#papyton ship children
skeleboys-askblog · 1 year
✧Here’s some of mod Scorpii’s headcanons for Calibri while I work on his designs.✧
(Also!! Me and Bee’s headcanons might not always line up with each other’s so we’ll be labeling them and tagging them with either #Scorpii’s headcanons🦂 or #Bee’s headcanons🐝 respectively!!! Ty :-)!!!)
✧I think Calibri would be a total deadhead!! He’s really into psychedelic rock and has a Grateful Dead hoodie he wears everywhere.
✧He definitely flunked high school really bad. He’d show up to class absolutely zooted at 7 A.M. and just coast through the day on nothing but vibes and the edible in his pocket. Papyrus made him at least get his GED afterwards.
✧He totally models his guitar playing after Jimi Hendrix, and Napstaton samples his riffs for his music.
✧That being said!! Calibri definitely has access to Napstaton’s official social media and posts the worst things imaginable on his professional account. It’s always like low res images of Goku with captions like “shidded” and then nothing else.
✧Calibri is the chill homie harboring an unfathomable amount of sadness.
✧Like, his inferiority complex has only gotten worse with age (He’d be about 19-21 in our future au) To be honest, he’s a total basket case that really wants to change, but is too scared to put in the effort.
✧He brings a “we should all quit” vibe to the work place that managers don’t really like.
✧Expanding on that; he’s been fired from pretty much every single job he’s had until Napstaton gave him a job at his record store/radio station.
✧He previously worked at a movie theater and helped kids sneak in to shows through the back, but eventually got caught.
✧Calibri can give you solid music recommendations based on your vibes alone and he’s got a 99% success rate.
✧He asked Trajan to be his trip sitter one time, but as soon as the shrooms hit he got terrified of Trajan’s four eyes and locked himself in the laundry room.
✧He and Hapstablook love to cook together!! He also cooks with Sans too, but it can get to be a really exhausting couple of hours trying to wrangle him into actually cooking the taco meat. So Calibri really values his time with Hapstablook cause it’s usually just a very sweet and calming experience.
✧The bandana in my new design for him is from his uncle Sans 🫶 he has like, a million and wanted Calibri to match with him.
✧He’d rather die than cut his hair.
✧Calibri’s style now leans more into a hippie-punk kinda look, mainly cause he aligns himself with most of the ideals of both subcultures.
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Here’s my sketch of his new design so far!! I’ll have a more confident piece for him, this is just a lazy slap-together.
He’s got on that stupid Grateful Dead hoodie and a battle vest full of patches of all his favorite artists.
Never ditched the chucks! He still rocks with his converse- and his fingerless gloves.
He doesn’t tie his hair up as often anymore, but he does dress it up with that bandana that I mentioned!
His tank top underneath has a Misfits logo on it 💪
And that’s a crazy ass monster boof from the Hot-Lands so who knows what’s actually in it.
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papyrusweekblog · 1 year
Papyrus week! April 16 – April 22
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 (ID: Image of one of Undertale’s official stickers. Papyrus is smiling and happily crying, trying to dry off his tears with a tissue. There are letters above him that read, in all caps, “You’re nice!! You’re too nice!!”  / end ID)
Greetings! This is the first time I ever prepare an event, so trust me I will not be any good at it, but I really love Papyrus and I’ve always wanted to participate in a week appreciation about him, so I might as well make one myself!
The tag for this event will be #papyrusweek2023 and it will start on April 16 and end on April 22
 Read more for all the information:
-This event is for Undertale Papyrus, you can include your own version of Deltarune Papyrus too, but I would prefer the focus wasn't on AUs. However, Papyrus redesigns or human versions of the character are the exception, absolutely post these if you want!
-I want to keep this event sfw, please don't post any suggestive or nsfw content in the papyrus week tag
-Please I ask that you do not draw yellowface Frisk and/or Kris if you include either of them
-No misgendering of characters, not any erasure of characters’s canon identities, no bigotry or hate of any kind
-If you make content about the no mercy run or a couple of neutral runs do tag it properly, it can be upsetting to see for some people
-Of course, inc*st and p*dophilia are not allowed, get out of here. Yes, this includes Frisk and Chara, they are children. This includes Flowey too, there is debate on how old he is but he very clearly behaves like a child, and whether you agree or not I do NOT want to see him being shipped with Papyrus, keep that content out of this event
-While I didn't include a 'ship' day you can absolutely draw ship content, Papyton is allowed here or any other ship (that is normal and doesn’t involve inc*st or p*dophilia. I would prefer to not see selfcest either)
-You can pretty much do anything: drawings, fics, character analyses, videos, music, etc. Have fun!
April 16, day 1: Hobbies and Jobs
Let's start with an easy one: Papyrus's interest in puzzles, cooking and the royal guard! Papyrus cares deeply about anything he is interested in, even beyond the examples I just mentioned (being cool online, cars, etc). There is even a possibility for him to be The Monster Ambassador! Lots of things to choose, pick whichever you want!
  April 17, day 2: Battles
You're blue now, that's his attack. Papyrus's fight is really interesting isn't it? He has so many cool attacks, he's the only monster able to not kill you, and he might be incredibly strong...? It's a shame we couldn't see his special blaster attack, but if you want you want, you could show us! Or maybe even more interesting ideas for different Papyrus battles! Or simply appreciate the one we have and listen to Bonetrousle all day
  April 18, day 3: Family
Papyrus has a really cool brother, not as cool as he is but still pretty great. Some say he might also have a mysterious scientist dad/grand father/brother.....? We don't know much but that sounds pretty great too!
  April 19, day 4: Friendship
Papyrus wants to be popular, popular, popular! But perhaps what's most important is the friends that care about you for who you really are. And luckily, Papyrus has found friends like that along the way!
  April 20, day 5: Give up giving up
Papyrus is a character that has been very misunderstood in the past, from being reduced to a comic relief to being seen as nothing but an innocent naive character. But Papyrus is a very complex character: he has insecurities, he has flaws, he believes in kindness no matter what, and there are just a lot of things we don't know about him. For some reason we haven't seen him in Deltarune yet...? While we wait for him, let's show everyone how interesting Papyrus is!
  April 21, day 6: Free day
Make whatever content you want! Headcanons, fun ideas that you want to share, ships, post-game stuff, etc. Impress Papyrus with your creativity
  April 22, day 7: Papyrus
We have focused on everything that revolves Papyrus, now it's time for Papyrus himself! What do you love about this character? Do you think he is cool? Let's show Papyrus how many fans he really has
 And that’s all! I apologize for being very new at this but I’ll try my best. Most importantly, if you decide to participate even if it’s just for one day, thank you and have fun!
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computercreature · 1 year
ehmmmmm. papyrus undertale for character ask game?
you didn’t specify a question. so i’m answering all 30 of them >:D nyeheheheh!!
first impression: super silly skeleton! love him!
when i started to like him: it’s hard to remember but probably from the very beginning. specifically? umm probably the lamp scene haha he’s so <3
song that reminds me of him: this is such a copout answer i know but i always think of papyrus makes a mixtape. such a formative song to my childhood
how many people i ship him with: 0! i hc him as aro!
my fav ship: again probably none… i’m not a huge fan but i feel like the most ok in my book is papyton
least fav ship: literally anything else all of his friends are either children or his brother or a lesbian
a quote i remember: if you see a shop, you should stop… drop, and roll… into some great deals!! because we’re having a fire sale!! at my imaginary store, which sells flames.
fav outfit: AHHH i love the battle body for the comfort fit swag but. my heart belongs to the cool dude fit <3
least fav outfit: NEITHER they both fit him so well!!!
describe him in one sentence: he’s funny and silly BUT i swear he’s so much more mysterious than people realize!
first thing i think of when i think of him: the papyrus knight theory, and how excited i am for him to be in deltarune >:3
sexuality hc: mm i think gay aro
fav friendship: FLOWEY!!!!! they are besties ok i’m so glad more people are realizing this
best storyline: ahhh hmm. again i think his friendship with flowey! they’re characters that are perfect for each other and their dynamic has a lot of crazy implications. without the post-canon content and some of the harder to find dialog it’s easy to assume flowey’s messing with him but they really are friends!
worst storyline: i’ll be honest the date 💔 i do like it from the perspective of an aro guy forcing attraction but i still prefer the hangout way more for. obvious reasons
childhood hc: i think he’ll be a child/teen deltarune! and i think he was a lonely (bonely) kid, which is why he wants to be popular so much
what i think his first word was: sans :]
what i think he was like as a child: i already kinda answered this but also. i’m an otherworld sans truther and i really have no idea what ut papyrus’s deal is. if the skeletons just showed up one day i really don’t know what that means for papyrus
most random ship i’ve seen: well other than the obvious. i would say papyton is pretty random since they’ve never met? but he does canonically have a celebrity crush on mettaton so i guess i get it haha
weird hc: cat person (or at least says he is) because of the annoying dog lol
when he was at his happiest: obviously post pacifist when he can feel the sun on his skin and wind in his hair 🩵
when he was at his lowest: tbh before meeting frisk he was really lonely. in deltarune it’s probably worse since he doesn’t have undyne or. any other friends
future hc: i love the hc that he designs escape rooms on the surface!!!!! i think he (and a lot of other monsters) start taking anthropology classes
a secret he’s never told anyone: he actually loves the annoying dog 🩵
when he acted most ooc: ohh i don’t know. hrm. i don’t think there is one off the top of my head!
when he was himself the most: before and after saving him in the asriel fight! copout answer for all the characters but i stand by it!
most fun character for him to meet: ohhh i have to think about this. maybe tome of mob psycho fame. monster obsessed with humans + human obsessed with the occult would be the perfect autism duo
most unnecessary thing he did: when he turned the puzzle into his face and couldn’t figure out the solution. when he summoned a billion bones for his attack and let you fly right over them. when he kept asking about your outfit and kept giving the wrong answers to undyne. when he jumped out undyne’s window. he’s so <3
how would he be as a parent: carlyraejepsans has a great post about this but i think he’d be the fun uncle who loves kids!! also all the monsters are communally raising frisk anyway <3
funniest scene: OH THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE TO CHOOSE. umm i love the lamp scene, when he first sees frisk, the mettaton tile maze, umm a lot of his phonecalls especially the fire one, and the winter newsletter. he’s just so!
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ravyn-roulette · 3 years
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Decided to draw these cuties because I love them with all my heart.
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petra-creat0r · 5 years
What Undertale-ish ship kids should I draw?
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strawberrah · 3 years
undertale/deltarune for the fandom thing!!!!
Aaaaa thank you for the ask!! :] 
Undertale The first character I first fell in love with: Asriel!! I’m a big fan of the “kid who gets superpowers and uses them just like a kid would” trope when done right. He’s still one of my favourite boss battles! The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Chara! They canonically appear what, once? In the no mercy route? So it doesn’t really make sense why I love them as much as I do...but I do. I’m a sucker for Narrator!Chara what can I say The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Mettaton. I don’t hate him, I’m just not crazy about him. The character I love that everyone else hates: Chara again! I think they’re more popular nowadays, but when I first got into the fandom they were still the eeeevil monster who forced Frisk to kill everyone. I always hated that :/ The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Toriel to a degree? I still like her, but after replaying Undertale recently and hearing her line about how she thinks Asgore should have just killed ONE child and then crossed the barrier to obtain the remaining human souls....yikes?? I get where she’s coming from, but unpopular opinion: She was VERY unfair to Asgore. Sure Toriel he’ll just cross the barrier like his children did, you know, the children that died.  The character I would totally smooch: Nappstablook because how could I NOT The character I’d want to be like: I don’t think I want to be like any of these people The character I’d slap: Asgore but gently A pairing that I love: Platonic Chara/Asriel! I don’t think I seriously ship anyone in Undertale tbh A pairing that I despise: PAPYTON. Sorry Papyton shippers I just find it hard to get on board with ships where the two characters never interact, and honestly I just don’t see what the appeal is. Also I’m a staunch believer in aromantic!Papyrus :]
Deltarune The first character I first fell in love with: Ralsei!!! He’s just so sweet and adorable while still being interesting, I want to know more about who he is and his relation to Asriel...and I want his plushie SO BAD The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: I absolutely detested Berdly when I first saw him, but now he’s one of my favourites. He’s just a funny little gamer man with transmasc swag The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Spamton. I like him plenty, but not enough to put up with the entire deltarune tag being overrun by him!!! The character I love that everyone else hates: Berdly!! I hate when people say he’s transphobic/homophobic when it’s canon that there’s nothing wrong with him he’s just annoying. The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Aw man...Noelle. SUPER unpopular opinion: I don’t particularly care for Susie/Noelle. I almost feel like when Noelle is around Susie, everything she does becomes singularly about Susie and it kind of smothers the rest of her personality and relationships? I think I’ll like them more when/if Noelle becomes more confident around her so that their personalities can bounce off each other in a more fun and interesting way. The character I would totally smooch: Ralsei platonically :] The character I’d want to be like: I want the same vibes as Roulx Kaard even though I probably shouldn’t The character I’d slap: King I don’t CARE if your son is a squishy little pumpkin you cannot throw him off a roof A pairing that I love: Platonic Noelle/Berdly, I really want to see more of their friendship!! Berdly is kind of weird, but he obviously cares about Noelle a lot. A pairing that I despise: Kris X Ralsei is the BANE of my existence. It’s obvious that Ralsei has SOME relation to Asriel, Kris’ brother, so it makes me super uncomfortable when people say things like “Oh I hope Ralsei isn’t Kris’ brother so I can ship them!!!” its so gross.
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ep1cg33k · 2 years
The Updated Ship List for City of Ships
Here's the official ship list for my alternate multiverse called "City of Ships". As you could tell by the name, this is filled with ships. No, these aren't the only ones I like. I'm actually a multishipper who likes any and all ships I come across. But, I can only choose a certain amount. So, without further ado, let's get onto the list of all ships that will be featured.
AU Specific Ships-
Undertale Papyrisk/PapyFrisk (Papyrus x Frisk)
Undertale Rivster (W.D. Gaster x Riverperson)
Undertale Grillfet (Grillby x Muffet)
Undertale Temob (Bob x Shop Tem) (While the Temmie from the Tem Shop does wear a striped sweater, I don't think they're necessarily a "child". I think they just had to graduate from "colleg/cool leg" before they could get their solid blue sweater. So, I made them 18.) Bonus detail: The ship name "Temob" is often used for the... Well... Normal temmies in the village, and not the ones like the Shop Tem. So, this may not even be the right ship name, but it's what I found.)
Undertale RG1 x RG2 (Sorry, I don't know the ship name.) (Canon)
Undertale Dogamy x Dogaressa (I don't know the ship name. I couldn't find it.) (Canon)
Undertale Alphyne (Undyne x Alphys) (Canon)
Underswap Charisk (Chara x Frisk)
Underswap Rivster (W.D. Gaster x The one who's usually the Riverperson)
Underswap Grillfet (Grillby x Muffet)
Underswap Alphyne (Undyne x Alphys) (Canon)
Underswap RG1 x RG2 (Canon)
Underfell Frans (Sans x Frisk) (They don't get together until Frisk is 19. That means, in this situation, it is not pedophilia. I don't do that, that's kinda messed up.)
Reapertale Soriel (Sans x Toriel) (This one is canon, and rather sweet, so, I can't resist!)
Underlust Sansby (Sans x Grillby) (Canon to the original)
Underlust Papyton (Papyrus x Mettaton) (Canon to the original)
Cyborgtale Papdyne (Papyrus x Undyne) (Canon)
Yandereswap ??? (Sans x ???) (Canon) (No, I won't tell you who the other person is. Not yet.)
Cross AU Ships (No, I don't mean the Sans, I mean they are from different AUs, and have fallen for each other)-
Errorberry (Error!Sans x Blue)
EpicCross/Cropic/Crepic/Brude (Cross x Epic!Sans aka Dude x Bruh) (How many names are there for this ship?!)
Fluffynight (Nightmare x Ccino) (For those who don't know, Ccino is Fluffytale Sans.) (Used to be canon, that is no longer the case.)
Driller (Dream x Killer!Sans) (This ship is featured by Killer having fallen for Dream, and has started stalking him, despite the fact Dream has no romantic interest in him whatsoever. Dream would be willing to be his friend, but, not a romantic partner.)
Cream (Cross x Dream) (Dream is Cross's ex. They are still friends, and Dream will, occasionally babysit Sadie, if Cross needs him to. But, the relationship didn't work out. Luckily, Cross understood, and it ended on good terms. Who said you can't be friends with your ex?)
HorrorDust (Horror!Sans x Murder) (Murder = Dust!Sans. It's actually his proper nickname, but, some people don't know that. So, I felt the need to clarify.)
SpicyHoney (Edge x Stretch) (By "Edge" I mean Fell!Papyrus.)
Frans (Specifically Drawing!Frisk x Ink!Sans. That little Frisky has a crush on him. And that little Frisky may be getting a broken heart, because Ink isn't interested in relationships.)
ReaperCore (Reaper!Chara x Core!Frisk) (Canon)
Classic!Flowey x Swap!Temmie (I don't know the ship name.)
The Ship Children's Ships (This was what you were looking for, wasn't it?)-
Stalene (Static x Selene)
CalSabrar (Calisto x Sadie x Equilibrar)
Ravcker (Ravie x Tucker) (Depends on the ending. You can't be with someone you've killed, sadly.)
Frènklett (Frènklyn x Marlett)
Frellean (Frellix x Cerulean) (Warning: high levels of wholesome. I will enjoy this one.)
Morguit (Circuit x Morgan)
The rest of the ship children haven't been designed. Nor have they been given their ships. I will update this list once I have those kids figured out. (And if I think of more to add.) Until then, this is it!
Le Description
This is a description, it's existence fills you with Determination! Also, please don't leave hate comments just because your ship isn't in here. And, yes, Classic!Sans is single. I didn't put him in a relationship. I didn't really have a reason not to, I just didn't. I don't know why, but, I didn't. Um... Do I have to put all of the credits here? Y'know what, I'm gonna do it. Oh geez, this is gonna be long. Undertale is owned by: Toby Fox Ink is owned by: Myebi/Comyet Error is owned by: TheCrayonQueen/loverofpiggies Killer is owned by: rahafwabas/rahofy-stetch  Dreamtale is owned by: JokuDream/jokublog Murder/Dust is owned by: ask-dusttale Underlust is owned by: The AU Community (Literally everyone.) Horrortale is owned by: Sour-Apple-Studios/horrortalecomic Cross is owned by: JakeiArtwork/jakei95 Epic and Epictale are owned by: yugogeer012 Reapertale is owned by: KazunaPikachu/renrink Fluffytale is owned by: black-nyanko Drawingtale is owned by: MichPajamaArtist Core!Frisk is owned by: DokuDoki/dokudoki
Cyborgtale is owned by: starhawk90 Underfell is owned by: The AU Community (Like I said, everyone.) Underswap is owned by: The AU Community (... I don't think typing this a third time is necessary.) This version of Yandereswap is sort of like a fusion of two I'm familiar with, because I forgot who owned the first one I encountered. So... Yeah, fused two together, and whatever I didn't know, I filled in with personal headcanon stuff. Either way, it would still have the same canon ship. City of Ships (and the ship children within it) is owned by: Me... Though, I think that part was pretty obvious. That's all of them, right? I think so. This ship list is so long, I can't be sure. Why do I torture myself like this?
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livathane · 7 years
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-maniacal laughter- I coloured in the background people >:3 finally. Good God I'm glad I took out some extras. This thing has 230 layers 😂
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I reaaally like your taste in UT content, do you have any fic recs?
I ABSOLUTELY do thank you for asking!!  I’m guessing if you like my taste in content you’re okay with whatever I ship lol.  Most of what I’ve read is Soriel or gen but anyway!!  Also all fics will be rated T or below; I don’t read anything graphic.
When Life Hands You Enantiomers - Sans & Alphys friendship, pre-Undertale.  Mostly Alphys focused with EXCELLENT writing and great puns.  Alphys works on making the tile puzzle you find in Snowdin.
Keep an Eye on the Shadow’s Smile - Soriel.  My personal favorite take on how they became friends pre-Undertale.  Also very well done puns which is a necessity.  
i can move to this groove (and so can you) - Frisk POV Soriel, post-pacifist.  I’m a sucker for Frisk trying to get Soriel together lol and this one is very funny.  Bonus points for Frisk asking the rest of the cast what “romantic action” is.  Very well put together.
arabesque - Toriel-centric Soriel, with the rest of the fam there too, post-pacifist. Toriel wanted to be a ballerina when she was younger, and Sans gets her and the fam tickets to see a ballet.  Lovely original premise and great writing.
miscere - Frisk & Sans, mixed up timelines.  Judgement Hall fight where Sans thinks it’s the genocide timeline when Frisk is a pacifist.  Short, sad, and angsty in an aesthetic way.  (No permanent character death but Frisk does die and reload several times.)
Friendshipping - Sans & Alphys friendship.  “Sans finds Alphys's secret Sans/Grillby RPF. This won't get weird or awkward or anything, we're sure.” As hilarious and awkward as the summary sounds.  I just love Alphys fics a lot okay
Social Links - Sans & Alphys friendship.  Again.  PLEASE by all means if anyone has more Sans & Alphys fics send them to me.  I don’t remember as much about this fic but I trust it was good. Garbage friends forever
The Tree Fell Down; Just Plant the Apple - Frisk & Sans, Frisk & Toriel, post-pacifist, slight AU but I can’t tell you the premise without spoiling the fic lol.  I’m not usually an AU fan but this was a very heartwarming one.  Everyone (mostly Toriel) wants Frisk to see a doctor and Frisk is very against that.  
waterproof - undyne centric.  Papyrus & Undyne friendship and Alphyne so you can’t go wrong there.  Has some great backstory for her family too.  Takes place before/during/after pacifist route so there’s a bit of everything
Multichapter (complete):
A Monster Guide to Love - Soriel with Frisk wingmanning again, post-pacifist.  I’m such a sucker for this trope and this fic is laugh-out-loud hilarious, I liveblogged a good portion of it on a discord call when I first read it.
Blood of the Covenant - very long, very good, lots of everything post-pacifist.  Mostly Soriel and Frisk, a little bit of Papyton and Alphyne, PTA Sans, Monster Kid friendship, the works.  Plus Frisk is ace so there’s a special place for this fic in my heart.  (There is one noncon kiss in chapter 25 just as a warning.)
And because I’m trash here are a few of my fics:
Paved with Good Intentions - the working title of this fic was “Toriel shreds Asgore dubstep remix” so make of that what you will.  They have a talk about the fallen children after reaching the surface.
New Year, New Fashion - Papyton with a small side of Soriel.  The fam has a New Year’s Eve party at Toriel’s house.  Shenanigans ensue.  I was still getting used to writing a lot of the characters so forgive me if they’re a bit overdramatic haha
Be Good, Alright? - multichapter WIP, Frisk & Toriel and Frisk & Chara.  AU where Frisk stayed with Toriel in the Ruins.  Split between family fluff and hurt/comfort/angst.  Very short slice-of-life chapters so it’s good if you don’t have a long attention span.
Okay I hope that wasn’t too overwhelming!! good fics are hard to find so I’m always excited to share what I’ve hunted down.  You can always scramble through my bookmarks on AO3 if you want more recs too!
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askmyfandoms · 2 years
Magicwish Ships and Au ships
Soriel (Children:  Lora and Sofia)
Asgore x Annabella (My OC) (Children:
Grillby x Muffet (Children:)
R1 x R2 (Children:)
Alphdyne (Children:)
Papyton (Children:)
Gaster x Bell MT (My OC) (Children: Sans and Papyrus)
NiceCream Guy x Burger Pants (Children:)
Bratty x  Catty (Children:)
Dogamy x  Dogaressa (Children:)
King Andy x Queen Victoria Ann Dreemurr (Children: Asgore, Toriel and Asriel)
Fang x Aislinn (Children: Frisk and Chara)
AU Ships
Crossmare: Cross x Nightmare (They have a crush on each other)
Lifeafterdeath (They are married and have Afterdeath kids. Life is their stepmother. they call Geno mommy/mom, Reaper/Death dad/daddy/dada and Life mama )
Asgore x Annabella (My OC)
R1 x R2
Horrordust(Crush on each other)
Sansby (A different au)
Gaster x Bell MT (My OC)
Soriel (Gemtale, Royaltale, AFAC, Altertale, Undertale, Underswap, Underfell)
FreHuko (Haruko x fresh)
Aqua x Memes
Asy x Grey
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skeleboys-askblog · 3 years
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☕️ + Papyton :] (I know this is an easy one but I wanna hear you go on about it)
Where do I begin with this ship...? Well, I just love these two dramatic guys and want the best for them; Papyrus just wants someone to appreciate him for all that he is (with him gladly doing the same for them), and Mettaton needs someone who he knows will appreciate him no matter what (while not being afraid to bring him back down to earth if he slips back into bad habits). I think these two can really bring out the best in each other, given enough time.
It just makes me sad how the fandom treats this ship... if it's not a case of people tagging this ship when it's a very minor presence in the story compared to the Sans couple of the day, it's people acting like the main point of the ship is smut and little else (like with how many fics do the "I just met you/just realized that I love you, now let's do it" thing), or people writing Sans as disturbingly OOC and hurtful towards Mettaton without having to apologize for it, or Papyton being portrayed as the ship "getting in the way" of a different Papyrus ship (it's usually a Papyrus ship...), or even Mettaton being outright horrible to Papyrus in ways that go against his established character (you know what I mean).
I just want to see some cute domestic Papyton stuff now and then... I want to see wedding fics, parenthood fics, fics of them being Frisk's (and, if applicable, the other children's) cool uncles, fics where they go on cute dates to different places, all sorts of things! People are really sleeping on this ship's potential, and it makes me sad. I just want my two Big Favorites in Undertale to be happy, okay?
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ravyn-roulette · 3 years
Hello! I've noticed your a fan of the papyton children and all I have to say is....me to! In fact my whole blog is based around the papyton children, specifically trajan and my oc lucid! Along with ship kids I've made for lucid and trajan named Alisa, ace, Maddy and Isabella! And yes I do ship lucid with trajan. So if you like that sort of stuff feel free to check out my blog! Love how you drew the papyton children btw, hope to see you draw them more! 💕
That’s awesome! It’s nice to see that there’s still people out there that love the papyton kiddos. I’ll be sure to check out your blog! And also thanks! I’m really glad you liked it :D I’ll be posting aloooot of papyton stuff so don’t worry haha! 
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coxinhadoce47-art · 4 years
When I started shipping them: It was before i started shipping Kingdings, so it was between march 2016 and june 2016
My thoughts: i love them a lot :3 i feel like they can have a lot of potential together and i feel their personalities match well :3
What makes me happy about them: everything basically. They can help the problems eachother has and also lift them up! Also they were one of the motives i stopped hating orange and pink together (i used to get nauseous seeing those colors together)
What makes me sad about them: besides it not being canon, which actually doesn't make me really sad, i hate the whole ableism that people have when talking about papyrus and the blatant homophobia AND transphobia when they say that Mettaton, a very strongly coded trans gnc man who has similar behaviours to gay men, is a predator. It makes me mostly mad but also sad because they can be so much more but NOOOO it's just sans around here.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: basically what i said in the last one + over protective sans. And also tagging papyton when it's simply mentioned in the fanfic and nothing more about them. Also people making Mettaton a woman, which HOOO I HATE THIS
Things I look for in fanfic: besides actual fanfic that revolves around them or has them together for a good ammount, and also that doesn't fucking misgenders mettaton or treats papyrus as "uwu innocent baby DONT LET HIM KNOW THAT SEX EXISTS LETS BE ABLEIST AS FUCK" or Mettaton as a predatory sex machine and without sans overprotective...basically a fanfic that barely exists. I just want people doing them justice
Also Mettaton being a blushy mess who likes papyrus a lot and that feeling being reciprocated its very nice. And usually post pacifist stuff. I love it
My wishlist: something more chill, very slice of life, maybe them having kids too. Maybe some aro papyton would be fun :3
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: i can't imagine them with someone else in ut. But in aus i like some mettasans, mettagore sometimes, some papyrus x oc too
My happily ever after for them: them being married and happy and with children and doing goofy dates together
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petra-creat0r · 3 years
I heard you are willing to draw ship children.. if it's not too much to ask... Can you draw my ship child Sariel? If it's to hard or you don't want to, it's totally fine... I can give you two references of her, if you do wish to do it that is.... It's okay if you don't want too, I fully understand... (I am very shy btw if you couldn't tell...)
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How are both our Soriel ship kids named Sariel? (That's retorical, it's a combo of Sans and Toriel)
Also I may not draw her with the normal reference, I wanna draw her with my Sariel if that's alright, hehe. Also I still need to finish at least 2 more ship kid requests, some PetLey kids and then I'm not doing any more requests, as I'm hoping to do commissions. Don't worry, still will draw Sariel Gaster though. I want to do that. Likely when I draw Broadway with some other Papyton kids.
Oh, also here's a ref of my Sariel. Sariel Serafina Dreemurr-Font
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Love my little skele-goat.
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susielesbianism · 4 years
B, P, Y for the ask meme?
B - Pairing I didn’t consider until someone changed my mind
Actually, Papyton! Back then when I had just joined the fandom, I’d heard of the ship and I was like, “Ehh, sounds cute enough, but I don’t ship it that much.” Then, on a whim, I started looking at Undertale fanart (obviously I’d try to steer away from the really gross stuff) and I was exposed to a lot of Papyton material. I looked into the ship a little more, and then I started thinking, “Oh my God, this is actually super adorable” and then it was all over for me.
P - Invent a random AU.
Oh no. Umm... I know someone beat me to the Majora’s Mask Undertale AU, but has anyone done one for Deltarune yet? Or better yet, a Twilight Princess AU? I mean, the Light and Dark themes are already there. I can’t really flesh it out that much, but... maaaaybe I’ll go into detail sometime later on a different post. (I’ve been on a bit of a Twilight Princess hyperfixation anyway, so... yeah.)
 Y - A fandom I’m in but have no ships from:
Probably Gravity Falls. I don’t post about it much on my main since I already have a bunch of other hyperfixations, but yeah, I’m in that fandom. And I don’t really ship anything from it for a number of reasons (well, aside from Sheriff Blubbs and Deputy Durland, but whatever). I’ve seen some cute Mabcifica art, but the only way I’d really get into the ship is if Pacifica worked out her problems (and, you know, if the two weren’t children. Child ships always kinda weird me out.) Besides, the fandom has a bunch of fucked-up ships, probably even worse than in Undertale.
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