#parent shiro
frobby · 7 months
what is more homoerotic than the fact that rin and bon would have both literally died at birth if the other didn't exist
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uniquecellest · 9 months
Okay but imagine:
Adam lives through the Galra invasion. Team Voltron is on Earth reuniting with their loved ones. Shiro obviously nervous about seeing Adam again. So is Keith (bc he views Adam like a dad/brother). When the three reunite Adam only pays attention to Keith, completely ignoring Shiro and Shiro just follows Adam around hoping to get acknowledged in some way, even if it's in a "I moved on, but it is good to know you're alive" kind of way. Keith notices this and just laughs and doesn't explain anything to Shiro (lowkey Keith is also mad Shiro left for kerberos and left him and Adam) but knows his dads/brothers have to go at their own pace.
One night when Shiro thinks that everything is fruitless that perhaps Adam forgot about him Adam acknowledges him for the first time.
Krolia and Adam bonding which worries Keith and Shiro and not in a "oh shit they're going to kill each other" way but in a "they're going to be troublemakers together and thank God they did not meet when they were younger but - DID THEY JUST BLOW SOMETHING UP" kinda way
Krolia also loves the petty silent treatment bc she once had to do something similar with Keith's dad.
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soadscrawl · 6 months
only finding out about adam in the last season is sooooo funny like the team goes to get shiro for something in the early seasons and walk in on shiro crying listening to need you now lady antebellum and keith just has to be like "give him a minute he needs this" and the rest of the cast is like WHO HURT HIM??? and they dont get a real explanation maybe ever
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pidges-lost-robot · 7 months
Lance: Shiro's like our space dad
Shiro, in exhausted 25 year old who is sick to death of being treated like he's in his forties/fifties or some shit: excuse me...
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klanced · 1 year
lance and hunk both come from a family full of haters (/positive) they have inherited a family legacy of hating and both are determined to fulfill their destiny. keith is an interesting mix of shiro’s non-hater energy and adam’s full-hater lifestyle so he balances things out by being an occasional bitch. allura and romelle both come from non-hater normie households (however romelle is working hard to become a first-generation hater). coran isn’t a hater he’s just occasionally snobby. the holts are like the most mild and pleasant normie family of all time and nobody understands how they managed to produce pidge who is by and large the biggest asshole and hater on team voltron
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trans-mephisto · 8 months
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Osceola and Lewin having a father/son relationship confirmed!!! I figured it was the case with how they interacted tbh
Also kid Lewin is so adorable despite being like a horror movie child
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discordiansamba · 9 months
actually I think the absolute funniest possible bodyswap fic would be a pre-Kerberos swap between Shiro and Krolia. Keith just casually wishing he knew who is his mother was the universe responding by revving up the body swap cannon.
Thankfully for Krolia, Adam believes her story, as outlandish as it sounds and agrees to try and help cover up for her while they both try and figure out how this happened and how to fix it. Of course, that was before the wrench is thrown in where she recognizes the kid Shiro basically adopted and reveals that he's her SON. Shiro didn't just swap bodies with some random alien. He swapped bodies with Keith's mom, who is apparently an ALIEN.
VERY thankfully for Shiro, Kolivan believes his story- and most importantly, believes that he has no idea what's going on, and that he didn't intentionally cause this swap. But also now he's in the body of an elite alien super spy in the middle of a ten thousand year old war, while knowing that said alien super spy must be in his body back home.
Also why does she look so much like Keith?
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ducktracy · 5 months
i told myself i wouldn't post this because i think it's most impactful within the context of the movie itself, as well as having gotten to know the characters a bit beforehand... but i can't Not post it because every time i watch it (which is often) i bawl like a baby and i just need people to see this. literally astounding that the same franchise that has a kid taking his pants off and flirting with women can be this emotionally profound. this movie is the hardest i've ever cried at any movie before!!! nostalgia is the central focus of the story too which really hit me hard... likewise, Hiroshi's been shaping up to be my favorite (maybe even because of this very sequence! who knows) so just. AGHHH. even without a solid understanding of the characters of movie-specific context, i hope this moves you as much as it moves me (from Movie 9: The Adult Empire Strikes Back)
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Seaside fun for the whole family including the weird magic uncle.
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polaroid240 · 1 month
If Sayaka can't cook to save her own life, then Koji is an amazing chef.
If you ask Koji how he got so good at it, he will avoid your question. He doesn't want anyone to know that he basically had to provide for his younger brother and himself at a young age. You'll never see him talking about his childhood, anyway.
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purplina · 18 days
the Shiroganes dealing with their abandonment issues and other mental problems every time they can i fear
QUICK life updates :
•School started, it’s been 2 days and I’m already dying (the burn out is burning BRIGHT)
• I decided to do ugly sketches bc I don’t have the same time I had during summer and it will be faster and less heavy for me (I do need to find balance in my hobbies so I don’t harm myself more) so I’m sorry the quality will decrease but I’ll still post silly things’ it will just also look silly ig ToT
•It’s giving me time to finish the first chapter of my fic. I was rewatching Vld the other day and even tho I knew the writing and the narration were weak, I got surprised by how terrible it really was in the first episode 💀 I mean I get why but at the same time… why ?
•You’d probably notice by now that I’m very fond of siblings and familial dynamics, that’s why I draw more of the McClain, the Shirogane or the Holt, to expand their families lore and balance the family they were born into with the family they found along the way
•My point is, I’m sorry there’s not more Klance for now, I love them so much, but I have to build their foundations (their families so other characters) to know how would Klance be treated the best 🤭
Thank you for following my work, have a good scholar year and take care 🩷
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frobby · 8 months
I know this anime only canon but rin should have mauled shiratori reiji for driving a fucking truck through the side of his house
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yourbustedkneecaps · 10 months
shiro 100% sucks at speaking fluent japanese. his grandparents tried to teach him but all he can do is swear, ask for forgiveness/say i’m sorry, introduce himself, and count
he basically knows japanese baby talk and i think that’s hilarious
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romaritimeharbor · 3 months
addiel try not to get attached to inherently nurturing & encouraging, and therefore either somewhat or extremely parental, characters challenge (impossible)
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ethereance · 2 months
Allurance Monsters and Mana actors social media au part 1
To summarise:
This is an actors au
Monsters and Mana is a tv show
These are the characters they play:
Keith- Yorak (half-elf ranger)
Lance- Pike (thief)
Hunk- Block (sorcerer)
Allura- Valayun (archer)
Pidge- Meklavar (dwarf)
Shiro- Shiro, Gyro, Ryou, Hero, Svyro, Kyro (paladin)
Other ships are mentioned, but this is very much allurance focused. You won’t enjoy reading the later parts if that’s not your thing.
(Please click on the photos for the full image)
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Part 2>
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klanced · 1 year
My favorite thing about Klance is imagining their extended family dynamics. Like obviously Shiro (+Adam) is Lance’s brother-in-law and Veronica is Keith's sister-in-law. But spiritually: Lance and Keith both agree that Hunk is their shared brother. Pidge is Keith's cousin through Shiro, making her Lance's cousin-in-law. Allura is Lance's cousin through Coran, making her Keith's cousin-in-law. Acxa is Lance's sister-in-law through Veronica, but she's also kind of his sister-in-law through Keith. Keith and Acxa are kind of siblings but Krolia is NOT Acxa's mother, she is Acxa's mother-in-law through Veronica-Lance. Romelle is Keith's sister through Krolia but Romelle is NOT Lance's sister-in-law (not until Romella and Allura get married, then Romelle becomes Lance's cousin-in-law. And then of course Allura becomes Keith's sister-in-law through Romelle). I should make a chart.
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