#papoula Pomfrey
poetryandbloods-blog · 6 months
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Papoula Pomfrey (1935 - )
Rolanda Hooch (1940 - )
Sybill Trelawney (1953 - )
Charity Burbage (1963 - 1997)
I don't have many specific headcanons for these characters. Some of them:
* Pomona was friends with Minerva since their Hogwarts days, she never had children and was not very maternal.
* Sybill lost her sister, with whom she was very close in the early 90s, triggering her frequent drinking habit.
* Rolanda was a professional Quidditch player for more than 20 years before retiring, in addition to teaching, she writes about the sport in some specialized magazines.
* Charity was a great friend of Quirinus and before his sabbatical he appointed her to teach at Hogwarts, she tried to get closer to him when she returned investigating his strange attitudes, this made Voldemort start to hate her and was one of the reasons for killing her.
** I've read great Charity/Severus fics, but I believe it would be impossible for him, so emotionally attached to the people he loves, to see her die and do nothing. In fact, that's one of the only things I imagine would break his cover.
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selkiesblog · 3 years
The ruse(DracoX OC) Chapter 1- The plan
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"mooom please, does she really have to spend the summer here???" The little boy with white silverish hair said pulling on his mother's robe ends, hiding his head over her kilt
Every June until September Saphira Jones would come to his mansion to spend the summer over the Malfoy's
It started as a tradition, the two families were quite fond of each other. Since Voldemort first vanished and the rumors of his return started. The Malfoy's needed to reassure their family's safety and economic stability in case of things gone wrong during the rise of death eaters and late battle. So they made a pact that neither of the children would know: for every year until they turn a majority age, they would unite their families in expectation of a great match. And not until then deny or agree with a marriage proposal, that should be made
Draco utterly despised every second and Saphira knew it, so she would try to make his life just as miserable as hers, the only problem is that the game they both plays of twisting and pulling each other until one or another give up or break was never-ending
He would bark she would bite
As a child, they would fight over toys
"Mooom!!! Saphira stole my broom!!" He cried
"No, I did not!!"
Sometimes she would indeed steal his toys and hide in the most inconvenient of places cause at the very young age she would be more advanced in spells than he, a fact that she would- till this day- constantly remind him.
"You did!! Stop lying!!"
But this time she didn't
Oh no, he was just having fun getting her in trouble.
"Safira, give him his broom!" Her mother stepped in the light
before she could deny his allegations or make any more of her comments she heard a snap and by pulling her hear she was dragged into her room "that's it!! No wand for a week!" He smirked through his fake tears
And it got worse as it got physical. In school he will do whatever it takes to provoke her, pulling her long brown braids, pushing through the halls, calling her names until she snapped over him with her hand in a fist. She got -10 points to Gryffindor's he got a red-eye
Summer came and there she was again cuffed to him like a second skin
"Kneel," he said
"No you kneel" she pushed him
"No, I'm older than you"
"And I'm richer than you"
"Enough both of you!!!" Narcissa said "now Saphira, kneel" she took a large breath, she went down reverencing like a Princess only less charmingly. He puffed his chest with pride and kept his back straight smirking with victory "now you kiss her hand" they both looked at Narcissa who seemed with her patience on the edge, both hands in her temples. Draco not into hearing more of his mother's speeches on how the Yule ball was a very important event and that he was going to make a fool of himself if he didn't know the proper steps. Soon he raised her hand to meet his lips and planted a kiss there
The music started, slower. Saphira still taken by surprise with his action crumbled over his pace, stepping on his foot. The music started again and again until she got it right, only when it was time for him to spin her and catch he let her fall
Fifteen and It was time for pranks that she learned from the Weasley twins, Fred and George. Colorful bombs in his dorm room or shoes that would fart every time he walked, name it she has it
"Never heard of it?"
"What does it do?"
"It tickles the skin non-stop until the person breaks in laugh"
"Rather harmless..." Fred started
"But very affective" George finished
"Okay!..." She whispered to herself "Rictumsempra"
In the tall estate of the games, missing one point to Slytherin score 150 and Draco catch the golden snitch. He started twisting on his broom, having a pit of a contagious laugh. Everyone started to making fun until he lost balance and crush in the dirt of the ground
She was shaking when they took him to Papoula Pomfrey, he had hit his head but the problem was in his broken arm. He was still conscious when they asked him what happened, he just looked at her, and said "I lost balance and fall"
He lied?
It didn't make sense, he knew it was her and he wouldn't tell her off? He would always tell her off. Draco was the boy who would do everything in his reach to get her in trouble, wasn't he? Did he beat his head so hard that he has forgotten he hates her? Was he gonna use it to his advantage, just waiting for the right moment to strike like a snake?
While he was asleep she stayed up all night on his side, guild kicking in, anxiety keeping her awake, looming at his facials expression as he slept. That night Saphira discovered many things...
first one: Draco talked in his sleep
"No, No I won't fail you"
he woke in shook in the morning, sweat dripping from his forehead, breathing heavily
"Are you feeling better?" She asked ready to question why didn't he told dumbledore it was her who cursed him
"Yes" he simply said
Second one: don't trust the Weasleys with spells
"It was a really hard crash" she sighed "unfortunately I have some bad news" he positioned steadily in the bed frowning "you fall so hard and ground that your face fractured" he quickly turned to the mirror on his side " now you look normal"
His delicate lips had a small cut in them, nothing scandalous, but he looked angry as he turned at her, his serious serious expression turned into a grin. They both laughed immensely for a couple of seconds and stared at each other not knowing what to say, or do.
"Draco?" A small voice echoed in the corner of the room
"H-Hi pansy!" He said
Suddenly it was a weird atmosphere that broke through the windows as she had just crossed nearly headless nick for the first time
"I'm gonna live your two alone" heading out the door, leaving space for the both to talk she realizes the Third one: she was completely head over heels in love with Draco Malfoy
And every time she would catch him snogging pansy in the corner of the halls, kissing the length of the neck, or overheard them talking, she would get this feeling of nausea on the bottom of her stomach
"You're jealous!" Hermione said
"Why would she be jealous?" Ron asked with his mouth full, she never so gentle smacked his head with her hand pointing at the way pansy would play with Draco hair
"He doesn't even like it in the middle part," Saphira said playing with the vegetables on her plate with her fork, not hungry at all
"You gonna eat that? " Ron asked
"Wait...you like Draco? " Harry asked, "why?"
"I don't like him!!!"
"Okay...But you spent every summer with him, it's a little suspicious"
"It's because of my family you know that"
"Have you ever considered confessing your feelings to him?" Hermione again asked
" I don't like him," she said again loudly "even so, he doesn't see me that way"
But the thought lingered in her mind for a couple of weeks, weeks-long enough for the students already know that Malfoy would keep his Summers busy with her. Suddenly everyone knew and assumed the same thing that Hermione did
"Are you dating Malfoy?"
"How long are you guys together?"
"What about Pansy?"
"Is he a good kisser?"
Overwhelmed by the random questions and thoughts she went to talk with Draco personally until found him talking with Blaise and his friends "come on guys, I'm not dating her" he laughs "she not even my type" he said making an ugly face "I am just is stuck with her through the Summers cause she so annoying and boring that even her parents don't want her around" he quickly realized the words that had just come out of his mouth and shut
There was so much truth in those words, the truth that she never wanted to admit nor she could. She was adopted, it's true, people didn't know and those who knew certainly didn't talk about that.
When two purebloods decide to adopt a magic muggle-born, the elite society doesn't take it very well, first of all, it's illegal. Second: the chance of dishonoring the bloodline and status of the family by polluting their legacy mixing their divergence with a "mudblood", it a risk that no one should take, even a mother who lost her child at early birth; a bare family in an empty nest; a tree rotten in its core. She was embarrassed, only for a couple of seconds, soon she was filled with the very familiar feeling that emerged in her mind of angst
She got a suspension when the school heard from her that she had used a spell against a student and wounded him during a game of quidditch. Sitting on the bench Draco looked at her stiffed
"Why did you tell them?"
"My parents are going to move me to
Beauxbatons school" he looked worrisome that she almost felt pity "then I won't have to trouble you with my annoyingly boring behavior" she was about to get up when she felt his hand on her wrist twirling her body close to his, too close even
"Is this what you want?" She felt his mint breath in her cheeks and shivered over the wooden cologne
"W-what I-?"
" You wanna ruin everything don't you?" Her stomach filled with butterflies "our parent's plans, the secret, you found out and now you wanna ruin it"
Instantly the short moment went away, she stepped out of his intense gaze and unlocked her wrist
"Why do you think you would come every summer to my house?" He said
"obviously isn't because we're so friends"
"Our parent's plans all along were that we would be more than that, I guarantee you" the words hissed against her thoughts, it was all so obvious now "marriage, Saphira, they want us to be wedd"
She felt like crying, run away like a little girl who just found out that Santa isn't real. She felt like breaking. Draco was bounded to her, stuck with a girl that he doesn't want
Making his life miserable as hers
"Draco, hear me, loud and clear," she said crying out, he never saw her tears, but that day it poured like a stormy rain
"you will never, never marry me. I give you that" alone with his thoughts, he builds his first wall
You're free
That summer she didn't come. It was his darkest summer, that gloomed into his mind like clouds over a parade
"Will you fail me, boy?" Voldemort whispered
"No, my Lord"
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