyes glittered. “Hol’ up… That's her diary! Without the lock.”
“Without the lock,” T'Challa echoed. “I've found it in my desk. Unlike the one you have with actual entries, the version I've discovered has a list of names. It's a track record of how fast men release, without giving her orgasm-”
“Say no more! Hop in my car so we can compare notes.”
Upon your arrival home, the scent of stir-fry greeted your nostrils. How did Erik get in the apartment without a key?
Why were strawberries and watermelon slices on the table?
What's that box with - handcuffs on top of it?
“Erik?” you hollered. “I'm home, but I've never given you a key!”
“A key baby?” Erik said. “It would've helped if you told me exactly how you feel.”
“What do you mean?”
Clad in his sweats and black sweater, open and exposing his muscular pecs and torso, he emerged from the bathroom with a whip in one hand, and your black books in the other.
“Tell me, who is the last person you've fucked?”
You giggled. “Obviously, y-”
“Nah, I won't tolerate any lies.”
At this point, you've backed up against the wall. His steps towards you were timed with swagger; he never took his eyes from you.
“Who did you fuck last time?”
Your pounding heart had reached your throat. “I- I-”
“Look into my eyes, precious.”
You did as he said, only to be caught off guard when the books landed next to your feet. His free hand trailed under your shirt.
“What are their names, babe?”
You didn't answer. His fingers wrapped around your throat.
“Tell me, babe.”
“No,” you whispered.
His hand added some pressure. “Tell me.”
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Taglist: @naomi-shambles @wakanda-inspired @chaneajoyyy @ljs-writing @supersizemeplz @destinio1 @iamrheaspeaks @croge @callme-slime @killmongersmistress @3nmxnxt3r @mellowjellow6 @thehomierobbstark @pupyluv247 @shegoego @blackchunkyqueen @lifelover4u @quinnbethany @killmongang @individualismspeaks @themikosleepstonight @thattinycookiemonster @killmonger-dolan @another-imaginesblog @imasmille @emoniclark22 @sourpatchjaz @nerd-lovely @dangerous-history @littleica @theogbadbitch @boldmellowtastemaker @dramaqueenamby @steampunkprincess147 @jozigrrl @slimmiyagi @brittyevans @whoawhoababywhoa @hooliemooliedonutshawp @amethystbutterflie @fonville-designs @thegucciwaffle @devastyle @wheredidallthedreamersgo @love-more122 @mellifluousbabe @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @kimianostalgia @quitebookworm
Sorry y'all, that changed rather drastically. Meanwhile, get your toes and areolas sucked on by the Royal cousins, then lay on your belly and get stroked from behind. Their magic sticks are to thank... More action in the next part. It's way past my bedtime.😢
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thedevillord-writes · 5 years
Pandora - Forsake
"Whatever changes there are in the world I hope you will never forsake me and I shall be happy"
-Anne Somerset
By the time the charade with Yosuke ended, it was dark outside. Seeing her apartment building in the distance, Haruka let out a sigh of relief. She was even more exhausted than her normal work days. She always thought it was tiring working for someone like Eisuke but after just half a day with Yosuke, she already felt that it was the most energy draining experience of her life. Why did her life have to be so full of energy consuming humans?
As she was nearing her building, Haruka stopped in her tracks. Parked on the road just next to her building was a very familiar car. She let out an internal groan, preparing herself to deal with the storm that was to come as she walked up to the car. Knocking on the window, Haruka put on a smile as she greeted her boss.
"You're late," Eisuke stated. "How dare you make me wait?"
"Well, for one, I didn't know you were coming," Haruka said, straightening herself.
Getting out of the car, Eisuke thrust a plastic bag to Haruka. Confused, she took the bag and peeked inside to see takeaway containers with C'est La Vie printed on. That was the restaurant Eisuke went to with Yumi that afternoon to meet with Emmett Lawson. The atmosphere at the restaurant was perfect; casual yet still classy. The food was delicious, so much so that even Eisuke had complimented the chef once or twice. It was a restaurant that Haruka always thought was perfect for a casual lunch meeting; the client would let down their guard a little with the informal setting yet still able to enjoy themselves.
Without a word, Eisuke made his way up to Haruka's apartment ahead of her and waited by her door for her. Awkwardly unlocking the door, Haruka allowed Eisuke into the apartment first. Setting down her handbag, she rushed over to the kitchen and put the takeaway aside to make a cup of tea for Eisuke. As she served him the tea, Eisuke raised an eyebrow at the drink.
"I don't have a coffee machine," Haruka confessed. "Or coffee, actually. Have you eaten? Would you like some of the takeaway?"
"Why would I want leftovers? I only brought it over because I know you like that restaurant."
Nodding her head, Haruka kept her words to herself. She used to be hurt with Eisuke's comments but she grew immune over the years, and learned along the way that this was Eisuke's unique way of caring. Reminded by her growling stomach that she had yet to have dinner, Haruka left to get the takeaway. It was only when she was taking out the container did Haruka notice something.
It was warm.
Eisuke's meeting with Emmett Lawson was in the afternoon. If this was leftovers as Eisuke said, it would be cold. When she opened the containers, Haruka was met with yet another evidence that Eisuke lied. Three containers with her favourite appetiser, entrée, and dessert.
"Thank you, Mr. Ichinomiya," Haruka smiled, looking to the man who appeared nonchalant.
"For bringing you leftovers?"
"For bringing me leftovers."
Staring at the three set of suits laid out on his bed, Eisuke could not get rid of the frown plastered on his face. Undoubtedly, this was Haruka's routine. Every morning, she would pick out three different carefully matched set of suits for him to choose from. Somehow, the suits she picked out would always match Eisuke's mood for the day. This morning, however, was different. Very different. From just a single glance, Eisuke could tell that the suits were not chosen by Haruka but rather, Yumi. A trivial thing to most, yet it was enough to irritate Eisuke first thing in the morning.
Coming out from his bedroom, Eisuke was met with yet another irritating sight. Standing in his living room with a tablet in hand was Yumi, not Haruka. He had nothing against the young woman; she was good in her own way. She just was not good in the way Eisuke wanted her to be. Sitting on the sofa, Eisuke listened as Yumi reported his schedule for the day though his attention was focused on the cup of coffee in front of him.
"What is this?" Eisuke interrupted.
"I'm sorry, sir?"
"What is this?" Eisuke asked once more, pointing at the coffee.
Seeing Yumi, her arms wrapped around the tablet timidly while staring at Eisuke with fear and confusion, yet somehow still had a look of determination reminded Eisuke of a young Haruka when she first started working for him. She too, started bright-eyed but clueless. Haruka knew nothing when she was hired. She was just a girl with a high school graduate certificate. Yumi had a decent resumé at least, but Haruka did not. No one in their right mind would have hired her, but Eisuke did because he did not need someone who could do everything perfectly; Eisuke could do it himself. He only needed someone who could do one thing right and Haruka did so flawlessly.
"When Haruka gets here, tell her to make me a cup of coffee."
"Oh, but Mr. Ichinomiya- Mr Ichinomiya!"
Chasing after her new boss, Yumi started panicking. Her morning had been hectic since the moment she stepped out of her apartment. Everywhere, she saw news of Haruka; on phones, on the news, in the newspaper. Yumi always wondered what it would be like to know a celebrity, this was not how she imagined it to be. All morning, the men in the penthouse lounge had been bombarding her with questions, like she would know what was going on. Truth be told, although Haruka was a nice person, Yumi only knew her for a few days.
Then there was the fear of keeping it from Eisuke. From what she had been told (mostly by Baba), Haruka and Eisuke had a close relationship. Yumi could see for herself too, that their relationship was much more than just employer and employee. Just a look from Eisuke and Haruka would instantly know what he was thinking about. They were so in sync that it was rather scary in Yumi's opinion. Which was why she was afraid of how Eisuke would react to the news.
As soon as they caught sight of Eisuke, the commotion in the lounge seized though it only made Eisuke suspicious. After all the years they spent together, Eisuke knew better than to let it slide when they would act like so. The last time something like this happened, it was because Baba messed up an auction item that would have cost them a fortune to cover. One could only imagine what it was this time.
"Have you seen the news, Boss?" Baba asked, earning a smack to the stomach by Soryu.
"What news?"
"It's about the kid," Mamoru said. "She's got herself into quite a scandal."
There was only one person Mamoru would refer to as 'kid': Haruka. With a cheeky smirk and a nod from Baba, Yumi reluctantly handed over the tablet to Eisuke. Several tabs of articles were already opened in the browser but they all had the same title with the same picture. Haruka sitting next to the real estate tycoon Kozaki Taki in his very own hotel bar. The headline read: Ichinomiya Eisuke betrayed! Has the Golden Secretary finally found a better man?
The headline did not bother Eisuke. The fact that Haruka got herself into a scandal did not bother him either. What bothered him the photo. Haruka looked good sitting next to Kozaki Taki. The one particular article he clicked into talked about the potential of Kozaki Taki headhunting Haruka but all others were talking about potential wedding bells and that was bothering Eisuke the most. He never thought the day that Haruka would get involved romantically with someone else; he always assumed she would work for him until the day of his or her death.
"Where is Haruka now?" Eisuke asked, tossing the tablet.
"She took a half day leave," Yumi said, catching the tablet in her arms and breathed a sigh of relief. "She said she had some important matters to deal with and I'm pretty sure she said she was going to...kill someone."
To say she was furious was an understatement.
She never should have accepted Yosuke's invitation but curiosity got the best of her. She thought that curiosity did not kill the cat this time but she was wrong. Curiosity would always get the cat. After taking a half day leave, Haruka found herself standing at the apartment building that she visited just the day before. As she approached the building, the doorman opened the door and greeted her as if he had been expecting her. Then again, he probably did.
Taking the same elevator Taki took her on last night, Haruka soon found herself on the top floor. And just like last night, the residents of the top floor were all gathered by the pool but Haruka only had eyes for one. As she walked up to the group of men, Yosuke was the first to notice and stood up to greet her. Without warning, Haruka raised her hand and swung at Yosuke's face though he managed to dodge the slap by just a few inches.
"Feisty," Shun smirked, taking a sip of his drink while enjoying the show.
"It's nice to see you too, Haruka," Yosuke smiled, composing himself though he kept a distance between them just in case Haruka swung at him once more. "I see you've seen the news this morning?"
"You did it on purpose. You invited me out and put me in the hotel bar with Mr. Kozaki on purpose. You are despicable."
"Well, that wouldn't be a new word to describe Yosuke," Taki commented.
"You spoke so highly of Ichinomiya Eisuke that I got curious. What if his goody-two-shoes secretary betrayed him? How would the high and mighty Eisuke react?" Yosuke picked up an empty glass and poured some wine before handing it to Haruka. "Don't worry, it's not drugged or poisoned. I never imagined that you would be the one marching up here, to be honest. I was expecting the man himself. You didn't struck me as the violent type, not from your file."
Holding his hand out, Yosuke was handed a folder by Taki which he then presented to Haruka. Opening the folder, Haruka was met with information concerning her. The first page was a basic detailed profile of her; name, date of birth, height and weight, and even the hospital she was born in. The pages following was filled with information relating to her, including her family and some details that even Haruka herself did not know of. Yosuke ran a background check on her. Not even Eisuke did so and he had a shady underground auction she was involved in.
"Matsuoka Haruka, born on May 20, 1988 to Matsuoka Hanae at Tokyo General Hospital. You have two younger sisters, Haruko and Haruna. They are much younger also. Both of whom, however, living at a different address to the one you listed on your work application form. Your mother, unfortunately, passed away when you were sixteen and you started working part time in order to support your family at a maid café. Most popular maid, might I add. As soon as you graduated, you applied for several jobs but were rejected from all.
"That's when you met Ichinomiya Eisuke. Odd that of all those who interviewed, he picked the most unqualified one. Not as odd, however, as the fact that there is absolutely no information on who your father is. Either your mother did not know who your father was or, which is the theory I'm leaning towards, your father is a very powerful man. More so than all four of us plus Ichinomiya Eisuke combined. And from the face you are making right now, I think you know who he is. So here's the million dollar question, who is your father?"
"That's enough," Haruka said, her tone neither angry nor upset. There was no emotion attached to it. It was so cold that even Yosuke felt intimidated for a split second. "You think I would be afraid of you just because you ran a background check on me? Well, let me tell you something, Mr. Sagara. I've met scarier men than you and I've stared each and every one of them in the eyes without blinking. So no, I won't tell you who my father is."
Whenever Baba discovered something new about her, Haruka always said the same thing to him. 'It was not a secret'. She never mentioned her mother at work because it was not necessary. She never mentioned her sisters either because why would a man of Eisuke's caliber be interested in knowing her sisters? But all her life, Haruka had kept one secret. The only secret that she was hoping to bring to the grave just as her mother did.
She was not keeping the secret to protect him, however. Her father was an abusive man with no redeeming features whatsoever. She was keeping the secret because she did not want others to know that she was related to such a man. She was keeping the secret because he played no part in their lives and she wanted to keep it that way. Her life without him was not the best but at least she was happy.
As she finished her little outburst, Yosuke reached out with his hand and gently wiped away the tears that had been rolling down her cheeks. Slapping his hand away, Haruka turned her back to him and wiped her own tears. At the same time, her phone started ringing, saving Haruka from facing Yosuke.
"Matsuoka Haruka speaking. Alright, I'll be right there."
Arriving at the hotel and seeing the familiar setting washed relief all over Haruka. It felt comforting to be here. The buzzing of conversations, the squealing of playing children, all of it. Haruka could not help the smile as she looked from one corner to another at sights that were so familiar to her over the years as she walked over to the elevator, heading up to the penthouse.
As she pushed open the door to the lounge, Baba was the first to greet her as usual. "There you are! I've missed you, my ang-" Getting up from the sofa, Baba spread his arms as he always would and walked in her direction. Today, however, Haruka walked right into his arm instead of evading his hug. "Well, this is different." The moment she hugged him, Baba knew something was not quite right. "Are you...alright?"
Haruka was not sure whether it was the three words Baba asked, or because she was finally hugging someone she knew, but the tears from before returned. Her arms tightened around Baba as he did the same when he realised that she was crying. He was shocked, to say the least. The only time he ever saw her crying, it was at a party where a woman slapped Haruka out of jealousy but even then, her tears were so the woman would be kicked out of the party and her father would lose a business deal that Eisuke never wanted in the first place. These were real tears, and Baba was lost as to what he should do.
Coming down the stairs from his suite, Eisuke froze in the middle when he saw Haruka and Baba. His secretary had always been clear on boundaries, especially with Baba. The first time they met, Baba went for a hug and Haruka took a step to the side, resulting in Baba tripping and falling over a coffee table. Eisuke knew then that Haruka could deal with anyone and everyone.
"Mr. Ichinomiya."
Pulling away from Baba, Haruka wiped away as many tears as she could before turning to face Eisuke. Her red eyes and nose, however, was evident of her crying and Eisuke instantly glared at Baba who already had his hands up in the air in defense. Eisuke knew Baba as well as Baba knew him. Baba would never do anything to hurt Haruka, not intentionally anyway. Forgetting what he called Haruka back for, Eisuke wiped away the few rogue tears left on her cheeks and took Haruka by her hand, leading her out of the penthouse.
Many times over the years, Haruka had been swept off by Eisuke to places without ever knowing where they were heading or what they were going to do. All these times, she would keep quiet in the car and try to figure it out for herself. This time was different, except Eisuke was driving himself. Sat in the passenger seat, Haruka stared out of the window on her side, not wanting to face Eisuke when her emotions were still boiling over and tears were still streaming down her cheeks.
In the first few months of working for Eisuke, Haruka was a crybaby. She cried during her interview, begging Eisuke to hire her. She cried on her first day of work, thanking Eisuke for hiring her. She would cry over spilled coffee or because Eisuke found a mistake in her draft documents. She cried when the bill allowing for casinos in Japan passed and Eisuke was able to go ahead with his plan for a casino hotel. That was the last time she cried in front of her boss because he told her that in order to make decisions when it came down to business, she would have to push her emotions aside. Was that why Haruka decided she had enough of him? Because Eisuke told her to suppress her emotions for all those years?
"Mr. Ichinomiya, I don't think I'm in the right condition for a meeting right now," Haruka said softly.
"What makes you think we're here for a meeting?"
"This is Mr. Nakano's mall. His office is on the top floor."
"We're not here to see Mr. Nakano."
"Then what are we here for?"
"We are here to watch a movie."
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midicom463-blog · 5 years
Best Music App in 2019
1. Pandora Many human beings don't forget Pandora to be the high-quality song streaming app, and for true reason. With Pandora, you get to create your very own custom radio station. You start out by using choosing your favored artists or songs. The app then builds a radio station around similar track. It’s a outstanding way to discover new track that would suit your flavor. Pandora is simple to apply and can be used across more than one gadgets.
You could install the app for your Android and iOS devices, Kindle fire, home windows telephone, and corner. It also works with Apple Watch, Apple television, Fitbit, and wear OS. The loose alternative of Pandora is ad-supported. For a top class experience, you’ll should element with $10 every month or $15 for the circle of relatives plan.
✅ professionals:
You may create a station based totally on the artists you adore. You have got get entry to to pre-made stations based totally on many years, activities, moods, and other criteria. You may charge songs. ⛔️ CONS:
You'll want to create a consumer account. You’ll be served with commercials on the free version. You could most effective bypass a restricted wide variety of songs in a span of 24 hours. Best available inside the US.
You Can also check this list of Best DApp Browser by  Deepanshu Bhat 2. Spotify Spotify has grown in leaps and boundaries over the last couple of years. With over eighty million subscribers, it’s smooth to see why. Spotify is great for whilst you need to apply a tune app offline.
You could choose a Spotify unfastened club in which you can nonetheless get admission to the big series of over 20 million songs. The only catch is that you need to concentrate to ads. And the potential to download songs is constrained to premium members.
Spotify top rate contributors are allowed to download songs for offline listening for best $10 a month. Get top class character or own family plans with inclusive of a Google home Mini at no more price, so that you can play Spotify hands-loose and achieve this much more. Or prove which you're a student and Spotify's get you a $four.Ninety nine per month plan, so that you've got cash left over for burger. But firstly, strive any Spotify top rate plan loose for three months.
✅ professionals:
You may listen to a custom playlist in shuffle with loose club. You may concentrate to custom radio stations. Have access to greater than 20 million songs. You can use the music app with out WiFi with the aid of downloading songs. ⛔️ CONS:
Music discovery is not as refined as in other apps. A few songs aren’t available at the Spotify catalog. 3. Shazam A few human beings argue that Shazam is one of the nice free track apps to be had. However it’s now not exactly a stand-by myself music app. It’s extra of a track detection app. In case you don’t recognise the name of a track, Shazam listens to it and offers you the name of the artist and the music.
This app works first-rate when it’s paired with every other streaming app.It acknowledges songs and offers streaming and shopping options from Spotify, Amazon track, Apple tune, and others. You can additionally view the lyrics of the detected songs. The Shazam app runs on iPhone, iPad, and maximum Android devices. Shazam is to be had without cost.
✅ execs:
One-faucet identity of songs. Each song tagged in your consumer account is stored. When you turn on the auto Shazam characteristic, the app will pay attention constantly till you switch it off. Has no commercials. ⛔️ CONS:
Lyrics are not to be had for all songs. 4. Deezer Launched in France, Deezer is a song streaming carrier that’s available for rattling close to every single platform you can consider. It’s to be had on Android and iOS gadgets, macOS and home windows computer, Xbox One, Roku, and thru a web browser. It’s manner older than Spotify and Apple music and is to be had in 182 international locations. Little surprise why many human beings keep in mind it the best loose song app. Deezer features a extra various catalog of track than maximum competing apps.
You could sign on for the free version or fork out $9.99 per month for the premium model. The unfastened choice is advert-supported and can simplest be used to your pill or computer. If you need to use it in your cell telephone, you have to pay for the top class choice.
✅ pros:
Has a diverse series of songs. The circle of relatives and pupil plans that are awesome fee for cash. It has live radio and lyrics. You could add your personal songs from a laptop. ⛔️ CONS:
The computer app doesn’t have an offline mode. The cellular app doesn’t guide MP3 files. It’s now not viable to rewind live radio streams. You may’t use your cell telephone with the loose model. 5. Apple track With extra than 50 million users. Apple music is the excellent track app for iPhone. You could also apply it to all different iOS devices which includes the iPad, iPod, Apple watch, HomePod speakers, and on iTunes to your Mac or computer. The app is likewise available for Android customers.
At the same time as it's far nonetheless surprisingly new in the overcrowded music app area, Apple tune has carried out particularly nicely over the past three years. The only brilliant feature of Apple music is the “join” feature. This feature permits you to comply with artists, bands, and person curators such which you get a feed with all their updates. Subscription starts at $10 a month. There’s additionally a scholar choice for $5 and a own family option for $15. Apple music doesn’t have a free plan, but you do get a unfastened trial for a length of three months.
✅ professionals:
The “join” feature makes Apple track stand proud of the competition. Comes with a unfastened 3-month trial. Has thrilling tune discovery functions. Integrates seamlessly with your current songs. You can save as much as 100,000 songs on Apple’s servers. ⛔️ CONS:
Integration with iCloud has problems. There’s no unfastened option.
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