#trajan underfell
skeleboys-askblog · 1 year
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Here’s my sketches for the boys new designs! (So far, I’m prolly gonna edit them. Like, I’m not totally sold on Impact’s)
I tried to still incorporate aesthetics and themes from Madhattey’s, but ya know. I wanted to go my own way a little tbh‼️‼️I think the one I stuck to the most was Trajan’s and the one I went off the mfing rails was Impact.
He just seems like the typa dawg to wear a skirt idk.
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startheimpactfangirl · 10 months
so someone on amino sent me this (I think they might have Tumblr but I can't tag them cause idk it)
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Madhattey is drew their future selfs!!! Wonder if they'll ever come back... their most likely just drawing it for fun
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ravyn-roulette · 1 year
nice to have you back! Question, what exactly are the relationships the sisters have with their brothers?
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All the sisters have a pretty good/decent relationship with their bros. Cambria likes to give advice to Trajan when he’s having trouble with stuff and generally looks out for him. Although Lydian can be pretty laidback and fun, she will get strict with Calibri when necessary almost acting like a mom in a way. And since Joanna is filled with anxiety and is constantly stressing out, Impact always tries his best to cheer her up and it almost always works, though Joanna always feels bad for having her brother help her out. Some of them might argue at times but it’s never too bad and the situation usually gets resolved pretty quickly.
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glenglam324 · 2 days
Remade my old ass undertale ship child crush
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papyton-kiddos · 2 years
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Hello! I'm choosing to revive the papyton kiddos! Impact, calibri, Trajan, and also caslon! As well a my OC Amor, I'll be making character sheets for all of them that I'll post on here.
I've noticed that ever since madhattey quit tumblr the papyton kiddos have died out, so here I am reviving them!
Send asks! Asks for things you wanna ask the papyton kiddos, or things you wanna ask me!
All art is not mine unless specified, the original idea for this au credits go to Madhattey.
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melonsw33t · 2 years
Hi!! I have a question for trajan!
I see you get pretty along whit your uncle! Did you sometimes help him whit the work? Or Are you too busy whit the school and your father's workouts?
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velvetwyrme · 5 months
Font anon again! Thanks for indulging me. Yes it is the fic where SF!Papyrus is Palatino. It’s one of my favs. I agree with Serif as a last name because it’s funny.
I’m going mostly off vibes. You completely nailed what I was going for with UF! Papyrus (you are definitely the right person to brainstorm with and have great insight.) My original font search prioritized fonts people complained about, sticking to the theme of Comic Sans and Papyrus being “annoying fonts.” If you can think of any other ones I’m down to hear them.
Here is my list of names:
Bradley Hand
Gentona, Avenir
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*waves hand at you* nOOOOO WORRIESSS and thank you for the clarification ;D!! I'm always here for indulgence owu!! And thank you! I'm glad you like my take on things haha! (ANNOYING FONTS LETS GO!!!!)
This is a fantastic list :o!! I pulled up all the fonts in your list in another window for maximum ponderance lol.
I stuck my thoughts under the cut because as usual it got long (and for some of them I'm spitballing more than anything) but hopefully it's of some help ^^!
Swap!Papyrus: Hands down (haha), he suits Bradley Hand visually- the font is like Papyrus (font) but more loose and scribbled- it has more curves and thus has a more laidback kind of vibe, which is why I think it'd suit him... but also I'm losing my mind at the idea of calling him Bradley (derogatory) (/lh).
(I'm also biased though. I used to use this font for writing when I was younger LMAO. You know how people say to write with Comic Sans? I did that with Bradley Hand.)
Swap!Sans: I reckon he'd fit Cooper.
Round, bold, a little bit 'childish' when compared to other fonts, but infinitely more put together than Comic Sans. It also makes me think about comics like Archie or Garfield, which used similar rounded fonts for their titles! Cooper (font) feels so... cartoony to me, y'know? Also it makes me think of Sly Cooper just namewise lmaooooo
Underfell!Sans: Ok. OK. Listen I don't think this font suits him BUT!!! Fontin would be REALLY FUNNY just purely because I think he'd have the time of his life making jokes about "Fonting". Like: "ey! i'm fontin' here!" type of jokes which would get old so so so quickly. Do you see my vision.
If Carrington was less... curly-cursive I'd say it'd suit him purely for the potential visual association with like. the typeface you might see at a stereotypical tattoo parlour or something. IDK it makes me think about tattoos and motorcycles.
SAYING ALL THAT THOUGH: I think he could suit Rockwell! It makes me think of titles and bold headers, also cowboy westerns and Very Masculine and Cool products lol. Except... Rockwell is usually used with Uppercase, Title case or Sentence case. Purely lowercase Rockwell feels inherently cursed to me. (Like truly, what are you doing if you're using Rockwell in lowercase. That's committing a violence.)
Swapfell!Papyrus: Weirdly enough, I reckon I could see him with Corsiva or Fertigo? (Which... looks strikingly similar to Fontin. Huh!)
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(Fertigo on the LEFT, Fontin on the RIGHT)
IMO, Fertigo feels more laidback due to the curling tips (which still come to sharp points). The way that the ends of "strokes" get flicked gives it a sort of lazier vibe.
BUT the font choice here also depends on your interpretation of SF!Pap!!
If you want to have a font that's underrated and everywhere?? GO Calibri. It's used as the default font for Microsoft, and is designed to be very easy to read. This is particularly befitting of the interpretations of SF!Pap where he's well versed in computers/electronics and/or doing spywork. His presence is not actively noticed, but he's always there! Alternatively, if you wanted to name him after a serif'd font, similar to Calibri, one of the fonts from your list, Caslon, has a somewhat ubiquitous presence, and also feels a little rougher/crunchier than stuff like Calibri or Fertigo.
Other notes:
I know you already decided on a name for him, but Trajan is also a really good alternative option for UF!Papyrus imo. Similar Roman-Commander vibes except even more explicit LMAO. Plus, it's a solely uppercase font, which is even more fitting.
Didot... if you swap the 'i' for a 'd' and vice versa, you get 'idiot' which is simply ripe for the teasing, but I don't think it fits any of the skeletons lol.
I would have suggested Arial as an option due to it's former prevalence, but honestly that name (+Verdana) have like… cemented themselves in my brain as 'fan-made skeleton' fonts ajbhjsmhjmdh (no shade whatsoever to anyone who uses them ofc, but MAN are they used a LOT.)
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necrolexic0n · 2 years
Hello~ hope I don't bother you Dear human. I'm trajan ( the nephew of Underfell Sans)
I wanted to tell him if he's there, that he forgot to order his room: ") and that grumpy old skeleton of my dad is coming home in five minutes. you'll thank me later uncle.
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thank you for the warning, trajan :’)
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Howdy! So while I am working on my comic [literally rn it is in my lap!!] I wanted to make a list of nicknames/names I use for the different skele brothers to use as reference not only for the comic [not ALL the skeles will appear] but also for my BHC quotes cause I plan on expanding it and adding more AUs/making another quote series!! As well as making more headcanon posts!
Bone Bros!
The first 5 sets are (mostly) the same nicknames that are used in BHC, but I'ma list them anyways!
UnderTale - By Toby Fox
Sans - "Classic" Papyrus - "Paps"
UnderSwap - By Popcornpr1nce
Sans - "Blue" Papyrus - "Stretch"
UnderFell - By Underfella/Fella/Vic
Sans - "Red" Papyrus - "Boss"
SwapFell-Indigo - By Popatochisp
Sans - "Nox" Papyrus- "Rus" or "Rusty" (love calling him Rusty <3)
HorrorTale - By Sour-Apple-Studios [but the versions I base most of my posts on are the fanon versions found in BonelyHeartsClub!]
Sans - "Ash" Papyrus - "Poplar" or "Poppy"
Now onto the bones outside of BHC that I like talking about!
FellSwap-Gold - By Blackggggum/Jot
Sans - "Mulberry" or "Mul" Papyrus - "Coffee"
SwapFell-Red - By YiB [But I have imposed many headcanons onto them]
Sans - "Raz" Papyrus - "Mutt"
Note: I don't do much with these two outside of Nox and Mulberry making fun of Raz together, as well as Coffee and Rusty taking care of Mutt. But this is nothing against the AU itself, nor the creator or the enjoyers!
DreamTale - By Jokublog
[this is less to list nicknames for these two, since Dream and Nightmare suit them! but just to put them here for reference!]
_____Tale Sans: "Ink" - By Comyet AfterTale Sanses: "Error", "Fatal" and "Geno" - Error and Geno are by CQ/LoverOfPiggies, Fatal_Error is by Xed/Xedra XTale Sans: "Cross" - By Jakei95 FreshTale/FreshParasite Sans: "Fresh" - By CQ/LoverOfPiggies FreshInk Sans: "Neon" - By Comyet FreshLust Sans: "Casanova" - By Mist-Ren NeonTale Sans: "Slash" - By xNzlian InkSwap Papyrus: "Indie" - By Wishingstarinajar
SwapBack - By Crowmustard [on tiktok!]
Sans - "Carrot" Papyrus - "Sky"
OuterTale - By Mimi Pippinski
Sans - "Sirius" Papyrus - "Lunar"
FanKids! [Papyton and SansKids]
UnderTale Impact: "Impact" or "Pact" - By Madhattey UnderSwap Impact: "Calibri" or "Cali" - By Madhattey UnderFell Impact: "Trajan", "Traj" or "TJ" - By Madhattey AfterDeath: "Goth" - By Nekophy InkBerry: "Blueprint", "Print", or "BP" - By Pepper-mint DrInk: "Palette" or "Pals" - By Lasserbatsu ErrorInk: "Paperjam", "Paper", "PJ" or "Jams" - By 7goodangel
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childrenloves-blog · 2 years
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imma-sue-you-becky · 3 years
This is old OC of mine named lucid. She's from underfell! Mind drawing her?
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Waiiiiit- is she the "ara ara" girl?
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Also- m'boy Trajan making his first appearance on here-
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skeleboys-askblog · 1 year
what do the boys think about horror movies?
Impact: ooooh horror? I’m not really too big on horror, but I’ve watched the Exorcist before in high school… sort of! *he shivers* I actually couldn’t finish it…
Calibri: Horror? Horror slaps! I’m a huge fan of slasher films, especially low budget ones that are absolute shit! But goddamn..I hate the blood… and the sounds… and the bone breaking… and the guts…
Trajan: I enjoy a good horror film, though it’s hard to find one that isn’t just constant shock horror. So much garbage out there these days. Unlike those two, I can stomach the gore and violence. My Personal favorite has to be “Possum”. Thank you for the question, anon.
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Impact is too big of a ninny to watch horror films all the way through. The most he can stomach are those garbage horror tap-text apps. And even those leave his bones rattling.
Now, Calibri says he’s down with horror, but the boy’s a liar!!!! His ass is not watching!!! He can hardly stomach anything relating to gore.
Trajan is most used to horror, given where he’s from. I mean, that’s mostly all he ever got to watch- practically raised on slasher films.
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ravyn-roulette · 1 year
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snow-the-dragon · 3 years
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A random badass Trajan :3 #trajan #undertale #underfell #fanchild #papyton #papytonchild #trajanundertale #fanart https://www.instagram.com/p/CN8nZV3gah3/?igshid=16frb7nhhfvkt
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loresmithy · 5 years
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I don’t even know if @madhattey is into undertale anymore but this was some weird attempt at drawing an older version of her underfell papyton kid Trajan.
I took so many creative liberties with this that it barely looks like the same character. Like I don’t think he would wear those clothes but they just kinda happened. I just went off the rails.
The scars are deliberate though. I thought about Trajan fixing up the cracks in his bones using kintsugi, basically filling the cracks with gold.
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melonsw33t · 2 years
m4dh4ttey Papyton children askbox part 2
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