#pannonian basin
mapsontheweb · 2 years
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Relief map of Hungary and the Pannonian Basin.
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uralic-canvas-culture · 5 months
Ethnic Composition of Medieval Hungary
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Before the arrival of the Magyars, the Pannonian Basin was inhabited by many different peoples. Among them were various nomadic societies like the Avars, Bulgars, and Huns who settled this vast steppe land. Sedentary societies such as the Slavs, Vlachs, and Germanic peoples also co-existed, sometimes tumultuously, alongside their steppe neighbors.
In the 9th century AD, the Magyars invaded the Pannonian Basin and established themselves as its rulers. It is important to note that the early Hungarians were not a distinct ethnic group, but rather a military alliance comprising multiple Uralic, Iranian, and Turkic tribes. By the 11th century AD, the Magyars had adopted a sedentary way of life and embraced Latin Christianity. Over time, the diverse inhabitants of the Pannonian Basin began to intermingle, eventually forming a cohesive ethnic group that is now recognized as the Hungarian nation.
Sources of the images are specified below each respective picture.
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hasdrubal-gisco · 9 months
finally watched barbie last night. i think it was refreshing to see gerwig's exploration of population exchange in europe during the chalcolithic age. barbies are clearly coded to be early european farmers, living in a comfortable yet stagnant environment of europe at the tail end of the ice age, with a culture revolving around female fertility (notice the second character introduced is a pregnant barbie). the second sequence shows up ken(gosling)'s enterance into the story on beach, mirroring the arrival of western steppe herder cultures as glaciers in europe retreated.
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once barbie and ken venture into the "real world" (prohpetic vision of the bronze age), ken adopts advanced technologies like the horse (horse), patriatrchy (worship of a male solar deity), and cars (the wheel, expoundable into the horse-driven chariot). his donning of the fringe jacket and cowboy hat stir within the audience a yearning for westward expansion, from the pontic steppe through the pannonian basin and beyond.
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ken transforming barbieland into the kendom mirrors the replacement of early european farmer (vinča, varna cultures etc.) with corded ware and bell beaker cultures, settled iterations of the kens' previously pastoral culture. the only barbie not assimilated into the new cultral zeitgeist is weird barbie (basques), herself a cultural isolate even compared to other barbies pre-invasion.
the final battle scene between the two ken factions places particular focus on archery, hallmark of the mongol civilization, which was the last of the steppe invasions of europe. notice in this situation, gerwig's bravery in correctly having ken (asian) represent the kingdom of hungary (asian), whereas ken (gosling) is of course the ever-lasting scythian spirit emanating from the steppe. some scholars have suggested the light-blue void where the last battle takes place to be a metaphor tengri.
some other stuff happened as well but i didn't really get how that fit into the greater story i guess. what was the deal with the old jewish lady LOL !
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bobemajses · 1 year
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This artifact, an ancient Roman brick with Jewish symbols (probably a burial plaque), was found in one of the graves at a necropolis from the 8th-9th century, at Čibska šuma archaeological site near Čelarevo in northern Serbia. At the site, alongside Turkic and Slavic graves, some bricks were also found with engraved inscriptions translated as Jehuda or Yahweh and Israel. According to archaeologists, they belongs to a nomadic tribe of unknown origin, that practiced Judaism. These people came from the east, most likely from the Pontic steppes and Central Asia along with Avars and settled in vast plains of the Pannonian basin in present-day northern Serbia and eastern Hungary.
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aleatoricality · 2 months
The Koloman Republic is (maybe) the Kingdom of Slavonia
Or a collection of the worst/best spies to ever reach the Neath. Evidence:
The Republic is landlocked but described as on the Adriatic Coast. The Kingdom of Slavonia was only a short(ish) distance away from the Adriatic Coast but was landlocked.
Variety of languages, dress, and accents? The Kingdom of Slavonia had Croats, Serbs, Bosnians, Jewish people, Hungarians, and God knows who else from the amount of settlers who flooded in after the Great Turkish War.
Familiarity with barges? Croatia is packed with rivers and, according to Wikipedia, Slavonia had plenty of access to the Danube and some of its tributaries:
Slavonia is located in the Pannonian Basin, largely bordered by the Danube, Drava, and Sava rivers. In the west, the region consists of the Sava and Drava valleys and the mountains surrounding the Požega Valley, and plains in the east.
Alpine areas with ice? Moslavačka gora uplifts the Dinaric Alps, Papuk is sprawling in size, and Psunj is the tallest mountain in the region at 984m/3.2k feet.
Poppies and lavender are native to Slavonia.
But what of the goose? you may ask. Well:
The goose is/was on the coat of arms of the Gusić family, a noble family from Croatia that's been heavily influential in the country's history, particularly in the sciences and arts.
This coat of arms' goose also appears in a splitting branch of the Gusić family called the Karlović family. This family's final head basically lost 99% of the family's holdings defending Croatia against the Ottomans and is a folklore figure in Croatia.
The Gusić family were also the ones to negotiate with Coloman, King of Hungary and eventually Slavonia.
Koloman might come from the name of a king of Hungary and Croatia.
Don't ask me about the submerged city yet. I am still looking. I am convinced it is out there.
I feel very much like this already but I'm also wondering if Hungary and Croatia might have joined together for it to be named after Coloman. London falling might have also stopped or modified the fact that the Kingdom of Slavonia was merged with the rest the Kingdom of Croatia a few years after the fall to become the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia.
Anyway. Glory to the Koloman Republic! Which is potentially a part of modern day Croatia! Or just a bunch of spies!
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dracula-dictionary · 1 year
Dracula Dictionary, May 8th
diffuse: lacking clarity or conciseness
prosaic: everyday, ordinary; characteristic of prose as distinguished from poetry, factual
bear up: remain cheerful in the face of adversity
precipice: a very steep or overhanging place / a hazardous situation
conviction: a firmly held belief or opinion
menial offices: work that is considered to be boring or degrading
mountain ash: a tree, also called rowan, believed to protect against evil beings and to keep travellers from getting lost
Szekelys: a Hungarian subgroup living mostly in the Székely Land in Romania
Ugric: the ancestors of the Hungarians of Central Europe
Huns: a nomadic people who lived in Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Eastern Europe between the 4th and 6th century AD
Scythia: an area in modern day Iran and other areas of eastern Europe
Attila: ruler of the Huns until 453
Magyar: Hungarians
Lombard: also called Langobards, a Germanic people who conquered most of the Italian Peninsula from 568 to 774
Avar: likely refering to Pannonian Avars, an alliance of several groups of Eurasian nomads of various origins
Bulgars: Turkic semi-nomadic warrior tribes
Turk: a native or inhabitant of Turkey, or a person of Turkish descent
Arpad: head of the confederation of the Magyar tribes at the turn of the 9th and 10th centuries
Honfoglalás: the Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian Basin
standard of the King: the king's flag, especially when flown in battle
Cassova: misspelling of Kosovo, a state in Southeast Europe
Wallach: people from Wallachia, the area just south of Transylvania
the Crescent: the Ottoman Empire
Voivode: a local governor or ruler in central or eastern Europe, in particular a semi-independent ruler of Transylvania
Mohács: a town in Hungary
Hapsburgs: an influential royal family in Europe from the 15th to the 20th century
Romanoffs: the reigning imperial house of Russia from 1613 to 1917
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zvetenze · 2 years
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Traditional Wooden Granary (Ambar) from garden
Grubišno Polje, Croatia
Grubišno Polje is a village on the western edge of Slavonia, sometimes also referred to as Moslavina. This region is located above the Sava River in the Pannonian Basin, and this village lies within a highly developed agricultural area. The wooden structure of oak was built in 1905 and contains spaces to store grains, tools, and small equipment. A ladder leads to the upper level that is open on two sides to allow views of the yard and gardens beyond. (photo 1988)
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paganimagevault · 2 years
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A Successful Raid: Pontic Steppe, 1st–2nd Centuries CE by G. Embleton. Illustration from book, The Sarmatians 600 BC - AD 450, from Osprey Publishing.
"During the 4th and 3rd centuries BC, the centre of Sarmatian power remained north of the Caucasus and in the 3rd century BC the most important centres were around the lower Don, Kalmykia, the Kuban area, and the Central Caucasus.
During the end of the 4th century BC, the Scythians, the then dominant power in the Black Sea Steppe, were militarily defeated by the Makedonian kings Philippos II and Lysimakhos in 339 and 313 BC respectively. They experienced another military setback after participating in the Bosporan Civil War in 309 BC and came under pressure from the Thracian Getai and the Germanic Bastarnai. At the same time, in Central Asia, following the Makedonian conquest of the Achaemenid Empire, the new Seleucid Empire started attacking the Sakā and Dahā nomads who lived to the north of its borders, who in turn put westward pressure on the Sarmatians. Pressured by the Sakā and Dahā in the east and taking advantage of the decline of Scythian power, the Sarmatians began crossing the Don river and invaded Skythia (later in the mediaeval period, the military campaigns of Ismā'īl Sāmāni against the Oγuz Turks in Central Asia would similarly pressure the Hungarians into moving westwards into the Pannonian Basin), and also migrated south into the North Caucasus.
The first wave of westward Sarmatian migration happened during the 2nd century BC, and involved the Royal Sarmatians, or Saioi (from Scytho-Sarmatian *xšaya, meaning "kings"), who moved into the Pontic Stepp, and the Iazyges, also called the Iaxamatai or Iazamatai, who initially settled between the Don and Dnieper rivers. The Rhoxolanoi, who might have been a mixed Scytho-Sarmatian tribe, followed the Iazyges and occupied the Black Sea steppes up to the Dnipro and raided the Crimean region during that century, at the end of which they were involved in a conflict with the generals of the Pontic king Mithradatēs VI Eupatōr in the Bosporan Khersonēsos, while the Iazyges became his allies.
That the tribes formerly referred to by Herodotus as Scythians were now called Sarmatians by Hellenistic and Roman authors implies that the Sarmatian conquest did not involve a displacement of the Scythians from the Pontic Steppe, but rather that the Scythian tribes were absorbed by the Sarmatians. After their conquest of Skythia, the Sarmatians became the dominant political power in the northern Pontic Steppe, where Sarmatian graves first started appearing in the 2nd century BC. Meanwhile, the populations which still identified as Scythians proper became reduced to Crimea and the Dobruja region, and at one point the Crimean Scythians were the vassals of the Sarmatian queen Amagē. Sarmatian power in the Pontic Steppes was also directed against the Greek cities on its shores, with the city of Olbia Pontikē being forced to pay repeated tribute to the Royal Sarmatians and their king Saitapharnēs, who is mentioned in the Protogenēs inscription along with the tribes of the Thisamatai, Scythians, and Saudaratai. Another Sarmatian king, Gatalos, was named in a peace treaty concluded by the king Pharnakes of Pontos with his enemies.
Two other Sarmatian tribes, the Sirakoi, who had previously originated in the Transcaspian Plains immediately to the northeast of Kyrkania before migrating to the west, and the Aorsoi, moved to the west across the Volga and into the Caucasus mountains' foothills between the 2nd to 1st centuries BC. From there, the pressure from their growing power forcing the more western Sarmatian tribes to migrate further west, and the Aorsoi and Sirakoi destroyed the power of the Royal Sarmatians and the Iazyges, with the Aorsoi being able to extend their rule over a large region stretching from the Caucasus across the Terek–Kuma Lowland and Kalmykia in the west up to the Aral Sea region in the east. Yet another new Sarmatian group, the Alanoi, originated in Central Asia out of the merger of some old tribal groups with the Massagetai. Related to the Asioi who invaded Baktrianē in the 2nd century BC, the Alanoi were pushed west by the Kʰɑŋ-kɨɑ people (known to Graeco-Roman authors as the Ιαξαρται Iaxartai in Greek, and the Iaxartae in Latin) who were living in the Syr Darya basin, from where they expanded their rule from Fergana to the Aral Sea region.
The hegemony of the Sarmatians in the Pontic Steppe continued during the 1st century BC, when they were allied with the Scythians against Diophantos, a general of Mithradatēs VI Eupatōr, before allying with Mithradatēs against the Romans and fighting for him in both Europe and Asia, demonstrating the Sarmatians' complete involvement in the affairs of the Pontic and Danubian regions. During the early part of the century, the Alanoi had migrated to the area to the northeast of the Lake Maiōtis. Meanwhile, the Iazyges moved westwards until they reached the Danube and the Rhoxolanoi moved into the area between the Dnipro and the Danube and from there further west. These two peoples attacked the regions around Tomis and Moesia, respectively. During this period, the Iazyges and Rhoxolanoi also attacked the Roman province of Thracia, whose governor Tiberius Plautius Silvanus Aelianus had to defend the Roman border of the Danube. During the 1st century BC century, various Sarmatians reached the Pannonian Basin and the Iazyges passed through the territories corresponding to modern-day Moldavia and Wallachia before settling in the Tisza valley, by the middle of the century."
-taken from wikipedia
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rasmasandra · 10 months
Wildlife of Croatia
The European country of Croatia is located at the crossroads of central and southeastern Europe.  The country borders Hungary, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Croatia sits adjacent to Italy located across the Adriatic Sea. There are lowlands among them the Pannonian Plains in the north and the Adriatic Basin in the south along the coast. The regions are divided by the…
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sleeg · 2 years
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patfurstenberg · 4 years
Stories and History of Transylvania, the Middle Ages
Stories and #History of #Transylvania, the #MiddleAges - in the rich land of Transylvania a lively congregation of various cultures and traditions lived. How it happened? Where they all content? Read on. #IB6 .@sa_artists #Romania
Early Middle Ages, history tells us, found the rich lands of Transylvania and the Romanian territories south and east of the Carpathians, Muntenia, Oltenia, and Moldavia respectively, as a  lively congregation of various cultures and traditions, brought together by the need for trade, the hope for a better life, but mostly by the local’s love and respect for their ancestor’s land. But what was…
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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Pannonian basin before the rivers and lakes were regulated in the 19th century.
Light blue: areas covered by water during floods for varying amounts of time
Darker blue: areas covered by water permanently or throughout most of the year
Dark blue (so the darkest of them): current lakes (in 1938)
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rosenstorm · 2 years
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Tfw you'll never be able to pull off 9th century Pannonian Basin styles
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[görgess le a magyarért]
Have you wondered why do we open bidding on the 20th of August? Probably not, but let me tell you anyway: it’s Hungary’s birthday! 
We’ve arrived into the Pannonian Basin in the late 9th century, then more than a century later we gave in and accepted Christianity. Thus, our first king (as opposed to the Grand Princes before) Stephen I of Hungary (István király), was crowned somewhen in 1000/1001 - later he was canonized as Saint Stephen on the 20th of August, in 1083. Ta-dam! Happy birthday Hungary. 
Fun fact: there is a delightful rockopera telling the story of how Stephen fought with his uncle over the throne. Pagan inheritance laws did not mix well with our new rule! 
🕷️ [Listen to the songs here] 🕷️ [Szállj fel, szabad madár / Fly, bird of freedom] - with English translation (with a ton of references to Hungarian history) 🕷️ [Take a look into the film here] (in Hungarian only, sadly)
(A note: there are some...uncomfortable happenings around this year’s Aug 20 celebration. Politics and money and all the ugly things. But we don’t think about that right now. We are writing a fix it! Alternate universe!)
 Just like Budapest is a bilingual Black Widow fandom charity auction in response to the Hungarian government’s anti-LGBTQ campaign and legislations connected to it. 
[We are currently bidding]! Satch yourself [something awesome].
A magyarok sejthetik, miért augusztus 20 a licitálás kezdete - mégiscsak szülinapunk van! 
Ha viszont régen voltak már a töriórák és már nem egyértelmű nektek (sem), miért is augusztus 20, annak ellenére, hogy nem tudjuk, 1000-1001-en belül pontosan mikor koronázták meg Istvánt: 1083. augusztus 20-án avatták szentté az első magyar királyt. Ta-dam! Boldog szülinapot Magyarország!
Ehhez kötődik a Szörényi-Bródy féle rockopera - ha még nem tettétek volna, hallgassatok bele!
🕷️ [A dalok] 🕷️ [A film]
(egy megjegyzés: idén az augusztus 20-ai ünneplés körüli hiszti....hát, van. Nem gondolunk rá. Ez most egy fix-it! Alternatív univerzum!)
A Just like Budapest egy kétnyelvű Fekete Özvegy jótékonysági fandom aukció, válaszként a magyar kormány LMBTQ-ellenes kampányára és az ahhoz köthető rendelkezésekre.
[Jelenleg licitálunk]! Szerezz magadnak [valami csodálatosat]. 
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oh-my-frog · 2 years
Local woman experiences pannonian basin for the first time, cannot comprehend lack of hills
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Name: Zdravko Murgaš (Drav)
Age: 25 human, 1119 nation
Height: 5’8
Weight: 170 lbs
Appearance: Drav always looks bored. His face just sits in this look that says "I want to be anywhere else in the world, but here." His red eyes don’t help, because they add a weird intenseness. Its like someone is telling you to and try  ease his boredom, but nothing you do actually changes the look.
Drav’s face is chiseled and gives him a rugged look. Almost like a male model in overall beauty. Combine that with his bored look and many think he very stuck up and strict. He unlike his 1p, keeps some scruff instead of a clean-shaven face. His hair is the color of the sky right after the sun has fully set and it's super pretty. It’s the hair you admire from a distance until you touch it and you are disappointed. It feels like straw and it's really greasy.
He wears thick baggy jackets that make his slim frame appear bigger. Many nations think he is this draft horse of a man, but in reality, his body shape is more like an Arabian. His slim shape has some muscle, but it is not noticeable. Many people don’t realize that he has some strength until they meet his right hook. He tends to wear solid t-shirts with dark jeans and a belt.
Personality: Similar to his 1p, both are chill people. Though, unlike his 1p, Zdravko is not at all physically reactive. You could throw a knife at his head, he just blinks and looks at you. For whatever reason as an adult, he doesn’t react to things. This is very different from him as a child, where he was a hot-headed tantrum-throwing brat. As a child, he reacted to everything and either was super happy or super angry about it. Some of his past leaders from when he was small called him a tiny demon.
Zdravko is responsible. If he is given a job he goes above and beyond to complete it. Things like assassinations, or doing stings are his specialty. Though because of this Zdravko’s bosses often pile him with more work than his slacker 1p. Though it isn’t that he minds the work, it is just he is annoyed that he is being passed another's responsibility.
Slovakia bottles his emotions. That is why he always looks bored, and most of the time that is true to form. Every once in a while he feels something, whether it is anger, happiness, or something other emotion he feels it. Things like wildflowers cause him to feel happiness, but it's very faint and doesn’t last long. Negative emotions tend to hang around much longer. Sadness especially, and sometimes it becomes too much for him and he blows. His blow-ups are hardly known because they are so infrequent and often are when he is alone. He breaks things, screams, cries, and many other destructive behaviors. If anyone is around when he blows, they need to be careful. If you are caught in the path you could be killed.
Dead: No… Hold on. *Goes over and pokes him* Alright, he blinked so no.
Weapon: vz. 58 V and ČZ vz. 82
Family: Czech, Great Moravia
ETC: He has been around since Hungary imposed her power over the Pannonian Basin. Before that he was raised by the former nation, Great Moravia. She raised him for many years and showed him a lot of love, eventually, his sister Czech was taken in by their mother. They were mostly happy, though Czech complained a lot.
Once a nation set his hair on hair, just to see what would happen. Nothing, he just sat there and let his hair burn. Eventually, the smoke alarms went off and put him out. Many were laughing the entire time he was in flames.
Some older nations, like Hungary, believe that his emotions died when his mother did. To an extent they are right, mostly because of how often his mother showed him the fun and good in the world. Without her, his world went dark and became numb. Though it is not the only reason he went numb.
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