teddys-dollhouse · 1 year
Crying over how much I love Reiji during my biomedical class while my friend watches story times with slime
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diakaoniii · 8 months
With their daughters
— reiji sakamaki
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Reiji's serenity was abruptly shattered by a shrill voice calling out to him, yanking him back to reality. Slowly opening his eyes, he was met with the sight of his 6-year-old daughter standing before him, clutching a tray with a lopsided smile on her face. The tray itself held a rather unappetizing selection of food, the burnt omelette and poorly sliced tomatoes and salad attesting to the child's earnest but clumsy attempts at culinary prowess. A fleeting thought of annoyance flickered in his mind, but he quickly suppressed it, reminding himself of the importance of nurturing his daughter's attempts, no matter how imperfect.
"Papa, I made breakfast for you!" Her innocent eyes shone with excitement and anticipation, clearly proud of her creation. Reiji's voice softened as he gazed at his daughter, his sense of responsibility and affection intertwining within him.
Despite his initial reservations about what lay before him, Reiji managed to compose himself, shifting his gaze from the tray to meet his daughter's sparkling eyes. A small, genuinely warm smile graced his lips—a rare sight for those who knew him.
"My dear, it appears you've taken great care in preparing this... concoction," he said, his voice laced with a mixture of amusement and tenderness. Carefully reaching out, he took the tray from his daughter's tiny hands, placing it on the nearby table.
"You remind me so much of your mother with your determination and kind spirit. However, there are certain standards when it comes to culinary delights. A true gentleman knows the importance of proper preparation and presentation."
Reiji gently patted his daughter's head, his voice carrying a soothing tone as he continued, "You see, my precious one, cooking is an art. It requires discipline, precision, and an impeccable attention to detail. Let me show you how it's done."
With practiced grace, he stood up, his tall figure looming over the little girl. He motioned for her to join him in the kitchen, leading her by the hand as he traversed the hallways of the mansion. As they entered the grand kitchen, adorned with sleek stainless steel appliances and pristine marble countertops, the young girl's eyes widened in awe.
"Now, my dear, watch closely. This is how one truly prepares a meal," 
He declared, his voice carrying authority, yet tinged with a gentle warmth. With meticulous precision, he demonstrated the correct way to slice tomatoes and lettuce, guiding his daughter's hands as they worked together to create a visually pleasing salad. As the aromas of sautéing vegetables and eggs filled the air, Reiji delicately cooked an omelette, ensuring that it was cooked to perfection—lightly golden on the outside, fluffy and moist on the inside.
After a short while, the duo had successfully transformed the makeshift meal into a feast fit for royalty. The vegetables were vibrant, the omelette delicate, and the tea brewed to perfection. Reiji presented the new creation to his daughter, a masterpiece of culinary finesse.
"Now, shall we enjoy this feast together, my dear daughter?" 
His eyes softened as he watched his daughter's face light up with a mix of awe and gratitude. He had not only imparted his knowledge but also shared a bonding moment with his little one, a memory they would cherish for years to come.
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A New Perspective (Part 3)
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Yandere Platonic Sakamaki Brothers x Reader
Warnings- (Forced) Age Regression, Restraints, Panic Attack, Implied Drugging, Yui slander (sorta), Pacifier, Nicknames used (baby, sweetie, angel), eating (fruits), force feeding, Papa for Shu
Notes- So the next few chapters are going to go brother by brother in order of age. So the next two are focused on Shu the the next two will be focused on Reiji, so on and so on. This chapter is the first half of the day with him and the next chapter is going to be the other half of the day.
You felt so warm. The dark room comforting your tired eyes. Your stomach keeps you awake with its pangs for food. You go to get up from your position, head foggy. Surprise floods your system when your hands don’t comply with your body properly. Looking at them through the black room you notice something around your wrists. You pull your arm as much as you can only for nothing to happen. A cry falls from your mouth in panic. You push your feet against whatever hard surface you could. Panic flooding your body and tears flooding your eyes. You flail against your restraints. You felt like you were locked in a cage, tied down and trapped.
Suddenly, light floods the room. You pause your movement, but you couldn't stop yourself from crying.
Not a word leaves the blonde haired man's mouth as he comes up to you and undoes the restraints.  Easily, he lifts you into his arms and takes you to the chair in the corner. He pulls you into his chest. As much as he seems to relax, you’ve never seen him calmer than he is right now, despite you crying into his chest.
“I know,” Shu tells you with a soft smile. “You’re so scared right now. You’re little mind can’t understand what’s happening,” He condescends. “But that’s why we’re going to take care of you. You’ll never have to worry again. Isn’t that nice, baby?”
Though his words felt taunting to you, you could tell he was being genuine. Your tears wouldn’t stop even though you wanted them to. Your mind only felt a little less blurry than it did the night before.
“I- “ Your words die on your lips. A deep breath replacing your voice as another sob escapes your throat.
Your mind races through every rule and reason they gave you last night. Your mind also races to Yui. Are they doing this to her too? Is she alright? Of course, you didn’t want to deal with her, but you wouldn’t wish anything bad on her.
While you were thinking, your tears run out. You lay there on his lap staring at the fabric of his shirt. He seemed content with this situation, allowing you the chance to get your mind in the right place. You pick your head up with some struggle. Your torso sways and you have to place your hands on his chest to keep yourself up.
A stressed pout plays on your lips while you try to speak. “Y- Yu-” You gave up quickly to take a breath in again.
Shu smiles at your attempt. An odd mixture of a smirk and a genuine grin.
Quickly the tears return to your eyes. Frustration from your inability to talk, and anger from the tears that kept falling without permission. You open your mouth again, spitting out sounds and noises attempting to make any meaningful sentence. 
Shu finally decides to end your torment. “Are you trying to ask about Yui?” He asks teasingly.
You puff your cheeks out and huff at him before nodding.
“Such a sweetie… You don’t need to worry about that woman anymore.” He shakes his head, talking to you like a child.
His words struck you. Fear creeping up your throat for her. Did they kill her?
Shu notices your fear, the way your heart rate and breathing speeds up. He laughs at you. “She isn’t dead… It just simply isn’t your problem what happens to her. A baby doesn’t take care of others,” He explains. “A baby gets cared for.”
Saying this seemed to remind him of something. He stands up carrying you out of the room with ease. You noticed the emptiness of the halls and rooms you passed. You pull on Shu’s shirt and try to question him again.
He huffs out a smile. “They still have to go to school, angel. It’s just you and me today.” He answers and leaves a kiss on your temple.
He made his way through the maze of a mansion with you in his arms. You never realized how dizzying the mansion halls could be. You thought that he may have been taking a confusing route to mess with you, but at the rate you seemed to arrive at his destination made you doubt yourself.
You both entered the brightly lit kitchen. He placed you onto an odd looking seat. You felt a bit thankful when he strapped you in because you were still struggling to hold yourself up. He sets a tray in front of you and goes to the fridge. He pulls out a bowl and takes off its lid.
Shu pulls up a chair and sits in front of you, fork in hand. You look at him weirdly. Was he seriously going to feed you? The confused pout on your face seemed to amuse the blonde.
“You don’t think you’ll actually be able to do it yourself?” He smiles devilishly. “You can barely hold yourself up, baby…” He drawls.
He picks up some fruit and holds it out for you to eat. You huff at him and turn your face away. He can’t seriously think you’d let him degrade you like this right? You hear him sigh at your reaction.
Suddenly he pulls your chair incredibly closer to his. He takes advantage of your shock and grabs your face harshly. Shu squeezes your cheeks to force your lips open. Taking the fruit and shoving it into your mouth. Once the food is in he moves his hand and holds your mouth closed. 
Your frightful eyes meet his for a second. An understanding that this was happening whether you fought back or not. Tears gather in your eyes again.
The rest of the time he fed you, you cried. Tears falling softly and slowly while you ate.
“Aww, I know it’s so hard… I know papa’s so mean isn’t he.” Shu teases as he picks you up.
Once again Shu moves the two of you through the mansion. He takes you back to the childish room you had woken up in. He sits you on a colorful, soft rug. He sits nearby you leaning against the wall. You do your best to keep yourself up, but you struggled. Tears that dried on your way back started to fall again. Embarrassment and frustration clouding your mind.
You have to hold your arms in front of you on the ground. Unsure of what to do and hiccuping from all the crying. You try to pick yourself up only to collapse onto the floor. You cry harder in desperation. Words try to fumble out of your mouth but fail before they make it to your lips. You hear movement behind you, but you’re too focused on trying to pick yourself up.
“Poor little creature… Can’t do anything by yourself can you?” Shu teases as he picks you up. “Here we go just sit with Papa for a while, you can do that right sweetie?” He asks rhetorically.
He puts an earbud in your ear and lays you against himself. Classical music fills your head at a quiet decibel. Your tears continue to fall in anger, but don’t do much.
After a few minutes of your continued sniffles Shu reaches over and grabs something from a drawer. He lightly grabs your chin and faces it towards him. He pushes a binkie into your mouth.
In your shock you go to spit it back out. He is not going to make you suck on a pacifier, you think to yourself. Too bad for you Shu was losing patience. He grabbed a different one and held your face in a tight grip while he put it on.
This paci had straps that made it impossible to take off. Well at least for you because you still couldn’t do much with your body. What confused you most was the sour taste that faded after a few seconds of having the binkie on. Despite the taste going away it worried you. That and the fact you could no longer spit it out no matter how hard you tried. 
You were so upset. Tears poured down your face harder and you tried to push yourself away from Shu. He on the other hand held you close to his chest and rubbed your back. Hushing you in a tone only a tired father could have.
You don’t know when you started actually relaxing because within minutes you had fallen asleep in his arms.
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fabunicorn · 1 year
How about interactions with each brothers in forced agre scenario
Oh boy anon your putting me through the wringer here
Gonna be short cuz idk I want it to be short
Forced agere
Strong language
Diaper usage mention
Self harm mention
“Come on baby time for a nap” reiji cooed down at you in your okay playpen.
You looked back up at him with a glare “fuck off you damn blood sucking mosquito from hell” reijis eyes widened in surprise “oh I didn’t know you wanted to be punished today, come on little one legs get this over with.”
“No no papa I’m sorry pls no” you pleaded only for it to fall on deaf ears “I’m Sorry little one but this is what brats like you get”
“Time for your bottle hun” shu said coming into his room with a baby bottle.
“I’m not drinking that shit” you said eyes narrowed at shu “I think you’ll find you will because you don’t get a choice in the matter” and with that he shoved the bottle in your mouth and pinched your nose so you have no choice but to drink “well guess I win” shu said with a mocking smile on his face.”
“Dollchan~ time for me to check your nappy, did my baby go potty like a good girl” Laito sang in a cheery voice.
“No I’m an adult don’t need diapers you freak.”you said turning your back to Laito. Laito laughed “really little one the state of your nappy says otherwise.” He chortled you rolled your eyes “I hate you.” “I love you too”
“Baby doll look at what daddy made for you, it’s a little puffy dress isn’t it cute?” Kanato said smiling creepily at you.
“I’m not wearing that I’m not a baby” you said crossing your arms. His creepy smile turned into a disturbing frown “you little brat, I spent time making this for you, you’ll wear it whether you like it or not” next thing you know you’re in the dress and kanato is showing you off to the others “aww babydoll your so cute.”
“Goddammit” you muttered under your breath.
“Baby girl look daddy has takoyaki don’t you want some.” Ayato said with a Soft smile strapping you into your high chair.
“I don’t want your octopus balls” you said in a sassy tone. With a glare he shoved the takoyaki in your face purposely making a mess “wow little one if you wanted it that badly all you had to do was ask.” He said with a smirk.
“Let’s go look at the pretty roses baby” Subaru says setting you on his hip.
“I can walk by myself and I don’t want to see your shitty flowers.” You said however Subaru just ignored you and carried you outside. “Look hun, these are called roses they have thorns so don’t touch” he said before putting one in your hand getting a thorn stuck in it and crying.
“Awe baby your just too little for flowers aren’t you” he cooed in mock sympathy.
“Come here sweets I’m gonna read you the story of Adam and Eve.” Said Ruki sitting in a comfy chair in the library.
“I don’t want to hear your annoying voice.” You said with a huff. Ruki simply smirked and shoved a pacifier on your mouth “and now I don’t have to hear yours, now where we’re we.” He said before continuing to read.
“Come on baby girl let’s go look at daddy’s garden” Yuma said putting you into your stroller before taking you outside.
“Wow a garden never seen one of these before oh look a strawberry never seen one of those before either.” You said sarcastically, Yuma clenched his jaw before picking a strawberry and putting it in your mouth “now you get to taste one for the first time how nice is daddy” he said before taking you back inside.
“Kitten daddy’s gonna take you to a fan meet won’t that be fun” kou said before packing up your diaper bag and putting you in your car seat.
“No there is no way I’m gonna let thousands of people see me like they especially if they’re as delusional as you.” You said in a panicked voice. Kou narrowed his eyes “well if you wanted that much attention you shouldn’t have just asked I’ll make sure they pay extra attention to you” he said and shut the car door.
He stayed true to his promise and let his fans hold and cuddle you the whole time gushing about how cute kous baby was.
“Little eve, it’s time you learnt about pain” Azusa said with a knife walking up to you.
“No! Please don’t hurt me I’m begging” you sobbed in fear Azusa quickly shushed you “no little eve I won’t hurt you I’ll show you the pleasure of pain.” He said before handing the knife to you.
“Come on baby, if you love daddy you’ll cut him.” He said with pleading eyes but you just kept crying “alright perhaps another day” he said disappointed.
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Since y’all liked me getting beaten down by GX characters so much, here’s:
Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V Characters ranked by how easily I could take them in a fight
same rules apply: fisticuffs only and my personal feelings about the characters do not matter
also since ARC-V is WEIRD AF when it comes to characters this will be characters that are exclusive to ARC-V. so no repeat of Asuka. We already know I bite harder than she does.
without further ado, here we go:
Reira Akaba. No shit. is literally a baby. if I was a baby kicking kind of person I could punt her into the sun. However as I do not kick babies I am more inclined to wrap her in a lil blanket and put her in the corner.
Yuya Sakaki. Bitch. One good step on his toes and he’s going “reaction shot?!” I pull on his stupid fuckin goggles and snap them back onto his face. he’s down. count to ten.
Yuzu Hiragi. Canonically the bracelet girls really suck at holding their own at any given moment. Yuzu is the weakest physically because she has never seen war or hardship to the level of the other three. I could take her in four seconds. pigtail tug time.
Yuri. The second weakest physically of the Yu boys. has been coddled by Leo for years. probably sparred with Sho at the academy to make himself feel better about having 0% body weight from muscles. eat shit you purple motherfucker.
Dennis McField. not only would I beat him, I would enjoy doing it. I’d love to curbstomp that motherfucker off a boat, except he already did that to himself. physically he is a fuckin twig and I am five feet seven inches of pure unadulterated god complex. he’ll wish I turned his ass into a card.
Reiji Akaba. the scarf works to his detriment. I do two laps around him holding the end of that thing and suddenly his face is turning blue and he’s calling for papa. unfortunately for him I have zero mercy.
Rin. again, the bracelet girls are notoriously bad at being strong independent women. we literally don’t see Rin for most of the series because she got herself kidnapped off the cuff. that being said she could probably hold her own against me, but I think she’s too sweet for that.
Z-ARC. We’ve established I bite. even outside of human form, if you look at him, he’s got a fuck ton of exposed veins, both as regular Z-ARC and Yuya Z-ARC. chompy chompy motherfucker you’ll pass out from the blood loss before I can kick your ass properly.
Yugo. Canonically relies on his motorcycle for fuckin everything. lost to Yuri because he rolled a nat one on his constitution saving throw. even though he’s probably physically in shape from motorcycle stuff I could flick him in the forehead and he’d be whining like a baby. If I got the first shot in, I’d have a 99% chance of winning. If he got to me first it would go to about 60%. again, I bite.
Leo Akaba. Here’s where we get into characters that have a greater than 50% chance of beating me. Leo is canonically ripped and also has zero emotions. I would only win if I got close enough for a nut kick, but there’s only one person who wants to be that close to Leo Akaba and it sure as hell ain’t me.
Sora Shuin’in. Holy fuck who let their feral cat off its leash. Sora is literally insane and I am requesting backup. He’d shove that lollipop so far up my ass that I’d be able to tell whether it was lime or green apple. I live in fear of Sora suddenly materializing in my room
Ruri Kurosaki. Remember how I bite? She bites harder. She puts up with No Shit and also has No Fucks To Give.
Serena. No further explanation needed. I fear that explaining it further would cause Feral Child #2 to burst into my brain and start kicking.
Yusho Sakaki. Sweet mother of blue eyes white dragon. remember how I said my personal feelings don’t matter? now they do. smash. next question. wait what were we talking about?
Shun Kurosaki. kinda lost the plot on Yusho but we’re back on track now. Shun canonically took out armed guards by Batmanning his ass up a wall. There’s posters up for him that say “lost dog” and the caption is just “if you find him please keep him”.
Yuto. Everything that Shun is + Ruri taught him how to effectively bite.
Noburu Gongenzaka. he is actually ripped and wears cement shoes for funzies. he could probably just stomp once and my shaky joints would give out on their own. bye.
Yoko Sakaki. canonically beat the stuffing out of people in her past life and I would let her. angry mom energy means I barely make it out alive. smash. wait— shit—
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navigatewithchiku · 4 months
Ujigawa Shu Initial SSR 
verse (1/3)
Shu: (I can’t get in the mood. Because of that I’m not making any progress with the new song…ahhh, I’m getting irritated.)
Kanata: oh? Shuukun, you’re still awake! You can’t sleep? 
Why don’t you drink some hot milk? I heard it’s good in this kind of situation
What if you ask Karasuma senpai to make you one?
Shu: no need for that. Also  I don’t want to drink that kind of stuff at this hour.
Kanata: uuuhhh. ….perhaps you’re stuck with the new song? If you’re that troubled why don’t you just quit?
Shu: ah? What a good joke, Kanata. Why don’t you shut up?
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Kanata: sorry sorry! I was just joking! I just thought it’s be relax a little!
Shu: sigh. You’re always relaxed aren’t you…
Shu: (At first...I did it to liven up LRfes, under papa's orders
I ordered Reiji to gather information and members, and that's how i created this εpsilonΦ
But...now this has nothing to do with papa anymore.
With this band I created my own music.
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I won't hand it to anyone else.)
…creating a new song is not stressful at all. Don’t group me with all the normal people out there.
Kanata: uhhh~ well, good luck! But good boys should go to sleep early, don’t you think?
Shu: don’t treat me like a child. I’m going back to my room.
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cheiyunn · 1 year
Raison d'être [Part 1]
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~Epsi bandhouse~
~Phone call~
Reiji: Yes, this is Karasuma. Ah, Duck River`s secretary? It has been a while
Sekkun: Indeed it has been a while. Is now a good time to speak?
Reiji: Yes..?
Sekkun: Next week, there will be a party held at the company. We would like for all of Epsilon phi to be present, does that sound doable from your end?
Reiji: Is that so, what kind of party is that?
Sekkun: To tell that truth, not even I have been fully informed. I intend to invite the other band as well, and the president has requested of me to have you all present as well
Reiji: The president?
Sekkun: Yes. Possibly for a lovely surprise of sorts
Reiji: I understand, we will consider it
-Phone call ends- 
Reiji: -that was what was discussed on the call. You all have your schedules free on that day right?
Tadaomi: I`m good, though I wonder what sort of party it will be. I look forward to it
Kanata: Here here~ I`m also o-kay~! You`re going too right bro?
Haruka: Shut it.
Kanata: Oh bro~ Are you in a sour mood again-
Haruka: I keep telling you to piss off and stop talking to me! 
Haruka: Hurry up and finish what you were saying
Reiji: While what will be discussed has not been revealed, as far as I understand, it would be best to be present. You are okay with that right, Shu?
Shu: Why would they hold a party now of all times..? How annoying~
Reiji: Our presence is a request from the president himself so it would be good to at least show up
Shu: Hm? It's not like I care anyways~ And anyways, recently I haven't seen papa at all, is he in a good mood perhaps~? Goodness, adults are always so full of themselves
Reiji: The press will also be present at the party, it may be good to partake in a few questions. Recently we`ve been focusing mainly on livestream performances and haven’t really done any stand out activities.
Tadaomi: That reminds me.. Argonavis has also been doing street performances, it seem that they cut ties with Duck Rivers
Shu: That seems so, how pitiful~
Tadaomi: How did they feel.. Maybe as expected, quite sad?.. Or maybe, they felt frustrated?
Haruka: Who knows. They’ve been thrown around alot with the company so it must have been difficult
Kanata: What? I don’t give a crap anyways. More importantly, does that mean that Gyro and Furai will have continued support or.. I don’t get it. Why does the company keep giving benefits to those shitty bands.
Shu: Yeah
Kanata: Ah- Shu-kun sorry! Its not like a wanted to badmouth your papa
Shu: I don’t mind, It seems like he has something in plan anyways~ But I don’t really want to know either~
Tadaomi: Since LRFes got suspended, there haven’t been many chances to meet the other bands.. Its been all so boring
Reiji: If we participate in this upcoming party, we may be able to get insight into the current workings of Duck River and its surroundings. Regardless of that everyone, make sure to leave your schedules open
Haruka: How annoying..
Shu: I wonder whats in store~ I’ll keep my expectations up for now
~FuRai bandhouse~
Fuuta: Aoi! Seconds!
Aoi: Hold on Fuuta! You haven’t finished everything on your plate yet. On Curry day, you need to finish everything on your plate first remember!
Yamato: Aoi, I ate everything so, seconds. It doesn’t need to be curry, you can just give me white rice
Misaki: Ain’t that just white rice on more white rice! Where’s the side dish gone?
Kohei: Can’t you guys eat a little quieter? I want to make an announcement but if it's like that, nothing will be heard right?
Fuuta: Ko-nii, what happened
Misaki: I’m always down for a fun story
Yamato: The crop season is already past but has a new form of rice been announced?
Aoi: Oh come on everyone pipe down! Okay Ko-nii, go on!
Kohei: Actually, we’ve been invited to a party hosted by Duck River next week. Some sort of announcement is going to be made, so FuRai must be present is what they said
Fuuta: A party means a festival of some sort right? Sounds fun!
Misaki: That Duck River has been giving us little jobs here and there, and overall has been lookin’ out for us after all. And to add to that now a party invite?
Kohei: Yeah, they said that we must be present but I wanted to discuss it with everyone first
Aoi: I think it's good, and it's nice to greet those at the company too
Misaki: Since its a pretty established company’s party, surely nothing bad’s gonna happen right? I’m down
Yamato: Me too, as long as I can eat alot of white rice, I’ll go along
Fuuta: Me too me too, as long as it sounds fun
Kohei: I got it, then I’ll reply that we’ll be attending
Aoi: At that party, will the other bands be joining as well?
Kohei: Nope, from what I’ve heard at least. But all I’ve been told is that FuRai must be present on orders from the president. I don’t know the reason
Yamato: I see. But why is the company being so kind to us. It may be out of pocket, but there are other bands more popular than us out there
Misaki: Yeah, there's alot of bands better than us too
Kohei: To be honest, I was wondering about that too..
Fuuta: Well well, its good to be friendly with kind people, I’m looking forward to it!
~At party~
Reiji: Shu, what do you want to drink? Food as well, if there is anything you fancy I will bring it over
Shu: Hmm.. what to drink.. 
Shu: Oh? Isn’t that those FuRai onii-sans ?
Kanata: Geh.. seriously? I kinda really don’t wanna see their faces..
Fuuta: Ah! Y’all are also here!
Reiji: Everyone, it has been a while
Tadaomi: Kaminoshima-san, you seem well. Sakutaro-san as well..
Fuuta: Yup! Since its a party, I made Sakutaro all sparkly and-
Kohei: Fuuta. Stand back. You guys were also called here it seems.
Haruka: To do what isn’t clear though
Yamato: *Face stuffed with food* Nijou, band meetups have been a while. There’s alot of white rice so I don’t think its a bad party
Misaki: *Face stuffed with food* plus the foods good! If y’all don’t hurry it up, the meats gonna be all gone!
Fuuta: *Face stuffed with food* Really?! Aoi, I cleared my plate nicely so can I get seconds?!
Aoi: Oh come on.. Don’t talk with your mouth full! Do you have no class..
Shu: Aha~ Whenever I see you you’re always stressed out with taking care of others~ Is it possible, that you’re better at that than music?
Aoi: Well..
Sekkun: I apologize for interrupting everyone’s nice talk. This is a greeting from today’s party’s host, Duck River’s president Ujigawa. Please turn your attention to the stage.
Kohei: Seems like somethings about to start, you guys, stay quiet okay?
Ujigawa Gen: Everyone, we would like to extend our gratitude to everyone for attending despite being so busy. Today, we are here to give Duck River’s habitual thanks alongside an important announcement, hence we have decided to use this event. It may be a humble party however we do hope you all are enjoying yourselves.
-Crowd claps-
Fuuta: Did humble mean big and sparkly?
Aoi: Shh-!
Ujigawa Gen: More concise information will be released at the later press release however, soon, a new band will be debuting from our company. They performed spectacularly during the LRFes, a band many of you may already be aware of; Fujin Rizing.
-Spotlight turn on-
Fuuta: Uwa-! So bright!
Misaki: Waa I can’t see a thing!
Aoi: What is this, a spotlight?!
Yamato: Oi. Didn’t he just say debut?
Kohei: We’re going to.. debut?
Ujigawa Gen: Fujin Rizing, come up onto the stage
Sekkun: Everyone, please this way
Kohei: Ah, okay
Fuuta: *Making eating noises*
Aoi: Come on, Fuuta! Everyone else as well, leave your plates at the table!
Ujigawa Gen: They are today’s party’s main characters, Fujin Rizing! An applause.
Ujigawa Gen: Within the sea of bands, they have the most potential shown.I myself have fallen in love with them. Duck River will now be supporting them.
Fuuta: Eh? Me? Uhm.. I’m FuRai’s vocal, Kaminoshima Fuuta. I don’t get the hard parts but this just means that we’ll be able to excited everyone even more now right? Ah, if thats the case then we’ll do our best, its a pleasure to be working with you! Eheheh~ when I’m holding a mic it makes me feel like singing, hey, is it okay to perform one song? Yokatai Ikubai-
Kohei: C’mon give me the mic! Our apologies, we are also a bit surprised as well. We will do our best to answer everyone's expectations. From now forth, we look forward to working with you. C’mon you guys, say your respects.
FuFai: We look forward to working with you!
Ujigawa Gen: That is all for today’s announcements. With Duck River’s backing, they will most definitely reach the top. From now forth, we look forward to your continued support. Please continue to enjoy the party.
Shu: What was.. that..
Tadaomi: Everyone looks so happy, right, Shu-kun?
Kanata: Really..? This isn’t really what I thought it’d be..
Haruka: Hah. Were we called over just to be shown this? What a load of bull.
Kanata: Oh hey wait up!
–walks off–
Tadaomi: Are you two leaving? I still want to check up on everyone else’s..
Reiji: No. We’ll end up being swarmed by the press and we’re in no form to provide comments.  It's best to retreat now, Shu this way.
–walks off–
~Epsi bandhouse~
Kanata: Ah~ I feel like I’m uselessly tired out..feeling super pissed off though. Like seriously, why were we even called over in the first place?
Haruka: Like hell we’d know. What we’ve learned is that today’s party was mainly for those guys.
Kanata: Huh? For those ridiculous gang?
Haruka: You saw it all too remember. FuRai was chosen by Duck River, it's like we weren’t even in their view.
Kanata: Hah, so what you’re saying is that we’re inferior to them? Why?
Haruka: Like hell I’d know. I don’t even think they know either. Hopefully they won’t be put through too much though..
Kanata: Why do we have to protect them- Ah. I get it! You wanna play along with friends right~?
Haruka: What did you say.
Kanata: Then how about you go and play like a moron with them then?
Haruka: You fuck-
Reiji: Shut it and calm down you two, your noises can be heard from outside.
Tadaomi: Hey, do you think Shu-kun is okay? Ever since we came back he’s been locked in his room..
Reiji: I don’t know. It would be fine if his mood was soured only a bit.
Kanata: But like- If Shu loses interest, ain’t that the end for us too?
Haruka: What?
Tadaomi: Does that imply.. The disbandment of Epsilon Phi?
Kanata: Yup. But it doesn’t really matter if we split ways right? It's not like anyone here put any emotional ties to this band after all
Haruka: Hah. The one with the ‘I don’t care about this band’ feeling the most is you after all
Kanata: Oh shut it, its not like you have any other place to go regardless
Reiji: Stop it.
Shu: Whats with you all, with the glum faces and even gloomier talks
Reiji: Are you okay, Shu?
Shu: Not like anything bad happened~? More importantly, Reiji, work.
Shu: Thoroughly look into that FuRai group, I want to crush them.
Reiji: … understood
Kanata: Ahaha~ Sounds like fun, I’m in~! What’re you gonna do, I’ll help out~
Shu: Of course~ Despite being a band they’re all so close and friendly, so making them fight like you brothers isn’t a bad idea either~
Haruka: Cut it out already, are you seriously going to do the same thing as last time? Haven’t you had enough-
Shu: Last time you say? Did something happen~?
Shu: We’re just here to tell them that the protagonists of this story are us, and not them.
Tadaomi: Then does that mean that this time they’re going to be your toys? 
Shu: There isn’t much to play with those toys~
Shu: Those pieces of garbage, I’ll rip apart into shreds and pieces and throw them into the incinerator. Making sure to not leave a single uncharred remain. Ahaha~
~FuRai band practice~
Kohei: Okay, lets take a quick break.
Fuuta: Okay~ Fwah, its the most fun when you’re singing after all
Yamato: Yup, and I think the new song is coming along well, its fun
Aoi: Agreed! Ah, Ko-nii, until what time did we have the studio reserved?
Kohei: Duck Rivers is taking care of it so they said until whenever we feel like enough. Going for too long isn’t good either after all
Misaki: Then that means we won’t have to worry about the studio stuff anymore yeah? Since Duck River is gonna handle it
Yamato: Seems so, plus they said that we’re free to use to studio in the company as well
Misaki: And any costs relating to the band they’ll cover is… is it possible that they’re some super ‘white company’?!
Fuuta: What do you mean by white company? The building being all white..?I don’t remember it being that color though..?
Yamato: Speaking of white; rice. If its a company like white rice, I’d be willing to join too
Aoi: A white company means a company that's easy to work in..!
Misaki: Well at least to us now its a good company
Aoi: They did nicely explain the plan too after all. Full support until debuting is really reassuring!
Kohei: It was a big hit with backers at the party so I suppose it's also a plan in the production.
Fuuta: It was surprising but everyone looked happy after all
Yamato: Yeah but there’s one part I don’t get
Kohei: Which one?
Yamato: It's specified in the contract, the ‘obey every order given by the company’ one.
Kohei: Ah..
Misaki: Yeah that one, but ain’t it common in the adult world? Since its pretty impossible for us to debut with our own power so yeah
Aoi: Thats true, and they seem to take us very kindly. If we have any opinions, maybe its best that we talk to them
Yamato: Hopefully so
Fuuta: It’ll be fine! In our future, there’s only good things after all! Come on you guys, we’re rested enough so lets continue practicing!
Kohei: True, lets resume the practice and song making. We’ll need to get better so we can proudly show ourselves anywhere.
Ujigawa Gen: My apologies for calling you here when you’re so busy. It’s been a while since the party but how have you been?
Kohei: Good, our thanks
Fuuta: That reminds me, the delivery at the sharehouse the other day, that was super good! Thanks!
Ujigawa Gen: Ahaha, then thats good. Anyways, I had instructed you to make a new song yes?
Kohei: Yes. We made a few and have all the demo tracks here
Ujigawa Gen: Good. Then lets have a listen. You, set up the player.
Sekkun: Understood.
Sekkun: In total, these are all the songs they have provided.
Fuuta: Hey hey~ They’re all good right? I like all of them!
Yamato: They’re all good originals, the pull of the guitar inside brings out-
Misaki: No no, my drums aren’t losing out either y’know?
Kohei: How was it? Each song possesses a taste of us that no other band is able to show.
Ujigawa Gen: Remake it.
Fuuta: Eh? Remake, as in which one?
Ujigawa Gen: All of it. None of them are close to a level that can be used 
Kohei: That can’t be..
Misaki: Oi, you’re kidding me right..
Yamato: Why?
Aoi: Um.. since these are all demos after all, the arrangement can be changed as many times as you want
Kohei: That's right, so how about possibly examining them a bit more?
Ujigawa Gen: …hah
Sekkun: Do any of you know, how long the president has been in this industry?
Aoi: …ah
Sekkun: You are against a professional here. Whether a song can be used is our decision.
Fuuta: ..wait
Ujigawa Gen: It seems like you all, are still not fully aware of your given position at this time. Maybe we will need to explain this better. Wakakusa Aoi, you stay. The others will be leaving.
Aoi: Eh? Me?
Misaki: Hold up, our leader isn’t Aoi y’know?
Yamato: Yeah, FuRai’s leader is Kohei-san
Fuuta: Yup, since Ko-nii is the most mature out of all of us after all.
Kohei: It may be out of line but its just as stated, I am the representative. If its any sort of explanation I will partake in it instead.
Ujigawa Gen: No. Wakakusa-kun is staying back.
Fuuta: Why?
Ujigawa Gen: In addition to the trombone he can also play the piano, he possesses the most musical knowledge. Out of everyone here, is there anyone else who understands it better than him?
Misaki: Well when ya put it that way…
Kohei: Then how about we all stay instead? Only having Aoi would be-
Ujigawa Gen: If you have that much free time, It’d rather be spent on practicing. At this level, you all are nowhere near my vision, in both song curation and playing ability.
Aoi: We understand.. I’ll be fine and I’ll relay everything to you guys later so you all can leave first
Fuuta: O-ok..
Sekkun: The exit is this way, I will guide you.
~Outside office~
Sekkun: Everyone, good work. The driver has been informed of your destination and soon Wakakusa-san will be sent on his way too.
Kohei: Okay, thank you for today. Then excuse us.
-car leaving noises-
Shu: Hey. You.
Sekkun: Oh, Shu-san? What a coincidence, did you have business nearby?
Shu: Papa. He’s inside right, let me meet him.
Sekkun: Unfortunately, he is currently still in a meeting.
Shu: The people you just saw off were the FuRai people right. Now, there should be time. Let me in the president’s office.
Sekkun: Not possible. The president is currently still in discussion with Wakakusa Aoi-san and it may take quite a while. So please do return.
Shu: ..ha? What do you mean?
Sekkun: Unfortunately I am unable to answer that, it was his order. If you’ll excuse me, I have something to attend to now.
Shu: Huh, wait!
Shu: Papa leaving only one of them back and having a conversation.? Why? Wakakusa- that Wakakusa Aoi was who he mentioned. Constantly babysitting others, yet papa.. favors him? Why didn’t he go home with those other idiots?! Is the thought of papa favoring you getting to your head? Or is he trying to take papa with flattery..
Shu: Wakakusa.. Aoi..
~FuRai band practice~
Fuuta: Ah.. no.. that one didn’t feel right either..
Yamato: I also felt that it felt incomplete, its lacking the usual FuRai-ness
Kohei: Yup, we’ve hit a small slump. Lets take a quick break for now
Misaki: Since we were told to remake all our new songs, no wonder the excited is waning
Aoi: You’re right..
Fuuta: Hey hey~ that previous one needed a little more -bam-! - whoop-! No? It needs more excitement so the people listening will also be more pumped up right?
Misaki: Thats true but then Aoi- no, Duck River is gonna be like ‘its a different direction than wanted’
Kohei: Yeah, lets examine each one in depth. Aoi, can you tell us any other stuff the company has told you?
Aoi: Hmm… I’ve told you basically everything though..
Kohei: Even the smallest things can help, we need a hint. If we rack our brains together we can make something. Even after that, you’ve been individually called to the office right? Right now, you’re our messenger to and from Duck River.
Aoi: I got it.. I’ll try to recall something..
Misaki: But like.. Why is Aoi like our middle man for communication with Duck River though?
Fuuta: Aoi’s been working pretty hard lately too. With practice and university, plus to add on, getting called over by the company. Sounds tiring..
Aoi: I’m fine, plus with everyone helping out, the housework has been much less than before too
Yamato: But the order to create new songs and what details they want are slowly getting more detailed, it feels like we’re slowly being controlled. 
Misaki: Totally get it! If it keeps on going, soon the next order will be something like ‘quit skaa’ or something like that! And something dumb like ‘Sax and trombone are banned’ !
Aoi: Ah-
Kohei: Oi. Aoi. Don’t tell me they really suggested something like that?
Aoi: Its not immediate but.. From now on forth, those kinds of music are a bit..
Yamato: So its true?
Misaki: Whoa whoa, to tell us to not do Skaa anymore.. What’d that mean? Are their brains wired wrong or-!
Kohei: Misaki, enough. There must be a reason for that-
Aoi: Fuuta..
Fuuta: If its not Skaa.. if Sakutaro isn’t with FuRai then it isn’t FuRai anymore! We did Skaa so we could make everyone happy, if we aren’t doing it then what's the point of doing a band-!
Kohei: Its alright Fuuta , calm down! It isn’t immediate like what Aoi said, so don’t worry!
Fuuta: No! I definitely don’t want that!
Misaki: Ah~ Fuuta sorry for overreacting like that as well. It ain’t immediate and surely nothing that bad is gonna happen, it’ll be fine I swear-
Fuuta: Even if its not now, it’ll happen someday right? When that happens, I won’t be able to sing happily anymore, I won’t be able to take it anymore.
Aoi: Fuuta, I’m sorry. Its because I said such weird stuff, I’m really sorry.
Misaki: Nah, It ain’t Aoi’s fault. The one at fault is Duck River, whats the point in making us debut then?  Was it not because you thought our music was good?
Aoi: I thought that way too.. But it felt weird, the more I was there, the more I thought why we were even chosen in the first place. But I couldn’t say anything-!
Kohei: So that was the reason you lacked excitement, I’m sorry for not realizing it sooner.
Aoi: No.. I’m also at fault for not speaking about it
Misaki: Gosh.. whats with this then? I really don’t understand them at this point
Kohei: Yeah, even I think the company’s choices are getting weird.
Aoi: But with the contract, they won’t listen to us. And if worst comes to worst, they could terminate our contract. Its our one and only chance too!
Misaki: This is so much bull! Man, what are we supposed to do then?
Kohei: Whats wrong Yamato? Your hand is raised like you wanna ask something?
Yamato: If there’s something weird you think is going on, can’t you just ask?
Aoi: Eh?
Yamato: Written in the contract is that we need to obey the rules of the company but it didn’t say we couldn’t ask questions about it.
Misaki: I get it..
Kohei: Thats true, we just need to ask them what exactly they want to do, and we’ll also state our opinion
Yamato: Yeah, in order to create a future where Fuuta doesn’t have to worry, we need to do what we need to do.
Fuuta: Really? Is it okay for me to be with Sakutaro from now on too?
Aoi: Yup, Fuuta
Misaki: Yeah! Thats why we’re gonna work hard! With that being said, should we immediately walk into Duck River!
Kohei: We should contact that secretary of his, we’ll get a reservation so gimme a bit’
Fuuta: Ko-nii, hurry hurry!
-phone dialing noises-
Kohei: Yes.. yes.. I see.. Understood, then I will relay that
Misaki: How’d it go? What days’ good?
Kohei: The discussion will happen later on but first, Aoi needs to come to the office alone again
Yamato: Aoi got called along again
Kohei: The president has something to discuss with him, once thats over he’ll discuss it with everyone together
Fuuta: What does he want to discuss..?
Kohei: Not sure. But for this time it can’t be helped. Aoi, apologies but could you go over there again.
Aoi: o-okay, got it
Shu: Its rare for papa to call me over like this~ Did the wind blow the wrong way today~? Will you let me hear a fun story~?
Ujigawa Gen: Wait for a bit
Shu: I’m busy so I opened some time up for you, make it quick won’t you~
-Door knock-
Shu: Who? Reiji? I told him to wait outside, I give no permission to enter.
Ujigawa Gen: I don`t mind, enter
Aoi: Pardon my intrusion, its Wakakusa.
Shu: Huh what. Well isn’t it the babysitter, what do you need?
Aoi: Ujigawa-kun.. um- I- 
Shu: Y’know, just when I’m with my papa, you decide to slither your way in, what great manners you have~
Aoi: Ah, but I was also called to the president’s office today..
Shu: Hah?
Ujigawa Gen: I called him. Both you, Shu, and Wakakusa-kun.
Aoi: Us both? Why?
Ujigawa Gen: Because there was something I needed to tell you two. Well, Wakakusa-kun, sit there.
Shu: I don’t want to sit with someone unrelated*, hurry up and be frank so I can get this talk over with, its unpleasant.
Ujigawa Gen: Don’t throw a tantrum, Shu. Goodness, I wonder which one really has bad manners.
Aoi: Uhm, sorry if you’d prefer to reschedule this appointment then I’ll just be making my leave..
Ujigawa Gen: No, you don’t need to leave. As per Shu’s request, I will speak frankly. Its in regards to this company’s successor. 
Shu: Aha~ Why this topic? This has nothing to do with him then.
Ujigawa Gen: Duck River’s successor has been decided to be Wakakusa Aoi-kun.
Shu: ..Hah?
Aoi: ..what are you saying..
Ujigawa Gen: Wakakusa-kun, I apologize for the sudden spring of an announcement, I will explain it to you later, so you don’t have to worry about anything. 
Aoi: ..wait hold on a moment.. Why would I..?
Shu: Aha. Ahahaha..! Papa, did you get so lost in work that you’ve lost your mind?! Even if this was a joke, it isn’t funny at all.
Ujigawa Gen: Have I ever once made a joke about the company’s successor?
Shu: ..hah? How would I know?
Ujigawa Gen: This is my decision. No one will object 
Shu: What are you saying? I won’t forgive that. Duck River’s… Papa’s successor is me right?!
Ujigawa Gen: How many time am I going to need to say this? The successor isn’t you, its Wakakusa.
Shu: Then what about me? What’s going to happen to me?!
Ujigawa Gen: Don’t you remember how I had previously said I would cut your finances? I have no intention of supporting from now on. By now, you are no longer someone with any form of relation to Duck River. Whether you want to continue with you band, or go back to Kyoto, do as you wish.
Shu: Are you.. getting rid of me? Are you.. seriously saying that?
Ujigawa Gen: You are no longer of any use to me. I don’t want to see your face ever again
Aoi: Uhm.. no matter what thats too harsh..!
Shu: Oh shut up you! 
Shu: …why? Why isn’t it me instead of him?! Why is it this random person out of nowhere, becoming papa’s successor?!
Ujigawa Gen: Shu.. how dare you say such words to your own older brother..
Shu: … what did you.. Just say..?
Ujigawa Gen: Both of you are my sons.. with different mothers, you’re half brothers.
* - I couldn’t really understand what Shu was saying here, any help would be thanked.
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fruit-of-infidelity · 9 months
♱  DIABOLIK LOVERS: Haunted Dark Bridal ー Sakamaki Laito | Dark 7½  ♱
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⌜ Scene: Shopping Mall ⌟
Yui: Haa… Haa…
( For some reason, I jogged all the way here. )
( Even though Reiji-san let me detour past the mall for some groceries for tonight, I was sure Laito-kun would catch me… )
( I couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched the whole way. But… )
Finally here… Phew.
( And with no Laito-kun in sight! )
What to get first, though?
― She rummages in her pocket for a shopping list.  ―
I suppose it’s handy Reiji-san gave me a list.
― She walks along.  ―
Lady: Pardon me?
Yui: Oh, yes?
Lady: I’m sorry to bother, but do you happen to have some spare change?
I’m trying to get into contact with my sick father, if you could spare one-hundred yen*, I would be very grateful.
*One-hundred yen is only around one dollar.
Yui: Oh, I think so! Give me a moment…
― She rummages in her pocket again… and hands over some money.  ―
( Aside from Reiji-san’s card… One-hundred is luckily all that I have! )
There you are! I hope your father is okay!
Lady: Thank you kindly!
― The lady walks off.  ―
Yui: ( “Sick father”... Suddenly, I’m thinking about Papa again… )
I hope you’re okay, Papa… I miss you.
Ryuuto: Then, why not contact him?
Yui: … …!!
( Ryuuto-san! Creeping up on me like that… )
― Ryuuto appears suddenly.  ―
Ryuuto: See where that woman disappeared to?
Yui: Wh-Where…
( That green pay-phone that she’s standing at…? )
Ryuuto: …You have a window of opportunity, don’t you? To contact him?
Yui: You’re right…
Ryuuto: Why not take it? With the money you gave her, she won’t be long.
Yui: I… don’t have any more money to make my own call.
Ryuuto: Haa… Shame. If only there was someone around you, willing to lend you some, in your time of need.
Yui: …!
Ryuuto-san… would you lend me some money?
Ryuuto: Me? Oh dear, no.
Yui: ( Then please don’t get my hopes up like that… )
Ryuuto: I have none on me. Not after I spend it just minutes ago, that is.
Yui: ( For some reason… I’m teary? )
Th-Then, if you’ll excuse me…
― Beeeeep.  ―
Ryuuto: Luckily for you, I spent it on this burner phone.
Yui: Y-You…
━─┉┈◈ Selection ◈┈┉─━
  ❈  Refuse! (S) Yui: No, there’s no way… Ryuuto: Go ahead, use it. Yui: No… I can’t accept that. Ryuuto: No need to be modest, I insist. Yui: I-It’s not just that… (Won’t you expect something in return? )
  ❈  Thank him! (M) Ryuuto: It is yours to use. Yui: …Really? Thank you! This is… ( …Suspicious, but I’m very grateful! )
Yui: I don’t understand, though...
Ryuuto: What is there to not understand?
― Ryuuto hands her the phone.  ―
Yui: Why would you want to help me? If not for…
Ryuuto: Fufu, do you think I am expecting something in return?
Well, if you are so desperate to not take charity… There is one way to repay me.
Yui: ( Brace yourself Yui! )
( Even though we’re in public, that w-wouldn’t stop someone like Laito-kun… So, why would it stop Ryuuto-san from sucking my―― )
 Ryuuto: ――You can hold onto this, for me.
Yui: ( Eh? This is… )
A lock of hair?
( It’s… kind of like Kanato-kun’s hair. It’s purple, and so soft… )
Ryuuto: That’s right. Just a simple lock of hair. You can take good care of something like that, can’t you?
Yui: I suppose I can?
Ryuuto: And do make sure not to leave it down anywhere it can be swept away; Keep it on your person at all times.
I’ll be back for it soon.
Yui: ( What an odd request… But if that’s what it takes to repay him… )
Got it, you can count on me.
Ryuuto: Splendid.
Yui: But, Ryuuto-san? Say, who’s hair is this?
Ryuuto: …Oh, that is not important to you right at this moment. I have a feeling, though, that you’ll find the answer soon enough.
Yui: R…ight.
Ryuuto: See you around.
― Ryuuto walks off.  ―
Yui: … …
( How cryptic… Ryuuto-san is surely just messing with my head, right? )
( Either way, I’ll take good care of this piece of hair. As thanks for this burner phone. )
( Finally, I can contact you Papa! I’ll hope to hear your voice very soon… )
─────── ≪ °♛° ≫ ───────
←  [ ✥ Dark 07 ✥ ]⎥ [ ✥ Dark 08 ✥ ]  →     [ ✥ Maniac 5½ ✥ ]
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ask-reiji-sakamaki · 1 year
“Papa! Look!” Said the 4 year-old girl “I drew you, mama and me!” The girl said excited
(I have a soft spot for reiji being a dad heheh)
How lovely my dear~
Ah, I’ll hang it up in my lab
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musashi · 2 years
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Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma & Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth
Characters: Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma, Karuma Gou | Manfred von Karma, Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth
Additional Tags: Introspection, Siblings, Family, Dysfunctional Family, I wanted to dump 15k of kin memories into a fic so I did, They're funny siblings your honour, I uhhhhhh can't stand fics where Manfred von Karma is abusive and its just torture porn abt his kids, so I tried to write him like he actually is in the games/anime instead of traumadumping, if you don't like that then sorry ig!!!, except not really. please go to therapy, Implied/Referenced Suicide, <- this is not just about Miles' stint in AA2 theres an actual one, it's talked about pretty bluntly but not a major thing that's described, Autistic Franziska von Karma, Autistic Miles Edgeworth, its very lightly written but its there if you look, set during the og trilogy
Papa had said 'knights in shining karma,' and Franziska wishes that was a little more literal, because she thinks perhaps if she had a sturdy, sharpened sword in her hand and the demons of the people were literal manifestations she could slice to ribbons, the cold burning in her chest might be assuaged.
But she’s a knight only in metaphor and her riding crop’s a little dull, so instead she prosecutes.
[introspective character fic about Franziska and Miles through the years]
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arypurple · 11 months
DL - Résumé foireux S01.ÉP09
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Nous retrouvons le tonton en train de fixer le lac en souhaitant intérieurement que la pauvre connasse s'éveille au plus vite. Nan, mais sérieux, Richter ! Tu peux trouver mieux qu'une pouffiasse qui couche à couche et à droite et qui s'est même farcie son propre fils ! Notre Plante Verte se réveille avant que son cœur décide de faire chier encore et décide de prendre l'air... dans sa tenue de lycée ? Pourtant, ils ont pas cours ce soir, non ? Car en se rendant dans un tombeau (euh... WTF ??) elle croise Shuu qui est habillé normalement. N'oublions pas les chauve-souris qui lui ont un peu fait peur (moi je les trouve choupi !). Yui vient naturellement pour déranger le flemmard de service pour lui dire qu'il lui arrive des choses étranges. Ah, parce que tomber sur des vampires, se faire sucer le sang sept jours sur sept, croiser un spectre et faire des bons dans le passé c’était pas étrange ?  Après qu'elle lui ait expliqué qu'elle entendait la voix d'une femme et qu'elle n'était plus elle-même, Belle au Bois Dormant l'allonge sur un banc de pierre pour la mordre et là, on va faire un compte total des morsures qu'il lui aura infligées en moins de dix minutes: 1... 2... 3... 4... 5 !
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Utilisant enfin sa matière grise, notre chère blonde lui demande des explications après qu'il ait parlé d'éveil. Le flemmard nous apprend qu'aucune des vierges sacrificielles n'avaient survécu assez longtemps pour l'éveil. Ha ha, ouais, tu m'étonnes avec ce que vous faites subir à Yui au quotidien. Personne aurait pu survivre à ça ! Bref, le tonton arrive... et Shuu se barre en laissant cher tonton et une jeune adolescente humaine pleine de vie avec lui ? Au final... on apprend que Yui était tout simplement en âge d'être une vierge sacrificielle et que son père n'était au courant de rien. Ouf ! Mais n'empêche que ce gars n'a aucunement cherché à la contacter ! Souvenez-vous que son téléphone a été brisé en beauté par Tsundere Simulator au premier épisode. Perso, si mon enfant ne répondrait pas quand je tente de l'appeler alors qu'il est seul, je reviendrai illico presto au pays pour le chercher ! Vous le savez sans doute pas, mais dans le jeu il est fait mention que Seiji part dans l'Europe de l'Est en laissant sa fille unique au Japon. Soudain, Plante Verte sent de nouvelles douleurs au cœur alors que Richter est... littéralement en train de s'extasier ? Et la blondasse retombe sous les effets de la drogue. Mais elle va arrêter de prendre les réserves de Reiji, oui ?! Comment il va faire pour planer, lui ?? Bref, elle est guidée par le connard d'oncle et réduit la photo de papa adoptif et son journal en cendres avant de la conduire vers une salle secrète qui mène tout droit à Narnia vers une robe déchirée et couverte de sang. Visiblement, le sang des vampires ne peut pas sécher même après plus de dix ans sur une robe car quand Yui dans les vapes touche à la robe, le sang semble encore frais. S'ensuit alors un combat mental et... ah bah non, Cordelia prend le contrôle de la blonde avant de rigoler en voyant le sang sur sa main. Naturellement, TOUS les frères sentent la présence désagréable de cette pute puante grosse folle. Mais oui, Shuu ! Tu ne peux t'en prendre qu'à toi-même puisque tu t'es dit que ce serait une bonne idée de laisser le tonton seul avec votre vierge sacrificielle ! Ayato qui avait senti la présence de la connasse rapplique illico dans la chambre de Plante Verte pour la voir vide et prend son chapelet dans sa main.
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roosterbox · 1 year
Fic Rec Friday 3/17/2023
Title: moniker (ripples through the water)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Fandom: 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney
Relationships: Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth/Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth & Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth & Naruhodou Minuki | Trucy Wright
Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, for like the first 1000 words then i throw miles edgeworth in the washing machine, Panic Attacks
Summary: One word. It was easy, really. Two syllables, so simple an infant could pick it up in no time. Miles had never used it for his father—he elected to just call him “father” and it was easy enough. Trucy called Phoenix a variety of ridiculous names, but usually fell back on “daddy” or “dad.” He wasn’t sure what Trucy had called Zak when he was around for her, but he assumed much of the same.
There was only one person who had earned the moniker “papa” in Miles’ life, and it was a person whom he thought less and less of with each passing year. Except, it seemed, he had made one final intrusion on the life Miles had worked so hard to recover.
Today’s rec comes from the wonderful world of Ace Attorney.
Plenty of AA fics I’ve read have explored Miles Edgeworth’s trauma - and boy does he have a truckload of it - but I hadn’t read one that approached it from an angle quite like this before. This is one of those things that I never thought twice about, but as soon as I did, was like “Okay yeah - why has nobody touched on this before??” The first third or half or so of the fic is just Miles reminiscing, up until his trauma button gets presses by Trucy (accidentally on purpose, meaning that she meant to call him what she did, but did not intend it to affect him so). And then there’s a big ol’ chunk of panic attack before Phoenix swoops in (lol bird puns) and provides the comfort part of this hurt/comfort fic.
(Side Note: whenever there is comfort in a hurt/comfort fic, the affirmation that always kills me (in a good way!) is “I’m here.” If your Comforter says that to your Comfortee, know that you have my heart.)
I love established co-parents Phoenix and Miles so much. It feels like such a natural progression of their relationship. And any presence of Trucy in a fic is appreciated. Absolutely lovely.
For next week’s rec, I think it’s time to bust out the big guns. That’s right - next time, we’re breaking into the wonderful wide world of… Cherik! And I will summarize next week’s fic in a single sentence: Aliens made them do it.
Bis bald!
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Diabolik Lovers multidimensional Dinosaur AU - Part 5
“Have a good eye on your cousin ok Christa?” the woman spoke. She had a purse in her hand and had a stern expression on her face.
“Sure mom!” the girl answered. The woman smiled and turned towards the door.
“I am very proud of you and Karl. I will be back in just a few hours.” And with that she closed the door.
Christa turned towards the little girl. She was playing a few of her Schleich horses and a small smile came over her. She was so happy that her mom would give her so much responsibility and she didn’t wanna disappoint her. If anything would go wrong, which it wouldn’t she was sure of that, Christa always had her big brother to help her.  She was interrupted by her sister coming downstairs. Her long violet hair was tied up in a curly ponytail revealing the kiss marks her boyfriend, or Ex-boyfriend Christa couldn’t count anymore, left in her neck. She wore a black crop top and a black jean. In other words, she was about to go out.
“Mom didn’t allow you to go out.”
Her sister only let out a small laugh and fiddled a cigarette out of her pocket. “As if I give a shit besides-” She walked towards the door, the now lit cigarette in her mouth. “-if you should tell on me school is gonna be hell on earth for you.”
Christa didn’t say anything after that and just turned around to join her brother and cousin in the living room. She loved watching her play, it was way to cute. Coras birth was the reason she decided to have children herself. She was just the cutest being on the planet.
“Chrisa” the little girl held one of the toys towards her, a white unicorn with a pink mane. Christa let out a little laugh and took it.
“You want to play? How about we play outside. Look its sunny.”
“Outside!” Cora replied and stood up. She still was somehow wonky on her legs as she walked towards the garden. Christa took the other toys and followed her.
Karl sat outside when they sat down in their patio. Cora immediately was busy with her toys again but now with Christa together.
After you returned to base you were immediately brought to Yui. She patched everything and gladly you didn’t have any further injuries like a concussion or something alike. Yuma patiently waited outside and almost scared you to death when you stepped outside.
“Ya good?” he asked after the initial scare.
“Oh yes besides the few scratches I’m all good.”
Yuma wanted to answer you but was interrupted by a little girl.
“Papa!” she shouted happily and ran up to you too. Yumas expression changed from a kind of stoic one to a soft one. The little girl jumped in his arm and was promptly thrown into the air by her father. Her black hair fell before her eyes when she landed in his arms again. You were surprised that they would allow such a young child here. She can’t be older than 6 years, you thought to yourself.
“If it isn’t my little angel. How’s your day been?” he asked and put her hair aside so they could look each other in the eyes.
“It was super cool! I was playing with Laiko in uncle Reijis lab! She showed me something that turned red when you shake it.” She excitedly told him.
“I didn’t know children were allowed here.” You tuned in and smiled at them. Yuma just shrugged and began talking after putting her down to really fix her hair.
“Turn around.” he said and took a hair tie out of his jacked. “Children aren’t allowed but Shus mother is a really high employee at the company that funds all of this and that we are apart of. So, she arranged that for us.”
You smiled and nodded but couldn’t shake that feeling of uncertainty of. You weren’t sure how good it was to have a six year old with you. You couldn’t think about it for long as you were interrupted yet again, this time by one of the soldiers.
“Miss your presence is needed at the main portal.”
“Of course, I am coming.” You turned to Yuma and the girl. “Until later!” you waved and followed the man towards the portal. Before it stood a young man, about your age, with blueish-black hair and piercing red eyes. Reiji, you thought annoyed.
“Hello.” You greeted him and only now did you notice Ruki standing beside him. You gave him a small smile and then looked at Reiji again.
“It is nice to see you again.”
“Yeah, yeah nice to meet you too. So, who are we waiting for?” you could feel how your halfhearted comment made Reiji boil inside. He always was a control freak and manner freak and God how you hated it. Alone by being in his presence you could feel yourself wanting to commit a suicide and he probably wanted to kill you. In short, you couldn’t stand each other.
“Beatrix Sakamaki.” Ruki answered, seemingly oblivious to the tension in the air. If only you knew that he knew everything and that he would use it against Reiji or maybe you if necessary.
“So, it’s a control visit?” you asked but didn’t get an answer as a woman stepped out of the portal. She wore a black striped suit with a black blouse under it. You immediately recognized her as Shu and Reijis mother. Even though you had never seen her personally you saw some photos in their house.
She looked around, her heels slightly sinking in the dirt, and you could have sworn you saw a look of disgust on her face. After a short sigh left her mouth, she turned to you and a small smile build as she walked up to you three.
“Hello Ruki, it has been quite some time since our last meet up.”
“You can say that.” Ruki shook her hand and then looked at you wich in return focused her gaze on you.
“And you are? Wait. You’re Socrates child, it’s a pleasure meeting you.” She spoke and held out her hand to you. You quickly shook it, a bit nervous that she recognized you.
“The pleasure is all mine.”
“Well shall we go?”
A slow tune wandered through Reijis lab when Yui opened the door. Mei told her to get something before she could end her shift and accidentally bump into Ayato like every day. If only she knew what but maybe Laiko could help her, she thought to herself and looked around the room. The music was a food indicator that she was in here somewhere and it wasn’t that hard to find her. After all Laiko was strapped to a steel chain so she wouldn’t try to escape. Yui took another look around, this time following the chain and it ended...above her? She looked up and indeed Laiko laid on a shelf that was littered with different flowers. Her eyes were closed and her breathing rhythmic.
“I couldn’t have come to a worse time huh?” she whispered to herself. Since Reiji was showing his mother around the area, she only had Laiko to help her, and she was sleeping. Yui looked at the woman a bit longer. She never realized the dark read feathers growing on her forearms and cheeks, it looked cute Yui had to admit.
“What do you want?” Yui moved a step backwards at the sudden noise. Was she awake after all? She must have been, either way she could now ask her for the medicine.
“Ehm I am supposed to get this, but I don’t know where it is, could you help me?” Yui held the note Mei gave her in Laikos direction. She looked at it and jumped down before snatching it out of her hand.
“Sure,” Laiko stretched with her arms upwards what caused her shirt to move up and reveal her black bra. “, but what do I get for helping you.”
Yui was dumbfounded. It was a simple act of service to help her, she shouldn’t have to give Laiko anything in return. It wasn’t the first time such behavior crossed her, Kou once shouted at her during their first weeks. He had given her a bunch of roses and destroyed them when she couldn’t return the favor. Still she couldn’t understand that line of thinking and she couldn’t really think more about as she realized how Laiko was slowly creeping closer. With every step she took towards Yui, she took one backwards.
“I really don’t know how I could help you.” Yui said.
“Really? Well, I see something.” A smirk formed on Laikos lips, and she grabbed Yuis waist. Whatever she wanted to do Yui didn’t like it and thankfully she was saved by the door opening.
Laikos head turned around. In the door was Reiji together with Ruki and a woman in her thirties or fourties, Yui couldn’t tell.
“May I ask what is going on here?” Reijis eyes narrowed and Laiko let go of Yui, throwing her hands in the air.
“Calm down I was just getting my payment, see?” she presented a small bar of chocolate in her right hand, Yuis bar of chocolate. Ruki shook his head and walked inside. Laiko was now completely focused on the new faces in the room.
“Nice to finally see you Beatrix, not only hear and smell you.” She laughed and took a bite of the snack. Beatrix didn’t even recognize her existence beside a small nod, and it clearly got on Laikos nerves. If you had found out something about her, during the weeks she was kept here, than that Laiko hated being ignored. She was a narcissist, at least that’s what Subaru always called her when he was around. They didn’t stay for long and eventually, together with Yui who got the things she needed, left.
Laiko looked at the door for a while longer, her eyes narrowed. Something seemed of this time, something about Beatrix wasn’t right. She recognized this with everyone, it wasn’t like before.
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ao3feed-janeausten · 6 months
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fabunicorn · 1 year
Can you write a part two of the Diabolik lovers forced agre
Diabolik lovers forced agere part 2
Forced agere
Drugging potentially
Whipping (brief mention)
You wake up to Reiji lifting you out of your crib and carries you over to the changing table making quick work of your diaper and changing you into a soft romper and overalls. “It’s time for breakfast and school we will keep you on strict schedule but as you are settling in we will take it easy for now” he mused pushing his glasses up before picking you up and carrying you out of the nursery.
As Reiji carried you, you took note of the twists and turns of the hallway ‘damn how big is this mansion’ you thought in shock eyes widening it was like a maze. Eventually you made it into the dining room noticing a bright pink high chair and the other brothers gathered around the table. Shu came over first and greeted you with a kiss on the forehead Aswell as squishing your cheeks, he took you out of Reiji’s arms and carried you to the high chair, you kicked up a fuss whining and kicking your feet “no, no I don’t wanna sit in there I’m not a baby” shu ignored your protests and strapped you into the high chair before Reiji came over with a bowl of what looked like strawberry yogurt.
This time Laito pulled up a chair and began trying to feed you “open up doll chan~” he cooed bringing the plastic baby spoon up to your lips you huffed and turned your head away. “Aww doll chan don’t pout your hungry look yummy strawberries” you still refused so Kanato came up behind you and scared you making you gasp and allowing laito to shove the spoon in your mouth. You decided to just eat as you didn’t want to know what other ideas they come up with. Yui walked into the room gasping when she saw you “what are you doing? Why are you treating her like this!” She looked down at your romper noticing the bulge on your crotch, cringing you looked away cheeks flaming in embarrassment
Reiji glares at yui “I don’t see how that is any of your business, it’s our choice how we treat our baby now quiet unless you want a whipping” reiji sneered yui looked toward you apologetically before turning away. Once you were done eating Ayato picked you up out of your high chair and cleaned your face up “messy baby” he cooed smiling at your scrunched up face. Once he was done cleaning you he slipped a finger down your nappy checking you for any wetness or messes “all clean” he announced to everyone in the room laughing slightly at your glare.
“Well have to fix that it’s not good for her to hold it in, come to papa baby time to get going for school.” Reiji chimed in. Your eyes widened in surprise ‘they plan to take me out in public like this’ you teared up already imagining the looks and comments you’d get at school. Shu came over taking you into his arms bouncing you slightly while shushing you, “don’t worry baby daddy won’t let anyone hurt you” when your tears finally stopped they pulled up a stroller, one of the convertible ones that you could be put in sitting up, laying down and could be converted into a car seat.
Shu strapped you into the stroller putting a blanket over you to protect you from the cold, meanwhile kanato was putting cute clothes in your baby bag and reiji putting in bottles baby toys and diapers shoving the bag underneath the stroller.
They made their way outside to the limo before unclicking the seat and putting you into the car, reiji fastened you seat in before putting a pacifier in your mouth, you tried to spit it out only to receive stern glares from the boys ‘I’ll keep it in for now’ you thought In fear of invoking the boys wrath.
Laito and kanato sat on either side of you, Jana to made teddy dance around in your face making silly voices “look baba teddy is dancing for you isn’t he good?” He asked not expecting a response whilst Laito made funny faces at you all you could think was ‘this is gonna be a long day…’
To be continued
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ao3feed-narumitsu · 11 months
"There was something in the air that night The stars were bright, Fernando"
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/48422632
by Mothtarts
Miles jiggled the doorknob of their house, shaking the door back and forth, he smirked up at Phoenix as he rolled his eyes at the man’s antics. FInally, he unlocked the door and stomped in. All of the lights turned on and he was bombarded by shouting from all sides. All directed towards Miles.
“SURPRISE!!!!” The man stumbled backwards from the sheer power of their screams. He looked at Phoenix but the man was also taken aback from how loud they were.
“Oh we scared Phoenix too, oops.” Athena didn't sound sorry at all. Apollo slapped her shoulder and she stuck her tongue out at him. Children.
He heard three voices yell out and charge at the man, a blur of blues, pinks and reds charging at him. Phoenix heard an audible oof as he toppled over.
or: Miles gets reminded of all the people that love him
or or: narumitsu week 2023 day 7: family
Words: 2471, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth, Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Naruhodou Minuki | Trucy Wright, Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma, Ichijou Mikumo | Kay Faraday, Houzuki Akane | Ema Skye, Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey, Ichiyanagi Yumihiko | Sebastian Debeste, other characters but their not as plot relevant so its a little surprise ooooo
Relationships: Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth/Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey/Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma, Houzuki Akane | Ema Skye/Ichijou Mikumo | Kay Faraday, Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey/Ichijou Mikumo | Kay Faraday, Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey/Houzuki Akane | Ema Skye, so many lesbians wow
Additional Tags: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Domestic, Light Angst, Post-Gyakuten Saiban 5 | Dual Destinies, Post-Gyakuten Kenji 2 | Ace Attorney Investigations 2, NaruMitsu Week 2023
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/jMw7VEk This is an automatic feed of all new stories posted to the Miles Edgeworth/Phoenix Wright tag on AO3. Because of that, it is not guaranteed that Miles and Phoenix are the main characters in the story, nor the only ship. Please verify content upon clicking through to AO3.
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