#parenting 80 lvl
bellatrixdulac · 1 year
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Sushang also told me all about her childhood unprompted the following day and I don't think MC has ever met either of them. You're my main DPS Yanqing but you're oversharing.
Anyways if I catch Yanqing's mom and dad, they're going to catch my hands ⚔️
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elder-dragon · 1 year
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Trying to make an effort to actually post Things I Made, so here's an OC doodle I did a bit ago of a trio on a road trip across Cantha! (Screenshots forthcoming once they're all at lvl 80)
Baogu (center) was one of the first Sylvari to awaken after Commander Lucilaeh's arrival in Cantha and the subsequent opening of its borders. They emerged from the Dream having seen fragments of its landscapes and peoples from Luci and other Sylvari who had traveled there, and it was determined their Wyld Hunt was to travel there themself and write a travelogue while journeying around Cantha.
Joining them are Rudy and Polly, their two dads who...do not like each other very much.
Rudy (left) is a much older Sylvari, a Pale Reaver who survived the events of Heart of Thorns and fought in the various campaigns led by Dragon's Watch over the years since. He happened to be on leave when Baogu awoke, and, after a chance meeting, quickly became attached to them in a parental way. The two adopted each other as parent and child before going off to Cantha.
Polly (right) is a Sylvari Warrior born sometime around Path of Fire who developed a fascination with Norn culture and went off to live among them in the first homestead that would take him in as more than just a passing curiosity and traveler. One day, he wakes with a Wyld Hunt to go accompany Baogu, so he travels to Cantha and meets up with them and is very annoyed when he discovers they've got a companion already who calls himself their dad.
Cue shenanigans as they make their way through Cantha with Baogu pointedly ignoring the tension between their dads and the dads trying to not be overt about it. And a lot of learning about Canthans and humans in general and very especially the food everywhere they go.
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averysmolkirbo · 1 year
How i accidentally got a g-max appletun because of my bluetooth headphones
> doin a pokemon sword playthrough because i like the game so much
> its like 3am and im trying to connect my bluetooth headphones so i dont wake up my parents
> error message: "no bluetooth and local communication at the same time"
> ok, ill just connect to the internet on the y-comm, just so i can use my headphones. (Zero plans on doing anything)
> suddenly get a notification for a max-raid, again, not planning on joining.
> *looks closer and realizes it's a friggin G-MAX flapple/appletun*
>"there's NO way i can get in here, right?" (Tries anyway)
> actually gets in and begins PANICKING (i did not think id get this far)
> teammates are 2 lvl. 100 eternatuses and shiny lvl. 80 something mewtwo (and then there's just me, with my little babi lvl. 53 salazzle)
> gets carried so hard i feel bad (i did technically contribute as much as i could but like i did SO little compared to them)
> catches the big apple good boi
> just in shock like woahhhh i did that
In conclusion. Always play pokemon at 3am, and im sorry to the person whos raid i kinda just barged in on and whos name i couldnt read because it was in japanese or korean. Sorry, you seemed like a nice person.
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storydragonshoard · 6 months
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Name: Razzikel Do’Urden
Age: 310
Body type: 4
Height: 6’2”
Eye color: Dark Amethyst
Hair Color: White
Race In Game: Drow Seladrine
Headcannon Race: Born Lythari Drow
Class: Beast Tamer Ranger/Wildheart Barbarian/Circle of the moon Druid
Sexuality: Demisexual Homoromantic
Gender Identity: Nonbinary
Pronouns: He/Him when asked, otherwise doesn't care.
Neurotype: PDA Autistic. Can read between the lines most of the time just chooses not to.
Personality: Alpha Wolf pack leader nature dad. 80% provide and protect. 20% care and nurture. 100% no fucks to give.
Special abilities: Wolf like Sense of smell, hearing and speed. Dire Wolf only wildshape.
Stats: lvl 1.
Str:12 Dex:16 Con:14 Wis:14 Cha:8 Int:12
Current: Str: Dex: Con: Int: Wis: Cha:
Mom: Ex Loth sworn youngest of five, unwanted and left alone to defend herself, converted to Seladrine when she met his father. She was A highly skilled ranger that taught him everything he knew and The person who taught him how not to give a fuck and stand up for himself. Even if it was to her.
Dad: Lythari elf druid built like an oak tree, is the reason he is 6’2” and is as kind and compassionate as he is protective. His father is the main reason he can see through the mask others put up but also has the wisdom to know that most do it to keep themselves safe over any malicious intent.
Relationship with parents: Very close, loving, open and honest. Cared more about him being alive, healthy and happy/content than any perceived plan for his life. So long as he didnt grow up to be a dick, they cared less about what he wanted to do with the time the gods gave him.
Razzikel grew up loved and supported with parents who worked around him and with him instead of against. His curiosity was always encouraged, within reason, and his autonomy never questioned.
A parenting style that built a man who knew who he was, what he wanted and how much energy he was willing to spend to adhere to “civilized societies” made up rules.
It came as no surprise to anyone that once he was introduced to the wider world and “civilization” that he vehemently prefered the woods and wild places over cities and towns.
He easily and eagerly followed in the footsteps of his mother, joining her in the ranks of Melikke’s chosen, happily content to spend his long life in service with her side by side.
For 130 years he did just that, explorong both above ground and below, making and losong friends and occasional lovers as he outlived those with shorter lifespans, hinting down those the Mother of Rangers needed removing, and jist general living his best life in the wilds of Fae Rune.
Until, in his 150th year of life, his mother’s past came back to haunt them.
His Aunt, in an attempt to make sure that she was the only one to takw over the noble house his mother once belonged too, amushed them.
Evwn though the attempt failed, he and his parents knew that their wounds would only slow him down and sacrificed themselves so he could take into his wolf form and escape.
The grief and fear of the loss traps him in his wolf form for 15 years, his conciousness only rising to the surface in short bursts as he wanders aimlessly, seeking a safe place to rest.
When he finally comes back, all he remembers is the snap of metal as agony rips through his leg, the sound of a soothing and rumbling voice, the feel of gentle calloused hands, the scent of herbs and earth, and a pair of hazel eyes.
He wakes up stark naked on a large stone slab in the middle of a druids grove, causing a bit of a stir that is quickly quelled by his rescuer, a large druid named Halsin and the grove’s Archdruid.
With Halsin’s help, he was able to learn to be a person again, find peace in grieving, and pick up not a few new skills to enhance his abilities as a Ranger.
For ten years he called that grove home, using his skills to keep the place supplied and protected, expanded his knowledge of the wilds as well as himself and found in Halsin a profound and deep friendship he thought he would never have been able to find.
But, eventually, as with all rangers, the call to wander eventually came and he heeded it without question.
For the next 50 years he wandered the wilds of Fae Run as Melikki’s chosen like his mother before him. Hunting, guiding, and exploring as he willed, using his raven to send letters and drawings back to the grove of the places he had been and the things he was doing.
And anytime his travels put him in the area of the grove, he always swung by to rest in one of the few places he called home.
Halsin always waiting there to greet him at the gate with a bear hug and a bowl of stew.
At least Until moonrise fell.
In the chaos they were seperated, both men fleeing in opposite directions, the shadow curse cutting them off on opposite sides.
With no way of knowing if Halsin got out alive or if he was trapped in there, he spent 50 years trying to get through without sucess.
Knowing he was out of his depth he went looking for someone to help him that could better understand what happened.
That’s where he met the beaitiful and engnimatic tiefling known as Crow, a great old one willingly locked in the body of a mortal in order to learn the experience of mortal life, with acess to knowledge far beyond most understanding.
In exchange for helping answering his questions and showing him aspects of mortal life he was curious about, Crow agreed to help him find evidence of Halsin’s survival.
Falling in love hadn’t been part of the equation but…it was what it was.
Thankfully together they were able to find out he had yet lived and with use of Razzikel’s ranger skills was able to track down the approximate location of the new grove, sending his raven out to send a long awaited message.
They met near the old temple of Selune, both men wrapping each other in a long awaited embrace before catching up.
Over the next 40 years Razzikel and Crow would do as much as they could to help Halsins research and visit once every few years when they could.
But, when the inevitable came, and Cain’s mortal life came to its end, the grief of the loss hit Razzikel harder than ever.
Not wanting to place another burden onto Halsin’s already heavy shoulders he began wandering again.
He wandered for 4 years, ending up far to tje north near Murkwood where, through a hillariously annoying srt of cirmcumstances, met the one and only Dritz Do’Urden and his new born child Brionna.
The two men bonded over the mistaken identity that led to thier meeting and theor life’s as rangers and in each other found family they hadn't had in a long time.
The next six years Razzikel lived with them, enjoying being an uncle and an elder brother, while restarting to reconnect with Halsin through messages once again.
But, as seems to be his luck, fate just…wouldn't leave him in peace.
As the nautiloid screamed acrosd the sky, he tossed his niece into the waoting arms of her father as the tentacle came down.
He knew they would get away, even if he didn’t.
Before the tentacle hit his back, he prayed to the four gods that had guided him all his life,
“Let them be safe and let my death be quick.”
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commanderjuni · 6 months
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SO.. finally finished personal story (still gotta do the long lvl 80 part but i'm essentially done) and am now ready to talk about mesmer laff!
do note that for these character talks i'll be talking about the character PER STORY as a more coherent way of describing what happens to them, their development, blah blah blah.. this has taken me about FOUR redos to write SO i hope whoever reads this enjoys! :]
During the events of Personal Story, Mesmer Laff is a 13.5 (She's really just 13, but she insists on the point 5) year-old asura beginning to find her footing in the world.
A basic prelude to her character however is as follows!
sort of headlining it here, but laff is hard of hearing AND non-speaking! i was inspired to make this choice after hearing about glade from soto. i myself am NOT hard of hearing/non-speaking, so PLEASE let me know if i got anything incorrect or accidentally wrote something that may be offensive! (while i've done my fair share of research, that can only go so far)
laff's hearing loss is moderate: she cannot hear anything below regular talking, and struggles even then at that volume level, and she struggles even more with background noise interference. she DOES have hearing aids, which remedies these factors a bit
while laff CAN actually speak, she ultimately doesn't like to, nor does she really... feel compelled to for lack of better words? she has no interest in talking-talking, and prefers to use sign language, writing, or gestures to communicate.
ok.. onto actual character stuff now!! /lh
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Mesmer Laff (She/Her)
13.5 years old (She insists upon the 0.5 for the purpose of "specific numbers") during the events of Personal Story— do note however that because of this, Laff isn't an "active" participant in the war on Zhaitan.
By legalities, Laff is a ward of the Progeny Protective Service. Her parents perished in the infamous Thaumanova Reactor meltdown when she was about 4 years old. She misses them terribly.
Her legally appointed guardian is Hronk (yes!! personal story hronk). Hronk actually was brother to Laff's mom, and the closest relative the service felt comfortable leaving her with. Better than a complete stranger!
Hronk and Laff's relationship is.. alright? It's not bad, but they aren't close or anything. Laff sees him less of an uncle and more as just somebody who makes sure she's okay. Hronk sees Laff less of a niece and more as this progeny that's sorta just in his house and has conversations with. They're sort of like two animals in an enclosure that don't really LIKE each other but they aren't hostile. It's better than being alone, from both partie's perspectives.
Laff and Zojja soooorrt of meet during the personal story? Not AS directly as how it actually happens, but with Hronk being in the golemancy community and his krewe earning the Snaff Prize, the two did bump into each other once or twice. Zojja finds Laff full of promise and a good kid. Laff finds Zojja admirable and manages to keep in contact with Zojja.
They aren't best friends really, but have more a distant sister-sister relationship. Zojja is busy dealing with golems and council politics and the Inquest and dragons, and Laff is busy being 13 years old in college. /lh But! They both are in good terms with another.
As the war on Zhaitan grows into a bigger and bigger dilemma, Laff sort of diverts her research into studying Zhaitan and dragonic energies (as, suggested by lore on the thaumanova reactor wiki, chaos and dragon energies sort of function the same? which is VERY interesting to think about).
This leads her to contact Zojja and ask if she has any resources for study. Zojja offers the Priory as a resource, and upon realizing the Priory is all about exploration and research, Laff like. CLAWS all over the Priory's door trying to get in. However, neither Zojja nor Gixx want an asura so young to be exposed to the dangers the Priory gets involved in. Laff HOWEVER is allowed to go to "safe sites" to physically research dragon stuff. She's safe, she's supervised, and there is no possible way she'd ever be in danger.
Laff's first face-to-face encounter with the Risen occurred during an attack on one of the Priory's facilities. I'd have to figure out the location, but Risen HAVE shown up as far as Caledon Forest, so i feel it wouldn't be absurd to say it was in the areas of Brisban Wildlands or Caledon. Hronk of COURSE accompanied her as a parental supervisor, though.
Now. The attack itself was because the Risen minions were drawn to a yummy magical artifact(s) the Priory unwittingly had been carrying around. They attacked in a not fearsome but very worrisome number, and although Laff and Hronk managed away and much of the Priory group did too, there were some casualties.
The fact that Zhaitan's minions were hitting so close to home and not only killed but converted the dead into Zhaitan's ranks mortified Laff, yet Hronk had made it a personal mission to keep her out of harm's way. No more Priory shenanigans. She was to stay home or where she'd be MUCH SAFER than hanging around with the dragon's direct enemy.
This. sorta pissed Laff off though, so she got into contact with Zojja AGAIN, and while the two had some back and forth over the matter, but Zojja eventually relented and worked something out where Laff, FAR OUT OF HARM'S REACH HOWEVER, would be able to actively contribute in a sort of. 'krewe' like thing? Where she'd be collaborating with some others on contributing to the bigger picture.
After this I can't really imagine anything else really bad happening. Laff is busy now researching dragon magic, creating solutions to quell Zhaitan's numbers, and yadda yadda you know the drill.
THIS IS A BIT ANTICLIMATIC SURE but! Zhaitan eventually is defeated by the pact, and although Laff isn't out fighting risen hordes or whatever, she still helps bring Zhaitan down for good! She is VERY pleased and proud with this, annnddd until LWS1 kicks off, Laff resumes her studies with Dynamics.
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SO!! yup! that's where the personal story ends with Laff! Trying to work with her young age in a reasonable form was a biiit of a challenge but if there's one thing I learned, it's that the commander can be ANYBODY and their beginnings can be as grand or as minuscule as desired. fate has MUCH bigger plans for laff LATER in her life, and im pretty excited to experiment with how this story goes or how that story goes! :3
im VERY proud of what i've gotten done for laff, and i am even MORE proud that i managed to only make this post. err. LESS LONG than previous renditions >_< /lh
i'll probably draw laff pretty soon actually! ^_^ i find her design very cute (even her. yee yee ass haircut. /aff) and i cant wait to share my design notes
err.... idk how to sign off on posts. BYEEEE i guess >_< giggle 
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omnirush · 2 years
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— — R E M N A N T
An RP blog for Rush Sykes of The Last Remnant, but adapted for the FFXIV world!
Brief guidelines:
hewwo!! call me termi (25+, any pronouns)
am a filthy multishipper hehehe
also jk watch this be a multimuse blog for all the tlr characters i can convert to ffxiv
not spoiler free, will try to tag ew spoilers where necessary!
i am v bad at rmbering all ffxiv lore but i will do my best ljaflksjf
i tag 'trigger tw' for any sensitive content!
i have a busy irl and other commitments! bc of this is i am naturally very slow and will take random hiatus’!
main rp partner is @echobled​ so replies to their muses tend to be prioritized!
feel free to turn any prompt u sent into a thread!
pls don’t rush me into replying to things or remind me in any way ;w ; this is a hobby for me and i tend to withdraw and get slower if i feel stressed fjlkdjsg
i do drop threads quite a lot; this is just to keep drafts from getting bloated. the reasons range from not knowing how to respond, not having the muse for it, it was a casual thread, or feeling like our muses’ relationship has progressed past that in other threads! it’s nothing personal at all, and i’m always happy to initiate new stuff!!
^ that being said, i tend to keep drafts if its the only one we have between our muses and/or we have anything planned for it!
NEW FOLLOWERS: unfortunately im reaching the limit on the threads/rp partners i can take T__T i can do small things (like one-liners to paras) and send prompts/meme in etc., though! I also follow bc i like meeting new ppl, sending in hc questions, and learning more about their ocs so if there’s a lack of ic interaction on my end, its bc of this >< i’m very sorry!
Age: appears mid-20s Gender: male Orientation: biromantic, demisexual Eye colour: brown Hair colour: black Skin colour: fair Height: 183cm (6′) Notable features: Green markings under his left eye, a deep scar from a stab just left of his chest (shy of his heart), jagged scars on his upper back, a few scars on his left outer thigh. Job: Paladin (abilities similar up to lvl 80) Alignment: neutral good
Brief history:
Amnesiac and lost and far from his homeland, Rush was taken under the wings of Marina and John Sykes, a pair of hyuran researchers based in Sharlayan.
A few years later, Marina had Irina Sykes, a young girl gifted with the power of the Echo, discovered at age 10.
Knowing the bare minimal amount of the Echo, Marina and John decide to join the Students of Baldesion, dedicating their research efforts to help their daughter, but in doing so neglect them both.
The disappearance of the Isle of Val brought Irina and Rush closer together in fear of having lost their parents.
Rush and Irina struggle for a while. Rush takes on odd jobs and eventually takes up the gladiator class and does his best to master it, carrying on to become a free paladin.
Later, they find out more about why the Isle of Val falls. Their parents unfortunately perished during such events.
Irina decides to remain in Old Sharlayan to carry on their parents' research where it left off. She works on becoming knowledgeable about aether and the Echo, and becoming proficient with her blade. She’s given the mark of an Archon shortly into Shadowbringers, She later joins the Scions of the Seventh Dawn just at the beginning of Endwalker.
Rush decides to explore and help those in need. He is often found at major battles, trying to save and help as many people as possible.
Stormblood onwards:
These events are liable to be a bad ending :))) Mostly bc Rush's canon in TLR is tragic and i love angst lkjaklsjf. happy to discuss this stuff further as a plot owowo i wont force this on any rp partner tho if tragedy is not ur jam!
Reeling from the loss of his parents, Rush doesn’t take kindly to Krile, a close family friend, being kidnapped by Garleans. He... basically tries to run in there recklessly and stupidly to try rescue her but ends up getting experimented on with the Resonant. However, his very nature rejects it and as a result he almost dies from it.
Volunteered with the Ala Mhigan Resistance with the Masks. However was later betrayed by 'The Griffin', wherein many of his friends were sacrificed to bring forth Shinryu. Was only saved from this because he was stationed elsewhere like a handful of others. Stayed for a long time afterwards to aiding any civilians caught in the crossfire.
Aided in the Bozjan Resistance and was recruited into Gunnhildr's Blades for his high combat skills as a paladin and leadership aptitude. After Misija's betrayal, Rush sought to save her, having considered her a dear comrade. He ultimately fails but is spared. After, he is too injured and distraught to aid with Misija's capture.
He joins Ilsabard's Contingent to travel to Garlemald. As an experienced soldier, his rank allows him his own squadron, with which he is ordered to help any Garlean refugees and lend aid where possible. He aids in the effort of transporting the group of refugees to use the lunar teleporter by request of Fourchenault. He meets his end by the monsters that attack them, valiantly attempting to save the refugees under his care.
... Or is he ded :eyes:
In line with his TLR canon, he'll probably come back in some way, but if he does then he will come back wrong in some way. That just remains to be seen owowowo
Nothing is completely fixed, though. Happy to change things up for plot-related stuff :D ty for reading this far ajsflsalkfj
Irina Sykes
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Age: 24 Gender: female Orientation: bisexual Eye colour: brown Hair colour: brown Skin colour: fair Height: 163cm (5′3) Notable Features: tattoo just under her left ear Job: Samurai (abilities similar up to lvl 80), Sage (lvl 70) — progresses during msq
Smol notes about her:
acquires her Archon tattoo during Shadowbringers
joins the Scions of the Seventh Dawn at the start of Endwalker
often seen around Old Sharlayan’s library as a dedicated scholar carrying on her parents’ work
Kratos (the Ancient Rush is a shard of!)
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Gender: cis male Orientation: pansexual Eye colour: pale emerald Hair colour: black/very dark green Skin colour: brown Job: PLD (DRG secondary)
Smol notes about him:
younger brother of Hermes (default; i won’t force this on any hermes rpers tho!)
a serious type; duty before love. rather callous. headstrong and stubborn. workaholic.
worked under Pashtarot in some. well-respected leadership position who knows lkjasklfj
OTHER BLOGS: @fxrtunas, @chacss​​
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aterlupus · 3 years
i don’t have everything memorized but some dialogue that i wish made it into english:
- aymeric calling estinien a carefree unemployed drifter and smarmily remarking that ‘he finally settled down’ once he learns estinien joined the Scions.
-just aymeric being as sassy and catty as he is in japanese (understandably he’s way ruder to estinien because they are friends and estinien clearly doesn’t care or will just be rude back in a friend sort of way)
-aymeric threatening estinien with friendship the second time he saves his life. (his words are ‘you owe me twice now so, 1. you’re going to buy me a beer and 2. you’re going to remember my name is aymeric because we’re friends now.’)
-haucherfant explaining that his parents didn’t spend much time around him, and he started to become more obsessed with bodies (which is why he talks so much about watching people work out and staring at everyone’s body) because he wasn’t used to affection or tactile contact.
-Fray (if you equip your DRK job and read the journal for the lvl 80 Job Quest) talks about how painful it was to see the WoL struggle on the first as they were dying from the Light damaging their insides and how he wanted to help you.
-Elidibus does not actually say “It’s a beautiful day and you are not here to see it.” but instead he carefully murmurs “I loved them all....” as he holds the crystals of the Convocation, and is afraid he is failing the Ascians after his defeat in Seat of Sacrfice.
-Valens.... okay well maybe I don’t wish what he said made it into english but some of the things he said in Japanese I still can’t even process that he said that shit.
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lemoyssonneur · 4 years
Mère célibataire : quel impact sur les enfants ?
Mères CÉLiBATAiRES et iMPACT sur les ENFANTS ?
"Le Terme de Famille MONOPARENTALE est, finalement, un SYNONYME pour Parler de Père ABSENT, de Mère CÉLiBATAiRE, (etc). En Effet, dans la Plupart des CAS de Famille MONOPARENTALE, c’est le PÈRE qui est ABSENT (Pas la MÈRE). J’ai Éssayé de Faire une SYNTHÈSE la Plus EXHAUSTiVE Possible mais, ce n’est Pas FACiLE Parce qu’il y a Énormément de LiTTÉRATURE à Ce SUJET et, il y a Beaucoup de VARiABLES qui Rentrent en JEU (Ce sont les Vidéos qui me Prennent le plus de Temps, le plus d’Énergie à Produire (…)). Je ne vous Demande pas d’Argent, mais je vous demande Juste (si Vous Voulez m’Aider) de vous ABONNER (…)
(...) Dans Cette VIDÉO, on vas Parler d’ABORD des CONSÉQUENCES sur les ENFANTS et, Parler, ENSUiTE, des CAUSES ; et ENFiN, je vous Donnerais mon Interprétation PERSONNELLE quand à l’iMPORTANCE de l’Absence du PÈRE. 1ère CONSÉQUENCE / Les Troubles iNTERNALiSÉS Les Mères CÉLiBATAiRES font des FiLLES qui font des Mères CÉLiBATAiRES. Le Style D’ATTACHEMENT (de BOLDi) , qui MONTRE que la QUALiTÉ de l’ATTACHEMENT qu’on a avec ses PARENTS, durant l’ENFANCE, va CONDiTiONNER, plus TARD, le Style d’ATTACHEMENT qu’on aura dans nos RELATiONS Amoureuses. La PLUPART des GENS ont un Attachement “SECURE” (80%), mais ON Sait que chez les ADULTES qui ont GRANDiS dans des Familles MONOPARENTALES, il y a, en plus, la PROBABiLiTÉ d'avoir un Style d’Attachement “iNSECURE” (Dépendant, Anxieux) ; ils auront plus de JALOUSiE, plus de PEUR de se faire ABANDONNER. Ils auront PLUS de DiFFiCULTÉ à MAiNTENiR une RELATiON Amoureuse sur le LONG Terme. 2ème CONSÉQUENCE / Les Troubles EXTERNALiSÉS (liés au Développement Émotionnel) Ils ont plus de PROBABiLiTÉ de Tomber en DÉPRESSiON, d’êtres ANXiEUX, mais Surtout, de Tomber en Dépression à l’ÂGE de l’ADOLESCENCE et, de qui se passe c’est que, pendant l’ENFANCE, , ces Évènements STRESSANTS que vont Subir les ENFANTS vont avoir un iMPACT sur leur Schéma COGNiTiF, c’est à dire sur leur Manière d’iNTERPRÉTER les Évènements NÉGATiFS qui leur ARRiVENT. Ces Schémas COGNiTiFS vont devenir, plus TARD, un DÉCLENCHEUR de la DÉPRESSiON, à l’ADOLESCENCE. Ça ne va pas se RÉVÉLER durant l’ENFANCE mais ça va se RÉVEiLLER plus TARD, à l’ADOLESCENCE. Dernière CHOSE ; il faut SAVOiR que les ENFANTS issus de Familles Mono-PARENTALES ont Plus de PROBABiLiTÉ de se SUiCiDER, et, c’est d’Autant Plus VALABLE Chez les GARÇONS : Les Femmes font 2 Fois plus de Tentatives, mais se Ratent 3 Fois plus que les Hommes. Une QUESTiON • Est-ce que ces Conséquences PSYCHOLOGIQUES, sur les ENFANTS, sont LiÉES à : 1 - La Structure FAMILIALE (l’Absence du PÈRE) ? 2 - Ou aux CONSÉQUENCES qui vont Avec (les VARiABLES qui y sont ATTACHÉES) : Divorce, Séparation, Conflits Familiaux, ajouté au STRESS et la DÉPRESSION que ça va avoir sur la MÈRE ses Conditions PRÉCAIRES , Instabilité des DÉMÉNAGEMENTS, et les Nouveaux PAPAS… ? Tout ces Facteurs-là, évidemment, ont un Impact sur les Conséquences Négatives qu’on a Cité, Plus au-Dessus. Performances ACADÉMiQUES L’Étude de Laurette CRÉTiN, qui n’est pas si Bête que ça, a iSOLÉ la VARiABLE de la Structure FAMILIALE ; c’est à dire, : on Maintient CONSTANT toutes les VARiABLES qui Pourraient Avoir un iMPACT sur le PHÉNOMÈNE Étudié ; la Performance SCOLAiRE des ENFANTS. Ils ont Maintenus CONSTANTS : 1 - Le Niveau et les Conditions de ViE de l’ENFANT, 2 - l’Environnement CULTUREL. Ce qu’on REMARQUE, c’est qu’en PRiMAiRE, le Fait de Maintenir CONSTANTES toutes ces VARiABLES, ça RÉDUiT l’Écart ; c’est à Dire : en PRiMAiRE, l'Écart (qui existe) est Entièrement EXPLiQUÉ par les DiFFÉRENCES de Niveaux de ViE et de Conditions de ViE entre les Familles iNTACTES et les Familles MONOPARENTALES et, par un Environnement CULTUREL Différent (un Environnement Culturel Moins RiCHE pour les Familles MONOPARENTALES). Mais, cet ÉCART-là SUBSiSTE lorsqu’on Regarde les ENFANTS qui se Trouvent dans l’Enseignement SECONDAiRE : Dans l’Enseignement SECONDAiRE, cette fois, lorsqu’on iSOLE la VARiABLE de la Structure FAMILIALE, on VOiT qu’il Existe TOUJOURS un ÉCART. Ça veux DiRE que la Structure FAMILIALE, l’Absence du PÈRE, en Soit, est RESPONSABLE des Différence de NOTES et de l’Échec SCOLAiRE qu’on OBSERVE entre les ENFANTS issus de Familles MONOPARENTALES et, Ceux issus de Familles iNTACTES”. " 8:50 --- RÉFÉRENCES Les PHiLOGYNES • YOUTUBE / Mères CÉLiBATAiRES, Quel iMPACT sur les ENFANTS ?. Laurette CRÉTiN • https://publication.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/FR/auteur/240/laurette_cretin • https://www.education.gouv.fr/cid66583/conditions-de-scolarisation-et-facteurs-de-reussite-scolaire.html • http://bibliotheque.insee.net/index.php?lvl=author_see&id=89796 • http://www.approches.fr/Conditions-de-scolarisation-et • https://www.ac-paris.fr/serail/jcms/s2_561231/fr/condition-de-scolarisation-et-facteurs-de-reussite-revue-education-et-formations-n82 • https://pmb.cereq.fr/index.php?lvl=author_see&id=72020 • ... • ... • https://www.epsilon.insee.fr/jspui/handle/1/15856/browse?type=author&order=ASC&rpp=20&value=Cretin%2C+Laurette • ... • http://agreste.agriculture.gouv.fr/publications/notes-et-etudes-socio-economiques/article/les-transformations-des-scolarites-9253 • http://institut-thomas-more.org/2019/09/19/familles-monoparentales-et-pma-%E2%80%A2-quand-la-loi-fabrique-de-la-fragilite-sociale • ... • http://veille-et-analyses.ens-lyon.fr/Sommaires-revues/DetailSommaire.php?parent=actu&id=3307
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gcttacatchemall · 4 years
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[👊] Ever since Bea had been born, there always seemed to be something bad happening around them. Whether it was an accident or on purpose. Most of the other kids at school would generally stay clear of her. Not that she minded, she was content being by herself. It meant less people would get hurt. 
Although things took a turn when they were on the way home with their parents, the other car had come out of nowhere and hitting them head on, Bea had been lucky to survive. The only survivor to be exact. It was clear that something was haunting her- or rather... watching over her. They weren’t sure exactly, but it’s made them realize that Ghost Pokémon are the only ones safe from whatever seems to be the cause of her... misfortune.
Her Team consists of:
Golurk Name: Colossal Lvl: 80 Gender: N/A Nature: Brave Move Set: Phantom Force, Earthquake, Hammer Arm and Heavy Slam.
Dusknoir Name: Delaney Lvl: 79 Gender: Female Nature: Calm Move Set: Shadow Ball, Psychic, Calm Mind and Focus Blast.
Mimikyu Name: Lui Lvl: 75 Gender: Male Nature: Naive Move Set: Shadow Sneak, Double Team, Play Rough and Phantom Force.
Dragapult Name: Naia Lvl: 78 Gender: Female Nature: Adamant Move Set: Dragon Darts, Phantom Force, U-Turn and Psychic Fangs.
Polteageist Name: Chamomile Lvl: 79 Gender: N/A Nature: Quirky Move Set: Strength Sap, Shell Smash, Shadow Ball and Giga Drain.
Doublade Name: Lothar Lvl: 77 Gender: Male Nature: Serious Move Set: Shadow Sneak, Sacred Sword, Night Slash and Iron Head.
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theeverlastingshade · 5 years
Favorite Songs of 2018
100. “Jaipur”- Mr Twin Sister
99. “Jewels Drossed in the Runoff”- Wild Pink
98. “Almost Had to Start a Fight/In and Out of Patience”- Parquet Courts
97. “That’s a Lifestyle”- Dirty Projectors
96. “Bound”- Zola Jesus
95. “Next Time / Humble Pie”- The Internet
94. “cherubim”- serpentwithfeet
93. “Age of”- Oneohtrix Point Never
92. “Blam”- Georgia Anne Muldrow
91. “Nervous Silk”- Objekt
90. “Orchard”- LVL UP
89. “Dial 724″- Skee Mask
88. “A Horse Named Cold Air”- Mitski
87. “Smoke” (Remix)- Blood Orange ft. Yves Tumor & Ian Islah
86. “Animal & Real”- Camp Cope
85. “Mr. Tillman”- Father John Misty
84. “Solace”- Preoccupations
83. “Decision Tower”- MIKE
82. “Daugher”- Daughters
81. “2094″- DJ Taye
80. “Til It’s Over”- Anderson .Paak
79. “The Weight of History”- Kevin Shields & Brian Eno
78. “White Noise”- Antarctigo Vespucci
77. “Don’t Get Chipped”- Vince Staples ft. Jay Rock
76. “Everybody’s Coming to My House”- David Byrne
75. “Comeback Kid”- Sharon Van Etten
74. “OKRA”- Tyler, The Creator
73. “Dunno”- Mac Miller
72. “Flaw”- Soccer Mommy
71. “King’s Dead”- Jay Rock ft. Kendrick Lamar, Future, & James Blake
70. “1539 N. Calvert”- JPEGMAFIA
69. “Skim Milk”- Flasher
68. “What the Writer Meant”- Hop Along
67. “House Show, Late December”- Fred Thomas
66. “December 24″- Earl Sweatshirt
65. “Seeing Aliens”- DJ Koze
64. “Recognizing the Enemy”- Yves Tumor
63. “Death in Midsummer”- Deerhunter
62. “Broken Girls”- Saba
61. “Bodys”- Car Seat Headrest
60. “Snakes & Ladders”- Let’s Eat Grandma
59. “Choppa Won’t Miss”- Playboi Carti ft. Young Thug
58. “Over and Out”- Nine Inch Nails
57. “Salt in the Wound”- boygenius
56. “We Had a Deal”- Father
55. “Middle America”- Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks
54. “USA”- Jeff Rosenstock
53. “symbol”- Adrianne Lenker
52. “Accelerate”- Fucked Up
51. “Nappy Wonder”- Blood Orange ft. Kelsey Wu
50. “Flight”- Panda Bear
49. “Ace”- Noname ft. Saba & Smino
48. “Quorom”- Low
47. “All for You”- Superchunk
46. “Immaterial”- SOPHIE
45. “Jupiter 4″- Sharon Van Etten
44. “No Attachment”- Empath
43. “Santeria”- Pusha-T
42. “Rosebud”- U.S. Girls
41. “Fists of Fury”- Kamasi Washington
40. “Grey”- Saba
39. “Dark Spring”- Beach House
38. “Some Kind of Game”- A.A.L.
37. “Why Didn’t You Stop Me?”- Mitski
36. “Canary Yellow”- Deafheaven
35. “Sober to Death”- Car Seat Headrest
34. “Beyondless”- Iceage
33. “I Shall Love 2″- Julia Holter
32. “Volk”- Thom Yorke
31. “How Simple”- Hop Along
30. “Stay Down”- boygenius
29. “Ponyboy”- SOPHIE
28. “The Eye”- Empath
27. “Dancing and Blood”- Low
26. “The Story of Adidon”- Pusha-T
25. “The Mint”- Earl Sweatshirt ft. Navy Blue
24. “Black Car”- Beach House
23. “Bastardizer”- Foxing
22. “Journey”- Kamasi Washington
21. “All the Love We Have Now”- Yves Tumor
20. “Jewelry”- Blood Orange
19. “Washing Machine Heart”- Mitski
18. “Smile”- Saba
17. “Time”- U.S. Girls
16. “Don’t Judge Me”- Janelle Monae
15. “Take it All”-Iceage
14. “Turn the Light On”- Julia Holter
13. “Part of the Math”- Panda Bear
12. “Lifelike”- Antarctigo Vespucci
11. “Me & My (To Bury Your Parents)”- Andre 3000
10. “Rave on U”- A.A.L.
9. “Dive”- Beach House
8. “Peanut”- Earl Sweatshirt
7. “Honeycomb”- Deafheaven
6. “Is It Cold in the Water?”- SOPHIE
5. “gb/ol h/nf”- oso oso
4. “Baby I’m Bleeding”- JPEGMAFIA
3. “Prom / King”- Saba
2. “Famous Prophets (Stars)”- Car Seat Headrest
1. “Distortion”- Mount Eerie
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laisai · 2 years
welp fgo gave out free ssrs (that you gotta work for) and so i just had to get arjuna (im sorry enkidu and karna but i have THREE ssr/sr lancers and zero archers so arjuna takes precedence)
and i grinded like crazy which -- i hate grinding in video games, it makes me fall asleep, literally -- I didn't have access to the prime bond leveling quests or whatever to make keeping arjuna permanent easier
today is the second day since i got him and i just finished getting him to lvl 80 and bond lvl 5 which means he's MINE to keep mwahahaha
im exhausted tho. i was on a plane yesterday and crossing the border and stuff too, and I couldn't sleep last night bc i left my cat with my parents and I didn't realise until i came back, but my bed in toronto is 1000% making my back pain even worse. (i found out abt this thing while *at* the airport lol. thank goodness airport wifi has gotten faster now)
im really pleased with these pixel men tho. I've got casgil and arjuna now and seeing them just makes me happy. and apparently arjuna shares his VA with kaedehara kazuha's jp va? which is super cool. i love kazuha's voice.
now im probably gonna quit fgo again until the next time they give out free stuff tho. the lack of a guarantee in their summoning system really 👀 makes me wary of it as a whole. im too used to gbf and genshin to play gacha without some sort of guaranteed system in place
i cannot keep my wyes open anymore i nearly fell asleep earlier while grinding for Arjuna's ascension mats, gnight
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due4amiracle · 2 years
Day 328
Wash 2 plates/bowls/pieces of silverware, 2 chapters, Dailies, Vamp shiz, 2 anime eps.
Wash 2 plates/bowls/pieces of silverware - Sir washed dishes. i changed Sir’s trash in the living room, and spent far too long doing squats. sorting through his side-box next to his desk, picking things up and throwing them away because they’re unnecessary. (Yes we both have hoarder tendencies, blame our parents.) So, my legs hurt, but it got done! UwU♡ ✔
2 chapters -  Book 9/13 (3🌟), Book 10/13 (3🌟), on to Book 11/13. The Gremlins in my brain are whining at me to read through the entirety of Shannara by Terry Brooks. But gottverdammt that’s a fucking thirty four book time investment do you really gotta do this to me, Gremlins? ((Yeeeesssssssss they say, reaaaaaaad ittttttttt - no. i’m not gonna. *opens things up and starts getting ready to do it* NOPE not gonna do it!)) UwU♡ ✔
Dailies - Waifu Did mah dailies! Also, level 50 BP now~! AND! Tree lvl 24! New MONTH! new weeklies! ♡ω♡. FFXIV did mah dailies~ MSQ +0 -> 74, BTN +0 -> 80, CUL +0 -> 80, WVR +0 -> 80, GSM +0 -> 77, FSH +0 -> 65, MIN +0 -> 74, ALC +0 -> 69, LTW +0 -> 65, ARM +0 -> 65, CRP +0 -> 64, BSM +0 -> 65. Vath 0/0 Rank 8/9 Bloodsworn, Vanu 1650/1730 Rank 7/9 Sworn, Moggles 300/1730 Rank 7/9 Sworn. 5 MSQ quests. Just started Securing the Saltery. Did not play today. UwU♡ Hit 50 with a few hours to spare. Phew! ✔✔
Vamp shiz - 0 words written! Up to 9511. 1687 words for pt6. Always the grind for the next part - but none today. Scene did not get done. RIP scene xp, rollover is in an hour. Oh well! At least i got the longform in~ Nope🚫
2 anime eps - Mob Psycho 100 II! 9&10 done! Nope🚫
Other things - Manhwa: Survive as the Hero’s Wife 2 chapters of this read Nope🚫! In other news: Did my daily Cozy Grove and still loving it! Unsleeping City 2 episode 8 done Nope🚫. Played more Pokémon Legends: Arceus ✔. Tomorrow is Therapist appointment. Been thinking it was the Meet The New Person In-Person one but nope! Checked earlier and it’s not, phew. Thankfully. i don’t wanna leave my home. It’s scary out there. ...Unfortunately that is next Tuesday tho. Bleh. Tomorrow is also Sir and i’s kissaversary! The anniversary of our first kiss~ ♡ω♡ So that’s fun. my legs hurt, i’m exhausted, my joints hurt, and i’m just so overwhelmed by everything. Throw in the towel.
Food: A Liquid: A Pain: C Brain: B
Tomorrow: Wash 2 plates/bowls/pieces of silverware, 2 chapters, Dailies, Vamp shiz, 2 anime eps.
Ever Onwards and Upwards!
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BIO AND INFO UNDER CUT!  brief crappy summary: 22 y/o matchmaker with a passion for fashion ; most commonly mistaken as a BRATZ character. 
FULL NAME: Juno L. Monroe-Terris
NICKNAME(S): juju, puffball 
AGE: 22
GENDER: cis female .
NATIONALITY: american 
HERITAGE: jamaican-greek 
SPOKEN LANGUAGE(S): english, knows enough spanish to carry a conversation, knows enough greek to carry a conversation 
OCCUPATION: professional matchmaker & heartbreaker 
RELIGION: agnostic, very spiritual person 
SEXUALITY: heterosexual and demiromantic
HEIGHT: 5’7”
WEIGHT: 156 lbs
DOMINANT HAND: ambidextrous 
BODY TYPE: curvy & shapely with a few stretchmarks along her stomach & thighs.  FACIAL FEATURES: round face with a slightly sharp chin, wide nose with small bridge, round eyes, fair & arched eyebrows, full lips, 
HAIR COLOR: black 
EYE COLOR: dark brown 
HAIR STYLE: natural hair is very kinky and poofy. when straightened it is deceptively thick & reaches her shoulders. generally can be seen rocking braids or a weave. 
SCARS: none
TATTOOS: none 
PIERCINGS: septum, ears
WEAPON OF CHOICE: team of lvl 1 magikarp
POWER(S): love gun that is stored in her index finger. Fired when she “fingerguns”. 
HOMETOWN: philadelphia, pa 
CURRENT RESIDENCE: verse dependent 
FINANCIAL STATUS: lower-middle class
EDUCATION LEVEL: received high school diploma, currently in her third year of college 
FAMILIAL CONNECTIONS: viola monroe-terris [mother, 50, jamaican, college professor], aleksander monroe-terris [father, 54, greek, lawyer]
ROMANTIC CONNECTIONS: never had a significant other, has had a few flings but nothing serious.  
PLATONIC CONNECTIONS: lyla rhodes [best friend, housemate], tyler martinez [best friend, music buddy], eros [boss man, matched tinder date, needs to stop wearing leather pants the 80s is dead], many other friends from various clubs, organizations, and throughout life. 
HOSTILE CONNECTIONS: jack moore [lacrosse player, in her class, they get into debates in their philosophy class every time], min choi [ex friend, phake snake],
LIL’ CUPID [Main Verse]: after matching with eros ( of all people, she knows ) on tinder, she’s been trapped in a magical contract where for the next year she has to match make & heartbreak. Her ‘finger gun’ is her cupid’s bow & arrow. Aiming & firing her finger gun at people will cause them to fall in love with the next person they see, but she can only use this power up to five times a month. & each use drains her energy so she has to use them sparingly. However, Eros encourages her to use her social skills to network and make people fall in love. Which she does … although it’s terribly messy. 
► PAST (brief). 
she grew up in philadelphia, center city. surrounded by artistic & musical vibrancy. able to blend in with multiple crowds —— she knew how to make her name for herself on the streets & knew when to sharpen her language & straighten her back off the streets. she was raised to be independent & bold. to take no crap & to dish no crap. to view the world with passion.
but her household was also quite strict. curfew at eleven. not allowed to sleepovers at households her parents didn’t know. not allowed to date until she was 18. she grew into a rebellious spirit. learning how to get away with many things as long as she was home before 11. using tinder to meet guys & to find where all the parties were starting ( tinder party is literally a blessing ). 
when she turned 18 & went off to college for the first time ( in state, as out of state tuition was very pricey ) she matched with a guy named E on tinder. they decide to meet up for coffee which she was totally down for free coffee. however, she wasn’t prepared to find out that E was actually EROS —– you know, that homeboy cupid. & matching with him on tinder meant she had roped herself into a magical contract as his personal cupid. now she’s, somewhat, taken up his mantel of breaking hearts & making love for the next year. 
the pay’s pretty decent so … she rolls with it. & she got her coffee so how could she complain ?
juno is a rebellious, fiery, hot-headed individual. she stays true to herself & very much embraces who she is. she’s not afraid to speak her mind, even if what comes out of her mouth is harsh. she enjoys meeting new people & loves a good party. 
she is, however, quite disorganized. the kind of person who follows the flow & leaves things a mess without really thinking of the consequences. the type of girl who thrives best in organized chaos. she’s prone to starting projects only to finishing them halfway through, always going on to the next exciting thing. but working with eros has been enough of a thrill ride to keep her entertained thus far. 
she’s very playful & half the time she puts people together just for the entertainment value. which eros encourages, to an extent, but also warns her that if she doesn’t fulfill a successful quota the contract extends by a year. 
other traits
favorite colors: black, cream, wine red
hobbies: partying, blogging, fashion, writing, drawing, radio 
favorite kind of weather: before a thunderstorm 
favorite environment: large crowds 
favorite season: late summer 
favorite flavor of ice cream: mint chocolate chip 
favorite food: burgers 
favorite movie: spirited away 
favorite mobile app: avengers academy 
favorite tv show: bob’s burgers 
favorite book series: the lunar chronicles 
favorite fashion brand: forever 21 
iphone or samsung?: iphone 
quirks: always has change in her pockets, believes in aliens, believes in reincarnation, wears colorful socks & mismatched socks, allergic to strawberries.   
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100 Questions
1. What is you middle name? LASIN
2. How old are you? 19
3. When is your birthday? NOVEMBER 20, 1997
4. What is your zodiac sign? SCORPIO
5. What is your favorite color? YELLOW
6. What's your lucky number? 5
7. Do you have any pets? 5-LEGGED-DOG
9. How tall are you? PROBABLY 5′2
10. What shoe size are you? 7
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 8 FAVE PAIRS
12. What was your last dream about? I CAN’T REMEMBER
13. What talents do you have? I WRITE AND I PLAY A PARTICULAR INSTRUMENT
14. Are you psychic in any way? NO
15. Favorite song? ALWAYS BY PANAMA
16. Favorite movie? BET, IDK
17. Who would be your ideal partner? I DONT HAVE ANYONE ON MY MIND HAHA
18. Do you want children? OFC
19. Do you want a church wedding? OFC! DEFINITELY
20. Are you religious? YES IN A WAY
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? YES
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? I’M CLOSE TO LOL
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? YES
24. Baths or showers? BOTH
25. What color socks are you wearing? I PREFER BLACK
26. Have you ever been famous? NAH
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? WHY NOT HAHA
28. What type of music do you like? EDM RAP INDIE ETC 
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? NAH
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? IVE GOT 6 RN
31. What position do you usually sleep in? SIDEWAYS
32. How big is your house? 2 FLRS TOO ENOUGH FOR 5 PPL
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? RICE MEAL
34. Have you ever fired a gun? NAH BUT I WANT TO
35. Have you ever tried archery? NAH BUT I WANT TO
36. Favorite clean word? MISS --- like i miss you
37. Favorite swear word? REALLY
39. Do you have any scars? YEP
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? I THINK SO HAHA
42. Are you a good judge of character? MORE LIKELY I ALWAYS SEE POTENTIAL ON PPL 
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? NAH I HAVE MY OWN HAHA
44. Do you have a strong accent? I BLEND HAHA
45. What is your favorite accent? CALIFORNIAN
46. What is your personality type? TYPE OF WHAT HAHA 
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? IDK I DONT SPEND MUCH ON CLOTHING I AM NOT SHOPAHOLIC
48. Can you curl your tongue? YAZ
49. Are you an innie or an outie? INNIE BOI
50. Left or right handed? BOTH CAN
51. Are you scared of spiders? OMG YES
53. Favorite foreign food? AMERICAN BREAKFAST >>>
54. Are you a clean or messy person? IN BETWEEN DEPENDS ON MY MOOD
55. Most used phrased? IM RANDOM SO I DONT USE ANY
56. Most used word? IDK IM SO RANDOM
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? OMG NOT THIS QUESTION HAHA
58. Do you have much of an ego? MY EGO IS EQUAL TO A MAN HAHA
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? I DONT DO ANY HAHA I DONT LIKE LOLLIES 
60. Do you talk to yourself? MOST OF THE TIME!
61. Do you sing to yourself? UHMM UHUH
62. Are you a good singer? FOR ME, YAS HAHA
65. Best dramatic movie you've seen? MANY >
66. Do you like long or short hair? LONG
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? JEEZ NAH
68. Favorite school subject? HISTORY
69. Extrovert or Introvert? IN BETWEEN
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? NAH
71. What makes you nervous? SECRETS UNFOLDING HAHA
72. Are you scared of the dark? MOST OF THE TIME
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? NOT REALLY
74. Are you ticklish? LVL 1000000
75. Have you ever started a rumor? MAYBE
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? PROBABLY
77. Have you ever drank underage? YAH
78. Have you ever done drugs? NAH
79. Who was your first real crush? MY 2ND GRADE CRUSH HAHA
80. How many piercings do you have? I HAVE 4
81. Can you roll your Rs?" WHAT
84. What color is your hair? BLACK
85. What color is your eyes? DARK BROWN
86. What are you allergic to? PAIN KILLERS - IBUPROFEN 
87. Do you keep a journal? YEP
88. What do your parents do? CHILLIN HAHA
89. Do you like your age? CAN I STICK TO MY AGE?
91. Do you like your own name? YAH LEFT ME WITH NO CHOICE
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? CYNTHIA AND FROILAN 
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? BOTH 
94. What are you strengths? A LOT LOL
95. What are your weaknesses? A LOT
96. How did you get your name? MY DAD’S BAD IDEA
97. Were your ancestors royalty? NAH 
98. Do you have any scars? YEZ
99. Color of your bedspread? YELLOW
100. Color of your room? BLUE
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bing-suho · 7 years
VOLTRON COLLEGE!AU KEEF (KOREAN!KEITH) - moody art major with focus on mural arts + art as restorative medium - keith as low income who used to do graffiti but then saw how mural arts actually change communities - KEITH WHO VOLUNTEERS AT PUBLIC SCHOOL AFTERSCHOOL ARTS PEOGRAM - KEITH WHO WILL FORGET TO EAT SOMETIMES WHEN HES RLY CONCENTRATING ON HIS WORK UNTIL EITHER SHIRO OR HUNK (later lance) REMINDS HIM TO EAT AND FORCES HIM AWAY FROM HIS ART TO TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF - keith who is SICK OF CULTURAL APPROPRIATION BULLSHIT IN ART COMMUNITY - keith as hellllla gayyyYyYy - KEITH IN DIRTY DOCS AND RIPPED BLACK JEANS + RED SHIRT THATS BEEN STRETCHED AT THE NECK AND HIS HAIR IN A PONY TAIL USUALLY (but he still had a mullet!!!!!!!) - KEITH FROM TEXAS - KEITH WHO LIVES WITH HIS COUSIN SHIRO AFTER HIS PARENTS DISOWNED HIM AFTER BEING OUTED - KEITH WHO DECIDES ITS BETTER NOT TO OPEN UP BC OF THAT(until ppl HIS SUPPORTIVE AF FRIENDS change his mind) - AWKWARD BB KEITH WHO NEVER??? HAD REAL FRIENDS??? - KEITHS BEEN WORKING SINCE HES BEEN IN HS SAVING UP FOR COLLEGE/ADULTHOOD - Keith who also works at campus bookstore across the street from lance and likes TO READ?????? - KEITH WITH HEADPHONES AND STILL LISTENS TO ANGSTY EMO/SCREAMO MUSIC - KEITH WHO ALSO LISTENS TO PODCASTS ESP ABT S P A C E - KEITH WHO DID TRACK AND FIELD IN HS AND CONTINUES TO RUN LONG DISTANCE TO KEEP IN SHAPE + ZONE OUT/MEDITATE/DESTRESS (think that one taekook fic i gave yall but less angst or the same lvl) - KEITH AS A CAT PERSON AND LOVES SOFT PLUSHIE THINGS BC THEY C O M F O R T HIM - keith who hates lance's guts/attitude when he initially meets him and makes assumptions abt him as a "typical frat bro" and complains to shiro one day and shiro fuckin defends lance by telling keith abt how lance is the one who doesnt tolerate toxic masculinity practices at ALL and is the one who brings it up during meetings AND THEN KEITH KEEPS LEARNING DIFF DIMENSIONS OF LANCE AND WELL SHIT - KEITH AS ULTIMATE LIGHTWEIGHT WITH PIDGE - KEITH WHO IS NATURALLY GIFTED ATHLETICALLY AND ARTISTICALLY (that doesnt mean he works FUCKING hard) - keith who sort of fumes into the library and tries to burn down the math section BC FUCK MATH WHO THE FUCK CREATED THIS BULLSHIT ALL U NEED IN LIFE IS ADDITION SUBTRACTION MULTI AND DIV until hunk + lance + pidge try to stop him and help him with his math hw and shiro will be there for moral support bc shiro is just as clueless abt math as keith is 😀 - keith who is gets caught up in everyone's competition during monopoly but is a p okay player - keith who bumps into lance after volunteering at the afterschool program and begrudgingly says hell treat lance to boba as payback for math tutoring bc pidge and hunk both arent the best at explaining concepts sometimes and lance's were the easiest to understand I JUST DONT WANT TO BE IN DEBT TO YOU OKAY? (lance offers indiv tutoring and keith initally REFUSES until he sees the practice midterm and ???? what the fuck are these symbols FUCK) LANCEEEE MA BOOIII (CUBAN!LANCE) - lance as marxist econ major who DOES MAJOR RESEARCH ON #FIGHTFOR15 AND CUBAN/LATIN AM ECON POLICY ESP DURING US IMPERIALISM AND HOW THISE AFFECTS HAVE LASTING EFFECTS ON LABOR + ECON - LANCE AS BISEXUAL AS HELL - lance who TUTORS AT SAME PUBLIC SCHOOL AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM EXCEPT MATH - LANCE WHO's FROM FLORIDA AND IS FIRST IN THE FAMILY FOR COLLEGE - LANCE WHO SEES HIS FAMILY GO THRU WAGE THEFT FUELING HIS WORK IN UNDOCU LABOR RIGHTS AND ECON POLICIES - lance who joins latinx affinity club with hunk (whos half filipinx) and while hunk is the master chef taste+recipe wise NO ONE MAKES _______ LIKE LANCE CAN BC HIS ABUELITA TAUGHT HIM THE FAMILY RECIPE - LANCE AS A FRAT BOI WHO FUCKIN SERVES AT BEER PONG AND FLIP CUP - lance as vp of said frat and wont let shiro pick the music at parties bc shiro only listens to old 80's classics, shiro we live in the 21ST CENTURY THESE PPL WANT BEYONCE AND NICKI OKAH (lance who listens to hella pop music) - lance who KNOWS HOW TO DANCE AND RELIGIOUSLY GOES TO ZUMBA CLASS WITH ALLURA WHO DRAGS PIDGE's LAZY ASS AS CARDIO BEFORE DOING HIS MUSCLE WORKOUT WITH HUNK AND SHIRO - lance who works at the campus hip coffeeshop/cafe and fucking snapchats the shit out of his shift - LANCE WHO LEARNS ABT HOW DRAWING/DOODLING CAN HELP WITH ANXIETY FROM KEITH AND STARTS TO CARRY AROUND A SKETCH NOTEBOOK - LANCE WHO IS EQUALLY AS GOOD WITH KIDS AS KEITH IS BC HELLO? SIBLINGS??? - LANCE AS AN ANIMAL PERSON BUT LEANS TOWARDS DOGS - lance who needs to be alone at the library when studying and mutters to himself softly a lot when thinking but is on top of his group project/study game with HELLA STUDY GUIDES + tutor tips - lance who chews on pen tips 😭 - LANCE WHO HAS ANXIETY THAT HE ISNT GOOD ENOUGH/SMART ENOUGH AT SCHOOL AND CONSTANTLY THINKS ABT THE SACRIFICE HIS PARENTS AND SIBLINGS MADE FOR HIM TO GO TO SCHOOL AND HIDES HIS ANXIETY+LOW SELF-ESTEEM BY TRYING TO BE RLY EXTROVERTED AND FUN AND FLIPPANT LANCE WHO OVERCOMPENSATES - lance who is initially jealous of keith's "easy" art degree until he fuckin sees the work that keith puts into his art AND THEN APOLOGIZES FOR UNDERESTIMATING KEITH - LANCE WHO ALWAYS LOSES AT MONOPOLY AND STARTS RANTING ABT DECAYING FORMS OF CAPITALISM SHEEREROOOOOOH - shiro as a senior after taking a gap year from a life-threatening injury on his arm FROM A CAR ACCIDENT (SHIRO WITH A PROSTHETIC LIMB??) - SHIRO WHO IS SCARED OF CARS IN RELATION TO INJURY WILL TAKE PUBLIC TRANSPORT UNLESS HE HAS TO TAKE A CAR - SHIRO AS A POLI SCI MAJOR BUT HES NOT A BRO AND INTERSECTIONAL AF - SHIRO WHO IS STARSTRUCK WITH ALLURA's BRILLIANCE IN A CLASS THEY TOOK TOGETHER ONE TIME - Shiro who gets approached by allura for his insightful comment about aapi's for blm during a blm meeting AND THEY CONNECT - SHIRO AS FRAT PREZ AND STARTS CHANGING FRAT CULTURE TO BE LESS TOXIC/PATRIARCHAL/FUCKEDUP - Shiro who has to do rehab for his arm but also works out!!!!!!!!!!! HUNK WHO SPOTS HIM AND MAKES SURE SHIRO ISNT RUINING HIMSELF - SHIRO WHO ALWAYS CONSIDERED KEITH A LITTLE BROTHER SINCE THEY WERE KIDS AND RLY WORRIES FOR HIM SHIRO BEING AWARE OF KEITH's HURT AROUND BEING DISOWNED - SHIRO WHO WANTS TO BE AN IMMIGRATION LAWYER????? - SHIRO WHO GREW UP NORMAL MIDDLE CLASS (will think of family tree later) - shiro who listens to classic 80's pop and rock HE IS A REAL DAD - SHIRO WHO MAKES SURE EVERYONE IS SAFE WHEN PARTYING AND DRINKING ENOUGH WATER (ESP LANCE AND KEITH WHEN HE DOES COME TO PARTIES) - SHIRO WHO GETS ACTUALLY HELLA TACTICAL WHEN GAMING WITH HUNK LANCE AND PIDGE TO THEIR SURPRISE (the unknowlingly competitive type) - shiro who is merciless at monopoly/settlers of catan - DEMISEXUAL SHIRO B Y E PIDGE - GENDERQUEER!pidge - White!pidge (is this even, like a thing or do we already assume pidge is white?) - aromantic!pidge - Pidge as compsci/math slave major who always ends up doing their allnighters to finish their labs - pidge who lives off caffeine - PIDGE WHO IS SICK OF SHITT CISMEN IN GENERAL + MALE DOMINATED TECH INDUSTRY AND WANTS TO EMPOWER WOC/QTPOC IN TECH - pidge who is MORE ruthless during monopoly than shiro - pidge who is a fuckin genius at video games will whoop anyone's ass - PIDGE WHO IS AFRAID NO ONE RLY LIKES THEM AND USES SARCASM AS A DEFENSE MECHANISM - PIDGE FROM A DIVORCED FAMILY AND ADDS TO THEIR GENERAL DISTRUST IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS - PIDGE WHO HASNT MET THEIR BROTHER IN 10 YEARS BC OF THE DIVORCE - Pidge who met lance and hunk in compsci 101 when lance accidentally stepped on pidge's toe when they hadnt had their morning coffee yet (pidge hisses extremely loudly at lance and hunk giving them death glares) - pidge who forgives lance (and in extension hunk) and started hangin after lance got them an aesthetic avocado toast on the house the next day at the cafe - pidge who actually has a hella basic instagram + PIDGE WHO IS OBSESSED WITH GETTING THE PERFECT FOOD SHOT FOR THE INSTA - pidge and lance's snapchat streak is over 9000 - PIDGE WHO CANT EAT SPICY FOOD (i'm FUCKIN WHITE STOP LAUGHING GUYS) - pidge who studies with hunk in the library bc they need background noise/study partners until lance emerges from the quiet floor and they all do a study break leave to get fruit snacks - PIDGE AS LIGHTWEIGHT - PIDGE WHO IS ALSO COERCED INTO BIRD CLUB AT FIRST AND STAYS FOR THE MEMES WAIT HUNKKKKKKKK - hunk as PREMED/VETERNIARY TRACT - HUNK WHO VOLUNTEERS AT ANIMAL SHELTERS AND IS ALSO A ENV JUSTICE ACTIVIST - HUNK WHO LOVES ALL ANIMALS AND IS THE FAIRY OF ANIMALS IS GOOD WITH ALL OF THEM - HUNK AND LANCE AS FIRST YR ROOMMATES TURNED BFFS - HUNK WHO DESTRESSES BY COOKING/BAKING OBVS - Hunk who is actually p insecure abt his body type and isnt comfortable with showing a lot of skin - HUNK WHO WAS BULLIED FOR BEING "GIRLY" AS A CHILD AND WILL NOT STAND FOR THAT KIND OF SHIT AT ALL HE IS INTERSECTIONAL FEMINIST AF BC FUCK GENDER EXPECTATIONS AND MACHISMO - HUNK WHO IS THE BEST SPOTTER FOR WORKOUTS - hunk who cant touch HIS TOES BB - HUNK AS HALF FILIPINX/LATINX - hunk who comes from the east coast but cant stand the cold at all and wears 50 layers - HUNK WHO RUSHES FRATS WITH LANCE BC HE WAS WORRIED ABT LANCE GETTING TOO FUCKED UP AND KINDA ENDS UP IN A FRAT I GUESS BUT HE LIKES SHIRO's LEADERSHIP AROUND GENDER EXPECTATIONS - Hunk who'll be the realest with anyone being an asshole, even if its his friends - HUNK WHO IS PERCEPTIVE AF ESP WITH LANCE WHO TRIES TO HIDE HIS ANXIETY/LOW-SELF ESTEEM - HUNK WHO FUCKIN KILLS AT KNITTING - HUNK IS IN BIRD CLUB BC ACTUAL INTEREST W A I T - Hunk who gets regular morning coffee check-ins with allura and buys coffe for pidge when they come crawling into the cafe - HUNK WHO ACTUALLY RLY LIKES THE BACHELORETTE AND WATTES WITH ALLURA - HUNK WHO MEETS SHAY WHO ALSO VOLUNTEERS AT THE SHELTER AND HAVE A WARM SHY BUDDING RELATIONSHIP ALLURAAAAA MY QUEEEN - Black!Allura - allura who was adopted after living in foster care for so long (Corran adopts her) - Ethnic studies and polisci double major allura who DOES NOT tolerate polisci bros/toxic af bros in general - ALLURA WHO WANTS TO BE A CRIMINAL JUSTICE LAWYER - ALLURA GOES TO ZUMBA WITH LANCE AND FUCKIN KILLS THE ROUTINE BOTH BOND OVER DANCING - fierce sorority queen who believes greek life shud be accessible to all fuck this elitist bullshit - ALLURA IS AS OBSESSED WITH INSTAPERFECT SHOTS AS PIDGE IS - allura who meets shiro at a #blacklivesmatter meeting and hits it off - ALLURA WHO HAS A RLY STRONG SENSE OF JUSTICE but sometimes it makes her rigid when it comes to giving ppl the benefit of the doubt which she did with keith+lance until she gets to know them better + apologizes for making assumptions - CORRAN's NICK NAME FOR ALLURA IS PRINCESS OFC - allura who sees a father figure in corran b l e s s - ALLURA WHO IS AFRAID OF COMMITMENT DUE TO EXP IN FOSTER HOMES AND SHIRO BEING UNDERSTANDING OF THAT - allura who gets competitive at all games MOST ESP with monopoly - allura who works at the cafe with lance - ALLURA ASKS HUNK TO TEACH HER HOW TO KNIT (SHE KINDA SUCKS BUT PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!!!!) AND THEY BOTH WATCH THE BACHELORETTE TOGETHER - ALLURA WHO KNOWS MARTIAL ARTS - allura who drinks tea instead of coffee - allura who will join hunk and pidge at the library bc she also needs background noise to work - allura who teaches shiro math bc shiro is actually useless at math - allura who is actually heavy weight af when it comes to alcohol - ALLURA JOINS BIRD CLUB BC THEY ARE JUST FLUFF BALLS OF SOFTNESS (hunk: what bird is that allura: A GOOD BERB) - ALLURA HAS 3 HAMSTERS AS PETS OFC???? CORAN - your eccentric ass prof in the soci/anth dept with an INSANE mustache - teaches intro to soci/anth which a lot of students take for requirement credits - fuckin speaks 7 languages (two of them are coding lang to pidge's surprise) - loves puns + trivia - invites allura's study group for dinner and burns the pasta so hunk and him end up collaborating with the crew making dinner fest - your favorite uncle - always gives wise ass advice in times if need but will usually give out badly translated sayings (he speaks 7 lang give a break) - rigorous activist scholar - is mistaken for "easy prof" bc of his air-headed nature but actually doesnt take bullshit papers esp for a course that introduces race theory to a lot of privileged straight cismen (who underestimate coran) - will fuck u up with knowledge - asks lance for skin care tips and they bond over latinx music (lance hella impressed with coran's dancing actually) - cooks with hunk - pidge exasperately tries to teach coran abt sns: what is this chat that snaps??????? and these instant grams???? - shiro allura and him with have deep ass convos about systems of oppression + lance sometimes when he gets a chance to join + keith who will quietly absorb their convo if he's nearby (but pretend to read a book) - everyone needs to REST BC SELF CARE IS IMPT DONT KILL YOURSELVES BC OF THESE UNREASONABLE DEADLINES - voltron crew all take coran's class for variety of reasons and meet each other when they all rush to office hours and only to find coran's mess of trying to throw popcorn into his mouth - will stop by library during midterms and finals to give out encouraging messages + snacky snacks (will sneak extra for voltron crew's table) some moments id like to consider (klance and otherwise): - LANCE SEEING THE GWIYOMI VIDEO AND FORCING KEITH TO DO IT IN A GAME OF TRUTH AND DARE AND KEITH DOES IT A GLARE THAT FUCKIN BURNS UNIVERSES AND LANCE AND PIDGE RECORDS THAT SHIT shiro sigh-laughs hunk laughs nervously next to keith allura laughs brightly corran does not know what the fuck keith is doing - Keith and Lance find out they listen to the same NASA podcast when lance annoyingly takes out keith's headphones while abt to enter the school for afterschool program - Keith searches out soft things when he's drunk like hunk's hair or pidges sweater or lance's skin-WHATINTHEFUCK - lance teaches keith how to REALLY dance when he brings voltron crew to a latinx heritage month party (and keith secretly enjoys it) - keith had a big ol crush on lance the minute he saw him until he started acting like a "frat bro" and was turned off (but not rly?) - SHIRO AND KEITH GO HAVE BROTHER BONDING DATES AT SHIRO's INSTANCE BUT KEITH LOVES IT INSIDE - lance and hunk both cry when they watch titanic together - pidge lance and hunk become better friends over avocado toast and rly annoying debugging procedures during lab in compsci101 - they also bond over video games - the voltron crew have board game bight which usually ends up being monopoly and things get fuckin ruthless - the crew once tried to play mario party wii but people broke windows when their remotes went flying off their wrists and they vowed to never play again - they all meet each other (like ALL of them) in corab's intro to socianth class and create a study group-ish thing for it - lance and hunk rush shiro's frat thinking its gna be rly shit but shiro genuinely wants to do teamwork bullding exercises and talk abt feelings and lance and hunk are fuckin set on a frat if shiro's gna lead it - hunk will secretly let keith play with the cats in the shelter - hunk will also secretly let lance play with the dogs - pidge starts to memorize the zumba moves unconsciously and their body will move automatically when they hear the musIC FUCK - they all go out for kbbq on keith's bday bc keith loves korean food bc its home before his home abandoned him and voltron fam try to repaint those memories of hurt with memories of love and NEW family B Y E keith is kinda speechless - keith shows lance how to make ssam with lettuce garlic kimchi meat and miso paste and laughs as lance stuffs it into his mouth - allura fuckin kills at meat grilling - pidge refuses to eat veggies until hunk gives them the mom look - corran is vegetarian but loves seeing his students sated and full - shiro and allura keep their pinkies intertwined the entire bbq when they can under the table - keith and lance hook up once after a frat party one night and the morning after they kinda ??????? oh?kay????? thishappened???? at the memory until they fuckin realize theyre attracted to each other - keith gets slurs thrown at him by other frat fuckbois and lance goes fuckin livid until hunk is there to stop an imminent fight and hunk gives off some p threatening vibes to fuckbois - voltron crew help pidge try to reconnect with their brother by calling diff numbers going thru yellow pages - keith recommends books for lance to read and lance makes keith playlists and tells him to "listen to smth bubblegum happy for one" (keith kinda likes it?) - the art kids start to recognize lance when he drops by to pick keith up to go home together after the program js over - they all do secret santa at coran's house for christmas - coran gives shiro some salad tongs that are decorated with rhinestones he found in a vintage store and shiro is just ??? okay?? (he uses it when they all have dinner at shiro's place a few weeks later) jk coran also gives him some hella effective medicine for muscle and bone ache for his injury hes not that insensitive - shiro gives hunk a rly nice apron that says youre a FINEapple and baking mittens and hunk almost cries - hunk gets allura like new knitting needles and yarn as well as hand-knit cap. allura squeals bc FLUFFY - allura gets keith some good books both nonfiction and fiction + live podcast tix (she got from a raffle) and keith's eyes glows a little brighter - keith gets pidge some yellow tinted glasses bc "pidge your eyes are gna get worse and youre basically already blind" and a fisheye camera lense for smartphones and pidge yeLLS AESTHETIC PHOTOOOOOOOS YESSSSS - pidge gets lance some face masks and a customized snapback that says QUIZNAK on it and lance's eyes go all sparkly ✨✨ - lance gets corran some bombass latinx music cds from his favorite artists and a mustache care kit that coran just "✨✨"'s at - for dem romance: keith invites lance to the podcast with him and lance just smiles his lopsided truly happy smile while handing keith some cute hair-ties ("??? what am i supposed to do with these????" "wear them so that u can look even cuter than u already are????" keith goes beet red and punches lance in the shoulder as lance laughs. lance finds keith wearing them the next day) - shiro gives allura a note planner with her favorite quote on the front and allura gives shiro a handknit scarf its zSo fuckin SWEEET - hunk and shay go in their first dare - pidge and coran have rly fuckin good hot chocolate on the kitchen island and revel in their friends' happiness and recount good memories of the past year - they then bring out the wine and the karaoke machine - pidge gets p drunk and both them and lance sing one of the zumba songs pidge can somehow remember all the lyrics to hoW THE FUCK do I RMEMmber this?!?! (allura laughs evilily) - allura fuckin perfectly raps superbass - lance sings taylor swift ironically but not rly - corran tries to sing a thai song and its gets like awk quiet as ppl are like ?? okay ?? - HUNK STARTS TO BELT OUT BONJOVI AND SHIROS LIKE HELL YE AND JOINS IN - shiro then tries to sing country music but everyone reaches for the cancel button - shiro and allura sing Lucky (jason mraz and colbie caliat or smth) - pidge starts to sing linkin park's numb and gets rly into it. everyone is hype esp keith - keith tries to sing screamo song next but lance cancels before he can start and instead turn on the tune of gwiyomi from his phone and keith chases after lance with intent to kill lance cackling he runs away everyone else shrugs and continues as if nothing happened (keith and lance later return looking a little disheveled and everyone gives them knowing looks: lance averts his eyes and starts to whistle while keith just goes rly red and face palms) - everyone gets spectacularly drunk and decide to all sing bohemian rhapsody together. it kinda works. - They all go to the beach one summer
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yvnmin-blog · 7 years
i was tagged by @beginmv​ i love u for tagging me in these tho i dont talk to anyone here... u always make my day <3
Countries I’ve lived in - singapore
Favorite fandom - the girl group fandom in general bc even tho i’m bangtan trash, the girl grp fans are fkin hilarious and always appreciative of all girls!!
Languages you speak - english and malay
Favorite film of 2016 - i dont watch a lot of movies but i guess grand budapest hotel (2014) i watched it while i was stressdt about A lvls
Last article you read - something about how the hijab is not a religious requirement but more of a cultural requirement (yes i’m muslim)
Shuffle your music library and put your first three songs on here -
plastic soldiers - portugal. the man
aftermath - tahiti 80
home this christmas - justin bieber
Last thing you bought online - L.A girl HD foundation
Any phobias/fears - moths... the scariest things on earth
How would your friends describe you - clingy, always asking to hang out, opinionated
How would your enemies describe you - resting bitch face, anti-social, etc
Who would you take a bullet for - my parents, brothers, my bestest friends, jimin
If you had money to spare what would you buy first - tbh i’d buy clothes
Tag ten people you’d like to get to know - @jimint @ohmyqirl @goodshitjungkook @mygi @98zy (um idk who to tag???) (me acting like i have friends)
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