#para asian games
aswiya · 1 year
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Cambodian players cheer on their team during the 2018 Asian Para Games in Jakarta, Indonesia.
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kneedeepincynade · 11 months
😍 加油巴勒斯坦!🇵🇸
🇵🇸 Anche gli atleti paralimpici della Palestina partecipano ai Giochi Para-Asiatici di Hangzhou 🇨🇳
😍 Il Popolo Cinese ha applaudito con entusiasmo gli atleti paralimpici del coraggioso ed eroico Popolo Palestinese 👏
🐉 La Cina ha sempre sostenuto, sostiene e sosterrà l'Istituzione di uno Stato di Palestina, che sia sovrano e indipendente ❤️
💕 L'Amicizia Sino-Palestinese è nata negli anni '60 del secolo corso. La Cina fu il primo Paese non-Arabo a riconoscere, nel 1964, l'Organizzazione per la Liberazione della Palestina, e le Delegazioni Palestinesi si recarono decine di volte nella Repubblica Popolare Cinese 🤩
🔍 Approfondimento: La Storia dell'Amicizia tra Cina e Palestina, dal 1960 ad oggi 💕
🐲 La Cina sostiene il ruolo della Lega Araba, dei Paesi Arabi e dell'Organizzazione della Cooperazione Islamica per la Risoluzione del Conflitto Israelo-Palestinese 🤝
🇨🇳 Zhang Jun: «Fermare la Crisi Umanitaria, promuovere l'Istituzione di uno Stato di Palestina che sia indipendente e sovrano» 🇵🇸
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
😍 加油巴勒斯坦!🇵🇸
🇵🇸 Paralympic athletes from Palestine also participate in the Para-Asian Games in Hangzhou 🇨🇳
😍 The Chinese People enthusiastically applauded the Paralympic athletes of the courageous and heroic Palestinian People 👏
🐉 China has always supported, supports and will support the establishment of a sovereign and independent State of Palestine ❤️
💕 Sino-Palestinian Friendship was born in the 1960s. China was the first non-Arab country to recognize the Palestine Liberation Organization in 1964, and Palestinian delegations visited the People's Republic of China dozens of times 🤩
🔍 Insight: The History of Friendship between China and Palestine, from 1960 to today 💕
🐲 China supports the role of the Arab League, Arab countries and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict 🤝
🇨🇳 Zhang Jun: «Stop the Humanitarian Crisis, promote the establishment of an independent and sovereign State of Palestine» 🇵🇸
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collectivoshaoshan 😘
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lesserknownwaifus · 1 year
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niadinet · 9 months
Paralimpiade dan ASEAN Para Games: Ajang Prestasi dan Peningkatan Kesadaran Masyarakat
Paralimpiade dan ASEAN Para Games: Ajang Prestasi dan Peningkatan Kesadaran Masyarakat
Paralimpiade (Paralympic Games) dan ASEAN Para Games adalah dua ajang olahraga internasional yang mempertandingkan atlet-atlet penyandang disabilitas. Kedua ajang ini memiliki peran penting dalam meningkatkan prestasi dan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap disabilitas. Paralimpiade Paralimpiade adalah ajang olahraga internasional terbesar bagi atlet-atlet penyandang disabilitas. Ajang ini pertama…
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class24 · 9 months
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hatutannews · 1 year
Governu Aloka $150.000, Xanana: Labele Difikulta Atleta Sira Iha Asian Para Games
Hatutan.com, (05 Outubru 2023), Díli— Governu aloka orsamentu $150.000 bá preparasaun no partisipasaun atleta sira  iha Asian Para Games Hangzhou, Xina, tinan ne’e, nune’e Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão husu ba ofisiáis no treinadór sira Komité Paralímpiku Nasionál Timor-Leste (CPNTL, sigla portugés) atu tau responsabilidade máximu ba atleta sira. Continue reading Untitled
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carlocarrasco · 1 year
Cash incentives for 32nd SEA Games and 12th ASEAN Para Games medalists to be awarded on July 20
Members of the Philippine Team who won medals in the 32nd Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games) and the 12 ASEAN Para Games (APG) will be awarded with the promised cash incentives by the national government on July 20, 2023, at Malacañang Palace, according to a Philippine News Agency (PNA) news article. The cash incentives will be released in accordance to Republic Act Number 10699 and President…
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Ernie Gawilan is a fighter.
The 30-year-old champion swimmer made a name for himself after competing in the 2016 Paralympics and becoming the first Filipino gold medalist at the Asian Para Games in 2018. Now, he’s in Tokyo for the 2021 Paralympics, where he will compete and carry his country’s flag in the closing ceremony. But Ernie’s first win came in 1991, when he survived an attempted abortion that left him with no legs and an underdeveloped left arm....
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Okay I’m playing Arknights. It’s complicated but the game does a good job of walking you through it. I’m loving it so far. However…
Why is the para-military company named Rhodes Island? Is this like when western media just use random place names from Asian cultures without context. Like it throws me for a loop every time they say it.
I honestly still don’t know. I mean this is what the fandom wiki says
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so probably that? Then again there’s a character named Texas for reasons I still don’t understand but at this point I don’t question it
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rarepears · 1 year
I'm writing in Spanish because my English is bad! You can use Google translate or ask someone to write it for you (@escritoradeilusiones is the person that got me here so I think she'd be happy! We talk a lot about it)
Cómo estás?
Escribo porque tengo curiosidad sobre tu fic sobre Sung Jinwoo x El villano de la serie (cof cof Lannister cof cof)
@escritoradeilusiones y yo hablamos seguido de el, especialmente porque lo estamos usando como inspiración para un fic de OC en dating game y ambas consideramos que es el tipo de persona que Jinwoo amaría
(Un poco de caos mezclado con el instinto de "Jinwoo love me please 🥺" que hace caer a los hermanos mayores como si fueran de arena)
En total la pregunta trata sobre si has considerado hacer un capítulo sobre Jinwoo llevándolos a Corea para que disfruten del mundo moderno y vean lo diferente que es con la costumbre de la Edad Media
Normalmente hablamos sobre lo chicle que sería la situación típica de "Protagonista le muestra el mundo de los ricos a la protagonista" (a pesar de que los Lannister valen su peso en oro, al parecer). Pero como eso haría que Jinwoo sea feliz, sabes? Siento que su lengua de amor serían los actos de amor y entregar regalos (ya que su adolescencia paso deseando poder darle de todo a su hermana)
Solo esos capítulos de relleno donde todos se divierten como una familia feliz y tal vez Jinwoo no entienda porque pero es feliz cuando la gente pregunta si los niños son sus hijos o alguien se refiere a Tywin como su esposo/pareja
Sorry for the long ask! I hope this isn't too confusing
Screw Tumblr. This is the third attempt at responding to your ask. Let's see if Tumblr will crash again while I write this out. Again.
Have no brain juice to write for a while, but yes, Sung Jinwoo is 100% taking Tywin to modern Earth, if only to get a dentist to check on those teeth. Routine cleaning too. Can't forget about that. Having gum disease or yellow-stained chipped teeth isn't particularly appealing or healthy. If Sung Jinwoo can relieve his friends/lover of tooth pain, he's going to be leaping forward to solve it ASAP!
It would be remiss of any author to not make Sung Jinwoo a walking Santa. The guy can carry EVERYTHING in his portable storage space! Of course he can and should give gifts all the time. It's very Asian of him to do so (ahem kind of socially expected ugh) but also he's so rich that he doesn't know what to do with it all. He's not like Musk rich, but it's still more money than he knows what to do with it. So what better than to spend it (or some of it) on his loved ones?
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lee-sanghyeok · 27 days
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BOYNEXTDOOR is part of the lineup for 'KBS Open Concert' to commemorate the 10th year anniversary of Asian Para Games, held on September 10th!
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aswiya · 1 year
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Members of the team take a selfie at a celebratory dinner hosted by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports before the 2018 Asian Para Games. It was the first time Cambodia's team had qualified for the games.
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kneedeepincynade · 11 months
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🐲 Nella splendida Hangzhou, nella Provincia dello Zhejiang, si è ufficialmente aperta la Quarta Edizione dei Giochi Para-Asiatici, con una Cerimonia caratterizzata da meravigliose performance artistiche 💕
⭐️ L'Apertura dei Giochi è stata ufficialmente dichiarata dal Compagno Ding Xuexiang, Primo Vice-Premier della Repubblica Popolare Cinese 🇨🇳
🇨🇳 La Delegazione Cinese è stata guidata da 黄晓连, giocatrice di basket in sedia a rotelle, ed è composta da 439 atleti, per un totale di 22 sport 🥰
😍 Parteciperanno ai Giochi Para-Asiatici ben 3.800 atleti paralimpici, provenienti da 45 Paesi dell'Asia 🥰
💘祝大家好运 祝大家幸福、成功和繁荣 💗
🔍 Approfondimento: Promuovere la Prosperità Comune (共同富裕) per le persone disabili, secondo lo Spirito 以人为本 💕
📺 Buona visione 🥰
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
🐲 In the splendid Hangzhou, in the Province of Zhejiang, the Fourth Edition of the Para-Asian Games officially opened, with a ceremony characterized by wonderful artistic performances 💕
⭐️ The Opening of the Games was officially declared by Comrade Ding Xuexiang, First Vice-Premier of the People's Republic of China 🇨🇳
🇨🇳 The Chinese Delegation was led by 黄晓连, a wheelchair basketball player, and was made up of 439 athletes, for a total of 22 sports 🥰
😍 As many as 3,800 Paralympic athletes from 45 Asian countries will participate in the Para-Asian Games 🥰
💘祝大家好运 祝大家幸福、成功和繁荣 💗
🔍 Insight: Promoting Common Prosperity (共同富裕) for disabled people, according to the Spirit 以人为本 💕
📺 Enjoy your vision 🥰
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collectivoshaoshan 😘
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kabarriau · 1 year
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Amankan KTT ASEAN 2023, Pasukan Elit TNI-Polri Diterjunkan
Labuhan Bajo - Kabidpeninter Puspen TNI Kolonel Arm Suhendro Oktosatrio, dalam rilisnya menyampaikan “TNI dan Polri menggelar Tactical Floor Game (TFG) pengamanan VVIP di Davina Room, Hotel Sylvia di Labuan Bajo, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Sabtu (6/5/23).
TFG digelar dalam penyelenggaraan kegiatan Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) Association of Southeast Asian Nations atau Perhimpunan Bangsa-bangsa di Asia Tenggara, (ASEAN) Summit Ke 42, Indonesia Tahun 2023.
TFG dipimpin langsung oleh Panglima TNI Laksamana TNI Yudo Margono, S.E.,M.M., bersama Kepala Kepolisian Republik Indonesia Jenderal Polisi Listyo Sigit Prabowo, M.Si., dihadiri para Komandan Satuan Tugas (Dansatgas) TNI dan POLRI, instansi pemerintah serta pihak terkait lainnya untuk meyakinkan kesiapan masing-masing Satgas yang terlibat dalam KTT ASEAN untuk  dapat mengantisipasi setiap dinamika yang mungkin muncul selama pelaksanaan  kegiatan KTT ASEAN. 
Penekanan Panglima Laksamana TNI Yudo Margono, S.E, M.M., bahwa  kegiatan ini bukanlah drill,  latihan  atau simulasi. Kegiatan ini nyata dan tidak bisa diulang sehingga semua harus benar-benar diyakinkan berjalan dengan baik dan mampu mengantisipasi setiap dinamika yang terjadi. 
"Kegitan TFG yang kali ini digelar merupakan rangkaian dari kesiapan operasional, sebab informasi-informasi terkait perkembangan kondisi dan situasi yang terjadi saat ini diperoleh lebih lengkap untuk menyempurnakan yang masih kurang  dan dilakukan kerjasama semua unsur terkait secara humanis dan bersinergi," tegas Panglima TNI.
Panglima TNI juga menjelaskan bahwa dengan melaksanakan TFG Satgas Pam TNI-POLRI dapat mengidentifikasi celah-celah mana yang sekiranya belum tertutupi, serta faktor-faktor kritis yang perlu diantisipasi, termasuk di dalamnya kerawanan terhadap keamanan para kepala negara dan delegasi, serangan siber, pengamanan rute, venue, evakuasi medis dan keadaan kontijensi lainnya sehingga seluruh peserta dapat melaksanakan tugas dan tanggungjawbanya secara cepat dan tepat dalam menyukseskan KTT ASEAN.
Pasuk Elit TNI-Polri Diterjunkan
Dalam mengamankan perhelatan internasional pekan depan yang digelar di Labuan Bajo, 10-11 Mei 2023, TNI dan Polri mengerahkan pasukan elitnya yang terdiri dari tiga matra dan satu Detasemen Khusus Penanggulangan Terorisme (Densus 88). Pasukan elit TNI sendiri terdiri darit Komando Pasukan Khusus (Kopassus) TNI AD, Dentasemen Jala Mangkara (Denjaka) TNI AL, dan Komando Pasukan Gerak Cepat (Kopasgat) TNI AU. Mereka diberangkatkan dari Jakarta.
Para pasukan elit Indonesia yang ditugasi mengamankan KTT ASEAN 2023 itu dipilih dari satuan Pasukan Khusus TNI (Koopsus TNI) di bawah komando langsung Komandan Satuan Tugas Pasukan Khusus (Dansatgaspassus) Pam VVIP. Sedangkan Detasemen Khusus Antiteror POLRI disupervisi langsung oleh Kapolri.
Tidak seperti anggota militer dan polisi biasa, mereka direkrut melalui proses seleksi yang ketat dan harus memiliki tingkat kemahiran yang tinggi dalam pertempuran dan pengintaian khusus, di antara tugas-tugas lainnya seperti sabotase, penghancuran, intelijen, dan berbagai kompetensi lainnya.
Tugas dan tanggung jawab utama pasukan elite ini adalah menjamin keselamatan delegasi VVIP selama kehadirannya di Labuan Bajo. Selain itu, mereka juga ditugaskan untuk mengamankan dan mensterilkan tempat-tempat diselenggarakannya KTT ASEAN dari ancaman seperti sabotase, ancaman teroris, kemungkinan demonstrasi hingga bencana alam.**
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nso-csi · 2 years
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141024 Incheon Asian Para Games Closing Ceremony
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🌸 Hice un pequeño parque en mi granja y aproveché varios MODS de scarecrows para simular visitantes🌸 * * Original Game: © Eric Barone / Stardew Valley Edit: SakuraiHoshi MODs by: *Quody (Spy x Family Scarecrows) *NgocNgoc (Scarecrow in traditional Asian costumes)
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