#paper dosa
scover-va · 2 years
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Been having fun and fucking around with genderbend designs for no reason whatsoever (an excuse to draw more women)
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radio-charlie · 2 years
can you get good dosa where you are? i want a dosa
haha the places i know with the really, *really* good dosa are about a 20 min drive from here. here's my favorite one for you:
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Buy Dosa Packaging Box Online at Low Price in India
Buy premium quality dosa packaging boxes online in bulk or wholesale from Gujarat Shopee. We provide dosa boxes in plain and customized printing made from Kraft paper material. Get the best rates from manufacturers and suppliers.
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thepanvelite · 1 month
A Delicious Vegetarian Feast at Shubh Sagar Restaurant
Hearty vegetarian feast at Shubh Sagar Restaurant. Delicious dosa, fried rice, Manchurian.
Yesterday, we decided to break our 16-hour fast with a hearty vegetarian meal at Shubh Sagar Restaurant in New Panvel, near DMart. It was Shravan month, and we were craving some good vegetarian food. After a long morning, we were ready for a feast. Beautiful paintings on the interior wall. Beautiful decor. As we reached the entrance, the doorman greeted us warmly and let us in. There are both…
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six-white-venus · 8 months
the mundanity of my grief disgusts me.
i go to class late every day and no one knows i'm rotting inside. the sun burns my skin and all i do is sigh because i forgot to bring money for a cab. a scream is forever stuck in my throat; stuck and never let out because that would be considered a public nuisance. my mom asks me what i want and what i want is a break but what I tell her is "anything but dosa" because that's the answer she wants to hear. your emotions are valid but they must be kept under tight wraps from 9am-5pm, 'cause it's important you stay sane during work hours. i sit cross-legged in my ratty sweatpants and write poetry and the hypocrisy of it sickens me to no end because ultimately i don't care as much as i should about the things i write. no, all i can think of is that i need to stop and start studying plant physiology. you can write odes and ballads about decay and call autumn the season of fallen angels but you still won't spare a glance at the pile of dried leaves on the side of the road because you can't be late to work.
you're sad but it's not hip or cool or pretty or even significant. i keep looking at the clock when i break down because I can't waste more than 30 minutes on this, that's plenty of time to wrap up all my drama and prepare for tomorrow's paper presentation. no one gives a fuck about your day but they should. it should be on the goddamn news, broadcasted on every channel because it's your day. a whole day. a day of your life, your world, your everything. no one cares but they should. but does it really matter, being on the news? no one watches the news anyway. oh look, you're out of groceries. you miss your mom's cooking. you seem to have a permanent headache these days and think of calling your uncle because he's a doctor. was. was a doctor. he's dead now. right. you're still out of groceries. wake, sleep, rinse, repeat.
the mundanity of my grief disgusts me. can someone burn down this world? i'd do it myself, but i have an exam this thursday.
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houseofbreadpakoda · 2 months
Pencho rant time
Today was so freaking stressful and it's not just today it's been adding up from the past few days and the highlights of today are
1. Studied differentiation for like 6 hours yesterday and still messed up it's questions in today's paper
2. My freaking piercing got infected the worst it has EVER been and it hurt so bad
3. I had to run behind my ele teacher to get a freaking cable soldered throughout lunch break and that lead me to see almost 6 different 1st year students getting their ass screwed in the most horrible languages which made me wanna throw up about my own college staff (only some of them)
4. No lunch break and 1 dosa in morning meant starving till 7 o'clock
5. Stayed back to finish my ele project and still couldn't finish it and I'm so done
And the worst part is, it's not just me. Everyone is just as stressed. I can't even pin point to one person or thing and say oh this is the root cause of all my problems. And to cope with all my problems i try to cheer myself up by doing crazy bat shit and honestly it feels like getting drunk to get away from sorrow and then you sober up. So at the end of the day, even that doesn't work.
God please put things in line. I'll try my best i swear. Help me out.
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clairedaring · 2 months
Okay, I dare not reblog your response to the essay post because the length of it is already too much, so Imma continue/reply through this new ask instead! ---------------
First: Thank you! I'm delighted that you enjoyed my rambling essay so much! And if it's good, it's only because you asked the right questions and gave me this opportunity to yap! An answer is only as good as its question allows it to be, after all!
Assuming that the paper receipt Win found in the last episode implied his missing? dead? dad was also caught up in some money laundering shady business at the temple, I think Win will play some kind of double agent character in S2 where he’s forced into both running shady temple business all the while reporting back to the RDJ-looking cop.
YES! I think Win's gonna find himself in a teeth-clench cooperation with Cop RDJ (and the feelings might be mutual until maybe the two of them reach an understanding as S2 progresses)!
That cop seriously has more things going on with him beyond what we glimpsed. He has very personal goals he wants to achieve—whatever means necessary. Could he actually be a personal friend of Win's father? Or someone who used to work with him? Is Win's father the common thread between Win and Cop RDJ?
I'm very interested in his side of the story, man!
To be honest, they’ve ended Monk Dol’s arc so well, I really don’t want to sacrifice his character’s integrity and beliefs for the sake of the narrative but I also badly need him onscreen again as the only character with a moral compass in this series full of peope without it ಥ_ಥ
Sadhu, you nailed my struggle! I know I shouldn't be attached, but bro, I am. Too late!!! Y'all made him too charismatic and earnest in his practice and conduct, and now you created one of the best religious-affiliated characters I've ever met in my personal list of fiction.
Imagine if Monk Dol was a real person I know!!! Yo, I'll do anything to be his kalyāṇa-mitta ("noble/virtuous friend;" Buddhist friendship characterized by camaraderie in helping each other improve while practicing The Noble Eightfold Path. It includes chastising each other for unskillful conduct, etc).
I like to point out that Monk Dol was also written to be afflicted with the Three Poisons (klesa) through his attachment to Dear, so he's actually flawed despite being the best boy person in the series. He showed delusion (moha) such as thinking Dear could ever be with him and that he should disrobe to be with her. He showed attachment (rāga), most obvious in his dream of Dear and that scene in the bathroom. The only klesa he exhibited the least, even when he had grown attached to Dear, was aversion or hatred (dosa), but it was still present—in his quiet resentment and growing regret over becoming a monk at too tender an age. He was growing averse to his life as a monk.
So I think, one of the many functions Monk Dol provided in สาธุ was also about a Buddhist's valorization of growth from mistakes. Instead of characterizing his lapse with Dear as a sort of fall in morality or failure in his religious duty, the emphasis was placed on how Monk Dol overcame his delusion. In Buddhist ethics, moral progress is extolled—more so than moral duty and moral adherence. It's all about effort, striving, and using your mistakes to learn; Monk Dol's character arc exemplifies that. One of the Buddha's lauded disciples was Aṅgulimāla, a serial killer, after all.
Whatever happens in S2, I hope S2 gives me lots of Monk Dol internal struggles, nothing I love more than a tortured gentle, kind soul (@ สาธุ scriptwriters, please don’t use my beloved Monk Dol as a sacrificial martyr though, HE’S SUFFERED ENOUGH) getting a bittersweet, hopeful-ish open ending.
OH SHIT. I... I'm also a sucker for tortured gentle, kind soul!!! Ahhhhhhh!
I LOVE the scene you chose to make your new gif.
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Because this Dhamma talk was probably the hardest-to-understand of all. I'll tell you why...
In this one, Monk Dol was explaining upādāna ("clinging; attachment"). However, he wasn't talking about the usual stuff about attachment like "don't be attached to money" "don't be attached to beauty" or "don't be attached to fame."
He's talking about attachment to things Buddhists think are good. Meditation. Making merits. Offering alms to monks. The rituals. He's saying that one should not even be attached to these good things. "It's easy to be attached to things that feel pleasant. But we should not be attached to them, too."
It's very counterintuitive. Buddhists are taught that all of these stuff are good and moral, so why not be attached to them?
Because if you're so stuck in doing them, it will also start to become a burden to your mind, and then it turns into suffering. But there's also more to it!
The Buddha had an analogy for this (I forgot in which sutta/sutra, though. Bruh yapped way too much and had a shit ton of sutta in the Pali Canon). Paraphrasing from my memory here:
The Dhamma is a boat. When you want to cross the river and reach the other side, you use the Dhamma (and related tools). But once you reach it and are now on land, do you still hold onto the boat? No. You discard it, having no longer need it on land. To cling to anything when it's no longer required causes dukkha.
This is what Monk Dol was also saying in that talk. Samadhi ("wisdom") during meditation is nice and pleasant, but true samadhi is knowing when to be detached from the pleasantry of meditation so that the "bliss" of it doesn't distract you from your real goal (of Enlightenment).
And this, I need to stress, was the Dhamma talk Monk Dol was giving in his first appearance. I was absolutely floored and impressed, man, because this isn't something someone with a more pop culture understanding of Buddhism can come up with. Again, fucking props to the scriptwriters and their advisors; they really know their shit!
Okay yea I am done rambling ahahhaha. Please, if you cook more The Believers gif set I will EAT THEM SO GOOD. I wish more people are into this shit, goddamn. And I can't wait for Season 2!!!
(You have no idea how happy I am to find a fellow appreciator like you!)
Thank you Lyn for once again blessing me with even more insights into the brilliant writing and details in the characterisation of Monk Dol (i don't deserve this. cries happy tears ಥᴗಥ. months and months of waiting and lurking in the สาธุ tag for fellow สาธุ appreciators has finally come into fruition. i truly have no regrets spending hours screencapping สาธุ. always said they were purely self-indulgent but i must admit i always secretly hope people would come across them and gave the series a chance).
I didn't think I could love Monk Dol more but you have truly proven that Monk Dol is truly in fact best flawed boi monk. In a series with such a sensitive topic, I understand that careless writing could have easily made him a terrible character or cause great controversial or mixed reactions but I do think the writing for Monk Dol was just sophisticated enough and it feels like there's much care in the crafting of his character (my beloved Dol).
Kudos to Pup who plays Monk Dol as well, because I would have never guessed that he isn't a professional actor but the frontman of a rock band (funnily enough i've been listening to Potato (his band) forever but i didn't register that they're the same person until I started watching interviews and they start asking Pup about how does it feel to transform from a rock singer to a monk).
i shall end this ask with a gif encapsulating my exact reaction of Monk Dol's first Dhamma talk/sermon
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nurdhurd · 1 month
couldn't decide between paper and rava dosas so I just didn't. johnson and johnson the way I need that double dose
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daunhikmah · 1 year
Siapakah diaa?
Alhamdulillah, aku ingin menuliskan tentang Papa. Sosok laki-laki yang sangat besar perjuangannya untuk istri dan anak-anaknya. Sosok laki-laki yang akan selalu membuatkuu terharu kala melihat perjuangan beliau..
Teringat kala beliau belajar membiasakan aku dan adikku untuk sholat, begitu lembut beliauu menyampaikan dan begitu sabar beliau mengingatkan sampai akhirnya kami pada titik tidak tenang ketika kami tidak sholat. Dan akhirnya terbentuk sudah kebiasaan sholat 5 waktu pada kami saat yaa, itu saat aku kelas 2 SD.. :) kalau dibilang terlambat, mungkin iyaaa yaa..
Papa bukanlah seorang ustadz, pun bukanlah seorang yang paham agama namun ketaatan beliau kepada Allah, hati beliau yang lembut, dan sikap tanggung jawab beliau yang besar itulah yang senantiasa membuat kami kagum kepada Papa..
Beliau yg lulus SMA, lalu menjadi SE dan menjadi seorang tukang kebun di sebuah kantor hingga akhirnya beliau dipercaya untuk sekolah lagi oleh atasan beliau karena sikap beliau yang kalau orang2 ketemu beliau akan kagum dengan beliau..
Teringat pula saat fase-fase SMP dan SMA, aku sangat suka dengan dunia penelitian. Sejalan dengan papa yang sedang mengambil S2 dan S3. Kekagumanku dengan papa membuatku semangat untuk mengambil Teknik Elektro seperti papa dan univ nya harus samaa kayak papa.. Hingga kadang aku diminta papa membantu menuliskan paper nya papa, sambil aku terkagum-kagum waww rumus matematika bisa jadi batik yang indah seperti ini. Namanya batik fraktal.. Lalu diajak papa ke lomba-lomba robotik dan gedung pusat robotik di Surabaya.. Saking papa pengen mengenalkan dan menyemangati aku untuk mengambil elektro..
Namun pilihan itu berubah, tiba-tiba papa bergejala. Aku yang kala itu anak SMA, tidak tahu apa sebetulnya yang terjadi pada papa. Aku yang setiap papa sesak napas selalu pingin nangis karena seperti tidak bisa membantu meringankan gejalanya papa.. akhirnya ketahuanlah papa ada gagal ginjal stadium V. Perasaan kami semuanyaaa betul2 Allah uji.. namun, yang paling terpukul adalah papa. Papa kala itu sedang menjalani S3 dan hampir ujian. Kala itu papa menjalani S3 dengan beasiswa sehingga tidak boleh terlambat studi bahkan mundur. Baru kali itu aku melihat papa menangis.. belum pernah ku melihat beliau menangis..
Yang membuatku haru, di tengah beliau sedang mondok, beliau sangat memperjuangkan sholat, tetap menjadi imam bagi keluarga, sambil meneteskan air mata.. tetap berjuang agar bisa sholat dg sempurna.. Terima kasih paaa, sudaah banyaak memberikan kami contoh untuk memperjuangkan sholat..
Mundur dari S3, sempat ada di benak beliau. Namun kami semua menyemangati beliau, pun dosen beliau tak henti2nya menyemangati beliau dan mengingatkan beliau untuk qiyamul lail. Akhirnya beliau bisa selesai, meskipun dengan transfusi 2x kala prosesnya, sampai dosennya bilang "perjuangan Pak Rus ini betul2 berdarah2". Dokternya pun juga saluttt sama papa, jarang2 pasien CKD masih kuat ngelanjut S3 dan posisinya di luar kota.. Dan masyaAllah tahun 2016 adalah tahun yang tidak akan pernah terlupa. Saat itu papa bisa lulus S3, dan naik haji.. iya masyaAllah, itu adalah tahun terakhir pasien CKD boleh naik haji..
Karena seringnya menemani papa cuci darah, melihat semangatnya pasien2 HD (cuci darah), aku pun akhirnya jatuh cinta dengan ilmu kedokteran dan kuniatkan untuk kebaikan papa. Alhamdulillah, bisa dpt kedokteran. Sebelum masuk kedokteran pun, kupastikan kedua orang tua ridho karena sekolahnya akan panjanggg.. Alhamdulillah beliau2 ridho.. Awal2 pun rasanya ngelokro banget, ngga sanggup rasanyaaaa.. tapi papa selalu kasih support masyaAllah.. padahal kutahu papa ini sudah sangaaat-sangaat lelah dg kondisinya.. kata2 papa yg selalu kuingat adalah,, "Semangaat yaa nak.." :")
Hingga akhirnya tiba di suatu kajian salah satu stasiun televisi.. "Bisa jadi ridho Allah terletak pada anak yang senantiasa mendoakan orang tuanya, memohonkan ampun dosa orang tuanya.." Papa langsung "itu nak dengerin yaaa.." H-1 bulan kepergian beliau..
H-1 pekan beliau berpulang, itu adalah fase-fase kuu mau ujian blok. Tidak fokus aku menyiapkan ujian blok, hati ini betul2 gusar dan papa menenangkankuuu "InsyaAllah yang membantu orang tuanya, Allah akan mudahkan urusannya nak".. masyaAllah itu betul2 dengan persiapan seadanya dan sudah siap remidi, Alhamdulillah remidi dengan hasil yang bisa maksimal.. (betul bgt kata papa ternyata)..
H-3 papa berpulang, beliau minta untuk sholat terus.. kami pun tersibukkan untuk membantu beliau sholat.. hingga beliau bilang "wis entek mi" artinya "sudah habis ma" apanya yg sudah habis? ternyata waktu beliau di dunia..
H-1 beliau dipindah di ICU, pulang cbt pun bergegas aku ke RS. Lalu aku ke masjid dan tilawah.. masyaAllah lgsg dapet ayat surah Al-Baqarah 155-157, waktu baca pertama aku lgsg nangis.. Ya Allah apakah ini pertanda. aku baca lagi sampai 3x, sampai akhirnyaa aku pada titik, baik Ya Allah jikalau Engkau akan menjemput papa tidak apa2 jika memang sudah waktunya namun izinkan aku untuk memohon maaf kepada beliau dan meminta ridho beliau.. (teringat ku sebagai anak perempuan dan anak pertama, ridho beliau adalah hadiah terbaik untukkuuu)
Tiap ada kesempatan ke ICU, kusempatkan.. sampai akhirnya masyaAllah mata papa terbuka, dan aku lgsg membisikkan maaf dan minta ridho beliau. beliau memberi isyarat dengan kedipan mata, akupun tenang setelah itu. Dan esoknya beliau pulang di hari Jum'at.. adik yang mendampingi saat sakaratul maut beliau, karena aku dan mama sedang mampir ke rumah untuk persiapanku ujian praktikum. Namun takdir Allah berkata lain..
Terima kasih paaa, sudah menjadi contoh bagi kami. menjadi contoh untuk menjadi orang yang kuat. Kini kami hanya punya Allah yang akan senantiasa membersamai kami dalam perjuangan kami. Dan Alhamdulillah All iz well ketika semua bersama Allah.. tunggu kami disana ya paaa, semoga kita bisa berjumpa bersama di surga. menjadi orang-orang yang terpilih untuk kelak berjumpa dengan Allah di surgaNya Allah..
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Favorite First Time Watches of 2023
After Hours (1985) dir. Martin Scorsese
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The Banshees of Inisherin (2022) dir. Martin McDonagh
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Black Girl (1966) dir. Ousmane Sembène
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Bringing Out the Dead (1999) dir. Martin Scorsese
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Cairo Station (1958) dir. Youssef Chahine
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Cemetery Man (1994) dir. Michele Soavi
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Chicago (2002) dir. Rob Marshall
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Crimes of Passion (1984) dir. Ken Russell
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Elvis (2022) dir. Baz Luhrmann
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Faust (1926) dir. F.W. Murnau
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Female Trouble (1974) dir. John Waters
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Fire of Love (2022) dir. Sara Dosa
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Footprints (on the Moon) (1975) dir. Luigi Bazzoni and Mario Fanelli
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Funeral Parade of Roses (1969) dir. Toshio Matsumoto
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High and Low (1963) dir. Akira Kurosawa
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In Search of Darkness: Part III (2022) dir.David A. Weiner
Let the Right One In (2008) dir. Tomas Alfredson
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Lingua Franca (2019) dir. Isabel Sandoval
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Odd Man Out (1947) dir. Carol Reed
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Original Cast Album: Company (1970) dir. D.A. Pennebaker
Paper Moon (1973) dir. Peter Bogdanovich
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Pearl (2022) dir. Ti West
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Petite Maman (2021) dir. Céline Sciamma
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Porco Roso (1992) dir. Hayao Miyazaki
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Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (2022) dir. Joel Crawford
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Querelle (1982) dir. Rainer Werner Fassbinder
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The Silent Partner (1978) dir. Daryl Duke
Slap Shot (1977) dir. George Roy Hill
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Southern Comfort (2001) dir. Kate Davis
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To Live and Die in L.A. (1985) dir. William Friedkin
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Train to Busan (2016) dir. Yeon Sang-ho
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The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964) dir. Jacques Demy
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X (2022) dir. Ti West
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the-pastinthefuture · 10 months
what is your favorite food?
Masala Dosa! *taking sheets of bond paper* I will need more paper
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ennaku-sirri-da · 2 years
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[ ID: Traditional fanart of the ship of Jimothan Botch X Dr. Habit from Smile For Me, colored and edited in digital medium.
Here Jimothan is a short, medium-brown skinned man with salt-and-pepper hair and a big black moustache, hairy arms. He seems like an older man. He wears a white baniyan and a red dhoti tied up till above his knees. He smiles with one eye closed, due to a big grin. He is making dosa in a cooking pan.
Then in the artists interpretation, Dr.Habit is a very tall, green-furred puppet-man with long curly hair in many shades of pink, mostly deep ones, has body hair all over in the same colors. He has a thin stache on either side on his freckled orange nose and some more facial hair downwards and near his freckled cheeks. He has purple eyeshadow and red lips. He has autopsy-like stitches on his body, and a neck scar, an X-like mouth scar. He has some puppet’s joint parts on body and face.
Here he wears a pale-pink bra with brown highlights and grey sweatpants with brown and pale-pink highlights. The pants have a ‘1′ on them.
Habit is bending down and hugging Jimothan, his huge red-clawed hands enveloping the other man substantially. Habit smiles shakily, his eyes a yellow shade, indicating happiness. 
There is a slight rainbow filter over the whole paper with colored noise effect, rumpled paper effect, and the whole thing looks sunny-bright.
There are lyrics all over the paper. They are a translated version of Oh Penne, with ‘Penne\girl’ changed to ‘Aane\man’. They say--
(in rose-pink with hearts around)
Oh Aane Oh Aane The Apple of my eye Never wanna see us fighting Forget the thunder n lightning I hold you till we see the morning light Never leave your side
(In grey-blue) To hold your hands with mine,
(In blue) To walk with you by my side
(In dark green) My heart yearns for this to happen
(In dark blue) as it takes my life away, everyday.
(In orange) On your cheeks, like the drops of rainwater,
(In brown) To make an art of kisses- the heart desires unfalteringly.
(In green) To listen to you speak all day,
(In dark green) A yearning burns inside to live this life with (underlined) just that. There is a rainbow butterfly sticker near ‘just that’. end ID]
[ Unedited text: Folks holy fuck this is the first Jimothan X Habit fanart ever in the history of the world ]
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[ GIF description: A GIF from MLP: FIM Generation 4. Pinkie Pie dances on a party floor along with Twilight and Fluttershy, whom she kicks out eventually through intense dancing. The background has emphasis lines and changes color. end ID]
[ Unedited text: Habit calls Jimothan his yeehawty]
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pergimelaut · 1 year
apa yang saya syukuri minggu ini. 🥰
saya tahu penyebab tangan kiri sakit. ini terjadi di hari senin. jadi, pada hari minggu, saya menutup malam dengan kebingungan karena tangan kiri saya sakit. memang, pada hari minggu itu, saya habis menulis +4.8k kata dalam sekali duduk---istirahat cuma salat zuhur & asar saja---tapi biasanya nggak sampai kayak gini (karena pernah lebih banyak & lebih lama lagi). nah, ketika hari senin itulah, saya baru betul-betul memperhatikan tatanan meja saya di kantor. dan ... ternyata, kalau saya capek/pegal, saya cenderung untuk memundurkan laptop dan memajukan kursi, sehingga jarak antara badan dan meja justru seminimal mungkin. otomatis, ruang buat kedua tangan saya agak berkurang. dan ternyata, di posisi ini, bahu kiri saya otomatis agak naik, agar pergelangan tangan kiri saya bisa tetap di atas meja. kalau ini terulang dalam waktu yang lama, dia jadi sakit.
setelah saya mengetahui hal ini, tentu saja, saya jadi nggak banyak memakai tangan kiri. syukurlah ada teknologi bernama ✨mouse✨ sehingga saya bisa memanfaatkan itu untuk gantiin tangan kiri saya yang kebanyakan berfungsi untuk menekan shortcut kayak ctrl+a, ctrl+c, ctrl+v, ctrl+x dll. workload dia nggak banyak sebetulnya, tapi karena sering sekali dibutuhkan, jadi dia perlu standby. minggu ini kurang lebih saya banyak kasih dia keringanan. XD (dan akhirnya, hari ini bangun-bangun sudah sembuh! yey. setelah empat hari berturut-turut masih nyeri ;w;)
saya bisa bikin scriptwriting lagi! ini terjadi hari selasa. bikin reels itu selalu mengkhawatirkan bagi saya di awal. kalau inget untuk harus bikin reels, rasanya maaalesss banget. mungkin karena formatnya beda dengan copywriting, jadi ada kekhawatiran kalau nggak berjalan dengan baik (atau harus belajar dari awal). tapi, kalau selama dijalanin tuh, rasanya menyenangkan. proses nulisnya bikin seneng, bahkan ngulik-ulik asetnya pun menyenangkan wkwk padahal bejibun folder kompilasi foto & video untuk kegiatan yang berlangsung empat hari. dan ketika saya kasihkan ke atasan saya untuk dicek, langsung lolos. alhamdulillah. <3
nggak jaga uts~ hahahah, ini ada harganya sih, tapi dibebastugaskan jaga ujian itu berkah yang jarang banget ada sementara pelaksanaan ujian kan datang dan pergi ya quite literally, jadi mari disyukuri!
ini masih di hari selasa. pada suatu pagi yang mengagetkan, tahu-tahu saya dan segelintir kawan dijawil di grup besar dan diminta untuk ngadap pengurus 🔥sekarang juga🔥 saya jarang ngecek grup-grup, tapi untungnya di ruangan saya ada kawan yang kena jawil juga, jadi saling ngingetin. sesungguhnya dalam perjalanan dari ruangan kerja ke ruang pengurus itu saya deg-degan banget hahahahah rasanya kayak langsung memutar ulang dosa-dosa yang saya buat (yang sejujurnya saya memang punya dosa, jadi saya mau gak mau dihantui oleh ketakutan itu XD). alhamdulillahnya enggak. kami diminta untuk jadi tim ad hoc untuk bantuin mengadministrasikan paper dosen. masing-masing dari kami pegang +-10 dosen. lumayan banyak, tapi karena deadlinenya di tengah-tengah pelaksanaan uts, jadi kami nggak jaga uts.
jas hujan saya kering ... jadi bisa dipakai lagi. ini hari rabu. jadi, hari senin itu kan hujan. saya pakai tuh jas hujan selama perjalanan pulang---jalanan licin sampai saya kepeleset waktu itu wkwk untungnya saya nggak kenapa-kenapa. nah, hari selasa, saya jemur jas hujan saya di parkiran kantor. seneng banget karena bisa kering. apalagi, karena hari rabunya hujan ... jadi, jas hujan saya bisa dipakai. XD sebetulnya jas hujan yang basah pun masih bisa dipakai ya, tapi rasanya nggak enak aja kalau pakai jas hujan dalam kondisi ketika dia masih basah.
saya reach out kawan lama saya. ah, ini ungkapan syukur yang back story-nya banyaaak dan panjaaang! XD
dulu sekali, pas semester satu kuliah, saya pernah install aplikasi geosocial networking(?) buat berteman sama orang-orang di luar negeri gitu, sekalian belajar bahasa inggris. saya langsung aplikasikan filter biar yang muncul orang-orang yang berdomisili di inggris doang 😂✌️ kenalan sama beberapa orang, tapi yang berkesan tuh cuma satu orang. mari kita panggil A. dia perempuan, aslinya orang polandia, dan pindah ke inggris setelah menikah. setelah ngobrol beberapa hari, dia bilang kalau dia mau uninstall aplikasi ini karena banyak orang aneh =w= not surprised. dan kebetulan pas saya udah bosen sama aplikasinya juga hahahah jadi kami sama-sama berhenti pakai aplikasi dan pindah ke whatsapp.
pas awal-awal perkenalan, kami sering banget chattingan, akrab banget sampai-sampai saya ngabarin lho kalau istirahat kuliah & lagi jajan makan siang. terus lama-lama jarang, dan ... uniknya, kami cuma chattingan untuk "nitip doa". ini dia yang mulai sih. kebetulan dia orang islam juga, dan setiap dia apdet kehidupan, pasti ditutup dengan, "can you make dua for me?" gitu. saya tahu sih konsep nitip doa kalau ada yang mau umroh atau naik haji, tapi pas dia yang bilang, konsep minta doa rasanya asing buat saya. saya jadi terbiasa ya karena dari dia. mungkin karena itulah saya ngerasa deket ya, karena dapet feeling aja kalau dia baik. XD
pas covid juga dia cerita kalau ada hambatan pergi-pulang gitu untuk para pendatang pasca-brexit ... ini kayaknya masa-masa yang berat buat dia. tapi pas saya ganti foto profil jadi foto wisuda (hahahaha) dia sempet-sempetnya nge-pm ngucapin selamat ;w;
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anyway, sebelum saya reach out hari itu, kami terakhir kali chattingan itu pertengahan 2022. ngobrol lumayan banyak, ngucapin ramadan mubarak. saya cerita soal tempat kerja saya yang baru, dan dia cerita soal bayinya~ seneng banget dengernya!! dan, sekalipun saya seneng juga ya, tapi kayaknya dia justru yang jauuuuh lebih seneng daripada saya pas saya bilang kalau jam kerja saya disesuaikan karena puasa :"")
saya dibeliin earphone baru~ sama kayak dibebaskan jaga uts, ini juga ada harganya XD jadi, setiap bulan kan ada rapat online, dan earphone lama saya tuh bisa berfungsi sebetulnya, tapi entah kenapa mikrofonnya enggak. kalau saya on mic, suara saya kayak tenggelam sampai-sampai saya mendingan nggak usah pakai earphone sekalian. ini terjadi dengan konsisten (hahahahah) sampai akhirnya saya disuruh beli earphone, nanti di-reimburse. mana mungkin saya nolak ya kan 🫠 saya beli hari kamis di toko offline yang disarankan. harganya mungkin adalah saya bakal ditagih buat banyak open mic ya hahahahXD tapi gak papa. malam ini, earphone itu udah saya pakai dengerin lagu, belajar, dan nonton video esai, dan suaranya pun jerniiih banget! rapat online juga "cuma" sebulan sekali kaan. :P
boleh ngadain kuis berhadiah. ini kabar yang pas saya pertama kali denger, rasanya seruuu banget! jadi, biasanya kalau saya bikin konten kuis kecil-kecilan, jatuhnya cuma tebak-tebakan aja biar banyak yang komen. tapi nggak ada hadiahnya. terus, atasan saya (ini atasan baru per bulan maret, dan dia jauuuh lebih luwes orangnya!) yang bilang, "pakai hadiah aja biar asik!" oh ya tentu saya mau banget! XD
selama memproses, agak ribet sejujurnya, karena saya yang diminta buat ngurusin approval & administrasi wkwk. sampai tawar-tawaran dulu mau hadiahnya berapa segala. tapi begitu akhirnya dibolehin, DAN konten kuisnya final, rasanya seneeeeeeng banget! bismillah ya.
saya buka puasa sama seseorang. ini terjadi di hari kamis.
ini kayaknya bisa jadi pos tersendiri deh, soalnya saya mensyukuri satu hari penuh XD anyway. sebelumnya, saya sempet baca dua komik detective conan dulu sambil nunggu dia datang ke tempat janjian ketemuannya, dan pas banget kasus yang saya baca itu menariiik! salah satu kasusnya terjadi dengan latar kompetisi hyakunin isshu, permainan kartu karuta yang isinya puisi-puisi dalam bahasa jepang. saya nggak ngerti cara mainnya sih wkwk tapi saya jadi nemu kalimat yang saya suka di antara kalimat-kalimat lainnya di kasus itu, yaitu adalah:
しのぶれど 色に出でにけり わが恋(こひ)は ものや思ふと 人の問ふまで
ini arti modernnya: I kept love in my heart, but it seemed to have appeared on my face and expression; it reached the point where people ask, "Are you in love?"
saya jadi inget ketika semua orang kayaknya udah sadar saya jatuh cinta kecuali diri saya sendiri 🫠
ANYWAYYY. habis itu kami buka puasa bareng! lalu salat magrib juga. lalu tarawih di masjid kampus. seneng banget cuacanya cerah, alhamdulillah. saya nangis sih di sepanjang jalan pulang karena samting ;w; emang rada-rada sih ini pikiran saya, hadeeeeehh ;w; tapi itu malam yang menyenangkan kok---sebuah kesimpulan yang baru bisa saya tarik sehari setelahnya. berjarak dari momen tuh, memang bisa bikin kita memproses sesuatu dengan lebih tertata ya. yah, ini pun saya syukuri juga.
hari ini hari jumat. saya buka puasa sama ibu saya. <3 menutup minggu kerja dengan quality time sama ibuk. di rumah pun masih quality time wkwk. kami ketawa lamaaaaaa banget pas saya ngasih lihat salah satu shorts youtube, tayangannya adalah scene di film dilan, waktu lomba cerdas cermat. di salah satu pertanyaannya, dilan paling cepet mencet bel di babak cepet-cepetan, dan setelah dikasih kesempatan bicara, dia justru bilang, "nggak tahu pak." yaallahXD
terus saya mau bersyukur karena saya belajar banyak hari ini. saya nonton youtube tentang kebahagiaan(?), lalu bikin janjian bukber lagi, dan mau siap-siap tidur untuk (bismillah, insyaallah) menyambut weekend!
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foodparadiseero · 2 years
The South Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka each have their own variants of common dishes as well as regional specialties. For an introduction to South Indian cuisine, here are 10 dishes to look out for.
1. Dosas: paper-thin crepes
A traditional breakfast food made of fermented rice-and-lentil batter, a dosa is much like a crispy thin crepe. It’s accompanied by sambar (a hot lentil soup) and coconut chutney.
Masala dosas are stuffed with a spicy mash of potato and onion; plain dosas are hollow; rava dosas are made from semolina; and some new-age variants get creative with fillings such as cottage cheese or mixed vegetables.
Whatever you choose (trust us and start with a masala dosa), the delightfully light dish is best eaten hot, when it’s fresh off the griddle.
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Masala dosa © vm2002/Shutterstock
2. Idlis: steamed rice cakes
Soft, fluffy and ivory-coloured, idlis are what many South Indian families eat for breakfast. A fermented lentil-and rice-batter is steamed in little circular moulds, and the resulting spherical rice cakes are served with sambar and chutneys.
Idlis are light and mild tasting, an ideal snack for when you want to give your stomach a rest from fiery flavours.
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© SMDSS/Shutterstock
3. Vadas: savoury doughnuts
What’s that doughnut-like thing doing on your South Indian breakfast thali (platter)? While a vada won’t cure your sugar cravings, it will satiate your desire for something deep fried, hot and crispy.
Made from a batter of black lentils, gently spiced with peppercorns, curry leaves, cumin, chilli and onion, this crunchy fritter tastes best when smeared generously with coconut chutney.
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© Nishchal S. Kanaskar/Shutterstock
4. Uttapams: pizza-pancake hybrids
Is it a pancake? Is it a pizza? No, it’s an uttapam. A batter of fermented rice and lentils is ladled on to a griddle. Chopped tomato, onion, chillies, carrot, coconut and other toppings are then sprinkled on. The result is a fluffy, porous, delicious uttapam, softer than a dosa, and tastes great with chutneys or without.
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© deepak bishnoi/Shutterstock
9. Biryani: something like pilaf
The ubiquitous biryani is found in different forms all over India, changing in flavour and preparation style according to regional influences.
Biryani is essentially a dish of rice cooked with meat, veggies and spices such as turmeric, cardamom, bay leaves, cinnamon, cloves, and pepper; sometimes garnished with cashews, raisins and caramelized onions. It can be vegetarian or have meats such as chicken, mutton or beef.
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© highviews/Shutterstock
While there is no single South Indian-style biryani, you’ll find different varieties such as Hyderabadidum biryani, Kerala-style Malabar or Thalasserybiryani, the coastal Karnataka variant of Bhatkalibiryani, Tamil Nadu’s Dinidgulbiryani and so on.
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nicehomeproducts · 10 days
The Best Ready-Made Meals to Keep Your Pantry Stocked and Satisfied
In a world where time is often scarce, having a well-stocked pantry with ready-made meals can be a game-changer. Nice Home Products understands the need for convenience without compromising taste or quality. Our diverse range of ready-made food items is designed to cater to the busy lifestyle while ensuring you enjoy delicious, homemade flavors every time.
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Staples for Every Meal: Chapathi and Poori
Our chapathi and poori are essential additions to any pantry. These traditional Indian breads are perfect for a variety of dishes, from rich curries to simple vegetable sides. The chapathi is soft and versatile, ideal for everyday meals and special occasions. Our poor, with its light, crispy texture, is a beloved choice for a treat or a special breakfast. With Nice Home Products, you can easily elevate any meal with these delightful staples.
A Healthier Option: Ragi Chapathi
For those seeking a nutritious twist on their traditional chapathi, our ragi chapathi is the perfect choice. Made from finger millet, it is rich in essential nutrients, fiber, and minerals. It’s a wholesome alternative that brings a hearty, health-conscious option. Enjoy it with your favorite curries or as a standalone snack for a nourishing, flavorful experience.
Flavorful Parathas: A Variety of Choices
Our selection of parathas includes home, wheat, nool, and chilli varieties, offering something for every palate. The home paratha is wonderfully soft and flaky, perfect for any meal. The wheat paratha provides a whole-grain option that is both hearty and satisfying. Our nool paratha, known for its layered texture, pairs beautifully with rich gravies. For those who enjoy a bit of spice, the chilli paratha adds a zesty kick, making your meals exciting and full of flavor.
Romali Roti: An Authentic Touch
Add an authentic touch to your meals with our romali roti. This traditional, paper-thin bread is renowned for its soft, pliable texture, making it ideal for wrapping around your favorite fillings or scooping up delicious curries. It brings a touch of tradition and elegance to any dining experience, whether a casual meal or a festive gathering.
Idli/Dosa Chilli Powder: The Perfect Accompaniment
No Indian meal is complete without the right condiments. Our idli/dosa chilli powder is a versatile seasoning that adds a vibrant, spicy kick to your idlis and dosas. It’s also a great addition to other dishes, providing flavor with every sprinkle. This blend of spices ensures your meals are never bland and always full of zest.
By choosing Nice Home Products, you’re stocking your pantry with a range of ready-made meals that are convenient but also flavorful and high-quality. Whether you need a quick dinner solution or something to impress your guests, our products ensure that you have delicious, homemade goodness at your fingertips. Embrace the ease of ready-made meals and keep your pantry stocked and satisfying with Nice Home Products.
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anoyms · 1 month
Why the Iron 12 Inch Square Dosa Tawa is a Must-Have Kitchen Essential
The Iron 12 Inch Square Dosa Tawa is an indispensable kitchen tool for anyone who loves cooking Indian cuisine. Crafted with precision, this dosa tawa is perfect for making not only dosa but a variety of other dishes as well. If you're in search of a reliable and versatile paper dosa maker, look no further. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the features, benefits, and versatile uses of this exceptional dosa tawa, along with information on our worldwide services, including London, Canada, and the USA.
Features of Iron 12 Inch Square Dosa Tawa:-
The Iron 12 Inch Square Dosa Tawa stands out for its robust design and user-friendly features. Firstly, its 12-inch size provides ample space to make large dosas, ensuring you can create the perfect paper dosa every time. The square shape adds a unique touch, allowing for even cooking and optimal heat distribution. Made from high-quality iron, this dosa tawa is incredibly durable and resistant to warping. It also boasts a smooth, flat surface that ensures your dosa doesn't stick, making flipping a breeze. Moreover, the ergonomic handle is designed for comfort, offering a firm grip to maneuver your dosa with ease.
Benefits of using iron 12 Inch Square Dosa Tawa:-
The benefits of using the Iron 12 Inch Square Dosa Tawa extend far beyond its excellent cooking surface. Firstly, cooking with iron tawa ensures even heat distribution, which is essential for making perfect dosas. The high heat retention of iron means your dosa will cook evenly and quickly, reducing the likelihood of undercooked or burnt areas. This tawa is also non-stick when properly seasoned, making it an ideal paper dosa maker. Additionally, iron cookware is known for its health benefits. 
Cooking on an iron tawa can help increase your dietary iron intake, which is crucial for maintaining healthy blood levels. Unlike non-stick pans that may release harmful chemicals when overheated, the Iron 12 Inch Square Dosa Tawa is entirely safe and chemical-free. Another significant advantage is its versatility; you can use this tawa to cook a variety of foods, including roti, paratha, and even pancakes. The sturdy construction ensures it will last for years, offering excellent value for your investment.
Versatility in cooking and gifting:-
This Iron 12 Inch Square Dosa Tawa is perfect for making paper dosa, thanks to its non-stick surface and even heat distribution. The tawa's large cooking area allows you to spread the batter thinly, achieving the crispy texture that defines a perfect paper dosa. But the usefulness of this dosa tawa doesn’t stop there. It makes an excellent gift for friends and family, especially for those who love to cook. Whether it's a birthday, housewarming, or any special occasion, the Iron 12 Inch Square Dosa Tawa is a thoughtful and practical present that any cooking enthusiast would appreciate.
Worldwide services:-
We take pride in offering our top-quality Iron 12 Inch Square Dosa Tawa to customers all over the world. Our services are available in major cities such as London, Canada, and the USA, ensuring that no matter where you are, you can enjoy the benefits of this exceptional kitchen tool. We are committed to providing excellent customer service and ensuring that your purchase arrives safely and promptly.
The Iron 12 Inch Square Dosa Tawa is an essential addition to any kitchen. Its robust design, health benefits, and versatility make it an excellent choice for anyone who loves to cook. Whether you’re making a traditional paper dosa or exploring new culinary adventures, this dosa tawa will not disappoint. Plus, it makes for a perfect gift for loved ones who enjoy spending time in the kitchen. With our worldwide services, including locations in London, Canada, and the USA, you can easily get your hands on this must-have kitchen essential. 
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